The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    the. onzcoir-cuijday jouh:;al.
Norwegian Sineinr Festival
Opens .af Auditoiumf;With
".'a. Much-Applauded, Program.
-, '.ii i t i' ,
director Rudolph poller Brig
Out Beautiful Effects In Mag
nificent Work, 'Leif Eriksson
'n-XAnt Eriksson." unc b nearly SOe
' J wolce at. the Norwegian : Bang-erf eat at
Ihe Auditorium Saturday lucht, vall
' -5lndln In : prfect harmony ad -
fpreaaln every shad of human emotion,
showd,.-ht the Norwegian sinter
" ''were able t do. under the direction of
Rudolph I if Oiler. Director Meller bad
i uch perfect" command of his chorus ana
.-inspired Such confidence tn the singer a,
"that not the si lsh test aim of discord
, knarred ' the affect , ot 4b Norwegian
' masterclc. nut carried on to the and
: v. .H. tnlalv tha ntn(
., mvj VH PV' " -. ;
fended with, th grand acclaim el. final
. t Two eomDOsttlona of Mr. Mailer were
- : amonc the moat popular numbers n th
irgraIn, '!VIklngaoner., sang" by the
1 rand ehorna with ail th terror Of the
f K'nnrcrliii neonle. and "Je iaenger mot
jBol tog Bommer,M eang by. Alfred Hal
. iryoraen, in a rich barlton tow. ai
.jvorsen scored aucceaaea in every num-
3r ha aang and reaponded to a number
Jof enooree.
Another ' popular ' soloist wit Cora
31ansen-aisen. celartura soprano, th
.sweetness tot whoa vote made her
hrenarai favorite. Sh eang "Lo. Hear
Ue Gntl Lark." "Ah. Nella Calrna
iand "Old Kentucky Home," to which the
Urand chorus aang th accompaniment
la th firat two number Edgar E. Caur-
Mti waa ' th very sympathetic aocom-
nantat, . Harry Knight played th flut
bllgeto to "Lo, Hear th oentie irn.
t Another producer whoa composition
waa -ung by the chorua waa Charles
-Swensen, who composed "Solan og San
Siren," full of th aunahin and song of
le native Country. Mr. Bwenaon ala
flayed -an organ solo, Fantaala in C
nror by Bema..
I Th Xlrleg" Mala chorua of Hdqulam.
jwttli jdarard Tonnlng .aa director, draw
Jforth a Volume of applaua from ita ren
dition .of "Aftanroeter."
I Th Norwegian mala, chorua of 8e-
tu' waa acneauiaa on ina program,
ut did not reach Portland in 'time to
lappear. N' "
Tn ' grand chorua waa beat Jrt the
ia xorwegian bobjcb, into wiuai . incj
jpoured forth all th energy, the enthu-
.klaam and vigor oft their race, but hard
Jy leaa fervent were the aonga of Amer
ica which they aaag. Their Interpreta
tion of "Dixie Land" allowed they had
become . thoroughly Americanised, for
jMf foreigner could ever put forth th
jipirlt they displayed in that air to dear
io- th hearts of th Southerner. , ,
"Keep the Home Ftrea "Purningr .waa
jno leaa wonderful aa Bang by -the
jchorua, in which they epraed all th
lemotion and longing beJohging to it- ;
t Th opening number of ' "Araerlca,"
nd th closing ntmibr of "Th Btar
fBpagld Banner" ahowed.the patriotio
atur of the .program". ; . ' r .
The Featival "orcheetra,. directed by
ToeiaVMa Deey
carve Aeaaet ZZ
" i Are Better
tTMBefk Utimmtii S
1 , perfect;se$vice
i Eya carefully
. properly fitted
aaamuied and S
auuaa epaciauaia.
ses s
When . you ares sick I it 5
Nosn't take a pooI doctor to j
.s-iclt you .that" KstaSybody a
fi could do that inuchbut to 5
i tell exactly the. nature of the 5
3 uiscic sunicumes call lor S
utmost skill oL the phy-s
: Most aiiybodybyva few S
S simple tests could tell that 5
a j"v citsiEHiiwaa acrcciive.
! and that you needed glasseaj 5
: but t diagnose :the' exact S
J trouble , and f it 5,the-RIGHTs
i'a glasses calls for more than 5
arainarv skiii. t v - . sb
r; . ..
We kav xnad thai an thing
a lifetime study, mnd our hut
ineaa J .t bring mrebf eyaa
and Htht tlatd :; together.
H Complete lena crind In w-
f: factory on the premlies vs
.ort?aad'a Largest, Meat Madera, 5
Optical Eetabfiahmeat
-:3-10-ll. CORSSTT CLDC
SWCS 1908 - ,.
., , tint i.ttf tttmf.titttf tt.ti a
. jr - " . " - -' - n , .. .i-.ii r 1 " i. -"-1 ii i - i l i 'I " ii
S.I . in-r- Ii. i .., .i.i. ri. i i H I I Hi' I m II rl .' ' ! " i i
-i i 4 - ?i .'. :
fll? -'' Is?-'
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f 'fv
: 4 i t''- ' " I - I'
ll )P: tr
viUWA 111 v s
Lieutenant E. C Andrew and his tw
i reeentv wounded and ...the
AfUr aarvic ainca Auguat v 7, 114,
whan he went out with th Britten f orcea
as a private, Lieutenant B. G. Andrew
of London writes his cousin, Mrs. J. A.
Haydon Of 1267 Thompson street, that
h has been decorated. 1)y the Kins' of
England for gallantry In action, and de
votion to duty in the fielda .Lieutenant
Andrews write from a hospIUI' In Lon
don where he Ilea eriously wounded ana
tells a dramatic, though simple 'story of
marvelous heroism through which he has
won his laurels. Most eloquent or an
to all Amar lean readers whose men at
most, are rounding out the first, year. of.
actual foreign service, ar the endless
four years. of unspeakable suffering
which have gone before the exciting in
cidents of last Jttn Which this veteran
soldier eatt Still discuss with such enthu
siasm. .!;: -v: v'- c -" - .:
Ha waa with the Twehty-nintli division
.f the British forces in- aaUipoU in 1915
and 191, On the Somme front in 1916 and
MIT, Arraa In M17. Tpres in isit, ana
finally with th Royal Fusiliers at Cam
brai in MIT he Buffered the wounaa
which ave rendered him unfit for aer
vtce for eom tim'ai least, if hot per
manently, though n write of -gotting
back Into the fight." r . .
On the laat occasion be led his men
over No Man's land at midnight on a
reconnoitering party to discover the ex
Andrew -IV Nelson, played several, ae-
lections. v
. Ti aMond concert of th festival will
b rlvV-e,t Th adUorlum', this -eve-ningf
riMoMday; nfiht'the 'sing
ers will's assemble In, 'banquet at the
Multnomah hotel. a1 '
HI ! ' Hi - .g".-
O. MMultr Hit below thr hi no Bm6 61
ear aa (torn the Feetfio I orthweat. .
i.uiL kn. at,-rh'. hi?ef -eiitsaftfe
in th United fltt Mrviee auui pabH toniabt.
eontaln a total of 203 namta. THeraara aa
Mmrf of nwrinct included. The caraaltiei am
dtTidrd at teUom:
KUtod in aeUm iu
Woondcd uttrely ................... 110
Wed of woendi
Woaaded. dtre nndettrmintd - TT
Dud of diseu ...................
Tetat i.
killkd in Aertoit:
Brtaaaae. M. Y. - :-
rrnrawe.,-'-- .. t ?
fONT W. BRa,JCrBMBt,Jtfo.i- .
WA8IL KOVABW1CK. Grodno. Raaria. ... .
K..SHE&Sug. BootlUar Harbor.
diid or Mrouaba fttoaivia ih aotion
it. i. :-..- 1 . -.5 '-v-yA'-
.'- i'; -.--Trmimi-'3f-y? .'?
HOWARD E. BOARD, Bedford,, ta;! $fM.
MARVIN B. HAK80N, Gralton. N.' 0. ; i-'jy
WILLIAM V. MCCAFFREY, Waihinston. Pa.'
OEO&UB MEHKB. Oihkoab. Wia, v.-; . V
. oiao or fttaaata - - -r? ;
t.nttrfvrsaMT orrrktt a-oorrrtRANT. wn-
Oaaupart, ft.' -';, -..i. :j.',;'i't -A-
vouNoao atvKRiLVt.iN actios" -,
Captain Edward J. Schmidt, Manitowoe, Wia.
Luateuato Umm C. MiH. PHUtoa. ... Pa.:
thMdore O. Vem. McFarlaAd. .WK '
SteaBt WUllam s. noxtoo, ' woieeatrr.
Mam. 3 Loohv Downa, Bnelair.evis. ; Willi at B.
raaaloW Jr., Chicaao. J1L;- Klward -Alfrwl Ma
ehoaafc, Milwaukea.-Wti. JUall Hebry achUncar,;
Ann Arbor, Mich.; Jamei Short; Bi Rapid.
Mich.; Btarr Robart Wailaee, Cuoaco, Hi ' .
Corpormle Chdriee S. Bennett Tnla, Okhvi
Pertat A.'-Dean Ktraauictoa, Cobb.;.. Oaea F.
Uraekrer, OUIatt, Wia, .Paul 3. Etaaa, Sctantonv
ra.;- Hooart aj. ranter, uonrtnonaa, , va; ' jobb
Art Ffanar, Allowa, Wia; Oeora 8. Fttller,
Uaieatown. P.; Wilbnr W. Labua. St. Joseph.
Mo.; Leak Murphy, Hannibal, Ho.-; Sam Nr
troen. goath MinaeapoUa, Mian.1 tranrtt CL
Btntsataa. MatlaR, Iowa; Clarenea Waller, Am
herst, ianctloa. Wia ; Frank Sail Fox. Oweaco,
Mteh.r- Cbarla CoHlna rmau. Owoato. Mion.:
Stephen MnaoM, Kaakaaaa. Wia. ' ... -
Matter Electrician , Paal M.- BobiBard. : We)
irmatea Harold Edward Andanon. sonta Am-
Sor, KtJ.t Jobs Batter, Oaatralia, Met ArMrtr BL
Bakr Barerty, Uta Jaaeph Beck, t Cbtaato.
111. i Wuilam Bell. : Eaelalra. Wia. : ; Howau
BaaSe, London. Kr. - Artfaar W. Banbart. Tar.
lor, lb. William Boadon, Chieaco. I1L .Craw
ford' Jacob BonnelL XansiaS, Mich. Mic&i Ar-
Uiar II. - Bretaehar. aprintfiald. UL: Othai Bar.
aett. Tvraer Station, Jty.i v atevbaa H. Cart
wright, Fairfield. N. C: Joeeph Colbert. Somer
tille, Ma.i Jobs? Dreaea. PineonnincY Mich.;
frank B. Edward. Palo. Mich. J owns, Edward.
Onawar, Mich. 2 Bobort W. Hah, PottatiUe. Pa;
William B. Holden. Creaton, , Colo.; Icnte
Paraaak, Datroit, Mies.) - Balpb -U. Bcraolda.
Baioit. Wia.: Jo Boaay. lfaaontotra. Pa.; Ken
netb Tbora. Eaclair. Wia.; Claraaea J. Waaner.
Uaabart, Pa.; Caatero E. Wite. Daarilla, Pa,;
ivwwmni' & vratuiar. vFaeauya, Av-- x.; waa
Fled Wlaaaer. Tfeoepe, Wia. : Thomaa. J. Wiley,
Baltimora, Md.; .Waiter 2alasowaki,v Milwaakae,
Wia (.Henry E. Tfom, Chicaao. IU.; Howard
Beid Caaa. Fliat. Mtcb-S JaaMa B. CoSiaa. CnU
ease. 111.; Jaaepb, E. CreaawhHe. Veraaile. Mavj
Glea U Darklioa. Owasaa. Mtah.t iohn H. nia.
PhUaderpbU. Pa.; Joha UeTin. Philadelphia, Pa.:
Ebarle Dontlaa. PhlUdelphla. 1 p. ; Anthony A.
ankel. . Cbiaaeo? Oeorta Lewis rnrbm, Carla-
. . wnu jMBenca, , uetrmt, alien.
(Saileid K. Faraum. Saanier. Iowa; Wil1Ui W
Field, Baltiaiora. Md: Harrt Joseph FoUy. e-
irnc aticn.; mn CTreienaai, MUwaukea. waw
Koraiaa 1 Uortea, Montaotnety emustr. pa.
A rthar fiarriaj Ottawa. . Baa. : . Joarph J. Heia,
Cbicaso. Hit Forraat Humble, Cowpen, 8. C:
JoMpblsaae. Manlftiiaa, Mich. WamttPetaf
tuhl, waterrilet. Mien.: William J. KrUj, Phil-
adelphik. Pa. 1 - Hrry , KUbey, Oahkoab, Wia
-aec Airvy, rTaoaiort, hkh; jonepa Jloalckit
Aihley, P. Arthar L. LafWr Malon. N. Y.t
i'iaada iuandstra, Grand Btpidt. Mich.; Jo
Pranklla Uwura. Grand Bapids. Mich. : Jocetth
Jme Leary. Jr. .Albion.. Mich, t Morrit Lede.
man. riew Terk, H. T.; krank I.lo. Lamina
Mtrh.; Thomas F. MeBride, New Tork, N. T.t
Ardiia'&. McDonald. Werner, B. Jj.; Julia
. - ,rr v., j-j- jay.
cons, Bobble and Edward, the fatter
tons U. the British jnayy
act location of HU in' a farm that was
to be the objective of the eay morning
attack bv the Brttisn forces. They
crept "up to within earshot of the enemy
and brought several hand grenades and
sentry fires noon them, thus discovering
the desired information. They crept
back and a few hours later Lieutenant
Andrew led the first menon the at
tack. , They managed a complete eur-
urise. and gained ; their ground though
greatly outnumbered. Expecting a eoun
ter attack immediately th men were
ordered to "dl in," and it was while the
timittia.nt was enceuraglfig the men
tn work fast covering the line that
shell burst behind hied and broke hla
shoulder blades.
tent nnlv th Doasesaion of the M. C.
ffr biii name tha Military Cross), has
this British soldier cause for pride, but
hia two small sons, age 11 ana is years.
are the principal cause for pride, as they
ar aarviha in the British navy, the
elder, a petty officer. Norman, the
younger boy, has been in the navy for
two veara and the older boy. Edward.
naa won hia strinea bv many thrilling ex.
periences. He has been torpedoed and
saved and while his mother was anxious
ly awaiting his arrival in 'London on
that occasion sh received Instead let
ter telllnjt her that he had lett Immeai
atelv on the return trio to America. He
waa then not yet 19 years of age. ;
wmU MTtJ1nhla. Pa.: Hunt IIbIIIbb. Blair.
Ohio; Kbrmaa J. Mnrpby, gefantoa. Pa.; Joha
B. Mrare. Bozbotoncn, Philadelphia, Hm
fi: NedteMkKtoochtopV 'teH Woe. Cwr-
Brlcida' P ana. Bodnay, ' tf. ., 1C ; John Pflmtar,
Cambria. Ula : J0o Pittenr.?'Hadoa. Mich, j
Van Hinti J ohlmaij; Prenton In.j TaffoH
KSspon, New Brihtont N. T. t 'fn Boav Sha
wano. Wit : Henrr Beneffaa. Chleaeo. CI.: Not-
aua S. Scecin., Bntmlla, Mian. ; ' Stephen
Vanghn Bhlpraen. Bancor, Mica. J Boward W.
Shoe. Bcaaeffentown. - Pa f OUrer a -Smith.
Anrbtor. N. T. I. FMnk Hi Btebbtea. Owomo.
Mieh;; i Kay Btetru RJehanK Cote.; Edaar
Btnrcia, John. Mich, Bkchard B. Tappendea.
Chieap,UU ' CUndt H. Tajlor, Oklahoma City,
Okie. ' - ?.
woUnpan AortoN ntaRKi uhdk.
lieMrta-Bowatd H. Peckbam. TiUiaci.
Iowa; Robert H. Wileoa Jr Brooklyn, V. T.
BerceanU -Vilaaa Dinaer, Hew Bethlehem. Fa.;
Thenta O. O'&eill, Pomona. CaL I John Price, at.
Lonia, Mo. . .
Corporal Fred D. ABdndsa, Oakland, CaL:
Bentoa Anderson. Worthing on. W. Ta. : William
Daacan Brian, Mount Leonard. Ma: Albert En-
lemao, Kew Tork, N. X. : MareeU A. Ther,
iVuhinaton. D. C: 1 Arthur M. FoUt. Barton.
Louis Kanstant,: HsmUamek, Mich.; Albert
Roneehke, Detroit. Mich.; Leroy M. WUlma.
Albambra. Cal.: Frank WeUmkL Chieaco. ULt
Lawreaee 1. leller, Chicaao. Tto. ,
', isntier ciyae uneu iioom, Henry, W. vs. - -
', Mechanic John P. ' Barn. McKeesrecks, Pa. r
Mnrieian Jame Weirioh. Middletowp, Pa.
PriTata-MaTnr AbelanniaAMAau. C it.
krbm A, Kavia, New Terk. N. T.j John Ateora,
cauin, in.; amna Andenon, Coma, Ky.; Ar
thar T. Barrr. Warranter, llig. XVillU A
Bertea. Dayton. Ohio; Bbatataa Biaa, Danu, Va.;
amaa. jfiayioca, atataewa eonntj Va.; Tom
Brack, JVawport, Ark. ; Cbarle W. Barge. North
Weymouth. Mass.: KalDh Carr ' Jndmni. Ark
Tony Ueaandra, Mridin. Conn, j Henry F. '&ieta,
nmnon, rt. i. yertii uaea-Kcfcel, tola. 111.;
Low K.. Edward. Balfalo, 8. C; Paal Even.
Albany, Mo.; j Peter, J. Gallacher. Brooklyn, N.
V ; Mai Orbma.Anklyn, . T. Aba Oreen-
vvrg, nrooxim. ji. r netT Alhor Han. Diana,
W. 'Va. EMton 0 HU, JMayflaW, Ky.; Cbarii
Kanulton. Monroa. Vs.; WilUam' J. Heia. 'Bart.
bfii'a". MT1LA-.MU' fpartaV Mfcsh.5 Fred
Hircb,-fJw Tork. It. T.: Joseph Hnttoa. Lan
casur. Pa.; Edwin Jelscb, Phikedelphia. Pa. ;
owt Bobev Kew Floraaoa, Pa.;, Edward J.
tit. voapauey. i-a; xxmls a. tiettier, Bicb
mood, ,Ind.r Jame F.: Lami. Coal City, lit;
Coetoane, Wia 1; Daniel Bamaal MeKintey, Roda,
M.: Jeora McMnnay, Eralriv Ky.; Thomaa
E. Mabnken. Woad?Hae. th V!T Fred I MiSC
Banderaon. Fta. ; Enriea Moaao. Philadelphia,
- ' r -"-'-I. JKUg-
Whiting, lnd.1 - William J. Scott
Pa: 8Pl M. fiiaaar. Newark. N - 3 , u.vXiT uT
BUator, MobUa, Aia-j Joaeph Sabot, Jeraey City:
ZlIzTV' Mf'ra,,en Tbonui Taller. Leea
iaM. Va. ; John VadSanctnmen, Belmont eeanty.
" juawara vaaovert: OaUatin, Ma; Aasaia
Verdi, E.rettJJMa.r William whiu, CkAland!
wiiGr"rj3 Wiihelm. Eranarlile inlTtrar
Dewitt. Mo.; Jaaaaa a. WrriokT Tart HaataTlad:
(Corrtinaad from Par Oaa)
"Tha, enemy, yeaterday. captured Ja-
: "Astride the 'tors there were forefleld
eagar6mehts.i Alon the twe enemy
feconnoiterlnsr j parties , were thrown
back. . ' .- ,. ' c vr4 .;-... ;r
,"North or the Somme 4 British at
tack -was thrown back hy our attack
to- th positions of their departure.
North of. the Olsa BYencb attanka'ih
the cat sector between Ldberome and
northeast of Noyon were mostly brouaht
to a stanasuu.
i "On! the west bank of the, canal the
nemy was-thrown .out -to Chevilly.
Several attacks from Neyon eollapaed.
."Alons . the 'AlletteTthere "were '! viol
lent Battles. -.'
Tkorth of Soissona We took a trout
McDouall . Tiluric Co.
I!S Alder Street, sear Broadway
section reaching from Pasly to Juvigny
and Bucy Le Long." v - -
in I n - : - ,
; Brltlih Offictal.Keaort ; , V
London. ' Aug. ' il. (t?. P-V-p-The. text
of tha British official sUtement , foW
lows ' . - - - "'-'.Z
"In a- dashing night operation the
Australian seised . the village and hill
of Moist Bt, Quentin. north Of Feronne.
thereby, gaining, an Important - tactical
feature commanding Peronne and the
ahal -of; th : 8omm river, Th village
of Teniilaucourt (directly north of Mont
St. QuenCJnJ atoo was taken in this op
eretlos and we took over -1590 prlaont
era. - Our caaualtles were , exceptionally
light. t ti " f -k'i 4 -J S ,
Between th Seneee river' and the
cart we pushed -our line forward from
th Somme some 1509 yards toward the
Trinquis rivet. . .
Heavy demands on th , ewmyt ro-
Serves, due to enormous casualties
In killed and-priaoners during the year,
eompelled the enemy to withdraw, from
th L7 -; salient and .'yield, -i without a
blow, th aoslfiona of high, tactical Im
portance won at grpat cost. '
rw retained " poesession or. Kemrnet
hill, reaching a, gnerai line running
front Voomeaeele through - Zandenhoek;
Lecreche. DenUeu, and approaching
taira. . W ' are ; preasing th enemy
closely. la the retirement - we : . have
taken a number , of prisoners.
This Rtomine the English - success
fully attacked on . the left of the Aus
traliana la Marriere wood and the high
ground to the aast and the north, taking
a considerable number of prisoners. Hoar
tile, counter , sttacka were In. each ease
repulsed, f -t -i
"Aatrtde the Banaume-Cambral road.
a strong hostile attack early thia morn
ing ,waa driven off wlth heavy enemy
loeaes. Jn tiun i wighbrllood :we com
pleted the - capture . of Bapaume : and
Hienles. taking a number of prisoners
and' a few guns. - ;
"Between - Vaulx atld Braucourt, at
Bulleeourt, - prisoners were - taken and
our- nostuona , improved siignuy. At
other jpoints in this sector strong hostile
counter attacks were launched ana hard
fighting' ensued. The situation 1 not
materially changed. ' A v"
"SontSi of the Arras-Cambtal road the
Canadians carried- Out successful local
Operations, Inflicting many - - lsualtles
and cantering is machine guns." -
The reference to Bapaume probably
means that the Britltsh troop.-, In "Com
pleting tn capture," merely nao. to go
among the 'ruins of the city, dragglnat
out th few Germans, who ban bidden
When the Brttish occupied th town. It
has been In the hand of the allies for
several days, r
(Continued from Pes OpT
throughout the day. Effort ' will
made to have every flag flying.
PriWoet "!- Marshal General Crowder
says. In a telegram dispatched" to every
state, county and local council or De
fense, "I want to have every flag flr
inif andeverjr hand ; playing otati repls-
trauon eayv -
' Ministers of local churches have been
requested. to hold patriotio services next
Sunday. - fc .
.: Oregea Beady ' Preeeed
Captain J. B. Cnlllson, . in charge of
the selective service system In this
state, announced Saturday that Oregon
is ready to proceed with the regisr
tration. , - " K '
He has caTTed th members of th le
gal advisory boards and their associates
to b. ready to take up the work of aid
ing nd .advising registrants in prepar
ing, their questlonnairjes. .i .r- J i
, .rnur m w lourui unia Amenos nas
aned upon its men t register, the Xlrst
being held . June. C, vll7. when men .be
tween the, agea of i and 1 years, in
clullve, performed the acC ;. Laat June
air boys who had attained their twenty-first
year since June 8. 1817. regis
tered, and last , week - an boys Vwh
reached th ag of 21 between June 6
and Auaust 24 did likewise.
State insurance commissioner Harvey
Well was - the first man to wgtster la
the new i selective service nnder the
president's proclamation. ' ?-? -Anticlcatlnr
his absence from hia
usual piaed Of abode On September JUr
he applied at board No. 7 Saturday and
tilled out the card. His certificate will
be mailed to him later.
Dsaft board officials say Mr Well
probably waa the first man tn the state
to be registered.' r . -
9on's Estiuvate 4,10l . ''
Washington. Aug. iiX. X. B.) Reg-
Its Diamond
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at This
' Akrng advantage of'the opportunity
IVlr'tp pick up" a tlUmond'pr'two at our present' -ipricesOur
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, Do yon, Intend to ouy. a diamond before thehoHdaysf
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buy here and-now r . -, - '
VL- t Convenient Term .
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Expert Watch and
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Ictratinn under the man power act Will
total about 12,780,000, according to esti
mate at th Office tf -Provcst Harshal
General Crowder made publie thia after
noon. The eetlmatea were based n the
rati which the - total regiatratlon , on
Jim S. 1917. la exnected to bear to the
total registration on September IX under
the new act.
The estimated quotas by staMa follow;
Alabama z,zit
Arison .,,. ...t-5 .'S'ifj
Arkansas ......
California.. ....
Colorado ......
restrict or Colombia ,-....
Florida ;.4....-.-w...-...-
Georgia ma t ,;., .
Idaho .,........-...-.
Illinois ,ly.s,.i..i".
1 00,4 IS
Indiana rs. -
Iowa .......,..;....",..
Kansas -.L. . ...".,.;
Vanhinlrv - . . . ! . - - .
LtQUlalajut ,. - 'ii ZZ
Main . . . - - .T'A
j " - " - ...I,,
498. 06S
. 117,703
Michigan ... ".,. ,-....
Minnesota .,.-...";....
Miaaiaalppt ...... ...i..:
M issourL ........ r
Montana ..,. .v.. .......... .
Nebraska' . v r .
Kwsfr . .. '. . ........
New Jersey . .... .: ....... ',5.0i
New Mexico , .?
J4ew Tork i...... ..1,43.4ST
Norm Carolina , iw
Nortii Dakota . . T.2?
OhiOL ...... i . i ... . 4. . V. .... T39.427
Oklahoma ...... ..... ...... ... a"."
Onmon ............... 84.404
Pennsylvania ...j..,,., . -L0?''? i
Knoae isiana ........... ... ......
South Carolina . . . . . ......... 17,49
South Dakota
Tennessee ..
36,3 1
UUb ...... J, ..,...
Virginia ,...'..
West Virginia ...
Wiaconeiii ..... . . . . . .....
Wyoming ...........
iConiiiraad fttna Paca Oaa) ,
flrat field army of a million men has
already been listed. And now; with the
troop shipments well past the million
and a half mark, it will b a matter of
only a comparatively short time when
the second. big force can be organised.
One American, field army is likely to
form an- "army,; of maneuver" for the
tremendous operations to be undertaken
next spring. '
Seals 6emaas 2)oem .
"With aiir-h a i moMla " force, coaoled
wkh reserve organiaattons --- of French
and British, it will be possible to con
centrate such, strength against the Gar
mans at aiiy gtven point that A push
through will "fee : a. matter of compara
tive ease. . The four million army pre
dieted for next June will give the allies
numeridai' superiority which Germany
can never meet and Which eeata her
"The -aenators declared General March
looked favorably-Ott the war situation.
Ma did not bold hia; usuaT press confer
ence Joday. but Other of Cclala talked In
formally. ' -. ' .-r
The Franco-Araericah push In the Ju-
vigny-Chauvigny region i of eepedal
Importance . because t place tts In a
more advantageous position " than we
had occupied . about Solssons. ; ,
Held Btdgi to CBealB'di-pams
This- place is better protected from
the menace of any counter Offensive
action. But. evem more important,, the
f present operation! -permit the allies to
operate along the xldge una running, qp
to th Chemln-desiDame :. instead of
proceeding to go up against German po
sitions on the-, line "-:"--
Operations ih ;thi north -ar being
closely-watched.- for, there i an Oppor
tunity of clearing the Germans from
France before the dead of winter, pro
vided alBed auccesses . are sufficienUy
extended. .,..
As. the , western Una now shapes up.
there id strong pressure in the extreme
north in the general; vicinity er the xro-court-Queant
ewitda.- and tar to the
sooth in the-Rheims direction. As this
Increases the; German center becomes
more and more -untenable, and -hia re
tirement Ja assured. , .
, Dlseais - Xirrala Of taaiive
- That he will go to the Hindenburg
line within the next week seems certain.
Whether he can be rooted out of that
stronghold and pressed on back, demor-
fa. .... ... t . . .1. u r
ausea. 18 aameuung lost vuij t uie u
ture can telL but it may be said that
there la strong military opinion that he
- Buymg Time
- - , . -. "
Bet.' Kftk and Sixth.
Jewelry Repairing
. - 1 TKAB.., ... l.pfK
cripuons inu w w ve mo uyii
with your -saving. t. ,.
can b forced beyond the Hindenburg
defenses, r . , -
Incidentally, in the course of discus
slon today anent proposals for an Amer
lean push in Lorraine. ' army officers
pointed out that the. terrain la 'difficult.
The general layout - ls a valley, with
the Schwarswald Black Forest) moan
tains - n the Germed ; side and th
Voages on the French. -'- .--.,-- ,
"V The American and French "persistence
and strength ; in - the. Jnvigny district
has -worn downth Get man resistance.
Which appears to have been particularly
Stiff.-' -? . J"4 s H'' y .
It. -was .noted that. the. -French
peared to have been shifted somewhat
to the north of their recent operations,
evidently acting aa relnforcemants for
the British ;in : their splendid dash.
. . (Copttnuad froa Pa Oaa) v 4 ..
the nation and make comfortable,' self
supporting; and aelf-respectliyf the Imea
who avail themselves of it"
Secretary Ine has- organised hia sur
vey from the reclamation service, Dirfto
tor A. T Etavis of that service has aren-
eral charge of the new survey. ; Hut chief
at censtruetunv. w. Q. Weymouth, hold
ing the same position in the reclamation
serviced? " v f. ,;- -:
Thia organlzaUon only recently ber
fected is working at top speed; to dis
cover Just what land can be made avail
able to the returning soldiers. .. . V; 7-
conunuing. the secretary said : - - .. .,
VmIoa of Acres Available
TTom earlVreOOl-t a. 1 eatimaTa titara
are 15.l60.0O0 acrea of land, now arid or
semi-arid, that la -susceptible ef irriaa-
tf on. ; -.Over half million acre are avail
able in the Colorado' river reclamation
project r there must be 150.000,000 acres
of eut-over lands. The problem is to
clear th land of stumps. There are at
least ' 0,000,000 acres , ef ewamp and
overflow lands. The problem onthese'ls
one of dyking and . ditchinr.. " When
drained, the lands are the richest in the
world, unim po veriahed alluvial basins.
enriched year by year for centuries by
tae overuow. '.a '-- '-H:.-'
"Weado not plan to do any Of the reo-
- . ., -
- : For QuaJity - -
Juaniata & Bristol Art Rugs
Stand Forth as Prominent Though You Pm Twice the Price
: ttj-c that are not only "Low Priced" but they're Riifs that brinf with
them. cheer and that luxurious effect otherwise only obtainable by f ayinjr
twice tae price, indeed, there's
and all are reversible, thereby subject to wear on- both sides.
tsrinr l with vou
but naturally
. r.
Size 12x15 feet,
Sizei 9x12 fett,
Size 9x10 ft. 6
Size;. 9x 9 feet,
Size 7:6x9 feet,
Size 6x9 feet, now.... ... ......
The ' Bed Construction Is Underneath Nothing ' but Comlprt
Precisely This
Tkerell Be a SPECIAL SALE ThU -Wk Oa
. .' , . ... - - : ... r. . ; t .: y ? . J. : .
Display1- on 4 th 3d Floor- -Here are th price ;; ,
V9i5; $125, $140 $17.65, $19.50,
- .v' $24.75, $2985 , : V;
lamation work on these lands until the
boys come home.. But, we do Intend to
have the .necessary work, planned and
made ready to start. -
- .Then the boys come back.- we will
say to them : "Go 'to work for the gov
ernment at a wage which will meet your
living requirements and allow a margin
which you can .save against a first pay
ment on a farm there, when the reclama
tion work Is done.' t -. - .
7, ' GIt Eaalymaat XI
AU the work wlrf be "don by them.
Eaeian ,pfck out his tarm. " The gov
ap-leraleht will have him do. hla. tencing
and -put up hla buildings, paying him for
the work and - famishing the materials.
It wm stock his farm with animals and
implements necessary, and .then sell to
Mm on a reasonable payment basis, with
a. small first payment dewn wblon h
m-fll have been enabled to save from hi
wages while working on the rectamatioa
project, - '-a -- v ,4.,3 ,-,".sy!;- '
'TTorty acrea will b enough for a good
living and surplus to; meet first pay
menja. - And there will be 49 acres of
wonderfully ? rich ; reclaimed land .for
?T soldier, who desires ft
lf the7 experiment Wor welt and It
must. X ahovld not be surpiised ta see
the government extend the privilege to
ettisen who desire to return to the Ian4.
- xyst 'plan ta a definite opportunity for
every man. to help himself and at th
same time help the community.
"We have mad only a beginning of it,
bat expect to see. congress cooperate to
th limit. In fact, wa ha v aoch aaauT
anoes from moat of the influentiat mem
bers of both houses, and. with tha pres
ent interest assured, can expect a new
America to be bora from the spiritual de
velopment of the war and a back to the
soil movement at lta conclusion.', " -
Woodmen, Employers
Agree on Waga Scale
" . '' OoriHwoed rroaa Paav Oat -
the conference was "its harmony and
practical unanimity on ail Questions.- :
' Seal Beg Teanporarr ' 'J";
The council dlscMSeed many subjects.
tSmployers and workmen complained
that contractors working under the
; v " r-
iviceBeauty - lyme of
a spienoia assortment to cooose from.
There ar gnaraber
nations wr you w
your rooms; check
.a. . .-a . a' .1 . a. . . I''
those wbo come first win iei me v i
now. . . ............
ins, now . .
now; . . '. . .
CREDIT IS GOOD, even though they re Sale Prfce.
Nujold Holds ".'a Full
I r 1 u ' . . 1 1 1
v v 1 iMi
iL.t 1
plus system are not living up to re-p"-latlona
and are pirating labor. ; ; ; .
. H. O'lJrien, Tort Angeles,. repr8en t
Ing the wcrkmem ; of- the. Puget Sour 1
district, declared the cost-plus t A .-'
tractors were a bnch of , outlawi.i t w
J. J. lnovan,' Blh5ghnv represent
ing the employer, declared the siem
Carey-H. 8. Kerbeoga eorporation, ;hoia
Ing oat-plus -contract,, wtre the wor- .
offenders.. - "We t fear them Worse IV
we do th 'ahipyards, he . said. -n .
charge-wa they pay over the scale at. .
thus win workmen. ' f t -- S.
i"W have been lenient pending 'th!
eonference." said Major Abbey, tr.t
Intend to put the clamps on absolute:,
tight." Later he inquired what off k-r
had charge of the Siems Carey eorpor
lon.-v . ;t .' ,'.;r .:,' v,-. in..
After oonslderabte discusaion .Major (
Henderson, In eharge of government n.
tracts where only. 10 poent civilian Ja i
a U employed, obta-inadconaeat rto
work-hla-foiwav compoaed of 0p-;
cent soldier labor, nine or tan hours a
ay - as hng I aai daylight- permitted,, in -order
ta rush railroad eonstructJon we.
Certain- employers who complained this
would be unjust to them were persuaaea
te the major's view by Other empteyers.
Such work - waa-- : declared ? emergenr
work, and themn will b paid straUT
time. . vi- - t ' "
4 At the opening of th conference, lat
member declared labor was beooml
vary restless and would- be unpleaaed U
a revise wage acaje favoring them dl
not result from this eonference i At 'that w
stage, mple-ers. declared ' no higher
wage could be paid- until after the new
price of logo was fixed, h ; -V
t reseetative Chaages Aaaoaaeed v - :
' Seme represenutlve j change Ins the
n scale for mill mon follow i '.-y; -T.
-f ft Wow,
w i scai
tvd of work . . Pr hr.
Grader ... oB
- i a. v. f m n
Common labor, s-. . .. '""' "
Head fireman .......- !g56e
. TrJ
iniar fflrat aaot. ).,.'. o7e ;opttonaT
Filer (second east)...-655toc otios
Setter ... ... .v... BOfflSOo $ .68c
MMwrjtht's.V.....i'0l9o 7o
SlslkeplaeVaV So,
The council decided "that Labor Day
Christmaa. : Thnaksglving - aJr July -
should be holidays., proviaa xam oc .
counfclls desired to have them.-f
of ood "color . combi!:
cnopse xrom. -,mcaja
the sizes on this list ana
cnoice, f i
. L . I . . . !,.-' .; ... :.' V k .. . -
... ...... . - .r Jj2
V.. .' . .r.$475
Js'tn the Stirof
. , r--t
the Prlce;ls: Only
: THnrK Of XTt A piece ot J
numrture tnaru oe on rne ,.
Job U, hours each day. TEa( v
the frame 1 built entirely of
v solid oak, seat and back are,
upholstered with rich brown
" leatherette. When opened to
bed lit t fin link springi
. Just like those used or braaa :
ana staet Deaa. comes, tortn,
T hie k tie ss: Mattress!
aw j
Guaranteed Tarnish
Cash UA0 itVeek
These sturdy Beds hire two-inch cor
ner..nosts - and reiialy soiid raQ ; locks.
c ,
! V