" 4 THEr OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. MONDAY; -SEPTEMBER 23T 1918. 12 t REAL FXTATE' iCltANGE REAL ESTATE fMT&AEte or trade. 170 ecrv with 100 acres in MnlJ JI n bud. ia valley, well improved and ef real bargain: ell , stocked i ana improved wtth $0 hwt of - cattle, bornes, ' ' fco 40 tow of hay is barn, 20 lewrf PP orenart: everything goes wUhplsat U price i. oC $J8,t40. till or write The N I La"a , ' Co.. t B. Morrison X. ittHTKn-ltEAL ESTATE tl i.V -i6 6Lt) NCB JANUARY 1 We have w 10 thick and small fceases"' tinea -tha first of tbe XM ' ,u have large demand to 4t class of property. Don't. believe it wool psy , ; a dhsaceT, Fred W. G.rmao Co.. 782 Chamber . ' of Commerce. ' ' , lUVrMH buyers for moderate priced h IM mar Ikmm with as. We advertise uw alt. FIVE of S room bungalow wanted not over 9 $3006? Have 1018 7 pass. Stodsbeker 6, Tie.Ixe'-modsl. S3 per cent new, vslus 8100, - and mi for .ma. Phono East 8248, ." W'AMtl To buy A room bungalow in Al- ' f ' berU Piedmont No real out. Call Wood ' Uwa MTU. V. v"; ' DON'T WORRY ."'-..'? ;''f cu sell or trad anything an here. . . i.t, - Layman. 147 nn st .. BOUSES) wanted, any i .'. O. i W.- Bryan, 800 1M, ere. Mar. 848, lie, aay kind, enywhers. Cham- of Com. Main ilBTTaiUi eGntre a bldg. to sen y out home 41414 Abingtoa bldg. Main 1068 WAi ir.i mwm uj eii. . ii , vVANTElV Vacant Jots. 201 3d it. ROOM IN" O HOUSES $8 : 18 ROOMS, clearing over 8100 per month. It ' will pay you to look this np; price $1500; MOO. .down. 42 apartment clearing 8400 per month. 481 Cham.- of Com. 74'RObS, lobby, strictly modern, well fur . aiahed, rent $326. net $000; price 810.000. ' V-4 66, journal. U'LOOV Wei; clea- orer $400. rent $75'; rice 88600 eaah, H-V4S. Jonrnal. BTJ8IKEHS OPPOBTOKITIES 18 IVH BALK Hotel, 80 rooms, with dining To Tnein, nve esaiern urerm . ' 120O,h eafcnty asst. end of railroad, big country ', T to draw, from; best hotel in city, doing a fins . hamnr) this is a money maaer; nsre pw a jwiotT ow'thl. that will sell it; will make terms n responerpie perries. hm iroauwy ooa Vn4 make enuaeement. " For Mle. establUhed 1 5 years, at Room 0, i Ouunjer; of Commerce ' building t a going biwi : - Twtas, paring well ; owner going to France in T. M. C serrire. Inquire st luneh room be- . i twee a 8 and 7 p. m. weeHdays. 'A nr.kt. loretlon and a aood stock of mer- "Vk"T -k.u tin ula lii m. enod (annina. loednc and aawalll community, practically no opposi- ttoet8tock and futures about 80000; sales .'average 84800 per month; 84000 will handle. BXOOg, Journal. '.VANfl<EU" WASH., needs hundreds of cheap .'houses. Who will help build pert of lhitor'leTal lots, 50x100. at 8100 to $180? Wmte land owner for full information if you mean buninesa. V-47R. Journal. 'WANTKD. at once, partner for moving picture theatre, A-l propoaition for someone desiring ; te "gft Into btwineaa. Small amount of cash re- auwed. V-470. Journal. IXMiK into this A good paying business, bar- bar shop, confectionery and pool room, 2 ta bles, clears $8 to $10 a day; over 700 ship workers around the place. 431 Cham, of Com. STORE and roominghouse combined; 18 rooms. . 8 rented; SH blocks postoffice; exceptionally IJow price ; owner going away; rent for all $4 monfh. P-760, Journal. 'I tTWK first mortgages, unincumbered farm ancT Umber lands and want estabtisbed profit . abkt rnrrcantile or manufscturing business of f , $2000 to 820,000. K-651, Journal. : r STORE, general mere hand Ue Will sell for fifth or consider good property. Phone Roy n ClHrrfM. Bell. 80. .'. 'I0R SALE Confectionery and restaurant; do- fof eaah business of $1500 monthly; a real ' i sjitft. Chll Tabor 4078. ' '; FOH SALE Pine paying shoe repair shop with . machinery, in St. Johns. Selling account sick- ess, , , Cell Columbia 290. ' twxi In 1L-.-1 i i i . .... !g9 awneisse vuuu 1 9 uuiti aaa wiruu iweitivu iui omiTf ehean. as we srs not sble to run it lonaar. Huen Leeper, Prop. Hslaey. Or. si OO MING house, grocery and wood business. '. : eepanrely. Swank. 517 Henry bldg. i'Olt SALE Studio and art shop doing good aasiness. r. K. La tier, rnnevuie. w. ' JTOui SALE Ice cream and soft drink parlor ' ' A1 Zq 8a ,U rof c" OP'- BLslitKaailTH shop for sals and rent. Plenty af business, TX-854, Journal. ' , CS AT" market, west side ; good ; very reasonable. J -9 7 8 ood location; cheap rent Journal. AtOWET TO LP AH REAL ESTATE 27 6u'R Installment ""plan is the best and surest 4 , method of paying a loan. 1" 812.26 per month for $6 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or j $16.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Otaer amounts In proportion. Wa loan on improved city property. Or tor building .purposes. )W commission charged. PQUITABLB SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION ?-." as j atari st., roruana ur. . PAt OFF THE MORTGAGE ea year city home on easy Installments with 10 years' time to repay; fully protected by life In surance under Home Purchase Plan of the Equit able Li! a Assurance Society, interest 6 per eent; no commission. See Mr. Strong, Equitable office. Oregonian bldg. - $lt0, $400, $500. $750, $1000 and up. lowest interest rates. Liberal re-payment prifUegsa. No delay. , GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. - i 631 Chamber of Commerce BUTLDING loans on city or suirburban property; atoney advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beak. 116 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. 150, $850. $400. $5007 $050. $75). $1000 ad larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 lasm. Com. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mort gage; no commission. P. O. Box 873. M&BTQAGB Una. $ and 7 Louis Salomon Co., 408 Selling bldg. UOHET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES . 87 Salary LOANS Chattel v WE LOAN MONET On short notice to salaried or worklngman oa their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly eoatidenttal. I NO. MORTGAGE NO NDORSER . ". ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITX ',. 'We also loan on household furniture, pianos, 'eta. without removal, h T " .. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. t COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. r 218 Failing bldg. it J.. mTT3 . o m mhmuu neeu iviuney oee us t i .' SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on sslary or fixed in ' - eons, oa household furniture, pianos, diamonds aad other 'personal property; legal rates. Boui- nessi confidential ; private offices. ', - - PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. ';"-'' -i Licensed. "' 806-807 Dekum bldg. '. PORTLAND REliKDIAL LOAN ASSN. Est lisbed by Portland business men to protect .'''' borrower. -f.iYERS HERMAN, Mgr.. 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS. . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 2 LOANS WASTED "l WANTED-T-MONEY ON IMPROVED 89 PROPERTY ' 8300 on fine houseboat tod furniture. yeses 'fe. .. .Feed W. German Co. 782 Cham! of Com. FINANCIAL tl LIBERTY BONDS BOUG HT t ash for any amount. "i . ELWOOD WILES CO.. J 281 United States National Bank bldg. - Open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. '' .-' LlBEfiTY-BONDS BOCGHT. "j) ""i-we pay eaah. Open Saturday evenings. ; ' CILLARS-MURTON CO.. 726 Oasce Bldg. mrS. LIBERTTBDNDS B1 pay cash. 653 PtttteX block. ' CASH for Liberty bonda H. L. Morton. 446 . . ewierlock Bldg.. 3d st , coraer Oak. ' Open- SAtnrday evening. : . CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS It L, Murtoo, 446 Sherlock bldg.. 3d St., eovnsci -tjaa. t.rpen patnrqay evenings. LNSTMENTn loans, notes, mortgages. H. Lewis. 80S Lewis bldg. Msr. 1S3S. f. : HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC li 8 SETS of heavy double work harness. 2 sets ' ; single ' harness ; a good ranch team cheap. aex.dvwro, t Dioca east ai union ave. $75 i-boaod . 6-year-old riding-driving horse. - b a mesa, ruooer nrea onggy, ngnr, naes, 120. M),; 1S at . Montavuia car. (IX el -teem of farm marea very cheap. 1029 - lamnm st howse's and .wagons tor reat by the day, single ti.eu. er ooooie g, aaa rront. Main 2208. Dt A D" horsea and animals hauled away free. Ca3 Woodlawn 10. Portland Rendering On. ifiiAU stock taken quick. Cash paid for dead eowe and eriipled Loraes. Tabor 4201. TAKES ranch horeel . harness and waana. 4ha eereial farm wagons cheap, 880 Front HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC " 18 DANDY. : pair of email moletv good : team of iee uui r aeavi u voap uui 1( uw of-aarnow, wagone. bnnies and saddles, r ebeai opi Uke cattle or mlUt oat la rront St. . SALE or exc hence, draft hones, dririns bones. saddle), horsea and moles; harness and waons of all daacriptimu; 'ererythinc caarantead as rep resented. bil Soetter, Crows Stablsa, y28S Front et ' - -' THBEB yoanc well broken hones, also- waoa - aad 2 aeU harnsas; will taka good aatomo bile or Tacant JoW-; CV A.'ABosecrsiC-Oregon Cttr. Oretren. Phone Paeifia 84W. B-160. $180 TAKES a pair,of 2400 lb. ranch teanT. harm ess and farm wagon. - su front sc. Also one rubber tired , buggy. Trial allowed. cheap. FOB ' HIRE Hursea and wagons, single or -don ble, for city or farm use. Best aooommooa -Hons to transient, prices right. Open day aad ight. Crown Btabke, 288 Front St., 284 1st at. A TEAM of work mares, weight 2400 lbs.; bar ttass aad wagon; price. $85; also good fresh eow. Call at 663 K. 28th st, 8. . FOR SALFi Team and harness; cheap. Bodoey are. Wdt 415. 29 LIVESTOCK IS AUCTION SALE The Ridge dairy, second farm from Cornell road on Skyline boo. le ys rd. 8 miles from city hall, Portland, Or. Take Cornell road from Portland, Toes., Sept. 24,11 a. m. 14 milch cows. Holitein. Guernsey, Dor hsm. Jersey, 9 fresh; 2 yearling heifers. 2 hones. 2 milk wssons. surrey. 200 to 800 bot tles, buckets, milk crates, milk cooler. . inco-J bator, brooder, food mixer, lot machinery, 80 White Leghorn bens. Mrs. S. Keamanoritx, owner: Cot W. B. Wood, auctioneer. Van coUTcr, Wash. A FINE fresh eow and a week -old calf aad 2 other oows coming fresh toon; also a team of faicn mares, weight 2400 lbs,; harnese and wagon; price $85. Call at 632 E. 28th st. WoodstocK car, FIVE freeh cows for sale. or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver ear to Colombia bird, go 2 blocks north; aJSo 20 head of stock hogs. PfR SALE At a baraain. dairy. 15 cows. 2 lioram. wscon. oood retail route, standing crop; place near city for rent. Inquire Kelley's store. Sylvan. Or. FOH SALE One Guernsey milch eow 6 years old. one Jersey heifer calf 4 months. 860 East 72d st N.. Montanila. JERSEY cow, 4 yr. gentle, good eondftion; reasonable. xl. J5. O. E. R. R. Goodfellow. Byan Place, TWO fresh cows with- calves by side and cows coming fresh soon. 1681 West Anna. St. Johns car. THOROUGHBRED hornless Toggenberg billy for services. Col. 271. 1868 Woolsey St. A rilOROCUHBRED Toggenberg buck. Uora- lerai. for service. Phone Marshall 279. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey eow. Ash. BOth and E. FOR SALE 4 milk goats and 2 kids. Swiss . goats, at 209 H 3d St.. Hood River, Or. 03 NICE, gentle Jersey cow, rich milk. 795 E. 78th st. N. . Phone Tabor 6559. FRESH cow for sale. H E. 83d st, S. 2 DRT cows for sale or trade. SeUwood 1198. POULTRY, PIGEOWS, PET STOCK $7 GET resdy for your spring breeding now. I have 20 thoroughbred White Leghorn cock erels for $S each, from Hanson's prise winning stock. The parent stock averaged 219 eggs. A sister pullet laid ber first egg at age of 4 months and 7 days. Wisteria Poultry Acres, 1101 Simpson st. Wdln. 8269. CASH PRODUCE CO. WE BUT AND SELL Pigs. dogs, poultry of all kinds, produce, etc 155 Front Main 4882. SALE ON POULTRY Livestock, rabbits, dogs, puppies, hens, pullets. pigeons, etc. Cash Pro. Co., cor. Front and Mor rison. 150 THOROUGHBRED year old R. I. Red laying hens, R. L Red. Barred Rock pullets, $1 to $1.65. 145 E. 81st st. N. Montavilla cat- FOR SALE 200 t year old select thorough- bred White Leghorn laying hens, Tancred strain. Take as many as you like. 1645 Miss. eve. WHITE LEGHORN pullets, April and May hatch, $1.00 to $1.25 each: come look them over early. 6305 4 2d it.' 8. E. FOR 8ALE 69 White Leghorn pullets, hatched May 1. $1.60 each. Sellwood 3211. THREE thoroughbred Leghorn cockerels for ale. 622 Holgare ft. Phone Sellwood 1168, DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 4$ BEAUTIFUL Persian kfttens from registered stock ; reasonable. Box 22. Hillsdale, Or. Main 5460. FOR SALE Registered pore- blood Walker hound pupa For particulars Gabriel, Waterloo. Or., R. TL 1. write Geo. FOR SALE cheap, 1 Setter bird dog; thorough ly broke on pheasants; good retrievers. Phone 71 O R. 3209 W street, Vancouver, Wash. HELL or trade for anything I can use. thor oughbred French poodle puppies, $10. . Tabor 7449. FOR SALE, eiant rabbits, all sizes: they are the large kind. 689 Depauw St., near Uni versity. Phone Columbia 1108. WHITE and brindle pit bull puppies for sale cheap; thoroughbreds. Bdwy 2108. CHOICE Belgian and New Zealand does, each. 3928 42d et. S. E. HIGH class Irich Water Spaniel dogs, for sale. Box 51, Multnomah, Or. NEW ZEALAND rabbits, chickens snd swine furniture for sale. 207 Gibbs st.. city. FOR HALE Male Lewellyn setter 1 year old. Inquire Geo. Rock, care W. P. Fuller A Co. SOME nice big Flemish Giant and New Zealand does, cheap. 621 K. Polk St., St Johns. AUT MOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 MOTOR8. Gearings. Bearings, Wheels. Axles and Trailers We wreck all makes of ears and sell their good parts at half price. David Hodea Co., Broadway and Flanders st. Broadway 190. FOR SALE Dodge roadster. Best of condi tion 'See car at 190 N. 2 2d st. Phone Main 214 3 . FOR SALE Ford 5 passenger, run about 200 miles, good as new; will take Liberty bonds, an or part. 048 m. fine. GOOD Ford touring car for sale cheap. . Call East VO between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. Call evenings Tabor 7872. FOR SALE 2-ton truck at a bargain, and job goes with it. W. F. Hankei. Phone 144 Vancouver, wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6 passenger car in good condition. Phone Marsh. 1823, after 6 p. m. 1918 7-PASS. Studebaker 6. DeLuxe model, 95 new. $1500, or will trade en bungalow, nor. over sjuuu. mono tit oJ9. REO 4 light delivery tor tale cheap; can be used for express business. Call .East 750S titer o p. m. FOR SALE. 1916 Maxwell runabout, first class condition; good tires, demonstrate. Knignt Garage, 741 Alberta st Woodlawn 1441. DELIVERY truck for sale cheap, or trade for horses or cows. Call at 894 H Gladstone av.. Woodstock car. FOR SALE; 5 passenger 1915 verland. electric iignts ana starter; good condition; $325 126 Florida st Phone Main 1189. NEW 2-ton ; truck for sale cheap: nart monthly payments if desired. Tehmhnn Vf-i 1792 or address W-701, TiUe A Trust bldx. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PER GALLON morlcating uiis and Greasea. Pioneer Paint Co., 186 1st st. DUBRUILLE TOP CO., 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664. BARGAIN Regal roadster, good running con dition, good tires and top. $250. 1537 Curtis are. Wdln. 4218. FOR SALE Ford roadster, first class condi tion, tires nearly new, shock absorbers. Price $350 rash. Tabor 3525. FOH SALE, 1017 Chevrolet roadster, good con dition : reasonable. Phone Columbia BUS. 905 Willamette blvd. CHEVROLET 1917, demountable rims, extra ure and rim, spot right, first class condition save dealers.' commission. Main' 4707 after 0. G M. C. 2-ton truck with body, like new; $1750, terms. The White company. Park e Couch sts. TO SETTLE estate, will sell 5 pass. Cadillac cheap. 33 N. 17th t Bdwy, 1287 days. WILL sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car, $800. Phone Woodlawn 5589. FOB SALE. 1917 5 pass. Ford. A-l condition: all new -tires; $525. Phone Tabor 8845. FOR BALE New 1918 7 passenger. 6 cylinder oiuaeoaser. rnone wootliawn 6608. 1917 CHEVROLET, in A-l condition. 4 brand new tires. Call . Tabor 680. l"OR good motor car repairing call East 1800. Mnrrymeaa uarage uo,. 717 Hawthorne are. FOR SALE- Extra good used tires, most sixes. ourraay, aionaay ana evenings. . 41 .Grand av, SPOT cash paid for used cars. Dealers' Used m tacnnng nouse. ijranq are. trio. K. stark. ii tiu,iuLii, run S9V9 jnil condition. This is a snap. ' EayJ 1 2 13, FOH sale or trade for anvthine I . 1 u. ton truck, new. C. B. Miners. 6th and Ghana. WH sell my ,1917 MaxweU cneap. X-81S. 2Li MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring ear ones. S-614. JoarnaL , FOR SALE Auto body and too. - 44 Aibina av. FORD solo lot tale, 211 Wasbingtoa st 41 remember; we;,are-the , PIONEER .. ;-" ' (wIm in ante. We have' a One assortment in used eats and ft would par- jo to look theai 191T Cad iliac touring, newly ' painted Khaki brows and top to natch; $2500. . ? f 1917 rem.e y in good shape, looks like sew; price $2500. ' 1915 Cadillac. cord tires . all round and one extra tire; $1400. s. 191$ Cadillac, newly - painted, run lees than 16.000 miles (sod rusa on pavement; price $650. 1917 Cole sedan; price $880. 1916 Dodge tooting ear; price $750. '. t 1917 Dodge -tearing car. new tires all around, r , new top, engine in good condition; price . ' $950. - - 1914-Reo, electric Ughta and starter, everything in good shape and, a good buy; $550. - 1917 Overland Club roadster: price $800. 1916 Dodge roadster; price $700. 1917 Mitchell Chummy roadster: price $1250. FORD DELIVERIES , 1918 Ford delivery, overhauled shape; $550. 1917t Ford delivery; $480. 1915 Ford delivery; $400. and in good COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, 21st and Washington. Phone Main 6244, USED AUTOMOBILE S TERMS GIVEN 1917 Chevrolet 5 past $ 67$ 1916 Ford 5 pass 450 1917 Mitchell 5 pass., 6 cyl.... 1250 1916Mitchell 6 pass., 6 cyl .900 1915 Mitchell 5 pass., 4. cyl 600 1915 Stearns 2 pass.. 6 cyl... J200 1912 Rambler 5 pass.. 4 cyl 200 2 ton track with top. 1250 Several others to select from. Used Car Dept. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVEB CO.. East Morrison at First st. Phone East 7272. . B-1216. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. P The por-tabie A kind save you I money. See sam- Mw pie at 544 Hex at. Main 118 Millmade Construction Co. SiSSSr, 8ea;n- 7 """"fer, used very UtUe. $1000 less than new price: would take -' m cnge. . icrms responsible cartv. PAUL 8TAIGER Sc. 9th and Conch. CO.. Broadway 064 NEW TIKES What brand of new tires do yon prefer? We have them, all makes and sisea. Also we make . the famous O-V-C Double Tread - , iseweuf ores ana ao all manner w u, ,cvuu. vjciv, - vifT'ieing o., 833-835 Bomside near Broadway.' LAHER Ufa. A Repairs. S0OO enarantiMKl aithn n stock; prices reduced. $4 N. 16th et. 1918 CHEVROLET for $675. run about 4800 miles. 4 new tires: no money or internet re quired until next March if good security is given. Can be teen any time. Owner at home after 6 p.m. 642 Delay st. $525 CASH Balance of $750 on terms. 1918 MaxweU. 3 new tires, insurance, extra equipment. $1075 value. Call Bdwy. 2S28. ONE series 18 Studebaker four touring: run two thousand miles: in perfect condition. Part monthly payments if desired. Call Main 1702 or address W-701. Title A Trust bldg. FOR SALE Tire; complete new Flak plain tread. 81x4, casing, inner tube and extra rim. never used; $30. H. R. Brooks, Mt Pleasant, Wash. CASH paid for old cars, condition no obieet partt for all makes of ears. Oregon Auto Ex-, change. izv Lownsoaie at lotu and Washington. Broadway zona. BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICES RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAB CO., 21st and Washington sts. Main 6J44. FOR BALI: 1917 Grant Bix; $725. if taken by Sunday p. m.: 4 practically new tires. Car in first class condition. Phone Sellw. 8789 oi E. 294. , ,1918 VELIE, like new. 5 good tires, $1400; terms, i-au x.asi xo. APTOMOBIXES ACCESSORIES BRINGING UP FATHER I NrfWT XOO TO ET DRC-i-oEO I f it MUW ix ' I II ' 1 WANT S ACVroBE JM'i'i 1 CL. SrclrFW VAJST j COMFORT SMfL J5wL OtEE 0 LIKE THAT- - W OCHTt." ffiB? ' WWSt ' , . V 1 50PP0TE I'LL WlWMfa r " " I (" MV 1 11 I r :, I : ' k j& Cir f.jlU ' AFTER AU- " l v AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES '44 v ' ; ' ' WE vy ill accept -your Liberty bonds at full value on any of our large stock of used cars-.- : Ton'eao choose here a dependable used ear whtah wiU be ronaing along after today's new. cheap car.it ia the junk heap. 1918 FORD touring, ros. boat- 100 miles ,i. ;.... ....... .;......$ S25 1917 Ford touring. whSe H lasts : 468 1947 Ford, self starter, full equipment. , 600 We have a few mora Fords in good shape. at any reasonable price. - r . 1916 Chevrolet, bumper, special tens. ... 600 Overland, touring, lata model. . Free Studebakerav all models, from $400 - to - . . . . . ..-,.-... Briscoe touring late model 728 Jackson touring, best shape. 600 Rmlnl-retn llrht deliver ....... . 850 MaxweU toorina. late model, 700 CadiCae touring, cord tires. .......... $00 1917 Franklin, rune like new-. Maxwell special,, needs some work 379 IJherty chummy, 8 cords, new paint.... 1450 Briscoe delivery, 09 new. oversise tires 950 W. H, WALLINGFORD Brotraway 2492, Distributor Liberty Bix. Premier Six, Briscoe Cars. - Parrett Farm Tractors. 22 Alder. virinTE. MGR. USED CAR DEPT. $500 CASH 7 pass. Speedwell, new tires, new to raze battery; fine condition and a good locking car. Call Woodlawn 2404. ATJTOM OBILES LASTED 7$ BIRDHELL No. 6 clover huller. run abort seasons, tn A-l scape, varae aouv; rraae lor light touring ear or sheep. . G. N, Hesgard, N'ewberg, Or. - WANTED Used car in exchange for painting or reDairme tioose. Vali evenings, u 12th st. East 8640. . WE buy automobiles of ail ainda if prices re . right. - Murraymeaa u a rage kx., 1 1 zsaw thorne eve. WANTED Ford or other light car must be in aood condition: will pay cash. Call Sell wood 3227, or 720 H Milwaukie st. WANTED Light runabout. Call Woodlawn B207. . AUTO wanted. Lot in exchange. Call East 6798. 564 Union are. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, eondi- tion no object, 121 W. Bd st. nawy. -oxw. WANTED Ford roadster body. Tabor 1928. AUTOS FOR HIRE tl AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing A Robnett, City Garage, 86 10th. Between 8tark and Oak. Broadway 840. 7 PASSENGER ear. shopping, sight seeing or anywhere, $8 per hour. Phone Marshall $285. C. R. Lane. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCH MAN A SULLIVAN. MAR8H. 222 10TH AND YAMHILL A-l 288 COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO 8ERV ICE. We do taxi work. Main 228. FINE 7 pass. Hudson, careful, experienced driver. Phone Marshall 2329. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLER $25. REWARD for return of light weight twin Indian motorcycle. 1917 model; license num ber A 39; engine number 30 1 057; magneto 161825. B. J, Hand, 75 Grand ave, N. East 6382. IN THE DRAFT Sell bicycle cheap. 128 1st near Alder. MOTORCYCLE, perfect condition, folly equipped, $135. Cesh or Liberty bonds. East 3912 260 E. 22d St. FOR SALE One bicycle, in fine condition. Phone East 8691. or call at 672 East Taylor. BICYCLE, (torn owner, for qash. nal. V-478. Jour- LAUKCHES AXXJ BOATS 84 FOR SALE Good S room houseboat: $225, 492 E. Burnside or East 7654. PLA3VOS, ORQAW3. MU8ICAJL INSTRUMENTS 84 I HAVE a new talking machine that will revolutionize tbe phonograph industry. Don't buy 'till you have teen me. . HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 884'Ytmhm. HOBART M. CABLR, Uke new 8287 Weber, same as new 889 Easy Terras. HAROLD a GILBERT. 884 Yamhill. $281.25312 cash. $6 monthly still boys new . improved 1918 model pianos at the Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. at Wash, et PHONOGRAPH, davenport, piano stool; good - condition: cheap. Woodlawn 2789, evenings, after 5 o'clock. $215 CASH buys new stored upright piano, at Security Storace . 109 4th st. . Why pay 9875 st local piano stores, WANTED GOOD FOR BARGAIN PIANO. PAY ALL CASH CALL MARSHALL 6246. CABINET talking machine wanted; must be a bargain; pay cash. Y-441, Jonrnal. PIANO wanted; must be bargain lars. O-970. Journal. Give particu- pay cash, for need pianos and band instru ment. Seiberling-Locai Music Co., 125 4th WANTED Piano, F-948. Journal. any condition, for cash. ONE- phonograph, gooil condition, $5. Wood lawn 2789. evenings, after 5 o'clock. (Coprright. 5H 8. International Newt PLASOH. ORGAJTS, MTJSICAJ. IH8TRITKE9T8 - - - SI 6ECURITT 8TORAGE CO. will alosa oat: - 1 tr"" tpngu szis nsse-tss cess 1 en eare 8859 piaae 868 eaah. 1 French upright glOO" piano $78 eaah, 1 Marshall as Wendell nn. $$$0 pkas $16$ - Elbarn wpright $878 plan $195 cash. I Kinrbaa apnght $456- piano $210 eaah. a stored new 1918 mdla. 64Sv piano 6268 . 4 stored new 19 IB tad 6478 plana 8299 cash 1 Weber player-$ 7 SO piano $845 eaah, 1 1917 Modal player 8880 piano 8485 eaah. 1 Part eaah. bonda ar other eeeorkiee accepted. Piaaoa bcaght nl told foe aesa and stored for 60s monthly. 109 4th st. at Waahtngtoa St. PHONOGRAPHIC , BARGAINS Deal tat any talking machines or records until yoa see s -"- ' We Will Save You Money Lareast stock of records. nhorMarrapbe. string andband Instruments ia the city. ' Bought Sold and Exchanged NEWMAN'S BECORD EiUHANOE, 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4498. TTPERITEBS 71 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. "sU makes." told' on ssootbjy paymenta, Bead tor price ttst. The Wbotesaie Typewruer vs., ra Uil dept.. 821 Washington et. KEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent sppUeaU porcnase; viuibie moaets. REMINGTON . TXPfi WRITER CO.. 88 Broadway.- . ' Broadway 4621, TYl'EWRITEH. vtsiMe. long carriage, exeellcnt condition, very reasonable. Address T-912 Journal. ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewrite ua. 4A etn. Main teas REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.,; 110 eta, . HODSEHOLB GOOD- FOR SALE 6a FURNITUREBRQKERAGE 20jMsdiaon Iron beds. $1.78: Vpriugi.. $1.78; ma ttr tests. 82.75; dresser. 86.T5: enok stoves. $8.50; ranges, $12.75: dining tablev $6.50; library tables. $7.60; kitchen eabio4and top. $9.75; steel concbes, $6; mltatioa leather oooch. 810.50; oak buffet, $18.50; chiffonier. $9.75 heaters. $1.50; . high oven aaa range. $16.50 chain, $1: center tables, 75e. Also included are china cabinets, ruga: in fact, everything all uiinnj wiiii oia jcuow lag. REAL BARGAINS Two practically new Axminster rugs. 9jl 2 una tapestry rug, 8-9x10-6. $14; $17.50 cotton felt mattresses, $14.76: real bargains in oeos. a reuse rs, etc latt oerr low rent store once. ii wui, no or interest to you. WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURN. CO.. 88-90 Grand Ave.. Bet. E. Wash, and Stark gts. Take Notice We still have lota of good bareaina left in second hand household goods. They must all go by October 1. MONNEB FURNITURE CO.. 83 Grand are. FURNITURE of 7 loom ihouae. in excellent condition, new. gardtn already in. evarvthine ju.iv reaay wt wa in. rnce reasonable. 2S8 l atn st. ' Some Good Buys at the 0, K. FURNITURE SHOP Repairing a specialty. Cor. 1st and Clay. FURNITURE in completely furnfehed 6-room apartment lor sale, including 8teinwav rrfsn, Morris chairs, desk, kitchen utensils. Tabor 2518. FOR SALE Polished oak dining table, 6 ft extension, used very tittle. 14 Belle Court. Marnaii 0707. FURNITURE of 6 W. Wygant st. room house for sale. 124 KITCHEN cabinet and ruga. Woodlawn 1056. 1447 Mallory st. FOR SALE- -Furn tailings in 10-room furnUhH H- K. tobh, ail full. Phone Main 1155. FOR SALE- 1 extension table, 1 bedstead 1 gas range. 2 heating stoves. 15 E. 9th st. 8. FURNITURE of 7 room house. , 633 Flanders, J MACHIKEEY 81 FOR SALE 635: A 15 inch power band saw machine, nearly new. Can use foot power also. Man ton Co., Boston, makers. Call Mar. 8172, evenings. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1$ HOT water tanks, all sixes, in good," serviceable condition. $0 gaL $7. 40 gaL $9. 201 Adams st. East end Steel Bridge. Phone E. 8616. MUST be sold for storage charges, roll top desk. Remington typewriter, adding machine, check protector. 128 1st near Alder. PRINTING FOR LESS 600 envelopes or 600 bond letterheads, 82.75; beat work; prompt delivery: try oa. Smith. Printers. 264 Stark et. WHISKEY Kegs and barrels for sale; no country orders taken. Panama Cooperage Co... 228 Front st. FOB SALE Cheap, one range and one plate. Phone Wdln. 5004. gas ONE small crib, baby walker, rest chair, 800 E. 39th st. TWO 36x4 1 used cuinga! 1385 Division, Tabor 6603. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $12.60 up Taylor the Tailor, 289 Vk Burnside. NEW jewelry exchanged for old gold or paid for same. N. Solomon, 833 Morrison. FOR SALE Range with thermometer on oven. Tabor 9059. 12 NICE rabbits; also set of carpenter's toots. 3805 64th rt. PRINTING press, 8x12 California Jobber. $60. Rose City Printery. VACUUM cleaner sold, repaired, rented, e? changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 8382. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Davis Co.. 212 3d st Main 787. Stark- A IX)NG sealskin coat, suitable for making .short coat or coatee, $40. Tabor 9438. FOR SALE; 12x14 12 oa. tent, 8 ft wall, nearly new. C. B. Miners, 5th and Glisan. FOR SALE Fluff rug, good as new. East 41 JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS,. Rain 8382. service.) gy George McMaiius It .. - WE ALA ILK AND 8ULX. . . , . . N all o n a U Cash Registers and Credit Rlesv a wan chargee. Old aired, rabailt. J. R. Mummai Aent' THE W ATTOMAL CASH SEGTSTTTS Y1. 890-92 Stark Street. . HreefWay -4916. SPEEDOLlNE This marvelous preparation inereaiot mileage a to 40 : iacreasea power of motor earboa deposits; proloners life af aaotor. Thrift demands the nee of H; $1.60 invested in Speed oune eaves vaore than 9 worth -of gasoline. Guaranteed as represented. - Speedolina Agency, lii Jiermwsatera Bank bids. Teaneaaee and Port Orford cedar, copper trimmed; latest designs; factory prices.- Factory Uliaan. bet. 76th and 76th. Tabor 80s. Electric Motors Bought, told, rented and repaired Walker Electric Works. 418 Burn tide, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. 10 00TN drophead sewing machines with IWlW attachments .-all axe in vers aood eeaditioo. Sewtea msehinm -rented at S3 ner month. Phoae Kaet 2369. or B-3307. U. Btoen, 162 Grand are., near Belmont. ALL machlnee told for lees; no agents are employed; machines vnted. repaired. A-3626. Maia 9481. Sewing Machine Emporium, saw so. sr., aear Taylor. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Typewriters" and "Honaebold Goods" are eeparata classifioatioos. AD advertisemettu of these goods are pabbabed under their respective claasificarioaa. LOOK THEM OVER B12.50 to $15 USED DROPHEAD SEWING UADHUKS uaaranteeo. we rent Snd repair. 171 8d st. Main 184a. A-1818 Phoae frIifrii.i fr- G. I- KchrnMler CABLE Broadway 2079 Res.Wdln.lB5U 448 Flanders. Portland. Or New and second band ill list Any amount. Watch Repairing Specials ,J"S?,1.,B1-00"' Jl ; main spring. 50c. RELN GOLDS. JKWEr.ETta 111 1TH T j AuTGHOBlLElTilbtORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or Doers are eenarate elefitin. a b ibuh can oe lonna anaer taeee dilfercnt claseiri- caoona. FOR SALE 26 inch band saw. 2 blades, one . " in., sweep pattern maker's lathe com piete. aacoaver Furniture Mfg. Co., E. 6th st,, vancoover. WUI an evarlastflie umetHm te e lk-e mil Why not a permanent and indestructible rooff We oxidise and renew all kinds of leaky roofs. lonraey wg. stain agsa. FOR SALE Heating store, coal or briquettes, has been little used. Also Perfection oi neater. Both perfect condition. 867 Schuyler oemr i nion. TWO tailor-made suits. one black seree. the also other black cloth; sixes 88 and 40; trunk. Main 8842. apartment 545. FOE SALE Wicker baby carriage, collapsible cart, large gaa range in perfect condition, heating stove, 9x12 Smith's Axminster rug. z.. noes. KEED baby carriage and gocart, good as new 4863, at 496 K. 27th N APPLES, fall butter and sugar pears, 40 to 75c box; chickens. Douglass farm, hi mile south of Truutdale. FURNITURE WANTED 74 GEVURTZ FURNITURE ' STORE 206-207 First St WILL PAY TOP PRICES for old and used furniture, stoves, carpets, rugi and anything in household goods. Office furni ture special. We also exchange your old furniture for new Nothing too small or too large. CALL MARSHALL 587 Onr buyer will call at ones. Read Important Read we carry a greater aasornnent of new aad Toed merchandise than any store in tbe dry. There it hardly an item we do not buy end sell. We specialise in shelf and heavy hard ware, sporting goods, honaebold goods, office fur niture, hotel and camp supplies. When yoa have anything to buy or sell, call or phone. Main 9072 A-7174. LEVIN' HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO.. 221-8-5 Front et.. Cor. Salmon. GALLMMNI If you wish highest to obtain price for your used furniture, stoves, earpeta. WIuHTMAN-JOliNSON. FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand ave.. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used lurnltare. car pets, stoves, ranges, etc We call promptly Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Maia 8832. CUT freight rales oa household good shipped East and Sooth; Manning Warehouse A Trans fer Co.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 70S. A-l 793. P AQU paid for furniture, stoves, ranges beat VyAOM ere. earpeta, ruga, dressers, etc. Phone Marshall 2675. HartxeU Furniture Co., 841-46 1st POR lALE-MlSCELLAKEOCS aeam. Ma- mtssnt r " " " ' sTrneagea . .. . i WOULDN'T IT BUMP YOU? ISIT A QUIET I k1 Rc1kViU& I - .. " . g i5Ur5Urrwvr4iLi AMD Ye i , HOW0UT IT IS- rFYoiio Jtl&MCOR' lkV40DR f9 TARTy A AVP AutrtitE. IPRACT OH IK m t 11 . TV v. i i u 1.73771 I rri S ' I u j iit'swi a v i i vi -nxiri . ii t- hxj ' l - f. l i 1 f I ? Tv r rfV7 Yl B 1 67 w n J t U,. I I I MERCY) MCwtTw6A- VMMWB i - , iwW Slf-nmnninwimiH .ggrn mr:: i6 rA s 't-i tfjrj x r rv,z?cmz erjL'Sjr yv rri 1 i w Mvv f y$t v; s?2zl m . iTrAV . ,v-- . ah. -TkAri -rVe,TiM WHCIM IVUKC IN A - ta&ah: Hfcvtiy .Tficm ifrv : tn u r : ash r i rrr. r. - TiT- -i - i if nil uii v i7trtM . - m r s I v ilUJI gw ' : - ' K gi I Mi iiTrx - , ; iv V-"x. , i Ml OWL FURNITURE CO. - 804 rint We want year aaad raraitaae, eteiea, aarpeta aad pmnea. WiU pay high set eaah arisen, Call Mara 46M. ,J ll toet GQfi HUh-t' peiee. rTTo. V II laoi JJiwmm tarnrrare, a SBTthine SB bceashpU goo. Wa id ro ratter tor new. SWAP COLUXX II FINE toned violin: 878; win trade for eel lei. -r what have yoa I C rrtereoa. Ill X. llth t HAVE w trade for girl's bicycle. J-80J. JoarnaL NEW $8r milch roe phoaoarap Kachaage J-728. JoarnaL f" good W ANTED MISCELLAWKOtS Charcoal Wanted eharcoal. Urge er -evaell euanUties. and experienced men to burn same. Aleo tracts of timber, any use. suitable for charcoal, aear Portland, on a road good for wiater naming. Western Reduction company. 14th A Wicolsl'eta. mm www 128 1st Dear Alder. Main 4496. Tabor 671 $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, the tailor, pays most for clothing and shoe. We call day or evening. Marshall 1229 or 229 Madison. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Phone East 994. 84-86 Grand ave. Highest prices paid for year 2d hand foraitara. Used furniture taken ia exchange for new. 12 I CL..I. Portland Front l. OlldllK. jU, Oregon. Hides Metals Rubbers. Write for prices aad shipping rare Maia 1699 Second Hand Clothing Buyer Wa pay the most for meat clothing snd fheee. Can Main 19'-$. JTJNOVMTED Maia 784 Ws pay tbe rngbest market prices lor jscus and junk of every description. MB, DRAFTED MAN. ATTENTION I FULL CASH VALI S T AID FOR ANY GOODS YOU HAVE FOR SALE. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6768. 128 FIRST. WANTED 8mall printing plant in which is included a 10x15 Chandler A Price press. V-4 03. Journal. H TOBIAS pay highest prices for rank of all kirde. Call Marshall 636$. Calls promptly atteaded to. GOING East or South Honaebold goods shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 701. WANT Winchester or Remington 12 gauge pump run. Cash. S, M. Arbackle, 527 Waihineton at. HIGHEST price paid tor aiamonda. watches and old gold. Oliver. 122 2d st lea. sm Id st. Hochfield. 85 Phoae Maia S6C1. NOTICES XI wnTii'K fiv RAvn .UK OF BOND K (STICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that the board af directors of tbe Hood Elver IrrigaOoB dis trict, in Hoed River county. Oregon, will sell general refunding bonds of mid district la the principal sum of One Hundred Sixty-eevea Thousand Llars l8167.000.06) aa Tuesday. the 1st day of October, 1616, at the boar of 2 a 'clock, d. m.. at tbe of floe of mid board at Oak Grove store ta mid district, and that aeated proposals for the purchase of mid boads wfll be receive by eaid beard at said place until the day and hour above mentioned, at which time tbe board will open the proposals and award mid bonds to the highest responsible bidder, the board reserving the right ta reject aay end all bids. Said beads so to be told ta be gea Usbie refunding -ends of the Hoed River Irri gation district ia the principal sum of One Hun dred Sixty-eevea Thousand Dollars 16167.' to retire and pay oft the present outstanding bonded indebtedness of said district Said bonds to be dated October 1st, 1919, bear interest at tbe rate ot six per cent i6Te) per annum, payable semi-annually, oa the lirst days el Jenuary and July of each year, and maturing aerially, commei-eing with the sixth year afur data thereof ia annual s mounts of Eight Thou sand Dollars ilsUUU 0UI until aa of said bonds are paid. All proposals mast be unconditional and be accompanied by aa unooodltloaal certified check lor 86000 00 payable to tbe Secretary af the Hood River Irrigation district. All bidders are requested to turuJeh estfe faetory evidence of their ability to proasptiy deliver lor pe lent aad cancel la tioe a eab-ri-.j-i aortioa ut the eutstaadiag beads ef eaid district x. be relaaded tram tae proceeds ef this issae. Bale and delivery of beads subject ta ap. rovei of Capital Issues committee at Federal Reserve board. By order of tbe beard ot directors. F. FENW1CTC . Secretary Hood River lrrigattor District BIDS ill be let for the entire output of the Lake Creek Dairy association cream at rs lac li ly, October 7. For information write O. A. Thomiwon. Rlachly. Zl'MBRO COURT. 20th and Wash. Name J. M. Whelan, changed from Orlando Apts. Mgr . PERSONAL II Eli. G V. Ketchom. woman maladies and acute diseasea ot men. Washington bidg.. 4th and Washington. Phone Marshall 448. GOITRE, enlarged glands, people cure them- eelves permencaUy. A. atrecnea. novo. or.. K. 6. . DB- O. H. HUTHMAN. veterinarian haexeital. 415 E. 7th st S. K- 1847. B-1962. Dew and horses clipped. j I Consultation FREE. Maia 4993. j Lawyer semng wdg i FACE MASSAGfc. dandruff, nemos scalp, mole I removed. 230 Filed ner bldg Broadway 1688 j MRS. WRIGHT Palmistry, card reading and i spiritual teacher. 860 H Morrison. Boom 414. I nUN'V rr4WHgMYV v A rVRKITUBE TATAJITE - Vr4j PA '---t I r -w V I $T I I II An rf-1M bT."V Fey III f .k, WT JLTsX VA .A " r I lj I Srfmm3ZJi HI f jAJ . A 17 I I r j I mi 1 1 j ,iooij5P!5Qv. WAVi",i i ' PESSOXAL - v ' tl DR. , AUcfc ' WttXCTlEACf 1 aPCHT. ; lliea eeuy. ia to p. m. 41S-414 o aaaa aide. . Faoeu neck aad baet dwvekieana. ' aantaet Be.! be, rednatioa of cLaSI Af A AAVtiiU " ' I aolictt year patrswage on the ot eaoeble aarvieev . Taow eaaF ef t t W. Oaodmaa. eeometnet. XOg Morrana at. CoUat lii ana get both yoar lees fixed an good for 81 by Dr. Eataa. the CHlROroDlat that seal hart yoa. 6 veara n ronlua! exam. tre Globe Theatre bldg.. llUead Wash. Bdy. 18947 SPIRITUALISM Mra. M. L, La MaU. g$ 4tS et-. corner Maia. teaches nalmiatn aad 'aanl leauing; aaw susaons ia sdeooe el UPERTLC6US hair, asotaa, warta, temaved bt 19 as edit method: trial free, eeata Fiaety, 614 Ellen bidg. Call Maia 6868. . MRS. MABEi, i BARBER, spiritual medium I readings daily. 10 to 6. 146 11th sL Broa way 8269.- PR0rSSI0NAL AND; BUSINESS DIRECTORY AOOOROION PLAITIMOl HEMSTITCH IN O, 10 CENTS PER V A tV PLEATING. ALL LATEST STYLES. EAST. JtRN NOVELTY CO.. WAL 2000. $5hj FIFTH. BROAD- BLANa: book M AKKRA DA VIA A HOLMAN. INC., 10U 2d sc. biana book mannfacturera. A-l 18 1. Main 168. CAStfKT OLCANIN FLUFF RUGS From eld carpets, earpet Thtsnlng refitting; rag rags woven, all rles. NORTHWEST BUO CO. Former addraae, 188 Uaioa ava. Man otoeis solicited. Eaet 8680; B-1260. 1880 E. it aiyii?iFiiiisw.ft': Union at. N. 6310. 175, JOYCE BROS.. aectnc Cleanina Works CaT. peu cleaned and aid, refitting our specialty. East 440. B-l. 304 E. lth et. N. OHiRopftaoTona DR. McMAHON is making aood; 11 adjastaieau $13; seven. $B. Easiest terms. DR. LAURA E. DOWNING. Chiropractor. 10 years' experience. Broadway bldg. DUCATIONAk OANOINQ Manchester dancing acal;mi. es 6th at. Beeianers' classes, 10 leeeona. tl Monday and Thursday mornings, 11 o'clock ta 2 n nf Eve nines. 6 to lo.lA. Alea nrlnii leaaona. Competent tearherv Bdwy 2327. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY, 109 SECOND 8T" Ballroom and dearie dancing. Private Ueaone daily. CI aiaes Tuesday and Friday evenings. 9 to 10. Ladies free. Mam 2100. e ALTS M. BROWN, teacher ot elaasto, toe. stage and ballroom dancing. 148 18th St.. off Morrison. Phone Broadway 2555. MISS IRELAND . 10 LESSONS $5 809 TVaum bldg. Personal attention, 10 ta 9. RINGTJER Dancing Academy, leading school elaee Mob.. Wed.. Fri. eves : 8 basons. $5; private lesenns. 14th st Wssh. Bmadwsy 8860. MUSIO 60MOO4.8 AWO TKACMKB9 WHT"n4tbe a singer or musician f High ' sal ariea being paid now; acta arranged for vau deville. Columbian Musical and Theatrical Bu reau, 615 Columbia bldg. Rates reasonable. PROF. T. E. LAWSON. Su years' experience. Piano lessens st your home . 7.'Vc Tshor 7206. THIKLHORS Violin teacher, mi nil Saveik. ZUI ! leKmer pfclg. Hroadway 1B2. XP. lady, piano teacher, at your borne tor Tit per lesson. Wdln. 2858. MA It ADVgNTIgtlia CRANK LETTER CO.. 512 graphing, mimeographing. Royal bldg. Mulll Marshall RA22. J. H. CLIFTON, painting, tinting, papering. 153 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 4414. Wdln. 2126. eATIWT ATTOamV OOLlHtCKG. W2) Worceeter bkl. Main 2K2A. PRINTING F. W. BALTKS A CO., let and Oak sts. M. In".. A-116V THE IVY I'RKSS Rmedwsy 408, 882 Stark St. PHTSI0IAN8 DR. R. A. PHI1J4PS. 0i Hroadway bollding. ' Rheumatism, female dieordert. skin troubles, etomarh, liver, kidney, bowela. tbraat. goitre. high blood pre sell re. RUSBflt 6TAMWS ALSO STKNCIIJt. Trade t'liersa. Metal Slgrua. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 68 Broadway. Bmadwsy 710. A-2710. TRANSna. AND STONAQI OREGON TRANSFER CO. KeteMBhed 1870. Transfer snd Forwarding Ageuta. Storatw Free Trackage. Office and Storage 4 74 Gliean. lh end Gliaan. Broedwsy 1281. A-1169. ALWAYH "PlfK" THK UEHT HOMCKHOUl GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing, thipptng and moving. Horse and ante vans. Special rales to all peirtta C 'O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. Second and Pine. Broadway 696. A-1996. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S, MORSE, INC. 1426 Flanders street PACKING MOVING ATO RAGE SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO 10. Park St Main 619. A-10M. WATCH WtPAIWIWO filGHUf pTCet paid lor old watches and yew.' airy CeadrOoa ao obieet Repatrtag a speoiai. ty Reiner Jewelry Co.. 449 Waahtegtoa st M. H. PACKOl'Z. watchee. diamonds. Jewelry. Fine watch repairing. 275 Morrison at By F. Opper Out ha TArCaTA VOUC 'u UAVF TO WvMTE AM vMpOCTAmT ICTTrlC KV-TrWlls l 6TU4' ThK. VttOHBORS CAriil IHtA:Yu..TME IA eOUTivetrl 4.6T Tvs'F - M JsAVOMt r muvt 1 AROUN9 . C VI aT "T II4X .TS fe-.Me:ni . X