; - A' - , e e s " THE ORBOOM DAIY JOURltAU PORTLAND FRIDAY, : SEPTEMBER': 13 -1913" - K:'A , , 3. lutitehTAdd. Eert tottluuXiJ . . $ SO Siu J Gtgr to Norman B.OBW at al. L. 4. B. IS. Lsareinarst..; Downing Kdelnwi Co.. to Lillian U. : Itownts, 4-f t, U aV, 11 lr- ; rNidl at Seed w tw O, Bos Bad . - wf., H. 71, wt rorusna . i. . P. H, Msrlay to Omtm Cornwall, I 1. B. 26 Csratberg Add.,....,... , .,, SLfaf Exlin ad wt. to W. lieani t i 460 XU L. ST. at 80, TTemon rckj. Mirth Reinmsnn And bus, to OdiUfU Anderson; u . .. . . Msoric , ... Add. Esst Poctlaod.,. 1000 P. A. Mer-quam it. to Alow Harold, L ?, B. 6, Bright ,PJtk Add -Eut ortUAd..... p. A. Marguam Jr. to Aloys Harold, U V , to C - tf.. v Portlsnd t Mf,? t i Frd Watrin to Msrrf Wttrln Cbto. N. :. 17 ft. ot E, 38 1-1 It. U 8, tad E. ,331-8 ft. L 4. b. "B.r wiiUBMtto HU. Add. Mm. Gertrude Welurga Carlson tad 10 i.oo 10 atnv to Albert Kdwsra stroii u 8, B. 41, Suaaysid ...,..-...... Samuel a Thorn and wL to Helea Joaee, U 7. i, B. . wnao v . . . . . Mrr ian Ot to Unit H, Moor, blinniac ia W, tld Hn 2d rU S. : B . SO ft W. od SiO ft. 8. of 0e. corner tMtwoni Scft. 10 sad IT. t r, Yttervm nd wf. to H. T. tm 10 19 Od Wf.t d. JO . Ia o na aii r. ov II L. . B. 34. Albino Hoooataad, . . 2.000 Sarah J. BtoU to J., M. Btott, all Bfcp rtjr dcribd dad 80. p. 108. April " , looa. btlnt U tntcmt of t. 0. Powell aa bcirU tow of 4hn Pow.ll . CMOatKd, in John Powell claim. ,... Cporad WoltlO tnd wf. to fUrf A. C. LoclwBod. L. tl B. , AJbtna..... U t. Dana to T. J. Ben. I IT It, 8. 4, William Add. , Otto E. Brooka to B. H. Bloomer and wt. U U 2. , B. S. Woodwork' . Add. except W. 49 ft thereof. r. . . Leonard Kectan and wf . to C. A. Walla oo and wf., U It. B. 05, Vtraoa Add.. Xntij Bebpo ani wf. to, Jalmar tarwial Ba and wt., B. 0 ft L. 12, B. 31. Moltnomab .,...,.... H. X. Noble tad wf. to Charlea O. . MeConnoU ktA wf., L. IB, B. 21, WaTertetth Hta. Timothy Joaopb HaraeU and wf. to rrank L CotiU kndwt, B. SO ft . L 1, !, B. it. Albint L. u Cooper afld wf. to Tbt Cit of Portland. S. ll ft B. "8," Bt . John MU. .............. ... .. Poninml Beo. JCo. to The City ol rorUand. N. II a B. "B," Bt ,Joh.Ht . ; T Ibertff to Lodd At TUton bank a : eisned to P. B. Taylot) beg. t pt on . K, bdrj. line of'couatr toad 18T.82 ' ft B. of Si see. oor. on W. line Beo. ' rr.Q. awle'kni wf ' to 'A' U' Wfl. U 4, B. , Beuirfe BocklnahftBi Hta. Andrew J. tioler to WtfM yf. Barhaa and wf. li. 81t I. 8, It) B. 4, - Point Ylew Mary EliaabeU Handy ahd btta, to Elisabeth J. Charuw, L. II, B. 4. Tabortld Add. .......... i M . Beabron AndeHoB tad wf. to Berth 11. Harbor. U 8. B. 1, MatgM't Bnbd. L 0, 10, Glemiea Park.. . . . Alfred O. tenhdo to Mri. Cora M. Tucker. L. 10. 11. B. 121, Univer sity Par Leo Haha asd wf. WklUr J. Gearld. L. 1. a. S. 4. 6. 6. 7. . B. 18. Glen Harbor Hts. Beplat Albert ti. Irish and wf. to L. M, Phil lipl, W. I 7. 8. B. 250. Port land , L, U. Phillip and wf. to Northwestern Transfer Co.. W. tt L. 7. 8. B. J5, Portland ..." Frederick Folle.tt Smith and wf. to Fred C. Wheeler et al, L. 18, B. 148. Rose City Park Charles A. Lindberc to Oscar Hslvor sed and wf., bet. 080 ft ST and 1443.7 ft M. of SW. cor. Bee. ' 84. T. 1 N.. R. 2 B., Cont g Bores; atro Joint easeinent and prptul risbt of way orer the fol. property: bee 1880 ft E. knd 142.7 ft N. of IW. oor, sec. 84. said Tp., and B. i thence W. 1 rodi thence B. 1442.7 ft: tbencd ti. 1 rod; thenee N. l4a.t ft. to bee. .-. Minnie .M. Plattner and hue. to Rose T. MoCUts et S1..L. 0. B. 3. Brain- srd Guit Rosen and wt to Oustaf Emllle Wilde, li. 18. 14. B. 1. WhiU Trsct P. D, Lombard and "wt. to' ChaVles V. Bokrdman, U I. 4. B. 17. Columbia Hta, Moo sot 3.800 3.080 - 1.080 10 1.860 0,121 10 2.800 300 10 728 10 a.odo 10 -2,8 5 () 10 10 too 1.200 BTJILD1HO PERMITS JT. Hansen, erect garage. 1218 MaUorr be tween Jesrap sad Jtrrett: . bttildkr tomes 3800. J. Hansen, trect retidsaoe. 1218 Malloty aJklr. snd Mr. IL M. Branson; repair dweUita. wetween Jessup sad Jsrreti. builder eamekltOOO. E- 84 th t between B. Ttylor aadBsliBofl! V. B. Tomlln builder; 20O. "-mw". 288 TUlamook between Vtneouter sad FTiat: builder same; R00. J. M. Leach Iron Work, erect foundry. 436 Vsncouter between TUlamook tad San Rafael builder same; 81500. " . A. a Nutter, erect rsetdenes, 182t tSlh st KrAwSn a nd 86th buiidsr isaiail HEW TOilAT Send Your.dld Giirpets 6ld Baft and Woolbi ciotklig ' W Idaks RsTerslbU, Ha&4T0TtA Fluff Rugs Tasy WsA itt IraM wBa Baft Wotsa.AJl Slatt Mall Orders Sead top Booklot Carpet Qeaiiing 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WE3TEB TtttT BC COw - 34 TJtioa Ava. 17. r XAtl ttlft phoass B-1473 BOXWOOD M. 1540. A116 JCEBTTJro KOTlfcEg 41 MT, A. I. AND A. U 'ai.i nmiinunioauoB tomorrow I Bat arday) etening st 7:30. Work to M. M. degree. Please aotiee enange or meeuns nieht. Tb. uon weieoms. vraer v. At. 1 ED C. DICK. See. OREGON LODGE S'O. 101. A. r. jlpiu A. m. Boeeisl com mnnioation tomorrow etening tt 7:80 o'clock. Work la the B, JU degre Visiting brethrea cordially intited. By order of th B. FAKK.EK, Beo. PORTLAND LODGE NO. 65. P. AND- A. M.V Special com maaicstioa Friday etening, 7 o'clock. Work in E. A. sad F. C. degree. Vlsltliig Srethren al ways welcome. Bt order of Yf. M. J. M. BTKADMAN, Bee. KIWANDA COUNCIL NO. 11 IMPROVED USUKR OF BED MEN. srl tint a 800 card party Saturday etening. Sept 14. st Eagle' nan, 3d snd Madison at Admission free. Etery- body WalMsae. EMBLEM jewelry a spaetstty, battoa,. pins, , m. . v l XA.BBLAOB LlCBffCXS i,VT.- fsgerald;, legal 7ol Washington feC sadt Ethel M. Glbba. legal, 708 Wsabinstoa tt Al Hoot IB. loa N. Washmitoa t, .Aber deeft. WssL. sad iala K. WestottrrT 38. Potoad .v Wiffla. . MeaihlinL 21; 730 i. lttt ti K.' aad Tertsaa U Bailinger, 17, Comasercial botL - Otis IV Con boy, 32. Carltoa ieUL and w jh. airereta tx. , Earl B. Markeot 8i. Vaneoan a...v. Wash., tod Myrls t. Collins. 19. 1044 Wsotb BaeMet'l'. tookain. lezaL teivMie e-..v sad. Franoee H.' Clarte, 32, 1190 Laurelhant ate . t ; ., , j, , ..; - mn , run agonay Mgai, oe B. 74 tor St. ClisS BtlTS for rent all site. Uaiiiue Tat" torint Co.. 104 4tb stT' - 11 E ATHl l Till lPTTie-willTa et s . ORkiiBEE-Ia.tljiS city. Sept 11.?. Taicoti . Ormthu( aged . S3 yers, late . of Stanley ta- J Ttrn. . 'i ns remains sre at tha Miitmaa aM.kii.k. i r---w. m f. my bob, Aloatgomety tt Atia. - " '"neral heresftab v r. M fltfAfttH Art t?Tirrif.t - ft tlAct At the residence, 1803 "Belmont street . . Beptember , 12, 19 1 8, Emily A. Stacjf, see c years, w monttu. xv asya, saotaer or rrsacs) M. Stacy of Wsabinctoo, D. , tt! Gwrw K. Btsey of Tskiass. Wash.; Arthur B. Staf of lewiatoB, Ids ho, end Mie Km rot A. Stacy of this elt. ' Prtends tetited to attend the faaeral s-rriees. tyhieh ,wUl be held at the Shore reei flence at 2:80 p. nv tomorrow (Sstarday), Sep tember 14, If 18. r Interment Kirernew ceme tery. Bemslas at Holmaa't funeral parlors aa- tu Dotm Bstardsy. . . ti'RDOVl- In this city st the family rtddeaot. ' 1014 Unioa Are., Sept 18, Uronia Atnet Purdora, 'steel 01 - years, mother of Mrs. Dseid BWalae, Mrs, H. F, pbuuma. Mrs. J. f. Wilson, Arthnr-Pardon and srsndmothor of Mr. Agaes Isaac. SB of this city. . The remains iU be fonrsrAed b J. P. Kinte es Boa -Sstarday tnorning, Sept 14. to Albany; Or-. The services J i .t 1 . .1.1. i 1 l k. , T Sept 18 st S p. m. " ITrisuds latited. - Albshy. Or., paper please cony. . , -r -r..- WEBSTER In this iter. Sep t, 11, Lionel B. Webster, iced 62 yesrs, late of the JUaltory hotel. The foaersl semces will be held Bstar dsy. Sept. 14. st 1 P. a m. st Jhe reiddenoe es tablinhmsBt of 2. P. Firiley -eV Bon, MobUomery at 5th.. Friends inrtted. Incicerstioa at the PortlaBd Crematorium. - , , MTJRPHt--Ia thia eityl Bept 12, MZrjory Read Marphy, seed 28 years, wife of J. V Marphy and dauihter Of .Charles r. Read of 888 Thompson at. The funenl aerriMa wilt K VU ftetarday. Bept, 14. st 8:80 p m.t the sboTe residence. Friend latited. J. P. Finley A Bon, airectora. - -' .- , J LONG0D8KV In this eHf September L Arthur Loasodakt belored son of Mr. and Mr. Joha B. Lontodskf, Maw wiU be offered aatarasy, Beptetnoer it; tt s. at., at Bt Rosa chttfrhi Flft-e-rhlrrt " anrf Alaneds. tr Interment at Rose City cemetery. ArranfemenU in ears oi suuer m i racey. LipN The remains of the Ute.Floreaco Lyon will be forwarded tMay; September ISr st 7!18 p. as. to Chieaco. 111,' under .direction of Miller Tracer. .-.; HORSUNlG In this Oity, September 18; PbiUip . Hornnnt, Sse 80 years. Faneral notioe. later. Remains are at the residential funeral parlors of siuier e rracey. i FLORISTS CLARKE BROS., florists. Morrison st bet 4th And 6th. Phone Main or A-1805. Fine flow- sts sad floril dentins. No branch stores. MARTIN k FOSBE8CO.. FloniU. 2B4 Wash. Main 269, A-1280. FloWers for aU Oocasions artleticsuy arrabseol. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245.JUd, design and decorstioh. fhone Marshall 6922. FUNERAL designs, lowest prices. Irrlngton Park Floral Cc. 4th and TsmhUL MAX ti. KMlTH. yiorfat liiH th tt. FUITEBaI C1I1ECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1377. Third tnd Bslnfbn Streets. Main 807. A-1511. ijsay AMtttant. & SON Procressite Funeral birectors. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants Montgomery at Fifth Maia 2. A-1509 F,. S, Dinning, Inc. The Golden Rale Undertaken. 414 East Alder st Phone East 52. B 5228 WILSW& ROSS East 34 ' Lady AsaisUnt C-3185 Multnomah at E. Betenth st. l nderUker uunn oi mucmee Mode m etery detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Phohe Broadway 430, A-4588. Lady auistant. ATD. Kenworthy Co, . - tabor 227, 5802 02d st. Lenta. tabor 8898- 68th st. and Foster road, ArletA Esjii fit p I I CDpU Mrs. Lerch, B-1888 li Li LLnUn Assistant Undertakers E. 11th and. Hawthorne MILXER As TRACET. Independent Funeral tit rector. Prices aa low as 820. 840. 800. Washington st Ella. Main 2691, A-7888. ASimi.KirNwniiTHT m 243 tad 250 Killingsworth ate. near Williams ste. Wood lawn 3306. C-1133. B reeze &Snooft iElt OI,j, tJndertaking Co. Main 4182 OKcWeS A-2321 Corner 3d and. CUy IA!I D IAM 11 VVII5UII Ot VVIlSUn Wdln. 4940. C-1155 HAMILTONlTra?" East Uliaan t , Fu sertioet. Tabor 4313 A D P 592 WOlUmstte, fll Hi CIICI VUi East 1088. -1088 a. t. feR fRNES. new residence establishment. 001 Williams ate. Woodlawn 220. C-1943. MolrtnaEJrTB BP, PORTLAND MAR t. nntxMlta rit krt Main ISU miii fen sons lor memorials LOST A-K-D Ff)TTNT if far following articles hate been found on car of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co.. Sept 18, 1018: One bag. 2 pr. glores, 1 ring, tetnrsi BOOK. 12 oackares. 1 basket. 1 wester, 1 eoatr-l shopping bag, 1 kodak, ,1 Carriage lamp. 9 lunch boxes. 1 suitcase. ' 1 ttateliat bag. OWners may obtain property tt firm ana Ataer Its. sts Uon. PURSE lost last niehl somewhere on 1 Oth st. between Ooaeh tnd Morrison, or on Morrison between 10th' and 17th sts... -nntaiAina tim. check and earrency. Reward. Broadway 1868. LOST Purse containing 820 check from the Northwestern bank. 81 in silver, small ehanfew ana tamps. minder please return to 1277 ceimomt or call D-118G. L6ST-r-At Oak Park, SundSy, Sept 8, new amBrellt, full asm ehgrated on top ef bso- aie. fiesse pbone Kast 2192: rewsra. LOST Between 89th and 20th on Belmont gray cloak, blue collar, about 4 n. m . Thurs day, itewara. Tabor 723. LOST Purse with necklace, keepsake. Re turn to Mrs. Klimmer. 118 E. Baltrln at ana recelte rewsra. LOST Sept 4, Wednesday, little girls gold wrist wstcB. Reward. Return to 721 E. Broadway. Tele. JSsst 2724. LOST Red Irish setter; license No. 258. Mar- nau zoos. LOST -Bunco keys on amall watch' ring. Call Tsoor sooi, etening. Reward. HELP W ANTF.ls TrTALU WANTED Setersl men by local shipyard for position ia aaop offices; men pretemd Wqd hate some experieBcs ia mechanical arte ia order that they mst Qualify for ad ran cement. The salary wiu be nominal to Hart bat with tery food opportunity for sdtsncemsnt to right kind of a man. The only tpplieation which will he gitea atteatioa sts those Kiting chronological aesoaat of education, experience, ago tad salary yapecteq so etsrx. JM-aua, journal. MACHINIST! WtNTF.n Two of three young men not - under 14 for promising growing' machine ah no r.BHlugt sight years ia city, ia which an around experi ence may be secured-' Ambitious, lndustrioes mea with tome experience pref ererd. Must be itsaay taa reliable. Armstrong Mfg. Co.. Second t& v STRONG, capable man or foreman ia fao tory producing eeseBtisl food: nnut be Best sad systematic; should be under 50 sad hate a general knowledge of operating steam boiler snd be sble to make minor repairs ia pipeingv a-ont, journal. CHIEF .ENGINEER, night firemaa, band rip tow Bun, chaiamen, yardmen and lumber pilars wanted by out-of-town mill. Capacity 125,000, tood hotel aocommodation. Apply sjs, Mmwrsan, aaiiK OMg. -LABRXSa wanted fa ditch woA J.' ployment top-notch wages. Inquire Northwest ebraee 34 sad Flanders. Portland Gas at Coke eompany. . WARTISU SirsV elsss machinist to operate Unirersal grinder, ts: do lath tad bench work. Stead work, good pay., Fred Dundee; proaqway saa aianqera. t . - BOX i0 or srer. with whee ! eBrnawaT; s4K aw4 a 4luMw.. V J . fwa a, BtHBt aw ,saKaasXOB , AUTO mechanlo, must be fitst class oa motor. . highes wage. East Burnsida Garage. East i?, MAN wsnted to work ia general . jarchsnaiss ttdrs in a countrt store. vCji tunnt 4 to 4 or Monday L m. 648 Garfield ate, WANTED, esndymsker - for crtsa" wort - and 'j otstbvw roper, wnoieeaie man ; arate age, ate WANTSI fialeamen with light oar for - . eotfee roAe; guarantied 385-wk. at tea and wusaion. .poya ?e wo., zao aa st. WANTED First slaas . mschiaut for laths sod - bench . work; . teadt. work, good. pay. Fred uanaee, nroaawey ana lenders. MAN to ran sletator tnd do some light Bwork about hotel: food winter iab for a reliable steady man. New Houston hoteL - - WANTED Mea to work on riter boat. 166 "and up. room ana poara. Apply Wasbingtba-dock. FBT cook wanted.- Call . 1 60 2d at, - Crown WANTl.I Warehouse men and packers.-. Matv saw-ncui va, iota and Xotejoy,. , "". ;WsaW"for SHIPtABb 1TOBK : those who ea& sad wm wot, who 4rt astrtotio tnd j id eirawt. And. whd - sppreelsto tao best locsfoppbrtttnit, to help wia the war. . TBI?(K tHTS 6VBtt ; CsQ st EMPfxnrMBXt orrtdt . Columbia Rivgr Shipbuilding ' Corporapcn, y-r FOOTs Or MBADB ST. ' PORTLAKD, OR. ' AiARdaT msaafsctarin ooacera ass opening for office boy; position win pay good wage tt oatsei witt wrdtatl opportanity to obUia builnes education. ' Poiltlon wilt be permtafat With chance of tdTancement a rapidly ti de serted. Reply in own hand writing Mating tge experience, scnooHng, list of former employer sad reference. K-3S2. Journal. ,. tr!t.t witn T V ti. A. There are uoeition open to 90a. Ia the last two weeks 2X7 dissatisfied men Wen placed ia satisfactory positions through this department A amteial amnk1rmeat taembenhiD list bea de- tised for the unemployed man. it cost nothing to investigate this modern systematic position se curing institution. Mea ere harterting Cb new cron of splendid opportaaitiea daily. CsQ st ones in person. One of the positions is for you. Maia 8 7 WO. A-oooi. .aimpioymeni awusvij syspw " HAVE TOO EVER WORKED W PAPER An PULP MILLS f Come snd try it. There are thousands of men who think H the most sgreesble Job they eter held. Beginners hourly- wage are 42e and til fobs are 8 hoars. The eoaapaay furnishes the best meal fa Oreeoa tot 80e. it desired. Sad beds rosy be had for 10e s aitht Toa may board snd room ia Oregon City it you wtrrt to. Come slang don't write. ThfrS is s job for ton in this essential war wofk. if not now so em ployed. Apply free employment office. West Linn, serosa riter from Oregon City. , Strike On WANTED First class machinist to operate . cylinder grinder, also do lath snd bench work. Steady wort, good pay. Fred Dundee. Broad way snd Flanders, HELP WAKTtto ttlSd. 43 WOMEN and men to learn telegraphy; to coop erate with the war department we wul make a substantial reduction in tuition to men of draft see, 18 to 45, who will . learn telegraphy with s ttew to entering the signal corps; many tacsneied for women to fill place of men drafted. Write or call Rsilwsy Telegraph Institute, By. Ex. bldg. tnVIL'eeWiee etkmination Portland, in Bep- tember. Goternmeat clerk, teacher, inspect ress. typsssrlter, bookkeeper, research clerk Prference riten women. Salary 31200-82000. Experience beeessary. Women desiring sotern- ment positions Write for "free particulars, Ray mond Terry (former ettu semce examiner! Cohrmblan building. Washington. D. C GOVERNMENT citil eertice examinations etery- where. October 8. 12,000 Women clerks to be appointed at Washington. , Salary 81200. Ex perience unnecessary women aesmng gotern roent positions write for free particulars. J. C. Leonard former citu sertiee examiner). 1054 Kenois building, Washington. aXWTHORNE AUTO 6CHtX).r. 482 hawthorne ave:" special bummer rates. dat and night classes. "adcox acto School Union atenue and Wseco tt SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES Call, writs or phone East 7448. ' MISS DECKER'S : PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGB ALISKT BLDG. 3D AND MORRISON. TATES-FtsHER TEACHERS' AGENCY' Free reg ist ration. 011-12 Broadway bldg. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND, OREGON. BfcHNKE-WALKER, b iciest business collate be cause best; enroll ant time; free catalogue. HELP WANTED FEMALE A LARGE wholesale firm has opening for girl between 16 snd 18 years of st to perform dutiei usually performed by office boy. con sisting of fiiint letter, snswering phone, going on errands, etc There is also opportunity for advancement Reply to own hand writing stat ing age, experience, education and salary ex pected; tlao gits list of fonmer empleyeri tad reference. E-831, Journal. WANTED Experienced woman bookkeeper for local manufacturing company, who has had experience in keeping stock records. Those familiar with bookkeeping machines preferred. Applicants between the ages of 25 tad 89 pre ferred. Excellent opportunity to those accepted for this position. The only reelies which will be gitea attention sre those which gtte tee tnd detail .chronological account of experience. 867, Journal. WANTED Experienced woman bookkeeper tor lecS mfg. Co., who has had - experience to keeping stock records. Those familiar with bookkeeping machines preferred. ArpHcsits be tween toe ages ot zn sna so years Dreterrea. Excellent opportunity to those accepted for that position.. The only replies wnlcb will be gitea attention are thoee which giro age and detailed chronological accounts of experience. N-692, Journal. V GIRLS With or without experience wanted for mangle room. Apply Oregon Laundry. sst 6th aad use. WANTED Experienced operators on ladii wash dresses snd aprons, factory la Bpokaae. Wssb, Expenses paid and guarantee operators making from 315 to 825 per week. Must ba experienced. Apply clerk Portland hotel, Sun day" afternoon between 2 o clock snd 5. Ask for Fred Rixon Jr. ASSISTANT bookkeeper wsnted. Mutt be fa miliar with double entry. E-828, Journal. WANTED Woman to keep house for widower. one that wants a good home more than big wages, one between the axe of 40 to 50 pre ferred, do objection to one little gin. write W. M. Ayen, Heppner, or. WANTED, good kitchen helper for hotel. 310 per wk.. room tnd board; also good dishwasher, 810 pec wk., room sad board. . Call Gotaaibia 125. Mrs. Rose. AN excellent voice teschur. lately from. New York, will taske special prices to a pupil with good soprano toice, to aemonttrsta my watt. V 414, Journal. , GIRLS WANTED AMERICAN LAUNDRY 140 EAST THIRD ST; WORTH GIRLS and women wanted to work ia icing and ctckimT department Tru-Blu Biscuit Co.. E. ta ana justw. GI&LS for : cperating power tewing roabhiiu-s: sco . wrapping- ana vanumi jams, inc. ssbs. w. uorrsos St., uta iioor. WANTED Gill to with housework no cooking or washing. iiy ana tttrnu at. laear 2 1st WANTED 2 bright girl tojgamrl ia fiaisbirit dept.. good wages. Verinaix Co., 180 Grand ate. WANTED iAdle orer 18 ; years of See to --wars- la stoca oepanmenx. ninag orders. ilsrahalb-WeRt Co., 16th sad Lotejoy. WANTED Young girl spprentice St buttoa and r pleating thop. 809 Royal Wdti ' I CHAMitkMAID wsnted.' Fraaklto botel. tJtfl P and Washington. i 7.. WANTED Filing clerk in large of flee.!' Apply in own panuwTimia. . r. j. wmw, Ulty. kiSi'li, motherly lady to cars for iatalio, Phone --Tabor ;4f A.----- -i - . - -- , - - KiTCHEX helper and dining' room giri waatedT Hirint lirvt.! Ftanl mmA ttlwimi WANTED, gooi dining room girL iastltutSt ITaTI Maia 87. ' ,,. GIRL or womaa for general housework. , Goad -- wages. Tabor S2S2. -: .t - .v. GIRL for. teneral i housework. Small family. 1 i.nnu .nr. - - x-mnig mrMniotjiia. nam its rEXPEBDENCEIi girl for- general ;hneWort! no waanins-. aauns - only. Alain 247. WANTED Experienced arilliaer. 694 . Vfl - Istms ate; GIRL. aaiddle- .aged -wamaa sseiat -with . nousewors, . lamily oi 9. - Phms Ttbor 9271 WANTED Dining room girl. Call Mar. . 381 ' x tODNO LADHS ' ' FOB TBLEPHONB-CrtRATINd ' NJ PBtVlODS1 EXPERDXNC8 . i " , ;; JdECE8SARl. , 33 PER WEEK PAID " WsllLB t&UUXVtlt. BlFtt ADVAJfCEMlAt W BALlRt PERMANENT POSITIONS. BXTBA PAYMENTS FOB StJltDATS AjTD HOLXDATS. APPtT TELEFHONB COMPANT OPERATING kCHOOU MX.TB FLOOR. FASet lib ujjc sas. BKrwl5fe s:2d a. it AUt fi-IO i. it. WANTED 1 BRIGHT GfRLS WHO ARB WILLING TO LEARN - AND HAVbToFPOB T UN ITT FOB QUICK ADVANCE MENT; GOOD PAT TO START WITH: 8TEADT WORK. AP PETlir PERSON BT. TAKING ROSfi 3!TY PARK OR EAST AKKENY CAR TO B. J0TH ST. WALK f BLOCKS SOUTH TO B. PINE St. TROT LATODRT C0-. B. 1Q.TH AND PINE STS. WOMEN WANTED OOOD, STEADY, DE9IKABLB WORK WITH GOOD CHANCE FOR AD VANCEMENT. WITH tVERT GOOD. FAT, APPLY IN PER BOSBf, TAKING. BOSS CITT PARbTOA B. AN KEN t CAR TO B. lOtH SfT WALK t BLOCKS SOTJTH TO B, PINE 8T. TROY LAUNDRY CO., E. 10TH AND PINK STS. women wanted, east to lbarn. good steady desirablb work. will pay good wages while yotj leadnr opportunity to advance. apply in person, rose citt park car .to e. 2 1st and sandy blvd. crystal laundry company. , 1 I,. .,wjaals; m aieaiii i n eau - i I i" " ' THOROUGHLY experienced -millinery maker. . Hoffman Millinery. 887 Morrison t HELP WANTED MALE A3. FEMALE 33 MOLER. BARBER COLLEGE Pan tou while learning: site tou set of tool. guarantees positions. I rite lor catalogue. 23 1 Burnside at., or phone Broadway 1731. BOYS and girls between 14 sad 20 can find work st public library all day throughout the winter shelving books sad running err rids. Ap ply assistant libra na B. .. MEN, WOMEN, leant barber trade tree; wags while learning ; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 223 Msdisen. WANTED Woman or strong bey for milk route: steady work, good Wages. Apply st 801 Msin tt. Vsncouter, Wash. WOMAN or eld rely man Wanted to run ele tator Sundays. 9 hra. Bo experience re quired. Gite phone number. E-830. Journal. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE , Teaches men and women the barber trade free. psy while learning. 234 Coach. Broadway 2482. SITTJATlOTi 8 MALE HAVE complete outfit tor cutting eordwaodC engine and drags, ana wui cut oy aonirsci or will buy the timber; also bats one 6-horse Fairbsnks-Morte ts engine snd one 2 H Nt tionsl syphon pump for sal cheap at 1063 Hawthorne ate. , WANTED Position saw filing for crosscut snd handsaws only ; 8 - years experience, shipyard preferred. WUI accept work in camp. -890. Journal. WANTED Poaitioa to small family tor room snd board sad tmsir pay. No washing. Call Y, W. C. A. and call fot Mrs. Drennia. EXPERIENCEii automobile- driter desire a Dosittoa ia pritate or light delitery. Wdln. 4919. SEAMAN, long experience rope splicing, rig- gtng, etc., wsats position or won oy joo. P. O. box 1018. . , YOUNG rasa, experienced photographer, desire employment ex-828. Journal. WANTED Position as night wtchman, Van- couter. Wash. Box 119 A. No. 2. HOUfcKREEPING work fcr woman with boy 4 J ear. old. D-820, ioarnaL SITUATIOITS FEMALE 4 LADT with experience to first-class apartment house, management, desires position. if-491. Journal. SITUATION wanted as housekeeper. either widower or elderly couple. Phone Tabor 2005. PRESSMAKIKP 43 EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewtog, dreeses, suite and eoata. Phone Tsoor S350. IRS. WOLF. ICbetopa apt. Apt 6. KTJRSES 88 EXPERIENCED nurse, . best of references, will take confinement esse in her -Aoxst; best of care gitea. Phone East 8668. -TTs-icTwn ssnniirn a PRtN.fcaa hoteL modern, fireproof, running water, phones tnd Cletator: nign quality, jow prtoe. Esat rnira ana pornsioe. FUB1TISHED BOOMS FBITATB FAMILY 74 LARGE front roenv,. moderate eontenieaces. suitable for party of 2 or 4, 80 per week. 868 Orertou. Broadway 4452. 447 MULTNOMAH st, well furnished roomTfor one gentleman. , Clots to three caiiine. or tsay walking disOIBea. Reasonable. FOU Rt-NT-j-WeU tarahed front room. cteck iron, Bt jonn saa ss ssinippi cars. 1172 Mivisirpvt tte. TuARGK furnished front with porch: elec tric lights, heat bsth. tor 2 gentlemen; also small room; 82.B0 per wees, nqwy. aaas. RICE famished rooms with bsth tt 349 An- keny. FURNISHED rooms for rent 1 blk. south of Bdwy. 888 Roe tt. FURNISHES" 37 per month. -J5i Farao. . SLEEPING room. 29 East 8th N. TJKF7JBNI8HED BOOMS IS A ROOM' with bath on east side, gentlemaa preferred: Weatmorelsaa. Bellwood 8891. BUSINESS girU desiring comfortable rooms. Walking dtsunce, west iKU. tail Mar. 4889. BOOMS AITD : OABD 13 NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 9 Phoa Woodlawn 8951 or eau st 1018 E. Bta tt r, THE HAZEL, outside rooms hot water, home cooking. Special raws to couples. 889 Sd. BOOMS AHD BOABt) FBlTAtF - .- - FAMILY 71 BOOM and board fdr on er two. Home prirf leges. 1028 IS. lota st N. CsR Wdln. 2675. BOOM sod board for 2 young ea. 428 k. Mill st. Marshall 2513. .1 CHOICE rooms with good board. Oentlemea pert erred. 41 Buchtei aye. East 2127. ELEGANT room and breaktartr man. Mar. 5188' , HOtrSEKEEPUTO BOOMS 1 FTJBirtSHED AJfD . TrS'FUHRTgHBD Large room tor li sad kitchenette. Sleeping' perch tight bousekeeping: t Viand era. HOTJSEXEEFIITO BOOMS 73 FTjrjfflSHED AKD TJKFTJRnISHED FBITATB FAMILT, ; - . TWO rooms, bear Broadway bridge, modern home. Weaeonsbt rent. Phoo la. . 2598, NICE ac-asakeeping rooayia basement tor mad only 88 month. -484 Yamhill. LARGE fronT rn-, H K. pritilcgeir 264 Jftirt eft . r. 23d. FOB BENT HOUSES FIVE rooms, X loor, electric light, gai bathT ITsnim-nu llaow MrHn.. u 3 i s, a yg.fc- la Idttnce. Maia 7120, foranooas. SEVERAL- FINE HOMES IN HtYrNGTON.!' ROOMS, CHOICE LOCATION,- EAST - 278. FTJKITISHED HOUSES S3 rent my eomplataly furnished aevaa" . honsa. aTl modern imnmTementa- krar.M. be reponsibl parties wittn references. See H Bprague, 882 E 87tb at. Usatbvrae car. Phone 'isttvt tZdJ. ... , - FTJByiSHKO MOTJgEB II FOR RENT Modera 3 roeea faraishsd boose. I na ehildred, nice aeighborhoo. East 1707. ':.--AJATltt1,' -j I FTJBKTSHED ABB UBFUBKUHBD HART APAKTMt-NTS aai TasaaiU ewly famished ssodera aoaeeketotot aa4 ttotpint rooms. 4233 and p. - . , -WANTED Couple widiout . eiiMre to Wslp with light isnltbr work for pert t tH of J m funbed apt. Jla. asm Work teat of 3 room twsy. Can Mar. 3287 IF5R SALE, almost aew faroitura rf 8 room tvsrtaMB.- with eleepia twrea. Apsitaseat for rent Call Broadway 3418. bat. .a. as. and 4 p. m. j 2-RCOM raraataed kpartssent Atf, lish! Belkaap tpartaaeat at it' t7a st. near Tsmhilj MAGNOi oLia a M-n i-.i lit and BelBtont:! modern 1 and 2 Mom tpU,- 31-80 Pr week I up. Sleeping rooms. East 213. BlSZgf&rTB&.&t FOB BE1TT FLATS U turn j. i 1.1- m. V 9A iA daeka mU tte. Geo. M. Reed, at asn iio- rT AKTED TO BE3CT BUT or teat emsR snodera aaaee. prefer aesr V: wt. Xouag couple. vtain. o . o. I WANTED to rent 8 or 4 room house, within next month by reeponsisi party, wm. esc- soa. Trontdale. Or. . urivn A m. knnu furnished of unfurnished, xjl k. MeaMrmou, ivi acwwi st, St Joha. Or. r . I WANTED. . until I or 4 furnished er aafanisbed hnm flat. Main 1816. Wa.n'TED-A Bloom bungalow. Must be mod- I era. Ttaor B1SO. BEST old growth, cord wood, also dead wood for. sale cheap. Est TW3U. .... . BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSE 41 3 ROOM cottage ifl tery good cooditioa. llafio tenht if desired, t room house, good eondt candt- Hnt It tninnteS' walk to basiiMas osanr. 35500. Consider clear property a part pay- ba" tTbT spPrr.TM I xlllttZZ ttlnnn V,.)5et i a-nfld I Mm t aianrtt vnuw tmwta arrrrTiriaiB aattaaj- i Sperty. L Uoara, owner. 817 Board of Trade I THIS IS A ABSOLUTE BABOAIN tttrtA a mna tanAmwn bunealow. 2 bed room aowa saa tnree up, iuvptac. place. 4 rf. rwi. buffet bookcases. Dutch (VWViU. .hs-.i sud eoukin't be built tods 100 J. A WICKMAN sie-An t2K0 RASH. BAL. EAST Ah extra good btrgaia, 3 houses 4 tad 3 room, full lot. street imp. all ta aad paid, sewer connection, toilet, .etc . HATF1EL4J Ot UBlBTKIEi Room 89, 165 H 4tb st Phon Main 3833. ALBERTA blSTEICT I rooms, bath, fireplace. fu3. bsss-1 ,,iaii a i.JLtr. 4m fnli BOslbO Ifl 1 I di, .n. a ht nliu tar tha saaua. I t blocks 'to Alberto etc . J. A. WICKMAN CO., 814 Stark ta. aiaiu ess FOR 8 ALB or trade 10 rodte mod era house, inside city property. Ctll East 4458. 2750 Buy. 6 room bungalow practically bow fireplace, all butlt-tna hardwood floors. fnrnaee. Wash tray, tall cement base- fnrnaee, wash tray, fall cement base- ment 60x100 lot witfi use of two more for gardening. A. WICKMAN CO.. 914 BUrk et Mala 883 82500 CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND tovwa hnnee. moderd nlumbint. elect sneT gas. A-l condition, oa B. BUrk st. Beer 17th; I 88000 Wiu handle. Be I FRANK Li. slctiliUlK, AOlBgxoa Dldg., I To Buy Your Home. . Mtto 1068. cnon & room house, electricity tnd saa. lot So I ricity tnd gas. lot Sfl alOO: wall located; fin fruit tree. Slse small barn: hard surfaced .tuaetei quiet sal pnee I 82000; term, aoout ov csso, oeniucw to nn. I 870 E- 11th loata Of stasoa n. nwoe a mila limit ROSE Crrt PARK er, i large rooms, house shingled j on outside, woodshed or taauaet I kitchen," thick in , hoas and runs, tootheass. I 1001100 feet ot gTound. aa trtttt, lot ofl fruit tnd berries. 4l330. easy torts. See M. Jenks.. 68th and Bandy bltd. 4975 IRVING TON BUNGALOW 34973 SIAOO ruh reonlred. Ten larst littba r. built sn effects, (trictly modern, 9 bed ., sleep ing porch, garage, full lot. nay direct iron Shown by appointment. F. - L. STILES, Eagfr 6458. WEST SIDE Thtt wiR interest rod. 13 room spartanent bouse, bringing in 1 133 a month; furniture good; easy waiting aitranos, seev, eouw wiu bandl. 431 t, nam. of win, mag. , i - i- i i SOU" HOU "V"- ""- stair.' cemett basement with stationary tabs. - u-asftta ataaeej tntlag aatai etmsaiea a tneves miar faaaw eement taraga, 92650; terra. t-nen xsoor 7117. i90O CASH. BALANCE-?" Bays aa olegsat furnished 6 room hoot 28th sad Alberta: pnee eniy isuuu. HATFIELD vXvABTRa, Room 88. 165 H 4th tt Phone Mtla 9823. A REAL BARGAIN 81800 eottsg 24x83, eesseat wall basement Lot 40x126 H : 3 fin trait trees, abJckeahouss 14x40. H blk. to ear. GILBON. 481 Cpam. 07 OotB. CLOSE to, Bear Union ta Owner will sail 7 room house, trrtngoa tor on or two fam ilies. Large tot fruit and f lowers bob FaB ama bldg. FOR SALE 3 roora house to fine eonditioa. 50X100 lot WTO - plenty or trait lev feet from St Johns earline. TJniterslty Park; 31450, terms. Phone Columbia 286. LARGB modern 7 roam bungalow boat, large ttt; cement basement, lurnace, garage. Lioa with alleyway; near Walnut Park I saerifto by ownef. Mar. 3486. Bdwy. 131. THE Btraer win eeu 6 roeat bout, close in. Irriagtan district, race uuu, some eaaa snd balane easy ptymeat. L4k to con- aider a good ear to tb dost CAR East 8405. 2200. 8500 dowa, 825 a month bays a 3 room modern cottage, sear Union arena earttoe. Thit it aa exoellent buy. - M. ft Lee. 805 Cofbett bldg. FOR SAf.K My Borne in uoeemer. i,hu' a ism lis-ht mnrnrn: .1.1.11. wul.n. Owaar. 424 E. I tth st aorta. Paoas If tf BARGAIN rnr aaia. ar owner, monens nm aouu. . . - ... . ,u , . Ot aoxioo, cemens waewaia. - ew; gftrtg. MODERNIZE yoar building; all kinds at repaira See toy dettea for aeW.boaata.. .Max. M. Mey areWteetiCcsteoTa Bldg. Maia 187. W Otlljejg 1J PWM. vitsjwsi as i a i mr eaa wwtta 3 BOOM hek. i lots, 6c tale, city water ard car Au tor baoo ea your awa terma. bet S8f2. FOR SaLE 5 room house, do to Jefti high, tt block from M-A earline. 101 108 B. Webster. HALF sera snd 4 roora bouee, Buraaids nearTE 67th tt: Price 92760; 8200 caa. 20 par nnth. Gibson. 26S Bterk. Mlrshall 19. ROSE Ctff PARK MODERN BtfSGAtoW Bathfteld. 318 Feataa bldg. Bdwy. 447. 1 rooms, nrwpiacu, rra(a ran ., Axt It-idrtm ft fih, hom. ooat In tnd. WiH r:r. . r7. T t 1 . -viZ. U IrmiMi. 4 ROOM bungalow. 40x100 tot, fruit berrtoa . . .. . cash. 990 Ks 18th at N. Woodlawn 6834. A COZY 8 room house. 50x100 lot trait trees aad towa. at 1849 Glenn ste. X. Prto 475ft .i. i. cash at terms to suit buyer. a R. aottaga, Oxi66 tot, trait, .31288; la- eludsa Street Bond. B MA. unioa Bta. TettM. lit n. fl tmildins. Mar. 2483 n tun. Base BARGAIN. 4800. HALF CASH 1 A acres sad 4 room house atertoektak It Johns thipysrd. Msta 6586. J0ST WHAT TOTJ WANT 4 room modern bungalow, plenty at gas i water; term, 31450. Phoa Tsbot 7117. IRVtNGTON Desirable. modern 7. rm. by owner, sttractita terms. East 7813. 873 B. lltb W. Best- Knott tc . 88603109 dowa sad 310 a month bay a aslaadid 30x100 tot. with 3 E. 41st st O. L. Webb. 414 B. Bterk st I RCOkl bungalow at-2010 East TamblR U.' oa Mt Tsbor car. 31200: 8600 dowa. fwil Ttbdg 9378.. , - -- I Books bungalow witb s lota, well toxprotea. hoT &dSRsri? UI te?savjs Bo- .pr itiftf ntu4if.tge,. CO.. 814 BUrk t Main 888 ku- VZZ" STMi' iu'T. 20 ACRES, tfl toot. Ues pertaw. ws -aj. .r..aa Poli Book aattsa. ale Wt tor ftfli. 4114 Inouire at 3814 44th ata. -r T room 41640 Mt .Tsbot cottage. A-KOOM hue tot .sate. 40. terBte.1. Fkoau) Tsbot 7073. I COR. lot small 7 a bouse, modern, with, fruit aad garage, on E. 83. 82000. Phoa B-1440. 3 BOOM hoas oa wast side. 4 bedroosaa. bscd - wwoa hoots; wmi. t s is, ounau. CLASSY 6 room bungalow ebesp. Urge lot srnxa awa siwwwrs; gooe aoeaPCTa riw BaaB. $2200 MODERN 4.roomtxottege. niceard, : eeatent basemeat. Bear car, ,: Wdia. 8229. e". w i m y7r v i ui vik.. i I . l nosltaa aa ar avav Baud tiew. owaer. 1674 g. Msdisoa. ear ta 73d, I acts a-Z-T .- fTJl tfaate hvi not totworad. SMALL modern 4 room house, 314 caah. 1808 i at tbetT Woodlawa 8621. I to- tor the ttotbety J 4,,B; . , BELLWOOD. 4lit4; 3200-aaak take, ,5 V mls. Jbr,Vth?m "ct"lc FAtiJ Cottage near car. tot 40x1442 awr ttgbTto, r0?--"-.vmt1? - - Will. s-vw wvaissset 1 T'araAss af. a el 1 - , - I 11. - - ft It boss crrt PARK 12301345-1123 DOWH , BOSB CTTT PARK . BUNGALOWS AND HOUSES , Look tt taa eutaids bat do act disturb the tenants.. If yoa tike the appears noa of the phsea Remember , thiir ?nmtiiTiil . prices saa urTSS yoT-tll y.7?V: " - 828009210 etowa. 823 sea. FIt baagalow, tirspssea, half block to ear. K B. 4ta at tL. a Basdy bitd. . w ' - - Ba, 82500 82KB,dowsv Ml sn. Bis fireplace, hardwood isaars to maia rooms. New 1323 Wisteria atw between 47th tad 48th eta. I4t2a AtA is ' 111 mA flreplsce, hardwood floor to issia rooms, 1823 Wisteria ara corner 47th. H5S CAB Faux sood rooms and breakfast Book, built ia irooiac board, patent fibre drain board, laundry trays ia beas tome fir trees la ybrd. This plaes cad bt oa oopied within three dart frosa time cold. Lo cated oa JsAerasa tt. 1 Blocs nr. of and is tha fourth b4w house from the BEFORE SEEING TJB BE 6TJRE AND LOOE vwabumm - J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, grouad floor Chamber of CosssaerM bldg.. 4th sad Stark sts. Fboaes Main 808, A-205Q. wt Build tO Boost fc AND BOOST TO BUILD BBADT FOB OCCTJPANCT Bt septbMrrb fit . $2000 A brand new boose, containing litint snd dining room, kitchen. 3 bedroom aad bath; com plete- la etery detail. City Water, gas tad electricity- gOx 100 ft lot, with ta anobetrncUble tiew oi the mountains. Located la tha city lmit st CsraovHeights; Botoad etattoa aa the Oregon Electric railway: a 18 minute Haa tad etraxgat oe rare, tbm place can oa pur- a, a B-aR -i pst.. a- SMALLKR HOUSES AT SMALLER PRICES Tf. CA,R5'L 8ta "r Phxtt bldg.. Park and Washiagtoa ft. i-none stars nail u; ROSE CITY-CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW .VPlv."CTtT "WiW"- Thai h a typical, attractir California bun-1 wwa aimoiBS tinea, v rose wtsaes,, aeaa- i .staKi. ; vsa. e" ?w J .- a' "Wl Class A. TouH ba proud af thit one. Ceil Bsrr. Bdw. 8128. lot sppointment LITE to Oreaco, Bins OregOa Eteetrht trains each way daily: 48 minute' ride to Jfeffer- Mft ftl tm ,h, I.. M.kft ... gad cheao fueL Thera are aood sc koala, church sad good entirooment for ehildrea. Railroad tiekete 39.98 pet month. You asa work to Portlasd. Ura fas Oraaea rtirsrur than ta-Hru in Portland aad krmr fsmll will Be aaultaie. I d Come sad Sea fat fwataeU Of writs M. aicDou- 1 era, mayor, oreneo, ur. 42546 HAWTtTORJtB DISTRTCT MODERN BUNGALOW Fins modern . ua-to-dat 3 roeea baagalow with hardwood fiooca, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement laundry tray aad tHc Oor- J8U iter Hswraa ata. 3. h. B.ARNOPP tb CO., 313 B y. Excb, Bidg. r - bib y. fcxcn, giiag. r - bus h. 31600 WEST SIDE BUNGALOW Here ie a wonderful Uttto boms. 1 block to ear. new sad Snodera, white enamel bath snd toilet with sewer coaneetione ta snd patd. slee- tricity snd gat; woodwork sll to white enamel; tiew of mountains snd Hter. Ses awviss, ansiwn oxis-. o uy inr noma. aaain m. WOODLAWU HOuBB SltA Very nice 7 -roost house, elect, bai CF tth, eei . Very nice 7 oout hewts, elect, bsth. aemeat baseraeat. 2 fto tot 100x100, with staefl house oa ouiar lot. wiu maa gooa gsngei oa no- asm e. near is urn. ja aug sues? m ihv, h i casa aaa zu per mo. . UKLinsi at uuwnii. I 418 Board of Trad. ttaia T493. $6000 Property for $3500 10 room boose. Btostered. aoacrato foundatioa. 3 bath. 2 toil eta. good garage, lot BOtiee, aath JtaTC sittoSitsa eaaL Wl- ifl.T.S" Wnf!'- Vv uTfW sac to suit Frad W. Ourmaa O,. 788 Ckaat- aer oi commerce. II 9 SO WO!rTRFTrL wiantTN .wlfT i Bet la a 2 ttory boas that was takes to ea ..4 , m. k.. rn tissa ts. CCM ' ii j . ,k wked. On comer tot; garage t property tt etosr. Bee -FRANK L- McGUIRE, Ablngtoa bldg.. I xo Buy x oor I To Bay Tour Home. Maia 1068. tmun knTtM mmt tuln i. a snt fae T . - th. lntraaa of the MtnhBaaiu. Wa bar ta. mrgest exclosit RttiBg ot boa from 81300 to 32800 to tb eity tad caa gite yea the Beat vain mi tot aaalaac tanaa lull and ba eouTiaoed. New York Land Ca-. 381 B. Msg- rtsoa. East 3317. HAWTHORNE. 418T. Beautiful 8 story BuagaJow. 6 aleepinf porch, spltndid earaet tot, pa ting and paid for. A decided btrgaia At 48850. 4700 cash Phone far our sates to show row. OOR A. MKENNA, Mala 4322. 727 "Chamber of Commerce. 46660; BOBfe CtTf PART Madera bunaalow. 0 roonu hatlde Break- fast roots, 4ea; both gaaaad aad omed ttoes tof pore a. fall baaemact fnrnsoe, bath, taa, electricity, built-la. ahaOe trees, atot faB lot. block it t. car. impiaBiritB patf. sole terms. Tsaor lr. .81260 8 MtaaBavlaeJ M. BT a aa au ta taaB 1 aawa attic, ftatau baeaateat, complete set of mod era piambing. Practically uta, jurt yilated aad tinted throughout Lot 0x120 tad alley. Tama. This It aa J. A WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark et Mala 888 . 82750; ROSE CITX PARK Vacant; mots right to. 8 roora baagalow fuwplsea. Bawty papered aad painted. A pretty Httl horns 8700 cash tad 325 monthly. Phoa tor auto ta aaow you. COB A MKENNA 4c CO.. Mate 4322 4 B. CofTAQB NEAR BBOadWAT BBfflCl frwintes' tflk 100. 8500 casta, 826 Bta. I iitwio Bear larrsoee: " w. . I nv uts aatpiaB vi Baavai. tv awutiim tsB.TJSSI A DOWNIf. 314 Board ot Trade. Bfsta 7411. i . . 1 I IHI Till: KNiiw mat Haertoai ta a ImImM, " -4r4lVl V. , IiT onlt 30 min. from Portland. i nzui lights,, gat, Phones, spleadid train terries, and ft tata, from Portland. . For tttreetlt horn or tcreate ia that dfttrtoL tt I ,od easy terms tddreas R. U TUCXXB, Box i sua uaiusm, st low pnee I ireaa B. L. TUCKER. Baa I 428. Beaterton. Or. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 82600 5 room buagslow, xtra finished atti rooea, card wood Doors, Btrut-ta buffet, fan cement enieut basement, street tmprotementa ta sad pd. Term. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABtNGTON BLDO. 82250 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 82250 8400 eaaa required. Madera 3 ft baagalow. I ruu oncrew easement, munary, Iireplaos. I Mdralags aad teaiagt eaB Esat 6458. Mr. .TT"! AnT-oeM "n.Mr- "; . r.il t .1 u roouu sn oauea iiuc. awiu. ura axtcaea, i fA r.J..1oe.. .". I 1 ' aora tu, n. atotnatiis ear. -xarta. 1 GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABCfQTDN BLDO. a m inuTsnPsrat at v - a. i - . -; Zr 'i-TtiTvnnTK2. I 5. IT-Vw.!, I goo 1 , . t wJJtZ, txJAt I wai tor. eamstrt t"DdUya for basal ii , prto S2d aL 3550. ba y wow noiieny ata i I jl 'i. I Vsv liB, ay , ttriotiy ssodera, I' bungalow, Creptoe aad sll built-to adaieut bse, A baxsaia tf tokaa at see. Call Ta, aor 4t z. I ..rl-x.w L.r i: i ' Id.i&A " I 2 blks.: from earliaa. 82460. aa bat ail Bf other Bargains. Hcttaaa Pepec, 8lf rtnlon at N. Esat 42BB. , HI, JOUAB aSU afiATUM CaSUSEI B roost,- aaoaesa. a Btoesa taatnl 4 mt dm phm si ton GEO. T. MOORt CO.. ABINCtOlf BLDO BNAP 2 storr. 8 to shitw building district, switaila for 8'tcoanat taa La K nwllal 824 Zd an tral..ka . I mAW.Ai' hi ...l I t. '. J i 1 AS a4t-t?. sna" - CaR ar write. 449 K. Carutber t ' - .-1J,!,,0li,h 'M- BI I BOB Cerbett blda. . VerV fine atodsra li. Iteoae. Bos. City Par. f .-Hta garage: oatoptotoly lBTalbV4AB0aC I 3180O cash. bsL torts. ,C-408. Joaraal i Win ' aTVJa bZ aaJ t aA.hA I 1 . 81450 esab, 81660 en terma. 8418 S7tJt I are. B. a. Mrp'r ti toui m a st. 1 FOUR room boose, etoctrio lights, aaa, 49x10a I - tec. Bursa., taaurrw n iia ej. C JHaaft. I 1TY snd eouotry property, aad and .. BENEDICT. 367 Oak. Maia 174V 'FOB SALE HOUSES BAL EBtAtfc FOB SAXBHOCSET' FALLS CITY MWQAGTCO, 81T-519 CHAMBER OF COVMERCK BLDO. PHIW8 MAIN 9710 OPEN EVENINGS - $300 CASHv , 3 roeaa bsmeaiww aaA 9 kws. eMeftea Bart. Hoal garaea: a anas) tt llBOOi waU located ta Moatatillai bailt 3 taart tad bat aU batlt-U saa tame sees. $200 CASH K asrngta fkalaess Letssm tea, W. la. a aB.il. M e UU Is. , toe bOQM tt au MtlVim T i . h tab(. $500 CASH S roeaa bobss sad I lots osi It loSat age. beautifal shrubbery, tardea tad flower. Prist 9200V. , - $250 CASH : tM as -v trm t9mm B ml SMdaew Bboaea, toasted aetr tb Alberta, WaodJawa, Irttngtoa, Vtaaaaear. Uatbu st.. at wslkiag aiateaca ta Bt JoOns ear. Price 8Z180, $150 CASH 8 roosns aad eleegang pores, baatlfnl M, aa Tloaetts Bear ista. raca 81 too, $2100 1200 eeaV baiaaeS 813 per ate., ibemdtag ratareet: toed B teoea sase tad a tot ood 3 teoea aback tad 3 ftOtlOO lota. all fenced sad arees feaeed With wotea wire; large iron driteway gat. 21 fruit trees and 3 walnut trees. Toa osa make your Hta ex pesaea with chfeketavaa this pises. 1 H btoeks ta Rose City Ftrk ear. Na trade. Ns agent. Owner. Bit Corbet bldg. 4 ROOM "fnoirr with as serai asdav; ewe block frosa beat Parv land tchost 2O0 , Bala' nea 318 ssoata. Take Uberty Bonds. Tsbor 4888. FOB BALK-t.Of S 14 mn ftAT.1t. 4 lau. Kast It ia st i itoo each, eaaall ssaeaat aowa If ywa wsat to build: long tttot aa baJaaea. Susy BaAteabv. address Bns ois. atstaisr. ur. TaLCABlX. attractite bsildiAa lot We wtsi d of Msrgatrita era- third tot note Bsw therne. Abuadsaos fntit good bera. Price 8110ft. Write Was. Wert Best FOB SALE' cheep tor cash, i tot 46x144 ia' Irel ingtea part. East gigr. ACREAGE 37 7 ACRE8 0a earline, 80 mlaates oat 10a far. Good bind, good tmprotemeat. Convenient b cit, aid shtotard. Price 84000. H dowa. Jr.t nearlt.v. r pa tad way. Pries 980OO, n aowa. uwaar. mr 366. Journal. ... FOR SALE 8 seres ta Tualatii vsRey. 4 room aoaae. bara sad eBlcarea aoues, au leuooa. 3 seres la poteteee, 13 milee from Portia od I illOO. Mr. Lank aw, jt3 B. 31th et If. FOR SALE 180 teres on Sileta Bay. 3.490,000 ft of hen lock snd fir timber. Ad- Bo 373. Bt F. D. Ne. 1. Mil, waakle, Or. GARDEN tracts, west aids. slty. water sad gas. for onl 8864. 823 dowa aad 31ft t moata. M. K. Lee..308 Oorbatt bldg. Little aloe to terms Pbone East 8428. SUBTJBBAH ACREAGE 78 a TTP lf-riTT. ana at Metaser. eery able: 9 Mock frets car; ptewry iree wvoa; inquire G. H. Johneoa. Owner. Bdwy. 191. FOB SALE FABMS It 40 ACRES. 18 culti rated. 2 room houaa. bara zwxso, x maiu ana ouii wwwi . . " -. wk. 9 V stile Bt town. Prto 8800ft. T 1 1 ama. IB en 1 tinted. 8 roeat boi barn, poultry bouse, good well, creek. 7 af station. Price Bgsuo. Btvvu csso. " ."Tv"" ,T.'TrT VrT' oXA JXTJ 40 aeret, aaw B raota Boaee, good ouumiia- JTrrI" rTTi." "VT. V. oak sad fir timber. Dtndy sprlag. run by raat 1 horse, 2 cows. 8 ooS--e Bay sad farm wa 3U aailas frasx town. 8200O. 81000 cash. 5 room house, acre. Oregotl City carllB. Prina t ABO. ISO rash aad 816 mouth. SB araa. 22 eultltSted. B roora Bouse. Dear- tog stahard. 2 walla aad creek, sew barn, hog Donee, poultry nowse, atrauair, wvwmm """"i 3 eow. tow snd 8 ahosts. 90 chickens. AR ds. Prto 38600. 81000 teaa. 20 seres, 10 ealUtated. black tosat saa, beet. " " n Dd X"- - bay. bono. 3 cows, chickeas sad I Jj Both nnahmt u aaa, of aaw. Prtoe I gsooo. tlOOO aaah. I 13 actus, 7 room howee. tots at attrafldingl, 13 walnut trees, eotae bearlag. tsstlhr orchard. I ta kind ef berrlae, na creep, goo wan. rnea 12950 ttOO cash. GEO. MOR8K. 818 Cntmbe at Ooeametta. I I STOCK OR ORATJf FARM I DM LUXB 188 Bore laud. 80 cleared aad ta ealtira- tloa, that at patfMUy letei. Bad ef ta Tery finest ot creek battoa ktad, balaaea Bsstar. I Ona I me new Bern swxao. two awer ones auxeo and 2440. all goad. New store building with I hall shot; good large 8-year-J4 team, fine I lot of first class farm tools and Implement, la gndtodtog (Bower, rake, ptowa, harrows; to toa fa, I na Bay, uew ywuerai nim simm. smn. water piped I sera fine t t ta aausa. saa w esnsi issasuau U eutraoga. House small bat eeeafort- ftbto. bay aa be produced ea place for 130 heed stock. Tha t located st Tsl. W. 38 taitot freea Wood Is ud eter good roads. Th prto mt the waste a as ma m tit.aue. with tanas at 84000 cash, tad 8 yatrs ea Bal- Itaea tt 7 totertet Weald consider aft to 35000 t trade tf property nm-eiass, a ao toak ftt BHasted tata ami a UWTS BIT BR LAND COMPANY, WOODLAND. WASUmOTON. " ' 60 ICRES ' " AO aader eaHttattoa aad rrrlgsttoa, 3 of epoda, 1 tcr good Bora, t basaa, ana ot carrots, H sata at kale, flaa tardea. 3 room bouta. bara, gar toed orohArd, Bear school, l V4 miles to lestrte eariln. 4 taitoi from Oregon City. Price 1000. WtB take good tu ts iiuov. . DluLMAn al HUWUKD; 8th and Maia tte.. Oregon City, Or. FOR SALS Oa easy tsrass, baaee ot 8 farms. un,, at ddnta wnr. - Was. Doaatoa. teSSTterVK . Owaer. East 4344. 663 E. 13th t If. taraT I FOB BI3T rABBS 14 1 tVin. TtrxT1 cart trad. nk' OB BENT, sal er part trad, ato acreage, good balding, aoil fbto, IB gsflss frem sj. ii " m-oiawu ttt 1 WELL totorotad 40 Bcrea aear Oiuawa City. I wwiarn hoaaa. good bare Bad Sotae litwjtoea. Geo. M. Reed. Spsldlnt bids. adapted tor grata ttcek. rarocnisrs. seuei, 661 Gtisaa t I TAttBTB W ATtTRD SHUT OB BUT B3 I . . , MM i . t tj. . ..i I j.m. . il ij. .MX 1 1 WAN S ta say am ot ow ta aeret. tsostla la Culti ratten fait baUdinrt, with fuQ aaa teea aenrea. wait aa tact prefer aorth af Cornell af Ooraalias er Puieet Grwtu. vat other aJeteaf. Owaer omly. Aa acker. baa 428. BeeTTtea. Or. wui earaaaar otaar dree R. U Tucker HVk cask bayer: good farm. . geei .Wildlnart. Isea. eta. pieasa stta faU In riptiou sad price ta first letter. Pener. bit unm era It. n-Twvt-t-a ' i : '.A1 jl a n " i .t wouat rent fan of widew taay wuimsj ta swap M-8l. sotLrsai. f HOMESTEAD 41 HOMESTEADS AXD sttTJffOLlSBMtfTS I saa teeate yoa aa a gaea 0M1 arXSatsSswa BBBatAaVtw) aaa we K good tratoit, oil tad watogt ft ti tadSe W. H. JOftifSl!. 14 ICRI taiUaUtesat lor tal Maa PerUaud. rat' fartkar inforaastloa. tddnas W. IX WSkiatoa. ttedwead ralla, Mrna. JTMBEB - , 28 S6T ICS of 41U IXlJ0Fo0ytR.VMaLVf ftWBEB GeaeraL ttad ft t 29, 1918. btoet to tb fttTtos, Wssstogtou. EL a. A us sioae as-aereay gltat Jan I awbtaet a tha act. rftiM. mmA li ttettosa et tb act at Juae ft. S19I sad taa Lbstractioaa at the aserstsr taa tatortot ef sptesaswr 19117. aba timber I aa th foltowihg bad wtB ba asM Ostutor 88. I I ft 1 1 at ta .'nlk au mm at M.KK. mmmtUm a I taa Cattsd Statoa ttad sftoa at PortasaA.. Ora. - 1 goa. to the higW bbtoa. at ot to-Ttoi. taa I ..tpw . ff! 3 TZmlZZZ-T -Za HJZ.i ottoBBl bbsb at eae fifU ef seT per oeat I tsiwa. jata ansnm1awli.is altew .aata Am. asuwy ta ft retaraed xbarwWa esttoat win ear atast aa rea wtn a Stat. Uon orgaaassd. aaoeg Btatet . gg. any .state, territory iWict .to-reot aruy. 1 eattoa 4 ft aasUftod Pmt.t any tetal, tatboartotoa U1 ea offered tb talted Uaea kppttV timber oa aaa steal aaamtnuosi trUi Ba affetud tarsi estate before Bated toatodatt to Bay. offer of a. taruor watt T. 11 B. B, IS... 2T. MW aU red f 1278 M., white tsr .78 MM Borne of red frr ar wtdta fl t a tost far tee Be St. . CUI TtlAaatW, ftniilf U etui land CXfww. WJstl A.VJ SlllP kNFKk WlSitiA U -.- tttBBIdtjaAOJBGbB BLlMA, i I Bin ST UWVITlaTB BMCs. DtCDIT EnUW BBWt 1 1 .. . . -a. aa. f . . B . kl A A K.ft'"AlIisV tw- as Ts TIMBKB about 4.004,584 : last tow ' tim- 0,00ft . fae Esteeads; Lscey. S) a sailas SMlk w BMd Bad for sate, K. savradt. Or. KirffllrnK it. rtm ' FOB TBADB at eaie, a T acta tarss. 4 rooo bowae. aaey bara aad cbauktswaaasa, water tad wwad. tcbaot Bear, tdesl alsea for - family set toad eoald abtsia work year traaad to asrge Mcxong aaarp agar. Bate tor an aaeuktoa, - tetlk, battel, saga. , Cbjumbit Mi Ml N. 140 ACRE reach aituaud to Ultnoto UalW, 43 sera under eulMtmUea aad aadeg trrigattoa. . JA '7 water right. gea ewtrsats leg awn , 10 to 11 rsoauha U year; wtR trade a eell foe sllsr taacb-80 or 40 Beret; price 30, '"t peroeuisra, st. siuppwy, avtrwyy Ot. j. 13 BOOM roaming house t eletrt 4100 'pee - taoatht price 41300. Wlfl asebaaga for a 4 rooss aeu-e: act tsore tata 4 blacks treat -car tad Bat easts taaa 38 gtiawtto , aas M . 748. JoUraal. .; WAITED -To trad , or tell S3 room etsaas - . betted Bouse sad tel. sQ faralaos4 - lor -beaeekaepiag, far era tags. 404 Vtaeeweut. Bear , ' asraaawag. nM Xast 0039 Saadayt Bt alter 4 p. ta. week day. . ' . filit II tcr. tract, i acres to'caRittttoal' U stactrto carttoe, good terrlea, to trade to ; bowse, sad tot ta Portland ta Dart astasewt- ' For farther totbrstattoa aadrsa H. M. Barton. - ' Ore)e, Or. . LIB t yoar property wtlh a For nemlm "aei thsrga of merit Kattbltahed 10 yeaia, Taa ETaeet Younger Cb.. 108-107 Park et, aa-v -tweea WatbJagtea tad Stark ttt, - ITTCtUl Improtsd rtaca. IT ml- PocUaad sad V-.-7 paeeragir 3 cytiader tata. first class eead tiea. ratf tury llttls, to exchange for strictly ; ; moderB baBgatew. Owuer, VTl 3 JoarasJ. : klOCKS af aaerebandus Sod 'tocosas city proa- ;-V erty up to 810,000 waatad to eaakaata (or . cbotos acresga to Willamette eaBey. CL . W. ' . Nlemeyer. 84 State ot, Seles. , . -" SELL ar trad 160 acres na highway" aBee trees Bee aid, for 8 or 6 sores aloes ta Por- toad. 6 owner. 3789 71t st S.. Fi. titer , Imp. to a. lac. bldga. stock ea4 eropa, loaa to. Bathsrtord, tit Feataa bids. Bdwy. . J 1 : 1 WB g a FO BlLfc oi? InAm tar Mt ciavtH V,' L'm. J bTrrteA TZ WABTBD REAL ESTATE 41 A-nv, n & a you bats aaodera h PROPERTY WANTEiT t beaea ta Bos Ctry Park il aa pamoate wa beta o bat cash cue ester for , oatrtei tat rou wiu Ss the customer. We also something wet eter 34500: snaat as ban-aiu. 7JfSTHlFJ!TIIU TCST COMPANY, 232 WUcot bldg. . Maia 85 it. Call for Mr. Ptddea. 3 OR 3 ROOM bungalow to 3600t"l all 40 acre fsnu Witt oed Vaae aad toriMtogei Bast ot soiL fairy sowirped ii I"P". cioeo to rscine aighwsy, ,t zr . i'i axuiu; pnot a suo. vrWB Owa : . v.. ja. (.oroy, ouj gv, aitt st M. Tsbor 4S1S, SMALL HOMES An'P ifUcU WABTta , It Print Right Buyers waiting. HACK aD sllATirHoTItf-wTNTSir--Mast be N. R, aad priced right We beta Baavrroo burBr watting. Frad W. iieraaaa Oo.. 783 Cham, of Coat. ' WAb't H to X un aad 1mm. sufc r,.. - - erred; must ba barraia. 8840 aaah. bat 'ma. 617 Cbaaa. mt fW lI.Lsiii: BeUwsad 3482. "".-;v CXEtSNTB WAffbCa fee eusag Weueto" 'la ":cki 't sad tmsJl tracts Bear by. Lfat twar with a. - es aaonsage lk, at Vtassaog at Cots- v Merc. Maia 3081. Ws bsts ceils for hottee I 42466 U llfluA un at eeii your, u. OotB. bids. Mtht W. BrytB, 803 Crttm. 1838. traalagi, Msr has 865. WANTED A smell bouse, from 4 to 4 roomT If yoa will tail aatsn paymenta tad nor hi rhrht tetonhaas ma at ohm aaS t artir taom t r propartr punasy. Mala B7I9. P yoa hate a bungalow that rou wia a ea F.o. oex oo, rorruna. JT. WaU tED Best boat (Vat ii 66 'aaak aai TTT mimfh aaa Ba Stat prto and teeetloe, , - a-BB. journal. WANTOA-CatBT-KpERTT" For ratnite Bst your pttiperty wHB tbl war mumsmwmm wi.a Ika Batata Ex., 301 3d t. Port U ad. WANTED Uanaaiow. Will par 11645' ' wn lorated I tf I raota VaattoW. Ta. Call Bait. Bdwy. 3126. DON'T WORST I B Sou ar trad sttrthing taywbars. Lbstbsb. tT pan irk st WAK'f1k5-Soa- To ssl . Paoae . Ttbeg 7117. ttk Frank L. UrftnU ta a.S ' TT 411-414 Abtogtoa bldg. Mtto 1088. BOOMTJfO ffOrSEB ta IT BOOa! lotel torn thaa arto. J Imnkmr, elesfs 4 OOpsr moata ta Beet diafw wtj . i. a-in, Hrau, ROOMING aawae, 14 loosss. atot BsodWTTaar boaseaaeptng taftsa, etoae to. Weil furniaaed." ' Bsrgato. 8704. Gartsnd. 188 It et 54 ROOkS. eWrlaa U66 par aaertftos oa aoeoamt alakaaaa. I Ta- .Til C. W. Atlltor. ship, Alder hotel. 7 ROOMS, good furniture, went' elAa, mlj a W. Mfflorshtp, 314-18 Alder tsotk BCsnrBSS opFOBTrrwrrTFti; a "'"t Tf muT riint am tX flea aa xaaDeat paytkg soft drink Barter, with rooming bout connected t Wort ftlOOOt will sail for 8600. Don't ataa thi ebsW to ask stocey. George Held. 488 Weaning. FOR 4'aLE Cheap. 4 k foot' laneb couaiar asl 88 "wo w eouuisT taap tint else at atata Bssteauuat 911 - . vww mmm m mm , , ' . - . FOB BALE Old 'aatabtilL-i mmh i4a. 1 . h. . w mm mm . tables tad Bterehsata' toawb twoaa, ejwaya ftotoa aattnim: wiU aacrfftos iiiittl it .UT. VIII, J OWI ML FOR BALE Fine paying the. repair aW tta wKonwrr, ns ei. eoaaa. Call Cotembts 290. mm mm.' a. "Baa BAtf W f m Tw ersettoal atea BB ba radeBsadeat taa trrt: 83 ovw caeu cask rwaufred. M-ftOa, Jewraai ROOMING INt Bwaae. grseery sad wood rstely. Swaak. 617 Brwry hide. aJ SOFT driak and coafecttoasry ' at 411 ' Catoa tan. East 4441. Fat sale eseeo. rot BALE ataiag PressiM 2tz 64 at Wft BAUUrry store Ua 41146 Btaat4 mast suU. B-883. Joaraab BUSHTESS OPFQRTU J1TIES WAnTED - aa rev WANTED Ta bay B -'-g, riemlin tad ie pairing shop: Brest beta good toaettoa sad ' the price right. -814, Jow met MOEBT TQ LOA9 BEAL ESTATE 87 Ocft tostolWeat plsa to ta Ut aasi tarasl raeuaoa at psyuaras tata, 882.33 per aoeak lor 44 ataatke, ar '' 431.34 for ftftritttrtha, or . 816.17 tar 96 Btaatba. aaa BlftOft tosa savft toteruat - Other tasaatat M prupsrttoa. - - We . toea aa ravpratad eity proaerw. Or for bofldtag parr mil. N eammawlow chsraai BQUTTABLB SAVINGS A LOtW A8SOC1ATB3M ata tun et.. rerusaa Or. PAf OrTHTTtOI oa year ctty BOBta-oa easy testeOmeata erftB It years' time M repay! fuilt arvtected bf Rfa to. raaee aaatr ant fair see rava -eg tnft xeratt to Ufa dmartae Society. latoratt swe eati aa in lima See Mr. tUM, aajejttato ' of flea, oregoaiaa Bade. 4366. 1404, 410, WW. lowest totetwst ratos, ABatat "(WRDON INTEITMENT CV . V ' 431 Cbassber f Coeataefea . BUHaOI5a Loans aa eity er aaxbarbaa arenaru; bmmt aAtuacad at work iiiiiimh ur ,i Beck, 213 aad 814 FaOtod bid, ktata 3407. A 1200. Ht6. 4466. 4106. 4446. tUw, II606 : . aad torger smouate at earreot laaae, OaVfe . BPtioa. Fred W. OeraaiB Oo., 783 fjrarts. Ooes. -8500 TO 49000 to tosa, eity a liia aoiv :'. P. fX Boa 373. gSatoAGg toaas, 4 tad ti. Uaaet' t Ot. 408 SoOmt bldg. CASH lor Bkortauaa, .toaas, . Lewis, twees 47Xwwts Bids atoc. Mate 8S. MOB BY ' 90 LOA chAttblaw f 47 Cbattel LOAN 8 . . mmm tiiu irhvS . , . mm va, avna Da tbort otto to wlartot s warxingiaea. aa . their awa Bote. Weekly, seuti-meatAly aw eaeathly ptyaita. Back trnar luift strfrtly' eoofldentist . ' BO. MORTGAGE ' KO TXPORaEB ABSOLVTELT KO SECrRITt W ate teaa aa hiaashiiU faraitara, Bttaes, tfw Without reatotshx . . , CALL AJID DrTBSTlOATK. j a COLLMBIA DIBCOCNT. OOMP ABT .--i ' LIC EX BED, - v 113 railing ldt IL Vou; NeedMoney Sea Us BALARmb-CHATTElil ta pertou Ba salary a rrxad la bold faraxfaia, pStaoa, eataaoad' aad ether pirtiael property: steal tatas. Bees aeefideatial: aritats afnoea. . PORTLAND LOAN- COMPaBT. ' - - 9 9f D-tsnf rir. - tVwftUBaaft aa A auawiaj X aa