s THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1918. AFABTMENT9 t furnished and unfubnished KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New tOO room howw, 9 and toon novae keeping apartment, furnished or unrurnlsned; Imtor. hardwood floor. 11th and Mentgotaary. HART APARTMENTS Second and Tamh-1 We-4y tarnished modern femsakeepiaa and ,1 ping ran. $3.60 and tta. , HIBLOP HALL. K, Ctk and Hawthorne, Mod em 19 and mom apt. 812.60 upi walk ing iWiikk. Call Kt 888. THlTTEFFftEY Now 2 room furnlhd apt., cor. Russell and Kerby, bat. Mississippi ere. andWUlUma ave., 617. alAGNOI.lA APT. East 3d and Belmont; . BMdara 1 and toon epta,, f LAO par waak ctk (Mm roomv . East 812. p-K INSULA APTS. Wood lawn 12. Ooa- WO., a. r not, pain, poena. FOB BENTFLATS 18 MODERNS uiifurn-hed" 5 room flat at 429 CUy. waat eld; walking distance. Phone Eaat 8. HOTELS $4 PORTLAND VISITORS LET THE JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU , ULP TOU GET ACCOMMODATIONS SERVICE IS FREE. Ont of town visitors to Portland can make reservations for hotel rooms, apartments, rooms and board, house keeping rooms or other accommoda tion through The Journal Travel Bureau. This service is free. All that la nacesssry is to writs a letter a reasonable liana in advance of the day you expect to arrive in Portland, stating when you will arrive, how many in. party, what rooms or other accommodations you desire and about what price you are willing to pay. Tbia la it is very important. Direct your letters to "I ory B. Smith, Jour nal Travel Bureau, Journal Bldg.. Po-t-land. Or." He will notify you immedi ately Juit what accommodations he has secured for you and how to reach them. . k Tbia service Is free. Take ad vantage of it SUMMER RESORTS $6 $21 -SMALL cottage. Sea-dde. Mr. Ballif. Wakefield Pries. East 2409. STORES AND OFFICES 11 w(5 well lighted store rooms. 45x100 and m 100x100, $10 and $20 per mo. J. D. CrDonnell, Spalding bldg. -STORE for" rentT $15. 794 1st and Gibba. WASIK D TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLCMBIA RIVER HlPBUTLDrNO CORPORATION, i la this war time emergency and scarcity of bousing accommodation!, we request every patri otic citlaan who baa a bousa to rent or rooms to let to mail information of same to Columbia It, S. B. Corp. Bos 1202. Portland. Or. THREE room apartment or five room house, furuislied. in desirable location, by reliable couple, no children. Y-428. Journal. WANTED By 8 adult. 4 or 5 room bunga low or flat, unfurnished, ( ill after 6 p. m. Tebor7602. EMPLOYED lady wants pleasant housekeeping room, near First, C. 8.. $12 mouth. Y-423. Journal. VANT ED To rant, rooming bouse, with about 20 or 25 rooms. Call Hall wood 1845. WANTED 2 or 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms for man and wife. Call Wdln. 4310. WANTED TO RENT Furnished bungalow aor cottage. Tabor 8090. WANTED TTTTrENT a three room, unfurn- bhed apartment, ("all Main 54 4 5. 6 or 7 R6oVfnou,"?amify sdufts, Irvlngtori pre ferred. Will lease. Phone Eart 7872. WANTED to rent, , by a reliable party, a 4 or 5 room house, E-8A5, Journal. TO LEASE 68 HOUBETO LEASE Betweeu Sept. 15 and 80 1 wih to lease 6 or 7 room house, in good repair, clean and In good resilience section, ac cexaibla to east side cars; can furnish best references as to care given leased property. Rent must be reasonable. E. E. Hardest, 207 hi Fourth at REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY C (00x400 water front and" trackage, west side, close in. Mny consider leasing or selling a part or all. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. JU E N E RAL HEAL ESTATE 68 'ATTRACTIVE acre at Metzger. very reason able; 2 blocks from csr; plenty free wood; inquire G. II. Johnson, owner. FOB SALE HOUSES 81 FOR BALE 3 room house, large pantry, hot and cold water, toilet and lights, 2 lots. 2 blkfc from carline. 700 East Liberty at.. Woodlawn. Wdln. 4387. 1RVINGTON, $.7500, beautiful modern home. 6 rtKtns. sleeping porch and den. $3500 rash, hal. terms. Owner, Chas. Merten, 624 'East 13th north. - BR66m bungalow, fine condition, close to 2 earllnes. 50x190 lot. Call and sea at any time, $1000 cash, bsl. terras. Sea owner, 096 E. 18th at N. Wdln. 6364. DANDY modern 5 R. bungalow, $2500. R. C. district, fine lot. 1 blk. Sandy blvd. Terms. Tabor 6559. 0 ROOM. 890 Rodney ave. $$000. Cash or terms. Bonds or auto. L A. JkLUls, 071 Rodney. Eaat 4144. MORTGA'UB about to take 5 room modern bungalow, worth $2000. Take $550. Car ried a loan of $1100. Main 129, forenoons. 6 BOOM house, 80x100 lot, fine fruit trees, one block from Montavilla car; $1950, on easy terms. Tabor 9569. Foil MALE by owner. 7 room modern house, lot BOxlBO, sleeping porch, furnace, newly painted, fruit trees and garage. East 7826. FVK ROOMS and basement, northwest, near 22d at., $2200. Terms easy. Further par ticulars Phone E. 8377. $200 CASH Three room plastered, near car. plumbing, gaa, electricity. $685. Snap. K rider. 284 Oak st DON'T pay rent when you can buy a good 4 room house, 1 block from carline, for $875. Owner, Kast 7422. "NEAR TWOHY BROS. shop, in edge of Rose i City, 2 good 5 snd 7 room bungalows, $1050 '.and $2200; $200 doan, terms. Tabor 9569. FOR 8A1.E. 6 room house, lot 100x100, Mt Scott district. $1850: $150 down, balance like rent Tel. Tab. 9225. JT&OOM modern house, with garage; small pay ment down. bal. like Tent. 698 76th st. 2 blocks south f R. C. carline. 6 ROOM house, 25x100: close to Kenton; a fin. little cheap home for working man $1450; no agents; 1-3 cash. J-963. JournaL BUNGALOW snap. $2950. 5 rooms, modern; close In; line district near car, paved st; Isrge lot owner. Tabor 8824. ' ' EXQTjlfirfE IS THE WORD Beautiful, modem 6-room bungalow, in Haw thorne district; $3600: $100 rash. Tabor 9569. FOR BALE 8 room cottage. 3 25-ft lots, 100 feet irom carline ; terms. Phona Marshall tie. k ROOM plastered housa and 40x100 lot: S0O0 . $460 down. bal. $12 per month. Including tnt Mt tscott district Phone Tabor 4189. SUNNYSIDE Five room cottage. $2500. hi block car, 2 blocks school; move in tomorrow. Tabor 87 To. 6-ROOM modern, on Improved street, $1100 $200 cash. $20 month. Neil Smith. 6514 roster roan, isoor 1031. ONLY $3000. Rose City Park. Fine modern 8 room modern home. Tabor 6569. MODERN 6 room cottage for rent. St. Johns oisinct. lgai netroit St. Wdln. 24 85. EIGHT room house, 4 lota, $2000; $500 cash.' Taoor xbu. 8 ROOM modern, weat Tabor, ground 90x140, pes in 11 m aiimq juay rent Tabor 8621. $4250 Hou bargain. 251 Morris st Terms. Owner, Geo. Merten. 624 East 13th north. KirlY bungalow, cheap; large lot. fruit, flowers, good location. Owner. East 8225. LARGE 2 room house, kit nOilOQ; trwnar, woooiawn so. jjie, roBtnt soniwa, r-nruana llslg uta House, liuuu, who terms. aiar. 217. 5-ROOM modern house, large corner lot. $1600' casn. m montn. Tbor 1931. TT and country property, aeU and rant BENEDICT, 867 H Oak. Main 1748. SMALL homes, "easy terms. B. C. Walter, $848 Foster road. Tabor 8897. SALE, small house on two lots;' fin lo ; northeast Call Woodlawn 4912. SEAL ESTATE . FOB SALE HOUSES t 5 BOOM modern cottage in Sunnyaide, east aide. Prioa 12000, $200 cash, balance $20 par month. 4 roora modern bungalow In Woodstock, fire place, fall basement Priea $1700, $200 cash, balance $20 per month. 6 room cottage, pared itreet In and paid for. Located in North Irvington. Price $2100, balance monthly. ' 5 room modern bungalow In Hawthorne dis trict, corner lot. Street work all in and paid tor. Price $2500, $800 -cash. S room, modern bungalow on corner lot, 75z 100, full basement Price $2150, $250 cash, $20 per month. We wiir accept your Liberty bonds with ac crued interest. Auto service, t NEW YORK LAND CO., 881 East Morrison at Phona East 5317. $3250 Albina district, 8 room house and 100x100. House has 0 rooms, bath and screened porch, on ground floor, and is in first class repair in side snd out. Bearing fruit trees and vines. Only $500 cash required, low monthly payments on balance. Here is a bargain lor someone. The street improvements are paid. J-982, Journal. $2800 A BEAUTIFUL 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireolace, cement basement. located on a lot 50x100, has nice garage, street paving all In and paid. This, bungalow is lo cated in Westmoreland, a beautiful restricted district. The owner is leaving the city. Terms. (700 cash and $25 per month, including interest. Also wishes to sell his five passenger Chafcnera automobile cheap. A. Q. Teene Co.. 284 Stark St., nesr 3rd, Main 8518. Branch office, 50tb and Sandy. FOR SALE $250 down buys C room modern house, hi acre in fruit, 2 blocks from car. Price. $1600. $200 down buys 4 room plastered house, base ment, lights, toilet and lot. Price. $1300. $200 down buys 8 room modern house, hi acre, 8 blocks from car. Price, $2000. $2200 buys 8 room strictly modern house snd lot, block from csr on Foster road. Lents Real Estate Co., phone Tabor 1599. $2500 REAL COUNTRY HOME $2500 3 acres, all cleared, with about 800 foot frontage on Rase Line road, pared all the way to town, 1 block to Mt Hood depot. 8 room plastered house, large barn and orchard. Re member this: Faces on Columbia highway. Price only $2500. $A00 handles. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. , To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. LOOK! 2 MODERN HOUSES $2200 CASH, balance, $1700, easy terms. One 5-room house, 1 2 flat house, 5 rooms each, upper flat furnished, furniture included; hard surface st, near car, school, shipyards. Bargain and good investment Rental Income $50. Buy this, live In one house; rent pays installment-). Bee it, 1733 Portsmouth are. Don't bother tenants. See owner, 1688 Dwight st A WONDERFUL BARGAIN 5 room bungalow strictly modern. Hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, furnace, lot 50x100. all street work in and paid. Located In the liesrt of Rose City, one block from Sandy. Price $3700. Terms, $500 cash and $40 per month. House will be vacant September 1st and you had better hurry. A. G. Teepe Co.. 264 Stark st, near 3rd. Main 3516. Branch otrice. 50th and Sandy. VERY NIFTY BUNGALOW 2750 $250 cash. $30 monthly buys this 8 room thoroughly modern bungalow with sleeping porch. Fox furnace, fireplace and cood car- age. This place was built for a home and the workmanship cant be beat, hi block off hard surfsce road "In Montavilla, not on Broadway and Washington. Fred W. German. 732 Cham ber of Commerce. ROSE CITY HOME 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in. I,ot 50x100, on 54th st Hurry, thia is a good one. O. C. GOLDEN BERG, 215 Ahington bldg. Main 4803. "35 Yean InPortland. BARGAIN $3000 Modern 7 -room bouse, cement basement, wash trays, plumbing, electric lights, gas; 4 blocks from carline; walking distance, to mills, three shipyards and warehouses. TeTms. $1000 down, balance to suit buyer. See or call owner, 715 Montana ave. Woodlawn 8174. IT'S A BARGAIN NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH Modern 5 room bungalow, furnace, attic, all at imps., except pavement, in and paid. Lot 50x 140 ft., corner. All furniture goes with place. Price $3500, with terms. C. D. Stringer, 805 N. W. Bk. bldg. Phone Msin 5448. HURRY if - you want this big snap. thorne bungalow, 5 rooms, fireplace, ins. Price $2200. Terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG. 215-218 Abington bldg. Main 4803 "85 Years In Portland." Haw-built- LIBERTY BONDS ACCEPTED Three room housp, 6 lots, fenced. 3 chicken hotuw-', 15 bearing fruit trees, hundreds of berries and small fruits. Gas, electricity, both phones, 1 block to best school in city, $1500. would traa lor close in acreage. Phone Ta bor G913. SEW shack, unfinished, neensssry furniture, fine lot oi rsDDita and chickens with houses: all winter's wood. Price $125. Good chance for handy man who will buy a lot where there are plenty. 374 E. 74th N. near HaUey st THIS IS A GOOD ONE 6 room bungalow, near Mt. Tabor reservoir. Price $1800, $250 down. Hurry if you want a good buy. G. C. GOI.DENBERY, 215 Abington bid. Main 4 803. "35 Years In Portland." 5-ROOM modern bungalow, double Constructed, on improved street; no encumbrance on the property: near carline; basement, wood lift gas and electric light: fine rugs and furniture'; all in first class condition; completely furnished. 2iiuti. ooo cash. 20 month. Tsbor 1931. FURNISHED COTTAGE. $1150 $100 down. $20 monthly, buys this neat 4 room cottage with patent toilet connected with the sewer, fruit trees and berries, 2 blocks to Bellwood park. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham ber ci commerce. FOR SALE: 2H acres, plasteredTliouse, Urge screened porch, fireplace, garuge and other outbuildings, gsrden. young orchard, plenty of wood, 1917 Ford, all new: on good road to Portland. $3500, $1000 down, bal. on terms. Phone Oak Grove 38-M. 5 ROOMS. $300 CASH, $15 MONTH Plastered house with bath, full basement. corner lot. fniit. hard surface street, 3 blocks Alberta ear. Not modern but a snsn at S180O. Main 1643. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. BEAUTIFUL modern Rose City bungalow, B room, wmts enameled throughout Splendid fireplace. You won't find a prettier bom any where, $2450. Terms. Call after 6. 761 E. 65th N.. 2 '4 blks. N. of Sandy. ONE HALF ACRE TRACT $550 $25 flown, $12 monthly, buys this nice tract N. E. of I.ents, several small buildings can be made habitable at small expense. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. (KOOM HOUSE- with aero of land planted to all kinds of berries and fruit trees, alao choice roses and tlknilw; $lt50, $200 to $400 cash, terms; homo after 2 p. m. Mrs. C. It. Gretsen. Maplewood, on the Oregon Electric. FOR SALE Fiv room plastered house, gaa and electricity, lot 40x100. some fruit. $1300; terms. Also six room bungalow, futt baseraent, modern, lot 60x100; $2500. Lyons 605 McKay bldg. Main 1 20 1 . south p6rtland SHIPWORKERS TAKE NOTICE 6 room partly furnished house for sale on very easy terms. Five minutes walk. By owner. Inquire Stanfield apt, apt. 25. MODERN 7 room home for ale or part trade for good lot some furnishings, furnace, fire place,, full basement, some fruit. Lot 50xL23 brick garage. $5000. Call Wdln. 3677 or Main 4222. FOR SALE 7 room furnished house, fireplace furnace, 708 East Ankeny; $3500; guar antee renter 9 months. $35 per month. Phone Eaat 1184. MODERNIZE your building; ail kinds of repairs. See my designs for new houses. Max M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Supt. Oregon Homr Builders. FOR 8ALB House and lot near Portland Hts., 20 minutes' walk from courthouse, 8 rooms consisting of upper and lower flats. Will con sider some trade. Main 1968. S ROOM bungalow on hi iacre, highly improved. Cheap if taken at once. Some cash, baL terms. Can move in now. 2 blks. from Mt Scott car. Myrtle Park Sta.. 4303 67th at $1000 BARGAIN, ROSE CITY PARKDIST. 4 room semi-modern hotnte. plastered, gas, Dutch kitchen, patent toilet, full lot; easy term! Tabor 6559. FOR SALE, 5 room bungalow, small barn, chicken bouse, on half acre land. 6 cent car line. Cash payment and balance like rent. D 644, Journal. 5 ROOM modern with garage; small payment down. Will be on the ground Sunday from xv u a. oaa otn St., z mocks south of t C. ear. PARTY going away. Lot 50x100, 6 room house, new plumbing. 60 chickens. 17 rahhits hi acre of beautiful garden; 2 stoves, winter tuei. tvooqawn zui. DO YOU WANT an 8 room modern bungalow or 5 room cottage. Mt Tabor district Call Sell vood 2583, owner. . FOB SALE LOTS 1 NUMBER of fine lota in good dist, 43d and viinton, sow eacn. .easy terms. Will take Liberty bonds. Owner. J. 1L McMahan, 2806 jbaat fia ranor oaoi. WANT lot, the best $300 cash will buy: aiva exact location; letter only. Apt 3, Clay- pooi apes. .- . LOT for sale, near ahipyard, with tent 12x18 Main 1968. CHEAP for quick sale; by owner,. 2 fine lots at Ainsworth and Concord. - Tabor 6564. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE i,OTS 1$ FOB SALE 4 lots, Eaat St. John; $400 each, small amount down if yon want to build: bng time on balance, easy payments Address box 555, Rainier, Or. LOTS S and 8, block 2, Morgan's Add., in Glen haven park, 50x100 each; clear of encum brance; $50 each. A. Baumgartner, 418 A laky bldg. Main 4768. FOR SALE 2 Iota at a bargain, close in; fine for cottage, on Division at. Call 1080 Clinton, cor. 80 th. Frank O'Neil, owner. ACBEAGE , " CHEAP LAND NEAR " CREflHAM On eaay terms. Close, to Portland and paved roads. 48 acres, good soil, reek, 6 acre la cultiva tion, cheap bouse, $2200. 38 acres, good soil, creek, $850. 19 acres, fine location, on Powell Valley road. 12 acres in cultivation, $2500, 4 blocks to car. 20 acrea. splendid location, on good road; house, orchard, $2200. A snap. See KRIDER. 284 Oak St.. or KRIDER A ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. Our auto will take you out ONE ACRE, with 5-room home. bath, etc.; near station, at Wichita. O. W. P.; 6c fare by book. $2500. very easy terms. Get off at Sanley; ask for Miller. 16 ACRES bottom land on North Fork of Lewis river. Clarke county. Wash.: $650. Write C. W. Brachem, 1954 Voe4sey st 20 ACRES. 5 in cultivation, small bouse, spring. 3 4 miles from Gaston; $1750, $100 down. 1337 Corbett st Mar. 4569. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FOR SALE By owner, 20.06 acrea, 1 mile north of Canby, Or. All but one acre under cultivation. Sandy loam soil, excellent for pota toes and fruit 2 atory 8 room house, pantry and bath room, concrete cellar, modern water works, telephone, electric lights, water piped to outhouses and yard. Prune dryer, barn, gran ary, potato .cellar and chicken bouse. A very desirable home. Also 8 hi acres Italian prune orchard, lo cated 1 hi miles north of Canby. Schoolhotue close by. Very suitable for a chicken ranch and a home, bringing a good income. For par ticulars address " JOHN SAMUELSON, R. No, 2. Canby. Or. .AUCTION SALE OF FARM And personal property, Sept- 7th, 1 p. m., 4 miles south of Hillsboro. on good county road. 44 acres good plow land, 15 acres cleared; good house, barn, outbuildings, family orchard and horses, cow, chickens, farm implementa, household goods; easy term on farm. J. W. Hughes, auctioneer. A. E. Van Eman. owner. FOR SALF The best bargain in the Willam ette valley, 1032 acres, including 100 acres f annla. Snvs and Kings. 6-year-olds. Over 10 O00.000 ft of good saw timber: 300 acres of tillable land: good buildings; 15 miles from Albany, 4 miles from Lebanon. This place in cluding about $8000 worth of stock, tools and equipment, for $65 per acre, H cash. This is a bargain but must be sold at once. Inquire of J. A. Howard. 328 W. 1st St.. Albany. Or. A- BARGAIN. House, barn aud other imple ments. 190 acres of land. 80 acres under the plow; good soil, good water, all fenced, good pasture, good hard surface road, mile and one-half from railroad. 7 miles from The Dalles, which I will trade for unencumbered city prop erty. O. P. Potts, 1980 E. Stark st. Phone Tabor 300. YAMHILL CO. wheat farm, 104 1-8 acres; 70 mrrm in cultivation, balance pasture; tele phone and daily mail; 2H miles to town, rail road and Dig grain eievaior; avo per sere, cash, or will take small place near Portland for part B. L. Hickman. Yamhill. Oregon. R. T. D. 2. ... FOR SALE. 124 acre farm in Washington county, Oregon; all in crop this year: on county road: house, bam, other buildings; close to carline. school: bargain price $3500. See owner. Take red car on S. P. R. B-. get off at Maton, walk hi mile south. Mrs. Albert YaniAey lIUUboro, Or. Route 2. TUALATIN VALLEY FARM 07 acres, good soil, about half rich black bottom land, 50 acres cleared, river on one side. 6 room house, good barn. 3 miles to Sherwood, good road. " Easy payments and rea sonable terms. Address 2932 62d st S. E. ONE of the best farms in Willamette valley at a bargain, if sold at once. Wdln. 2823. or No. 23. 107 Humbolt FOR REST FARMS 14 3(5 ACRES, 16 under cultivation, 17 miles from Portland on the Linnton Wilisboro electric road, 3 miles northwest from Lincoln station, on Mason Hill. good soil. running water, well, 70 big fruit trees, 6 room house, barn, chicken house, etc., close to school, for $100 a year; can work for rent Michael Con rordy. Hillsboro, Or., box 90, route 3. FOR RENT 1000 acres river bottom land, or mt nortion thereof, for one or more years. Terms cash. We would prefer renters who wish to grow vegetables, as we now have vegetable drying plant located on ranch. Address B. Clem ens Horst Co., Independence, ore. 200 ACRE stock and prune ranch for rent by Oct 1 : 20 a. prunes, about 60 under cul tivation. 12 tons hay, stock and implements and hav for sale cheap or would consider trade stock and implements for house and lot W. 1L Kriger, Airlie, Or. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 WANTED to rent Farm; grain and stock pre ferred, or diversified. A. N. Voorhees. R. 1, box 70, Camas. Wash. TIMBER 2S CORDWOOD timber below Linnton, on Rail way and county road. Cheap. Parker. 4 22 hi Washington. PILING AND SHIP KNEES WANTED. GAMBLE, GERLINGER BLDG. O. V. I WILL buy your ship knees, any sire, quantity. Hamlet, Barton. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 O. V O. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate you on a rood claim. A former government cruiser. 301 Worcester bldg., adjoining land office. W. as. JOUMSion. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 36 ACRES 30 acres cultivated; 9 room house, ample outbuildings, orchard oi tu amas oi fruit good water; all stocked ana equippea. Cmn and fruit so with the nlace. Good soil. 4 miles from It R. station. 12 miles from Portland. Want suburban home of one or two acres: little cash, balance tima to auit Bee Forbes, at 384 hi Hawthorne ave., near Grand. BELLA VISTA fruit ranch in Rogue river dis trict, a commercial and shipping orcnaro over 700 fine pear trees; good improvements a splendid property consisting of 23 acres; no incumbrance; my business interests are in ron land and will exchange for Portland city or farm property: will assume reasonable. rarl S.. S. Smith, 821 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE ortrade, 13 acres, all clear, best land in Oregon atate, fruit, 1 hi miles from Oregon City, 10 roin. walk to Willam ette car. Good buildings, spring water, for house in Portland or Seattle. Take Oregon City car, get off Willamette sta. Call In post office for Joe Meknes. A MOI)KRN 9 room hou. large lot. facing beautiful park, fruit and nut trees, $7000; clear, lot $1000. Pomona, Cal., center of orange groves, to trade for Portland property. Also good equity in fine Pasadena corner. Y-424, Journal. LIST your property with us for result on charges of merit Established 10 year. The Ernest Younger Co., 105-107 Park at. be- tween Washington and Stark st. FOR SALE or exchange. 100 acre good wheat land near good town in Grant Co., Wash., $20 per acre What have youT Box 832 New berg, Or. FOR SALE or trade 14 acres irrigated land . at Kennewick, Wash. H. U Clark, 783 hi Williams are. Phona Woodlawn 1798. Will consider light car. EXCHANGE twenty acres land. Goldendale, Wash., for good used automobile. Dodge or Maxwell preferred. F-840, Journal. 160-ACRE stock farm; 10 bead of cows; farm implements; plenty outside range; for city or acreage. 50 Williams ave. East 4447. FINE home in Newberg. Or.: trade for unim proved N. Dak. land. John Nolan, New berg, frr. WANTED REAL ESTATB 81 SHACKS AND SMALi. HOilKS WAN , faiJ Uust be N. K. and priced right W have numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. Uarmaa Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. ClIENT wants hi or 1 acre, not high priced; small amount down, easy terms; prefers it to be on the Oregon City car line. Realty A Mtg. Co., 633 Clamper or commerce. Main 2061 WE hav calls for houses from $2000 to $5000. Let us sell youxa. O. W. Bryan. 509 Cham, ot Cora. bldg. Main 1963. veniags. Mar iball 865. WANTED 5 room modern bungalow. Have 2 lots with shack, rented. Pay to $1000 dif fcrence. Wdln. 4495. ' - EXPERIENCED fanner want to lease a ranch of 50 or 60 acres for term of years. Address P. O- box 81. Marquam, Or. WANTED Eight five and six room bungalows and five smau nouses, northeast 245 hi Wash. at. Main 8759. ' WANT OAK GROVE PROPERTY For results list your property with the Real Estate Ex.. 201 3d st. Portland. ASU.V-J.' WOKHX t eaa .-sell or trade anything, anywhere. LAYMAN. 147 Park at ;? REAL ESTATE WANTED BE AL ESTATB SI IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced boos tor ale. $800 to $8000. list with the REALTY ft MORTGAGE CO. for ajuick results; old es tablished -firm. Phona Main 2031. $88 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED To buy 1 acre or mora near Port land, with house and barn or chicken houses could keep 800 hens or more; $50 down, $10 per month at 6 per cant interest Box 63, Woodstoek station. WANTED One or more acrea near city limite of Portland. D-645. Journal. BOOMING HOUSES FIXE fire acres for rooming house or what have yon. Value $1200. Marshall 981. 10 ROOM house, easy terms. 173 lOlh. Main 8982. BUSINESS OPFOBTUNITIES t FOR SALE General indue, business, stock and store build ing, good residence, no better location in Lane connty. Also small hill ranch. Write M. a Smith, Walker, Oregon. . FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine new and secondhand furniture store on the East "Side, good location, close in. Call East 6487, or East 8058. on Sunday. FOB SALE The best paying garage on east side; averaging $400 weekly. This is a bargain. Will sell lease for only $100; sell stock, fixtures and tools at invoice. Owner drafted- and must leave. For particulars see "Ioc," 1 1 North Second street. THE ONLY confectionery in Woodland, Wash., population 1000, clean, up to date, doing good business. Will sell at invoice or sell stock and lease fixtures. Will take part pay in Lib erty bonds and give some terms. Drafted is reason for selling. J-998, Journal. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE WANTED A gentleman established for 20 years in successful business desires an associate. Must have clean record and no financial embarrasa nienta. State experience. H-7S9, JoumaL FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good business. 5 furnished rooms in connection 50 milea east of The Dalles, on Columbia river highway. J. Sansbury, Arlington Restaurant, Arlington, Or. FOR SALE! A good, clean stock of gen. mdse. Good location, in good stock and farming belt. A bargain if taken at once. Write Pcnnel Bros., Tiller, Or. PRINTING PLANT WITH LINOTYPE Two practical men can be independent for life; $3000 cah required. M-906, JournaL WE SELL OK TRADE Anything and Everything Morris Sc Gilson, 481 Chamber o.' Commerce. FOR SALE Soda fountain. Phone East 4279. FIX ATTCIAJj tl LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT Cash for any amounts. ELWOOD WILES CO., 211 United States National Bank Bldg. Open Saturday evening until 8 p. m. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. We pay cash. Open Saturday evenings. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 725 Gasco Bldg. MOHEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tl OUR installment pla" Is the best and surest method or paying a loan. $32.28 per month ' 38 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, paya $1000 loan and interest Other amounts in proportion. Ya loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUrTABLF, SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st, Portland. Or. PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE on your city home in easy installments with 10 years' time to repay: fully protected by life in surance under Home Purchase Plan of the Equit able Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. See Mr. Strong. Equitable office, Oregonian bldg. $800. $400. $500. $750. $1000 and up. lowest interest rates. Liberal nre-oavmnt privileges. No delay. (rOKUOa 1VE8THENT CO., 681 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. u. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $850. $400. $500. $660. $760. lO00 and larger amounts it current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city or fa.-m mort gage: no commission. P. o. Box 878. $900 to loan on city property, McGuire, 545 Union ave. N. 1. RTT. MOltTGAUE loans, and 7. A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. Louis aalouoa CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. V. Lewis, room 4. Lewis bldg. Ha in 688. MOXET TO LOAIT CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or worktngman on their own note- Weakly. emi-mantL.v nt monthly payments. Each transaction strictly eonuaentiai. NO MORTGAGE NO IN DOP.SER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, p.'aea, etc. without removsL v CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPAJTI. LICENSED. 218 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loan made to persons on salary or fixed In come, on household furniture, pianoa, diamonds and otner personal property: legal rates. Busi ness cunuaemiai; private oixices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. 808-307 Dekum bMg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland Dusiness men to protect borrower. r uvrna tjttt? f , v i n. tai ars rsr ot LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS) HOUSEHOLD Ft" KN ITUKK. LOANS WANTED SO LOAN your money, 10 per cent interest on improved Portland real estate. We can place sums of $100 up. Cellars-Murton Co.. 725 Gasco bldg. $2250 SECURITY, liberally discounted, quick money. J-970, Journal. for WANTED $5000, on 7 acres improved city property. J-992. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 13 FOR SALE or trade, gray mare, heavy in foal weight 1100, 5 year old, $30. Bay mare, 7 years old, weight lino, $40. Bay horse, a years old, .. All will work single or dou ble. Will trade for chicketu. Geo. Daves. Phone Oak Grove 8.1. , : f : FOR HIRE: Plenty of good horses, mules, har ness, buggies and wagons; single or double, for any kind of work, city or farm, by day. week or month : prices right. Open day and night Phil Huetter, crown budics, 2Ho Front st, or 284 nrsi st. 20 HEAD good horses and mules, all kinds of uarnees and wagons. We buv. sell or ex change anything. Everything guaranteed as rep resented. Phil Suetter. Crown Stables. 285 r ront si. MUST sell at once. 2200 lb. team of brown mares and Harness, S5; 2900 lb. team. $75 no work and must sell. Can be seen at 302 front st ALL kinds of horses, harness, huscrles and wagons, fine two-seated surrey, fine Shetland pony, loou lb. mule, cheap or exchange. 302 r-Toni at. $90.00 BUYS sorrel team, weighing 2400 lbs. Harness and wagon. Must sell account of sick ness. Mt Scott car to 9th ave. Inquire at West- over grocery store. FOR SALE Free from blemishes and good - ruling norse, weighing 1050 lba. Age 6 rrs. Call CoL 071. Must ell. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call woodlawn zo. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES and wagons for rent by th dsy. srngl i.ou. or aouDie 3. o-to Front. Main 2208 TWO teams of horses, 4 900 lbs.; 6 furniture wagons, heavy and light 220 Rutledge st HORSES for sale cheap. 27-29TK Front Broadway 1730. A-5759. FOR SALE Shetland pony. 4. years old. weight ZOO lbs. 735 B. 75Urst S. Near Sandy road. DEAD horses taken, if fat, paid for; dead cows paid tor. rnone 6B-J, Uilwaukie. LIVESTOCK 8$ AUCTION SALE. Wed., Sept 4, at 10:30 a. m., hi mile west of Uniondale. Or.. milea south of Dayton. . From Portland take Pacifio highway. 35 cows. Holstein, Durham Brown-Swiss, Jersey. Some of the Hoiateins and Jerseys are fullblood but not registered. 27 of them will be fresh before sale or soon after. Herd test ia 5.8 per cent: 6 2-year-old past springers; 5 7-months-old heifers: 1 2 2-mon Uns old grade Holstein bull, 1 1 8-months-old hiah grade Holstein bull, 1 1 5-months-old high grade Holstein cun, i o-montns-oid Jersey bull: tuber culin tested. Horses, team bay horses, weight 26O0 lbs., team brood mares, weight 2800 lbs. team brood mares, weight 2800 lbs; 1 sucking colt, 1 saddle horse; lot machinery. Fred Alt owner, vol. v. a. wooti, auctioneer. Vancou ver, wasti. FOR SALE at sacrifice, a good gentle Jersev cow for family use; also New Zealand rabbits and huts, 7 blks. south of Fremont sta. M. 8. carline. al. c (Javender on mail box. for Metxger. . 8 GALLON Jersey cow for aale. 2027 E. MilL , Alt taoor car. aeaz eotn at, . - . . IS . mm iMJE On Tuesday, September 3 At 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, on account of sick ness am going out of business. The undersigned will, at his farm. 6 miles N. of Portland and 8 miles south of Llnnton. at Willbridge, on Linn ton road, on Tuaaday. September $, aeQ the following property, to-wit: 19 extra good dairy cows and one registered Holstein bull, 20 months old. Thia herd ia high grade Jersey and Hol staia mixed and give large flow of milk; some have Just coma fresh and soma will be fresh between date of aale and October 15. About 80 cases of milk bottles, 1 bottle filler. 1 Iowa cream separator, 400 lb, capacity, soma milk cane and other articles too numerous to men tion. Terms of aale, 4 mo." time at 8 , 8 off for cash. L C. KTTRATLI. Auctioneer. JOHN McCALLUM; Owner. $200 will buy team black Morgan mares, or will trade for cows, chickens or sheep. R. D. No. 8. Bog 8 'J A, Boavarton, Or. C O W for sale, Jersey and Guernsey; good milker; cheap if taken at one, xl. Kroll, Jennings Lodge, Or. rOTJLTRY, PIGEONS. YET STOCK 87 FOB SALE. 80 White Leghorn pullets. 20 Barred Rock pullets, 40 friers; also Mallard Call ducks, Indian Runner ducks 8 weeks old to 5 months; Belgian hares, does, bucks and young stock. Mrs. P. Coilister, 87th and Prescott st Alberta car. 10 1-YEAR-OLD Brown Leghorn hens for aale, also 6 thoroughbred R. L Reds and rooster. 6502 83th at, S. E. 2d house from 80th ave. Mt Scott car. I WANT White Leghorn pullets. Call Wdln. 3878 or address 1645 Mississippi av. 14 PULLETS, 1 cockers!, thoroughbred Barred Rock. 850 Sandy road. Rose City car. TWENTY-TWO White Leghorn hens $1 each. 6809 58th ave. S. E. Tabor 7637. 1 DOZ. fryers for sale. Tabor 7368. BOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 46 SACRIFICE aale. 60 fine rabbits and $50 worth of portable hutches, $100 if taken this week 1031 E. Bdwy. East 2597. FOR SALE English setter. 20 mo., trained, $20. Tabor 8988. partly WANTED White Persian female- kitten. Call East 2053. FOR SALE Rica haa the big boys, "Flemish.'1 6141 Woodstock ave. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIES 44 CHALMERS MODEL K. No electric lighta or starter, but one of the best cars ever built; refintshed in English gray; offered at an exceptionally low price for quick sale. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 614 ALDER ST.. . BDWY. 494. AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE 79 Overland, fine condition 1913 Buick, almost new tires 1917 Maxwell, fine tires .$4.10 . 300 . 625 1916 Paice. 5 pass., five good urea ... . 504 917 Overland must be sold. 917 Paige, 7 pasa., perfect condition. THE ACME AUTO CO.. -631 Alder St Broadway 2796. CHALMERS 86. Four passenger, in excellent shape, just re painted; $450. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 614 ALDER ST., BDWY. 494. LAHER' affe Ac Rpoaira. SOOO rninntM anrlnn In stock; prices reduced. 94 N. lotn st 6-PASS. Reo, excellent mechanical condition. newly painted, 4 practically new Ores, extra tire and rim. $400, terms. East Burnside Garage, Last 10th and Burnside. Phone East 4368. FOR SALE, my Ford machine: burns gas or kerosene; good running condition. Will sell for $300. See machine at Brooklyn garage, 668 Milwankie street This ia a genuine bar gain. Seliwood car. FOR SALE 1916 7 pass, big six Buick, fine shape, good tires. 1915 Studebaker 4 cylinder. 4 new tires, car In A 1 condition. A. G. Onslow, 23d and Wash. Main 7517. CASH paid for old cars, condition co object; parts tor an maaes oi cars. Oregon Aut Ex change. 129 Lownsdal at 15th and Washington. Broadway Zoos. FOR SALE A fine late model Ford. See owner, 214 Abington building. Aug. 31 to Sept. 3. C. O. McKernolda. 1179 Maiden ave.. dox i a. FOR SALE Studebaker Flanders. 20 h. d.. cyi., in good condition. 1 ex. casing. 2 ex. in. tubes; $225 cash or Liberty bonds. Fhone Woodlawn 3655 or 925 Kast 12th st N. FORD, in first class condition, equipped with Yale lock, demountable rims. horn, lieht dimmer, shock absorbers. 5 good tires, for $375 cash. 1452 Fern st. Wdln. 959. OVERLAND 6 pass., model 83. Excellent con dition; good tires; cash or terms. Will con sider part cash, balance Liberty bonds. George al. liars er, pnone Marshall 015. SMALT, box for Ford car. suitable for salesman's stock or delivery purposes. Sacrifice 810. J-711, Journal. MOTORS. Gearings, Bearings, Wheels. Axles and Trailers We wreck all makes of ears and sell their good parts at half price. David Hode Co.. sroaaway ana f ianaers st Broadway 196. big norn r a nr pricks stock UOQU LfHr. right COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 31st and Washington sta. Main 6244. DUBRTJILLE TOP CO., 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664. 1914 FORD delivery car for sale, in good run ning order, cheap, boo- Hotti st o. r... 2 houses from 66th ave. Mt Scott car. 1915 STUDEBAKER, 5 pass., new top, 6 good tires. 2 are new: $525: terms: will demon strate after 5 p. m. 398 Guild st Marshall 953. 1916 MODEIFord touring car, strong motor. new tires all around and new body: 8410. 711 E. Main st Phone Eait 8388. FIRST class Ford bug, jut overhauled, new engine: could be converted into truck at small expense; 3450. For al. SelL 28 1 1. TRUCK contract wanted for a good 2 hi ton truck: will build body to suit job. 1L L. White, 522 Alder st. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PER GALLON. Lubricating Oils and Greases. Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 First St FORD delivery, fine condition, new tires, sacri fice, $350. Some terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. A HUDSON roadster for sale cheap. Call at 1144 hi Union ave. N., Apt. 25, Sunday and evenings. 1917 HUDSON super rpced car. classiest! speeder in town, all new, at a bargain. Own- 1 er in the draft Call East 1962. FOR SALE 6-pasa. Ford, in good shape. Phone ' 180-J. or see M. W. Sprague, 1007 Franklin st., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE A portable garage, in good con dition, for medium car. Phone Tabor 7101 or write to 6338 92d st. S. E. A. Winkler. 1917 FORD touring, fine condition, many ex tras, good tires; $475 cash. Tabor 3426. SMALL Saxon roadster. 805 Tillamook st Call East 6882 or FORD chassis, fin shape for a bug. Will sell at $300. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. 1917 5 pass. Chevrolet, in perfect order, with 4 new tire for sale. Call Main 9349. FORD touring, beet of condition, good tires. Must sell. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. FOR SALE, by owner. 1914 Ford lourinj car. Good condition. $300. 721 Oswego st. HUDSON Super Six. looks li new, $1550. Call Marshal 863 before 7 p. m. BUICK bug. high tension magneto, Stromberg carburetor. $250. 126 Lownsdale. , SPOT cash paid for used cars. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House. Grand ave. aad E. 8rk. BRUSH runabout, cheap for caab. st B. E. 4006 49th WILL sell my 1917 MaxweU cheap. X-818 rfourea. MUST aeU my 1918 MaxwaQ touring ear at once. X-514. JonrnaL . 1917 OAKLAND six, run 7700 miles. Cash only. Call Marshall 3395 after 6 p. m. 1917 MITCHELL six, in A 1 condition. 81150, casn, P la nee terms. Call .East 1962. 1917 FORD touring, with extras, for sale. 351 Shaver st OVERLAND roadster, fine condition, a bargain, at $350. 3Q Grand ave. N. near Burnside. 1918 FORD Sd st ng car cheap for cash. 226 BRUSH runabout, with -extra parte for trailer. ' - $63 eaaa. 4003 4 8. E. - . LIVESTOCK AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIES 44 YOU HAVE FROM 8 A, M. TO 9 P, M. TO CALL AND LOOK THESE CARS OVER Carter ear, 6 pasa.; chane for a handy - man ta itnohW n i ! nt value ....... 188 Maxwell special; also needs av Bttl work$ 250 ord chassis, cultabl for bug or trues . . aoe Col 80, fin gang ear; lots of pep. ... .8 800 Ford delivery, large covered bed; enp...$ 150 Stoddard Dayton delivery, strong and powerful f "J Ford. 6 pass. ; (air shape, new top 8 876 Studebaker, just the ear for country work..$ 400 1918 Ford. r tn Ford rdaC demo, rims; good for salesman.. $ 430 Overland. S pas., late model $ $75 f'h.ia-t s mi. nrlal inlmiunt....l 600 Oakland, 8 pa. $ 000 MaxweU, 17 50 Maxwell. 6 pass.: good litU family car. . $ 650 Briscoe. 4-88; investigate this bargain. ..$ 680 Cadillac, good tire $ a0 Briscoe. 4-88; almost good a new $ 725 ins r ora. will equip Ford coupe. 2 unit trt A light system. .$ 8 Off Stndebaker, 4 cyk, 7 pass,; ideal not! dus. ma Reo, 5 pass. ; as good aa nw .r Hudson 8-54; motor and appearance fine. $1150 W. H. WALLINGFORD Broadway 2492 Distributor of LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER SIX. BRISCOE CARS PARRETT FARM TRACTORS 822 Alder at at 16th STOP AND LOOK st tie following machines. Th majority hav been left with us by men drafted in the serric. 1 Apperson. 1 American roadster. 1 Buick C 25. 1 1918 Chevrolet 1 1915 Cole six. 1 1912 Cadillac 4. 1 1914 Cadillac 4. 1 Cadillac bug. 2 1914 Fords. 2 1915 Fords. 1 1916 Ford. 1 1917 Ford. 1 Grant six. 1 King roadster. 1 Eing 5-pas. 1 1912 Locomobile, 4 pasa. 1 1915 5 pasa. MHchelL 1 Marion 6-pasa. 1 1916 Maxwell. 2 1916 model 88. . 1 1917 Paige. Linwood model. 1 1916 Paige. 1 Regal. 6-pasa. 1 1914 Stude. 4. 1 1916 Stude. 4. 1 1916 Stude. 6. 2 1917 Stude. 4. 1 1918 Stude. 4. Each and every on of th above machines will be sold at an exceptionally low price if taken at once. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE, E. STARK AND GRAND AVE. Open Evenings, Sundays and Labor Day. PACKARD BARGAINS 1917 7-pasa. Twin Six touring car with ex tra equipment $230. One 48 Packard. 6-cyL, 7 -pas., electric lights and starter. 81100. TRUCK BARGAINS 8-ton Packard, chain drive ltt-ton Jeffery. chain drive 1-ton Federal 1917 Ford truck wit- body TERMS .12000 . 780 . 750 . 700 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10th and Burnside Bta. Broadway 621. ROT OPEN ON SUNDAY. USED CAR BARGAINS 1917 Chandler, 7 -pass., only run about 8000 miles. $1360. , , 1917 Buick. 6-eyI.. 6-paa. Run abnut 9000 miles. Spar tire. Newly painted. $1100. 1917 Reo. 4-cyL. 6-paav, newly painted. overhauled. $800. 1914 Hudson. 6-eyL. 7 -pas. Cheap. 1918 CadiRao. 8 peas. Painted and taor- oughly overhauled. 8750. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10 th aad Burnside Sta, Broadway 621. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN Steams, 2 pass.. 6 eyL Studebaker. 7 pass.. 6 cyi Mitchell, 6 pas-. cyi. Mitchell, 7 pass.. 6 cyi. Stoddard, 2 pass., 4 cyL Jeffry, 6 pas., 6 eyL Two ton track. Prices 3250 up. slightly used cars. See us for late model. W will take Liberty bonds at face value. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVER CO. East Morrison at First street. Phones: East 7272. B 1216. Broadway 818. A-8848. West Side Salesroom Broadway at Oak streets THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE BEST BUYS IN THE CITY TODAY 1918 Chevrolet, almost new. extras ....8 800 1918 Studebaker roadster. Just like new.. 950 1918 Hnpmobile, 6-po as anger, extra.... 1200 1917 Chevrolet 5 -passenger . like new... 650 1916 Chalmers 82. 5-paaengr 675 1914 Overland. 6 passenger 400 1917 Chalmers, 7-paasenger, repaired .. 1200 1912 Chalmers, first class 4 50 1913 Chalmers, first class 375 Stewart one-ton track 860 A two-ton Truxtoa attachment, and many others. WESTERN AUTO CO.. CI nl men Distributors. liroadway and Bartide. SU. Broadway 8868. New Model Chevrolet Can make immediate delivery on these can if yon hurry. Buy no if yon want a car next year. P. C. Binehart. Eaat 8174 or Eart 92. LIGHT delivery Studebaker ear. New tire; being overhauled; in cood shape; must be sold. Reasonable. Woodstock Garag. or phone to Seliwood 2803. . - . . AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIES 44 WILLYS SIX Continental motor. French plate In curtain, dimmer lenses, cord tire, on extra, oar i finished ia elect ria blue; will take small car ta trade. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAB CO.. 814 ALDER ST., BDWY. 484. GARAGES HOUSES ' CHICK EH Us if-' en c a r. tks asittkl. fV k I a. d save yo lF oa. Alee ansa. pie at 844 Hood state MiHmade Construction Co. 191T FORD. EauiDoed with flv red wire wheels, prac tically new. Republic, tires, Bosch ignition sys tem, 0i0. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAB CO.. 614 ALDER 8T BDWY. 494. FOR SALE Latest months: Journal. Oln! SNoT.entr extras thrown in. No agents. K-987, WHITE 1814. Electric lighted and starter, will make dandy stage or rent car; 8860. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAB CO.. I 614 ALDER ST., BDW1. 494. ru rriRKH I txrh.s kn,H 'of um 4 you prefer? We have them, all make and sixes. Also w mak th famous O-V-O Doubl Tread ( sewed I tires and do all manner I of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Oo I deliver for payment and cancellation a sub-888-833 Burns ide near Broadway. I stantial portion of the outstanding bonds of AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 Wanted Winton or Cadillac . Jlcjm.. W in p7 caan ir useu r mvn viuoaj , prefer 6-pass. 1916 or 1917 model; must be in good condition, y.-lfia, journal. 40 ACRES of raw unimproved I land "hang. ior iu Phone Tabor 4189. . WILL trade my confe-tionerv store for late model car and torn catb. Pbon M. 2697. or csll 118 2d at einnn xrrxfnxT.l. nl,,.r niano to urban for a Doug or Overland. Landlord. 876 Yam- . WANTED 8 or 1 3-cyL auto, chassis, or cngina. C-999. Journal. WANTED 1018 5-paa. Ford. Pay cash. CoL a A a HIGHEST pricj. psid tor -on no object. 121N. 8d st, Bdwy. 2429. 61 ATJTOS FOB BIBB AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new car. Reasonable rate. Fearing A Robnatt, City tiarag. 86 10th. Between Stark and Oaa. Broadway 840. 7 PASSENGER car, shopping, sight seeing "or anywhere; $3 per hour. Pbon Marshall 8285. C. R Len. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOB U1RB COUCHMAN A 8ULLIVAN, MARSH. 222 10TH AND YAMHILL A-12S6 BlGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good ear,, com- ptent driTeri. Sixth and Wash. Ma.n 70oO. 1. 1 ... . . 1 11 1 ' ' - ,-f ji COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO SkTEv. we no ixi won again HIGHWAY, good car. old driver. Wdln. 8471. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES FOR SALE Three rpeed Indian, side car, Isn- ddXwrrrn.f.V " $46 DAYTON bicycl for $20. P'rfect fndi- tion. New tire, tubes. 862 Michigan. Phone Wdln. 685. Bargain. Call evenings. 1915 INDIAN motorcycl for sale. Woodlwn zi"- SPEED Indian: good aa new: $150 cash. Co- lumbia 84 5. tt -r; rr mt FOR SALE Motorcycl. $25. au at 04 Marion at, Bellwood. LAUNCHES AND BOATS FOR SALE; Fish boats. 2 standard engine, 4 h. p.; lota of web linee. cork, right on drift and good house float, sfte 86x4 6; a' good, no junk. Address E. Wells. CarroUs, ' Wash. 26 FT. Motorboat with 24 h. p. engine. Carry 15 people, cheap. Caretaker. Portland alotor- boat club. FOR SALE Fishing boat. 4 houaepowar. stand ard engine. CU 108 Webstar t. or pnon Wdln. 4 289. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SECURITY STORAGE CO. WILL CLOSE OUT 3 parlor organs 125. (35. 838 casn 1 English upright $275 piano. 1 French upriulit $300 piano. . $ 4 5 cash . $ 63 cash $ 95 cash 1 Am-rican upright $350 piano.. I good old square $330 piano... 1 Kimaail upright (450 piano... 1 Schumann upright $450 piano. 3 new. 1917 model. $375 piano . $ 65 cash $160 cash 163 caah o i k rTh 15 casn .( .$2 4 new. 1917 model. $425 piano.. $288 cash 2 new. std.. 1 91 7 mod , $4 50 pianoa.. 256 cash 1 Weber $750 player piano $275 cash 1 1917 model $850 player piano. . . .$366 cash Part cash, bonds or other secariti accepted. Piano bought and sold for cash and stored to 60c per month. 109 4tn st, at Washington. Full Cash Value PilcTFor USED RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPBS PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSIC ROIJA BRASS AND 8TRNO INSTRUMENTS I)UGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED NEWMAN. 128 1st Main 4495. Tabor 6798. PIANOS. organs and masteal tnstramata Darker A Son. rosewood tmrlxht SlOOl Burdett organ, walnut, 332.60. Harold A Gi bert. 884 Yamhill st. - $215 CASH buys new stored upright piano, at Srcurity Storage Co., 109 4th st Why pay $375 at local piano stores. $281.25 $12 cash. $6 monthly still buys nw Imornred 1B18 model Diann at th Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fonrta at. at Wash, st C 1 E. lone ifin m. i race pimoo. r uoue I m-,j s Marahall 884'2. room 645. 8U I B WANTEI -Piano, at once. Cash for good bar- ;. u.- Kill k A a . RENT ,k. . Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill TaL!n(5 ViAcHiSt! 6ft RK(!ouDd WAX ii -Spot cash paid. Y-889. Journal. TTPEWBITF.BS GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, 'aJJ Mlim. um on bkiiluv -7 tvuta. im lor Pvce sw i nt .iiH, tw a iw , iwi i ww tall dept. i wasnmgroa at. " " - " i Ti ' REMINGTON TIPEWBTTEB CO.. 8 Broadway. J Broad- 4821 , -7- j 3 - rtT ALL MAKES typewriter rented and repaired; Oregoa Trpewntrr Co.. 94A 6th. Mala 8688. i-,. . ,tt .- . i" xr vu' v ( Vi o ats w HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 6$ Two large and eompleu stock of fin new furniture, ruga. Unoleum. draperU. range, heaters, go-carta, at lea thaa wbolesala prioa. W are selling aw goods at prioa yon pay -wbere for second hand goods. Before yoa buy any where coxae and eojnparw ' prioa. WE ACCEPT LIBERTY BONDS. Feldstein Furniture Co. 166-68 FIRST STREET BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL I REASONABLE bargain.. 2 desks, 617 Henry bide. Main 4190. BVVCSit. r.i 1 Iimu.1mLI . fniht.. W stov. chain, etc Good cc-ditio-T 4227s! HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE NOTICE TOi SHIPWORKERS- Save $50 ta $100 when furniahln; your noma,- Visit our low rent atore. $34.09 eoUd oak dree est an .iu . u ...$10.00 . . . $16 BO ...$18.59 ... .$13.50 ...$12.25 WUIU, 18.00 cotton felt mattress . . k.ou iron Beos .............. $17.00 sopper coil water beater . . YOUR CREDIT IS COOD. WIGIITMAN JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. Phone Eaat 7766. 83 90 Grand Ave. FOR SALE Fumed oak furniture, first class condition; 2 good rugs; Majestic steel ran, good as new. Sell. 8258. - FOR SALE Range, carpet, bad. parlor acta. lounge and sideboard. 1 lOJ'CIadstnn v. TWO piece antiqu mahogany furniture. sacrC flee. J-710, Journal. ITOTICES 16 NOTICE OF BOND SALE KOTICB IS HEREBT GIVEN that th board of director of the Hood River Irrigatioa dis-, , trict, ia Hood River county, Oregon., will sail general refunding bo ads of said district in th principal ram of On ' Hundred Sixty-seven Thousand Dollars ($167,000.00) on Tuesday, -the 1st day of October, 1918, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m,. at the office of aaid board at Oak Grove ator in (aid district, and that , sealed proposal for the purchase of said bond) ' will be received by aaid board at aaid place until the day and hour a dot mentioned, at which time the board will open the proposes! "h. "ncard T'mSm , u Said bonds so to be sold to b general nego tiable refunding bonds ot the Hood River Irri gation district in the principal ram of On Hun dred 8ixty-evea Thousand Dollars ($167, 000.00), for th xturpose of providing fond to retire and pay off th iweaent outstanding bonded indebtedness of laid district Said bond to h ri.trf (irih., it toia har inter at th rate of alx ner cent car annum. mamHI MiL.,.iitl, m H fin, rf.H nt j.nnarv J.l.T each ZZr and materin. wrlsll,. ronm.nrini with th sixth ear after nit, UumI In annual imnmll of Eiaht Thou sand Dollars ($8000.00) until all ot aaid bond are paid. AU -proposals most D unconditional ana o accompanied by an unconditional certified check for $6000.00 payable to the Secretary of th Hood River Irrigation district All bidder are requested to furnish satis- factory evidence o( tneir ability to promptly said district to be refunded from lba proceed of this issue. Sal and delivery of bond subject to ap proval o,f Cap! Itaue committee of Federal tteserve ooaro. By order of th board of director F. FENW1CK, Secretary Hood Rrver Irrigation I district. MOriCEOF MEETINU OF COUNT I JOAAU i fjy EQUALIZATION. , Notiea as hareb aiven that aa Uafida. IukI tenfber t. 1918 th Board of Equalisation of Multneenaa County will attend at the office of the ooenrty iiof, at the courthouse fa PoeV land, and publicly examine th asunaait rolls r the year 1918. and correct all 1 TeUUSUOn, awnrtJtni oer ejxjgaiiutjg VI 1 fend, lota ,, , r And tt snail be the duty ot persons ln- tetested to appear at th time and place ap pointed. U It shall appear to sucn Board 01 ftqsiltwmw wai unn . .uj whw iww I k.. - 4 Am-m ,! awaai aa to daeeriptsog. or quantity, and la UB o penon or person not the owner thereof, ot a nnar or twyona in ecu J cash value thereof, easd board may make (roper eorreetioa of the ana U it shall appear to . inch board that any land, lots or other prop erty assemble by the or are not aaaeesed. ejeh boara aau aa is sent at ta iuu eaaa value thereof. HENRY K. REE0. County Ai Portland. Oregon. Amat 17. 1918. LOUISE WE.NHARD ESTATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that th undersigned hav been appointed by the county court of th state of Oregon for Multnomah eouaty aa x trix and xtor of th. last will and teste- tV " v 1 77 ' " ' -itT": I tA 11111 oaj h miMCU, am-aa j-seri aw iga HJru Liaiuw against aaid deceased or her estate ar hereby reo Hired to present tnem. Wltn In proper voucher, within alx months from th date of thia notice, to the undersigned, at th office of the Weinhard Plant, No. 476 Burnside street in the city of Portland. Oregon. Dated ana lint pubushed thai renin day of SM,, HENRY WAGNER. Executor. I rr 1 a. ut ir u u.,,t.i-. I ttnme i THE COUNTY C0Uht"OF"THE STAi OF OREGON FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY. No. 6882 Notice of Final Account I In the Matter of th Estate of Louis H. Wagner. Deceased. vhm 4. ,..K . .v.. w. 1 as admlnlstmtor of th abov entitled estate. has filed his final account as raeb in th abov I entitled court, and that Tuesday, th 17th dsy or Beptemoer, ivin. at to nour or w:aii 'cl'5k m- th eoort room of aaid court ,'.lortlm,nd- "f; b".b" fl1, I.Ji!! lmrt " Um .ndaPJM. J0'.,1"? nhi linn. In mmA ,min( M 1 rr I h. fll.,h.rM , 'iA .mi.i...... Dated and first published August 17th. 1918. HENRY WAGNER. Administrator. Wood. Montague A Hunt. M. M. Matthieeaen. Attorney for Administrator, NOTICE OF Ftt.INO"6F FINAL ACCOUJTT In th matter of th estate of Henry Weln- H I hard, deceased In probate. No. 5384. Notice sole surviving executrix and the only executor m imffof !, uiai (ii v nntirriusitvu mm l im t of tae estate of Hanry Weinhard. deceaa ed. have filed their final account in said estate in the county court of th atate of Oregon for Multnomah county, and that Monday, the 16th I f Depramoer, mis, l in nonr oi : I 'C'2JJ! " lorenoon of aaid day and the I courtroom of said court has been appointed by aaid court as th time and place for the hearing . h .,, ,- i ,kl . .v. 7 Dated and first p-bl1rwd An rust 10. 1918. ANNA WKSSINGF-R. Executrix. PAUL WESSINOER, HENRY WAGNER, -xacutora. WOOD, MONTAGUE A HUNT. M M. MATTHIESSEN. Attorney for aaid xcutrlx and e-recutor. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS it AUTOMOBILES. M0TORCYCYE. LAUNCHES or boat are separate claaalficationa, A large listing eaa be found ander th different elaaaifW eattona. WHY aa everlasting aggravation by a Uky roof' . I Why not a permanent and tndastracttbl roof f I We oxldiae end renew all kind at a al r roof a. I 608 Tourney bldg. Mela 6886. I giVI TOI'R PBr: Kr.a aivr j Uncle Sam need them. Portland Evapo. atlng Co. boy tiicnx. A est 13th and Taeoxaa sta Bellwood 1924. PEARS Heavies Island, cms over at Borling- ton (below Linnton.) Pick them and Bet the Pund- Ask ferryman fog Van Italian prune; 300$ 6 3d st S. E. Pbon D-1073. One block from FrankUa high school. I uut-n inre pound peegag of bop delivered t a r a-" a . v- a ew , aI r paid $1.00. Address T. M. Morley. Sllvertoo. Or. FOR BALE A 36 ft Escalator and 8 h. a. D. C. elect motor. Inouir 172 let at. Main 6688. BARTLETT nun and annlM fS S1 a box. Douglas Farm, hi mil south of Trout- aa . I f1).fl 1 ! l ' . " " v" . . " i Bannn, rnntara. zut otarx st xxvs waiar tana. i, iiw, is gooa. rncsoi . .eoooiuon. aw gai. . gat . Zot Adam t. Eaat end Steel bridg. Pbon K. 851 A' I -7-, TT9 : i i ri n 3 r- 0R SALE Apple 3e: blackberriea. 6e; prune, any atnouirr, e; very Dest. 121 I Gre-nwood ave. bet. 83d and 84th on Holgate. x-nij-zvD a peuie iot mmim as an awrore; place. 4 mile east of Lent, oa Gilbert road. Pick them yourself. HEW 8xf0 tent complete, pegs and poleaT (Jail Main 2ZB. YACUt'M cleaaer sold, repaired, rented, -' changed, b-agnt, Bentley Co., Mala S682. FOR SALE Tent, 8x10. camp stove, ia good condition. $17. 1$83 .. Irving st. near 49th. ITALIAN prune. 8c , a pound. 981. Mhuaa- aota a. BARTLETT pears, plains and prune. 8. Has. uta ana tiungswortn. woodlawn BU7Z. FOR SALE Good BarUeU pears. 2506 flat at. B. E. Cau evening. FOR SALE Tent. 12x14; also ftecondl-od tnmttnr wltn rt gat 8668. - BARTLETT pear,, fie a box, 1839 Peninsula av. wain. 8859. PLUMBING supplies, wnoirxel pnees. Itark- uavu uo., ziz st Ham tvt. CRAWFORD peaches. 60 to 76e box; Elberta and Globe paacbe $1 to 81.20. 11 Front MEYERS pomp, 40 ft 3-ln. pip and cylinder; hi priea. Sell. 1714. Miller. - i PRUNES 2 He pound. Bring basket 27th st. jsuwaukle, nr. pposite new eaoo. a.wwiiyn. FOR SALE MalleaM steel range, $Q, E. C Edward. 764 Union av. r,. UNCALLED for taller mad utU, $12.60 Hp, Taylor too lii r. tnrr-naav - . , BUTTERMILK jar, with faucet, $2.60. X-J8. t. i JoamflJ. I UtdZR VACUUM SWEWJ-ttA. Mala SeAa, 4