The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 23, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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MONDAY." SEPTEMBER 23.-1918.--
Margin 'orErof it r
f dairy products division of "the food ad-
Friday at The PalleS Sospital following
short Illnesses. They were Robert Bry
ant West. - the S-months-old eon of Mr,
land Mn. C H. Wert' of Lyla. Wash,
and James Wilson Porter, weed 1 year
i months, the son of, Mr. and Mis. O.
K. Porter, i.',. - ?' r.-"'-i t':
l' - '- MoUier ad-Parade" X
I Tinamook, Sept.i2aTherishrs,led
the ? parade: of th mothers, -wives nd
Sisters of the boys" of TlHamook county
Jn service yesterday, as a feature of
the Liberty loan drive. ' Each carried aa
American flag and also s! servtoe flag.
The- parade was 'h. enthusiastically re
ceived. hfrz&fM, ?gt i- i .
Driver Wanted For V
afternoon. I. M.' Kesaler of 230 Elev
enth street alleges the; driver . endeav
ored te sell his sick daughter a. pint of
whiskey mad that, he ran- when he saw
Officer Palmer coming toward the house.
then the police will take, the matter p
with 'the manager of the company'. '
ministration. 1, .' ' , . - " 1
J the maximum 'margins allowed are
considered t be more than normal and
handlers must not-add an entire mar
gin, if by so doing -they obtain an un
reasonable profit on the investment. In
terest may be charged while butter is In
storage,' but not en delayed payments
after sale, according Jo the, telegram.
.V -5 f Tl-
i ' Infant Sons, Die iJCht Dalles
The Dalles. Sept 2. Two babies died
vuw - mmu ; isu - ajio sraooea . Hta
caostng txim to lose his balanceJ
To Be Maintained '
t 'Alt handlers f tnitterfresh 'or eold
storage, must confine themselves to the
margin of. profit provided for differ
ent quantities,' according to a wire re
ceived from the United States food ad-
feu and fraetnred hla . akiiii
worker Is Dead .
He was married and resided at SM4 ;
East-Alder street. The body Is at the,
todertaklngr parlors of Miller' Tracey.'
Burial will be at Mount Scott Park
Kesaler and the "driver had a ilghC in
which the 'driver won out. - The automo
ibile Unregistered to tck Jalbot of .the
City Taxlcab company, but nothing could
be : learned- of the driver's name or
whereabouts from other drivers. Kessler
said he would swear out 'a warrant and
As Eesnlt of Fall
tery. . , . . -
Sd Hansen died Sunday morning la
the Oood Samarltaa hospital from ln-
A' handpower min which can be
clamped to a kitchen table has been in-:
vented for grinding all krads of grain 1
lnte meal. .
The : police are looklnc - for the man
f iurles : reoeived September 14 at J the
who -drove automobile S35s7. Saturday
Foundation shlnyarda It la said that
Irj.Johri'VFalJiMf Falls jCity
receives Letter' from' Hospital
' HassiloninrfHavre France.
joy.' succumbs' to wound
7rlviie Fallin of 18th U. S, In
i fantry Falls In Action on the
f fields of France, August 7.
r-'-.- , -
Thi: following- letter dated "1 Havre,
inpiUl HasslUm" was received a few
jtyi' M r ,oho J" ralUn'
Fillf . City, from a French nurse In a
tipfpttal In France, who was with Mrs.
FaJUa's son. Prirate Georg-e H. Fallln.
jfftha Wth U. S. Infantry, who died
jgiaat from wound received in ac-
no doubt been Informed by
t4 Hed CroM of the death of your poor
Utao eon (from tola florlous wounds, at
Buf hospital.) but I feel I must make
uaftPt this cruel and abrupt fact by a
?w words which, perhaps act
ujbalm to your bereaved heart from
mofther to- mother.
kv iiad seacefully on my
'7?'- . rrut deal of suffering,
wounds were r-. Jut having
L"T m n4w1a and be-
hail nappy ana m"" -
r to the last that was golns
him back to you. whose name
wait Ofte on hi. lips. H. nl to
love both myseii ana my 7
heaVnurse at. the hospital, and often
Sr us so in his genuine, impulsive way.
-We weep and mourn over his sad and
early'rate and will follow to hta last
rdng Place) his coffin covered wlUt
'Tnch" flowers, thankful toward him
ta "have offered his young , life and his
Bff..rt .to our France and the right
ca-8V Anyhow, dear madam, believe me
I say that everything ponslble has
i.. tn th wir of saving him, all
.... m-wi fia-htinc alasl- vat
agl'nrt the fatal poisoning of the blood
- t.v fwid helD you to beat ths bard
,ttir naar carenU both, and believe me
dea Mrs. Fallln with most sincere sym-
piy, very iruiy iur'
"(Mdime) A Hampmann.
Mata Oeorse H. Fallln was In the
iri ?ti it.tnrKment of the Hth Infantry
ll old August 1 of wounds. He is the
u.. and Mrs. J. J. Fallln.
Xtre are two older brothers in active
sconce in France.
L and Mrs. J. 3. Fallln and family
formerly lived at CanyonvUle, Ore and
me vad to Falls city, we., aujub a.
: Band of Multnomah.
Guard Will Oppose
Changing of Name
Multnomah Guard band it Is and will
remain. No tempting bait or aesigna
ttoa, as the "First Oregon reserves,"
will suffice to modify the identity gained
by -what Is now the .largest military
musical organisation In the country.
This was the sentiment expressed at
ttie rhanonet tendered the band and
mi?a at the Multnomah hotel Thurs
ly evening. Not only was the de
termination to withstand change of name
.voiced by Captain Dolbln, commanding
offloer, who acted as loasrmasier, ana
Major Bowman, but it was shouted by
the men themselves. In one respect, at
lent, the banquet was unique, for the
mtaata furnished their own music.
"Without music." said Rufus C. Hoi
man. chairman of the Multnomah county
commission, "men cannot go to war, nor
can the home "duties of war be carried
:. lartlal airs and marching feet are
- inseparable," averred Judge KObert U
i Morrow.
' , County Commissioner A. A. Muck re-
t peated the assurance of Commissioner
Ifolman that the band will always have
' - the : fullest support by the county ad'
' I ministration. Sheriff Hurlburt. Colonel
i , Campbell. Majors Bowman, Smith and
I ( McKlnnon, John F. Cordray, D. R. Ladd
-and, General Beebe were included In the
Hat of the speakers. Special guests were
' ' Hi l. White, secretary to Mayor Baker,
' -I nr. George B. Parrlsh, Ferdinand K
f i Heed, Captains Wagner, Thompson,
, nilttenapacher, , McCormick, McMillan,
. t Watson. "ICoehier, Cornel. Brlnkman,
Jjleutenant W. A. McDougall, Sergeant
' Ifrstberg, 13 members of the band, 40
;. men .from Companies G and H and
' Driver Caught After Freedom
After 13 days of freedom, E. J. Windle
as finally "captured" Sunday by Off!
; Oer' Lea vena at Broadway and Irabee
; mrwia- iM omcer aiiegea tnat windle
; 'trVed to run him down on September 1
k -ith an automobile he was drivtnr. and
that he also refused to stop when ordered
V do so. Windle passed the same cor
tT Sunday and Leavens served a war
rant on him. He is charged with reck-
less anving.
Aulo Knocks Down Pedestrian
i i I JUcnara Muschallck. 45. was knock
h 4"B hy an automobile at East-Eighth
j ; fcftd- Broadway Sunday morning and
j pvnainm two Droaen noa He was
j . taken to the emergency hospital and
then to Good Samaritan hnanitui h
j . isldes at U Prescott street The auto
ferns driven by C. E. Bade of S96 East
t-nurteentn street north.
Complimentary bance lor M Wednesday, 8:30 P. MAdmission 2ScMen in Uniform Free
Railway Employe Seriously Hurt
The Dalle. Ren ?SWli hi. i
I - . " " .... ...a ..cui
f rushed. S. L. Cowles. an mDlove of
he Spokane, Portland A Seattle mliw.v
i dangerously 111 at The Dalle ho-nit.i
following- an acciaent rriday near Fall-
-mge, wash. He was working with
construction crew and was caught by
pre neaa iR dumping a car of sand.. His
yo arrived Saturday from Spokane.
Madame Coates Classes Begin Next Week
Madam Castes. Amerlcs's foremost tuthoritv oii dresstnakijie tnd allied subjects, come to MEIER
. ' - . . w mm ea. a. SI. U . J Ten a . - a
veefc to Instruct our Classes. ; enrollment nmuea. isrvegijicr -- mcsaay . si.
& (.FRANK'S i next- week
-- Notion ' Shoo.- Main Floor.
beginners ctase A in sewin
Freeexplanatonr lecture next, Thursday andFriday tt 2t3p.
'ina- and dressmak
10 A. M. Complete course of. 15 lessons $1.60.
making will meet Monday and Wednesday at 2:3 and Friday at
lio. Advanced eiass r in mimnery aesiariuijr. anaivucat aress-
. making and taUorlng will meet; Tuesday. Thursday and Friday at z:ao v complete course 01 is lessons
KsteAMaAaSka) . T . .Batatas
. Saturday of This Week
Oregon mist declare-her entire quota subscribed if she. means
to win the .Honor Flag- for beinc first "Over the Top" with
the Fourth Liberty. Loan. ;
Buy More Liberty Bonds
That's what you all of us-rnust do to make this glorious
achievement possible. Buy to . your utmost
A Great Store I
to Serye the r eople
On Display and Sale for the First Time Tuesday -out Desirable: New Models in
The Popular Wirthmor
Waists at $1
Wirthmor Waists are true to their name they
are worth more much morei than their mod
est cost $1.
Four new models as illustrated,. in these popular dol
lar waists just received, go on display and sale for the
first time tomorrow. We believe these new arrivals the
equal of, if not superior to, any so far shown. Limited
number. Early selection is advised.
Wirthmor waists are sold only at" MEIER & FRAN IPS
iu iviiiuiih s always, . -
. " v Meier Frank's : Waist Shop, Fourth
' i&uyivrifuisaint it ami
Ivory Soap, delivered only with
Dther groceries, limit 10 bars fiQ
to customer at OtJC
Batter, Victor brand. i 90
fresh creamery, Z lb. roll 9 Aeawew
Matches, Blue Seal, noiseless tip.
one of the best makes, do.
TOet, box OC
Tomato Catcsp, Del Monte, large
bottles, dosen $2.65. bot- 23 C
Feasst Batter, strictly, fresh 00
and pure. lb. aWauC
Rice Floar, pure, fresh a?Q
stbUc. 64 lb. pkg. V47C
Tomato 8asee, Km peon's. - small
cans, dosen 85 eS two cans
Perk A Beaas, in tomato sauce,
good Quality, 11 os. cans, 1 Og-
cans auC
Meier Frank's:
Ninth Floor, Fifth Street.
Exquisite the Loveliness of These
New Silk Negligees
The finest of fabrics the acme of style the best of work
manshipall these are beautifully combined in the new negli
gees now on display and sale in our department pf intimate
apparel, Third Floor.
Fine quality Georgette and Crepe de Chine, .some used In combination
with satin and laces. Silk fringe the newest vogue adorns many.
Others are made more beautiful by dainty touches of hand embroidery
and flowers. Some have a typically Parisian air and there are hand
some plain tailored effects. New slip-on models are here.
New corduroy and wool bath robes in most complete assort
ment. Moderately priced.
Meier A Frank's: Third Floor. Sixth Street.
. : JJ
A Sensational Sale Tuesday 1
Women's Good High
Shoes, Pair at
J. & Tj Cousins
And Other ?ine
Makes Included
. If these shoes were bought
on the market today they
would retail at one and a
half times to twice as much
as we are asking Tuesday.
Every pair taken from our
regular stock and marked at
$4.65 for quick disposal.
Included in the lot are plain and patent leather shoes.
Lace and button styles with turn or welt soles and high,
medium or low heels. A good assortment of patterns to
choose from. Not every size in, each style but nearly
all sizes in the lot.
Because of the extremely low price there will be
Meier ft Frank's : Shoe Shop, Third Floor.
$8.50 Black Leather
Traveling Bags
ii ii
Woman's Home Com
panion 2 Yrs. for $2.50
News-stand price $4.&o. You save
12.30. Special offer expires Sep
tember 30th.
Another Bargain Woman's Home
Companion and The American Maga
zine both for one year 2.75.
News-stand price 4.80. You save
Leave orders at Book Shop, Fifth
Floor, or Magazine Section, Main
rioor, ruth street.
4 j k
- - . VtarF'' aav. . -av . T K
t Only a limited num
ber of these, fine light
weight under-cut leath-
'er traveling bags at
this snfial rvrir Tn.
day. ' Black walrus grain leather-lined bags with pockets.
1 6. 1 7 and 1 8-inch sizes. Good looking, finely service
able bags at onlv $635.
Meier & Frank's : Luggage Shop. Sixth Floor.
Such Qualities! Such Styles! Such Assortments! Such Values!
Assuredly never was there a collection that so impressively com
bined all of these as is now on display at MEIER & FRANK'S in
The Complete Showing
Fall and Winter
The keynote of it is PRACTICABILITY. The richness the loveliness of it all
these are subordinate to the essentially practical and helpful character of the garments that
.make up he displays. Our own good Made in U. S. A. merchandise, selected for its quality
and service, utterly dominates the new fashions as seen at MEIER & FRANK'S. The style
traditions of this great store are fully sustained and derive added prestige from this great
showing of Fall and Winter fashions made in' its 61st year.
Suits, Coatsv Dresses, Skirts
W7" i T7 A Tll -
waisis, rurs, lviminerv
The Popular Universal
Combination Ranges
Meet Every Requirement
With a range such
as the Unive rs al
C o" m b i nation you
will be prepared for
any emergency. You
may use any kind
of fuel ,you desire
vood, coal or gas
changes are made
from one fuel to an
other by a simple
turn of the key: The
Universal; Combina
tion is in reality ,
U: For Winter 4ays the wood and coal affords delightful
warmth and an abundance of hot water. In Summer
you have a cool kitchen by; burning gas. -
A .handsomev roomy, cast-Iron' range that h substan
tially built and extremely 'durable. .Saves fuel, saves
space, saves timeso vitally .important these days. T
, Your old ranee accented it Mri.nwmot
(balance you can. if desired ; . , .
' v , Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor FUth
An Unusual Sale Tuesday!
Wonlen's -.Fine
House Dresses
The Regular Prices
of These Garments
Range From $6-$10
A wonderfully underpriced
lot of women's high-grade
house dresses Tuesday only
while any remain.
These dresses are suitable for
house and street wear. Made
of finely serviceable lawns.
ginehams and dotton voiles. Clever styles. Assorted
cdtbrs, plain shades, stripes, plaids, checks and com
binations. Not all sizes in each style, but all sizes 36
to 44 in the lot
One Illustrated. Come early for best selection.
. Meier Frank s : House Dress Shop, Third Floor.
An Extraordinary Disposal of
Knit Underwear
For Men, Women, Children
All Accessories
The great attendance of today evidenced the enthusiasm shared by Port
land women in our department displays. " Crowds also in the fitting rooms,
a sign that women are quickly transforming their admiration into possession.
Crowds .around our windows. AH attest our style leadership and value
supremacy. See our displays tomorrow. You will -not be importuned to
buy, although wise women are buying now while stocks are new and com
plete and prices lower than they will be. , Come in tomorrow.
A very special value in smartly tailored suits of wool poplin
and serge in navy blue and-Mack. Inlaid collars of velvet,
fancy tighufitting effects:1 Pleated coats. Belted models. Semi
fancy m odels. A 11 sizes at this low price.
Meier Frank's : Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
A ft
Very special prices will
be in effect Tuesday on
men's, women's and chil
dren's underwear. Buy
now and save!
Women's fine white
ribbed union suits in Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves, low
neck, sleeveless, ankle
length styles. All sizes.
Women's fine white
light fleeced union suits in
low. Dutch and high neck,
elbow, wing and lone
sleeves, ankle length
styles. AH sizes.
Women's fine ) e r s e y
union suits in low neck,
sleeveless, knee length
style. Lace trimmed.
Women's fleece lined
vests and pants in white
only. Nearly all sizes.
Women's flesh colored
Jersey ribbed ' vests with
crochet shoulder straps.
All sizes.
' Women's fine Swiss Jer
sey ribbed sleeveless vests
in all regular sizes.
Men's fine ecru mixed
cashmere anion suits In
long sleeves, ankle length
style. Closed crotch gar
ments in sizes 34 to 44.
, Men's heavy ecru fleeced
onion suits in long sleeves,
ankle length style. Closed
crotch garments fh mostly
large sizes, 40 to 46.
' Men's separate . under
garments, light weight
cashmere shirts and draw
ers in all sizes. - ;
' Boys' gray mixed' onion
suits in round neck; style.
Well finished garments In
ill sizes. .. . -
Boys and - girls -fine
light fleeced union 'suits
In regulation style. for Fall
wear.. Closed crotch gar
ments. Sizes 4 to to at
79c. Sizes 13 to 16 at 89c.
Children's flight crura,
colored union- suits in high
neck, long sleeves, ankle
length, drop seat style
Sizes 2 to 8 at 59c Sizes
10 to 14 at 69c -
Children's fleece lined
vests and pants in a light
- rny mixed material. Sizes
Z to 8 at 49c Sizes 10 to
14 at 59c
Meier Frank's: Lower Price Store, Basement fialoonjr.
- f
. . - . ' .. ; -
- i J
.7. : '