it M' 1 far-' J, I - 1, s. r f . 4 La .MONET TO LOAM REAL ESTATE 17 OUB latat)mnt plan t the beet and nwtt method of paying Ion.- - $82.24- per vontb for 36 nsenUn, or -' 121.1 for 0 months, or ' ' $16.17 for mootiia. pare $1906- loan tad ... totareet v ' .' .' ikIht rnMntt In proportion. ' i W loan on improved etr property. 1 ' Or lor bulldin parpose. i"' No mnmrntmitm eharged. -..,.., fcQUlTABLB SAVING) LOAN ASSOCIATION S42 Stark at, Portland Or. . ' It . ' . . MT OFF THB MORTGAGE M roar city bom na 'war installment with 10 i mn' time to repay: fully protected by itf In- V earano under Horn Purchase Flea of the Equit- '- Wo Life Assurance aoctety, interest . per -, mtt no eommtorfna. Hold. Stiou, KqjMtabl 1 of (loo. Orsaotuaa bid. ' To6."i4od, Ii6d, $7507 $iooo ena'ap. lowset interest rites, - Liberal iHnnt Brittle. No delay, k OOBDUM INVESTMENT CO., ' 831 Chamber of Commerce BUILDIBG loan on" city or surburbaa property: manor advanced aa work progresse. W. O. Berk, 218 and 816 ratling bldg. Mala 3407. tss&'wb: $oo. isoarittoo; .. i6oo - ana lergr amount at eimnt rate. Quick oetion. Frd W. German Co., 732 Ciam. Com. $00 TO 19000 to loan, city or farm taofl- am no eomrhlioa. P. O. Box 873. -UrtftTtilCfil loans. 6 and 1 Louis - Salomon As Co.. 408 Selling bid. i MONET XO LO AW CHATTELS, SALARIES- 7 fc.lary ' ' LOANS Chattel WE LOAN. MONET On short aotle to salaried or working-men oa thair owa note Weekly, semi-monthly or ' monthly payment. Each transaction atriotly confidential. , ,, MO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY, W alao loan on boancbold furniture, piano, etc, without removal. CAUL, AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. " LICENSED. 218 Filling bid. If You Need Money See Us BALAKIES CHATTEL8 Loana mad to person on salary or fixed in tern, on household furniture, pianoa, diamond and other personal property; legal rata. Busi ness confidential: private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANT, Licensed. 809-807 Drkam bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL. LOAN ASSN. Eatabllsbad by Portland business man to protect borrower. 0. MTER8 HERMAN, Mgr.. 894 fXTARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LP AWS WAirTEP "WANTED MONEY ON IMPROVED PROPERTT 8800 oa fine houseboat and furniture, yeara, 8 Prad W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Coat. F1WATTCIAY, 81 LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT Cash for any amounts. ELWOOD WILES CO., 281 United States National Bank bldg. Open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. We pay cash. Open Saturday evenings. CELLAR8-MURTON CO.. 725 Gasco Bldg. UTS, LIBERTTBONDS Will pay culi. 8.18 Pittoca block. CA8H for "Liberty bonds. H. L. Morton, 448 Sherlock Bldg.. 8d . at. corner Oak. Open Saturday evening. t -- CASH FOB LIBEBTT BONDS H. L, Murton. 448 Sherlock bldg.. 8(1 at comer Oak. Open Saturday evenings. INVESTMENTS, loans, notes, mortgages. H. Lewis, 90S Lewis bldg. Mar. 1383. HOBSEH, VEHICLES. ETC- IS or exchange. draft horses, drivina hones. saddle horses and mules: harneea and waaons of all descriptions: everything guaranteed aa rep - resented. Phil Suetter, Crown Stables. 285 I front st. THB EE young well broken horses, also wagon , and 2 seta harness; will take good automo bile or vacant lot. C. A. Boaecrans, Oregon Olty. Oregon. Phone Pacific 848W. B 156 " 3150 TAKES a pair of 2400 lb. ranch team. harness and farm wagon. 880 Front at. Trial allowed, cheap. Alao one rubber tired buggy. FOR HIRE Horses and wagon, single or dou- aie, tor city or farm use. Best acoommoda uons to transient, prices nrnt. open da and Bight. Crown Stables. 285 Front St. 284 1st at. ent Prices right.' Open day and FOB BALE Wagons, bant equipment, aet of narrtasa, aieigns; alao l rora trailer for light ,S ,. delivery and 1 irord delivery body. Yale Lun 1 h " dry, 600 E. Morrison. i iiiu oi won Bum, vreigai zsuu ids.; Dsr neee and wagon; price, $85; alao a good fresh v;aii at naz jo. zntn st. 8. 8 SETS of heavy double work harness, 2 sets single harness: a aood ranch Inn rhn 802 Knott, H block east of Union are. $'78 Sound 6-year-old riding-driving horae. harness, rubber tired burr, lisht tin son' 146 E. 81st at N. MontavUla car. FOR SALE 1 team of marea weighing 2800 pounds, 1 team horses weighing 8000 pounds: also wagons and harness. 228 Bnsaell at HORSES and wagons for rent by the day, single 81.60. or double 38. 488 Front Main 2208. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Weodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. "Dead- stock taken "Tjuick. Cain paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Tabor 4203. LIVESTOCK 3$ A FINE fresh cow and a week-old calf and 2 othar eowa coming fresh soon; also a team of faitn mares, weight 2400 lba,; harness and wagon; price $85. Call at 632 E. 28th at wv wvumock car. OH 8ALB at sacrificing pricee. 60 head of fine .w.m4.rL.eowV Holsteins. Durhams and Jerseys; a thia herd ia tuberculin tested; health certificate goea with each cow if preferred. A. Widmer & Hons, owners Oatton Ranch, St. Johns, Or . JOB BALE At A bargain, dairy. 15 cows. 2 horses, wagoa. 'good retail rout, standing Inquire KeUey's rop; place near city for rant store. Sylvan, "Or. iXB SALE One Guernsey milch cow years ld-""J ,""'r.h8J,fr " months. 860 East T2d at N., MontavUla. FOB SALE -4 milk goats nd 2 kids. Swiss ta. at 200 V 3d st. Hood River. Or. -Met, genu Jersey cow, rich milk. foB E. 78th st N. Phone T.hnr 2 FBESH cows for sale. PaII Tot... 9qM ' 2 bfeT cows for sale or tnuia. Hllwi 1 1 aa POTJLTRT, EIOEOKS. EET STOCK 87 CASH PRODUCE CO. m Birr awn irtT VH' P?nr of all kinds, produce. 165 Front Main 4882. etc. FHOBOCOHRBlCri .." tlh i,1,, Barred Bo?k 5u2taT 31 to $1.65. 145 E. 81st st N. MontavUla 4 JSE VK.H".??Jtatt,. . : VH MI- Whlto Leghorn pullets, hatched , . M 8L80 each. Sellwood 8211. 1 POOS. BIRDS, PETS, ETC, 46 FOB - SALE Dura hlorw) ur.iv.. WUI!J S2r PrHculara write Geo. 7 Oabriel. vP chi5p" 1 Setter bird dog: thorough; . . . . ovw Vancouver, wuh 5 T449? FDch o& PPPies. $10. Tabor ! rWTSlTi; 5 me large varsity. i 1(IUH el l Box 8 r vr: ... j. Rnv si i r' " or saie. Fsa ' . ... - . M.iwuuwifc uf, A . rabbits, chickens and soma J .tnrnitore for wla. aof QibS.X 0tat 1 a 1 " w. a. Fuller aV Co - '-. y. via jja. run fW, St Johns. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORY S 44 , eVa"P ait f wwT" '' . ' 1 ' i. I 8d rtTjiT wnnng ear. Can 1105 E." i"acleS'8i'85Tai, "J?" f ' ceaorlea. 6685; aa good as new. Wdt 5631 f .tvit BAXJS '17 k model Ford. 4 I . . 551Ld,t- 8. Birlent 718 2d a" 8 ItlfiSaeTraOLET.Tn A-l condltionTl" i 4 new tine. Call Tabor gtoT?" passenger. brand "! 1918 VKLIE, like 1 XLIEv like new, 3 good tires. $tVn. terma. Call East 1962. 1Qi V orJC Sr".pmia Ior v ra. Dealers' Used - .ij.rz as,. Bterk 1618 CHEVROLET, run 2006 mii ,-1 t wdWoa. Thia la a snap. East 121 tlTST? FOR aale or trade for anything caa nae TtT - to" tr,' Mteera. 8th andGlil. V'ILL sell i AtaxwaU aaeai: gtia. Journal. eat at FOB SALE Auto body and top. 46 Albina" AUTOMOBILESACCESSORIES ' 44 BIG SALE , . BIG SALE One Week Beginning -Septem ber 24th, to 30th. Incfusive Closing Out All Used Car$ 1 'SENSATIONAL .'' - -SALE. Look Over Our Line Before Buying, You Owe It To Your self LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE MAKE YOJJR'OWN TERMS 1918 Ford Touring, lota of extraa. 1017 Ford Touring, $100 .worth of extraa; bargain. 1017 Ford Touring, with extraa; bargain. 1017 Ford Touring, with extra. A-l con dition. . 1918 Ford Touring, runs and looks like new. 1016 Ford Touring with extraa; bargain. 1016 Ford Touring, with extraa, A-l con dition. . 1915 Ford Touring with extraa. 1915 Ford Touring, like new. 1914 Ford Touring, with extras; bargain. , 1916 Ford bag, moat be aeen to be appre ciated. . 1917 Ford "Touring, Al condition. 1917 Ford Touring,, with extraa; bargain. rora Bug, very classy; bargain. 1917 Overland, 5 passenger, a dandy.' Marios. 5 passenger-, bargain. 1 Otto, 0 paKeriga-; bargain. ONE WEEK'S SALE- ONLY SEPTEMBER' 24TH, TO 30TH. Open Evenings Until 9, and Sunday All Day -. REMEMBER THE DATES 24TH. Tft 30TH. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE PALACE GARAGE COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealer 12TH. & STARK STS, BROADWAY 1572 A-2442 USED CABS, USED TRUCKS. EAST TERMS There's no use talking, we have the finest stock of used ears ever grouped under one roof and the prices are surprisingly low. Select one from the following list and we know you will forever after be a good booster: 1918 Studebaker DeLuxe, new. 7 pass. ..$1695 1918 Auburn 7 pass., 98 new 1695 1917 Cole eight 7 pass., almost new.... 1898 1915 Marmon 5 pass., a bear........ 1795 1916 Overland, set $50 seat covers. 695 1915 Hubreobile, overhauled ........ 895 1916 Mitchell 5 pass., fine shape 695 1912 Locomobile, A pass., the best ever. . 695 1916 Ford touring, a snap 845 10 Ford cars to choose from, all prices. Sev eral good used trucks, reasonable. We have -42 other cars at prices ranging from $100 to $1500. Come in we have what you want DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE East Stark and Grand are. East 7810. Open evenings and Sundays. Liberty bonds taken at face value. FORDS FORDS FORDS FOBD8 FORDS FORDS Open evenings until 9 P. M. Sundays until noon 1917 Ford touring, practically new, $575. 1917 Ford roadster, finest condition, $475. 1916 Ford touring, like 'new, shock absorb ers and seat coven, $895. 1916 Ford roadster, $395. 1615 Ford roadster, $395. 1914 . Ford touring, lota of extra equipment, newly painted, $295. t 1914 Ford touring, $295." 1916 Ford delivery, finest condition, express body with roll curtains, $476. 1916 Ford delivery, panel body. $475. 1916 Ford chassis, finest condition, $825. 1914 Ford chassis, 8295. 1916 Ford chassis, like new, $375. Open evenings until 9 p. as. Sundaya until noon. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, E. 377-0. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. L a A lit? t" I All II rf Mfg. Repairs. 8000 guaranteed aprinja ia stock; pricee reduced. 84 N. 15th at. 1918 CHEVROLET for $675, run about 4800 miles. 4 new tires; no money or interest re quired until next March if good security fa given. Can be aeen any time. Owner at home after 6 p. m. 542 Delay at $525 CASH Balance of $750 on terms. 1918 Maxwell, 3 new tires, insurance, extra equipment $1075 value. Call Bdwy. 2828. -. ONE series 18 Studebaker four touring; run two thousand miles; in perfect condition. Part monthly payments if desired. Call Main 1792 or address W-701. Title A Trust bldg. FOR SALE Tire; complete new Fisk plain tread. 81x4, easing, inner tube and extra rim, never used; $30. H. K. Brooke, Mt Pleasant, Wash. MOTOBS, Gearings. Bearings. Wheels. Axles and, Trailers We wreck all makes of can and sell their good parte at half price. David Hodes Co., Broadway and Flanders at Broadway 196. FORD touring car for sale with demountable rims, speedometer, spot light. Perry lock, 2 extra tires and rims, etc 475 E. 24th at Phone Sellwood 8098. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of ears. Oregon Auto Ex change, 129 Lownsdale at 15th and Washicaton. Broadway 2668. io USED CARS pxffif -COVEY MOTOR CAB CO.. zist- and Washington sta. Main 6244 FOR SALE Ford 5 passenger, run about 200 miles, good as new; will take Liberty bonds. 1918 7-PAHS Rt'll-,HalrA A T-T J-,' 95 new, $1500, or will trade on bungalow not over $3000. Phone Eaat 8249. Kico 4 light delivery tor sale cheap; can be used for express business. Call East 750A after o p. m. 9i FORD touring, shock absorbers, universal bra filler Yale lock; must sell at once; going to war. Call E, 8487, evenings. DELIVERY truck for sale cheap, or trade for wiSTST cows' C,U 894 H Gladstone av . Woodstock car. . FOR SALE -5 passenger 1918 verland. electric uants ana starter- mnA jtu . $525. v riioae again X iOa NEW 2-ton troek fnr ..1. u 1 l monthly carmen t if Art ip.i i. 7r -- " TT-iwa. xitie et xrust bldg. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PER GALLON " uuuiiauni yus ana ureases. , Pioneer -Painr Co., 186 1st st DUBRUTLLB TOP CO.. 9th at Oak.' Broadway 1664. BARGAIN Regal roadster, good running - eo? ditJon. aood tires and ton $250. 1537 Curtis ave. Wdln. 4218. FOB SALE Ford roadster, first class condi tion, tires nearly- new. shock absorbers. Price $350 cash. Tabor 3325. FOR SALE, 1917 Chevrolet roadster, good con dition: reasonable. Phone Columbia 698 905 Willamette blvd. CHEVROLET 1917. demountable ' rims, "' extra tire and rim, spot light; first class condition: save dealers' commission. Main 4707 after 6. - .MiP"7ato,, with, body, like new; $1750, terms. The White company. Park A Couch sta. TO SETTLE estate, will sell 6 pasa! Cadillac cheap. 88 N..17th at Bdwy. 87e days. - WHX sacrifice myS916 Ford touring for $350 FOR SALE. 19T7 5 pass.. Ford, A-l eonclition, mn. new aig; eoza. - fltone Tabor 3345 1XJDGE sedan. 1918 model, fully equipped. In perfect condition. Call East 3741 18T!bor0143UrtW "r; 0b,tht cW. WH1 - H4r?Lrhf5i! N"" Wd. WM e cheapiftaken at once. East 8187 FOR SALE OR TRADECT5S5rWTalood 4 arter a p. MUST sell my 1913 Haomahil. ...: , ,W8'- Perfect condition. Phone Eaat 8137 1"aiJAJbiNeJ!. 11,18 Pner. cylinder Studebaker. Phone Woodlawa BHOR 7 FOp.k8.-E ap rocket wheea""for yackara truck. Phone Sellwood 2411 FOB SALE OR tBAIlkJ-j r.. -.- -.j, coadiUon. - Phone Mama. 1823 after p? Vol .THJ5 QRgCOK; DAILY. JOURNAL. -FORT AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 REMEMBER WE AAREi THE PIONEER v , Dealers Jn ante. We have a fine- assortment in asea cars ana tt would pay yon to look them 1917 Cadillac tonrinjr. newlr painted ' - brown and top- to match; $2500. -' Khaki 1817 Cadillac 1a food aha pa, look like new: price $2500. ' ' . ' . . . 1915 Cadillac, eord tires all round and aao xtra tira; 61400. , ' . 1918 Cadillac, newly ; painted.: run ss than 10.000, miles and nut on pavement; . price) $650. --. . .? i9Vt Cole sedan; price $880. 1916 Dodge touring ear; price $750. 1917 Dodge touring cst. new tires alt around, new top, engine in good condition; price $950. . 1914 Reo. electric lights and starter, everything in good shape and a good buy; $550. 1917 Overland Club roadster; price $800. ' 1818 Dodge roadster; price $750. 1917 Mitchell Chummy roadster; price $1250. . FORD DELIVERIES 1918 Ford delivery, overhauled and ia good ahape; $550, , 1917 Ford delivery; $450. 1915 Ford delivery; $400. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, 21st and Washington. Pbon Main 6244. WE will accept your Liberty bonds at full value on any of our large : stock of used cars, 1918 FORD touring, run, about 1000 miles t 828 1017 Ford touring, white it lasts 465 1H1T Font, self starter, full equipment . 600 We have a few mora Fords in aood ahana at any reasonable price. 1916 Chevrolet, bumper, special lens.... 600 Overland touring, late model.... 675 aire Btuaebekera, ail models, from $4.00 1000 Briscoe touring late modal: 72R Jackson touring, best shape 600 Stoddard-Dayton light delivery ........ 850 Maxwell touring, late model 700 mauiae touring, eord tires. ......... . 600 1917 Franklin. nm lit. im Maxwell special, needa some work 275 Liberty chummy, 5 cords, new paint. ... 145ft oiuwo oeuvery, ft new, overuse urea 850 W. H. WALLINGFORD Broadway 2492. Distributor Liberty Six, Premier Six, Briscoe Cars. Parrett Farm Tractors. 522 Alder. WHITE, MGR. USED CAR DEPT. SOME new arrivals in some beautiful autoa. They're lust about new. 1917 Oldsmobile 8, makes level roads out of hills tlaof) 1917 Hudson Super Six. it's ust new.. 1400 1918 Overland, Model 85. 98 new... 900 1918 Maxwell truck, 98 new "850 1018 Chevrolet truck. 490..., 750 1916 Dodge truck, overhauled, 5 cord tirea ann Buick Little Six, new tirea 1000 oo others to select from CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER S. W. corner 15th and Washington ats. Phone Broadway 2696. GARAGES HOUSES ' HOUSES. The p o r t a bla kind save you money. See sam ple at 644 Hood Millmade Construction Co. . aaau iidi. K3,. 8 ,7n Sed"t 7 Passenger, used wy lltue. 31000. lses than ntnm nri,.. ear in exchangevj Terma to responsible party. PAUL STAIGER A OO -9th and Couch. Broadway o64 USED GAR MARKET, West Park A SUrk Sta. 1918 Overland. 85 B. 1875. 61917 Buick six. $1225. ! 1917 Maxwell. $675. 1914 Ford, 5 pass., $325. 1918 Ford roadster, $850. Several other bargain.'!. BRINGING UP FATHER' I11S ooi OOD NQbXNiH tiPOOFi- Af AWAf- . 1 r 'AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 SEW Tuna , , "What brand of gara Ores do .' a prefer f We have them, ail .'; aaakea and alaea. Also we saake i the famous O-V-C Double- Tread of tira Tepairiac Oregon Vuloanixtag 338-338 Bnrmride near Broadway. . - -. FORD auto for sale.. 211 Washington at AfJTOHOBIXES WAKTEPi 73. WANTED Ford or .other light eax; must be - in, good condition; will pay cash. ; Call Sell wnod 3227. ot 720 MUwaakie at WILL pay garage expense and small rent from ' 8' to 5 montha for personal w of automo bile r best of care. Call Mar 981 after p. te. righa. Munaymead Oarage Co., fl7 Haw- tcotne ave. - - - v, .- WANTED Light - raaabout CaB WoodEwa 5207. - ' . AUTO wanted. Lot in exchange. Call Eaat 6798, 564 Union ave. WANT the beet Chevrolet that 1353" eaah will buy.', Z-505-, Journal. HIGHEST., pricee paid for aateBaobQea, ewadi tioa no objeat. : 121 N. 3d at Bdwy. 2629. eIstT AUTOS FOB HIRE a . AUTOS , FOR HIBE WITHOUT DRTVEBS Brand new ears. Reasonable rates. ,- Fearing A Bobnett City Uarage, 86- lOttu Between SUrk and Oak. Broadway 840. - AUTOS WITHOUT "baiVEBS FOR HIRE- COUCHMAN SULLIVAN, MARSH. 222 10TH AND YAMHILL A-l 28 COLUMBIA KiyEH HIGHWAY AUTO SEEV ICB. AV, do taxi work. Main 228. FINE 7 pass. Hudson, careful, experienced driver. Phone Marshall 2329. i MOTORCTCLES, BICYCLES 425 REWARD for return of light weight" 'twin Indian motorcycle. 1917 model: license num. ber A 39; engine number 80 J 057; magneto io)S2Ji. as. 4. nana, t urana ave. . aat 6382. ; ' ' " y - FORSALE 1813 Indian twin, run 1500 miles. Dream - tandem, - carrier. - PrestQlite speedometer, sew tires, fine condition; $125. Tabor 8223. 1544 K. Yamhill st MOTORCYCLE, perfect condition, fully' eouirjped. 185. - Caah or Liberty bonds. 260 E. 22d at. East 3912. FOR SALE One bicycle, in fine condition. i-oone xsasx Bt)i. or call at 673 Eaat Taylor. BICYCLE. from owner, for caah. net V-478, Jour- FOB SALE 1 bicycle in good condition. Phone Main 8504. TWIN motorcycle with aide-car $110; will-take Liberty bond. 4686 67th st- fl. E. LAUNCHES AlfB BOATS 41 RIVER boat hull, aix years eld. 17x80 long. doi oaf, bi. neiena, ur. FOR SALE Good 3 room houseboat; $225. 492 H E. Bnrnaide or East 7654. ! PIAWOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL . IlfSTRTJMEKTS 84 a English upright $275 piano $55 caah. 1 good old square 8350 piano 865 cash; 1. French upright $300 piano $76 cash. 1 Marshall & Wendell up. $350 piano $163 1 Elburn upright $875 piano $195 cash. 1 Kimball upright $450 piano $210 cash.' ; & stored new 1918 mdls. $450 piano $265 4 stored new 1918 mdls. $475 piano $290 cash 1 Weber player $750 piano $345 cash. 1 1917 model player $850 piano $485 -caah. Part cash, bonds or other securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash and atored for 60a monthly. 109 4th st. at Washington at. I HAVE a new talking machine that will revolutionize the phonograph industry. Dont buy 'till you have aeen ma HAROLD g. GILBERT. 884 Tamhltt, " HOBART M. CABLE, like new. Weber, same aa new ...$287 ... 833 HAROLD a GILBERT. 884 Yamhffl. $281.35 $12 cash. i6 monthly still bay new improved 2918 model piano at the ocirwan nsno vio.. lax JTOUTta at. at Wash. at. PHONOGRAPH, davenport piano stool; good condition: cheap. Woodlawa 2789. evenings. after 8 o'clock. - . - $215 CASH buys net;: stored upriabi piano, at Security Storace Co.. 109 4th st, Why pay tocai piano exorea. $430, LATEST, style Kingsbury Piano. Sins casn; owner; no agents, room 22. 6:80 to 9 p. m. Marshall 2809. COLUMBIA phonograph, $45 machine, 25 dou ble disc records, good selection; perfect or- der; bargain 625. 293 N. 18th st. WANTED GOOD PIANO. PAY ALL CASH FOB BARGAIN CALL MARSHALL 6246. CABINET talking machine wanted; must be a uargain; pay casn. JOBrntl. WE pay cash for used pianoa and band instrn- pgioerun-x,pcaj ainsie Co., 120 4th. WANTED Piano, any condition, for cash. F-048, Journal. ONE phonograph, good condition, t. Wood lawn 2789. evenings, after 6 o'clock. TTPE WRITERS 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ;'ail .mi.;" oomoathly paymenta. Send for rS" .J.h W?1081" Typewrit Co.. - tail dept. 821 Washington st NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies ta purchase; visible modeta. W REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621. TYPEWRITER, visible, long carriage, excellent condition, very reasonable. Address T-912 Journal. . ALL MAKES tvpewriters rented snd repairedT Oregon Typewriter Co., 94A 6th. Main 8668. RIl?'Ttrpwritt3- anpphea. Corona dealers. E. W. -Pease Co.. 110 8th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 65 FOR SALE! Furnishings in 10-room furnished H. K. rooms, all full. Phone Main 1155. OK! ALL ALL RKHT- HONE? U1 m . . " r . xa a M a m a,,, THAT WILL ISOT fcRfH; HER - , Pr a f Ok-' LAUD. . TJESDAY;,:, SEPTKMBEK : 2$, IJ7T5. HOUSEHOLD flOODS- FOR SALB i Furniture i Brokerage a 8. go E-. a aaar - t, . . "5oT" ,v ; '.'I U II 1 1 IU I Ol Ul UNCI aiC aladfaoa Imn ha II 11' nvfaM eve. u- $2.75: dreaaer. . $6.75; cook "atovea. $8.60; iff &2?L?lB'f "to- $-0j library tablea, $7.50; kitchen cabinet and top. $9.73; T ouehea, - $6; imitation leather eooea. $10.50; oak buffet $18.30; chiffonier, 89.75; heaters, 61.60; high own gas range. $16.50; Chairs, $1 ; center Ublea, 75c. Akm included are china cabinet, .rues: tn faet, everrUung ait marked with hit yellww tag, 0VT;xTTJRNITUBB;Ca SELLS FOR LESS Iron bade, ,,......, -.ji.75 and up ' ffijfJS. '.. i ' l-0 and ap ?5f, ""l f , .. J. 50 and up ' - . ' . .75 and up uroasiirg . . 6.00 and p Dining tablea ............. 1 on ,1 OWL FUBNITPRB CO., 204 FIRST ST. Take Notice . Wa stifl . ha ve lota of . good bargains left la second hand heeamhold goods. They must all go. by-October , 1. .. ' . . MONSEB FURNtTTJBE CO.. 88 Grand are. 3 EWEL -range, heater, dining table, -8 chairs . buffet, aectional bookcase, library table, all eak; iitchen treaaare,- table and cupboard, good heavy solid stuff. 1781 E. 17th. transfer to Eataoada, get off 17th at. FURNITURE 'of t 100m house, la excellent ' condition, new, garden already In, everything ut ready to walk in. price reasonable. 288 lauivst Some Oeod Buy at the 0, K, FURNITURE' SHOP Repairing-a speeialty. Cor. 1st and Clay. FURNITURE in completely furniabea S-rooni apartment for sale, including Steinway piano, Morris chairs, desk, kitchen utensils. Tabor 2518. FOR 8 ALE Polished oak dining table. 6 ft extension, need very little. 14 Belle Court Marshall 570T. BRASS bed complete lor sal; am leaving city. Wood lawn 2817 FURNITURE of 6 house for aale. 124 W. Wygant at KITCHEN . cabinet and ruga. 14-47 MaHory t- Wood lawn 1656. FURNITURE of 7 room house. 533 FlanderaT FOR SALE-J11KCF.LJUANBOUH !) ATTENTION. DUCK HUNTERS Here ia a chance to get in on a good lake, just 80 minutes drive from Portland. Lota of good birds. Will be. glad to show the lake any day. Call quick as I only have room for two more snooters. cast IS 10. Mr. oay. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate class! fieatiofia, A large Bating cam be found under these different sOaaelfJ eatioaa. FOR SALE 26 inch band saw. 2 blades, cm 14 in.. Sweep pattern maker lathe com plete. Vancouver Furniture Mfg. Co.. X. 6th at. Vancouver. WHY an evetlaaUng aggravation ny a leaky root f Why not a permanent and indestructible roof t We oxidise and renew aU kinds of leaky root. 608 Tourney b4d. Main 6886. FOR 8 ALU Heating stove, coal or briquettes': haa been little used. Abo Perfection oil heater. Both perfect condition. 867 Schuyler st, near Union. TWO tailor-made suits, one black serge, the other black cloth; sizes 33 and 40; alao trunk. Main 8842. apartment 643. FOR SALE Wicker .baby carriage, collapsible cart, large gaa range in perfect condition, heating (tore. 9x12 Smith' Axmiaster rug. E. 6642. ' FOR SALE Pure chicken . manure, best fer tilizer in the world. 60c per 1009 lba., or $7.50 per ton. The Savimar Co.. 100 Front St. Marshall 687. A-2852. REED baby carriage and gocart. good aa . new ; j uiwus raw nu - ucunnw luriuiure. mh 4863. at 498 E. 27th N. APPLES, fall butter and sugar pears, 4 U to 75c box ; chickens. Douglass farm. H mile south of Troutdale. HOT water tonka, aU sixes, in good, serviceable coadition, 80 gaL $7. 40 gai. $9. 201 Adams at Eaat end Steel Bridge. Phone ft- 8516. MUST be sold for storage charges, roll top desk. Remington typewriter, adding machine, check protector. 128 1st near Alder. PRINTING FOR LESS 600 envelope or 600 bond letterheads, 82.75; beat work; piumui delivery; try ns. Smith. Printers. 204 Stark at FITCH fur aet, cape and muff, excellent con- dittos: 863 cash. 1083 Hawthorne. Tabor 722. WHISKEY Kegs and barrels for aale; no country orders taken. Panagna Cooperage Co.. 228 Front at BENJ. B, PERKINS, the L C 8. man. has moved from 402 Buchanan Bldg; to 191 Broadway. LARGE cast iron sectional hot water heating boiler; aeeond hand; good condition. Tabor B2. ai4l 40tn av. B. ai. SL'INCEb and crabapples for sale; eheapT E. 55th at. 41 FOR SALE Quinces, 4e pound. 1839 Pen- innuia are. wooaiawn 299. FOIt SALE Cheap one ranee and rm. . plate. i-none wain. 0004. SINGER sewing machine $10; bargain. 110 Grand ave. near Washington. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $12.50 up. lajmr me 1 aiior. a9V H nurnslde. NEW jewelry exchanged for bld sold or feaah paid for same. N Solomon. 838 Morrison. HUDSON seal coat 44 bust and SO inches long. Marshall 8787. PRINTING press. 8x13 California jobber. $$0. Rose City Printery. PRUNES for sale. 60 E. 88th at. 3d house from Starfc. Tabor 8438. VACUUM cleaner, sold, repaired, rented. e- , --..' w., aaai PLUMBING suppUea, wholesale pricea woam. oentiey tjo. Main 8582. Stark- A LONG sealskin coat suitable for making FOB SALE 12x14 12 o. tent 3 ft waili . aamers. otn ana t.tisan. FOR SALE Fluff rug. good as new. T"...t JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS! Main 8382. WOOD heater for aale. 400 Going' George McManus si I SEC THAT OU I VOOL.OrT OE WEARiH' IT-IF 1 THOUGHT IT WOULD- FOB SaCE M1SCELLAWEOUS 'i 19 .nf...'., ..... ., marvielons pevpanrtsoai ineraaaea mileaae r iacaeaaea power at Sector; wtaoees carbeei depoaiu; prolonca tif of motor. Thrift jaaaada the nee f H; $1.50 invested in SpeedV eUne eavea snore than $10 worth of gaaottae." VSflfS? repreaeiited. SpeedociBe Ageaey. 723 North weeum Bank bT-TT -T.. Electric Motors . - . t. ""on. ansa, Tentea ana tepaireet. ' . f Walker Electrte Worfca. 418 Bnra- '. ame. cornea- 10th, Broadway 8674. -ji,4 , -v- mrm ns very gooai 'edk,-! Sewinar auehtaea rented at II Mt een. 168 Grand avev. Bear rtrlraont - ALL laarhlasa eoM fer leas; a ' aawnta are employed 1 aaacbine tented, rvnaljil a.aasa. Mate V9481. ' Sewuia Machiae Eaaoonaaa. 18 3d at. Bear Taylor. J0HN80N'S pare apple cider, made oa the - premise daily. 247 Yamhill bet. 2d and 3d, "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters" and "Household iooda are separata etaaaifieatioaa. All advertiacBMBU af these goods are pabliahad under their respective elaaatficatioaa. liOOK. XHEU OVER $12.50 to $15 1 USED DROPHKAD iliriLivn uikuicl'j , wanees. we rent end repair. 172 Id it a. Hi, . . . . . fa ...... wew and aeeond hand All aiae Any amount. Watch Reoairinff Soecials tae",?,, $100; Jewels 60e; main spring. 60a REiNGOLDa. Jewelers, ia" th st FURNITURE WAKTED T4 GEVUlTiTTDRNlTURE STORE 106-207 First St WILL PAY TOP PRICES for old and need furniture, atom .... tosp OfrSS'-fa'S: JwtbS? tossa CALL MARSHALL 587 Oat aayer will call at one. Read Important Read wE-rti- -S-"P t'eavVVrd' rr..X? ? ?od' ""oId goods, effsee far Biture, hotel and camp supplies. orPW,0 ' ba, or ma. Mara 9072 A-7174 LEVIN OWL FURNITURE COT 204 First Call East 636 Higheat Drieea naM f. need flirnttnM anything la booaetvoki aooda. Wa ..k.-J-- eld furniture for new. tt you wish highest . . . uaea rumrrnre, atovea, carpets. wightman-jornsOn fuRnitube co. . -0 Grand ave.. Eaat 7766. IBJgheet prices paid (or used furniture. ear Pets, atovea. ranges, etc We call nnmntl. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH mono Main 8832. CUT freight .rates on household goods shipped Eaat and South. Manning WarebouwT Trans fer Oo.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 703. A-1793. CASH fot farnltnre. atovea. ranges heat- w i"5 .. c?,rpt- r"- dreaeera. etc. Phone Marshall 2676. Hartx.ll Furniture Co!. 34 1-46 J SWAP COlTJMy th SWAP Fine Remington typewriter for petit- Stcwff, rcSnay" NEW $85 phonograph. Exchange lor good milch cow. J-728. JonrnaL WASTRY MISCELLANEOUS 6 $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer the tailor, pay most for elothing and oe. We jean day or evening. Marshall 1229 or 229 Madison. Mlt DRAFTED MAN. ATTENTION i ...J"1-!"' 0X811 VACI.3 PAID ANJ GOOIS YOU HAVE FOR SALE. MAIN 4496. TABOR 6798. 128 FIRST ti-tBTLUOUJ hair, mole, warta. temoved b 10 needle method; trial free. Joels Finals. 614 Eilera bldg. Cali Main 6868." GOING East or South? House bo Id goods shipped d rates: moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwardlag Oo.. 403 Hoyt Vt Bdwy. 708 H. TOBUS pays highest prices tor junk of all .."Sfe .OalT Marshall 6S5A CeUli promptly WANTSED To buy cheap, two or three burner PoS,nU& ,tot PriCe- 664 Tn 1 WAJT to buy 2 or 3 used fire exUnguihra. Most be reasonable. Eaat 7810. Mr. Obye. HIGHEST price paid for diamond, watches and old gold. Oliver. 123 2d at WANTED Riflee. abotguna. cameraa. i H oc h field. 86 Sd at Phone Main 85fl WANTED Second hand gas radiator in good shape. Phone Bdwy. 4060. il" you have furniture to sell call Stave Ot- I bourn. Main 7808. I MR. JACK THERC vou sgAyg eftAve I MA' (sLe MAV I KISS YOO 6EPORC IT. Cam. Leve i-uk. (H. TRENCHES O I T S. "Bur i was ajusT) . " ' (SEfiiM TWEM OFr. WANTED MISCELLAKEOtS Charcoal Wanted -chareeej.. Wrge or ' small eaaaUttea, aad Mperienoed shb to aura aaaa. - Alas tcaeu of tira br , any aiae, agitable fee- charcoal, neat Portland, ea a reedV aood fer winter healing. Western Redaction company, 24th Nlcolai eta. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. East X9A. aa-aa tk4 Highest pricee paid tor year 84 head ftrnOtara, Used fanritare taken ta exetnac for aew. arosn !; . Il VJI tai ll VW. : - - --Oregon. Hide. MeUle Huhbera. Witt for prices aad anippsng tagw. iai n Second Hand Clothing Buyer We - pay the mot for asea rtothing and saoea, Call Mara 19'-8. JUNK WANTED CaS Umim Ta Wa pay the highest market Drieea for aaataia and tank of every doaeription. WANTED Small printing plant in which is included a 10x18 Chandler A Price praam. -468, Journal WOTICES NOTICM or BONU aaf.xt BOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Beard TL incto2J !V Hooa "ver lrrigatloa dav trlet, la Hood atrver county. Orvroa, wul sell geaeral refunding bonds of said dtatriet ta the Principal sun. of On Haadred aUxty-eevea Thoaaaad Dollars 8167.000.00) aa Tuesday ssw ass-nay ew vexooer, 118. at the Boar ef 8 o'clock, aw as., at the of dee of said board at Oaktireve store ta said district and thai i,u i,iipHn iw aoe parxnase ef aaaa will be received by said board . at wi antU the day aad hoar above satinaad- at i h, iwra via epeai sae pfopeenJa and award said Bonds ta the Big bast iwapcetsiua adder, the board gwaerriag the ctgh u nkat aay and aJ baas. - Said bos ea to be eoid to be gwaeral ar tlable refandlag 'Onds ef the Mood River lrri gatloa distract ia the principal anas of Oae Haa , J811?-- Tkeuaaad Doilara ttl7. 0000). lor the purpose 4 ptevsaUag taaa to retira and pay ett the preasnt ouutaBOiaa bonded iBdeMedneas of aasd district. Head BoBd to be dated October 1st. It la. bear tatereat t the rat, of au per cent 16) par aaaaaa. payaUe aemi-annaaUy. oa the tint days of January aad July m each year, and saaterua aerially, cosnasi.cins ama the aixtB year after date thereof ia anoual amounts ot Eight Taoa aand Hollars taauuu.uwi aaUl all ef aaad bonda are paid. Ail proposals gtust be nncorxiltlonal aad be aceoampanied by aa ancoadiUonal eartified te for $6000.00 payable to the secretary ef the Hood Rhrer Irxlaatloa diatxict Ail bidders . are raqBoated to furnish eatta factory evidene ef their ability to proeaptly deliver tot payasvent aad eejseeilaxlaa a sab staaUal portloa of the oatatandiBg bands ef saw anxkcc ut a raruaae lreea the proa ex uue dfHrvry of bond subject to av Eavrvboaxd coaamrttae af Federal tty erder of the board af director. F. FXNWKJat, Secretary Hood Rtswr Irrigarior- Dartrie. IN THE CIBCUTT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOB MULTNOMAH COUNTY. Tbonaea itocerson. Plaintiff, va Maamie Roger son. Defendant SUMMONS To Mamie Rogenon. the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THB STATE OF OR EGON, voa are hereby required to answer the complaint filed against you ia the above entitled suit or make other defense therein, oa or be fore Octobers 12th. 1918. that being snore than au weeks after the date of the tint publication of this summons, and If yon fall to answer or make uther defeaae-to plaintiffs complaint filed hereia. the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein, to-wit: A,dTCT'.rom aboT entitled court forever dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant hereia. and lor th ear, custody and control of the two minor children. Zoe Rogenon and J alia Kogenon. and for such ether aad further .relief " 1 in court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is made and pnblished pursuant to aa order of the Hon. Robert Tucker, judge August V?tn. TsifT1 coart' md and "tored an to 5 ,fim Publication, August 27th. 1918. Data af but publication, October 8th. 191 A HENRY L. LYONS. 608 McKay Baflding. Portland. Oregaai Attorney for Plaintiff. A REWARD will be paid for Information as to license number of car or owner of same which killed doe between Concord and Vtamnl station Monday afternoon on river road. Phone Oek Grove 1 Y. or eddreea Milwaukle, B- No. 1. Box 184-F. BIDS win be let for the entire output of the Lake Creek Dairv association ,m m ntuh. ly. uctooer 1 . r or lnformattoa writ Thompson. Blachly. O. ZUMBRO COURT. 20th and Wash. Name changed from Orlando Apta, J. M. Wnelaa. Mgr. PERSONAL tl spiarcuALisU iU U. L La mar. t$OtE . cwmi jssib, lauass paiausxry ana earu reading; also luascns in sdenc of health and fEE Perkins, the L C. S. man. at the big free display In the Morgan building ea Wash ington weaneenay sure. MRS. MABEL BARBER, spiritual medium; reaaing aauy. iu to a. 14 litn at. Broad way 3253 EST H V. Keteha im. wonua s seals dice 113 cat aiseeies of men. Washington km, ta an nuoiarne, rnoa aaaranaii 448. GOltRK. DITRK. enlarged glands, people our them aalvaa nermaaeatly. A R. h - HiUav bore. Or.. R. 6. DR. G. H. HUTHMAN. vctannariaa boapltal. si av. 1 in as. av m. 1st I . JS-ISOZ. and borate cnppd. BENJ. R. PERKINS, the L C. S. man,haa moved from 402 Buchanan buQdtng to 191 Bioad way. ! ouor Consalutioa FREE, Main 4993. Lawyer 512 semag bM. FACE MASSAGE, dandmft, ttcfatng sealp, mole rexeoved. 230 Fliedner bid. Broadway 1666 MBS. WRIGHT Palmistry, card reading pad ' spiritual teacher. 360 aforrisoa. Room 41 A CrQK . toue 1 i-uw fexlcxm lTHf Aotr YOU TOU Mu&T CATCH UP!- 2,. ' BVaasssaaBBaasksfJ 1. - - ' ww.w..-' ' .i ,-..r 1 -- - " WtlLS. BEAfctl SPECIALIST:; STS St. f 4 aeveloeeag., ftoet bat ha. reduction ef Dash, rhruasMiau.' g-?L;l aertsy aavreantaaa and alespleea- t . Las&ks at a saVls ' ." . ' "itot yearr patroBage ea " the aesss ot capable aerrlee. TKna. . oyiumuia, m? aaomsaa at - mJZ L?m- f100- to CHlHOPVDlhT thai SS 4S2.w,'Lt Portland; exam. free. Globe Theatre aide. :iu ad Waaa. Bdy. 3824. IHU5INr:SS DIPFf TODY -' SOCOWDIOai HiriM - 5 TCHING? lo CE VTflFH-V AxTrT ' , PLKA TrS"0, ALL LATEST BTYLeI' EAST. WBAL2oO?-tT CO- ""HfBBOAD: LAWS; hqoh sjhk,,;, DAVIS HOLAIAN. 1AC. 10, ad at.. WSanT iww.k. ' a-'-. iv. at., bla book manafactBrera. A 3183. Mala la. .?ip, . rtfttriag, rag NORTHWEST HUG CO. JvM 5?.J- kW? ClaW WorkCar. East 440. T sou sun. raintine mv B 193. 204 K ltth t. S. ' CI63POOL BIOSKR MARTIN RITZ, GreahaaTTBTA: CMIWoa.anQTOat, U'i51CMlON.!f nn f: i dBtaae.a 1,L.LL,KA DOWNING. ChircHecto" T3 rear.' experience. BroaJiY hirt. " COAL A HQ WOOD crfNaI'lJ'i' SP "t aubwood. hloek wood. 3 load Iota. 4 ft. entry, alb. Emrt 201. gDUOATIONAL OAN0INO NOIESTEII, bANClNO ACADEMY at C 6th at Bactnnenr' claasea. "----- -? Monde hweona. Oeenpetent teacher. Bdwy Ala private 3327. MRS... FLECK ACAftEMl. Idtt k'Av'e. .r Ballroom and claaaio dancing. Private -'-to 10. Led! free. Main 2100 " Morriann. Phon Broadway 2665. Misi IRELAND ... , 10 LESSONS 39 509 TVkam bldg. Peraonal atteatimi 1ft axoav. t., Kri. evea; 8 la. hill, g. private leeaona. 14h at Waah. Broadways.o; "Q 80MOOt6 HHP T8AOMB WHTabiinger or mnaicianr RlatTaai: M wsing paid now; acta arranged for vaa- Cntaxabian Mnaical and TaWlrkil rean, 616 Columbia bid. Rates rasMoaabll. FOR SALE Eighty-two vocal froea prominent vocalist : price Call WoodlawB 2543. reeeoaabsa, PROF. T. E. LAWKON. 3t years'' PImht hneone at your home. fTa. Ta??- fc I91Lii.0ai Tioli toacher. pupil a.i 207 Fleidner bid. Broadway 1629. MAIL ADVCStTiaiajs) CRANK LETTER CO., tli Hoval bid. Muhv graphing, mlmigraphmg. Marshall 8 2 2. FAiamwa. Tiamwo. yaiwMttW FATtltT ATToaagy GOLDItERq. cal Woreester Mag. Warn iiHC. wniajTiBlo, tWOWAViajQ. BaDtna PR NT NR CO., i, a and Oak sta. VI. lgs. A-ilg.'. THB -IVY PRESS " Broadway 408, A-408B. 882 Stark at PMV6ICIAW6 DR. R A PHILLIPS.. 905 Broadway buiidinZ Bheumatlam. female diaordera. akia trouble, atomach. liver, kidney, bosrela, throat aoatcev hath blood pr sure. 8UMI8 6TAsaag ' . ALSO STENCILS. Trad Check. Metal AianaT PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 68 Broadway. Broedwey 710. A-2710. TWAWSPIBJ MP gTOWABK OREGON TRANSFER CO. " Established 1870. Tranefar aad Forwardmg Arvnta. Storag Free Trackage. Office aad Storage 474 GHaaa. 18th and Gllaaa. Broadway 1281, A-1149 -WAYS "PICK" THE BEST H08CEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packiag. hipping aad Burring. Hon aad ante van. Special rate to at point a. C 0. PICK TRANS FEB A STORAG B CO Second and Pine. Broadway 696. A-l 996. iSlORAGE AND TRANSFER CUY S. MORSE, INe. 1428 Flanders street INU6V1G TORA.g SEOrTRITT STORAGE TRANSFER CO, 10 Park tt Mafn 6196. A-10M. WAT0M RIfAIRINO lUQHlSf prima paid to eld wateU an. Iry. Conditio no okjec. Repalrtns a sir.iiail ty. Reiner Jewelry On,. 449 WaMawtoa at, M. H. PACKOfZ. watcbea. dlamoada. jewelnT. Fin watch repairing.. 376 Merrmsa it By Swinnerton 'vajav Aue&n1 HURRY TO FLUFF RUGS reea ess lPl) s a.i- j, ammmm'mmmm'mmmmmmmmmmmimimmmm . --', " - -1 ' -' V' ,-' A - r a. ' " . t ' e " , 1 - ." : .. f .. - " ."-. -- --" - - : i ' f ... 1 a. - ' - C"