JOURNALS PORTLAND it " DOGS BIKDS, WTS, STC - RABBIT aXBBIT8 AH kiadar mm grin oat of bu rinses and wm eeB eheaa. : O. Stanley. Ceil at 1140 E. 25th at. M. E. FOB SALE Beautiful greeted linear, with mate and double breeding sage, J1 reason- ' f WAV TED A mil trained cattle dog that tho , eoghly cwderatande driving cattle la tha " V "mountains, i. 8. Bwu, Woodlawn 8171 im&WtfUbmil franco. ' poodle poppy" or ' tilt chnp. Teoor T44 1 i YOT oUw-k and tea puppies fur sale. Phone ' Tabor 8870.- , ' ; i" ALl'aClxbS ol'rsbbjta for aala. Tabor 1483. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 44 f'-i We Offer the Following Bargains in Used Cars 10iT Packard twta 8, 7 passenger. 118 Packard twin 8. S-pees, 191T Chandler, with extras, 7 -pass. 1017 Buick llcht six. 6- a . , aVaFA 0 UUIUI aaU ). n.. - 1017 Beo. 4-eyL. tl. I a 1 A tinman. A- . . , V , a a a . iia usaiuan, e-eyi., o rasa, 113 Packard, 0-cyL, 7 -paaa. Portland Motor Car Co, TZNTB AND B CBN IDE STftV - Broadway 121. Mrs abb cleaning otjt our stock or USED CAES IN VESTIG ATK. ItlS Ford coupe, special equipment. 11 Ford roadater. 1818 Ford tour., apaoial equipment. ,, Cliarrolet. good tbapa t 00 Ward rna1,tr mmntiitr overhauled. ' nw fander Ford ArUnrf Orcrland . pvarland Oakland. .A-pu Btudabaker, O crL. 7 ATJTOMOBrLFSACCESSOBIES 44 sigCsale dipEcMs" Wa hara any kind of a ear yoa want at a priea yoa can afford to pay. On Ttry aaay tanaa, ' 1 1018 Ford tourtaav - . 1 1917 Ford tonrinc 1 11T Ford roadster, 1 1018 Ford tonrinc - 1 1818 Hrtl touring. , .1 Ford bug. S lata modal Ford buga. 1 191T Paica "Lenwood." It 191T Stodebakera. 1 1817 Grant 8 touring. 1 1917 Country Ctab.Orerland 2 model 88 OrarlandC 2 1818 atndebaker 7 paaa. 1 181S 8 eyllnder UftcbcU. 1 1919.4 ctL Mitchell. 1 1818 Buick touring. 1 1917 Buick too ring. 1 1818 Butek touring. 1 191 Hupmobile touring. 1 1918 Cola 6 eyL 1 1912 Buick touring. 2 Appanon "Jc Babbit 1 1912 Cadillac touring. 1 1911 Cadillaa bug. 1 1912 Locomobils touring. 1 1914 Sphinx touring. 1 1818 Coalmen roadater. 1 191 Chalmers touring. 1 1918 Elgin 8 touring. USED TBTJCKS OF ALL KINDS 1 1914 1 ton Federal. 1 1917 1 -ton Garford. 2 8 ton Wfcita trueka. 1 1917 1 ton Denby. 1 1917 1 ton Maxwell. 8 Ford trueka. About 20 mora in One ahapa. DEALERS UBED CAB CLEARING HOVSK E.. Stark and Grand are. East 7810. Open evaningi and Sundays. Liberty Bonde taken at faca value. 478 860 800 7 800 800 660 400 r tudebekar 4-cyL, 6 -paaa. , Btudebakar, 4-cyL, 7-paaa ' Cadillac, 4-eyL, 6-paaa.; fine eondltkm, aord tlrea . Maxwell, 8 paaa. Briaooa. B-rjaaa. '. ... 'ttudaon. 8-48 )1D0 t atoddard-Dayton dallrery 800 Carter Car, neada aome work 186 Boiok 8. 7-paaa.. new paint 1280 800 700 728 W. H. WALLINGFOHD. Broadway 2492. DUtrlbntora of LIBKBTT SIX, PREMIER SIX. BRISCOE CARS, PAHBETT FARM TRACTORS. 822 Alder St.. at 10th. r .. 3 Used Truck Bargains 8-ton Packard, worn drlra. ltt-toa Jeffarjr, orerhauled. Da-ton Ford track. 4 1-ton Ford truck with panel body. Cola with 2-ton truck attachment, cheap. Portland Motor Car Co. TENTH AND BtJBNBIDE 8TS. Broadway 821. ,Stf jv mAvron von hike mfq; n CoLbkBiA kiV eu tuuuw a x a utu AKiir- ICE. Wa a text work -Main 228. MOTOBCTCLES. BICYCLES U FOB SALE three apeed Bartay-Daridaou.. raa aonabla. ; 1841 ' Corbett at. ; ManltaU 7S. TWIN Beading Standard with . Dream tandem. 878. 468 7th at.g. B. - ' I.AUJfCHES A1CD "BOATS M6t6RBOAT (ennabout 84 fica for aaidr eele. Main 68 Portland Motor Boat clan iiberiy-i 878 at aaeri or keeper. . FIAJTOS, ORGANS. BHTSICA1, INSTBPMENTS V SECURITY STORAGE CO. WILL-CLOSE OCT ........828. 185, $88 aaah 1 Enaliah upright $278 piano. 8 46 eaah 1 French upright 8808 piano. . . . 6 88 eaah l.Ameriran upright 8860 piano... ..8 8 eaah 2 good old aquara 8880 piano...... 9 06 eaah 1 Kimball upright 8460 piano.. .... 8180 eaah 1 Schumann wprlght 8450 piano.. . .8165 eaah S sew. 1917 model. $878 pianos ..821 cash 4 new. 1017 model. 642B piaaea. .8288 eaah 2 new. atd.. 1917 mod., $460 piasea..$28B eaah 1 Weber $760 player piano $278 eaah 1 1817 modal $660 player prnna. . . .$868 eaah Part eaah, bonds or other aeeuritiaa accepted. Planoa bought and eold for eaah and stored for BOo per month. 109 4th at., at Waahhmoa. TOE 8AlB-MI8CELtAireOI? 1TAXIAN FBTJNES HaFEB POUND 50 daUrarad at your reakUnoa, for ordara of lbs. or mora. ' ' ' . ' - U PES POUND if" yow eaB for them at the orchard, ragon Ofty ear to Concord eta-. Birer road to aaeoad houaa . aoutb - of Concord ' road; autoa coma through afihraukie River road, pared all tha way. Phone Oak Grove 124-W. ' J- . W. H. DBAEX. ,. . - vvmsmms wrAyTEi T n 6EVURTZ FURNlTUfiE : STORE 206-20T First at, j WILL PAY TOP PRICES : for old and used fanrltnra. atoraa. carpets, ruga and anything in hottsohnM goods. Office furai- tura apeaas. wo also Bxenange your on nusnan ior GQW.'GHIE8T Tinnini Md Part Orford. aadac eoi traameo; astaat aaigaa: factory p B. Gbaaa. aaC f 6th and 76th. Faetort Tabor e Electric Motors Bought, sold, ran tad and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Barn aide, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. Wa am a area tor aaaortmeat of . bow aad aaad marebaadiae thaa aa etore ha the dty. There la hardly aa Her aw do aot ban aad aall. Wa specialise hr ehau and hoary hard ware, spurting gooda, nouaaaoia goods, ones tatv aitnre, hotel aad cans anppHaa. Wbaa yoa bare anyuu&g to bay a aeu. cao vC 1 f) If JTEN drophead sewing machlnea wUh attacamenu; au are m wary at i $287 888 HOB ART M. CABLE, Ilka sew, Weber, same aa new Easy Terms. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 884 TamhflL HOB VICTROLA. SSO worth of record., bcau- tlful library table, buffet and draaaar to I trade or part payment on amau bouse and lot. write K. a. Smith. 48 KumeU at. OTun- aWwin snirhmaa rented month. Phono Kaet 2859. or B-SS0T. iBteea. 162 Grand ara near neimosn. 8 204 First aTaBaBaLB" ALL machines sold for . agents are employed; vented, renairod. A-862 .0481. Sawing Machine Emportam. 190 8d aC near Taj lor. OWLTURNITURE CO. Wa want our used furniture, atooaa. earneta aad pianos. Will pay highest cash acieaa. . Call Main 4627. I HAVE a new talking machine that will revolutionize the phonograph Industry. Don't buy till you hare seen me. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 884 Tamhffl. "MDBICAL INSTRUMENTS." 'Typewrit" and rti .jt nwW .M mnu rlamlfiratinni AB adrertiaementa of these goods are published ITS Claaauieation, andar their real K THEM OTEB $8 monthly still baya KXTKA a. wacknernea. aPj. new lmnrorad 1918 modal nianoa at tha aare; pica .To'-,'' 8281.25 $12 eaah, aaw Improved 19 Bcbwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth at, at Wash, oh 8215 TJA8H buys new stored upright piano, at Security Storage Co., O0 .4th at. Why pay 8876 at local piano stores. ' ' WANTED Piano or player piano for cash. H- aai, journal. FOR SALE, one old square piano, $4S. I East Stark. Mr. Tabor (MT. USUI) : car to end, four blocks north, one east. NOTICES C6 "558 Market st WE pay cash for used pianos and band iastru-1 principal .sum menU. SeiberHng-Loeaa Mnsie Co., 125 4th. NDTtnE OF BOND SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that tha board ' AiN!tnra of tha Hood Hirer Irrigation dis trict, in Hood Hirer county. Oregon, win sen general refunding Donas or saia aismn in us 01 una nun area cuxiy-ecTen TTFEWBITEBS 77 U8ED CARS Madera ears that are in A-l condition, that will glre years of serrico and satiufsction, look Ilka new; not only values, out oargaina. 1917 Cadillac touring khaki brown, lust painted. modem In every wsy 82500 ' ' 1917 Mitchell six touring, a fine car and the price ta right , 8126a 1V1U Hudson six, 7 passenger, wui give aatia factlon in every way $1550 1918 Buick six touring, one of the modern can, only .' $1450 Hera are a few cars that need some little , repair, that you eonld easily do yourself, and would give good service: 1916 Ford ruadter; would give great service, only .....8440 , 1914 Chalmers touring, good value 8450 1914 Reo touring, 6 passenger 9550 1919 Maxwell touring, only 8250 1918 Pathfinder $800 DELIVERIES 1918 Ford delivery $560 1917 Ford delivery $4 50 1916 Ford delivery 8400 ' 1614 Overland delivery " $850 . TERMB AND EXCHANGES CONSIDERED COVKX. MOTOR CAR CO. 2 1st and Washington its. FORDi USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Studebaker. T pass.. 0 cjrl. 81050 1914 Studebaker, 4 pass, 4 cyL 8 660 1017 Mitchell, 7 pass.. 6 cyL 81260 1917 Mitchell. 6 pas... 1 cyL , 81150 1916 Mitchell. 5 pasa.. 6 cyL 8 950 1915 Mitchell. S pass., 4 oj $ 678 1914 Mitchell, 7 pass., 8 cyL 8 750 1916 Jeffry. 6 pass.. 6 cyL 8 775 192 Rambler, 5 pass.. 4 cyL 8 200 ixJ? S""- 2 pasa., 8 cL .... 81200 z pass.. 4 eyl 8 200 1 wo ton truck $1250 Several others to select from; buy now and save money. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVES OO, E. First at Morrison sta. Phones East 7272, B-1216 West Bids Salssmnm Broadway at Oak sta Broadway 615, A-384S FORDS FORDS FORDS Fords fords 1917 Ford "roadster 1918 Ford timring 1917 Ford roadster 1017 Ford touring 1917 Ford louring 1916 FordSJrjadrter 1916 Ford delivery 1018 Kord touring 1916 Ford touring 1915 Ford tinring 1919 Ford roadster 1014 Ford touring 1914 Ford touring Ton owe it to yourself to tee these cars before you buy for they are in finest condition, aome oi them are practically new, with extra equipment. Open Sunday Until Noon. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. E 8770. East 18th and Hawthorne are. : CHALMERS SPEEDSTER Chalmers sperd'ter, finest condition, finished In yellow. If you want a car with real clsaa don t lau to see this one. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. Open Sunday Cntil Noon. E. 8770. East 18th and Hawthorne ave. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, 'an makes," sold on mrnthly payments. Send tot price hat. The Wholesale Typewriter Co re tail dept.. 821 Washington at. EVV REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies t I ad sward said bonds to the highest responsible ThmusnA Dalian 1 11 67.000.001 on Tuesday. the let day of October, 1918, at tha hour of 3 o'clock, p. au, at the office of said board at Oak Grove store in said district, and tnat sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds arm be racetved Bv aald Board at saia piaca until the day and hour above mentioned, at which tuna tha board wfll open the proposals -trchase. Visible models. REMINGTON TVPE W BITES' CO 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621 ALL MAKES LL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 6th. Mala 8468. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 aupplu I 6th. OLIVER typewriters cheap. Phone Tabor 8983. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE FURNITURE of 9 roomed modem house for payable semi-annually. sale: rent $25 month: long lease. Morrison st. ' 1 bidder, the board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Bald bonds so to be eold to no general nego tiable refnndinc Sonda of tha Hood River Irri gation district in the principal rum of One Hun dred Sixty-seven Thousand Dollars 1167, 000.00). for tha purpose of providing funds to iwtiraand na off the nreaent outstanding bonded indebtedness of said district. Said bonds to be dated October 1st, 1918. bear interest at the rah of six per cent (0 per annum. on ins nm nays oi 688 E. t January and July of each year, and maturing aerially, commencing wttn tne surxn year alter data thereof in annual amounts of Eight Thou- SWELL quartered oak dining set: also desk! m,0m2l .11 , W bookcase. Phone Boadway 4684. I oA, Dollars ($8000.00) untU ail of said ROLL top" office desk for sale; also chair. Tabor 248. bonds are nald. Ail proposals must be unconditional and ne accompanied by aa unconditional certified FURNirTRE of three rooms, cheap; . leaving check for $5000.00 payable to the Secretary dty, $65. ManhaU 2339 FOR SALE! Oak dining room set, mahogany davenport and rocker. Marshall 1004 MACHINERY 81 FOR SALE An 18-35 Holt caterpillar engine, 0( thfe issue. of the Hood River Irrigation district AU bidden are requested to furnish satis factory evidence of their ability to promptly deliver for oavment and cancellation a aub- tantial portion of the outstanding bonds of aid district to be refunded from the proceeds in good working condition, and a 6 -bottom 14 -inch Canton gang plow. J. S. Bean. 'Wood- lawn 3171. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1$ Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning, $1: jewels, BOe: main spring, 60a. KE1NGOLUS. JK WEIjKKS. 134 6XH ST Saia and dellverr of bonds subject to ap proval of Capital Issues committee of Federal Reserve board. By order of the board of directors. F. FENWICE. Secretary Hood River irrigation District. C 1 O RA tr. C1 R USED DROPHEAD " ipliOU 10 CplU SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed, 172 8d at. We rent and renair. Main 1846. A-l 81 8. Prone ffu A I0J Wd'inioiUJie) New and second hand AU el) O. L. Schroeder. 448 rianders. Portland. Or. a Any amount. AUTOMOBILES. UOTuAOYOTBS. LAUNCHES or boata are aenarata dasaificationa. A large hating can be found under these different elaasift- I j,,, u to description or quantity, and nuons NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNT! BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice la hereby given that on Monday. Sep tember 9. 1918. the Board -of Equalisation of Multnomah County will attend at. tha office of the county assessor, at the courthouse in Port- is Dd. and publicly examine tne assessment rolls he tha vear "1918. and craet ail errors in valuation, description or qua rues oi lands, iota or otner property, asaasaed by the county aa- Aad it snail be the duty of persons in terested ta - appear at the time and place an notated. It it snail anrie.r to ancn noara oi Equalisation that there are any lands or lota or other property assessed twice, or Incorrectly LOOK THESE BUYS OVER; AS WE MAY HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 1 1916 Chevrolet, first class a BOO 1 1917 Chevrolet, first class 675 1 1918 Chalmers, almost new........ 795 1 1918 Chalmers, almost new 1800 1 1916 Overland, good tires 6,o 1 1915 Overland. Al 450 1 1912 Chalmers, Al condition 850 1 1917 Chalmers, 7 pass, newly painted 1175 1 ton 8tewart truck. Al 350 2 ton Truxton attachment. WESTERN AUTO CO. State Distributors for Chalmers and Fsgeol Trucks snd Farm Tractors. BROADWAT AT BURN SIDE. Phone Broadway 5368. FOR tha name of a nerson or Demons not the owner BALE Gentleman traveling south wui thereof, or assessed under or beyond tne actual sell new rilk lined overcoat at half price. 1 cash value thereof, said board may make proper about 944. Owner B ft Multnomah hoteL 4 in. Boom 642 WHY. an everlasting aggravation by s leaky roof Why not a permanent and indestructible roof? We oxidize and renew aU kinds of leaky roofs. 60S Tourney bids. Main 688S. HOPS Three pound package of hope delivered anywhere in the U. 8. by parcel peet. pre paid Sl.uu. Address F.-M. Money. (Mlverton, Or. correction of the same. If it shall appeal to such board that any land, tots or other prop- rti an.ea.ble by the aaaaaaor are not assessed. ancn board anau an em ine same at tne iuu case value tnareot. HKNBT K. REED, County I si... Portland. Oregon. August 17. 1818. Nothing too small or too large. CALL MARSHALL 587 Our buyer wffl call st anea. Read Important Read Mate 0072 A-71T4. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE OfX, zzi-a-a jrronx ex., eor. FURNITURE WANTED Win pay high est prices for weed furniture. rugs, carpets, stoves. Monner Furniture Oe. 88 Grand ave. East 6487. Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CASH. Phone Mala 8882. WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE OXX 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used furniture, aa We call promptly. pets, stoves, ranges, eta. C, Fact fiSfi Hf" lail lUOl VlUUaed turnitare. stoves, rugs. anythiag in household goods. Wa esnhangg your eta rurnitnre for CALLMA1N10! price for yonr need furniture, atov l If yoa wish (to obtain highest carpets. WAJrTElV-MISCELLATTEOTJS v $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Marez. tha taBor. aaoa am. We sail day . e 1229 or 229 Madwoav - tor aaathma aad till msmt 128 let, near Aldor, Main 4486, ITaber 0708. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Phone East 294. 84-88 Oread ave, BJahest prices paid tor year 2d-hand furnitara. Deed fa ml tore - taken W a 81. L. Shank Co. Htdaa Metals Babbers. Write for ahippteg taga. Mate 1690. a-ortleneV . Oregon CALAPOOtl SPklNOS. ta Wtk rs- aort, has $100 worth of Its product ta give away aa the aext B days. im i oa uiacour aged, na asatfee what paar tranbla is; nature la preparing remedies for aU our ailment. Write aa for partmalats, Calapooya Springs, London, tana ewaaty, Oregon. - - - . - .USUI At A bVATTNO SLSa'sjC enndi ef eapable aarvioa. Thoe of satisfied - aetroaa, Ohaa, W. Oocjmen. ontoasatrtet. 000 Mortreeai at. WANTED -Baby to adopt, girl preferred; beat of home and eroortnnltree. i M-917. Journal. FACE MASSAGE, dandrufr, itching eoalp, molaa removed, 280 FBedner bldg. Broadway 1686, Second Hand Clothing Buyer Wa pay tha asest for maw's . atothmg aad shoes. Can Mate 1918. JUNK WANTED can Mate 7S4 Wa nay the highest market prince far met ah and uak of every GOING East or South. HoaccbaM goods shipped at reduced rates: movins and paohing. - Pactfla Ooaet Forwarding Oa.. 408 Hoyt at. Bdwy. 70S. MABSHALL 71 nCt 1 so 1$S2 aCI U t LL , FRONT ST Wa r-oy mrythtne and esB promptly. WANTED Tent, aixe 14x18 or larger; alao fly; must be in good ooodition. Phone Woodlawa 2161. WANTED To buy second hand tent house. ynone Tabor sajw. WANTED Ritas, ahotswna. euasfat. HochfieM. 85 Id at. Phono Main $601. WE pay ths most cash for furniture and mn sical instruments. Main 7098. ' WANTED A good tent, at least 12x14, JT BealL Woodlawa 8171. WANTED, a scow 60 to 80 feet long. Supple Ballin Shipbuilding corporation- WANTED A wheel chair. Msrshau 278. P A QU paid for furaitura. stoves, ranges heat UnOn era. carpets, rugs, dressers, eta. Phone MarahaH 2675.HartceU Furniture Co.. 841-45 let CUT freight rates on household goods shipped Eaat and South, Manning Warehouse A Trans fer Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Broadway 709. A-l 7 98. swap coLtranr t$ HAVE -inch wagon. 14-inch breaking plow. senna tooth drag, lows cream separator and harness; just the thing to atart farming with. WUI sen or trade. 801 Going at. WANTED Car as first payment in exchange for tt-room nouse, close in. u-uali. NEW Harley-Davidson for aale or trade for auto. E. 8367. PEBSONAL $J ACCIDENT WO! party who witnessed auto mobile accident at East Slat and Division its., Saturday, August 17. 1918. kindly com municate with Burdick. of fica phone Marshall aiuur PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY aoooRDioM rn.nrrT-iei HEMSTITCHING. 10 CENTS PEB. TARD. rubaiinvi au, simj EHN NOVELTf CO- 85 m FIFTH. BROAD- WAT 2000. BLANK BOOK BanKCRS DAVIS 4 HOLM AN. 1NU. 109 2d St.. blaaa lanufaeturera, - A -8 IB a. asam tea. OAKFIT OtEtIN FLUFF RUGS From old carpets, carpet cleaning, refitting rag ruga woven, all aies. NORTHWEST BUG CO. Former address, 153 Union ere. MaU orders solicited. Eaat 8680; B-1280. 188-90 B. 8th. FLUFF RU6 Oi. 84 Union av. X East 0610 I B-1476. J0TCB BROS Elect ria Bast 440, B-1066. -'" Unea liar. pets eleanad and mid, refitting our specialty. tea. I as. l wm aa. aaveia wmoou mud tuvs.-s - : ptANO tnatjoctioa; 18 years' eaperioneekial dergarten, primary aad advanced work; ehil- -. ? I drea'a work a epeoialtys elaasm in musical kin- - deianttea becia OcVj 1; make appUoation now. Phone Sefiwood 2274, mornings. . PBOP. T. E. LAWaON. atr years at yea Boras, 76a 1 Piano Tabor 7200. VIOLIN, plane, mandotta, guitar, ' hano. Ksnbeck. 40ft TsmhltL XoJ PIANO mnsie teacher. 270 Lincoln Main 8522. at, Phono : i Bv TOIFLHORN Violin tsaeher, pwptt aVvvelk. 007 Flaidner bldg. Broadway 1690. KtAIL AOVSRTISIHa CRANE LETTER CO., 612 Boyal bldg. Muft graphtng. mimaographing. MarshaU 8822. J. H CLIFTON. B. 17th at Bdwy. 4414. Wdln. 0120. FATtNT ATTORNIY GOLDBERG, 820 Worceater bldg: Mala 262.' FRINTINa. KNONAVINa. SIWD1W, - HRINflNGa'ndOkl.tAli.-: $82 Stark at. Tltai 1VX PRESS- Broadway 408, A-4088. FMV0IOiAW DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, 9U6 Broadway buildlna, Kheumatlam, female dlaordera, akia troubles. Stomach, liver, kidney, bowels, threat. sol ire. kuk I W gU66tW 8TA0iaa . ALSO STENCILS. Trade Cheeka, Metal Sign PACIFIQ 08 Broadway. COAST STAMP WOBXS Broadway 710. A-2718. OHa)OratAOTOr9 DR. McMAHON la making good; 61 adjust meets $16: seven. 88. DR. LAURA E. DOWNING. Chlropraetor. years' experienee. Broadway bldg. 10 , ootrntAOTORS CEMENT work, K, G- Lund 10th at N. Phoaa B. 4610. 487 IDUOATIONkL COME IN and get both your feet fixed up good for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the OHIBOPODIST that duiant hurt yoa, 6 yean fas Portland: exam, free. Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2824 SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L LA MAR, 285 6th St., corner Main, teacnes palmistry and card reading; also lessons la science of health and success. DR. G. H. HUTHMAN 418 K. 7th st, S. snd horses clipped. veterinarian hnann.l B. 1647. B-196X Doge SUPERFLUOUS heir, moles, warts, removed by 10 needle method; trial free. Josie Finely, 614 Eilors bldg. Can Main 6868. DR. G. V. KETCBTJM. women's mahvdlea end acuta diaeasea of men. Weahington bldaW 4th aad Waahinrton. Phone Marshall 440. MRS WRIGHT Palmistry, card reeding and spiritual teacher. 850 H Morrison. Boom 414. Consultation FREE. Main 4998, I n n m r Consultation FRJ LaWyer 512 Selling bldg. PRIVATE TUTORING in msthematiea by col lege gradnata. nt appointment pnoae osu- 3991. , DAROIMO MANCHESTER Daaelag Academy. 66 to Flfta. Gat in Una for summer dancing ; 10 private lam ana $5. Honrs 10 a. m. to 0:80 n. m. Broadway 2827. Wa teach yoa right. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMX, 109 8EOOND ST. Ballroom and elaaaio daadng. Private leeaeae dally. Classes Tueedsy and Friday evenings, 8 to 10. Ladles free. Main 21007' ALTS N. BROWN, teacher of elaeste. toe, stage and ballroom dancing. 148 18th aU aCf Morrison. Phone Broadway 2868. BINGLER Dancing Academy, elaas Menu, privale lessons leedina eahoot: elaas Moau, Wad.. Frt eves; 10 leaaoaa. 86; 14tn at wasn. ttroadway 98BO MISS IRELAND 10 LESSONS $8 SOO.Deknm hldg. Personal attantioa, 10 ta 9. TOWEL 0OFFLT PORTLAND LAUNDRY lor prompt. afflciaM Phone - Broadway 410. A-4410. TRArtOPKr AND STORA0I OREGON TRANSFER CO. Established 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage Free Trackage Office and Storage 474 Qltesa 18th and GUsan. Broadway 1261. A-11 80. ALWAYS "PICK" THE BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing, shipping and asoving. Horse and aata vaaa. Special rates to ail points O. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. -Second aad Pine. Broadway 606. A-1600, STORAGE AND TRANSFER ' CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 1420 Fiander. street. PACKING MOVING STORAGE" BXCTJRITT STOBAGB 108 Park St. A TRANSFER OQ Mala 6196. A-1061. WATOH SCPAIRINa IF IT'S a watch crystal or a wsteh part we hsvs it First elaas wsteh and Jewelry repairing. Prompt aervice. Reiner A Blom. 122 A 8j at. at, U. 1-atJaVOUlfi, watanea, diamonda, jewalrsT Fine watch repairing. 276 Morrison at. WOULDN'T IT BUMP YOU? ill By F. Opper hHK Yoa tE A1S CROpLASE , WHVLtr YbU ARC -AMp Vc?U .5PLAY OMS MORS KGJVrpA at. . AHy TOU JoslT OtlVt YoUfs; RlVAU APPROACH rrtCr,- tcv IWU.w UCHA LOT'. HOT wster tanks, all alsaa. in good. eervtcabU conditiorr, 80 raL 87, 40 gaL 89. 201 NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the matter of tne estate oi Menry vy em- hard, deceased In probate. No. 5384. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as the Adams it. Eaat end Steel bridge. Phone K. 8516. I sole surviving executrix and the only executors I PRUNES of the estate of - Henry Weinhard, deceased. r. - inn ... ..l. o.n o.ti I have filed their final account in said estate wood 548 Hi the county court of the atote of Oregon for Sr,- Multnomah county, snd. that Monday, the 16th , rnn 1 run i-u-o.-i ovv envelopes or ouu i ri.. of September. 1918. at tne Bour ot :3U bond letterheads, 82.75; best work; prompt I o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the oeuvery; try ua. ornuo, r-nnters, 2U1 Btarx ax. courtroom of said court has been appointed by ECONOMY iars. quart else, to exchange f or I said court as the time and place for the hearing electric or enal nil heater, or half saltan 1 objections thereto and the settlement thereof. iars i TAuir ooQ.t I Dated and first published August 10. 1918 lfct IT - T 5 GATOOP I Ml J . m M -SF -sv-a m m m ran r, I W BL an m hAP YOU EpLAr4 Tut Vhole 5CBKCEc AviaTvon. ANy glltU TOU yVH KNOW JOMR K,VA- j OyJ &&r : Vv i.' NEW TIBE8 What brand of naw tires do you prefer! Ws hsvs them, sll makes and anvas. Alao we make the tamoas O-V-0 Double Tread t sewed 1 tires and do sll mariner ef tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. 666-888 Bormlde near Broadway. PACKARD, model 1-S8, O-cyllnder. 5-passen- ger, has always had best of cars and almost never used off paved streets; equipment In- eludes hiah-rrade clock and speedometer. Klax on born, aeat covers, extra rims, Warner lens, bumper, tools, etc Price $1250. Call st 902 Wilcox bldg. I. C. S. course, complete electrical engineering, must sen, cheap. Sellwood 2582 or 939 E. Camithers. ITALIAN prunes 1 o per GARAGES HOUSES CHICKS"! HOUSES. The portable kin d save yon money. Sea sam ple at $44 Hood St. Main -1107. place. read. FOR SALE, gasoline pump, 280 tank, large oiiice a ess, snowcase, on ana tools. 839 Lmon sve. and Shaver. DUCK HUNTERS Chance for two sportsmen to take interest in line snooting reserve. E- 81. Journal. FOR SALE, twin baby buggy, new snd cheap. D. T. Hatfield, 233 E. 44th. Tabor 2025. Millmade Construction Co. STUDEBAKER bi'OCK USED CARS RIGHT COVET MOTOR CAB CO.. 1st and Washington ata. Main 6 244. FOR SALi: 1918 new Ford roadater; $150 extras, only S months' use. A-l condition, $500 cash. Call Sunday, bet. 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. B. T. Co. Garage, Park and Conch ata. CASH paid lor oU cars, condition ro object. parts (or all make, of cam. Oregon Aut Ex change, 129 Lownadale at 16th and Waahiagtoa. Broadway 2668. STUDEBAKER 1915 Studebaker touring, like new. Electric lights and .tarter: tires good. Must be seen to be appreciated. Original cost about 91200. Our pries $550. FRANCIS MOTO CAR CO. Open Sunday Until Noon. East 8770. East 13th and Hawthorns are. GASOLINE wood aaw. in first-class condition. cneap. iu at ass tu. iia at. BRITANICA. toolchest, medical battery, can vas, -woooiawn oosi, BARTLETT pears, plums and prunes. 8. Hess, Bum ana njmngswortn, wood lawn 6072. DCBRUILLB TOP CO., 0th at Os.k.,5 Broadway 1684. FOR BALE Used cars of all kinds, first class running condition. Prices cheap. Will be open every day. 851 1st st. t DON'T BURN GASOLINE Fords go 100 miles for 50c This is no hunk. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 28 N. Broadway. J )450 CASH takes Cadillac, (our doors, eiec -lights and starter; fine condition; brand new tires, 847 E. 7th at. N. Hi. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PER GALLON. Lubricating Oils and Greases. Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 First St FOR REN,T'-GaTBge Ulr be used aa repair " shop or. automobile .hop, at 125 Lownsdale st. Dead storage. Call East 5504. FOR SALE Paige roadater. excellent condi- tlon, 30O. uu Between i n p. m., S94 East. 10th at N. Phone East 4 508. FOR SALE A bargain. 1916 Chevrolet In . A-l condition Call Apt. 205 Broadway ijonrt. or pnone am oooa. SOU 1U1H Chevrolet, good as new: 2 extra tires; will demonstrate. 8676. Call Woodlawn U31. t FOR SALE 1 lord touring car, 1916 model. 8800 cash. Call at 858 E. 9th N., ask ior Jones, V 1918 CHEVROLET, good aa new, at a bargain, 9725. Terms. Call Eaat 1503. Mr. Mat. . Must be sold try alonaay. t FOR SALE 6 -pass. OakUad car. $250. Phone 'Sell. Too, or call 4e Clinton at. 1 1916 MAXWELL, good condition; will give some terms. 445 Hawthorne ave. Eaat 8241. T1917 FORD; must "sell today; $425 cash. 445 i i . Hawthorne ave. ' j RVB ' passenger-Overland in good condition. I $800 cash or liberty bond. 842 Clay st. FOR SALE 1 -ton auto . truck, chain drive. , til TSPOT sauo, oev and T :8Q p. m. ! MUaT sell my 1918 Maxwell touring ear at onee. a-oi,. juuinai. WUX aeU my 191 htaxweU eheaa. X-Sli7 srra. . I aun eatfi jlsib paasenneg a oro. in A-l t shape. 954 Tnurman at un cusul -s-cyi, .aaiuae; tooas sad runs like new. Tabor 6782. t . k oi oaan paid lor nsed ears. Dealers' L7se3 sja, saim mnae, srntsq SVW. ana K. 9ttt. lNB Buick bug. price 8200.Cal at 855 S galmen st Main 4808- " " : , 117 OVEBLiNb. model 75-B, must sell. la dmXt, Tabor 9dew LAHE Mfg. A Bepairs. 2000 suaranteed anrinaa In atock; prices reduced. 84 N. 16th at, NEW 1918 HUPMOBILE Just run lonr enourh to work snnrf Rn, this car and save 3300, or you can sell it again and make money. I most dispose of same at once. Call East 7445 during day. Tabor all evenings. WI L sell my 1917 Buick roadster, has had tha best of care, is in first class condition: looks like new; with extras. $750, terms; no irsaea. aivs a p. in. or au aay Sunday. 009 aiaraet st., apt. a. MOTORS. Gearings, Bearinga. Wheels. Axles and Trailersr-Wa wreck all nukes of cars and sell tnair goon parts at nan pricaga. David Hodea Co., nroa Broadway and Flanders st. ad way 196. DODGE The lowest priced car that has been sold in 1'ortlana in 1Z months. I have aot to sen; ao not cau alter 12 Sunday. 612 Hancock. The car is O. K. LOOK $185 (or a 5 -passenger ear in good run- nins condition: also a elassv Vnrd biut will consider terms. Crown Livery stable, 285 1st si,, Dec (joiumDia and J Hereon. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN. Beautiful little .bnnaalow at Osweea lake. Full concrete basement, modern except gas; lo- caiea on corner sere; ngnt at Bryant station. Southern Pacific electric; terms: Liberty bonds or good auto accepted as part payment or will trade for desirable city bungalow. Phone B-6161. ask for J. B, Smith, or 446 Stark sx. at lzin. CITY lots and acreage to exchange for auto- luuuues. n ring yours in. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st, and Washington. ..a.. av s un i x acres ol unimproved land in Tills mook county, to trade for a late model roadster in first clam condition. Will pay aome luuutiKs, uuaa, r . ica land. Hotel Byron WANTED To buy Ford auto truck. Tabor 6207. a.a pneva paid lor aniomoousa, eondl- ww bw TOja las is, ea at. Hdwy. 2829, AUTOS FOB, HIBE 2 AUTOS FOB HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ; Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. FesfAg aV Robnett Ctty Garage, 80 1 Ota. Between Stark and Oaa. Broadway 840. 7 PASSENGER oar. shopping, eight seeing or anywhere; 83 per ..hoar. Phone 'Marshall AUToa WITHOUT' DR1VEKS FOR HULX . CtlUCHMAV a DPI I IViv MARSH. 222 iftTH AND IAMHILL A-123 3IW. r.r? ' esrefuL experienced .driver! CLEAN, vClassy Hudson, carefuL asperieaced lb. at Corletfs of a mile east of Lents on Gilbert ANNA WESSINGER, Executrix. PAUL WESSINGER. HENRY WAGNER. Executors. WOOD. MONTAGUE A HUNT. M. M. MATTHIESSEN. Attorneys for said executrix and executors. 400 BOXES of nice canning tomatoes, cheap. 17th and Columbia bird., opposite windmill. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, $1 vola., and bookcase, price only $20. Woodlawn 479. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY. No. 5832 Notice of Final Account. In the Matter of the Estate of Louise H. Wagner. Deceased, Notice is Hereby given tnat tne undersigned. as administrator of the above entitled estate, has filed his final account aa such in the above entitled court, snd that Tuesday, the 17tb day of September. 1918. at the hour ef 9:3U o'clock a. m., and the court room of said court at Portland. Oreaon. Has oeen tued bv tne said court as the time and place for hearing objections to said account and for the discharge of aald administrator. Dated and first published August 17th. 1918. HENRY WAGNER. Administrator. Wood, Montagus A Hunt, M-' M. Mstthieasen. -Attorneys for Administrator. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented., ex- c named, nought. Bent ley Co., Main 8582. PLUMBING auppllea, wnolesale prices. Liavts CO.. 212 Bd st. Main 797. itark- ITALIAN prunes. 2 He; car, ot H4tn n. old trees. Monta villa UNCALLED for taller made suite, $12.50 Taylor the Tailor. 289 Buresld. PRINTING press. 8x12 California jobber. $60. Oi, IMn,.a. " asun, vt 4t s luici jr a a TENT for sale. 10x12, $14. $10 Sturgis go- cart ior looo aiacsdam. BEST old growth cord wood, also dead . wood I August, 1918, LOUISE WEINHARD ESTATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the underrigned have been appointed by the county court of thai-' state of Oregon for Jtuiuoman county as exe cutrix and executors of the last will and testa ment of Louise Weinharu, deceased, and ' have qualified as such. All persons having claims againat said deceased or her estate are hereby required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the undersigned, at the office of the Weinhard plant. No. 475 Bumside street, in the city of Portland, Oregon. Dated Sad first pubnaned this tenth day of cheap. Prompt delivery. East 7020. EVERGREEN blackberries, 4e lb.; pick thetn yourself. Durham station, 9 miles southwest. AUTOMATIC Westinghouse electric range. Good condition, cheap. Sell. 1485. WICKER baby carriage, in beat condition. Mrs. J. G. Harper, 1ZO N. ZBd. Main 1859. VERY nice atore counters. Will aeU cheaper than wood. 1840 E. Glisan. 8MALL heating stove cheap. Sellwood 2384. a KGEH VACUUM 8WEEPERS. Main trt2 PRUNES tor sale. 2c lb. Phone Tabor 2001. ANNA .WESSINGER. Executrix, PAUL WESSINGER. Executor. HENRY WAGNER. Executor. Wood, Montague A Hunt, M. M. Matthiesxen, attorneys. UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE. Portland". Or., office of Custodian.' Sept. 0, 1018 Sealed proposals will be received st this office until 2 p. m. Oct. 7. 1918. and then publicly opened for interior 'repairs and painting at this building in accordance with the drawing and specifications, copies of which may be obtained from the custodian only. Will Moore, custodian. V4AT TVfT: f PLAMT CAR MAKE. 300 ANHOUtV -two HAOaX i: . s i r rirv ar i rv v i C7V AW-y y?8 --F YOU 5UPSr-.Y (EAU-LB. THAT Ybu HAVE EtEEK LECTaR.r4G To AN EKPTY H0U?tr: WoUUPnT IT BUMP You b A l I i'i yjrr Tie .Be a I lAtV llQrTS lO sKkUTMl ASeUT 901 A ' .tfJllV T " - ' it uJyW ji v- icy jf cvjT' jui T. -.'AT I r 1 1 aw- , . X 1 ft lwa-ajss-gay WHtM lOUR IN A HURRl ? AT o akp FikPkg A -TIhZ-WASTBP. AMEfAP oF You- "For, Tvkt y T OUGHT TO S AGrAHAST THE uaw: I t WMf "-Bnnter wit H AV You MOKtAGUtS PRAMAS OR RUHO I WAKT 50METVAIKO l "I Oa A shew A- ' T ". tTfrvTE t J05T EFoRE I PAUL aVLEcVi t s v i ' i cryvu i irsttaw a vur.1 snaw- m w am via asg-a. ii i aa M m1 m- a 1,1 as, -rjrrrjr-, 'm g m BRINGING UP FATHER tCopyright. 1918. International News Servtoa.) By George McManus Df"7 MOO THINK T-t MOCH M1CE 0 VTAcy A,T HOME WO sET TOR TJ JUVT THINK IN THJ fcOr T THt , mwote eAE sjutrr rSlts;tVlN- A.T DlNT'i I.ACE AK CAN stC MONArVSN ' A"! UUAU TAS;TN' N AworieM-J MICKEY VTTTN' THtee; "ariOv.lM i-i" PiPE AH OAt aatNtrsiALAJt. tOneh IN ACOOT THifj "tc VrtTH Hit CxJCKe-r- PUAflN POOL WTH JElRvsTt 'HlCKEf - AxN DlN-rV 6UVf tETTiN EM oP- FLrNWAn lt OOt JiCW TO STArVr AET OOT OF HERE CAN'T TOO THINK Of ANT THIN; liOT OlNTt MOrE.V aawswaasBaBSsnsssBsasBw-- im 1 1 . W 41s a mm mwmv w.a.n laE ua aan, g 1 n M it - J i n i ' VI' ' m M - I J 1 I t J t ( V. 1 J I rfTTC tSSfrTw fl ST ' I d J"j 3n . - , v - ' - - -j -.. ' - - ' - - - - , , - ' : , ' ' llt ) 2 4 asssersaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaeaaaajaaaaaaaaaaa 4 Nt