THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1918. 15 Dallas Dentist Is jj 1 11 4 AttacKea oy .angry Eancher With Axe Dalian, Or.. Aug. 29. Dr. C. U Fos ter, a dentist of this city, while) on a f!shln trip on the Trask river last week, wai viciously assaulted by Charles Wlllta, a rancher residing near the stream. Wllks, after ordering Dr. Foster to cease fishing In the river, struck him twice with a grubbing axe, it Is alleged, Inflicting a scalp wound and a deep cut on one arm. Foster grappled with his assailant and held him until two men who were fishing on the opposite slle of the river came to his assistance. Dr. Foster was In company with Judge H. H. Unit of the Polk county circuit court and District Attorney K. K. Plaseckl of Polk county, on the fishing trip, but they were not with him .when he wan attacked by WUks. U)on returning to camp ho was advised by tils companions t file a criminal com plaint analnt Wllks. The party ac cordingly went to Tillamook and hunted up the. district attorney. The next day Wllks wan arrested by Sheriff Camp bell and at his hearing was bound over to the Krand Jury on a charge of as sault with Intent to kill, i Crossing Work Is Held Up This Year A number of overhead and under ground crossings contemplated by th.i hoard of county commlHsion-rs will be held up until next year, according to the . decision reached by the commis sioners Wednesday. Their decisions followed receipt of an order from the railroad administration to refer all work to cost more than $500 to th- department. All crossings planned at this time would have greatly exceeded 500 In cost. No Strike In Seattle Seattle. Autr. 29 (I. N. S.) Streetcar mployea of the Pu).;et Hound Traction, Light I'ower company of this city will not walk otit tonight an contem plated but will appeal to the national war labor board for an adjustment of their alleged Rrlevanres with the com pany, according to an announcement by union labor leaders today. ,lfKW TODAY ATTRACTIVE Offices in the Journal Building Now Is your opportunity to rent a 3 or 4 rofm suite with an east and south front. Ex cellent light and a fine view. .You know the building and its location. Strictly modern with hundreds of occupants. Rooms with closets and clothes racks. Bull Run water, hot and cold. Mail delivered at your door and a chute for its dispatch. Elevator every day until mid night. Call on or phone Mr. Hamilton, the superintendent, for details. Send Us Your Old Carpets Old nnir and AVoolen Clothing; We Make Rcrcrslble, Hand-Wove Fluff Rugs They Wear l ike Iron Rag; it or Woven All Hlies Mail Orders Semi for llooklet Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam "Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64 Union Are. N. East 41 Phones It -1 173 A rCJION S , I ES L TO M O It ROW AT WU.S"o.NTa Aucticn liovise. lii'j-H j 2d su Bale at 10 a. m. MEE1I50 NOTICES 41 B. P. O. ELKS NO. 142 Reg nlar meeting this I Thursday) evening, 8 o'clock, Elks temple. Initiation. Vioiting brothers wel come. M. R. BPAULD1NG, Sen. WERFOOT CAXIP NO. S. V. o. W.. every Friday nicht in W. O. W. Temple. 1S 11th st. Members re quested to be preeent. Vis tors welromn. 1,. C. Ie Toung. Acting C. C. : 1L L. larhnr. Clerk. Al.IlLIiT PIKU. LOLH.iE No. 1J, A K. AND A. M. Special roinomniratiMTi Krilay evening. Aug. 30. st 7 o'clock. M. M. de cree Vnifnr;- wrlconie. Ry or der of W. M. F. R. EVIE. Se WAsifi 7;to I.od ;kNo. 4 c. A. K. AND A. M. Hpccial communication tomorrow (Friday) evening, 7 3t. V.. 8th and Hurn-si.-le. E. A. degree Visitors welcome. Order of W. M. J. II. RICHMOND. Sec. MuTTNOM A 1 1 CAM V No.77r W. o. . will give a dance Friday eve.. Auk. :i, al their hall, 112 oi.i st. .u incmuera oi W. O. W. 1'ieir families and friends are cuululi.v invited. JOURNEYMAN BARBERS, local 73. will meet for itriotio parses on Jefferson. H.. between 11th and 12th Ms., facii-g 12th St.. on Sept. 2. Master barbers invited to participate. For dosing, cards, phone Main 054 0, or1 Main 9130. J. A. GoMrainer, Sec, 701) Spaulding OWlNl tn barbers taking part in the Labor day patriotic parade barber shops will close all day Labor day, Monday, Sept. 2. Master Barbers' Awn, KM HI. Kit charms. lwiry a pciaity. nations, pin Jaeger Bros.. 181-133 U:o st "v 1 a -.HI .j.; T . . . fKT i marriages. Birtbs, Deaf) BUSINESS CARDS Li..s."t SUITS tor rent. !! tun! Cnijti. I si lonnr rnnnni, 104 4th t Jr:ATlis A.N FUNERALS 75 QU IN LA N August 28. Jahi.M ' Qiiinlan. aired . 82 years, uncie of It,,.,., and Jot'eph Fitx erald. Mrs. Wim-Crcd Dugati and Mirlieal O'ConnelU Funeral will be held from Dun ning A McEntee cUu;-l. Suturdav, Aug. 81, at 8:48 a. m . thence to the cathedral at 9 a. m , where requiem mass wij be offered. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemeterv. KALEZEW SKI In this city August 25, Anten Kalezewski. l"rivate funeral services will be condwHed today st 3 .30 p. m , from the new modern funeral parlors of the Chambera-Ken-jeorthy company. 24H-250 Killingsworth avenue near Williams. Interment. Multnomah cemetery! JONES In this city. Aug rernaB7jrmes aged 80 years, hushend of Mrs. Ethel Jones of 410 Fifth st. The remains are at the resi dence establishment of J. p. Finley ft Hon Montcomery at Mh. Notice of funeral hereafter! Svw& 75 NICKX'M At Cloverdale, Or., Aug. 27. Ilighley J. Nirkum, aged 61 years, 11 month. 26 days, widow of the lata J. M. Nekum, mother of J. C Nlckura. Mr. Elizabeth Middlefcrooks. Myrtle and Ralph Niekum, Hn. J. B. Wilson, Mrs. O. N. Hansen. Mr. Alfred Granstrom. Mr. F. C. McDoogal. Tha funeral services will be hld Friday, Aug. SO, at 10 a. m., at tha resi dence establishment of J. P. Finley 6 Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Inter ment at Mt Scott Park cemetery. WILSON in tliis city, Aug. 26. Charles J. Wilson, aged 67 years, late of Linnton, Or., husband of Mr. Annie Wilson, father of Sin clair, Edward, David and Carl Wilson, brother of Mrs. George Shoemaker, 3. A. Wilson, both of this city; F. B. Wilson and W. A, Wilson of Wausau. Wis. The funeral aerrices will ba held Saturday. Aug. 31. at 2:30 p. m.. at the family residence at Linnton. Or. Friends in vited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. Please omit flowers. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. 1'. Finley Ic Son. Mont gomery at Fifth. LATIMER In this city. Aug. 29, Florence Latimer, aged 4 8 years, wife of Hugh Utimer of 70S Johnson St., father of Jean, Hugh I-a-timrr Jr. 'of this city and Alpheus Rogers I -a- tinier of U. 8. army now in Kentucky. The fuueral aerrices will be held Friday, Aug. 30, at 2 :30 p. m.. at the Portland crematorium, 14th and Byhee sts. 'Friends invited. The re mains are at the residence establishment of i. P. Finley & Ron. Montgomery at Fifth. j7j!INsV)Nr-Augr"287at his lata 'residence. 1008 Ilaight itp.. Severin Paul Anton Johnson, beloved husband of Karin Johnson. Funeral services will tws conducted tomorrow, Friday, Aug. 30, at 2 HO p. m., from the Norwegian lMnisb 11. E. rlinrch, Vancouver ave. and bkid moe st. Friends invited. Interment at Rose 1'ity Park cemetery. Remain a.t Pearson's un dertaking parlors, Itussel st. at Union ave. BiTcTDAHL Aug. 28. 1TV Fredrich Vernon, aged 2 years, IS months. 16 days, beloved son of Mr. aid Mrs. I. E. Brodahl of 315 W. Buchanan t.. St. Johns. Items ins at K, T. Byrnes residence parlors, 901 Williams ave. Funeral announcement later. FLORISTS CLARK BROS., Flonata. 287 Morrun st. or A-l 805. Fine iluwers and floral t Main designs. No branch stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. FlorisU. 334 Wash. Main 269. A-1249. Flowers for all occasions artistlrallv arranged. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder, designs and decoration. Phone Marshal) 6922. LUIU.INER. PorrlanU hotel, 32 Morrison. MAX M MMIM. Florist. 141 Vi th Bt. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Halm on Streets. Main S07, A-1611. Lady Assistant F. S. Dunning, Inc. Tha Golden Rnlo TTmiTk.n 414 Fart Alder st Phone East 62. B-5S5S. J. P, FINLEY & SON Progresnlve funeral Directors. PRIVATE DRIVEN Women Attendants Montgomery at IHftW Msln 2 A.i son WILSON & ROSS East B4 Lady Assistant C-3165 MnRnomah at E. Seventh st. Dunning & McEntee ui ndertakers. Modern in every detail Broadway and Pine sts. Phobe Broadway 430. A-4568. Lady assistant A, D. Kenworthy Co - Tabor 2267, 5802 92d st.. Lenta Tabor 5895. 06th st and Foster road. ArleU. P. L LERCH - UrdertaVeri. xj, iltn snd Hawthorn MIl.I.KK Jk TRACET, Independent Funeral Di rectors Prices as low as 20. 40. $60. TAashsngton at EUa. Main 2691. A-7885. nAm CHAMBERS KENWORTHTCOT; 24 8 and 250 Killintswcrth ave. near Williams ave. Woodlawn 306. C-l 183 Breeze dt Snook bS' t at 30th st. Tabor 12 58 Skewes A.l23'21Lkin'1 Main 4152 Corner 3d and Clay Wilson & Wilson tf&oVIS. IJAMII T C M 1973 K. GUsan st. Fu- I irIVII L I ult n neral services. Tabor 4313 A, R. Zeller Co. 592 Williams ave. 088. C-1088 It T. BTRNES. new residence establishment 801 William, sve Wood lawn 220 C-1943. MONUMENTS IBOSING GRANITE (c ilA 67-3RD ST. AT MADISON PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-200 4th st.. opposite City hall. Main 8501. Philip Neu Son for memorials. LOST ANI FO UN D THE fijllowing ariirles have been found on ears of tha Portland Railway. Light ft Tower Co., Atig. 2H. 1018: Two purses. 1 baby ring. 3 rin-. 1 watch ehsrm, 1 knife, 1 hook, 1 film, it pr. gloves, 8 packages. 1 roll wire, 1 basket, 1 box, 1 bundle overalls. 1 level, 1 sweater, 1 i-.'iit, 5 lunch boxes, 2 Uarid crip., 1 . um brella. Owners may obtain property at First ami Alder st Sta. I.O.ST nn Orpffon Pity car. iSafirrlay reninjr, lure containing m nry, car t it ket- ar.d ad dresses. Money belong to a little Me5t ur m I'nrtland wlio has nr honif and very mui-h in i n.fd. Kindly return to Oaks Park oft ice I?r ; I.OHT At Lenta, card case enntaining $5 cur- rncy, blank chcukn hlsnwi H. li. ray, also old tintype photograph. tSellwood 55B. llc ivard. I.o.ST Folding auto bed. about 5:45 Wednes day evening, on Alder, Broadway or Union ave. Will finder please telephone Main 8820 or A M 13? I.OST $27 in bills tied in handkerchief on 1 7th, between Morrison and Marihall rts. Finder please phone Rroadway 2'i7.". Reward. LOSTSmall-blark-and "white dog-iongtaiL tan on head. Phone Wdln. 65'jf. 801 Ham- bint ave. Reward. WOULD party that found in City Park, Sunday, please return letters and keys. Buh- mark hotel, room 20. or call Rroadway 5l;t. LOST Large brown and white spotted-pointer bird dog, answers to the name of Don. Re- wsrd by owner. East 7141. Rroadway 1731. Lost At Columbia beach or entrance, a Hawk eye Premo camera, Saturday evening, August 24. Phone Tabor 1!MB FOUNI I'nrse containing eome money on" BaV ker avenue. Owner ran have name by paying for this sd. Apply at Journal office. STOLEN Ford. f pass. License No. 4440, motor 23027n.V Rewsrd. Rusk. 62 S E. 34th st. Portland LOST A black fhort legged C.i;ckei SpanTJl dog. Answers to name Rob. Call Tabor 4 4 fit). Reward. ONE TRUNK, strapped and roped, taken from North Bank station Aug. 26 by mistake. Re turn and receive reward. Bert Austin. LOST -Warranty deeiT signed by Msy Van Ettin snd husband. I Phone East 5317. 381 E Morrison. iu .. , . ' LOST A purse containing $21 and a check t leare reiura 10 i.. t,. ue j i grocery btore, Lents. Or. ! LOST A green c.oet with fur collar, on the Linnton road, this side of Columbia Engine Works, at 5 o'clock. Phone East 8 142. LOST A white Spitg dog, collar with padlock; No name. CallEast 2 1 2L LOST Black silk faiT Valuable as keepsake. Reward. Call Tabor 1978. FOUND, three brass keys between 19th and w0thon Hoyt. Main 6337. LOST Rolf of bTr conTaini nj $80! Reward. Leave at olice ,-tation for .1. H Ymme. ACCi inf Return to TL-A. HITI&- brandt. 460 E. Oak st. Reward. HELP W7 ANTED MALE 1 WANTED Warehouse and freitht truckers. Steady work. Saturday afternoon job with full pay. Marshall-Wells Co.. 15th snd Lovejoy. COMPETENT washer on night work, steady job. short hmirs and hiehest pay. Covey Motor Car Company. Washington street. I VO more expert tire repair men; top wsffon; lxrmanent job. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 335 Ruruside. TAXICAB driver wanted, $115 per mo. anil bonus. 261 12th. Call mornings, bet 9 snd 1 1 a. m. WANTED Young men as news agents on rail road train. Good money to a bustler. Cole News Co.. 146 North 10th st. WANTED Man for soft drink place!. State age and experience. H-740, Journal. WANTED Butcher. Howitt A Co., Kenton, Or. Woodlawn 1S84. WIDE AWAKE boy to take care of birds and pets. Ron tied gc Seed Co.. 142 2nd St. NIGHT clerk, some Janitor work, Harrison hotel. Front and Harrison rtreets. EXPERIENCED panta finuner wanted. Barkhurst, 6th and Stark. itay Ac'loMoblLK washer wanted, pay $123 a , month. 261 12th st. DEATHS AND FUNERALS HELP WAITED MALE "MEN WHO WANT WORK AND ABE NOT. NOW ENGAGED BT ESSENTIAL WAR a DfDTJSTBT MAT SECTJBB AGREEABLE EMPLOYMENT AT WEST LINN HILLS ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON C1TT AT FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICER 42c HOUR. EIGHT HOUR JOBS. MEALS, IF DESIRED, 80c CLEAN BEDS. 10c NIGHT. STRIKE ON TEN MONTHS. BUT NOT BOTHERING US. COME. DON'T WRITE. THERE IS A JOB WAITING FOR YOU." HELP WASTED Y. M. O. A. There are position or.en to you. In the last two weeks 217 dissatisfied men were placed in satisfactory positions thronah this department. A special employment membership has been de vised for the unemployed man. It costs nothing to investigate this modern systematic position ss enrinc institution. Men sre harvesting tha nw crop of splendid opportunities daily. Call at ones tn person. One of the positions is for yon. Main 6700. A 8561. Employment Advisory Dept. BOY WANTED Briftht boy with bicycle to work in ofies and run errands. Apply Journal business office dis play advertising dept. . WANTED EXPERIENCED AND PKACTHWI, OALVAMZER. ON CASTINGS AND FDIH) INtiS; MAN WHO IS ABi B TO TAKE SMALL FINANCIAL INTEREST IV THE HIHINEHS TO INSURE STAYING WITH THB CAME, BY OLD ESTABLISHED FOINDUY AND MA CHINE SHOP IN SHIPBUILDING CENTER. J f9S. JOURNAL. MEN wanted by Portland fiaa 4c Coke company at Uasco, on Linoton road; steady employment; pay $3.50 to t pfr ilay. Take free bus at garage. Front and Glisan sts., B a. x., o; 23d and Saner at a. m. Apply at gaa plant office. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets troiu trucks to basement of our consumers, average wage (4.25 to J4.75 for H hours. Inquire northwest corner 2d and Flanders. Portland Ga A Coke Rommnr. WANTED Men to qualify for trainmen. AF If1'?1?,, Kenm5n- tll'V 'lectxicit nl. vn 02 Rl,tri hnllrtin. nn.n .11 T hath. Phone Mam 4HJ. 544 Taylor. aU day and night including Sundays. St P. company. PAINTERS' substitute for linseed oil; ran be used in all paints; looks same as linseed: can be made at home or shop; very cneaii; formula for tl bill. P. O. Box 101S. WANTED Two first-class automobile me chanics, highest wages , paid. Apply shop superintendent Northwest Auto Co., Alder and Chapman. LAmUrEKS wanted roT-diun-work : steady ern ployment. top-notch wage. Inquire NorUrwett rcmer 2d and Flanders. Portland Gas At Coka ccmpsny. - WANTED Assistant jarutor in exchange for business college course, including free bocks. Phone Broadway 1821 WANTED A a-iTiman and driver for Ford car. Best of wages. New System Wet Wash, 507 Flanders st. East 8S3. EXPERIENCED dress goods Falerrnen. Apply 9 to 10 a. m, superintendents office, 01d., Wortman A King. 15 INSIDE electrical workers: wages $3.80. 6 helpers, wages $4.00, 8 hours. Room dlU Lumber Exchange. Mar. 765. WANTED AU aronnd machine man, Portland Furniture Co.. 124 0 Macadam road. WANTED Mn to work on river boats. $00 ana op. room and hoard Apply Washington dock- HELP WANTED MISC. 4 GOVERNMENT neetis 20,003 women rlerka at Washington. Examinations everywhere in August Experience unnecessary. Women desir ing government position-i write for free par ticulars to J. C Leonard (former civil service examiner), 1054 Kencis bldg., Washington. n o. MANY YOUNO WOMEN AND MEN MUST HE trained at once for telegraph service. In creased salaries paid trained uperatora Co operation of Railronds and Telegraph companies. Call or write Railway Telegraph Institute, 218 Railwty Exchange bldg., Portland. Or. THE PRE PA KA TO It BCtOUL, 390 13th ft. Miss Qui eg ar.d Miss Jewell. Fall term wttl open Sept 9. Office hours. 10 to 4. begin ning Sept 3. Limited number. Exceptional ad vantage. M MHEV. TOUNG WOMEN AN 1 MEN waa i to prara for telegraph service and help fill vacancies rsacd by the drafting of men for war. For particulars call or writs Telegraph Depari snert. rcorrj 21 Railway Exchange bldg AW;oX AUTO 8CUGUL Cnion avenue and Waeo st Special Summer Prices. CaU. write or nhone Eatt 744S. HAWTHORNK AUTO SCHOOL. 482 HAWTHORNE AVE SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. DAY AND NIi;iIT CLASSES. MISS DECKER 8 PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE AT.tSKY BLDG 8D AND MORRTHnt 1A1KS-HSHKK TEACHERS' AwK.NUk ' reri-tration. . ftll-12 Broadway bid. LlNK' tH.Sl.NESl i'"l,l.buii PORTLAND. OREGON BKHNKE U Ai.KEM. biggest ousiness college t eanse best; enroll any time: free catalogue. HELP WANTED FEMALE TOUNG LADIES FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. JO PER WEEK TAID WHILE LEARNING RAPID ADVANCEMENT IN SALARY PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS FOn SUNDATS AND HOLIDAYS APPLY TELEPHONE COMPANY OPERATING SCHOOL, SIXTH FIVXiR, PARK AND OAK STS. BETWEEN 8:80 A. M. AND 0:30 P. M. MIDDLE at;ed, economics! weman as house keeper in plain home; 3 in family: no chi! dren; very desirable place. Apply 3 61 Victoria ?t., corner Last llroadway. MIDDLE aged lady wnnted as housekeeper Tr middle aced eenrlemun: no incumbrance: Apply at room 313 Palace hotel, between S anfl 10 o'clock mornings. WANTKD One or two cirts to car for. age 6 to 10; will give good care reasonable. Sell wood 3.r34. EXPERIENCED saleswoman dress goods and fiik departments. Apply ft to JO a. m., superin tandentV office. Olds, Wortman & King. WANTED Experienced help In all departments. Apply 0 to 1,0 a. m., superintendent's office, Olds, Wortman & King. YOUNG lady to work in confectionery 5tore, room, board and wajes. Apply 695 E. Mor rison Ft. TWO WOMEN for dining room; also one to pare vegetables tor self and hu band s room and board; no children. 412 N. 19tb. WANTED, ifirl about 17 to 'assist with general hou-ework in small family. Phono Wdln. 1173. WANTED, woman solicitor. Phone or call room 418, Cornelius hotel. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at once. Cen tral cafe, 143 Park st. WANTED Jefferson hlsh school girl to assist with housework, wage:-. Woodlawn 2331. WANTED Girl for general housework. Tabor 6252. EXPERIENCED girl for ren-ral houIeVoTk: No cooking. 735 I-ving. near 22nd. GIRLS wanted. Stale I .aundrvf aa"Fi7t Broadway. WOMAN t do fam:ly Ironing. Call Tabor 6390 after 6 p. m. WANTED Experienced helper on coats. 403 Vi Biirriside L STENOG R A PH E R beginner if competent; state salary expected. C-838. Journal. WANTED Millinery PaleswomZri and maker Tifft's Hat Shop. 128 Tenth street. PRESSERS and machine operators. 167 First. GIRL for general office work. 212 Fourth st HELP WANTED MALE AN. FEMALE MOLES BARBER COLLEOK " Pays you while learning; gives yon set of tools, guarantees positions. Writs for catalogue. 234 Bnrnside st. or phone Broadway 1731 UJCN. WOMEN, tears barber trade tree; wage awhile learning: position guaranteed. Oregja Barber Colc, 228 Madison. WANTEIl. boys or girl3 over 14 years of age to work from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. throughout the -winter. Apply Public library. POK1LAND KAKBEK ikJl l KiiB Teaches, men and, women the barber trade fm. pay whiisjjeeroing. 231 Couch. Broadway 2482. HELP WANTED MALE A5D FEMALE n HOP PICKERS wanted for my yard at. Hop- ' mere. Shacks free. Will be at St unarlea -hotel August 29 and 30. Homer Gouley. SlTtIATIO S MALE POSITION wanted in mercantile bosinees by married man, 2 years of ae, 5 years' ex perience, excellent salesman, draft exempt. Ad- dresa Geo. M. Brown, iller, Idaho. WHAT have yoa that a younc man with anto mnbile can do afternoons? Z-638. Journal. C'AKPKMTKK AND KKfAtM WOMH, R. D. CROVVB. Tabor 7982 SITUATIONS FKMALE 4 ANT lady wishinc a Lincoln liiah school girl -to work for her board please apply to Miss Ieona I. Ijirrabee, 773 Overton rt. WANTED Positiori driving auto; experienced with Cadillac and Ford. Mar. 365. SuiiidJCAiED-woman wantiliht housekeep-' ing. CaU at 141 Beech St. STENOfJKAPHKR wishes ffcsition. Tel. Ta. 431. DRESSMAKING 40 MRS. WOLF. Chetnpa apt. Apt 25. NURSES St EXPERIENCED nurse, - best of references, will ' take confinement cases in her own home, best of care civen. Phone East 3663. FURNISHED ROOMS PRINCESS hotel, modem, fireproof, running water, phones and elevator; high Quality, low price East Third and Bornsid. FURNISHED rooms, (2.50 up. 64 corner Davis. N. 10th. FURNISHED ROOKS PRIVATE FAMILY TO MY HUSBAND gone to war. Will rent my sit ting room, also my sleeping rVm; will furnish to suit; nice rooms for ladies or gentlemen em ployed. Modern conveniences. 741 Hoyt street Main 701. NICELY furnUhed room, walking distance; beautiful home for lady or gentleman: shower bath and furnace heat, 1 block from car. 603 Everett st. NICELY furnished room, very reasonable. Good for one or two ladies. Irvington, close in. East 7!tft5. CLEAN, well furnished room, suitable for 2; quiet: walking distance; $12; aingle room 11. 347 Multnomah st LARGE front room for one or two; close in. convenient 2 carlines. Phona East 3135. ROOM in beautiful modern home; water, shower bath. 835 Everett. ROOMS in private house. Furnished rooms. 321 6th st. HOT fSEKEEPINO ROOMS I FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 08 Knott st- Miss. car. 12 per month. LA ROE room and kitchenette also single rooms; these are desirable. 653 Flanders. ROOMS AND rOARD IS 'lili. HAUL, ouuude rooms, not water, noma cooking Special rates 10 emrples. 388 84 ROOMS AND BOARD FAilILT -PRIVATE LARGE comfortable room, west aide, suitable for 2; private family; breakfast u desired; walking distance. Main 9485. CHILDREN to board in private family. 365 llal.ey street. Phone Last 244B. rLEASANT steam heated room, meals if desired. waUkmg distance. Marshall 47eo. PRIVATE l.oxue for children. East 2446. 305 Halsay. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS " FUrNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY TWO room H. K. apartment, also single IL K. room; clean, pleasant; no children. 335 Mont gomery st. 2 ROOM 11. K. apartment, also aingle H. K. room: clean, pleasant; no children. 335 Montgomery st. EMPLOYED lady wanta pleasant housekeeping room near l-'irst, V. 8.", $12 month. tR KENT HOUSES IS MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 8TH FLOOR Here you have choice of the combined lists of all desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats in the city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Records are kept up to date, new listings being added each drfy. There is absolutely no obligation or charge fcr this rerrice. It is maintained solely as an accommodation to the public Newcomers in Portland will find this bureau of great help in getting properly located quickly. HELP SHIPBUILDING NORTHWEST 8TEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. You can serve your country by helping ship builders to locate. List your vacancies, furnished or unfurnished bouses, rooms or apartments. Write or phone. A. J. England. Main 1193, B-ROOM cottage; newly decorated: new electric fixtures; toik-t. sink; (fond residence district; $7", f.-r five month-, in advance. 6821 44th ave. i Kern Park ) . FIVE room cottage, c 1 , odition, $10. Iel3- Rir-'et, near M is.-i .-ip(i car. 000 FOR HENT 827 -Houe on 'Jtli and t,ibbs. Tabol FURNISHED HOUSES 3$ COMPLETELY furni tied, modern 5-room bunca low; gaa and -!ec ; S25; 1 block Mt Scott car. 7325 5-Uh ave S. K. APARTMENTS 41 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PORTLAND VISITORS LET THE JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU HELP YOU GET ACCOMMODATIONS SERVICE IS FREE. Out of town visitors to Portland can make reservations for hotel rooms, apartments, " rooms and board, house keeping rooms or other accommoda tions through The Journal Travel Bureau. ThU service is free. All that is necessary is to write a letter a reasonable tstne in advance of the day you expect to arrive in Portland, statin:! when you will arrive. liow many in party, what rooms or other accommodations you desire and about what price you are willing to pay. This last is very important. Direct yonr letters to "Dorsey B. Smith, Jour nal Travel Bureau. Journal Bid?., Port land, Or." He will notify you immedi ately just what accommodations he has secured for you -and how to reach them. This service is free. Take ad vantage of it. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room house. 2 and 8 room house keeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished: elevator, hardwood floon. 11th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS Nesaly furnished modern bouse keeping rleeriing rooms. $2.30 snd up. sod THE furniture in s 2 room apartment at the May Apts. for sale. The purchaser has first privilege of renting the apartment. Phone Main 1402. or Mar. 2284. lil.ol' Hall. a,. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod ern 1, 2 and 3 room apts , $12.50 up: walk !n distance. Call East 882. MAGNOLIA API'S. East 3d and Belmont: modem 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.30 per week tm. Sleeoine rooms. East 212. rk.M.VSl'LA ceve hldg . APTS Woodlawn 1832, Coo 2 8 4 rooms, bs.hs. phone. 7 FOR RENT FLATS 13 TWO-room flat for light bouse keeping. 806 Vi East 22 nd ft south. FURNISHED FLATS SO MODERN 4-room furnished flat; porch; adulu only. 569 Market STORE'S AN1 OFFICES 11 GOOD storage room on X'aved street first floor, reasonab! e. W oodlawrj 3219. "WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent by Sept. 1. furnished or un furnished house, perfer near Foundation ship yard r. Calf Mrs. Bruce. Bdwy, 2928. WANTED at once, unlurnisned 3 or 4 rooms or house, Richmond preferred. No children. Ta bor 3948. 20 or 23 rooms. Call Sellwood 1313. W ANTE O TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA HTTKTI BHrPBCILDIN-a CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and acarritj of bousing accnasmodationa, ww request every pa txt etie eitiaen wbo haa a boose to rent or I n n to let to mail Information of gam to CorarnMt U. &. B. Corp. Bos 1303. Portland. O. WANTED, at once. 3 or 4 unfurnished honse- keeping rooms, for man and wife, west aid preferred. Reasonable price. Telephone Apt. L. Main 3708. HOTELS PORTLAND VI8ITOB8 LET THE JOURNAL TRAVEL BTTREATJ HELP YOU GET ACCOMMODATIONS SERVICE IS FREE. Ottt of town visitors to Portland can make reservations for hotel rooms, apartmenta, rooms and board, house keeping rooma or other accommoda tions throngh Tha Journal Travel Korean. This service is free. All that is necessary is to write a letter a reasonable tne in advance of the day yon expect to arrive in Portland, stating when yoa will arrive, how many in party, what rooms or other accommodations yon desire and about what price you are willing to pay. This last Is very Important. Direct your letters to "Dorsey B. Smith. Jour nal Travel Bureau, Journal Bldg.. Port land, Or." He will notify you immedi ately Jnst what accommodations he has secured for you and bow to reach them. This service Is free. Take ad vantage of It. SUMMER RESORTS $25 SMALL cottage. Seaside. Mr. BalUf. Wakefield Fries. East 2409. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY $$ 600x400 water front and trackage, west side, close In. May consider leasing or selling a part or all. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. BUSINESS property, cost $45,000. Price to day $32,500. Income $312 monthly. Terms. Discount for cash. Phone Sellwood 140. FOB SALE HOUSES $1 ALBERTA BUNGALOW, $300 CASH Nice 4 room bungalow, fireplace, cement basement, Dutch kitchen, nice electric flxturea, lot 50x100, on E. 82d near Wygant. Price $1850. $300 cash. $15 per month. GRUSS1 &. DOWNEY, 316 Hoard of Trade. Main 7452. IRVINGTON BARGAIN 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace; choice lot; price only $3450, inc. all paving pd. ; worth $4500; stood loan of $2500; only $500 cash required. Hurry if you want this big bargain. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON BIJHi. 35 Yra. in Portland. Main 4803. AT $10 DOWN. $1 WEEK My large home sites going like hot cakes. Irge tracts with houses on easy payments. $50 to $300 down. No city assessments or graveL Buy an acre, raise your living and work at your trade. Alberta car. direct east 8 blocks of Kennedy school. On tract all day next Sun day Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bMg FURNISHED COTTAGE. $700 8 rooma. 1 of which is plastered, not much furniture but what there is is good. Located at 690 Courtney St., St. Johns line, $350 cash," balance to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $2450 0 room bungalow with visual built-ins, i:ew hardwood floor, house newly paint ed and decoiatea throughout. Practically a new house and on 27 th st. 1 block to ca r. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark at. Main 583. BEST OF BUYS Close-in 4 room cottage, 1 blk. to car, 15 minutes to 3d and Morrison. Ready to move into. Price $800. $200 down, balance $10 per month and interest. Riely-Gnstalson Realty Co., 005 Yeon bldg. Mar. 1450. DAN D Y 5 room Louse in good condition. C20 Delay st, near O.-W. R. A N. shops and Albina shipyards; only 15 mins. walk to Union depot. $1750; small payment down, balance like rent Can give possession at once. Phone East 8C12. , HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3150 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, bulfet, Dutch kitchen, attic, full cement tasement, wash trays. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO , 314 Stark st Main 8S3. 15 MIN. WASHINGTON ST. 4 -room bungalow, bath, electricity, full ce ment basement; 4 blocks Sellwood car; $200 down. Price $1600. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. FURNISHED COTTAGE. $ 1 1 50 $100 down, $20 monthly, buys this neat 4 room cottage with patent toilet connected with the sewer, iruit trees and berries. 2 li blocks to Sellwood park Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commce. $3750 IHVINlTTOX UiSTRK'T Two siory home, 3 bedrooms, 4 rooms on first floor, strictly modern, 4 5 ft. lot. excellent buy: $500 cah required. Call Mr. Stiles, Marshall 3331. afternoon. $2300 5 room buncalow, r.ear Peninsula park. In fine condition. ftOxlOO lot, 2 blocks to 8L Johns car, at 110 Jessup. Some fruit. Terms J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark st. Main ." s 3 CI.oSLNt; out my Portland property regardless of price. 2 houses in Irvineton, one in Laurel hurst and 2 in Hawihorne district. Call own er. East 801.1 and talk with him. No agen'.s. no commission? ONE HALF ACRE TRACT $530 $25 down, $12 monthly, buy, this nice tract N. E. of I ents. several small buildings can be made habitable al small expense. Fred W. German Co . 732 Chamber Commerce. 8 ROOM house, modern, up-to-date. Price reasonable. Iljwthorne district Call at 819 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 483, bet. 9:30 a. m. and 3 3 p. ra. Ask for Turney. FOR SALE 7 room furnished house, fireplace, furnace, 708 East Ankeny; $3500; guar antee renter 9 months, $35 per month. Phone Ea?t 1134. SEVEN bungalows, to be completed soon, at 43rd and Clinton sts. Buy now and have to 7 rooms finished to NUit. W. G. Beck, 215 Fail ing bldg. MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repairs. See my designs for new houses. Max M. Mryer. architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Supt. Oregon Horn" Builders, $ "fs.vT-- FURNISHED 5 room louble con structed house. Fireplace. Dutch kitebnn, full cement basement. Investigate. Easy terms. Gilson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOW fcr sale, cheap; 3 rooms, large t'"rured attic; modern; beautiful finish; tw-ll buffet; fruit, vegetables; large lot; chicken yard; flowers. t40 Pacific. Rose City car. liet off 30tii. 5 ROOM bungalow oil acre, highly improved" Cheaw if taken at Some cash, ha I. terms. Can move in now. 2 blks. from M: Scott car. Myrtle Park Sta . 4303 57th st. 7 KOOM-HOUSe7 $ L3 7 5 Lot 63x138: 7 fruit trees: Mt Scott car line; $200 down, balance monthly. A snap. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. FOR SAl E by onner. 7 room modern hou--e. lot 60x130. sleeiHTij porch, furnace, newly painted, fruit tres si.i trsrage, Lat 1620. NEW 5 room house, only a few minutes out $350, only $100 down. See Draper, 4ul Board of Trade. ?1Jk""SA LE CHEAP Modern 5 room" bungalow, easy terms. This is a snap, bee it OwneT, 1034 E Caruthers. 5-ROOM modern house, with garage; email pay ment down, bal. like rent. 698 76th st. 2 blocks south of It C. cariine. EXCHANGE twenty acres land. GoMeqdale, Wash., for good used automobile. Dodge or Maxwell preferred. F-840, Journal. $1000 CAS H " handles partly f urnlshed mod em house in Alberta di"trict. comer. lOOx 100; fruit and flowers: no agents. Mar. 184. FOR SALE 6 room cottage. 3 25-ft lots. 100 feet from cariine; terms. Phone Marshall 715. HAWTHORNE DIST.. $2300 5 r. modern, large lot. paved dist Call Ta bor 8361. Ask for Mr. Stiles. t ROOM plastered house and 40x100 lot: $000 $45'J down, baL $12 per month, including j'J down, baL $1 Mt. Scott district. int. Phone Tabor 418'J. SUNNYSIDE Five room cottage. $2500. hi block car, 2 blocks school; move in tomorrow. Tabor 8 775 DO YOU WANT an 8 room modern bungalow or 0 rocr.i cottage Mt Tabor district. Call Sell reod 2533, owner. NIFTY bungalow, cheap; large lot. fruit. Rowers, good location. Owner, East 8225. WE have 5 big bargains ii 8 and 9 room bouses. 246 Washington st Main 3769. LARGE 2 room house. Owner, Woodlawn 3844. lot 50x100; terms. 5 ROOM bungalow, part cash, balance terms. 912 E. 18th N. FOR SALE or trade, house. No. 688 E. 72d N- Erne City car. SUNNYSIDE district, $2500. 5 room cottage. hi block car. 2. blocks school. Tab. 8775. THE greatest sacrifice, Portland Heights-house, $1500, with terms. JUr. 217. REAL FRTAT1? FOE hALt MUtsts OPEN EVENINGS FALLS CITY MORTGAGE CO.. 517-519 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG.. PHONE MAIN 871 FURNISHED HOUSES $200 CASH Five room bungalow, near car, on cement walk and traded street. Full basement. The furniture Is good. Thia is a dandy home and in a good district. Price $2000. $200 CASH Three rooma. in the Alberta district Tha furniture ts not elaborate bat good, and yon can have house and aU for only $1260, $200 cash and $30 a month. U.N FURNISHED HOUSES $100 CASH Fossr room bouse. 4 blocks to car. nice yard, fenced in. Large woodshed. Price $800. $100 down, balance easy. FALLS CITY MORTGAGE CO.. 517 519 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG . BETWEEN SD AND 4TH ON STARK OPEN EVENINGS. VACANT MOVE IN TODAY $3230 Real Hawthorne Bungalow $3230 7 room very attractive bungalow, fall cement basement, laundry trays, 1 bedroom and bath downstairs; 3 bedrooms snd sleeping porch up, beautiful woodwork, leaded glass, bookcases, very artistic fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, white enamel standard plumbing fix tures, house newly painted; fruit and flowers. On paved street, all paid for. Price $3250: $600 down. $23 per month. Only built four years; just like new. No. 1188 Mixter St.. neat si 39 th. Bee FRANK L. M'GUXRE, Abington bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. HOME BARGAINS 100x100. near 82nd st. All In bearing fruit and garden. Neat 3 -room plastered house, base ment, chicken house, etc $1000. Near Mt. Tabor car. full lot, good 6 room house, fine fruit. $1500. 35th. near Hawthorne, full lot, all improve ments in, strictly modern o-room, large attic, furnace, all built-in conveniences. $3000. 8. P. Osburn. 810 McKay bldg. 3rd and Stark. THE CHOICE OF ROSE CITY PARK Classy 5 room bungalow and attic. All up-to-date features. Price only $3250. including paved streets, sewers, etc., alt in and paid for. rim lot. nee rswn. ideal location, close tn K-C car, west of hill. It's sure to please you and the price far below other values. Absolutely as represented. Phone Main 1902 or Tabor 613H. 8T. JOHNS DISTRICT $1300 buys a good 4 rocm house on full lot. 1 block to cariine, shade and fruit trees, assess ments all paid, possession at once. Easy terms. 10 minute car ride out of St. Johns. $850 tskes a good 2 room house with electric lights and gaa, first class windows and dnors. This place is no shack but a real, coxy home. Lasy erms. NEW YORK LAND CO., Fast 5317. 881 E. Morrison St. MT. TABOR DISTRICT BUNGALOW 5 rooms, built-in breakfast room, large floored attic, fireplace, full cement basement, hard sur face streets, 2 blocks from car. Price $2600. Easy terms. C. A. WARR1NER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-3 7 Board of Trade bldg. NEAR ST P. CAR SHOPS 6 rooms; on Woodstock car line; clear of en cumbrance; 28th, near FTaucis. Price $2500. Easy terms. Watch Our Ads. We Get Results. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 208-5-7 B. of T. Bldg. VERY NIFTY BUNGALOW $2750 $250 cash. $30 monthly buys thia 6 room thoroughly modern bungalow with Bleeping porch. Fox furnace, fireplace and good gar age. This place was built for a home and the workmanship can't be beat, H block off bard surface road in Montavilla. not on Broadway and Washington. Fred W. German. 732 Cham ber of Commerce. $2200 PENINSULA BUNGALOW 100x100 6-roora, new, modem, double constructed bungalow, 100x100 lot, white enamel plumb ing fixturea, built-in conveniences, on Interstate St., close to school and car, only built 2 years, a great sacrifice. Price only $2200. on terms. The lot should be worth price asked. See FRANK U McGUIHE. ABLN'GTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $1300 2 HOUSES AND BARN One 4-rooni house and one 2-room house; also a good barn. Located on corner of E. 5 2d, near Glisan. A fine place for two small families, and room for auto truck or team of horses. Owner must sell at once. J. L. KARNOPP A CO . 819 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 673. WAVERLY HTS.-COSSER Neat 6-nora modern bungalow; cement base ment, urnace, gas range and gas heat go with place: hard surface all in and paid. Price $3100. Terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTEH. LOWE A CO.. 203 5-7 B. of T. Bldg. $2600 FENLNSULA-BARGAIN Near shipyards, 8 room house, all modern, ex cept furnace; big lot, all kinds fruit. The house would cost $4000 to build now. You 'could rent upper rooms for $25 month. $230 is all you need pay down, then $20 a month. Don't iris this '' A. McKenna A Co.. 727 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 4522. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Strictly modern, 6 rooms and floored attic, cn hard nirface streets. 1 block from car. I 'nee $2000. Terms. C A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $150 IX) WN 3 ROOM BUNGAiOW. $1800 Four blocks St Johns, MissLstippi. Kenton carlines; bath, electricity, gas, cement basement, 2 blocks school Price $1S00. One of the very few go-wl buys left in this district GEO T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. HAWTIIOKNE DISTRICT $3125 5 room modem bungalow, large attic, tireWace, usual buiJt ins. close to Haw . hnr.-i ave. Full cement basement, via-sh tray, full 5dxl(Mi 1,4,. 8 finP ;ruit trees, liard surface st almost raid for. J. A. WICKMAN CO .JU4 Ptark st. Main 5H3. $24 50. Like new; very attractive: 5 rooms. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. ALL CLEAR; I PAVING PAID. G C GOLDEN BERG. ABINGTON RLDO. 35 Yr. in Portland. .Main 4 803. BELMONT ST. HOUSE Good 5 room. 1 story house, electric, con crete block basement, paved street psid, lot 50x 100, on Belmont and 44th; price $3500, $1000 cash. GRUSSI A DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. LAST MT. TABOR $1100 5 room, clean, newly papered house, not mod ern except light and water. Small chicken house, 50xloo lot You can move right in. It us show you. COE A McKENNA A CO 7?7 Chsmber of Commerce. Main 432X 4TlTY and ouofey property. 11 and rent. BENEDICT. 267 'i Oak. Main 1743. FOR SALE LOTS 1 . FOR .SALE--4 lota. East St. ! each, small amount down if Johns. 10U you want to I Io" Vm- Aaares fox on balance, easy payments. Rainier. Or. NUMBER of fine lota In good dist, 4 3d and Clinton. $500 each. Easy terms. Will take Liberty bonds. Owner. J. H East 43d Tabor 5301. McMahan, 2606 WANT lot, the be $300 cash will buy; give exact location; letter only. Apt. 5, Clay pool apts. Foil SALE Quarter blocks 12th and Gaines. ( all Tabor 327. ACREAGE rr-iriz. 7. . ; i . 1 7 A RES good land, on cariine. 30 minutes out. 10c fare, good house, 6 rooms besides .... pantry, batl. nails, porches. Other . huildines. Price, $4000. Time on part Innrovements eost over half price asked. Owner. Y 421. Journal. FOR SALE, by owner. 20 acres, sll good, lays perfect On good county road, close to new highway, near city and cars. 5 acres in culti- vstion. Price, $3000; half down. Owner. J- 990. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS A-GREAT "SACRIFICE"" 73 acres. 65 acres in cultivation, fair 5 room house, barn, chicken house and other buildings; well, running creek, 13 cows milking, 15 heifers and calves, 4 horses, 5 brood sows, boar, pigs, 150 chickens, implements and tools of every kind and description; 18 miles from Portland, 2 miles from electric station, on graveled road. P ar $12,000, and some terms at that A. LINlMjKEN, Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Toe beat bargain in tha Willam ette valley, 1032 acres, including 100 acrus of spples. Spy snd Kings, 5-year-olds. Over 10,000.000 ft of good saw timber; 300 acres of tillable land; good buildings; 15 miles from Albany, 4 miles from Lebanon. This place in cluding about $8000 worth of stock, tools and equipment, for $65 per acre, cash. This is a bargain but must be sold at once. Inquire of J. A. Howard. 323 W. 1st St., Albsny, Or. YAMHILL CO. wheat farm. 104 13 acres; 70 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; tele phone and daily mail; 2 miles to town, rail road and big grain elevator; $96 pet acre, 1 cash, or will take small place near Portland for part. R- L. i irk man. Yamhill, Oregon. R. F. D. 2. , 160 ACRES. Lincoln Co.. partly imp., atock or dairy: 94 acres Benton Co.. 60 acres timber, bal. partly imp., $15 per acre. Address 533 Ysmhlll st, Portland. Oi. REAL FSTATF. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FOR SALE By owner. 20.00 acres. 1 mile north of Canby. Or. All but one acre under cultivation. Handy loam sou. excellent for pota toes and fruit. 2 story 8 room house, pantry and bath room, concrete cellar, modem water works, telephone, electric lights, water piped to outhouse and yard. Prune dryer, barn, gran ary, potato cellar and chicken house. A very desirable borne. Also 8 4 acres Italian rniue orchard, lo cated 1 h miles north of Canby. Schoolhouse close by. Very suitable for a chicken ranch and a home, bringing a good income. For par ticulars address JOHN 8AMUELSON. R. No, 2. Canby. Or. AUCTION SALE OF FARM And personal property, Sept 7th. 1 p. ra . 4 miles south of Hlllsboro, on good county road. 44 U acres good plow land, 1 5 acres cleared ; rood house, barn, outbuildings, family orchard and 1 torses, cows, chickens, farm implements, household goods; easy terms nn farm. J. W. Hughes, auctioneer. A. E. Van Eman. owner. ONE of the beat farms In Willamette valley at a bargain, if sold at once. Wdln. 2823. or No, 23. 107 HumboK. 50 ACRES farm. 25 acres for sale and 23 acres for rent. J-999, Journal. FOR SALE Fine Willamette valley farm. Owner East 4844. C33 E. 13th north. FOR RENT FARMS 11 FOR RENT 1000 acres river bottom land, or any portion thereof, for one or more years. Terms rash. We would prefer renters who wish to grow vegetables, as we now have vegetable drying plant located on ranch. Address E. Clem' ens Hort Co., Independence. Ore. TIMBER 2S KOTICE OF SALE Os" GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wash ington, D. C, July 12. 1918. Notic la here by given that subject to the conditions and limitations of tha set of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat, 218), and the instructions of the secre tary tf the interior of September 16, 1917, the timber nn the following lands will be sold September 3. 1918. st 10 o'clock p. m. at public suction st the United States land office at Roseburg, Or., to the highest bidder at not leas than the appraised value as shown by this notice, aale to be subject to the spproval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase pries, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per rent, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if aale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received trom citisens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organised under the laws of the United Bute or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber oa any legal subdivt-inn will be offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 16 8 . R. 1 E. Sec. 29: N. W. 4 N. E. . yellow fir 1300 M . hemlock 60 M . N. E. H N. W. 14, yellow fir 2210 M . hem lock 370 M , cedar 15 M : N. W 14 N. W. la . 1 yellow fir 2300 M hemlock 140 M ; none of the yellow fir. emloek or cedar to be sold for less thin $1.50 per M T 32 8 . R. 6 W . See. 13: N. E 14 N. W. 14 . red fir 600 M ; N. W. 14 N W W. red fir 830 M ; S W. 4 N. W. V4. red fir 480 M ; 8 E '4 N. W. 14. red fir 830 M.; S. W. 14 N. W. 14. red fir. 450 M.; 8, E. 14 N. W. 14 , red fir. 650 M ; none of the red fir to be sold for less than $1 per M. Clay Tallman. commissioner, general land office. WANTED lxgger for over 10.000.000 feet in Cowlitx Co, If you have the equipment and ran start soon call at 225 Henry bid., Portland. Or. PIUING-AND SHIP KNEES WANTED. O. V. GAMBLE. OERLINGEB BLDG. 1 WILL buy your ship knees, any aise. quantity. Hamlet. Barton. Or. any HOMESTEADS 47 O. a HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. 1 can locate yoa en a good claim. A former government cruissc 301 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land office. W. IL JOHNSTON. ONE good O. A C homestead. 160 acres, cov ered with fine young timber. 35 miles from Portland. Rundy. 4 1 1 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE II 174 ACRES 65 in cultivation, balance timber and pasture; good buildings; orchard of all kinds of fruit; 3 good horses. 16 head of cattle, lot of hoes and sheep; all farm implements necessary to run the place; will trade for city property or small acreage; price $10,000. 100 acres. 75 in cultivation; good buildings: near railroad and station; all good land; want small improved place or city property; price $8000. 60 acres of the best land in Yamhill county; highly Improved, good buildings, on. gravel road near McMinhviUe. Will exchange for city prop erty. 20 acrs, all In cultivation, near Hillsboro, only $2500. Terms. 25 acres, all in cultivation, good buildings and orchard: in Yamhill county, near carlme. Will exchange for home in the city. 314 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING. 86 ACRES 30 acres cultivsted L 9 room bouse, ample outbuilding, orchard of all kinds of fruit, good water: all stocked and equipped. Crop and fruit go with the place. Good soil. 4 miles from It. R. station. 12 miles from Portland. Want suburban home of one or two seres; little c-aah, balance time to suit Sec Forbes, at 3H4 "a Hawthorne sve.. near' Grand. ' NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acre age, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated values con sidered; have first class list to select from George P. Henry. 329 Her.ry bldg. Refer ences. Portland Realty Board. BIGWKST S IDE" HOME 9 room house, close-in on west ide. lot 80x I 100. fine view: $HT,.). Will take trade i up to $5000. balance mortgage: LI EDDEMANN " "Jll'ASI M 3 Chamber of Commerce. LIST your property with us for results on cbsrges of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co. 105 107 Psrk st. be tween Washington and Stark sts. FOR SALE or trade, 14 acres Irrigated land at Kennewirk. Wash. H L. Clark, 783 4 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1796; will con-ider light car. FORHALE. 5 room bungalow, small barn. chicken house, on half sere land. 6 cent car line. Cash payment and balance like rent 1 544, Journal. EXCHANGE 100x100 ground with Mg bnIM I ing. plenty of brick, to trade for modern bungalow and will pay amerence; near tn. Juuni. Columbia 865. FOR 'EXcllANG'E- 3' Tots. Price $2500 land, west side..-clear. Want Ven.Te, Port- Redon- do or L AnceJt-.. 183 4 4th st. Port html- 160 ACRE stock farm: 10 head of cows; farm implements; pUuty ouUida rsnge; for city or acreage. oao wiiiiams ave mi FINK ii'-w proved N. berg. Or. ti N.-herg, Or.: trade for uniin Dak. iand. John Nolan. New- WANTED REAL ESTATE IJ VANT AT ONCE Modern room bungalow. Rose 'iy Par preferred. Mut )e go-l ' buy. Will pay all csmi. I sm ternjKirarily out of city and hsve suthoried my agent, A. K. Hill, 410 Henry bldg. to make purchase for me! and attend to all matters therewith. No com mission for you to pay. MIACKS A7 !MALi. HUllhS WAN Must be N. E. and priced fight We have futnerciis buyer waiting. k red vf. tierwaa Co.. 732 f'ham of 'ira. TRA DE $ 1 20o equity in 4 0 S'-r -,. near S ap loose, for o rfx:m m'iern bwiitalow on east side, clo-e to car. will pay $200 csh and as sume. tir La-i imn st norm . - WE have rails for house, from $2000 to $5000. I v . it .a i a ir D Inn ("Its, a, xi u uu" I of Com. bldg. fhall 865. Main 1963. evenings. Mar- IIAVE $100 cash and a good paying job: who will sell me a hnose with bath? Can pay , $20 or more monthly. O M7. Journal. ; WANT'house, Kenton dstrict Would like to j 3100 or $150 cash, balance monthly. C-839, Journal. I WANTED, st once, house. $200 or less dirwn Msy Iistcb, 60c; eight White Wyandotte lay ! t mr.A son ,,in. mt.rHi ur mtitilh Main ! frs hens. Il.'ill at,iecw: tine K.-L It rooater. SI snd 371 s. WANTED 5 room modern bungalow. Hae 2 j i,, with rliack. rented. Pay to $1000 dii- ference. Wdin. 4495. WANT house, at once, small payment down. Can make large monthly payments. Phone Main 3718. at once. WANT OAK GBOVE PROPERTY' For results list your property with the Real Etate Ex.. 201 3d t. Portland. TWILL pay 10'i0cash for 5 r. bungalow in Hawthorne district ; must be a bargain. J- 993, Journal. WAITED Five to 6 room houee in good lo cation. Can pay $400 rash and balance $25 month. P. B. Cannon. 733 15th st 8. E WANTED A C rocm house. Will pay $1.10 down, $15 per month sod interest Mt Tabor or Sunnyside. F-839. Journal. I!"t WOK H I can sell or trade anything, anywhere. LAYMAN. 147 Park st. WANTED One or more acres near city limits of Portlaud. IV545. Journal. GmD vacant for Mitchell Six, late model, $850, part. Owner, Main 27. I HAVE a for the best buy In 5 room house in Mt Scott district Marshall 8331. WANTED To buy or lease a first class saw mm proposition. Box 253. city. WAXTED REAL TRTATW $3250. Albina district, S room house and 100x100, House has rooms, bath, toilet, screened back porch, on ground floor, electricity snd gas. House is ant strictly modern, but b in goot condition. Would rent for $23. and ta offered at a great sacrifice. Bearing fruit tree and Tines. Only $R00 cash U required. Will mk you very easy terms on the balance. JX-995, Journal. IF OV II AVE a moderate priced house to sale. oo to $3000. list with the KEALT moktuage CO. for quick results; old ee taMished firm. Phone Main 2031.. 033 Cham ber of Cnmrrtorre. ROOMINO HOUSES It FOR BALE Small morning house, 12 rorsm, central west aide. Rent. $30. with Ieae. $S0O. 7 room flat, good fnrnitnre, low rent. Fries, $625. Phone owner. Broadway 2686. HEADQUARTERS for rooming house! H. Wj Oarland. 188 Third. Main 3669. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRY GOODS STORE FOR SALE Owner going to war. A well established;, business tn good location. Invoice about $4000. Will sell st right price. An excellent oppor tunity for right part- H. E. Green, E. 28U and Bumside sts. - BUSINESS ASSOCIATE WANTED A gentleman established for 20 years lni successful business desires sn sssociste. Muss have clean record and no financial emhsrrsss menta. Stats experience H-739. Journal. FOR SALE A good, clean stock ofien. mdse Good location, in good stock and farming; belt. A bargain if taken at once. Writ Peunrl Bros., Tiller. Or. FINE little grocery. AU stock. No fixture to buy. Ixcation can't be beat. - Rent rea sonsble. Only $450. 3 living rooms. BIT Chamber of Commeroe bldg. PRINTING 1 Two practical men can be Independent 'o life; $300i caih required. M 906. Journal. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing establish ment, in good location, reasonable. Call at 261 N. 23d st. WE SELL OK TRADE " Anything snd Everything, Morrlsj GUson. 431 Chamber of Commerce.; GROPERt anddVilicateasenriivlng rooms; west side; $1200. R-S27. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE IT OUR inttallment pia- lis Uis beet and suras! method of paying a loan. $32.26 per mouth ' - 3'l months." or $21 24 fur iO months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000. loan anal interest Other are own ts Hi proportlom. Y.'e losn on Improved city property. Or for building purposes. No eommii n chsrged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A I.OAW ASSOCIATlOIw 242 Stark St., Portland, Or PAY OFF TOI'K MORTGAGE -in easy installments with 10 years' time te re pay; fully protected by Ufa r-ixuranee under the home purrhsse plan of the Equitable Life) AsFurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong Knuitahle office, orrconlan Mdg. $0). $400, $.00 $750 $1000 sad up. lowest interest rates, privileges. No delay. Liberal pre-payment GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 63 1 Chamber of Commerce YOU can get out of debt this way. Ws hsve some 7 money you can borrow on improved realty and repay In monthly Installments. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. BUILDING loans on city or suburban proptrtvj money advanced as work progresses. W. tl. Be. ... 215 and 2 16 Failing bldg. Main 340T. $350. $4U0. $300. $650. $730. 10p3 and lamer amounts st current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham. Cons. MONEY to losn by private parly on improved! city or farm property, no commission. U-654, Journal. $500 TO $9000 to losn, city or fa.-m mart gage; no commission. P. u. Box 878. mTThtGAGE los lis. 6 snd 7. LZ.UU Salotaosi tTGAGI HTT A 408 Belling bldg. CAS mortgsges, loa nn. contracts. V. IL, Lewis, room 4, Lewis bldg. I aln 688. J40NET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 Salary LOANS WB LOAN MONET CbauU On abort notice to salaried or working-men on their own noU Weekly, se'ml-montl.y or monthly payments, fcecli transaction strict y confidential. NO MOKTOAC.:: NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, p Linos, etr.. without remove L CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COM PANT. LICENSED. 318 Failing bMg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary cr fixed In come." on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Busi ness confidential: private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. I Jcensed. 806-307 Dekum Klg PORTLAND' REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. ' Established by Port (ana business men to protect borrower. C. MTERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARK STj LOANS O.N DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FUKNITUHE. LOANS WANTEr 8 $120r WANTED. 7 PER CENT fi-rvtom bungalow. Irvington' Psrk district. Fred . German Co, 732 Chsmberof Ctrov WANTEI $3tn7" on 7ai rei improved city properly. J 002. Journal. FINANCIAL St LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. We pev cash. Open Saturday evenings. CELLARS Mi;RTON CO . 725 Gae Bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC- li GOING out of business and must sell at once at some price, good pair of work hones, 6 geo4 farm wagons, good family mare, buggy and 2 seta double harness. Wood yard, corner of E. Sib and Hawthorne ave. $0 "7o 0 BUYS sorrel team, weighlngObTbsT Harness and wagon. Must sell account of sick , nes. Mt Scott car to 9th ate. Inquire at West" j over grocery store. j 170. GENTLE, sound D-vearoid rid ins an.i driving horse; harness and buggy. 143 E. 1 a. 1st st. N., Montavf - I 2900 LB WORK. thin, but fine work. Call at once. 303 i Worth i'JSO for 18.1 i Front at ; Wilf-a a f .i-V" vTZTT-iZZZSZ .A FOR " i riding horse, weighing 1030 lbs. Age 4 yra. i ')) ol. 371. Must sell. 1'KAD hors and animals htnled sway tree. -cm Woodlawn 20 Portland Rendering to, FOR SALE Good farm team and harness cheap: 824 Rodney sve. Wdln 415; TiOKKKS and wagorifoT rent byhe day. sine! $1 60or double $3B46 FTontMsin2208. TWli-trams-of h'irsej. 4 900 lbs."; 6furnftori wagons, heavy and light. 2 26 Kutirdge st. iloftjiES for - ierhrp 27 2ii. Front, Broadway J730 A-5759. DEAD horses taken, if fst, paid lor; dead eoei Iid for. I'bons 69 J, Mllwaukie. LIVESTOCK TRADE Thoroucbbr-d Jersey bull. IJ 2 mo. old. Oak C.mii for bef cajf. Marshall 4 70O. 150J. w. It If-y. ! $200 will bny tem black Morgan mares, or will 1 trade for cows, chickens or sheep, it. D. No. j 3. Box K')A, Bcaverton, Or. YOUNG, gentle jersey and Jersey Holstein fam ily cows; very nch mdkers. 751 E Ash FOR SALE 4 -year -oidbore. $50. 13 moa, old heifer. $20. Tabor 6888. FOR SALE Three jrrsy cow. 5 and 6 yesri old. two frh soon. 860 E. 72d St., N. rOULTRY, PIGf.ONS, TKT STOCK 37 KHODFriSANlTUKI) TuiftsTAprtThatch. 75c J a.nioce: New Zealand rabbits for sale; also mo old pig. $20. Mrs. WtUon, Luther Station. tacada line. CASH "PUCFCO. rQ, Bli linQl 01 poultry pfffAiiwsf, yv breeding stock, bought and sold. 100 THOI76u7;HBRED youcg laying bens" White Leghorns. Barrsd Rock. Rhode Island Reds Fst hens $1.20 and up. 145 E. gls St. N.. Montavilla car. - . I VANT White Leghorn jnillets. Call WdUnl 8878 or address 14 5 Missisatovrl ave. DOGS, HI HQS. PETS. ETC. 4$ WATTLlWnilePr5Un female kitten. CaU Eart 2053 WILL SELL forty rabhits (with hutches) fur $20. Phone Tshor 7628. FOR SALE Rice has the big boys, ,Fiejniah..:,r 6141 Woodstock eve. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 4 MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring oaf at once. X-5 14. Jowmal . FORD touring, run 7000 miles; excellent CuD dition, for sale. 851 Shaver street SEAT 4-cyL bug, $200 fe."st' t47. (Continued oa FoUovtin. Fast)