"v ,--- , -5 J' THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL- 7. 12 SATURDAY, .' SEPTEMBERS 7,' "4918 PORTLAND; : OREGON J' ? - 5 elical , 4 yarig TEACHER TRAIN CUSSES TO t HERE IS MONTH - ft Effort Is to Be Made to Put Sunday School Classes on ' High Educational Basis. LEAFLETS EXPLAIN THE PLAN Committee Adds to Literature . Prepared by Church Boards Setting Forth Intentions. HE Evangelical denominations of the United States and canaaa have arranged for a 80-day sim ultaneous drive, beginning about Seotember 15. to establish teacher training classes In the Sunday schools of North America. : The day when any person can be "a Sunday school teacher, when anything goes as teaching In a Sunday school, when anything, so long as It Is religious. will do for a Sunday school lea son, is vast. Air denominations are convinced that the work of the Sunday school should be on a high educational basts, and be true to the beat educational prin ciples. For this reason the denomina tions are working together for the pro motion of teacher training as part of the Sunday school program. . The Sunday school Council of Evangel leal denominations Is directing the drive and the International Sunday School as sociation has approved it. ,'; To advance the drive in North Amer ica, a full series of explanatory leaflets has been prepared by the committee In charge, to be used In conjunction with literature prepared by church boards. This general literature is as follows: (1) An outline of method, (2) The Sun day school must help win the war, ( Teacher training Sunday. (4) Workers conference urogram, (5) Teacher train ing a national necessity, (6i Why the teacher training drive? (7) The value and need of teacher training In the local Sunday school, (81 program for the conservation conferences and (9) Train ing for leadership." Grace Baptist Pastor ING FORM 15 .To Enter Y-W Service Rev. Herbert T. Cash, pastor of the Grace Baptist church of MontavlIIa for six years, preaches hie closing sermon to the congregation Sunday morning. Mr. Cash has accepted war work under the Y. M. C. A., and Is at present sta tioned at Benson Polytechnic. 'He is one of the best known Portland pastors, and has served here with remarkable success. Rev. O. A. Martell, Ph. D of Berkeley. Cal., will preach at the eve ning service. Dr. Martell is favorably known on the Pacific coast, having been formerly pastor of the First Baptist ehurch of McMlnnvllle, and later taught In the Berkeley Baptist divinity school and recently received his Ph. D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley. Realization League ' To Hold Rally Week The head center of the Realization feague was brought from Spokane to Portland last April. Since then the league has been conducting its - work tinder the joint leadership of Its found ers. Rev. and Mrs. H. Edward Mills, ft the Realization rooms over the ' Woman's exchange, 186 Fifth street. Beginning Sunday evening a week will be given to league rally. Each evening bright, brief, spicy addresses will be ilven on the general subject: "What 11 the World Is Seeking." On Friday evening, September 13, a basket social will be held at the rooms, preceding the regular evening service. The league, although but a year and a half old, has two other centers: Spokane and Coeur d'Alene. Each of these will also Observe "Rally week." Unitarian Sunday School to Resume ' . L The Sunday school session will be re- turned Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at ; i the Church of Our Father (Unitarian.) - . .The school has not been In session dur l -' "big the summer. Sunday morning Rev. William G. Eliot's sermon will have to r lo with the coming registration and selective service. He will attempt to Interpret the significance and Import- ence of these things for the registrants - ' themselves and for the cause they will -.rve. ' s . .Baptist Ministers v Will Meet Monday . ... Portland Baptist ministers are home - '.from their summer vacations and will J hold their opening conference Monday .V.,,at 8:30 o'clock at the White Temple. The v '; hour. la to be taken up with the recita t.--.':-f vacation experiences. Dr. Willian- i'. I' Waldo, president of the assoclatoln. will i,'' .preside. The program committee will i. t outline the work for the coming year. . t" At Both Services , . Dr. Joshua Stansfleld will preach at - , both services At - the First Methodist - f church. In the morning he will speak on ffCw Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ," t -and In the evening on "The American .;., Advance." Congregational singing will rr:J preceae tne evening service. - - ; ..' . Bishop Sumner to Preach '' Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner Is to preach Sunday morning at the holy 4 eucharlst service at St. Marks Episcopal , church, when Rev. Joan G. Hatton will M Inaugurated as rector of the church -1 1 to which position he was recently elected. service begins at 11 o clock. ' ' 1 - Speak at Pilgrim ' v Rev. Rebert Murry Pratt Is to speak . , Sunday morning and evening at Pihrrlrr V. Congregational church, Missouri and " ; . 5 fihaver streets. ' ' enomihationsi Bfoin to Jflinrieap regationalists Dr. John Tallmadge Bergen, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Min neapolis and chaplain of the" new Fourth Minnesota National -Guard . infantry 1 to speak; Sunday morning and evening at the First Congregational church. Dr. Bergen has served lit the state troops since the beginning of the war: has been a deputy sheriff, private, corporal and sergeant In the Minnesota Home Guard and first lieutenant on the brigade staff of the adjutant general of the state. . , ' "- ' His principal work was holding loy alty meetings, recruiting men for all branches of the service and speaking for the Red Cross and Liberty loan com ralttees. Dr. Bergen is at the present time - attached to the' spruce plane di vision under Major -Mills. He is to be stationed at Vancouver barracks as chaplain. The Intermediate Christian Endeavor. . society .will resume Its meet ings Sunday evening at 8:30 o'clock. (goes to Astoria By Henry G. Hanson The Fourth Presbyterian church will hold, its annual congregational meeting next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Reports will be heard from the various departments of the church, plans will be laid for the future, and elders and trustees will be elected to succeed those whose terras expire at this time. This meeting, is of unusual Importance, as on the same evening the pastor, Rev. Henry G. Hanson, has requested the congregation to unite with him in peti tioning the Presbytery of Portland to dissolve the pastoral relation existing between himself and the church. Mr. Hanson has been Invited to take up the work in the First Presbyterian church of Astoria in the absence of Chaplain Gilbert in France. He expects to close his work on September 15 and Immedi ately afterwards take up the work at Astoria. 4 . Sunday Schools To HoldKallies The fall work of the Multnomah County Sunday School association was formally launched at a district rally held In Kenton United Presbyterian church last Tuesday evenings A song service preceded the regular program. Inspiring and instructive addresses were delivered by State Field Secretary Harold F. Humbert and Dr. Ward W. McHenry, recording secretary of the state association. Officers of the county association spoke briefly of their work. An attentive audience of work ers and interested friends greeted the speakers. I The gathering at Kenton is the begin ning of a series of single session rallies to be held throughout the city and county, the following dates having al ready been agreed upon : Sellwood dis trict, September 13, Sellwood Methodist Episcopal church ; Kenllworth and Mount Scott districts. September 15. Kenllworth Presbyterian church : St. Johns district, September 16, St. Johns Methodist Episcopal church ; East Side North district, September 17. -at Church of Strangers; Sunnyside and Mount Tabor- districts,-- September 18, Sunny side Friends' church : West Side dis trict. September 20, First Methodist Episcopal church; MontavlIIa district. September Z3, to be announced : High land, Woodlawn and Piedmont districts. septemDer i. Highland Congregational church ; Central East Side district. Sep- iemoer za, uentrai Presbyterian church. These rallies will be followed by an an aay convention of workers from tne entire county. November 5. " Church in Piedmont Prepares for Fall Piedmont Presbyterian church la s-t. ting in line for the fall and winter cam- paign and the forces are mobilising from summer resorts and vacation jaunts. The Bible school, which has surpassed lormer vacation records In attendance, has begun to show renewed intrt Sunday morning Dr. Hutchison, pastor of the church, will speak on the theme : M V A 1. V..... TV . -. w . - iovur neara me JjlKe. At 8 o'clock he will discuss the new "l8-to-S" registration, which takes nlaca en Thnrs. aay. e wui treat of the reason for the call and the spirit of the nation back of it. All men of this registration elass In the vicinity of the church are urged io m present at tne services. Rev. J. H. Allen To Preach Sunday Rev. J. H. Alien, well known evange list, expositor and -writer, will preach a: the Sunnyside Congregational church Sunday evening. Mr. Allen hi a pro- .7. . "luat,nl OI propnecy and as such "mwm uwm ur nur remarkable courses of rible stud;- conducted here u ivrnnr years. ' Visiting Coos Bay v- P- I?.t?nW- uperlntendent of the local JJnited Brethern churches, iron an itinerary of the Coos Bay dis trict "In thl Interests of the work there. HEnl FOR HOLIDAYS Men Scattered in Various Camps Tributary to Portland Come-to Take Part in Ceremony. OLDIERS of Jewish faith to the number of over 200 are gathered In from the scattered camps, for the observance of the religious holidays, which began last night. These soldiers will be housed in the homes of Jewish fami lies and entertained during their stay. Rabbi Johan B. Wise has charge of the welfare of the men in -the spruce division In this district. A local branch of the welfare board whose duty it is to care for the soldiers who may be In Portland, Is . composed of Joseph Simon, Mrs.' Isaac Swett, Joseph She mahsky, - treasurer and Mrs. Julius Loutsson, secretary. This branch has been very active in the matter of sup plying comforts and looking out for the welfare of the soldiers. WiU Explain Why Sabbath Observed Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the First Christian church, the Rev. Harold H. Griff is will sp-sak for the special benefit of those who are confused on the Sabbath question, taking for his subject, "Why We Do Not Observe the Sabbath." Sunday morning the favorite contralto. Miss Nina Dressel, will re peat by request the solo which she has rendered so effectively on former oc casions, "Keep the Home Fires Burn ing." The worship at 7 :45 will have for Its. central theme, "The Claims of a Social Christianity." On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock the pastor will de liver the second of his mid-week lec tures on the "Book of Revelation." Frivolity of Young People Debate Topic "Are Young People of Today Frivol ous?" will be the subject of a Sunday evening debate at the East Side Bap tist church in the B. Y. P. U. meeting. This debate Is the outcome of a mock trial held during the summer charging the union with Ineffectiveness. The -affirmative team are: The Misses Helen Mlckle, Alice Shogren and Cornelia Hub bard. The negative team are : Wilbur Hood, Paul Emmett and Newton Math ers. The debate promised to be of interest and all young people are In vited to attend. Will Erect Student Center It is the purpose of the Methodists to erect near the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, at a cost of $100,000, a building to serve as a church and a center for students, whose needs are not fully met by the present churches in the city. DIRECTORY Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity Uniform S. S. Lesson "CotMjuerins Eril." 1 Kings. 21:1-29: Mtt. 10:84-88; 1 Cor. 16:18. Golden Text: "Haw No Fellowship With the Unfruitful Work of Darknew, but Rather Een ReproTe Them." Eph. 5:11. Young People's Topics Baptbt Union "Training Conscience and Trained by Conscience," FroY. 20:27: Psalms 41:1-13. Christian EndeaTor "Trainlns Conscience and Trained by Conscience." Ptot. 20:27; Psalms 51:1-18. (May b led by pastor.) . Junior Christian Endeavor "Why Should We Hare Happy Hearts and FacesT" Pror. 17:22. Epnorth League "Wetk Places in Our I .eigne to Be Strengthened." (League Rally Day.) 1 Chron. 28:1-10. Baptist First White Temple. 12th and Taylor Rev. William A. WaMo. 11. "Reaching the Multi tude"; 7:30, "Vacation Experiences." East Side E. 20th and Ankeny Bct. W. B. Hinson. 11. "The Race and the Witness"; 7:45. "Two True Things in the Bible, and Our Present Day Life." Third Vancouver and Knott. ReT. Webley J. Beayea. 11. Arleta ReT. w". Garnet Hadley. 11. "The Ownership of God"; 8. "The Need of God. Calvary E. 8th and Grant Key. 1. B. Thomas. 11, 8. Glrnooe E. 45th and Main. 11, 7:45. Sellwood Bethany Rev. T. 3. BroomfieM 11. 8. Xirace K. 70th and Ash Rev. H. T. Cull. 11. farewell sermon by pattor: 7:45. oreachinar by Rev. G. A." Kartell of Berkeley. Cal. Highland KeT. Ed c Cofex. 11, 8. University Park Rev. S. Lawrence Black. 11. 8. Oat no lie St. Peters Lenta Kev. p. Beutgen. g. 10:80. 7:30. Fro-Cathedral lata ana ewtu Kev. E. V. O'Hara. 6. 7:15.' 8:30. 8:4 5. 11. 7:45. - St Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. OL Hughes. 6.8:80.10:30. 7:30. J St Patricks ISth and Bavler Kev. E. P. Murphy. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St Francis K. lztn ana rue Kev. j. H. Black. 8. S, 0. 10:90, 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary William and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 0. 11, 7:30. Holy Rosary k. sa ana uiscxam Kev. K. 8. Olson. , 7, 8. , 11. 7-.S0. St. Boas K. oaa ana Aiameaa iuv. J. O'FarreU. 8. 10:30, 4. St. Andrews E. ytn ana AJDerts Kev. J. Kiernan. 8, 10:30. 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siskiyou Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:30. 0, 11. Ascension is. su ana ismaui ituomss Fathers. 8, 1jO:80. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament uarynna ana Bianaena ReT. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80, 7:80. Holy Onm 774 Bowdoin Rev, Cv Raymond. S. 10:80, 7:80. St. Ignatius 8220 43d St. S. E. Jesuit Esthers. 6 .30. 8. 10:80. 4. St Stephens K. 42d and Taylor Kev. War ren A. "Waitt. 6. 8:3e. 10:30. 7:80 Holy Redeemer- Portland bird, and Vancouver ave. Rev. F. H. MiUer. 6. 8. 10:80. 7:30. 8t Phillip Neri Paullst Father.) E. lth and Hickory Rev. W. 1. Cartwright. 6, 8 10. v 8t Clements S. Smith ave. and Newton fiervite Fathers. 6. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. G. SobL 8. 10:80. 7:90. St Agatha E. 16th and Miller Rev. J. IVrnmlMH. S. 10:80. 7:80. St StanMaua Polish) Maryland sad Fail ing Kev. r. uattnew. o, iuv, . :ov. BC Joseph German) 15th and Couch Rev. B. Tmr. 8. 10:80. 7 JO. 8t Michael (Italian) 4th sad MID Rsrv. U. Balestra. 8. L0:80. 7:80. - St, Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers. 7:s.u. w:i. - - i- St ' Charles E. S8d and Alberta Rev. 3. P. O'Flmn. 8. 10:80. All Saints E. Ssth. and Glisaa Rev. Father William Croats. 8. 10:80. OhrlstlsN First Park and Columbia Rev. Harold Hi Griffi. 11, "WkyW Do Sot Observe the Sabbath"; 7:45, "The Chums of a Social ChristianUv." East ida E. 12 th and Taylor Rev. R. H. Sawyer. .. 11. -What Think Y of Christ?-;. 8. "The Harvest of the World," and baptismal ser vice. - - ; I Jen Uoatavnia K. TStk and Hort Rev. J. Jenkins. 11. "Why Sit We Here Until We Die": "The itooruMseo ana vj&ne without,"" -s Rodney Avenue Rodney and Kaott Rev. 3, iEemorial g Church to Honor Thomas C uhcan A memorial service for Thomas Emer son Duncan la to be held at S o'clock Sunday night at the First Presbyterian church. Mr. Duncan is the first mem ber of this church to give. up his life in the service of his country- He was prominent in church activities, being president of the Young People's Circle at the. time of his departure for France. Dr. . Boyd will preach en 'The Costli ness of Human Safety,' with special Woman Missionary To Porto Rico Here The First United Brethrenjchurch will be favored Sunday morning with the presence of Miss Elisabeth Reed, whe la on furlough from her ' missionary work in Porto Rico, where she has been during the last 15 years. Sunday eve ning Rev. E. O. Shepherd will speak. Rev. R. G. Sumerlln will preach at the Second church both, morning and eve ning. At the Third church the Women's Missionary association-v will have full charge of the evening service. The ad dress will be given by Miss Reed. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Shepherd, will speak in the morning. Rev. C F. Blanchard will address the Fourth church congrega tion Sunday morning and Rev. I. A. Northrup will conduct an evangelistic service in the evening. James Palmer Will Speak Sunday Night Jim Palmer, the Y. M. C. A. secretary, who has just returned from France, will speak at Centenary Methodist church, Friday night, for three quarters of an hour, entertaining his audience as he did the soldiers, while on the circuit in France. Soldiers from Vancouver will furnish much of the music, both instrumental and vocal. The entertain ment is under the direction of the Ep- worth leaguers of .the Portland district. The proceeds will be used for the bene fit of the Albina mission, which is re opening at a new location as a commu nity center. Evangelist Fagan Holding Services Evangelist M. Howard Fagan and Mrs. M. A. Fagan, soloist and song leader, are now at Rodney Avenue Christian church, where they will con duct a series - of special evangelistic services. ' Evangelist Fagan Is a speaker of rare ability, one with a definite gospel message. He alms to preach non sectarian and undenominational ser mons. Mrs. Fagan is a talented musician and ably assists her husband in the meetings. Ordinance of Baptism The ordinance of Christian baptism will be administered Sunday evening at the East Side Christian church, of which Rev. R. H. Sawyer is pastor. OF CHU RCH F Gbormley. Evangelistic servicea under direc tion of Evangelist M. Howard Fagan and Mrs. M. A. Fagan. 11. 8. Woodlawn E. 7 th and Liberty Rev. Joseph D. Boyd. 'The Church and the Preacher"; 8, "Jesus Christ, and Him- Crucified." Christian Science Treason subject: "Man." First 18th and Everett. 11, 8. Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11, 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d st and 42d ave. 8. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple, 868 Tamhffl. 11, 8. Bt jonns Holbrook block. IT. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational First Park and Madison. Preaching by Dr. John Tallmadge Bergen of Minneapolis. 10:30. "Our Immortality"; 7:45. "Elijah Translated." Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett Rev. Warren Moore. 11. "8old Into Slavery"; 7:45. "Things That Remain." by Chaplain Clif ford Natt Howard. Sunnyside E. 82d and Taylor Rev. J. J. 8taub. 11. "Fellowship With the Father and With the Son"; 7:45, sermon by Rev. J. H. Allen of Los Angeles. Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward Constant 11, "The Nation's Call to Service": 8. A Minstrel in France." Waverly Heights E. 83d and Woodward Rev. J. O. Dickensheeta of McLaughlin, South Dakota. 11, 8. Laurelwnod 45th ave. and 85th at 8. E Mrs. J. J. Handsaker. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Preaching by Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. 11. "The Religion of Sensible Men"; 8, "A' Weaver of Dreams." Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Rev. Samuel Kerala. 6, 7:30. KpTscoped Trinity 19th and Everett Bar. A. A. Morri son. 8. 11. 8 Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen thai Martvr - lain ana uu tit. itev. w. x. Nnmntr hth Very Rev. E. H. . McCollister. dean. Sundays: 7:45 a. m.. 11, 7:45 p. m. : church school. 8:45 a. m. Week days. Wednesday 7:80 a. m.. Fri day 0:30 a. m. : Holy day, 7:80. St isTias . iztn and Belmont Sav. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:80, 11. "The spiritual significance or the Comina- Draft 7 :sti. taut tr Kev. ii. U. t Candler, volunteer army cnapiain. St. Marks z 1st and Marshall Rev. 1. (I Hatton. rector. 7:30. Holy Encharist: 9:45 11. Holy Eucharist and sermon by Bishoo W. T. 8umner, Inaugurating the rectorship of Rev. J. u. Hatton. St. Andrews Hereford t. Portammitlt arcnaeaeon jnamDers m enarge. v. 7:30 p. m. race atiemonai c. iiu ana nexi h. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Sbephera Vancouver aad firshem . Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. St Michael and All Saints E. 48d aA Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8. 1 0. 11. S. Church of Our Savior 60th avau and 41s t S E. Archdeacon Chambers in chars. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good fUaurllo hospital Rev. Frederie K. Howard. T, T:4B. Bt raws wooamere Key. Oswald W. T-. lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Barter Rev: FtmUHh a, nowara. n. St Johns E. 15th and Harney, SeTJweod Arcnaeaeon uiamoers in charge. 11, 7 ;So. Evangelical First E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Horn- sebuch. 11. 8. Free Slat hod 1st Centra E. 65th and Flinders Rev. W. ML Coffee. 11, 8. Preaching by E. L. SUva of cvereu. First E. 0 th and MOT Rev. A. Beers. 1" "What Think Ye of Christ?"; 8, preaching by parlor. Jewish Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath serrtcss Friday at 8 p. m., Saturday, 10:80 a. na. Sonday. 10, ta Portland academy bldg., llth and Mont gomery. - Religious school. Bfbls rlsssss at Central library, second and forth Wednssdavs. Congregation Ahavia Shalom -Park aad Clay sts. suooi h. aorananHon. - cnoay, p. as,, Saturday, 9 :30 a. m. . . . . . . katter Day saints ' Church of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Saints . 29U ana aiaaison. - iv, i:av. ! LuUiernn St Panl E. 12th and Clinton Rev. Krausa. :30. 10:80, S. . . : Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. Christenaen. 11. Trinity Williams and Graham Rev. J. - A. Keinbach. :is. 10:10. 7:se. Bethiahem Norwegian 14th and Dnv. Revi Wilhetm - PattenHm. -11. sermon in erwgiaa. topic, "The One-Thing Needful"; 8. preaching by Bs.'Isaae Grgev Armenian missionary. Grace EnaUi--ison and AJWna. - j ' , v ; i-- J? Sunday reference, to the loss of life of this young man, who was not '20 years of age. For 16 minutes preceding the serv ice Edgar . E. Coursen will give a re cital on the pipe organ. ' Dr. Boyd has Just returned from his vacation and plans to relate some of his vacation experiences in the morn ing service. Dr. Boyd has spent the past month out of doors in his auto, camping out and at his summer place near Mount Hood. Call to Service, Topic for Sunday Sunday services at the Highland Con gregational church are to be of a de cldedlv relirio-patriotio character. In the morning the pastor will speak on the nation's call to service, when stress will be laid upon . the importance of everyone contributing his full share of work for the nation. This sermon will show that the call -is both religious and patriotic The Sunday evening service will be an outline of a story told by Harry Lauder. Miss M. Specht will sing in the morning and Mrs. M. A. Baker in the evening. Dr. Northington Announces Topics Dr. -Beth Northington will speak Sun day evening at 8 o'clock on "Initiation What It Is and Why We Take It," at the New Civilization church, 407 Til ford .building, Morrison at Tenth street. Her subject for Wednesday evening will be "Names and Numbers Their Significance." Special Series of Sermons At the First Free Methodist church. Rev. Alexander Beers is preaching series of Sunday morning sermons on "The Victorious Christ." In this series he is endeavoring to remove mlsappre hermlons concerning Christ and his work and is showing that Christ and not creed is the demand of the human heart. Dr. Fisher Will Speak Rev. William Loren Fisher, D. D. former pastor of the large Church of the Disciples in New York city, but not engaged in army war work at Camp Lewis, will fill the pulpit of the West minster Presbyterian church Sunday morning. Speakers From Out of Town Rev. J. B. Freeland t Pasadena, Cal will preach at Central Free Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock E. L. Stlva of Everett, Wash., will speak. Resume Evening Services ' Evening services will be resumed at Rose City Park Presbyterian church this Sunday. Dr. Robert H. Milllgan. the pastor, will speak at both services. Maintain Christian Idea Under the lead of the bishop of Man Chester, England, both Anglican and non-conformist churches of that city have united in a council of Christian congregations to maintain In the com munity the Christian ideal of morals. SERVICES IN Hamilton Chapel E. eOth and CUaan Rev. F. J. Eppling. 11. "Uttle Children. Abide in Him," and confirmation and communion service. Methodist Episcopal Central Vsncouver and Fargo -Rev. O. O. Rarick. 11. 8. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev. E. B. Lockhart. 11. First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Btans field. 10:30. "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"; 7:45, "The American Advance." First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Elias Gjerding. 8. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian uanlsn ooamore and Vancouver Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11. Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln Rev. E. B. Lockhart 8. Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. Oils Eld ridge. 11, 8. Wilbur Mnltnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur- gatto Short. 10, 11. "The Ever Caring God." St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Kev. H. Irving. 11, 8. University Park Fluke and Lombard Rev. J. T. Abbott 11. "Spiritual Discernment Im possible to L'nspiritual Men"; 8, address on cen tenary movement by Dr. Harry Farmer. Kpworth 3 Ota and Sarier Kev. j. u. aio- Culloch. 11. 8. District superintendent Rev. William Wallace Youngson. D. D.. 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790. to. E. South First Union and Multnomah Rev. James T. French. 11. 8. Nazarene First E. 7th and Couch Rev. C Howard Davis. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Rev. B. H. Morse. Preaching by Mrs. Morse. 11, 8. Presbyterian First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd. 10:80. "The Way to Quietude of Mind"; 8. "The Costliness of Human Safety." Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev. Edward; H. Pence. 10:80, preaching by Rev. William Loren Fisher. Central K. 18th and Pirn. Rev. Orlando B. Pershing. 11, 7:45. Calvair llth and Clay Kev. Jt w. Roger. 10:30. "The Holy Spirit in a World at War"; 8, "The Will to Begin." Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Rev. Ward MacHenry. 11. "A Debt We Can Never Pay"; 8. patriotic service. vemon 19th and Wygant Rev. J. B, Landtborough. ' 11, "A Perfect Law and How to Observe Its Requirements"; 8, "Our Lord's Comfss Objectified." Piedmont Rev. A. L. Hutchinson. 11, "Ton Never Heard the Like": 8. "The New 18 to 45 Registration. " Fourth First and Gfbbs Rev. Henry G. Hansen. 10:80, sermon by Rev. T. Brouillette; 7:30. sermon by Rev. Mr. Beta. Kenllworth E. 34th and Gladstone Bar. Paul E. Ratsch. 11. 8. - Hope E. 78th and Everett Bess. Fiord a. Dcrria. 11, 8. - Base City Dr. Robert H. MOligan. 11. "The Greatest of the Apostles"; 8, "Knowing Our selves." Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Seventh Day Advantlsts Note Regular services of tnls denosainatlasi are held on Saturday. Central E. llth and Everett U K Dick son, pastor. 1:15. Tabernacle Arcanum hail. 18th and Wash ington. 11. 7:45. Motita villa E. 80th and Everett Elder J. A, Gerhart. 11. Lents 94th t and 68th ave. Elder W. D. Hnntington. -1 1. 8t Johns Central ave. and Charleston Eld it A. K. FoOcenberc. 11. Mt Tabor E. 60th, and Belmont Elder W. T. Hilgert 11. Albina Skidmore and MTlory Rev. A. A. Meyvr. C Knott, local aider. 11:16. Scandinavian Ogdea hen. Mswissippi aad Shaver. 1L Mvatloe Army Corps No. 1 248 Ash st. Adjutant Frank Genre. 11. 8:16. 9. ' .WHIM 41 Harrison. turps no, izs nm Adjutant Joseph a a, a, s. Kev Church Boeietv 831 Jefferson Sav. William R. Reeee. 11, "An Cneorrnpted Church A-Deoratejy necessary te Human welfare." . .. t Unitarian , Chorea of Our' Father Broadway and Yaav hill Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 1 1, The Beginning sou u Mining -oi torn tHg- war. Unite rethrew , CmrereiMapesiatendent Rev. G. K. M- Donald.-.. -- - ; . . . First B. 15th and Morrison. ' Preachhmg by Miss EUkabeth Reed, saisslonarr. tonte. "IJl. I Rev. SL. Khenherd. tens Porto Rico';; 8,. "aoinc FarUwr,". by I- Second E. 27th asd' Snanwr. '&. tL O I Bumm--lir..'!K5f-"' 1 t Tbiid Tth at,dsa Svetrit--JUv. gcftools RECONVENTION VERY IMPORTANT Meeting This Year of Especial Importance Because of Pres- ence of Cejitenary Speakers. HE annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. which convenes in Portland ; September 25, will be doubly im portant this year In that the Centenary committee of the - church plana to send a team of speakers here on September, 27. Among the speakers are Dan B. Brummlt. editor of tbe isp worth Herald : George B. Van, super intendent of the department of evangel Ism and the board of home missions, and Mark Freeman, missionary In Malaysia. The Centenary Is being launched in cel ebration of the one hundredth anniver sary of the establishment of Methodist home and foreign missions and Its pur pose Is to conserve the results of the war by preparing the church to make de mocracy safe for the world after the al lied armies have won the war. President Wilson said of the move ment : "I am glad to note concerning the support of the government at this time of crisis, a resolution to maintain all the benevolent, moral and missionary work of the church, both at home and abroad, in the most efficient manner pos sible." Newton D. Baker, secretary of war. gave his approval xt the movement by saying: "In spite of the great demands of war upon the materials market. I cannot see that there would be anything unpatriotic in going ahead with the work that you have planned. We cannot af ford to neglect the social betterment of the people of our communities." The Joint commission of the church plans to pledge $80,000,000 during the next five years to put the work of its foreign and home missions on an ef ficiency basis. The Centenary will cul minate In a week's celebration In Co lumbus. Ohio, In June. 1919. Both the Methodist Episcopal church and the Methodist Episcopal church. South, are to be represented. Regular Services Will Be Resumed Regular services will be resumed Sun day at the Atkinson Memorial Congre gational church. Rev. Warren Morse will speak in the morning and Chaplain Clifford Nott Hand will speak at 7:45 o'clock. Chaplain Hand is pastor at Lemon Grove, Cal., where he Is serving a second time after having been re called to his pastorate after serving two years at Tempe, Arls. His con gregatlon refused to accept his resigna tion, but, instead, granted him a leave of absence for the duration of the war. The Sunday school will resume regular class work under the direction of Super lntendent Frank W. Beach. Captain Mahone to Speak' Captain Mahone will speak at the First Methodist church of St Johns, on the question of "The Great War." PORTLAND E. O. Shepherd. "A Church With a Large Op portunity"; address. "Mission in Porto Rico," by Miss Haxel Reed. Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blanchard. 11, "Women in the New World Which the War Is Bringing In." United Presbyterian Church of the Bt ranger Grand and Wasco Rev. 8. Earl Du Bois. 11, "A Danger Point That Needs Watching"; 7:45, "The Message of the Unknown Altar." Mlsoallanejoui Christian and Missionsry Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 11, 7:45. Realisation League 186 nth Rev. H. Edward Mills. 11. "States of Mind"; 8, "What All the World Is Seeking." Church of the Universal Meactanlo Message 414 E. Everett 11. 8. "Every Soul Respon sive to Love"; Wednesday, 8, study class. Ch'ristadelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:80, Church of God 383 Failing. 11, 8. Men's Resort 4 th and Bunuide Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. First Divine Science Tilford bldg. Rev. T. M. Minard. 11. First Presbyterian Cburch 12th and Alder Streets KEV. JOHIT H. BOTP, D. D. (Returned From VacaUon) ltl A. M. "THE 'vVAT TO QUIETrDK OF MIND" 8:08 F. r. THE COHTLI JTES8 OF HCMAJT SAFETY" Ths Evening aervlee is preceded by an Organ Reottai at , TrSS. GOING UP TO HEAR DR. JOSHUA STA1TS FIELD TOMORROW AT FIRST METHODIST CHURCH TWELFTH: ABTD TATLOB 8T8. MORXlirO SEBM05, 18:18 Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ V ETEKIICO SERMOJT, 7 The American '. Advance EAST TO . FTIfD EAST TO LIKE :'.-.- IT0THI5O BETTER ' WXf ' 'come " : t ' on a Higher 3Plane 33r.aldo3Is?3ack Jfrom Vacation; Wo preach Sunday Dr. William A. SValdo, pastor of the White Temple, will be In his pulpit on Sunday. He has Just returned from his vacation, the Tatter part of which was spent in Salt Lake City, where he spoke at the Intermountaln Christian Workers' institute of Salt Lake City. Dr. Waldo has had a vacation of much experience and doubtless will give ex pression to many things that he has seen and heard during the summer. His address In the evening will deal with these "Vacation Experiences." At the close of the sermon the Ordi nance of baptism will be adminis tered. The Lord's supper will be cele brated at the morning service and the hand of fellowship will be extended to new members. The Temple quaret will sing at both services. leunioa planned J L 0 k w- 1 fvAk' "t Rev: C L. Hamilton A great Sunday morning reunion serv ice and all-day Jollification meeting is to be held at the MontavlIIa Methodist church Sunday. Several prominent Methodists have been named as the speakers for the two main services. Dr. Harry Farmer, representative of the foreign missionary society on the cen tenary drive, is to give the main Sun day morning address. The pastor. Rev. C. L. Hamilton, will preside, and Dr. William Wallace Toungson. district su perintendent, expects to be present sll day. Dr. Francis Burgette Short, pas tor of Wilbur Methodist church, is to speak Sunday evening, provided his voice will permit. Former members of this church, who now are living in other parts of the city or In nearby towns, are expecting to attend the meetings. 7-.-:- : .-. - :: : :&' .:: x-:-R- ai f ,i Enlist Your Dollars IN Fight for Begin saving now for the Subscription period begins preparing to do your part? X Hibernia Savings Bank tv A Conservative Custodian FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STS. luiniiiiniiiuiuiiiiinaiii Bank Your Pay Check with the State Bank Fifth and Stark Sts. Open Saturday Evenings for .Your Accommodation Small Accounts Welcomed and I"- Appreciated v.y ' " ' - - . ' ' ' V 1 . - METHODISTS OF . k- THIS CONFERENCE MEET ON SEPT. 25 " Bishop William Orville Shepherd of Chicago Will Preside at the Convention to Be Held Here. CHANGE IN MEETING PLACE Lack of Mousing Facilities in As toria Compelled a Change in Place of Annual Assemblage.' HE , annual Oregon conference , of the Methodist Episcopal church is to be held in Port land. September 25 to 90. under the direction of Bishop William Orville Shepherd of Chicago. The ses sions are to be held at the First church.' The conference was to have been held at Astoria, but owing to the housing conditions there due to shipbuilding ao tlvitles. it was found necessary to -change the meeting to this city. The conference Is to be entertained by a committee made up of the Meth- odiet Men's Social union and City . Church Extension society of this city, j together with the district superintendent and the president and secretary of the City Methodist Minister's association. This method of entertainment is unique in the history of the conference.' The program for the conference is being arranged by the committee. Among its features will be one afternoon and evening devoted to the great Methodist centenary drive, at which time special speakers will be present. The evening address is to be supplemented by mo tion pictures. Preceding the evening address the women of First church will tender ka banquet to the visiting pastors sad their wives In the parlors of -the church. One afternoon of the sess'oti will be de voted to giving the visiting clergy a trip over the Columbia river highway, the automobiles being furnished bjr Methodists of the city. Among ths special featuies v.lll be a reception at the Episcopal manse by Mrs. M, 8. Hughes to the members of the confer ence and their wives. Bishop Hughes is holding conferences in other parts of the nation. Several general secretaries of: the general conference of .the church will be present and will be heard during the conference. Will Resume Services The United Presbyterian Church oft the Stranger, Grand avenue and Wasco street, will resume both services Sun day. The pastor. Rev. S- Earl DuBols, will speak at both services. THE Freedom next call of your country. September 28th. Are you iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 a