1 1 ' I" THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST .23, 1918. 15 HELP WANTEDMALE AN- FESLALE tt ttOP PICKERS wsnied for our Independent (east) and Lope Bint yard at Hopmere. Rest of hops with clean grounds. Healthy sheds with electric lights each, running wiUr, sawed wood free. Storm on grounds for your con venience. Ton end your baggage hauledi free In end from yards. Vj Oregon Electric. fare 111, children $1.94 round trip to Inde pendence yard. To Hopmere, fere $2.70, children- 11.40 round trip. Tents at I-ope Sing yard, free for your uh. Families preferred s 'they would prefer. Come with your fsmify thus, to spend the veratinn at the country and earn aome money besides. Please make your reserva tion and twin your railoaad ticket from us NOW, by calling er writing. Office hour,. 2 to 6 p. m. eTry day). '6EID BA' K ESTATE. 808 Finest, Portland, 'Or. HOLER BARBER COLLEGE Pay yow while learning; givet yon set of tool, guarantee positions. Writ for catalogue. 284 rtnrnetde nt . or phona Broadway 1781. MEN,' WulitN, lirarn barber trade free; wage while learning ; portion guaranteed. Oragaa Barber College, 22 Madison. SITUATIONS MALE If AN -Kith light Ford dllry wj.hes employ ment tor elf and machine. Call Woodlawn 4457, . liYT? 13 want home in private family-, work .for room and board;' go to high school, S. C. Hewitt, R. F. r. 1, Clacksmas. Or. EXPERIENCED specialty salesman, age 38. v weight 230, marrir'l, desires position where remits will be appxciatd.II, 7 35,Journal. PAINTING and tlrflng. Satisfaction guaran teed. Call Tabor 516. ELDERLY min wishea work as Janitor, house man or porter P-7B4, Journal. FOfV"A r,AiNTfe'RTTienyouwsnt one. call Mr Bttilwell. Main 7727. CARPENTER AND REPAIR WORK R D CROWE, Tabor 7982. SITU A T I ONR FFMA tf 4 COMPETENT woman wants "to tks charge of an apartment or rooming house as working housekeeper. Phone Main 1625, room 49 TOT'NflT mairiedlady "would like to take rare of apt. notice. Seilwood 2; ?. . WOULD like housekeeping in the 706, Journal. city. FURNISHED ROOMS PRINCESS hotel, mndorn, fireproof, running water, phonn and elevstor: high quality, low price East Third and Burnside. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 70 SUITABLE for business man, nicely furnished room, bath, steam heat, in private family. Phone Mar 664 5 ; B" FRONT sleeping rooms for gentlemen, near east end of Steel Bridge. Ea.it H10. 350 Oregon st. $10 MONTH, nice furnished sleeping room, one or two people, near shipyards; phono. 4 4 East 7th. NICE room for rent, bath, private family. 763 East Burnslde, nesr E. 22i. Phone K. 1 5 64. EaRGE-i furnished ron. 30ft Cherry St.. near Bdwy bridge. Phone East 85 2 . NK'E clean rooms, suitable tor one or two men. 443 N. 2 1 at at. STcE bright basement room for wan, 4 34 Yam blll, corner 12th, $0 month. . - ffiREE nicely furnished sleeping rooms in pri- vate home. Call at I2 r.. I4th St. 1 ROOM'S and bath $25. No carmen children. 625 Leslngton ave. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 1H Maltha Washington. 8H0 loth, for bvul neea girls and students. Marshall 1251. TH HAZE1 ouutus rooms.- bot water, home cooking Special rates to couplea. 386 Sd. ROOMS AND HOARD PRIVATE FAMILY - 7! NICE front room for 2 gentlemen witrj good home cooked meals; modern and all con veniences. Main 4157. 205 N. 2 1 st st. ROOJi and board for one or two men. Call Wdln. 2675or 1028 E 15th st. N. rR fV ATE-luane-f or children. , 365 Halsey, East 2446. HOl'SKKKEI'INtt ROOMS 73 FUUMSIIFD AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY HOUSEKEEPING rooral everything Included. $7 per month. 164 N. loth. Bdwy. 1318. FOR RENT HOUSES IS HELP SHIPBUILDING NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUH LISTINGS. You can serve your country by helping ahlp ' builders to locate. List your vacancies, furnished or unfurnished bouses, rooms or apartments. Write or phone. A. J. England. Main 1193. $ 2 A nice 5 rooms, modern, close-in, close to rar, nice lawn. $20 5 rooms, modern, well located, close-in. $36 9 rotims. modem, arranged for light housekeeping, close-in. $25 B rooms, modern, built-in features. NEW. YORKI.AN I CO.. 381 K. Morrison. FDR SALE" OR It F. N T N i oe 7 room bungalow ahd 2 full lots.'-on Woodstock line. 2 blocks from car. This is jour opportunity to secure a good piece of property at very low figure, n easy terms. Price $2400. wner. East 052. Wanted to rent,. 4 or 6-nom furnished house by Sept 1st W. II. Matheson. 173 3rd at, or 1183 E. Sherman, (rum 8 a. m. to 6 r ' jn . house, ft blocks from Grand ave. and 8 blocks from Stevens school. Phone Mn. 9168 6641 69th aveT""Wa lk west from TrTriiont sta tlon. Furnace, $25. Inquire 2 to H p. m. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room house. 2 and 8 room house beeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished ; elevator, hardwood floors. 1 1 th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS BtY.,mhu!nJ Measly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms. $2.80 and Up.' HlSLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod ern 1, 2 and 3 room apts.. $12.60 up: walk ing distance. Call East 882. MAGNOLIA APTS. Kaat 3d and Belmont; modern 1 and 2 room sots., $1.60 per week n. Hlaeping rooms. East 212. NICELY" furnished 2 room apt. 616 rettygrove at. Phone nroadway 4 126 $ AND 4 room apt. partly furnished ; adults. D-1306. PEN1N8CLA APTi Woodlawn 1852. Con rrete bldg . 2. 8. 4 rooms, baths, phone. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NICE, large flat for rent, hardwood floor, rent -reasonable. Seilwood 3552. TWO 4 room flats. 'J2 Sheridan st between 1st and 2d, near shipyard. NICE, clean 6-room flathot and cold water, partly heated. Tahor 2516. FURNISHED FLATS 60 THREE upstairs furnished rooms,- $20. Adults only. C9 E. 2 2 it. Kaat0.3164. SUMMER RESORTS Campers, attention Columbia Beach "BY THE SEA'' now open; , most economical vacation for you and the fam ily; beautiful groves, fresh water streams and lakes, offering good fb-hing; finest i-tretch of ' ocean beach on the Clatsop shore, wild straw berries and blackberries pi ntiful, abundance of sea food to cut the "high cost of living." Large box tents, fully equipped, including light woods and pure mountain water; moderate charge. -lor reservation and particulars call COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY. 219 Lumbermens bldg. ' Broadway 1612. WANTED TO RENT 7 FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING -CORPORATION. In thia war time emergency and scarcity of boosing accommodations, we request every patri stic citizen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mall Information of same to Columbia B. 8. B. Corp. Box 1202. Portland. Or. WANTED Respectable young couple wants light H. K. room with piano, near Y. M. C. A. C. 8. preferred. P-837. Journal. WANTED To rent, by Sept. 15. a 3 or 4 room house; prefer Woodmere or Arleta school district Tsbor 9325. ROOMS wanted by elderly lady. 3 or 4 un furnished rooms for housekeeping. Tel. East 4607. . or 4 ROOM unfurnished flat or h. k. rooms, by couple. Sept. 1. K. 3685. A or rm bungalow, furnished. Wdln. 3 6 S3. BE At. ESTATE ' FOR SALE-e-HOUSES 1 OPEN EVEllNGS . FALLS CITT MORTGAGE CO.. 61T-B19 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG., BETWEEN 8D AND 4TH ON STARK PHONE MAIN 3718 11000 5 rooms and bath, Seilwood. . $10004 room bungalow, ML Scott. $1200 1 room bungalow, Caeadero car. $1200 6 room modern, bwflt in features. $1750 5 room modern, large lot. $ 750 5 rooms, partly finished, Kenton. $ 8 SO 4 rooms, plastered, Mt Scott. $1600 1 room modern bungalow, St. Johns. $ 8150 3 room bouse,' Seilwood. $2850 6 room strictly modern. Mt. Tabor. $2000 5 room modern. St. Johns. ear. $2000 .1 room (furnished). Mt. Scott ear. $22506 room bungalow, Mt. Scott car. j $1600 5 rooms. South Portland. Any of the above are real bargain and can ba bought on terms to suit, with from $50 to $300 cash. We have a large list of furnished houses which we can give quirk possession of. Remember we are open evenings and are al ways willing to show property to buyers. ' FALLS CITT MORTGAGE CO., 617-618 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG., PHONE MAIN 8718 OPEN EVENINGS EAST EVERETT BUNGALOW . B rooms, built-in conveniences, fireplace, full cement basement; on hard, surface st, 2 blocks from rar. Price $2600. easy terms. WATCH OUU ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRLNER BITTER. LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Bt'Y 14 acres fine land, lies well. 8 In cultiva tion. eood 4 room house, barn 24x36: wall fruit and plenty of wood; electric cars, rural route. You can work in Portland and run home Saturday night. Telephone and phona in cluded at price of $1000 for all, hi cash. M. I'nlerseii, 210 H First St. Evenings only. $2550 BARGAIN Southeast Portland: 5 rooms and 2 unfin- tolled upstairs; beautifully finished built-in ef fects; lot 53x125; beautiful lawn and flowers. The price is right. I.et ua show you. COE A. MrKENNA A CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4522. BEAUTIFUL home, 6 large rooms, sleeping porch, bafh room, 2 toilets first floor, 3 dor mef1' rooms jpatairs. cement basement, fruit room, wash tray,Jurnace. garage alleyway, all im provements paid, close in on east aide, will sell for less than, cost to build house; terms. Owner, Broadway 131. Marshall 2486. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN rooms, modern, close in: Mallory ave. A real bargain at $3425; $500 cash. $25 monthly, 6 per cent. I,et ua show you. COE A. McKENNA te CO. 727 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4522. FOR RALE 4 room honse on Bt. Johns ear. Paved street, lot 50x100, 8 nice fruit trees, berries and good garden. 1 walnut tree, lota of choice roses, good neighborhood and car at the door. Price $1200, at terms suitable. 1410 C.reIy st. SEVEN room modern home, full basement, fur nace, all modem conveniences, good garage, paved streets, connected with sewer, improve ments paid in full. Will sell with or without fur niture. Good rrtano. Call at house, 600 E. 36th N or phone Tabor 8823. A REAL GOOD BUY . 6 room modern house and nice lot, good lo cation. Price $1700. Terms. $200 cash, bal ance $25 per month, including interest. Williams Realty Co., Grays Crossing, Tabor 4934 SOUTH FORTLAND BARGAIN B room house; near lumber mills and fac tories: short distance to' shipyards; clear of en cumbrance. Trice $1800; easy terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 B. of T. Bldg. SUNNYSIDE SNAP Good fl-room house; gas. bath,- laundry trays, cement basement: on F.. 80th, near Belmont. Price, a snap. $1RO0, some terms. GRUSSI A: DOWNEY. '31(5 Roard of Trade. Main 7452. FOR SALE 1552 Newell st.. cor. Syracuse, fl room house, 10 lots. 3$ fruit trees and small fruit In bearing, 2 chicken houses and" rArks. 2 blocks from St. Johns ear line. Northern Hill station. $3,000, cash. Owner. J. H. Mills, aionroe, wr. HOME BARGAINS $1300 4 room cottage, fine fruit trees, paved street. K. 12th, near Mason, l.asy terms. $2100 6 room story and a half bnnralow hard surface street included. E. Glisan. Close-in. Terms. H03 Spalding bldg BEAUTIFUL 6 room Laurelhurst bungalow. quarter block, garage, large fireplace, fine hot water furnace, select locality. West side modern home, grand view, several large view porches, fireplace, grounds unsurpassed In the city. See owner, L. K, Moore, 317 Board of T. MODERN, well furnished, 4 room house, lot 50x100,' cement walki, 2 eords of wood in basement, new garage, hens In coop. 1U blks. to Rose City car. Price $1800. $200 cash, $25 per month. See Mr. Jenks. 68th and Sandy blvd. HAWTHQRNE DISTRICT $2750 5 room bungalow, finished attic, fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement, close to car and schools: $500 down. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. $3150 5 room strictly modern bungalow, fuel in basement, one blk. from Alberta car, on Vernon av., in first class con dition. J. A. Wickman Co.. 314 Stark St Main B8S. IF YOU are looking for a close In east aide bargain come In and see me. 8 rooms $2050. $1000 cash. bal. terms. GIBSON. 266 8-ark, Mar. It., GANTENBEIN ave., 7 rooms, basement, ce ment floor, fireplace. .Bargain at $2600. $300 cash, $25 month. GIBSON. 266 Stark. Mar. 12. $2300 -Nice. neat, 5 room bungalow, on full 60x100 lot, near Peninsular Park and one blk. to St. Johns car. Terms. J. A. Wickman Co., 814 Stark St. Main B88. R. C; PARK.' B rooms, fireplace, cement basement Priced down for quick sale. $2800. $500, bal. terms. GIBSON 266 Stark. Mar 12. $1900" POTT a large 8 room house, good as new, 100x100 feet, corner, on graveled st S E. This Is a real snap. Main S759. 245 Vs Washington st MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repairs. See my designs for new houses. Max M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main 1873. Formerly Supt. Oregon Home Builders. $2400, FIVE room bungalow! furnished, cor- rwr lot full basement, fireplace, streeta graded, sidewalks m and paid, on 84th st N Main 3759. 2454 Washington st. BARGAIN 8 room home, Irvington; cost $10, 000, take $3000' less; sons ii army; $500 dmvn, balance like rent; fine location; lot 66x ion. Phone East 278. CLOSE to St Johns car at Portsmouth. Partly burned six-room bouse and 100x100. with all kinds of fruit and berries. For sale by owner. No Mortgage. H. 8441. NEW 4 room house, never been occupied. 13(mi; only iiuu aown. Bee Draper, 401 HoariM Trafle. $1000 CASH handles partly furnished mod em house in Alberta district, corner, lOOx 100: fruit ami Ilowers: no agents. Mar. 184. EAST 4th N.. R. O. P. S rooms, sleep. lng -porch, fireplace, furnace. $2900, $600 casn, bal. iterms. uibson, 2B0 stark. Mar.. 12 FOR SALE A modern. 8-Toom. in beautiful district; ground 90x140; may rent, $40 per month. Hy owner. Tabor 8821. SUNNYSIDE 6 room cottage, fine condition, 2 blocks from car. East Main .near 39th, $3500; terms. Owner. Tabor 777. FOR SALE by owner. 5 room cottage. $2100 also 8 room, modern, furnished, close in, $4500. .Wdln. 403 FOR SALE Modern 5 room bungalow, com pletely furnished, plastered attic. 1085 E. 22d N. Woodlawn 8074. BARGAIN Modern 4 room bungalow, new fur niture, only $1800, easy terms. - Leaving city. nose jvlj r-ara. j-iui, journal. IN Milwaukie, 100x100, 3 rooms, $750, $200 casu, per mo. viioson, .00 Stark. Mar. 12. BARGAIN 5 room house, modern, with 3 : acres, improved, spring., fruit, on city ear line. 38 noss st.. east enq Hdwy. bridge. S llOOMS. gas. eleetricity. sewer paid. 1980 E Morrison., near E. 78th, key under steps. owner, sasu. tuuv, terms. FOR SALE, by owner, good 5 room house, close in on East side. 20 minutes walk from court house, t'hone suiwaaaie ttb-M. EAST 83d at 8. E. 5 rooms, cath. toilet, basement, inra, zuu casn, 10 per mo. lloson, qo ours. aaar. 12. $i0O. 4 RM7 HOUSE. $11.00. Swank. 617 Htnry bldg. 4 rm. house. MODERN .7 room bungalow, good district, Isrge tot. terms, owner. Broadway 678. LARGE 2 room bouse, lot 50x100; Phone owner, Wdln. 3544. terms. SUNNYSIDE district. $2500.' 5 rm. cottage, Hall DiK. car, j. piocas scnooi. Tabor 87 7 5. NIFTY 6 room bungalow, reasonable, lara East 8225. Particu- .$1400 BUY'S 5 room cottage on paved street ana car line, terms. Marshall lout). BELL 6 loom house close to shipyard; sell acre ,aga. aursuail atil. BE AX ESTATE FOR S&LE HOUSES ! SPLENDID HOME BARGAIN. Hera la' a anap. 6-room modern house and four lota, with fruit of vartoua kinds. On Holgate at Marguerite ave.. 8 blocks from Woodstock car. Part cash and balance on easy terms. Apply at 1074 Holgate street. . $2650 PENINSULA BUNGALOW. TERMS 5 room, double constructed, attractive bun galow, like new, white enamel bath, toilet and lavatory, elect, and gaa. full basement, floored attic, screened in back porch, close to school and 6t Johns car. On Concord at. Price $2650. Terms. See FRANK L. MeGUTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. VERY NIFTY BUNGALOW $2750 $250 cash, $30 monthly buys this 6 Toom thoroughly modern bungalow with aleeping porch, rox furnace, fireplace and good gar age. This place was built for a home and the workmanship can't be beat. hi block off hard surface road in Montavilla, not on Broadway and Washington. Fred W. German, 732 Cham ber of Commerce. "SHAKE THE LANDLORD" $950 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $950 $100 down and $20 monthly will buy nearly new 6-room bungalow at Huber, S. P. Elec tric; city gas for cooking and lighting! lot 75i 120 ft.; half hour ride; convenient for West Side workers. J. . W. Crossley, owner, 270 Stark st. WYGANT, NEAR DENVER 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, piped for furnace, everything built in; grounds highly improved with roses and ahrubbery, close to Jefferson high and grammar school. A $8600 home for $2500. Terms. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO., 302 Oak. 3 FURNISHED rooms, on ground floor; store fixtures complete, including safe; nice yard; rent $30 per' mo. Will take $450 for stock. Woman can handle nicely, making good wages above all expenses; man can continue present employment. See Layman, 147 Park, or call East 2870. A COZY 5 -room -bungalow, 24x35, on ldt lOOx 70; with or without furniture: chicken house 18x24; tool house, woodshed: treea in bearing: all kinds of berries; located on E. 95th St., one block north of Glisan St., 6 blocka from MV Depot car. For particulars call 1518 Yeon bldg. Price $1600; $300 down, balance to suit. Hawthorne bungalow Nice, large, 5 -room bungalow, .on lot 80x100; paved street, and all city liens paid; on Mar guerite ave., near E. Lincoln. Price, a anap. $3150; $500 cash. GRCSSI A DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. POSSESSION ON SHORT NOTICE $2450 6 room modern bungalow, in fine con dition, close, 1 blk. to car. Tenant has been ordered to vacate; new hardwood floors will be laid as soon as vacant. Easy terms. J. A. Wirkma'n Co., 314 Stark St. Main B88. REAL BARGAIN 8 Room House. 100x100, Albina. $3500; $500 Down, $20 per Month. Fruit trees and berries, fine place for large family, house in good repair, one block to Willisana ave car, near school, street improve ment all paid. W. J. Cox. 221 Failing bldg. EAST TAYLOR BUNGALOW rooms; large floored attic; hard surface streets blocks from car. 1'rice $2850. Easy terms. O. A. WARRINER. RITTER, I.OWE CO., 203-5-7 B. of T. Bldg MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Good 5 -room plastered house; cement founda tion; good basement; wood lift; lot 40x100: 2 blocks from Mt. Scott car. Price $1000, $200 down, balance' to suit; immediate .possession. u. w. Borders, 408 Board of Trade. $300 DOWN $2700 7 room modern borne at 27 West Simpson st Look this over but don't disturb tenant, then see us. Exclusive agent J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark St. Main 583. $395 $395 $395 $395 $15 down, $15 monthly buys neat large 1 room plastered cottage, concrete foundation and basement, city water in; near school ;'jh6f 25x 100. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 16 MIN. WASHINGTON STREET. 5 room modern bungalow; bath, Dutch kitch en, electricity, gas; full cement basement Sell wood car; $200 down. Price $1950. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. IHVINUTON PARK. 6 rpom modern bungalow, full cement basement, laundry trays; pretti est home you'll ever find. Take Alberta car to Killlngsworth. 3 .blocks east 1160 Glenn, $2300. i Easy payments. 6NE HALF ACRE TRACT $550 $2 3. down, $12 monthly, buys this- nice tract N. E. of Lents, several small buildings can be made habitable at small expense. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON PARK, 5 room modern bungalow, full cement basement, laundry trays: pretti est home you'll ever find. Take Alberta rar to Killlngsworth. .3 blocks east 1160 Glenn. 300. Easy payments. ST. JOHNS CAR $150 DOWN 5 rooms: bath, electricity, eas: two blocks school. 4 blocks St. Johns. Mississippi, Kenton car lines. run price $1800. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. $200 CASH MOVE IN TOMORROW $1800 5 room cottage, lot 50x100. Garage. Dain. tan at nzu iiDerty st, woodlawn. FOR SALE by owner, 6 room house, furnace, fireplace, pantry, full plumbing, large closets, garage, flowers, lawn, 50x100 lot, near car. luu casn, balance like rent 634 N. W. Bink bldg.. Main 3787. Res. East 5962. 1500 buys a 5 room house, close-in, corner lot, east front $250 cash, balance like rent. $1250 4 rooms, modem, with . furniture. $250 cash. baL easy. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 881 E. Morrison. $2800, Rose City. 6 R. bungalow, furnace, fire place, paved sts. $8200. Hawthorne 6 r. bungalow, modern paved sts. LHAS RINGLER 4 CO.. 228 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY bungalow. $500 cash. $25 per monin. very srtistic, a rooms, built in books. cabinet mtenen, oak floors, fireplace, furnace. Johnson-todson (Jo., 34 .N. W. Bank bldg. ALAMEDA PARK If you want a fine new home in a restricted district, see this. 5 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. $4400. Owner. Woodlawn 4895. MUST sell 4 room cottage, lot 50x100, full concrete basement; barn, close to Twohv shops, 11 fruit trees. 52d and E. Davis. Fhone Tabor 7 4 81. KENTON Attractive house, 4 rooms and sleep ing porch, 1 block from school and car. on one of best residence streets. Call owner, 8ayre, Main 4 607. FOR SALE 6 room house In St. Johns. Lot 50x126 H. Some fruit trees, all clear of incumbrance. payments down. Liberal terms. Price $1200. Inquire 613 Smith ave. NICE, modern. 7 room house, extra lame lot 60x108, H block from car, all in good con dition, seiiwooa aaoa. BARGAIN in a seven room modern bungalow. L'UUU, includes everything; 8 per cent in terest 610 E. 36th. Sell. 2484. MODERN 4 room furnished cottage, hardsur faced st, paid. $2000, $500 cash. Call East 8225. 5 BOOMTiouse. east 25th and -Flanders, close to car barns; easy terms. O. J. Boyt, 228 Burnslde. Hd. A BIG BARGAIN $1400 4 room bungalow, corner lot, Wood lawn car. Easy terms. Owner, 409 S wetland bldg HAWTHORNE Modern bungalow. East 44th st er. Tabor 2860. Phone own $2750. $200 cash. $25 m., dandy 5 r. bungalow, Hawthorne dist. , near car. -Johnson-Dodson Co. . 63 4 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE, 5 room modern bungalow, good district by owner only. 4930 41st st S. E. Phone Seilwood 2775. FOR SALE, income property. Hawthorne are.. clear; 2 flats consisting of 5 room and bath each. $3500. Lot 50x100. Tabor 8139. TlTY and country property, hell and rent BENEDICT. 267 H Oak. Main 1743. $1600 6 room modern cottage, close to school and car. Cash or terms. T-791, Journal FOR SALE LOTS 1$ CLEAR lot in Fern park, 42x125; paid $375; make offer;, will take bonds. 1228 Ivon St.. T. G. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 seres in Jackson county. Call evenings or write. John Mit chell, 349 hi Ankeny st BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOR SALE At Cannon beach. 140 acres, property clear of incumbrance. For terms write P. S. Philbrick. 1558 E. Everett, Port land. Or. ACREAGE 67 FOR SALE a aires in 27-28-3 south. 1 west; part beaverdam, all fine black soil; new 4 room house, barn, spring, creek, all year water power. Can irrigate. Small cash down, balance easy. Must go at great sacrifice. Own er 390 Vancouver ave., Portland. FOR SALE by owner. 10 acres improved land. Linn 'county. 40 rods from depot. 70 miles from Portland, .easy terms. A. N. Fosdick. 'Portland. Or., gen, del. " FOR SALE 1 hi acrea. North Edison st, St. Johns, overlooking river, near railway. Would make fine industrial site. I am drafted and have.ro sell. Wdln. 1298. 1'ASTCiiE for gent. Lake Grove. Marshall 9441. REAIi ESTATE SUBURBAN- ACREAGE 7 LITTLE FARMS CENT FARE $300 cash, $15 payments. Buy on of our little improved farma, not far from Alberta car and school, work at your trade and raise your living besides. Thee have city water and are sightly, best of soil, no gravel or city assessment. Unimproved places, $10 down and $10 per month. 20 minutes from 8d and Washington. Why pay more 6 or 8 milea out. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 7B FOR SALS 3 H aerea land, modern 7 room house of double walled, double floored, plastered, full basement, cement walla, hot and cold water in house, wash trays in basement, gaa in house, wired for electricity, toilet and bath, aeptic tank. Bull Run water, 35 foot well, most elegant view of Tualatin valley, 16x50 modern chicken house, 14x24 brooder house nearly completed. Located Hewitt blvd., 1 miles from Council Creau $3800, term.' Farther information telephone owner, Marshall 5915. OREGON CITY carline. 100x139. 2 blocks to car; good house, 4 rooms first floor, upstairs not finished. Would make 2 rooms and aleep ing porch. Price $2000; part terms. Gibson, 206 Stark st Phone Marshall 12. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FOR SALE 40 ACRES 8 acres in cultivation. 4 more readv for plow, 8 acres slashed, all good land, small house, barn, school near house. Price $1500. $800 cash, bal ance d years o per cent. 40 ACRE8 20 in cultivation, all good land, aome timber and pasture, well. 2 springs. 4 room house, barn by 40, granary, chicken house, 3 cows, heifer, 90 chickens, wagon, buggy, plow, har row, disc cultivator, small tools, 2 V4 acres spuds. 4 acre corn, 4 ton hay. 200 bushels oats. jouu; a cash, Tjunce 3 years, 0 per cent. 80 ACRES 25 ia cultivation, house, barn, outbuildings, orchard, 2 wells, good crops, 2 horses, 3 Cows, 2 aows, 16 pigs, good machinery. Price $4500; $2500 cash, balance 8 years, 6 per cent lill.l.MAN &. HOWLAND. Cor Main and 8th sU., Oregon City, Or. 4 5.0 ACRES FOR $9000. 160 acres being cultivated: 35 acrea more eould be cultivated: 35 acres now in summer- fallow; balance pasture; running water on the place: all fenced: no buildings; about 30 acres ot fair timber. Thia would make a good stock ranch. Must be taken at once; $4500 cash, balance on terms to suit purchaser; no trades. Theo. Buskuhl, Friend, Oregon. YAMHILL CO. wheat farm. 104 1-3 acres; 70 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; tele phtene and daily mail; 2H miles to town, rail road and big grain elevator; $96 per acre, cash, or will take small place near Portland for part. R. L. Hickman. Tan? hill. Oregon. R. F. D. 2. FOR SALE, by owner 54 acres, Tualatin val ley farm, on electric line, 15 miles from center of Portland: good wagon road; good house, barn and outbuildings; plenty of ffiit. For sale cheap, or might trade for Portland resi dence property. Phone East 704 5. or call at 49 East 2 2d st. S. FINE 70 acre farm in high state of cultivation. 60 acres in prunes, pears. Bing and Lambert cherries, and Winter Banana apples. Good im provements, near Willamette Vallley railroad town. Owner non-resident, will sacrifice. Might trade for Portland property or merchandise. E-917. Journal. THE BIGGEST RANCH BARGAIN In Oregon, 600 acres, near Oregon City, all fenced, 75 in cultivation, all kinds of build ings, orchard, abundance of water and only $27.50 per acre. Good terms, would accept aome clear income property as part iirment 808 Spalding bldg. 160 ACRES, Lincoln Co., rartly imp., stock or dairy. 4 acres Benton Co.. 60 acres timber bal. partly imp.. $15 per acre. Address 683 Yamhill st., Portland. Or. FOR SALE $11,500 cash will buy 640 acres 01 meronanteble timber, close to R. R. and sawmill. VX-868. Journal. FOR SALE A fine Willamette farm. Phone East 4844. 633 E. 13th st. N. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FARMS TO RENT. STOCK FOR SALE. 89 A. near Creswell. Or.. good bldga. and e fair bldgs. stock land, no stock. Rent $225. 63 A. near Woodburn. Or. and tools. Rent $100. 82 A. near RldgefleM. Wn.. aood tiMea.- m. chard, no stock. Rent $300. 247 A. near Crawfordsville. a-ood bM well stocked. Rent $1000. 80 A. near Banks. Or., fair bldaa.. stock anil tools. Bent $300. 250 A. near Corvallis. Or., fair blda. non- land, no stock. Rent $1000. 200 A., near Albany, good land. 70 A. near Eugene, fair bldga. clear land Rent $300. 40 A. near Oregon City, fine bldem. sa atnrfc Rent $360. 19 A. near Woodburn. lnerndlna oris of siocx. eooo. 4 8 A. near McMlnnville. good bldgs, no stock. ttent ao. RALPH ACKLEY. 717 Corbett Bldg. FOR RENT 1000 acres river bottom land, or any portion thereof, for one or more veara. Terms cash. We would prefer renters who wish to grow vegetables, as we now have vegetable drying plant located on ranch. Address E. Clem ens Horst Co., Independence, Ore. FARMS WANTED RENT OR RUT 88 WANTED to rent, by experienced farmer, with or without stock and implements, a good ranch, within 40 miles of Portland and not far from school, muat have good buildings and water, tt. r.. rtoimes, 10a r JS. lotn st, N. B.-vrj!.Kii!,.rii tanner wants to rent an equipped farm, 25 to 40 acres cultivated land. Crop or shares rent Tabor 1974. 8023 89th ave. s. K. WANTED to rent small ranch. Phone Broad way 690. TIMRER 2S NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Wash ington, D. C, July 12, 1918. Notice is here by given that subject to the conditions snd limitations of "the act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218), and tne instructions of the secre tary of -the interior of September 15. 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September 3, 1918. at 10 o clock p. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Roeeburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum ef one-fifth of 1 per cent being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for, the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such cftixens and corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon aDnlica- tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit 1. 10 D., rw 1 e;., aec. Z9: N. W. 4 N. E. 14. yeuow iir ibuu m.. hemlock 60 M N. E. hi N. W. 14 . yellow fir 2210 M.. hem lock 870 M., cedar 10 M. ; N. W. M N. W. M yellow fir 2800 M., hemlock 140 M. ; none of the yellow nr. . emloct or cedar to be sold for less than l.oo per M. T. 32 8.. R. 0 V.. Sec 13: fci. -A . w. 14. red iir 800 M N. w. 4 N. w. A, red fir 350 M. ; 8. W. 11. w. 4 , reo. rir oir St.; B. 14 N. W. 14 red fir 350 M.; S. W. hi N. W. 14 , red fir, 400 m. ; a. jh. 14 r. w. 14 . red fir. 650 M none of the red fir to be sold for less than i per M. Clay Tallman. commissioner, general land 01 nee. HOMESTEADS 47 O. a HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate you on a good claim. A former government cruiser, 301 Worcester bldg.. adjoining ktnd office. W. H. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS ! Locate you on the best homesteads In the state for $100: mx charge unless entry secured. we classify and know these homesteads, ANDERSON & ANDERSON. No. 2 Land Office bldg., Worcester blk. Third and Oak Sts. O. & C. HOMESTEADS You can file direct We can abow you the best claims. Full information. BUNDY l McHARDY. 411 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 1 HAVE a party with $1500 cash; wants apart ment house from $3000 to $6000. Cobb, 409 Swetland bldg. GOOD house equity to trade for lot Cobb, 409 Swetland bide. Phone Marshall 4975. EXCHANGE 10 to 40 acrea, A-l prune land, unimproved. What have you. M-913, Journal. TO trade, 2 lots in Spokane for small car. P. O. box 131.' Linnton. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE tl ROOM house; 75x100; with fruit Ireea: $1300. Will take Ford ear as itrst payment or aell on easy terms. Near Kenton. Phone wooaiawn 003. 'Address 1585 H Peninsular ave. LIST . your property with ua tor results oa charges of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 108-107 Park at, be- rween wasmngton and start sta. FOR EXCHANGE: 8 lota. Price $2500 Port land, west aide, clear. Want Venice. Bedou do or Loa Angeles. 18SH 4th at. Portland. $2500 5 acres, clear of debt. Orchards. Wash. ; all In prunen. good house: trade for Portland bungalow. Cobb. Marshall 4975. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale. $800 to $3000. list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO. for quick resulta; old es tablished firm. Phone Main 2051, 633 Cham ber of Commerce. SHACKS AND SMALL HUMES WANitiO Most be N. E. and priced right We have Bumerous buyers waiting. Fred W. irmaa Co.. 783 Cham, of Com. WILL: pay cash for modern 5 or 6 room bungs low; in Rose City Park section; no commls- aion to pay. Quick action if suited. A. K. II ILL. 410 HENRY BLDG. WE have calls for bouses from $2000 to $5000. Let ui sell yours. O. W. Bryan. 509 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 1963, evenings, Mar shall 865. WILL buy a amall house; am not particular as to location; want 5 rooms; could use 4 or tt Want to locate quick. Phone Main 3718. t WANT OAK GROVE PROPERTY For results list your property with the Real Estate Ex.. am ad St., Portland. WANT! cheat) 4 room house. sT Portland Alberta district, with plumbing, csn pay iuo cash, must be a bargai Barber, 625 First st WANT house. Not particular about location it priced right Phone Main 871. CASH for modern bungalow if a bargain. Ruth field, 618 Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 637. MODERN small bungalow; Tabor 0325. must be a bargain. ROOMING HOUSES 48 ROOMING house for tale. IS renting rooms. 5 living rooms, 2 bath rooms; cheap for cash. 201 E. 5th St.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 19. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 80 1 GROCERY SNAP , Paying cash grocery; rent $30 per mo ; in-I eluding x store fixture, safe; 3 furnished living . rooms on ground floor in back of store; nice j yard; Just the place for' man and wife; woman j cm n handle nicely, making all expenses and more. Will take $4 50 for stock. See Layman, 14 7 Park, or call East 28 78. $15 A DAY clear: splendid opportunity for aome one: for sale butter, egg and poultry business; established 8 years; exclusive high class trade; will consider auto in part payment; best of reasons for selling; no a cents wanted. 1 Z-64 8, Journal. FOR RALE My rtudio and art shop, doing a good business. Expect to be called to the colors. Also will sell separately radion studio lamp and one No. 9 Senaca 3 li x5 H camera, fitted with F6.3 lens. Cash talks. Write for particulars. F. E. Lafler. Prtneville. Or. WHO wants interest in rich producing gold quarts mine for $10,000: $4000 rash. bal. payable out of the mine. Call owner, room 320 New Hotel Houston. Portland. EQUIPMENT and lease in one of the finest located dancing halls In the city. Living rooms in connection. Will sell at a low figure; eaving the city. P-755, Journal. FOR SALE Good paying business in Klamath Falls, Or.; $2200 investment. Will sell for 1800. terms. Phone Tabor 7770. or address . T. Doyle. Klamatb Falls, Or. PRINTING Two prsctlcal men can be Independent for life; $3000 cash required. M-906. Journal. 6 TABLE pool and billiard parlor, doing $300 per mo., will take small car In good repair, a difference rn cash. 1755 Ruby st WE SELL OR TRADE Artvthing and Everything Morris V Gilson, 431 Chamber o.' Commerce. ON ACCOUNT of our mining interest I will sell my well located grocery store for $2300: clearing $20 per day. M-632. Journal. A GOOD mechanic can buy hi int. or all of a s-ell est and paying garage very reasonable. E-916, Journal. FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop; average In come $200 per month. Inquire 202 Jef ferson. A SMALL paying business for1 sale cheap.. P-756, Journal. F0R SALE or rent, jying lunch room, serving 2 schools. Eaat 2199. $500 Gets hi interestand position. L-974, JournsL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 69 I WILL invest from $1000 to $5000 and ray time, which is worth more, in a neceseary business. Kindly outline your proposition. M-914, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment pla" ia the best and surest method of paying a loan. $82.26 per month '. 86 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest Other amounts in proportion. Ye loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission chsrxed. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st.. Portland, Or. PAT OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In easy Installments with 10 years' time to re pay; fully protected by life Insurance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong, Equitable office. Oregonian bldg. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 aad up. lowest interest rates. Liberal pre-Payment privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 831 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. V Q. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. $2J, $350. $400, $500. $650. $750. "1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham. Com. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mort gage; no commission. P. o. Box 873. MORTGAGE loans, and 7. Louis Salomon & Co., 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. H. Lewis, room 4, Lewis bldg. Fain 688. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET On short notice to salaried or worklugmen on their own note- Weekly, seral-montL.y or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDOF.SER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, p.'xnoa, etf, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. ' 218 Failing bldg. ' if You Need Money See Us 8ALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary rr fixed In come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal -property ; legal rates. Busi ness confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. ' Licensed. 306-807 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASStN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr., 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FX.TRNITLE. LOANS WANTED SO WANT $6000 at 6 by Sept 1, on Portland business property. SmsU commission or 6 hi commission. N-682, Journal. $1400 WANTED 7 7 room house, near Piedmont car bams. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $1100 ON modern 5 room bungalow. N-683, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 FOR SALE Five geod delivery or farm horses going to be sold st snap. Apply U. S. Laun dry Co.. 180 Grano-av CLEANING, pressing and secondhand business i for sale, good location, will stand investiga tion. P. O. Box 204. $70. GENTLE, sound 5-year-old riding and driving horae; harness and buggy. 145 E. 81st st. N., Montavilla car. GOOD farm team, plow, harrow and harness, all for $173; true to work and no blemishes. Phil Suetter, 285 Front St. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 2.0. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses takes quick. W e pay more for dead cows. Tabor 4Z03. HORSES and wagons for rent by the day. single $1.60. or double $3. 646 Front Main 2208. DEAD horsea taken, if fat paid for; dead cows paid for. Phone. 69-J. Milwaukie. XF YOU are looking for good horsea aee Mt. Hood Ice Cream Co. TEAM of horsea for rent Woodlawn SI 36, - 1448 E. 7th st. N. HORSES for- sale cheap, rood .condition. Broadway 1780. A-37S9- HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 19 60 HEAD of horses and mules. 1200 to 1700. all vouna and work aincla or doable: 80 set of single work harness. 80 set of double work ' harness, all kinds of farm wagons, wood wagons : and spring wagona. Everything for sale, exchange j or nire. tiverytning guaranieea as reprewnim. Crown Stables, open day and night Phil Suetter. 289 Front at WANTED-- Bucking horsea for big rodeo. Seot. 2. Labor Day. Guaranteed to ride any thing hauled, lead or d reefed in. Phone 870 and ask for Manager Frank H. Caldwell. Post stables. $9000 BUYS sorrel team, weighing 2400 lbs. Harness and wagon. Must aell account of sick ness. Mt. Scott car to 9th ave. Inquire at West over grocery store. . : 50 HEAD of hoICes from 1000 to 1600 lbs.. 4 to 10 yean, all broke; cheap. Oatman A Son. Fossil. Or. FOR SALE Two teams of hones, weighing 2900 lbs., and harness. 6 furniture wagons. Cheap. 226 Rusaell at. 2 FINE delivery horsea cheap. 624 Milwaukie. LIVESTOCK Si JUST arrived. Holsteln. Durham and Jersey dairy and family cows, $55 and up. 751 E. Ash. WANTED One or more good milch goats. Par ticulars to U-638. Journal. GOOD, fresh eowTTEeay-milker, cheap. Wood lawn 2442. YOUNG fresh cow for sale. Call Wdln. 980. 2 FRESH cows for sale. Call Main 2182! rOn.TRY, PIGEONS. fET STOCK S7 FO tT S ALE WHITE LEGHORNS 180 laying hens, $215. Now laving from 65 to 80 eggs per day. Come and count them and see for yourself. 45 pollets (White leg horns), $00; just started to lay. Owner. Mar shall 6915. CASH PRODUCE CO, son. all kinds of poultry produce, pet and biingstocktoiightand sold. 100 THOROUGHBRED you"nt laving hens. White Leghorns, Barrad Rock, Rhode Island Reds. Fat hens $1.20 and up. 145 E. 81st ft. N., Montavilla car. FOR SALE Tea rling brown Leghorns! $1 Weodstock, 60th st. and 69th ave. S. E Thelandcr. W'ANTEDWhir-fiiWn .,.,11.1. ber. C. T. Frederick. 6805 Weodstock ave FOR SALE Portable chicken " hoWTorTfl Thens Bargain if taken at once. 910 Height st ran S A LE FTw fi ne reglst e red hens cheap Thone East 3077 """""u cueap. DOGS, RIRDS. PETS. ETC. RABBITS and hutches fq- sale cheap" 4$ Re- tiring from business. 1031 E. Broadway. Fast 2597. FOR SALJ! Rice has the big boys. "Flemish.' 01 41 Woodstock ave. A FINE 10 months' old dog for sale, cheap Tabor 4370. THOROUGHBRED French poodle puppies. 2175 E. Washington. ST! "AN PR ES B E RGcana ries for alMa"rj 940 AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 4 WE are cleaning np on our used cam and are disposing of them regardless of present-day values. Our list of bargains Includes: 1918 Chalmers, only run few miles. 1017 Buick, 5-pass., 6-cyL, perfect 1017 Chalmers, small six, overhauled. 1917 Reo. 4-cyl.. 5 pass. 1914 Hudson. 6-eyI.. 7 -pass. 1913 Cadillac. 5-pasa. 1912 Psckard. 6-cyl., 7-paex. We also offer some exceptional bnys In used trucks, ranging from 1 to 4-ton capacity. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside Sta Broadway 621. Not Open Sundays. WONDERFUL VALUES. 101S filiiH.lMk,r T.nia..ii.... 1 2000 miles; also 1917 Studebaker, 7 -passe n- ger, cord tires. If you sre Interested call us up. Can make the price right A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington. Bdwy. 1614. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKE HOUSES. The portable kin d save you money. See sam ple at 844 Hood st Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co, STOP You are aware that after January, 1919, no new passenger cars will be built NOW Is the time to bring your car to us to get re painted, upholstered and new top. Prices are reasonable and our workmanship the best. We solicit high-grade work. SEE US AT ONCE, ROBINSON-SMITH CO.. 6th and Madison. : NEW CHEVROLET CARS A used car is the most expensive ear to buy and you do not get a guarantee. Call Mr. P. O. Rinehart. East 92 or 8174, for Information and demonstration. AUTO WRECKERS We wreck most all makes of cars and aell the food parts for less than half price. We. have all klnda of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old cars. " PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY, 282 Front tt MAIN 4768. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer? Wo have them, all makes and atses. Also we make the famous u-V-G Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner Ore VP airing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 833-335'Bu urnside near Broadway. stock USED CARS Bright COVEY MOTOR CAR CO Slat and Washington sts. Main 6244. DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. Pth at Oak. Broadway 1664. 1918 Ford roadster, like new; used three months. Price only 400. 004 Fourth st . A-MOTOR cruiser worth $375 end $45 per month, for good light car under $750. '04 Miss. Woodlawn 5193- SAXON 6-1917 model: good as new; for im mediate sale. Splendid bargain for cash buyer. Phone Corbett B2. FOR SALE New 6-passenger Ford. 1918 modeL Used 2 months. Call Broadway 3f32. FOR SALE A few good used tires; 82x3 hi. 80x3 clin.. 30x3. 28x3. 26x2 hi . Call and Sundays. No. 1 E. 16th st AUTOMOBILE chassis for sale; will make good roadsters or lignt aeuvenes, irian eiu m $200. 261 12th at. 1915 STUDEBAKER. 4-cyL, 6-pass.; 8 new tires ; In fine condition : $ 5 7 5 cash ; will demonstrate. Seilwood 2884. 1918 CHEVROLET, good as new, ior aale, cheap; rash or terms. Call Main 9072 or Main 480", after 6. FOR SALE, late model Ford roadster, looks like new and rune like new. Phone Col. 885. BUICK light six, 1917, first class condition, $107$. Main 3063. FOR SALE. Ford truck in good shape; cheap if taken at once. Tabor 4397. 5 PASS. Ford, fine condition. $425, cash. No. 616 Panama bldg.. 10 to 12 m. No phone. 1917 FORD, extras: just overhauled, condition. A bargain. East 6663. fine 1913 HUPMOB1LE. $300 cash, 245 E. 2d st. N. FLANDERS, four good tires, rims tine; only $275. Phone Wdln. 2230., SPOT cash paid for used cars. Dealers' Used Csr Clearing House. Grand ave. and E. B'ark. FOR SALE cheap. Buick chassis; for a good bug or truck. 471 Flint st A NEW FoTd Sedan, $75 discount, for cash. Tabor 841. FOR KALE a Havard aix machine, $225 cash. Marshall 3567. NEW 1918 Oakland Six for aale. Phone Tabor 4 503. $U50. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. Journal X-513, MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at ouce. X-514. Journal BUG 20 h. p. Price $210. Phone E. 5847. FINE 1917. Fold touring lor sale. 351 Sharer. of BY OWNER- AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES it SNAPPY BUYS If you don't aee your ear in this list, ome In and look over our $40,000 stock.' Carter ear. 8 past.; chance for a handy man to double present value lo" Maxwell epecial: also needs a little work..SSO Ford chassis, suitable for a bug or truck. .$ 285 Cole 30, fine garage car: lota of pep.. ... $ 300 Ford delivery. Urge covered bed; anap. . . $ 850 Stoddard Dayton delivery, strong and powerful $ 850 Ford. 5 pass.; fair shape, new top. 375 Studebaker, just the car for country work. .$ 400 Ford rdst. demo, rims; good for salesman.. $ 4 50 Ford rdst. just overhauled, new fenders. $ 475 Chevrolet 5 pass., special equipment .... $ 600 Fcrd truck, cab and good stake bed $ 000 Jackson, 5 pass.; mechanically perfect... $ 000 Maxwell. 5 pass.; gopd little family car . . 630 Briscoe, 4 8; investigate this bargain ..8 680 Briscoe. 4-88; motor perfect; good paint. $ 700 Briscoe, 4 3S: almost good as new $ 72 5 Ford coupe, 2 unit strt & light system. . $ 800 Studebaker. 4 cvl.. 7 cess .: ideal hotel bua.$ 815 Reo, 5 pass.; as good as new . .$ 050 Hudson 6-54; a good light six $1100 Hudson 6-54; motor and appearance fin. $1160 W, H. WALLING FORD Broadway 2492 Distributors of LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER SIX. BRISCO CARS PARRETT FARM TRACTORS 622 Alder t at 16th Used Automobiles TERMS GIVEN 1917 Studebaker. 7 ptaa . 6 cyl., A-l condition. 1917 Mitchell. 7 psss.. 6 cyl , fine condition. 1917 Mitchell. 5 paoa.. 6 cyl. overhauled 1915 Searns. 2 pass.. 6 cyl.. A-l rendition. 1914 Studebaker, 4 pass., coupe, cheep. 1914 Mitchell, 5 pass., 4 cyl. Several others to select from. Prices 250 up. i. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A 8TAVER CO. E. 1st at Morrison sts. Phones East 7272. B-121S. West Side Salesrooms. Broadway at OaF st Phones Broadway 615. A-SS4 3. J. H. GRAHAM. CASE AGENT. 10th and Stark Sts. LOOK If you wsnt 2d hand ears at bargain prices, we have them: 1 Six cyl.. 7 pass. Reo. 1 Six cyl., 7 pass., Paige. 1 Six cyl., 7 pass.. 8tudebaker. 1 1917 Oakland Six. just overhauled. 1 1917 Hudson Super Six. has been run 6000 miles. Haa 5 new cord tires. All these ears in good mechanical condition and we will give terms to reliable people. SIX TON UNITED REPUBLIC TRUCK With 8 bolster, all steel extension trailer, es pecially adapted to hauling lumber or poles in lOOg JCDBIUS. Almost new. at reduced price. Can be v'n at Overland Pacific Co. BROADWAY. AT DAVIS IBIS CHEVROLET Practically new Goodyear non-skid tires all around. Including one extra. My price la right A. C. STEVENSr 16th and Washington. Bdwy. 1614. LAKER Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs In stock; prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st ' Tois oaLXnd-6" 5 pass, practically new. only driven 1400 miles, in perfect condition, some extras; owner going away; accept Liberty ..feoudf or W. S. S. 886 Belmont at, after 4 p. m. - . CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makea of ears. Oregon Auto Ex change, 12B Lownsdale at 16U and Washington. Broadway 2668. BY OWNER, 1918 Ford. In perfect condi tion, run 3000 miles, new tires, some extras. $250 cash, balance terms. Main 1167 or Main 1442. I CAN save your from $25 to $500 on your new car after you decide on the make. No dealers or triflers apply. Investigate. P-768. Wournal. MOTOR8. Gearings, Bearings. Wheels. Axles and Trailers We wreck all makes of cars and sell their good parts at half price. David Hodes Co., Broadway and Flanders st Broadway 166. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 ROADSTER 3 steated, or roomy 2 passenger light aix preferred, nothing older than 191(1. Will give good property as part payment, or will buy on terms No junk. Main 5745. WANTED Ford runabout. 1916 to 1918. $300 cash, bal. $25 per month. DX 553. Journal. , WANTED auto in trade for 120 acres unin cumbered land, will imy rah difference. Ruthfield. 518 Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 687. WILL trade my 30 ft motor boat for a late, model car and pay cash difference. II 733. Journal. - AUTOMOBILE wsnted. 2 fine lots in Spoksne to trsde for Ford csr in good condition. P. O. Box 131. Unnton. TO TRADE for auto. $900 equity in lot 60x 110, 1 block rom Woodlawn school. J-715. JouraaL 1 HAVE a nice lot in San Francisco, will trade for light csr. Ford preferred. K-983. Journal. hli'ilEol prices paid tor automobile, condi tion oo object 121 N Id at Bdwy. 2629. 6 PASSENGER autcTfor light truck. Ta. 9S2ff. MOTORCYCLES. BICTCLES tt 1917 CLEVELAND $140. 1916 single light weight Indian $100. 1913 twin Indian $85. EVENING REPAIR SHOP. 863 N. 23d. Broadway 8060. NEW 1918 Beading Standard motereycie $73; lots of extras including $30 tandem; must be aold this weak, $300. Phone Kaet 7810. Mr. Obey. AUTOS FOR HIRE 61 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing A RobneM. City Garage. 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR Hi UK COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH. 222 10TH AND YAMHILL A-l 236 HIGHWAY .AUTO SEBVI'JE Good ears, com petent drlrerv Suth and Wash. Mi l, 70HU. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO ICE. We do taxi work. Main 228. HIGHWAY Good car. old driver. Wdln. 3471. MOTORCYCLES, BICTCLES tt BICYCLE, good condition, only $10! CaU 41 t ront st WILL GIVE $50 for good motorcycle. P-757! Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS FOR SALE Motor boat cruiser. 40x7, st a great sacrifice. $350. Terms. Woodlawn 8193. 704 Mississippi ave. v FOR 8 ALE Two houseboats : also 2 canoes. Oswego, Or. E. E. Dhooghe. -r PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS tl SECURITY STORAGE W. CLOSING OFt $250 7 octave square piano. cah.... ,$ 2 M 7 i-s octave square piano. casn....g n'l $275 7 octave English upmht, cab..... 45 $800 7 octave French upright rash. . j-. fl 6.1 , $350 American make upright eah. .....$ 9-1 $400 large oak upright puno. cash $163 $350 new studio model piano. - cash .... $21 S $375 new, stored, upright pis no. ean...$23$ 4ZB new. stored, upright piano, cash . . . $25.t $4 50 new, stored, uprisht piano, rash....$26S $750 Weber man., player piano, ca.-h. . . . $20S $660 modern, man., player piano, - raab. i 836S $ 85 parlor orgin with mirror, eath....$ 2 $125 parlor ertran. with mirror, cash $ 3S Considering the rising market, new piano alj ready gone 375 to $160 higher, the above) pianos ought to sell quickly at this time. Pianos bought and sold for cash and- storea for 60c monthly. 109 4th st. at Washington, WILL trade a new talkinr ma chine that plays all feTonl fol your fhl piano - G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th. between Alder and Morrison. A USED talking machine, standard make: will sell and guarantee it for $10 Cash and $1 a month. Q. F. JOHNSON TIANO CO. 149 6th. DON'T buy old unimproved piano when the : Security Strrage Co. is offering new improved $875 pianos for $215 end modern $650 playef pianos for $365. at 109 4tb st PIANOS, organs and musical Instruments Decker 4 Sod, rosewood upright. $104$C Burdette ores a. walnut $32.50. Harold 8. liU-v bert. 884 Yamhill st. I2K1 25 $12 CASH. $6 monthly still buy new Improved 1918 mcdel planoa at the -Schwa n Piano Co.. Ill Fourth it. at Wash. at. WANTED Piano or player piano for eash7"K 637, Journal. RENT a piano: no square or thuwg boaea narold S Gilbert. 884 Yamhill TYPEWRITERS 17 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan. r. nt appU te fjrehase. Visible models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. 88 Broadway. Broadwsy 4621 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, 'alt makes," sold on mrnthly payments. Send fol price list The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. re tail dept.. 321 Washington st. hEBUILT typewriters, supplies. Corona dealers E. W Peasa Co , 110 th. ALL MAKES ' typewriters rented and repaired.' Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 5th. Main 8661. HOUSEHOLD GO FOB SALE 6S We sre closing out two immense stocks of fine new home furnishings at wholesale eost.br leas. Don't look for second hand goods-wbea we csn give you brind new rugs, carpets, range and heaters, linoleums, dressers, dining tlblee and chairs, brats and Iron beds and complete" furnishings fot the same money. Come and big convinced. 1 Feldstein Furniture Co, I 166 68 FIRST STREET I BETWEEN MORRISON AND. YAMHILL ' FOR SALE, furniture of 4 room house, Hoosler cabinet, Jewell gas range, leatherette parlor set, hall tree, collapsible baby buggy, fruit jars, and many other; things. 4)U4 Minnesota ave. Wdln. 4066. ' . GAS and wood ranges, beater, waxed oak buffet. White bed. dresser, kitchen table. 8921 66th at S. E. ' 1 UNDERWOOD typewriter, rugs, office furniture. 221 Pittock bldg. Bdwy. 255; FOR SALE Good as new, oak buffet with platsj glass mirror. 667 E. 38th N.. price 318. FURNITURE of 4 room Hat for aale. Call aftet 6:30. 654 E. Alder, flat A. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It Electric Motors Bought aold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Ttnru side, corner loth. Broadway 667. Si 1 fl 1 II I TEN drophead sewing machines with V ' UiVJVJ .ttachmenu: aU are in very good condition. Sewing uiachmee rented at $8 pel- month. Phone Kastf 2359. or B 3 .'10 7. E. H. Bteen, 152 Grand ave., near Belmont. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters" and "Household Goods" sre separate classifications. All advertisement of these goods are published under their rerterti classification. . UHiK THEM OVEH $12i50 tO $15 SEWING "MACHINES Guaranteed. We rent and repair. 172 Bd at. Main 1845. A-l 818. ;j CABLED Ia. Schroeder, Flanders, irtiarjd. Or. New and second hand All sires Any amounw Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning, SI; Jewels, 80c; main spring. 60. REIN GOLDS. J K W EI. ER S. 1 24 6TH 8T. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCYES. LAUNCHES'- or boats are aeparate classifications. A lerga listing can be found under theae, different classifi cations. ; BARTLETT PEARS Large $1.26. small $1.00 box. 4S28 44th st. H. E., hi blk. N. Holgate. CaU at 4411, opposite. . FOR SALE One' new. first class aeetylen welding outfit complete, large tank with con tract for gas included. Call or address J. W. ITiver. Sheridan, Or. - SUPERIOR blackberries, kale plants, rabbits. Save, pick berries yourself. Comer 89th and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (M. T. 88th) car to end, four blocka north, one east. WHY-an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof Why not a permanent and indestructible roof r We oxidize ahd renew all. kinde of leaky roofs. 608 Tourney Jilrtg. Main 6880. - SAVE YOUR TRUNKS SAVE Uncle Sam needa them. Portland Evapor ating Co. buys them. East 18th and Taogna sts Seilwood 192 4. FORv SALE, cheap, 1 large collapsible baby buggy." 1 dresser. 1 bed. ruattresa, springs, I dining table. 304 E. 37th at NEW and 2d hand clothes nought, sold and ex changed. Cleaning, pressing and repairing. Nobby Cleaners. 333 hi Salmon st. BARTLETT pears for sale. 1st class. $1.25 per box; 2d class. 75e per box. 33d and Colum bia blvd.. telephone Woodlawn 2733 ijfJpfvZlTbree pound package of hops delivered nvwhera in the I. S. by parrel post, pre paid $1.0O. Address F. M. Morley, Bilverton. Or. 600 ENVELOPES or 6A0 bond letterbeajds. 82.76. Beat work; prompt oeuvevy; iry ua. Smith. Printers, 204 Stark at ; HOT water tanks, all aires. In good, aervleabl condition, 80 gaL $7. 40 gat $9. 20 1 Adsms st East end Steel bridge. Phone E. 8516. 6 HOLE Charter Oak combination wod And coal range with water coila and pipe; el- moat new. $33. 664 E. Davis. East 4757. KITCHEN ranee, a go,d baker, with coll anal warming closet, bargain $18.00; also heat ing stove IIOV Tabor 432. r FOR SALE Prs. le: prunes 2 hi e lb. S5d snd Alamedo. lake nr-mqway rar. COPPER steam table, 0 crocks, tray, burners J all equipment; 2P. asmngion. BARTLETT PE.ARS-e-$l 00 a box. Cor. 71s and rowell vauey roaa. FOR 6 A LF. Good farm team, farming tools. two barrels cider Ttnegar. l'ruwie bcii. ns. BARTLETT peart for sale. $1.25a box! 18 iT Division. . Phone Tabor 3830. j "FORSALFj; $80. ' 12x18 tent. 12 r. can- rasa; used 6 weeks. 1 Call at 8922 66th tf, g E, 4 Underwood Typewriter, good condition, $40. 245 E. 2d at'. N. SIX hole "teel range, with eoila. almost new., cheap. 1661 Delaware ave. St. Johns ear. FOR SALE McDoucal Kitchen cabinjt Phoc Kast HI 94. on ami WITH SABBDSTO'-- NEARLY new 9x12 fluff rue. good condition and clean. Call 866 Dekum bldg. - f BARTLlTfT pea fer sale, $1.23 and $l.d per box. 875 E. 28Ur ft. Woodstock car. ETfSLlSrTDamsonrae lb. 122S Ivon at, Ric . - mond car. VACUUM cleaners aold. repaired, rented, changed, bought Bentley Co.. Mia 8582. y pEUMBINli supplies;- wholesale prices. itark " Daw. Co.. 212 3d st Main 797. UNCALLED lor tailer made suits, $12.d0 ap Tsylor the Tsilor. ; 289 hi Burnslde. jaege ACUUMSWEEFERS, Main 8.t83, tConuniiaa ft ivtsOvTiBtf FMfl