a 23 -THE : OREGON .'.SUNDAY;., JOURNAL.:. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER -8. -.1918: J v .4 si FOB SALE HOUSES 1 ' Open Sunday FALLS CITY MORTGAGE COMPANY, 517-519 Chamber of Commerce Phone Main 3718 SELLWOOD SNAPS $100 Cash mb house. 4 blocks from ear, sewer lr t Pid. Plenty el fruit ad good hem. Only 61000. 1100 town and th balance s you Uke. $250 Cash C foam house, only ISO feet to earttn. All umwU paid, mm in. . Th lot is worth (1200 and th house can rot be built today oj U than 81500 Mow, s th pric. 81600. Only 9260 daws and th balance to suit $125 Cash" 4 room hous. M on ta villa district Hu full lot. barn, fruit and berri. Ton cu t boat it to Portland. Pric 0O and th balance $5 a month. - BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 11 $200 Cash - room cottage, newly painted, on paved street and all th asamameuts are paid. All for only $1700 and tonus as you lik aftor tint payment. $100 Cash 4 room cotui. 3 blocks to ear, th price is right Only $1400. pay th baianca aa you can. and You $150 Cash room California bungalow. Now you will nver rasllx th bargain wa ara offering unless you thi. Haa a good lot and a fin ftnlnh lnaida. Good elec tric fixture. Small concrete basement Th total price ia $850. Hurry. It will not last. , Rose City Park $2500 6 room houM in fin loeatJbn and a nap. 0t in hrre and see tbis and you will buy it $800 cash and th balanea $30 a month. That it $10 haa than it would rant for. OVERLOOK HOME $3250 $500 Cash Balance at $$0 a month and par ent Interact. , . Strictly modern, naar ear and school. $500 Cash 6 room. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, full basement, fruit, shade trees and roses, a real bom and only $1800. Th balance can be paid at $30 per month. PIEDMONT HOME $300 Cash Thia is on KUllngsworth are., close In, and la-only a year old. It you are look ing for a ral good buy and a bom you cannot''' afford to paw this up. Price $2000 and only $20 a month on th balance. SOUTH PORTLAND $200 Cash B room bungalow on Fulton car. Haa everything. Fireplace. woodHft base ment, eta., and the price ia right Only $3000 and $20 a month on the balance. FIRLAND DISTRICT $150 Cash room bungalow on 60x100 lot, full 1 basement, fireplace. Say, it'a a dandy for the money. $2700. The balance $25 -a month, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $200 Cash $8000 Is the price, and it ia on pared street Full basement All assessments are paid. About 3 blocks to car. Pay ment $20 a month. ALBERTA DISTRICT $350 Cash room bungalow, 1 block to ear, naar ltth. Street graded and sidewalk, -eaameata all paid. Let ua show you this today. $500 Cash room modern, lot 40x180, has plen ty of fruit, flowers and berries Street is Traded, sidewalk in and assessments paid. Price $2600. ' MT, SCOTT CAR $250 Cash room modern, on lot 83x104, in first class condition, newly painted, gas tights, wired for electricity. Price $3000. Monthly payments $25. RICHMOND DISTRICT $1000 Cash rooms, large porch in front, back porch screened in. furnace. - pared street A fine homai for someone. Price $8500. Geod terms on balanea.- IMMEDIATE POSSES SION $200 Cash 4 room modern, near car. fine homes aTl around. All asseesment paid. Price $2800 and" H b worth mora. See it and be convinced. $300 Cash A room modern bungalow, 3 blocks to ear. Don't overlook this. The price la right Only $100 and terms, to auit you. Open Sunday V FALLS CITY j. MORTGAGE COMPANY, " 1 517-519 ; Chamber of Com, Bldg,, ';' j.; ;Btn;;3d and 4th on. Stark, hone;Main 371 .. . t v , SAVE. ME -HIC BT ' BAVTNO T A COWCHTCKENS. yVlOS AND A GARDEN. TOU CAS DO THAT AND STILL WORK IN THE CITT IF YOU BUT 'ONE OF THB FOLLOWING SUBURBAN HOMES: One Acre Near, Metzger $3650 : AH cultivated.! lies lercL. 1-8 bearing erehard, watered by wall piped to bldg. 6 room modern bungalow, fire place. . Dutch kitchen, built-in . con ventoace ; small fruit, -rases, shrubbery, .bam 12x34 feet, chicken bouse; all fenced with woven wire. 1 cow. 1 calf. 14 chickens, mile to B. R. station. Will trade. . . .. . - , , 114-5 5 Acres Near the Base Line Road 1 tt mile east of th ity limits of Portland. Haa good 7 room plastered house, barn end orchard. Ia all . fenced. Has city w tor. Pricev$4000 $500 iHW 128-5 3 Acres Near Gladstone All cult, level black ejeaverdam, watered by city and well. 6 room house, small barn and woodshed. . Place ia all fenced. Near K. R. ata. On gravelled road, The soil is 1st class and will raise anything. $1000 down. 58-5 Y Acres Near Garden Home $3200, $800 Down AH cult, brown loam soil; 400 ft to school and store: watered by well: good room bungalow, barn and outbldg. Bearing fruit trees. Close to B. K. ata. Will trade. m 4-5 WE HATE OVER 1200 HOME BAR GAINS TO 8EIJj OB TRADE AT A VERT LOW PRICE. JsU UU V DWUttl PHONE MAIN 7141. 717 COBETT BLDG. nr.Atl gjHTATB " " FOB 8AXE-HOCE tl ONLT $1400. with 2 full lots: th lota alone are . worth Iho price; these lots i a -eery good. SObetantiai - room hooa. Thi property la of fered at a positive sacrifice. It cost the prea nt owner $3590 and eery close in with the beet ear ferric iu Portland; pared streets and all other improTemente in and paid for. If yon want thi place come a running. r- M. J. CrX)HE8T. 415 Abington bldg. TSTTCHk iaarelhurrt district If this is where you want it there is a bargain for S4B09. On 7 ' room house and eoa 4 a eorner lot on East Everett t Not any farther out than 83d at; $20OOeasa wUJ handle .Uu Ileal - . ' . ' it. ' I. CLOHES8T, 4 18 Ablngtoa bldg. $2900 l40T'rTia3SEtTE BLVD. $2900 Owner drafted; must adjust hie affairs. CUo'.ce, brown, modern bungalow, 5 rooms, imp. paid; car 1 block; will nak - attractive price on furniture if wanted. Termi See Mr. Irwin. OEO. E. ENGLEHABT 834 Henry BMgg. ' Main 7368 ROOlT Bt'NOALOW IRVINGTON - Modern bangajsw. rooms and sleeping porch. Has full - concrete basement, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors, built-in features. All improve ments in. . Price $8500. -' Small amount of bonding to assume. B. F. FEEMSTER. 800 Abington Bldg. NOW you fin borne seeker if you want one un to data to erery detail and want to live out Irviagtoa way, suppose yon look at that elegant 8 room house. No. 858 Halaey at Ton can buy thia plaoa for $5800. It ought to be worth $7000. U. J. CLOHZ88T, 415 Abington bldg. 81000 READT TO OCCTJPT 81800" Corner lot, improvements paid; good 8 room house, full basement, near City View Park. Owner, non-resident, authorises reduced prices. GEO. E. ENGLEHABT 624 Henry Bldg. Main 7266 BE Alj ESTATE f - ft SCBCBBAJT HOMES WfeLL. Ure'a that -1 aero of W wiih ooean. of f rutt of all kinds is full bearing;-thia acre baa 1. 6-room boao and 1 6-room hoem aaoo era enough for any person, and -tha houses are sc situated that acre an go with each house ; this land close in the city, in E. S8tb et; oaaent sidewalks close to Woodstock ear; the cambers of the bouses are 888 and 841 B. SBth at! this property belongs to- a person who ts changing residence to another etate and it avast be soleWand. wo -win. not stand en th order of its true vsjne but win aaeriftce; by aaJUng a a very tow price now. If yon want something verlastlngly good, call in and hear about this. M. J. CLOHESST. 418 Abington Bldg. t.IUTTV- TCk THTfla amos will bUV this who wants to buy- a suburban boaae. Only 84000 for more than 7 acres of land, right at th station, with a good 6 room house, electric lights in house and bam. running water.. Thia place haa it own gravity system; this plaoa is located at Jenn station. Any person can see tt mum off the ear onto the land: 81000 eash yon must .have to even talk about it. the balance can stand four years at n per cent. M. J. CLOHESST. 415 Abington bldg. SUBURBAN HWJcTrtWNVEMENCE3 BUXOALOW, GARAGE AND ACRE TRACT , - ' ' ' Just outside city limits, in Park Rose; bearing fnrit tra? B rooms and finished attics -on macadam road; gaa and electricity; pric $4500. $1500 eash will handle it 3. L. Harsman Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208 A-2060. FOB SALE I.OTS 16 $16535x100 in Preseott st near Concord; great snap; hurry; owner leaving Thursday. Main 4803.- G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington bldg. "85 Tears in Portland" T.ianrji nrtVT $1100 tw mii nut to live on the Columbia high way, paved street all the way. right at Trout. dale, with all the city convenience, erase uj uie 4k unlnat With this house of 7 rooms goes mora than of an acre alf In unl.n a ni4.lT of fruit in full bearing. There is electric light and running water in th house. Say. this is giving it away. Half cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHESST. 416 Ab ington bldg. : NICE HOME FOR SALE . A nlea B-acre tract riaht in Canby. good 7' room house, all modern, plenty of water. Nice lawn with shade and roses. Rest in garden and chicken runs. 60 nice hens and 60 chicks. Can keen a cow. Come out and see thia home at no nnu-M .i lit n., nnnh hnn u. I and be eonvinced. AU clear of aeota, notning k$250 Modern 5 room bungalow in E. Taylor st. near sum u $3660 B room modern cottage, with H acre iiiiM 2 in V. B2d st. between '""CT' . -r w Hawtnorne are. anu a. 50x100. street improvements all in and ... ikaa ,uh. hal. terms. 12000 3 4-room bungalows on Miller avo., in Beilwood; SSUU rasn, oauncv nr. THE LAWRENCE COMPANT. 205 Corbett Bldg., Marshall 6916 A-281B NEAR 8. P. tiAR SHOPS . Wiiitn.k earllne. clear of in cumbrance.' 28th, neat Francis. Price $2500. Easy terms. to WATCH OVB. ADS! WBi uai iuaovi..u. C. A. wsmner, T5ITTVR as CO.. 208-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. on alt Tabor: street improvements paid: a bargain; $1500. See Mr. urabsm, THE BRONG COSIPANT, 267 hm Oak St Main 1743. $60 DOWN. $10 MONTH 100x100 in Park Rose. 1 Mock to car, good soil, ground -cleared; price only $600. J. L. Hart roan Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208 A-2050. REAL ESTATE FOB 8 ALE FA BS 8 1. REAL FARM BARGAINS - , 40 acre., all anod Iswsl land. in cultiva tion, about 700 cords of fine wood, good 4 loom noose, bam, frntt house and outer onx buiidinga. Weil and fins spring. Well fenced sad cross fenced. Good orchard. This place a only 7 mile trout Vancouver, on paved Pacific highway, and as 85 per cent below value at the pries asked, $4 20. Goad terms. acres, excellent land, most au ajseareo. x in fine bearing orchard, of which 10 ara Drones. . which aloM as worth the price asked. Only S miles front Vancouver n una read. LkrerlooJu csommota nver, orv hnd and aunonndtnc oeuntry. Price $15,000. Can make very good terms. SO acres, about 20 scree ia cultivation, ex cellent house, absolutahr modern in every way. which cost 810,000 four years ago. Good bam, double garage, water syrtem which cost $3000. att miles from vancoer on cooa roaa. is one of the view places i J the Northwest This ia an Meal country hdine. Price, if sold at once. 815.000. Very good terms. IS acres, oraetioallr all cleared, all level and fine soil. House, bam and outbuilding. 6 miles from Vancouver on main auto road, adjoining school and station. Price 6200O. Very a terms. - r acres, an in cultivation. S acres Bearing prune orchard. Good 4 room plastered house, barn, etc 6 miles trom Vancouver, on fine road, near electric line. Price $2200. Very wasy terms. THOMPSON. SWAN de THOMPSON, Sd and Main ata.. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 4 lots. Eaat St Johns; $00" each, small amount down if you want to build; long time on balance, easy paymsnta. Address box 655, Rainier, Or. FOR SALE 1 or 2 lota, each 60x100. on th corner of Willamette bird, and Delaware ave. Just 100 ft from the ear line; beautiful location for a home. Call Woodlawn 64. $800 A FINE CORNER LOT AH clear, at 48d and E. Washington st. ; fruit trees; $100 cash or Liberty bonds. Paul Waidt. 1257 Belmont at. Tsbor 1212. $T00 Owner will Jell lot located 061 East 12th st N. Pared streets, Irving ton ear. Non-resident 0-748. Journal. to assume. Will sell on good terms. Just the tilaee for one that wants to raise all his nvrng. Owner too old to care for it Address TX-8S6 Journal. No agents. Everything goea with the place. 88000. YOUR CHOICE of 25 places in Oak Grove, close to the Oreaon City earline. Banging in srice from 81000 to 85500. and in size from A acres to acres. Tnese places, some oi them, are modern and up-to-date, facing on pared streets, close to the school, in every ease you can buy for a leas price than tne improve ments cost to replace today. This is the most desirable and active suburb close to Portland. M. J. CLOHESST. 415 Abington bldg. DO TOU WANT a cozy UUla home with 1 acre of land, all in fruit, flowers and shrub bery, 2 blocks from the beat earline la the city. Thia cozy little home haa 5 rooms, electric lights, gss, water, on a good street; chicken house and runs and the price ia only 52650; 8500 la all the cash yon have to have. Say, if you over see this you will buy U on sight aa thia place means half your living. M.'J. CLOHES8Y. 415 Abington bldg. WHO wants this? Real Farm for $100 Per Acre No one. and yon will say so yourself, haa or can show yoa as good value aa this for the money 182 acres, near McMinnvHle, 100 acres in one body. In a high state of cultivation, rich, mellow, easy working land, balance good pasture with living water: it lies Just right rolling Just enough, with north slope; 7 room house, bam, outbuildings, fruit; present owner grubbed every foot of this land, went on the place with noth ing, owee no man 1 eenC has about $80,000 out at interest, is old. alone, boy gone to war, and ia offering his farm at $100 per acre. $5000 down, baianca 6 per cent We sold 8 farms last week, not because of our aalenmacship. but be cause our long experience in the farm lino and thorough knowledge of the country enabled us to show out nstomers something better than the other fellows. Ws can be ef benefit to yon in finding Just what you want and at the right prioe. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North 6th st mom Broadway 4881. BE AL ESTATE "FOB'SALE FABMS" It &AK&S COCNTT." MTASa.. $8760 - 40 a. in enhv. new (ems kowa ban 40- 50. ahickeav house, wwdahed. 1. gailos from Amber k that - weadronaly fertile Chela tmie Braiiia. Thta at an ideal tana W. German Co.. 788 Cham- of Com. 14 J70B BEIfT FABMS '. - 9.SAO iriK aW 1. i n - aser fallow, tuning water, goon sannsa. Ton will have to furnish your own outfit and buy the summer fallow: the place will be rented to you for rant. 'U K. Moore. 817 Board of Trade. - sViu-Wicv-f 4 mma. all ante enllivatlon. 4 room s jm wm mmctim usi T-OOl. Journal. 3 cows. 17 and hard surfaced road. FOB, BENT 200 acres farm, deep aofl. good buildings, running Water, uaaar renx, -onnen. 816 Henry bide HATE several farm to rent Will famish stack. C W. aUUerahtp, AMer now. FOB RENT 250 acres miles O. lC tienlars Del unsan st ; Far- EABBf S VtAHTEB-lBEirT Oil BUT 8$ tv A vJ t-tVRm.il aanhmad farm. I . ha contract nsortgage for 8ZB0V. payunia sou monthly at for same. Might mall amount B-00 8. Journal. MAN and wUe want to rent 16 or 20 acres naar essetrie one, within 20 au. at roruanc Oaah. alL 8614. Must bo free of inenmbranoe. Write full 4a- scription to Claud Com, goo ticry ping. HOMESTEADS 70 ACRES ralinuishmenC 25 room house, furnished. 3 47 5 scam tenceo. barnf. ' creeks and anrinas: horse, cows, shoots, chickens, hay. Im plements. $850. O. V. Millershlp. Alder hotel. BEAti ESTATE - ' EXCH AX U E -BE AA ESTATE ?ABKBY.!H!1 512-13-14-15 Swetland BWg Equipped Ranees '50 of Them From 20 Acres to 4000 . Located in Willamette Valley and Eastern Oregon To Exchange For City Property 65 ttrtMKflTEAD rallnouiahmeat for sale at a bar- galn, 116 acres; join county road, neighbors and mall routs. Stt miles from K. B. Good soil. 801 Worcester bldg. WANTED Homestead agents need answer. or relinQulshment; 36 N. 10th. 16 My ; Pretty 40-Acre Home Must Go I sm In the l.oanital: mut sell my pretty country home; I have 40 acres Just 20 miles out splendid road all the way: 85 acres in high state cultivation; not a prettier lying nor better piece of land in the state; splendid 8 room plastered house. 4 tile fireplaces, barn and outbuildings, very choice orchard, including lota of bearing English walnuts; my home is very attractive, pleasant environment and of fering it stocked for only $7000. Following partial list of personal property: Goad team. 2 cows, chickens, wsgon, harness, full set imple ments, etc. We know that we can show you something better than yoa have seen and at a better price, too. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st Broadway 4881. 1000 ACRE valley stock farm, about AO miles TIMBEB I U SAW MILL, timber donkay engine. In operation. A snap. 20 M mm. surplus power, up-to-date, finely equipped. 11x14 donkey, good, in operation. Timber. Bargain. 20 M mill, on river; about 760.000 timber. Must be sold. M M 25 M mill, timber, en B. B, ready for operation. 60 M well equipped mill, in operation, 40 M mill, timber, logging equipment. In operation, making money. Good reason for selling. HOUCK, 1 1 0 10THST. SAWMILL for sale. 48x16 boiler. 0x18 engine. f double saw husk with saws steam feed. Port land Iron Works, screw blocks, three saw edges. slab and sawdust conveyer. Cut sew all com plete., Price cheap. Inquire of J. C. Callahan. Gaston, Or. GARDEN tracts, west side, city water and gas; price $350, $10 down, $10 a month. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. FINE, large improved Willamette bouL lot; will take auto as first payment 1160 Willamette blvd., corner Killingsworth. FOR SALE, vacant corner lot, 60x100; Patton ave.. overlooking boulevard. John Anton, city. 406 Stark at. FOR SALE, cheap. 2 lots, 40x125, easy terms. at Tremont by owner. Phone East 5404. 849 Wheeler st LOT for sale, Lester Park ; cash or terms, cheap IC VY. Myers. 710 LIUeth st, Pendleton, FOR SALE A lot st Rose City Park, on 68t st. near Blssiyou. Call Tabor 7078. FOR SALE 50x100 ft lot with small house. $250. Phone Tabor 8368. 6023 101st aoutlr of Portland. Or.: in good farming dis trict, 8 roflm from station on 8. P. and 4 tt miles from good town; good auto road, phone, mail and milk route, school across the road; well fenced with woven wire; watered by streams and springs, spring wster piped to buildings; 700 acres tillable, 800 fine timber, about 10.000. 000 feet; 800 cultivated, half of this, bottom land, more land easily cleared, about 400 open pasture, fine orchard, good 6 room house, also imn t.ir . v , nni.. ... . smauer uouse. jar re nam ana otner outbuildings. t!L r'- 1 LtS; we" V,ipped wth '. implement! ., fruit berries garden ; bungalow. electric tnA small tools, 5 horses, 60 head of cattle. 850 lights, water. Will sacrifice on acconnt of . .- i.k. th. i. . , . . poor health. 8e, make offer- no -cents. Box out in the hills, but rteht iif a .loAmnnuV 10 acres of land, river front on the back and a paved street in .front a 6 room house, good bam and other buildings, orchard in full bearing with assorted fruits; this place ia on the main road between- Clacka mas city and the Chautauqua grounds; it is also close to Portland; if you have a nice house in Portland, it will be taken aa part or- the pur chase price up to the value of 82000 or a little more. M. J. CLOHESST, 415 Abington Bldg. 770, R. 3. Lento station. FOR STJBTJBBAIT ACREAGE CONSIDERATION 76 BUYERS RANCHES -y . 160 acres. Jefferson county .-8 1,606 320 acres. Jefferson county 8.200 STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARMS 207 acres, Lincoln county 6,000 es seres, X am hill county lu.uuu Price, including all crops, stock and Implements. 865,000; can make good terms. The timber and personal property on this place hi worth st least 820.000. Call or write Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg., Portland, Or. ACBEAGE 87 $375 Cash $20 Month 80x120, near ear; 5 room modern bungalow, with butlt-lns and fireplace; garage, F. C. baa t Price $2150. Just end of Woodstock car. G. C, Goldenberg v8 Tr. In Portland." Main 4808. BEST FARM IN THE NORTHWEST 73. acres, all level and all in cultivation, very fine clay loam soil, sll well fenced and cross fenced. 2 acres bearing orchard, fine 8 room house, fine barn 74x114. 2 silo, machin. 78 acres. Clarke Co.. Wash. '. 12,000 aheds. hog houses and other outbnildinca. Per il 7 acres. Linn county 12.600 I sons! property consists of 10 fine cows, most BIG LOGGING SNAP 10 million big timber. ltt miles tide water. 816.000; spruce alone worth more money. S. M. Venard. 820 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED Cordwood timber, not over 10 miles from Portland, west side. Will buy land and timber or timber only. 248 2d at, Portland. CORDWOOD timber below Linn ton. on rail way and county road. Cheap. Parker, 422 H Washington. LOOK and act quick 1 270 acres good yellow pine timber; sell reasonable; am la arart F-774, JoornaL PILING AND SHIP KNEES WANTED. O. V. GAMBLE. GERLINGER BLDG. EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE U RIT HKRITiK KAhI 11.AI.9 v .ii v.m a MAfti hniuai 2 fircclAces. 4Jga J a well truue w wa- " - . full cement basement furnace, hard surface in and paid. This is a snap for someone. Price $4500. WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET C A. wsmner, RITTER. LOWE A. CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. WAVERLT-RICHMOND CARLINE RESULTS. a s.ni. mnAmm ftrenlace. full cement base ment. 12 minutes from 3d and Washington sta. 1 iA blocks from car. A splendid buy for $2750. House alone worth mora. Look today. GFfoET2M'OORE00.. ABINGTON BLDG. " aisnii pnnTt.ANn HEIGHTS TERMS 4 room attractive bungalow with alee ping near good school and store vterh white enamel plumbing fixtures, eieot. .-a ... mnmm view! in district of fine homi Price $i800; terms. 1 No mortgage or at liens. CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres. $250: $10 down. $5 per month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line ef 8 railroads. ltt miles from a town of 800 population: saw- mills and shingle mills; some partly cleared and some cleared; running stream; some bottom and some beneh;-: can -ivs you any kind ef place yott want BKuLi REAL ESTATE CO. 818 Railway Exchange bldg. AMITT ACRES : 10 A., house, part fenced, some timber, run ning water, about tt .cult, close , to school, 2 to town: - aiooo. - sxoo down. nal. ' s. 20 A. not far from Amity. Yamhill counts: house," barn, about 18 A. in cult., close to school, all good land, some timber; $2000, $300 down. x 1 00 per year. 0 . Sea-Wood Realty Co.. 348 Stark st 5 ACRES Just outside city limits Vancouver, only I30VU. sboo cash, balance monthly payments, interest 7; all In cult, good house. bam. fine water, orchard small fruits, good road. fine Place for hot houses: extra good sou. Williams Loan tt tnv. Co.. 422 Chamber of Com. 100 acres. Polk county 15,000 91 acres, Clackamas county 16,000 280 acres. Linn county 18,500 200 acres, S. W. Oregon 20,000 All of above farms are money makers and priced right We hare also a large listing of smaller farms and lower price. For full de tails, call on or write to E. A. LINDGREN, SAVON LAND CO.. 885 N. W. Bank bldg, A REGULAR park, the finest suburban noma in the state of Oregon. There am 18 acres that go with this plan with driveways and fishponds, electric lights, gaa, running; water in all the buildings. The grounds ant aupere. The house is of the old colonial style. A very homelike place, to walk through th grounds aloneTulfUls the Joy of living. This is a very high class place and it means an Investment of $30,000 even at a sacrifice. Call and in quire about this. M, nigton bldg. of them registered; . 20 heifers, moat all regis tered and win be fresh soon; 1 registered bull. 8 good horses. 40 hogs, mower, rake, disc, splks and spring tooth harrows, 2 wagons, harnesses. buggy, back, separator, 2 gas engines, ensilage cutter, com and potato planter, and all other necessary tools and machinery. About 60 tons of hay. grain and crops. This place ia only 16 mile from Portland, in Clarke county, at fin school and town, and on excellent auto road. One of the finest places In the Northwest and a oargain at aiT.ooo. H cash. THOMPSON. nrWAN A Tnnunnu 8d and Main sta . Vancouver, Wash. FARM EXCHANGES 80 scree, near Woodland. Wash.. 40 acres cleared, good buildings, 14 head of cattle, norsee. wagon, harness, all farm implements got tTOAO Win consider reaidenaa in city. 64 acres, nearly all ia cultivation, good building, water and electric ligbta to the build iv. nrnnlrif water throush the place, near Mc- M inn rill. Price $7000. Will teas good city property. 26 acres, all in cultivation, good buildings, near base line, Tamhill county. Want bouse. 10 acres, near Gresham and some eash for house not too far out 814 LUkHEB fcJUJMLa.-xua,. WHAT have yon to trad for any of the following pieces? 40 a.. Clatsop Co.. tt cleared. $1600 160 timber. Jackson Co 250O 60 A. Clarke Co.. part imp. . 6500 T. J. B-. 225 Henry bldg.. Porjland " BEAT. ESTATE v. .. .-C . WAKTED BEAt ESTATE 81 ErJTEKZ Cfto'wTSrvmHTT?5ME: JXJWKRS CLAMORING TO GET LOCAT. Jfi, i?,AT,HAVR TOD NOW WB "AN SELL. IF ANTON E "".AN. Raw nrv-v INSTRUMENTAL IN THE SALE OF So Mr", IVvlVXZ WANT HOME W have a party who waata a - modern 8 or 6 room betne, 3 story preferred. isfinH.i" ,S60- 100 enehj good district Have another who wants a small, nifty. ater SUSSr1!. ? room bungalow, paved street ft passible not to exosed $3500. $600 eash, OCORBIN CO.. $05-7 IwhTbldg. AM DELEGATED TOSuTKEAT k PnriU HOME IN MODEST DllT TO int3 82600. SUBMIT AT 0VC1L WITSrv PROMPTLT IF StTTABLK WnX BCr O. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON Kr rvl " "88 TEARS IN PORTLAND "MAIN 'joM". R Odlstrict," owner, only." is . . onngaJow. bath, elect, and taa. lot at Mil-Blr10-eihin 4 St-John. or r2n "f ?t0"- 50 down. cv. i - hnil ' d"UAAd moderate price- ' rrtvB", o' - W have the organix tion to handle your property snd get fWL AMng'bVon, bon-- trPfc U .J2ht, W- S. Junkina. 110 E. Webster. Utel bom with ua Sat, sold on Monday. W MU1 ?I!5 tor P Boaherger same wek ai acres. 60 eultivated. balance pastnra. water piped from spring to all buildings, fair 8 room house, good barn, new tile silo, ent bnflrlinn snd hoe aheda. 80 scree growing eorn. 25 head "in cows, 2 teams. 80 Bogs, enicaras. hay ta barn to feed the winter. Just out of Oregon City a few mile on good road, milk and mail route. Price 815.000. Want to ex change for 20 to 40 acree tn Willamette val ley, bet Portland and 8a lam. must be im proved with good buildings. SMALL FARM II aeraa. anOo from Vancouver. Ween., an electric line, all cultivated, small orchard, ber ries, good 4-room house, barn and ontbuild in. tost th nlse to knock old H. C. L. out Pric $4000. Want a home on East side, bet Hawthorne and Broadway and wast of 40tn st INCOME PBOPEBTY 8 houses an on lot. rented for $60 per month, in shipyard district; also residence in Spokane. Wash; 112. 00f for alL Want equip ped ranch, 80 acres or more, not over SO miles from Portland. LAND 80 acres, fine Irrigated land, to exchange far dty property. HOU8E WANTED IN R. & t. : ' Have cash customer waiting for 6-room hoo J" Ro.Jct bungalow type preferred from $3600 to $4000. LUEDDEaIANN COMPANT 818 Chamber of Comsneree. WANT" mod cm & room buncatjow tot Truh ' must b good buy; Rose City Park preferred! Out of town client has authorised me to make parcha; no commission for yon to pay. A. K. Htn. 418 Henry bldg. Main 1603. WE have 20 customers for cottages snd bun galows, from 81000 to $2600, In northeastern part of city. 8oid 6 last wV and oan aeU Tiding G"i DoWMy- Brt of Trade t sraui UNIMPROVE 80 aerea, brush land, up by Scappooaa, exchange dty property. (BLEW CITY ITO To exchange for house equity. Ou, 6 acres. 9 year old trees, ne hnflrllnga. ex change city property. WU1 assume. 5 store rooms, lot 100x100. partly rented. $10,000, exchange city or farm property. CITY Mill . Vancouver. Wash.. 7 room house. 1 3-8 acres on dty limits, all in fruit and berries and gar den, chicken houses and runs, $7500. Want dty property In Portland or valley ranch. East aide, restrict ad district, dear of Incum brance. 3S000. for improved ranch ef 40 aerea. near good schools. .PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. . a. a mm M a a . a I am. a t mivv r. wnr-TnTT Ahiiwton bide.. T Rut Tour Home. Main 1068. BARGAINS W LlTTLte HOMES $ 875--3 rooms, plumbed, furnished. $ 975 rooms, modern; Kern Park. ' $11004 room, modern: East Morrison, a goo 2 rooms, 75x100 lot; Brentwood, R. F, FEEM8TER. 800 Abington Bldg. $250 CASH COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITT 6a carfare: 2 acres rich soil, bearing fruit trees; good 6 room house, barn or garage; city water, gas. electric lights, bath, toilet This beautiful home only $3500; eash $400, your time on balance. Crockett-Starker, room 203. Washington building. A BARGAIN 16 acres of good soil, all under cultivation, all fenced, on the main countv road; 1 mile from a good town with schools and colleges. Prices $150 per acre. Call or THE OLD MAN MUST SELL 160 ACRES. ALL STOCK AND CROPS 6 tt miles from Hillsboro. 26 miles from Port land, 80 in cultivation, balance pasture ; geod house, barn, big sflo. eood omtlmiMin..- J. CLOHESST. 415 Air- fences, barn full ef hay. wheat oats; 10 acres one corn, gooa erenara; 20 fin, cows, 10 head young eattl. 10 fin hogs, fine team, good har ness, wagon, binder, anower, plows, cultivators; one creek, also tin water system; tt mile to school, telephone. - mall and milk route; every thing goes but the furniture: price $16,000; half cash, balance at 6 f ; would take house and lot aa part payment. BUNDT 411 Henry Bldg. DO TOU want to trade your house and lot in the city for a five room bouse wtth one acre of good land. aU in cultivation, with all kinds of growing fruits, dose to good road. This debtednee on thi place and if you have R 1 0 1 Q 1 Ai R Q wp4 U nA RMflr something to the value of 82750 that M bona- ' v w"wh"m '""Cs fid, call In ana inquire eooui mis piaoe aa it is io the right locality and close to school and I earTme. M. J. CLOHESST, 415 Abing ton bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 030 acre stock ranch. SMALL HUMES- W AN U llust be N. K. end priced right W ba - pujm waixina VT0 V Ce.. 712 Cham of Com. CLIENTS WAITING for small hous In eify and smaU tracts near by. List yours with uai Realty Mortgage Co.. 633 Chamber of Com sneree. Main 2061. HAVE several buyers for strictly modern homes UD to 85000. in erwul M.tri. t house with os for results. Frank U. McGuire. GOOD 4 to 6 room bouse from $1500 to lijoo'. 7 :S aiatrrot. irom ioo to $800 down J e20 to $25 per month. Apply 431 Cham of Com. SMALL FARM or city property to $4000 at first payment on 118 aerea. 23 mile from Portland. Btoek and implement. Prioa avoftu Balance longtime. Box i, ScappooM. Or I WANT a good 6 room bungalow from owner Prefer 60x100 lot bet 110th iiuw ... south of Hawthorne st. Good cash oarmeni Tabor 8368. WE have calls for houses from 62000 to $5000 Let as sail yours. O. W. Bryan. 608 Cham! at Com. bldg. Main 16S, vnlnaa. Mar shall 865. WANTED To buy ft oy 7 -room bona, not over 64000, will giv $2S00 equiry in 10 acres, close in on Columbia highway, ralus 88700, aa part payment Phrme Tabor 5872. fVANTED The best buy of house or 2 family flat of 6 room each, close in. Will pay cash. Give full particular! in first letter. Call 482 E 41st N. VVS JVEED hpusee for cheats, especially bunga loWs; many- customers waiting ; list your prop erty with na for quick result. UNION wjFB DEP. A TR. CO.. 384 OAK. ANT lUnasJowi have cash and 9 lnla with anaeg renteo. Woodlawn 4485. $650 CA8H ana a neat house for a larger house. 4108 54th st S. E. 68 Fine Little Ranch &.TZJZt i tivation; house, barn, chicken house, well; 1 mile from town, 15 miles front my office ; $1500 takes it Terms. J. R. WOLFF. 618 Chamber of Co. bldg. OREGON CITT CAR LINE- Well improved 6-acre home, good buildings, spring, fruit, berries; pric reasonable, easy terms. E-816. Journal. ATTRACTIVE acre at Metxcer. vary reason able; 2 blocks from car: plenty ire wood: inquire u. n. jonnson. owner. Bdwy. 101. FOB SALE FABMS WHEAT FARM BARGAIN wni.md hv 2 never failing trout streams. 200 aerea in cultivation, 200 in pasture, about 5S0 acree timber; only 12 muea irom uresvn Avrieulraral oollece. Ideal site : 2 houses. several bams, completely fenced, a considerable number at bearing fruit trees; will consider part in rood property, balance cash or mortgage long time at very low rate. Aoareoe am i CorvsUis, Or. CONCERT Mahogany Cabinet Phonograph wtth if 10-lncb doubl disc reooraa, au for. i 70 Lyric Table Phonograph with twelve 13 Inch aouhl aise records. Get yours now for $24.76 12 Inch double diss CotambU Records (today' price is $1.85), at this store you can take your choice of them all at $1.00 BOOMItTO HOUSES Hotels of the Down Town Order Real Bargains 75 rooms, lobby; fine lease anu big money maker; only '62500. 40 rooms; exceptional buy; rent $100, Income $400. Prioe, $2750, terms. 88 rooms, on floor; brick; $2000. 22 rooms, strictly modern; dears $800. 22 rooms, northwestern diet; $2200; snap. IS rooms, brick; transient; $1100. Get in my automobile B shewn. J. BRUCE. GODDARD. 603 COUCH BLDG. Here You Arel Some Bargain's v rooms, ssou; rent azo. 10 rooms, furnace, eloee in. $650. , 11 rooms, modern, S T ou ; aome terms. 18 rooms, clear 8120 per month; nice yard. White Temple district Price 31600. Good heme and lane profits. 22 rooms, modern, erell furnished, $1500. on easy terms. Clears 8100. 17 rooms, elegantly furniahad, $1250. Other of reel merit J. BRUCE GODDARD. 603 COUCH BLDG. Are yon acquainted Exchange Department T with Edwards' Beoord If not, bring In yowr 120 Acres at Half "Value miles from town and electric 120 acres. I . - . 1 , I . 1 . 1 . ... . . iiA A r n V. atock ranch, near Molaua; 1 nsaa I v BTO eacuanaw una m. uoenu ai of stock, 8 brood sows, 1 ooar, a nosea 1 - n ens, cresm separator, feed ana macninery, mv .m. F.nm fnr ISO to 200 head at cattle. Price $4000. or exchange for eios-in acreage or in side property. Hermsn Paper, BIT union ave. i Phone East 4ZBO aionoay. $2350 5 room house, half basement fine write to W. W. Gordon. 262 Stark at. Port- lawn, improvements paid; excellent surrounding properties; near Sellwood ear. 624 Henry Bldg. Main 7266 k unnn mod BUNGALOW $2500 Full cement basement, laundry trays, fire place: . Richmond district; $500 cash, $25 per month. K. t . rt,I.Ma 1 Ea, SUM ADingron ami. PIEDMONT Ttnantlfnl 6 room home, one ot the beat fin ished in the district; strictly modern; only $4425 including sll street improvements; 1 blk. to car.' J. C CORBU CO., BOO-1 ticwia niog. 7 ROOM HOUSE $2200 Vnll haaament. modem Diumblna, electricity. gas, lot r.OxlOO. sidswalks. etc. ou casn, io per month. This is a aanay. K. r. r r.c.al9 rnirt, o Aomgion omg. as TEARS IN PORTLAND." $8100 1 acre. 5 roomt modern bungalow, near reservoir on K. auth; DlocK uawtnorne car. Only $(150 cash. land. Or., or E. L Kuratli, Hillsboro. Or. 20 ACRES, level, auto road; 5 acres level. cleared ; 1 good lot. garden, berries, flowers. Part or all for small ranch, ready to move on. or for dty home. Write full particulars, 6622 08th ave. S. E.. Portland. "For Sale or Trade 5 acres and good 4 room house. 1 tt miles east of Twelve Mil house, tt mile from Base Line road. 411 Henry bldg. TOUR OWN TERMS 20 acres, 14 miles from Hswthorne bridea. 17 under cultivation. Responsible party can make his own terms. J. C. CqfRBlN CO.. 'BOS-? Lewis bldg. WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN 2 acres, nice bungalow, fruit and berries. See me at Carroll's IPublio Market, stall 880, on Saturdays or Thursdays, or write to V. R. Wilson, Beaverton, Or., R. 1. 5 ACRES of good land, house and outbuildings, all fenced, good well, close to shinnina ata. Hon; will sell reasonable; $100 down, terms to 800; acres in Eastern Oregon, near county seat and railroads with water pined to and all necessary farm cattle, 85 sheep. 40 bogs, fged and seed; all for $22,600. half cash, balance 6 . LUEDDEMANN COMPANT 8 1 8 Chamber of Commerce. 40 "Acres $2650 2 7milea from Portland, 16 acres in cultiva tion, good house, fair barn.- good orchard, creek, bic soring. 1 team, harness and wagon, plow. S tons hay. Price $2850, $1060 cash, balance to suit 411 Henry bldg. line, on telephone and mail route and close to DO TOU want to trad your house and lot in school; 50 acres in cultivation and more meat Portland for acreage, from 5 to 20 acres r I can suit you in most any locsuvy u tn mr. Have a larae list of suburban places close to Portland and Vancouver of which the owners wui exenange ior roiuun propsrw M. i. CLOHESST, 410 Abingron piqg. EDWARDS CO, 5th and Oak reaay ior tne plow : food hoiue. ba.ru. 7 i ; P ran eft. atimtted ml 10 tons, nnw rntmwawB lay. hS 10 cenU Pnd; big dryer: 15 acre, fine to riombtoed hTrveSer mo,t"r to u 3 ho-, trm tools; 15 head hor. 7 L"' 1Jarn.fbnr- vT0"-": Farm for Trade BUNGALOW n.ntr.1 aaat aide, corner 52x114. 5 rooms. nsnt lot ior chinery and tools; in fact everything goes at special price of 89000: 81500 caah. halatuw Ac any time. There ia over $4000 to be taken hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. off thia farm thia vear. 1 mnn anltv J. O. CORBIN CO.. 80O-7 Liewia Drag. BUNDT, 411 HENRT BLDG. I FTH irfra nart cleared. IU miles irom courthouse, 1 miles north from Clacka mas, soring, creek, barn and houae, O. K. fruit Thia la nn th. . . . .v... v.. land. $6600. Win take modern bungalow been offered' for trade around Portland, it km first payment Hargrove Realty Co, 122 N. 6TH. BROADWAY 4881. SVj Acres at Gresham 52 Acres 14 Miles Out This party desire home in Alberta or north east district Haa 8 tt acres near Gresham, free of Incumbrance, 7 acree cleared, perfect road, bearing fruit of all kinds, very sweeping view Ht moocl roc azouv. E-860, Journal. BT OWNER take tn exchange dty residence One of FARM FOR SALE the best producing farms sacrifice. Price a I on terms to suit quire 730 Plttock block. Portland. Or. .. - . . . . , t.L. 0.L.I or a a. room-new owuaw tt . . . K..u Tr.,K. .1 t full tot. with all city conveniences: o blocks , " ' - sou-h of the Hawtnorne ave. car., 991s r.. st near 40th ave. Terms. II. J. CLOHESST, 415 Abington bldg. ONE or two acres,. 25 minutes out, 9e fare; running stream all year; 760 feet to ear line; easy terms. Mrs. W. A. WaD. Main 0882. 976 Corbett st 500 ACRE stock and dairy ranch. Willamette valley. 8 tt miles to station, 6 miles to elec tric line: house and barn and outbuildings; fenced and cross fenced. About 70 aerea under plow; good fruit or nut' land. Will sell at low price for one third cash. Owner, 608 Beck bldg. 200 ACRES, nice orchard, oak -timber on the place, nearly enough to pay for it, fine pas ture, good land, excellent district, on the high way and railroad, only abort distance from town. the east side, just 14 miles from the courthouse, WEST SIDE HOME takj ra axenang. aty w-idenoe tra in , th. k .v' rlTT I a .,... laree lot. eloaa in on Wast erty, valued not to exceed $1600. mast be . ... 62 acres. 48 aerea in high state of cultivation; Side, fine view; price 88500; will Uk. trade to clear "f! Jft ? Jrt,f- in the I loeae. mellow loam. nMini. rt.. . isiim balance mortgage. Lueddemann Co.. my 82 acre farm, which I em selling at a I . I . . ' " f " .wm. . . - 1 ...fLu Trm BKKnfl rul.l - i Lioeatea iou muea south of on S. P. car un. .... deal re to let bacX to th. land then thia ia an 880 Lot and old house, eeay paymenm. opportunity you cannot afford to miss. Write Phone Main tiiv or s-w. . once. I win aire ever laauirr nroeant at. LIST your property wra as ior reseum on tenuon ionn J. uramer, Harriabwrg, Or. state, consisting of 207 aerea. for sal; location bungalow, as modern aa anything in' the city; 918 Chamber of Commerce. n4 Zlr-. Telmbt tltr -upearer LSr gtZAISJ. H TUrLrT landing on the premises. For pedicular in- to go tooA Iltooo TaVhL do,wn- 25 ' 6 eent lntrt' I 4 O. E, K. B. An under culrlvstk, to go to work. Price $14,000. Take bona to gauou. HARGROVE REALTT CO.. 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4881 ACREAGE BARGAINS 2 acres highly improved, all kinds of fruit ana berries, ngnt at its., on Oregon Cltv Una. just tne piace ior a suburban noma, $3000 ; terms. 10 acres on Columbia highway, all in eul- Buyers Take Notice I will guarantee you a square deal, see. that -you are not misled, and that yon get a place yon,. can sell again when you want to. 12 years in Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 603 COUCH BLDG. Nice Home and Income 8 H. K. rooms; good furniture and rug; cloe in; leaving city; sacrifice for 8350. N- 837. Journal. BOOMING house. 10 rooms, closs in west aid", modern; running water and sink ia room, well furnished, clean H. K. ; price 8750; other bargains. - i H. W. GARLAND. 188 8d st ! 60 ROOMS 6fj Right tn shipyard district; rant tncradrag tor buildings starting, with graduation leas. $70; all light rooms: must sslL Price $1260; half caah. Peters. 15 N. 6th at SAVE REN? " 8 rooms in heart of city, rent $20; clears 846 above expenses; always full. Price $84$. Peters, 16 N. 6th st ' 45 ROOMS 46 WarUngman'a hotel tn heart of West Sid; rent, with leeaee. 646; brick buIMings; always full. Prioe 6695; terms. Peters. 16 W. 6th st 4 ROOMS, close to shipyards, clearing $150 month: $500 will handle. C. W. MILLERS HIP, Alder hotel. HAVE client, wants apt house up to $6000 at 800 acres, fully equipped. 8 50 r.k. f.rm her, balance crop ovation, small nous and barn, family orchard. Claude Cole. 800 Henry bldg. MJOMIt Lll I rfh IVI I I .in - I weav wsa. aw...--naa v.j w a.wwwvw vew w a uvua Wt S,W . A t (VO J V A V Wf W1UCO AB ftUDm, yg. t2T00 B rooms. fireDlaee. usual built-ina. ee-1 100 ACRES. Lincoln county, partly improved. Price $10,000. Will consider city property in I of real value. Terms. ment basement Improvements all in and) c or airy; acres oemon county, no exenange. m. n. ie. v. oma. iu aerea, muea irom Salem, on county paid. Terms. ?Tr ... w F?,, "nPea: i per acre. 320 ACRE wheat ranoh. Morrow county. Good road. room House, barn? chicken houae. etc charges of merit Established 10 .years. The wivreh t . '.i.-u a : Ernest Tounger Co.. 105-107 park at. n,. n. w bOtToo fSt VI7 CT tween Weahingtoa ana Btarg st. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM cottage on lot 60x100. fruit trees and ha. rise, in St John, also 7 acre farm. 6 room house, new barn nad chicken houses, water, wood. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 814 Stark at Main 588. Address 688 Yamhill t. Portland, Or. 20 ACRES, all under cultivation, 4 room house, barn, orchard, all level. 64500. $1000 down. C. W. Millership. Alder hotel. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, 3 lots, fruit trees, etc.: 06th st and Ottth ave. B. K.. Brentwood add. Take Woodstock or Mt Scott car. A barrain aU 1250 : terms. Phone Broad- 1 FOR SALE 10 acres east of Vancouver. Ex. ceueni ior iruit. poultry ana general farm ing. PTleO 8750. H-752. JournsL way 4559 week days. WEST SIDE home; buy from owner; house tn first class condition, 15 mm. walk from poat- oflce. If you ran make a substantial payment will sell for $3850. 830 Grant at. between Broadway and nth. WORKMAN'S HOME BARGAIN Woodlawn earline; 7 rooms, cement basement, gaa heat 100x100. garage; $2950, easy terms. Owner, 888 N. W. Bsnk bldg. water, buildings, new fences, homes, cows. bogs, machinery. Price $82.50 per acre. Part cssh, crop payment or might take bouse in city. Mcl'lnre Bcnmaucn, a on Hallway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 19 acres 1 hour from Portland; house, barn, spring, creek runs every day: all in cultivation, A-l Royal Ann cherriee; variety of other fruit Thia la a bargain at $2000. $20O cash, bal. easy. H. M. GATEWOOP A CQ . 165 tt 4th St OO AaVAA At A I 00 noicci ai nuiuia 160 ACRE8 for California; 1 60 acres unimproved near Wooolana, w asn. ; clear 01 aeor, ior prop erty in Berkeley. Oakland or Aatmeoa. 4. a- Wolff. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldr HAVE 7 -room modern hous in IJinneepona ; will trade ior property 01 aame iot in i on- land or near tn acres; vaiue aoouu. u-wio. Journal. wn'r, trade modern 4-room bungalow and 2 Per acre. I nM.r aehool and laraw Itttmminm .m -. n paymsnta. (or BQdern homo on Peninsula. Columbia Sfil 812 N. Kellogg st HOTICB Tf row mwcHf. either aft, farm as? ease. age,- has merit and ia for exchange ee eala, eeS or write foil particular!-, wm raflatod wabsee eoa- stderea; nave nrat el Us to eeleet frem George P. Henry, 829 Henry Mdg. Refar- Portlaml steal Ity Board. FOR TRADE" iamjab) gooa. . wuick action takes 40 acres. ooutnern uregon. uooa soil, wen timbered. Geo. W. King, 16 th and Alberta its. 3tt ACRES near Boaring. on Estscada car- line, good soil.. $600. R. F. Walters. Gres ham. . .... ..'.. Mt Meott district for larger bun- inn u a spienoia isrm. y, mue irom st- 1 win assuma. Call eTsnlnan. utow, .... , BV w.c. u.. 1 iun ia a ywnuju i. ui, -j mm irons w I . , - . 10 aerea onion land, ome fine- beaverflam. small tion. 88 aerea, 60 cleared, splendid soil. 8 room 'low, water power; very cheap. Owner, 390 Vancouver ave tt cash, no trade. plastered bouse, full basement, large barn, ce ment foundation, -plenty good outbuilding. This WHEAT' RANCH. 1280 a 820 summer fal-1 farm will suit you. Belongs to widow who can't low. running water, fair buildings: 823 per I farm the place. Pric 811.000. Take $3000 a. 1 Dare wiu oe nsuuiawi in uuki booh dtov- i What have yon to of far in ar 7 strictly modern houae or bungalow, good resi dential aaranct, ior a room moaern bungalow. mciuatng anmmooue m ax eonaition. FOEXIANGE-Beat busing lot in Bay- Hawthorne dlstrlctf 'J-660. ionrnaL 2 tt ACRES, cultivated, level land, dose- to - T7 .11 - - . 1 ..AAA 1 1 I vrw cu iu hwi vxav KUBU, f 1VVU. leJT ouxiuu. o room Dungaiow, garage, Diaa. tt. r. . waiters, Gresham, L- K. Moor. 817 Board from ear. near 60th and Glisan.. Price 81600. $800 caah, easy payments on balance. Readen, 97 N. W.- Bank. ' ; SHACKn Wa have several ef them, some aa low as $500; tmau payment down. J. O. CORBIN CO.. 300-7 Iewla Bldg. S ROOM BUNGALOW. $2100 ia a real bargain. ' Will aeU to the first A rarkhiU. erty. remainder easy. of Trade. 75 ACRE farm. 1 mfl from town; wiLir 15 acres or less. Maplewood Eec 1 1 vMAm atut aannn Farm, equipped for 600 chickens. Address m m.v terma. J. I.. Sr..H.. n. v. j. a, w yuuue onnnin xa. Did, i K.no vvajih. 8TJBTJKOAK HOMES This man who sees it Terms. Neilan 219 Lumbermena bldg., 6th and Stark at, 6 ROOM house, lot 60x102: mortgage $600; nrica 82760. for acreaee or will sell, terms. Located in Mt Tabor , district, close to school. H-750, Journal. ONLT $1800. Are you looking for an up-to- date bungalow, with a full cement basement and other built-in effects necessary T With this bungalow la .a roll lot, shrubbery and fruit trees. It ia located 100 feet from the station at Tremont ' Look at tt Take the Mt Scott car. The number of the house is 7009 owtb ave. M. J. CLOHESST. 416 Abington bldg. tt ACRE of land, nearly . 4 mile from end of Riverriew earline. Beautiful little 4 room bungalow, greenhouse, arbor, rosea, vines, trees, 83000 5 reotna. large attic, fumae. fireplace! usual built-ina, full cement basement 60x 1 berries and shrubbery; electricity and water, on I road on hind. ' 8 tt miles from tow a 100 eorner lot: 1 blsVto M-V car. Terms. I macadamised road, with one of the finest views J. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stork st Main 088. I of the, city. Belling at a sacrifice. For informa tion call Mar. 8235. I2QO CASH, balance Ilk rent. S fina--Bnnme. bath, attic, basement 19 minutes'- ride on I 10. ACRE suburban home. 80 minutes mif tir.r Oregon City, fine service; price $1650. 1685 1 ear line. 6e fare, commutation tickets : good E. tn. I n-ruom house, au necessary outbuildings; - in 40 ACRES, 20 acres in cherries and applea. Id 1 acres more In cultivation, balance) Mature, on 1 main road. 1 mile to nearest town. Will sell very cheap for half cash. Address owner, 608 Beck bldg. ONE-HALF or all of the George Waters farm of 106 acres, 8 8-10 mile southeast of Forest Grove, on county road; with or without stock and equipment: easy terms, George, A. Win- ters. Forest Grove. $8 PER ACRE Great sacrifice" 160 acres good sou. in w asn. county. u i 00 acres tillable, 1.000,000 ft. or more Umber, creak. Tills to a real sscniwe. J. R. WOLFF. 618 C. of C. bldg. 11850 BUTS a 6 room cottage, modern plumb ing, beautiful view, Tots 64x100: $200 cash, bal. 2i month, al. K. lie, bob veroeu dmc. A NICE clean cottage and lot, near Albina ear ; eluding garage, nice young orchard, soma beaTer- oam tana, tray trom owner ana save commis sion. Win sell for' toss than you can buy in tne netgnoorBooos . A-7z, journat Of course wa have numerous others, all sixes, for trade. HARGROVE BEALTT CO.. ' 122 North 6th at. Broadway 4881. ' 84 ACRES 40 in cultivation. 20 can be irrigated, bal ance . open pasture, easily cleared; grew fine hay. grain, 00m, ksl. tbis year; 11 eows, some young . stock, team, sow, boar, 4 H. P. gas engine, ensilage cutter, well equipped with good ' machinery : 6-room hous. large barn, 2 silos; near school, good road, ltt mile to ear line: 811,000, tt cash, balance terms, or win trade for wheat farm of equal value In East ern Oregon,- or Klickitat county. Washington; must leave on account of health. DILLHAN A HOWLAND 8th and Main 2tA,OregonCity,Or; BARGAIN TN PRUNE ORCHARD 1 125 aerea in Tamhill Co.. 60 acres in bear ing prunes, baianca in cultivation : fine noma with electria lights; team heat and water sys tem, big bams, prune dryer and other build ings; stock and machinery for operating; price 20.OO0: gsooo . aown, balance 0; Biggest snap In eeuntry.- UiEUnEIUJIII IXJalPASX - 018 Chamber of Commerce. anas: alaa acreage in Clark Co., for prop erty in or near Minneapolis. Give full descrip tion and pnee. It ifRE 7 room houae, all kinds of fruit and berries, in heart of Hillsboro, want store widme- with Bring rooms or acreage. 1458 PROPERTY Portland. Seattle and California. 20 ACRES White Salmon. 10 acres heaiim ancles. 8120O mortange; In good standing. Owner aw ing to France. Open to any offer for the equity. J. tT. COKBLN CO., 606-7 Lewis bldg. for pi phone. any state 815, Journal. United States; giv 10 ACRES' frntt land. Columbia highway, team Uoaler and The Dallea, for lot 980. Journal. 40 ACRES rich soil near Gmnta Pass, good buildings, gome fruit grain and pastor land with an farm tool; trad for residence. Owner, W. Jeffers, Murphy, Or. MODERN 7 room. 927 Grand ave. rf ., Colo- rado ranch, IB A. untneambered. improved. Grand June, for house tn Hawthorn add. Owner,- 467 E. Taylor. East SS80. IMPROVED 82 aero ranch, fine soil, best wa- I nToperty. Aivs ciean couaga ana mk, near Aioina ear t ,. ; m.,, .. shoos, and walking ftrfance. Inquire 650 f 'N.E ACB? tract on eleetno line, close to city. !(. ,4, . t v 1 lmprovea. wnn n room onngaiow tnat u new. ? "rJSrfera1?" 5 J 2000; $800 cash and terms. Phone' 53ST JTLrJiaTS'i tton, or 894 Emerson st IRECT from owner, B-g-room bungalow, dose $4300 LARGE 6-room , modern house,, with sleeping porch: ground 80x226 . feet: shade and f nm tree, garden; chicken house, 60x14; 15 ACRE farm. 4 room house and f barn, home orchard. S mile from Vancouver; a good buy. For particulars writs Vancouver. Wash., route 8. box 145. V 100 ACRES, about half in enUtvaUen. balance good timber, houses barn, family orchard. $ tt ii , - . n. vsrm -ii v. . . price for half cAsh. Phone WoodUw, q8, td'sttt weH 8350014 aerea, : 4 mUea west of Linnton; j Valley toad and Base Line on Section Line road aome genuine ouuoragsj 1 eorner ot Barker roan. Will take small cottage ma stock-and Clop: It a eaeTifiee. Rttth- 1 tn- nart -navnumt: eaw raJae anttKin, Muim field. Bta r-enton ews-i gtoaoway I Tabor 8987. ThM a bargain and fine. ,B A3 ACRES, half or mora in eulUvaHen. $60 1 A. box 9 3. Fort land. FOR SALE or trade for city property, 2 acres with luraa. mil ana owmeav avuv da ave. rv-in THAWS 250 acres 3 mOes O. A. C. for xAtlaid abartmeat. riruciusn, v Glisan st Svik BALE or trad. 8 acres at Ryan ITace. rmmn Electric, ior city iii. v" ., 678 PoweU at, Sea 2587. vniTva team, harness, wagon, for shore or mountain una SUltaoie ior any, an o 1 t a inta station. Portiana. wTmrTwri T traAa nur 8-room with sleeping nnn-h moaern novae, am a w " t-tmi one. Phone .East 6864. . la' kr-BVH S.'. acres bottom land, creek rock mad. dose to R. R. and town, far dty U-814, jonmau tl WAKTED SEAL ESTATE HOUSE wanted,-modern. The beat $1000 spot caah will buy, from owners. Phone Wdln, B4B6. All answers lsvsUgatod. HOUSE SOLD Itaban family wants 6 or 9 room hous for 8230O to 88000. all eash; must move soon. x-S4, Journal. WILL pay $100 ia liberty bond and $25 Where hi . tor, near Portland, modern 10 room house; I AM looking for house;' have some good farm machinery and glow casn a " payment Ml flMrtm at. ' TfiXioo' lot. $400. Trade for Ford or light truck. Woodlawn 3 1 8 8 . l-1 a 1 5cvliode r Mitchell for sale cheap, $575. Grand sve.-and iw estara st. per acre; will divide. 8100 down, thne an balance. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. to ear. -848. Journal j 1 -. 7 '' 111 r I "" ' ICT3 suuesi Hain Howl) m ; 1 , "i MODERN 5 room! bungalow; U300. , Wood-1 storehouse, 32x14 feet 76th and Division. 8 ACRE. 40 . acr. , 15 men. t jacr JymK Uwn 3462,-v- ? i- . ;. .v----. 1 Tsbor 8235. owner. - ; very reaaonable; close in. Wolfstein. 114 let FURNISHED 7 room house. 708 1 E. Ankeny: i ONE acre, furnished cottage, buildings. abundV I WANT . plowing contract. 100 to 500 aerea, fine ntaca.- rurnane; XXSOO. Phovm K. lis. I ' ant Trait Bo farer omrv nlaca. - East 420S. I Tractor nervse u. mi au arasn sc.- BUT ALFALFA' LANDS Ws hare several very : desirable tracts irrf- toe. at station, Oregon Giv phone. W-OS4, Electric; Journal. FOUR room hous. electric lights, gas, 40x100 I THREE lota. 4 room bouse, bath, near atatioa, I PRUNES and pears, for aal cheap. , 629 Staf- lot, gang a. inquire ;il UK a. Ai. uiean. - o lare, uregon Alectnc xerma. jut, i7.- . loru. wooojawm ... gated land in best , Eastern Oregon district; J EXCHANGE tot (srm. equity fca aoodern bom. water ngus au para; exose xo xown in weu set- i Alan acreage. W-aeo. eenrnat - ueo. wwamumty ; ausoia proauces to ton to I TR . n- Bt, Mo. what hav Tr or"' r??rTT f Jerav I -Tl wreferred. - X-976. JournaL ouos cavoTmonxir: no lairorea; gooa Terms. . i . . , . .. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT " 1 $10O PER UUMH income w Fl"i- - " Wast arm. ..win vw aseswy suu . month for . amall bungalow. O-806, JonrnaL ; HAVE real buyers for house. If yen want to ell In any part ot eity bring na qentiiptlon of your nous. B. B. Coo. opt BtscK Exea. WANT OAK GKOVX PKOPKBTT Vwr reawjts list or pfuueity with th Baal Eatato Ex., zoi aa t, yorvjaaa. I aaa sell or trad anything, anywhere, LATMAN. 147 Park et . WANT 6-room house bet wees Stark eadDivts- ion for $2500- or leas; gioo Oewn, E. Morrison. Phone Beet 6617. a- A VTl'.n 20 mt -SO acres. Hav . 16 apartment to exchange. E. Peck, 816 Clay. Mar. 4824. i HOUSES on Alberta. Missistippi, or St John earlin. 880O to zopp.'zi cnam. ot uom. with 2 lot. i. ssi $11 Chamber of Coaaaaare. WANTED To buy 4-reom boo w not over S1SOO. Woodlawn 524. WANT to bay a 6 room op to date bungalow from wwarmast b arth f Cllatoa eg. Fhoita lrwoo4 2446. ' C W. MILLERSHIP. Aider natal. BTJSnrESS OFFOBTtnriTIE" to FOR SALE Good, clean stock of goods, con- eksting -of china. commoB ainnorware. glass. ware, nottory and art goooa. Aoaresa i. . Hall. Grants Pa., or. FOB BALE Confectionery and restanrant business clearing from Bono to biuuq monthly: must ssll at one: Writ box 696, Vancouver. Wash. THE BEST PA TING CASH GROCEBT I3 POBTUAJiU WITH A mJ.- A MHB-. L18HED TRADE IS NOW FOR SALE. AP PLT 282 6TH ST. - ' FOR SALE 60x100 concrete garage and abop, 6 gallon atdawelk pnmp. good bu-l- full up vrlth torag S-706. Journal. tuuw. rhair barber ahoD doing nam. for sal cneap. ana gooa lesswj tor elline Phone Tsbor 8HZO. CROCERT and delicateesen. soft drink, leased and insured; 860 mo. for selling. doing fin btti- T-609. Journal. SPEEDALTNE distributor wanted. See Speed- aline ad In the automoou secuon tooay. 1. rt W. Bank bldg. -' - A REAL snap, confectionery ana restaurant. doing a good casn posui oi irom ssv v 850 a day. Call Tabor 40T8. SPLENDID working law library, (OO volume.. practice and fine ornc lurnlture: reuring and leaving dty. X-975.. JenrnaL " PRINtlNO PLANT WTTH UMOTTPK Two practical men can be Independent Jot Ufa: 6600O eash lequlied. M-O00. Journal . CLEANING and pressing shop, doing a e tiailnsm ana weu toeatea; anap ior in right party. P. O. box 204. STOKE building and lotto sal at a bargain with living rooma fa hack and flat upstairs. Cor. 44th and Belmont' Tabor 76. - FOR sal cheap, bakar shop and confectionery store and fixtures: . fin location. phone BeTlwood 2612. bANClNG studio ior sal; Owner, A'-. L lor "51 ta. . . a, I,. D-601. Journal. i GROCERT ator and botcher shop oorsbinC . WUI : fin location, Hearing $30O month, lew. M08 Spalding bldg. MECHANICAL patent offic and working draw. also blttsprinta. mad reaaonabk; work evenings. E-627. JoumaL . , ' . ' - -. CIGAR atotav lodging bouse in aonnectien. Bi loeaoon in teiwn. call at Sd ana Bsnnon. FOR SALE High school hxneh room; i wii xtond tet Call Eaat 3199 aftor 4. 1 - - - BOOMINO - house, grocery and wood I bniin' .. . separately. - Swank. 617 Henry bidgv -ifOR SALE, amaB Al raeUnraa. cheap. m. . - new pcatoffio. Inquire at 10 N. Broadway. BETAURANT near shipyard for aal olp;"tow : rent: good ytwuueltloa, torma. E-880, Journal. TAILOR show for aal, a. money-wisksr,. Writ J6-625. JoaxnaJ, - , . . ... 1 i : i. .