' I ' I 1- 24 THE OREGON! SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,- SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25,i 1918 ! II .1 JMEAL ESTATE ACREAGE 7 jFTclSWoATABLE- 4 room bungalow, 2 acre of good soil, nice grden, 3 block from the Huber U. : price $1300; easy term. A itrtctly modern little borne, thingled bunga low. 4 rooms, bath and toilet, hot and cold wter, tin sleeping poreo, . ois -- new grag.e woodshed, nice orchard btartng. 2 A cre cult. 14 acr! in nice grove. wl(h ( plent of firewood for 2 yean. Price tor ail, $2760. Terms $' acre, all in cult., 3 room house, chicken nous and barn, fine noil, rlty water and gas reliable, near H. B. U. Price 1600. Term. 1 'i acre, 4 room house, outbuildings, nice orchard and garden, black noil. Price $1050. Term. . . I hare a moit complete lut of acreage and mill farm, In the richest district of Oregon, from which you can choose a home close In to fort land B. I.. TUCKER, Hoi 425, Bcavarton, Or. CHEAP ACREAGE S acres, 1250; $10 down,-$5 per month buy 5 acres of land hrtween Portland and Centralja. the nuiin line of 3 railroads. J H mile from a town of S00 population: saw mills and shingle mlll: aom" partly cicn-u eoroa Hesred. running stream; some bottom and tome bench; can gWe you any kind of Vlace you want UK I, REAL K8TATE CO . 318 Hallway ExrhangRldg. " a reag'k' snaps JO acres oil the oi imbia river highway, all in ruiMrati.m. family orchard, running water, mall home and barn, good oil. Only $-100. leood term 10 acre, all in cultlTation, mall orchard. 1 acre of II A cherries, 4 room house, barn, rhuken hon-.e. rf . near Halem. on county road. 1'rtce $2000 'J00 i-a-h. hi I. to suit. 2 res, highly lmiirov.-.i. on C line, right a -fat-on. All kindi of fruit, berries, etc. $3000 Terms II. M ;atkwioi A CO. llU'i 4th t O ix AT RRFSHAM 0-2 1 V 1 ' . . 1 v-r PRICE ONLY $1700 Splendid soil, unexcelled view of Ml. Hood, perfect road ,11 the nay. 4 acres. 7 aor.M cleared. Rearing fruit all kind". Price. $1700. Hargrove Realty to. 122 North 0th at Broed- way4 3jil. 20 ACRES, all improved". 8 unil- from city, fine bldgs . storked end equipped, good roads, no rock or grarel. Term-. 40 acres. 15 cultivated, small orchard and berries. new. U room lion e. water piped, all eyuiiax'd. stock and tools. $50 per acre. 2 miles 4rom good town. Terms. ,K. MOI1SK. 315 Cham, of Com ONE ACRE 6c FARE ..PRICE ONLY $850 Full arre of iroiind fare fenced. 3 small o.i. . ii no i,i, , r... Pn,- ,,nlv $H50 Ilargroie liealty Co 122 North 6th st Itroadwar 43X1. CHICKEN RANCH 80 arrs not fsr from Amity. Yamhill Co.. house bsrn. about 20 a in culti ; part fenced, some t.n.ber. rlo-e to school. .11 good land. 15 a. bn in wheat this year; $2750. $300 dosrn. $1110 per year. 6 percent. Sea- Wood Realty Co. 24 Stark st. Oak"Grdve Acre $1250 14 BO tash. balance on terms to suit; house, barn, chicken coop, well; buildings could not be duplicated today, for $'150. Owner -Hall. 512 Panama hldgj 'FOR SaT.K"'!)-! iVrir-hi-2T2T3 bouth. 1 west; part bearerdam, all fine black soil; new 4 room ho.,e. barn, spring, creek, all year water power. Csn irrigate. Small cah down, balance easy. Must go at great sacrifice. Own er. 8nt Vancouver Portland fi ACRES fronting" Willamette" river. 25 miles from Portland, via Pacific highway; 10 acres under cultivation, bal goofl oak. including one third onion lund. spring and log house. Will all four acre river frontage for summer home. Phone Tabor 8551, or addresse N-687. Journal. 1 eOCREfT 'c7Tgood rTanrlrn Washington Co. , 40 to CO seres tillable, timber assessed by Co. as 1,000,000, crock and county road on land 8H miles from town and R. R ; $10 per acre buys it; worth dotiMe. I It WOLFF. 018 C. of C. bldg. FOR KALE A boutT acres on E. 80th ami Taylor sts. and 4 0 acres unimproved land in Tillamook Co., or will trad- for a .place from 25 up to 40 acros'ln Washington Co. within 10 or 12 ml!" of Portland. Cha. F. Wlckland. Ryron hotel, city. TK1ARD BARGAIN 1 Only $1600 (" B seres, fine sandy loem. fenced, on country fbsd; i-mall house; very sightly; only $1600 on terms. Call 60 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark, li t ACRE home, L'." mumi"-. lie Fare, near paved road; house, barn, fruit and berries; 4 acres in crop; 2 it acres' potatoes; this is a good huv; $3150;, t-rms. 1011 Yeon bldg. Main 54M1. Ea-t 4 734 85 AOtEsT-32 acres in high state of cultiva tion; couiplete set of buildings, fruit and ber ries; 1 mile from electric line and town; forced ale; $125 rer acre T. B. Madison, 210 7th t , Oregon City. 10 ACRES good East 4 33. land for houser. TittT cash. SIBTKHAN HOMES 79 MUST sell this week. Am leaving state. 5 acre home on Orenon Electric. On this place Is a 4 room bungalow with latge fire place, also gas; house In ceiled throughout. A 2 0x60 ft chicken house and yard, brooder house and- small barn, all in A I condition. There are about 3 acres cleared. xi acre in spuds, 1 acre in clover and garden, fruit, ber ries, small creek on'rlace: ulso about 10 cords of wood and some standing timber Am willing to sacrifice for nuick sale 1 want $1,000 cash and you to assume a mortgage of $.H0O to run two years or longer. Look into this and com pare wltth other places. P834. Journal. N ICK 1 IOM EF"'u'8Ai.E A nlre 5 acre trict right in Canby, good 7 Tooro. house, all modern, plenty of water. Nice lawn with shade snd roses. Re.-t in garden and chicken runs, HO nice hens and 50 chicks. Can keep a cow Come out and see this bom and be convinced. All clear of debts. Nothing to assume. Will sell on good termv Just the plae for one that wants to raise ail his living. Owner too old to care for it Address YX-836 Journal. No agents. Everything goes with the ' place. $61100. NOW LIS'I EN TO THIS Two acres of land n a paved street all the way from I'ortland between Courtney station and Oak Grove. There ts a small house on the place, a good horn and other buildings; an assortment of fruits Sn bearing Most any person will place the ralue of this place st $6000. If you come quick you can buy It for $3200 We will ire you good terms of payment, but you will Lave to hurry? M J. CIQHF.SSY. 415 Abington bldgJ fHKRF. is that acre and a half "on-a paved street all the way from Portlaud. with more fruit and more varieties in full, bearing than anybody has. There is a 6 room house, gas, electric light, bath, and all other modern con veniences. There is an up-to-date chicken house, large enough for 500 chickens. Any person wonld consider this place cheap at $5000. If you want it you can buy it for (3500. About $800 cash Is all the money you have to have. M. J. CLOHE8ST. 415 Arington bldg. FOR SALE ,1 2H acres land, modern 7 room house of oubl walled, double floored, plastered, full basement, cement walls, hot and cold water In heuse. wash trays in basement, gas in bouse, wired for electricity, toilet and bath, septic tank, Bnll Run water. 35 toot well, most elegant view ol iualatin valley, 16x50 modern chicken house 14x24 brooder house nearly completed. Located Hewitt Mvd.. 1 V. mile from Council Crest. $3800, terms. Further information telephone owner. Marshall 5915. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAINS 5 rooms, plastered, and acra. $1125 3 rooms, plastered, bath, lights. $1000. 2 rooms, water, lights. V4 acre. $4 50. 4 rooms, fireplace, view, acre, $1S00. 3 rooms, lights, plumbing, acre. $800 Thee are all close to Portland and electric tatlon. rery convenient for shipyard workers, and win appeal to any lover of nature. Call at 500 Concord bldg . 2d and Stark. BAY. do you want 10 acres of the finest land in Oregon? With a 6 room house, close in, on the Capitol highway, near Multnomah sta tion. If you ever had it in your mind to buy a suburban home rroperly situated now is your chance. If you have city property with true value of $6000 in the line of a nice residence come In and we will exchang with you and make you independent. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington bldg. DO Y0"U want this bungalow. neaTbT'CalJitol highway, with 1 acre. All in cultiration and fruit coming into full bearing. Now this is a modern bungalow. Basement full of fuel. There ia a garage on this place and a bam. The house alone cannot be placed there for tb price asked. Take the whole thing for . $4500. A to terms come in and ee us. M. J. CLOHESSY. 4 1 5 Abington bldg. 'OREGON CITY carfine. iOOxl32 blocks to car; good hone. 4 rooms first floor, upstairs fiot finished. Would make 2 rooms and sleep ing porch. Price $2000; pert terms. Gibson, 266 Stark st. Phone Marshall 12. COUNTRY home, with modern conveniences, plenty of fruit and flowers; cheap for cash. For photo and further de-cription address owner. A. B. Kidder Sheridan. Or. FOR BALE by owner, lightly 15 acre tract, 10 , acres in cultiration, 6 room, bouse with sleep ing porch; Bull Run water nd Igas; family orchard. Call Main 9330. . , I 1-10 acre at Garden Home 6 room hciise, fruit, $1600: terms. 1 " '5, 1 H.' ttMfaFE. 61$ -C. of C. bid. ; REAL ESTATE- BLBUR3AN HOMES 21- COUNTRY home of 18 acre, with city con Teniencea, 6 rooms, modern bungalow. Ball Bun water, electric light, gai, pared atreeta to placer large atream of water paaaea through the plane. Some lerel bottom lands, tome hill land. Extra 4 room houae for tenant, and large barn, Horse, cows and implements all go for $22,000. Thla la a beautiful country home for" someone. . H IJAMMEIER. 24 R Stark St THINK of it. only $4000 for more than 7 acre of land, only 30 minute' ride from the heart of the budnesa center of the city. FiTe acre of this beautiful suburban home in cultiration, and orchard. A swell house of 8 rooms, chicken hou, a good barn and other buildings neces sary. With this place goea two acres in pota toes, of which yield will be immense, as well as a big patch of good corn and the orchard containing pears and apples of an abundant quantity. Now this place is located right at the station with good car service. No better land to be found. Now as to the house, it has a graTlty water system of the purest water; it is electric liehted: f reDlace. with all other modern ronrer.fences. All you have to hare to buy this place is $1000 in cash: the balance can be satisfactorily arranged. No such bar gain as this has been offered In the way of an up to-date suhurban home. A family can make an independent liring in this place as well as money besides. This cannot last long. Come running if you want this as the owner is practically giving it away. The buildings alone are worth the money. M J. CIOHESST. 415 Abington bldg. I CAN sell you 1 acre at Oak Grove for $1050. This acre is right, on the carline. has a 2 room house with assorted fruits; all fenced with good substantial fence; two blocks from the sta tion. I ran sell - you another acre with a 5- room house, with a paved street leading from the city to the property. This you can buy for $1850. Only 4 blks from the car. I can "H you another acre of nver front for naif i the rrice rou can bur rirer frontace anywhere around it $1000 is the price. I hare 7 house with anywhere from to H acre of lRncl which goes with each from $1400 to $1800 I hare up-to-date bouses with 2 acres ' l"d e.ch ,rom ,4500 to $55j J' ' . tjrk 4j Ore-m Ity . rllne and close to tl M J t iX)HF.SSY. 415 Ablngt 500 All of rnre on the I ,u AQtngton cmg. REAI'TIFl'L suburban home. 5 acres, all in nign stste of cultiration: about 1 acre set to fruit. Bull Rnn wster. 7 room modern house. I bsrn. Call at residence of owner, 04th and Inviion ts. Box 38. R. 1. Tabor 3341. STJBCRBATf ACREAGE 7 LITTLE FARMS 6 CENT FARE $300 cash. $15 payments. Buy one of our little Improved farms, not far from Alberta car and school, work at your trade and raise your lining besides. These have city water the city, good road all the way, and we Con and are sightly, best of soil, no gravel or city aider it a moderate statement when wsj , say assessments. Unimproved- places. $10 down end $10 per month. 20 minutes from 3d snd Washington. Why pay more 8 or 8 miles out. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 -. FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 seres, will mske a fine dairy or stock ranch. 0 miles from coast in Northern Lincoln county, family orchard and other Improvements. , ...rrs . io.v, , ''. .", timber, balance alder bottom land; will sell for cash or terms or will trade a good launch or accept good light car as part payment. P. O. box 1127. Portland. Or. BIG WHEAT FARM 3040 acses In Eastern Washington, practi cally all in cultiration, 1500 acres summer fal low; good buildings, deep well and good pump ing plant; land lies well- all necessary equip ment including 25 mules, 2 combines, new Caterpillar. Price, including ererything. $35 per acre; reasonanie terms. L,ueauemsnn io., 013 Chamber of Commerce. 450 ACRES FOR $9000. 160 acres being cultivated; 35 acre more could be cultivated: 35 acres now in summer fallow; balance " pasture: running water on the place: all fenced: no buildings; about 30 acres ot fair timber This woold make a a-ood stork ranch. Must be taken at once: $4500 cuh. balance on terms to suit purchaser; no trades. Tbeo. Bnskuhl. Friend. Oregon. 1n cr e,n Oreron FfVc'tric n. ia ii to pLunT JL2 IXZ, JZ t , ?o mUe5 LemSne Wv.rH. ,n"m? i' 1 , Ioir.Ir'r:'w.?,vU?nd" & i'T"; 7-..;.. . ' u ..i-l " T" - ' Thi. i. .n tA.,l " M ono , , rks, telephone, electric lights, water piped to This is sn up-to-dst farm M-92JLJournaL outhouse. and yard. Prune dryer, barn, gran YAMIIILL CO. wheat farm. 104 1-3 acres; 70 ary, potato cellar add chicken house. A very cm in i-uiufiuoo, oaianre pasture; xeie- I phone and daily mall ; z s4 miles to town, rail- road and big grain elevator: $06 per acre, cash, .or will take small place near Portlsnd for part. R L Hickman. Yamhill. Oregon, K F. IV 2. FINE 70 acre farm in hiah state of cultivation 60 acres in prunes, pears, Rimr and Lambert cherries, and Winter Banana apples. Good im provements, near Willamette ValHey railroad town, Owner non-resident, will sacrifice. Might trade for Portland property or merchandise. E 017. Journal. 10 A. improved farm near Pc. highway. nt far from Oregon City, close to school. R. F. ! TV. Cream route, good little house .and barn. 9 a. cultivated: for quick sale $2000.. Improve- alon" 7rt j0"1 1000- K- Moore. 3 1 7 Bosrd of Trade. ji ai nts, nearly an in nay, a cows, a young stock. 1 horse, implements, feed, eeparator. good orchard, close to school and P. O. Lots of outside ranee, 'air buildings near Rainier. All for $32."0. Ka-y terms. H. R. Brown, owner. Woodhnrn. Or. HAVE 80 acre fsrm, 55 min. ride from Port land, on main line to Seattle. 1H mile from oiumnia river town, worth $100 per acre must raise $2000 by Sept. 1. so will sacrifice for quick sale for 50 per acre. Act quick. See or can owner, sun t,. iiutft st.. S., B-1S2S. THE BIGGEST RANCH BARGAIN In Orei: n. 500 acres, near Oregon City, all fenced. 7S in cultivation, all kinds of build ings, orchard, abundance of water and only $27 50 per acre. Good terms, would accept some ciear income property as part payment. 803 Spelling bldg. DAIRY farm for sale at a bargain br owner; Columbia river bottom, containing 400 acres 70 cow ,onn? "tock- riorses: fully equipped with good machinery. 2 silos, income $1200 per momn. .ssrire 11 interested. i . u;. JJeljong, rt. so. a. pox ia. s anconver. svasn. SACRIFICE 121 acrea. 150 clear, fine bldg.. 5 rn Glen- dale, southern Or. 80 acres. 65 clear, good soil. inn acres. 110 clear fixed for irrigation, 10 mi. anconver. -'art H Yamhill St.. Room 7. 181 ACRES Morrow county, all tillable; 30 acres summer fallow; small house: fully eouippea reany 10 rnn: price ruo. might con sider trade at equal value. Write W. E. Dodge, j Lexington, Or. 20 ACHES, close to Oregon City and electric line. 15 acres under cultivation, bal timhov brush, small houe. large barn, live stream, cood roed. Price $5000. Terms if desired. H. r. itonam. .iijs4 Union ave.. 6-7 p. m. 160 ACRES. Lincoln Co.. partly imp., stock or dairy: 94 acres Benton Co.. 60 acres tlmbev bal. partly imp.. $15 per acre. Address 533 Yamhill st.. Portland. Or. 12 H ACRES under cultivation, 12 miles from Portland on Pacific highway. Small orchard. 1 room Dunqaiow, naruwood floors, electricity, good barn. Further information call Eat 3290. CO-ACRE farm for sale, 25 miles from Port land, in rallev on main mrl l.;v.t- 1 proved ; dandy soil. Even-thing new Price $4000. Term. Peters, 15 N 6th it 7f iz-pra rnn -i 7; z '- - ""i. 0 . ' "r svranw rass. s.ooa ouiiaings some inut. grain and pasture land. 77.1:, u " t "V. P'tire bar- .. .... ., ,. I... .iiri'ny, rr. sdourj 14 At KKS. 4 miles wet of Linnton; nnm nniima . i i i , , . some stock and crops; if a secrifice, w , ,1. kuui Dunn nn Ruth- neiu. dim Kenton bldg. Brdw, 637. ENGLISH WALNTTT RANCH A nice 20 acre F.naiih walnut, ranch oraring, ior sale at nuc on the dollar ot original cost. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 40 ACRES. $800 Unimproved, tl fare Pnrllsnit ... ... lanue t oie. auo lienry bldg. WANTF.n n.rtncr o i . u ' , . VJ- ' r-;:!'". eipenencea isrmer preierrea; some capital required. 8- 864 Journal v requireo. B .TTf f t.,.;iy-. . r .V.-5 . j uuis o acres prunes, Wolfst.in 111 iciT " vr- i-.w r--..- .11 arra, Prune and dairy farm, ,. u. Cultivation and good land. 2 miles from Yamhill. Write ownr. Box 104. Yamhill. Or. .0 AtBtS, about 12 acres in cultivation h.l a nee in pasture. $60 per acre. $100 down time on balance. See Draper, 401 Bd. of Trade. 160 A. wlieat land. 4 mi. from Jordan, Mor- 'w 1- Pr acre. Address 3725 68th at. 4. K-. day. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE -FAK3IS 17 160 ACRES, IS in caltlration. part bearerdam soil, 80 tillable, 40 heary timber, fine creek, spring, water piped to 8 room house, etc, orchard. Thia place is in the foot hills f Washington county with (Teat outrange. Just the place to raise ' stock, sheep and goats, or keep bees. ,9 miles from Forest Urove. Cream route. Price-$8200. Terms. 58 acres on the Molslla rirer. Good fishing, boating, 30 in cultiration, fair buildings, beau tiful grores of fir and maples. Just the place for a country home. 20 mlies from I'ortland. pared highway, 1 mile to high school, $5000 take, the place. Terms. 205 acres, 64 in cultiration, 40 pasture, bal ance heary fir and cedar, creek, spring, water piped to modern 12 room bungalow, furnace, numerous buildings. 15 bead cattle, 35 sheep. 50 hogs, 3 horses. This beautiful ranch is 20 from I'ortland out' 8.2d street highway. $100 per acre, half cash. 11 acres, fruit and poultry farm. 6 room house, bath, fruit room, barn, cement egg room, poultry houses for 700 hens, brooder house, incubator house, feed room. 2700 egg incubators, water piped to all buildings, 450 bens, 200 young birds. Stock and imple ments. $4000. Half cash. This plsce is near Oregon City; cream route. A good ranch, $8000. Terms. m O. E. FRETTAG, Gladstone, Or. , Phone 269J. Oregon City. GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED $12,000 fsrm for $8000. 110 acres, all fine lerel land, with 80 acres in cultivation, good family orchard, good 10 room bou-, rery fine large barn with three tracks, silos, stone dairy house, machine sheds, bog and chicken bouses and other outbuildings, all nec essary tools and machinery. This place is only 42 miles from Portland on fine auto road. 3 miles from good town and Columbia rirer. This place must be sold at once, therefore the sac rifice price of $8000. Can make good terms. See this at once. 20 acres, all fine soil, all lerel. about 15 acres cleared, good house, barn, well, orchard and outbuildings. Located only 6 miles from Vancouver on good road, near school and elec tric line. Price $3500. Good terms. 93 acres, most all tillable, 16 acres seeded to meadow, 50 acres in cultivation, fenced and cross lenoeo. line spring ana spring civn tarougu place. lanuiy orcnara oi assonea iruiis fair 6 room house, large barn and all neces sary outbuildings, full set of machinery. 4 mile to school, 5 miles from Columbia rirer town. Very best of soil. All rural advantages, on good auto road Price $6500. cash, bal. to suit. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON, 8d and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. YAMHILL COTTNTY FARMS FOR SALE 183 acres 3 miles from good town, good land, lies well, 100 acres in cultivation, good build ings, 20 cows, some other stock, H this year'a crop; $14,640; $7000 cash, balance your own time at 6 interest. 300 acres, 160 cultivated, balance good pas ture and timber, good buildings, finest watered place you ever saw; good fencing; well located $50 per acre, $5000 cash, long time st 6 on balance. 23 H acres 2 V, miles from McMinnville, H in cultiration. lair Dunaings, good, orcnara, soiuu; good terms. 117 acres; one of the finest farms in the county. 5 .miles from McMinnville. 100 cultivat- "lnce guou pasture ami umutr, on u" road; good buildings, fine young orchard; if you wni Bomeining goou see iuib; tiuu pw 1 scib. -L9'" acres on gooa roaa. gooa xarm ouuuings. a real gooa lann; o neaa 01 gooa aorses, uainesa ,,. i.nd 11., weIi; BOod loiI; 5 miles from McMinnrille; $25,000; easy terms; will rent you thia farm if we can sell rou the stock and lniDle ments. We hare lots of other good bargains; tell us west you want. McMinnville land co., McMinnrille. Or. . 95 ACRES, 10 MILES OUT l Do you want the best farm buy near Port- land? This splendid piece of land is east of mere is not a Deuer larm in tnia section. 1 nere are 95 acres. 80 acres in cultivation, balance old growtn Iir. a pertect laying tract; not a ;toot of waste land, not a rock nor a stone; nice living spring. Gooa 9 room house, hot ana cola water, bath, etc. Large barn ana :out- puuaings. urenara. ims spienaia property is off.rert for 1flO. r,., .cr. S'.sv t.rm He- memher. it is located inst 10 miles from I the rjtv limits of Portland anil that there is notion better m thu gection even for twice the price. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th St., Broadway 4 3 81 FOR SALE 40 ACRES 8 acres in cultivation. 4 more readv for clow. 8 acres slashed, all good land, small house, barn, school near bouse. Price $1600. $800 cash, bal ance 3 years 6 per cent. 40 ACRES 20 in cultivation, all good land, some timber and pasture, well, 2 springs, 4 room house, bsrn 38 by 40.- granary, chicken house, 3 cows. belter, 90 chickens, wagon, bucav. clow, har- row, disc cultivator, small tools, 2 acres spuds, acre corn. 4 tons hsy. 200 bushels oats. $3500; cab, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. 50 ACRES 25 in cultivation, house, bsrn. outbuildings. orchard. 2 wells, good crops, 2 horses, 3 cows. 2 ""Tx -1 8 Pi. good machinery. Price $4500; ntn Wriwr?!., rr v.ia !h ... Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE By owner, 20.08 acres. 1 mile north 01 cnb7- r- All but one acre under cultivation. Sandy loam soil, excellent for poU- '? "4 . 2 .tor, 8 room house, pj.tr, ana Datn room, concrete cellar, modern water- aesiraoie Dome. Also 8 acres Italian prune orchard, lo cated IV miles north of Canby. Schoolhouse close by. Very suitable foT a chicken ranch and a home, bringing a good income. (or par- ticulars address JOHN 8AMLELSON, R. No. Canby, Or. 32 ACRES AT HILLSBORO In one of the prettiest and most productive parts of "Washington county; on good rock road, 2 H " miles cut of Hillsboro; 32 Vs acres, hi in rii)tiitnn ha 1t rtr " irk timrtar tarlt Vi T t w irs cr w a ter; ' good 'house, new barn, double constructed v, -t,;v ,.,.. j . hrin nrrhiH Person. 1- S r.lll. I ' knr..' harries, wagon, disc. hack. 'plow, harrows, wood .- 60 chickens, milk csns. new scales. 10 tons hay. Price only $5500. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 N. 6th St.. Broadway 4381. FOR SALE or will trade for clear, improved farm on the western slope, one of the best located stock ranches in Central Oregon, 400 acres of deeded land, 820 adjoining subject to stock grazing entry. Soil, deep volcanic a.-b All subject to cultivation. 200 acres under culti vation. 100 acres more cleared and set to heavy growth of native grass. 80 acres of timber, rest small sagebrush. AU fenced and cross fenced with 3 heavy wires. Good well and windmill. 2 miles to church, school house and postoffiee. Right against 1.000,000 acres of government range. Price $6000. 269 Market st.. Portland AUCTION SALE OF FARM And personal property, Sept. 7th. 1 p. m., 4 miles south of Hillsboro. on good county road. 44 M acre good plow land. 15 acres cleared; good house, barn, outbuildings, fkmily orchard and horse, cows, chickens, farm implements, household goods easy terms on farm. J. W. Hughes, auctioneer. A. E. Van Eman. owner. DO YOU WANT TO SfLL YOUR FARM? We are selling a number of farms of 40 to 100 acre. We can aell your, provided it is well located and in good shape. Price doesn't matter so long as the ralue is there. Send full particular, location and price to us at lohce. I Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th St. FOR SALE: The best bargain in the Willam ette ralley. 1032 acres, including 100 acres of apples. Spy and Kings. 5-year-olds. Over 10,000,000 ft. of good saw timber; 300 acres of tillable land : good buildings ; 1 5 miles from Albany, 4 miles from Lebanon. This place in- eluding about $8000 worth of stock, tools and I equipment, for $65 per acre. H cash. This is a bargain but must be sold at once. Inquire of J. A. Howard. 325 W. 1st t, Albny. Or. , $28,000 RANCH FOR $14,000 160 acres 10 miles from Vancouver on main stage road, 80 acres in cultiration, large barn and house, good granary, brick smoke house and ,her buildings, land all lereL This place sold ,or 28-00 8 year ago; owner hare sereral other ranches and sons hare gone to front. They hare instructed us to offer bis magnificent prop- ert, t one half price. Photo at-office of Fred w. German. 732 Cham, of Com lo.room house, cas. lots of fine water. Close ... in T.ii9nrl fina roads, on section lin ' road. corrier cf Barker road, between Powell Valle, and Base Line roads: Urge Darn, garage and coops. Will sell 12 acres, or whole farm. This c hrin Would take small cottage in good location as part payment. ruoco oao 1 isoor. R. A. Box 593. ' rn T.v. OR TRADE For city bungalow. 1 I .u 4n ..ltivalion cloe to eood Taller town, fine schools, pared west aide nignway, 23 milxa from Portland, prune, apples, grapes. -r- . ---,j wh. .11 In I r'"' l,UItl . , : 2 ' , '" h.rin stock' and implements, good 6 room house, barn and chicken housee city running 1 ater. an ideal home. 1 nee ngnt ior quick , le. owner, u-s... jm.t..... GJ-ARKE COUNTY. WASH.. $3750 40 . in cult, new Broom house, barn 40x sn chicken bouse, woodshed. 1 H miles from Amboy in that wondrou-ly fertile Chelatchie nrairie. Thia is an ideal farm home. ' Fred W German Co.. 7S2 Cham, of Com. SEAR ORENCO-i2 acres, aU cultivated; old 1 family orchard, 3 acre loganberries; rich soil. 7 room house, large Darn: , . 1 LOVE A GARDNER. 410 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS If ALL THESE AT SACRIFICE FRIQES i 15 acres, 12 miles from Vancouver! on gravelled road, 2 -room house. 4 acres fenced, some clearing and 300 fence posts. $1000. I s 80 acres, fair buildings and building material for a new house and barn' on the place, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, implements, tools, fruit and berries. Only $300; terms. ; 83 acres, 18 miles from Portland, 1 H miles from electric station on good road. Good buildings, stocked and equipped. $3500; terms. :- . 320 acres, 10 miles from Madras, 50r., 2 small houses, barn, shade trees, 2 Wells, 2 springs, all fenced, on county road and eettled community. For quick sale only $10 per acre; terms. j 160 acres, 10 miles from Madras, Or., 40 acres under cultivation, well fenced and on good road. $10 per acre; terms. 1 0 acres, 1 M miles from Oregon City, on hard surfaced road, all in culti vation, lies perfect, no rock, gravel or stumps. Price $2000. I If wanting farm, ranch or acreage.: it is to your advantage to call on us before buying elsewhere. We have them of every kind, description and size. E. A. LINDGKEN. Savon Land Co., 985 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE A fine Willamette farm.; Thone East 4 844. 633 E. 13th st. N. FOR REST-FARMS - 11 85 ACRES $450 YEAR s PARTLY EQUIPPED 25 m. Portland on rock road: 65 cleared, bal. pasture; spring water piped to bldgs.; large bank barn; all kinds fruit; immediate possession. Will selLstock, feed, crop and equipment, $850. Ta bor 3908 evenings or Apt. 27. Sunnyslde Apt. 165 ACRES. 6 mile from McMinnrille. 65 cleared, 60 open pasture, balance, timber. Good house and barn, hot snd cold water, all farm machinery, separator and furniture. Renter to buy 3 mares. 11 milch cows and hay. Cash rent. $350. See owner, G. W. Buehhblz. 893 E. Ererett st. FOR RENT 11 acres, all in cultivation: 6 rocm house, new barn, chicken house, assorted fruit trees. mile from station; land all level and in high state of cultivation: $150 per year will: rent for 2 years or more. 203 Washington bldg. 30 ACRES. 12 in cultivation, fair .6 doom houe. big barn, on river, hard surface road, 8 miles to Portland. Oregon City carline. Con cord station. Hent. $10 per month Stock and feed for sale. $1000 will handle. W. T. Shep herd. R. 1. Milwaukie. Or. WANT to rent 40 acres of unimproved land on East 8 2d 6t.. adjoining city limits of Portland. Owner will pay some cash (or im proving place and caring for some stock to be put on place. Will build small bouse and barn for tenant. G. IL DAMMEIER. 248 ffltark st. FOR RENT lOOOTacres river bottom, land, or any portion thereof, for one or more years. Terms cash. We would prefer renters who wish to grow regetables, as we now hare 'vegetable drying plant located on ranch. Address E. Clem ens Horst Co., Independence, Ore. FARif. on edge of Independence, Or., 41 seres, all in cultivation, new house and big barn. Call at 234 E. 70th st.. N., Montavilla. after 6 o'clock. Owner. i 150 ACRES, all under cultivation, near Yam hill. For particulars call Blanchard .A Clem son. 702-3 Selling bldg. . i FOR RENT 52 acres. 15 cleared, neir station electric line. 54 th st. S. E. Orchard and buildings. 4103 I HAVE for rent or sale improved, acreage on S. P. and Oregon Electric lines. Call 183 1st st RENT free for taking care of 10 -acre orchard with improvements, near Sandy, Or. f Address Mr. n , dox aw, Maxwell Hall, J07 .14tb st. FOR RENT 2S0 acre farm, Johnson, 411 Raleigh bldg. 30 miles out. FARMS WANTED RF.5T OR feUT 39 WANTED Small improved acreage with wood, near carline. Have $590 cash and 6 room bouse, lot 135x200; lots of fruit, at Hillsboro. Phone Wdln. 64 50 or write Mrs. Ream. 578 Emerson St.. Portland, Or. 1 WANTED to rent, by experienced farmer, with or without stock and implements,; a good ranch, within 40 miles of Portland fand not far from school, must have good buildings and water. H. E. Holmes, 1067 E. 13th st.; N. HOMESTEADS 47 O. A C. HOMESTEADS i Now open for direct filing. I can locat you en a good claim. A former government .cruiser, 301 Worcester bldg., adjoining land offlc. W. H. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS 1 locate you on the best homestead in the state for $100; no charge unless entry secured We classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON & ANDERSON." No. 2 Land Offioe bldg., Worcester blk. Third and Oak Bis. O. & C. HOMESTEADS : You can file direct. We can show you the best claims. Full information. 1 BENDY A McHARDY, i 411 Henry bldg. '. TIMBER 19 10 MILLION fine big spruce, cedar.; fir and hemlock. 1 miles tide water. $15,000. 10 V million feet fine rine. well.' located $10,500. 500 acres Improved D. L. C.'and-640 acres Umber. 15 million feet fir. 33s miles railroad station. $15,000. S. M. Venard, 923 Cliamber Commerce bldg. FOH SALE A sawmill located on R. R . now operating on good ship timber and'1 airplane orders. Capacity, 30.000 ft. per day. Available timber highest Douglas fir. Busines shows a large monthly profit. Prion $12,000. Terms to responsible party. Personal reasons fot selling. Phone Mar. 1999. SAW MILL for sale. 48x16 boiler. 9x13 engine. double saw husk with saws steam feed, Portland Iron Works skrew blocks, three saw edges slab and sawdust conveyer. Cut saws all complete. Price cheap. Inquire of J. C. Callahan, Gas ton. Or. . SAWMILL MAN or lumber man. here ia a snap; will rent my mill $1 per M -- and ad vance money and. sell output on .commission; mill on railroad ; plenty timber; pay aa cut. L-970. Journal. - PILING AND TIES About 40.000 ties and fine piling. 80 acres not ISr from Willamina; fine land: sell on the best "of terms. SEA WOOD REALTT- CO., 248 OLtt ?L. 1 imuri iui rxivr. TWO OR THREE GOOD ONES A 50 nr. a 40 ni.. a 30 m. and 20 -m. mills. all equipped and in operation. All hare timber and donkeys. Good reasons for selling, sick ness, drafts and one scrap. HOUCK, 110 10th. A 60.000 sawmill, with three donkeys and cable and some timber, for sale ,on reasonable terms. Might take some trade or interest in business. 0-739, Journal. WANTED Wood piling or tie timber en atump- age payment, must be close to transporta tion. U-661. Journal. PI! ING AND SHIP KNEES WANTED. O. V. GAMBLE, GERLINGER BLDG. i I WILL buy your ship knees, any size. quantity. Hamlet. Barton. Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 CLO8E-IN INCOME PROPERTY Ground 100 by 100 on one,, and one block from another car line, for a": good farm. Price, $20,000. 320 acres in Jefferson couritji. 10 mile from county seat. Fenced, build ings, 275 acres tillable and plenty of water for a farm of about 40 acres. Price, $4800. I i E. A. LtNDGREN Savon Land Co., 635 N. W. Bank bldg. WANT CALIFORNIA Cottage or acreage, even exchange, jfor Port land home valued at $2700. Also Want Los Angeles or Pasadena heme, even up, for Port land nome valued at n.iico t J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-7 Lewis Sbldg 64 ACRES, 18 under cultiration. house, barn. running water, between Forest Grore and Gaston: trade for city property. Blanche rd A Clemson. 702 Selling bldg. , ROOM house; 75x100; with fruSt trees $1500. Will take Ford car as first payment or sell on easy term. Near Kenton. Phone Woodlawn 502. Address 1585 Peninsular are. LIST your property with us for results on charges of merit. Established 10 year. Th Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park j t, bo- tween Washington and Stark sts. I WANT improved farm. 2(5 acres, near Port land. Exchang $31100 equity 104 acres, SH mile Est cad,. 25 clear, rext 2 minion, feet tim ber; will assume. P-7$9, Journal. J FOR EXCHANGE 3 lots. Price $2500, Port land, west side. dev. Want Venice, Redon do or Los Angeles. 183 V 4th st-, Portland. $25005 acre, clear f debt. Orchards. Wash.: all in prunes, good house ; trade for: Portland bungalow. Cobb. Marshall 4975. 9 $2000 KQUITY in modern bungalow, for im proved farm. Wcfodlawa 12S8, 1 EAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE tl GACNCV.IfltC. 514 Swetland Bldg. ' . 7 room house, 1 2-3 acres of ground, located within limits o( Vancouver. Wash.; close to ship yards; all good garden ground and in garden and fruit; good outbuildings and chicken runs; price $7500; wants small farm in Willamette ralley, city property or merchandise stock. We hare about 50 small farms ranging from 5 to 25 acres, ibout 10 to 80 miles from Port land; these plaices are all good, clear, cultivated ranches, all have buildings, most have crops in and stock and equipment; prices range from $1500 up; can take trade on part of them; if you are interested, come in and look over thi list 35 acres near Goldcndale, Wash.; 25 arre in bearing apricots, balance cultivated land, all fenced, level, with perpetual water rights; price liu.uuu; will: exchsnge for city property and assume if property is right. ' 70 acre farm; 60 in cultivation, food redshot soil, land rich and rery nice, on good highway, just out of Salem; good 7 room house, outbuild ings, barn, good orchard; place is leased but can get possession : any time: all stocked, eouioned and in crop; price $7000; will exchange for stock of merchandise or clear Portland property. Full bearing 10 acre prune orchard near Canby; crop now on the trees worth $1000 and $2000 cash: to trade for a house in Hawthorn district. 20 acres highly iraprored. new buildinrs. 1 mile from pared highway, 20 miles from Port? land; trade for larger place. Beautiful east side home, restricted district, clear. $6000; for improved 40 acre near good schools. 80 acres good brush land, fine creek, adioin- ing small town near Portland; clear; for city property. , Will pay cash for house equity in city PACIFIC AIBEMCY.K 512-13-14-15Swetland Bldg, 174 ACRES 65 in cultivation, balance timber and pasture; good buildings: orchard of all kinds of fruit: 3 good horses. 16 head of cattle, lot of hogs and sheer; all farm implement necessary to run the place; will trade for city property or small acreage: price $10.0f)0. 10U acres, 79 in cultiration; good buildings; near railroad and station; all good land; want small improved place or city property; price $8000. 60 acres of the best land ia Tamhill county; highly improved, good buildings, on gravel road near McMinnrille. Will exchange for city prop- j erty. j 20 acres, all in cultiration, near Hillsboro, only $2500. Terms. I 25 acres, all in cultiration, good buildings and orchard; in Yamhill county, near carline. Will exchange for home in the city. 314 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING. T. SEATTLE HOME Modern 8 -room house, built for a home; 2 acres of ground: most beautifully located, over looking Puget Sound, with WO ft. of water front age. Splendid site for three more houses. Small cottage rents for amount sufficient to pay all taxes. Owner gone to Honolulu ana property for sale at H former price. Ws)B con- aider good wheat land in exchange. Price $18, 000. If interested write , ROBERTSON A EWLNG, 207 N-W Bank Bldg.. Portland, Or. FARMS FOR CITY PROPERTY. 160 acres, stocked, Clackamas county.. $ 4.000 384 acres, stocked. Lane county 24.000 20 acre at Orenco 6.000 f. acrea at Cove Orcharda SWU 20 acrea H mile of Molalla 4.000 600 acre Benton county 24.000 70 acres, atocked. Benton county . . . M.75U 27 acres, stocked, Clackamas county. . 7,000 R. J. McGUIRE, 545 Union ave. N. $100 a month inoome. flat building, close in, west side. Price $14,000. Want improved or unimproved cheap land for stock farm. 240 acre improved farm adjoining a good town in Idaho. Price $24,000. Want city in come property. MORRIS, 431 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acre age, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated value con sidered; hare first class list to select from. George P. Henry, 329 Henry bldg. Refer ences. Portland Realty Board. OFFER house equity of $2000 near East 7th and Broadway for small acreage near Port land. This house hss 6 rooms, furnace, fire place, lot 50x50, with hard surfaced etreet paid up. Mortgage $2200. P. B. Van Nice. 404 Concord bldg. i0S0 ACHE" stock ranch with $300 paid up water right on the best canal in central Oregon, good buildings with thousands of acres free outrange adjoining; win trans ior rort- land income property and assume. 618 Fenton Wdg., Brdwy. 637. Ruthfield. $10 PER ACRE. 160 acre good level and cose to Prinevile; good future for irrigation; partly improved; will trade direct .for tone good land in Josephine or Coo counties. J. O. Reeve, 1816 E. 17th N. WILL TAKE PART TRADE Highly improved farm near Vancouver, Wash., 50 acres all cultivated. 12 acres prunes, good buildings, fine district; stock and equipment in cluded; $9500. Will consider part trade. Lued demann Co., 913 Cham, of Com. ACREAGE WANTED And have in exchange 6 room house with 3 largo lots. Want 10 to 15 acres witli fair build ings, not over 20 miles out Neilan A Park hill. 210 Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark st. TO TRADE A nice 8 acre farm, all in cul tivation; good 6 room house, barn, chicken house., family orchard; 16 miles out Red Elec tric. s$id $1000 cash, for more acreage. Owner, P-833. Journal. SALEor trade .l room house in Vancouver, Wasfi. Rents for $50 month. Trade for Portland or farm property. W. 8. Johnson, Portland. Or. Phone Tabor 6624. Rout A. Box 240. ; FOR SALE on easy terms or trade, 8 acres. close to Seattle, level on railway. 1 miles from town. Will take anything can use on ranch. Valne $400. Owner. C. B. Mann. 247 12th st, Portland. Or. Broadway 6038. FOR SALE or trade. acre with shack, near Multnomah, for equity in small house and lot or acreage. Preferably near Portland. C-21T7. 166 Fargo st. . . ROOM modern house and 4 lot, in fruit and garden, clear; ralue $5000. Will ex change for improved acreage of equal ralue on electric line, near city. R-862. Journal. SIX room, strictly modern, attraetire home, at 42d and Belmont sts.. all clear; svill ex change for smaller house. Psul Wsidt. 1257 Belmont st Tabor 1212. WHAT hare you in or near Portland, on St. Johns to exchange for $800 canity in good 80 acres, irnprored. in Eastern Or., price $1800,"J terms. 165 E. 81st. N. Tabor 159. FIRST-CLASS cash business, ralue $4000. lo cated on one of the best transfer corner on the East side. Will trade for a good farm or residence, well located. U-652. Journal. 7-BOOM. Minneapolis, Minn., home to exchange Tor about same ralue in Portland. J-702. Journal PORTLAND business property and residence to exchange for farm property, west of the Cas cades, to $15,000 ralue. J-70 1 .Journal . 120 ACBE8. near Carlton, clear of incum brances; trade for auto or anything else of ralue. Ruthfield. 518 Fentcn bldg.. Bdwy. 637. I HAVE a party with $1600 cash: wants apart ment house from .$3000 to $6000. Cobb. 400 SwetJand bldg. 1 L WANT to trade my equity in a 120 acre farm in 14ne county ior smaller pace or uuuac in Portland. Will assume. P-760. Journal. 1 ACRE. 6 room bungalow, large orchard: fine view and eoil: Mt. Tabor. Take bungalow to $3000 part pay. Owner Z-650. Journal. BUNGALOW, large, modern, adaptable for two fecnilies. walking distance. $8000 equity; what have youT 284 Oak. 40 ACRES of fine land, all tillable, more than V4 in eultiration, on Co. road: trade for clear city res.. $3000. J R. Wolff. 618 C. of C. bldg. FIVE acres bearing orchard, nice little place. near N. Yamhill, clear, for house and lot. Will assume. 932 Chamber of Commerce. 30 ACRES clear of incumbrance for city lots or piano. MORRIS. 431 Chamber of Commerce. 32 i. ACRES unimproved SI fare Portland ; ear of incumbrsnce; exchange for a house and Vt. 800 Henry bldg. 320 ACRES farm land. 8. W. North Dakota. $25 acre, for city property or ranch. J. Lents. Redfield. B P. A SEVEN room house, with one or more lots. all kinds ot fruit, to exchange for a smaller house. Sellwood 2648. MONTANA wliet farms for Oregon property. N. M. Apple Ind Co.. iwwnn, sinni. EQUITY in 8 room modern house, in Woodlawn, for good lot, goi. s:no. I HAVE improved rrege to trad for 5 or 6 room house: Ctll 188 1st t. FOH SfCHAXGE Real estate for good car. 775 Union ave. CHICAGO property wanted in exchange for gprtland. N-688. Journal UN KIN ave! corner; trade equity lot vacant lota, j Kennedy A Miller, 829 Salmon. GOOD bouse equity to trade for lot. Cobb, 409 Swetland bldg. rhone Marshall 4975. EXCHANGE 10 to 40 acre. A-l prune land, onimoroTed. What bar you. M-913, Journal. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR SALE or exchange any or all of that following pieoe : s ssj acres near Oak urov. $1500; 80 acres Clatsop county. $8500 ; 24) acre Clarke county. $4000; ISO acre Benton county. Wash.. $800: 160 acrsa timber. South ern Oregon, $2500;! 40 acre improved. Clarke county, $6000; Row City Park lot. $SOO. Wltat have youT T. J. 225 Henry bldg.. Port land, Or. 2 4 ACRES, Whitwood Court, sell or trade. 205 Lil-Mer hotel. Waxted real estate SI Must Buy Homes 5 to 6 Rooms. $2500.00 to $S0O0.00 Rose City Park Preferred Name your lowest cash price. Also your best terms. So inflated ralue considered. Gire location and Phone. Will Deal With Owner Only C-829, Journal. Is" your Peniruula house for sale? We liarre buyer for several cottages and houses priced from $500 up to $3000. We inspect photograph and adrertise your property. Se FRANK L. McGClRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 106S. WE W A N'T some keap houses and cot U gee. from $1000 to $2001 Also some good bun galows. Rose City, or any (trod location. Lots of customers to serve. GRISSI A DOWNEY JI16 Board of Trade bldg. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for aale. $800 to $3000. list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO. for quick results; old es tablished firm. Phone Main 2051. 633 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED Modern 6 room Hawthorne bunga tow in lrnngton. Hawthorne or Rose Park. Wilt give attractive modern 4 room ban galow and assume. Give price, location and full details in answer. J-714. Journal 5 or 6 ROOM bungalow, modern with cjrarage, paved etreets. in restricted district ; will give part caah and close in acreage at the right price. Blanch rd A Clemaon, 702-3 Selling bldg. HAVE client, want 8 room house Tor about $2500 caah: Piedmont district: must be good. Realty A M. T. G. Co., 633 Chamber of Com- meree. Main 2051. CASH Want to buy from owner only a good modern house, must be bargaiu. nice view preferred, close to BJwy. or Steel bridge. M-001 journal. 5 to 7 ROOM bungalow or cottage, in R. C. park. Vernon, Piedrnont, Walnut park or other good district. $800 to $1000 cash, bal- anre $30 to $50 per mo. Y-84 5. Journal. BHACh-a AND SMALL UUUEd A.V.bU Must be N. K. and priced right. We bar numerous buyer waiting. Fred W. Germaa Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. WE have call ter bouses from $2000 to $5000. Let us sell your. O. W. Bryan., 509 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 1963. evening. Mar shall 865. I ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR We sold his home, why not gire us a chance to sell yours? J. C. CORBIN CO . 305-7 Lewis bldg. WANTED To buy .' 'or 6 room house. Have $2000 mortgage at 7 per cent to apply a first payment. Would pay the rest in cash im- mediately. Fbone Tabor 325. WANTED To buy modest home near Mt. Scott car, not too far out, small cash payment, bal- nc tnonthlv Havriha vum f I ' . T.Tflfl kjoi.rnal. , WANTED TO BUY Improved 20 acres, with modern house, barn and prune orchard, within 15 miles courthouse Address U-666, Journsl. HAVE buyers for West Side houses, south of Madison St. If your price Is right, you srill get a quick deal John Singer. 420 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. I WILL pay spot cash for modern 5 room bun galow. Rose City Park preferred; quick deal If suited. No commission to pay. See A. K. Hill, 419 Henry bldg. Main 1902. $600 CASH and neat hou?, value $2400. for larger liou.se. R. C. P. preferred. 4103 54 th st. southeast. FARM WANTED Have income city property, bringing $110 per month income, to exchange. 300 Henry bldg. WANT OAK GROVE fROPERTT- For result list your property with the Real E-1te Ex.. 201 3d st.. PortUnd. I WANT a buyer for the best $3000 house in Rose City park. Easy pay menu. Phone Ta bor 6985 ot C-2097. WILL PAY $500 all cash for 50x100 lot. in cluding street improvements in Hawthorne district. R-863. Journal ! I SELL HOUSES Quick action, reliable service. R. F. Feem ster. Abington bldg. WANTED 5 or H room house and lot within few blocks of Mississippi are. and Sharer st. 245 V, Washington si. Main 3759. DON'T WORRY 1 can sell or trade anything, anywhere. LAYMAN. 147 Park at WANT cheap 4 room house, S. Portlsnd or Alberta district, with plumbing, csn psy $100 cash, must be a bargain. Barber. 625 First st. TO LEASE or buy on small payments. 4 or B room house, in Lents district, near 82 nd et Phone Tabor 7828. CASH for modem bungalow if a bargain. Ruth field. 518 Fenton bldg. Broadway 637. WANTED 5 room bungalow in good locality from owner on easy terms. U-812. Journal. FOR SALE 100 feot of -foot chicken fence wire. Csll Wdln. 4338. ROOMING HOUSES $3 These Are Portland's Best Buys ROOMING HOUSES OF DOWN TOWN ORDER 73 rooms, large lofty, excellent lease and good furniture. $2000. Clears $500 per month. A genuine snp. 22 rooms, strictly modern, never offered be fore Clears $300 per month. 22 room. always good. Ncrthwestern district, rery central. Easy terms. 35 rooms. Brick. Rent. $60. $1700. 80 rooms. A dandy. $1750. These houses are exclusively for sal by litis office. Are real bargains. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. 14 Rooms $850, New, Modern Very easy terms. Full and turning many away. If you hare $400 you can buy thu splendid place. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG A Guaranteed Money Maker 80 ROOMS. $1750. EASY TERMS -,TUI ',Pnsfs- $142 per month. Income. $4 50 per month. Splendid opportunity. Hnrry. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. Modern Apt. House $5000 Rent and heat furnished for $200 per month on lease. Income about $800 per month Snap. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. LODGINQk house. 5t$ small room, also extra big dining room, lobby and kitchen; rery close to big shipyard, central east aide, now recant; offer inducement in way of low lease to party with funda to snake needed repair and furnhih. See owner, 1 29 Front at. 20 Rooms White Temple Dist, Wter, heat; 2 baths, clean, new. Rent. $60. Income, $220. Nice home. Tard. .First time offered. $1350. Some terms. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG SWELLEST place in city. 18 room roomig house. Nob Hill district, rent $45. with garsge. always full. On account of draft Will aell for $1500. Terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th sfc ROOMING bouse. 14rooms. furniture for ale Full of roomer and boarder; close to ship yards. Rent $30; going away. Will sell cheap. 6 86 First ttreet. '10 Rooms $550 Terms Rent, $25. Income. $90. Good home. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. ROOMING bouse for sale. 18 renting room. 5 living rooms. 2 bath rooms: cheap for cash. 201 14 E. 6th st.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 19. ENTIRE building, about 80 rooms, beautiful Albina corner Russell and Borthsviek. hip yrd 5 minutes, great demand. East 5222. 10 ROOM rooming house on Sixth St., rent only $20. rooms rent for $1 a night. Pric $650. Terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES f SANITARIUM FOB BALK OR LEASE 22 rooms. 2 bath snd 2 masaage rooms, team-heating cystrm ; installed last year: has a rery tightly location, ground equalling four lot, large tree and h rubbery. Can also be used a boarding or rooming bouse E. A. Lindgren, 935 N. W. Bank bldg, AN ESTABLISHED PRINTING OFFICE at a . bargain Cylinder press, 2 Platens, good as sortment of type, etc. etc, all in good condition; $3200, 4 cash, balance easy terms. Ill health reson for selling T-786. Journal - $500" Get H interest ancl position. L-974. JoumsL ' MUST sell my new, well equipped restaurant, best location on East side Tabor 2102. WILL sell cheap for rh or terms, (tore, stock and busirxma. M 909. Journal. NEWLY furnished Hunch counter for rent ot le. T-7T8, Journal. $125.00 Woman partner for coffee and lunch counter. N-818. Journal. . . .. . j: Wi:-;,: J-,i . i- -.'. ' .. -.-! ' BrsnrEss opportunities PACIFIC AGftGY. INC. 514-16 Swetland. Bldg, MERCHANDISE SNAP, located In the Wil lamette valley, good payroll and farm commu nity; doing an enormous business. Anyone de siring to enter into the mercantile businea will buy this if they go and e it. Price will be mad right upon application to those meaning business. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK for trade; will invoice about $25,000. Will accept city or farm property ; the same must be clear of incumbrances The price right. POOL ROOMS We have about a dosen pool and billiard rooms in the etty and country, and if yrra are interested we invite your Inspection. CONFECTION EH y W ar. able to offer what is unmeetionabfy the finest equipped, best located confectionery on the east side. This place is doing averjlarge business and ia bound to ap peal to anyone interested. Price $3650, half cash. GARAGfTMKX. ATTENTION I We hsve cash buyers waiting for good garages and have prac tically sold our eutire listings. If you want quick action see us at once. Hardware. W have finely improved farms, will trade for a hardware and Implement stork. $25,000 stock of general merchandise, locat ed in a good town in Washington county; will trade for an improved farm. $3600 sale contract covering improved wheat ranch and some cash; will trade for a mercan tile stork. MANCFACTI RF.RS ATTENTION '. W have a ca&h customer for all or interest in a small manufacturing plane Three strictly modern 5 room bungalows in Hawthorne district. cah value $10,000. Will trade for improved land close in. mum mnm, inc. X;512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. ID COT Mill I rrATinM I M U LO I IVIILL LUOAI1UIN I li WEST Lumber production very necessary war indus try. Expert operator, many years experience, de sire interview with owner of small mill wish ing new location. I hav tool and camp equip ment. If not thoroughly experienced but have mill or money and can handle office, etc.. I will guarantee good salary and 60 on in vetment yearly. L-OeS. Journ!; GROCERY-SNAP Pying cash grocery; rent $30 per mo.: In cluding store fixtures, safe: 3 furnished liring rooms on ground floor in back of store: Bice yard; just the place for man and wile; woman can handle nicely, making all expenses and more. Will take $4 50 for stock. See Layman. 14 7 Park, or call East 2876. FOR SALE A sawmill located on R. R. now oierating on good ship timber and airplane orders. Capacity 30,000 ft per day. Available timber highest Douglas fir. Business shows a large monthly profit Price $12,000. Tertna to responsible party Personal reasons for sell ing Phone Mar 1900. Owners Take Notice BUYERS WAITING FOR STOHE8 If you want to sell your grocery store list it at once. BRUCE GOPDARD. 502 Couch Bldg. CONCRETE building. 4 0 cars and storage, fully equipped and stocked. 3 years' lease. 7 mo. rent paid in advance. Cash busineaa In June. $2300: July. $2200 Will sell at list price or lump price $3500. Rea-sons for selling ar that my son and son-in-law, both mechanics, are in the army. E-696. Journal. FULLY equipped blacksmith snop. tool. toek and machinery, motor driven emery wheels, drill. " forge. etc.. acetylene welding and braxing plant. Good trade. well eatab liahed, in good town in Washington. $1000 take it. Owner ha other business take up en tire time. Address Geo. Purnn. Camaa. Wash. A REAL SNAP Cash grocery on west side, near business center, nd one of th bet corner in town. Good standing trade as well as transient, doing $3600 a month business. Clean stork and fine fixtures. Owner leaving town Will sacrifice for small cash quick. Q-742. Journal iDown Town Restaurant $1050 Easy terms. Drsfted for war and must sell at once. A place that cost $2500 to equip, for $1050. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 Couch Bldg. A GENERAL merchandise store and building for aale. the beet location in Washington Co No opposition. Sales $4 500 per month- Good payroll and community Stock and building about $12 000. $7500 will handle deal. Am in draft UT-610. Journal. PRINTING BUSINESS Best little busines in Portland, well estab lished, doing fine business, average $140 nwnth net. good location, cheap rent, with lease. Own er leaving city. $4 50 cash or Liberty bonds. U 699. Journal. $16 A DAY clear: splendid opportunity for some one; for sale butter, egg and pour, business: established 8 years; exclusive high clsss trade; will consider auto in part payment: best of reasons for selling; do agents wanted. Z-64 8. Journal. FOR SALE My studio and art shop, doing a good business. Expect to be called to the colors. Also will sell separately radion studio lamp and bne No. 9 Senaca 8sx5H camera, fitted with F6.8 lens. Cash talks. Writ for particulars. F. E. Iafler, Piinerille. Or. FIVE Hundred Dollars down and balance on easy payment plan will secure first class suburban Motion Picture Theatre, completely equipped; A-l proposition for some wide awake individual who wants to get into business; owner obliged to sell account draft. X-515. Journal. CIGAR, confectionery and news stand, on tran.--fer corner, on Wash, st . doing $30 to $50 daily, will invoice over $1000. tin account of draft will sell for $505. Terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th . WOODYARD 15est location, estamished long time, profits are good, best reasons for wanting to sell A wonderful bargain at $700. (all room 4 03 Dekum bldg. ("ASH GROCERY Best downtown location. If you are look ing for a store it will pay you to investigate this. Retiring from business. Will consider part trade. C-649. Journal HANDY man with $850 can buy in good auto garage with a reliahle mechanic who wants a partner to watt on customers. Sell gasoline, etc. Profits extra good. Call room 408 Dekum building AUTO GARAGE Excellent location, good lease, full of tor ace, fully equipped rrtr shop Clears over $400 month. Only $1300 required. Fully se cured. Call room 403 Iknm bldg i I HAVE ' the location nd office, best In th city, wnt partner who understands rel estate to go in srith me No money required, call at 15 N. 5th st. I FOR SALE A good, cl'e.n stock of gen - mdsST ! (;ood ll.t)(,r,t ij, IOO1 ,tock lrrl Urming ; A barglin if taien onc. Wnt. i ye"nrX Bros .Tiller. Or EQUIPMENT and lease in on of th finet located dancing balls in the city. Liring room in connection. Will sell at a low figure; leering the city. P 755. Journal FOR SALE Good paring busines In Klamath Falls. Or.: $22O0 Investment Will sell for $1800. terms. Phone Tabor 7T70. or addreaa J T. Doyle. Klamath Falls. Or. FOR SALE Confectionery and rmtaurant, do ing $35 a day business, rent $30. Including bouse. Fine opening for nun and wife. Phone Sell. 2023. CAN'T run a restaurant lying tick In beltell me to ell it. cler $500 per mo. Houck. 110 10th t. IF I CAN CONVINCE YOU That I have a rich placer property will you in vert a little money to work it? V-862. JoumsL FOR SALE or trade, small cash grocer,. West aide, suitable for lad,. Main 248. N 686. Journal. FOR SALE Well equipped botcher shop, will rent fixtures er sell on terms, big cash busi ness. P-84 3. Journsl. CLEANING, pressing and secondhand busln for sale, good location, will, stand investiga tion. P. O. Box 204. HANDY man with $250 can buy J v. n . w .. T a grow partner. ing store business with reliabl Call room 403 Dekum bldg DANCING studio lor aale; fine busln; high cla trade: bargaiif for immediate D-501. Journal. PRINTING Two practical men can b Independent for life: $8000 cash required M-Oftfl. Journal. 5 TABLE pool and binidlar!or. doing $800 per ano., will take 'mall car in good repair, a difference in cash. 1755 Baby st. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Ererything Morris A Gilaon. 4 $ 1 Cha a her of Commerce FOB 8ALE- -2 -chair borber shop : vara a ln- eome $200 per month. Inquire 202 Jef- ferson. , A8 MALL paying btulneaa for 1 cheap. P-756. Journal. FOR SALE or rent, paying lunch room, serving 2 schools. East 2109. LITTLE dairy ranch for sola Woodlawn 1068. at a bargain BFSIJfESS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED 68 1 WILL Invest from $100- to $5000 and my time, which is worth mor. in a necessary buaineaa. Kindly outlina your proposition. 11-914. Journal. to $5000 and FOR 8ALE old, $2$. America. -Good gray mare. 800, Tb., 7 year V. Van Buskirk, Burlington, tr. WANTED Small grocery tor in good locality, with living room. BeUwood 1345. BCSIXES!. OTPORTCXITIES WASTED PACIFIC ACBCY. IA 514-16 Swetland. Bldg. MERCHANTS ATTENTION The Irue is just about right to get your place of busines listed for fall business. We are going in for a rigorous campaign, and if you want results see , us at once. We handle anything from a peanut stand to a bank. Your patronage solicited. -Phone East 2874. 514-16 Swetland Bldg, WANTED to buy i-mll grocery, in good loca tion, niaie iu:i parnouun. 11 73, Journal. MONET TO LOAy REAL ESTATE 17 OUR installment pla- is the tt and turett method of paying loan. $32.26 per month 3'i months, or $21.24 for 60 month, cr $15.17 for 96 m-snUis, paya $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion V loan on Improved city property. Or for building purpose. No commission charged. EQLITAULK. SAVINGS A ( OAN ASStOClATlO! 2 42 8 trk t. J-ort 1 a nd. Or PAY OFF YOl'R MORTGAGE fn esy installroer. with 10 years' time to re pay; fully protected by lif Insurance under tb home purchase plan of tb Equitable Life Aiamrance 'Society. Interest 6 per cent; Do commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong. Eqoitabl office. Oregonian bldg. $300, $400. $500, 750. $1000 and urZ lowest interest rates, privileges. No fir lay. Liberal pre-payraent GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 chamber of Commerce MORTGAGE IOANS. in sums to suit, at low est rates. Mafe'j boves for rent, no In crease in price. Union Safe Iep. A- Tr. Co.. 284 Oak. $500 .l(ifw l.MiO S3:00 REAL ESTATE SECURITY ONLY BrY MONTHLY PAYMENT CONTRACTS SMITH-WJ IVAGOVWt CO. ST' M K KXCH YOU can get out of dbt this way W have some 7 money jou ran borrow on improved realty and fepay in monthly installment. Fred W. German Co. . 7 32 Cham, of Com BUILDING loans on citj or. suburban protert, ; money advance-! as work Vrogrea.-es W G. Beet. 315 and 216 Failing bldg Mafn 3407. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS e"7TirEi76N IV V" A MORTGAGE CO . Stcck Exchange bldg 3d nd Yamhill sts. $2.j. $350. $4061 $500. $650. $750. M000 and larger amounts -t current rat. Quirk action. Fred W. German Co.. 7$2 Cham. Com. MONEY to loan by private party on improved city or farm property. No commission. U-654, Journal. $500 TO $9000 t) loan, city or farm morv gaga; no commissi! n. P.O. Bos 873. SlO R T s A G E loans. 6a n 4 " H . Louis Salome A Co . 408 Selling bldg. , SELL US YOl'R LIBERTY BONDS SMITH WAGONER C . STOCK EXCH $1000 to $14(10 at 7 per cent. City prolan y A H AKKHSOjV. 506 Stock Kx bldg CASH for mortgage. In contract. if. !L Lrsvla. room 4, Ijewi bldg 1 a in 688. M05EY TO L04X CHATTELS, 8ALAR1EM 7 Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or wnriingraea cn their own note- Weekly, semi-montl .y- or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO UOHTOsr,:: k jjo TNDOK8ER ABSOLUTELY NO SEC.liRITT W also loan on household furniture, pUao. tr.. srithout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED, 218 Falling bldg. If You Need Money See -Us RALARIE CH 4TTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed in come, on household furniture, pianos, diamond and other personal property ; legal rata. Buss Bess confidential, privet office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed 806 307 Dekum KJg , PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS$.V. Established by Portland Dueines men to protect borrower C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr . 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JF.WK.I.RY, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD' FURNITURE. ' LOANS WAITED $1500 lon wanted on 1st rvnt lot adjoiu Ing Union ve . viliw $f,0O( 8 per cent Interest, pyable oilarteriy. See Mr. Graham, THU HUONG CO. 267 Oak st WANTED t once loan on very high grsd household good; high rte of Interest. V-875. Journal. $1100 ON modern 6 room bungalow. N-683. Journal HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC- 14 60 HEAD of horses and mule. 1200 to 1700. all young and work single or double; 50 set o' aingl worst harneaa, 80 set of double work ha me, all kinds of farm wagons, wood wagon and spring wagon Everything for sale, exchang or hire. Everything guaranteed as represented. ; Crown Stables, ui-ru day and night. Phil Suetter. 285Frontst. L TWO flnesuTrie. line top buggy, all kind of I farm and spring wagons, all kinds of double ! and single bsmrss, all kinds -oi horses; nut Shetland pony, on big mule (good one) , ell cheep or erchange 302 Front st. THREE extra g-i ho7c. 2 weigh 1400 eayh, 1 mare, weight 1150 P Almost a new buggy and harnwa. Al'o 2 plows. For ! cheap or trade for potatoes or cow. Wood stock cr to 8 Mfl -Powell Valley road FOR SALE -2 fl ne, young- bror-d mar. Will weigh, when fall grown, about 84O0. Good tock. good travelers, full of vim For par ticular write or pbon P. M. Hacking. 126 27th at , Corvallts. it FOR SALE Fin) 6 year-old horse, weight over 1200 lbs . at a real sacrifice. fW thia hor if you want a bargain. Addres 75 E. 57th at. north Take "MY". car. get off at 87th at., then 2 blocks south A (RH)li 11 around horse about 1100 or 1200 lb. I base no use for him. Will sell cheap or exchange for -anything I can use, Jno. A. Hobbs. Corneliu-.i Or It 1. $ol)0 BUYS sorrel team, weighing 2400 lb. Harness and wagon. Uut Mil account of sick ness. Mt Scott car to Sth are. Inquire at Wt over grocery store, FOH MAlTt- Mere. 7 year old. weight 1600; gelding. 9 ers. weight 1500; nearly new 3 wagon and hgruea. Prir $350. Might trade ol Jl 00; FOR SALE Five -,7oV d li very or farm horse going to he sold at snap. Apply V. 8. Laos dry Co.. 180 '.rand r. TWO W round bay lioraei 1000 and 1804 lbs. $20 and: $45 Wagon and top buggy. Tk Liberty bonds 751 E Ash. ONE 4-year old Shetland pony, weight 200 7b. Very gnti.-. .160 Randall ft. 2 7th and Sandy road ' tfO. GENTLE. I aonnd 5 year-old riding arEx driving bore;: harness and baggy. 14$ C 81st st. N.. Montavilla car. A TEAM and hamesa' for sale $350. Can bo seen at Jarne: Ixiins stables Snndar and eve nings Green Trans. Co, 126 Front t- FANCY riding and driving mr. with good rub-ber-tired buggy and harness. $7.1; al.-o Hat B colt for sale cheap. Call 821 Garfield av north FOR SALE Gentle work team, or will sell sep arate; either good for orcliard work. Phone Milwaukie 46-R,j W. A Cllha,n FOR SALE or trad Siwn of mule; also wag on and harness. 295 14th St., apt. 2$. eg. Marshall 36 8. week days TWO fin highVradetret hacks. Will make fine trailer for auto. Will ell rbeop or chant 802 Front t ( GOOD farm team. plow, harrow and harneaa. a!l for $175:: true to work and bo blesniabo. Ph:l Suetter. 2 85 Front t. LEAD bore and anlrjitl hauled away tree. Call Woodlawn 2x Portland Rendering Co. FOR SAI.F God arm tears and tia cheap. 824 Rodney ave., Wdln. 418. DEAD hbrse barn quick. Wa pay mora foe dead cow. .Tabot 4208. HOIicES and wagon for rent by tb day. single 81.60. or double $8. 848 Front. Main 2208. DEAD bona taken, ifft. paid for: dead cow pen ior. raona vj j, M 1! wank 1st - IF YOU ar looking for good bora let all. Hood Ic Cream Co. HORSES rori oai ?liean. good condition! Broadway 1730. A-6769. FOR HALE A team of gray horse, cheap! Phone WoodUwn 1$78. . YOUN'6 mre.; frond ! and tro and" fat,v 880, worth $100, Must bo told. TJ-6S9. Journal. 2 FINE delivery borart cheap.' 524 MUwaukC : 'LIVESTOCK JERSEY oow, $75. ! Also tWougubred bufl calf, reasonable. Call tomorrow, 1055 E. 84th ft. Gorroil. GOOD fstuily Jersey ' cow cheap. Mala 64 SL L. C Smith. 821 Water. VV ANTED Pasture for thrao head oi cattil H. R. Paulson, Milwaukie, Or.. R. J. , , i: