f - a THE OREGON-DAILY JOURNAL SATURDAY; "SEPTEMBER ' 21; .1018.- PORTLAND, OREGON ' : ... - : PASTORS OF CiJY TO HELP IN L Sermon Topics, in All Churches " Wilt Deal With the Need for Heavy Sacrifice for Country. MEETING AT AUDITORIUM Special Musical Program, and Mist of Able Speakers Is An nounced for Sunday Afternoon. UNDAY will be known in Port land's churches as "Fourth Liberty Loan Sunday." The patriotic appeal will be heard durintr the day from all pul- i pits, the general mlnlBterium having de I elded to preach on topics that would i further the Liberty loan drive. Sunday ', evening, after the church services are dismissed, it is Intended that not a per ! son who has attended church during the day In Portland shall be able to plead ignorance of the object, amount and i Importance of the fourth Liberty loan drive. : As a climax to the meetings of the day, a monster mass meeting is to be 1 held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock j.ln The Auditorium, at which time every j church in the city is expected to be represented as a means of once more ' showing the patriotism and loyalty of , the membership in the fourth Liberty I loan drive. Statical Program Provided i It is doubtful whether The Auditorium will seat the crowds which will go there I on this occasion, as an attractive pro i cram of music and speaking has been ! arranged by the committee, consisting of J. n. Klllson, Barclay Acheson. Bishop i Walter Taylor Sumner of the Episcopal j diocese of Oregon, Dr. John H. Boyd of the First Presbyterian church and Rev, Father Thompson of the Church of the Madeleine. ' One of the features will be a recital on the pipe orpan by Professor F. W. Good rich from 2 :30 to 3 o'clock. This will be followed bv slnaring by a large choir tinder the direction of Jasper Dean Mac- Fall. During: the meeting the audience will loin in patriotic songs. Captain Mulr Allan of the British army and Dr. W. C Covert, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Chl caro. will he the principal speakers. Captain Allan is now on his way from overseas and Dr. Covert Is coming in from the spruce belt, where he has been working for several weeks as a T. M C. A. man doing special war assignment work. Bishop Svmner Will Preside Bishop Sumner will preside at the meetlmr. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise of Tern pie Beth Israel. Dr. William A. Waldo of the First Baptist church. Dr. Boyd and Father Thompson will participate in the services, dedicating the membership to service In the loan campaign. Following are a few of he churches which have announced services for Sun day In keeping with the day. "Ths Fight for Liberty" will be Dr. Morrison's topic at Trinity Episcopal church Sunday morning In a patriotic service held in the Interest of the loan campaign. In the evening he will speak on "Blessed Are the Teacemakers." Sunday morning a special patriotic liberty loan service will be held at ML Tabor Presbyterian church when the pastor, Rev. Ward MacHenry. win speak -3- . m . . u ln..n,r on myaeii, my jmwhwj. uunn j. Services In Keeping With Bay Rev. E. O. Shepherd, pastor of the Third United Brethren church, has an nounced a service in keeping with the day. At the morning" service at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. Rev. . Warren Morse will preach on "The War Task and the Accomplishment or the Ooverpment" The magnitude of the government's task will be presented In this sermon. Services at Highland Congregational church will be in line with the thought and work of the day. In the morning the pastor will preach on "A Sacrificial Offering for Righteousness," and in the evening he will conduct a rousing pa trlotlc service and patriotic sing. Sunday morning at East Side Baptist church. Dr. W. B. Hlnson will preach sermon relating to the present day bond Issue, taking for his subject "The Use to Which We Should Put the Kaiser." The Sunday morning service at First Christian hureh will center on the citizen's duty In the loan drive. Appro priate music will be rendered by the quartet At Waverley Heights Church At the Waverly Heights Congrega tlonal church. East Thirty-third street and Woodward avenue. Rev. J. Q. Dick- ensheets will preach at 11 a. m. and p. m. Everyone who has not a regular church home in the city Is very cordially Invited to make this church their home and .attend the services. is clearing nyij skin R eilnol , Ointment helps to make ft possible for" every' Woman to have a -' (clear, soft, healthy skin, the first and in. j ' diapenssbi requisite of 'beauty .and . . anrscuveness.. 3 jv Blotches, roughness, pimples, red idened patches, itching- nd burning .-of ine, skin can oe relieved ana usually removed by Resino) Ointment aided by , Kesinoi 5oapr 1 DAN DRV ON SUNDAY ji UXX Jf Will Two .Churches To Have Patriotic ' Services Sunday Patriotic services are to be held at St Stephens Iro-Cathedrat and St Davids church Sunday morning. The service at the' Pro-Cathedral, will he conducted by Captain EL H. McCoIHster and Bishop W. T. Sumner will preach. At St. Davids, Chaplain Benjamin F. P. Ivens of St Lukes parish, Kalamazoo, Mich., will preach the sermon. : Chaplain Ivens recently completed a course of training- at Vancouver.' Sunday evening the rector. Rev. Thomas , Jenkins, will begin a series of sermons on the- com mandments. The Sunday - school will also have a patriotic tone In Its service. Eally at Arleta To Last, Entire Week This year the workers of the Sunday school of the Arleta Baptist church have undertaken to observe Rally day In a week's series of special services. The programs will begin Monday, con cluding the following Sunday evening. Each department is to be given an eve ning, when certain phases of the work of that department wilt be featured. The program. in part follows: Sep tember 23. rally of the beginners and primary departments and stereopticon pictures on "Scenes From Nature." Sep tember 24, rally of the Junior depart ment and stereopticon pictures. Sep tember 25, rally of the intermediate de partment and stereopticon pictures. Sep tember 26, rally of the senior and adult departments and stereopticon pictures witn lecture on "The other wise Man. - September 27, rally of the cradle roll and home departments. On Sunday the entire morning be ginning at 10:30 o'clock will be taken up with exercises by the whole school, concluding with an address by the pas tor, Key. w. uarnet Handley. Liberty Loan Will Be Subject Sunday Rose City Park community church will devote Its next Sunday evenlne service to the fourth Liberty loan. Wil liam F. Woodward, chairman of the State Council of Defense, wills peak on The War and the Fourth Liberty Loan." A special musical program of patriotic songs will be led by the quar tet Dr. Robert H. Mllligan, the pastor, will preach at the morning service on the subject "After the War." Last Sunday morning the church dis posed of a four-year-old debt In less than half an hour. A note of $895 had fallen due and with a big blackboard on which ; to record subscriptions which came in amounts of from $1 to $60. Roscoe P. Hurst led a little money rais ing campaign that resulted In pledging every cent A few members of the church had been personally carrying the note. The rapidly growing church is left now with only one debt and that of less than $1000. Testimony Meeting Proves Inspiring ; i , Methodism received quite an Inspira tion last Sunday morning at the Wilbur Methodist church in the testimony, meet ing that followed the sermon. Nearly every seat in the assemblv room nt the Multnomah hotel was occupied and the names of 17 persons were added to the church record. "We don't expect to ac complish any impossible things at any time; we do want, however, to assist the many Methotlst strangers coming to our city to find a permanent church home, the place where they will be hap piest and do their best work. We are Interested more in the kingdom than we are in Wilbur church," is the way the pastor. Dr. Short, expressed himself this morning. The sermon Sunday morning at the Mutlnomah hotel will present the- subject : "Christian Obliga tions Must Be Fully Met in These War Times." Missionary to Give Illustrated Address "An Old Gospel for a New World" will be the subject of the sermon by Rev. R. H. Sawyer, pastor of the East Side Christian church. East Twelfth and Taylor streets, Sunday morning. An address, illustrated with many beau tiful stereopticon views, will be given at the evening service by Rev. G. Ever ett Mood, a returned missionary from the Upper Congo country in Africa- Rev, and Mrs. Moon spent many years among the natives of the Bolenge dis trict' and during their brief furlough in America have delivered many ad dresses before churches and conventions in various parts of the country. Third Sermon Of Series Announced Rev. . Alexander Been, pastor of the First Free Methodist church. East Ninth and Mill streets, will preach the third of his series of sermons on "What Think Ye of Christ?" tomorrow morning, show Ing that Christ has been misunderstood and wrongly described by artists and theologians. In this series of sermons, Reu. Mr Beers 1. presenting a , careful study of the Christ in his true relation ship to man and conditions as they exist today.. -The Pastor will also preach his special sermon in the evening' on "The Holiness of God." Donald L. MacFhee will sing. Will Be Special , Musie At Glencoe-Baptist church Rev. F. C. Laslette will have charge of the Sunday services. There will be special music under the direction of Miss M. C. Beable. In the morning the choir will render the anthem, "Crown Kim" and the women's Quartet will sing. At the evening sterv ice the choir will give the anthem. "Give Thanks Unto God." and - George W. Downs will sing, "I Shall : Not Be Moved.' .... - , -v.. Will Preach , at Montavilla - Rev. John M. Linden will preach Sun day, at Montavilla Baptist church. ' Rev. Mr. Linden wsV formerly pastor at Ore gon City and later conducted evangel istic services In the eastern and middle western . states. He has . also . worked with rBilly Sunday. - During the past two, months he "has, had charge of the campaign to' '.raise- funds ' for-the war lie -ministers of 4HanvV - - . ail ,ut Shoulder Rt. , Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner , Dr. William A." Waldo,1 pastor of the White Temple, has announced a hew ae ries of Sunday evening discourses on the general thsme, 'Xife'a 'Greatest- Ques tions." These discourses on live topics will be . illustrated from modern life. Special music selections in harmony with the respective subjects will be rendered at each service. The themes are as follows : ; September 22 "The Question of Salva tion." "What must I do to be saved r' PORTLAND LIKELY Appointments to Be Made at Coming Methodist Conference Cause of ; Speculation. Changes that wlU, be made in Port land pastorates at the coming annual Oregon conference' of the Methodist church have caused considerable specu lation among local church goers of that denomination. The appointment of Dr. T. W. Lane to the pastorate of the Pioneer church at Walla Walla came as a great sur prise to Portland Methodism and there is not a little curiosity as to who will be asked to fill the vacancy. Rumor was heard among Methodist ministers to the effect that Rev. C. C. Rarlck of Central church would be a logical sue cessor to Dr. Lane, but about the date that Dr. Lane - was transferred one min ister was overheard to ask when "Rev, Mr. Rarlck was to be transferred to the Methodist book concern, office in the East" Still later It was said that Mr Rarlck would not go to the book con cern. Another possibility , is both Central and Centenary churches will have entirely new pastors and that there may be change in one other large Methodist church in the city. , Clinton Kelly and Lincoln churches DIRECTORY Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity Uniform S. S. Lesson "The Bcirards of tba Christian Life." Matt 25:14-80. Golden Text: thuum tr room and tb are Chriit'a, and Christ ia God'i." I Cor. 21-23. Young People's Topics Baptist Union Annnal Bally day. 20. Christian Endeavor '"Lessons From Eph. Bible Boys Ps. God's CharacUnw" Heb. 11:82-40. 12:1-2. Junior Christian EndeaTor "Indian and OirK" (Missionary meetinc). 8:84-8S. Vord." Pa. 78:1-8. . BapUs First 'Whita Tmfe. 1 2th and TstIo ftmv. William A. Waldo. 11. "A Great Campaign": :45. "The Question of Salvation." East Side K. 20th and Ankenv Rev. W. B Hinson.. 11. "Tba Use to Which We Should Pot the Kaiser".; 7:45. "An In Test life." Third VaneouTcr and . KnotW Ber. Webley . nearer), n, uy Debt to My Country"; :80, "Tba Folly of Forsaking-God." Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Hadlav. 1 1 . "Tin We Trust GodT 8. "The Surprise of God." CalTsrr E. 8 th and Graat Bav. J. S. Tbrtnaa. 11. T:45. Gtencoa E. -48th and Main. Bar. F. C. Laslette. 11. 7:45. Sellireod Bethany Be. T. 3. BroomfleVL Grace E. 7 nth and Ash. - Preaehina' Tar crangensi joon as. unoen, 11, 7:49. Highland Rrr. Ed O. Cofer. 11. S, University Park Rav. & . Lawrence Black. 11, 8. Oathone St. Peters Lents Bav: P. - Beutgca, 8. lO-RO VtSO. fro-cstnearsi i o in ana itu eev. c v. OUara. O.i 7:1. S:SO. S:45. 1. T:45 St Lawrence 8d and Boerian Bav.-J.-Q. Hashes. S. s:su, l:9U. :. -s St Patricks itn ana Bane Key. E.,, P. Murphy. 8. 10:80, T:80. Bt Franc w-k. lztn iiw nw--hm. j h. Black. S, 8. 9. 10 7 :SO. uudkbuh nwn oi jury- mutants ana Stanton Bev. W. A: Daly, S, S, 9. 11, T:80. Holy Bosary K. Sd and Ulwtimn Ber. K. S. Olson, fi. 7. s, v iir 7 :u. St. nose a. ooa anu aiameoa iter. J. O FsrrelL. s. ie:, . St Andrews B. ui and .alberta Rev. j. Kbman. 8. 10:80. 7:80. - - The -Madeleine K. Z4tn ana Btisryan Be-i. Renm F. ThomDSon. 7-30. ft, 11. Ascenaion---K. 7 via ana iimniu- rrancisean ratherv s. l:su Blessed acrment Miry-ana and BUndei Rev. F. "W. Bleck. S10:S0. -T-80. Holy, Croes 774 JJowaoln Key. G. Barnunvt 8. ie:o.! St. le-amti-ui 8220 48d st S.. S. Jeratt Fstben. s:8V, s, lO-.MV. . St. Stephens E. 4Zd ana Taylor -Bar. war ren A. wattt. e. i:s. l:Jfl. T:SO. v Holy Redeemer Port land blyd. had Tanenn w ave.- y wuiun J. Jirnns. - , 19:BO,. 7 :S0 St Phillip Neri Paulst Fathers) E. 18th and Hickory Key. W. J. Cartwrlght 7:80 9. 10 -SO.. 7 ISO. St- -ClemeBta- s. . smitn a.', anel a urn turn Senite Fathers. O. S. 14a;SQ. 7:SO. - Sacred Heart K. iiu and (Jen tar liar. G KobL - 8, lw:w, T :SO. . St Agatha E. 15 th and MOJaT Ri 3. OommiB-ky. :s, xvtbo. t:so. St SUirWaw Polish) Maryland and FaftV irto Her. r. ilsttbew. , S. 10:80. .7:80. St Joseph (German)- 15th and Couch Bar. JR. Dnrrer. s. l:SO. 7 :SO. ' Bt Michael (IUUan) 4th and Mm By. U. Saleatra. - b, u :, l :so. Bt 'Clares CrfUolHiUFraneisean -Fathers. T:80. :15.- - St Charlea K. 38d and Albarta-iBev. J, V. iO'Flyaa.. 8. 10:80. . . - . ,. : AU Ssteta E. sfh and Glisaa Bev. Father - - I- Ohf tilisii l j. .v First -Psrk and Columbia Bar. Harold H. yrlTWJLi ii: T" tnottam . ot .SChrist1 t-:4S. Tha Libertv of Tw " . j. East EkJeK. '12th' and Taylor Bav B. H. Sawy, . - 1 U "Aa Old j Gospel For -a Haw NEW PASTORS N ladeji ipmjulpits denomination - k:z - ' iW ,,to lheeL ta See. Othat Jliberty .iloan oes': G?yer ' A j i Dr. John - Boyd V Selection "God So Loved the World" from- the . 'Crucifixion" Btainex. September 29 "The Question of Immortality."- "If a man die, shall he live again.,M Selection "Thanks B to GiA" Hourai . October S "The Question of. Spiritual Geography." "Where art thou?" Selec tion "Far From My Heavenly Home" "Brigga. October 13 "The Question of Prayer." "What profit shall we have if we pray are left vacant by the resigning; of fftev. B.' B. Lockhart to enter the war service- of the Y. M. C. A. The annual conference opens Wednes day. 'in the First Methodist church, with Bishop William Orville Shepard presid ing. Monday and Tuesday examina tions will be conducted for new minis ters and undergraduates. . Dr Pence to Review Book "Ouf to Win" . V . . Rev. Edward H. Pence, JX D., will preach on the subjecj, "Wonder and Hunger' at the Westminster Presby terian church Sunday morning. In the evening he will review Coningaby Daw son's recent book, "Out to Win." Ministers to Meet -The Congregational ministers meet ing- will be held at the First church on Monday morning at 10:45. ? The Rev. Robert Murray Pratt, pastor -of Pilgrim church, will give an address on the topic, "The Signs of the Times." Returned Missionary' i5 Speak Miss Effie L. SoUthworth, returned missionary from India, will speak Sun day evening at the Central Free Meth odist 1 church. Sunday morning Rev. J, F. Lewis will preach. Revival Continues The revival meetings under the direc tion of the Fagan evangelists continue with increasing interest at the Rodney Avenue Christian church. The music is under the direction of Mrs. Fagan. OF CHURCH world"; 8, stereopticon lecture by Bey. G. Everett Moon, returned missionary. M on U rills E. 7Stb and- Hntt Re. J. Vf. Jenkins. 11. preaching by Evangelist Teddy w. Lavitt on "Prer-are to Meet Thv God." ' Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Bav. J. Ghormley. EvancelMic services under direc tion of EvangelWt M- Howard Fagan and Mr. M. A Fagan.' 11, "Tha Waiting Guest" ; 8. "The Call of Conscience. "- Wood lawn E. 7th and Liberty Be: Jnaenh D. Boyd. 11. "Tha Church and Its Mem bers" ; 8, "The Pauline Interpretation - of Christ." ' . ' Christian Science Lesson subject: "Matter. " First 18th anof Everett 11.8. -Seeond E. 8th and. Bolladay. 11. 8. Third E. 12 th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth S2d st and 42d ave. R. K. 11. Rixth Masonic Temple. 808 Tamhin. 11. 8. St. Johns Holbrook block. 11. . Ail churches Wednesday.. B p. m. ' oongreoationai - Firstr-Parl- and Madison. 10:30. oreachinc by Bev. Milo J.' Sweet of Pontiac. Mk-h.; 7:45. sermon by ut. Taylor TaUmadge Bergen of Minneapolis. ' - . Atkinson . Memorial 1L, 2 Bth and Kveratt Rev. Warren Moor. 11. "The War Task and Accomplishment of tha Government",' 7:45. Hnnnyslda ig. S2d and- Taylor Bay J. J. Slanb. 11, "Paul's Inezhanstible Theme'; 7:45. "The Soul's Vital Health Condi tforw.' HlaWand E. 6th and Preseott Rev. Edward Constant. 11. "A Sacrificial Offering for Righteousness . and Peace": 8. "One Hundred Per Cent American." . Waverly Heiahta E.- 893 and Woodward Preaching by Bev. J.-L. Dkskensheeta, 11, 8. Lsurelwood i 5th are. end 85th st R. E. sirs. J. J. Handsaker. rilsTim Missonrl and Rhaver. Bev ' Robert Uorray Pratt 11. "All Sorts and Conditions of Men"; 8.. "The . Town' Clerk of Ephesus ". Flnnkh Miiwkm 107 Skidmore Rev. Samuel Nevafat. , 8. '7:80.' Trinity -18th and Everest Ber. A. A JIoTTi- aon. ; 8. 11. "The Fight. for Uberty." 8, Pro-Cathedral -of St- Stechea tha Martyr 18th and Clay Bt Bey. W. T. Sumner, bishott. bishop, t 7:45 p. m. -Church school, 0:45 a. m. Week, days, Wednesday. 7 -.90 a. m., Friday. 0:80 a m.; Holy day. 7:80. , " - St- Davids E. 12th ' and Belmont Bev. Thomas Jenkins, rector.' T:SO,- S:80, 11. preach ing by Rev. Chaplain Irvine of Kalamazoo, Mich. 7 :S0, "Thou Shalt Have None Other Gods Before Ma." - - St - Mark 21 it and Marshall Bev. l.-O. Haiton. rector. T:80. 11. r ' ... St Andrews Hereford at. Portsmouth Arch deacon Chambers in charge- 7:80 p. m i Grace Memoriae- E. ITth and Weidlst: Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good " Bhephertl Vanconyer .and flraham Brvi- John Dawson. 11.-8. ' : Bt,-. Michaels, and - AH Saints E. 4Sd and Brnsdway Rev. T. F. Bowen. vioar. - 8. lO, 11. S. Crmrch of Our 8t1ot eOth arc. and 41 "t sr. 8. m Bav. -JR.- H. Clark, yiear. - 7-80 and" 1 1 m. - r ' - - . . - Bishop ' Morris Memorial Good-Samaritan ipital Bev. Frederic K. Howard, t f , 7 :4S. St Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor.- 4. An Sssnls 25 th and , Baviax' Rev... Frederic K. Howard. Ml.i St Johns Memorial E.-:15th- and Hartley. SeBweod. - By H. Clark fat charge. 11, 7:80. - - i r - ' Syarnslleal -Fb-st-.---E. 8th and Market Bev. B. D. Hom- aehuch, ,11,4.. . . . -. ' Free sffetbadist - , IVirtjraJ E.-S5th .and Flndar . Bye. W. ft Coffee, ll.-nreaching by Bar. J. F. Louis. 8. preaching by Miss Effie L. South worth of India. ' Ftrst E. ftth end Mnl - Brv. A. B-era. 11, ."What.Think Te of Christ t" 8, "The Holi ness of God." .V-..'; ' . Congrecation Beth Israel 12th and Main Babbr Jonah at wise. eaoBaui semcea gnoay at 8 n. aa.. Saturday.-10:80 a, at Sunday, ,10. ha -Portland - acaoemy osigv, ism asn hobv mnmnmr ... iunffbMIl school. Bibl at rmtnl llhrarv . Second and fourth Wsdneadaya. -. Con rracs lion Abarta ' Sholom- -Park and Clay soWIWvjnasrssssusBh Snwt sv. wb, Saturday, 8:80 . aa- i .f -Chnrch of Jeans Christ of I-atter Dy Salal Sunday ; Bart;! n ' Ik Father 1 George Thompson ' unto Him r Selection Teach Me to Pray" wareina October ,20 "The Question of the Ages." "What think ye of Christ?" Se lection "Come Unto Him" from "The Messiah" Handel. October 27 "The Question of the Soul's Value." "What is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Selection "Soul of Man" from "The . Soul Triumphant" Shelley. November 3 "The Question ef Neg- RALLIES BOOKED Three Meetings Announced for ' . Week Will Close Series. Three Sunday school rallies held dur ing the coming week will close the series held in Portland under the direction of the state and county association. Five meetings were held during the past week. Monday the Su: day school work ers of the Montavilla ulstrict will meet at Grace Baptist church when Walter C. Moore, general secretary of the West Washington Sunday School association. ana Harold Humbert of the Oregon as sociation, will speak. Tuesday evening the people of High land. Piedmont and 'Woodlawn districts are to meet at Highland Congregational church, when Rev. J. D. Boyd of Wood- lawn Christian church and Mr Hum bert will be the speakers. Wednesday evening the closing rally will be held for the central East Side district at Central Presbyterian church. when Rev. Harold V. Grlffis of the First Christian church and Mr. Hum bert will be the speakers. A gathering of workers of eastern Multnomah county will be held In Gresham early in October. Through the cooperation of the state SERVICES IN E. 25th and Uadispn. 10. 7 .80. Lutheran St. Paul' E. 12th and Clinton aRev. A. Krauze. 8:30. 10, confession. 10:80, sermon and holy communion. 8. Our Saviors E. 10th and Orant Bey. M. A. Chriatensen. 14. servica in Norwegian. Trinity Williams and Ontbaea Bev. J. A. Beinbaeh. 0:15. 10:15. 7:80. Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Darts Bav. Wilhelm Psttenten. 11. 8. Grace English Mason and Albina. 0:30. 10.80. HamOton Chapel E tQth and Glisan Bay. F. J. Eppling. 11. "The Scriptural Doctrine of the Sabbath and Sunday." 'Methodist Episcopal Central Vancouver and Fargo Bar. O. G. .Barick. 11. 8. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Bev. E. B. Lockhart 11. First 12tb and Taylor Bev. Joshua 8 tans field. 10:30. 7:45. Fim Norwetrtan Danish 18th and Hoyt Bev. Klisi Gjerding. 8. "Conquering Evil." Vancouver Ave. Norwegian laniab- Hktdmora and Vancouver Bev. Eliaa Gjerding. 11, preach ing by Dr. tieorge B. Pratt Lincoln E. 62d and Lincoln Rev. E. B. Lockhart.- 8. Mt Tabor- R. 61st and Stark. Bev. E. Olln Eldridge. 11. 8. Wila-ar Multnomah hotel Bev. Franete Buy. getta Short 10. 11. "Christian Obligations Must "Be Fully Met in These War Times." St Johns W. Leavttt and Syracuse Bev. J. H. Irving. 11. 8. rniversity Park Flske ind Ixnnbard Bev. J. T. Abbott 11. "Paul Thanked God and Took Courage." 8, prohibition lecture by Bev. Clar ence True Wilson. Epworth 26th and Barter Rev. "C O. 11a CuUoch. 11. S. . District supet-jhtendent, Bev. William 'Wallace Tonngson. D. D.. 6S1 E. 62c) st N. Tabor 270. - aa. a-; aasrUi Frst Cnlbn- and' Multnomah Bev. James T. French. 11. 8. . ' - Nazarene First E. 7th and Coach- -Bar. - C Howard Davis. , Sell wood E. 8th' and SpokaneRev. B. H. Morse. Preaching by Mrs. Moras. 11, 8. . Presbyterian Frr-it 12th and A Mn Hev.' Jolin H Boyd. 10 .30. "The Victory Whieh Lies Beyond Victory." 8. address by Bey. William C. Covert of uucaaw. weatminstrr East I7tn ano Brnuyier- iter. Edward H. Pence. 10:80. "Wonder and Hun ger." s. "Out to win." Centra K. isthananna. jtev. unssss . Pershbia 11. 8. . . - Cslvar-t 11th and Clav Bey. K. W. Koger. 1 0 Xfl "Th Fall and Beeonseeration of Peter." 8. . "Have the Allies Bight to Demand Be- nentsnre of (iermanv! ' Mt Tabor E, fiftth ana Heimrmi kv. Mrara MacHenry. 11.. "Myself. My Money, and My Country." 8, "Italy a Struggle for lW Freedom." .. . , . Veraon -, IStH and Wygant Jtev. Lenrl-borwuxti. 11, 8, Piedmont Bev. A. L. Hutchinson. 11, "Sus taining the Horn Base." 7 :80, "America's Three Lines of Deffnee Against the Hun," Fourth First, and Gibbe 10 :80. Knuworth E. S4U. and Uladstooe Bev. Hope is. 7SCA ana. siiewts ' uev. aiora ml Derm, 11, 8. . '. Rom City Dr. Robert H. Mffligan. 11, 8. Forbes- Oraham. and . Ganteabeia. ' - - Trinity Virginia . and . Nebraska Bay. Theo dore P.- Smith, pastorrekwt '10, 11. "A False Cry of Peace." 7J0., "Pound for .Pound," and special music .'-."..;.,:--....---- SeventJi Oar Aaisntlats Note Begulat servieaa of tana rtrnomtwatioa are held on Saturday. . -; f , . - Centrsl E. 11th . and Everatt W K. Dkk- - Tabernaeto Arcanum haO. .1 3th- and Wash ington, i, tl.vT:4g.' -- -' r . - - s- . - MenUrilla E.' 80th and Xvasctk XWe 3. A. Gerhart- 11': . ' " '" Lenta 4th si. and B8th ave. Eldar W.-D. HonUncton. i-11, i- . " .i St Johns Central, ave. and , ChariagtnS) Elder A. ,-B.- Folk en berg. 11.--.-. -s . lt Tabor B, SOth and Bel mini t tTdar H. t, Hilgerfe .11-. -. . rt i : Albtna Skidmore and B-sDory Bev. A. A Ueyer -C F. Knott, local abler. 11:18. . . It" ' "r-;- :V iff ' ' p ? t. J? SUNDAY HO . p. w,. for hi' ; mk TiHeetingWisitiiigv Pastor v 'v'v-y' f Rev, Barclay Acheson lect" "How shall we escape If we neg. lect so great salvation T" Selection "Shaft I Let Hun In?" Otut November . 10 "The' Question of Heaven" "I am the way." "I go to prepare a place for you." "J will come again." Selection "Jerusalem the Gold en" Stebblns. The general public is cordially invited to attend any or all of these services. The seats in the White Temple are free, and courteous" ushers will conduct the public to comfortable seats. and county associations arrangements have been made to keep the business office of the state association at S20 Abington building open every day. Sun day school workers are welcome to call at this office to receive aid in their work. Details regarding the .county conven tion to be held on November 5 in this city have not been fully worked out. but the committee expect to announce a great patriotic program soon. Ministerium Is to Be Held The United Brethren Ministerium of Portland and vicinity will be held Fri day morning at 10:30 o'clock. Bishop Washlnger, who will return from the California conference next week, is to address the Ministerium. after which a round table will be conducted. - . Dr. George Pratt Will Speak Dr. George B. Pratt will speak Sun day morning at the Norwegian-Danish M. E. church. In the evening at. First church the pastor. Rev. Ellas GJerding, will speak. i Church for Little People The Realization league, 118 Fifth street- is conducting a children's church for the little people during the morn ing hour, separate from the regular church service. Revivals to Begin Beginning Sunday evening at 8 a'clock and continuing each evening during the week at the same hour. Evangelist Teddy W.' Leavltt will conduct a series of even gellatlc services at Montavilla Christian church. PORTLAND Scandinavian Ordcn haTL MnauasiDot and Shaver. . 11, Sarvathwi Bsrr.r Corns No. 1 248 Ash st Adjutant Frank Genre II. 3:15. 8 Corns No. 4 128 A First Adintant Joseoh Harrison. 11, 8. 8. S WVlsnsTfwa'Mfal taM New Church Society 881 Jefferson Bev. William B. Beece. 11. "'Unconditional Surren der,' aa Applied to Natural and to Spiritual War fare." Unitarian Chareh of Our Father Broadwsv and Tarn. hill Bev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "What tha Gov ernment Expects of Tenth in War Time." unnae rvuiean Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc Donald. First E. 15th and Morruon. PreacMne bv Superintendent G. E. McDonald. 11. "Beligiona Spontaneity." 8. "Enthroning Christ in the Heart" Second E. 27th and Sumner. Bay. B. G. Summerlin. 11, 8. Third 67th st and 8 2d ave. S. B. Bev. E. O. Shepherd. 11. "Restoring Lost Joy." 8. 'Our Duty to tha Nation." Fourth T reason t Rev. C. P. Bmnehani. 11, 8. - United PresbvtertM Church af tha Stranger Grand and Wsaco Bev. 8. Earl Da Bale. 10:80, 8. ' MlMVftaftfW'sHJ Chrhtian and Miarioaary Alllaaee E. Sth and Clay Bav. John E. Fee. 11, "Lent tb the Lord aa Long Aa Ha Livepi." ttealfsaHnn Leaaue IRS Sth Rev H. Edward Mills. 11. "The Power. of Action Over Thought" 8. "Beservea." Church ef the Universal Messiarde Mi 414 E. Evsrett. 14. 8. "Seek First tha King dora of -God." Wedneedsy. 8, study class. Chnstadelpnlan 621 K. Waahlisgtoa, 10:30. Church of Cod 868 Failing. 11. 8. Men S Resort (Ut and Burnsids Bav. Levi Johnson, superintendent 6. Ylrst lnvine -Bclvncs Ttrrord nidg. Bev. T. M. Minard. 11, "God's Universal Love." Tues day. 2. Bible ceua. Wednesday, 8. study class. New tlrtnsntran 17 nuoru nioa. in-. Beth Northington. 8. "tha Goal of Life." Wed needs y, 8, "Practical A pp oca tion of the New Psychology.' SERMON BT DM.W. LANE AT CENTENARY . . 4 IiIetL Episc -East B lata aad Fiae Streets SUHDAT, 11 A M. . ' .- . , . Mhject -'Past Mercie, a 1; Pledge bf' Futiire. ' Good''. i ' - -V Thh witt r. Lases last Sssdaj ' 'Tiaitor a.t Ceateaary : v n. v , - ! jf 7. " LY iy V FAREWELL fourth Ata t.n .Till Piilnit At Both Services The First Congrearatlonal church Is to have two visiting pastor In the pulpit Sunday. In the morning Rev. -Kilo J. Sweet of Pontlac, Mich., is to preach and in the evening Dr. John TaUmadge . Bergen, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Minneapolis, will preach. The men are how in the spruce production division under Major Milts. After the evening service the deacon- ta and Christian Endeavorera will entertain visiting soldiers In the church parlors with music reading and, re freshments for the boys. The-Sunday school will hold Its an- Knual rally day service next Sunday. The Amtcitiae Christian Endeavor so- ! clety meets at :30 o'clock Sunday .eve- nine n the church parlors. Evangelist Takes Patriotic Stand Evangelist L. K. Dickson of the Sev enth-Day Adventist church will give a free lecture on "The Christian's Atti tude to the Government In Time of War" at Christiansen's hall 8unday 'night at o'clock. Mr. Dickson will explain, he says, that "true Christians will be found holding up the high ideals of the Amer ican government and will shun any course that might at the present time throw any obstruction in the way of the government in her "humanitarian ef forts to establish freedom and Justice and liberty in the earth by overthrow ing oppression and autocracy." He will also point out certain dangers which lie in allowing the principles of the American constitution to be assailed by misguided so-called national reformers. These lectures are. given under the aus pices of the Portland Seventh-Day Ad ventist churches and are for the public, A rousing song service , will precede the lecture. Services will' continue each Sunday evening. Christian Scientist Lectures Announced First Church of Christ Scientist of Portland announces two free lectures on Christian Science by John Randall Dunn, C. S. of St Louis, Mo., member of the board of lectureship of the Mother church, the First Church of Christ Sci entist, in Boston, Mass. The lectures will be held in the church edifice at Nineteenth and Everett streets. Septem ber 30 and October 1 at 8 p. m. The public is cordially invited. The Chris tian Scientists of this state, as has been their custom n yeara.pose to es - tablish and maintain a Christian Set ence booth at the state fair in Salem, Or., to be held September 23 to 28. This will be In the nature of a reading and rest room where free Christian Science liter ature will be distributed and where vis itors win be made welcome to spend a quiet hour resting or reading. Bible Teacher to Conduct Services On Sunday. September 29, Rev. G. D. Watson. D. D.. Bible teacher and expos itor, win preach at three services at the Christian and Missionary Alliance church. East Ninth and East Clay streets. He -will also conduct services each night during the fotlowing week at 7:45 o'clock. This Sunday, the pastor, Rev. John E. Fee, will preach. Will Visit Homes' Of Every Member The men of First Christian church are planning for their annual fall visita tion to every home of church members. In preparation for this the men will be guests of the paftor Friday night at a dinner served in the dining room of the church. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. 17TH wo.' aad 8CBUTLER 8T8. REV. EDWARD H. PENCE, D. D., PASTOR MOBXIKO BERTICE 18:88 8ubject of Sermon Wonder and Hunger BeUgkm appenla to two great craving of the aunl wonder and hunger. No re ligion cDnvirtVsa caa root themstlyaa. ne reiigiotn erperienee flower, net reugiama character eonva to fraH without a supply to these biggest facta of human life. Dr. Pence) will disensa this great matter In his moraine sermon. CVgNIMO SSRBtOfl TtM Dr. Penes will review Coningaby Dawson's great and aaost recant book. "Out to Wtn. Thin book ia said to have bean Inspired by several authorities, and hi a- personal nsse tage to tha American people. tfTrOvU ntORBI isja Ar cvgNina GOOD CITIZENS GO T? CHURCH AIWAT -jBmjr IBEBTT BOJDS FIRST, METHODIST CHURCH TWELFTH ATTD'T AXIOM 8TS. - Mi Ju-k, 8ER.H0W OJT 'CKmlian Celtudes, It HBIO SUNDAY SCHOOL '"V JlU F. H-SERJIOir OW " v 'The Mightcof Right, Fatrtstta Ereslsg Bervles . Both SrnMM by tha Pastor " -V Rer. Joshua Stns field, D, D. TOU ABE tJTTlTED mmeriy moam CHICAGO PASTOR TO ADDRESS THE T Rev. William C. Covert, D. D.f Who Has Been Doing Y. M. Work in Camps, Will Speak; artblAL mUIUAL rnUunAM Sunday Night Address Will Deal With Quesion of Industrial Cooperation and Peace.- HE First Presbyterian 'church I will have a special service 8un -' day night with an address by Rev. William C. Covert. J. D....I pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Chicago and now T. M. C. A. worker in the spruce camps In the Pa cific Northwest .. Dr. Covert has observed the spirit of ' the men In the camp and he has a mes- sage which he wants to deliver to the people of Portland. -He will deal with the questions of industrial cooperation and peace. The' music also at the eve ning service will be of exceptional interest The musical program will be enriched by a recital and an offertory on the violin by Mar guerite Hughes. This expert on the violin has recently come to Portland and she will give a preliminary recital to morrow evening from 7:45 to S. ' The program Is: (a) "Adagio" (Binding), (b) "Ave Maria" (Schgbert), (c) 'Air' (Bach), (d) "The Old Refrain" (Kreis ler). The offertory number will be "Romance" ( W tenia wki). In addition to these violin numbers, John Claire Monteith will sing "In Flan ders Field." .This is the popular poem by Colonel John McCrea written to mu sic by Hubbard. - At the morning service Dr, Boyd will be in his pulpit and will preach a most timely and pertinent sermon on "The Victory Which Lies Beyond Victory." Will Bid Farewell 4 To Eev. T. W. Lane Special music and a farewell sermon will feature the Sunday morning serv ice at Centenary "Methodist church. i when conguo,, Wd farewell to Rev. T. W. Lane, 'pastor . of the church, who is leaving for Walla Walla, to become pastor of the Pioneer Metho dist church. Arrangements have been made for an elaborate program of muslo and Dr. Lane will speak on "Past Mer cies. A Pledge of Future Good." Church in Foil Swing Piedmont Presbyterian church is get ting into full swing for an aggressive year's work. Sunday morning the newly organised choir will sing, and new teach-' era will begin their . work in the Bible school. At the Thursday evening meet ings the pastor win explain the interna tional uniform Sunday school lessons. Farewell Rerrption Orace Baptist church of Montavilla will give a farewell reception for their retiring pastor. Rev. H. T. Cash and family, this evening st 8 o'clock. The reception Is to be held at the church. All acquaintances and friends have been cordially Invited. THE CHRISTIAN'S ATTITUDE TO HIS GOVERNMENT IN TIME OF WAR Hear Evangelist L. K. Dickson on Conscientious Objec tion and Conscience less Obstruction. KVAN8KL18T L. K, OlOKSOSJ PRESBH ERANS ' t ' - Frs Lactara at ChrUUnm s Hall," 1 1 tV Strwat, , Bat. Morrison and r Yacwldll, Saoday Night, Ssj - tefsbtr 22, at 8 .'Clock 1 Ia this : lecture ' Evangelist Dickson makes clear from ths IBlbl the duty of . arvery ChrlaUaa f to - uphold tha great - tw-tn.nln of fata iivfiiBiiif a rA awtlnta . ji . u- e , - . called national reformers to break down tha " great foundation- stones of ' tha American ' constitution. He shows that : s true ; Christian cannot place obstruc-' 1am ttt fllSwiv;Af tiA n...w r. f " . i jm mm . . mmmm . mmr . W. . mm - 1 1 mf u . its. efforts, fat .tba present, war. striving to nd . benina , ui . so-caiieo . conscien tious objection. . work of the Salvation: Army. , ' , , ' v . . ' - , tt V