tttt? nPTrnOTI. RIIMDAY . TOURNAI,. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1918. ' rTnMnwiL.tWACCF,8OBng If ; Ui$ iiXii. 4 a-oa .jii-v si.., term. cn East 1962. -, - ! : . lOB 'fciLt 6vr!nd roadster, nwjy lt4 ; iVflHinti(ll, fall SeUwood 1837. I ' CLaSSi ord -new paint,, tint ies condition, good tins, extras;' tt today. CM- B. 69 H. 28d M. ' - ' 1 h A 1 Ixy t.Ut.t cnrwl runnln COD V k ; dltsyav; food - tiros, d" tit $5t vi In a """ a a i r Voi . roadster, tint tlut condi- , ' ' torn, tir nearly nw. shock Absorber. Fried v l&Jl Man. - Tenor ,r X(.u maI.v. lott Chevrolet roadster, good eon- V dltion:. nuwnbto. Phone Columbia -69$ i "n06 Willamette bird. Trfti pa, ink, elctrtc torter end light ' a" i 1 Mtmrk. Phon Ijuit 7085. 1 CHEVaOLET 1017. demouatsbl rinuv extra tire and nrn, W iigni, iim, an dealer' commission. ' - i" ' "if" . it with " , ' 6119U, WW. 1H Couch its. Main 4707 after. body. like . nw; Whit mpsny. Park "A 1915 Mitchell (or Ml cheap, $575. Car in V" A-l conditio a. Own- tearing town. This tan ' "" br""n- ".'??.': 7rk-T. ' idh f'hrW- KnuHMtti 1650: t- . woaid take aood Die no ll psrt payment. E- , 6)81. Journal. VlMS 7"PASSENGE"B National car. battleship "' gray: recently new; party tearing town. Phone '"-.Kant 4710 between 1 a- KM'?. VO HETfl.K ftal. wIU hII 6 ' : cheap. ,. . 17to . Bdwy, Cadillac 1287 week atjtos iroirHiKE tt fiOUBEHOLO GOODS f6k SALE M ' i i J i i " - - ' t - ' I z. r. - Atrros ro bibs withottt drivers '- Brand gr eui : Bammabla fata. v reanoc eV Bobnett. Ctty.Uaraca. lptA.. Between , gurk bT Oak. f Broadway 4W. HQJOBCTCtES, PlCTCl.Eft M "feind A CLEVELAND to work, et home early, t V ' 8TBTKBR STHtSE, 38 j Oak St CleteUnd Agency, '' " ' HAlUiAIX 1017 Inliatt owertliu with Iream mu1 emt M - eauioment : , raaeliine tooki good and ki in 'lino ahapa; will take 8200 lor quick aele; eotne tevna U dekind. . Macadam -read. ' FOB SALE 1 1915 S-apeed Indian, epeedom eter. dream tandea end prest-o-Ute. 1. pew tire. Al condition. Call ereninja. IM Chap- ban and Taylor. -. --- . . - ' MCW A.NU Vaau- biv-!Oi.t.. . lOK'H BICTCLB KKPAIK SHOP. LABU&8T KXCVVBIV BICTCLE ' DKAI.KR IN OBBtSOS. i SM TH8T; tul 'fOWKli Vlua electric equipped Indian motorcyclaT speedometer and dream tandem with tools; is On first class shape; Just been overheated: 8225. N-978. Journal. IK THE: DRAFT 28lL near Alder. et. 2 .speed. H. P. .ice 815i to Do seen Or : ': Tlalsne et $70 on term. 1818 Maiwelt 8 tnew tire, insurance, extra equipment. 81078 lvalue. 'ell lidwy 2H28 ,-V i17 Mupmoblle, S per cent new. This is an s xoellent miy. - . i.t it:rik wnnira av PAlVTrvtJ fHY. ' 525 Aider t. lB10 Cherrolet touring, demountable rlrai, new & Urea, all new (ears and prtn-; )ut orer i hauled; bargain: cah or terms. 8800- Stipe Oarage, Beaterton. Or. , ; frUlt AALeZ-ryllnder sUiwell ear, m first class running order, on account of sickness. -Phon Tabor 684 ft. 8118 flth ar. 8. K., 5 Works south of Gray's Crossing. Mt. Scott, ear. -ltl Maxwell 5 - condition Darton no tore Yd e at Lawrens garage, fiberwood I'MOTORCTCLaW iserfect condition, fully oquiPPed. 8183. casb or Ubertf bonoi. Jbast is 280 K. 22d st. . BK8T MOTORCYCLE buy eer offered; tandem. Presto head light, speedometer, everything right. 8110- Stipe garage. Bearerton, Or. 1914 TWIN Indian, 2 epeed.' Dream tandem and Presto Itch., in good condition, 850 cash. rnone - Tanor 436 FOR SALE Twin Indian. 2 Ted. Tie atart. tendem and gas light. 87 L (Slat st. Tabor 8815. , . , VOtt SALE One bicycle. ' in fine condition. Phone East 8681. Or call at 672 East Taylor. MAS OS. ORG AK 3, MTJSICAi . --i I58TKCMEST8 ; f 4 r CLEARANCE' OF- USED V :' PHONOGRAPHS - w . e .nrnhM of unill fibsssmiibi and several cabinet styles which hav been, traded la am hm wnwbrfitl donor-C ' - , ON OCTOBEK 1 av. V to' our new store to Broadway at Alder St. . . W will make exceptionally . low prices, terms on fbepe in -nenU ia ordar to tlear our stock before ova.;' : Regular price 8 22.30; clearance pre 8 15.00 UeguUr price 8 8a. 5U; clearance price $ 22.80 Regular price 8 60.0U elearsnc price 45.00 Keguiar price $5.4; dearane price 8 78.00 (Cabinet type.) Begnlsr price $110.00; clearance pric $ 48.00 (taotnef ryp, , Secular pries $185.00; clearance prlea $160.00 - (Electric.) . Rea-ular price $2 15.0O; clearance price $200.00 ,T?MU NwrumedOalL ' Regular price $225.00; clearance price $2.00.04 . iv.-i - ; Ne afahoeaiiy,)' '- " I used Columbia, table style, mahogany: regular price $228.00; will sell on easy tarn for $100. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE If yon intend to purchase a taking machine in the near future, by all mean see these val ues, because you will not. only save the amount of the present reduction, but the expected ad vance in prices, which will b caused Jaavan additionalayvmr tax within a very abort tiaue. We Do As We Advertise Bring This Ad, With You BUSHLANrPlAVO'COM Now Located at Twelftji ard Washington Sts, Dealers Afaer October 10 BROADWAY AT ALDER, in Victrolas, Sonotas, Columbias Records. VTITH bargains iix .these In siabt, Uoada will ' be 8 busy day; ecu early. , Larg dresser with oval tairror ..... .$14.00 Overside "chiffonier, without auirrs- .... 14.60 - - o a . - - - White enasaeld dresser; beveled 'mirror . -1 8.2 5 P ... 4 ... . Bin or whit enamel kwda ....... ... 9.00 8.75 10.2T 9.00 .- 18.80 28.50' 1T.80 6.25 6.7 S 7.50 8.75 6.00 - 4.75 ......... 2.80 ......... 15.00 .$7..00 and 11.60 ,$2.50 and 3.50 -.. 21.00 ......... 27.80 ...... 60.00 MAN'S bicycle, good eunUitiun; extra tire; $12. ' T -ninthn sr. - - ' pass.. In excepuonany nice 8600; I'rai. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. 828 Alder St. lOttt fKllMiR HnfH . S-nam.. mechanli-ally good and good tires. A bargain. 725; terms. " A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTINU CO., s 525 Alder Ht. f lfil4 STUnEBAtCER, 5-pass.. good shape, good gi tlrea. Tills is the email model. $873; terms. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTINU CO.. 525 Alder st. ' fji! " fiUICtf ''0 ' roadnter; refinLOied; looks and is 95 new. $1100. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO., 825jAlder St. , lTTiTPord roadBter. good tires, .hock absorbers. speedometer, extra tuDe. specially omtii bood, Juxt. overhauUd: oa'h or terms, 8460. eUtoe- Garage. Keavrrton, Or Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 goarsnteed sprinis la '' atoefc ; pricee reduced 84 N. 15th st. ' g ' 10t"8CHEVBOLET " Looks good, runs ood, tires good; will sell for 8100 leas thsn tlie cheapest one offered for sal. He same at 275 Union are. N. Sunday. 8 to 4 or any time Monday. 1918 CHKVttOI.KT for rt7u. run about 48O0 . miles, 4 new tires; no oiouey or interest re ev'quired until next Msrch if good security is tiven. Ian 'be seen any time. Owner at - ome after 0 p. ni. 542 Delay St. - D? TOU wsnt a real bug. see this one. Juxt fOK SALE liuturcjcie sideeiir, cheap. Call Tabor 4780. 1916 8 speed Powerptae Indian. 8135 cash. 888 8d at. BICYCLE, from owner, for cash. nsL V-478, Jour- WANTED Motorcycle, cheap for caah. Eaft 4250. Phone LAUNCHER A7TD BOATS SALE CHEAP $4 ton 22 ft motofboat, Ail-Ty-M H. 4-cyL motor, (iced 1 S nulea. Must be seen to be appreciated. CaB ' Sun day bet. 1-4 p. m.. at 5U4 Tenino ave.. Sell wood, or call week days. Main 238. Ask for shipping clerk. ;t tuorougniy orernsuiea ana -, lion, wire wneeia wiui iirea In In A-l good condi- shape. , Must be sold at once. Com quick. . Fred Dun dee. Broadway and Klandern. ,'LiFOK a good family or buinene car- see my '7. $ passenger 1917 Msxwell. with 0 good tires .r .11 new), shock stMorbera. spotlight, pyreue. and . C auto theft signal: in fine condition; all for 8750. Will take $350 in Liberty bonds. Call evenings, j Broadway 2780. llT'nunv opdvij otv 1917 Hudson super 6. excellent mechanical ..-,.( eohdition, good tires, looks like new; new Hud- . ,-sona eoet 82695; price of this one 81600; $HU0 l-down, bslanoe monthly. . B. Hyatt, 850 A 37x12 VERY staunch built seagoing work boat hull, one year old and never been uwd; suitable for halibut fishing, salmon trolling, tow ing, or heavy hard work of any kind. Fulton Boatyard. Phone MartliaU 2005. HOUSE BOAT Modern and in first class con dition : - connected with gss, electricity and Bull Run water; completely Mmished. 0, H. Webber, House No. 2, Oregon Yacht club, near Oaks Park. WORK BOAT. 38 ft long. 4 cylinder 4 cycle medium duty Palmer engine. Houseboat 12 Oregon Yacht club. SIX room houseboat elegantly furnished, mod . era conveniences. Dr. Jack M. Tates, Oregon Yacht club. FOR SALE Good 8 room houseboat; 402 H E. Burnsida or East 7654. $225. PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSICAL IX8TKUMENT8 84 WE HAVE some wonderfully good bargains in ue4 . piano-, all in good condition, from $165 to $250. If you are ever going to need a piano it will pay you to inspect these instruments. SOULE BROS., 166 10th st., near Morrison PIANO SNAP $430 Kingsbury for $215 cash; latest style fumed oak case 'and bench. Perfect condition, beautiful instrument. Phone Marshall 2309 room 22, owner. Alder. No trades. CHANDLER 1918 $1300. r ; I r- a a Leave message tor L. Wern- rstedfat Marshal 5180. SPECIAL model 1911 Cadillac If ra. I fee , $1 will .r. an.. wnert ; macmne in spienata eondltton tlirougb out; full equipment, good tires; will sell for $876 on terms of $150 csah and 825 per gnontb, or will accept Liberty bondi. Phone East 4988 Sunday, or Broadway 750 Monday. 11 7 Mitchell 7 pane., a fine sturdy "car. Sil- (. vertown cord tires and otlierwls 95 per ceot new. 1 will guarantee this csr agsinst de- iseu oi sny ciisrscter. Bee it lor a bargain. 200. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CQ.. 523 Alder st. AUTO OF CLASS Wa have two inodala. mnriitlrma nuMntMjl 0 Jif the lew, racey type, the car that Is going big , nera, price wsy iwlow value. Auto Rest Gar age, 209 10th. Btiits distributors for Oregon. KINO $ cylinder Sedan. 7 passenger, used very gi little, $1000 less than new prices would take ,'car In exchange. PAUL STAIGER 9th and Couch. Terms to responsible party, & co.. Broadway 684 GARAGES" "A' BOUSES , CHICKEN HOUSES. Tb porlshU tma save you money. See a ra il e at 644 Hood at. Main 1IH7 Jvlillmade Construction Co. 200 A DOU1 ;h bec 45c Unola raph (Mahc 'Double Di $81.00 COLUMBIA DOUBLE DISC 10-INCH BECORDS Cablet Phonograph (Mahogany or Oak) With 30 Double Disc Records Concert CABINET PHONOGRAPH (MAHOGANY) With 20 Double Di-c Records. $53.00 Edwards Co., 5th at Oak A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE TOTJR CREDIT IS GOOD CoU braced meih top spring. ...... Whit enamel drop aid crib ......... Squar' top dining tabl Round top diaing 4abl . . . . ........ Sideboard with beveled plat mirror.., Mahogan Morris chair, genuioe leather Spindla back: arm cocker . . ,4 .-. i , - -. -. . , t Mahogany am chair, tapestry seat. . . Mahogany arm rocker, leather seat. 8x12 Cram rug 7.8x8, Bristol art rug $x$ rag rug (blue) Oriole (in good condition) . Baed perambulator ...... 1 . Coal heater ........... Airticht heater ........ Kitchen cabinet ............... 4 burner gas rang ............ 8 hole leg base steel range. and EDWARDS CO. BI CK'IJ" 4 UNION MADE COMBINATION RANGES - for eoaL wood and gas: save space and exDcsnef we have' thorn new as low aa 670 without warmiac doeet, and low aa $85 with warBung closet ; polished 4 steel top and wtute eiuuaeied door; we-, tax your old rang or gaa tang aa first payment s balance easy. - W a tee have a used Chaaapiou coenhinatxm grange. 845 a Wed 6115 Back; eembmatsoai range lot $95 and a - ftave Aloaaar cembtnation ya&g for $90, complete wittt hot water ooil and set UP and ennneoted' ; bo interest charged. CEVUBTZ FCRNITCRE COM PANT, -" 183 to X9 Firat L. near Yamha . . pubUo Market. ' . - . 5th at Oak A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AS GOLD GRAFONOLA Cabinet model, genuine walnut case; plays victor, Columbia or juiisou case wrr!a innkx like new : . barnm for cash. Kvmnhanium music box ana selection 01 mu sic sheets; all In first class condition; cost over $100; only $15; $3 down, balance aa.ou per month. . . Edison Home phonograph, wood cygnet norn, mMdnt "O" reDroducer and 50 new indestruct ible records: all for 518; SO down. Balance I rtr .ml Brunswick phonograph, late model, with "III tons" tone arm; plays all makes of rec ords: used only 3 months; cost 9150; only 8115; 815. balance $7.60 per month. Remember We repair talking machines: we carry parts tor an makes of talking machines; work guaranteed; prices right. Bring in the records yon ar tired of and chance them for new ones. VERN L. WENGER. The Talking Machine Man 142 Second St. (Upstairs) . near Alder Edison cylinder records We carry the largest stock of Edison in destructible records In the city. Special demon strating room for them. Send for catalogue and order them sent on approval. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. CABINET TALKING MACHINE in fumed oak. a reaular 860 machine for 835: clays sny make dmc record:- Terms. GKVCRTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First st.. near Yamhill Public Market - WHILE SHOPPING around for a piano come by and see our stock. You will be sur prised at the difference in our price. Terms granted and bonds accepted at full value. Broadway 750. 10th and Stark sts. -HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO. See our new store at 350 Alder. 12 record and machine rooms, everything new and un-to- date. Full lib of Brans wicks, Victrolas. Colum bias and Ediaons. ; Drop in even if you do not want to buy. SECURITY STORAGE CO. will close out: 1 English upright 8275 piano 855 cash 1 good old square $350 piano 865 cash. 1 French nnnsht 8300 piano 878 cash. - 1 Marshall A Wendell up. $350 piano $165 cash. . 1 Elburn upright $375 piano $198 cash. 1 Kimball upright $450 piano. $210 cash. 3 stored new 1918 mdls. $450 piano $265 cash. ' 4 stored new 1918 mdla. $475 piano $290 caah 1 Weber player $750 piano $345 cash. 1 1917 model player $830 piano $435 cash. Part cash, bonds or other securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold for caah and stored foe 50c monthly. 109 4th st. at Washington st. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE "MONEY-SAVER Furniture, ranges, rugs at less than cost, Be con vinced before buying anywhere or considering second hand furnishings. We are in a position to self you new goods for less money. We were for tunate in buying at a great saving, enabling ,,us to give you great value at savirfgs which defy all competition, All we ask is to come and compare prices. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE COMPANY 166-168 FIRST ST. NEW BOUGHT OLD SOLD URHITURE-GO . 209-211 2ND ST. Between Taylor and Salmon. Day Main 6381 A-120 Night Main 6783 A-8061 FURNITURE BROKERAGE 208 Madison s Iron beds. 31.75: springs.- $1.75: mattressea. $2.75: dresser. $8,731 cook stoves. $8.60; rang, $13. 76 1 d!ning tables. $6.80; library table. 67.80; kitchen Cabinet and top, 89.75: steel concha. 86; imitation leather couch. 810.501 oak buffet. 818.60: chiffonier. 89.78 beaten. 61.60: high oven gas range. 816-60 chairs, $1 center tables, 76e. Also included ar otuna cabinets, rag: in fact, everything au marked with big yellow tag, 20 PUSH LEVER MORRIS CHAIRS which we secures at a creax redaction ; some in genuine leather, regular $36. for 327.50; some in fine chase leather, regular 827.50 for 819.75. GEVURT2 FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 . First St., near Yamhill Public . Market. . , - 12-LB. -.BAIL ' , '. - 18-LB. KAIL : CO-LB. RAIL . V . $5-LKv BAIL . - - . V 40-LB. BAIL ' i - . ' 45.LB. RAIL . 80-LB. RAIL , ' 800 FT. 8 6-LB. BAIL 77-ton BeJdwin LoeesnnUve. Conaolidation type, bnflt 1907, eteasa 180 lb. - 4 O-acaa.-Baldwin. wheel . switcher. " 4 8-ton Pittsburg, American type oil burner. 8l-ton Baldwin, aiiaaoo, now tain. 80-on Shay. 2 M -yd. Atlaatie 8 team BhoveL 6 tone enmd hand Bpikaa. Track Spikes Track Bolts. A. C C ALLAN, 418-414 Oregon BUg., Broadway 880. MACHIJTEr.T 81 FOR SALE $35: A 15 inch power band ssw y machine, nearly new. Can use foot power also. Marston Co., Boston, makers. Call Mar. 81TZ, ventofc-s. PLUMBING-SUPPLIES What we ean r'.ve yon 1 6-foot bathtub eomplete, t Jowdown doset eomplete. X coraeg eg flat-beck baatn eomplete. FOR $58 F. 0. B. PORTLAND AB goods guaranteed. PiXM and bttinaa at Wweat neaaibl nrleea. we aaso nave some augnuy namagea gooaa. A. L. HOWARD til "Fourth St., ht. Tavtor end Nalmnew FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 CEDAR (MESTS Tennessee and Port Orford - cedar, copper trimmed; latest designs; factory price. Factory E. Utisan, bet. 75th and 76th. Tabor 80S. SAVAGE 22 H. P. almost new. belt. Z boxes shells, case, $25; Winchester 80-80 carbine, I HOCHFELD BROS. special signu, oox shells, 614; wincnesier a re peater aud 5 boxea sheila, $7; solid leather shot gun case, $3. Woodlawn 2821. Add. 1111 Glenn ave. N.. near Emerson st. STORK AND OFFICE FIXTURES CON SISTING OF Showcase and walleesea. -Large tables and counters, candy Jere. - Caah register ahd safe. Scales, cheese cutters, meat sliosrs. Roll top desks, flat top desks. Addinar machines and typewriter. One large and on assail Icebox. Irge gaa range, cider pros. Two soda fountains, also on 20 foot front and back bar, with larg mirror, work board and sinks complete. OOODB SOLO ON EASY TERM 174 1st corner Yarahfn Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and leriatreA. Walker Electric Works, 418 Bum- ' aide, cornel 10th. Broadway 6U74. $10 DnrEN drophead tewing . machines with 'V'UU attachmenu; aU are in very good condition. Sewing machine - rented at $$ per month. Phon Kaat 2859, or B-8S07. at R. Steen. 152 Grand are., near Belmont. ALL machine sold for lees: no agents are employed; machine rented, repaired. A-8626. Mats 9431. Sewinf Mehin Emporium, 190 3d st., near Taylor. 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewrites" end "HotMehnld Gooda" are ae pa rate etaaaifica tinea All dvertieements of tbee goods are pobluhad i under their respective elsstficationa LOOK THEM OVER 1 9 R0 tf) 1 USED DROPHEAD P I . 1 JJ IU P I J SEWING MACHINES w rent and repair. ytJBNrTTJBg vr A?f TB D Xu RTZlURNlTUREf -' STORE f - - . S05-20T. Tim 8L WILL PAY TOP PRICES : for eld nd need rnrnfrare. Steves, carpets, rags and anythiM In Itowseneld fed. Office furs, tore eneeiaL w also esehang your eld remltnr for nw.-r Aetiiing too small or toe large, CALL MARSHALL 587 Onf buyer will cad at one. "Read Important Read W carry s greater assortment of n d need oseTcnandts than any stnrs in the city. There Is hardly aa item we do not buy end aatL W eoecialiae In ehetf end heavy hard- war, sporting goods, bouse bold good, offio fur- niters, not, ana camp uppas. vtnen yen sav anything to suy eg seu. call Mafa 9072 A-7174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FTJRNTTTJBB CO.. y I21-B-6 Front at.. Cor. Baimon. 8MTAP COHTMir ti FINE toned violin; 875; will trad tor cello. or what hav yon? C Peterson. 821 E. 11th st. FOR BALE Combination range, in good con- ditlon. or trad for rug about 10x10. be 6988. Ta WILL exchang first class dental work for washing and cleaning. Phone C-2080, or write M-849, Journal. WILL take good town lot in part payment for iOO Wick piano. Wakefield aiuaic uo. 427 Wash. st. rSstSOKAL? ft. 1 .'j: i ? 4Zet WELLS - ; ?.!; I' Every day. frree 19 a. as. to 4 n. a . aasl .'.-.: I w'ngs on Monday, Vdnsda and Friday.', front 7 to 9. and Sondav from 10 to 11. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERS US WHO HAYB .- FAILaU to get relief tn any ochee way are In ft ted te fas.' vestigat Chiropraetie ssethod. wUeh-ar per ' manently enrtag hundred every das. IBS B1ST OF CHIROPUACTia DUGNOSTICUNS 4 win thoroughly examine toss. - make a cnsanlata diagnosis of your case and diiaet sens treat. menu WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOB ' , WHATEVER " CHIROPRACTIC la the safe. aane. er and modem acienc of curing and. oreveotina dk WILL take aood hors or ,oow part payment on new piano or phonograph. waaeueia Muatc Co.. 427 Waah t. WILL axchangs new Brunswick. Grafonola. Vic- trola or Edison, for plumbing st store. B&o Alder. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. WANT men's clothing mended (or phonograph. 127 W. Wygant HAVE mandolin ; wUl J-802, Journal. trad for girl's bicycle. CHIROTRACTTO win nermananflv 'awM 91 ' per eent of all diaeaaaa. CHIROPRACTIC remevs the cseae healtk retorn. . Thw .b? rTF fc all free to yon at the ee. . lege building and may be bad In private U desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may she b hU in eolleg bulhLng by icwnbers of the facultg. by either lady or teen practitioner. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGB. Corner of Park an I Yamhill. TAM sin 1014. HOSPITAL in connection with college Win handle ent-ef. town patients at a mt reasonable rate, tn order to show ahat Cuiropractie ean do. Addrea all oommanicatione to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, ' Pr Ident : U' lulll aiiaaeot u aaihtna. goltr. rheumatism.' lumbago, neuritis. Muraathenia, insomnu, in digestion, liver, stomach, bewel. kidney, bladder, female, rectal and pror-tatle trouble, skin di. cases, paralyala. high blood preaanre. or other chronic rtwi , my physical tharapentie SMta ods will aecosnnliah more for yon than any tning etae. invaatigate, .it wm coat yon nothing. Always clad to explain. Dr. it. A. Phillip. 905 Hruedway bids. Do" YOU suffer from bowel, elomach. deafnaaa. liver, indigestion, rheumatism, in mini ma neuritia, conxtipatinn, high blood pressure, fe male disorders, try inodvru drugleas methods, they aucceed. Dr. 1L CoUina, 91$ Broadway bldg. TO TRADE Timber claim for lot in Nob Hill district 11-728. Journal. NEW 885 phonograph. Exchange for good milch cow. J-728. Journal. ONE box Eastman Camera for Typewriter, bor 5687. 1284 Ha bey st. WANTED Motorcycle. Cleveland prelerred: have lot in exchange. Tabor 9044. CHICKENS for sanitary couch. E-680, Journal. WANTED WIRCF.LLA5EOLS Charcoal Don't Miss This Opportunity We are closing oat 50 brand new Whit rotary sewing ' machines, the late-t model the regular price hi 885 for 845.98. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 168-168 First st FOR BALE 1 Decker 60 note piano. 1 Pre graflex camera, 5x7. 1 safe, medium aixe. 1 microscope with 2 lenses. 1 A and B flat Conn cornet. 1 No. 8 Corona typewriter. 1 Victrola with cabinet and records. 1 sohd 14k gold watch and chain. 24 jewels. All at a bargain, or will trade for farm and sawmill suppliea. D-8S1. Journal. SPEEDOULNE . Wanted charcoal, large or small quantities, and experienced men to bnrn same. Also tracts of timber, an sJaa. anitahle for charcoal, m Portland, on a road good for winter hauling. Western Reduction company, 24 th aV Nicolai sts. NOTICES 18 MM mum 128 1st near Alder. Main 4496. Tabor 6708 $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, the tailor, pay most tor ciotntng sen shoe W rail day or evening. Mtrshall 1229 er 229 Madison. NOTICE or BOND SAUt NOTICE IS HERKBT GIVEN that the board of directors of Um stood Rirer Irrigation gia trict. in Hood River county. Oregon, will sail general retunding oonda ( aaid district as the principal sum ot One Hundred Sixty-aeven Thousand Dollars ($107,000.00) en Tuesday, tb 1st day ot October, 191 h. at tn hour of 2 o'clock, p. a., al the office of said board at Oak Urov star la aaid district, and thai sealed proposal! tor the purchase oi aaid bonds will be received by aeid board at said piece aatil the day and boar a bare mentioned, at etuch Urns tse ooard will open the proposala and award aaid bonds to the bjght responsible sadder, to Board reserving the right to reject any and al bids. Said bend so to b sold to n general nag. Cktbi refunding oods of the Hood Ulve Irrt gation district in th pnncipai sum of On Hua ied Hixty-vn 'J'bouaand Dollars 1 6181. wVO.OO), to th purpose of providing rand to retire and pay on th present ouutaseUag bonded indebtedness o said distnot, bald bond to be dated October 1st, 1918, bear interest st toe rate oi au per cent 1 6 per annua, payable eosi-annuaiiy. on the tint days of Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Phone East 294. 84-86 Grand ave. Highest prices paid for your 2d band rwrattnre. Used furniture taken in exchange tor new. Portland iTa i ri i. r Front L. OnariK. L0. Oregon. Hides Metal. Rubber. Write for price and shipping tag. Main 1699 172 3d st. Guaranteed. Main 1845. A-1818. SECOND HAND PIANOS BARGAIN PRICES Look over this list, than come in and see yeur favorite make. J. A C. Fischer. . Weser Hamilton . Whitney . Prescott . Ludwig Huntington Gilbert .$160.00 . 187.00 . 237.00. . 132.00 . 218.00 , 210.00 . 337.00 223.00 Reasonable terms will be granted on any of the above; bonds accepted at full value; they will not last long at these prices. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., Broadway 750. 10th and Stark sts. 1 HAVE a new talking machine that will revolutionize tb phonograph industry. Don't buy 'till you have seen me. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 84 YsmhilL EN PERT player and electric piano repairing. tuning, rebuild. Highest prices paid for iced pianos and musical instruments. V. Krerasr, 254 Market St. Main 6012. LOOKING for a bargain? Beautiful grafonola and filing cabinet, 69 fine -ecord: sell for 8S5, about one third cost. Something for the rainy days. 295 Clay ft Call Marshall 5588. KAT-T-T-TY KATY Ju't received a large shipment of the popu lar song. Supply limited. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Aider. . HOBARTMrrCABLE. ffke new $287 Weber, same as new 838 HAROLD S. Easy Terms. GILBERT. 34 Tamhm. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1818 1017 1918 P 1S14 Now is the time to buy a 'Ford Touring $535.00 Touring Touring Touring . .$500.00 . .$400.00 , . . $30000 . TUB USED CAR EXCHANGE. 627 Washington St . Where Washington and Burnid meet. WILL take piano as part payment on 1911 Cadillac in good condition. Price $375. Fall equipment, good tires and always ready to go. Phone Eat 4938. , KRANICH $225. PHONOGRAPHIC BARGAINS Don't buy any talking machine or records til you seo us We Will Save You Money . Largest stock of records, phonographs. String 1 band instruments in the city Bought Sold and Exchanged NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4495. DO YOU want a strictly high-grade played piano ' at a -Bargain price; we have a beautiful San Domingo mahogany, late model player. which is now listed at $950 t. o. b. factory. The instrument is in splendid condition. It is one of the best players on the marketauto matic control nd all lata features. Price now $575. including bench and 80 rolls of late music. Can be bought on terms of $100 cash and $20 per month. Reference required. In quire wholesale office, 104 10th St. 166 A BACH piano, fin condition, only BROS. SOULE 10th St.. near Morrison WIL exchange latest model $225 talking ma chin for piano; give or take difference. SOULE BROS.. r 106 10th st.. near Morrison . FINE new Portoscope motion picture machine attach to -light socket: will trsdesfor piano or pnonogrspn or anything we can use. Wake field Music Co.. 427 Washington st. AUTOMOBILE! WANTED 7 k;WlLL trade 6 acre, all under cultivation. 20 ,, :f bldg'.: gtod value st $700. WUl deal for any v.; 1 1 elauuard make, in good repair. -Ml NEW YORK LAND CO. 8. I B. Morrison t .. Phone Eat ,5817. i ".(' 0 '8 ROOM Louie ( Waverteigh Htx. ) , fine eoudi tf tion; trade equity for high grads rr; lioue .will rent for $40: value property $4500,- mtge. , ffor $'.'500. and worth the money. Ernest WelU, a-- jo nenry. lUUDHKLL No. 6 clover huller. run 8 hort -seasons, in A-l aliape, value 8600; trade for light touring car or sheep. G. N. Ueigard. Newberg. Or. ENTIRE STOCK OF BUGS from a birxifpartment store; included in these re a few aragnifieent Navajo rugs. Imported from Mexico, at 315 and t2. and 1 or 2 emaU domestic Persian silk rugs, with delightful de signs, at 312 and 816 each; we also have some fin used rugs; for instsnce, 1 10HX18.6 Ax minster, only used a few days, -at 335; 1 9x12 Ayrninster.v $20: and many others at verv low prices; mcnt of our immense stock of new rugs is elsq priced away below present prices; easy terms, no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. The Big Store. 185 to 191 First .at. Near Yamhill Public Market. SAVE MONEY ON YOTJR If yon are in need of furniture call and get on prices before buying elsewhere for we ean make it worth your while as we hav a nice asortment of used furniture which we are sell ing at very low prices. Call at your convenience and we will be pleased to show you th bargains. . FORD AUCTION CO., ' 191 Second St. A SNAP in office furniture; full quartered oak-plank, flat-top desk with double nedestal. sanitary base, sixe 54x34 inches; dsawers are partitioned for books and documents; large cen ter drawer with lock. Yours for $58.50. Easy terms if deoired. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. Phon fTu I f5),l fr G. L. Schroeder. Broadway 2079 nA m P Flanders. Kes.Wdln.1950 VjlTu Ly ir l!i Portia nd.Or New and second hand All aixns Any amount. Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning, $1.00; jewels 60c; mam spring, 60a. KKINGOLD8. JEWELERS. 124 8TH ST. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats ar separate classifications. A large i Bating can be found under these different claaslfi- catlona. SACRIFICE sal to settle an estate. 60 acres. 18 milej from Portland; stock, chickens, ma chinery and household goods; pric 54500. rnone wain. 3034. FOR SALE 26 inch band saw. 2 blade, on i in., -sweep partem makers lathe com plete. Vancouver Furniture Mfg. Co., E. 6th at., Vancouver. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof f Why not permanent and indaatmctibla roof f W oxidize and renew all kinds of leaky roof. tourney piqg. atam n880. CONCORD grapes, 3c lb.; tomatoes, 30c bx; bring baskets. Oregon City car to Silver Springs. 2 blocks south at greenhouse. Phon ' as urov 147 Si. FOR SALE -Georg-tte crepe gown, sand shade'. iaieet moaei, never worn, hall price; six 88; also beautiful black net and cassimere gown. Else 88. Phone Marshall 4400, apt 517. WANTED Tent with fly, cheap, 7x9 or larger; organ, good condition, cheap; give telephone. P. O. box 719. This marvelous prepanuion rneroase mileage 25 to 40 ; increase power of motor; remove demanda the ne of u: $1.60 tavtstedhi bwa Second Hand Clothing Buyer aIissa askvasA ssA AS A ssvssaW at U I """" . w suuk. Wa nav th asost for men s t' Paoaa -Meney, , cothlng snd shoes. Cell Main 19 6 $600 Diamond Platinum Setting sautiful ston at discount I ai JUNK WANTED Main 784 W pay the highest nurset price ice u and Junk ot every aeeenpoon. A beautiful dealer. E-933, Journal. m not a MR- TWO tailor-made suits, one black serge, the other black cloth; sixes 33 and 40; also trunk. Main 8842. apartment C45. APPLES, fall butter and sugar pears. 40 to 75c box; chickens. Douglass farm, mile south of Troutdale. HOT water tanks, all sixes, hi good. Bervteeabl condition. 80 gL 37, 40 gat $9. 201 Adam st East end Steel Bridge Phone K. 8516. SUIT'S pressed, 85 cents. French dry cleaned. 81. Why pay morar Unique Tailoring Co., 104 4th street MUST be sold for storage charges. Toll top desk. OWL FURNrrUBE-CO.-SElL8-FOR LESS "'Tor?' 128 nV AMerf ' CABINET LOROPHONE TALKING MACHINES Play any Victor or Columbia records. We hav a few $60 machine, brand new, in ma hogany, fumed and weathered oak, at $35. Also a few $40 machines, not cabinet, at $19.60. Term if desired. No interest GEVUBTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. The Big Store 185 to 191 First street Near Yamhill Public Market .61.75 and up ... 1.00 and up ... 1.50 and up 75 end up . . . 6 00 and up . . . . 3.00 and up 04 FIRST 8T. GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE Coaler wood. 4 holes and a plate. 18 inch even, in good condition. $47.50. delivered and connected. . OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First t Iron beds Springs Msttress . Chairs .... Dressers . . . Dining table OWL FURNITURE CO.. alNw Take Notice GET Moss gas controller for your Ford car; in crease mileage 5 to 7 miles guaranted, $6.50. J Colrgnbie 887. 1854 Chautauqua. ITALIAN prunes, 1 He lb. Young Jersey cow and calf. 928 Greenwood av. near Odd Fel lowa' home. Woodstock car. PRINTING FOR LESS 600 envelopes or 600 bond letterheads, 82.75: best work; prompt delivery: try ns. SmiUi, Printers. 204 Stsrk at 9.6x12 TENT, 6 ft wall. 12x14 fly. gas iron. high chair, white enamel cot, large aixe lava tory. Phone East 2042. SEE our new store at 850 Alder; 12 machine and record room, forced ventilation; every thing new and up-to-date. ' Brunswick. Grafon ola., Ediaon and Victrolas. Easy tarma. Hyatt lalking Machine Co. BBCNSWIChfpHONOGRAPHS See the new line of B runs wicks w have stocked; all model and finishes. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aide. Victrolas, Grafonola and Edisona; special terms. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO"! Full line Cratpnolaa. Brunswick. Victor and Edisons. We have 1 2 record and machine rooms. Everything new sod up-to-date. $60 Alder be tween Broadway and Park. GRAFONOLAS G RAFO-NOLAS See the new aoa-ert stop model Grafonola. automatically stop at end of record. All mod el and finishes. Special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. vtcYrSlaS " ' Just received a shipment of the new $175 Victrolas; supply limited. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 660 Aider. - SET Ridpeth'a History in 9 volumes, In splen did condition ; price $10. Nice 18-tnch globe of the world, pric $3. 5012 77th at 8. E., city. FOR BAUS Ladiea' 870 diamond ring for 830;' aim gentleman's gold watch, chain and locket, with diamond set, for $50; caah er ponqa. croaqway znoa. KAT-T-T-TY, KATY Just received large shipment of the popular k tig. Supply limited. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. 68 FT. 1 in., 120 ft rope with 3 wooden" and 1 steel blocks. 2 pair doublet reet. 1 neck yok e and parts of harness. Al) in good con- ditlon. Very resonMe. Mar. 1375. STOCK of fall and winter millinery. Hurt be sold regsrdleea of price, commencing Wednes- dsy. Sept 20. 1918. Grand ave. N.. cor. of Uolladay ave. DRAFTED MAN. ATTENTION I . FIIIJ. CASH VA..I Ti PAID FOR ANY GOODS YOU HAVE FOR SALE. MAIN 4495. TABOlt U7s. ua rinoi trruv anrth. widow, with 4 small children, would be grateful (or outgrown clothee for winter, or to make over: area, girt 6. 2 girls 13 and bey 8. CaD Tabor 0550 WANTED 1 tent and fly. 12x14; must be in good eondMon and reasonable; no war prices. Phone Columbia 13 a GOING housekeeping, want 2d hand furniture; 2 iron beds, mattresses, chairs, table, dressers. rug, etc. Phone Beliwooa uia. January ana July ot each year, and ssalsrtng entity, eommujang with the six LB year alls Oata tbereo. m annual amounts ot KigM X Oollars gauuu UW) nntai ais t ar paid. All proposala must be unconditional and be secompanied sy aa aneondiUooal eanlfiad chack lot 860UO.OV payable to the Secretary el the Hood Hirer Irrigation district All bidders ar requested to tumlsk sett. factory avideace of tneir ability to promptly dearer ler payment and cancsslatioti a sab tanual portioa ut the entetanaina Sood at aaid district to be rcianded Uosa us pcuoeeU el that aarae. Sale i and dell very of bonds subject te as proval ot Capital Issues committee of Federal iteserv board. aty urder of the board of director. F. FEN VfTCK. Secretary Hood River lrrigsrior DUtrtet llAlBKO COURT. Mgr. 0 th and Wash. Nsas changed from Orlando Apt. J. M- W he lan. PROfESSTONAL ARB BUSINESS DIRECTORY WANTED Small printing plant in which L included s 10x15 Chandler A Price press. V-468. Journal H TOBIAS oa kind. Call Marshall v hiehaat d rices for lunk of all SSOg. lain praeaur attended to GOING East or South? Household goods shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing Psriflc Ooast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt t Bdwy. 703. WANT Winchester or Remington 12 gauge pump gun. Cash. S. M. Arbuckle. 527 We-diington st HIGHEST price paid for aiamonda, watches and old gold. Oliver. 123 2d st WANTED KiTies, Hocbficld. 85 3d netgun. nnru, lei X. Phone Main 35fl beach lofA, MOTORCYCLE or small car for 2 Phone B 3871 TF you hav furnitur to sell caff bourn. Main 7808. ; filer Os- W ANTED Small wicker baby buggy; must be in rood condition. Pbone Woodlawn 208. CASH naid for vostag stamp collections. Soutb- wtck. 420 Morrison. Main 1736. WANTED Sheet or plate g'aas. all aixe. Tsbor 7982. u'lN'TKIi (Vnienter tools. Give price and portico tars. E-928. Journal. WANT uned beating stove. Tabor 4115. FOR SALE Heating stove, coal or briquettes; has been little need. Also Perfection ell neater, nmn peneci condition. g07 st, near Union. PERSONAL 100 CUiftuPBAUsIO SYSTEM ' Schuyler SPECIAL on Brunswick plionngraph; elegant style Brunswick, all wood sound chamber; phonograph now 8223; will take $165; esy payments. w aketield finale Co., 47 Wash, st, S MALL size Columbia grafonola, 'able style mahogany case; In fine condition; 350. Wake- field Muic Co.. 427 Washington st. -. WILL exchange new Brunswick. Viotrol. Graf- ouola or LdiFon and records for Diano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350, Alder. r WIU, rent beautiful . piano . cased Este organ for $2.00 ier month or trade for good lum ber wscon. Wakefield Music IV... 427 Wash st. WILL traile nuw, plfmograph tor your old piano or iumuure. xeileia Alttsic Co., 427 Wash, st ; 5-y - FOR exchange, clear lota, for automobile; mut a-"rff be in fir-t olaee condition. Maxwell preferred. 6- d.02 E. Davis St., city. , t : J"A (ifHJD lot and partly built house. 8 2d and '-J'. Clackamas sts; will trad tor light auto, 0S2 ' - tK Couch st ' '."j f...J 1.- 11 A M. ' ' . " 1 . " . ' , i -iu at acre tor good auto and give ,-, . . r- some caah; must be tn good condition 817 14 1 7owbard. i ,VWANTED Light rar, any make, in running or- . aw oer, for S good lots In Trinidad, Wash. Ad- .dr 284 Fsrrasiit st. Portland. " ; l i.WANTKD Used car in exebanga for painting "v or repairing hon. Call evenings, 90 E. -ft 12th t ESt 8640. L ..11,. I ! I I. . , k t buy automobile ot all gind if price ar "gbt. Murray mead Garage .. Cbu Haw I 'thorn ave. - -. WANTElJ Ford or other light cr;r must be .utgooa eoausuou). wut pay. easo, (tiAO, aetl Wood 8227. or 720 14 Milwanki atT ' WANTED Light, auto: soma cash and1 security v snort time, r-oai. Journal., . WANTEDDght eyUnder roadster; wiU pay WANTED Light , run bout. , OaU Woodlawn - 6207. AUTO wanted. Lot in exchange. Call East 6798 604"Uninn ave. tlllGH EST price paid for automobnea. conotW . .1 . . at B . . . - n . . a W A STEfyfofd; Toter body: Tsbor 19?$ AUTOS FOB HIRE 7 7 PASSENGER ear,' shopping, -sight seeing or' -.anywhere, $8 par hour'. Pbone Marshall 6286. O. R. Lane. ' - AUTOS WlTHnrr' DRIVERS FOR U1BE ' -.- ?COUCUMAN A SULLIVAN., MARrl. 223 10TH AND. IA3JHILL A-I286 COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO 8 BUY ICR We do taxi work, . Mem 228 BRUNSWICK . BRUNSWICK We now carry full Wne of the new Brunswick Phonograph. All" models and finishes. Special term". Rraieniber, we have 12 machine and record rooms, the most comnlete store . in the ettv. Also Edison, Victor and Columbia. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder, bet. Broad way and Park. EDISON DIAMOND DISC Genuine JtftO Ediwn diamond di e style B. Pric? only $65. $15 down. 7 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Aider. Largest talk ing machine how in the- city. TTPK WRITERS SALE ends Monday night Ki ut, minute, in destructible cylinder records. 82.25 dm. Room 814. Buchsnan bldg.. Wash. st. FINK Bentley parlor orscan. exceptionally good ton, co-t 8150. Price-$45. 113 down, S3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine t3o., 850 Alder. - .. X 1 ' . .., k-ei.zo ia rash, gs monthly still buys new imDroved 1918 enndal nianoa th. nenwsn rfno Go., ill Fourth st, at Wh. t WANT good plans or player piano: have 20 acres ot land to trade: sood value. R1 7 i Tximbard. 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter., . "an makes." sold en monthly payments. Send for price list- The Wholessle Typewriter Co.. . toil dept . $21 Whingt(rTPt V&IT WLTIXUlTtW 1 : ..I. n MR .nnnu KHUU. 4iVt l-T.; REMINGTON TYPEWRITER t CO.. 88 Broadway. - Broadway 4621 GET the latest illustrated catalogue of Brun- wick nhonocranhs : mailed fm. Phon wooa alba. PHON(XiRAPH. davenport, piano tool; good Woodlawn 27S9. evenings. condition ; cheap, after 5 o'clock. SALE OR TRADE Player piano. $318 D-eid en same- will take 8160 for mi canity or tnae cn lot- vv sist St. CIRCUMSTANCES oomiwl me to offer my-fine .old violin tot Je.: Professional violinist,' care 4onrnab n-oos, 4onrnaL . . .- . ' $215 CASH buy nev -stored upright piano, at Security Storsce Co.. 109 4 th ft W'hr pay emu at we, piano stnire. -1 WANTED GOOD PUNO, PAY AIL CASH nann.Ti,v IAI.I, MAljSHAI.I, B246 UPRIGHT piano for sale, excellent condition reaponaoie tenms it Oeslred. M-802. Journal LABI, fc. T talking machine wanted; must be -a rarwam; pay casn. Y-441. JotrmaL Give particn- PIANO wanted; must be bargain! tars. tr.Tii, Journal. WB pay cash for sued pianos and band instm- i' jevww. ni of r.i ar-i .t;ea . IU.- 'o.. 13n 4th. tt W ANTED Piano, any ' condition. -u3, journal.' for cash: POB SA E Smith-Barnes piano, fine coodi. - non, reoaoi. -jsoor U7ft. t . WANTED Best piano $100 will purchase ' A81. Journal. . . ONE pliiimcraph. good condition, 5. Wood- wm-ma m ov, vvnini, eitev 9 vetoes. 1 i.N E 7 pa. Hadsnn, carefuL experienced druer. " Pbone Marshall 8829. i , ' ' - i , - . , ; v ... , . - -1 EDIN- di.r- : honcraph and record .cheap. - IZ7 wot wygant- - F'llTTTsNT Upright Wno. Broadway 5289, - We stfll hav lots of good barjain left in second hand household goods. They must all go by October 1. MONNER FURNITURE CO.. 83 Crand ave. ! HEATERS If you will need a heater this coming fall bet ter come in now and buy one. We have a very Urge stock to select from at summer prices. OWL FURNITURE CO.. - 204 First st TWO rocker. 2 straight cliairs, all oak. How- ard heater. alo rug. oil heater, clothes bart. all very reasonable. 289 Marguerite are.. 10:30 to- 12:80 today or Main G947. Chairs are oak. F-945. Journal. IjABGE assortment of used WHISKEY Kegs and barrels for sale: no country order ; taken. Panssna Cooperage Co.. 22H Front st. FOR SALE- 1 K hand power stump puller, with 200 ft cable, practically new. For particular apply 845 Brooklyn t. ftcr 6 p. m. LARGE east iron sectional hot water heating boiler, second hand, good condition. 6141 45th are. 8. E. Tabor 882. BAMBLKB baby buggy for sale; price $12. 091 E. 25th N. . $225 H0RNLE8S Graphopone. genuine maboca ny, exceptionally aood tone. Price 8126 tvn down. $7 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Cov. 350 Alder. YOUNG man, going to war.' sell new overcoat for $8. Cost 813. Medium stae. H-962. Journal. FACTORY or foundry site, 100x100. joining 2 car iracxa, bor 7896. Dr. McMaboa. Mac! bldg.. Portland. cbtropractoT of experience, s pst-mtar. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SPECIALIST, with adgbest testimonial from patients from Easter states, familiar with th hem; saw from Wet era end local saUemts baring ansfoetanauly bad laas than lPO tkimtuastss eltewbere, with, of ewer, srpiadiag dneppoiafi to eelayag ACCOSOIOW Pf ITIWO HEMSTITCHING. 10 CENTS PER YARD. PLEATING, ALL LATEST STYLES. EAST ERN NOVELTY CO.. S3 H FIFTH. BROAD WAL 2000 LAWK gaps gllUM DAVIS A HOLM A.N. LSL.. low 2d st. blank book manufartnrers A-S188. Main 183. CARPIT CLK AMINO FLUFF RUGS From old carpet. crpt cleaning, reftttlng: rag lugs woven, all sie NORTHWEST BUO CO. Former sddreos. 153 Union ave. Mad order solicited. East 8680; B-12W0 188-90 E. Bib. aWiFFMuCBiflL JOYCE UllOrt., 54. Co loo av. S. East 631A B-1473. l.lectnc Cleaning Works Car pet cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. East '4 40. R-19S. 2(14 K lWth st. N. OMIWOPBnCTORa DR McMAHON is making good; 81 adjutmat 815; even. $.". Easieat term. DR. LALliA E. DOWNING. Chiropractor. years' experience. Broedway bldg. T5 KOUOATIONAt DANCINQ MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, H 6th , Beginners' classes, 10 lemon. It. Monday and Thursday ssurnings, )1 o'clock to 2 p. nv Evenings, a to 10:30. Also private leens. Competent teacher. Bdwy. 3327 MRS. KU.CK'S ACADEMY, 109 StCOND Sf. Ballroom and rlasvic danctng. Prirau Isseose daily. Class a Tuesday end Friday vanrngs, to 10. Ladle free. Mam 2 IPO. ALYft M. BROWN, learner of elassie. toe, stag and ballroom dancing. 146 18th st. off Morrison. Phon Broadway 2558. en Macadam st By owner. Ta- MAJESTIC RANGE, good condition. Hurnsid st. 2051 E. rugs and ear- Uom in and look TYPEWRITER, 'visihie, long earrings, excellent condition, very reasonable. Address T-P12, Journal. STRICTLY first class Underwood - No.' 6 tvpe- wnter, 855; $15 down. 85 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Aider. AM.' MAKSB tyn writers rented. and retvih- Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4A 6th Main 8668 WANTED A Rerolnrton or Underwood type- wnter tn coon oorwirton. ss Jearan st RTr7BUT.T typewriters, supphee. Corona dealers. K. w. reaie Go,, 110 Oth. , - . ..nets at remarkable price. them over. v i- . OWL FURNITUBB CO., 204 First st fURMTURE of 7 loom house, in excellent . condition, new, garden already in. everything jut ready to walk ra. Price reasonable. 283 18th t NEARLY new $27.50 large chiffonier, ash : w.Tod: will sell for 815. fTarkston apt No. 7. ftOO E. Ankeny, near 26 th. Phone East 6721. j CHAMPION coal or wood range, 16 Inch oven. . delivered and art UP. I t . OWL FURNITURE CO.. ; 204 First tt " Home Good Buys at - th ! 0. K. FURNITURE SHOP I Repairing a specialty. Cor, tvt and Clay. SOLID OAK 6 foot extension table lor quick 9 sale, $8.50. OWL FVRNITCRB CO.. 204 First tt houekeping I tKMjD brass bed. spring and mattress, almost new. Call Mar. 570. TRUNK. ' new, reasonable! 074 El Couch at Pbone East 324. TOTl HALE Good Winchester carbln. 2i-35, 612. Ttw 4Qo. FOR SALE f'lieap. one range and on gas pia,e. Phone Wdtn. nnd4. BURBANK potatoes delivered at Foundation yard or at 43 E. 80th N. : bring sack. Phoee Tabor 0322. - WILL exchange new Grafonola, Biwrniricg", Vletrola or Edison and records for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. $30 Alder. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BHITANNtCX 1 i th sdi tion. Cambridge, fbsest made. Sacriflc. K 772. JonrnaL kUin 479. rut r. r KUOr in.cage sale, line shape: coat II i9, price BO, a.'o down, gio monthly Hyatt Talktna Machine Co , Xn Alder. ONE small crib, baby walker. E. 89th st rest e 800 TWO 86x4 H used casing. Tabor 6603. , 1885 Division. TENT. 3-ft. Miller ave. $20. 488 wall, good as new. Sellwood. GARAGE in good locTUty. doing large bust- Will stand investigation. Tabor 9118. UNALI.Errfor tailor made suits, $12.60 up Tavlor the Tailor. 289 Burnidc. NEW jewelry exchanged for old gold er cash paid for same. I. Bo torn on, a3 uorneon. FOR 8AI.K Baby bunny and feather bed. 813 for both. Weodlawu eoz. Ttirj k. iitn rr. . TOP hood cover Tor Baby Saxon machine, I fc -. . - FOR SALE 1 copper steam table. 1 breed cutter: er win exchang for linoleum. lay Grand av. B-1608. LOVELY wicker cage, cheap; also email oneT atarsnail 1474. LARGE fuel gas rang $12; wood beating stov $8. Call Tabor 6048 or Tabor 7278. FOR 8 ALE A boy's all wool overcoat, good as new. E-6X2. Journal. HANDSOME theatre - party wrap. Copenhsgea bine, sice 86. reasonable. V-471, JonrnaL FOR SALE 13x14 12 ox. tent. 3 ft wall. nearly new. C. B. Miners. 6th and r.Hen. 1$ YDS. green stair carpet Like new. $5. Ah-e wringer. $4. Can East 4434. $78 Oregnvi f FOR 8AI E Coal and wood heating stove. 4 72 Yamhill st Thaea Atff event rlissm of asUents srs fatly astWtad with my 104) chlropracttia philoannby and experience and enperior skill demaawtratad at ssjawnltaHcaas, eisminaiton. adjnetmant. rates and. fbsaily. retrnMa. Hawmmsdtons en file lor yean. Eighth peer as this city. Batata! East and -West aid offices $80O ssoath. Credit good. All cam PERSON ALLY examined and ad rested BY MYSELF At AM- TIMES. Phone. esU or wnte. Sis phone testslled. Day s evssvsvg trestntente. 60 rat. 81 adjustoscnts, Zi 5. 4th sad Washington. 1 1st and Hawthorne SR. At.ICE WEIXS, BEAUTY SPECIALIST. Ladies only, 10 to 6 p. aa. 413-414 Bo chanan bldg. Face, neck and bust developing, cabinet bathe, reduction of flesh, rheumatism. general tonie bath. nrvousees snd impotency. i gLassea At a Saving MISS IRELAND 10 LESSONS 83 609 TVk-ntn bldg. Prrwrnal attention, 14) te 9. RING LER Dancing Academy, leading school class Men . Wed.. Fri. eves: 8 lessons. 65: privy l.ssotis. 14th at Wash. Broadway 6860. XUSie 60MOOL8 AMD TCACMCR8 WHY not be a singer or m-uirtaa? High TaaJ- ariea being paid now; act arranged far vau deville. Columb-an Mussoal end Tbeetriral .Bn- reau, 618 Columbia bldg. Kates reasonable. E. LAWSON. PROF. T. Piano lnwiiia st your horn. 75e. Tsbor 7204. E. THIKLHOHN Violin teacher, pwrtil 6ici 207 HeKtner bhlg UP. lady, piano t per lesson Wdln. 2958 5lA DU ATE rrfano teacher with experience. Las- sen st yeur bom. 75. Call Tabor 1898. bal s madi solicit year petrenag ea the ot capable service. tboo- ada of mtastied patrona. Chaa, W. Good man. octnmetrkH. 200 Mornsoejtt MRS. ELSIE OR BOY K. DANIELSON lived et Boring and Portland, pkmse wi wbo write to 680 Part on road or phon Marshall 644. and learn something to her benefit. A Friend. COME IN nd get both ar lart Iiaed up good lor 81 by Dr. Eaton, the CMIROPOlMnT that doesn't hurt yen.- a yean 1 roruan; exam, iree Globe Theatre Wdg.. 1th and Wesn. Bdy 2K24 SPIRITUALISM Mr. M. L. LA MAU, 28$ 5th at. corner Main, teach palmistry and card reading: also Itssons in science el health and FOR SALE English perambulator hah- buggy and white crib. 61 2. Tabor 9236, SHOT SHELLS 31. 10 a box; regular price fi.ii. aii up csh .rvi vominga. FOR SALE Furniture of 12 rooms, good location, cheep rent Sell cheap. Want to leave city Oct 1. 898 tu st HOUSEHOLR GOODS FOB SALE REA"C"BARGAIN8T" T" Two -practically new Axminster rug. 9x12. One tapestry rug. 8-8x10-6. $14: 817.50' once. It will be of tnteret to von. z a I electric sweeper, 630. Give your phon, what WIGHTMAN-JOHNSONv rURS,i CO., . , wanteo. .r-00- 'wnl - , ,T'i Vltsa , ATS -. I FUKNITUatls . I compieieij larnnuni -B-iwnn Bet E. Wash, and Stark St. "- Is apartment for sale, lncludlfig Steinway piano. ROT.Tn osk ron.hlo.tinn iuv,v,.u .rt ..i. I Mottm chsirs, desk, kitehen nteradls. Tabor 281$. FOR SALE Polished sag tuning unto, o n. - extension, used-very little. -.14 Bell Court MarhaB 6707. COLONIAL, mahogany writing . desk with t desk, in fine condition, for only 819.75: also mahogany finished asctional bookcase, 3 1 sections, crown and baas, prioad at' $24.75:1 easy tenna. - II3H FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1st t. . drawers.- In perfect snap; eest $182, sell for 850. 296 Clay St. aiarsnau oooo. A . IF1 et1 .Ubla. T".nd'r'"1 OAK iJUFFKT FLATS mirror, $ 12.50. inlaid deaisma. .at real niw of sit. cost tlOO I v t-i-ovrrnor new. Will su for 845. Terms if desired. MISH FURNITURE CO.. , . . 18 8-1 90- 1st 'sfc : ': --y H.OW. is tills T -.. ilrsnd - new Conner coil a I water., heater. . special st $12.75.'. Better OWL" FUBNITURB CO., - . -.' ? - 2Q4 First st. FURNITURE of 6 room huuje for sale. W. Wygant. st hurry. -' W only have a "limited suppiy2 J113M rt'it.-sixuKjsr oo., - -188-100 1st at. K RELIABLE gas range. 4 burner, elevated aid - orrn'. enameled door, in- tine condition. $32.5 delivered and connected. Why pay $66 1 . . OWL FUBNITURB CO.. , " ' " ; ' 804 Fin t , 124 1447 Maiioryt 2 WHITE enameled beds , coucu , puone Mair on to. sprhiss, mattress, I Flwtn stand refrigerator. r KITCHEN cabinet and ruga. -j. Woodlawn laon.--. . ' -- f ' GOOD mantel , bed', 35 ; also single iron . beds T with spring. 385 Everett t. near 21t - . FOR SALE Famishing In 10-roova furnishej ! H. aw rooms, an fult , rhone Main 1136. ; FOR s SALE 1 extension table, I bedstead." I 4 ga ree. 3 heatvng : IS B. 9th et. 8. LEATHER" da vi'niort to good tmndition,. with T mttrv.- fnr yv" ?Q vh , sse Mfrln-t 1 FURNITURE ef Tf roora ft 633 Ftanders., Phon Tabor 6219. KITCHEN rang for sale, $25; good as new. Woodlawn 2844. FOR SALE Child's sulkey. like new" CaU Monday, luasi sm. - . FOR SALE Red crab apples, 3 to 5e per lb. Tabor 16SO. . KITCHEN range for sale, first class condition. Tabor TZQ2. ; , 12 NICE rabbits; also set of carpenter's tool. 3805 64th tt. ITALIAN prunes. 2c 65 E. 84th N-. Monta- Tiua eari PBCKE8 for sale. 14 per Tb. 232 B. 5th st N. Tabor la. - PBTTNES for sale. Take Mt Tabor 88th car. 2201 E. Ash. PRINTING press. 8x12 California robber. $. Bo Ctry Prinrery. VACUUM -cleaner sold, - repaired, rented. ei changed, bought. Bentley Go.. Main g-WX I PLUMBING . suppliea. wbotesal price. , oterk - Davw Co.. 212 Sd . Main 791. Den- CALL SUN DA I7TTE noth at nortn. FOB SALE cheep. cmrng outfit Cot 1083. FOR SALE Fluff rug, good ss new. Kat 4666. JATCT.KRVACUUM SWEEPER A Mate 68X SMAIJ, cooking stov for al cheep. Bel2384. ERICK SON'S White Shield maternity bom for anfortanate girl; no publicity, i s m. 7 2d st. N. Otl 279, SUPERFLUOUS bsir, ssolea, wart, i 19 needle saethod; trial tree. Ull Mam 368. oved by Finely $14 Bllen bldg ifSS. MABE , BARBER, srdrttnal ssedinm reediass daUy. 10 to 6- 146 11th st Broad way 8263. FURNITURE WANTFD OWL FURNITURE CO. 74 204 First Wa wsnt vowr used furniture, stov. carpet. and pianos, vv in pay aigniet caaa pncea, Main 4627 - . DB. U. V. aUtchsm. woesaa'a ass la 41 s and aewte dkseese at men. Washington bldg.. 4 to and Washington. Phon Marshall 44a RHEUMATISM. eenaupaUon. "kidney, nerve and stomach treuM cure, imigiesa. DR. ELNA SORENSEN. 80S Panama bldg. fTtAFSESS sad ear trouble successfully treated C C.OC Highest prices paid fee Vydll taOl UOUnsed furnftsre. toveaga. We TENT-HOLSB, 14x10. - ver ave.i fog- sale.: 1386 DIAMONDS sold en w OAK I 41Ae .A rYrjrwrt. s&i s -j Jtitrci ALL kinds glas store fronts doors, counters. very cheap. Hake offer. i;.n k. vnren vt. isoa. neioine. -toe CaU Main 1692. A IONG sealskin eoat. suitable for- soaking, a sheet coat ec eoatoe. 840. Tabor INVALID wheel chair for sal.- Wnodhiwn 42. NEARLY new rang and gat pUte. . 272 1 th. anytntng in bonaehold good. eld fnvnttuve for .kigbest to obtain LtW far vonr need furnitur. stov, carpem. VVluHTalAN-JOHNSON . rURNTtTHiTCO. 68-90 Grand ave.. Eest 7766. - Higaeet pric paid for used ' far el tare, es sets, stoves, renge,- eve. - W call promptly Want Household Furniture : - " WILL PAY CASH ' . . - Pbone Main $832. CUT freight rates et - household gaod shipped Kast and Bontb. Maaara Waeeorwrw Tran. fer Co.b and Hoyt - Broadway 708 A-l Ink. ftlQU paid lr tornrtar. eteve. ran hea VAOri er. cerpeta, rug, drunrv, etc. Phenr MarshaB 3675. Hartxell Farnltur Co., 341-45 m by drugless ntsthod. Broadway bldg. - - 6vfVEtA . BALMT7 rigs, log SI. sin as wensen. ni st Belt 2218.. Pbone sseewing. Dr. H. Coil ins, 918 BeTm rly -a 334 peupl ease ihea. at. ntrscaaa. ljlTatat salve pirminantly. A. ken. or.. H 6. La. G. -H HUTUMAN. veierussnan keapMsl. 416 K. 7ta) st a. . is l. ea sed bene ehpped. CsnelutM FREE. Lawyer $lf 4993, sVRtag bkta FACE. MASSAGE, dammr.."rtcbing scalp, mole 280 rneoner bMg Hmen way iaa COUPLS without childrea will store, pis ao. Jog ass. neat teterences. ivvs, journal. PARTY going east ean save on eipensss ceeaavnMcatmg wttn Ai-B I. joernaw fWO,hsdi4'wTh trip to jatU snd retarn by -autot win psy fer gs and OU." Tabor B3nH, UPS WRIGHT PalraHry; card rd,aj aud - l.seaet ' $40 4 Morrksoa, Itonai 414.. 2l years' xprinoe. Broadway 1629, her, at your home for 75 MAIL ADVfHTI8lf0 CRANK LETTER CO., 612 Koysl bldg. Malti graphing, mhneographmg. Msrshsll 6822. CIJkltlN 17ih t. painting, tinting. puriag. 13 Rdwy. 4414. Wdln. 2128. PAYtWT ATTOWWIY t-OLDHKHG. 620 Werrevter bMg U.i. Hil. PRINTING 882 Stark at F. W ad Oak sts THE IVY l-UKS iraotno BALTES ' A to., is. M. 168, A-H4S. Broadway 408. A-4688. PHrOICIAWg . ' A. PUUJ.U'8. 905 Broedway build r,n n Rltrumstkun. leroaas uswruwra. sua uwurxsa. stomach. Uver. kidney, Bnwatt, Ureal. : lattrs. irUth bteod prsar. ALSO HTKM.1LK, Trade i'hsrka. Metal digue. PACI.IU widi Dljisr iihsb 68 Broedway. Wvoadwey 110, A-2710. TOMaMaV CUT-PMiCE etorast. imrSinx. etc hdwi Fwmttar Oo. ' Main A-.B34L 6tb and ') .. TftANarCf A MO 4rTO)A4IS OREGON" TRANSFER CO. Est abiivhed 1870. TranaTsr and' Forwarding Agents, Storage Flee Trscksee. Office sad Storage 474 Gntaa. Hth and Gliaen. Broadway 1241, A-l 149. AI.WATS rPl"K" TH K BEST HOSUKHOLD m GOODS - SPECIALIST Stovagey peckto. hh-sping and. BMrring. IVors and : Bern vaaa. eaten frt an Domf.. ' & O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Beeonn and Pine, P rue1 way S80, Ala. T0BAGl-. ; AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INCw " "142 Flander treet- PACKING MOVING MTO RAG K 8ECIT5ITT STORAGE TRANSFEB -,C0,1 . - IPS Psrfc St . Man M9v A-IOjU. . WE contract and ' do heavy ksuling. ioadlng." packing; big auto, truck,, an ka, i aon Abtngron bldg.: Main 747$. WATOH RCPAIHINO. - UIGHEeT pneaa paid for eld Welches and Jew- - mkn Cendiuo. se ebterC. fteostrina -caeelai. ty. flefner : Jewelry Co., 449 W s Washing too at, it. 11 . 1'11'lvlll r mrla nMwi. 4-lr' . : Fin wsteh repairing. . 275 Morrises 6t - If