The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 31, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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12 -, SATURDAY; : AUGUST . 31. 191?
ctivities :Ire to
Churches, beginning sunday
in the Portland
With Exception of First Presby
. terian, Pastors Have Returned
to City; Expected to Preach.
Meetings of Young Folks as
General Rule Will Be Held
, During This Coming Week.
EARLY all of Portland's
churches Intend to resums
their full activities Sunday,
according to the announce
ments of the pastors. Some
, of the churches had discontinued their
yotinir people' service, Sunday evening
service, and prayer service. With but
few exceptions these meetings will be
resumed this coming week. Following
are a few of the announcements.
The Christian Science committee on
publication announced that all their
churches except Fifth church and the
Society at St Johns would resume their
Sunday evening meetings at 8 o'clock,
the same topic being discussed in the
evening as that announced for the
morning service.
With the exception of the First Pres
byterian church, all the pastors of the
larger churches have returned to the
city and are expected to occupy their
pulpits. .
Rev. IX. W. Rogers will occupy the
pulpit of Calvary Presbyterian church
Sunday, after a vacation during the
past month.
Rev. Paul Ratsch of Kenilworth
Presbyterian church has returned from
his vacation and will preach Sunday
fnornlng and evening.. The young peo
ple's society will also meet again at
7 o'clock.
. Rev. E. B. Lockhart has returned
frOm Camp Fremont and Stanford uni
versity and wilt preach Sunday morn
ing at Clinton Kelly Methodist and Sun
day evening at Lincoln Methodist
Regular services will also be resumed
at the First Free Methodist and at
Central Free Methodist churches.
Dr. 3. 3. Staub of the Sunnyslde Con
gregational church announces that he
will occupy his pulpit at both Sunday
services. Dr. and Mrs. Staub have Just
returned from British Columbia, where
they spent their vacation with former
friends on Burrard Inlet and In the
city of Vancouver.
The opening fall service of the Port
land Society of the New Christian
church will be held tomorrow at 11
o'clock. Rev. William R. Reece will
apeak on the subject. "The Relation
Between the Old and the New Christian
Churches." Rev. Reece returns to his
w.ork after a "vacation" In overalls in
a local shipyard.
Rev. Henry O. Hanson, pastor of
Fourth Presbyterian church. Is back
from his vacation spent at Hot Lake
and LaGrande, and will be in his pul
pit Sunday.
Rev. Ward MacHenry will preach at
both services at Mount Tabor Presbyte
rian church, after having been In Alas
ka for. several weeks aiding In the Ar
menian relief work. Professor George
J. Ingram is to nave charge of the
choir and Miss Erma Ewart is to con
tinue as organist. Both the senior and
Intermediate societies are to hold regu
lar meetings after the August vacation.
Eevelation Will Be
Mr. Griffis' Subject
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Rev.
Harold H. Qrlffls of the First Chris
tian church will begin a series of mid
week lectures on the book of Revela
tion, presenting the true historical set
ting of the book and Indicating the
error of those who have used the book
as a prophecy of the great war and the
end of the world. On Wednesday
evening at 8 :15 the T. M. C. A. club
of the congregation . will have its
monthly open session, in which a reply
will be made by the pastor to the chal
lenge presented to the club last month
by Dr. Boyd on the question of Chris
tian unity.
Sayings of Jesus
Is Sermon .Subject
"Shall the Meek Inherit the Earth?"
will be Dr. Morrison's subject Sunday
morning at the 11 o'clock service in
Trinity church.
In the evening at 8. "Jesus as the
Light of the World" will be discussed.
Ir. Morrison's sermons dig deeply Into
the spiritual significance of the say
ings of Jesus. Words being mere sym
bols of thought, spiritual apprehen
sion Implies the power of spiritual
discernment. To all who are Interested
In trying to see beneath the surface and
getting Into the heart of true Chris
tianity, a cordial Invitation Is extended
to, come to Trinity.
Male Chorus to Sing
The male chorus attending the Sang
erfeat is to sing Sunday morning at
Bethlehem Lutheran church. There will
be no evening service on account of the
concert In The Auditorium.
Chaplain to Preach
Chaplain John II. Gardner Jr. of the
166th depot brigade. Camp Lewis, will
preach Sunday morning at the West
minster Presbyterian church on the
topic, "Preparation for Great Things.
d mm
W iSV A Goo1 Bread
ti. Vfv Made Tender
lis j 1 ""5" Haadarda
lit! i-im'". rr' J-.t!.iie iJ
Young Women
Are to Serve As
Church Ushers
Toung women of the congregation are
to be ushers at the Sunnyslde Congre
gational church tn the . future, accord
ing to an announcement . in the church
bulletin. The trustees of the church
have formally adopted a motion to that
effect. Ten girls from the Intermedin
ate Christian Endeavor society have vol
unteered their services and three others
are being held in readiness to fill va
cancies. Sunnyslde church has one of
the - largest young . people's soctetles In
the state of Oregon.
Dr. Hinson Is Back
From His Vacation
Dr. Hinson . has . returned from his
vacation which he spent on the ranch of
his son-in-law, and will occupy the pul
pit of the East Side Baptist church
as usual Sunday. In the morning bis
theme will be "The Sufficiency of
Christ." The sermon will show that
present world conditions and the un
usual demands that will be made upon
society and the church after the war
demand a program of action which can
only be met by Christ himself.
At night he will preach on the "Only
Terms of Peace for Berlin." This ser
mon will antagonise the too common
Impression that America is fighting
for a cessation of hostilities and that
the appropriate prayer for today is to
pray for peace. Christ Is now saying
to Germany, "I came not to give peace,
but a sword." And the true terms of
peace rooted In the righteous laws of
man and of God alone can be accepted
by the allies. A peace for Berlin Is
a peace foreign to that Berlin would
suggest or welcome.
First Unitarian To
Resume Activities
"Our Army and the Humanities"
will be the sermon theme this (Sunday)
morning at 11 (Patriotic Sunday) at
the Church of Our Father, Broadway
and Yamhill. Rev. William G. Eliot.
Jr., pastor. The names represented on
the service flag will be read. The Sun
day school will be resumed on Septem
ber 8 at 9 :45 a. m. The evening forum
is Intermitted until the first Sunday in
October. Beginning September 1 the
full choir will , be on duty. Several of
the choir have been on vacation.' Mr.
Eliot has concluded his work at Camp
Scientists to Hear
Two Lectures Soon
The Sixth Church of Christ. Scien
tist, of this city, announces two free lec
tures on Christian Science to be given
In the Masonic Temple, Yamhill and
West Park streets, on September 12
and 13, at 8 o'clock. The lecturer Is
Judge Samuel W. Green. C. S., member
of the board of lectureship of the Mother
church, the First Church of Christ, Sci'
entlst. In Boston.
Evangelist to Sing
Mr. Troy, who has been' associated
with Dr. Reid in evangelistic meetings,
will sing In this church tomorrow. A
vote of thanks to Dr. Reld for his most
acceptable supply work during July and
August was passed by the church on
Sunday last and the desire expressed
that Dr. Reld might hold himself In
readiness to perform the same service
next summer.
Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lesson '
"Finncin the Tk," or. "Christian GiTint,"
Lnk 8:80-88: 21:1-4.
Golden Text: "RetnembeT the Wonta of the
Lord Jera. That He Htmeelf Beid. 'It I More
Blessed to ttlre Than to HeceiTe. acts 2:113.
Young People's Topics
Chrtatien RndeaTor "All for Christ,"" in.
'Our Tongue," Jss. 3:1-12.
Epworth Lesfueje "The Stewardship of
First White Temple. 12th end Taylor Ber.
William A. WaWo. 11, 7:43.
East Side E 20th and Ankeny Re. W. B.
Hinsnn. 11, "The Sufficiency of Christ," 8,
Only Terms of Peace for Berlin.
Third VancouTer and Knott Her. Webley
. Beaven. 11.
Arleta Her. W. Garnet Hadley. 11. "A
Friend of God." 8. "Jesus and the Working
CalTaty E. "th and Grant kct J. E.
Thomas. 11. ,8.
Glencoe E. 4Bth and Main. Preachinc by
Ite. Charles Waehlte. 1 1. 7 4 5.
Sellwood Bethany Rrr T. J. BroomfieM.
11. .
Grace E. 7BU sna Asn Kef. H. T. Cash.
Preaching by ETangelist S. J. Beid, LI, 8.
Highland Her. i c Uofer. 11. 8.
L'ntTersity Psrk ReT.' 8. Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
St. Petera Lent ReT. P. Beutgtn. 8,
10:30, 7:80.
Pro-Cathedral lotn ana vtru ne. E. v.
OHara. 6. 7:15. 8:30, 8:45, 11. 7:45.
St. Lawrence 3a ana nnermsn ner. j. c
Huahes. . 8;30. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Patricks itn ana tuner . c e.
Murphy. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Francis 1 1 in ana uaa e. j. a.
Black. 6, 8. 9. 10.30. 7:80.
Immaculate Heart 01 Mary wmiams aye. and
Stanton Re. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. . 11 7:30.
Holy Kosarjr r. aa ana uiaczamas eT. a.
8. Olson. 8. 7. 8, 9. 11. 7:30.
St. Rose K. 63d and Alameda Rev. J.
O FerreU. 8. 10:30. 4.
St. Andrews n. win ana iJUDert ttey. j.
Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24 th and Slsktyou Bey.
George F. Thompson. 7:30, 0, 11.
Ascension E. 78th and Tsmhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8, 10.30, 7:30.
Blessed Sscrament Maryland are. and Blsn
dena ReT. F. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
Holy Crose 774 Bowdoln ReT. C. Raymond.
8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Ignatius 3220 43d St. S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. , 8:30. B. 10:30. 4.
St. Stephens 42d and E. Taylor Re. War
ren A. Waitt. 6. 8:30. 10:80. 7:80.
Holy Redeemer Portland bWd. and VinrouTer
aTe. Ree. F. H. MiUer. . 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Phillip Neri (Psulist Fathers) E. 16th
and Hickory Ree. w. J. uartwngnt. a, 8, 10.
St. Clements 8. Smith ae. and Newton
Scrrite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. 11th aad Center Bar. G.
RobL 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St Agatha E. IStb and Miller ReT. J.
Camminskr. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
St EtsnWaus: (Polish) Maryland are. and
Failinc Bee. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:20.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Coach ReT.
B. Dorrer. 8. 10:30, 7:80.
St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Ree. M.
Balestra. 8, 10:8U. 7 :SO. .
St Clara Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers.
7:80, 9:18. I
St Charles 33d and Alberta Ban J. P.
rVFl.nn 8. 10:80.
All Saints E. 89th and Glisah-i-ReT. Father
William Cronln. 8.10:30.
First Park and Colombia Rev. HaroM . R.
Griffis. 11, "Whera Po To Lire 7" 7:46.
Do We Need a CnurcB creed'"
' East Me E. 12th aad Taylor Bey. BV H.
Bawyer. X', 9.
pig Series of City-S2Jide tallies Js'eirig $Iainned for Sunday Schools
Mhe Cask of Beligious (Education WLill Represented at Various Jfleetings
tn t .,V,.V . t ? it
gtheran Chart 3hich parallels Secular (Education to ?Be Jfully (Explained
Paul R. Reynolds, in Morning,
and Clifford N. Hand, in Eve
ning, at First Congregational.
The First Congregational church.
Park and Madison streets, will hold serv
ices at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. The
morning speaker will be Chaplain Paul
R. Reynolds, lately In Y. M. C. A. work
at Camp Grant, 111. His subject will be
"The Way of Life."
The evening speaker will be Chaplain
Clifford Nott Hand, lately minister of
the Lemon Grove Congregational
church, San Dlego. CaL His theme will
be "Enduring Hardness."
The Bible school will meet at 12, m.
The members of the choir, which will
begin its services of song Sunday, are :
Soprano, Mrs. Dudley Clarke,; alto. Miss
Beatrice Palmer ; tenor, Raymond V.
McKalson, and basso, W. E. Robinson.
"The public is cordially Invited to all
services of the church and also to visit
the church any time during the week,
as the doors are open every day and the
secretary is always glad to meet any
who may come In and to be of service In
any way possible."
Glencoe's President
Will Be in Charge
Mr. Bofferman, president of the
Baptist Young People's union of the
Glencoe Baptist church, will have
charge of the young people's service of
the East Side Baptist church on Sun
day evening. Mr. Bofferman is a live
wire In young people's work and a treat
Is In store for those who attend.
The gjrls of the Alpha class have
challenged the boys of the Pathfind
ers class to a debate on a question of
interest to the young people of today.
This debate will take place at the reg
ular time of meeting on Sunday, Sep
tember S.
Evangelist Fagan
To Lead Revival
At the Rodney Avenue Christian
church, Rodney avenue and Knott street,
the services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. yfill
be In preparation for the revival which
is to begin Thursday evening, September
S, under the direction of Evangelist M.
Howard Fagan and Mrs. M. A. Fagan,
soloist and song leader. These evan
gelists are very efficient In their chosen
field of labor, and there Is a great treat
in store for those who can hear them.
Special music under the direction of
C. H. Dougherty.
Mrs. Rupert to Sing
Mrs. Rupert will sing "My Prayer"
at the Sunday morning service at the
Realisation league. 186 Fifth street.
The song was written by Mrs. Erma
I MontaTilla E. 78th and Hoyt ReT. J. W.
iTenkin. 11. 8.
Rodney ATenue Rodney and Knott Ree. J.
F. Ohormley. 11, 'ReTirels." 8, "Making
Christ King."
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rct. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11, "The Reslity of Religion." 8,
"To Minister and to GiTe Ilis Life."
Christian Selena
Lesson subject: "Christ Jesus."
First lth snd ETerett 11.8.
Second E. th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth VancouTer are. and Emerson. 11,8.
Fifth 62d st and 4 2d ale. 8. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple. 368 TamhiU. 11. 8.
St. Johns Holbrook block. 1 1.
All churches Wednesday, 8 p. in.
First Park and Madison. 10:30. "The Way
of Life," by Chaplain Paul R. Reynolds of Camp ,
Grant 7:4R, "Enduring Hardness," by Chaplain
Clifford Nott Hand of San Diego.
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and ETerett
ReT. Warrn Moore. 11. 8. -
Sunnyslde E. 32d and Tayloi- ReT. J. J. i
Staub. 11. 8. !
Highland E. 6th and Preseott ReT. Edward
Constant. 11.. "A Church Heroic." 8. "A New
Era for Industry.'
WaTerly Heights E. 33d and Woodward
ReT. J. O. Dickensheets of McLaughlin, South
Dakota. 11. 8.
Lanrelwood 45th aTe. and 65th st. S. E.
Mrs. J. J. Handsaker.
Pilgrim Missouri and ShaTer. Preaching by
ReT. Robert Murray Pratt. 11. "The Spice of
Life." 8, "Three Great Questions."
Finnish Mission ReT. Samuel N'erada. 8,
7 :80.
Trinity 19th and ETerett Ree. A. A. Morri
son. 8. 11. "Shall the Meek Inherit the Earth?"
8, "Jesus as the Light of the World.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
18th and Clay Rt Ree. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Very Rer. E. H. McCoIlister, dean. Sundays:
7:43 a. m.. 11, 7:45 p. m. : church school. 9:45
a. m. Week days. Wednesday 7 30 a. m.. Fri
day 9:30 a. m. : Holy day. 7:30.
St DaTids E. lztn and Belmont kt.
Thomaa Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 9:30. 11. "A
Christian Democracy." 7:30, letter will be read
from a Britisher to an American friend.
St Marks 21st and Marshall ReT. J. G.
Hat ton. rwtor. 7:30.. 11. 7:45.
St . Andrews Hereford st, Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 7:30 p. m.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler ReT.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.
Good Shepherd VancouTer and Graham
ReT. John Dawson. 11. 8,
St. Michaels and All Saints E. 43d and
Broadway ReT. T. F. Bowen. Ticar. 8. 10. 11
and 6.
Church of Our Sarior 60th are. and 41st at
S E. Archdeacon Chambers is charge. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Ree. Frederic K. Howard. 7. 7:45.
St Pauls Woodmen ReT. Oswald W. Tay-
lor. 4
All Saints 25th and Sarta
Rer. Frederic
&. Howard. 11.
St Johns E. 15 th and Harvey. Sellwood
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. . 11. 7:80.
First E.. 6th ahd Uarket Rer. E. D. Horn-
tchuch. 11. 8. . . .
- - Fra Methoatst
Central E. 85th and Flanders- Rt.' W. N.
Coffee. 11. "The Scriptural Basis of Mora!
Character": 8. "God's Call to tb Present Age."
First E. 9th and Mill ReT. A. Beers. 11.
"A True Verdict of Christ A Round Table"; 8.
serrice in charge of Rer. and Mrs. Thomas Bears
of Los Angeles.
Congregation Beth Israel 1 5th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath svrrice Friday
at 9 p. m., Saturday. 10:80 a. m. Sunday. 10.
Us Portland academy bldg., 1 8th and Mont
gomery. RengMjoa school. Bible classes at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation Ahana Sholom Park and Clay
. . A.
. rsialeSegport.- f
"Sa-- "4s v l?fe0 1
1 rz - not i,'
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if t, , - '.,. ' yt Mfn I i
Dr Athcran's chart showing manner in which it is planned to parallel
religious education k in Sunday schools with that of secular education
in schools and colleges- of the state.
The Multnomah County Sunday School j
association, under - the leadership of
Charles A. Staver and Elton Shaw, is
planning a series of city-wide rallies.
Prominent ministers of Portland are to
discuss the Importance of the Sunday
school at these rallies. Harold F. Hum
bert, general secretary of the Oregon
Sunday School association, has been
asked to speak at each meeting, and he
will present the task of religious edu
cation as outlined In the accompanying
chart. This chart was prepared by
Professor Walter Scott Atheran of
Boston, who is educational director of
the International Sunday School asso
ciation. Dr. Atheran has Issued this
chart In the belief that the church
school should build a system of religious
education parallel to that of the state.
"Our forefathers," says Professor
Atheran, "because they believed In re
ligious liberty and political freedom,
separated the church from the state.
Religion cannot be taught in the pub
lic schools. The price of our religious
liberty is the sum required for the
building of a system of church schools
which will parallel our system of public )
schools and be equally efficient Our j
public school system Is only half of the;
educational arch." !
As the state supports the "kindergarten.
primary, intermediate. Junior high, sen-
sts. Rabbi R. Abrehamson. Fridsy. 8 p. m..
Saturday. 9 30 a. m.
Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. 10. 7:30.
St. Panls E. 12th and Clinton ReT. A.
Krause. 9:30. 10:30. 8.
Our Sario
10th' and Grant Rer. M. j
A. Christensen.
11, song serrice, sermon in
English. . I
TrinitT Williams and Graham Ree. J. A.
Reinbacn. 9:15. 10:15, sermon in German;
7 :S0. wrmnn in English.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Darls Rer.
Wilhelm Pattersen. 10:30. "The Whole Man."
serrice in English; erening serrice at The Au
ditorium. Grace English Mason and Albina. 9:30,
Hamilton Chapel E. tOth and Glltan Rer.
K J. Eppling. 11, "The Spiritual Slacker,
Methodist Episcopal
Central VancouTer and Fargo Ree. C. C.
Rarick. 11. 8.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Re.
E. R. I-ockhart 11, "Sidelights on Military
Camp and T. M. C. A. Training School Life."
First 12th and Tayloi- Rer. Joshua Stans
field. 10:30, "The Coming of Christ"; 7:45,
"The World After the War." by Bishop Homer
C. Stunt.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
ReT. Elias Gjerding. 8.
VancouTer Are. Norwegian Danish Skidmora
and VancouTer' Rer. Elias Gjerding. 11.
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln Ree. E. B.
T.ockhart 8. "Sidelights on Military Camp and
Y. M. ('. A. Training School Life."
Mt. Tabot. K. 61st and Stark. Bee. E. Olin
Eldridac. 11, 8.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rer. Francis Bur
gette Short 10, Sunday school. 11, "Ibor
Triumphant," or "The Glory of a Sweaty Face."
St Johns W. Learitt and Syracuse Ree.
J. H. Irrine. 11. "The People Called Metho
dists": 8. "Vessels of Dishonor."
Unirersity Park Fiske and Lombard ReT.
J. T. Abbett 11. 8.
Epworth 26th and Sarier ReT. C. O. Mc
Culloch. 11. 8.
District auperintendent, Ree. William Wallace
Young son. V. D.. 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790.
M. E. South
First Cnion and Multnomah ReT. James
T. French. 11, 8.
First E. 7th and Couch ReT. C. Howard
Sellwood E. 0th and Spokane Ree. B. H.
Morse. 11. "ETenta That Precede the Second
Coming of the Lord"; 8. "Our Commandment"
First 12th and Aldei Ree. John K. Boyd.
Preaching by Ree. Lapsley MacAfee of 'Berkeley,
Cal. ...
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler ReT.
Edward 1L Pence. 1030. preach! by Chap
lain John H. Gardner Jr. of Camp Lewis.
Central K. 13th and Pine. Key. Orlando a.
Pershing. '11, 7:45.
Carrarr 11th and Clay ReT. R. fW. Borer.
10:30. "The Holy Spirit in Serrice'; 8. "The
ImDossible That Always Happens."
Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Rev. Ward
MacHenry. 11. "Speeding Cp'; 8. "Our War
Pmmm ITn-to-Date."
Vernon 19th and Wygant Bar. J. B.
Landsborough. 11.
" Piedmont Rev. A. U Hutchison. 11, -8,
"Labor Day."
Fourth First and Gibbe ReT. Henry G.
Hansen. ' 10:80, ' "The - Lordship of J
7:30. "The Preeminence at Jeans."
. Kenilworth E. 84th and Gladstone RT.
Paul K. Batach. 11. "At the End of a Vaca
tion": 8. "Labor."
: Hope E. 18th and ETerett Bev. Floyd JS.
Dcrns, 1 1. s. , .
Bose City Dr. Robert H. Milligaa. 11.
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Preaching
by Rav. G, H. Le ol Aewberg. . Jl
'Seventh Day AdVeotlsU
NoteRegular serricee of this deoominaUoa
are held on Saturday.
Centra E- llth aad ETerett I K. Dick
son, pastor. - 11 :15.
- MS EPMim,
aZ v Jf .
- . - IMS m. :
' O "3 i 1
1 4 1
lor high school, junior college, senior
college and university, the church, ac
cording to Professor Atheran, must ade
quately support a system of graded
Sunday schools. Including the junior
and Senior college, and must graduate
Its students from a school of religion.
In order to perfect this plan, Mr. Hum
bert asserts that to the present Sunday
school system must be added the relig
ious day school, such as that operated
at Gary, Ind., where day school pupils
are privileged to study In a church
school of their choice one hour during
each day. In Oregon a similar plan is
operated through the office of State Su
perintendent ChurcMlL High school
pupils may take a prescribed Bible
course outside of school and, upon pass
ing a satisfactory examination, receive
credit toward graduation. Under this
plan any Sunday school may at present
give a course In accredited Bible study.
The state system of teacher training
includes local Institutes and reading
courses, city and state normal colleges.
departments of education In colleges
and graduate courses of education. A
parallel system of training teachers in
religion would Include teacher training
courses in local churches, community
training schools such as that at Mal-
den. Mass. training schools for special
groups, departments of religious edu-
Tabernacle Arcanum hall. 13th and Waah
ington. 11, 7:45.
Montarilla E. 80th and ETerett Elder J.
A. Gerhart. 11.
Ints 94th st and 58th aTe. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 1 1 .
St Johns Central are. and Charlestou-
Elder A. R. Foikenberg. 11.
Mt Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T. Ililgert 11.
Albina Rkidmore and Malloir Ree. A. A.
Meyer. C. F. Knott local elder. 11:15.
ScandinaTian Ogden hall, Mississippi and
Sharer. 11.
SaWatlon rrr.y
Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Frank
Cenae. 11. 3:15. 8
i Corps No. 4 128 First Adjutant Joseph
i Harrison. 11, 3, A.
1 Swedenborglan
j New Church Society 331 Jefferson Bee.
) Willism R. Reece. 11, "The Relation Between
' the Old and the New Christian Churches."
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam
hill Rer. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "Our Army and
the Humanities."
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Rer. G. E. Mc
Donald. First E. 15th and Morrison. Preaching by
Rer. G. E. McDonald. 11, "Planting a Metro
politan Church"; 8, "The Power of the Uplifted
Second E. 27th and Sumner. Bee. R. G.
Summrrlin. 11. 8.
Third 67th st and 32d are. g. E. Ree.
E. O. Shepherd. 11. "A Mechanical Church";
8, erangelistic serrice.
- Fourth Tremont ReT. C. P. Blanc hard.
11, preaching by Ree. Mrs. Hillis: 8, "If a Mau
Will Not Work," by Rer. O. E. Cline.
Christian and - Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Ree. John- E. Fee. 11, 7:45.
Realisation League 186 Bth Ree. H.
Edward Mills. 11. "The Discipline of Disctplo
ship": 8. "How to Find Our Latent Forces."
Church of the CniTersal Messianic Mesaace
414 E. Ererett 11. 8, "The One Life"; Wed
nesday. 8, study class. ,
I hnatadelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:80.
Church of God 383 Failing. 11, 8.
Men's Resort 4 th end Burnslda Rer. Trel
Johnson, superintendent 8 p. m. Labor Day
serrice. '
First Dirine Science Til ford bldg. BeT. T.
M. Minard. 11. "A Wise Man"; study rra tiers
Tuesday. 2 p. m. r Wednesday, 8 p. m.
10:30 A. ML
Rev. Joshua Stansfield
The Coming of Christ
The foolishness of mneh of the present day
preaching and thought on this subject, and
the certainty of the establishment of the
Kingdom of Bighteonraese and Truth
The World After the War
Climatic "Religio-PatriotSe Addresa by one of
the most widely tra Tried and best informed
men of this nation.' Last opportunity to hear
him before he learea for India, on a special'
V Only 1400 Seats Free Oeme Carry .
Dr. Stansfield, Home From Lec
ture Tour, Will Preach
Services at the First Methodist church
will be both impressive and educational.
In the forenoon the pastor. Rev. Joshua
Stansfield. D. D., who has Just returned
from a successful six weeks' lecture tour
through several states, will preach on
"The Coming of Christ."
"Much of the preaching and thought of
the day as to the second coming of
Christ Is foolishness and entirely with
out foundation of fact of prophesy. The
so-called second coming stuff Is utterly
unreasonable and illogical," says the
pastor. Dr. Stansfield's sermon will
deal with this phase of the great ques
tion, as well as show the absolute cer
tainty of the establishment of the king
dom of righteousness and truth. This
will be an exceedingly interesting dis
cussion of a very important question,
prominent In the minds of many persons
because of present events. The "second
coming" In material form is even advo
cated by some sects.
In the evening. Bishop Homer C.
Stuntz. a member of the board of bish
ops of the Methodist Kpiicopal church,
will give a climax relisrio-patriotic ad
dress on "The World After the War."
The bishop Is to hold a few annual
conferences of the Methodist church
of the Northwest, and Is then to depart
for India on a special mission, which
will occupy some months of his time.
This occasion will be the last one at
which he may be heard in Portland on
this visit, y
cation in church colleges and graduate
schools of religious education.
The state system of school adminis
tration comprises town principals, su
pervisors of special subjects, city su
perintendents, county superintendents,
state supe...tendents and the United
States commissioner of education. Ad
ministration of religious education on
the same firm basis would necessitate
superintendents of local schools, city
superintendents, county superintendents,
state superintendents and a national su
perintendent. This plan is to be presented at the
coming rallies by Mr. Humbert. The
rallies are to begin on September 3 at
the Kenton United Presbyterian church
with Dr. Ward MacHenry and Mr. Hum
bert as speakers. The next rallies an
nounced are for September 13 at Sell
wood Methodist church, September 15,
Sunday afternoon, at Kenilworth
church, the Sunnyslde gathering at the
Friends' church on September 18 and a
great downtown rally at the First Meth
odist church September 20. Other ral
lies are to be held at St. Johns, Monta
villa. Highland, Central East Side and
North East Side, but the dates have
not been announced.
St. Davids Church
To Hear War Topic
Ae rector of St. Davids church will
preach Sunday at 11 a. m. on the timely
subject. "A Christian Democracy Does
It Exist? Has It Ever Existed? What
Bearing for Christianity Has the Pres
ent Social Revolution on Its Advent?"
At night at 7:30 the rector will read"
a letter from a British .friend to all
American friends on the spiritual signifi
cance of the present world conflict and
America s part in it. Seats free and all
are welcome. ,
At Glrnroe Baptist Churrh
Rev. Charles Waehlte is to preach at
both services Sunday t the Glencoe
Baptist church. Special music will be
given under the direction of Miss M. C.
Beable. At the morning servtce Adrian
Smith will sing "That Old. Old Story
Is True" and in the evening the choir
will render the anthem "Love Divine, Alt
Love Excelling."
Methodist Beliefs
"The People Called Methodists." and
some things they never believed or
practiced, will be the theme at the St.
Johns Methodist Episcopal church Sun
day morning, and "Vessels of Dishonor"
and their contribution to the world's
progress will be discussed at the eve
ning service at 8 o'clock.
Rev, Robert M. Pratt to Preach
Rev. Robert Murry Pratt again will
supply the pulpit of the Pilgrim Congre
gational church Sunday at both serv
ices. First Presbyterian Church
12th and Alder Streets
MoApEE, D. O.
Psstnr of the First Pres
byterian Chnreh, Berke
ley, t'sl.. now Director
of Religions Work at
Vancoueer B a r r a eks.
10:SO A. M.
"The Divine Program
for Christian Unity"
S:O0 P. M.
The Army Y. M. O. A.
One Department of tito
Church 'Coins About S
Dolne. flood.' " . I
Manic by the Choir and f
a ; I ,
Pastor of Church,
At Berkeley Will
Preach on Sunday
Rev. Lapsley McAfee, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church, Berkeley,
Cal., now tn charge of religious work
among the soldiers at Vancouver, will
preach in the First Presbyterian church.
Twelfth and Alder streets, on Sunday,
September 1, 10 :30 a. fh. and 8 o'clock
p. m. Dr. McAfee is well known on this
coast and his virile, clear cut, hopeful,
constructive message is always wel
Classes of Bible
Institute to Begin
The annual fall and winter Bible in
stitute classes are to begin Tuesday
evening In Hope hall on Alder street,
between Third and Fourth streets."
These Btudy classes are held each win
ter under the direction of Rev. Walter
Duff. Many are reported to have gone
from this institute in the past to other
seminaries and also into the work of
the ministry. A number of students
are now In the army aa religious work
directors. A splendid Bible study
course has been arranged for the com
ing months dealing with the proph
ecies In the New Testament and the
books of Isaiah and Daniel. The
classes are to be held Wednesday and
Friday afternoons at 3 o'clock and at
8 o'clock Tuesday and Friday nights.
A Bible conference is to be held
Sunday at the Milwaukie Evangelical
church at 5 o'clock.
Missionaries Will
Speak at Services
Sunday evening Rev. Thomas Beare
and wife of Los Angeles, outgoing
missionaries to China, will have charge
of the meeting at the First Free Meth
odist church. It is expected that Miss
Effte L. . Southworth, returned mis
sionary from India, will also be pres
ent. Donald L. MacPhee will sing. The
pastor. Rev. Alexander Beers, has ar
ranged a program for fall and winter
activities, which will be put into use
by the church at once.
Sellwood Nazarene
Church Prosperous
The Sellwood Nazarene church ta re
ported to be in a very prosperous con
dition, under the leadership of Rev. B.
H. Morse, its new pastor. Rev.. Mr.
Morse has been with the church about
three months, during which time the at
tendance has almost doubled. The
church is planning a series of revival
meetings for the near future.
Will Occupy New Room
The First Divine Science church will
hold their Sunday services In their
new assembly room Sunday In the Til
ford building. Rev. T. M. Minard is
. . , , .
, ; - - Ti , ,,,. M?r
Bank Your
Fifth and
Open Saturday
Evenings for Your
Small Accounts Welcomed and
1 Appreciated
I . -
Enlist Your Dollars
Fight for
- e . i
.Begin saving now ior ine
Subscription period begins
preparing to do your part?
A Conservative Custodian
Will Speak on New Phases o
Holiday That Have Presented
Themselves During Past Year.
Monday Evening Program of Or
chestra Music and Songs and
Address has Been Arranged.
ANY Portland pastors will
turn their remarks toward
the laboring man Sunday In
keeping with the observance
of Labor day on Monday.
The man In overalls , and the women
with the kitchen apron will be tha hon
ored guests in Portland's church pews
Sunday. Since the war has given wom
en a chance to fill ao many places lr
the business and Industrial world, th
pastors will speak this year- on the ne
phase of Labor day. The sermons a.
to be for the benefit of both men a
The recognition of Labor day Is to b
fittingly observed Sunday morning
Wilbur Methodist church by the past "..
pr. Francis Burgette Short. He la t
speak on "Labor Triumphant," or "Tl
Glory of the Sweaty Face." A cordii
Invitation has been extended by 1 4
church to all those who lova to wrr
The pastor says, "Loafers will not '
happy here Sunday."
The evening service at Pledmo.
Presbyterian church will have sp
reference to Labor day. 'Dr. A.
Hutchison and hia family have return
from their summer vacation spent
the Puget Sound district and the pa
tor announces that he will preach a
both Sunday services.
The Sunday evening service at Ken
Uworth Presbyterian church will be !'
observance of the spirit of Labor da
Sunday evening at Highland Congr
gational church. Rev. Edward Constat
will deal with a topic suggested by Lj
bor day. namely, "A New Era for Ij ,
dustry." In this discourse he pr .
poses to ahow how present day evs,
are making for Improved condition
the -Industrial sphere. This service
planned- In the Interest of all wage eat
era. Iff" the morning he will speak e '
the need of greater sacrifice In U
At the Fourth United Brethre.
church the Rev. C. E. Cllne will dt!
an address Sunday evening. This It
bo a Labor day service, the topic
lng. "If a Man Will Not Work,
Shall Not Eat."
There Is to be a Labor day s
at the Mens Resort Sunday nlgl.t
o'clock. Rev. Levi Johnson will 'be
speaker. There will be special muric
Pay Check
Stark Sts.
' 't
. it r - . "
nexi can 01 your country
September 28th. Are you p'
ft vw
" ' a