THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1918. " EOB BE?fTrLATS 1 tWO-room fist for light housekeeping. 80614 E t 2nd it. tenth. WANTEW TO RENT J FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER ".rTTPBUILDLNG CORPORATION. la this war time emergency and scarcity of housing aoeommodations. we request every natri crtie eitisen who bu a boat to rent or room lo tt to mall Information of same to Cotumbia as. A B. Corp. Box 1202. Portland. Or. tfANTED TO RENT. September 1st, by font sdulta. completely furnished modern house, with gsrsg. Will taka best o( rar and H' references. Portland Height! preferred. Uiv details, replying to X50. Journal. 6 TO H loom unfurnished, modern house. In Mt. Tabor district; garage also preferred but not essential. Phone Tabor 2484 bet. 3 and 4 p. m.. Thursday. VANTED, at once. 3 or 4 unfurnished house keeping roomi, for man and wife, weat side prafrrred. Hesaonsbls price. Telephone Apt. L. Main 8708. WANT to rent by Sept. 1. furniahed or un-. furnished house, perfer near foundation snip yards. Call Mrs. Bruce. Bdwy. 2828. WANTED it once, unfurnisned 8 or 4 rooms or hnu.e. Richmond preferred. No children. Ta bor 3 9 4 6. WANTED By reliable party. 3 or 4 furnished rooms or home. W-638, Journal. HE 1i ESTATK . . TO LEASE WILL leas for term of years 2 acrea In cul tivation; Italian. Chinese or Japs preferred. Owner, phone Woodlawn 2070. BUSINESS PROPERTY 88 600x400 water front and trackage, weat aide, close In. May consider leasing or selling a part or all. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 8UNNTSIDE DISTRICT. Iron st near 3th; asphalt street (psid) ; 1 1 story bungalow; large living room with fireplace. 4 nice bedrooms, fine garden, 00x100 Int. Tills is not a little "dinky" bungalow, but a light, rormy, well built modern house and a big bargain at $2(100. We will make very easy terms to reliable buyer. THE CROSSLEY V UiAR," CO.. 2T0 Stark St. $2280 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2280 7-rm., lVi-story bungalow; cement basement; wash trays; white enamel bath, toilet, lavatory; elect. , gas. E. 32nd st. near Alberta. Price $2250. $4,00 down, balance only $20 per mo.. 6 er cent int. See this; it la a real bargain. See FRANK L. MGLIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Yon r Home. Main 1008. '-':.(ioim-:ai. country home $2500 3 acre, all cleared, with about 600 font frontage on Base Line road, pared all the wsy to town, 1 block to Mt. Hood depot. 6 room plasjered house, large barn and orchard. Re member this: Faces on Columbia highway. Price only $2500 $500 handle. Bee FRANK L McOUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. ' IRVINOTON RARViAlN '. " 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace; choice lot; price only $3450. inc. all paving pd ; worth $4500; stood loan of $'.'500; only $500 cash required. Hurry if you want this big bargain. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDO. 85. Yrs. In Portland. Main 4803. i ODER."- 6room buniialowT" 1 OOxfOb" herd Mirface streets, near two carllnes, close to one of city's finest parks: abundance of fruit and berr'ea; $3250, good terms; hare many smaller and cheaper homes. Nral Brown, 207 Paytama Mdg. ' AT $10 DOWN. $1 WEEK My large hnuw sites coin like hot cakes. I,arg tracts with houses on eay payments. $50 to $300 down. No city assessments or gravel. Buy an aire, rnlxe )our living and work at your trarlr. Alberta car, direct east 8 blocks of Kennedy school. On tract all day next Sun ilay iary. 1219 N W. Bank bid $800 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $800 4 -room bungalow, with sleeping porch: elect., gas; extra large lot: fruit and garden. Prte $800, saay terms. On Ochoco st., close to car. See FRANK L. MGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home Main 1008. GANTEN BE FN AVENUE " Handy for ship workers, 0 room house, 8 nice bedrooms; hard surfaced street. Price $2000. $300 rash will handle. THE CROSSLEV VIGARB CO.. 270 Btark at. BUNGALOW, almost new. modem: full eement basement, 4 rooms, awfully pretty; sold for $2200 when buildings were cheap but for quick sale $1650. (S0 ca;h. gets it.. 944 E. JHth. owner. Main 7 120, forenoons. 6 itOO houe"r:orn-r lot" 66x100, paying. walks, sewer, everything In and paid for. 47th st,. close to Hawthorne car. Price $1600. $250 cash, $10 month. No mortgage. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Msln 8529. tT.OKlNTout my Portland property regardless nT price, 2 houses in Irrington, one In Laurel hurst and 2 In Hawthorne district. Call own er Kat 8015 and talk with him. No agents, no commission. I N B EAUfiFL'L Irvlngton Park. $6l down. ' li monthly buys brand new, large 1 room rl ick with patent toilet, lot 50x100, 1 block t . rnr. at 12:13 E. 2th st. N. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 7S2 Chsm. of Com. I room bungalow, bath, electricity, full ce ment baoement, 4 blocks Sellwood car; $200 down. Price $1600. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Ablngton bldg. I I iR SALE' -Alberta district, H rooms, bungalow type 5 rooms downstairs. 8 upstairs, fur nished- modem throughout, possession at once, ash and terms, no agents. Call after 5 p. m. , owner, 1036 E. 27th st. N.. Alberta car. ONE HALF ACHE TRACT $550 $25 down. $12 monthly, buys this nice tract N. E. of Lents, several small buildings can be made habitable at small expense. Fred W. German Co. , 732 Chamber cf Commerce. $305 $895 $395 80j $15. down, $15 monthly buys neat large 1 Ton in plastered cottage, concrete foundation and basement, city water in; near school; lot 23x . loo. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. $2100 ATTP.ACTIVE IIOME $2100 6 mom home, cement basement, standard plumbing, electricity and gaa, tmiltin con- veniencea, on comer tot, 2 Diocu to car, on Mth are. E. Price $2100, terms. See FRANK L. McOLIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 8 ROOM house, modern, up-to-date. Pr4ce reasonable. Hawthorne district. Call at 819 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 483, bet. 1:10 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Ask for.Turney. $2750 Modern 6 room house, all built-in conveni ences; 2 blocks to car; unincumbered. Phone Woodlawn 8229. $2280 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2250 8 room, basement ; fine place, etc.; $500 will handle;, refined community. Call owner. No agents. East 0458. FOR SALE 7 room furnished house, fireplace, furnace. (08 ast Ankeny; 8000; guar antee renter 0 months, $35 per month. Phone ast 1134. SEVEN bungalows, to be completed soon, at 43rd and Clinton sts. Buy now and lave 5 to 7 rooms finished to suit, W. O. Beck. 215 FsJU- ing bldg. 1 ROOM HOUSE, $1378. Lot 63x138; 7 fruit trees; kM. Scott ear line; $200 down, balance monthly. A snap. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Ablngton bldg. MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repairs. See my designs for new houses. Max M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Supt. Oregon Home Builders. 8 ROOM house on 69th at., good plumbing. lot 40x100. rlawtnorne oar. rnce sisso $350 down. bal. easy payment. John Fergu son. Gerlinttrr bldg. Main 8329. 7 ROOM home, good condition, E. 13th and Tay lor. Price $4 500; terms if desired. L. K Moore. 317 4losrd of Trade. FoU 8ALK by owner, 7 rooca modern house, lot 60x180. sleeping porch, furnace, newly painted, fruit trees and garage. sst 7626. S EV 5 room house, only a few minutes out, $930, only $100 down. See Draper. 401 Board of Trade. FOU SALE CHEAP Modern 6 room bungalow easy terms. This is a snap. See it. Owner 1034 E. Canithers. $1000 CASH handles psrtly furnished mod ern house in Alberta district, corner, 1 OOx IOO; fruit and flowers; no agents. Mar. 184. rEE ME to buy your home, whether city acre ar or farm, either to buy or exchange I can p;-ne you. Gilson. 431 Chamber of Com. lOK SALE room cottage. 3 25-ft. lots, 100 feet from car una; terms. Phone Marshall 7l. MrTY bungalow, cheap; large lot. fruit, flowers. goon location, irwner, ast 8225. v r. nave o Dig oargaina in n and 8 mora houses. Washington st. Main 8759. LARGE 2 room bouse. Owner. Woodlawn 3544 lot 50x100; terms. J'OR SALE ox trade, house, No. C88 E. 7d N. itoee mty cr. CITTv and country property, sell and rent. m,Ttun,T, n uaa. Main 1743, BUNNTSIDE district, (2500, 5 room cottage, H -block car. 2 blocks school. Tab. 8775. 'THE greatest sacrifice, Portland Heights house. (4500, with terms. Mir. 217. . BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES" OPEN EVENINGS FALL8 CITT MORTGAGE CO.. 517-519 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG., PHONE MAIN '3718 FURNISHED HOUSES $200 CASH ; 5 room bungalow, near car, on eement walk and graded street. Full basement. The furni ture is goctj? This is a dandy homo and in a good district. Pnce I20OO. $200 CASH 3 rooms, in the Alberta, district. The furni ture is not elaborate but good, and you can hare house and all for only (1250. 1200 cash and 20 a month. $300 CASH 5 room bungalow. St. Johns car, Unlrersity Park district, 1 block to car, near school. See this and yon will see Just what you are look ing for. The furniture in this house is good and the plumbing is fine. Price 92250, bal ance 125 a month. UNFURNISHEDHOUSES $100 CASH 4 room house, 4 blocks to car. nice yard, fenced In. Large woodshed. Price (800, (100 down, bah easy. $100 CASH 4 room bungalow, bath, laundry trays, small basement, Dutch kitchen, large porch. This is a good place, and only $1000; $100 cash. $200 CASH 6 room bungalow and garage. Fruit and ber ries. This is a beauty for the money. Only (1200; $200 cash, balance to suit. $350 CASH 8 room bungalow, modern 'except heat, on pared street. Alberta district. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price (2350, balance easy. FALLS CITT MORTGAGE CO.. 517-519 CHAMBER Oh" COMMERCE BLDG. BETWEEN 3D AND 4TlI ON STARK OPEN EVENINGS $2850 BUNGALOW 10x100; ft room bnnKalow; 083 E. Everett st.; good condition; all Im provements in and paid for. Price $2850.00 Easy terms. $2500 80x100; 8 -room house. No. 881 Chap man St., near Jefferson. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. Main 1430. VACANT MOVE IN TODAT $3250 Real Hawthorne Bungalow $3280 7 room very attractive bungalow, full cement basement, laundry trays, 1 bedroom and bath downstairs; & bedrooms and sleeping porch up, beautiful woodwork, leaded glass, bookcases. very artistic fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, white enamel standard plumbing fix tnrea, house newly painted; fruit and flowers. On paved street, all paid for. Price $3250: $500 down. (25 per month. Only built four years; Just like new. No. 1188 Mixter st., near . sin. uee FRANK L. M'GTJTRE, Ablngton bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. SHIPBUILDERS. ATTENTION $700 (350 cash, 3 room cottage, completely lurnisnM. iesu Courtney st $1260 $100 cash, 3 large rooms and BOx 100. st 90 W. KUlingswoHh. $2100 $400 cksh. large 4 room bungalow with large porches, 63x107; 1800 blvd. $2625 $500 cash, 4 room modern bunga low with 100x100; all kinds of fruit and berries; 1303 Wilbur st These properties are all located about half way between here and St. Johns and merit your intpectinn. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Ch. of Com. bldg G-ROO.f bungalow. plastred. bath and toilet, smsll barn, chicken house. 2 lota. S0i120 50 foot slley. $1300. $200 down. ft -room house. 6 lots. 50x100 each, hard sur face street. windmill, chicken house. tare and small fruit, Close to car. (2700. $600 down. Unfurnished house, full eement basesswnt. street graded and cement walks. 2 lota, 80x 125, and 20 foot alley. Three blocks to ear. Price, $1100. $200 down. Large lot. 60x120. and 20-foot alley, on hard surface street, half block to car.' $700. $100 down. M. Conbey. 4812 Woodstock are. '? THIS IS A BIG SNAP 8 BLOCKS WOODSTOCK CAR (300 cash; 8-room bungalow: fireolace: buffet and A-l plumbing; all built-in features; every room piped for furnace; ct owner (3000 to build house alone. Price includes larse lot: (2600, (300 down. G C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDO. 35 Yrs. in Portland. Main 4808. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT " $3125 5 room modem bungalow, lam attic. fireplace, uaual built-ina. close to Hawthorne- are. Full cement basement- wash trays, full 60x100 lot, 8 fine fruit trees, hard surface street, almost paid for. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark St. Main 688. $1830 A furnished 6 room house, lot 60x128. 1 niT is a bargain; easy terms. $1000 A 0 room house and 4 lots, terms: (2250 Good 8 room house, bath sink and toilet; full cement basement, lot 68x100: fine location: 2 14 blocks to car: S375 120 rr month, including interest. GILSON. 431 Chamber of Commerce. (2600 PENINSULA BARGAIN Near shipyards. 8 room house, all modern, ex cert furnace; big lot, all kinds fruit. The house would cost (4000 to build now. You could rent upper rooms for (25 month. $250 is all you need pay down, then (20 a month. Don't rriss this. Coe A. McKenna A Co.. 72 7 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 4522. A REAL GOOD BUY 5 room modem house and nice lot. eood lo cation. Price (1700. Terms. $200 cash. h- ance $26 per month, including interest. Williams Realty Co.. Grays Crossing, Tabor 4934. $150 DOWN 8 ROOM BUNGALOW, $1800 Four blocks St. Johns. MississiDDi. Kenton carlines. bath, electricity, gas, cement basement. - Blocks school. Price $1800. One of the very few good buys left in this district. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. $2250 PENINSULA BUNGALOW $2280 5-room.attractive bungalow: white enamel hath fixtures; elect, and gas. Minnesota at,, near Morgan; convenient to shipyards and naekinn plant. Terms. See FRANK L. M GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. FOUR ROOM- BUNGALOWTTl800 Nice 4 room bungalow, electricity, fine full basement, Dutch kitchen, bath, etc., lot 40x 100, on East 21th su, near Holgate. (300 cash and (20 per month. GRUSSI & DOWNEY, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7482. FURNISHED COTTAGE. $700 8 rooms, 1 of which is plastered, not much furniture but what there la is good. Located at 690 Courtney St., St. Johns line, $350 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. BEST OF BUYS Close-in 4 room cottage, 1 blk. to car, 16 minutes to 3d and Morrison. Ready to move into. Price ($00. (200 down, balance (10 per month and interest. Riely-Gustafson Realty Co., 905 Yeon bldg. Mar. 1456. DANDY 6 room house in good condition, 620 Delay St., near O.-W. R. & N. shops and Albina shipyards; only 15 mins. walk to Union depot. (1750; small payment down, balanc like rent. Can give possession at once. Phone East 3612. (2300 5 room bungalow near Peninsula Park. In fine condition, 60x100 lot. 2 blk. to St, Johns car, at 119 Jessup. Some fruit. Terms. J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark u Main 688. (1500, ALBERTA DISTRICT, (1500 , ' 5 room house, Emerson st. near 24th, elect. and gaa, close to car, (400 will handle. See FRANK L. MGUIRE, Abington Bldg., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. (200 CASH (2480. Like new, very attractive, '5 rooms, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. ALL CLEAR; PAVING PAID . G. O. GOLDENBERG," ABINGTON BLDG. 36 year in Portland. Main 4803. FURNISHED COTTAGE, (1150 (100 down, (20 monthly, buys this neat 4 room cottage with patent toilet connected with the sewer, fruit tree and berries, 2 V blocks to Sellwood park. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT " (3150 6 rocm bungalow hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, attic, full cement basement, wash trays. Terms.' J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark St, Main 583. BUNGALOW for sale, cheap; 6 rooms, large flnniWl ttic mnrierar ImmitHIhI f ini,h - il I buffet ; fruit, vegetables; large lot; chicken yard; flowers.. 940 Pacific Rose City car. Get off 80th, REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES (1 B-A-lB-IE-A-l- THAT WE WANT SOLD BT THE FIRST. (760 WOODSTOCK ; S rooms and sleeping porch; newly pointed and in first claea condition. (150 cash, balance to suit. $1100 ALBERTA; 4 rooms, bath, toilet. lights, etc ; 2 blocks from car line. A snap. $360 cash, balance to suit. $2000 MT. SCOTT; 5 rooms, bath, toilet, lights, laundry trays, fine fruit and roses; 2 lots 80x100 feet; chicken house and yard. $500 cash, balance to suit. $2200 ALBERTA; T rooms, bath, toilet. lights, gas. etc ; 2 blocks from car line. $500 cash, .balance to suit. $3000 ALBERTA ; close in. 12th street. about 00 feet from car line; S room modern house. This is a bargain. $600 cash, balance to suit- See W. W. Jordan. Manager House Department. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. GROUND FLOOR. HENRY BUILDING. ST. JOHNS DISTRICT $1800 buys a good 4 rocm house on full lot. 1 block to carline, shade and fruit trees, assess ments all paid, possession at once. Easy terms. 10 minute car ride out of Si. Johns. $850 takes a good 2 room house with electrio lights and gas, first class windows and doors. This place is no shack but a real, cozy home. Easy.-erms. NEW YORK LAND CO.. East 6317. 881 E. Morrison st. VERY NIFTY BUNGALOW $2760 (250 cash. $30 monthly buys this 6 room thoroughly modern bungalow with sleeping porch. Fox furnace, fireplace and good gar age. This place was built for a home and the workmanship can't be beat. Vt block off hard surface road in MontariUa, not on Broadway and Washington. Fred W. German, 732 Cham- ber of Commerce. WaTerLEIGH HEIGHTS DISTRICT (2300 Modern 8 room bungalow, in a rery choice lo cation and 1 block from carline. Lot 47x130, with many varieties of fruit trees and large gar den space. Exceptionally fine place. (300 cash, balance terms. J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. 319 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 875. $3250. ROSE CITY PARK. Very attractive and cheerful, modem, 8 room bungalow and attic. All up to date features; also paved street, full lot, nice lawn; choice location; close to R. C. car. west of hilL A real buy. You can't beat. Absolutely as represent ed. Phone Hill, Main 1902, or Tabor 6138 $40 :6 room bungalow witli usual built lns, new hardwood floors, house newly painted and decorated throughout. Prac tically a new house and on 27th at.. 1 blk. to car. Terms. J. A. Wickman Co., 814 Stark st. Msln 683. PAY RENT TO YOURSELF 2 lots with small house, $825.00. 6 rooms, Mt. Tabor district, $1750.00. 5 rooms, modem, close in, $2100 00. 6 rooms. Peninsula district. (2500.00. 6 tooths. Rose City. Snap. $3000.00. See Neilan A Parkhlll, 219 Lumbermen bldg. 6 th and Stark sts. 6 ROOM HOUSE SNAP Good 6 room house, electricity, good bath, lot 75x100; some fine fruit trees and small fruits, half block to car, on E. 74th near Glisan. Price, a snap, $1200. including city liens. $250 cash and (20 per month. 64. GKL'SSI & DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452 (1800 PENINSULA BUNGALOW (1800 Attractive bungalow, like new; electricity and gas; full lot West Emerson St., near Delaware. Terms. See FRANK L. M GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. EAST MT. TABOR $1100 5; room, clean, newly papered house, not mod ern except light and water. Small chicken house, 50x100 lot. You can move right in. Let us show you. COE A, McKENNA A CO. 727 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4523. FOB SALE LOTS I( TO AVOID FORECLOSURE, $800 49x100 on the N. side of Arnold st,. 160 ft. W. of Marguerite. Hawthorne district. Assessed at $600. The owner paid over $1600. Fore closure proceeding have been instituted so you will have to hurry. Price quoted include street work. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of C. FOR SALE 4 lots. East St, Johns; $400 each, email amount down if yon want to build: long time on balance, easy payments. Address box 655. Rainier, Or. NUMBER of fin lot in good dlst. 43d and Clinton. $600 each. Easy terms. Will take Liberty bonds. Owner. J. H. McMahan, 2606 East 43d. Tabor 5361. PORTLAND Heights, lot 50x100, on paved street, carline; (1200, owner. D-548, Journal, FCR-SALE Quarter-block, 12th and Gaines. Call Tabor 327. IRVINOTON comer, snap. $1600 . All clear. 829 Salmon. Paved sts. Kennedy & Miller. ACREAGE 67 CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres, $250; $10 down. $5 per month hill's 6 acres of land between Portland and Centrslia, on the main line of 3 railroads, I 114 miles from a town of 800 population: saw- i mills and shingle mills; some partly cleared and ! some cleared ; running stream ; some bottom , and some bench; can give you any kind of place you want. BET L REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. 7 ACRES good land, on carline, 80 minutes out, 10c fare, good house, 6 rooms besides pantry, bath, halls, porches. Other buildings. Price, $4000. Time on part. Improvements -cost over half price asked. Owner. Y-421, J oumiL FOR SALE, by owner, 20 acres, all good, lays perfect. On good county road, close to new highway, near city and cars. 5 acres in culti vation. Price, $3000; half down. Owner, J 990, Journal. FOR SALE FABMS 17 FOR SALE By owner. 20.06 acres, 1 mile north of Canby, Or. All but ene acre under cultivation. Sandy loam soil, excellent for pota- toes and fruit, 2 story 8 room house, pantry and bath room, concrete cellar, modem water works, telephone, electric lights, water piped to outhousos and yard. Prune dryer, barn, gran ary, potato cellar and chicken bouse. A very de&irable home. Also 8 14 acres Italian prune, orchard, lo cated 1 H miles north of Canby. Schoolhouse close by. Very suitable for a chicken ranch and a home, bringing a good income. For par ticulars address JOHN 8AMUELSON, R. No. 2. Canby. Or. A GREAT SACRIFICE 78 acres, 65 acres in cultivation, fmlr 5-room house, bam, chicken house and other buildings; well, running creek, 15 cows milking, 15 heifers and calves, 4 horses, 5 brood sows, boar, pigs, 160 chickens, implements and tools of eVery kind and description; 18 miles from Portland, 2 miles from electric station, on graveled road. Price only (12,000, and some terms st that. E. A. LINDGREN. Ssvon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. (28.000 RANCH FOR $14,000 160 acres 10 miles from Vaweouver on main stage road, 80 acres in cultivation, large bam and house, good granary, brick smoke house snd other buildings, land all level. This place sold for $28,000 6 years ago; owners have several other ranches and sons have gone to front. They have instructed us to offer his magnificent prop erty at one half price. Photos at office of Fred W. German. 732 Cham, of Com. . $650 CASH Will buy 160 acres of unimproved rolling bin land, running creek; 50 miles from Portland; close to school, 3 14 miles from shipping point, A splendid investment and unless you have the money and want this kind of land don't te up my time. 300 Henry bldg. YAMHILL CO. wheat farm. 104 1-3 acres; 70 seres in cultivation, balance pasture; tele phone and daily mail; 2 14 miles to town, rail road and big grain elevator; $96 per. acre, cash, or will take small place near Portland for part. B. Hickman, Yamhill. Oregon. R y. P. 2. HAVE 80 acre farm, 55 min, ride from Port land, on main line to Seattle, 1 14 mil from Columbia river town, worth (100 per acre, must raise (2000 by Sept. 1. so wffl sacrifice for quick sale for (50 per acre. Act quick. See or call owner. 400 E. 30th st,, S.. B-1828. CLARKE COUNTY. WASH., $3750 40 a. in cult,, new 5-room house, barn 4 Ox 60. chicken house, woodshed, 1 14 miles from Amboy tn that wondrously fertile Chela tchie prairie. This ia an ideal farm home. , Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. 10-A. FARM. cIom to Pac. Highway, 3 miles from Oregon city; 9 trader ctll; vary good buildings; good well and pump; close to school; r. f. d.; cream route; for quick sale, (2000. L. EL Moore, 817 Board of Trade. ENGLISH WALNUT RANCH A" nice 20 acre English walnut ranch, close t'j Portland, bearing, for sale at 50c on the dollar of original cost.- 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 160 ACRES, Lincoln Co., partly imp., stock or dairy; 94 acres Benton Co., 60 acres timber. bsL psrtly -imp., (15 per acre. Address 638 Ysmhill st.. Portland, Or. 66 ACRES, all in cultivation, good buildings, orchard, creek ; might take part trade. Sell wood 1551. FOR SALE Fine Willamette valley farm. Owner East 4844. 633 E. 13th north. BEAIj ESTATE ' FOB SALE E ABM 5 11 FOR SALE The best bargain in the Willam- ette ralley, 1082 acrea. including; 100 acres of apples. Spys and Kings, 5-year-olds. Over 10.00O.000 ft. of good saw timber; BOO acres of tillable land; good bnildingx ; 15 miles from Albany. 4 mile from Lebanon. This place in- eluding about (8000 worth of stock, tools and equipment, for (65 per acre. cash. This is a bare but must be sold at once, xnuuue of J. A. Howard. 325 W. 1st St.. Albany. Or. FOB BEICT FABMS 14 FOR RENT 1000 acres river bottom land, or is? nortion thereof, for one or more yeara. Terms cash. We would prefer renters who wish to grow vegetable, aa we now hare vegetable drying plant located on ranch. Address E. Clem ens Horst Co., Independence, ore. TIM BE B 18 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Wash ington. D. C, July 12, 1918. Notice is here by given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June . 1918 (39 Stat., 218). and the instructions of the secre tary of the interior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September 8, 1918, at 10 o'clock p. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Boseburc, Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent, being commissions allowed, most be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not' approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 18 8.. R- 1 E., Sec 29: N. W. 14 JC. E. yellow fir 1300 M.. hemlock 60 M.. N. E. M N. W. 14 , yellow fir 2210 M.. hem lock 370 M.. cedar 15 M. ; N. W. N. W. . yellow fir 2800 M.. hemlock 140 M. ; none of the yellow fir. -emlock or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per M T. 32 8.. R. 0 W . Sec, 13: N. E. U N. W. 14. red fir 600 M ; N. W. 14 N. W. 14. red fir 860 M.; S. W. 14 N. W. 14. red fir 450 M. ; S. E. 14 N. W. 14, red fir 350 M,; 8. W. 14 N. W. 14, red fir. 450 M.; 8. E. 14 N. W. 14 . red fir, 650 M. ; none of the red fir to be sold for less than $1 per it. Clay Tallman, commissioner, general land office. WANTED--Logger for over 10,000.000 feet in Cowlitz Co. If you have the equipment and can start soon call at 225 Henry bid., Portland, Or. PILING AND SHIP KNEES WANTED. GAMBLE. GERLINGER BLDG. O. V. I WILL buy your ship knees, any size, any quantity. Hamlet. Barton. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 O. A O. HOMESTEADS (To npen for direct fflfng. 1 can locate you en a good claim. A former government cruiser. 801 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land office. W. H. JOHNSTON. 70 ACRE relinquishment. 25 acres fenced. 4 room house, barn, spring and creeks: stock. 1 mare, buggy, 2 sets harness, 8 coming year lings. 1 8 year old heifer, 1 2 year old steer. 2 shoats, chickens, all implements, 3 tons hay, crops, household goods; $1000. C. W. Miller ship, room 446 Multnomah hotel. EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE 21 8H ACRES, 9 miles from courthouse. fine road, close to car. all best of soil, some bea verdam, half cultivated, balance light clearing. fine location, close to school, young bearing orchard and small fruits, splendid water, good 6 room house, woodshed, good bam, henhouse fruit house, building all new. Place well stocked and equipped, feed to winter stock. Sell very cheap or trade in on a good 40 to 60 acre farm. Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg A WELL IMPROVED stock or dairy ranch in Lincoln county to trade for city residence, acreage or what have you? Investigste. 160 acres, near Burnt 1, Harney Co., Or., to trade for a good city lot. Value, $1400. GILSON. 43' Chamber of Commerce. ist your property with us for result on charges of merit. Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park st. be tween Washington and Stark sts. EXCHANGE 100x100 ground with big build ing, plenty of brick, to trade for modem bungalow and will pay difference; near St. Johns. Columbia 865. FO"ir"XCUANGE 3 lots. Price $2500. Port land, west side, clear. Want Venice, Radon- do or Los Angeles. 18314 4th at.. Portland. 160-ACRE stock farm; 10 head of cows: farm implements; plenty outside range; for city or acreage. 550 Williams ave. East 4 447. FINE home in Newberg. Or.; trade for unim proved N. Dak. land. John Nolan, New- Derg, or. MONTANA wheat farms lor Oregon property. N M. Apple I .and Co., IwMcn. Mont. WASTEP REAL ESTATE 81 IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale. $800 to $3000, list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO. for quick results: old es tablished firm. Phone Main 2051, 633 Cham ber of Commerce. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANitU Must be N. E. and priced right. W have numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. Germaa Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. TRADE $1200 equity in 4 0 acrea. near Scsp poose. for 5 room modem bungalow on east side, close to car; -will pay $200 cash and as sume. 9G5 East 1 fita St. north. WE have calU for houses from $2000 to $5000. Let us sell yours. O. W. Bryan. 509 Cham. ofCom. bldg. tfain 1963, evenings. Mar- fhlm 865. WANTED, at once, house, $200 or less down and $20 plus interest per month. Main 3718. WANT house, at once, small payment down. Can make large monthly payments. Phone Main 8718. at qnce. WANT OAK GROVE PROPERTY For results list your property with the Real Estate Ex.. 201 3d st. Portland. WANTED Five to 6 room house In good lo cation. Can pay $400 cash and balance $25 month. D. B. Cannon. 733 15th st. S. E. i WANTED A 6 room house. "Will pay $150 down. $15 per month and interest. Mt. ! Tabor or Sunn ide. F-839, Journal. 1XN'T WORRY sell or trade anything, anywhere. LAYMAN. 147 Park st I can GOOD vacant for- Mitchell sTT. late model, $850, part.Owner, Mafn 27. WANTED To buyof lease'sTfirst-class 6aw "mill proposition. Box 553, city. B003IINO HOUSES S3 TRANSIENT HOTEL 74 rooms. 6 with private bath; modern brick building, with ground floor lobby. Good West Side location. It cost $12,500 to furnish this place a few years ago. furniture being in good condition now. We can arrange an agreeable lease at $300 per month. This place must be sold, and the price is right st $6000. H. M. NTLES, RITTER, LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SAVE YOUR RENT 8-room rooming house, dandy location, west side. Rent, $20. Clears your rent and $40 a month. Price, (345; half cash. Peters. 15 5th st, FOR SALE Small rooming house, 12 rooms, central wet side. Rent, (30, with lease. (800. 7-room flat, good furniture, low rent. Price, $625. Phone owner, Broadway 2636. HEADQUARTERS for rooming houses. Garland, 188 Third. Main 3669. H. W. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SO BARGAIN HUNTERS Cigar, confectionery and soft drink and maga zines, on Washington st., transfer comer. Rent. $35; doing $30 daily. Will invoice $1100. Must sell. $5960; half cash. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. DRY GOODS STORE FOR SALE Owner going to war. A well established business In good location. Invoice about (4000. Will sell at right price. An excellent oppor tunity for right party. H. E. Green, E. 28th and Burnside sts. CONFECTIONERY Located on Morrison St., near SeWonct (1200 gross, bune per month. Good lease st $73. On sccount of owners in the draft this place can be bought for (700. H. M. Niles, Ritter. Lowe A Co.; 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE A good, clean stock of gen. mdse. Good location, in good stock and farming belt. A bargain if taken st once. Write Pennel Bros., Tiller. Or. PRINTING Two practical men can be independent for life: (3000 cash required. M-906. Journal. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing establish ment, in good location, reasonable. Call at 261 N. 23d st. 5 TABLE pool and billiard parlor, doing (300 per no., will take small ear in good repair, s difference in cash. 1765 Ruby st. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Morris ft Gilson, 481 Chsmber c' Com mere. l"OR SALE or rent; paying lunch room, serving 2. schools. East 2199. MOSEY TO LOAX BEAI ESTATE 1? OUR Installment pla" is the beat and surest method cf paying a loan. $82.26 per month '. (6 months, or ' (21.24 for 60 months, or (16.17 for S3 months, pays $1000 loan and internet. Other amounts tn proportion. 7e loan on improved city property. Or lor building pnrnoeea. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st.. Portland. OT. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in easy installments with 10 years' time to re pay; folly protected by life Jmraranc under the borne purchase plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per eent: no commission. For particulars see Mr, Strong. Equitable office. Oregonian bldg. WE CAN MAKE YOUR LOAN Any amount from (500.00 to (3000.00. Low interest and small expense. Quick service. Neilan Jr. ParkhilL 219 Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark-sts. meree. (800. (400. (600. (750, (1000 and op. lowest interest rate. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. GORDON INVEST VENT CCW 631 Chamber of Commerce. YOU can get out of debt thia way. We have some 7 Tc money you can borrow on improved realty and repay in monthly installment. Fred v. German Qo.. 782 Cham, of Com. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; monev advanced as work progresses. Vv. G. Beck, 215 and 216 Falling bldg. Main 8407. (850. (400. (500. (650. $750, 10O and larger amounts st current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. MONEY to loan by private party on improved city or farm property, no commission. L-0S4, Journal. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS see OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. SU-ck Exchange bldg.. Sd and Yamhill sts. $600 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mort- gage; no commission. P. O. Box 878. MORTGAGE loans. 6 nd 7. Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. V. Lewis, room 4, Lewis bldg. Lain 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 Salary LOANS Chattel On short notice to salaried or working-men on their own note- Weekly, semi-montl ;y or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO 8ECURITY We also loan on household furniture, p-no. etc. without removsL CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED, 218 Failing bldg. rlf You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed In come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property: legal rates. Busi ness confidential: private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. 806-807 Dekum Kdg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portlana Business men to protect borrower. O. MTER8 HERMAN, Mgr., 894 STARK 8T. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOASS WANTED SO WANTED AT ONCE LOAN ON VERY HIGH GRADE household goods. High rate of Interest V-875. Journal. WANT IrtOOO at 6c bv SeDt. 1. on Portland business property. Smail commission or 6 V4 no commission. N-082, JonrnaL . s 1 onTT" vva NTET) 7 PER CENT R-room bunealow. Irvineton Park district. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chsmber ofCom FINANCIAL (1 LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. We pav cash. Open Saturday evenings, CELLARS-MURTON CO., 725 Gasco BMg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 GOING out of business and must sell st once st . some price, good pair of worx corses, o gooa fsvm wacons. aood family mare, buggy and 2 sets double harness. Wood yard, corner of E. 8th and Hawthorne ave. 890.00 BUYS eoirel team, weighing 2400 lbs. Harness and wagon. Must sell account of sick ness, ML Scott car to 9th avs. Inquire at West- over grocery store. WANTED Bucking horses for big rodeo. Sept. 2, Labor day. Guaranteed to ride anything hauled, led or dragged in. Phone 870 and ask for Manager Frank H. Caldwell. Post stables. $70. GENTLE, sound 0-year-oid riding and driving horse: harness and buggy. 148 E. 81st St. N., MontariUa car. 2900 LB WORK little thin, but fine work Worth $250, for $85 Front st. Call at one. 802 FOR SALE Free from blemishes d good riding horse, weighing 1050 lb. Age 6 yrs. Call Col. 871. Must sell. DEAD horses and inimals hauled awsy free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Hendering uo. MUST sell tills week, cheap, light team, harness and wagon. Sellwood 24 37. FOR SALE Good farm team and harness, cheap. 824 Rodney ave . Wdln. 415. HOUSES 4nd wniuiK for rent by the day, single 11.80. or double $3. 546 Front. Main Z2. YOUNG mare, weight about 1060, or will trad for fresh heifer. ooqlawn 4SDZ. BA1' MARE.vagon and harnes. $33. Phone Marshall 4055. HORSES for' sale - cheap. 27-29 Nl Front. Broadway 1730. A-5759. DEAD horses taken, if fst. paid for; dead cows paid for. Phone C9-J. Milwauxia. LIVESTOCK TRADE Thoroughbred Jersey bull. 2 mo. old, for beef calf. Marshall 4700. Oak Grov 150J. W. R. Ivcy. YOUNG, gentle Jersey and Jersey-Holtein fam ily cows; very rich milKers. 1 0 1 . Asn FOR SALE 4-year-old horse. $50. 16 mos. old heifer. $20. Tabor 5888. FOR SALE Three Jersey cows. 9 and n years old. two fresh soon. 360 E. 72d st. N. FRESH cow for sale. Phone Tabor 2663. I'OITLTBY, PIGEONS, TET STOCK 87 RHODE ISLAND RED pullets. April hatch, 75c Mav hatch. 50c: eight White Wyandotte lay inc hens, $1.50 apiece; fine R. I. R. rooster. $1 apiece; New Zealand rabbits for sale; also 6-mo.-old pig. $20. Mrs. Wilson, Luther Station, Es tacada line. CASH PRODUCE CO. f son. all kinds of poultry produce, pet and breeding stock, bought snd sold. TOO THOROUGHBRED young lsying hens. White Leghorns. Bsrrad Rock, Rhode IsUnd Reds. Fat hens $1.20 snd up. 145 E. 81st st. N., Montsrilla car. WANTED White Leghorn pullets, sny nunv ber. C. T. Frederick. 6805 Woodstock sve. I WANT White Leghorn pullets. Call Wdln. 3S78 or address 1645 Mississippi ave. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 4 FOR SALE Rice has the big boys, "Flemish." 6141 Woodstock ave. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 NEW TODAY 1918 Chevrolet 5 $800, including pas.; run only few miles; extra equipment, spare tires. 1917 Chevrolet, 5 pass.; in fine condition, good tires; snap at (600. 1917 Chalmers, and repainted. pass. ; completely overhauled Bargain. 1912 Chalmers 88. 5 pass.; new tires all around. A-l condition. Snap at (450. Stewart 1 ton track with body, 2 ton Truxton truck attachment. WESTERN AUTO CO. Chalmers Distributors. Broadway at Burnside THESE ears must b sold at once; mak us an offer. 1917 Maxwell 1917 Overland. 1914 Overland. 1913 Buick, 1916 Chevrolet. 1916 Buick. 1915 Cole "8." 1917 MitcheU. 1915 6-40 Hudson, 1913 Fierce-Arrow. THE ACME AUTO CO. 531 Alder street. Broadway NEAT 4-cyL bus. (200. Et 5847. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIES 44 Used Cars, Bugs and Trucks It don't matter what kind of a ear you are looking for. we have it and the price are sur prisingly low. Read ever this Bat: 2 1914 Ford la excellent condltiom. 1 1916 Ford. A fine buy. 1 1917 Ford. Electric starter. 1 1918 Studebaker. 7 pass., new tires. 1 1918 Chevrolet. Just new. 5 tire. 1 1917 Overland Country Club. 8 1917 Studebaker. 7 pass, sacrifice price. 1 1917 Chevrolet, Look like new. 1 1917 Grant Six. Real bargain. 1 1917 Paige-Linwood. 2000 miles. 1 1916 Paige-Fairfield. A beauty. 1 1916 Studebaker. 4 cyL. 4 cord tire. 1 1918 Studebaker, 8 cyL, 4 cord tires. 2 88 Overland. Good as new. 1 1914 King. Electric lights, starter. 1 1914 Cadillac Powerful. 5 tires. 1 1914 Sphinx. Nice light car. 1 Buick. 4 cyL, camping ear. 1 Apperson Jack Rabbit car. 1 Cadillac Cord tires. 1 Scripns-Booth Roadster. Classy. 1 Studebaker Roadster, 8 pas. 1 King Roadster. A fine ear. 1 Warren Roadster, fin shape. Several snaps in good bug. If you are looking for a good nsed truck, we have most any kind you want Fords. Denby. Maxwells. Llppert-Stewart. Vim. (iartora. White. Overlands and numerous others. It will pay you to see them. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE East Stark and Grand Avenue. Open evenings snd Sundays. East 7810. Liberty bonds taken st face value. COVEY'S BARGAINS Used car prices sre going up and now is ths time to buy. We will accept Liberty bonds l .l , V "...! ana uuicr iiesousujr iw1, muj clihuciv uu terms considered. Here sre s lew. American 6, run like new, electric light ind starter $ 700 1913 Buick, newly painted. In good shape, good buy 430 1917 Cadillac touring, modern in every way. To see this meana to buy 2500 1916 Cadillac touring, first das condition. extra good value 1850 1918 Dodge sedan, looks snd runs Ilk new 1380 1917 Dodge roadster, runs fine, extra tires snd chains; run leas than 10,000 miles 800 1916 Dodge touring, good value at . . . 760 1918 Ford delivery, in fin shape 660 1917 Ford delivery, overhauled. every thing in good shape 495 1914 Ford with truck attachment, never been used, solid ares 600 1916 Oakland six, just overhauled, new tires ana gooa extra ure, extra food value 800 1916 Saxon. 6 passenger, newly over hauled, newly painted; guaranteed to be in AL shape 650 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington sts. Main 8244. ',51... WE HAVE IT All makes of nsed but not abused cars. 1017 Maxwell. fin condition, special price today. $600. 1918 Chevrolet today, $675. 1917 Overland. $625. Dodge, A-l. $780. 1916 Chevrolet, $475. 1916 Studebaker. $600. 1917 Ford, with extras. $500 1916 Ford touring, $400. 1914 Ford touring. (328. 1917 Baxon Six. touring, (750. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington St. Where Washington amt-Buraaid Meet. PACKARD BARGAINS 1917 7 -piss. Twin Six touring ear with ex tra equipment. $2750. One 48 Packard, 6-cyL, lights and starter. $1100. 7 -pas., electric TRUCK BARGAINS 8-ton Packard, chain drive 1 H -ton Jef fery, chain drive 1-ton Federal 1917 Ford truck with body TERMS , . .(2000 , .. T50 . .. 760 ... 700 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10th snd Burnside Sts. Broadway 621. NOT OPEN ON SUNDAY. USED CAR BARGAINS 1917 Chandler, 7- miles. $1850. only run about 8000 1917 Buick. 6-cyL. B-pasa. Run about 9000 miles. Spar tlr. Newly painted. $1100. 1917 Reo, 4-eyl, overhauled, $800. 6-paas.. newly painted. 1914 Hudson. 6-cyL, 7 -pas. Cheap. 1913 Cadinao. 6-pass. oughly overhauled, (750, Painted snd tbor- PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10 th snd Burnside Sts. Broadway 621. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN t Steams. 2 pass.. 6 cyl. Studebaker, 7 pa., 6 cyL Mitchell. 6 pas., 6 cyL Mitchell. 7 pass.. 6 cyl Stoddard, 2 pass., 4 cyL Jeffry. 6 pass. , 6 cyL Two ton truck. " Prices (250 up. slightly used cars. See us for 1st model. We will take liberty bonds at face varaa. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAYER CO. East Morrison at First street. Phon: East 7272. B-1216. Broadway 818. A-8S4S. West Side Salesroom Broadway at Oak street. FOR SALE Latest model Oldsmobil 8. run less, than 2 months; extras thrown in. No agents. K-987, Journal. New Model Chevrolet Can make immediate delivery on these ears if yon hurry. Buy now if yon want a car next year. P. C. Rinehart, East 8174 or Eat 2. FORD touring, run 7000 miles: excellent con dition, for sale. 351 Shaver street. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 YOU HAVE FROM 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. TO CALL AND LOOK THESE CARS OVER Carter ear. 8 pass. : chance for A bandy man to double present value 8 185 Maxwell special; also need a little work..$ 230 Ford chassis, suitable for bug or truck.. $ 285 Cole 80, fin garage car; lota of pep ( 300 Ford delivery, large covered, bed: snp...( 850 Stoddard Daytoa delivery, strong and powerful ( 850 Ford. 5 pass.; fair shape, new top ( 876 Studebaker. Just the car for country work..$ 400 Ford rdvt., demo, rims; good for salesman.. ( 4 59 Overland. 5 pus., late model ( 676 Chevrolet. 6 peas., special equipment. . . . ( 600 Oakland. ( pass. Maxwell. 17 s eoo .$ 650 Maxwell. 8 pass.; good little family car. .( 85a Briscoe, 4-38; investigate this bargain... 8 680 Cadillac, good tires Bnecoe, 4-38; almost good as new. . . . .( 600 .( 725 rord coup.! unit Lrt- A light, system ( 800 8tudebaker. cyL. 7 pas.; idaal hotel buv( 875 Reo. 5 pass.; as good as new 8 950 Hudson 6-64; motor and appearance fine. $1160 W. H, WALUNGFORD Broadway 2492 Distributors of LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER SIX. BRISCOE CARS PARRETT FARM TRACTORS 522 Alder st- st 16th USED CARS Studebaker, 3 pass Chalmers Bug Overland Bug Ford Classy Bug Knox Bp"ed Car Ftrd Delivery debaker, newly painted "Reo, newly painted Cadillac, fine condition . . . . Hpecial Hup Roadster Mitchell, new Buick. 8 pa. Saxon Six Touring 1917 Overland Touring Chandler Light Six Oldamoblle. newly painted Oldsmobil Eight. Ilk new . (200 . (200 . $250 , (350 . (350 . 5250 . (500 , (600 . (350 .(1100 . (850 . (360 . (50 . $750 . $630 . $700 .$1700 . $450 racxara so", 6 pass Terms to suit. MAN! FY AUTO CO. 11th ami Ouk. at Burnsid IF TOU WANT BAR) JAINS TN USED TRUCKS LOK THESE OVER. EVERY TRUCK IS A MONEY SAVING BUY: One 8 14 ton Federal (2000 One 1 14 -ton Federal 1300 One 2-ton Nash, used 60 days 1900 One 2 -ton Reo 8 JO One 6-ton United trsctor with trailer, in use 60 day, like new (8000 You can turn your nsed truck back to us sny time on a new Garford truck. One to 10 ton models. E. D. VAN DERSAL. Distributor. GARFORD MOTOR TRUCKS. 848 54 Burnside St. at 8th. 1918 CHEVROLET Practically new Goodyear non-skid tire all around, including one extra. My pnee is right. A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington. Bdwy. 1814. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEM HOUSES. The portable kin d save yon money. Bee sam ple st 644 Hood t, Main 1187. Mlllmade Construction Co. STOP Ton are aware that after January. 1819, no new pssenger car will be built. NOW Is the time to bring your car to us to get re painted, upholstered and new top. Prices sre reasonable and our workmanship the best. We solicit high-grade work. SEE US AT ONCE. ROBINSON-SMITH CO.. 6th and Madison. NEW TIRES What brand of new tire do yon preferl We have them, all make and she. Also we mak the famous O-V-C Doable Tread (sewed) tire and do U mtraw repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Burnside near Broadway. Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs in stock; prices reduced. 34 n. loth st. toil SALE by owner. V ton. 4 cyL Stude baker truck, in first class condition, all tires good, just overhauled and repainted. This is a bargain. Call after 4 p. m.. 749 Mississippi. CASH paid for old cars, condition eo obi act parts for sll make of csrs. Oregon Auto Ex change. 129 Low nsdale at 16th and Washington. Broadway 2668. MOTORS. Gearings. Bearings. Wheels. Axle nJ Trailer We wreck all make of cars snd sell their good parts si half price. David Hod a Co.. Broadway and Flanders at- Broadway 196. STOCK USED CARS RIGHT COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. 21t and Washington Main 6(44. DUBRUILLB TOP CO.. 9th at Oak. Broadway 1 664. A CHALMERS auto. uA fo. J. condition. No, 1 nh and tarftr. Reasonable. Liter. xiesaonsD&e. can be seen at Gocle repair anop, x i aoa Conch. 3d floor Speedwell bldg. LIGHT delivery 8tudebakr car. New Urea; being overhauled; in good shape; must be sold. Reasonable. Woodstock Garage, or phon to Sellwood 2 802. 1 CAN sv your from $25 to $800 on your new car after you decide on the make. No desler or tri-'lers spply. Investigate. P-768. Journal. ONE-7-ps., 8 cyL Cole, very low price. W. U Hughson A Co., Broadway snd Davis. Bdwy. 821. . MUST HAVE CASH Sacrifice my 1918 Oakland light six 6 -pass. Owner. Tsbor 4578. 1918 MAXWELL, good as new; run 2000 miles; bumper, noglars lens, tir en rear. Prio $830, cssh. P-1074. FOR BALE On 1 too Ford truck in A-l con dition; tire almost Ilk new. Cail Nichol son, Mrshll 667. TRUCK iontisct wanted lor a good 2 It ion truck: will build body "to suit joo. Whit. 822 Alder-st. H. L. FOK SALE, by owner. 1914 and 1917 Ford: The 1917 has Gray A Davis self starter and torse battery. 801 N. 21st St. Bdwy. 8420. GOOD servtceabl 5-pas. ear; go any place; In .fine shape ; looks food; barns dlrtfUate; cheap upkeep; private car; nap 8826. Call 188 3d at. MITCHELL SIX. 1st model, (850; might take part realty. Owner, Main 27. 1917 FORD Electrio starter, other extras; Ilk new. Sacrifice, Ask for Gething, Esst T810. iW-TOS Whit truck. W. L. HugfaMt Co., Broadway and Davie. Bdwy. 821. SPOT cash paid tor used ears. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House, Grand ave. and E. S'ark. FIERCE-ARROW chassis, good condition. Just the asm for bug or track. Woodlawn 2192. 1 14 -TON Federal-truck! Good "ahape. W. " Xl Hnghon Co.. Broadway and Dria. Bdwy. 321. BUU8H runabout, cheap for cash. 40"05 48th st. S. E. ONE Ford bug. cheap. IV. L. Hugh an Co.. Broadway and Davis. Bdwy. 121. MUST aell my 1918 Maxwell touring ear mt ottee. X-514, Journal. 1911 MITCHELL, fine condition. (325. Albina ave. Woodlawn 2879. TSl CoT. ONE Ford delivery. W. L. Hughaon A Brtudway and, Davis. Bdwy. 321. -w5felTfei of tire 833 335 ONE 1-ton Ford truck. W. I- Huchson A Co Broadway and Davis. Bdwy. 321. . . .. .. AUTOMOBILES A CCESSOBTES 44 hut5sonscper six snap Elegant 1917 Hudson super six, seve pas senger; splendid mechanical condition looks Jike new. New" Hudson now costs (2600. - Price of -this on only (1685. (750 down, balance month- -if E. B. Hyatt, 881 Morrison. -. - , WILL sen my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X-518- ? Journal. i AUTOMOBILES W4KTEP T WILL trad my equity in five - room houe" in St. John for good second hand auto; Ford " preferred. Call 818 Princeton st., St. J ohm. Phone Cot 1160. WILL trade my confectionery store for , " model car and some cash. Phone it. 20T m all US 2d st Bl'.HT price paid lo au;omobt. condl- tlosi no eblect, 121 N 8J at. Bdwy. 2629, I WANTED 1917 Ford body. 721 Oswego St. ' AUTOS FOB HIBE AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand oew ears. Keasnuahl rate. Fearing A Robnett. City Gerag. 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway S40, 7 PASSENGER car. shopping, sight seeing or sny where; $8 per hour. Phone Marshall 8285 q R. Lane. . ACTUS WITHOUT DRIVERS FUR HIRS COUCH.MAN A SULLIVAN, MARSH. 222 10TH AND YAMHILL A-H36 IlIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good oars, com petent driver. Sixth and Wash. Main 700. CLEAN, classy Hudson: careful experience driver. Marshall 2329. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO ICE. We do taxi work. Main 228 MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES IS 1917 CLEVELAND $140. 1916 tingle light weight Indian $100. 1913 twin Indian $86. EVENING REPAIR 8HOP. 858 N. 284. Broadway 3060. 191 5 INDIAN motorcycle for sale. 2192. Woodlawn LAUJTCHES AND. BOATS 4 8 ROOM furnished houseboat. Moorage. Houseboat "D." at Willamette PIAXOS, O KUANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 14 SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $250 7 octave auar plsn. cash ( 23 $300 7 1-8 octave square piano, cash. ...8 0 $275 7 octave English upright, cash 8 4$ $300 7 octave French upright, cash $ 6( $350 American make upricht. rah......( 95 (400 large oak upright piano, rash. ... .$165 $850 new studio model piano, c h....$21$ $$75 new, stored, upright plane, cash... (286 (425 new. atorsd. upright piano, cash... (265 (460 'new. stored, upright plana, esh....(6( (750 Weber mh., player puna. cash.... $395 $660 modern. Bah., player piano, rash.. (868 8 85 parlor organ with mirror. 'rash .... 8 28 - $125 parlor organ, with mirror, cash $ 85 Considering the rising market, new piano al ready gone $75 to $160 (richer, the skstv piano ought to T1 quickly at this time. Piano bought and sold for cash and stored for 6Qe monthly. 109 4th it. at Washington. Q wm l. rase : Phonographs and records -bought. oU exchanged and rented. Expert repairs Ing. 142 H 2d. near AWer, nrwtalraf: PIANOS. orgaeis ' and musical instrument? Decker A Bon. rosewood upright, (lOOf BurdeV orcan. walnut. (32.60. UaroM A tttV bert 8H4 Tsmhil st - ' DON'T buy old unimproved plana when the" Security Stcrsge Co. is offering new fmp?uvd (875 piano tor (215 and modern (680 pye punoe for (865. st 109 4th st- (21.26 (12 CASH. $6 monthly still buy new improved 1W1S modal eta no at ths Bchwsn Piano Co.. Ill Fourth at., at Wash. at. KENT piano; no square or thuma boa. navriHJ h. f.uoert. 884 T am Mil talking machine or r"ecords WANted ppot caan paid. K-089. Journal. TYPEWRITE IIS 71j GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, 3 mskee," sold on mcnthly psymenta. Send fof price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co re tail dept.. 321 Washington at. NEW REMINGTON, tenta plan, rent appUas t rurrhaae. Visible models. REMINGTON TlPKRHrrrn m $6 Broadway. Broadway 4621. ALL MAKE'S typewriter rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 6th Main 888$., I rTEBUILT typewriter, suppfl. Corona deslsrsl E. W. Pea Co . 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE V Two large and complete itocks of fins new furniture, rug, linoleums, draperies, ranges, heaters, go-carts, st less than wholesale prices. W sre selling new goods st price you pay elsewhere for second hand goods. Before yon buy any-, where corns and compare prices. WE ACCEPT LIBERTY BONDS. Feldstein Furniture Co, 166 66 FIRST STREET BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL OFFICE FURNITURE Bargalna. something: good; Globe cabinet safe, ateel, 82 drawer dncu- 1 ment filing cabinet, oak; double flat top itosev' quartered oak, 6x54. full aet drawers both idea; Underwood typewriter, wide top. These . goods sre practically new See at 206 Railway Exchange- bldg. Phone Main 967. FOR SALE Range, fumed oak dining set. box couch, ml stove; complete bed. library tsble.' rockers. Main 6445. - C. DINING TABLE chairs, $9; silk flea Mttr?, springs, leatherette parlor set; other thin mat', cheap. 606 WUllam ave. j. VSlRnOD trwruer, rugs, office furniture!, 231 Pittock bldg. Bdwy. 265. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1! 1 yf. eye m ' - - m '." MO AH rt C1 F USED DROPifEAD I i IV slU SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed. W rent and repair. ' 172 8d st Main 184 5. A-l 81 f' Broadway 2079 (fn B)L !. $m??' 1 Res. Wdln. 1950 Vii li , Portland. 0. Nw and prod band All six Any amount. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYC YES. IAX'NtWfS or boats are separate classifications. A large ' listing can be found under these different elaaufW cation. - - WHY an vr sting aggravation by leaky roof ( - Why not a permanent and indestructible roof I , W oxidise and renew all kinds of leaky roof. 608 Tourney bldg. Main 6866. - ' ' EXTRA quality bUckWrim. kale plants; rb-4 i bit. Save Pick berries yourself. Com' ' 89th and E. Stark. Mount Tabor (MT. 68U ear to en, four blocks north, on eaet. .. save yoTr puneV SAVE T- j Unci Sam needs them. Portland Evasor- , Latlng Co. buys them. East 18th and Taetsaa sts. Hellwood ltZ4. ,r PEARS Sauvi Island, cros over at Borlln-. ton (below Llnnton.) Pick them and t the, beet 2e per pound. Ask ferryman , tot- fa Hnnklrk's. , HOPS Three pound package of hop delivered anywhere in the U. H. by parcel poet, pre paid (1.00 Addreaa F. M. MorWy, Silverton. Or." FOR SALE A 35 ft. Escalator and 6 h. ft. D. C. elect, motor. Inquire 1 72 1st ax. Main 5688. FOR 8ALE Rip Bartl-tt. pcan, 76o hot: Graven tine apples. (1.25 box. Call at 1(18 East Morrison st. 600 ENVELOPES or 600 bond letterhels. (2.75. Beat .work; prompt delivery; try ns. fn ttb. Printers. 204 Stark st. FlOT water tanks, all sises. In good, servah' condition, 80 gsl. 87. 40 gaL (. 201 Adams at, Et end Steel bridge. Phon E. 8518. EARTLETT PEAKS. lHe lb., or 60c box; on Capital Highway, mil past Tlgard; booth on road. Bring your own box. FTfUNES and petite for sal at the Crewfonl place. mile east of Lenta, on Golvert road. Pick them yourself. - NEW 4 ft. cigar floor showcase cheap at (01 : Eaxt Morrieon st. i SMALL BarileU prs for 1. 1 He per lb. Win deliver. Tabor 6924. 800 BOXES Crawford and Elberta peaches lor sale, reasonable price. 161 Front St. BARTLEfT pear, plum nd prunes. f : Hon. 60th snd Killing eorth. Wdin. 6072. VACUUM cleaners sold, changed. Bought, Bentley Co., Mam 8581 PLUMBING suppli, wnole) prices. Jtarke Davis Co..' 212 3d t. Main 797. UNCALLED for taller mad suits. 312.50 n , Tylor th Tailor, zsm r.arnsraa. . BARTLETT pears for le cheap, 208 E. 47tfc street north, and O.-W. R. A N. tracks. BARTLETT pears for sale. 2197 E. Stark. f 17rETTVACIJf-r SWEEPERS. Mala 8-83. .i . It i7 1! Mr i i