THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PQ RTLAND. TUESDAY,- AUGUST 27.' 4918. '4 r Vi 8 5 WALNUT INDUSTRY OF STATE AMAZES Special Machinery and Devices for Handling Products of New Groves Attract Attention. j McMinnville, Or.. Aur. 27. Special X machinery and devices for Handling the 'product of the new walnut groves 'of 9 Oregon, aa well as the amazing growth J of the Industry In the Willamette valley, jngaged the attention of the group of growers and specialists inspecting the "" leading tracts -of thef district. The party - 'was Joined along the way by growers 9 from' Salem and other valley points, be i. (ore reaching the end of the first day's tour at McMinnville. Ferd Oroner has 'erected the first walnut dryer In the state. The Dun- dee Fruit k. Walnut company has adapt -Jd the prune washer to walnuts and In- stalled graders for two . commercial ."trades. Charles Trunk it Sons have -.Invented and manufactured a washer f and .polisher that some of the growers aid has done for the walnut Industry jjfwhat the cotton gin did for the cotton t, "Industry, made preparation for market 1 cheap and rapid. This machine will do St, the work of several hundred handwork-J-ers and put the nuts In excellent shape lfor display at the rate of 1000 pounds tn hour. So successful Is the machine .that one will be Installed In the Prince Jjgroves this year. . w The tour has served as a clearing house 3 'for the exchange of results of various experiences In the culture and handling Zjot walnuts and filberts. The crop is fair yield and of splendid quality. The walnut men were entertained by fj;the McMinnville Commercial club Mon . day evening and today they are visiting j Salem and Eugene. Professor Lewis of v-the Oregon Agricultural college is deliver-erlng a number of brief talks on prun- ;Native of Portland "" Is Dead in Eugene Eugene, Or., Aug. 27. Miss May Lari mer, daughter of the late K. C Larimer of Portland, one of the early settlers of Oregon, and a native of Portland her self, died at her home in this city Sun day at the age of 45 years, after an illness of several weeks. Miss Larimer Is survived by four sisters, Mrs. II. H. Armltage and Mrsl Ada McPherson of Springfield, Or.; Mrs. W. H. Andrews and Mrs. H. L. Traver of Eugene, and a brother, I. D. Larimer of Springfield. The funeral will be held this after noon, and interment will be made in the local I. O. O. F. cemetery. Union Ticket Office To Open September 3 The union ticket office for lines un der federal control operating out of Portland will open for business at the comer of Third and Washington streets on Tuesday, Septemoer 3. C. W. Stinger will be agent and Henry Dickson assist ant agent. The personnel of the staff will be determined at a meeting of Chairman A. P. Charlton's committee In Seattle Thursday. Lines accommodated In the new union office are the Southern' Pacific.-O-W. R. N., S., P. S.. Northern Pacific, Great Northern and the San Francisco ft Portland Steamship line. Kermit Roosevelt f Wins British Cross tr ' London. Aug. 27. (U. P,) Kermlt J.Roosevelt has been awarded the mill et tary cross for his services with the 2Brttlh army in Mesopotamia, it was announced today. Roosevelt was a major In the motor Jt'sfrrVice In Mesopotamia. Recently he robtalned a transfer to the American 7 receiving a captain's commission. 2, LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAJN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled Sqeeie the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of ; Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle. - sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion - beautif ler, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any - drug store or toilet counter will supply J. three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant jS lotion Into the face. neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles, - sunburn, wlndburn and tan disappear Z and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It Is harmless. (Adv.) No other1 remedy will so surely and quickly correct i. stomach cihnents, regulate the liver and improve the general health as a dose of Beecta Mis Lsrvest Sale Aay MedtcSM is tV WetU. " &14Trrwhr. In Beaee, life. 25c Clear Yost Skin WtileYcaScep ith Cnticura All 4miMtt Sots Olatanl SAsQ. Tl II US IWW-W11lt, p4 S. ASTHMABOH. JWHUTS BSIXEVES! HAY FEVER ... sUIOtWUtataCliarMtC , ..a mi ii fftt I aWJ.,1 Forest Service Employes Build House on Outing Fifteen men frbm the district forest service spent Sunday at Eagle creek building a house for Forest Ranger Al bert Wlesendanger and his wife and month old baby. , They made a unique outing of It. Women employes and the wives of the men cooked the dinner. Mr. Wlesendanger has been living In a tent, which was satisfactory during the summer, but autumn Is coming and makes it harder for his .wife and baby. So A. E. Doylo drew plans for the niftiest kind of a bungalow, Just the kind to fit with its surroundings and the forest seYvice men volunteered to build It. Hammers and saws were busy and by niglft even the floor had teen laid and the building was complete except for the last touches. Ranger Wlesendanger and his family will move Into their new home this PROSECUTION IN CIVIL FACED BY CORPORAL Overstaying Leave and Polygamy -Charged Against Young Man at Barracks. Corporal Stanley Kosmoskl, a 22-year-old soldier of Vancouver barracks, in under military arrest this morning, charged with overstaying a recent fur lough 16 days, and is also facing civil prosecution on polygamy charges fol lowing disclosures made Monday by Mrs. Violet Kosmoskl, an 18-year-old girl, whom he married here last April. Kosmoski, according to records and his own confession to Deputy District Attorney Dempsey this morning, has a wife at Milwaukee, Wis., whom he mar ried August 13, 1917. After being draft ed into the army and transferred to Vancouver he met his present wife and married her without procuring a divorce from his bride of last year. His only, reason for attempting to have two wives, he said, was that he was tired of his bride lh Milwaukee and wanted 'a new one. Army officials at the barracks as sured the district attorney's office that as soon as Kosmoskl is court-martialed for overstaying his recent furlough he will be turned over to the officers for civil prosecution. Divorce Suits Filed Norman B. Iverson, now taking an aviation course at Rockwell Field, San Diego, began suit for divorce In the circuit court Monday afternoon against Florence May Iverson, charging infidel ity. He asks for the return of a J100 Liberty bond, bought by his wife with money allotted to her from his army pay. They were married In 1914. Isaac Labowitch charges cruelty sgainst Ida Lobowttch. He demands that the court compel her to resume her maiden name. Ida Fisher. Desertion is charged by George R, Hill, formerly of Salem, against Sadie Hill, -whom he married In 1910. Desertion is charged by Lena Pickens and Helen M. Robinson against Charles R. Peckens and Harry N. Robinson re spectively. Carrie F. Allen filed suit this morn ing for a divorce from W. H. Alle.i to whom she was married In February, 1886, alleging that he deserted her 20 years afterward. Desertion Is also charged by Thomas Rogers against Mamie Rogers. They were married at Waukegan, 111., in Sep tember. 1905. Cruelty is charged by Myrtle M. Fos dick against George E. Fosdick to whom she was married J n Seattle June 3, 1916. Montgomery Estate Divided Letters of administration on the es tate of Stella Montgomery,--who died-Intestate In this city July 12, were asked for in County Judge Tazwell's court this rooming. The estate, valued at $5000. will go to Bertha Hale. Seattle; Elmer Strumbaugh, Belle Fourche, S. D. and Klla Highshaw of Belle Fourche, caughters and sons of the deceased. The petition asked that Willis Snow be ap pointed administrator. Tractor Damages Streets Complaint has been received by Coun ty Roadmaster Eatchel that several streets on the east side have been dam aged by the large tractor which was to have been used on the Palastlne Hill road work. Mayor Baker was also no tified that damage had been done and City Inspectors Tichenor and Mallet were sent out to Investigate. City ordin ances prohibit heavy tractors with cor rugated wheels traveling on paved streets. Lodge's Speech On American War Aims Praised In England London. Aug. 27. (U. P.) London newspapers generally commented favor ably upon the recent discussion of Sena tor Lodge, Republican leader, regard ing war alms. "The patriot? act of the leader of the opposition of speaking thus in the American senate will dispel any illusions Germany may have had regarding the opposition's attitude, and it will strength en President Wilnn'a h, . Clares. "It illustrated the solidarity of . v-K.wiuii, sai ci we chronicle. "War to the Death" Is Kaiser's Pledge London. Aug. 27. (I. Nl S.) 'War to the death; conquer or perish together," the newspaper Epocha claims to have rr tkA ' im V a M ii . the kaiser fnllnwir,., v.i - "o nwoi. comer 6TIM Wltn Tlmuwi r., - - - v-uarin, Becoming to a Central news dispatch today from n asserts that the kaiser declared that no concessions will Ka mm a4a - . . mi rncmjr ana tnat -war on land and sea win be Intensified. Mars&vHenry's Old Paper Changes View ""Ula""": courier-journal, which under tha ownership of Colonel Henry watterson bitterly opposed suffrage, came out today for votes for women. XSf Tw- Pubsher. Judga Robert W. Blflgham, has changed the policy of the - - " , h t. - V - AND MILITARY COURTS VON BERNSTORFF S .J NEPHEW HELD AS A SPY IN CALIFORNIA Baron Muensch and E. M. Zacho, Alleged German Agent At Stockholm, Indicted in S. F. San Francisco, Aug. 27.-KU. P.) Two alleged "master spies" of Germany were under Indictment here today. One a Baron Allardt von dem Bussche Muensch, said to be a Nephew of Count von Berhstprff. former German ambas sador to the United States. The other, Edward M. Zacho, Is said by department of Justice agents to have been head of Germany's spy system in Stockholm. Indictments charge them with using fraudulent passports and violating the president's proclamation requiring the registration of alien enemies. With the return of the Indictments by tha federal grand jury late yesterday It became known that Baron Muensch has been held In custody here at Fort Win field Scott for nearly a year. Zacho was arrested In New York and is held at Ellis Island. The solving of a "highly confidential" German code is said to have been respon sible for the downfall of Zacho and Muensch. According to United States department of justice agents, Muensch was a prisoner in Russia. Zacho was sent from Stockholm to Russia by way of the United States more than a year ago to effect the escape of the noble man. They are known to have. stopped In Peking, where their passports are said to have been arranged by the German ambassador, Von Hintze. Muensch traveled n a Swedish pass port as Kurt Brenner. Zacho used his own name and Danish passport. They started for America. Suspicions of two of the crew of the vessel on which they sailed led to a close Investigation on their arrival here. Muensch or Brenner, was held. One of his "highly confiden tial" documents is said to have been found in the lining of his overcoat. Zacho, on the voyage across the Pacific, had affected not to know "Brenner". He got as far as New York before he was apprehended. Another document was found in his possession, which gave the American operatives the key to what is believed to be a "super code" direct from Wilhelmstrasse. Plans, and details of Chinese, Japan ese and Russian fortifications and ar mament are said to have been in their possession. Hun Troops Balk; Every Tenth Man Shot; Others Yield Zurich, Aug. 27. (I. N. S.) A mu tiny of German troops en route to the front is reported to have taken place at the railway station at Berlin. According j to the report the troops refused to pro- j ceed until machine guns were trained on them. Amsterdam. Aug. 27. (U. P.) A Ger- I man battalion ordered to the front unan imously refused to go, according to a dis patch from the frontier, published in the Tebagraaf. Thereupon every tenth man was shot The remainder yielded. 0. A. 0. Instructors In Draft Betained Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallls, Aug. 27. Members of the faculty of the Oregon . Agricultural college, of draft age, wHl be given furloughs and will be retained at the college. This action has been taken by the war department so that the special war work at the col lege will not be hampered because of the draft. John D. Ryan Will Assist Sec. Baker Washington. Aug. 27. (U. P.) John D. Ryan, aircraft head, has been named second assistant secretary of war and will be In charge of aircraft production. Edward R. Stettlnius will be war de partment representative, abroad. Large Numbers in Jap Rice Riots London, Aug. 27. (I. N. S.) A quar ter of a million people participated In the rice rioting in Japan and there were 290 casualties, according to a Reu ter dispatch received here today from Osaka. " (Sosoine Continuous Ciain or Onty a straight-distiUed, all-refinery gasoline can have the continuous, uniform chain of boiling point necessary to give easy starting, quick and smooth acceleration, steady, dependable power and long Combustion starts with the lowest boiling points and flashes instantaneously through the medium to the highest. In Red Crown, the Gasoline of Quality the full and complete chain is there; in "mixtures" some lmk is always missing. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) V. - - - i i m " m Liates : erman Propaganda And Trusts Wilson San Francisco, Aug. 27. (I. N. S.) Following receipt of a . telegram from the committee on public information in Washington that pro-Germans In Eu rope are using the Mooney case In propaganda against the United States, Thomas J. Mooney from his cell In San Quentin prison today Issued the follow ing statement which was wired to Wal ter S. Rogers of the bureau of public information in New, York: 4 "President Wilson has done and Is doing, all in his power in my behalf to the end that I receive a fair trial. I have full confidence that the efforts he has made, together with those of .or ganized labor, will secure ultimate jus tice for. me. While I am very appreci ative of all genuine sympathy, I abhor the Idea' that German propaganda should be made of my case or of ray situation and repeat that my confidence In the American government and people is not shaken." Registration for Selective Service Is Light; 486 Reported Reports received up to noon today by Captain J. E. Cullison. head of the selec tive service . system in this state, indi cate a light registration of boys who have attained the age of 21 betw-een June 5 and August 24, 1913. The total number of registrants from 18 counties and five of Portland's loeal boards is 486. It is not expected that the number of registrants in this state will go over 750. Local board No. 2, of Portland, regis tered) the greatest number of those which have reported. Its total being 57. The number of men registered In the various" counties which have reported ere as follows: Clackamas, 43 : Clatsop, 87; Columbia, 13 ; Coos, 33 ; Deschutes, 8 ; Douglas, 22 ; Gilliam, 6 : Hood. River. 6 ; Lake. 2 ; Lincoln, 2 ; Malheur, 14 ; Marion No. 1. 34 ; Marion No. 2, 14 ; Morrow, 9 ; Sher man, 9 ; Tillamook, 8 ; Washington 41 ; Yamhill, 26 ; Portland No. 1, 34 ; Port land No. 2. 67 ; Portland No. 5, 24 ; Portland No. 7, 17, and Portland No. 8, 27. R. D. Jennings Is Electric Line Agent R. D. Jennings has been appointed agent In the ticket, office of the South ern Pacific electric lines In Portland, taking the place of C. W. Stinger, who becomes agent in the Union ticket of fice after September 1. Mr. Jennings was formerly district freight and pas senger agent of the Southern Pacific at Spokane, and prior to that was agent at Hillsboro. Boche Flyer, Drunk, Fires On Hollanders London, Aug. 27. (British Admiralty Wireless.) (U. P.) AT German aviator landed in Cadzens, Holland, last week and Immediately opened fire with his machine gun. The civilian population hastily sought shalter. . Subsequent In vestigation proved the airman was very drunk. He was interned,, ARMY BILL IS ' PASSED BY SENATE fContltinwl From Pise )n) war labor board for adjustment, agree' to abide ' by Its decision, and Immedi ately return to work pending the board's award, shall not )) , their deferred ptatus canceled and be inducted into the military service, aa provided in the anti strike provision of "the bill. Seventy-three senators were present and all voted in the affirmative. The Reed-Thomas amendment would absolutely prevent further strikes. The Cummins amendment recognizes the right of workers to strike but provides that after, having demonstrated their dissatisfaction they must not continue to hold up production of war essen tials. The senate rejected by a vote of 54 to 9 an amendment by Senator Fall of New Mexico who would have extended the draft ages' from IS to 60 and would have classified all registrants for military or industrial service. The amendment would have made members of congres liable to the draft. Those who voted for It were Senators Calder, Fall. France, McCumber, New, Townsend. Watson, Frellnghuysen and Sherman. dSSing Twenty Fires Started in Lake Countyj Warner Valley Co. Heaviest Loser. Lakeview, Or., .Au. 37. An electric storm Sunday set at least 20 fires with in a radius of SO miles from here. Light CHANGE OF THE SABBATH . NOT AUTHORIZED BY, BIBLE EVANGELIST L. K. DICKSON READS FROM ROMAN CATHOLIC WORKS THEIR AC KNOWLEDGEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR OBSERVANCE OF SUNDAY AS SACRED DAY OF REST. Also Produces Evidence That Jesus Christ never changed the observance of the Sabbath from the sev enth day of the week to the first at his resurrection, but that the change was made by the Roman Catholic church three hundred years after his resurrec tion, was the declaration by Evangelist L. K. Dickson in his lecture at the big tent pavilion. Thirteenth and Morrison streets, last flight on "Who Changed the Sabbath?" and he substantiated his re marks by producing statements from re liable authorities in the Catholic church, who acknowledged that they were re sponsible for the change. Mr. Dickson also read extensively from Protestant commentators who declared that there was no record In the New Testament of any change having been authorired either by Christ or His Apos tles, and hat those who observed Satur day as the Sabbath were following the teachings of the Bible. He showed that the Catholic church met the specifica tions of the prophecy given in Daniel 7 :25 which in effect declares that a power would arise that would think to change the times and laws of God. He appealed to his audience to cease following in the footsteps of the life-long enemy of the true church, and return to the observance of the true Sabbath, the day which Christ observed. EvasgeUit L. X. DIeksoa In Introducing his lecture, Evangelist Dickson said : "My text is found In Psalms 89:34: "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my Hps.' In our studies In the past we have found that the Sabbath Is built upon a founda tion that knows no decay and which can not be changed or altered by the will of men. for It was made by God In the be ginning for men In every generation. As we traced its history, we found that It was not confined to Old Testament times only but that Christ in his example and precept taught his followers to keep the seventh day of the week. The record of apostolic times and of the days which marked the founding of she early Chris tian church we found to be made up of Sabbath keeping with more than SO re corded religious meetings held upon the seventh day of the week, and not one upon what we now call Sunday. The onl record of a religious service on the first day of the week we found to take place upon what la known now as Sat urday night. And In tracing carefully down through the ages In more modern times through our day into the new earth we found the word of the prophet teach ing that the Sabbath of the command ment would be taught and practiced by God's true followers, and that there would be a great reformation calling men back to this great Institution, prom ising those who respond all the blessings of the new earth. 'It Is sometimes asserted that Christ changed the Sabbath .from the seventh to the first day of the week at the time of his resurrection, and that since that time the first day has been observed in memory of that event. If the first day of the week (Sunday) Is observed as a sacred day in memory of the resurrec tion of Christ, it could not take the place of, or be exchanged for, the seventh day Sabbath ; for that was made the Sab bath, 'the holy of the Lord.' In another way, and 'for altogether other reasons, "Who made the formal change in the day of rest? ' We have found that God did not; Christ did not; the apostles did not. And when .we are making this statement we are giving the consensus of opinion of leaders In religious thought, not only of our day, but in all the his tory of the church, as the following Quo tations will show : "Xeaiider, the greatest church his torian of later ths apostolic times, says : The festival of Sunday, like all - other festivals, was always only a human ordi nance, and it was far from the intention of the apostles to establish a divine com mand In this respect, far from them and from the early apostolic church to trans fer the laws of the Sabbath to Sunday.' Hist, of the Christian Religion and Church, page 18S, Rise's Trans. ' "Buck's Theological Dictionary, a lead ing Methodist work, page 40S, says: Sabbath, in the Hebrew language, signi fies rest, and Is the seventh day of the week; a day appointed for religious du ties and a total cessation from work. In commemoration of God's resting oa the seventh day and It must be confessed that there Is no law In the New Testa ment concerning the first day. "The Christian at Work, Presbyterian, ning aet a bay stack on fir in Warner valley and high winds spread the fire ever a large area, burning . many crops of hay. " ' The Warner Valley stock company is one of the heaviest losers. The company places Its loss at $100,000. Three hun dred men from Lakeview. Fort Bidwell, CaL, and other towns fought the fire yesterday. The forest service reports forest fires are not spreading. Forester Buck Returns C. J. Buck, assistant district forester, has returned from the Fremont. Ochoco and Deschutes national forests, where he has been inspecting Are organisa tions. He found the organisations com plete, and methods of forest fire pre vention and control quite satisfactory. From Protestant Commentators That They Have Them in Keeping First Day Holy. In an editorial April 19. 1883, said: 'So some have tried to build the observance of Sunday upon apostolic command, whereas the apostles gave no command on the matter at all. . The truth Is, as we appeal to the literal writing of the Bible, the Sabbatarians have the best of the argument.' Again, 'We hear less than we used to about the apostolic origin of the present Sun day observance, and for the reason that while the Sabbath and Sabbath rest are woven into the warp and woof of scrip ture. It Is now seen, as it is admitted, that we must go to later than apostolic times for the establishment of Sunday observance.' id. Jan., 1884. "The Question Corner, the Christian Union (Congregational), June 11. 1879, says: "When, why, and by whom was the day of rest changed from the seventh to the first? fAnswer, the Sabbath was changed from the seventh to the first day of the week not by any positive authority but by a gradual process.' Dr. R. W. Dale Congregationalism fa mous in all the churches as one of En gland's foremost writers and scholars, said : 'It is clear that however rigidly we may spend Sunday, we are not keep ing the Sabbath. The Sabbath was founded on a specific, divine command. We can plead no such command for the observance of Sunday. Tnere is noi single sentence in the New Testament to ..... .hot w incur anv penalty by slolating the supposed sanctity of Sun day. The Ten wmminomcmo, & Stoughton, London; m.. -n.nfiat 'RTramlner. Jan. 4, 1894, in. - 'Cnma Ttantiatn are fond of de- DAJOi WWliiw . . Thim Raith the Lord for everything, and profess to accept noth ing for which explicit authority cannot be produced from the word of God. Prob ably not. a reader or mis pr;'P" would be willing to follow thfs principle to Its legitimate conclusion. It would . i. .v.. immediate return to Sabbath worship, the abolition of Sunday schools.' i,itj i t iKtrni T. D.. author or the Baptist Manual. In an address before a Baptist ministers' meeting held in New York city, and reporiea in mo amlner. November 16, 189a. said : To me it seems unaccountable that Jesus during three years' intercourse with his dis ciples, giving them instruction as to His i.i i -nnKtjintlv coming In contact with the'sabbatb question, often discuss- i. nr itx aanects. freeing It from its false glosses, and teaching its true nature and purpose, never a""ded to the transference of the day. Also that during the forty days of His resurrected life no such thing was Intimated. . . . Of course I quite well know that Sunday did come into early Christian history as a religious day, as we learn from the Christian fathers and other sources. But what a pity that it comes branded with the mark of paganism, snd christened with the name of the sun-god, when adopted and sanctified by the papal apostacy and bequeathed as a sacred legacy to Protestantism. There was and Is a commandment to "keep holy the Sabbath day," but that Sabbath was not Sunday. It will, however, be readily said, and with some show of triumph, that the Sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week, with all its duties, privileges, and sanc tions. Earnestly desiring Information on this subject, which I have studied for many years, I ask, where can the record of such ft transaction be found? Not in the siaw Testament absolutely nSt. There) si no Scriptural evidence of the change of the Sabbath institution from the seventh to the first day of the week.' "Alexander Campbell (Christian). In a lecture in Bethany college In 1848, said : Was the first day set apart by publlo authority In the apostolic age? No. By whom was It set apart and when? By Constantlne, who lived about the be ginning of the fourth century.' In his "Christian baptism," Vol. 1. p. 44. he says 'But some say It was changed from the seventh to the first day. When? Where? And by whom? No man can tell. NO; It never was changed, nor could It be unless creatiort was to be gone through sgain ; for the reason assigned must be changed before the observance In respect to the reason can be changed. It Is old wives' fables to talk of the change of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day. If it be changed. It was that august personage changed it who changes times and laws ex-officio, I think his name is Dr. Anti-Christ.' ' "Dr. Lyman Abbott, one of the best known ministers in the United States, when he was editor of the Christian Union, said in an editorial in that paper under date of June 26, 1890 : The cur rent notion that Christ and his apostles authoritatively substituted the first day for the seventh, is absolutely without any authority in the New Testament.' "Section 10. of part 2, of the Augsburg confession of faith, a Lutheran docu ment, as quoted in Cox's Sabbath Man uel, Is as follows : The observance of the Lord's day (Sunday) is founded not on any command of God, but on the authority of the church.' "Finding therefore the opinion of scripture, and of the best Bible com mentators recognized by all leading de nominations agreeing that the change has not taken place under an act of God. It is left for the honest Inquirer after truth to find the one who would assume a position which would involve a change in one of the great creative acts of God (Gen. 2:2-1), a change In the sign of sancUflcaUon (Exek. 12:17 and 20), a change In the example of Christ (Luke 4 :lt), and the apostles Polish General Who Is In German Prison Honored at Meeting At a celebration held In honor of Gen eral J. Pilsudsky, who organised the Pol ish forces, proclaimed Poland an inde pendent republic, contributed to the de feat of the czar, prevented Poland from being dragged into war against the al lies, and is now In a German prison, the Polish national committee of defense, at the Polish hall Sunday, drew up resolu tions expressing homage to the national hero. They acknowledged him. also as (Acts 17:21 and 18:4 and 11). a change In the rule and standard of the deca logue (Ex. 20; 8-11). It would take one who has assumed a place above or equal with God, and that one could only be prompted In sueh a presumptlous and blasphemous act by him who is spoken of in Isaiah 14:12-14: 0 Lucifer, son of the morning . . . thou has said in thine heart. I w ill ascend Into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the Stars of God : I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation. In the sides of the north : I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the Most High.' Only one Influenced by this arch enemy of the government of heaven would presume to tear from the heart of God's law the great memorial of His creative power. "The apostle Paul tells us of such an one in 2 Thess. 2 :3-4 : 'Let no man de ceive you by any means: for that day shall not come (the second coming of Christ) except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition ; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that Is worshiped ; so that he as God sltteth In the temple of God. Bhowing himself that he Is God.' The prophet Daniel also foresaw the day of this apostate powerUhat would think It self able to change the law of .God. He saw him make the attempt to d.O- It. He heard this power speak great words against God. He also saw It wearing out the saints. This Is the power that has actually attempted to change the .unchangeable. In Daniel 7 :25. we read : 'And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws ; and they shall be given into his hands until a time and times and the dividing of time.' We read again of this self-centered, self-glorified power In Daniel 8 :9-12, and again in Revelation 13 :1-10. and In each of these passages we are given the same description of the character of the power. Let it be carefully noted according to Daniel 7 :25 that the one who has thought to change the law of God is the same one who has, spoken 'great words against God. Christ never spoke words against his father. The one who has thought to change the Sabbath la the same power that put the saints of the Most High to death. Friends. Christ never put his own disciples to death. Then it was not He who thought to change the Sabbath law. "All Bible commentators agree thst each of these passages speaking of this blasphemous power presuming against God refer to the same power and that this power Is the papacy. That the papal power Is the one spoken of, and that in her history she has met the require ments of this description given by the prophets Is evidenced by the 'great words' which she has spoken against the Most High, a few examples of which we will now quote : " The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ. He can pronounce sentences and Judg ments In contradiction to the right of nations, to the law of God and man.' Decret. de Translat, Ep. Cop. Cap. "We read the following from the Roman Catholic confession publicly pre scribed and propounded to Protestants In Hungary and Germany on their recep tion Into communion with Rome : "We confess that whatever new thing the Pope ordains, whether it be In scripture or not in scripture, and whatever he commands. Is true, divine, and salvlflc ; and therefore ought to be held by Lay People in greater esteem than the pre cepts of the living God. We confess that the most holy pope ought to be honored by all with divine honor, with the greater genuflection due to Christ Himself. . . . We confess that the reading of holy scripture Is the origin of heresy, and schism, and the source of blasphemy. ... A priest of Rome not only when he will but whenever he will offers and creates Christ, and con sumes him when created. . . . We confess that the pope has power of changing the scripture, and of adding to it. and taking from it, according to his will. . . . We confess that Mary, the Blessed Virgin, Is worthy of greater honor from men and angels, than Christ Himself, the son of God.' This document is a publio and authoritative one ; It has even taken its place among the 'Symboli cal Books' of the church of Rome, and I cite It from one of the most recent edition of the dogmatical collections of that church.' Letters to M. Gondon. by Chr. Wordsworth. D. D.. London, Fran da and John Rivlngton. 1848, pages 72-78. " 'I believe in the Infallabillty of the vicar of Christ (page 30) in the universal pastor; In the Master of the Universe, w-ho possesses absolute and immediate authority over all pastors and sheep, who has the fullness of the power of pardon (page 125), and is the fountain and standard of faith.' Pp. 352-39S-40O of the New Creed of Pope Plus X. " "Given in Rome from our palace, 10th of' February, 1817, the fourteenth juris diction of most holy Pontiff and Father Jn Christ, and Lord our God. the Pope. Leo XII, etc.' Rome As It Is, p. 180. These declarations are Intended to ex alt the papacy, to show that he Is God. That which is Intended to deify men is the speaking of 'great words against God. as the prophecy In Daniel foretold. "This power was to 'wear out the saints of the most high which was verily ful filled In the method of torture that the Christians suffered during the dark ages at the hands of this then persecuting power the papacy. The lowest estimate the follower , of Kosciusko and future leader of united Poland. r The council expressed Its gratitude to the United States and President Wilson for the efficient prosecution of war against autocracy and the friendly posi tion toward Poland, and proclaimed Its absolute loyalty to this country. Seattle Aviator Is Killed In Florida Miami. Fla.. Aug. 27. (I. N. S.) Theodore Canfield of Seattle. "Wash, was killed when his airplane dived into Blscayne bay . late yesterday. The ma chine fell about 700 feet. No Scripture to Support of the victims of this persecution given by historians is fifty million, some esti mating It as high as 250.000.000. And such scenes as the persecutions of the Huguenots, and the Spanish Inquisition are boasted of by this power, as may be seen in the statement which I shall now quote: The church has persecuted. Only a tyro In church history will deny that. . . We have always defended the persecution of the Huguenots, and the Spanish Inquisition . . . when she thinks it good to use physical force, she win use It.' Taken from the Western wchman (Roman Catholic). Dec. 24, "That this power Is the one of whom the prophet Daniel speaks 'that he shall think himself able to change times snd laws' (Douay version) la evident from the law of God as changed by the pap acy. This change may be seen in any of the authorized Catholic cathechisma. The second commandment as given in God's word has been entirely eliminated by the papacy. The greater part of the fourth commandment has also shared the same fate, and Is numbered three In stead of four. The tenth commandment of God Is divided by the papacy in order to make up the number of ten. . 'The Catholic church acknowledges she has done the very thing w ith which she is charged changed Gods law, and God's time. Dan. 7:26. I quote the fol--' lowing from the doctrinsl cathechlsm. page 174 : 'Ques. Have you any otJier way of proving that the church has power to Institute festivals of precept? Ans. Had she not such power, she could not have done that In which all modern religionists agree with her , .. . she could not have substituted the observ ance of Sunday, he first day of the week, for the observance of the Sabbath, the seventh day. a change for which there is no scriptural authority.' "In 'Abridgement of Christian Doc- ' trine.' page 58. we read : How prove you that the church has the power to command feasts and holy days? Ans By the very act of changing the Sabbath into flunHav unA k..r- . i . ' uiciciuia ui7 lonajy contradict themselves by keeping Sunday witujr. ana nreaKing most other feasts commanded by the same church. Ques. How prove you that? Ans. Because by keeping Sunday they acknowledge the cherch's power to ordain feasts, and to command them under sin.' "In a book, 'Plain Talk About the Prot estantism of Today,' on page 213. la this statement: 'It Is worth while to remem ber that this observance of the Sabbath. In which, after ail, the only Protestant worship consists, not only has no foun dation In the Bible, but is in flagrant con tradiction to Its letter, which commands rest on the Sabbath, which Is Saturday. It was the Catholic Church, which, by the authority of Jeaus Christ, has trans ferred this rest to Sunday in remem brance of the resurrection of our Lord. Thus the observance of Sunday by the Protestants is sn homage they pay. In spte of themselves, to the authority of the church.' "By these statements from well-recognized Catholic authorities we have the confession of that power which the Bible prophesied would strive to change the times and laws of Ood. It is self-evident that Protestants agree with these quota tions Inasmuch as we have found from the statements of leaders In Protestant Ism from which we have already quoted, that there Is no Bible authority for the change, and that In their practice of Sun day keeping, without Bible authority or the example of Christ, they leave these challenges of the papacy unanswered. The noted church historian. Dr. Prynn, In his dissertation on "The Lord's Day." psge 1(3. locates the first commsnd of the church regarding Sunday-keeping as coming from 'the papal church,". In the following words: The seventh day . . was solemnised by Christ, the apostles and primitive Christians till the Laodi cean council did in a manner quite abol ish the observance of It- The council of Lsodicea (t4 A. D.) rirst settled the observance of the Lord's Dsy and pro hibited . . . the keeping of the Jew- isn baooatn unaer an anathema.' "The change from Sabbath-keeping te Sunday-keeping - as not made suddenly, but was s gradual process, which took because of the letting down of the . bars of truth by the esrly church allow Ing the superstitions snd practices of paganism to enter. For many years the church kept both days, the one as the Sabbath, the other as a festival day of the sun, and Constantlne the Great, in . the year 821. A. D.. commanded the ob servance of Sunday, which he called the venerable day of the sun and not the Lord's Day, under penalty of imprison ment and confiscation of goods." But It wss not until nearly four centuries of the Christian era had passed that Sunday-keeping became an article of faith in the church. In the year 344 A. D. the papal church passed this act. as we have found in the Council of Laodicea. ' "Is It not high tune that Protestantism retraced her steps, and ceased following In the footsteps of her life-long enemy In keeping this day established by the papal church? Shall we not as true fol lowers of Jesus Christ keep the Sabbath - He kept, and walk In the doctrines given by her founders, the apostles and by tha word of God?" The subject for the lecture this evening will be "Armageddon Is this the last war, or will another follow?" Meetings will continue each evening. Free literature on the subjects that are being presented can be secured by com municating with Evangelist L. K. Dick son, 818 East Forty-sixth street, or tale phone Tabor 2264. .