The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 27, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Spotting .of Boche -Batteries and
f 'Accuracy qi American, rire
Prevents Huns From Replying.
, German ; Command Concentrates
i 'Lh ShockTroop, .Who' Are- Swept
r ;Asi4 -by "Uggett's .Men. ,
-."v. ;, . . v
.'-"'I r ofc tdwla . ,
;;WMMnfton; Sept 27. (I. N. 8.)
f American aitlllsry oas demonstrated art
'-, verWhalmtn:' strpe? lorlty to .that of .the
. Germans.' To that. reason, added to
' tha.'natural lntsrpldlty of the' 'American
4 Aoorhboya, la' due the great success of
ithe. present drlrs.' la1 the Arconhe re--alon.
Latest reports reaching here to
' day '' tell of ' American occupancy of
, towns and villages heretofore consld-
ered ca Oerman strongholds. Major
General Hunter Llsgett's corps,, sup
. 'ported, by those of two btner corps of
the first field army, have aimply swept
throush the German line like a Knits
through cheep.. Xhey have adyanced
more tharf eight miles along the 2 mile
front . and have greatly endangered
. very Important lines of communication.
Officials at the war department ex
pressed great satisfaction over, the out-.
' look. They pointed, out that; hot only
have all records .for rapid advances
' been broken,' but that the number of
prisoners Sms war materials that, have
. . been captured is very large.' Perfect .
" ' This", too, In the face of the fact that
, the German high command, anticipat
ing . an . attack at this present point,
bad., concentrated their picked shock
. troopsi .who were aided In their defense
'efforts- bT the difficult character of
the .terrain over which the Americans
' ," were compelled to advance, but no
obstacles were' sufficient to stop the
American, .troops'.
v With their artillery laying down what
Is -described in advices reaching here
. today . as a most perfect drum barf age,
they swarmed over the hills and val
Isys lying, in-their path. - Tfjh. advance
was perfect. The tanks supported the
Infantry and officials here , say that
the entire story of the present fighting,
when, complete, will show one of trie
, best day's work'in the present war..
One of the great resujts-of the pres
, ent operations, army officers say, is
" that It brings muoh nearer the ultimate
withdrawal of. the Germans. Foch and
Pershing are driving along,' following
put a definitely planned program. Be
. ginning yesterday, the French aqd Amer-
leans moved forward on both sides of the
; Argonne and the advance was contin
ued, during the night.
oviferef Is Objective
When it is recalled1-that Senvon; taken
"by .the French,4-has been In -the hands
.of fthe Germans since the early days of
the war, the -significance of the present
operations will be apparent. At this
point the driver Is directed against Vou
a teres, a dosen. miles- to- the north; where
the entire lateral system of German rail
ways concentrates The. present move
ment will very" "shortly enable the Fran
co Americana to get on the flank of
the, "Hlndenburg link, where they can
mash the enemy's -lines of communlca
tion mn'd force a general retreat.
' Naturally, officials here say, the ene
my cah. be depended on to concentrate
his maximum strength to prevent this.
rini rt .tier pmaiik
Try Itl Make this lemon lotion
to whiten your tanned or
. aese .the Juice of two lemons Into
. bottle containing three ounces ot
Orchard White, shake Weil, and you
have a quarter pint, of tho best freckle,
unburn and tan lotion, ana cpmpleiton
Whltener. at very, very 'small cost.
Tour grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three 'ounces of Orchard White for a few
enta, Massage this sweetly fragrant
wtlon. Into the face, neck, arms and
hands and see how quickly the freckles,
unburn, - wlndburn and tan disappear
and how clear, soft 'and whfte the skin
becomes. Tea! It Is hshmlesa. (Adv.)
Magnesia Baths
For Indigestion
D;'or Recommend 'Them in'
Place of Druaa. Penaln.
J . or Artificial Digestents.
m , -fc , - t- '
' IS? m ,lndietlon and dyspepeia
- . fiU,ly Jeallz the harm done bythe
dTfw1!? ntLttltiX Jigeltets or
' 'Ike papain or soda plUs and tab-'
" ' dlihi trSinient ot tch troubleT-
rNJel1 known physician.
troCbU Z JS?SJS? ou' of ten digestive
' j ItSzSX S laed by a" excess of hydro-
andnihVtoJnach' which
lntJ5i!Ti,"i t .8t crmtnal foy serious
iSii,nalT lnd'?,wtton may very easily
-; iW In"tad, th "tomach shouM he
. m? tif"e8'5-bth. to clean out tht
t 1 - ivnd Talitf TtinLtZ tents., soothe
-i.. tw? i!i.iK-am,maMon and irritation of
' t i.vSJfionlac,J. wa L and thus permit the
- ?SMfthy dlon of the food
' ' r. t0"!0?," 16 yor MM Inflamed stom-
fJkS riVjV?1'' y ahd Pleasant to
j vTi,i ' a" oxpenslve. Just get a small
- ' ttl Blsufated Magnesia (either tob"
lets or poder) from your druririst out
y ' a teaspoonful of the powdar r two tab
L , f , let. In a glass of Wa?er anddrink it
fS'WK1 tw f8W lay and -your
! . , atomaeh wilj act and feel fine." It must be
. . .tipderstood that 1 do not.adVIse the use
k of suc forms of magnesuT aTcitrate?
1 fteV sulphite. mllK, or l!mp m
'' R:lZ&A,?f i!3F r d harm
. - , ,-than good.. I believe that nothing but
. toire bls.arated tnagsesla should be used
V to neutraUse an "acid . stomach Thin
Ilowever, with the Franco-Americas ar
tillery absolutely dominating the situa
tion, officers following the situation say
that 'while the advance must of neces
sity slow ud. ; it -can hardly, be; checked
for the present . r
V aaewawsMssawesssaBBsaeasBBS S
Seven Arrested on
Idling Charge in
Coffee House Raids
Raids on coffee houses Thursday
night by Officers Reek and Irvtn of the
wait emergency squad resulted In the ar
rest of seven Gfeks charged with vio
lating the idlers ordinance. It to the
opinion of the :pSftce that these men are
really the proprietors of the establish
ments, but since they : were unable to
secure licenses pi their own names they
have registered ' these ln the name of
friends while .they loaf around and play
cards In - their- own premises. If these
men admit they, own the place of busi
ness they wilt have to face charges of
violating the license law, otherwise they
will be held as idlers. The men all fur
nished f 100 ball each,' pending their ap
pearance . this afternoon. They grave
the names- of Gus.Kerumldas, Alex Bar
bis." Nick- Alexopulus. Stergios Liapas.
Harry Stamatelas, Christ Gatos and
Deok Poppalkakis.
A recently patented torch for melting
sealing wax carries the wax In tongs
that arp turned down to drop the wax
where needed without burning its user's
"Liberty Forever"
"Sweet Little But
tercup" "Drowsy Waters"
"Roamin' in a
Gloamiri' "
"Breakfast in Bed
on Sunday
"Carry Me Back
to Old Vir-
Victrolas $22.50
; and Up
8Ur, Horse Shoe, Me
dium ( Umax all CQ-
space 00l
Camel Cigarettes, nc
8 pkgs. for zac
All leadlpgr U Clgarsi
Pelfer's Union, SeliU.
ler's Smokers, Velln
dasv Ifew Bachelors
and many other (c CA
Cigars our price... 3C
Box of 50 ealy 92.45
Rousing Saturday Shoe Specials
Dress Goods $1.49
Attractive patterns in serges
and plaids for school dresses,
36 and 40 inches wide. Various
shades -and patterns.
Women's House Dresses
$2.98 and $3.25
Made of the Tory best grade
of ginghams ihT the late styles;
f rt. ,,ee' wide all-round
belt; large collars.
Women Lisle Hose 39c
These come in either black or
white, and they have garter
top, with .reinforced heels and
toes. Regular 50c values 39c.
Children's Hose . 35c
ihK!i,,,m w!Bt "Bear brand
rlhbeit hose tor girls' and boys'
DUcs'oar'1 "'lB
Children's Union Suits
Sheet Music
Featuring all the latest
ong hits.
All Day Demonstration
Come in and hear some of
these played by our dem
onstrator: ,
Three Selections
25 Cento
Funeral-Services . :
For Judge Moore ; !
Are Held in Salein
Salem, Sept 27. The funeral of the
late justice Frank A. Moore of the Ore
gon Supreme court was held this after
noon from the First Presbyterian church.
A change of plans was made and the
service were at ; the church Instead of
the supreme court building. The services
were conducted by Rev. A. L. Hutchin
son, former- pastor of the church, as
sistea Dy fiev. anomas &, Anderson. The
Ijc3i Snow Flakes ;'.'
for Lunch -1 u
illl 13BAI workers need light, eaerglslBg foods.
II I Snow Flakes aad milk or cheese make a
J I nourishing, easUy digested Ivaeh.
HI Snow Flakes are crisp, delicious, salted crackers.
(II Dr. Atwater's table eY food yalues gives soda
III crackers 1,876 calories per Bound, as compared '
l with steak at 7 calories; eggs MS calories.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. .
Lowest prices on seasonable shoes
for men, women, boys and girls.
Women's Tan Calf Boots, . with 9-inch
khaki tops and military djf QQ
heels Pt.70
Women's Mahogany Kid Shoes, with cloth
tops, Louis XV heels, JZA QQ
offered at only tDfteiO
Men's Black Leather Bluchers
at only ........
Men's Solid Leather OA' At
Button Dress Shoe 3'e'7
Boys Heavy Unlined
School Shoes J0 Hf
offered at... WAiDt
dris Gunmetal Button
Shoes of- (J0 OA
fered at.. iDLt.UiJ
Table Crockery
White Dinner Plates, W
for ZOC
Flowered Pie '.Plates Cc
Fancy Dishesc-PUtters, BowU.
Vegetable Dishes, Cake Plates.
etc values to 75c, Of
go i aOC
Lovelyfc42-Piece Dinner SeU
$10.50, $9.75
Paint Up Now!
Be ready for the fall rains;
they'll' be here soon.
Shingle Stain, 5-gaV & Off
Ion cans : i . tDOesiD
House Paint, all col- JV fTpJ
ors,1 gallon: ...... tDe O.
KrT-eI T1?"'. 1rt..50c
naisomme,. all colors, poand. . . .geV
Complete tinea of Oils, Paints,
Varnishes and Brushes.
:i for
Garments that you need right
now, at prices the lowest.
Heavyweight Fleece-Lined OK
- Underwear, . garment. . tDXeaSv
Interwoven' H(os, natural, blk (fA-
cashmere, ) pair . . . ........ OUv
Men's ' and Boys'. Caps, large OP
'' assortment, upwards from. .' OfJCr
EXTRA All-Wool Mackinaws, regu-
" larly $15 and $18, ne- JK
Woolen Socks1 from, i . 39c up
Boys' Rib'd, Heece-Llned Union
.Suiu 98c. to
SPECIAL- Painters' Overalls,
. Saturday at ...S1.95
remaining' six'' members of the supreme
court -were honnrar utl Kmmm..Ii1
.active pail bearers were; F, H. Raymond,
a. v. Kwamx. j. a. FooierT; Albert,
Glen I.: Adams and Dr. O. L. Altman,
Interment was In Oty View cemetery.".- -
r WIireedl.tlt:Topje '
The mUIfeed situation Is being dis
cussed at a conference thlsi afternoon
between Judge; Lamb of the National
dairy division of .the food admlnlstra
tlon and representatives from Washing
ton county dairymen. The meeting with
Portland dairymen, scheduled for this
morning, -was cancelled -by Judge Lamb
in a wire from Seattle. f
Saturday Specials
for the Kitchen
IS - qt. Enameled
Backets .
14-qt. Enameled
: $i.oo
Backets .
1 gallon Aluminum
sr?d..!!T: $1,35
STS. -
1H lbs. t lbs. lbs. t lbs.
43? 87tf $1.71 $2.57
Small Medium
37? 75
Pts. Qts. Gals. Gals.
31 62 $1.15 $2.26
Crescent Baking Powder, spe
cial, 1 lb... 19c
Booth Crescent Sardines. . . 1 7c
Guaranteed Eggs, dozen. . . 50c
Large .pkg. Citrus Powder. .23c
Crystal White Soap, 4 bars 22c
Matches, 5 large boxes for 20c
Delivered free with other purchases
Tools for the Carpenters
and the Shipbuilders
No. 151i Stanley Spoke df
Shaves OUC
5C Bailey Planes for j jQ
No. 113 Stanley, Iron QM Si
Circular Planes . DfteOU
No. 50 Sargent's Box JQq
No. 87 Saw Sets for
, only ............
50-foot Lofkin Steel
Tapes . . .. . . . .
6-foot i Rustless Zig
Zag Roles ......
Ante Hammers for
only . . . . ... . . ,
Men and
- i ' f " - . , i i ' . i '.. . - , . ' - - - ' , - . - 1 1 . , - - i - . - -
awu, tKluAx, SEPTEMBER ..27;jl918.v;':
. . . 9 ' ' ' ' " """ . .. - . . . - ; . i . k
LudeMorfl Blames
Defeat: at; Avre to
r PoorlOrganization
Paris. Sept 27.U. P.) General Lu-'
dendorff in an order dated August 11.
declares ithe dereat at the Avre suffered
by. the German armies was due to lack
of proper organization of a systematic
In the Big Biulding ' i5 Corner Second and Yamhill Streets
These Special Prices for This Saturday
Special Stalls 22-24 Special Stall 26 Special Stall 7
Brwtof Lamb, lb. ICp O Large Loaves 1 O Cream Cheese, OCTa
Bret of Veal, lb. IPC .Jgc ODC
Speciai-Stall 30 . . y c mm Drying,
Nw Snnrlrmiif -d 1 Special Stall IB 50c
quart IOC For Quality MeaU Give U, Good Sardine., can. . . 10c
a Trial Special StaH IS
Special Stall 4 : Summer Sausage, ETA
Auto Club Cof- HQ Special Stall IT lb 3 II C
fee. l ib eOC Look for the Big Churn Pickled Pigs Feet, lb.. .20c
8 oz. Can Postum 44c and save money on Butter Potato Salad,' lb 20c
If you don't
If ah m.I:,. tl,. :..!.... i .
k- . 7, yu awn wm noi neea to oorrow. tvery item Quoted bv th 20tk
I Century Grocer, means savings, whether in our ads or at the stores. Every unnecessary expensTrerJoved and
I eVey modern idea employed operated to lower prices of well known table veetbW M ana
Bis Fancy Yellow Onions, 6 lbs 19c
Oregon Grown. 100 lbs . .$2.75
Smooth White Mealy Potatoes, 6 lbs. 19c
Oregon Grown, 100 lbs.. $2.75
Beans White Nary. Pink, . Red Mexican or
Black Eyed Susan, 2 lbs ..25c
Batter Jersey Ball, l lb. roll 59c
lbs. for $1.17
, Efts Guaranteed Fresh Oregon Ranch, not
cold storage, dozen 55c
"CANNED MILK Holly brand Satur
day and Monday. Wholesale price of
milk today is 7.35, or more than
tSc can. Our Special on Holly,
2 cans 25c, dozen $1.50, case $6.00
Limit. 1 case to customer.
NEW PACKMonorole Brand canned
Shrimp. No. -1 cans . -lSc -6 for . .85cN
Dozen for $1.70
,Civeniently located at 168 Fifth, across fWm
YamhM Sanitary Market at Second and YarnhOl-n
defense, both hi the Una and. at tit m.
The order, which feU -Into the hands ot
the French through some captives,-It is
stated in battle-front dispatches re
ceived here today, says :
"It Is absolutely lnadmlssable that
tanks, after penetrating the advanced
lines, should be permitted to push along
the roads or beside them for miles."
He declared that the principle-that a
body of troops, even when surrounded,
must defend . their own arounS to the
last man and last cartridge, seems to
Fourth Liberty Loan
Isesrseessjc eBeWshe laae ef as ftwi efrW Jm-r
POKXBST F. DKYOEN, r i 'list
Breach Offices im AO Leeacaf Gtiee si the Caked States aae CsnseV
know the value
Saturday and Monday Special
Ghiraraellfs Ground Chocolate, OD-1-Ih.
cans,, special at, can OL
limit 1 can to a customer
COFFEE If you want 45c worlh of. '
Coffee for, 29c, buy a pound of
Port of Portland Saturday or Mon
day. Really the nicest flavored,
smoothest Coffee we have tried, md
it 1$ hot from our own roaster.
Special 29c 5 poundi $1.40
LEMONS Juicy new stock. Not cold
storage.. Saturday and Monday, doz. 28c
KARO CORN SYRUP in 10-Ib. pails. . .L99c
S-lb.paiU... 53c
PortlaiidBojr Qiveh
Rank'of LieuJenant
Robert Pitta Weber, son of H. C
Weber, of Buff um Pendleton, after one
year la the service, won a present which
was handed Mm on Ills birthday. On
September 1. 1917. he enlisted as a pri
vate in the machine ran branch f th
army. On September S, this- year,
of money, go
! i .
Main Street, oVeon Ci-nd
birthday, he was promoted to a Ueutiu
aat. He le stationed at Camp Hancoci. ,
O.' ' Befw JolrUng the army. -Wescr v
worked la the general auditor's offe .
of the' 8,P.S. railway. He was a prom ' -Inent
member ot the Multnomah clob.
a Mason, and a member of the Royal
Arcanum. Mr. Weber received a letter
from his son telUng ot the promotion.
"The world's richest Iron mine, la &a "
land, has been caninnui with .wmmi
Prudential men
the country over
Liberty Bond
Subscript! one, .
Let them take
Fresh Bread
Full weight, 2 loaves 18c
Second and Yamhill
Corner Stall
Yamhill Market
borrow some, p
. , Ben Jam m Franklin.
.Pearl Shortenms;, No. 3 pail .. . ;79.
No. 5 pail. $1.29 No. 10 paU..$2.59
Crisco, t-ib. pall 33c l-lb. pail.. :49c
3-lb pail 98c 6-lb. pail ....$1.93
-lb.- pail .$11
Columbia Lard Hn est Kettle rendered: No.,
Lpai,n .95c No. 5 pail . . , .$1.63
No. io pail '$3!o7
Oleo Swift's Premium, 1-Ib.. ...... ..39c
i TO '
day. and Monday: " i. ,- v
Sea Foam or Citru Washrnr Pow
der, large package....... .9-
10 bars Bob White Soap. ....... .59XV
4 for i ..i...2Sc
10 bars Lenox Soap f ......... 49c
5 bars . . . . J . . ; . .V. .25c t
lVloitiomeran nst
HimVooW f'
.Ml II -
r ; - .--.. invHiu , ior even
chronic sufferers from stomach -trouble.
t , f .'.' , 'Vfc
" f ; V ' ' - ' . S
1 . '