THE OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1918. hexp1 waxtxi femalb m gSris, tetweaa 18 sad It, lor tmniw aaat- iimIb erne. - tMitrk, between IS sad 3. as sasreatlees ft Birfcreat loutMia, . i to ku up mauti bs en apparel ' Kain to Mriaf la arlng of sandy. , Turns warns- for cleaning work," i " '' Appty' supertotondent office, tununt beJ oony, Meier frank Co. j YOTJHO LADIES I FOB TEXEpHONE OPEBAT1NO , I NO rUTIOCS EXPERIENCE, NECESSARY, tt FEB WEEK PAID WHTB LEA8JMNCL JLAFID ADVANCEMENT TJf BA1ABY permanent poamoHS. tXTBA PAYMENTS FOB SU1TOATB ANT. HOLIDAYS. APPLY TYXETHONE COMPANY OPXBATING SCHOOL. SIXTH FLOOB PARK AMD OAK 8TB. BETrTBEN 8:80 A. M. AlfD :S0 P. M. OIBM AMD 'OMBN WANTED. WORK 18 , BAST TO LEARN. PAY GOOD. DESIRABLE PLACE AND STEADY POSITION. APPLY W PEBBON. CRYSTAL LAUNDBY CO. 16 LiDla TO Leabn the faARBEk t kIde OwtM to so maa barbers bstng dratted, it ia te yon to do thU work; clean and honorable; is is ooiy a question of time whea mors than half Sf thebLrbam will be todies; ehy jo f.J waeee when yoa can maka Irom $20 to 880 per week t Trade leerned in 0 weeks. Moler Barber cSaa. 2d and Bumaide ats. Phone Bdwy. 1781. , WANTED Se-roral brisht lrla ln aad paper boa work in a specialty msa afactarina plant. Clean, light work: wages to starVirOO par weak; steady work, with oppor jTnH, for advancement. Anawer la own hand wrung. Address F-88. Journal. . viNtfcb lft Bright, espable ladies to trarel. demonetrst. and seU wU known good, to stsbttahed dealers. $26 to $80 per jrert! road far, paid; weekly adaes nT,n expeasea. Address at once, Goodrich Drug l-o . Dapt, TOO. Omaha, Neb. t..n. L-iri.'i ia work in our fruit can- aery at Tancouxer. Wuh. We wfll par car fare Ito and from Portland. Steady work and Joody! Phone Et 0 or apply Oregon raeaiaa n., v hiu... crn7i.iuairii a Amim 8 hmira. $14 and $16 " nfirri 1 VaiS d willing to loin . wa a, 1 4wawaga AsxTt 'ft. WBIltcf TKMv- LT'rW. carfare. Addre-T Kobn. 238 Bond St.. Astoria, Or. , - f WOTSat sppeaHng w to "i? i " " . " r " . , , i 1 waritVi evesrw fsf lftniU UniUI siUTtjivaaw, work! satory $20 per week. CaU 8 to 4 .p. m. S'hotel0 lO t n, Surx -t " ' . n r II I WANTED A trunmer. new rZ, .ea Steady position, $15 per week and eom- mlioton on bat and dresses. Late references. Y-7B0. Journal. i-rr WANTED A number of educated refined mid dleMtged women for outside selling positions ; not house to houae work; salary to start. Ad dress T-467. Journal. H VaLUaBI-R iormnlas, tricks, illuaions and v " v.m ia . interesting magasins. Kperleaced . atomBM tot wnmI dspart- I fOT two iaauea. aent complete for 10c DepC B, 414 Stock Exchange bldg.. PortUnd. Or. : 1 1 C TT ,1 ... n , . . Mn.HAnv f . - i work in I'oruana ana vKjiniw. d , I . "vu vnu running enee end sgs; salary and eommlaalon, L-928, water, for couple of gentlemen; beard if de Journal. 1 8A,Jj)hn nd Eentoa shipyards. WAN TK1 OOlK-uor. lei -V,V la Portland and vicinity. Bute experience and to present nign grsae miw v.vk" see, salary and. commission. L-S27, jcurnau 1 r.mig wintto nreO WANTED AMERICAN LAUNDBY . , M v l nT ITUTnn BT. NflHTH OIBL8 wanted, steady employment at good wagsa Apply Troy Laundry Co.. E. 10th and a t . SWt T I'm MT S llTFi meta rtne. 'VaNTED A wet nre. Tsbor 1003 HELP -WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 28 WANT man and wifs for Hood Klver; man to nsil boxes or worn in warenouse, woman m sort spples. Also want some extra woman to .nniM. men 83. women $2.50. Sunday 7Bi av. Main: Monday ana aiier, tvo waw of Commerce bldg. 'MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Pars vwu while learning; give you set of tools. ... . . Mg.WPJ":.tiO while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barker College, 223 Madlsoa. T " rnnT.ANr hAbuER COLLEGE j -i. MM mnA vnn.B tha barber trade free. ear while learning. 284 Couch. Broadway 2482. tVttLT. B nine lixbt unfurnished room, in exchange for Janitor service ef a 4 flat house. MRS. HANNUM'i Shorthand and Typewriting School Short course, individual instruction. East 8860. Tillamook st snd Gsntenbeia arc VI N TED Man and wife or atngla man to work on farm near Portland: must have ref- orencee. M-848, Journal. WANTED AGENTS t t'RtiENDSI AGENTS I Ladies and Gentlemen! Imd ma vour noaa. Ue and aell Egyptian mJ-ZX.T. XtXit "a?- It writes, "Your perfume is just grand." Miss 1 save "It'a wonderful, already people take mere notice." Mr. Keley write. "It aay be the perfume, anvhow business is better. Hun drsds of satisfied cUKtcmers. On bottle, post . , . . . . v. ao, n si . jinMii ae laiu, ,ud , uirw. ww, , v,. " . . gross, $1$. O J. Churchill Chemical Co.. Mfgra., Beaumont Texas. BELL aur Wonder Set" of toilet preparations with S1.50 silver berry spoon given as free preaiium to, your customers, taking i your orders m,w , n - vi ., Mm.m in w f i u- ri wa no under the "Msdison Svstsm" in which we do all tba delivery work ' and send you a commis sion check erery Saturday, no money or let' tor of credit rea aired. You can make from $25 to' $65 a week with this big seller. Northwest ern Sslss Co.. No. 2040 L. C. Smith bldg.. Seattle, Wuh. ' HAVE , YOU MADE GOOD selling books, por- traits snd other specialties r IM you wsnt V Jfc.'VLIi? to earn ao to g75 a whcuesale to farmers on -war to establth yourself ia a permanent bust- aess earning $3000 to $4000 a year J If so. .give full particulars with aga, experience snd address. Box 2090, Portland. Or. . MINUTES PAl DOLLARS Demonstrating new 81. adding machine; wonderful invention; add, subtracts, multiplies; work equals $200 machine; 6-year guarantee; sells everywhere; splendid profits; write quick for trial -offer and proviso. MrTuorr. i wpx. sui, calculator tior- parsnon, invmi napiua, alien. PAtBtoTlO men, and women io dWibuia f America sad the Great War." Gives fust a twk aktriSV fiTtr f VM llflMt W9 " kTMeaassa the informaUoa everyone ' need at thia critical : tlma. IUumtea. ; Big pay. Spare time may be used. Outfit free. International Press, Phila- delphm. AGENTS Revemlble U in 1 raincoat and over oar, new. Never on the market before.. ' Credit given. - Outfit free. Parker Raincoat Co.. 2350 Mama at, Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS New draft ruling meana million pa a triotic picture sales. Over Top, Pershing, Colored Heroes, etc Sample free. Portrait cat- Sloans jfreo.- Peoples Portrait Sta. D, CltiOgo. ' ; AGEtf8 U8tt profit: wonderful little article! aomathing new; sells like wildfire; carry right in pocket Write st one for free sample. E. M. Fcltman, 616 3d St. Cincinnati. Quip, EARN' 82 an hour ia your spare time taking ;, orders for Goodyear coats.- Sample coat -free. If floodyear Mfg. Co.. 249 y LiUis' bMg,, aUnaas : SITUATIONSMALE v' -BOOKS repaired,, eeehjngied and painted and carpenter work. Bdwy. 8Z70. MAN with new 8 tt ton truck want steady job! B-6TS.. JeurasL . situation it male WANTED A position a loramau oo prune t e am b of taking full ilnfM: haves bad experienca. .-. Can furnish best of refsreuoot; mm aid. Bmrrtarl have 1 ehil, KX-914. MAN of edueatloa, ability aad family wooMlS ' position offering batter advantages tha 'mm he w holds Now mMi llU pa Booth. na soncTung amrea. dx-884, journal. WANTED -Home oa farm for 12-ycereld boy. 'Mm board and Iwb and go to school, mother will tarnish clothes. . Phone Marshsll 1681 of mo 276 H Columbia. W. E. BehoIL EXPERIENCED bookkeeper want wall BeTaf books te keep or Man work b do Is ara- ibct. j-735. Journal. WANTED Light bookkeeping by experleiseel dii win afternoon tree, p-mi. JonnuL WaNTSD A position" M watchmen. Phone East J7S1. ELDERLY man wiabaa poaitioB ea Janitor, poe- teror Itousesaaa, T-914. Jcarnat SITUATIONS yrn-MALB LADY with boUl experience wishes to ma tool ana on aaiarr; food patera be given. 8. If. Steele. 26? U Oak Phone Main 1748. ' . WANTED Housekeeping by " wkk it: rear-aid bob. naatn Mafavd. If ra, Mur- any, parent Betel.- apt. 4B. A" WOMArf that '''writes a good business ' J-ad wonM Uka eocyin or wriUnc ct any kihd S a novn a ay. v-oz, cpornaL LADY wmiM ilka pcmiHru r bovM. tneladinc apt. aad aavUl wacaai 7 yaais xpmenca. t-w, jonrnal. LADY would Uka eharra of apt. ar aica aS rooaUaa honaa; irfimm Hnt . ' - - Kakr T aftar a p. m. F-4fl, JoamaL. l OUNO lady wanU Iiht work "in isa au or port Uma. Befi Pbono xaaor 4I8B aftet BmxUy, bJKNHJHAPHKa with soma axparlaoco (Ui poaiUoa: referanca as to eompataaea. J-726. uumu. BY -young Udy with bnaniaaa aaaailaBuat good aalcalady; eaa fill most any aoaMoa luraaartj YOUNO lady wants poaitioa playiaa (of prints warai or aancrnc - classes, aitanooa ar oo ainc Broadway 1851. ftTENOGRAPHEU with soma axparleaea daaina posroon ; reference aa to aompajtanea. Cau Vim A, Marnimll 1281. kXPERIENCKD dresamakar waats day aaaaaa manta. Uain 470. A MIDDLE-AGED Udy wants poaitioa aa aoasa- aegpor. mu uotumDU two. LADY to ears for yosaiinc or apt. bonaa, ozper? aneca; wm tiro cooa M. r-t4T. JonrnaL PRIVATE homes cleaned, rugs xaeuum cleaned. man ana wns. TSPor BOfl. LADY with firat class apartment bease experi ence wants petition. K-777, Journal. WANTED Position aa housekeeper; weak! use own furniture; widower preferred. 187 Page. RELIABLE woman wants day work, washing. ironing. Mondays, Wednesdays. Mala 8787. MIDDLE-AGED. nn..mK-t wishes housekeeping oa ranch. T-478). Journal. WODLD like care of child, 2-6; good home aad care. B-1201. EXPERIENCED woman wants management of apartment or .rooming bouse. Sej)wood 1845. SITUATIOJTS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE tt COUPLE experienced' want to do Janitor work and take cars of apartment boose. Maa works la shipysrds. Call erenings. East 6062. DHES8MAKIIfO MRS. WOLF. Chetopa TyU. Apt, 21. 4t KTJHSES . tt PRACTICAL, axperieneed sons wants inralid coBTaieacant or general nursing. East 4769. NURSE, quiet home, invalids, unfortunates. EeX erenoes. B. A.. Box 111, Greabam, Or. tion. suitable for 1 or S w.n exchange for some hem erenW V.4flT " hWhih-r, -fc- J II i ui . . I uiivilj wweiii. wcu imuuuo. nnrtae mint room with porch; also single rooms; gentle-1 maq omy; waning aistaace; Nob mu; xefer ences. V-470. Journal PRINCE8S hotel, modern, firep'roof . ' nuininf I WBtsaP nhniaaaB inA atlavmnw. MaK malU. " wmwwrwm, aaagaaa Aussswk-'p aVUW I rm JLUI A DITu KIM SnriTBrMftv 1 grjITABllE " for gentleman, nicely furnished MarSSl tt bath ai phone. - I FOR RENT Boom for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 800 Holladar ara. I , I LADY desires steamheated room sear tinaRtlna I " ; -' . 1 1 UHNISHED P.OOMS FBIYATK FAMILT a 1 NICELY furnished room ia aHrata been. tv. I ing dUtance. 567 Mulberry st. Ladd add. Fbone it 1904 CTirf.v r i.i.. I , 'ijg i KTVt V f.iA i l-.l. t . i r 'V, , pnw laauiy jor couple of retire gentlemen; board tt desired; y''wm w ot jonna ana aentoa. Call be-I lore n or arter 7 p. m.. Woodlawn 2470. "ii'Hi'i iurnixifea iront sleeping room in mod- I I TU noUSO. mClUQine Ttirn.r. hMt nlinn. . I Mea only Wsfctog distance. 810 a month. I " ' " " -aa aaaa linvu. v f uiuijiueu or paruy lurmstied light housekeeping rooms, all madam . . adults-, nermanent n.rM i. tY K7a w. r-v. a IslO furnished room for one or two. with or Without nnnaekaanlna Phone Tabor i ovia. u tx izg st- Bouth. FOR. BENT Furnished room In private family! no other roomers. 853 Montana are. Wood- lawn szo. 2 NICELY furnished room; gentlemen pr i tirreu ; ing r.. oui, n DIOCa from Mt ctTtw rr.V- . ..L ,.t . . laoor car line. . xabor 371. i loin, o oixa. u. rnone wax 1535. QUIET, rentfnl room, bath and tolepboaa. break favt if desired. Men only. Four blocks to canine: per week. Phono Woodlawn 893. FURNISHED room for one or two gentlemen. Half block to car. 15 minutee ta downtown, Call before 10 er after 2. 497 E. 17th, 8. FURNISHED room. 4 blocks from Northwest Bteei uo., 170 Mead st I BTfT ?AVP- from $8 to 816 per mo. Woodlawa 2212. NIGEL X furnished room in private family, close in. t-aii a&am l izz. NEWLY furnished room In private home for i people isii is. Washington. Ta. 4507. NICELY furnished front room for rent bor 8009. UNFUBNISHED BOOMS I FOR RENTIn private family, nice large furnished rooms: may be used for faouaakaMv. ing. rnone un 21 f. BOOMS AND BOABD It WANTED Room and board br mother and i iuukiiifi East 3689 daughter, weat side, walking distance. Phone i WANTED Room and hoard bv man r- I who work; gangs apace if posaible. V-472.''! Journal. ifgB HA2Et outtid. l I . , . . - . eooxmg. apeciai rates to couples. 885 Sd. BOOMS AND BOABD P BIT ATE FAMILY v 72 1 WANTED A girl, school age, to care for in I private family, win give good cam. Beason- I able Seilwood 8584 BOARD and room, man and wife both working: SV' I"! rr; -WANTED. 2 orj ehUdren to board, school rtn Wal Ogart- wood. , " " BOOM, board, with sleeping porch. 2 gentle- man. R7I1 SV T.iU . x1. Oflaa men. 576 E. Ladd eve. East 2883. WIDOW lady wishes to take couple children to room ana poara. Kast 8S47. WANTED Children to board; good home and beat of eare: rates reasonabla. Wrlla ana I beat of eare; rates reasonable. Wdla. 400 1 j 11 , . . - .menT1 8 Comrneal00111 T 3 T WANTED BOOMS AND BOABB 8 jl ij - iwu ouamess women want 2 rooms and board wiui sincuy private lamuy, on east side, in tlfrl iS&r 730 JoroaL1 DMm to every particular. J-7 30. Journal. m.zkh-w . wku4 wan. mil fwm mu re fined family: must be reasonable- atata nlaca to. keeo ear nnfemd. N.tTA Tn.. M . i -mr.,by b in private family. 0-968, Journal. . HOUSEKEEPING. BOOMS t FURNISHED AND VSFUBNISHEB TW0 : unfurnished beekeeping rooms; bsth. outside entrance. 6910 84th at 8. E. Mt Scott ear. SHIPYARD district, H. keeping apartment. furnished or - unfurniahed. reasonable, j 795 1st st, " -. a H, ' . BV' rooms, 1st floor. . a AHusww,, nmoa awon. - rt--ftj i-.- t-s r-t : : " n x UK KNTwnisnel housekeeping rooms, Wjrth , va.eaii.fc . nw.wiw near a,nott. BkALL. ; fron houwkeeping room, rent $2 per e" -. we, wwmi, . . rrmyisHEP ajtp tjkfub jtishbp , book a roa ben? '. Wi bars tat s storsraom la dasttabla, dsaa Bvtef rooass, wata aad toilot ta anaais, oa one Una; will rant ta dasbaMa tenant IIS par month, taetadrac watar; eonorcta bids. MwrahsB - S13-1S-14-1S Swetlaad Bklc , FOB BENT -1 aaita B. K. rooms f araisbad. at Oswaco, X block south of aiactrio depot, food ear aerriea ta abipyarda . Call or phone B-alSL. Mrs. Cooper. ....-;-;.-. BOTJ8xxsErnro Kdoxs THREE famished heasskaaplaa rootaa, aawly famfsaed. aery aastnoia. ae anuaraa, ran 40; eterythiac t umiahad . ezospt aaa, 8 FDBNISHED hooaekaepiac rooBM, walking dis Unea Bead oolleaa. Phone Wdla. 2460 ba twaee 1 and t p. av -- '' " PORTLAND HEIGHTS, one ar two rootne aad kftidMnetta; boaineaa Tjaonle or eaoDle era- pioyaa Onnnt gay preferraa. jgnmat. TWO farniabad booaskaepins rooioa. alectrScitj, aaa. zsi B. 0U. cor. Barmoa. LIGHT Hv K. rooaa. farnttbed; close in. , Phone Marshall 1258. before 12 FOB BEST BOCSKB MXDEB A FBANX'S FBEB BKXTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU BaBahla p4e-data Hats of desirable Taeant hsoaaa. aparUaaota aad flats with definite ln- MBMM partalraas to each. Maannraars la Portland wffl find this hu of gtuat Tahaa la hatpins tham get properly and atticiuy losaiea. EIGHTH FLOOB FOB SALS OB FOR BENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOSE OITT PARK CAR Moring to Idaho: mnst aell at Once: hot water heater: 6 rooms. . fireplace, bookcases, beaatif al electrio fixtures, tapestry papered, hardwood floors, buffet. Dteh kitchen, cement basement, laundry tsars. .Term to suit moot desirable purchaser. Take Liberty ' bonds. , PHONE TABOR 4562. 6 BOOM boose, lot 60x100, fruit trees, iTT. 8 room lower flat. SIB. Aocto 89th sad East Stark. Mt. Tabor (M-T 88th) car to end. 4 blocks north, 1 east. (29.00 0 BOOM house; modem; about 1 acre: walking distance htilwaukie r lease to right party. Main 7862. HOUSE for rent; ia good town; good school ; Bear Portland. Inquire P. Bieding. 658 Clay st.. Prtland. Or. WANT to rent. 6 or 7 room modem hi for 1 rear. Jefferson high school district. Best of references giren. E-838. Jonraal. KEAB shipbuilding. .9 room dwelling, rent reasonable, repairs for good tenant, inquire, 267 Oak st. room 2. MODERN tt room hotwe, fireplace, yard, near shipyards; adult. Inquire 711 Water St., near Hooker, west side. MODERN 7 room house, Portland Heigh ta, rea sonable. Mar, a IT. $10 Store building for living rooms. Union are. L-880, Journal. HOUSES FOB BEICT FTJB2UTUBE FOB SALE 12 WILL sell the furniture of 5-room flat eom uletelr furnished for housekeeping for 8200. $100 cash and $100 Liberty bond takea; 12 minutes waig u r. u.; loreiy comer wwn norcn; wiu rent me us. aa raja yoa toi " "5, 'itL . , ' , " " i "--- u ' """"V;, SZTS? reit snap in Portland today ; give phone wnln :tT!, n a.w .dnit. mi. ... . JooraaX t FUBJTISHED HOUSES tt 7 ROOM modera hone at 1008 Hawthorne awa warfll lastmaa tm Maaas aasagaai tin gaw saantK sarva v vraag. iooju ava vhu r-"-a , eewew auvuMn THIB I.AWKKNIIC Cft 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6018. A-2815 FAMILY without yonag children to hara mod- tarn Uinm. JkUarmaa lOSl raninsiua B TSB " Pnon wnn- 1011 irtnr .1 $350' takes my 8 room cot- VTA a WJ ECQII tags, completely furnished, foot of Yermont GOING to war: will rent my 6 room bungalow! furnished throughout; best of references re- quired. 9X1 ; fa. yrsngua, I FRONT room ia modem Irrington home; priv- ilege of bath and phone; references required. r on Ba- MODERN furnished houae for reat. piano, Mt gjcoCT car, oaau f oweu vaitey. AFABTMEWTS 2 FTj BsTi SHED AND UKFUBKlSHETl FURNISHED 2 and I 'm, H. K. apt, in'a 4-i- a t ka xnTii, . ' "I trie lights, hot snd cold water included. Sen. ante entrances. Walking distance, weat iM. I 2 lbks. ear. No children. Mar. 8848. lo to 4, SIB 'ia Diag. I . . m., , mWTTTva I HAK I ArAK I M LiN I b YanSull sleeping rooms, $2.50 and up. I , , . , l. j. . . j . sUOSOUA ArTH. KSSt Bo. ana ncimont; modem 1 and 2 room apt., 81.50 per week up. Sleeping rooms. East z 12. FOB BENT FLATS 13 1.4) WE R flat 8 large rooms. $15. Apply cor ner 89th and East Stark. Mt Tabor (M-T 88th) car to end. 4 blocks north, l east 5 BOOM lower flat 741 E. Pine at Price 615- , FURNISHED FLATS 8 $50 FITS room, furntahed kwer flat, fine location. 646 E. 27th st, Richmond oar to 2Tth. go one Mock south. NEATLY furnished flat for sale. Very reason able. Call before 1:30 or attar o:so. iv , CT . , . rU. 1V, FOR RENT-3 OT 4 room fandahed (Vat with Clay st No dealer. garaaa. 125 E. 46th st, cor. Alder. GIRL employed who wishes to study music, to share flat Main suis. HOTELS tt PORTLAND VISITORS Let The Journal Travel Bur eaa Help you get accommodation. SERVICE IS FBEB Write to "Dorsey B. Smith, Journal Travel Bureau, Journal Bldg.. Port land. Ore." Tell him when you win arrive, what hotel or other accommo dation you want snd about what you expect to pay. Ha will notify yoa im mediately just what, if any, reserva tions he has been able to make for yoa and how to reach them. Be sun to write s reasonable time ia advance. HOTEL of 23 rooms, sll furnished comnleta. WiU rent cheap if taken soon. Only hotel in a goro town, j Fortlaad, Or. ueo. saone. axe irfiam. oi ton. STOBES AND OFFICES FOR RENT uoepuonaily fine etore room with lsraa enacreta baaement In hner bTubt- lng. beat location, in a good permanent pay- ZLXZS roll town, ww mries rrom i-oniana; wonderful xor ciua ana sui. urr goons, mu - nouoDB m ara u; ajao spieiHia open ins in town for better class of grocery .tore and restaurant Apply 29 N. 5th st, Portland. I . v i UiU oe vacant un. i, niurr onci Dldg.. 2ZZotig(.S2.6xtfU100t, 6o fare.- $1600. Terms.. House .could not I a month, Fred 8. Williams, 92 tt 1st at 1 - " ' . . WANTED To rent sman aster, or desk and front sign space. Permanent Address- da-1 tans, care Box 148. city. I OFFICE space with desk lor rent Inquire at I Z 272 3d st. FOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS 38 FOB BENf" e aww uuhu.ij .m.,, Hiwii wuuk. mu, I chicken bouse, io mflea out on S. r. electric I Call Carter, rt-eiui. - r. u. wainga, ft. WANTED, to rent garage d tt rf a loth and for automobile ia vi and Salmon , sta. Phone - 1 aass etui. 1 . i var a -wvrwT .en Bvwia m PERMANENT, responsihl. adult, want 4-3 fur- niahed apartments. Reasonable rent ; Befer- Phone Tabor 8926. LARGE unfurnished room suitable for music studio. Also kitchenette Convenient ta Htv- I thorn owow- 25th, Phone. Tsbor 860 WANTED Unfurnished or furnished . house. flat or apartment for family of S. Phono Tabor S43B. WT ta rant S or 4 nam bemaa. la j u. I MonUvilla. Tabor' 4115. ' I WANTED SmaU 3 room apartment, close S. I nasr BUBa. ?--''; - . , i .. - . . j WANTED, to rent steam heated apartment 1 House, 80 to oo rooms. Phone Columbia 86. j WHEAT farm wanted 4a Lssawlta equipment v-sai, soumaa- , "WAKTED TO BEJTT " - '-;V-FREE: RENTAL;'.--L BUREAU ; OOLTJHSIA BIVEB SHLfBUlLIinfO ' CORPORATION. Ia CbJs war time saseraaaey aad tosnrly at soaewiaiodatloas. we riaasat erery paot saa who baa a boeaa ta mat ar riinini to Jet to mall laforssatioa of saaw ta Oehnabia &. B. B. Cera. Box 1202. Psnlaad. Oa. Want bo meitmAiiT.'Bj HurEPrwn BOOMS. lfT7ST BK IN W11K1NS DIS TANCE OF ODB. PLANT AND SEASONABLY PBCED. PHOJJ8 "HBAYB TOGETHER," , AT NO-THWE8T STEI1L COw MAIN 11. SMALL bouse or S roasa epertawat er S bX rooms wanted by adults (or winter months; bast care guaranteed; references exchanged. Phone Tabor 160. MUST hare honaa' h W i '"a a rT 1 modern, with garaaa arefarred; will pay good i xsoor eas. jar. ArpaccM, awy, 4 to. WANT a email apartraaat. boose; atoet be rood taraitare aad partes; not leas than llOd par Math aet. Phono. Marshall 6464 Sunday; gon ssaaaay. j - YOUNG couple wants ta rent a er 4 room eotiaga nicely roraiabed ia Boss City Park. naumwn lias. WANTED SmaS hones aaiurnished: weald foT rar 70S . Taylor. Phone Mala WANT to rent a 4 or 8 room famished or partly famished boose oa wast aide. No ehil- aren. r-poae Marshall 21 B4. WANTED To rent or buy S or room banca . lw, MonUTilla district, from owner, reason- wnn lerma. 1 aDor BEAL ESTATE BUSINESS PBOFEE1Y 12 BOOM house, easily remodeled lata flats or apartments. Close ia. Can East d12. TO LEASE 88 TO LEASE Double store, building with rooms upstairs. Inquire 681 North Union. GENERAL SEAL MT1TF. ' aa BRICK apartment, real bargain; monthly in MHu 1S9R. aaa aaa j 11 j . ,..,vvv- uKiiiuiHf inuu- tare; good terms; would take $4000 Portland noma oa re bus Bpalding bids. FOB SALE HOUSES 1 ' . PURXISHED; SEE THIS SUNDAY ice room home. Lixing room, dining rooro, kitchen gad bedroom first floor, 2 bed rooms and bath top floor. An furniture, stores, gas range. Baud heater, beds, carpets, dishes. VvT.r, ansijs, ail go with place at 88050, uv ai au you need nax down and n mora right in. Come eat Sunday. Take Alberta iT ,l wa1 nan block aorta to 1062 E. 28th at. N. House onen from 2 to 5 p. ta. 6 BOOM modem house. Warerln netahta Lot 60x100. ImproTsmeats aB ia and said. $8000; terms. 6 room bungalow. Lot 60x100. cor., near r oarna, souw 01 B,uuBgsworta, a bargain. exeuu; lerma. Good 6 room house oa Division, nines tu tor the xaiue of the lot. $2250. 814 Lem- ow r.xcnange. BEAUTIFUL BESTDENflK fTmr.AP Elegant strictly modem 8 room house' with Tine n replace. tuU basement, Dutch kitchen, all built-in elfecta, large porches, fine lot, with finest lot ef shrubbery and flowers ia Portland. Price only (4200; 81200 cash, balance easy moninry payments. . THOMPSON.-SWAN A THOMPSON, eo ana mam sts., rancourer, wasn. 6 BOOM HOUSE. 10 LOTS Two blocks St. Johns car and shipyards. Good substantial 6 room house and 10 lots. 25x100 ,rith aUev. AU kinds fruit and berries. Out- of - town owner wfll aell (or $3000. Lota alone worth tba price. $500 ia all he asks down or take auto to $600 as first payment. Let ohamher MCTr w.Is,,? Cnamber of Commerce. Main 4522. ARE YOU LOOKING For .a nice home at a low price? Ham tt is! Close in, between Mississippi and Williams cam, A good, substantial 6 room nouse, modera ex cept best The owner wfll sell for $2500 and accept $800 down. You can't find a better buy in Portland. Coo A. McKenna A Co.. phone main toji. 727 fjnamber of Uommeree. LOOK. AT lili GLAD8TONE AVE. (WOOD STOCK CAB), BUT DON'T DISTURB TENANT $8200 6 room modera home, with lot 60x200. xnis nas one iuu lot. covered with fruit trees. If this suits you. make us an offer. J. A WICKMAN CO., 814 Stark St Main 688. ACORN GAS RANGE Elevated ovens. 4 burners, unner oven done glass, with thermometer; white enamel splash ers aad trays; modera in erery respect and as gooa a new; a bargain at S4o. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First street 6 BOOMS. COMPLETE. S17L0 This house has iust been nut ia condition. gooa ss new. it, is in good east side district, erYdJ" M.L Jbo' cr' l? nwutes to eenUr of citv. Nothing hatter in tha eltv at ha P- . Neilan & parkhilL 218 Lumbermen oiag., otn ana Bierx at I FOR SALE MT. TABOR Thoroughly modem 7 room house, hardwood riAAra inflt irk riinlnv WMn. Mn V .h. ?. bedroom and toilet, sleeping porch: lOOx 118, good vsriety fruit sad flowers: 859 E. 67th st Near Hawthorne. Owner, Tabor 403. LOOK AT 4818 80TH AVE. 8. E., ' BUT DON'T DISTURB TENANT $2760 6 rooms, modern, with lot 100x100 only 3 blks. to car., 5 bun. te Franklin men. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark St Main 883 FOR SALE Fine modem 9 room home on cor. ner lot 90x100. near Laurelhurat. block from car, hardwood floors, cement basement. furnace, beautiful ground with berries, fruit trees, flowers, garage, etc; $6500 cash or terma Owner. Tabor 6872. ONLY 81125 $100 down takes my new 8 room bungalow sod acre of ground, on JWg red car.; new ached- ule. hist right for shipbuilders. Why nay rent? be independent 1 600 Concord bldg.. 2d snd Stark, WEST SIDE - HOUSE BARGAIN rooms oa lot 60x116 'feet. Walking dis- to aU west aide. The lot is worth more thaa ia bow asked for the property. Price 68600. Owner ia is California. . NeOaa ac ParkhOl, 219 Lumbermen bldg.. 5th snd Stark. LOOKING FOB A BARGAIN f twei are tt atmiitt totbi $1500 6 room bungalow, bath, Dutch Kitchen, full lot wltn alley, garage; near Al berta ear. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stork St. Main 688. $150 down and $15 per month, including inter est, buys a s room norm, big lot 03x88. on E 79th, 3 blocks from M-Y ear. Price $800. REALTY A MORTGAGE CO., 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. 6 ROOM bungalow at 680 E. 23d at, 2 or 3 rooms can be finished upper story; fireplace. full cement basement; street paved and paid for. Price. $2500. terms. B. S. Cook, 602 Stock Exchange bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Real home, fruit aad berries. -6 room house. full baeemcnt msny built in conveniences. Prioe $4000. WiU give purchaser advantage of ageat'a eomauasion. raone voiumbi Ba. 2 LOTS. SMALL HOUSE, $800 This la only tt what the tots sold for ie4 Vital IV atf'Bwmff IwfYA mH IaP TM aTVsaBBl wBrwVs I nrlatnallv 1 place st the price. Neilan at ParkhuL 219 jumBermena oiag.. otn ana stars st. - $2350 5 BOOMS, modern, extra Ursa bed- rooms, inrnace, imp. an paid; con venient to Wm. and Mist. Are. cars. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Btark Bt Main BBS. VV'TT.t, give an exceptional bargain itf" nice 1 n vHi.i tx.iu., t . i .w- - 1 I . tal. 8. N. --fHeele. '267 tt Oak J Owner Main 1743 ' or Main 8525 I , 11 ' !J7. I SIX room bungalow, bath, fireplace, baaement. 1 ,nH.Hn - km atrt IS .M. be built for then $2000 today. Marj 1874 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 822 50 VfWri. S mom bungalow. 85(10 eaah ttal I g . rTtTy ira-LA 'modem home one are. I BAClilx AC E A moaem nome, one acre. Srm - Tabor 681Z fruit tress.- eta. Casaidy. 65U ar. and 67th st ! S. E. Tabor 105. 8200 CASHTbalanee like rent, takea a good 5 -room bouse, 'oil Basement; SI 500. 733 15th st S. K., Beuwood car. Csu todsy. S BOOMS, sleeping porch, good location, tt block Union eve, $28, $500 down. East 2827. Owner. FOR SALE -4 house, electric lighta, gaa, garage: price $850. Inquire 6218 flat st 1 n. m. f.tZXfFXli"? garage; lot 100x125 i 81st at aorta. ! tinAllV U ff TTnuin a - era; fan baseman t; lot 00x100; lawn, fruit and flowers r cash or teTm. ' tot Cbnrch. -5 BOOM bangalow, sleeping porch and garage full lot paved street; fruit - - SeDwood. , Price 32000. terma. B. B. Cook, 003 Stock Ex. bids, FOR SALE Home, with fruit Sad berriaa 31 000. terms, by owner. H,. C. Richmond, 5806 is. gaa st . is. . FINE boras, s rooms, K. C P. di'tnct: corner - " T , . . , garage, pnov iiow: iauvv sesa tnaa I cost; leaving city; win take clear lot or lead as 1 part paymeat; eaay termv Owar Wdln. 410. 1 UODEBN ,6 room house, 3 blocks from Alberta 1 car, tnrner. oto ttoseiawa are. B.EA1. YT STATE "FOB. BdT.K HOUSES" SHIPBUILDERS, ATTKNTloi sizeeu-aioa eaasu a karaa Ox 160. at 00 W. lUliincrworta, - 8210O S40 eaaa, larg toiga porebsa, 63x161; II 1100 bM. .rr - ' 1289ala asata. 4 low with lOOzlOO; aU at fraJt aad beaten Tbosa prwertias ara' aB loaatas seeat . aan way bstesea here aad 8. Jehaa aad sacttt foar FBEDw: fntBMAI CO.. TM CK ef Oraa. bM. A Ml?HT GOOD BUY ; S reora eottaas oa Irr t. aaa WOrlama ara. Lot SXilOO. lota of fruit, street menta la and paid. This place will auks a aanoy aula asms. pm asiaa I . C Li 1 1 I . ji r niUL. S Williams are. Kast 26 A DANDY little ahincled bungalow, '-raw. tea room, built-in kitobea, Z Dearnnras. aaua reosa and closets, clssa ini arka 1840: $200 sash. rltiie monthly. - room plastered baacalow. weB arranged, ta nod eonditloa, close ia. lot fiOxlOa, city water. wictnQ. ucaB, aaa; praoa f tuvv. vwvv . balance easy monthly payments. B. L. Taekar. box 426. Baavartna Ur. NF.AR tha. Franklin high aeheal. oa H. 6Sth st.. Is a six room house, modern ta arry respaet, with more than hi aoa of troand. navaA rac. all tha t tt: this ia a Pretty place and aU the farnishlata aa with tt for the small oriee of 28750: all Ton need S7D0 cash ta boy this place. We will tire yen aa lone a ozae oa toe Deiaace aa yoa wan. . Ciatisesy. 41 AeVmctoa Wf. $6000 Prooerty for $3500 10 roam Douse, plaststed, oonerete founds tion, 2 hatha. 2 toilets, good garage, lot 80x100, pared street, sewers aB ta aad paid tor; near 26th and Tharmeo, West Side. $1750 eaab, bal ance to rait. Fred W. Germaa Co.. 782 Cham ber of Commerce. PIEDMONT ADDITION 1?1A .. Praetleanv new S mom with attic to fmmh bungalow ; you eould not eoaeeire of a nicer bungalow at a price like this: fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, stationary tubs, near Mississippi and Union ares, carnaes. Beta ay owner. Woodlawa 8076. SHIP CARPENTER'S BUNGALOW Walking distance to Peninsula or St, Johns varaa. modem 5 room bungalow, large rooms. wen built, corner lot, worth more, bat will eeU for 82500. $500 cash. bsl. like rent. Wood- lawn 6254. ONLY $1850 for a good modem fire room bouse with cement basement rn the Mt. ts hov diatrirt-- SBftO eaah la all von hare to hare: there ia no mortgage oa thia nlaee. aad the terma on the,, balance wfll be made to eutaJ M. j. uionesay. i Abtngton phis. ALTAMEAD BUNGALOW One block to Mt. Tabor car. 4 era. built-ins. hardwood floors, cement meat, almost new. Can giro pc Mansion at eaee. $2000; easy terms. Job innsea. B way 1612 HOUSE BOAT Modem and in first class ooa dition; connected with gaa. electricity and Bull Bun water; completely furnished. C H. Webber. House No. 2. Oregon Yaout dub, aaar mlr Farfc .BARGAIN W PIEDMONT HOMJ Near Jefferson high school and North Port land library, full basement, furnace, fireplace. T rooms and attic, fireproof garage, only $6000. call Main 4223 or warn, botl $1800-ln Woodlawn-$1800 6 room modem, fine location, good condition. $800 cash, balance like rent. E. 5$17. E. 881 Morrison. A 7 -ROOM house, fi replace, electric light, bath ana toilet, in Mt. Tabor distnot; lot oox 120; on pared street. H block to street ears. Price 84000. Owner. 184 E. 05th St.. Port lsnd. Or. . FOR SALE Furnished Alberta bungalow, I rooms, strictly modem, clear; price 84200, half cash, balance terms. Owner, no agents. ins E, 27th at. N., Alherta car. MODERNIZE your braiding; si kinds of repair. See my. designs for new bouses. Msx M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Mam 1878. Formerly num. nreron Home HulTdere. FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house; lot 70 xlSO; bam, bernee snd fruit; 5 blocks north of Lents Junction. $500 down; terms oa bal ance. 10388 55th are. S. E. CORNER Alberta st and Vancouver are., 8 room modera houae. lot 116x100. Will aall furniture and fuel 1 also. Beady to move into your own house. Bee owner, 244 Alberta st S BOOM modem bungalow, built-in effects, hardwood floor), furnace. 1 tt block from ear; practically new, $2950; terms. Hawthorne Realty Co. -Tabor aB. 5 ROOM bungalow in beat seetlou Meutavina. partly furnished. Can have immediate) posses sion. Price $1900, $800 down. Call Tabor 5993, after 6 p. m. 5 ROOM" modem cottage, full cement baae- ment, $2400, $300 cash, balance like rent Will take Liberty bonds or used auto as first payment 456 Jarre rt. Wdln, 6450. STRICTLY medera 4 room bungalow.' hot water heat, built-ins, sleeping porch, earner lot, 2 blocks south of Sandy bird. 1769 Sis kiyou. A KNAP Modern bungalow like new, buflt-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, fun basement: must be seen to be appreciated, tt cash and Liberty bonds. baL terms- price $2500. 1691 E. Davis. PRICE $2000$600 DOWN 6 room modern cottage, lot 90x125 feet Phone Tsbor R196 evenings. FOR SALE 6 r. eottsge, fruit, near Union and Dekum sva Total $1285. Terma. Metcalf, 017 Cham, ef Com, Marshall 2432 or Seilwood 3662. 6 BOOM house, hard surface sts., clear, block to W. B. car. CaU between 12 sad 4. 629 E. 85 th st Owner. 3 HOUSES. 2 in Montarflla, 1 in Fulton; price 32000 to $1000, eaay terma, by owner. Phone Seilwood 1551. A 5 ROOM modern house, now vacant, large lot $1500. $200 cash. $20 per mo. Neil Smith, 6514 Foster Road, Tabor 1931. N EARLY new freshly painted 6 room modera bungalow, restricted district, ueerlook. Wood lawn 2507. HAVE a long list of good bargain in houses and lots. Bee me. Herman feper, 51 1 Union are. N. FOR SALE 1 tt story bungalow, 7 rooms, mod- era, cost 88500; seB 32800 eaxh. 687 E. 67th at Rose City Park ear. GOOD modera 5 room cottage oa paved st. vacant. 800 down, rest like seat 760 Wil liam are. Wdln. 4 2 a, MODERN 5 room bungalow, hard surface st. - x Diocxs iron jeiieraon aign scneo. $BOOv. yywner, oio mmwipgin. iw. wooqiawn ZgBS FOB SALE, house, 4 rooms and pantry, on 78th st: gooa terms, sou 7 s. j. c Mowrev. OSU epoaane ave. HOUSE, barn and 2 lota. South Portland. $2000. worth 3S50O. Inauire Balding. Tha jeweler, zefc Aider sr. Main I SVZ. 1779 DIVISION 6 large rooms, .reception ban ana aen, iirepiace. furnace, run baaement: 8 fruit trees, race sobuu; easy xerma. ROOM modem house, street improvements paid. $1400, $300 cash. See owner. 6841 62d ave. 8. E. FOR SALE By owner. 2 good 6 room houaasT OUX12U loot rax, cioae in, near 4 rt nines; terms. Phone Wdln. 6584. 4-ROOM house and bath, 3150 down, 320 per montn. diss ninau ave. a. &, Mt Scott car. FOR SALE 4 room house with 2 er 8 lota. Cash or terms. Apply naoeell Se 762 Waahington St., Vancouver, Wash. 8-BOOM bouse for sale. 8750; easy terms. 1 1 a ( zotn st, .a., aioexta aistnct, Wdla. 6621. HOMES oa easy terms. B, C. WaKer, 5843 Foster read. Tsbor B387. FOR SALE 6 room modern 2 story residence. 7BO uutq ave. woocuawn nas. FOR SALE Two good bungalows reasonable.' 607 Boeeiawu ave Phone Woodlawa 5616. WfT.T. sen bit 8 "room plastered hoasa for 31050. Phone Msrsriau 1944. $650 3 BOOM bungalow, gas and electricity. fruit-trees. Terms. 6409 81st st S BOOM bungalow, for Bale at 1964 Clareatoa et Pbone Columbia avo. GOOD house for sale, lot 100x100, Porta- moutn ave.: xerma. r.. loso. 0 ROOM houae. basement, gas, electric Bgbts, I17U. nun easn. ijwner. aaza aa st B. E. 4 ROOM eotUge, bath, ?' loU. 7221 Foster road. sat. bcoxx car, gxnanq tooob. jener. $10006 rooms, good baaemeat St Johns car; terma. East 687. FOR SALE 3 room oottage, by owner, with' furniture. laSP atex sve cau aeu. aaa, gal" ALL" place, 2 blocks fremTlgrd atattoa. ea Pacific highway. Pbona East 4921. SUNNT8IDE home and fumitara for sale, going away. CaU- 95 E. 80 th. S-S ear. tTVt with small . bouse. $60O Easy terms. Apply 107a rs. aaa sx. r. FOR SALE -8 room shack and half lot. 15 Delay et GOOD store buUding with -room flat, above 8200O: a real bargain. Tabor 4090. FOR SALE A three room bonae, modem; $1200. termat ' 184 Denver eve. - . 50x100 and old aback aear Peninsula StaUoa. $40, term, rxmnar anq evening Kent T7B. FOB SALE New 4 room bungalow. sar atA . tioa; might rent Phone Main 8392. f ROOM , cottage, ' ' room hause. terms. ' by earner. Phone E. 2969 evenings, 4' ACRE. 4 room house, fruit (Wars. $500; - sxaall payment down. -Tsbor 8858. FOR SALE -Good houae and lot, Faltoa Park; ClfrOO; tei East 6982, beAl ESTATE ' FOR BALE HOl'SES TT ' ATTRACTIVE HOMESAT ATTRACTiyEP.RICES : I8aa wxW "bTDK.; 884 at, V 0x101 - S8500 tlma at . $80e MT. T1rJf' ass grand rssw of Mows Hoea. Thia a a wonderful Iseatiea (6000- ) I.MTTA .TAXJL. Y old irery, hardwood floors, S nrepaveee. fujl i srreunda. 100x100. 1 ttfal larga shade tress, kawa. 8800 BOSB CTTY PAKX. T l thoroughly modera, haideeed floors, Qrapsaoo, sreaont ia meati furaaee, Bae mwa aad roam; beaatttal homo. Te 82480 ALBERTA. eemeat basemeat, bath, toilet, lights, eta.; 18th st; a nice home; terms, $2500 AXNSWOBTH sad Y 1th, new 4-room modera bungalow, aerer occupied, bath, toilet, agfata. fan bsseoaeat tc ) ez eeptioaaUy well buiK; 60x100 lot, terms, $1500 -CTTY OF YANCOUYER, 1 acre of groaad aad 8 -room bungalow, beta, toilet, lighta, eta., close te car bama. acre high state ef emtlTa- 700) CITY OF YANOOUTIR, 8 reosa houae aad 60x100 sot. 8 blocks from ear Una. Te W. JORDAN. Department, Inetde Property Deakm, Ground Floor. Henry Building. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 0 room modem bungalow , Dutch kitchen,. $2100. $800 eaaa, balance terms. 5 room modem bungalow. Date kitchen. garden, street Improvements m aaa paia $2500. $500 cash, balance terms. 5 roasa modem baacalow. fireplace, all built-ba eoaranieaeee, street improvements ii sad paid: $2900. 8600 cash, balance terma thai houae at easily worth $8200. teem modem haoss, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, au builVia elfecta $9600, svuu eaaa, oaiaaoo terma. P. M. Madden Realty Co, 1028 Hawthorne are., aaar tfth. Tab. 9355, NOW there is that high-class place right ia the city oa the beat' part of Hawthorne : yoa might say a modem up-to-uata fire room aa the bungalow order, with full cement basement ana all etner sot ass on as wuca go wiia a first class residence; thai is walking distance oa a beautiful street look at it. No. 718 Madiaoa at; yoa eaa more ia wttlxmt a mo ment's notice. CaU at the office and get the key. The lot alone is worth money ssked: the house without the lot cannot be built for the price asked: the loeatJaa superb; the lot Is fall lot; tsks tt aU (or $4600. oa terms at that M J. Clohassy, 415 Abtngtea bldg. 6 ROOMS, sleeaing Doreh. bungalow, far meat, hardwood floors, nearly aew, 75x100, corner; 88800. terms. room modem cottage, fuO basemeat, fat Sell wood; $2200. 6500 down, behusee moathly. -room modem house, furaaee, 1 block car, 60x100; 88000. $300 cash. 4 room modera bungalow, fireplace, baQt-ta features, very Beat and attractive, close ia, Seilwood ear; $2800, easy terms. 5 room bungalow. Alberta district. . near paved street, good surroundings; $200. easy terms. B. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 16HH 4th rt ALBERTA DISTRICT Modem T roota home, built oa the banga- I ww oroeT, joa ivxiuv, corner rimwi anu ' ibu a. nnannu aa. nun bbin uiu n provementa are paid. Thia la a very attractive little home and tha price is far below the ac tual coat of the house elone. Price $2850. Terms, $500 rash, balance monthly. J. F. HILL wniisms sva. Bast 268. HERE ia a big half acre on a paved street with a six room house with an the city eon- venlences; the grounds alone with shrubbery of all kinda. fruit ta full bearing: that la a ular nursery, dose in to the business center ; the price la only $8200; the location la em lose any time ia looking at it "'-"" , " , J1"Z " "J ir."' 41 AMneton bdg. $2500, A BEAL BUNGALOW, $2500. 8 room bungalow with artistic lines, cement baaement fireplace, leaded glass, bookoaaes, pan eled dining room, white enamel Dutch kite hen. staadard plumbing, elec. end gas., on full lot, t aeann sann Arm gen n, e. Price 82800. 8300 down. $20 per mo. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. Ta Buy Tour Home. Main 108 IRVINGTON $5800 T rm- bungalow, most sxquidts in tuts cboloe seeaoa; rumaee. ztrepiaee, eas lira., breakfast rm.. sleeping porch, built in, f. c bast, rww.w.n '.vi ,a, Vf, VA UVUUIklv DbH afaUaAJVUn aVSSAV. "SB Yra, la Portland." Main 4! 1808. " 84500 BUNGALOW FOB 63700 m x - . cKx-va x I . white enamel. reeeptioB halL hardwood fleers. flreplaae. famaee. oessent baaement, - laundry trays, garage: also houses from $100 ta $5000. ,J W 'T-A Wa -t , , , . . . . . . J. H. MABTESON. SOT K. T8th. SUNNY8IDE 8 rooms, modem, lot 65x100. aica horns, $4800. $1600 down; rooms, full basement, aleotricity. gaa. . 820. 8500 dowa, bargain: 4 room oottage. lot alone worth toe price, lint, eevv am. xavor ion. W. H. Sawtell. hwadry trays: lot eaah.- aajsaaa loaa sieaes. AsMdwead fteasa, twa flreailaaes. aaa pariesv karaa aad erery medera osoTaaisara. $0x100 lot, aarge garage ea traaea te baseawa, Doa t fail ta aa. ttja , os Manager Hawse THE 2tt atory dwelling with 4 bedroom, sleep- J turnse rooms, with saaee ta ftalsh 4 more lag porch, all conveniences aad attractive ear- I npstsir. Lot 60x114, hard surface street, ga roundings. which occupies a parcel of land 7 I an. asssn win aall fn, axnnn . . . a . . . ,v w m . m a,.v iest oy i iee a m. " r.-""' awi st aad Hawthorne' svs; pries 89500. Burrall Investment Co.. 230 tt sd st FOB SALE By Owner. 31000: Improved BOi 10 lot with good 1 room aad wood- 2Lar.t"..!oo.biockK CH?.Bf Kfllingsworth sve. $200 Phone East 1877 A 1 tt 8T0BT house at No. 409 Ivou at I TORY house at No. 408 Ivou st. which sat 8 blocks from the laman-Poutaoa price 81500. BurreH Invnatamat Co., , , , i ia about rmill: c 26 tt Sd no HE aaan. A mom houae. Waverieigh ftta.: asoaem. ior azi: yesr te ns; anown cr auto. ERNEST WELLS. 9A Has- Bids. PRICE 81200 $200 DOWN 8 room modern cottage, lot 60x109 ft 1 block from Mt Tabor ear. Phone Tabor 619 evening. iron fUfr i nun hint t 1-t sn amilllr-1"- ell you Imva tol hsrs la 8500 ea-. M. J. fruits, young fruit tress; payment down, in terest and balance like rent Can today. H, car to end line, 8006 87th ave. 8. K. 5-ROOM modem eottagel- 50x100. fruit tr ana names, sn. onxa una, aioca wva iron ear. Whitmaa Btation. Tabor 3S2. ' HERE IT IS 8 room modem boose. 2 lots, fruit tress, eloaa ear nae. , S1B90, Claude Cole. BOO Henry bids. V ROOM bouse, furnace, fireplace, bath, 2 toi- elts. 3 large lots, fruit sad bwrriss: terms. Tabor 9670. EIGHT room, modem, up-to-date bungalow. Mt Tabor district Must sea Wfll sacrifice for - men . a-t.Tf Y - I mag ,1W8S. VySaVAg fjeggx. augg, yw arsra , IRVINGTON f)ealrabU soodern f room by owner. Attractive terms. East 791. 57 E. 11th N.. near Knett st, ; 8 BOOUaouee, 100x10 eoroer, graded atreet. eemeat ssaewaig, near ear, aoea. feat, baiaaoe eaey. 886 tt Alder. eOX-BOOM' modem, double" boose for fast what tha boam terms, M-OGO. joarnaL 9-BOOM well furnished; will clear $40 month, low tent; win sen a reasonable takea at sue; west SMe. E-930. Joumal, FINK HOME lot 60x100; price! It750. payments. Phone J-8S6 or Tsbor 88 after 5 B, m. Price $7R0. BY OWNatAtUartive Bjodem -room house, eaa block from ear. aica yard. 11 E. 28th at, -north. Woodlawn 1Z4B. $8m $100 down; 316 par month; 4 hrxwe. lot 60x100. at 172 K. 45th st- Pawl Waidt. 12r,7- BeJraotit et ' Tabor 1212. t200 $20 dowa. $lf per aaoeth, room bourns lot 60x100. at 44th aad K. lladim. Paul Waidt, 12 ST Bel moat st Tabor 1212. GOOD 6 room plastered hoasa near esrunvT I00O. -W si Draper, 401 Beard at Trade, n FOR SALE HOUSES : This LJst You Will Rnd 'a. w www -wmr v ages WW m wm- wm wwvw, ww -w Some Interesting iBtirgains 8160O.60 B room modem taagataw aa 4M at.. Na. 429, eoata of - aaa,! 58a eaaa. at 82 per per eeat 8210.1 wtthj fuB set. a faraltara aaeest dfcwsaoo from Uaseai ava., op poatto nod moat; $inv ' sat tag y partly far m week atda. within 8 ssiaateawslk frosa sAkobuild kf ptoat. ttKaa tuk a eroding faraltara. koeated aet 6t Jabaa ear Use; 80 cash. tt0.0 $ room modem emagalow with large attic fan basamsat. good feraaoa, oa, B. Flaadera . st; $80 cash wffl beadle that. Otto & Harkson Realty Co: . 41S (J&ajahee of Oosmmtoo Bldg. t BOOM medera except furaaee. newly deeo rated tBiuugrtout: tae entire aouss le Being palate set eertsade, 1 lot, faces aa pared street. ao liiiiiaaiiissi s. rnoe BuwO: wOl sell m heass. medera atambiaa. sleet hghtsv 2 lota 40x10 each, garage, fruit trees aaa oemea, ehsekga aoaao sad yard, clear; will tell oa terms. 4 room hoasa. modem plumbing, cabinet kitchen, gas, S lots 40x120 each, alasr; wiB 4 room house, akaetered. woodshed. 1 let: price 81000; will sell on terms. 2 rooaa b i m.. rloaa tw aw alda aa iaa street, 4 large cherry, Cfeaa, ao iacumbraace; I wu evi w wraai praca eavv. 214 Heary bldg. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE . To prevent forecloaura 1 have baas, iaatrsma. 1 ed to oaU the Bsodern room house. No. $44 I Braxee st, st. a sacrifice. This houea has haldwnnel fWn flMlu. n . 1 la baaemeat attic and ether modem improve-1 ments. Lot 60x100. ea hard paved'atrset Leak I thia property over Sundar and thaw maka a. 1 far. Someone is going to get a bargsia. 1 66 Wmisms sva. Eatd968. I BSANfc NVEW BUNGALOWS 1 1 WITH GARAGE sad large attics, flreplaaas. aard- built-ka buf fata, anlauh . 'YOB BAJE HOCaET louausa. Moc from'vf! V""te7'oaaT $1550.00 8 raoav adsaed. lag beards, ttaea eloseta. eta. Full eesaoat bees-1 W0UL1 yoa tike to have aa ap-to-date bunca atenta. gaa. aleotricity. sewera, Year eppeg. 1 low ia lrvingtoa, oa Oa street tor $1S0 tunny ta secure a (iaaow home at a price bat I slightly above what aa old bouse would eost I yoa. Buy now before prteea advance. Located earner 43d aad Oiatoaepaa,. block east ead ef Richmond ear. 2 blocks south of Division at Prices $$250 and $3800: eoaveniant tarvaa. Owner eu premiees 1 a. m. to 4 p. m. to-1 aay aaa Monday. ' 1 888 Eugene 8170 1700 1650 1800 so Eugene ............. 528 E. ltth 620 E. 19th. earner Cliaton 688 CliBtoa 658 Quimby 804 N. 24th st 1800 8000 6600 BARGAIN Modem room house oa Yaneowver sva, near Graham are,, close to school, stores aad is assy walking distance of the west side There are 6 large rooms, 3 ap snd 8 down. Prioe 82400 8700 ease, balance any way ta suit yea. ' J. F. HILL 686 Williams svs. East 268. FOB SALE OB FOB RENT FURNISHED OR UNFUBNISHKD BOSS CITY PARK CAR Moving to Idaho: must sell at once: hot watar heater; 6 rooms, frirplaaa. book cases, beautiful electrio fixtures, tapestry papered, hardwood eincirw luiuw, lapeaur papers", OS ra wood floors, buffet, Dutch kite hen. cement basement, lanadrv tnn. Term to salt most desirable Buraaaasr. Take Liberty bonda. PHONE TABOR 4662. DO YOU want a bungalow, modem aad uir-to- date ia a very fine district at a van Inw 1 v V X. t . - iy wv 1 x wvi w m mil vi lit, iwb mu a cement baaement with all improvementa la, guca aa paved streets, cement sida Iks: all ef the bouses oa this street are aew aad the neighborhood is higk clam: it ia close ia 87th st. 10 feet from tha earliae aad the nrtea,B. only 82900; 8680 fas cash wfll h this.1 M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abtngton bMg, VACANT PENINSULA HOUSE- $1680. Concrete Block House. 81680 6 room, very substantial home, full basemeat. rfactrieity. gas. standard plumbing, ear 2-3 x lwa lot, close to Bt Johns ear. Ia the heart of Peninanla diet riot PtVe $1680. Easy terms. This bouse needs repairs. FRANK L. M GCIRJL. ABINGTON BLDG. To Bay Tour Home. Mala 1068. $1000 CHEAP $1100 4 rat hoasa, large eosy Irving room, white ' ElKJn . "'"ZS ZT. . 1 I TM.h Wltal,, 1. m. - -L i - - " ""a I or sleeping porch ; lot equal to 8 city lots ; lawa. snruBberT. fruit tress. Domes, small ereea noose and summer home: beautiful view ef citv and mta. : rustle fencing and gateway aad beaehaa. Citv school and good auto road: citv watar. gaa i and alee. Nice fixtures. paoao Mar. S2IS. 1860 CENTRAL -EAST PORTLAND, $1$0 WALKLNU UISTAlNCE. TERMS A rood room house, good basement, medera pnuavuii, as, xp vvaoa iwa, oiiwi paid. Close ta ear ana aeooot, rno sisso; I FRASK L. M'GUTBBt ABINGTON BLDG, nee I To Buy Your Home Mala 1068. A n ABU A IN Tba best batlt aad most - i -XmtM aAnhla eneLatnartoa B im x..'ZrL . xlkl-T. .S .nu.. 1 Botch, furnace, mirror door. French doors, etc I WHUBwJWW aaa lin b aaa a ashH sal. 1 Baariful finish. Buy from owner. May be aa aay time. 1071 E. 25th st, N- tt block I north of Alberts; te HAWTHORNE bungalow. Bear Mt. Tabor park, .wl PnnkH. hi,, vV I XT., B I m9r . . .. . i jjf cash. Further parucaavr. ass owasr, 419 80th. No agents. 82850 ALBERTA HOME $2350 5 room very substantial home, oa corner lot. Ulock to Albcar. O. 8Ui at Pries Bens all peso. Moaem pwrnmag, etc. l SIS SO: tar wt .war v. unrrat AttrwrsTrrPf itr.ruv To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. g vyt. hnnM xT-J ..-i. rathbart mJS ML Tabor aarlawtlmme gv earHmw, eaea-r tot: hant- I "J7i.-.TJ.. It u ak-aoar to bov than ta 1 1 iia . n nrvn saignt tsae vacaat lot T CKn fr rL Writo (or arlca aad 1 - x.111 X ml ut.UK fat one close ta oa Mil' too et. walkl u, .iWaiM. a good substaatial five-room I -nth full eemeat bassmsat. ssedera, all 1 laxm-evenenta in aad paid for: $260 lie the 415 Abiagtoa bldg. 1 1 r a- ' -1 1 1 4 . 1 ui, Iiiim,. .li.l. fmli V T-w"'"Ta ".T-'rx. of rtty K50. What have yen far first pay A-.nt. , . I r SEVEN room IJBjMlltJa IUMBsTTtBp Mai Bssu rvatvua , ia bearing. PrktfTBOoT-TJor1 fit? SSA. Journal. BOOM bangalow, block from MautJriHa ear. 1 81400. eaaa ssou, psisnee iaa per mosta tnd interest t or tla6 sB Saab, Owner, Wdla. 184 9, s , , ,7 ji i i ' 1 I 1 I MODERN rooss f-" tioa. . Good terms or exenangs for smaiiar aouss. a vr. Tenara. owner, vzv cnamoer ox uwa pT llTLorJr SSwSli Woodlawa 203. - Tivwu.., MODERN room .axmsearaoticajly aew. fun --TJ-aU1 8tH- - ' " FOB 6 ALE Modern roota, hoasa. sleeping porch, hardwood floors, garagsv raates fruit. beaUiui home. m 60th st. tt block at ee Call owner D-1440. i2ioa HAWTHORNE DISTRICT S room bungalow, tot 50x100. at lilt fABeola ett trese, attie. Beaevaeut, paved etreet; S'r.a cash, Paul WVtt 1257 Bafment et - I mWiA ixi i- ir.m.U X V TST - i ilanlM eanmawt walk. i block to ear;. 8200O, $500 dowa,. be I ia 141 4fM. era, suaoisset FINE Alameda Park bouse (or sale or trade; nrkce SlO.OOOi WUI tak SSSOS 1b trade: I this to something aew aad, eery atos. V-459, aouraal. i- ; OWNER win sell oeiy oa following torma, Ural eattaga, both eoaaeeted with the sewer, as i, paymeat cash or its eqwivaleat $80. very Saved street, vary ejeas . ra oa B. 8th as. sad assy terms can be made (or other aayaksau, Beech. Prioe $1750, $300 eaah, bait ass easy TeL Maudav Braadwa SOS. moatatr pal mania. Price ousted mcludes ever ; ; BEATj riTATK ' ti FOB BAXJHOUaaT 27. aVrwaasap sfanBaaweVas WwmM wmmM 4Uf aoea. Yaa loea- are ; waAM' , - : wWM K. Yta st, K. ....... ....$$ 4 K. TtA sav M. -,I irass ' 807 . tth at, H.f I .ints 811 X. 8th St, M. .....84 Bwwty Batata. e oat aad look. " kaadae aad aark eatft ta aaa me i TasBas. $10 sash. Wanna ssoatbly. J. F. HILL. 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268 . 28 HOCBIS FOR BALE " - Orar 150 he asm ea ear as to select frees. '. Houaas ta eeary district, at shaast aay prioe sad terms yoa want Kara photographs ef these houses, with fuB data reaardiag price, torma, looatioa, ata. Would be very pleased ta . ' have yaw oaU a oar erfae aad aoe over ear lias. Wo eaa bet of aarvkee ta yoa ba balplng . roe nss tae aoma yoa are tooglsai roc Autoa Opwa sTuadays aad ' FRANK tirOVlKM. ABCfQTON BLDG. Tw Bar Your Bama. Mala 1068, : HOME. tWEJtT HOME : tweak baaialnw oa MwUBeeaah at aaa 27th, a -1 blocsj ta eart aB alee large airy reeaasi gawd hoasa eaviriamiBl. Baa Barraeed lad 80x200 ft, aasat loom few gawsae, rhiakaas. eva-t- ooveeal S huge shade trees, paved stiasla, aica view. Thia ' fine big lot alone at worth 81t. Irs a aios.' BtUe aeeae aad a sploadid bay at $280: . O eaah aad $20 per Bsoath, Baiaaoe boaded street ci. sssBssut 8108. Pries haa beea eat from ,. 38000 ta offset Immsdkrto sale. haiaertieto -1 THE CROSSLEY-TIOARS OO, 2 TO Stark. i VACANT PEN IN SUCTHOUoi 11680 CONCRETE BLOCK HOCBB $ls8e 'V: noes, vary substaatial. home, full basement, 1 ' electricity, aaa, staadard prusablna. oa 66 2-tx , . 100 tot: alosa ta St. Jehne ear. ta the heart M af Pwasasuia dwtrica. Prioe 8168. ...Beat ' walw'wtwaB. Talis) as9Va8wf bwwCwAb9 sTtPs4gsV BBt . -. FRANK L. MGCIRB. ABINGTON BLDG. T To Buy Your Home. Mala lse8,--V FOB SALE 4 modera house aad 8 lata . a Ol a B! W Wm1,m mm kit &- K bar osraaa. Prioe tlSsO. - room modera hoasa sad 8 lots s 6427 8. iV. B 61s st. fortlaaa, Cau. oa Mt ftaoU Hae. $2000: vsrma 2 good building lots aeat Fwarasala ststloa, d St Jobaa carliaa. Fine fee enme shipbuilder. $300 each. Fur terms, write W. A. Dees, bos v 67. Vaaeoaver. Wash. Pbeae 7 Yaaoouver, ? 80xi2 4 BafTBrsS AVd BXfiN - AB kinds (rait aad berries. rm. he us 1 1 -. 1 All kinds (rait and berries. rm. he us 1 1 -. A esset, aad gas; whits eaamal atambsaar geed ; bam aad place for chickens. Oa . 78YA at. B' a kJW ta VI-V . Mm SlSait Em. laiau . Me mortgage to issaais. St sad sawar ka aad swld. See FRANK L. kTOUTRB. AaUNQTOTf BLDO. To Buy Year Home, r ,Mia lfS. r f mO NEAT BUNGALOW TERMS ; !J; 4 neat raaataead bwawalew. wbHa eaaaaal bath L lead tsalet karaa kat eloaa to Woodatoek ear Ki " Prase $13$. T "l"". 'JPfT. . - . isa.ia ra saoei.saa. aav. ivn owv. -.-r To Bay Xoar He Make laos. . 1 lees thaa ha valuaf If ao. look a that BTstiy ' place. No. 63 Haleey at. aad sail ta the ef- floe aad we will sail tt to yea for 6590: the ' torma win be only $2000 eaaa aad the beltane J wo eaa satisfy yoa ss to payment M. i. Cie- i heasr. 416 Abtngton bkbr. Tw6 koi'aSi,lua 6s' Lot. iifla ' One 8 rooaa nseatorad eacaaea. aaa 4 vaeaa " 3460 worth of boaded ants (or tha 9 paving, eta. Fred W. Germaa Cat. 782 Chaav g, BQT of Oaeswieteo. . Ot the Kentoa district. No. 168 aUsaose st, B . . a beaatllui reeaoeuea, raved sties to. so rm- pro worsts mese aad paid for; there are twa . Iota which go with the hoasa: thia property fcv a, erdinarlly worth 8300; It la pew and mod- em ia every respect; you aaa bay tt for $4000, wit a small parresa dowa. M. J. Csaty. 415 AMnetna bldg. BARGAIN 7 rooaa modera house, beaatrrully located m Mount Tabor district Price 88800. 860 eaah wiU buy it, CaB aad see MISS YEBTBXES , THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 10 6th st Main 686. 81200 CASH, $1300 TERMS " For oaka. 8018 64th are. 8. B. W. 8. ear 4 rcesns, bath aad taast, big aeteeasd-la back porch, lot 100x103. bearing (rait trees, chick ea yard. CARL HERMES. 4911 tlrt see. 8. K. after 8 a. I iv.... 1 , . , . . 1 1 x "" 1 NEW house ia select aeighbarbAod. A iwcsnssad , 1 bath, garage if deal red: buttt-ia effect save furniture, paved streets, all tmproveeaeata paid. 1599 Virginia st. between Nevada and MOse, ea nrvsvTiew earnne near Deuweea ferry : terma. $500 eaah, balance Kke rant Owner, 81$ I r 1. wu. aww " Woodlawn 2874. 100x127 4 ROOM 'HOUSE 12000 " 4 room house, oa K. 15 th st aaar Wsstavora. 100X127 foot lot: an klads of fruit be eta. Price $200. tarvaa. Sea FRANK L. McGUIRB. ABINGTON BLDG Te Bay Tear Home. Mata 108, inunuuuoiJi au.A. i room oeuae witu , bath, 2 toilet, full eemeat basement far- -A fireplace, best ask floors, gardes, (mlt I Priced ; term. Comer B, 8th and' Brasee sta. eemes; best rmprovsmsBts; reaaeaahlr vrwner iirer tint $1500 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $1560. iw w o-Il- eTaST ..ia a downT$l$ aer mn1 Bse e " a FRANK U MeaJUIBE. ABCiOTOW BLDG. Te Buy Tour Home, Mala 168. 1 . . A SNAP BUY iiooo wtterlt biATRfW "inanr 8 room bangalow; eemeat b aaa m tat; alee, snd eaa; wnft, anaaul nmaMx.' U. klb a SUk.- I mond ear aa E. 80th. Prim l?noa- taema aa JTIVAA B. La BliUUa, ABINGTON BLDO To Bay Year Home. Main 108 $7000 rocea modem bouse with lot 80x100, ea paved at., an paid, eloaa ta; yoa eae't beat it ia Portland: must be sold st ones: part eaah, baW ' a. aaee easy terms; price $2360. E. 381 Maeriaoa . , st Phone E. 8817. S WEST SIDE VIEW REA. 9-BM. WXW) . EYXBY CONY. . , . O.' C GOLDENBebO. Aktngtoa bldg. - ' "88 Yra. ta Pertland." Main 4, r . FOB SALE jOR EXCHANCC t room "U.bW ' ooaetmeted bungalow with feeoptiea hen. bath, ' kltcbeaetta. fall eement beeemeat, -wash tray,' fireplace, garage, furnished. 1 tt blocks from x Sandy boulevard; part terms. Phono Tabor . 1977. : KKAB TWOUY BROS- ' ' 818804 maea vaev atteaetlva aenaaleas.. 't- I , . , . . , . . , . . ; , I eteexnesty ana gaa. Bsoowra piumsnng x- avoyx t. 9. nvwr avia, nav . , FRANK L. MeGUTBB, ABTNOTON BLDG , To Buy Your Home. Msia 108.' atODERN rorsa bungalow with Dutch kltchea, -panel dining room. 2 bedroom aad bath with fun eemeat baaemeat lOOslOO lot, 1 fruit trees. aaJekea yard, t block from Boas City ear; sidewalk aU the way. This is a saan. Call today. Tabor 675A SHIPWORKER-rWe l-t JMslft. ,W.jmmer 2th I taroTOVemeata aB ia. I20OO raatrirtiew; wiD take 1 " ' - rr peymeat; aflca gava for qulok sale, 644 Wd, I BaSBS avc. paone C-1004 $2250 ATTllACTrVE BUNGALOW $2260 aletitiicity aad gaa. E. 40th st Bear Fraacls. ,0 X A - a .-.- rn, , . , v , it, nr. FBAKBx U MeGCIBE. ABTNOTON BLTNS . To Buy T ear Home. Maka 18. it ' 14300 BUNGALOW, tttt ' - Attractive room bungalow. IS nwta nA. - 1 ftaaito flrepasra sad Porcnr pier., plgtav glass J wwZi, 1 .frT arWJaTTw WSxTVkt-U IDVU. C ,1 J! J?S FRANK L. McGUlBE. ABINGTON 1UV), Te Buy Toar Home. Mala 1. Don't Rent-r-Don't Move I have a number of cheap a little dowa. bL eeer. $45 ap;. B. F. KELLY, 71 S WETLA NTr-fJLDO. - $250 CASH I room sad attie- bawgalow, FnTi . t J: . . $4760 A UBELHUB3T 47t -' ; m- an Ml tha - wm rm a ,nl.t.. - I ngt $6600; eea wiake tans terma I sah ..ra t- , 'I i-' i i. : I ZSZZ. La kwTini.t. 1 1 '".'V wJTiU veC? fjow vsos trt 1048 Piv-loa St. - rhoss Msr. yj. - a lx. I "i.1 ' - -' KUUaKa a ra x au r if awgaavw, naiuwaoa i v itoaea. feraaoa. adxlw lot ' tmmediaU poa- sassioe, $$$00. HawthoTaS Realty Co. Tsbor . .. - - v - " ... 4 One 4 aad room noaaa, as en leeated ace I oa tot 100x1 ft. sta bargain. CaB Tabor I lis. I UODEBN hoavs at $330. tauBediato Pcses, I stea. eeeae term, st aamoer vis wetaier.j t 1 Broadway ear. e and see tt, at-'; -Bouse auauay bwiwvc a u asm e. ,;: . 4' 1 . - t 1. -I" 1 . I A i it i I a - .- -, 1 - . t .-w . If It 4 J