m mm v . ( ( ' 1 i . . p. ...... c . . . :. v - Sunday SUNDAY SCHOOL ON 4i ,- v Riinnr iniminpn WM ftUVHnutU chools to atight -. as I -J ; Secular chools SHrei" LINES IS PLANNED Best That There Is in Churches Must Be Put Forth in Order to Develop Complete Education. TEACHERS MUST BE SKILLED Writer Says That Jeacher Train- ing Drive Is With View of De veloping Real Institution. ittultnomah 3Hriion Wo piold 3is Jfall Congress Cuesdky The Multnomah Christian Endeavor union wilt hold Its first fall eonpfesa meeting in the First Congregational church Tuesday evening. October JL be ginning at 7 :45 with a social hoflr. At I o'clock there will ,be conferences. There wlM be no supper served, as was formerly done. Although so many of the boys are gone, many of the societies are reor ganizing for fall work, and it is intend ed that the social hour will be the means of getting better acquainted and that the conferences will furnish help along all lines. There will also be war service work. Jew pastor 31 ere By George T. Webb. T.D. 7 In the United States and Canada we have thought and talked much about our educational systems. What about them? Are they all that educational systems should be? Edu cation Is quite a different thing from the itnpartatlon of knowledge. Profes sor Coe says that in education there are three factors : 1. An Immature being. 2. A goal or destiny for life. 3. An older or more mature human being who can help the younger person te realise this goal or destiny. This is a simple and satisfactory de scription of education, and the thing that is central to it is the goal or des tiny toward which the immature indi vidual Is to be guided. Before a person can be educated in the true sense the public school system must be supplemented by something else that can. suppjy the opportunity for religious culture and development This is not a criticism of the public school. It is merely a recognition of Its limitations. The Sunday school must become a real educational insti tution so far as religious education Is concerned, in order to complement the work that is done by the public school together, while quite separate, will pro duce educated people for the life of the nation and for the service of the world. t the Sunday school Is thus to serve the pseeent generation It must become more of a. school than it has ever been. It must be directed by teachers who! appreciate the laws of the pupils' 1 growth, and who know how to teach. This Is a conception of the Sunday school that has not been any too com mon 1.1 thje past, n it means that churches must take the work of the Sunday school much more seriously than they have done In other days. It means that the educational work of the churches must become central to -the life of those churches and must com . mand for Its service the best In mind, money and time that the church can afford. When the churches thus under stand the work of the school and begin to Srovlde for the school's need. It will mean a new day for organised religion In the world. The teacher training drive proposed by the Evangelical denominations of North America and to be observed this fall In SO different denominations under the direction of the Sunday School coun cil, is an Indication that church lead ers are beginning to recognise the place . or tne Sunday school in any real edu eatlonal system. 7 MANY WILL HOLD RALLY SERVICES Sunday Schools Prolong Over Six Weeks' Observance of ?What Usually Takes One orTwo. unday School to .bldlonal merson uncan 33is to ?3e honored it' ie it k it it . . it former iHember billed 3n jf ranee The outstanding event" of the services at First Presbyterian- church Sunday will be the Sunday school rally service. which will take the form of a memorial Conditions brought about by the war ( service for Emerson Puncan, who died have spread the observance of Rally I recently in France from wounds re day by the Sunday schools of Portland celve1 while fighUng for his country, over a period of six weeks-this year. In 1 Duncan was an active member of the former yearn it was customary for all Sunday, school and took part in' the Sunday schools tdf observe, 'the day the nUy day program last year. . first Sunday after the grammar schools x large photograph of Emerson Dun opened. cao il to be unveiled by Dr. John H. Among the programs announced for Sunday are the following ; Boyd ' and presented to the Sunday school, after which It is to be placed in .Tee Superintendent The patriotic cantata, "The Flag of I a prominent place in the Sunday school the Cross.'; wul be rendered '. by -the I rooms. . school at Highland Baptist church San-J The rally day exercises are to be day during the hour of the morning ( held in the church auditorium at 12:15 Special Services For Soldiers Sunday special services for soldiers are to be held Sunday at the Bethlehem Nor werlan Lutheran church. Lutheran oldiers are cordially invited to attend tne Kngiisn morning service when the sommunion is to be administered. The ervlce starts at 10:45 o'clock. After :he service dinner will be served in the :nurcn parlors ty the young people's society. The dinner is gratis to all oiaiers attending the Service. Will Preach Twice Rev. H. C. Martell will have charge of the services at the G-lencoe Baptist church both morning and evonlng next aunaay. ins cnotr will render an an them In the mornlns and in the eve ning mere will be epeclal muclc. Rev. Theodore P. Smith Rev. Theodore P. Smith, young preacher from Clarke county, Wash ington, has been invited to assume the pastorate of Trinity Presbyterian church at Virginia and Nebraska streets. Owing to conditions brought about by the war, the church has not been - holding regular services for the past few months, but from now on Rev. Mr. Smith expects to preach both morning and:" evening. The Sunday school will also meet at 10 o'clock. Sun day morning he will talk on "The God of Christianity" and in the evening on The Soil and Its Yield." 1st Congregational To Hear Major Mills Xiberty Get-Together Meeting" at the First Congregational church. Park and Madison streets, Sunday morning at 10 :30 and in the evening at 7 -.45. The Damnation of the Kaiser" is the subject upon which Major T. A. Mills will speak in the morning and "Fiddles and Fortunes" will be his subject in the evening. Major Mills who was in the Congregational ministry before entering the service In, connection with the spruce plane division, was to have been pastor of the First Congregational church of Deriver. A big part of this patriotic Sunday ,wlll be the elaborate musical program under the direction of.Lucien E. Becker, organist and director. These will be very interesting . services to service. The graduation exercises of the primary and Junior departments and ttie rally service will also be held. The evening service will follow the same order, except that it will be in charge of the young people. Rev. Kd C. Cofer is pastor. A special Rally day program wul be given Sunday morning at the Arleta Baptist church, commencing at I:so, This will take the place of the usual preaching service. Bach department of the school will take part and the pas tor. Rev. W. Garnet Handley, wul de liver an address on the v theme, "Out Utmost for the Highest." , The whole service will be an appeal for loyal. patriotic, unswerving and self sacrific ing service in this time of crisis. At I p. m. the sUDjeci wiu oe uig nusiness. Stirring music will be rendered oy tne large choir under the leadership oz ro feasor C M. Godfrey. Sunday morning at 9 :45 Piedmont o'clock. The program is as follows: -r Seac, America. Pniyvr ....v.... Roll Mil of clmM, . AsiMoaeemaits sad offariac Boos. "Tha New America." CnTeUinc of pbotocnph of Emenon Duncans; by John 11 Boyd. EmenoB Donoaa as a hiss, sebool tadaat. . . . ......El E. BchwaTstianbax Emama Pnncan aa a member of n Sunday School elaai .B, A Thaxtar Eraeraoa Duncan aa a patriot.... Jamea F. Kwias Fstrtotte Pxmyar Xxereia. (roup of Intermediata p opt la. Sons. "Cmnadeis -for Freedom. At the conclusion of the service the honor roll will be read for perfect sum mer attendance and medals will be dis tributed. At the church . sW vices both morning and-evening the pastor. Dr. Boyd, will preach'. The evening service will be preceded by an organ recital. hold an all day rally tomorrow, com mencing at 8 a. m., when the Christian Endeavor society will have a sunrise prayer meeting. Breakfast for the con gregation will be served in the dining room of the church at 6:30. At 8 a. m. there will be a conference for Bible school workers, under direction of the superintendent, D. T, Short, the ses sion- to be followed by the regular Bible school session at 9 :45. This will be promotion day for all the graded classes. The Bible school period will merge into the church service. A review of the II years' work In Woodlawn church will be given by C W. Roberta, who has been a member of that congrega tion since its organization. W. D. MacDonald will talk of Us present day problems, and A. K. Gardner will speak Presbyterian Bible school will hold Its or, Rev. Joseph D. Boyd, .will pre- side over this session, u ne communion tost vacation" rally service. Instead of the usual miscellaneous order, the program will consist of class promo tions, regarding special musical num bers. and a spicy address by DrGeorge B. Pratt, one of the state's leading Sun day school workers. At 11 and 7 :30 o'clock Dr. A. I Hutchison, pastor of the church, will preach. The new choir under the leadership of Miss Alice Mae Phelps gave its initial service lasC Sun day with great acceptance. The study of the Sunday school lesson on Thurs day night led by the pastor promises good results. Sunday is Rally day in all depart ments of the church. The day's program starts with a 30-minute sunrise prayer meeting at 7 o'clock, under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor societies. Sunday school' rally and promotion of classes. 9:45 a. m. Church rally; 11 a. m. Union meeting and rally of the Inter mediate and Senior , Christian Endeavor societies, 7 p. m. , Evangelistic rally at 8 p. m. Another sermon by the pastor will be delivered. Consecration prayer service will close the day's program. It, will start at 9 p. m. and last just is minutes. The Third' United Brethren church will observe Rally day In the Sunday school. A program will be rendered and the pastor will give a short address. In the evening the pastor will speak again. Rally day will be observed at the Forbes Presbyterian church Sunday, October 6. at 10:30 a. m. Special music will be rendered by a' girls chorus, and an interesting program presented by the Sunday school. All members of the Sunday school, church and congrega tion are Invited to be present A Bible school rally and afternoon conference of church and school work ers will be the special features of the Sunday services at the East Side" Chris service will be observed at the close of the morning, service. A" congregational dinner will be served at noon, and the afternoon will be filled with Interesting events, in cluding a meeting of the Christian Women's Board of Missions auxiliary at 2:00 and a patriotic pageant by the young people at 3 .-00. Mrs. Duncan. state superintendent of tne intermedi ate C. E. society, will be present and organise . an intermediate society. The Christian Endeavor society will meet at 6 :30, and at 7 :30 the pastor will preach, his -topic being, "The- Whole Church for the Whole Task." This will be a. genuine rally and homecoming day for Woodlawn church. Evangelist Dickson To Preach on Sunday Evans-elist L. K. Dickson of the Sev enth-Day Adventist church will give a free public lecture on "After the War What?" at Christiansen's hall. Eleventh street.' between Morrison and Yamhill, Sunday night at S o clock. This lecture will be built upon prophecies of the Bible written at different intervals in the history of God's people, some going back as far as 250w years ago, which the evangelist will contend relates to our day. These lectures are for the public and are, given under the aus pices of the Portland Seventh-Day Ad ventist churches. Special music has been arranged for this special lecture. Warren Bible Class To Be Reorganized Dr. Angela L. Ford Warren has re turned from her summer vacation spent at Long Beach. In California, and will reorganize the work of the Warren Bible class of the First Presbyterian church for young women Sunday. Oe tober 6, at 12 o'clock, immediately fol lowing the morning service. Also, at 4 o'clock, in room E of the church house, there will be the first fall meet ing of the vespeF class, composed of young men and young women. An ex cellent program will be rendered by the Warren vesper orchestra, led by Miss Gertrude Hoeber. who has recently re turned from a year's study in New York city. Following the program, re freshments will be served and an In troductlon social will be the main fea ture of the "friendship circles." All young. people are cordially Invited to be present and enjoy this homelike atmos phere with Christian fellowship. Dr. John H. Boyd and James F. Ewing-wlll address the cl which the public is very cordially in vited. The Bible School will begin itSltlan ohtirrh VjuA Twelfth nrt Tnvlnr fall and winter work in earnest with a . atreets. Rev. Clara G. Esson of Forest great rally at noon to which all are In- GroVe, state Bible school superintend vited and urged to be present. wH1 oai8t the castor at the morn. Ing service. Rev. Mr Sawyer will oc cupy his' pulpit in the evening. The Woodlawn Christian church will Bible Messages To Be Series Subjects An Interesting and Inspiring series of Bible messages will , be given by the Rev. G. p. Watson. D. ' D.. of Los An geles, Cal., in the Gospel Tabernacle, East Ninth and Clay streets, from September 29 to October 6, inclusive. The general theme will be "With Christ In the Rapture." Services are to- be held at 11. 2:30 and 7 :30 oSclock Sunday and each night during the week except Saturday at 7 :45. Revival to Begin Sunday morning, at 11 o clock a re vival will begin at the chapel of the Church of God, Union avenue and Fall ing, street. . Rev. Martin Olson, an evan gelist of Centralla, Wash., will conduct tho meeting. Rev. Mr. Olson is a deeply spiritual - man and a forceful speaker Rev. H. Neal the pastor, will lead the singing. The meeting will continue in definitely. . Services every evening at 8 o'clock. Chicago Man Speaks At First Christian ALL METHODISTS TO ON MEETING Cast1 ide baptist Wo (Enter als Mev $ome on (ctoljer 6 TAKING NakaZETH f Tf BY ENGLISH TO am W a CVI M . B.4le VnMk antM I A. mm - A f I iO EieUK.DMlt OAUli Utwu wawei lIIYWiae mus meeiin? I0 OB in Us new church borne at East Twentieth . The fine stone edifice on this corner has been remodeled, both inside and Auditorium in Morning; Old- fash oned Love Feast Planned. INSPIRE SERINS ' Oliver w. Stewart or Chicago, rep resentative of the flying squadron and former member of the Illinois legiala ture, will speak at the First Christian church Sunday morning at .11 o'clock. Mr. Stewart has a national reputation as a temperance and prohibition speaker. In the evening at 7 :45 the pastor, the Rev. Harold H. Griffls, will have for his sermon-theme, "The Mln later in the Market Place." The ordln ance of baptism will be administered at this close of the evening service. Sun day will be promotion day in the Bible school and pupils have been urged to be in their places at 9 :45 to receive cer tificates of graduation and their seals for the Robert Raikes diplomas. Mr. Beers to Preach Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the First Free Methodist church. East Ninth and Mill strets, Portland. Or., will preach the fourth of his series of sermons Sunday morning. . In this ser mon the pastor will show how the Christ had always met individual and national crises In life. The pastor will also preach In the evening. m Dr. Waldo's Topics Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of the White"- TempJe, at 11 o'clock win Apeak on the themet "The ljs. of Compensa tion," and in the evening he will de liver arK address on the subject, "The Question of Immortality." This is the second In his cofles on "Life's Greatest Questions." Services In every Methodist church In the city are to be discontinued Sunday morning on account of the annual con ference as all the members are expected to attend the great city -wide mass meet ing at The Auditorium. The service opens at 9 o'clock with an old-faahioned Meth odist. love feast In charge of Joshua Stansfleld. The special music U to m furnished by the Kimball Chorus of Kimball Theological school of Salem. R. N. Aldrlch- la director of this chorus. which has furnished the special music for the entire conference. Because of the death of Bishop Shep- ard'a son It has been found necessary to change the morning program, as the blshOD left for' the east this morning to attend the funeral. Instead ol tne great annual sermon by the bishop the meet ing will be In charge of the visiting centenary workers. Among those who are exnected to speak are Irs. Marie Freeman. Charles A. Bowen. George B Dean and J. B. Hlngeley. The four district superintendents are also expected to take part In the meeting. The sun day afternoon program will be altered but the evening program will continue as previously announced This session of the annual conference under the guidance of Bishop William O. Sheoard has been a series or spienaia sessions, even though it has faced the huze tasks imposed upon , it by war The entertainment of all the delegates has also been accomplished in a highly Dleaslnr and satisfactory manner. O. C. Bortimeyer. secretary of the civil serv ice board and a member of Centenary church, was chairman of this commit tee. He has received enthusiastic praise from those attending the conference for the business-like manner In which he handled the registration of all delegates from out of the city. This year it was a task to provide enough ministers to occupy the different homes of local Methodists. Usually It is a task to pro vide a place for the ministers to sleep. Tonlsrht at 7:10 o'clock the Epworth leagues of the city are to hold their auarterlv rally. This meeting is to be thoroughly patriotic Every chapter is expected to I tm lift I I 1 a . a a W a for a pipe organ which will soon be In- QWn Wmcn tOr NeaHY All Hit i LifelVas Home of Jsus Has Been Under Turks 300 Years. ' tailed. During the past -year the congrega tions have been Increasing weekly, so that the building at East 'Twentieth and Ankeny streets is no longer able to comfortably house them. In con quence of the changed meeting place. Dr. W. B. Hlnson will preach Sunday on "The Right and Wrong Uses of the Past." The sermon will have reference to the past hiatory of the church and will point to a more glorious future. The ordinance of believer's baptism is to be administered at both services. Nearly 0 have identified themselves with the church during the past month 3Fs (ding to rientl SENTIMENT IS TOUCHED Allenby's Capture Second Only to Feeling Aroused When Jeru salem Taken Few Months Ago. ; - J tt wash's i v v in r t ..." : Miss Rath Fields Oregon Methodism Is soon to send HE capture of Nasareth during , this week by General AHenny y and bis forces releases the ' hotne city of Jesus after about t 100 years of deadening Turkish ' rule. It was in this secluded town that the Master spent most or nts eanniy life. The taking of Nasareth by the al ' lied forces has touched Christian senti- . ment m Portland only a little less than t tbe news of the capture of Jerusalem several months ago. This glad - news . has prompted several local pastors to. announce topics in line with this allied , victory, as the rapture of Jerusalem and restoration of it to the Jews Is considered in line with Bible prophecy. Sunday evening at Atkinson Memo- rial Congregational church Rev. War- ren Morse will show pictures "of Ttasa- ; reth and tell the history of tho land. At .the morning service.' in line with, the renewal of the church school year, he' will speak on the modern use of the, Bible and the unequaled place It holds in i no uvea 01 raw 10017 in uieur nour of desperate need. , . , "The Taking of Nasareth, for Thirty Years the Home of Christ." is to be the J topic discussed by Rev. R. W. Rogers at Calvary Presbyterian church 8unday 1 morning. He will tell of the slgnlfW cance of General Allenby's victory and describe the city as It was centuries ago and as it is today, and of the events. In Christ's life associated with It and their moral and spiritual significance to,' the world. The evening service win t also be of a patriotic character and 1st Imttl I .. Jt - .... 1 - . .1 1 bring their service flags I responslbUlty to their country. and banners. The principal address is ion neia. accorumg w me announce- to be made by Dan B. Brummltt. editor ment made at the annual meeting of the Methodist Woman's Foreign Mis sionary society by Mrs. Albert N. Fisher. Miss Ruth Fields of Salem is expected to sail for the Orient within the next month. She Is to have charge of the musical department of the Girls high school in Calcutta, India, and is to preside at' the Thoburn Memorial church in Calcutta. Miss Fields is a graduate of Willamette university. She was born and raised in Oregon. She of the Epworth Herald. Church Activities Resume At the Church of Our Father at 11 a. m. Sunday. Rev. William G. Eliot Jr. will oreach upon tho subject, "Is Christ a Tribal God?" The adult class under leadership of Mrs. T. L. Eliot will be restaned at 9:45 a. m. as well as the voune- men's class under Walter Haynes. The Women's Alliance m work Bishop Sumner WIU Speak .' Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner of ths: Episcopal church for Oregon will offi ciate Sunday at the 11 o'clock services ' of the St.' Michael and All Angels Epis copal church. East Forty-third and Broadway. Rose City Park. Will Deliver Last Message At the Rodney Avenue Christian church. Evangelist Howard M. Fagan, who has been assisting the pastor. Rev. J. F. Ghormley, in ex series of meetings, will deliver his closing message Sunday. Mrs. Fagan will sing "O Te of Little Faith" and "I Want to Go There." odlst conference. Visitor to Preaeh In the absence of Dr. Robert H. M1U ilgan. pastor of Rose City Park Preaby- tr1 an phnrrh hn mHll K awxv mvm ina- Fridays, at the Worcester building . . . i. t .v.- , Sunday, hla nt-lnit vHI! b nmtnll . mAw.-Aam I iiuxu . . 7 ' "7 on w pnnuni " -- Kimball chorus of Kimball Collea-e of visiting minister sttenaing the Meth Theology, Before the end of the year Miss Aetna, Emmel of Sherwood expects to sail for South India and within the next six months Miss Ruth Warner of Wen a tehee expects to sail for South Amer ica. She is the daughter of Dr. Robert Warner of the Columbia River confer ence. at the church on Red Cross and Bel gian relief. Albany Women Pack Produce Albany, Sept. 28. With 1663 quarts of fruits and vegetables, butters and Jams, and 467 glasses of Jelly all packed, crated and ready for shipment, the can ning kitchen of the Women's Council of Defense closed a successful run of three and one half weeks. A local grocery-man figured the fruits, Jellies. and vegetables worth $724. DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES IN PORTLAND A Sacred Sunday? Dilemma itn?ined,frohm$ f'0.6". SJ,nce the of the Roman emperor. Con 11." ?.flk. .,on s now called SatuWlnight ........ ...v. vuntjuiiuuij nuur ounaay night. But by Congressional Act, in the handling of House Bill No 267 non- hlr?h.knWn Savln Bil1" P"sed fcy the Senate June, e.oU?o Mrch 15,- 1918. signed, by the United States President Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity Uniform S. S. Lesson Bevlew: "WKat It Meana to a Cbriitr ian." 1 Cor. IS. For yonnc People and adult. The Cost and th Coniequence. For Inter mediates and union, "la It Worth While t" For -tumor. "What It Ilean to Be I Follower of Jet-us." Golden Text: "My little children, let us sot lore in word, neither with the tongue; but te deed and truth." 1 John 8:18. Young People's Topics Baptixt Union "Baptist Stranstk and. Weak new in Out State." 8tte rnbatona in Oregon). Missionary metinc. Pa. 90 lutfetted. Christian Endeavor "L,eaona rrora. nmnt Hnnna." Acts 16:11-25: 2 Chrrm. 8:11-14. Junior unrutian KnoeaTor , inoa Doare in ot CoTet." Ezod. 20:7: IJike I2:1S. Eowoith League " The Saloon Power and Hew to Overthrow If Hab. 2:1-17. ne Dm aMects ail who treat in their count with the Roman standard a? A rr lnt P"i " fo ow5: "L"t Sunday in March to last Sunday in October of each year." t The same measure in effect was indorsed by England. France Italv Norway, Sweden. Denmark,. Portugal. Australia, Dominion of Canada Ice land,. Germany and four other nations. 1C Dy tnis act the t2 o'clock P. M. hour nt :tri, u- i which Sunday Was reckoned as beginning, was set forward and thereafter to be known as the 1 o'clock A. M. hour of Sunday. Prior to -this legislation the usual time to begin work was w ,ni allow. 8 o'clock A. M. But now 7 o'clock on the old count i o?clock on the new count, and likewise each hour in the twenty-four is set forward -an nour: ana mis oraer oi tntnes must cont nn v4r v.,, -'"T -the period from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October ai cicn vcir. This arrangement placed the 12 n'rWt hmi. n .. .. . V was formerly sacred (l), over the line; it thereafter become" th ? o'clock A. M.'hour of Monday, which ail agree is t irk?n7.v the 1 If Sunday is sacred as now observed with th i n'HrwV d m u , r .1 1 . .. ..1-.1 1 - - j .l . ... . nuur m osmruar aw.cneu, anu me, 1. o ciock r. M. of the former Sunday, which was previously sacred (?), eliminated, then it is evident, that s - -j . - - uviiuaj as iui iiicriy ooserved sacred, then it Is as evident that the modern Sunday is not sacred. '&-., . Whl.h 1 yaa.w m A .....I it . ..... - nuivu u wii.n Miw imiti r-are inev nor nnth iiiv. tionable? If the present arrangement of the -4ay is sacred, how will it he f -'; when time is set back an hour, which will occur the last Sunday (n October ""H'The seventh dav of the week U the Sahhath nt k. ti ..j . Lord's Day. The setting, or dipping, of the sun is the striiri. ui ' ' hour Of God's clock of its arrival tn ever man In . u.. ..Lm ... i , ; ot its aeparture irom Dim. , neither Constantine or any other person or ii persns can change the sacred hours of the Lord's Day Sabbath for -( iisnun iivt nc vta aci laic auii uiu triLiicr rirwirn anr niini.4 i vf put man can catnge aunaay at-wul perhaps it is just as well that mat : wai aa waasuiu av va - aks viiiiiibiiwiiibui kuu lid r ciiuiuv. 11 ir 1 r ,wt V -sicrd tnvwiv. ". The tlmt nt tl h-rintiniT an1 mnAinmr Kia t-.i . . - . . " - --w -s- ""-M Ck wUflfcVU stS 13 now clearly evident;?to the changing $ mind tf ca; mixed, multitude of humanity, y Some . are religious, and many others who voted the change i". .if, irrewiFinux. ' s:,t. 1 H. W. COTTRELL. , St Agatha E. ' 15th and Mffier-ReT. J. Comminxty. 8. 10:80. 1:30. St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fall in Rer. V. Mstthew. 8. 10:80, 7:80. St Joseph (German) 1 5th sad Couch Krr. B. Durrer.. 8, 10:80. 7:80. St Michael (Italian) lth and Mill Bit. K. Baleatra. 8. t0:30. 7:80. St Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers. T:80. :15. St Charlea E. S3d and Albert Bar. J. P. O'Flynn. 8. 10:80. All Saints E. 8 9th and Gllsan Bav. Father William Cronin. 8,10:30. OhrlsUan fnx- Psrk and Columbia Be. Harold H. Griff is. 11, sermon by Hon. OHter W. Stewart ot Chicago on "Prohibition and the War"; 7:45. b7 pastor. "Tbe Minister tn tne Haraetptaoa. . astM First White Temple. 12th and Taylor Krr. William A. Waldo. 11. "The Law of Compen sation": 7:45. "The "Question ot Immortality." East Side E. 30th and Ankeny Rev. W. B. Hinson. V, The Bight and Wrong Uses of the Past"; 7:45, "The , House Jiot Made With HMJds." ThiM Vaooanvsr and Knot. Be. Webley Rearen. k-rm V9 W r.irnt Hadle. 1A:80. Sunday school rally service and aennoir on, ''Our Utraort for the Highest": 8. "Bis B witness." CajTary E. 8tn , ana . urant Jtee. J. & Thomas. 11, "Why Cnnreh Going a Weari ness"; 7-.4B. py uorporai n. . uopp, oe war u I Ha Seen It" . , " uiencoe 12. 40tn sua main. tier. r. vs. Laslette. 11. 7:45. ' Sellwooa iMtcany jmv. , x. t. groom new. 11 8. ' hnioe E. 76U and Ash. ' Preaching by RTan.rr.ist Jchn M. IJnden. 11. 7:45. Highland Rer. Ed C. Cofer. 11, 8unday school rally aerneaf s. UniTersity park Rev. B. lAwrene buck. 11, 8. ; . : catnona St. Peteta Lents Bav. P. Beutgea. S. 10:30. 7:80. . " Pro-Cathedral loin ana i-miu nav. b. t. r'VI. 7-15. s:SO. s:4B. 11. 7:4. St- tawrenoe a ana dwii jm - j Hushes. 8. 8:80, 14) :0, 7 :JO. Bt. Patncae -rvin n nm mvm. a. unrrh 8. 10:80.7:80. a " . M u n RL - TrmBCl rJS. i rmr ivn. . as. m.., a a. a. 10:80. 7:80. . .. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams sad Kt&ntmi Be, W..A.' Daly, 8..8k . 11. 1-JmO. Holy Rosary. 8d and C1srsmaa Bar. E. m r- S. 7. S. 9. 11. 7:30. . Rose E. 88 and. Ahimarh Bar. ' . OFarreU.. 8.- 10:SO. . - - . Bt Anaiews' c vu im ,. ... 10:80. T:80. . - ' The Madeleina- . 34th sad Sliktyos Bar, . U1 Tkmnnstm.' 7:80. 8. 11. : - V.-.kall - Wku " iiiwrras pastor. "Tbe Minister in the Marketplace. " East Side E. 12th and Taylor Bey. B. H Sawyer. 11. sermon by Be. Clara G. Esaon, state superintendent of Bible schools; 8. by paator, "Heart or Brain." MonteriUa E. 78 th and Hoyt Her. J. W. Jenkins. 11, 8. Rodney Arena Rodney and Knott Ber. i. Ghormley. Erangelitie aerrieea under direc tion ot ETangelict M. Howard Fagan and Mrs. Ax Fagan. 11. "The Ultimata Teat of Our Christianity"; 8, "The Sin Against, the Holy Spirit." woocu&wn js. Tin ana uoeixy am, aiaeepn B. Boyd. Ohrlstlan Seleooa Treason subject: "Reality." Fim 19th and Everett 11. 8. Second E. 6th and HoUaday. 11, 8. Thud E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth VaacouTer are. and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d at and 4 2d ave. 8. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple. 868 Yamhill 11. 8. St Johns Hoibroek Mock. 11. All church Wednesday. 8. p. m. Oonsrvgstlsnal first Park and Madison. Sermon by Major A. Milla. 10:80, "The Damnation of the Kalaer"; 7:45. "Fiddles and Fortunea." AXKinson jaemonaa a. cvw, ana Simvn Rst. Warren Moors. 11, "Tbe Modern Use of tta Bible"; 8. ."General Allenby'a Victory at Naaareth." Sunnyaide E. SZd and Taylor Rar. J. J. Stauh. 11. "The Glorious Hope of tbe Gospel"; 7:45. "The Gospel in War Times." Highland S. 0th and Preseott Be. Edward Constant 11, "A Religion for tbe Times" ; 8. Beware of Camouflage. Wsrl Heishtt K. 8 3d and Woodward Preaching by Be. J. L Dickeawbaeta. 11. 8. Laanlwood 4 8th ave. and 5th at a. BV- Ilia. 1. 1. Handaakee. Pilgrim MlaaouTl and Shaver. Rer. Robert Murray Piatt 11, "Meditation, Uia Path to Power"; 8. "Tne Gam of Ufa." FInniali Mission 107 SUdmora Bcv. Samuel Kerala. 6. 7:80. ... . -.tavttit ththara. J. . Blessed lcrament Msrylaad sad Be F. W. Blue. 2. T-8- " Hobr Croat 174 Bowdoia R. O. "'Bt! JUntin--8220 4d st.'s.'gj,' St Strphn E. 4 2d sad Tartar Be. War- Ten A. Wait. X 8. .. 10S80.-. 1 :BO -Holy Redeemer Portland Wd. sad Vaneoat an. Re. WflHaaa i. OeTtnc. S. lao, T :U pbmi Nari t(Pault Fathers) E. lSU and HVkory Re. - W. J. Certwrisht." : Trf, O tfl-lS . ., ..... , ...r- . ' At- cnattcata 8,' Smith a, -and Nrwtoai Serrite Fathers. , . 8, loo. 1 J99. , -Sacred Heart E. 11th sad Centar IU.? CL kVohL I.JOJ4.I4. , , Bishop Isonis Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Be. Frederic K. Howard. 7. 7:45. I St Pauls Wood me re Ba. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Bainta 25th and Sarlsr Be. Frederic K. Howard. 11. St Johns Memorisl E. 15th and Harney, SeUwood. Be. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:80. Svansaiieal First E. 6tk and Market Be. E. D. Bom schuch. 11, 8. iraa) Hlatbottlat OntraJ E. 55th and Flanders Ba. W. It. I Coffee. r-irt R.' 0th and Mill Rc A. Beers. 11. "Christ in the Crisis of Ufa.' 8. ' Jewish Congregation Beth Israel 12 th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath servteea Friday at 8 p. m.. Saturday.-10:30 a. m. Sunday. 10. in Portland academy Wdg.. 18th and Mont gomery. Bellgioua school. Bible rlessns at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. Congregation Ahaia Sholom Park and Clay sta. Rabbi R. Abrahamaon. Friday, 8 p. aa.. Saturday. 9:80 a am. laSttap Dav Sawrta Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25ih and Madison. 10. l:so. kutharan fit Psnl-E- 12tb and Clinton R. A. Krause. 9:30, 10.30, 8. . diir Sanon K.- lSth and Giant Rer. M. A. CBristensen. 11.- f a- Trmity Williaaaa and Grham--,R. A. Beinbach. 9:15. 10:18. T:30. BathUbens Norwcclaa 14 th sad Daria Rr. Wilhelm Pattcrsentt-10:45. ssrrioe in English. communion. Topic, "Life Sacrificed and LUa Gained." 8. eerrtee in Norwegian, subject. "From 8t Stenhen to Constantine the Great Grace English Mason and Albans. 8:88. 10:80. v -- HamiUon Chapel EV- tOth and GBsas Ear. F. J. Eonlinc 11. . . Bethel Norwegian - (Free) Wygant sad Rod neyRe. B. A. BoTTarik. 11. 8. Trinity 10th and Everett Re. eU A. Morri- gtaa 4J ' m ' ' Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martji . 13th and Clay Bt Re, vr. T. sonatt, bishop. Sundays: 7:45 a. m.. 11. preaching by the bishop. 7:48 p. m. Church school, 9:45 a. aa. weak aaya; weaneaoay, 7 at a. m., STtaay, ss a m.; Holy day, 7:30. - St Davids E. 12th and Bemrant Re. Thvmas Jenkins, rector. T:30, 9:80, 11. 7:30. St. Maifca .lst and MarJiaU sta. J. U. Hattoa, rector. T.-80. 11. . . , St Andrews Hereford at. Portsmouth ' Archdeacon Chasabora in cnargm. . T:30 p. at - Grace Memorial S 17 th and Weidlar Ba. rhnrakt W. Tayloa. - . 11. t . Good . ghephard Vancouver .sad Re.. John Dawson. -' 11. 8. - 1 at 'Mlchaala and AQ Satata E. -43d sad Broadway Re. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8.10.11,8. Bishop Sumner will cttldate t snoratng aervica. Church et Out Savior SOth nva. and 41st at 8. E- Rev E. H. Clark, vksatv 7 JO and H - Slstnodlst Central Varjeoovet",. sad Faigu TUv. ft. r, Rariek. 10:80.. aerric at The Auditerlum. 8. Clinton Rellr-i-H. 4th and Powell Re. E. B. Lockhart IO JO, aervioe at The Aadito- rium. . iv 'l elrst 12th and Taylor Be. Joshua Steae- OeM. 10:30. 7:4.v v" Fir Norwoaian Daaiab 18th sad Rev. Ehaa Gierding. 8. X Vancouver A . Morwegiast Dsnish aVidmace and Vancouver ev. EUaa Gierding. 11 fl4noola E. -2d simJ L4bouin Rer. E. B. lckfaart. 8.' ' kit Tabor R 61st And Rtark. Re. E. OHa EM ridge. 18:39. aervice at The Auditorium, 8. Wuhur MssTnwmab notel ale. s'ran Rar- gette Short 19 :30, service st The Auditorium. St oiine -W. LMTitt and aym J. H. Irving. 10:80. aervioe at The Auditorium, 8 . xs vvricrstw m a i -ar awavw . asiasus aaansassw si' J. T. Abbott 10 .30. aervioe at The Auditoriam. 3. KDwarth VOth and artet K- 1: Ua- CnUoeh. 10:30. aarrioa at Taw Atttntorium. District auperiBtendent, H. Wniiam VTsuaea Xeungaon. IX IX. SSI E. SZd at rl. - Taoor 219. at, fMotSj Firit-Cnioa and Multnomah Be. T. Irench. 11. 8. ... , Fiist Eath and Couch Re. C Howard Davis. - ' - - - SeUwood E. 9th and Spokane Re. B. H Mors. PreacMag by lira. Mooa. 11. 8. Ftvt-'-15t1 and Aide Ra. J R 18:80. "Attitadea Cnder-tno Strain of Xifc 8, "What Tiasea Am Demanding of Use Church. Wasttmaster a'art It in ami - Sca7le K, Edward H, Pence. . 19:80. 8. v Central E. 1 th and Pin.- Be. OHawdo1 B. Penhinc. - 11, "Paganissa, Anearnt and Modem. 8. "A Real Clwiatiaa.'' : Practical Sermons Sunday at he Hlrhland Conrr ra tional church, tho pastor. Rev. EdVard Constant, announoss that hs will deal with some subjects of practical value and present day Interest. In the morn ing- the topic will be "A Rellcion for the Times." In the evening- there will be a stirring: sons service followed by an address on the following subject : "Beware of Camouflsfe." X Calvar 11th and rv Re R W. P-hmt 0:80. "The Takinc ot NsserWh. for Thirty Tears the Home of Christ" 8. "The Bight Divine of Kings to Govern Wrong." Mt, Tsbor E. nsth -v1 nelmont Rm. Ward MacHenry 11. "The Chalkmg of This Day to Our Church." 8. "Tho Call of tho Christ" Vernon lh ed wrt.m J. vt laindsborough. 11. "A Twentieth Century Vis ion. " 7:80. "Palestine LiNersled." Piedmont Rev. A. U Hutchison. 11. "Lira's Determinativea." 740. "A High Grade Christian." Fourth First and Gibba 18:80. Kanilworth E. 84th and Gladstone Ra. Panl E. Batsch. 11. 8. Hope E. 78th and Everett Rav. riod E. Dcrria. 11. 8 Boa City Dr. Robert H. MflHgaa. 11. 8. Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev. 1W dor P. Smith, pastor-elect. 10. 11. "The C.nA of Christianity." 7 :80, "The SoO and IU Tleld." SwO Oatf AStoirUcU Koto Regular eeufcvse of that oaaoaakoaUoa t held on Saturday. Central -E. 11th aad Evwratt U X. Disk 1. paator. 11:15. Tabernacla Aioauiua haO. 13th and Waah- tngton. 11. 7:48. MontaTilla E. Both sad Everett Elder J. Gerhart 11. Lenta 94th at aad 88th . Elder W. D. Huntington. 1 1. St John Central ave. aad Chart ton Elder A. R. FnUenber. 11. Mt Tabor E. 60th aad Belmont Ektsr W. T. Hilgert 11. Albtna Skidmore sad MaOon Ba. A. A. Meyer. C. F. Kaott. local alder. 11.-18. ScantHnavtan Ogdea haU. Mamaailpul aad Shaver. 11. SaJvatte) err Com Ko. 1 348 Ash st Adjutant Frank Gang. 11. 3:18, 8. Corps No. 4 128 tt First Adjutant Joseph Harrison. 11. . 8. Wew Church Society 331 Jefferson Rev. WilUasa R. Rawoa. 14. "Tbe Spiritual Signifi- ses of the Fourth liberty Loan." Unitarian Graven, t Owr FthaT Brr4wa ar- Ta- hill Ba. W. G. Ehwt JX 11. "Is Christ a Tribal Godt" Conference sUDerinteodent Be. G. E. Mo- Donaid. i First E. 15th and Morrison. Preaching by Superintendent G. E. McDonald. 11. 6. Becoud and Sumner. Ke. K. M. Summer Ua. 11, 8. Third 67tb st and 834 are. . E. Re. E. O. Shepherd. 11, "Value of Sunday School te a Community." 3. "How Grant Was Maa Loved." Fourth Tremont Bav. C P. Blanebera. 11. . ' alnftad sraaaflrtariaai Church of the Bt ranger Grand and Waaeo Bar. S. Earl Da Bonw 10:30. 8. - ' C J ' ' f - Mta9avlBSIM9Cl rrfstaa ' sad - UmMotmrr Afflia- . th sad Clay Be. John E. F. Preaching by Be. G. D. Wataon. D. D.. of Los Angela. 11. "The First ftoatsrreetl." 2:80. "The Rapture." 7 49. "The Jadgaarat of tho SaJata." aUaUaarioa jmgn ,1 Sta B..H. Edward Mills. 11. 8. Chwreh at tho ilndvml Mminis M IM E. Ertt -11, 3. "Man la the Light" Wednesday, 8. atudy claaa. wvwdhjnia- Sal K. Wsjahlmriom. la 30 ' Church of God 363 Failing. 11. 8. Evan gelical service Sunday sad all week. . Men a. Beson 4ta aad Atararidi Bav. Levi Johneon. ssait1atenWnt 8. - ' Frrat Diria Scisnre TUfeid bid. Re. T. M. Minard. 11. "The As ef . Fumttmeat" Tuesday.' X :.- Wnssasy. $. . . . . .-. ' - New CivihaatuA 1ST . Tflfacd . bsdg. . Df. Beth yerthinaTtoa ; .tV. v. v . .1 ' First Presbyterian Church 12th and Alder Streets r BKT. J0HIT H. BOTD, D. D. Pastor 10:80 A. M. ' ATTITUDK8 USJOIR THE STRAIN OP LIFE" I81I8 NOON Rally Day frorm ef Sunday School ( aSansfcnl fee 1 mar son Dunsan) 88 P. m. "WHAT TMC TIM8S ARE DCStANDINO OF THE CHUROH" a The fftlsnd Fubft and 6tranars ar cerwtaNy 9 H Mits to an In I SSVllLM ti ft "Immortality an In spiration" Immortality is the one supreme thought of the modern mind. Peo ple who are poorly prepared to think deeply of it mre feeling pro foundly. REV. EDWARD H. PENCE, D. T.9 WILL SPEAK, OP - THIS GREAT HUMAN L05&IS0 AT WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. 17TH WO. aad WHCI LEB TH. SUHDAT XOBSa AT IStSO EVEITISO BEBTICE H4 r 8ubect Of Berrnon v "Putting the Firtt Things Supremely " Firi?9 C: EXCEPTI0 Jf ALLT - FIKE. XTHO i After The War What? Hear Evangelist L. K. Dickson on the Prophecies Relating to After-the-War Event 'J r- -. , I '' . ' v- -t J "i. J; ? Special lecture at. ChrUtenaeri's hall. 11th St.. bet wee Morrison , and Yamhill, Sunday ntsht, . Hept. ZV, at 3 o'clock, under the auspices of the Portland Seventh-Uay Adtwttt 1st churches. The evangelist will show froct) the Bible prophecies that the best way to understand present day rents is to know what has been revealed by divine prediction - re garding; the future. The word of God over 2600 year old wlU lie shown as rivlnr us the beet new-g of the present day, as well aa tho luture. - . - - " " - PUBLIC IITTITEB SEATS PEE First; Congregational Clurcli ;it Park aid Xadisea trU . , - Major T. A. Mills 1'The , Damnation of ..-f.-.ii fjtt're.'ii.f . v ;;;r;.f "Fiddles and Forr 'i ' . r -i tunes"- - " Special Xasle Both Voratar aaA f - ,? Evealaa; r . . . .- 8EBGEAXT EVEKETT E- POSTEbI V. f. A WIU HSO AT -VS.-- ETEKIWO SEXTICB - H :. ; Social hour following- evening; service for Soldiers and-Sailors. Com and meet the boys. , ' 4