V THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL,:. PORTLAND. SATURDAY,-: SEPTEMBER" 21 1918. ; PULLMAN EGG-LAYING CONTEST Fallowing? la the result of the second all-Northwest ttt Urine eonteet recently fcetd at tbe State Coll, at Pullman, Wash. . , ; yens kaying wigiiem Hssasr or Beat, jiwgvea.' i OWl Kim CL Dukk, Haqubm, Hk ' BUw ead Bhm, Bouthworth, Wirt ......... a. fK WUlbms, Seles. Or.... . .. ; . C O. Enget, Scettb, Wui:,,,.. ; i Omow Agricultural Colbgc. .. ......-..., Paul B. Towns, Tekoa, WW). -3 J. A. Hmm, CetvsUb, Or.. , U BWr, UnK Wuk.. U TMt Poultry Farm, Maker. Or. ' H. J. Kinerery, Twin Falls, Idaho ,, - D.,Tinmd, Kmt, WMb. . J. ' CLH. Mamies, tbntrsba, Wwta. .......... i (i UrU, C bee alb, WMb It, Huddleston, Lea Anitln, Cel., ,? -i. c. wut Lessor afc....;... ....... ; -IQiA-Hm Poultry Co.. Grants Peas, Or. ...... I Hi Otto. UnniMt, Wash, , f T. O.' Basel. Beattb. Wash V Hollywood fans, H oilwood, Wash. ........ R. II. Palmar, Lyaden, Who. -Wgikikl Farm. Speksac, Weak.. Mrs. AWh Variety Eatry Ma. White Bocks... i... 86 R. L Bade 1 White Leghorns SI WMt Leghorn .... SO Black Bocks ...... . J04 WUU Leghorns .... ' 2? . White Latham . . . . 7 Whita Leehorns .... 65 White Leghorns-,., . 27 B. L Whites Whit Leghorn .... 7 a White Leghorns . . . . J 03 White Leghorn ....88 Blaa Andihuiajia. . . 85 Whita LeshorM-1. . 4 . . White Lesherw . 4 White Laehome .... 44 WhiULehoma . ... 81 WhiU Lechorae .... White Lechorae . ... 114 White Lafhorea .... 104 ' He. Ecc. 114 14 US, 11 11S 111 10 v let 1T 14 ltt 106 ao" 104 lea ; - OK . as SO - t TeL Kco. S4.40 , 4.4S 4.4 . 4.1 4J 4.S4 4.J4 .-r BIRTHS MAkrEXTIER Ta Mr. and ; Charpentier. S Morrto. Sept. 1Z. eangn- tor., - - - ' BJEKD To afr. xA Ifia. Ceea. K. Raa4; 87 - Haraey evenn. Sepb 12. a daochtar. WHITNBT To Mr. aa4 Ura. OarreB 1 Wait - - ef. ' 10S0 H ' Hawtborae eraooe. Sept. 11, i- a nthlrr. . . '' - - i - BT7TKOWSKI To Mr. end Km. Aadrew Snt kowkt. 7HO Frost. Stt. S. a eon. TtTCKEB To M r. and Mrs. Kanr H.Teeker. RitMir.flRL IU.it.- 1A. a. ano.' CtFIJJERTBON T Mr. aad, Ura. Clareae T. CnlbOTtMHi. rr bards. Wnh.. Bcvt. IS. a eoak HANTHORX Te Mr. and Mr. Cbarlea IUb- thoni Mflwaakle. Or . Scot. IS. e dattcbtcr. LB FOl H.NEAU Te Mr. aad Mm Looia Ol Le i ottrnoaa., S14Graaaat etaaae. aepc is. e aon. ' HELP' WAWTEn MALB t - HELP WAXTEIV-rXXALB WK KUKIt wo 4JfcS 4.1 4.1A 4.1a 4.14 4.11 '4.01 4.S S4IT S8t s.ss 8,7 8.74 8.74 U iOwner'a Name end Addreat Mm. A. Gone. Beattla. Waab.;.. 7 i.x-H. MeBaa. MUwaukio. Or.. f . Ma.'U. T. Boaaiaeor, Undonrood. Wean. . . . T. O. Kneel. BaatUa. Waah ..C. Vi WUUaaw. ftalaah Ur. .... .1 ...... . C .Daaleia. Hoaoiem. WuH. ............. ' Wa (1. Kin Jtoratt. Waah.. . tinton Atrieultaral Cottogo. 1. U. HuddleatoB, Loa Aafelaa, Cai ! H. t. Frank, Hood KiTar Ur Le VUU foaiur ram. Baker, Ur J. H. UeKae, MUwankta. Ur. . C f, Ieme. aaattla. Waah.. . C, H. Nnnun, 'Contralla, Waah C. Ianb, Soattla. Wa. ....... . in-A-llfe Co., Uranu Paaa, Or IU-A-Hm Co.. uraata Paaa, Or C O. Knacl, Baattla. Wub. A. Brraet. TottX Otere. Or. . . , J. B. Hoddlaaton, Loa Anaaioa, CaJ B. M. Palmar, Lvadea. Waah H. Otto. Oraanaerev Wuk. . . . . i. H. TjrrralU Waaatehae, Waah C WUUama, Balom. Or. . . Han Lertnf MlfheH Number ef Kooa, Aeeuft. 1t1 Variety. W. Orpiartoa IC L lUd ....... K. L Bed .. i . . .. . Whita Lachora .... White Lachora. ... WbKe Bock ...... B. L Bad ....... Blaek Book Bloe Andaluian. . . B. L Bad White Lachora.... WhiU Lachora.... White Leghorn... . Whita Lachora.... White Lachora. . . . Black Rocka Blaek Rocka ...... White Leghorn.... Ruff Leghorn Bine AadaJnamA . . , White Leghorn.,,, White Lachora.... BntryN 17 14 'IS 21 "81 10 71 104 95 78 27 17 121 ies 121 47 47 20 120 5 114 4 SS 81 KOtKcca, Val Egg. 28 28 27 27 27 27 24 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 29 26 26 25 26 .25 CARPENTERS and sheet met . al workersNwahted for Work at Fotf Stevens, Or. Call Din- . , - -.1 widdie : Construction Co., ,1 02 Yeoii building La work in ax trai eaa- ' aery at Taaeoarer, Waakv, Wawfll pay er tare to end froa Portland. Bteady vnrk ead good ay. . rnona . Eaat' s ' ee appiy uregoa racking Co.,' vanormTT, waan. : WANTED Ladiae ei rafiamt for etdoot epork is Pertlead aad Tioiaity. State exparv enee aad aga; aaiary andcommiasioB. , L-24, JoaraaL. t ' ' - i WANTED Solicit on (ladiea) ef coad addraaa e eraarat - hiah erade ataamal piepaaittoa la Portland aad vfeiaitr. Btate asperiaaee aad ee; aalary aad eommiaataa. - L-6I7. Joaraal. - WANTED' DEATHS AWD FTTSEmALB 7 TIMEKEEPERS aatcd b local plant eagavd f in gereiBwefrt works coed owioitanity for mAmmmmt l 1 ll lltllllH Which" WiB 4AD8BT la- thla gity at hia late renidance. 1 aeeewnt ef edneaMoa. .eipariliee, ace aad aa ' set seta ac. sapa. aoui, vapaia wuuam i ary axiMoted .te start. - N-wzo, joarai. . . iwnma Tttn, amtw or an. steam Oadnby.- father ot Bea. Walter Uadby, Mrs. Walter H. Korcll. aU of thia city, end brother of Miae Acnes Cadiby -of EngUnd. ' The . fuaer-. el aarrieaa wiU be hrtd Monday Bapt. 28. at 10 o'clock a. nv at tba ronidaaoe aatebUahaaent of i, - P. Fiakry cc Boa, Montcomory et 6th. cem etery, rrtrndti invited. MSN wasted by Portland Gee m Coke, On., et Ueaeo. ea Lionton roa&. etaaay ompiayman. pay 88.50 te 85 per day. Tske tree, boa tt ra. rii Bad Clim ata 4 a. m.. OC 2&d and Barier at, et 7:16 e. ma. Appiyatigea plant. offiee. v. ' ' MEN wanted to : carry carboa briqacta fi troeka to baarment of-ear ceaanmera, arr $4.26 to 64.76 tor S been.; . umn NEt.SON-In thia city. Sept. 20, 1018. Able northwest eeraer .Id A. Nrbon. egad 4 rears, iv Bontns. szivaa Oake Co. Wfclte Lachora. ....... White Lachora. Ham Lav In Mieheat Ma. ef Bees Be. 1. 1817 te Aueurt S1. laMa Hans Layln Mlsheat Re. ef Keee, Wet ember 1, 1HT, te Aetuat SI, 1S1S ' Owaer't Kama end Address: . Y. WtlUemv Balom. Or H. I. Kingsbury. Twin Palls. Jdabo . H. Tyrrall, Wanatebea. Wash B. C. W. L. Club (owned by J. K. MeUee) K. 1. Kingsbury, Twin Kails, Idaho Peal B. Tewne'Tekoe, Waah . , Paul B. Towns, Takoa. Wash Oregon AgrJcuifaral CoUace , I. R. MeMae. MUwaakie. Or H. i. Klncibory. Twin rails. Idaho 43. H. Nnnnen. Centralis. Wash L. B. Hants Co.. Missoula. Mont H. O. Leagvdorf. Lebanon, Or II. Tanered. Kent. . Wash P. W. Frederick. Phoenix, B. 0. . . I. B. MoKae. MUwaukle. Or Mrs. Monona Van Cto. Bt. Mariea, Idaho. I Tlste farm. Baker, Or H. B. Caldwell, CanuUUo, Texas L'. H. Nameea. CentraJle, Wash p. 1L Kanuan. Centralle, Waah e -e e e e Variety. White Leghorn . . . .' Bhode Island White White Leghorn ... White Leghorn . . Rhode Island White White Leghorn ... White Leghorn .... Black Rock lihode Island Bad . . Rhode Inland White White Leghorn White Leghorn White Minorca Wt.lt. T ' l . .JV. I.UI u ...... Rhode bland White .. White Leghorn White Leghorn White Leghorn Bhode Island Whita . . White Leghorn White Leghorn e s s Kntry No. 81 0 88 6 . 2 2 104 18 102 72 88 78 40 17 87 27 78 L02 102 Pens Leylnt Nlfheet He. ef.lgea, Nevemeer 1. 1817, te August 81, 1818 Owner's Nam and Address: Oreeon Acriealtural College Paul B. Towne. Takoe, Wash H. OUo, Oree nacres, Wash P. W. Frederick, Phoenix, B. C. H. J. Kincabury Twin Fails, Idaho. D, Tanered. Kent. Wash..... ... C. H. NemwnnCentialie. Waah C V. William. Balem. Or L. B. Harris Co., Miesoule, Mont Mrs, Monona Van Ciae. Bt. Marie. Idaho. . . . M. C White Leghorn Club Hollywood Perm. Hollywood, Wash ......... Oregon Agrieultaral Collece XJ. C Lamb. Seattle, Wash Le Vista Farm, Baker, Or.. . J. H. MeUaa, MUwaukle. Or J. R. McRee. MUwaukle. Or H. K. Caldwell, Oanutillo. Texas P. B. Kneedler, Bt Libory, UL B. O. Longadorf . Lebanon. Or............ Bliss A Bliss, Bouthworth, Wash Variety. Black Books White Leghorns ... White Leghorns ... Rhode Iiland Whites Bhode bland Whites White Leghorns White Leghorna White Leghorns White Leghorns White Leghorns White Leghorns White Leghorns ... White Lea horns ... White Leghorna . . . White Lechorn ... Rhode bland Beds . White Leghorns . . . Rhode bland Whites White Rocka White Minorcee . . . Rhode bland Bed . . A ...... Entry No. 104 " 2 4 49 ' 78 102 81 72 7 06 80 108 121 27 18 17 75 68 88 14 81.18 LOO J..V6 1.08 1.06 ' 1.05 1.06 1.01 1.01 1.0 L 1.01 J .87 .07 .07 .t .S7 .87 .07 .67 i -7 ..07 ,7 .07 No. Eggi. ' 268 244 240 28S 282 . 282 281 280 230 228 ' 227 227 . 227 " 226 224 224 228 ' 228 222 221 221 No. Kggs. i 1006 4087 1S2 104 S J024 1005 1000 801 872 870 868 856 960 060 860 040 048 40 828 622 922 (tin. ... htlimd wife of Carl Netsoo. mother ef Mrs. Emma Besheers. Mr. Lillian Beroy. One and ioba Nelson of thie cHy. end Cart Nelson of Bt. PaaL .Mine. . Friends inrited to attend the funeral eerrioec which "will be held et. Ilnlm.K'a frm.r.1 na.lnra at ? :30 a. m.. Tae- day. . Sept. , 24. 1818. r 'Interment Base City cemetery. - FARSHALL -In this city. . Sept.- 20th. Sidney u.vn. P.rah.11 aeed 11 rears., eon OI sirs. js Hiiiii.il afttlia Wtniiuter aiita. .The .lu mrm mt tu muWiM asteblinhment of J. P. Finley V Bon. Montcomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. and Pleaders, , PerUand .- ' ' . WE want 10 men to work in sawmiU, . married preferred. Fornlen noose and rue iiee. te.. . lnH 1innl mill. iJerttt Leuatbee Co., SIT ejesveu dm, ran bad. Or. -- : - ' ' - irried end amcle mas- with WANTED Both farm .nuriiiMi in work oa) HhersmS county farms by montli e by year.- Write tmnaertliUly to C C. Calkim, eoonty agent. More, Or stat ing year ouaUHeetkms. oood tana wages. WANTED Cylinder preesman. Man eboea draft wca er of deferred .elaasUioatio pre hmH, ktM nmitiB tee ciehi. man: desiT' ZJj.:c-!.' i m ...... i . a.1 ;" ' seie toeauoa.-eoo. niaamns won. rA in u ciiy. om- -Tf I Duffy. sCorrallia, Or. m Wi tt. Wea.ee. aaed 7 rears. 4 months. 26 r1VIyVT-"' 7 i - - - . . . ' - - - e a i i wivTrn . a. ft vat- of mVo .nT nlmuei WANTED- A fW dam Un4 cook :eady Am m un Wearer. Itemsins at Hoiman's funeral partors. 1 ui4m t. Up ' FOON- Lea Pooa, MultnceaahaowltairBept. 17, SO years, chronic nepnmw. BEYMOUK Lydie B. Seymour, 412 tt J son. Bent. . 88 years, tuberculosis. JOHN OUVe J.- John. Emanuel hospital. Sept. 16, 68 years, asthma. - LOLIN-T-Peter J. Bolin. end of Hataey street. Sept. 18. 48 years, hemorrhage J suicide ), NICUOLSON WiUiem Tostpklne Bryhant Nich- elrn, 448 Montgomery. Sept. 16. 81 years. IXJWN'EY Anna Downey. Mountain View sani tarium. Hept. 18,. 46 years, apoplexy. ,nsrTOua exhaastion. METER Fred Meyer, 62 H Second,. Sept. 14, 36 yearn, hemorrhage (suicide). BURGESS Lee Edwin Burgess, St. Vincents ho-eittaL Sept 18. 8 yearn, pneumonia, x QUIMBY Suiiie , Emma Qulntby. St. Vincents . ho-vttal. Sent 17. 23 years, puerperal lymphangitis. ' IWTUSB-r-Mr. Callie Butler. 1040 Comm;r- ctal. Wept 18. 09 year, lobar pneumonia. WEAVEB Deiid C. Wearer, 1009 Garfield arvnuc. Sept, 17. 84 years, senility. - '- Job.: salary 8125 per month end eoaaee (or. advancement; work , 6 day per - week. v. Apply chef. Broadway- Has! wood. - 12T Breenwey. I.1RDBEHS wanted ..fa rfith wnrk: steady eaa- ploymeat, top-eotca wacea. . inquire jnoew wee eorntr 2d-end FUnderv Portland Gas as 42ake eonman. - ' WlNTenliu not. iinahla of doine herd work to. act as eesnpanioa for gentleman reoorenng from illness. , Small wages, poera ana . rof m. Can East so. r.iRtJt ' ' AUERKIAWLAUNDBT 146t EAST THIRD ST.- NORTH HELF 'ITAirrElV-MAXK AjTD EE HALE ..e.i i- MftLktt BABBKB coLLeg" Pays ytm while barair.c: 1gre you est ec toota. fuereateai poattiona. .. write lee-watawgaa. . see Burnatde et.. er Dbone Breedwsy 1781. ' MEN.. WOMEN, learn barber trade free: wnie wbfle lea mine: sosinon Berber Collece. 228 Uadieaa. PORTLAND BABBEB COLUUE Vaaebaa ma aad w era an the beabec esade tree. nay white learn inc. - 284 Couch, atreadway 2482. r V. BITTJAT107t HALE 'j gTOKis Aim cmczn BTOBB with eottaler and ebeleoa. 66 a S48 Front at-?-. . - . - - l WAITTEXV TO ! FREE RENTAL 'BUREAU v -yt - COLUMBIA HI V E K SHIPBL'lLDCfO . . COBPOBATION.- la ram war time emergency aad aoarciry ef otie ettlaea was baa e hoses to rent or rooms to bt ta mail tnformeHoa of seme to Columbia 8. &. B, Cera. - Bes 1282. Fertlead. Or. . , MUST hare heaae by Oct. 1. 5 or 4 modem, with garace preferred; will pay good rent. , Bee. Tabor eft 8. Mr. Arbackla. Bdwy. 6468. - - -. . - -' " DESIRE a homo for my lS-year-otd boy: nrefer Holleday aeboel fliatriet. Me. Myers, Bdwy. 422. Portland Peed Cara., - - PERMANENT. reapaaaibaB edulta want ',2-8 fnc- Jtefer- - REAL, ESTATE - ; . . . . FOB, BALE HOCUS HEAT. '"ECT ATE n GO AND LOOK AT 3352 East &W36TH STREET VACANTiMOYLt RIGHT - IN 850O eaah. 68S pee aaowtn. t er eeot. 6 t- aeeen 1410 atreet ead newer. aU paid. Z blares wtborne sooth Ha' 62506. Brdwy. 8128. tbte aeattea. Price only BARRft 60S- Vida . fOH oAitH FABMS SELL," F.XCHANCB OR LEASE " ' af the baaT-wll riaiait atahw arwf neneret farm properties in Willamette TslW. Good Und.- I well watered, good buildings, fully equipped ernJi cattle, horaea. snaehiaery. aato track. Bot tling anacMna. full dairy- eaaipmeot. sued enUk route, end Vtininc heat etty iw thr wAliey. Pie- twees ami run oetaiia at eriioe. , where owner will yiinsaally meet eppUceata, Uwaee sabieet an draft and will ateea wnl ta party who la not sabieet te draft. Bee -;-- - TrUilirBOv -SWAN m THOMPSON,. --j 64 ead . Meta ass.. Vane wa ear. Waah. 46 AT BES. 11 acres ealtlrated. lSTT pasture. soas bouotacs. nae sou. . miles iroea aveieo, . Waah. rural rowte. talephene, 1 enilae te .. runaina; watec . S acres bearing orchard- S eows, - wagon. hameea all Terming right by 2 beflera.- 1 1 - uusb, enssr nv : j.. 5 -room fcmselow on Matlaoaaslr et. near 37th. 1 block te ear: alt nice larce airy ran iw m - w a o.sae .n plenty room for aardea. chlckene. eso.t aerai i t a., - awa man w ima.. vuv Ur...r.-1 Zlr rf-a etema Tab leeaer and nQioa timber: vrtae 84000: 18OO0 reek. Wasa., B. P. P. Na. 8. - ' ; EXJSfiAN fttie ranch U eooatry' "town. ' 1 tt frosa elaotrie Iran. 6 tt acres snplsee; fine big lot alone V worth 81500. ! lletla Kama aarf a enlawdut bis at 824 SOT 8666 cash aad 120 pee anonthV Bemaee beaded street 1 aasearment 8102. Price has been eat "from 6300O to effect VW AN TED Home on farm for 12 -year-old bdy. - eera bnera end eeesa ana so to esoooi, mouer wfll furnish clothes. Phono , MsrshsH 1681 or write 275 tt Colombia. W. M. Benon.. nta small est of te de la ere- EXPER1ENCED bookkeeper win books to keep 'r other work ntnga. fT72i eournai. - WANTED Light bookkeeping by experienoeS with afternoons free. P-S63. Journal. vesninglad end paiated ead m aaA KOOFS repaired, carpenter - work. ELDERLY maa wishes position aa janitor, por- ter. or hooseman. T-S14. Journal. i BLTtrATtOyBEEsf AfcE : with 15- Mnv. Mur- WANTED--Housekeenin by rear-ek eon. : country Kurefenad. pny, sargent notei. Ape tpij- experienoo desires STENOGRAPHER with position: reference sa te competence. Journal. J-726, BT young bdy with bwniees experience: good a leaded. ; can fill anost any position formerly held by gentleman. P-8CZ. Journal. atshad apartatenta. ' Beaaonable renU Phone Tabor 8920.- ' as REAL ESTATE ,Jh ' 1 BU8IKESB PBOPEBTT THE CROSSLET-VTOABS Cq." 176 Btark. IRVINGTON DIST ; $3500 $3500; :$3500 Tou will nerer regret If pea hvmeet that wee 6 rma. wtth turence. flrepboe, mrge bee C aad attic, oared its. in tbe ohulcnr sart eh lriaa t- I S ran. with 600X400 WESTude; Macadam road, water I attic, pared sta. in tbe ehotoeet part mmx ana uueemca: nargsia. - veaei.- wr ton dbt. Only 5500 easb. Borthweatera Baak bs. . Q Q QOLDENBURG - FOB BALE HOUSES - 611 sm. kid. . Sootk iKt irnfl trf-64-r ta'i 7 1I Vr. In Portland " - f Main 4881. rm. artistic bancslow on cor. lot wtth 1 sob8ALE 4 room modem hones ead 2 lou Bene all paid. Hae furaaee, H replace buffet. I at 91 8. E. T4th it., E. Portland, ea Mb Te D. k., brge floored attic in which S more rooms may be easily finished. fuO eement basement, eboeseat of plumhtas. Worth .86766, Initio! payment 8700. ' . O. O. OOLDENBEBO, ABINGTON BLDO. "65 Years in Portbnd." - Main 4808. A DANDY little ahlngled bungalow., ' rge lie. 1 44. ttat. B1VKO 5 room modera hones ead t fnts et 4427 S. E. eit t. Portbnd. Or oa Mt. Boot aao. 82OO0; terms. - S good building lots aeer Peninsula station. St Johns carline. Fine for some enrpommeT. $200 each. For terms, write W. A. Dees, bos 87. Vsnoourer, Wash. Phone 67 Vaacewer. - NEAR ALBINA BHUTARps 4a-unde ewltiwstiosi. aeiMtv hernia nan and - fine eUckesr bouses, all manner f fratta, Qow- ers. ate. Ideal . little home reach: price only 82850; $50 eeah, balance good terms. Owner drafted Only iwaaoa for sacrifiriug. he thb at ; r THOMPSON. B WAN A THOMPSON. - ss ead siatn- eta.. Tanmaeer, waan. . $1 0 W H EATTAN D v How b the time te get ready fee taB pbnting. " Wheat will be worth 69.20 next year it not esore. 1 44 . acree in Gilltam cennty; 8 aailea froas -station, r Partly eukirated and eaten re. ture.. No timber or stumps. WUl eell "tor VS per sere to first comer. - ' Qood title.. Boss , terms. John D. Wllees. Pittock htock. . CLAJUCE COCNTT. WASH.. 8810- ' , 40 a ores,- 20 in eultleetion, new 6 room .. bouse, barn 4 Ox So. ehtoken hone aad weed- shed. 1 tt mOea from Amboy in that woadronsiy fertile Chebtchia prairte. Thb b an ideal farm home. Fred V. Oerman Oo.. 7S2 Cham- arsB Ofr1lTll'FiOSe Ins room, built-in kitchen. 2 bedrooms, both. romw and rlnaati eloaa in: nebat 6850: 8206 cash, balance anonthTy. - . I .room heemv extra well bufla? tot An oon- I room plastered bungalow, wefl arranged. Is I dftion, brge let, 5 bedroom and large bethrooea. food-easdition. close in, lot 80x100, city water, I tiring room, dining room. Mtehoe,- pantry, hena- etectrio hghm, gas: price 81850: 8850 cash, balance easy monthly payments. B. L. Tucker, box 426. Bea Tartan, Or. WANTED Bookkeeper; nmt understand open- - ins and closlnc books, state ace. expenenos end mbry expected. Answer E-891. Journal. WANTED Man ta help around bakery Ap ply before S o'clock. Keys Bakery, litn end Eeerett eta, BRIGHT young man with high .School eduea don; chance for advancement if you ere a lire one. Bemiek Song 8 hop, 824 Washington. WANTED Boy orer 16 years ea helper oa milk delivery truck: good pay. 1'orvnoman Farm, box es, ients. ur. - . thoroughly experienced . PRIVATE horaea cleaned, ruga vacuum eleaned, by men end wife.. Tabor 68S. LADY with first clam apartment house expert- enee wants position. K-777, Journal. . . EXPERIENCED woman wants management of apartment or rooming house. ScBwood 1845. FANCY dressmaking and gowns remodeled. East 4787 J SITUATIONS WAITED MALE - AND FEMALE tt COUPLE experienced want to do Janitor work and take care of anartment house. .Maa worka In shipyards. Call evenings. .jBaet 6062. Apply In person. starch Crystal FLORISTS CLARKE BROS., florists. MorrVou sC bet. 4th and 6th. Phone Main or A-ISO 5. Fine flow ers end floral designs. No branch stores. MiRTTN A FORBES. CO.. Florists. 884 Wash. Main 269. A-l 269.' Flowers for ell occasions artbtticaUy arranged. PEOPLES FLOltAL SHOP. 245 Alder, designs f l j . Lil at.-K.ll S090 m in. ufcaHMnn ' iiuud MtMmaum " IHVIMJTON " PARK-FLORAL CO-v 4th and wXnTED Man to drive milk wagon. WANTED A work wash man. Laundry Co. - wiNTtn Ou a two men to work on drag aein. Must understand mendlnc. r or in- fortnattoB write H. Ptlghrin. Cnahmen. Or. . WANTED Shop foreman for garage, and two mafhrnirtt. cell w. r. ktansei, Vancouver, Wash. ' - WANTED Man to work is wash room. Steady noeition. Ooed wages. I'ortlana L unary Co.. Oth and Conch. ens MR4. WOLF. Chetopa.apta. Apt. 26 4 66 Ysmhia lcbLIneb, Funeral designs, lowest prices. Portbnd hotel S2S Morrbioa et MAX IX. BMlTH7Florist 141 tt 6th at FUKKHAL ni.'.ECTOBfc rrnian ava. N. WANTED A man to waah flat work, apply j in peaon. Crystal Laundry Co. I WANTED Experienced foundry helpers. Com- mereisl Iron worxa, t, im ana ssaouoa. HTJBSES PBACTICAL nurse' desires confinement 820 e week. Call Sell wood 778. rUHHISHED ROOXJ PRINCESS hotel, modern, fireproof, running water, phones ana levator; nign uneiuy, nw price. East Third ana iturssioe.- . ' 8 CITABLE for gentleman, nicely furnbhed room in apt, steam seat, pain ana pnone. Marshall 6648. BOOM Professional er Hill : references. business women. W-694, Journal. Nob Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors EXPERTEN CED . shoa sal er men; good wages, Rosentbal a Shoe Store. ' ' WANTED Men te work oa river boats. $60 anci up, room ana ooera. nppiy waamngion ooca. FJJBKISHKD P.OOMi PBJVATK V FAMILT 76 furnished front room for one or two 5 hetebifebed 1877. Third end Sabnoa Streets. Main 507. A-l 511. Laoy naststant. HELP WAyTEP MISC. 4t refined gentlemen In widow's .home, 82 week; board optional. 195 E. 74th at N. M-V eat. Tel. Tabor 0631. J. P. FINLEY & SON Ptogresilve Funeral Directors. PBIVATE DRIVE Women Attandanta Uont.nm.rT at Iiftll Main S. A-1B99 2 OB 8 furnbhed or partly furnished light' housekeepinc rooms, all modern conveniencea; adults: permanent parties only,. 674 E. Couch, CIVIL eervioe examinationa everywhere October 1 5. 12,OOU women -merse so ve appoiniwn a . . . , ttAAA. Ta... - waamngron. ojay j, tiona wnie .? . . " t o VT.i.vj. w,i li.v,t 1 Awri8 ana er 1 1 ttas mwm miiwSir - n as ijDiHrne I err a sniiuu ucwi eew -mt " - 1 hfatn bide.. Washington, D. C keeping: references. desiring covernment Josi- - " . . particubrs. K. K. Terry J TO quiet adults, good dbtriot. .jrurntehed room Tabor 2062. -BLK "OF EAST MORELAND- 617E0 6150 cash; 8 rm. nifty bungalow: about 4 bike. ear. 6. C60LDENBURG 216-16 Abington Bide. 106 tt Srd. "86 Yrs. in Portbad." Main 4808. BEAUTIFUL HEStDENCS CHEAP Elecsnf strictly modera 6 room honea with fine firspbee. fall basement. Dutch kitchen. aU built-in effects; large porches, fine, lot, with finest lot. of shrubbery .and flowers ffl Portland. Price only 94200: 81200 ceeh. habace easy monthly payments. d THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON, 8d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. $6000 Property for $3500 10 room bouse, plastered, concrete founds Hon, 2 bathe. 2 toilets, good garage, sot eexiov. caved atreet. sewers aH in and paid for: near! 26th and Thurmsn. WeefVeide, 81750 eeah. bet enee to suit, v Fred tg. German Co.. 782 Chazs- ber of Commejoe. j ""NO .SKtTEB BUY IN CITY" 82600 6 room oomplete modera home, 1 ! good shape; now vacant. 60x100 lot PSTlng, etc.. all paid. Near Muwbsippi and Going at Y..-, .. in.it,- i -Hll lika. Baantiful neish- borhood. nice homes, blk. to ear, only $500 caah. O. a OOLDENBEBO. ABINUTON BLDO. "85 Tears in Portland." Main 4808. : PIEDMONT ADDITION 82850 Practically aew 6 room with attic te finish bungalow; you could not eoaeeiva of a nicer nun-slow at a nriee like thb: fireplace, book. came, buffet, Dutch kitchen, etetionary tube, sear Mississippi aad. Union even, cariluea. ( Sold by owner. Wood lawn 8976. 14500 BUNGALOW FOR 68700 s vooms down and S wo. rooms finisned In hira anamal. r(-tn halL hirdwood floOtB. ; firepbee. furnace, eement basement, bandry traya. garage; also houses from 91006 to 85000. Phone Tabor 7117. . J.. H.- MABTESON. 807 E. T9th. ALTAMRAD BCNOALOW good buildings, fine eeil: 16 portbnd. WdL'8489. meat Toa coum pay tor i" -vr roomers or boarders. Price only S2966. wtth payment et 8500 down ead bebnoe Bke reet Uaclnnee, 270 tt Btark et Pboos Main 1.70O, or Tabor 8419. evening. ' - ' TtFO 'faOCSES ON ONE - LOT. 81750 One ST room nbstered cottage, one i room 1 K anniu-itad with the sewer. nai street, em eloae m an E. Sth et end Beech. Price 81750. 820O cash, habneo eaay . Prttmm aaalal IsMrletdeS ee1 aaso worth Net bended im elements for the pacing, a. Fred W. Oerman Co.. 782 Cbenv ber of Oommeice, j NEW housa la select neighborhood. 6 recens end v-ith nM if daslrad: oulil-in eiiecu wm-rm furniture, peved streetaall improremertU paid. 1598 Virginia St., 01 ween nevana aa auita, Bivervtew carline near Bell wood ferry; terms, 8500 caah, bab nee like rent .Owner. 815 Lewb bide Woodlewn 2874. - SlTlP CABPENTEB-BCNOALOW Walking distance to Peninsnte er St John yards, modern 6 room bungalow, large room. waB built corner lot worth more, hut will sell for 82500. 6500 cash, baL like rent Wdla. 8284. THOROUOHLT MODERN 7 room home with bath. 2 toilets, full eement basement fur- fireplace, best oak t loots., careen, irnrt berries; beat improvemewta; reasonably priced; terms. Corner E. 80th and Brasee ate. Owner Tabor 4465. A SNAP BCT S room mouern nu wiui w- waaw. i - - paved at, all paid, dose In; you eas t beet it is j thareof. being eomi Portbnd; must be sold at once: part caah, beV-1 Positad at time 6M ance eaay terms; price 82B0O, K. BSs axornaoa st Phono E. S5 17. FOR BALE OB EXCHANGE 6 room double constructed bungalow with reception bin, bath, kitchenettes full cement basement, wash treys. firepbee. garage, lurmanea. I nracca iron Bandy boulevard ; pert terms. Phone Tabor 1977. MODERN 6 rocca bungalow with Dutch kitchen. - F0 BE3TT FARMS ' 14 FOR RENT Farm of 160 seres, ft miles east ef Oregon City.' S aaUes from Beaver Creek t station, 66 scree In cultivation, good ' "range. good bufldiasa sad faneea, elens to -church and school, nay. grain, stock and Implements for ' sale reasonable. J. G-Moebnke, Hoff, Or, 1 OR" REST, sate er part trade: nice ecreage. salbs from panel dining roosn, S bedrooms and bath with fuB eement basement 100x100 lot, IS Mat trees, chickeS - yard, 6 blocks from Boas City car: sidewalk an the way. Thb b s snap. Call today. Tabor 6768. r- ' lot 50il00, BUlPwnPKCR Fine W. corner ZStn a no aiaaon. aaneoi riraj FAHMS WAHTED BEST OB BUT IS WASTED To rent with option to buy. cheap i logged-off land for abeep raiainc: buildinea de- , sirabie but not altogether necessary. : Weod- bwn 674.- - . ' -, WANTED E4 nipped dairy farm. 25 or . 40 -- eewa. ea shares GlveKTefsrenee. 297 W. ' KUllagswerth Cve. Phone Woodbwn S666. ; . IF TOU want to trade your hmtcd ranch for city property call or write J. 861 E. Mor- -risen. ' ' r . TIM BKJ V.fV. .. NOTICE OF SALE Oaf GOVERNMENT TIMBER General bnd off loa. Washington. D. C-, Aug. sat 29. 191 A Modoc b hereby given that subject to -.- the oondifiono and Hmttationa ' ef the set ef Jane 9. 1916 OOetat. 218) .. end tbe rastractioae ef the secretxry. of the , interior of September 1 5. 1917. tbeVtimber 1 on the foilowvng bnds'7wul be sold October 28, 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m. , at pubtte suction at the United Statee bad office at Portbnd. Or. -Cu. to the highest bidder et not baa tbaa tbe appraised value as shown . by thb aotioe- eel . to be eubbct . to the approval of the. secretary sf the interior, Tbe rat-chase prios, with an addmonai sum er one rata 01 one per sent - sUmkme 'allowed, mast be de- MM W. aBWUV? M VW f.1 HI ! . if aale b not approved, otharwtee patent wifl . bene for tse timner, wntea mue. ne removed wtthla ten yeass. Bids will be received (rem ertteaas of -the Called atatee. emariariuas of r such dtieena and. -corporations organised under. ' the bwe of the Cai ted States or esy state, , . territory er okrtiict thereof only. Upon eppli cation ot s - qualified purchaser, the timber on aay fecal aubdiviaioa will be offered eeparately ' before being toelnded in nay offer of a Ureer unit T. It .. R. 11, Bee. 27. NW. iW tt. red fir 1275 M., white fir 76 M.. none of tbe red fir er white fir te be sold for leas than 8 1.60 " per M. CLAT TALLMAN. tkwnsiimirmef Uea- V eral Land Offiee.- - - - ;i 6.OOO.OOO FT. Al ' yellow fir. Curry Co., erti- ' fled ornate, tm per M. tf taken ewes. svass - 1 ane F. S. Dunning, Inc. Th. flitUn Tlnle tJndertakara. 414 East Aider at. Phone East 52,8-5226 .,Jg-d eaMnlteni00 awbrf 800. 1 18&S Mk? 8 Phone WdL 1868, -eot, almost. t2?. 1?--.,'' pf.wn2cloo4,,,,lek - GAMBLE. GEBLINGEB BLDU. v - - . AUIU11S THE TIME TO PURCHASE HENS Now Is the Time, for the City Man to Prepare to Oper ate a Yard. The best way for the city poultry keeper to procure hens Is to purchase them In the fall. An effort should be made to obtain pullets rather than older hens, and the pullets selected should be well matured, so that they will begin to lay before cold weather. Evidence of the maturity of pullets are the developement and red color ot the comb and a also and growth which, are Boodror the breed or variety. Hens -will lay little or no eggs during- the f sll and ' early winter while they are aoltlrnr. Well-matured pullets, however. f - should lay fairly well during; this period. f ' mua eV W aa 6 at. I wviw-vi mA tnva wVaafi1wVn 4 61 aikHaW4 so that an Immediate return la realised from the investment. Advice Helps Inexperleaeed When pullets are to be purchased It Is well if possible- to go to some farmer or poultrymarr who may be known to the prospective purchaser. It some cases It may pay to make arrangements with the farmer to raise the desired number of pullets at an agreed price. .Where the householder does not have an opportun ity to go into the country for bis pullets, ha can often pick them out amoung the live poultry shipped into the city to be marketed. . The advice of some one who knows poultry should be sought to make surs that pullets or - young hens are ob tained and that the stock is healthy, Often local poultry associations are glad to. help thet prospective poultry keeper to get stock by putting him in communi cation with some of its member having stock for sale. Sometimes f boards of trades or : chambers or commerce, are k glad to help bring together the prospec- tive purchaser-and the poultry raiser. Xlad , of Fowls to Xee Householders usually desire not only eggs for the table and for cooking, but also an occasional chicken to eat. For this reason one of the general-purpose breeds, such: as the Plymouth RocR. Wy- aadotte, Rhode Island Red, or Orping ton. Is preferable to the smaller egg - breeds, such as the Leghorns. Not only - do thu mature fowls ot these breeds, be caaso of their larger sise, make better . table fowla than the Leghorns, bat the young chJckeos for the same reason. make better friers and roasters, where as chjekens of the egg breeds are only suitable zor tne smaller broilers. Poultry Campaign Hears Good Fruit More eggs were received at New Tork during the first half of this year than during the first six months of any previ ous year since 191L From January 1 to July 1, 1918, the receipts of eggs at New Tork amounted to 3,112,305 cases, an av erage increase of 80,911 cases over the first six months of the seven preceding years. Taking New Tork r ocelots ss an indication of the production throughout the United States, this shows, that the campaign started last tall by poultry specialists of the United States denart- ment of agriculture is already bearing fruit If the advice given in this cam paign Is widely followed, say the depart ment specialists, tnere snould be a very considerable increase in the stock - of laying hens In the country next winter, There should also be a very marked in crease In the receipts of fresh .eggs at the ' leading markets in January and February. This, with the better results which it Is believed will be secured by this year's experience in keeping poultry. probably will increase production so that the requirements of the country for eggs and poultry in 1919 will be met WILSON & ROSS East 64 - Ledy Assbtent C-3165 uultnoaian at r. severna ss. perience unnecessary. Women desiring govern-1 vrWLY furnished Toora In private home for ment positions write fey free particulars. J. tl I j .people. . 1071 K. Washington. Tabor lonaro tiuieser w cr.M x Modern in and Pine sts. Lady aaslstant Dunning & McEntee ry detail. Broaawsy ano r oadway 480. A-4568 Lady A. D. Kenworthy Co. ' Tabor 2267. 6802 924 at. Lenta. Tabor 5895. 66th et end roster reed, Anets faai4 r. L LERCH 'bJS?- L'ndi hftildins. Washineton. TEN more women to train as telegraph operatora. Man vacancies. roatuons paying aiuu lo a.a VJC MMwal. aKtl ttia wa.- ; ; . ' t UK.. IHVMW.. .. M ...... ,. i naertasers apt. end prepare men for the sienai corps, uay evening Classes. n nta tor cm .iuuwii Undertakers j K. 11th end Hawthorne St&XEh V tRlCfcf. Independent Punersl Me rectors, men u sow aa iv, M... Waahington et Ella. - Main 2891, A-7885. sum STke kwortbt. r,o. 24S and 250 KilHnasworth are. near WtBbsw ava. yvooaiawn ssoe, u-xies. Breeze & Snook Tlegraph Institute. 2iS.BaUway Exchange bhlg. HAWTHORN K AUTO SCHOOL - 462 HAWTHORN B AVE. - SPECIAL B0MMEB BATES. - DAT AND NIOHT CLASSES. ADCOX ADTO SCHOOL ' Union avenue and Wasco at SPECIAL SCMMEB PRICES Call, write or phone Beet 7446. ' : BWScrTO PBIVATK BUSINESS OOLLBOB ' ALTRKT BLDO. 8D AND MOKKISOW. TATES-STSUEB ' TEACUER3' AUENCX rree I mteAl registration. 11-H Broaoway Piog- LlMK'B BCSfNKSS CULLsiGll 4507. BEAUTIFUL furnished . room, modera shower both. 656 Everett et " BOOMS AJri BOARD THE HAZEL, outside rooms, hot water. cooking. ., cpecnu rates so couptee. horns, 865' Sd. BOOUSANDBOABD PBXTATr AJKXT- Tt (or in uriTrni eirLachool prirete family. ?wui give sooa cam. easuu- sble. Sellwood 15. ' ' BOARD and room, maa and wife both working. Private family. 16 minutes out , 1401 Cor bett. west side. 616. ' . boot once. $2000: easy terms. Johns. B'way 1618 BARGAIN IN PIEDMONT HOME Near Jefferson high school 'end North Port bnd library, full basement,- furnace, tflreptoee, 7 rooms and attic, fireproof garage, only 65000. Call Main 4222 or Wdto. 8677. ' !! $1800-1 n Woodlawn-$1800 noma I - , ei. i. mA mMMmi 8800 cash, babnee like rent E. 6317. E. .881 MoTTisoa.1 : 6 RM. 6160 CASH Price $2100; free, lot paved eta., sear E. 12th end Everett at. walking dbt Main 4808. O. C. GOLDENBEB0. ABINGTON BLDO. "35 Tears la Portland." MODERNIZE your bjulding; al kinds of repairs. Sea mv dealana tor new honaae. kfa M. Ilfeyer. erehitect Concord bldg. Main 1878. li. m. ave. Phone C-1064 : 14506 BUSQALoW. 83650 x . Attractive 6 room bungalow. 16 minute tine, granite firepbee- sad porch piera, plate glass windows ana nevm pcsie n mw in swv Vat valnahla eases, inlaid floors, nta concrete ieemeuy sts i Kea irt Central Floruia smwsx. wihu.ii ,v. 6 ROOk house and fractional lot for. $1260; terms 8160 down. $15i nee month. S mom house and 60x100 lot 8800; Sbdowa. ST. 60 peTmonth. Tebphoao Main 7276 or A-9660. Phn. ALU by owner, 6 room bungalow, built- HOMESTEADS 110.000 HOMESTEADS 47 In effects. 62850; terms. 1 block from .ear; new vacant 1046 Dtvbloa at Phone Mas, aava m SSaat SST1. I week. ' MODERN 6 roots 2 atory o. S. KRLE, (Govt land Crsber) 227 X. 40th. IIOOTS, homestead bad - la erbtesee : Oregon along line ot new .' Straborn By." ow building. r- Kite ea 820 acre wheat ranch or 640 acre stock ranch ne timber to clear. Good rainfall; splendid cli mate: beautiful country. A developing empire -of rich bad aeon to be the scene of prosper- - cue farms, b now opes for filing : no drawing.' Too set the bad you select. Hundreds of set- ; tiers aaoviaeT he. Let me aid pea. Terms very reeaoneble. Call aay afternoon, ot evening thb .; Formerly Bunt. Oregon Home Buildera. Y ..hiirivwa nraeaeean-- S2H i dinna-ram nve eajj. f run oswr-oj mar, roowt dowc: jos t u XIH., parn. ovrae aow nun, nracae norm B-2546. Tabor Undertaking CcZ Main 4153 ONOVYCb A-2821 Corner Sd end Oby Wilson & Wilson. EL .Wo-Sil East.Ulissn st Fu-1 aervicea. Tabor 4813 1 PORTLAND. OBEUON. BEHNKE-WALKEb; bixgest boainem eollese be- eanse best: enrou any time; tiws eswaiognei. HELP WAKTSP-fEMAtg ' g Li A Mil Tnkt im aerat A. R. Zeller Co I'll se73RO. arr. at madiI Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bags aad TVoolea Clotklag We Caks Severaibls,' BaBd.WeveB mi .4' am2enwsannmm JsZ f ;. "Where to. Get It" , i trt- - - ' SBswawaawmnVannwawaBya , KEMMERER and f l i 4 ;R0CKf SPRINGS COAl . TUEAMBST AMD BBST - BTJBNXHO . COALS, - PBICK KBASON ABL8V C3Y3TALIDE& ST03AC2 14 AV1S44. JiATIO.VAL FUKL CO. Short .lab wood, block- wood. B load tots, 4-tt, enUy. elh. aet 204A. PORTLAND MARBLE' WORKS,' 264-266 '-4th St. ODDodts clt fasIL Main 8584. Neu A Sons lor 'memorials. - . HEVf TODAT lost afd roran tl THE following artielee have been found on can I of the Portbnd By., Lt ct P'r Co.. Sept 20: purses: s cloves. -1 nr. s lasses and case. 1 knife. 11 packages, 2 bssketo, 5 lunch boxes, 1 box tomatoes, 1 br. 2 suit eases, 1 be dee. 1 key. Owners may obtain property et First A Alder sta. -station. - Fluff Rugs $10 REWARD for return of light weight twin I Indian ssotorcycle, 1SIT model: lioense num ber A 69; engine number 80 J 057; magneto I 161826. B. J. Hand. 75 Grand ave. N. East OS 8 St. 11107 "Wear Like tWm-?& Bag Bags Wevsft All sises Mail Orders Send for Booklet Carpet G&umig . 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTXB3T PLTJTT RTJ0 CO. M TJaiea Ave. IT.- . Bast 616 raoaee B.l7l BOXWOOD Country Slabwood MULTNOMAH FUEL CO.. M. SS40. A-2116 MEETING NOTICES EMBLEM Jewelry a 41 charms. specialty, buttons. . Jaeger Bros., 181-138 Sth st mM$ts.Brrtts.&eatl$. MABBIAGK LICENSES Sibe M. Lester. 27. Center. Ule. Wash., aad Anna F. Koaak, 27. 695 4th st - sTrank 8. Scbeihb, . 26. 431 W. Park st. sad Gertrude B. Casey. 26. 283 14th at. Emil A. Matteon, 21. 25 N. 6th st, sad Tbb Wolfe, 19, 667 Cora ava. - ' .. Harold H. Henry 28. Vancouver, Wash., and Myrtle K. Sweet 28, MuHnomabs hotel. Key u. weexs. si, ss h.b.. zeta st, sad Mrs. Etta Flora. 29. 698 E. 76th at N. , . Julius N. Paulsen, 29, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., aad Vera L Blackburn. S3. 712 Waah ington St ,:!'". . Paul Kirmea' .legal, .'1271 Hood : at, end Jennie Ash lock, legal. 1ZT1 Hood et - ' Bendal M. McLauchUn, 84, 648 Patten reed, aad SteDa CaBender. 24. 648 Patten road. sEsra Walk, 80, Hoed River, Or., and A lie A Wood. 17, Gresham, Or. ' ' Joseph '. 8. Albino legal. Prosser. -Wash.,; and zeua elaxelton, legal, IS. estn et N. DRESS SUITS for rent, eB aisea. loring Co.. 104 4th at ' Uniqu TaK tlCE o Ut, E. 8tark. Sept IS. '. BIBTKtt -and Mrs. Leslie M. Rice, TU9 a son. : - .. . - MILLER To Mf. and Mrs. James- If, atuTe,' 747 Cmatilb. Sept 12, a soeu. .' , COAT To Mr. and Mrs. James H.' j Costa, " - avbs asuioiomaa, oeuu A, a soa, 692 WUlbmaave. East 108S. 0-1088 T. BTRNES, new residence estabUshmeni 901 Wulbme nve. -Woodbwn 220. 0-1948. KOTTTJXEKTS WANTED 2 BRIGHT GTBLS WHO ABB .WILUNO. TO LEARN AND HAVE OPPOB T UN ITT FOB QUICK ADVANCE MENT;. GOOD PAT TO STABT WITH : STEADY- WORK. AP PLY Ut PEBSON BT TAKING BOSS CITY PARK OB EAST AN KENT CAR TO E. JOTH ST. WALK S BLOCKS BOOTH TO B. PINE ST TROT LAUNDRY CO.. M. 10TH AND PINK STS. BOOM, beard, with ' sleeping porch. 2 gentle men. 576 B. Ladd eve. Bast 2888. WIDOW bdy wishes to take couple children to room and board. East 8347. BOOM and board for married ooeple er S gen tlemen. 804 Commercial at. WASTED ROOMS AKD BOARD tt WANTED, in private family, board nd room for child of P atunoing eenoot. 1 i,iwsu 7 ef Lente Junction. $500 down: terms oa bel- C 10638 65th ave. B. E. 6 BOOM modera bungalow, buut-ia effects. hardwood floors, furnace, ifr blocks from car; practically new, SZ950; terns. Hawthorne Realty Co. Tabor 9569. 6 BOOM bungalow in beet section Montevilb, Mrtlr furnbhed. Can have immediate urease sion. price 61900, $300 down. Call Tabor 699S. after. p. m. bas. $3300. Hawthorne Beaky Co. Tabor FOB SALE 7TZ - OnA 4 and one 6 room bowa, each located on lot 100x100 ft at a bargain. Can Tabor 168. MODERN heme at $3600. ammediste peaaea. some I arms, ansnrr ma nwumm vtiu ne si BXCHAyOB BEAL ESTATE 1654 tt HOTJSEKEEPnro ROOMS 9 TURKISHES' AMD UNFTJRJUSHETi i - -- . FOB BENT 1 suite H. K. rooms furnbhed. et STRICTLY modern 4 Oswego, 1 blocs aoutn ot eieetne aepot. gooa ear eervioe to ehipyarda. Call or phone B-6161. Mrs. Cooper. - .- - " unfurnbhed honsykeoplng rooms bath. S ROOM modern cottage, full eement ment $2400. $300 eaah.' babnee like rent WIB take Liberty bonds or used auto aa first payment 456 Jarrett wain. sD. bungs! Broadway ear. Go end ace rt boose Sunday between 4 and 6. WELL 'built S room house, gaa, water end l Hghta. 42x135. Firbad; 6506; terms, J. Bteffy. 9806 69th eve. S. E. FOR SALE tOTS II FOB SAA.E 5 lota. East JU. Joans; 8Ww j aaStt eanan emeus oowu w you bnOd; Ions time en balaace. Add rem box nno. arasr, w. STOTK sanch: 1654 acres hr use of two fil- inga: part b deeded bnd; BOO aeree leooeni , COod. Set ot btrildiaci: etock. nmcruoery, tools. feral tare: .say taae-eoumy; eo speuw. ass little ceahy talgaep trade. O. L. Webb, 414 v Eaat Stark -et. v- - - - - lot ax change , Addram Post- 700 , ACRE . etock v reach, will - saesanendite etock ar-bacUwer. . . master. (Worden. Or. . t CBAN BE RBYk c beet producing district; poj. debt; tor Pcnbad hcene. T7h9, Jocrnat . WAKTEP REAL E STATE " tj ' 1 .190 , jlOLD nlSCB JAXclB A .'We hvsl sold, ever f 190 shacks end smart henses erncVVthe first of the year j sad etill , have s brge demand for tins eatse er pmpeety. TWO outside entrance. Mt Scottrear. 6910 84th at S. E.j room water beat bnilt-ln. sleeping porch, lot, S blocks soots of Beady blvs. ktyou.' . SUNDAY evening, et the Strand theatre, or be tweea theatre end 4th and Washington st.. ea evel shaped broach, with a pearl in the cen ter, surrounded by changeable colored leaves. Reward, woodlawn ZB74. - FOUND -At 76 W. Humbolt. red and whUe 1 anotted cow. - Owner can have am by cav ing for thb add and her feed. Mrs. E, Burri. Wdln. 1210. LOST Wednedsv. Sent 4. gold wrist welch! No. 24438. S link, tn baeelet: watch needed repairs. Seward. 721 Broadway K. TeL E. 2724. ;. FOUND Gold breastpin - with setting, en Wash- tncton st :, owner can nave same by Identi fying at the Csun studio.; 602 Merchants Trust bldg. ? ' LOST Vicinity 12th and Taylor, baby'e white wool knuted carriage robe wtth crocheted border same material. Call Maia 6009. Re ward. ' WOMEN WANTED GOOD, STEADY, DESIRABLE WORK WITH GOOD CHANCE FOB ADVANCEMENT, WITH VERY GOOD PAY. APPLY IN .PBB , SON BY TAKING ROSE CITY PABK OB B. AN KENT CAB TO E. 10TH ST. WALK 3 BLOCKS SOUTH TO E. PINE ST. . ' TBOT LAUNDRY CO.? B, 10TB AND PISS BIS. RHTPTARn district. H. keening apartments. fuffcbbed or aiuursanea, tesicasoie. t 1st at ' ' - BOTJSBXBEEIBO BOOBS 73 EUr-XISHED 'AHD UTTFTJ RlflSHRD . i PRIVATE FAMILY THREE furnished housekeepins roaeas. - 1117 E. Market- Tabor 42S. Oarage. . FOB RERT HOUSES . M SAVE rent 1 have 2 lots. Montevilb. If yes can build 2 or 3 room house will- allow you money invested as rent; reasonable. Write owner for eerticubrs. W-686. Journal.- $25.009 ROOM bouse; modern A SNAP Modern bungalow like new, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full, basement .- must be eeen to- be appreciated, H cash and Liberty baL terms; price 3250Ot 1691 E. Devb. . .U TWCnincu-berrf lob 60kieo,e soort Don 1 you Ts -TrZLyZ: .I... I east ol stosa uiy apeeaway, ijw ne; rail tn"- - 1 Bsumxsrtnev. 418 Ansky bide Main 47$. I WASitcb fe ss U hut I er A room saoJ- rOR SAL 8 r. cottage, fruit near Union . .S W mm e-nf.l 11911 W- Metealf. 617 Cham, of Cost Marshall 8483 TWO fine lots fog. sale,', cheep, fot or BeUweoa sesz. f I carline, lneurre- owner. rnene i NICE lota in Alameda Park, bt 6.-block 2aj price tOOO: lot S. block 44; price STOO. owner et 406By. Ex. bldg. . Main T986. LOT 50x100,' peved diet, everything paid: sear Richmond ecaoot, OVW. vwner. eee aa TJneoln St. 'or cash, near BeU.' 6 SO. 6 BOOM house, hard eurfae ate., clear V block texlOO LOT on Vaneouver ava. and aear'tha to W. B. car. CaB between 13 end 4. 629 1 Portbnd blvd.. 8600. - Phone Main 6769. E. goth at owner. 6 HOUSES. 3 in Montavflb, 1 in Fulton; price szuuu so iivti.. awsx wrso. dj owner, i z-i . .n.. .. .... . - i rt i At,aaa none oeuwooo ii. I ,tij .a a , RO?)M" modern house, now vacant, brge lot. j barn, chicken house and ACREAGB ' ' ' 67 4 in cult.' 1 H aba timber. beX acre: wafting distance right party. Mala 7862. about 1 MUwaukte; lease te HOUSE for rent: in eoodttown; good school near ' Portland- Inquire P. Riedlng, 65S Clay st. Prtbnd. Or. MODERN 7 room house, Portbad Heisbta. n SlbOO. 8200 caah, 820 per mo. NU -Smith, i 8514 Foster Bona, tbdot nil. NEARLY new freshly painted 6 room modesfj bungalow, reetneted antnet, werieos, Wood bwn 2607. I fiAVE a long list ot good bargain in houses and lots. Bee me. Herman reper, BIT Union eve. N. 5 whb beaebsest lot: good well end am kasstlM o noaae wtth garace or room for one that 6660 down and 860 per ens. will . buy, price woe -exceed $$506, Hawthorn or Bees City vpi alerted; must be.good. K-I76, Joornel. . - ' . -' " ' HAVB many buyers for modem ban up te $4060. We advertise and have the. ergaai Bation te get reaulte. Bee FRANK L. MeOUIBK. ABCfCTON BLDO --.-- Te BeU Tour Heme. htatn lQgS. . STMEBOUS eUents waiting for aheap bomae. Can eeB yowrs tf priced rightV ' O. C. GOLDENBEBO ' - Abington Bid. ' "36 Tra. fas Portbad."-Main 4803. HAVE cheat who wants 6 ' room modera bunas- lew fa good condition. Will pay from $326 te $2500. Can par $SS0 to-$76p down, bal enee $28. per month. Oordooral! Cham, torn. DON'T W0BBT I can eeB er trade earthing anywhere. . .." Layman, 147 Park room cottage oa .paved at. 780 WU- T0UN0 LADIES WASTED. . ' PERMANENT POSITION ; NO EXPEBOXNCK , BEQUIBED $9 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID TNCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, , ROOM 601, 6TH FLOOR, . PABK AND OAK STS. aonabb. Msr. 217. FTJRKISHED HOUSES tl HOOD modern vacant. 8500 down, rest like rent. Ihtma eve. Wdla. 426. MODERN- 8 room bungalow, hard surface st, 2 bktcke from Jefferson high school. 88000. Owner, 616 Gsntrnbein. TeL Wood la wa 2896. GOING to war; will rent mj 6 room bungalow, I yR BALE, house. 4 room and peatry. en 78 Lh furnbhed tnrougnoui; necc rmcrancee re-1 ... good terms. Beu 24IS. 4. U. Mewrey. quired. 921; E. FrankHa. '.V..'v-V APABTBINT8 " FURNISHED ASP CWFURKISHED FURNISHED 2 and S rm.1 kL XL ante, in s remodeled xrweiung, z..au w szT.euusJieo- trie lights, bet sad com water Included. Sep arate entrances. Walking dbtaaco. west side. 2 lbka. ear. - o enuoren. star, asse. su to 4. 818 Ptatt bkls. . LlADX A DA DTnltf MTO ateeond ead nnni nrn i idiliiiu ismwii ki rwrnbhed modern bousesseprng sen ajceptnt rooms, 62.66 end wp. 846 Spokane eve. 1779 DIVISION 6 largo ruoma, reception hall end den. fireplace, furnace, full basement; t fruit trace. price sssoo; easy term-. eprtits. all good soil, witn a suce orcnera ana berriea; price 11400: terms. 20 acres. 9 miles Portbad, coed small house, garage, chicken house ead yard. One grove fir. oak and dogwood; some fruit nioe running it ream. Aa ideal site let s country . home; price 88600; easy terms. ' A nioe little bosae ef 1H eefea, sB bt euh, close te depot, fine aoO. level and well tiled, yowns family orchard, well built house, emeu bam, chicken house, good well; prleo $1200; easy term. B. L. Taeker, bos 426. Beever ton. Or. - '.. NEAELY H acre garden bnd. 6 room bowse. ; fc . mtje ,,'U "iai U a. fruit and berrhnv spring ereek threuch pbee. j AATLD vacant iota, am es av, $1200; abe H sere sdjotnins. wan earn, ai t850. 1-3 eaah oa each, b right at Steaby etstioo. 6 He fere, Cease eot Sunday p. as. Ask for Mr. Miller. . 2T "Tind. anywhere " of Com. Mala HOUSES wented. any dee, any O. W.- Bryan, sop 196S. eve. Mag. 866. - ' CASBraadercbar lota with aback for 6 reoas bsmeslow. Woodbwn 4495. Its' Frank L. McGnira to sail rmu 411-414 Abtnrton btee. Stern ioee. I U. ACRE farm. Oe fare. bonsc. barn, ehtekea noose. g BOOM modern hones, paid. $1400. $0O 82d eve. b. e. street lmprovcmentt 1 6841 FOB-SALE By owner. 3 good T jsoiaies' r 3 cariinee; STBAYED or stolen, gray mare, weight beL 800 and 900, brand, oa left shoulder. Liberal reward for information. , George Bock, care- W. t--.Ti a. "-- LOST Brown wallet containing registration 1 WANTED A trimmer. New east aide millinery I MAGNOLIA. AiTS-East Sd end . cam anu uoeni eonu receipt r-ieaae re- i store. Btaaay neetuon. sin per wees ena eom- rarn u jnas. uoDimon. care . uoDinson st I mission on nata ana oreasea. xist reiennoea. Smith Co.. SMI and Madison. - 1 Y-7 90. Journal. A .A 1m. 1 - ln . Mum ISTrflB (ill . 4-ROOM house and bath, $100 down. $20 pet month. 6T38 Whitmsn sve. S. E. Mt Scott car. FOR SALE 4 room LOST -Set of bungalow plans. tbem - with Harry Please leave 66 VALUABLE formulas, tricks, illusions and Fentoa bide. I household - hints in our interesting ass is Tine. Phone Bdwy. 1769. -'' I for -two banes, scat complete for 10c Dept. K. wrist"-watch which can be bsd b. 414 Stock Kiehanre bhlg.. fortlsnu. tyr. modern 1 and 2 room apta., f i.o trp. Mleepinc rooms. . 1 ilrtrtUS nactlx furnished. D-150. 1 r Cash ti er terms. house with 2 or 3 lots. Apply Bnbbell A Adams, anmntea' - ride. n kiwh M . Iniiilm mmmacuate 83150. $750 cash; easy terms. 6.-. 976 Cor- bett et Main 6862. a t H.i.iM r. en sa awiawt , able: near car ana scnocs. . rsrniy wi sod. 1 no aire G. vjohnson. Bdwy 101. ; , ' I ONE or 2. eeree et stetwm, 25 minutes out. 9e tare; running euwaaa aw nwi.wn wv terma. Mate 6W83. . - ... - . tOa SaLK BY OWNER 2 aeree highly Improved bad. CcB Bon 8118. BOOBIXO-HOUSE ' v U , t4 BOOMS, lobby, etricti modern, well furt " nkhed, rnt$12. set 6600; price $l0,OOO. ' T-4 66, -Journal. - .-.:- ; : BTJEIBESS QPP0RTUWIT1ES.; It A BEAL-leeation ,aaeV a good stock of mer- -iben1" for seie In good (s resins, loscing land aswmm eemmaatty. praetieaily no eppost Stock aad tlx to re aconc ! asms, averse 64606 per saentb 84046 will handle. B3-008. JoorwaL ' , - A GOOD ttvnuneea, for cab; coos win Int Temhiu straw soeeooa: o re ironx. good stock of greeorba. fiitnrwa, z POUND . ' provwig ownership: ; Jonas, vr. 109 Burlington at, Bt i WOMAN for general housework; washing hired.' 'Phone- East .6151. write supt Methodist lOST In nebhborhood of Meter A Frank Co I Lbecenem Borne, erty. er Jones Market, Dio-iasnionea cameo pin. I WANTEI A gin tor general housework; good i nwiis. rwm. w. . i . wugwj. email Maui, a. im as. nt '"L.l I of Clackamas, Bear tne Union carune. FOB REKT-w-FLATS 6 ROOM lower flat: 74 1 . E. Ptee , Price SIS. v-' ' ' ' tt FTJ SHED PLATS ' 56 8-BOOM bouse for sab $760; eaay terma, 118? 26th at N., jUberta district Wdla. 6621. r - BOMES'on easy terms. B. C Walter. 6848 -Foster toed. Tabor 6697. -. , modern 2 story roe id em. a. Woodbwn 1488. r iTJBTJRBAB HOMES GARDEN HOME O.V OBEoOn EriAcTBiC . tit scree, an in good variety full bearing orchard end good , 6 room how-e:t seem eat and FOB SALE 6 7 86 Unu ave. GIRL employed who wishes to atudy mosia, te share 4tat Mala A016. ' - TnST Rlaok -mare with - nadteck and Phone Main 4093 or noUfy Beai KenneL SCHOOL girl wanted to do light housework. I 79th and Knott.,:- -..- ; '.;-; ;-'- .? . I Call. Sunday .and erening sfteV 6. -Tabor FOUND One 81x4 mono ted tire. Owner eall 1 t Tacot B093- -:- -. "y-t --;'.- ; .-"- .- 1 GIRL for general housework. Small family. LOST A 2-months-old kitten, gray and white. modera Souse; amwua Bnnday : HOTELS " T . ... - 64 FOB 8ALETwe good bangs lows reasonable. 507 Rceebwn ave. Phone Woodbwn 6616. WILL sell my 81050. i . laa tdeh and stehtlr: frett worth 8600 year. Place he obeMettr.' see. goad weiL Price only ssooo.i-ea coos tevnsv Sew MeCormte at Uarden Mama. - BIB. - - sftera, srales, owe-ton ice msehlne, show ah eoeapbte. , F-048. Jenrnel. - COMPLETE eoffee ecaetias. ateei- euuinc and - grinding pbnt. all set np, rent eaaaornbb; a . bersaia fsr oaah; msy geasiibr trade. B-741. JevrnaL ' . - ' ; - rOR n 6 f F nr- r-r'-g r T 1 -"T 1 I plastered phone MarsncB 2944. hewse which cent $1$60, hv j E2f aneehinery. In St John, ; can unem zw. . - - , r . : j-' SMALL .country hotel is good location tor aale cneap, ee we are nor acta re run H sonsev. A te ArlRE with ehaenn I1DSD WOTTH OS r-H acre pbated with an kiade ef bearinc Prepv -HeVey, Or. 6 12th at Phone Main 6276. LOST Tee ring otv upper aide - of . Jefferson, CaB '-mane Slio. ' ' FOUND -Heifer IT mo. old," Owner..- eaHat ' 909 K. .lit n. I;- Wdfo. 1877. LOST Friendship bracelet; near Lincoln High. line from 8-12. 416 E. 62d st N WOMEN machine : operatora, - also women cover aaddb trees. - Apply 440- Hancock Phone East 14. -w. n. aicMonnics Vo. tXPEBIENCED men's hat trimmer; good Apply at once. Royal Hat worka, 281 let at finishers . ee . i Bewerd. VirginJs King, Garden Home, Ore. WANTED--elpers eerf finisl L6s-r-maU ehfld; Wet betw -Park l and LLfTV"? LL lZ.., Z t,' l West Perk, en Mans. aeepeak. statn Sit. I "".' STVaJS w ra tr-rr- ... ... . . I age Co East 7890. .-.-- . LOST Banjo, hi tan case, Wednesday . sight on i.!Mitnn roan. ' Kase eezt.-" newsro. LOST! - Sunday, green knitted alip-oa . eweeter. Please call Wood Is wa 1086.'' OSTOn Columbb blvd., small, dark yelbw i lemaic vome.- mi m. v.. WANTED 6 painters. 2 paperhangera. 6 tool- sts,- vlOS Zonray Uds, s 0. a. at, , age ceu'-aiaas. isvw. .'..v.--v-'---t SOMEONE to take care of house while wif b! . in nospttet tiooa wagea. - -raeor ewes. - SLEEVES, body - ironer- ead shirt finbher wanted. Amerieaa Laundry, 140 EL Sd at. N. WANTED Housekeeper. small family. $55 a Lasootli. t.il in morning. Mam see.- Wanted rWsitress. rbon at , , PORTLAND, VISITORS f :S i r TKa v lamsl Travel . . .. Help yea get smommouaaona. ""r : '"SERVICE IS .rBEB r- " - . r- - - .- .- . -f - j ..... - " Writs to "Dorsey B. Smith. Journal v v Travel Bureau. Journal Bids., Pert- send. Ore." TeB him whes you snll . - arrive, what hotel er other sooomme- tyy i detiona you want aad about whet you - expect to pay. He will notify you fan- . j . - mediately -Ju-it what ft any. reaerva- v tiona he hae been able to make fog you - . sad how te reach tbem. Be sure to ''. : write a reasonable, time la advance. ' STORES AJTD OFFICES " 11 WANTED Ternt email More, wr deskvand Aoarem e Boyel bakery. S44 Mor- - - I . fanne aicn enace. Permanent MAID wanted lex Mediotd botes. . XZZ & filh, I tails, car Bos 118, CHf . ta;' tbb I kOOMING house, grocery and -wwod, u. S...H . I Iml SIT Hmh bW(.. )660 S BOOM bungalow, eaa and rfcetrictty.t wflj eeB forSLtSO. eastrect plan. Mas. a B. I J0tt 8ALk Htniio a ad "art 'ahop doteg good fruit tree. Term. 6409 -8 1st -et 1 Qtebea. Maptewoed. Or. j. Oregon Electric. - 1 bnalnoaa.- P. E. Letter, Prinevllb.' Or. . I ROOM bungalow. Boss City Park; beet buy 1st tows; seal wim owner. saw wo FOR SALE FARJIB BOOM bungalow for sale at 1064 CbyeatoaUo ACBE. 4 miles N. 17 Phone Oolumhta 406. lot lOOslOO. WANTED Te eell, trade er esse in partner. esatanranc. amir st III profit. E. of Boring; IT 1 laAd BUl finon aouee for mouta eve; lerma. IriY B. 1890. and country property. ' sell and BENEDICT. 267A Oak- Mela Ilea,'- Ports a first-class cigar . store en a go Kast ssiT Corner, dofnc a good badness.' . 1 1 .i hi i 1 'i. I mis. ws i.e.. leu BOOM, noose, neecnwnw gas, ewcino uin, .--tt - tar mmA aenhard. um Mia. iiawr. mnzm mm mm. m I . -v. . . . . . . ebnrads Sued room plastered houaet S006M SI ,1K tbooL11 SMOO.SOrir v7ANTto-4.p; ptctur. ahowTusInete slTL s . tmmm. , vc-n wnw MUwsakte. f ' Per VW 6fVwaw gp. t - - . of S-66S. FOBBALE'lce are as and soft drink parlor x ... i.i ae na see ea as. - wean wniy. i SITOV. wv casn. uwwr, . wa- wu o. I bjrgt logging camp. 0 KUUM eoiiage. nw, una, i,.t ws wa, l thorn are. - ' Sit. BOQW, car. cLassT Eseti 144. 4481b Close to I LLACCSJalf shop for sab snd relU. , I'leciy Haw- J - W turtams, - YX-864, Journal. - V car. Firland etettea, - K)K SaLe acre prnae ead dairy feres, 1 MOFEY TO LOA5T Bl room bunsslow cheap; rood foea- u in culttvation and good bnd. 2 mllee from f-- . . . . , , lot- fruit aad nowwra East 8225. w.i.ii? wmi. mm. bo 104. YemhilL Or. 1 BUILDING losae es city ee BEAL ESTATE 17 ; ttea. brge lot,- fruit aad flowers.' East S225. fWO new 6 reosa bengslows, 607 aadV 609 V. 85th at vwner. m-soi. jowtwol i . rait am ee SMALL modem 4-room faroiabed bouse at 468 j IJons. Or. - fj. 2sut et. pm easy lamas. piwq. i us. Ysmkia WVIte owner, box 104. Ysmhill. Or. BAR SALE On easy tersaa. ehoie of t fa Vk HOtES and lots for sab ) easy ter - $60O wp. 141 E. 69th et N, 1 100 05 rooms, a-onit svece isis. FOB SALE 20 aeree; new housa aad bare; at Newport Or.,-for 810OO. , J. !-, Milwaskb, Or Box 208-A. Route 2. - teens: ' b'.' l.iJ I inn as if. - fin - Wilbeaette vaOer uwaet, avast see. . see av . -i. iae os euy ee surDumea xtTrvmny; ailvaneed. as wnrk ' innnesaes. . W. O. . Beck. 21 h sd 216 railing bids. Mate 3467. 620074150, 6400. 6500, $50. 675v$lu'' aas ! mrgeg amoaam as mitw raisa. w.i action, rred W. sierman Ce-, 111 tain. Coos. $600 TO $9000 to ban. '-city or firm aaon- no wmniin. w. v. pa . tCoaUased ea iollowUf Paje) - - xr . -