t THE : OREGON DAILY r" JOURNAL PORTIi AND, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 4. 1918. 1 1 1 u BEAL ESTATE TBA1C8FEBS C. A. Rumen tn Bm RadetepargM . ' al, I . B. at, N. Villa ...........$ 19 Oilaaby Tonne and wf. to E. L Smith, M. 08 fCL-OT. 18. B. T. Albins,. 1 A. W. Davis and wf. to Alfred Wster- fcmd u4 wf...U 7. B. 1. 8. Joans TOO Theodora FSs to John W. Chaaober , tain aadjwt.. L. 12. IS. B. 1. Wil lamette 1 Llnoola' Meador to F. T. McReynolds, & hi U 9. 10. B. 1. Plaeeant Hom Add, 10 Robert MaiuMr and wf. to Jems Bur- dette et al. 8. hi L. 0, B. I. Faxon Park 1.T80 University Land Co. to Joseph H. Ouatln, L. 10. IT, 18. B. 127. and : L. 24. B. 181. Umvaraity Park .... Lauther Mercantile Co. to W. 8. Leather. Tr., H int. in E. L. tS. 14. S3. SO, B. S. Pt VWw. 840 10 Ella M. Kilkenny ul bus. to Harry Pack at sL. L. X, 2. B. 8. A. L. . Miner's Add. 10 saaa Goldstein and wf. to Edytha Bow land Wilson (Assigned to C. H. Morton). Wly. Vs U 1. 2. B. 8. Lester Pat 1.800 Sam Goldstein and wf. to Calvin H. Morton. Wly. L. 1, 2. & 3. Le . tar pa 10 Edwin Brg hah to - Loo Wlekstrom. L. S. , B. 41, Berkeley 10 - Gregory In. Co. to Prank Rowley at at. L 89, 40. B. 17. Gregory HU... t250 CaU Saabold to W. H. Monroe et al. ; I 12, B. SO, Rosamare 10 inn E. Underwood to Mra B. A. Glasaeock, L. 1. B. 18, Center Add. East Portland .. 2.800 Joseph Mueller and wf. to 0. A. Bo und. L. IS, B, 6. Major Gatea Add. 10 Mare la R. Peckens to C. 8. -Palmer. L. 2. B. 141. Ross City Park 10 E. H. Stoop and ho, to Robert Stoller. L, X. B. 84. Vernon Add. 1,517 Harry A. Phillip and1 wf. to Amy R. PHnktewiKh and bus., L. 14. B. 15. N. Irtingtoo 10 Bcnajeh Morgan to John P. Grile. I. 9 U 8. and 8. 7 ft L. 2. B. 8. Pied mont Park S.000 SXMJ Fssvidson and wf. 'to Charles H. Voorheea et aal. beg. at pt N. 27 H K. 280.40 ft. . from pt. fn cen ter Powell valley road. 482 ft. E. from pt, where It crowe E. line of Jama Powell elatn 1,825 Ixm la I. Snyder to OUve C. Snyder. Tr.. L. 1. 2, 8, B. S. Brainard Add. 1 Lena Stuck! to John N. Loughi. L. 12. B. 36. Goldsmith' Add. 80 O. at. atrbtnger tn Flora B. Bloagh, L. 8, B. 4, Sewiefcly Add. 8.800 Rose U Colby to Fred G. Kemier. L. 11. 12. B. 4. Midway Annex 2,400 uugaid It. Urter and wf. to Helen D. Petsch and wf., 2-3 to Helen I). Petach and nato Emma T. Petaeb an und. 1-8 Int. L. 4. B. 20. Bosmere. . 10 Tt Cole to G. H. French and wf.. L. 7, B. 4. Minroae .. . fc 1.750 BTJILDIHO PERMTIT8 Bert Olin. erect shack, Feasenden between uyer ana ttoneca; Oulldar. same: 0. Parriah, Watkin A Co., repair hotel. 215 Morrbon between First and Front; Jacob Losli, builder: 81000. J. H. Krall. erect carat. 668 Hoyt street be tween istn and 17U; ISO. C. C. Kegler, repair residence. S4 Grand ere. n. ri. corner 10. Coacb; W. G. Kegler, builder; j0. Otto Krinbolr. repair residence. 780 E. 0th Duiwer. same: ITS C. G. Brkicinan. erect sarare. 87 Nebraska between Macadam and Front: builder sama' 160. C. W. Kirk ham. repair residence, 1185 Mon "tsna are. between KiUingsworth and Emerson: builder, same: ITS. Jsmss Blsckbnrn. erect woodshed. 838 Wil lamette N. between St Johns ate. and Catlin; builder, same: '. Hogenson. erect garage. 8116 89th are. between 61st and 82d : builder, same: 195.' Mrs. Rcan West repair residence. R711 49th ave. between 57th and 8eth; A. R. Heiney. builder: 8100. W. R. i radon, repair residence. 451 Benton between Dupont and Hancock; builder, ssme; 850, . K- Julie, repair residence. 523 E. Mohawk between Hudson and Smith ave.; C. C. Wy mora. builder: 890. W- Brnafd. move residence. N. E. cor E 70th and Flanders; A. D. Moodie House Moving Ca: 8300. Fllizabeth Jones, erect residence. 653 E 79th cor Hiaktyon; Fred ( Row. builder; 38SO. Log Cabin Bakery, repair bakery. 265 Ivy 81 00n WUUf,u nd Vancouver; buUder, same; Alex Ferraris, erect residence, 1139 53d sToofl1"1 88tb nl 89th biuilder ma- Dsniel Kern, repair garage, 8 Grand av. between E. Btirnaide and K. Ankeny at. ; James L. Qumn. builder; 81190. N I'. Lumber company, erect bqnk house, N. P. Lumber Co plant betvwn N. P. Rj. na harbor line; buIWer. same; 81200 '""Z ITt"nt Co.. repa; .hack. 730 rU' WMer?7on. r'm03t 'nd T tw"Mi T0"!' "t . 1609 Huron be 845 ' "4 0berUne: bonder, same; 'J""' Estate, repair drugstore. 255 JM uiid1rnifloarTtoon nd AWeri F- A- MrrtU- tLJI' fJr,,tlin- erect garage. 244. Shaver st m7,fl 0U,,r "nd Gntnbein: builder. r.:.iJ?' tw,,n BOth and 61st ave. S. E builder, 8. C. Smith; $500 ' NEW TODAY Send Us Your Old Carpets . Old Bart and Woolen Clothing Wt Mavk RTraIbl, Hand-Woven Fluff Rugs Thy Wanr Like Iron .f,Hl,," WT AU Hlaaa Mall Order Send for Booklet Carpet Cleaning 912 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN FLUFF RTJG Ca 4 TJnlnn in. U. East 6816 Phonaa B-1471 Pay Off the Mortgage on your cfty home in easv inttoii. merits with 10 years' time to repay fully protected by life insurance un der the Home Purchase Plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society Interest 6 per cent; no commission iee Mr. Stronr. Equitable office. Ore eonian bldg. BOXWOOD LAli0 A-2ilg APCTIOy SALES TOMORROW THE BAKER Auction Hoaee V.i. T bldg-. lamhill .nd V VZt .l0,--"" Bale at 10 MEETING KOTICE8 41 '-v i tu All memh.e. .i Loyal Order 7 irT" quested to trw4 .iT Z 4- Initiation." mnate'by the Tsylor and Jt"' ' Hurst Dictate? T fe. Z . f, u LODGE NO A. F. A A At o.-L". 1 A i . , . aiHoq com- auoB tomorrow (Thursday) 3Tf XiJtm brethren always vome. By order W. M FREI L OLBON. Becretarv 80NNT8IDR T)DGE NO. 163 D1 AM. Bpocial .-oo-?an tiw.rhSradl evening. ?Jt?- to J5- degree. Vi,! laor welcome. By order of W. M. in.ai. sec REGULAR meeting this East (Wednesday) evening. Sixth and Alder. Viutora iltont M rt . - r t- . : . v. . . rwt ' -i i j ovcreiary. Tlil. MACCABEKS ' ' Portland Tent N. 1 Hegnlar rerVw every Tbnrsday evening, at hall. 40tt Aider st AB oember Orged to b present. Visiting Sir Knight ways welcome. n ,iaj. u. OAaVkiK. . K. stMRLKM 'Jewelry a pcialty, button. rJiaaT gbatm. Jaeger roa.. 181-138 6th at. MARRIAGE LICENSES tmiira T!ml ttrul W U XieCanna. 21. Heyt hotel. wrayn - u. ttooae, 22, uaeaaw, waan., ana Yarne R. Grime. IccaL N. 80th at. W.J4. Berry, lean. 1S27 Peninsular avav, and Effie A. Sheltoa, legal. L527 Peainsnlat ave. James E. C. Lee,' 24, American hotel. Brem erton. Wash., and Martha M. L'Uero, 21, 1184 E. 7th st. N. . Mathew Andetaan, 85. SeattleT Wash., and Clara B. GrandalL 80, Oregon Hotel. Ota Erenson, 28, Ft Stevens. Or., and Edith M. Beebe. 18, 112 E. 46th at. 8. Charles Johnson. 87. 628 8mHh are. M.. and Emily 8eeberg. 41. 628 Smith are. N. Maorioa Nudelman, 40. 851 W. Park St., and Esther I. Attaint, legal. 672 H 1st at, ' James Barns. 87. 2d and Bamsida St., Fran ois Van Dyke. 24, Barr hotel. Francis J. Frater, legal. 807 San Rafael at. and Edith M. Lang, legal. 897 Ban Rafael at . Jama Gallachee, 89. 804 H E. Morrison at., and Bhoda Motts. 26. 304 K. Morrison St. Clyde C. Bldwefl, 25, Vancoorsr, Wash., and Elsie A. IHckerson, 20, 5 6 9. lr ring st. creaenca u. nong. , u urani n., ana Cecelia T. Shuttlewortb. 88. 800 Jefferson st DRESS SUITS for rent, all aiceaj Cnique Tai- lering Co.. 104 4th st BIRTHS MORRELL To Mr. and Mrs. Georxe L. Mor- relt. zl Haaooek. Ananst 25. a son. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. John son. 474 Uaenolia. Anrast 27. a danchter. KIDD To Mr. and Mrs. William Clare Kidd. 1070 East Behnont, Aagtnt 20, " son. ' CYDERS To Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Cyders. 110 East Seventy-first street, August 22. a son. SPL1JCD To Mr. and Mr. Oscar A. Spliid. 268 East Thirtieth. Aturast 20. a daughter. PLNCUS To Mr. and Mr. Juliu Pineus. King- uari apartments, August Z, ason. HILLBRANT To Mr. and . Mrs.. James W Hillbrant, 6108 Forty-serenth. August 28, a son. DEATHS A?tP FUNERALS 78 TAN NORMAN tn this city. September 4. 1918. at 149 E. 76th st N.. Mrs. Jan N. Van Norman, sister of Mrs. George Petty and Thomas J. Hammer; foster mother of Dera Rol ling, cousin of Mrs. J. C, Aldrich and Mr. Charles Cook. Funeral -errices September 6, 1918. at 2 p. m.. at W. 11. Hamilton's funeral chapel. E. 79th and Glisan. Interment Rose City cemetery. WEBER September 2, . by accidental ' drown ing, Carl Weber, aged '7 yearsand his sister, Dorothy Weber, aged 10 years, beloved children of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Philip Weber of 1091 Keller st Funeral service will be conducted Thursday. September 5. at 2:80 r. m.. from 8t Matthews Episcopal church, corner Bancroft- ana oroett eta. trlends invited. Interment Riverview cemetery. Remains at Pear&on'a un- Ldertaking parlors. Russell st at Union ave. BALES In this city, Sept. 8, 1918, Isaac Bale, beloved father of Mrs. M. K. Wrenn, Ethel Bales of tftis city, Private P. J. Rales of Camp Lewis, Wash., and Mrs. Stephen Nag-el of Lyle, Wash. Mr. Bales is also survived by several grandchildren. The remains are at Hoi man's undertaking parlor. Funeral notice later. C-EIGER The funeral service of the late Clara Louise Geiger will be held Thursday. Septem ber 6 at 3 o'clock p. m. at the Evangelical church, 10th and Clay streets. Friends invited. Interment at Mt Scott Park cemetery. The re-, mains are at the residence establishment of J. Y. Finley A Sons. Montgomery st 5th. MEKRlLL In this city. Sept. 2", 1918, H. O. Merrill, age Al years, beloved husband of Marv A. MerrUK Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Hol aian's funeral parlors at 1 p. m. tomorrow (Thursday), Sept 6, 1918. Interment, River view cemetery BENSON In this city. Sept 1. 1918. Peter Benson, age lis years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held Holman s funeral parlors at 10 a. m. tomor row (Thursday). Sept 5. 1918. Interment, Multnomah cemetery. D7LL In this city. Sept. 4. Esekiel Henry Hill, aged 61 yean, late of 6342 89th st 8. E. The remains are at the residence establishment ot J. v. nmey A Bon, Montgomery at otn. Notice of funeral hereafter. MURRAY In this city, September 3. Laura Murray, aged 61 years. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. WELLING Walter Evans Welling, 320 H Holladay, August 30, 13 years, rheumatic heart. VANCE Louis M. Vance, 320 Weidler. August 29. 57 years, chronic interstitial nephritis. PETERSON Gustav Peterson, St Vincent's hospital. August 27. 41 years, fracture of skull. JONES Bert B. Jones, foot of Washington street. August 27. 30 years. accidental drowning. BTDINIC Dinnte Budinfe. 10L5 North Leon ard, August 31. 8 year, accidentally at su mac berries. FLORISTS CLARE BROS.. Flo rials, 28T Morrison at or A-1805. Fin Oowara and floral designs. No branch store. MARTIN A 1CORBE3 CO.. Florista. 854 Wash. Main 269.. A-12 69. Flowers for all ocauona rteticallv arranged. PEGl'LEA FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder, designs ana aecoratlons. Prion Marshall 6922. LUHL1NKK. Portland hotel. 328 Morrison. MAX U SMITH, nori.it 141 H 6th st FUNERAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877.' Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507. A-151L Lady Assistant F, S, Dunning, Inc. The Golden Bole Dndertaker 414 East Alder st Phone East 62. B-5225 J. P. FINLEY & SON ProgreesjTe Funeral Director. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendant Montgomery at Filth Main 3. A-1500. WILSON & ROSS East 54 Lady Assistant C-1166 Mnitnoman at nV Seventh St. t rttinninrt X. MitniAA Undertaker. LLiillllll Vi, UlVylJllcrj Modern in every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Phob Btoadway 430. A-4568. Lady assistant A. D, Kenworthy Co Tabor 2267. 6802 2d st.. Lenta. Tabor 8895. 66th st and Foster road. Art eta. Kast 7S1 P I IFRCH Mra. Lereh B-1RS8 L tUllUII AssisUnt Undertakers. E. 11th and Hswthorn MJXXJttt TRACEY. Independent Funeral Di- recror. rnces as low as (20. 640. 660 wasnington at ma. Main 2601. A-7685. CHAMBKR8-KENWOBTHT OO" 24S and 250 Killingsworth ave. near Williams ve. woodlawn 8306, C-1133. Breeze & Snook I6 st 258 Ql ouoc Lndenakmg Co. Main 4152 yCHlO A-232X. Corner Sd and Clay Wilson Wilson yfil. o-tiK HAMILTON 19 IS E. GUsan at Fn- neral services. Tabor 4313 Ai Ri Zeller Coi EsiooaoioM K T. BTHNXS, new resideaee esUblishment. 001 Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. C-104S. BLAE5IN5RANITE q aft7-3RO. ST. AT MADISON PORTLAND alARBLB WOHK&. 204-200 4th St. opposite etty hall. Main 8501. Philip !en Sons for ntemoriala. ' LOST AT FOtTHB at LOST Scianoa and health, between T rumens and Brightwood,' Return to 1183 N-W. Bank bldg. Beward. IN business center after 6 p. m. Saturday, pin. amethyst, encircled with sapphire; reward. Main 6887. Room 10. LOST Lady'a lane black nocketbook. on Or- egon Klectrtc B. R, containing small pone. 122.20; reward. Phone East 7583. COST A gray tnr on Powell Valley road. Monday. Pleas call Tabor 813. Reward for it return. STRAYED from home on Willamette Height. a red Irish terrier pup, 6 months old. Re ward. Main 3701. 371 N. 31st st . LOST Sunday on Depot-Morrison car, lady'a black pirns containing $20; tinder notify journal. LOST Crank handle for auto, Sunday after noon. on E. 89th, Division or E. 28th st Phone Tabor 5575. LOST Sunday, yellow canary with black eye brows, near E. 44th and Harrison. Reward. Woodlawn 3657. LOST 27-inch yellow auto wheel with 36x4 hi used tire. Reward for return. Main 2262. LOST Saturday, child's coat between ToUgato and Government Camp. Woodlawn 8847. LOST A child's black and white checked, ooat Call Tabor 6560. Reward. FOUND On ateamer Gaorgiana. Sunday, an earring set. Call Tabor 0822. LOST Eastern SUr pin. with nam Janet Lee - on t reward. 1895 Albhia - LOST Airedale dog,JUcena No. 2164. Phone aaaor jsewara. , LOST Lady's long black hand pars purple satin lined, . containing among' other - thing $50 Liberty bond and S26 currency and sfl rer,. also -waterfront P. r' Liberal reward for return. Tjhone Broadway 2755 or call at V. 20th' and Wilson eta.. J. W. Oflgora. LOST Between iiaaon ilill and Portland on Loggy -Trail road or Linnton road, black puree containing three $10 bills and three 85 bills, registration card anA'Haat card. Reward. Call woodlawn 8397. IX3BT Between Cascade Locks and Hood River, en Columbia highway, ena Goodyear tire mounted on clincher rim. CaQ East 6311. Liberal reward. - LOST Girls oeereoat, brown mixed homespun material; loft on benches where eieetrio cars stop at Columbia Beach station. Finder please notify B-B7B. Jogrnai. or can lani LOST A black ahort-Ie ed eocker spaniel dog named "Bob." Reward by .owneft 180 E. 824. No question asked. Phone Tabor 1100 or Main 6280. LOST Two Wells-Fargo traelin sacks con taining two 820 and three 890 express or ders from -Nome. Alaska. J. Kanar. Finder please notify Wells-Fargo Express Co. Reward. LOST Near Government Camp. Mount Hood. a brown leather suit ease containing bed ekitfae. Finder win please call Sell wood 667. LOST Trinity pin; reward. Main 2589. HELP "WANTED MALK "MEN WHO WANT WORE AND ARB NOT NOW ENGAGED BT ESSENTIAL WAR INDTJBTBT MAT SECURE AGREEABLE EMPLOYMENT AT WEST LINN MILLS ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY ' AT FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 42o HOUR. EIGHT HOUR JOBS. MEALS. IF DESIRED, 80c CLEAN BEDS. lOe NIGHT. STRIKE ON TEN MONTHS. BUT NOT BOTHERING LB- COME. . DON'T WRITE. THERE IS A JOB WAITING FOR YOU." RXLP WANTED T. M. O. A. There are noalriona onen to yon. In the Vast two week 217 dissatisfied men were nlaeed to satisfactory position through this department A special employment membership ha been de vised for the unemployed man. It costs nothing to Investigate tbls modern systems no position se en rine Institution. Men are harveatina the new crop of splendid opportunities daily. Call at once la person. Una ot the positions is lor yon. ataia too, A-6301. janptoyment Advisory um. WANTED EXPERIENCED AND PRACTICAL OALVANIZER. ON CASTINGS AND FOEO- TNGS: MAN WHO IS ABIE TO TAKE SMALL FINANCIAL INTEREST IN THE BCSINtBa TO INSURE STATING WITH THE GAME, BT OLD ESTABLISHED FOUNDRY AND MA CHINE 8HOP IN SHIPBUILDING CENTER J-998. JOURNAL. (175 PER MONTH the year around, the average earning last year of a number ot oar salesmen over 45 yean. This year will be the biggest yet No experience necessary; weekly cash advance. outfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees. shrubbery and vines. Ton can do what other in experienced men have done. Washington Nur sery Co.. Toppeniab. Wash. kliN wanted by Portland Uu Coke eoinpans at Uasco. on Linnton ruad. steady employment: psy 13.60 to 65 r r da. Tak free bus st garage. Front and Gluan sts., a. -u-. or 23d and Savier at :16 a. as. Apply at gas punt office. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquet from trucks to basement of out consumer. avrai age 84.25 to 44.76 for 8 hours. Inquire northwest corner 2d and Fiandara. Portland Uas at Coke company. BY Pacifio Iron Works. E. 29th and Clacka- mas sts. Two yardmen Three foundry helpers experienced or inexperienced. Steady Wora. WANTED Mm to qualify for trainmen. Ap- dLt room 802 Electric buildlna. eoen all day and night including Sundays. it. L. 4s P. company. COMPETENT office boy for Urge wholesale business. Apply own handwriting; state ex perience, give age and salary expected; refer ences required. H-801, Journal. WANTED Driver for Ford truck ; man with experience around wholesale meC house pre ferred. Krye A Co., 13th and Hoyt Phone Broadway 814. LArioKKHii wanted for ditji work; steady em ployment top-notch wage. Inquire Northwest corner 2d sod Flanders. Portland Oaa V Cok company. BOY WITH WHEEL. 8weney. Vsrney A Straub, Printers. Ath and Purnstde. HIGH school boy ran hare room and board In exchange for services. Harrison Hotel, Front and Harrison. EXPERIENCED dres goods salesmen. ATPiy 9 to 10 a. m.. superintendent s of flee. Olds. Wortman A King. MEN and boys wanted for permanent inside work. Apply In person. American Can Co.. 14th and Front sts. WANTED Dress goods salesman. Apply 9 to 10 a. tn. superintendent s o Tier, Olds. Wortman A King. WANTED Warehouse men and packers. Mar shall-Wells Co., lDth and I ovejoy. WANTED Butcher. Howitt A Co.. Kenton. Or. Woodlawn 1K4. WANTED Boy to carry morning paper J-984 Journau WANTED, first class bras polisher and buffer, Oregon Brass Works. HIGH school boy to carry paper route. Record Abstract. U2 1st st. , EXPERIENCED - meat wrappers wanted at Jones Market, 4th and Aider. WANTED An errand boy. 405 Alisky bldg 3d and Morrison. Wa.TED Sadler. Union Ave. Sheet Uvtal Works. 411 Union ave. N. WANTED 8heet metal worker. Union Ave. Sheet Metal Wks.. 411 Union ave. N. DISH" WASHER wanted. 817 per week. New Port Restaurant 647 N. 6th. WANTED- Men to work on river boats. $60 and up, room and board. Apply Washington dock HELP WANTED MISC. 4 WOMEN and men to learn telosraphy: to cooo- a, erate with the war -department we will make a substantial reduction in tuition to men of draft age, 18 to 4 5, who wfU learn telegraphy with a view to entering toe signal corps; many vacancies for women to fill places of men drafted. Write or can Hallway Telegrapa Institute. Ry, Ex. bldg. THE 1'iUCi'AKA'liiKr SCxioOL. 890 13th st Miss Quigg ar.tf Miss Jewell. Fall term win open Sept 9. Office hours. 10 to 4, begin ning Sept 3. Limited number. Exceptional ad vantage. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. Onion avenue and Wasco st Special Summer Prteea. Call, writ or phnna East 7446. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINE8S COLLEGE AMFKY BLDG. 8D AND MORHto WANTED at once, some one who understand advertmng; man or woman. E-819, Journal. XATKt-HSHKK TEACHERS AGU.NCi li registration. 911-12 Broadway bldg. MUtflN&bB IJUl,l,SAil PORTLAND. OREGON bEH.VK.K- vv A tkEU, biggest Business collsa a ana best; enroll any time: tree eatsiocne. HELP WANTED-Sx?EMAI,E WANTED Strong experienced girl for grocery and delicatessen. 882 Sd. Call bet 2 and 4 p. m. GENERAL" housework in Jrvington bungalow mature woman preferred; good wage. E-672 Journal. - EXPERIENCED saleswoman dress roods and silk departments. Apply 0 to 10 a. m.. uperin tendent's office. Olds. Wortman A King. WE scan use several women girla. Pleas ant, profitable employment. Apply in per son. American Can Co., I4tn and Front sts. GIRLS and women wanted for factory work. Apply Trq Blu Biscuit Co., E. 6th and Davis. WANTED Experienced help for dressmaking and suits at ones, 4us frcteek out. 16-YEAR-OLD girl at Allen's Pre Clipping Bu reau. 23 Ainswortn wag., zaT.uak st EXPERIENCED saleswoman wanted. C. E. Holladay Co., 355 Alder st. HELP wanted. Palace Laundry Co., E. 10th and Everett, i WANTED Female .help at Multnomah Hotel Laundry: experience unnecessary. Call Ash at entrance. GIRL -To feed platen preav Honeyman Hard" warn company. WANTED Middle aged lady as housekeeper Phone Tabor 7098. WANTED Female attendant tat sanatorium for nfgbt duty. J-HSO. journal. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Pbon WANTED, women to work in cannery. Burke Fish Co.. Front and Overton. GIRLS wanted for, all departments. National ljennary, m. Bin ana ciay. DISHWASHER wanted. Harrison hotel" WANTEsDe-A houaekaeiwa. E-825. Journal. HCIil WAKTED FEMALE TOTJNO LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITION NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED . 90 PER. WEEK PAID BEfcRTOERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, "V . ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK 8TS. - MRS. M. E. HENDERSON. Crown Point Chalet. Colnmhia Bivar hiehwav. reauire at once 2 girls for dining room; alas girl to help tn kitchen ; experience not necessary, nor particu lars phono Tabor S160. GOVERNMENT civil aervloe examination. Port- sand, in September: Gogernment ctera, teacher, tnspeetreas, research clerk, typewriter. Salary IL20O-620OO. Eioerience nnnar esssry. Women desiring government position writ for fro particular to J. O. Leonard (former eivil service examiner) . 1054 Kanois bide. Wash ington,, ix v. WANTED Bright young lady to learn printer's trade; prefer one who haa had aom experi ence on the easa? steady work with opportunity for advancement; state experience. If any, and wages expected to start Addres ju-bzs, Journal. WANTED-A" com Detent and experienced wose- aa to take charge of rooming hona in As toria; married woman preferred, no criiiQren. Answer to state aga and experienea. L H. Welch, Astoria. Or. , OIRL or middle-as ed woman wanted for gen- eral 'Wjusework for family of three. Must be good cook and neat bonsefceeper. wage u per month. Inquir 672 Wiadler st. corner a. lvtn. WANTED Tonng lady or elderly woman to car for 2 small children; can go home in evening. Call 204 Porter st, tUanfleld apt apt 16. WANTED Girl or middle aged woman to make herself generally usefcl in sssisting with house work and car of child. 210 N. 25th near Kearney. GIRLS for Cat work, hand ironers and markers. American Laundry, 140 E. Sd st N. GIRL wanted in family of two people for cook ing and general housework. Second girl ksct Apply 732 Flanders st. between 22nd and ZBrd its. SILK SALESWOMEN Must be experienced and have first -class references. Apply 9 to 10 a. m . superintendent's office. Olds, Wort- man A King. LADY from 85 to 40 without incumbrance need to apply for housekeeper. A plain lady wanted, urre pnone numoer. j-wos, Journal. WANTED Experienced cook with references. qest wagea. rsoos isroadway 3748 or call 6B4DtU t. WANTED Experienced feeh In all deoartmenta. Apply 9 to 10 a. m., superintendent' office. urns. worusiD as ojng. GIRI? wanted for factory work. East 7807! Portland Paper Paekag Co.. E. 26 th and nonaaay ave. WANTED Old lady wishing home to csr for girl before and after school. Call evenings af ter oi x.. ouia sc. n. Hose city car. WANTED Gtrl in suitcase factory; light, Pleasant work, steady positions offered. Molt nomas Trunk A Bag Co.. 82 E. Water. TODNG lady to work in confectionery store; ! room and Doard and warn. Ann It S95 East Morrison street. HELP WASTED MALE A2T- FEMALE MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE Ptya yen while learning; give yen set ef tools, guarantee position. Writ for catalog, 234 Barnaul it. . er pnone nroaoway 111. ilfc.s. WOMEN, learn barber trade tree; wag wnfle learning : Dosrrien gwaranfa. Oraaoa Barber Coliece. 228 Madison. PORTLAND BAKBEat OOLLXGS Taacbe men and women trie barber trad free. pay while learning. 284 Conch. Broadway 8482 SITUATION 8 MALE WANTED Position a nperinteudent or fore man ot inside or outside electrical construc tion; 13 years' experience. E-821. Journal. CARPENTER AND REPAIR WOK. R D CBOWK. Tabor 7982. ROOF repaired and painted, reahingled and roofing put on. Call Broadway 8270. CEMENT ork. garages. Wdln. 2278. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 POSITION as housekeeper in widower's home. Mrs. Haa. 272 6th st. tn rear. Pbon Main 8409. DRESSMAKING 46 MRS. WOLF. Chetopa apt. Apt 25. FURNISHED ROOM3 PRINCESS hotel, modem, fireproof, running water, phones and elevator; high quality, low price Esst Third snd Bnmside. FURNISHED ROOMS FBITATE , FAMILY T BY LADY employed, access to kitchen and laun dry modern, phone, near ear; would consider company to lady if rent ia reasonable. E-021. Journal. 2 ROOMS, suitable for music instructions ox art studios. Modern Conservatory of Music. 148 13th st near Morrison. SINGLE room, suitable for one or two gentle men. 148 13 th st near atornson. cau Broadway 2555. ROOM in beautiful modern home; running water, shower bath. 655 Everett. FURNISHED rooms for rent Mrs. L. II. Shepherd, 321 6th st. WELL furnished room, private family. block Mt Tabor car. Tabor 6271. LARGE down town room for rent; light, beat 1 etc. Room 18. 165 hi 4th st TWO furnished sleeping rooms; men only; breakfast if desired. 34 o Jefferson st. BOOMS AND CARD 15 THE HAZAI uuuid rooms, not watea, noma cooking Specisl rates to couple. Ill So. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 7J LARGE comfortable room, suitable for two; breakfast if desired; walking distance. Main 0485. CHILDREN to board in private family. 365 Halsey street Pnone Kast 2440. NICE room for two; fine location, 20 minutes to P. O., 1 block from rara. East 7232. NICE clean sleeping room in privet home; could give board. 172 E. 14th. HOUSEKEEPING. ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 421 hi E. Morrison corner E. 6th. Large front Hi K. rooms, singl and double; also sleeping rpoma, fear lrnd. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 FCr.NISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ONE" furnishes housekeeping room 813, in- eluding hght and gas. Uelk 17th st, near Yamhill. Apt. 187 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; electric lights, gas, player piano; no children. 231 E. 6 th. cor. Salmon. 2 ROOM housekeeping suites, nicely furnished. 4 7o 1,1 ay ax.; aauita. Utt RENT HOUSES IS HELP SHIPBUILDING, NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS TOUR LISTINGS. Tom can asrr your country by helping sbtp bnfldecs to loentsw List yon vacancies, furnished or unfurnished Writ a pbon. A. J. England. Main list. 6 ROOMS, newly decorated, bath, hot and cold water, electric lights, ga. paved streets. Month Portland. $90, in advance, for 5 months. Main f X a , lurmwiB, MODERNB room house, partly furnished! 620 Delay st Call after 0 p. m. FOR RENT 5 roont house. Lower Alpine, $10 Phone East 2320. " FURNISHED HOUSES 3( FOR RENT 3 room modern house, cor. 79th ana bism. aas-oo. inrniBneq. uail East 3902 815 FURNISHED 3 -room fist, private rest aence. wooawwn xso. : APARTMENTS v 43 FUBNISH1S1 AND UNFTJRNISLTED aUUHOUA, API S. East 3d and RehnoM Bsodera 1 and S room apt.. 8 LAO tsar weak en, Sleeping rooms. Cast SIS. UlSLOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne. L S nam S room apt., SISO npl tng distaoe. CaU East 888. ' ' APARTMENTS - a LET THE JOURNAL TRAVEL BTJltEATJ HELP TOO GET ACOOMMOOATIONS SERVJCB IS FREE. Out of town visitor to Portland ean snak roservstlons far hotel mnm. . apartments, rooms and board, bans keeping rooms or other aceomraoda tfama thzwagh The Journal Tzavel Bureau. This aerrie frsa. All that nsceassry hi to writ. setter a reasonable tknva in advance of the k day yon expect to arrive in Portland, stating whan yon will arrive, bow many in party, what rooms or other oeommodatioaa yon dash and a boot what prfes yon are willing, to pay. Thi hut Very important Direct your letters to "Dorsey B. Snrith, Jour nal Travel Bureau. Journal Rldg.. Port land. Or." H will notify yevimmedi ately Tost what aocommodation he haa soenrsd fog yon and how to reach them. Thi service Is tr, Tak ad vantage of it. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 roe boose. S atst room boo. keepdag apartments, furnished or uufwraiebed; alsvaaui. hardwood floor. 11th and Montgomery HART APARTMENTS ttacond and YamhUl Newly famished modern sleeping- rooms. 63.60 and njv, FURSI8HED FLATS ( TENT house, partly famished. St John earlina. -Woodlawn 1575. HOTELS 54 PORTLAND VISITORS LET THE JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU HELP TOU GET ACCOMMODATIONS SERVICE IS FREE. Out of town visitors to Portland ean make reservations for hotel apartment, room and board. keeping roams or other aocommoda tion through The Journal Travel Bureau. That servic is free. AH tnat la necessary is to writs a letter a reason ble tign in ad ranee of the day you expect to rriv in Portland, stating when yon will arrlv. bow many to party, what rooms or other accommodations you desire and about what price yon are willing to pay. Thi last hi vary important. Direct your Utters to "Dorsey B. Smith. Jonr aali Travel Bureau, Journal Bldg.. Pot land. Or." He will notify yen imniadV ately Just what accommodation he has aeevred tor yon and how to reach This service is free, vantage of It Tak ad- STOBES AND OFFICES 11 WHOLE or any part 2d floor, 50x100. Stev en bldg., Washington and West Park sta. Large windows for display a very desirable suite of rooms ; for fire insurance, merchant tailor or any business requiring good light and central location. Reduction will be made in rent charged by owner of building for bal- ance of leae, two years to ran. Apply second floor Stevens building. Phone Main 176. t. WANTED TO RENT 1 WANTED In Sell wood, 2 furnished house keeping rooms. Christian family, for father and son, 15-year-old schoolboy. Broadway 3910. P. O. box 25, city. WANTED to rent 4 or 6 room bungalow or flat, SunnyMde district : close in preferred. Call East 7487 between 0 atid T p. m. WANTED By responsible party. 5 or 6 room furnisned house with garage, for year Mas must be reasonable. Tabor 8646. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i.OCSKS 61 VACANT MOVE IN TODAY 81500. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. 31300 New 3 room, very artistic bungalow, gray, with green roof; inside woodwork just repainted in white . enamel, electricity and gas; white enamel bath, touet, sink and hot water tank new and attractive, large front porch: view of city, mountains and river; 1 block to car. Total price - 8I5U0 5250 down, 820 per month. No. 1358 Front st Fulton car to Pendleton. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Abington bldg. To Buy Your Home. , Main 1068. MT. SCOTT SACRIFICE Ground 200x60. all fenced, 4 room house. completely fuxnianed, including piano; sound ance ot fruit tree. Price 81800. 6400 cash, balance easy. Watch Our Ads. We Get Result. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. IRVLVGTON PARK BUNGALOW Fine 0 room bungalow, fireplace, buffet, bookcases and all built-in effects; sleeping porch; fuie basement, full lot, on Glenn ave. N., near KillinBsworth. Price a snap. 33000. Some terms. GRUSSI A DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 32250 PENINSULA BUNGALOW $2250. 5 room attractive bungalow: white enamel bath, fixture, elect and gas. -Minnesota at nr. Morgan. Convenient to shipyards and packing plant. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 6NAP. Five room house, basement attic, fine view, good condition: hi block to car; near Laurel burst; $lt50 and assessments; 3400 cash, bal ance $20 per month and interest. B. F. Pond Realty Co., 1230 Sandy bird. Tabor 8825. ONE HALF ACRE TRACT $850 $25 down. $12 monthly, buys this nice tract K. E. of Lenta, sevenl small buildings can be mads habitable at small expense." ; Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber t Commerce. 5 ROMTbTJNGALOW. 32)100. 2 bedrooms, fine bathroom. Dutch, kitchen, large basement, 3 blocks of car. $3fJ down; will accept Liberty bond. ; GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abingtwn bldg. MODERN 6 room bungalow, 50xlO0 lot South Portland, for sale cheap. Terms. Might trade lor house and 1 to 6 acre withro 15 miles of Portland, near car. Nyby. 157 Idaho st F car. 15 MEN. WASHINGTON BT. : i 4 room bungalow, bath, etectrialty; full ce ment basement, 4 blocks SeUwocsl car; 8200 down: price 31600. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. I HAVE one of the finest and 'most modern bungalows in roruana, seieca location, a beauty, which I wan to sell, asd will sacri fice, as I need the cash; best . of tenms. L. K. Moore, 817 Board of Trde. 81450V BY OWNER 4 -room bungalow in good condition, well located, hi block Mt Scott ear ou down; leaving city; will sell inrnunr anaen. laoor 6453. 31500. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 31500 R room house. Emerson st near 24th, elect and cas. close to car, 8400 will handle. See FRANK L. HUtllu., Amnwon niag.. Te- Buv Your Home. ' Min 1068. 100x100. with ail kind ot trait and bamea, nsrt of new 7 -room house ' destroyed by fir. clear of debt at Portsmouth;- to trade aa first payment on 8-room nous ana win assann mortgage. Ry owner. East l. alter a:v, IN BEAUTIFUL Irvingtoa Park, 350 down. 816 monthly buy brand new, large 1 room shack with patent toilet, lot 60x100. 1 block to car. at 1233 E. 2tth st N. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. BRAND new bungalow. 3200 down, 820 month W: arra tract: Craig road and Fremont st Park rote; bargain price 82500. Owner, call Main 1643, MODERNIZE your building; ail kind of repairs. Sea my designs lor new- bowasa. Max M. Meyer, architect Concord bldg. Main 1878. Formerly 8 apt Oregon Ho Bull dera. 7-ROOM house, in good condition. 18 nUnates walk from business center, dose to good schools; price 8450O. easy payments, ju x Moore. 817 Board, of Trade. LARGE modem 7 room bungalow house, lam attic, fcement basement, furnace, garage, lot with allerway, near Walnut Park; sacrifice by owner, aursnau zeoo; xtuw. 101. 6 ROOM bungalow, on half acre, highly im- p roved, traced, 2 blocks front Jst Bostt ear, cheap if taken at one. Can mm in now-. Call at 6816 44th v. 8. E. FOR SALE." 8 room cottage. Piedmont with or without rurnunra; immediate Woodlawn 1656. 1447 Maliory ave. 8UNNTSIDE Five room cot tags, 82500. hk block ear. 1 btooka aenool: mot ia tomorrow. Tabor 8778. 6-ROOU house, corner lot fruit and berries. 9 . blocks from carline; will give, good bargain and easy term. 1 AUngton, Main 6088 CITY and country properis. sell - and - BENEDICT. 267 Oak. Main 1748. THREE room tarnished bouse for sale, $650 Call Tabor o4Q. t ROOM bouse for rant, furniture for sale. " BKAL. gSTATK FOB BALE JIOC8KS 71 OPEN EVENINGS FALLS CITY MORTGAGE CO. PHONE MAIN. 371 8 B17-810 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG.. BET. SD AND 4TH ONVSTARK. $250 CASH 3 room furnished boose. Alberta. S blocks to streetcar, on cement walk, all assessments paid. Price 61350. only 3254 cash, balance monthly. $300:OASH 4 mums and bath, fin ahap and a good bom. AO kind of fruit only 8 block front ear. Price 31500. only 3800 cash and balance to suit ' $50 CASH 81000 for a good 3 room house, furnished: all kinds of fruit and berries : about 10 minata from oarUn and on paved street Ton get pomeion ot this for 860 down and can pay to balance as yon lias. ST. JOHNS FURNISHED $300 CASH 5 room furnished house, 1 block from Lombard and only about IE mlnut walk from the ship yards. University Park district. This place j modern except heat and can be had with a mall cash payment, balance monthly, and the lurnmrre Is good. Price 2250. $300 CASH 81850. 5 room cottage near Ainrworth. Good basement. Call and ee thi one. For th money and terms it cannot be beat $300 CASH - 5 room bungalow, Monta rill district Prac tically modern. Only 32000. Tetnu to suit $150 CASH Balance to suit 6 room house. 60x100 lot full basement 2 blocks to ear. Price 32700. If you need a good big house be sure and sea this. $150 CASH 3 room bungalow, small basement, 1 block to hard surfaced Street Price only 3850, 8150 cash and the balance can be paid a yon like FALLS CITY - MORTGAGE CO. 517 81ft CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG.. PHONE MAIN 3718 OPEN EVENINGS SHIPBUILDERS. ATTENTION 8700 8350 cash. 3 room cottage, completely furnished. 1690 Courtney st 81260 3100 caxh. 3 large rooms and 5 Ox 100. at 90 W. Killinasworth. 82100 3400 cash, large 4 room bungalow with large porches. 83x107 n 1500 Chautauqua blvd. 8282S 8500 cash. 4 room modern bunga low with 100x100; all kinds of fruit and berries; aoua wiimir wx. The properties are all located about half way between her and St Johns and merit your Inspection. FRED W. GERMAN CO . 782 Ch. of Cora bldg. VACANT MOVE IN TODAY 33250 Real Hawthorne Buncalow 83250. 7 room very attractive bungalow, full cement basement, laundrv trv. 1 bedroom and bath room downstair; 8 bedroom and aleeping porch up. beautiful woodwork, leaded glass, bookcaaes. very artistio fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, white enamel standard plumbing fix tares, house newly nainsrd: fruit and flower. On paved rtreet, all paid for. '-Price 83250; 3500down, 825 per month. . FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington Ndg. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. YOU NEVER BELIEVED IT POSSIBLE TO BUY A HOME IN L.ACRELHURST FOR 82950 Jirt think what we have to offer there for 82950 follow every line of this ad carefully A modern 5 room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built in bookcases, built in buffet Dutch kitchen, cemmt basement wash trays, beautiful electric fixtures, full 60x100 lot. street and sewer Improve meet included in price. Ana can be handled on terms, too. A. o. TfKPK to 24 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3516. Branch of fice 50th, and Sandy. FOR 8ALE Nina room, cement and brick bouse, finished attic : hardwood floor down stairs; new; occupied 8 months. Owner called away, must sell; 2 fireplaces. 2 toilets. 1 tiled bath room. fine finished basement; new furnace. fruit room, stationary tubs, coal bin, cement garage, porches end walk, plac for aleeping porch, small expense to finbh it All built-in effects, large window, plenty of light sunshine and air. Fin location; street assessments all in and paid. Time given for payment If yen want a real bom thin ia it No agents, ' rhon Thor 1806. THE CHOICE OF ROSE CITY PARK . Claaay 6 room bungalow and attic All up- to-date feature. Price only 83250. including paved streets, sewers, etc.. all in and Dald for Full lot. nice lawn. Meal location, close to RC car. west of hill. It's sure to please yon and the price far below otlier values. Absolutely as rep- reseniea. mono aism isiui or Tabor olas. 82800 A BEAUTIFUL 5 room bungalow hardwood floor, fireplace, cement basement located on a lot 50x100, has nice garage, street paving all in and paiA This bungalow is located in Westmoreland, a beautiful restricted district The owner is leaving the city. Terms, $700 cash and 325 per'" month, including interest. Al wishes to sell his 6 passenger Chalmers automobil cheap. A. G. Teepe Co.. 264 Stark St. near 3d. Main 3616. Branca office -50th and Sand v. VERT NIFTY BUNGALOW 82750 3360 cash. 830 monthly bars this 6 rnnm thoroughly modern buncalow with aleeping poreh. Fog furnace, fireplace and good gar- age inia place was oil lit lor a bom and th workmanship can't be beat, hi block off hard surface road ' in Msntavin. not on Broadway and Washington. Fred W. Armu, 732 Cham ber of Commerce. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN. Beautiful little bungalow at Osweco lake. FuD concrete basement, modern except gas; lo cated on corner acre: riant at B riant station. Southern Pacific electric ; terms; Liberty bonds or good auto accepted aa part navmenf or will trad ' for de-drabie -city bungalow. Phone B-6161. ask for J. R. Smith, or 446 StarkJ . . t. Ml. 88300 ROSE CITY PARK $3300 A large 5 room bungalow, with attic and ce ment basement has furnace, firenlare and abundance of fruit Located just off the Ala meda, near clubhouse and school. If you are particular about location don't fail to investi gate. Terms, fiowo cash, balance like rent A. t. 1 fctFls CO.. 264 Stark st- near 3d. 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. $1860 FURNISHED .double constructed 5 r bungalow, built ins. swell finish. D. kit., fnli cement basement; easy terms. Also several good buys which win nav vm to see before buying elsewhere. See CILSON. 4 81 Ck. of Com. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW 5 rooms, strictly modern, hard surface streets close to car and school. Pries $2600. Easy terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. . 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOUR ROOM BUNGALO'W $1800 Nice 4 room buncalow, electricity, fin full basement Dutch kitchen, bath. etc-, lot 4 Ox 190. on East 24ta St.. near Holgate. 8300 eaah and 320 per month. GRUSSI A DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $3050 FIVE rooms and large attic, on full 50x 100 lot in Groveland park; usual builb-ins; hardwood floors, fireplace, two blocks to two car lines : newly decor ated inside. In first class condition. Terms. J. A. WICKMAM CO.. 814 Stark St Main 683. EAST COUCH EASY TERMS, $140.0 '4 room house, abundance of fruit and Derriee. 100 ft front carline, dear of all incumbrance, $300 eaah, bL like rent C. A. Warriner. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 31800 PENINSULA BUNGALOW 81800 Attractive bungalow, lik new; electricity and gas; full lot Wast Emerson st, near Delaware. Term. Se FRANK L. MaTUTHJE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Honv. Main 1068. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. S roont bungalow, hardwood floor, street imp. la and paid, gzswi. Term. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. 8 ROOM modern cottage, roses, fruit, shrub berr and furnished complete: nifty home. 82600. 81600 eaah; investigate and aa what a sacntice. E-o 14, Journal. SPLENDID S room- home. Irvinaton. Coat 310.000. Will tak 87000. Make quick sale. Lot 66xl0w. $500 eaah. baL Ska rant Fine Iocs riots. East 3580. EXQUISITE IS THE WORD Beautiful, saodean ft room bungalow, tn Haw thorns district; 3J60O; $1000 cash. Tabor 9569 FOB SALE LOTS If TO AVOiD FORECLOSURE. $8ob 49x100 aa the N. side of Arnold St. 150 ft W. of Marroerita, Hawthorne anstriet. i I at 6600. Th owner paid over 6160O. for elosnr proceedings hav been instituted so yon will have to hurry. Price Quoted Include street work. Fred W. Merman Co.. 732 Cham. f C. WANT lot. the best $1300 cah will buy; giv exact loeation; letter only. Apt. 6. Clay poot apta. FOR SALE. ftacaLuBlear lot. R. C carline; ea- .'REAL ESTATE FOB SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE 4 lot. East St John; 6467 each, asnall amount down tr yon want to build: long time on balance, aaay payments. Address bos 566. Rainier. Or." BEACH PROPERTY LOVELY beach cottage? Main 4100." ACREAGE 87 11600 2 acre, an la, cultivation; yonnsfo? chard, small house. ehk-kenhoua,. good eon orate well, cost 8400; fronting on Bake line road. 8 miles from city limit. 4 block from station. This place cost the owner 32500. A. j. FARMER. 4 OS Btoesi Exrnange. FOR SALE IV acre. North Edison st, St Johns, overlooking river, near railway. Would make fin industrial aits. I am drafted and have to e!L Woodlawn 1208. 160 ACRES, Lincoln county, partly . improved, stock or dairy; 04 acre Ronton county. 60 acras timber. baL partly improved ; 813 per acre. Address 638 TsmhiU at. Portland. Or. 1 k acre at Stanley station, modern bouse, gang, storeroom, chicken pen. bearing fruit tree; Vk cent far. East 8558. -mornings. FOB SALE FARMS 17 Some High Class Farms 92 acre. cloe to Hillsboro, on good road, mail and milk route: all rood soil, some beaver- dam, 65 cultivated and in crop, fair buildings. plenty of fruit good well and running water. A first das dairy ranch, stocked end equipped. Can aaake satiafactorv nrice and terms. 58 acre. 3 mile from Forest tirove, nan mile to red carline. cloae to school: in splendid fanning district; place all cultivated. 1.0 acre young bearing orchard, place all .in crop, fair buildings. beit of soil, beautiful, sightly hom plaoe. The price is right Wall improved IB acre home. 28 mite from Portland, on red carline; good building, spring and well.' fin orchard ; (took and implement with tins place and the price ia right. I guarantee every on of these place a real bargain, and I have many more. For prices and detailed description, call or write SEAL BROWN. 207 Panama bldg. AUCTION SALtOF FARM Artd personal property. Sept 7th. 1 p. ra . 4 41 VI acre good plow Und. 15 acre 'cleared : good house, barn outbuilding, family orchard and homes, eon, chickens, farm implements, household goods; easy terms on farm. J. W. Hughes, auctioneer. A. E. Van Emn. ownsr. 1000 ACRE valley stock farm, about 80 miles south of Portlsnd. Or.; in good farming dis trict, a mile from station on 8. P. and 4 hi miles from good town: good auto road, phone. mail snd milk route, school across the road: well fenced with woven wire; watered by streams and springs, spring wster piped to buildings; 700 arras tillable, 300 fin timber, ebout 10,000.- 000 feet; 800 cultivated, half of this, bottom land, more land easily cleared, about 400 open pasture, fine orchard, good 6 roam house, slso smaller house, large barn and other outbuildings. well equipped with vehicles, farm implements snd small tola, R horses, 60- head of cattle, 850 fine ewes and lambs. Thi is a going farm, not out in the bills, but right In a good community. Price, including all crops, stork and implements. 865,000; can make good terms. The timbec and personal property on this place Is worth at. least 320.000. CaU or write Neal Brown. ZU7 I'anama bldg.. Portland, or 828.000 RANCH FOR 814.000 1 60 acre 10 mile from Voeouver on mala stag road. 80 acres in cultivation, large baru and house, good granary, brick amok bouse end other building, land all level. Thi place sold for 328.000 6 years sgo; owners have several other ranches and son hav gone to front They hav instructed u to offer his magnificent prop erty at on half price. Photo at of tie of Fred W. German. 782 Cham, of Com. YAMHILL CO wheat farm. 104 1-8 acre; 70 acre in cultivation, balanca pasture : tele phone and daily mail : 2 hi mile to town, rail road and big grain elevator; 896 per acre, cash, or will tak small place nr Portland for part R I Hickman. Yamhill. Oregon. R F. D. 2. LM PROVED 10 acr farm, close to Pacific bigh way. not far from Oregon City. 9 under cul tivation, good spring snd w.ll. very good build. inss. close to school. R. F. 11. and cream route. Owned by lady employed in city who will acsi fice for 32000. Terms if desired. L. K- Moor. 317 Board of Trade. CLARKE COUNTY. WASH.. 83760 40 a. in cult, new 5 -room bona, barn 40s 50. chicken house, woodshed. 1 hi miles from Amboy in that wondronsly fertile Chela tchi prairie. This is sn ideal farm home, Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. 20 ACRES close to station on the Southern !' cific. all eloared: 7 acres in apples, lust com ing into bearing; 4 room lou-, bam. chicken house: good water. Pnre 11600 on easy term. 417 Abington. i. J. Fieber FOR SALE A FINE WILLAMETTE VAI. LET FARM CALL OWNER. EAST 4844. 633 E- 13TH N. FOR SALE 40 acre prune and dairy farm all in cnltivation and good land, 2 mile from TsmhflL Write owner. Box 104, Tsmhill. Or. FOB RENT PA RMS 11 8 MILES from Yamhill, mil shipping point hi mil school, for 3125 a year: 160 acre diversified farm, 20 acres in cultivation, more ready to plow: good fencing and goat fencing lots of outrange' up-to-date bam; 2 h oases, spring by house and good creek through place farming implements, wagons and harness, tele phone, daily mail. Vacant September 1, wijl rent tor one or more years, vrwner, r. avoscn nitxky. Tacolt Main. 200 ACRE stock and prune ranch- for rent by Oct 1 : 30 a. prunes, abowt 60 under cul tivation. 12 tons hay. stock and Implements and bay for sale cheap or would consider trad stork snd implements for house and lot W. H. Krigr. Airtte. Or. , TIMBER IS WANTED One or more sawmill men to take eacb a homestead or timber claim, or both and buy my deeded timber claim; one timber claim on large creek. 6 miles from R. R- aiding 60.000.000 stnmpare accessible. 86 per cent pine. At home sfter 7:30 p. av. 210 H 1st st Portland. Or. W. H Brclth. PIi ING AND BHIP KNEES WANTED. "OTT GAMBLE. GERLINGER BLDG. HOMESTEADS 4 160-ACRE homestead relinquishment; on 40 arre1 relinquishment; 25 acres of alder bottom land was cleared years ago; place can be irrigated fmm stream; also 120-arr relinquish tn .t in Tillamook county, with house and sfiTTle. Morris. 431 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE S4 100 ACRE stock ranch, near MaUlla: 10 head of stock. 3 brood sows, 1 boar, 2 docen chick ens. cream separator, feed and machinery, out side range for 150 to 200 head of cattle. Price 14000. or exchange for r lose-In acreage or in side property. llerrosn Paper, 517 Union ave. N. Phone East 42H5. FOR SALE or trade, 15 seres, all clear, best land in Oregon state, fruit. 1 hi mile from Oregon City. 10 mm. walk to W 111am ette car. Good buDdlngs, spring wafer, for house in Portlsnd or Seattle Take Willamette ear from Oregon city. Call in postoffice for Joe Mekne. STOCK ranch, all fenced and cross fenced: good trhildings, mschinery, tools, furniture and stock: Eastern Oregon; exchange for Portland or Willamette valley property. G. L. Webb, 414 E. Htark st LIST your property with n for teanita ea charge of merit Established 10 years. Tb Ernest Younger Co.. 106-187 park t, tween Washington and Stark its. TEN share Lawyer Title A Trust stock; also business, lot' Phone Tabor 885. 132 E. 89th st. pa vi want east view Portland Heights lot Wood- lawn 129. W ANTED REAL ESTATE SI WANT AT ONCE -Modern 3-rooas bungalow, Rose City Park preferred. Must be good buy. Will pay all cash. 1 am temporarily out of city and bav authorised my scent A. K. Hill. 419 Henry bldg.. to auks purchase" for m aad attend to all matter Uterswitn, mission for you to pay. - HHACKtt AND SMALL ttOMES WAN .SUJ Must be N. 8. -and prices riant W has annwron buyers watting. Fred W. -(iirmig Co.. 732 Chasm, of Con. WANTED To buy from owner, S bunaalow. 8200 down and 828 per month. with privilege of paying more, by responsible party. E-87T. Journal. - NOTICE 1 If yon wish to aacriftee your property for cash writ fully. Don't answer mil as you wish to sacrifice. J 881 B. Morrison. CLIENTS WAITING tor small hows ia city anS asnall tract near by. List your with an, Realty A Mortgage Co., 833 Chamber of Com merce. Main 2051. WE hav call for from 82000 to S5000. Let as O.. W. Brvan. SOA Cham. ef , Cobb. shall 868. Main 196A, yaaungn Mag- 4WANT OAK GROVE PROPERTY a or results h yom Estate Ex.. 201 3d st, your property . wtth tne Baal , ran Portland. SAIS X WOMstl 1 ana aaD or trade anything;, anywhere. LAYMAN. 147 Park st WILL PAY CASH for lot or small henna and Jot tn good district not over 20 minutes oat J-965, Journal. - VANTED On or mora acre near euy BOOJCTKO BOTSES FOR SALE Small rooming house. 12 rooms. 'central wast - j aide; rent 880. with laaae; 6800. i v - , . f 7-rocm Oat.' good fnrnttmr. low Tent. : Fries 3628. Phone owner, -Broadway 2686. V ' j FIRST das rooming house for- aal. clean in; ' 1 new.' term. Room 214, Henry bldg. sj BUSINESS OPPOBTCTT1TIES r -r ' j 1 709 WILL put rod In a position to teak ' ' over 8400 a month. Grocery with living " -room, rent only 310 par month; lust plao for party working in shipyard; a good location : i hard aurfao st It win pay yon to oorne in and - ' let me show you thai. Lea than $800 will handle. Sea Cieeon. 431 Cham, at One. GROCERY SNAP Corner location, doing 75 to 8100 per day; nice clean stock, good fixtures, all for 31200. Stock alon worth th money. 40 S wetland bldg. FOR 8AI.E Restaurant,' dotag good business. furnished rooms in eostoectioa to mil east of The Dalles, on Columbia rtrat highway. J. 8nsbry. Arlington Restaurant ' Arlington Or.' FOB 8AL& A food, clean stock of gn. gad. Good location, in good stogk And farming -belt A bargain if taken txr one. Write Pennel Bros.. Tiller. Or. .v PRINTING PLANT WITH" LIn6t! Pft ' Two practical men ean b tndepsnawag tag life: 88000 cash required. M-806. Journal 75 ROOM hotel, lea than price of tumjt tor; clears gtUU per montn. Am In next draft and will-set price at 33600 net B-670, Journals FOR SALE, rent or trade. 60 barrel water power flour mill, in twn on railroad, tn first class , 1 running order. Deal with owner. J-981. JoarnaL CIGAR store, lodaiiia house in ennneetlnn- fWa - I wwwin in lawn. I OU ana DaintOtt. s. 1 FOR SALE High school lunch room 2 will stand teat Call East 2 199 "after 4. ! FOR SALE Soda fountain. Phono East aSTtv MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE JT OUR Installment pia- la th bast and surest metBod ci paying a loan, t 882.26 per month - 86 months, or 821.24 for 60 months, or 815.17 for 86 month, pay 81000 loan and Interest 1. Other amounts tn proportion, ' V loan on Improved city piuperty. f. Or for building purpoaea, 1 No commission cbaraed. . EQUITABLE SAVINGS A I.OAN ASSOCIATION za Btasra t.. Portland. Or. ; PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE i on your city hom in easy installments with 10 yean' time to repay; fully protected by lit ia suranee under Horn Purchase Plan of the Equit able Lif Assuranc Society, Interest S per cent; no commission. See air. Strong, Xqujtaoi office, Oregonian bldg. 6600. 34O0T 3600. 6760. 31000. aa up. lowt interest rate. Linen -pm-passeai privilege. No delay. 1 OOKUON INVESTMENT tXX. oa i c-namrer or commerce. BUILDING loans on city r suborbaa pronartyi ! mooey savancea as wont progres. w. J. Be. t. 215 snd 216 Failin bldg. Main 8407. I FOR MORTOAGK LOANS se OREOON IMV. A MORTGAGE CO, Stcok Exchange :bldsu. 3d nd YmhlU sts. ! " " il.j. 6860. 8400. 6500. 8650. $H0. U6d and larger amounts st anrrevit rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham. Com. $600 TO $9000 to loan, city or fa.m gge: no eommisshm. P. U. Box 878. MOHTUAGE loans, 6 and 7 . Lotus A Co,. 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgages, loan, contracta yrs: Lwi. room 4. Lewis bldg I rn 86. MONET rn iniv rmTTms SALARIES '- 1ti ' Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONET THiattai ' On short notice to salaried or worklnemm their own noU ' Weekly, seml-monU-y or r v arcntnry payments. mm unaaaouoa guieuy l confidential. NO MORTOAG.j NO TNDQRSBB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Wa also loan ea household furnitnra. Tf' inss etc, without removal. COLL MB IA DI8COT5NT COMPANt. , LICENSED, 218 Failing bldg. ! f You Need Money Sed Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loana mad to persons on salary esr thud tw. eons, on housenoia furniture, piano, a and stosr personal property; legal rates. coanaenttal; private ofneaa. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. LieenswL 806-807 Dekum Kit PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAi4 A&4N. ' -- " i Estabtisbed by Portia no business men to protrsl - borrow r. - ."', 0. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARE tT4 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, flANOS. HUUREHULU HHMTUKS. i LOANS WANTED S LOAN your mooey. 10 per cent intersat on) , Improved Portland real estat. W ean plaro . sum of $100 up. -CaUars-Uurton caw. 13m t-v Gaseo bldg. I -"' WANT loan $700 to 81600 at 1; good"- ..: enrity. Mala 6804. 201 8d (t FINANCIAL j - f LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT y Csh for nv smoonub I ELWOOD WILES CO. ' ' I ill United State Nstionsl Bank Bldg. f Open 8tturdy evening until A n. aa. LIBERTY BONDS BOUl'lHT. W pay caeh. Open Saturday evening. ' CKLLAHS-MURTON CO.. 726 Gaseo-Bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC ' BARGAINS Must be sold to make room, hrV esa and mules, big and small name of kl) -descrhitions. farm wagons, wood wagrtrta. buggies and farm tools. Phil Suitter. Crown Stables, 266 r run i fu i i - - PRETTY riding and driving mar with her ' nes and rubber tired Studebaker trap. $128, If given good honte. Mar. 1420. , --i, TWO good wood wagon complete, with rack) klsa dunm wood waaon. Your choice for gklk. - Crown Stables. 285 Front at. ; " . . FOR SALE 2 span of good work home. wV - about 3000 lb, each. WU1 sell reaaonabla, . Phone 69-W MUwankle. Or. (SrD farm team with hames, lt.6, welgU i gnarantead aood worker. Crown gaMu ' 285 Front st , . ' b bora and animal hanlad away ire. Cal V 1 . vii.wn v. roruas ssevmenna fc.iv HORSES and wagon tor rent by th dty. eingl $1.60. or donbto $8. 646 Front Main "2206. SMALL team mul, 4 and 6 rear ohL onl 3160. 286 Front at i DEAD bones takes, if fat. paid tor; dead" pew tor. r-naw atuwaukla. . LIVESTOCK St '.' EXTRA Jersey cow, 3 years, 8 gallon; heifer calf 8 months: 4 too hay, $160. Baa Lin-' road. Tabor 4 591. , k 626ona.urbuyteam black Morgan mares. or"wul irso tor cows, cnickens or sbeep. 11. p, H. 8, Box SOA. Roaverton. Or. ; LARGE freak cow, ber rich milker, guod iat family or dairy, tubercular tested. 619 B. " Johns st. St Johns. - , -Jbi FOR sale or trade, young mare 1100 be!;'W- for fretb cow. Jame MacGregor. 186ft 'T. Rodney ve. Phon Woodlawn 4852. - i FOR SALE Firstlaas family cow; R. 1- Jted hen. CM Tabor 3368. also ft FOTJLTRT, PIGCONS. rET STOCK tT ' FOR SALE On rooster and tmm ektrnjr ' illy" White Minorca. Woodlawn 930 after 6:30 p. m. DOGS, BIRDS. 'PETS, .ETC. sonable prices: will deliver. Call V write R. F. Kreta. 869 Strong st. WANTED A- weU trainedoiui. dog. tAet ttort -' ougnry unoersunas driving eattl in thAB gain. J. S. BealL. Woodlawn 317L V FOR ajl.K Mica nas the big boy. "Flemish. 4 6141 Woodstock ave. . I , ATJTOMOBILE8 ACCESSORIES I 4t lllTtOS7riagansarlnga, Wheela. Axles d , Txallers W wreck all aaakan of car and U -fbatr good parte at half prioa. David Bodes On, Broadway and rtandsrs at Broadway 196. sTocz USED CARSvi COTET MOTOR CAR CO.! f ' Slat and Washington sta. Mat, ssji DtTBRUTLLB TOP CO.. th at Oak. Broadway 166A MUST sell my 1918 S -passenger Maxwell ear . at once; A-l sondition; pneeV 6750. Call.. Broadway 807. 8 a. ra. to 6 p. as.. W. J. rinke.!, FOR SALE Used cars of all kind, first ckS ' ranniDg eonotoon. rnaas cnaap. - wju tx open every day. .831 lt . -A DON'T BdRN GASOLTnS , - '. ' Fords CO 100 mites for 60c Tina 'la ns bonk. I0a.m-to8p.ss. 28 M. Broadway, i 1016 Ford, run 3090 tailea. $560. Temu.ja2' " Tabor 630. . ' MUbT U my 1818 MaxwaU tooting etvii - ooce. . X-B14. Jowrnal " - - VILA.' sU-say 1817. MaxwaU ebeag .-sis. JOWTfA. . . - SPOT eaah paid for ased ears. Dealers' Can ' 1 Car Clearing Hons. Grand see snd K. erta. j FOB SALE 1916 6 pasnbar Ford, It i- shasse. f64 Thormsn t .X-' - . f ; 3 ROOM fiirniihed apt. 678 E. Salmon at ' :" .- -i- " - '.(....- '". ''ii.f- " i naant walk; VH)0. 7- f 12-876, Journal. Tabor 4488. 1 A . -i UmiU of Portland. D-548, JoarnaL tcoauinatd ( t tUomimf rtl. sV- r t- t