THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .THURSDAY; AUGUST 29, 1918. XT - APARTMENTS 48 FURNISHED AKD UNFURNISHED POETLAND TllltOBS LET'tht JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU HELP TOD GET ACCOMMODATIONS SERVICE IS FREE. Out of town visitors to Portland can mke reservations for hotel rooms, (mr'mrnuj rooraJ and board, house-ke-nlng room or other accom modn lion through The Journal Travel Hurrata. Thte service Is free. All lht ie nrfiM ry Is to write a letter a reasonable ten in advance of the day you erpect to arrive in Portland, dating when -you will arrlra, how ninny In party, what room or other ereonimndationa ymi desire and about what price yon are willing to pay. Thla lt la very important. Direct jour letter to "Iorsey H. Smith, Jout ul Travel Rurna, Journal Rldg., Port land, Or." H will notify you immedi i.tnly Just what accommodations h haa furrt for you and how to reach intra. Thla ervice Is free. Take ad vantage of It. KING AlBERT APARTMENTS Nrw 200 room house, 2 and S room house keeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished: elevator, hardwood floors. 11th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS becond and Yamhill NUy furnished modern housekeeping and steeping rooms. 82.6Q and np. k-k..MNMI I.A A PTi Woodiawn 1862. Cud- evet bldg . 2. I. 4 room, hatha, phona. HOTELS (4 PORTLAND VISITORS LET TnE JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU HELP YOU GET ACCOMMODATIONS SERVICE IS FREE. Ont of town visitors to Portland ran make resarTatinn for hotel rooms, apartments, rooms anri board. house- keeping rooms vT other accommoda tions through The Journal Travel Burma. This service is free. All that la necessary Is to write letter a reasonable tkm in advance of the day you expect to arrlre in Portland, elating when you will arrlre, how many in party, what rooms or other accommodation you desire and about what price you are willing to pay. This last la Tery Important. Direct 'your letters to "liornry H. Mmith, .Tour pal Trarel Bureau, Journal Kid-., Po-t-. land. Or." He will notify you lmmedi-"-attely Just what accommodations he has v-aecured for you and how to reach ' tbem. This aerric is free. Taka ad vantage of it. SUMMER RESORTS (26 SMALL ootuigc. Hcaldde". Mr. Ballif, Wakelield Fries. M 240ft. East (STORES AX0 OFFICES 11 TWO well Ugh ted store rooms! 45x100 arid 100x100, 110 and (20 per mo. J. D. O'DonneU. Spalding kldg. BTORK for rent, lift. 794 1-t and Oibbs. WANTED iTO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLCMBU RTVFR BTTTTBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and scarcity of bousing accommodation, we request erery patrl- rt cltisan who haa a house to rent or rooms lot to mail information of same to Columbia U. 8. B. Corp. Box 1202. Portland. Or. VANT to rent by Sept. T! furnished or nn fnrnlshed house, perfer near Foundation ship yards; Call Mrs. Rruce. Bdwy. 2928. EMPLOYED Uiy wants pleasant hoasekeeplng mom near First. C. S., (12 month. Y-423. Journal. Vi NT ED To rent, rooming house, wilh about 20 or 28 rooms. Call Sellwood 1846. 0 or 7 KoETM house, family mlults, Irrington pro ferrM. Will lease. Phone East 7H72. WANTED U7 rent snull hou'.a ruar ecbool and ear. Address L-870, Journal. REAL ESTATE rL'SIN ESS PRO P I. RT Y (00x400 water front and treckaite. west tide. close in. Msy consider leasing or selling a part r all. 1421 Northwestern Hank bldg. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 63 ATTRACTIVE acre at Motzger. Tery reason able; 2 blocks from car; plenty free wood inquire O. H. Johnson, owner. FOR SALE HOUSES (1 FURNISHED COTTAGE. (700 8 rooms, 1 of which yi plastered, not much furniture but what therel Is is good. located at 690 Courtney at., St. John line, (350 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. (3060 5-room and largn attic, on full 150x100 lot. In (iroveland park; usual built ins; hardwood floors; fireplace; two blocks to two carlincs; newly decorated Inside. . In first class coiitiition. TerruA Cull Main 683. BIG SNAP ' New 8 room bungalow, near E. 88th at Price, (2 800. Terms. O. C. GOLDEN HERO 216 Ablngton hMg. Main 4803. BEST-OITbTYS Close-in 4 room cottace, 1 blk. to ear, 15 minutes to 3d- and Morrison. Heady to move Into. Price (800, $200 down, balance (10 ' per month and Interest Riely-Gustafaon Realty ' Co.. 905 Teon bldg. Mar. 1450. DANDY 6 room house in good condition. 020 Delay st. near O.-W. It. A N. shops and Alblna shipyards; only 15 mlns. walk to Union depot. (1760; small payment down, balance 1 i h a rmnt Can ffifa dmuhImi at m... I'hnn. East 8618. . k fcAAsV t i -.. -i-l l i ousts, naruwooa i loom, nooKcaaes, outlet, bath room, full aement basement, wash trays, garage. Improvements all paid, near Rose City Tark, (2860. Terms. See Mr. Jenks. 08th and Sandy. JiEW shack, unfinished, m-cessary furniture, fine lot of rabbits and chickens with houses; all winter's Wood. Price (125. Good chance for bandy man who will buy a lot where there are plenty. 874 E. 74th N. near Halsey st "FURNISHED COTTAGE, (1150 (100 down, (20 monthly, buys this neat 4 room . cottage with patent toilet connected with the sewer, fruit treea and berries, 2 H blocks to Bellwood park. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham ber of Commerce. CLOSING out my Portland property regardless of price, 2 houses in Irrington. one in Laun 1 hnrst and 2 in Hawthorne district Call own er. East 8015 and talk with him. No agents, no commission. FOR BALE CHEAP Modern 5 room bungalow, easy terms. This is a snap. See it Owner, 1084 tit Caruthers. 6-ROOM1 modern bouse, with garage ; small pay- ment down. bal. like rent. 098 76th St., blocks south of R. C. earline. 5-ROOM house! 26x100 - close to Kenton; a fine llttke cheap home for workingmart; (1450; no agents; 1-8 cash. J-963, Journal. (300Q 0 room 'dwelling on Rodney are., neur three earline. being newly painted. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 314 Stark st. Main 5S3. BUNGALOW snap, . (2050. 6 rooms, "modern"; close in; fine district, near cor, paved ft; larget lot. Owner, Tabor 8 824. (1000 CASH" Undies paTtiy furnL.hed mod era house in Alberta dis-trict, corner, loOx 100; fruit and flowers; no agents. Mar. 184. FOR SALE 6 room Cottage, 3 23-ft Jots. 100 feet from earline; terms. Phone Marshall 718. -room cottage, at station; close in, Or egon Electric; city water, gas; (1000, terms. Marshall 1874. t ROOal plastered house and 40x100 lot; (07f. (460 down, bat $12 xr month, including int. Mt Scott district. Phone Tabor 4 181). 6CNNYB1DE Flve room cottage. (2500, H block car, 2 blocks school; more in tomorrow. Tabor 8775. . DO TOU WANT an 8 room modern bungalow or tv room cottage, Mt Tabor district Call Sell wcod 8693, owner. (1250 House bargain. 251 Morris st. Terms! Owner. Geo, Merten, 624 East 13th north. KlirTY bungalow, cheap; large "tot, fruit, flowers. soou jocium. wwner, rjasi szn. LARGE 2 room hou.te, lot 50x100; terms. Owner, Woodiawn 3544.' FOR BALK or trade7house. No. 688 E. 72TN" Rose City car. 6UNNTSIDE district. (2300. ( room cottage! H block oar. 2 blocks school. . Tab. 8775. THE greatest sacrifice, Portland Heights housed . t,vtf, wun -serma. aiar. xir.-- . Cl'i'Y and eountry property, aell and . rent , .BENEDICT. 267 ia Oak. Main 1743. REAL ESTATE FOR WALE HOUSES 1 GET A HOME Look Out For a HOUSE FAMINE WITHIN THIRTY DATS House ara already scare la Portland. 8 4 room house, with 50x100 foot lot. FROM $675 TO $1250 A homo with 50x100 ft. lot, complete in every detail with bring and dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms am) bathroom complete FOR $2000 SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. Located at ROLAND STATION, straight Be fara on the OREGON ELECTRIC RT.. 10 min ute rids to South Portland SHIPYARDS and lft minutes to Washington street; served also hy toe FULTON CAR. In the CITY LIMITS, with all conveniences. BULL RUN WATER, GAS and ELECTRICITY. ACT TODAY. DO NOT DELAY. We will take you t,y luto to YOUR FU TURE HOME on request. TIIK CAKSON COMPANY. Owner of BEAUTIFUL CAKSON HEIGHTS, . 04 Pl.ATT BCILDIN(. WASHINGTON at PARK. TELEPHONE MARSHALL 6025. HOUSES FOR EVERYBODY Orer ':0 houn for aaie on our Hat to select from. lfare houses in erery district at almost any price uu.b Ifrms you -want. Hare Iiliotograblis of ilmt, hmas with f'lU data. We !uiro fini- rcinarkahlo harnains. Would be Tery ph-ascd to har ym all and look o-r our list. We can be of serrk-e to yu in finding the home you are looking for. Autos to show our properties. flee FRANK I, M'oriRE, Abington Rldg.. To Huy Your Home. Main 106H. (3250. Alhina dlftrict. S room house and 100x100. Hou.e has 0 rooms, hath, toilet, Fcreened back porch on ground floor, electricity and g9. House is not ftrictly modern, hut is In good condition. Would rent for $25. anal is offered at a gr-at nacritice. Rearing fruit treea and inen. Only M" cash is required. Will make you Tery easy term on the balance. JX-995. Journal. , . CT. JOHNS DISTRICT - $1300 btiyi a good 4 ro. ro house on full lot. 1 blmtk to carhne, shade and fruit trees, assess ments all paid, possession at once. Easy terms. 10 tninnta car ride out of St. Johns. $850 '.akea a good 2 room house with electrio llghu and gas. first class windows and doors. This place is no auack but a real, cozy home. Laiy ernis. NEW YORK LAND CO.. Eat f.ol7. 8l E. Morrison st $2S0( A HEACTIFUL 5 room bunealow, hardwood floor-i, fireplace, cement basement, located on a lot 50x1110, has nifo garage, street paring all in and palil. This bungalow is lo cated in Westmoreland, a beautiful restricted district. The owner is learing the city. Terms. ("0U ca'h and (25 per month, including interest. Also wi.!ie to sell his fire passenger Chakmers automobile cheap. A. O. Teepe Co., 204 Stark st., near :tnl. Mala 35 10. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. FOR S.U,K-$250 dimTbiiyi S room modern houso, H acre in fruit, 2 blocks from car. Price, (lfiOO. L'O0 down buys 4 room plastered honse, base ment, lights, toilet and lot. Price, (ISOUe. $200 down buys B room modern house, M acre. 3 Mocks from car. Price. $2000. $2ii() buys B room Btrietly modern house and lot, block from car on Foster road. Lents Real Estate Co.. phone Tabor 1599. LOOKI 2" MODERN-HOUSES (2200 CASH. balance, (1700, easy terms. One 6-room house, 1 2 -flat house, 5 rooms each, upper flat furnished, furniture included; hard surface ft., near car, school, ahipyards. Bargain and giKd inrestment Rental income (50. Buy this, liro in one house; rent pays Installments. Hee it. 1733 Portsmouth ave. Don't bother tenant. See owner. 1038 Dwight (t. , A WONDERFUL BARGAIN j. 5 room bungalow strictly modern. Hardwood mnwo, ceuieiu iiasemeni, lurnace, lot 50x100. all street work in and paid. Located in the heart of Rose City, one block from Sandy. Price (370U, Terms, (500 cash and (40 per month. House will be racant September 1st and yon had better hurry. A. O. Teepe Co , 2f!4 Stark St.. near 8rd. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $1750 (950 CASH Balance (15 per month, including interest; nifty 4 room bungalow completely furnished ; nfiiioo lot, fine garden; 1 blocks to Rose City Park car. NO TRADE. NO AGENTS. 51 8 CORBETT BLDG. (TSOO PORTLAND HEIGHTS TERMS. 4-rocm attractive bungalow, with sleeping porch, white enaraed plumbing fixtures; seme view; in district of nice homes.- Price only (1800. (G00 down. (150 semi-annually; no mortgage or city liens to assume. No. 460 17th at. near Clifton. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINOTON BLDG. o my lour Home. Main 1068. VERY NIFTY BUNGALOW (2780 (250 cash, $30 monthly buys this 6 room thoroughly modem bungalow with sleeping porch. Fox furnace, fireplace and good gar age. This place was built for a home and the workmanship can't be beat, block off hard surface road in Montavilla, not on Broadway and Washington. Fred W. German, 782 Cham ber of Commerce. $150 DOWN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. $1800 Four block St Johns. Mississippi, Kenton canines; cam, electricity, gas. cement basement, 2 block school. Price $1800. One of the rery few good buys left In this district. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg 6 ROOMS. (300 CASHTTS-M7)Nf5""" Plastered house with bath, full basement, corner lot. fruit, hard surface street, 3 blocks Aiuerta car. .Not modern but a snai at (1800 Main 1043. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. $2700 G room, dwelling; on Sunnyside car laundry trsy". cement basement, piped tor turnace; near 3ith it (500 cash. Terms. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 314 Stark st Main 593. BEAUTIFUL modern Rose City bungalow. 5 room, white enameled throughont Splendid nrepiace. lou won t find a prettier home any where, $2450. Terms. Call after 6. 761 E. 05th N 2H blks. N. of Sandy. ONE HALF ACitE TRACT (550 (25 down, $12 monthly, buys this nice tract N. E. of Lenta, several small buildings can be made habitable at small expense. Fred W. German Co . 732 Chamber "i Commerce. FOR SALE Five room plastered house, gas and electricity, lot 40x100. some fruit. (1300; terms. Abo six room bungalow, full Lla.Hfnent. modern, lot 50x100; ( 500. Lyons, on., McKay bldg. Main 1201. SOCTH PORTLAND SHIPWORKERS TAKE NOTICE 6 room partly furnished house for sale on very easy terms. Five minutes walk. By owner. Inquire Stanfield apt., apt. 25. 15 MIN. WASHINGTON ST. " 4 room bungalow, bath, electricity, full ce ment basement; 4 blocks Sellwood car; $200 down. Price $1000. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. 8 ROOM house, modern, up-to-date! price reasonable. Hawthorns district. Call at 819 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 4 85, bet 9:30 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Ask for Turney. FOR SALE 7 room furnished house, fireplace, furnace. 708 East Ankeny; (3500; guar antee renter 9 months. (35 per month. Phone East 1134. SEVEN bungalows, to be completed soon, at 48rd and Clinton sts. Buy now and have 5 to 7 rooms finished to suit W. G. Beck, 215 Fail ingbklg. MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repair. See my designs for new houses. Max M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Sunt. Oreaon Homr Ttullrlern. I -.-A..-; -- ; - - ill for sale, cheap: 9 rooms, lane floored attic 1 modern? beautiful finish; swell buffet; fruit, Tegvtables; large lot; chicken yard; flowers. 940 Pacific Hose City car. Get off 30th. FOR SALE, 5 room bungalow! small barn, chicken house, on half acre land, 6 cent car line. Cash payment and balance like rent D 544. Journal. (2100 5-room home, near St Johns, Union ave. and Wdl. cars. In good condition; close in. Terms. J. A. WR.KMAN CO.. 314 Stark st. Main 683. 5 ROOM bungalow on V acre, highly improved! Cheap if taken at once. Some cash. baL terms. Can move in now. 2 blks. from Mt Scott car. Myrtle Park Sta., 4303 67th st FOR SALE. 5roOtri bungalow! small ""barn, chicken house, on half acre land. 6 cent car line. Cash payment and balance like rent D 544. Journal. 1RVLNGTON, (7500, beautiful modern home, 0 rooms, sleeping jorch and den. $3500 cash, bal. terms. Owner. Chas. Merten, 624 East 13 th north. 7 Room house. (1875 Lot 63x188: 7 fruit trees; Mt Scott ear line; (300 down, balance monthly. A snap. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. 6 ROOM bungalow, fine condition, close to 2 carlines, 60x100 lot Call and see at any time, (1000 cash, bal. terms. See owner 996 E. 18th st N. Wdln. 6364. 6 ROOM, 690 Rodney are, (3000. Cash or terms. Bonds or auto. L.. A. Mills, 671 Rodney. East 4144. . MORTGAG E about to take 5 room modern bungalow, worth (2000. Taka (330. Car ried a loan of (1100. Main 129. forenoons. FOR SALE by owner, 7 room modern house. lot 50x130, sleeping porch, furnace, newly painted, fruit tres and garage. East 7626. 200 CASH Three room plastered, near car. plumbing, gas, electricity. (083. Snap. Krider. 284 Oak at REAt ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 5 ROOM modern cottage in Bunnyside, east ail. Price 12000, 200 cash, balance $20 per month.- 4 room modern bungalow in Woodstock, fire place, full basement. Price $1700. (200 cash, balance (20 per month. 5 mora cottage, pared street in and paid for. Located in North Irrtnetoa. Price (2100, balance monthly. . R room modern bungalow in Hawthorne dis trict, corner lot. Street work ail in and paid for. Price (2500. (800 cash, 6 room modern bungalow on corner lot, 75x, 100, full basement. Price (2150. (250 cash, (20 per month. We will accept your Liberty bonds with ac crued interest. Auto aerriee. NEW YORK LAND CO... 881 East Morrison at. Phone East 517. BARGAIN (3000 Modern 7 -room houae, cement basement, wash trays, plumbing, electric light. ae; 4 blocks from earline; walking distance to mills, three shipyards and warehouses. Terms; (1000 down, balance to suit buyer. See or call owner, 715 Montana are. Woodiawn 3174. FOR SALE LOTS U FOR SALE 4 lota! East St. Johns; (400 autch. small amount down if you want to build; long time Address box 55 5, on balance, easy Rainier. Or." payments. N V MB ER of fine lots in good diat. 43d end" Clinton, $500 each. Easy terms. Will take Liberty bond. Owner. J. H. McMahan, 260t East 4 3d. Tabor 6a L WANT lot. the (300 cash will buy; gire exact location; letter only. Apt. 6, Clay pool apti. FOR SALE Quarter block, 12th and Gaines. CallTabor 327. CHEAP for quick sale, by owner, 2 fine lots at Ainsworth and Concord. Tabor 6564. ACREAGE 67 CHEAP LAND NEAR GRESHAM On easy terms. Close to Portland and pared roads. 48 aires, good soil, creek, 6 acres in cultira tion. cheap house, $2200. 3H seres, good soil, creek, (850. 10 acres, fine location, on Fowell Valley Toad. 12 acres in cnltlTation, $2500, 4 blocks to car. 20 acres, splendid location, on good road; house, orchard. (2200. A snap. See KRIDER. 284 Oak St.. or KRIDER & ELKINOTON, Gresham, Or. Our auto .will take you ont. 7 ACRES good land, on carlme, 30 minutes out, 10c tsre, good house, 6 rooms besides pantry, bath, halls, porches. Other buildings. Pricey (4000. Time on part Improvements cost orer hslf price asked. Owner, Y-421, Journal. TUALATIN VALLEY FARM 07 acres, good soil, about half rich black bottom land, 50 acres cleared, rirer on one side.. C room house, good barn, 3 miles to Sherwood, good road. Easy payments and rea sonable terms. Address 2932 62d st B E. FOR SALE.-by owner. 20 acres, all good, lays perfect On good county road, close to new highway, near city and cars. 5 acres In culti vation. Price. (3000; half down. Owner, J- 990. Journal. ONE "ACRE, with-B-roora house, bath. etc. ; near station, at Wichita, O. W. P.; 6c fare by book. $2500, very easy terms. Get off at Sanley; ask for Miller $1000 ACRE Close to Base Line road and Mt. Hood railway, near city limits. No im provements; easy terms. F. V. Andrews & Co., Piatt bldg. Marshall 6025. 16 ACRES bottom land on North Fork of Lewis rirer, Clarke county, Wash. ; (650. Write 0. W. Braohem. 1954 Woolsey st FOR SALE FARMS 17 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS 13 acres Tery fine level land, practically aTl cleared, all well fenced and cross fenced, small 3 room house, barn. well. etc. Located on line main auto road with all conveniences, 6 miles from Vancouver, and right at fine school and R. R. station. This place was last sold for (3500, but if sold within the next few days will take $2000 and make good terms 110 acres fine land, 80 in cultivation, large house, fine barn, dairy and outbuildings. Only 20 miles from Portland. This place is worth at least $12,000. Price to avoid foreclosure, only (3000, which includes tools and machinery. 40 acres fine land, about 20 in cultivation, 800 cords wood, good house, barn, well, orchard, etc. This is only 15 miles from Portland on Pacific highway, which is paved. A real snap at (4 200. Terms. THOMPSON, SWAN THOMPSON, Third and Main Streets, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE By owner, 20.00 acres, 1 mile north of Canby, Or. All but one acre under cultivation. Sandy loam soiL excellent for pota toes and fruit. 2 story 8 room house, pantry and bath room, concrete cellar, modern water works, telephone, eleotrio lights, water piped to outhouses and yard. Prune dryer, barn, gran ary, potato cellar and chicken house. A very desirable home. Also 8 H acres Italian prune orchard, lo cated 1 miles north of Canby. Schoolhouse close by. Very suitable for a chicken ranch and a home, bringing a good income. t or par ticulars address JOHN SAMUELSON, R. No. 2. Canby, Or. A GREAT SACRIFICE 73 acres, 65 acres in cultivation, fair 6-room house, barn, chicken house and other buildings well, running creek, 15 cows milking, 15 heifers and calves, 4 horses, 5 brood sows, boar, pigs. 150 chickens, implements and tools of every kind and description; 18 tnuea from Portland, 2 miles from electric station, on graveled road. Price only (12,000. and some terms at that E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALF The best bargain in the WUlam- ette valley. 1032 acres, including 100 acres of apples, Spys and Kings, 5-year-olds. Over 10,000,000 ft of good saw timber; 300 acres of tillable land: good buildings; 15 miles from Albany. 4 miles from Lebanon. This place in eluding about (8000 Worth of stock, tools and equipment, for (65 per acre, cash. This is a bargain but mnst be . sold at once. Inquire of J. A. Howard. 325 W. 1st St.. Albany. Or. WE will sell our great fruit farm with all its splendid peach, cherry and apple orchards at big sacrifice to close the deal by Sept 6. It cost us (25,000 and was a bargain at that price, but we have trouble of our own. We want (5000 cash and will give easy terms on balance. Send telegram you are coming. Balm. Cove Orchard Co., Dufur, Or. A BARGAIN. House, barn and other imple ments. 190 acres of land, 80 acres under the Dlow: good soil, good water, all fenced, good pasture, good hard surface road, mile and one-half- from railroad, 7 miles from The Dalles, which I will trade for unencumbered city prop erty. O. P. Potts, 1980 E. Stark st Thone Tabor 300. (650 CASH Will buy 160 acres of unimproved rolling hill land, running creek: oo miles from Portland close to school. 3 miles from shipping point A splendid investment and unless you have the money and want this kind of land don t take up my time. 300 Henry bldg. YAMHILL CO. wheat farm, 104 1-3 acres; 70 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; tele phone and daily mail ; 2 miles to town, rail road and big grain elevator: SUB ner acre cash, or will take small place near Portland for part. a. JU xiicxman. x am mil. Oregon. R. F. ! 2. 160 ACRES, 160 ACRES, Lincoln Co.. partly imp., stock or dairy ; 94 acres Benton Co., 60 acres timber baL partly imp., (15 per acre. Address 533 Yamhill st, Portland, Or. ONE of the best farms in Willamette valley at a -bargain, if sold at once. Wdln. 2823, or No. 23. 107 Humbolt. FOR SALE Fine""Willamette valley farm. Owner East 4844. 633 E. 13th north. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 1000 acres river bottom land, or any portion thereof, for one or more years. Terms cash. We would prefer renters who wish to grow vegetables, as we now have vegetable drying plant located on ranch. Address K. Clem ens Horst Co., Independence. Ore. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 83 WANTED By experienced farmer, farm to run on shares or to work by the month, near Portland. Write J. H. Booth. Parkdale. Or. WANTED to rent Farm ; grain and stock pre- ferrerd. or diversified. A. N. Voorheea. It 1. box 70, Camas, Wash. TIMBER 29 PI1 1NG AND SHIP KNEES WANTED. Q, V. GAMBLE, GERLINGER BLDG. I WILL buy your ship knees, any size, quantity. Hamlet, Barton. Or. any HOMESTEADS 47 O. A a HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate yon en a good claim. A former government cruiser, (01 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land afftoat, W. H. JOHNSTON. ONE good O. A C homestead, 160 acres, cov ered with fine young timber. 95 miles from Portland. Bundy. 411 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE RE AI ESTATE 94 EXCHANGE twenty acres land. GoMendale, Wash., for good used automobile. Dodge or .Maxwell preferred. F-840. Journal. 160-ACRE stock farm; 10 head of cows; farm Implements; plenty outside range; for city or acreage. 560 Williams ave. - East 4447. VINE horn in Newborn, Or.; tratie for unim proved If. Dak. land. John Nolan, New born. Or. , . , RHAI) EST A TP EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE U 36 ACRES 30 acre culti rated; 9 room honse, ample outbuildings, orchard of all kinds of fruit, good water; all stocked and equipped. Crop and fruit go with the place. Good soil. 4 miles from R. R. station. 12 miles from Portland. Want suburban home of one or two acres; little cash, balance time to suit. Bee Forbes, at 884 H Hawthorne ate., near Grand. BELLA VISTA fruit ranch in Bogus river dis trict, a commercial and shipping orchard; oyer 700 fine pear trees; good improvements; a splendid property consisting of 23 acres ; no incumbrance; my business interests are in Port land and will exchange for Portland city or farm property; will assume reasonable. Earl 8. 8. Smith. S21 N. W. Bank bids. FOR SALE or trade. IS acres, all clear, best land in Oregon state. Ti fruit, 1 miles from Oregon City, 10 min. walk to Willam ette car. Good buildings, sprin water, for house in Portland or Seattle. Take Oregon City caf. get off Willamette sta. Call in post office for Joa Meknes. ' A MODERN 9 room house, large lot, facing beautiful park, fruit and nut trees, (7000; clear lot, (1000. Pomona, CaL. center of orange grores, to trade for Portland property. Also good equity in fine Paaadeua corner. Y-424, Journal. 10 ACRES. mile south of Aloab, Or., 26 minutes ride, all in cult, orchard. good buildings; all fenced. Want larger place or will take city property. Address .L. W., 246 5th st,. Portland, Or. LIST your property with us for results on charges of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co., 105-107 Park st. be- tween Washington and Stark eta. FOR SALE "or exchange. 160 acres good wheat land near good town in Grant Co., Wash., (20 per acre. What hare you? Box 332 New berg. Or. EXCHANGE 100x100 ground with bi build ing, plenty of brick, to trade for modern bungalow and will pay difference; near St Johns. Columbia 865. EQUITY 80 acres lodged off land, near Port land; good buildings; for acreage, city or rooming 'house. Will ass tuna. Value (1000. Route 4. box 150. Gresham, Or. FOR SALE or trade 14 acres irrigated land at Kennewick. Wash. H. L. Clark, 783 H WTilliams are. Phone Woodiawn 1796. Will consider light ear. EXCHANGE twenty acrea land, Goldendale, Wash., for good used automobile. Dodge or Maxwell preferred. F-840, Journal. - WANTED REAL ESTATE 1 DO TOU WANT TO SELLT If you do try listing your property with ns. We get results, and that is what you are after. Call at once and let us hare description of your property. We'll do the rest FALLS CITY MORTGAGE CO , 517-519 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Open Evenings. WE HAVE many buyers desiring to purchase moderately priced homes. If you want to aell yours and desire quick action list same with us at once. FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house tor sale. $800 to (3000. list with the REALTY & MORTGAGE CO. for quick results; old es tablished firm. Phone Main 2051. 633 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED To buy 1 acre or more near Port land, with house and barn or chicken houses could keep 300 hens or more; (50 down, (10 per month at 6 per cent interest Box 53 Woodstock station. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WAN 1 ED Must be N. E. and pricefl right We have numerous buyers waitlnc ared W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. CLIENT wants H or 1 acre, not hizh nriced: small amount down, easy terras: refers it to be on the Oregon City car line. Realty A Mtg. uo., odj L.namrer oi commerce. Main 2051. WE have calls for houses from (2000 to (5000. jet us sen yours, u. w. Bryan. 609 Cham. of Com. bldg. Main 1963. evenings. Mar shall 805. WANTED, at once, house. (200 or less down and (20 plus interest per month. Main 8718. WANTED 5 room modern bungalow. Hare 2 lots wttn snack, rented. Pay to (1000 dif ference. Wdln. 4495. WANT house, at once, email payment down. Can make large monthly payments. Phone Alain 8718, at once. WANTED Eight fire and six room bungalow ana nv smau nouses, nor:neast a5 4 Wash st. Main 8759. WANT OAK GROVE PROPERTY For results list your property with the Seal aM., :ui aa sr., Portland. WANTED A 0 room house. Will pay (150 down. (15 per month and interest Mt laoor or ounnysiae. r-83'J, Journal. WON'T Worry I can sen or trade anything, anywhere. LAYMAN, 147 Park st wa:vij!.d One or more acres near city uiuiui ot ruuisna. i-oo, journal. GOOD vacant (850, part. for Mitchell Six, late Owner. Main 27. model. wanted To buy or lease a first-class saw mlfl DroDOsitlon. Box 25.1 eitv ' BOOMING HOUSES (t Very Beautiful, 10 Rooms Clean as a new pin. Lovely location. Splen did home. Very good furniture. Yard roses. Modern house. This is the best place for the money ouerea m 1'ortland. Clears $60. WHOLE PRICE, $750. SOME TERMS. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE" snd I will show you the best buys in rooming nouses, noteis ana apartment houses in Port land. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. HJ5ADQCARTERS for rooming houses. H. W. tjariand. 188 Third. Main 3669. FINE five acres for rooming house or what have you. Value (1200. Marshall 981. i0 ROOM house, easy -terms. 1 7 5f0th. Main BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES to FOR SADi: The best paying garage on easl sine; averaging 4uu weekly. This is bargain. Will sen lease for only (100: fell stock, fixtures and tools at invoice. Owner drafted and must leave. For particulars see doc, it Nortn second street. BUSLVESS ASSOCIATE WANTED A gentleman established for 20 years In successful business desires an associate. Must have clean record and no financial embarrass ments, estate experience. H-739, Journal. FOR SALE A good, clean stock of gen. mdse. Good location, in good stock and farming belt. A bargain if taken at once. Write pennei nros.. 'ruler, or. PRINTING Two practical men can Ve independent for me: TBUim casn required. M-05. Journal. FOR SALE1 Cleaning and pressing establish ment, in good location, reasonable. Call at ioi n. iaa st WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and - Everything Morns A Gilson. 481 Chamber oi Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN RE ATj ESTATE 87 OUR- Installment pla is the best and surest metnoa ci paying a loan. $32.26 per month : - 30 months, or (21.24 for 60 months, or (15.17 for 96 months, pays (1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 24a stark St.. Portland, Or. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in easy installments with 10 years' time to re pay: fully Drotected bv life i'lsnrance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. or particulars see Mr. Strong. equitable office, oreganlan bldg. ouu, uu, touu, ioo. aiuuu ana np, lowest interest rates. Liberal p re-payment privileges. o delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce TOU can get out of debt this way. We have some 7 money you can borrow on imnroved realty and repay in monthly installments. Fred w. oerman Co., 782 Cham, of Com. BUILDING loans -on city or suburban property money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, zio snd Zlo Failing bldg. Main 8407 (860, (400. $500, $650, (750. "1000 and larger amounts st current rates. Quick aen on. vrea w. uermaa Co.. 733 Cham. Oom. (500 TO (9000 to loan, city or fa.-m mort- gage; no commission. P. in. Box 878. (900 to loan on city property, 7, McGuire. 549 Union ave. N. HT7 MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7. Louis Halomon at Co.. 4P8 Selling bldg. GASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. If. IL Ivewis. room 4. Liewjs bldg. tJtn 688. MONEY TO LOAN- CHATTELS, SALARIES (7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL, LOAN ARAM Established by Portiana ousineas men to protect oorrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Un.. Una "TaTtTr at LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS. nuwotnuiio xuursllUKJS. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES (7 Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONET Cfcatu On short notice to salaried or working-men on their on not - Weekly. awai-mootLer or xaonihly payments. Each trtnsactios strictly confidential. ISO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUT ELT NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, plaaoa, etc.. without remorai. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED, 218 Failing bldg. ' If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed In come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property: legal rata. Bost neas confidential; prirst office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed 806-307 Dekum bldg. LOANS WANTED St LOAN your money, 10 per cent Interest on improved Portland real estate. We can place sum of (100 np. Cellars-Murton Co., 725 Gascw bldg. , (1200 WANTED, 7 PER CENT 6-room bungalow. Irrington Park district. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Com- WANTED (5000, on 7 acres improred city property. J-B52, Journal. FINANCIAL SI LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. We -pay cash Open Saturday evenings. CELLAES-MURTON CO..-725 Gasco BkU. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC IS FOR SALE General mdse. business, stock and store build ing, good resi,'nce, no better location in Lane county. Also small hill ranch. Write M. C. Smith. Walker. Oregon FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine new and secondhand .furniture store on the Eat side, good location, close in. Call East 6487, or East 3058, on Sunday. GOING out of business and must sell at once at some nrice. aood rair of work horses. 5 good farm wagons, good family mare, buggy and 2 sets double harness. Wood yard, corner of E. 8th and Hawthorne are. MUST aell at once. 2200 lb. team of brown mares and harness. $85: 2900 lb. team. $75: no work and mut sell. Can be seen at 302 Front t ALL kinds of horses, harness, buggies and wagons, fine two-seated surrey, fine Shetland pony, 1600 lb. mule, cheap or exchange. 302 Front st. (90 00 BUYS sorrel team, weighing 2400 lbs. Harness and wagon. Must sell account of sick ness. Mt Scott car to 9th are. Inquire at West- over grocery store. TOH SALE Free fros blemishes and good riding horse, weighing 1050 lbs. Age 6 yrs. Call Col. 671. Must sell. 2500 LB. TEAM, good double harness; would make fine team for ranch; no use for them in winter. Sunnyside Ice Co.. 1029 E. Yamhill st DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree. Call woodiawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES and wagons for rent by the day. tinai $1.00. or doable 83. 646 Front Main 2208. TWO teams of horses. 4 900 lbs.; 6 furniture wagons, heavy and light. 226 Rutledge at HORSES for sale cheap, A-5759. 2729 Tf. Front Broadway 1780. FOR SALE- Shetland pony, 4 years old, weight 200 lbs. 735 E. 75th st S. Near Sandy road. DEAD horses taken, if fat. paid for; dead cows paid tor. Phone 69-J. Mllwaukle. LIVESTOCK 85 FOR SALE at sacrifice, a good gentle Jersey cow for family use; also New Zealand rabbits and huts, 7 blks. south of r remont sta. M. H earline. M. C. Cavender on mail box. Ask for Metzger. (200 will buy team black Morgan mares, or will trade for cows, chickens or sheep. R. D. No, 3, Box 89A, Bcaverton. Or. YOUNG, gentle Jersey and Jersey-Holsteln fam ily cows; very rich milkers. 751 E. Ash. FOR SALE 4 -year-old horse. $50. 16 mos. old heifer. (20. Tabor 6888. DRY cow, want fresh one. Pay difference. J. Sullivan. Iosch sta. FOR SALE Three Jersey cows, 5 and 6 years old, two fresh soon. 860 E. 7 2d st, N. POULTRY, PIGEONS, TET STOCK 87 RHODE ISLAND RED pullets. April hatch. 75c; May hatch. 60c; eight White Wyandotte lay ing hens, (1.50 apiece; fine R. L R. rooster, (1 apiece; New Zealand rabbits for sale; also 6-mo.- old pig, (20. Mrs. Wilson, Luther Station, Es tacada line. 10 1 -TEAR-OLD Brown Leghorn hens for sale. also o thoroughbred It I. Reds and rooster. 5502 85th st. 3. E. 2d house from 36th ave. Mt Scott car. WANT White Leghorn pullets. Call Wdln. 3878 or address 1645, Mississippi ave. TWENTY-TWO White "Leghorn hens (1 each. 6809 68th ave. S. E. Tabor 7037. l"bOZ. fryerTlor sale. Tabor 736R. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 48 SACRIFICE sale. 60 fine rabbits and $50 worth of portable hutches, $100 if taken this week. 1031 E. Bdwy. East 2597. WANTED White Persian female kitten. Call East 2053 FOR SALE Rice has the big boys, C141 Woodstock ave. 'Blemish." AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 GARAGES HOUSiiS CHICKEN houses. The portable kin d save you money. See sam ple at B44 Hood st Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. STOP Ton are aware that after January, 1919, no new passenger can will be built NOW It the time to bring your car to ua to tat re painted, upholstered and new top. Prices are reasonable and our workmanship the best. We solicit high-grade work. SEE US AT ONCE, ROBINSON-SMITH CO.. 6th and Madison. FOR. SALE Latest model Oldsmobile 8, run lew than 2 months; extras thrown in. No agents! K-987, Journal. FOR SALE, my Ford machine: bums gas or kerosene; good running condition. Will sell for (800. Seo machine at Brooklyn garage. 668 Milwaukie street This is a genuine bar gain. Sellwood car. FOR SALE 1916 7 pass, big six Buick. fine - shape, good tires, 1915 Studebaker 4 cylinder, 4 new tires, car In A 1 condition. A G. Onslow, 23d and Wash. Main 7517. FOR SALE by owner, ton 4 cyL Stude CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Aut- Ex change. 129 Lownsdale at 16th and Washington. Broadway 2668. MOTORS. Gearings. Bearings, Wheels, Axles and TnMeca We wreck all makes of cars and sell their good parts at half price. David Hode Oo.. Broadway and Flanders st Broadway 199. BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICES RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington sta. Main 6244. DCBRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th at Oak. Broadway 1 6K4. A CHALMERS auto, in A No. 1 condition. electric lights and starter. Reasonable. Car can be seen at Gogle repair shop, 14th and Couch, 3d floor Speedwell bldg. LIGHTdeliTery Studebaker ear. New tires; being overhauled; in good shape; must be sold. Reasonable. Woodstock Garage, or phone to Sellwood 2802. SMALL box for Ford car, suitable for salesman's stock or delivery purposes. Sacrifice (10. J-711. Journal. HUDSON SUP' Six, looks like new. (1650. CaU Marshal 358 before' 7 p. m. BUICK" bug. high tension .magneto. Strom berg carburetor. (2 60. 125 Lownsdale. , 8POT cash paid for uwd cars. Dealers' Used Car Clearing Honse. Grand, ave. and E. Stark. 1914 FORD for sale. Call Thursday or Fri day morning. Tabor 8391. BRUSH runabout cheap tor eaah. 4005 49th it 8. E, WILL sen my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X-B18. 4QUTT - - - " MUST aell ray 1918 MaxweQ touring ear at once. X-B14. Journal 1917 OAKLAND six, run 7700 miles. Cash only. CaU Marshall 8395 after 6 p. m. 19 1 T-FORD touring, with extras, for sale. (51 Shaver at AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 YOU HAVE FROM 8 A. Mf TO 9 P. M. TO CALL AND LOOK THESE CARS OVER Carter car. B pass.; chance for a handy man to double present value ( 15 MaxwrU special; also needs a little work..( 250 Ford chassis, suitable for bug or truck.. ( 2 86 Cole 30, fine garage car: lota of pep ( 800 Ford delivery, large covered bed: snap...( 850 8toddard Dayton delivery, strong and powerful : ( 3BO Ford. 5 pass.; fair shape, new top ( 376 Studebaker, just the car for eountry work..( 400 1918 Ford Ford rdst. demo, rims; good for salesman-$4 50 Overland. 5 pass., late model ( 675 Chevrolet, S pasa.. special equipment .... ( 6O0 Oakland, k pass. ( 600 Maxwell. 17 ( 650 Maxwell. 6 pass.; good Utile family j-ar..( 650 Briscoe. 4-38; investigate this bargain... ( 680 Cadillac, good tiree ..( 600 Briscoe. 4-38; almost good as new ( 725 1918 Ford. Will equip Ford coupe, 2 unit trt. A light system . . ( N00 Studebaker. 4 cyl.. 7 pass.: ideal hotel hus.( 87 5 Reo, 5 pass.; as good as new ( 950 liudaoa 6-54; motor and appearance fine.(115o W. H, WALLINGFORD Broadway 2492 Distributors of LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER SIX. BRISCOE CARS FARRETT FARM "TRACTORS 622 Alder st at 16th USED CAB BARGAINS 1917 Chandler, 7 -pass., only run about 8000 miles. (1350. 1017 Roick, 6 -cyl.. B pass. Run about 9000 miles Spare tire. Newly painted. (1100. 1917 Reo, 4-cyl overhauled. (800. 5-pass., newly painted. 1914 Hudson. 6-cyL. 7-paaa. Cheap. 1918 Cadillac. 6-pass. cugbly overhauled, (750. Painted and thor- FORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10 th and Bumside Bts. Broadway 621. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN Stearns, 2 pass.. 6 cyt Studebaker, 7 pass.. 6 cyt Mitchell, 6 pass., 6 cyl. Mitchell, 7 pass., 6 cyl. Stoddard. 2 pasa.. 4 cyL Jeffry. 6 pass.. 6 eyL Two ton truck. Prices (250 up. slightly used cars. See ns for late model. We will take Liberty bonds at face value. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVER CO. East Morrison at First street Phones: East 7272. B 1216. Broadway BIB. A 3848. West Bide Salesroom Broadway at Oak streets. THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE BEST BUYS IN THE CITY TODAY 1918 Chevrolet, almost new, extras ....$ 800 1918 Studebaker roadster. Just like new.. 950 1918 Hupmobile. 6-passenger, extras.... 1200 1917 Chevrolet 5-passenger, like new... 650 101-6 Chalmers 32, 5-passenger 675 1914 Overland. 5-pajsencer 4 00 1917 Chalmers. 7-raOsenger. repaired .. 1200 1912 Chalmers, first class 4 50 1913 Chalmers, first class 875 Stewart one-ton truck 350 A t-.vo-tnn Truxton attachment and many others. WESTERN AUTO CO'. Chalmers Distributors. Broadway and Bumside Sts. Broadway 5368. SOME MORE FINE BTJTS IN USED CARS 1916 Ford touring, seat covers . 1916 Ford light delivery 1917 Ford roadster. Just new . . 1918 Maxwell, 95 per cent new .. 1916 Dodge touring 1915 Buick four, touring 1915 Mitchell, little four 1915 Hudson 6-40, rum fine ... 1917 Mitchell, little six, 90 n 1917 Studebaker four. 90 new 1917 Hupmobile. 95 new Buick four, B passenger Franklin bug, extras 1916 Oldsmobile, Just perfect ... ( 450 400 550 750 700 00 700 700 1000 700 1200 850 800 800 Terms: Liberty bonds, Sundays and evenings. face value. Open CONLET'S USED CAR CENTER. Up stairs, side entrance, S. W. cor. and Wash. Sta. Phone Broadway 2656. 15th 1917 MITCHELL CLUB ROADSTER 1917 5 PASSENGER. 6 CYLINDERS Almost new, only run 7000 miles. A 1 condi tion. Exceptionally ftne car at bargain- Can save (650. Marshall 0141. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you preferl We have, them, all makes and alee. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all marner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 833-335 Barnt.ide near Broadway. Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs in stock; prices reduced. 34 N. 16th st New Model Chevrolet Can make immediate delivery on these cars if you hurry. Buy now if you want a car next year. P. C. Rinehart. East 8174 or East 92. 5-PASS. Reo, excellent machanlcal condition, , newly painted, 4 practically new tires, extra j tire and rim, (400, terms. East Burnside 1 Oarage. East 10th and Burnside. Phone East 4360. FOR SALE A fine late model Ford. Sea i owner, 214 Abington building. Aug 31 Sept 3. C. box 74. O. Mc Reynolds. 1179 Maiden ave.. 1914 FORI) delirery car for sale, in good run ning order, cheap. 5B02 85th t S. E, 2 houses from 66th ave. Mt Scott car. MUST HAVE CASH Sacrifice my 1916 Oakland light six 6 pats. Owner. Tabor 4573. 1915 STUDEBAKER. B pasa., new top. 6 good tires. 2 are .new; (525; terms: will demon strate after 6 p. m. 893 Guild st Marshall 953. 1916 MODEL Ford touring car. strong motor, new tires aU around and new body; (410. 711 E. Main st Phone East 6386. TRUCE contract wanted for a good 2 H ton truck; will build body to ault Job. II. L. White. 622 Alder St. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PER GALLON. Lubricating Oila and Greaaes. Pioneer Paint Co... 186 First 8t 1914 FORD touring car. extras and fine tires. Bargain. (275. IL Carlson, King Albert Phone Main B769. FOR SALE, by owner. 1914 Ford touring car. . Good condition. (300. 721 Oswego st 1917 FORD ElextrisrstarterTother extras; like nW. Sacrifice. Ask for Gething, East 7810. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 Used Cars, Bugs and Trucks It don't matter what kfhd of a ear yea are looking for, we have it and the prices are aur- pri&ingty low. Read over this Hat: ' 2 1914 Fords In excellent condition. 1 1916 Ford. A fine buy. 1 1917 Ford. Electric starter. 1 1918 Studebaker, 7 paaa new tiraa. 1 1918 Chevrolet. Just new. 8 tiree, 1 1917 Overland Country Club. 8 1917 Etudebakers, 7 pass, sacrifice prices. 1 1917 Chevrolet. Looks like new. 1 1MT O .nt Six. Real bargain. 1 19 IT I'atge I.inwood. 2000 mites. 1 1916 Paige (airfield. A beauty. 1 1916 Studebaker, 4 cyl.. 4 cord tires. 1 11 Studebaker, 0 cyl.. 4 cord tiree. 2 fc3 Overlanda. Good a new. I 1914 King. Electric lights, atarter. 1 1914 Cadillac Powerful 5 tirea. 1 IK 14 Sphinx. Nice light car. 1 Buick,'4 eji.. camping car. 1 Apperson Jack Rabbit car. 1 adillac Cord tires. 1 Scrfcpps Booth Roadster. Classy. 1 Studebaker Roadster. 8 pass. 1 King Roadster. A fine car. 1 AVarren Roadster, fine shape. Several snaps in good bnga. If you are looking for a good used truck, we have most any kind you want Fords, IVnbys. Maxwells, Linpert Stewart. Vim, Garlord. Wbite. Orerlandi sad numerous others. It will pay you to see them. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE East Stark and Grand Avenue. Open evenings and Sundays. East 7810. Liberty bonds taken at face value. PACKARD BARGAINS 1917 7-pasa. Twin Blx touring car with ex tra equipment. (2750. One 4 8 Packard, 6 eyL. lights and starter, (1100. 7 -pasa., electric TRUCK BARGAINS S-ton Packard, chain drive (2000 14 -ton Jeff try. chain drive 150 1-ton Federal 750 1917 Ford truck with body 700 TERMS PORTLAND MOTOR CAR OOMPANT, 10th and Burnaide Sta. Broadway 621. NOT OPEN ON SUNDAY. USED CARS Covey, the pioneer motor car dealer alnoe 1903, one who has made good through square dealings In all de;artmenta, both on new and used ca rs. We have the following bargains for today: 1917 Cadillac, looks like new, khaki brown (2500 191 U Overland roadster, good shape, runa fine. If you need a roadster you should sea this 67B 1917 Dodge roadster, in good ahape, extra tires, chains and all necessary equip ment 800 1913 Hudson, a good buy, look like new, electric lights aud starter. Bee this car to appreciate 650 1916 Dodge touring, good shape 750 1916 Saxon, newly painted and overhauled. 6 cylinders, electric lights and stsrter. Timken bearings, disc clutch and every thing that applies to a light high-priced car. You must see and drive to ap preciate 650 1912 Cadillao engine, thoroughly over hauled, cylinder 4 x4 . h. p. 32.4.. 250 Terms and exchanges considered. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington Sta. Main 624 4. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 40 ACRES of raw unimproved land exchange for Ford machine. Bug, touring or roadster. Phone Tsbor 4 1 89. WILL traS my confectionery store for late model car and aome cash. Phone M. 2697. or call 118 2d at $1000 KIMBALL player piano to exchange for a Dodge or Overland. Landlord, 376 Yam hill. WANTED 8 or 12 -CyL auto, chaatia. or engine. C-999, Journal. WANTED19185-paas. Ford. Pay cash. Col 865. Hi'iHE.-if price, tlon no object paid for automobiles, condi 121 N 8d st Bdwy. 2629. AUTOS FOR HIRE (1 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new cars. Renonable rate. Fearing A Robnett, City Garage, 86 10th. Between Ktarit and Oax. Broadway 840. 7 PASSENGER car. anywhere: $3 per shopping, sight eeing or hour. Phone Marshall 328.'., C. R. Lane. , ALTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR 111RK COLCHMAN A SULLIVAN, MAR SH. 222 1 Of II AN D YAMHILL A-1236 jJIGTlWAY AUTO SEllVI'.'E i.ood cars, comix-tent driver. Siith and Wash. Ma t. 7080. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO 6LHV- P'E. We do taxi work Main 22S MOTORCTCLES. HICTCLES ts FOR, RALE! 8 speed Indian, side car tandem, speedometer, $150. Tabor 8897 after 6:30 p. in FOR SALE Three speed Indian, side csr, tan dem, ch-ap for cash. Lesley's garage, 87th and Hawthorne ave. (45 DAYTON bicycTe?or (25! Perfect eondl tion. New tir-a. tubes. 862 Michigan. Phone Wdln. 68 5. Bargain. Call evenings. 1915 INDIAN motorcycle for sale. 2192 Woodiawn 3 SEAT Indian lumbia 84 5. good as new; (150 cash. Co- FOR S A LE Motorcycle, Marion st, Sellwood. T25! CaU at (42 LAUNCHES ANT) BOATS (4 FOR SALE FiTiing boat. 4 housepower, stand ard engine. Call 108 Webster st, or phone Wdln. 4 2H9. j ROOM fumi-hed houseb'iat, at Willamette MnoraR. Hou-eboat "D." PIANOS. ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 Full Cash Value Paid For USED RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSIC ROLLS BRASS AND STRiNG INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED NEWMAN. 1 28 1st Main 4495,Tabor 6798. PIANOS. organs and musical Inrtrum enta Decker A Bon. rosewood upright 8100: Purdet'19 onran. walnut. (32.50. Harold & lii bert. j!84 Ysmhill st. WILL take your good secondhand piano as first payment on good residence lot Phone SelL 2 8 ft 3. WANTED Piano, at once Cafh for good bar Cain. Mar. 5246. 5 to 8 p. m. REM a piano, na souars or thump Harold S Gilbert. 884 YamfifU. bos. WANTED" the be-,t piano (100 will buy. Sell. 2s:i. TAT-KTnG MACHINE OR RECORDS WANTED Sjiot cy paid. Y-689. Journal. TYPEWRITERS 77 Ul'A ItANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter. 'U make," sold on mi nthly jsyment. Bend for price lit The Wholesale Typewriter Co, re tail dept.. &21 Washington at to ! NEW KEMINOTON. rental plan, rent applik U ,rchae. Viribie model. REMINGTON TVPU WRITER CO.. M Broadway. Broadway 4621 ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 6th. Main 8666. ITeP.I'H.T typewriter. Mipplies. Corona deaiera E. W. Pease Co.. 110 th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE (I OFFICE Fl RMTl.'RE Bargains, something good. Globe cabinet safe, steel. 32 drawer do 1 mert filing cabinet, oak; double flat top drsk. quartered oak. 00x54. full set drawers both sides; Underwood typewriter, wide top. The roods are practically new. See? at 20( Railway Lxrhanao bld. Phone Main 667. FOR SALE Fumed oak furniture. Ant elaae condition : good rnzs; Majestic steel range. good as new. Sell. 3258. FOR SALE lUnge. fumed oak dining set. box couch, oil stove; complete bed. library table, rockers. Main 6445. FOR SALE Range, carpeta. bed. parlor seta, lounge and sideboard. 1103 Cledtone ave. TWO pieces antique mahogany furniture, sacri fice. J-710. Journal. SEVERAL piece household furniture, beds. stove, chairs, etc Good, conditio . C-2278. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE t E-LSSKS GUT t ; Two large and complete stocks of fin bow furniture, rugs, linoleums, draperies, ran gee. heaters, go-oarta, at lea than wholesale price. Wo are selling new goods at prices you pay elacwbero tor second hand goods. Before you bar anx- where come and cotqpero prices. WE ACCEPT LIBERTY B0ND4L Feldstein Furniture Co. 166 68 FIRST STREET ' ' BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL NOTICE TO SHIPWORKERS Save $50 to (100 when fumuhing home. Visit our low rent store. your (24 00 solid oak dressers (21.50 solid oak dining tarda ,. . . (18 00 rotton felt mattresses .... $ I 7.50 iron beds , $17.00 c.ipper coil water heaters .(19.00 .$16 50 .$13 SO .(19.60 .(12 2 TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WRIGHTMAN JOHNSON FURNITURE CO., . Phone East 7766. 88 90 Grand are. FURNITURE for sale. Call 401 Chore t, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It OREGON STANDARD Ml . AN OREGON PRODUCT FOR OREGON CLIMATE STANDARD OF THE WEST Miller Paint & Wall Paper Co. 172 First St. near TamhiL. Main 6688 DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON WE MAKE AND SELL ONLY National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest price. Small month ly payments. No totoreat charge. Old racist re paired, rebuilt bought, sold and exchangeo. J. R. Mumma, Agent THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. (90-92 Stark Street Broadway 1(18. ALL maehJnea sold for ' leas : gat agents are employed) Bsachfme rented, repaired. A 8626. Main 9431. Sewing Machine Kaaporiaa. 190 Sd it., seat Taylor. PEARS for sale, freah picked. 2o a lb; windfall. lc. off the large pear orchard on the Ulver road. between Concord and Vineyard station. Bring your sacks and baskets. Phone Oak Grove 124-W Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Work. 418 Bum aide, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. 1 0 nO TEN dropbead owing 'machine with VIV.W attachment; all are In very food condition. Sewing mac tune rented at (8 per month. Phone East 2859. or B 8807. fi. Ja. Steen, 152 Grand ave., near Belmont Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning, (1; Jewell, BOe; mala spring, 6 01 KEINCOLDA. JEWELERS. 124 6TU ST. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "1 ipewriters" and "Household Goods" are separate clasaUtraUosw. All advertisements of these goods are published under their respective clarification. . LOOK THEM OVKH M1 fkC 4rt H1 Pi USED DBOPHEAD 5lZi0U 10 v I (J SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed. We rent and repair. 172 8d at Main 1845, A-1818. Broadway 2079 fjAln'ifl l FU'lr,' Kes.Wdin.195U Ui iTu M lia t Portland. Or. New and second band All else Any amount AinoMOBILES. MOTORCYCYES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A larw listing can ba found under these different classifi cation. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof f Why not a permanent and Indestructible roof f We oxidize and renew all kinds of leaky roof. 608 Tourney bldg. Main 6886 EXTRA quality blackberries, kale plants; rab bits. Save. Pick berries yonnelf. Corner 80th and E. Stark Mount Tabor (MT. 88Ui) car to end. four block north, one east. 3AVE YOUR PRUNES SAVE Uncle Sam needs them. Portland Evapor ating Co. boys them. East 13th and Tacuma ts Bellwood 1924. rEARS-Sauvle Island, cross over at Burling-ton- (below Linnton.) pick them and get tho best 2c per pound. Ask ferryman for Van Boskirk's. 8C I B . Italian prune.: 8003 S8d at 8. fl Phone D-1078. high school. One block from Franklin HOPS Three pound package of bop delivered anywhere In the U. 8. by parcel post, pre paid 31.00. Address F. V. Morley. 8ilvrton, Or. FORSALE A 85 ft Escalator andB b, p". I). C. elect motor. Inquire 172 1st at. Main 5688. COO ENVELOPES or 600 bond letterhead. $2.75. Best work; prompt delivery; try ua ftn i ;h. Printers, 204 Stark at jloT water tanks, aU sixes, in good, servlcsbl condition. 80 gal. (7. 40 gat. (9. 201 Adam st. Et ewd S'eel bridge. Prion K. 8&16. MEYERS pump. 40 ft. 3-in. pipe and cylinder; Vi price. Sell. 1714, Miller. PRUNES and petite for sale at the Crawford place, 4 mile east of Lenta, on GUbert road. Pick them yourself. S MALL BartTett pear for sale, 1 He per lb. Will deliver. Tabor 6924. BARTLETT pear, plums and prune. 8, lies. 60th and Rillingworth. Wdln. 6072. NEW 8x10 tent. CaU Main 224 8. Vacuum cleaner complete, pegs and polo. old. repaired, rented, ea Bentley Co.. Mam 8682. changed, bought FOR SALE Tent, fi'xlO, camp stove, in good condition, (17. 1283 E? Irving t, near 49th. BARTLETT peanpiu!Mend"prriie 8Hi, 60th and Killingiworth. Woodiawn 6072. FOR SALE Good Birtlett pear. 2506 7 1st st H. E. Call evenings. PLT'M'BTng upi,iTw5oWl prtceu Itarb- Paris Co., 212 3d at Mam 797. PRUNES 2 H e pound. isrTng'ba.ket 27th at, Milwaukie, Or ppoaite new school. Llewellyn. UNCALLED for taller made ruita. $12"! 60 nW - Taylor the Tailor. 289 H Ilurvnid. FINE Bartlett pear, Petite prune, plums; bring boxes or bags. 10 E. 62nd at . pear Stark. .AEGER VA"CUUM SWEEPER. Mam J7 FURNITURE WANTED ? FURNITURE WANTED Will pay highest prteW for ned furniture,, ruga, carpeta, atovesv. Moaner Furniture Co -83 Grand are. East 6487. Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CABIL Phone Mais) 8382. WIGHTMAN JOHNSON FTKNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7764. Highest price paid for tued furniture, its, stove, rang i. etc. We eaU promptly. Call EaSt 636 aJd 'f u rtn rl!ovt.riu! anything to bouse bo Id goods. W exchange you old fomttaro for new. CALLMftlHlQ If you wata to ebtam 2falabeat price for yc r ud furniture, stove, carpeta. . f A 0 11 paid for furniture, stove, range heat. vAOl I ara. carpeta, rugs, dnenn. etc PboM Marshall 2475 HartaeU Furniture Co.. 34145 1st CUT freiant rate on household eoeda shin East and South. Manning Warehouse A Trans fer On.. 9th and Hnyt Broadway 708. A-1798. . mi ConUnaed oa FoUowiac Pas) - I - V