THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY,1 AUGUST 22, 1918. 13 HEIT WA!ITEI-rEMm YOUNO LADIES ron TPHONK OPEHATLNO NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE : NECESSARY. 19 PER WEEK PAtD while learning bapcd advancement in i alary permanent positions. extra payments fob sundays and holidays apply telephone company operating school, sixth floob, park and oak stb. between 3:30 a. u. and ; p. WANTED, SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS X AND WAIST FINISHERS- BALL MANU FACTURING CO.. 13TH AND COUGH. ABC-ff ' Sept I. Middle aged W " heiise for man and two smell boy. ages 6 snd 8; (iwt b good cook and like children; mi, not sfrsUl tn country. Wage 125 per month. Nou other, nfd apply. Robert But ler. Altoniu. W-li MILLINER All sound milliner, ab7 to make. Mil and trim. glo.uu per wee. oiwu; pm-ition. with sdvsncs if abla to maka good. E-918. Joumst HELP WASTED MALE- AS FEMALE 9 HOP PICKERS wanted lor ou ina-wiia-i- , . -, r i v. rtl at Hucmere. Beet of hop, with clean ground,. Healtny ebeds with electric lights each, running water, aawed wood fraa. Store on grounds lor your con venience. To and your baggage hauled Jree to and from yard. Via Oregon Electric, fare $3.78. children 11.94 round trip Ind pendenra yard. To Hopmere. fare $2.70. ehll drea 11.40 round trip. Tent at Lop Htng yard free for your ne. Familiea preferred as they would prefer. Come with your family thua, to ,pend the vacation at the country and earn aoma monay baetdee. Please .make your reservs tiona and aeenre your railroad tickets from us NOW, by ealHng or writing. Office hours, 2 to 6 p. m. (every day) . SEID BACK ESTATE. 80S Firat at.. Portland. Or. ' WANTED 1200 bop pickers. Make year ve ' ration a paying proposition by helping T. A. lvele eV Co. pick their 80 sores of hops, lo eated oh tha following walJ knrwa yard,, Laks fcrook. Holmes. Murphy and FarelvaL situated at Salem and Independence. Bops wry heavy. Eieellkrit aarap grounds, atoree. bate her shop, netaurant. fins waiter, free tents, straw end wood. Apartment koasa .at tAkebrook. About in. or 20 dara" picking. Other special train will lee re Portland about Sept. 2 and Rail load ticketa and eoeoaanjodattone may be secured n and after Aavuat 10 at 0& McKay bldg.. eorner 3d and Stark eta. Will pay S0a per ,koi, or II per hundred pounds. Call early to secure tickets and accommodations, aa Oregon has plowed oat IB. 000 acres of hope, and many lees pickers are required to tartest the crop. Phone Mara IMS. faoLEft Barber colleob Pays yoa while learning! girea you set of toots. guarantee aoaitioaa. wnie ir caiaioat Burnetde St.. or phone Broadway 1T81. WinVt-AWrtT-ARftftlt CoLLBOi Teaebea men and women the barber trade fw-a. pay while learning. 284 Couch. Broadway 243 fEl5 WOMEN, learn barber trade free: wage while learning; ponition gusraatead. Oragog Barber Colleae. 228 Madison. 1TTTATIONS MALE Has alth lighnfVrrdelWery wi.hes employ ment 'or self and machine. Call Woodlawn 44T. CHAl'FFECR. 8 years' experience, out of draft. married, sober, honest: best of references. 4T4 Alder st . C. Martin. FAINTER, first class wants a room in some Will exchange work for down town hotoi. same. Address D-B30, Journal, MTTRlTiED man. experienced in "general farm work, wants place close to school by Sept 15 rr sooner. D-BBljMiranl. EXPERIENCED ape'cia'ltjK saleamaa. age SB. weight 280, mairried. desires position where results will be jipprec lated.H T8B. Journal. WANTEIVPoaiflon doing suto repair work, by married and reliable man of 38 years. P-838, Journal. fTfNTflNO and tlrtW SatTs'actlon guaran teed. Call Tabor 518. ' VOl'NCi man. o"2. marrietl. want, position; helper en gsito truck preferred. Call C-71t. ELIEJILT "man wishes work as Janitor, house mart or porter. 1P-7B4. Journal. r FOR A rA.NttR. when you. want one, call Mr. Stillwell. Main 7727. CARPENTER AND REPAIR WORK R. D. CROWE. Tabor 7982. SITUATIONS FEMALE COSlPETEV'fwoman wants to take charge of an apartment or rooming house aa working housekeeper. hone Main 1625, room 4 VOTING married Tady "wishes elevator work. Mar." 2819. , f- WrtfTLD iike housekeeping in the' city. "7 . 706. Journal, CHAMBERMAID work and board. Mala 6459. R 30. COMMERCIAL violonist wishes aay kind of en- gagements. MaJn 1803 SITUATIONS Vf ANTEtt MALE AP FEMALE ti vToQnIST and ethers will furnish rausio for all eccesisona. Main 1R03. DRESSMAKING , 46 DRESSMAKING, millinery; no patterns. Call Tabor R086. NURSES $ EXPERIENCED practical nurse, best of refes mew, will u'-e maternity cases in her own boas. ynoao East. 8663. FURNISHED BOOMS - fclUNCEflS hotel, moder. fireproof, running water, pheaas asd elevator: high quality, low price East Third and Bur-aide FURNISHED BOOMS PBITATE FAMILY 76 NICE room for rent ea Mississippi ear line, near KUlmsrs worth, reasonable rates, quick car service. Call Woodlaww 8T08. FURNISHED room for rent suitable far a gen- tleman: garage near: Irvtngton hosaa. Phone ;ast TB6.-, 8 ClTlBtE lot business man, nicely furnished room. beta, steam heat, in private family. Thona Mar. 6646. THREE nicely furnished sleeping rooms la pr& vato hero. CafNt 173 E. 14th st I RoTlMS'sar) bath tU., No carmen nor children. 625 Islington ave. BOOMS AND POABP li 1 HE Martha Wash Inst oa. $80 10 th. fet bus.' aeas gills sad atndeeta. Marshall 1381. o THE HAZEL, oui-lde rooms, hot water, nana eoekinc Speeiali rates w eouplea 86S 3d. WANTE1V--BOOMS AND BOABP 3$ WANTfcb. goo4 Chrbtiaa home near school in the eountry for two beys, 18 and 14. reaaon able board to bo paid: part of board in exchange for labor. Broadway 1685. A-7436. BOOHS AND BOABD PRIVATE FAMILY 7 ROOM snd bead in private home. '$29 . Sellwood month. 8 all wood 8694 472 bnilevard. earner East 9th. ROOM and board for one or two man. Wdln, 3675 or 1028 E. 18th at N. Tall PRIVATE hcs for children. 365 Hslsey. East 3446. , ET3SGTNT rooms snd board. Msr. 6188. HOC8EKEEPJNO BOOMS 71 FURBISHED AND UNFUBNISHED PBIYATE TAMILY HOUSEKEEPING room; everything . Included. ' ysr asonin. 1S4 N. 18th. Bdwy. 1818. FOB BENT HOUSES 1 MEIft-R FRANK'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, STH FLOOR Here yea have choice- of the combined Ret, oeauaew vaeani nouses, apartments and flau la the city, with definite, reliable informa tiba pertaining to each. Record are kept up to date, aaw listing, being sdded each day. There to abaolutaly no oblUatica or charge for this service. It is- maintained adely aa aa aojcmDsodatlon te the public Nswaomon Is Portland will find (his boreen of great help la letting properly iocs tad e..icklj-. Mr USth I1 1- a r- r-i .-,, nj rem. or e-ruon rurnuoea nous oy Bept. 1st w. H. Mathoson, ITS 3rd st, or 1188 E. Bherman, from tt a. m. to 6 P ta. e ROOU oaae, & btocis irem Gra are. and S blocks from Stevens sckcot. Pbooe Ma. 9itt 7 ro? BEirf-HOUSES If ; ! HELP SHIPBUILDING ,. i NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS ' YOCBrLlSTINGS. Yoa can serve your eons try by helping abip-k-ilders to locate. ' Lift your vscanrte. furnished or vafwniihed nouses, rooms or apartment,. Write or phone. A. J, England. Mala .I FUBNISHEP HOUSES , H NICELY (umlahed. modem, 6 room bouse. bath, electric, gas, flowers, roses, fruit trees, $26 ninth. 861 Fremont at, take. Union or W'llltagas are. car. APARTMENTS 41 FUBNISHEB ASD UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 30O room house,. 3 and 8 room house keeping apartments, furniehad or unfurnished; elevator, hardwood floors. 11th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS "a Newly fara-iBed modem - hetuekeeplng and sleeping room,. $3.80 and Bp. M1MLOP HALL, K. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod ern 1, a and S room apta, $12.6 ass walk ing distance. Call East 883. MAC. SOt. I A APT a. Eaat Sd and Belmont: modern 1 and 2 room apta.. $1.50 pesy week .'I up. Bleeping room, feast 812. 8 AND 4 room apt., partly f ura"ed;adit'-' P-1306 r PEMNSfU APT. Woodlawn 1863. Ooa rte bldg.. 3. 8. 4 new. bath. pho-p BOB BENT FLATS 11 SHIP WORKERS 4 room flat st Gaco,.o St. Helrm road, opposite St. Johns. Phone Main 3914. - rge flat for rent, hardwood $oor. rent reasonable. SeQwood 85R2. TWO 4 room flats. 228 Sheridan at. between liit and 2d, near shipyard. FURNISHED FLATS 8 fBR" "REN't Nicely f umlahed flat, fou rooms, bath, large sleeping porch. Call Tabor 8680. THREE upstairs furnished rooms, $20. Adults only. H E. ZZd. East 81-4. WANTED TO BENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLTJMBU RTTF.R SHIPBUILDINQ CORPORATION. In this war tins emsrgency ancT scarcity of bousing seeommodafiooa, we request erery patri otic cltixen who haa a house to rent or rooms to let to mail Information of same to Columbia R. S. B. Corp. Bog 1202. Portland. Or. GENTLEMAN and wifs desire nice furnished. email, modern apartment, flat or house, close in. September 1st Addrass with full . particulars. H-743-. Journal. WANTED Respectable young couple wants light H. K. room with piano, near Y. M. C. A. C. preferred. P-937. Journal. RELIAnCE party desires Broom cottage or bungalow in desirable neighborhood. , Would consider year's lease. J-9A0. Journal. WANTED To rent by Sept 18, 3 or 4 room bouse; prefer Woodmere school district Tabor 9325. or Arleta WANTED Furnished home permanently by re sponsible party. K-P82. Journal. 8 or 4 ROOM unfurnished flat or h. k. rooms, by couple, Sept. 1. E. 3685. A & or 6 rm bungalow, furnished. Wdln. 8659. SUMMER RESORTS 66 CAMPERS. ATTENTION Columbia Jieach "BY THE SEA" now open; most econoiiwsrdl vacation for you and the fam ily; besutifuj groves, fresh water streams and lakes, offering good fishing; finest stretch of ocean beach on tha 'Clatsop shore, wild straw berries and blackberries plentiful, abundance of sea food to cut the "high cost of living." Large boa tents, fully equipped, including! light wood snd purs mountain water: moderate charge. For reservation and particulars csll COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY, 112 Lumber mens bldg. Broadway 1613. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 $893 $395 8395 S8B5 $15 down, $13 moNthls? burs neat laree 1 roetra plastered cottage, concrete foundation and basement, city water in; near school: lot 23x 100. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. u, - ONE HALF ACRE TRACT $350 ' $25 down, $13 monthly, buys this nice tract N. E. of I-ents, several small buildings can be made habitable at small expense. Fred W. Gorman Ca 732 Chamber of Commerce. $300 DOWN $2700 7 room, modern home at 27 West Sampson st. Look this over but don't disturb tenant, then see us. Exclusive agent. J.A. WICKMAN COT-. $14 Stark st Main 683. THE HOUSE YOU WILL BUY . 5 rooms, good as new, 2 more rooms can be finisfied en second floor. , You can buy it at $000 below its real value. Price $2100. Easy terms. See Neilan A. Parkhill, 219 Lumber-m-ns bldg.. 6th snd Stark. $To00. Rose City. 6 Rbungalow, furnace, fire plsce. pared sta. $3200, Hawthorns 6 r. bungalow, modern; pared sts. CHAS RINGLER , cr CO., 328 Henry bldg. IF YOU are looking for i close In east aide bereain roms in and see me. 8 rooms $2650. $1000 cash. bal. terms. GIBSON; 26B Stark, Mar. 12. GANTENBEIN sve,. 7 rooms, basement, ce ment floor, fireplace. Bargain at $2600. $500 cash, $25 month. : GIBSON, 266 Stark. Mar. 12. C. PARK. 5 rooms, basement - Priced down fireplace, cement for quick sale. $3800, $500. bal. terms. GIBSON 266 Stark. Mar. 12. MODERNIZE your building ; all kinds of repairs. See my designs for new houses. Msx M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Msin 1373. Formerly Supt Oregon Home Builders. BARGAIN 8 room borne, Irvington; cost $10- . uuu. taks S3QOO less: sons in arm-: t.snn down, balance like rent; fine location; lot 66x mono ist 27 z. CLOSE to St Johns car at Portsmouth. Partly o.rii a mix-room Down ana luuxivu with u kinds of fruit and berriea. For sals by owner. $2300 Nice, neat, 5 room bungalow, on full 60x100 lot, near Peninsular park and nnti due. loni. jfinu . - 'i- J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark St. Main B.V FOR SALE 6 room touse in St Johns. Lot 60x126 H. Some fruit trees, U clear of ircumnranoe. r-ayments flown. Liberal terms. rrice inquire oia emitn ave. SELLWOOD 16S5 9th sf.. 6 large rooms. bath, toilet, electric fights, hot and cold water; convenient; two carlines cash: owner. $1550. $200 $4000 BEAUTIFUL HOME, pertly furnished. wui aau lor uuu casn. Clear, call Sell woed 2898. 1 p. a. - ICE. modera 7 room house, extra lane tnt B0xlo, hi block from ear, all in good con- aittoa. seuwooa jiuj rBAROAIN in a seven room modern bungalow. $2000, .includes, everything ; 6 per cent in terest mu tv. onto. cell. .484 MODERN "4 room furnished cottage, hardaur faced at., paid. $2000. $509 cash. - Call Bast 8.-B. 6 ROOM, ready to move in. modern, nrice $2100. tenms $400 caah, near 60th Powell- valley. Garland. lfS 8d. NEW 4 $1801 room house. never beea areuniarf ovv; oniy.siuu down, see frsper. 401 Board of Trade. BUNNYSIDE 8 room cottage, fine eondition, otocas iron car. tssr Jtam near oath. eaovu; tervna. yw er. laoor 777. EN MUwaukie, 100xl6o. S rooms. $750. $300 cash, $10 per moC Gibson, 366 Stark. star. 13. BARGAIN 5 room house, modern, with acres, improved, spring, fruit, on city car una. sua xtoaa st, east end Bdwy. bridge. t ROOMS, gaa. electricity, sewer paid. 1980 E. Morrison., near E. 78 th, key under ,tM- vjwaer, n. ozau. stivv, terms. FOR SALE, by owner, good 5 room house, close in en East aide, 2(T uiinntes walk from court house. Phone Milwaukie 66 M. EAST 83d st S. E. 6 roams, oath, toilet $200 cash. 818 basement 31 TOO Gibson. 266 Stark. Mar. 13. MODERN 7 room bungalow, good district, large lot Terms. Owner. Broadway 678. LARGE S room house, lot ' 60x100 Phone owner, Wdln, 3544. terms. SUNNTRIDE district $2500, 6 cnttftff-- li.ii oi,. cer, e piocw acoooi. -j sour till 9, NIFTY ' 5 room bungalow, reasonable. Particu lars East 8326. : $1400 BCYS5 room cottage en paved street snu car line, terms, saarsnail loPu. $900.00 6-room house t, 100x140. Terms. Owner. Tabor 7283. SEL-Ta room bouse cfese to shipyard; seU acre - sga Marshall 8441. $16006 room modern cottage, close to . school and cat Cash or tea)a T-791. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOB SALEHOUSES 41 OPEN EVENINGS 61T-818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG.. TWO SELLWOOD SNAPS $1500 6 room semi-modern. 180 feat to pared at sad streetcar; eewer, sidewalk snd st graded, sll ssseastnenU paid, bath sad toUot; only $20U cash, balance terras to suit $950 3 reems, electric light, street graded and sidewalk, all aasosmeBts paid, fine homo for small family; only 1100 cash, balance assy. TWO LENTS BARGAINS $1 100 4 room oottacej' 45x150 lot. all fenced, heuae in fins oonditioa, has hot water teak, bath, snd toilet, sink, pantry. 2 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, present owner will give deed to tha property for f 228 caah, and you assume a mart gaga of I8T8, payable 928 a month. $850 S room bungalow, nicely calcimined. good elec tric light fixtures, small cement basement, bath room ( no bath tab), patent toilet in, 60x100 lot. about 10 minutes from, ear line; fine home tor small family; only $180 cash, balance easy. . TREMONT GIVE AWAY ' $1750 8 rooms, sbout 6 blocks from csr, on cement wslk. Has Dutch kitchen, china closet, toilet snd bath, basement; wood lift, la fact, it is almost modern. AH kinds of fruit and berriea, 90x100 lot. $200 cash wUl handle sad the balance can be paid sa you like. . MANY OTHER SNAPS. FALLS CITY MORTGAGE CO., 617-619 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG.. Phone Main 3718. OPEN EVENINGS GET A HOME Look Out For a HOUSE FAMINE WITHIN THIRTY DAYS Houses are already scarce in Portland. . 8-4 room house, with 50x100 foot lot FROM $675 TO $1250 A home with 50x100 ft lot, complete in erery detail with living and dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bathroom complete FOR $1900 SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. Located at ROLAND STATION, straight Be4 rare on the OREGON ELECTRIC RY., 10 min ute ride to South Portland SHIPYARDS and 1 5 minutes to Wsahlngton street ; aerred also by the FCLTON CAR. In tha CITY UMITS. with all conveniences. BULL RUN WATER. GAS and ELECTRICITY. ACT TODAY. DO NOT DELAY. We will take foa by auto to YOUR FU TURE HOME on request THE CARaJON COMPANY. Owner of BEAUTIFUL CARSON HEIGHTS. 04 PLATT BUILDING. WASHINGTON at PARK. TELEPHONE MARSHALL 6025. $1830 EA S YRMS?Ltr"FURNlTr Here is your chance to get a modern double constructed 5 room house, all furnished, fire place, uutcB Kitchen, built-ins, etc., at a bar gain; easy terms. $10006 room plastered house, front and m porcn; cement loundarion; 2 lota; $400 .i-w .uu Assume e mortgage ox iquu. $2250 $375 and $20 per month including interest ; fins looking 8 room bouse,, near ear: good location; full cement basement, half ce mentedon bettors, two lots; fruit, berries and (.. U .11, GILSQN. 431 .Chamber of Commerce. $2500 I NOTHING Trt KOTIAT. Hawthorne bungalow, very artistic, S rms. . sttic, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet and all conv.. fc. bmt. paved sts. pd.. 60x100, only $500 caah. "YOU SHOULD GET EXCITED ABOUT" It a worth while. , Sold on attorney's order snd is worth $3500. 45th st G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg.. 35 Yrs. in Portlsnd." Main 4868- PIEDMONT HOTJSEHoNAP 8 rooms, modern house, on corner 300x100. All street improvements in and paid. In one of the best restricted residence districts in Port lsnd. Houss alone oould not be built today for $5600. We can sell house and 100x100 cor ner for $4500. You'll have to hurry. This ad will sell it. Neilan & Parkhm. 219 Lumber mens bldg., 5th and Stark at $2650 PENINSULA BUNGALOW. TERMS 5 i room, double constructed, attractive hnn- galow"like new, white enamel bath, toilet and lavatory, elect and gas. full basement, floored attte. screened in back porch, close to school and St. Johns car. On Concord st Pries $2630. Terms. See FfeANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $1375 $100 CASH 6 rm., blk. Glisan cari large lot; fruit, berries; house like new. bath, eiec.. gaa fixtures: move in. G, C. GOLDENBERG 215-18 Abington Hldg. Main 4803. ALBERTA -DISTRICT $3200 Only y, blk. to cat. 9 rooms and sleeping porch, with one bedroom on first floor; fireplace, full cement base ment, wash trays, a real classy home and practically new; hoaae alone worth more than Dries asked. " Terms to suit- J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark St Main 583. $1800 PENINSULA BUNGALOW -TERMS. 4 -room bungalow; bath, toilet electricity and gas, full corner lot: fruit trees: room for car- den; on paved st, near Prescott and Minnesota; convenient to all shipyards. Price $1800; $300 down, $15 per month. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BI.DG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. POSSESSION ON SHORT NOTICE ' $24506 room modern bungalow, in fine condition, dose, 1 blk. to car; tenant has been ordered to vacate; new hard wood floor, will be laid as aoon as va cant. Easv terras. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark St. Main 583. $2200 PENINSULA BUNGALOW lOOxlCO . 6-room, new, modern, double constructed bungalow, 100x100 lot, white enamel plumb ing fixtures, built-in conveniences, on Interstate st, close to school snd ear. only built 2 years, a great sacrifice. Price only $2200. on terms. The lot should be worth price asked. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. SNAP! $2600 SNAP ! 100x100, 6 rm. cor., on carline. Haw. dtst Mod. plumbing, f. e. bas't, paved .sta. Price 2600, subject to baL bona. A groat snap near 28th and Division. G. a GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. "85 Years in Portland." Main 4803. $3000 EAST MORRISON ST TERMS 7 room bungalow, like naw. white enamel plumbing, fixtures, elect and gas, good ceucent basement, .run snd flowers: 1 V blocks to Mt Tsbor csr. Price $3000, $300 down. $25 per iuuiii, lacnniBi inier ouxiao iol. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Abington bldg. To Buy Your Horns.' Main 1068. BUY 14 acrea fine land, lies well. 6 in cultiva tion, good 4 room house, barn 24x36; well. fruh and plenty of wood: electric cars, rural route. You can work in Portland and run home Saturday nicbt. Telephone snd phone in eluded at price of $1000 for all, Vt cash. M. Pederaen. 210 H First st Evening, only. BEAUTIFUL home, 6 large rooms, sleeping porch, bath room, 2 toilets first floor, 3 dor mer rooms upstairs, cement basement fruit room, wash trays, furnace, garage alleyway, all im provements paid, close in on sp.'t aide, will sell lor less loan cost to nulla nouse; terms. Owner, Broadwy 181. Marshall 2486. $2800 BUNGALOW ON IKVLNUiON CAR 6 room bungalow, standard plumbing, elect and gas, cement basement, 50x200 foot lot fruit and garden, Vt block to' Irvington csr. Fries $2306; terms. See FRANK Lv M'GUIRE, Abington bldg. To boy Your Home. Main 1068. 7 ROOM HOUSE $2350 " 4 bedrooms, living and dining rooms, bath, kitchen and fall basement Electric lights and gas. Newly painted, first-class condition through out Price .,$2360. Reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WYGANT. NEAR DENVER rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, piped for furnace, everything buflv in; grounds highly improved with roses and shrubbery, close to Jefferson high- and grammar school. A $3600 home for $2500. Terras. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. 802 Oak. REAL BARGAIN 8 Room House, 100x100, ATbraa. $8300; $500 Down, $20 per Month. Frail trees and berries, fine place for large family, honie in good repair, one block to WiHUcas ave car, near school, street improve ments all paid. W. J, Cox, 821 Failing bldg. IRVINGTON PARK. 6 room modara bungalow. full cement basement laundry trays; pretti est home you'll ever find. Take Alberta car to blocks east 1160 Glenn, $2800. Easy payments. FOR SALE 4 room house on, fit Johns car. Paved street, lot 60x100, 8 nice fruit trees, berries and good garden 1 walnut tree, lots of choice roam, good neighborhood and car at tha door. Price $1200. st terms suitable. 1410 Greely st. ' - . BARGAIN -Modern 4 room bungalow, new fur ' niture, only $ 1 800asy terms. Leering eity. Ease City Park, i-70 Joar-ai. ; REAL ESTATE FOR SAL HOUSES 61 SPLENDID HOME BARGAIN. Here is a snap. ,root modern house sad fear lots, with fruit of various kinda. QHolgate at Marguerite eve.. bloeka from Woodstock car. Part cash snd balance en easy terms. Apply st 1074 Holgate street EtARD TO BELIEVE FOLLOW THIS AD CLOSELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW. GARAGE. $8000. S room bunnlow with hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet, cement basement wash trays, on a paved street in a splendid restricted district: lot 48x100. all lmxtrevementa In and paid. Furaished with practically new furniture; garage; perfect title. For goodness' sake hurry. Dos t let someone else beat you to una osr rain. A. G- TEEPE CO.. 364 Stark st,. near Third Main 8816. Branch office, 50th snd Sandy. JUST BEYOND PIEDMON T BARGAIN $3300 Out of town owner instructs as to sell at once beautiful bungalow, with e'ery modern conven ience. Everything right up to the minute hardwood floors, flreplee, built-in buffet French doors with beveledplato glass, vary, expensivo light fixtures, etc. Just s block from ear. No asaossmente to assume. $500 csab. balance monthly. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Btara a, near Third. Main 3516. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. $2975 $2!7$ $2976 $2975 $2975 ADJ. LAURELHURST. DANDY COR. BUNGALOW. WITH FURNACE. FIRL PLACE, ELEG.. BUFFET. -NAMKL PLUMB ING. LARGE FLOORED ATTIC. F. C. BASE MENT. EVERYTHING RIGHT CP TO SNUFF. CLEAN AND NEAT AS WAX. A REAL HOME; BLK. CAR: TERMS. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg.. "3B Yrs. in Portland." Main 4 808. Hist T(TrirTT ttf RrtsE CITY? The owner of one of Rose City Park's most beautiful , bungalows haa been transterrea ia Nnttli. nrt i forced to aelL Five rooms and breakfast room. All of the up-to-the-minute features you would expect to find in a perfect bungalow. Just a block from car. It will be a pleasure to show you. A. G TEEPB CO., 364 Stark st. 'nr. 3d. Msin 3516. Branch office, BOth snd Sandy. ' $1600 HOMi $30L DOWN. $10 PER 6 room home on full lot goed basement; bath, toilet, electric lights and gas. cement walk and graded street, fruit snd berriea, close to car and school, good-neighborhood; price $1600. $200 down. $10 per month. No street liens or mort gage. On 42d are. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1069 80x100 BARGAIN. 6 rooms, modem except furnace; good barn, can be used for garage; chicken run, fruit trees; 2 blocks Alberta ear. on Going st The price. $2625, la away below value; $250 down, balance easy. Let u show you this. - COMTE, 727 Chamber of Commerce. . ONE HALF ACRE TRACT $1000 AH in cultivation: 26 large assorted bearing fruit trees, large 4 room shack house; plenty of berries, garden sll in; close to school in Monta villa: $100 down. $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. EAST 4th N.. R. C. P 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, fireplace, furnace. $2900, $600 cash. bal. terms. Gibson. 266 Stark. Mar.. 12. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ CLEAR lot in Fern park, 42x125: paid $375; make offer; will take bonds. 1-228 Iron St., T. G. : FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 seres in Jackson county. Csll evenings or writs. John Mit- cheli. 349 H Ankeny st. : FOR SALE: Lot 9. block 178. University Park. $100. 25x125 ft Terras. 4624 2d at. S. E. ACREAGE 7 " 3 ACRES AND BUNGALOW $2250 ; Dandy 4 room plastered house and 3 scree ground, all highly improved, 200 fruit trees and all kinds berriea, chicken house, bare. etc. Everything first class condition; some tools. Terms $1550 cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEM ANN. COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 19 acres In 2728-3 soutn. 1 . . v i . ii ki-s I . weal . ' k ltcwiu ., ..1 . .. . " K4 room house, barn, spring, creek, all year water power. Can irrigate. Small cash down, balance easy. Must go st great sacrifice. Own er 390 Vancouver ave., Portland. ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY j SANDY BLVD. ACREAGE Hero is a beautiful piece of acreage (12 2-8 acres) . just 2 miles east of city limits. Ideal for country home or investment, $700 per acre. J. L. Hartman Co., 7 Chamber of Com. THE BEST 6 H-acre tract you can buy; 25 mitT utea out,' 9c fare. House, barn, all kinds of fruit and berries; most all in cultivation: $3150; terms. D. E. Csrlock, 1011 Yeon bldg. Maia 5466. FOR SALE by owner, 10 acrea improved land, Una county, 40 rods from depot. 76 miles from Portland, easy terms. A. N. Fosdiek, Portland, Or., gen. del. FOR SALE 1S acres, rWth Edisoa st, St. Johns, overlooking river, near, railway, would maka fins industrial site. I am drafted and have to sell. Wdln. 1298. 5 ACRES near Bonita $2200. including potato crop, estimated at $600. terms. F-845 Journal. ; PASTURE for rent Lake Grove Mar3hall3441. SUBURBAN HOMES 73 OREGON CITY carline, 100x149, 3 block, to car: good house, 4 rooms iirsi iioor, upstairs not finished. Would make 2 rooms' and sleep ing porch. Price $2000; part terms. Gibson, 266 Stark st Phone MarshaU 12. FOR SALE FARMS 17 480 ACRES FOR $9000. 160 acres being cultivated; 38 acres mora could ba cultivated: 35 acres now in summer- fallow: balance pasture; running water on tin place: all fenced; no building, ; about 30 acres of fair timber. This would make a good stock ranch. Must be taken at once; $4500 cash, balance on terms to suit purchaser; no trades. Theo. Buskuhl. Friend, Oregon. YAMHILL CO. 'wheat farm. 104 1-3 acres; 70 acres in cultivatic-, balance pasture; tele phone and daily mail; 24 miles to town, rail road and big grain elevator; $96 per acre, cash, or will take small place near Portland for part It L. Hickman. Yarn hill. Oregon. R. F. D. 2. t FOR SALE, by owner 94 acres, Tualatin val ley farm, on electric line. 15 muss from center of Portland: rood wagon road; good house. barn and o6tbui(i!nrs: plenty of fruit For sals cheap, or might trade for Portland resi dence property. Phone East 7045, or call at 49 East 2 2d at S. 5 ACRES, with buildings: wster piped to houe; barn and hog house te hold 100 hogs; this I acres is in high state of cultivation; on west side, 3 miles from courthouse ; all en easy terms. Sea Joe Gentemann, 230 xamnui street, room 7. ; FINE 70 acre farm in high state of cultivation. 60 acres in prunes, pears, Bing and Lambert cherries, and Winter Banana armies. Good Ira provements. near Willamette Vallley railroad town, owner non-resiaeni, wui sscruice. migni trade for Portland property or merchandise. E-917, Journal. 160 ACRES, Lincoln Co.. partly Imp., stock or dairy, 4 acrea Benton Co., 60 acre, timber, bal. partly imp., $15 per acre. Address 533 Yamhill ,t.Portland. Or. FOR SALE $11,600 cash will buy 840 acres of merchantable timber, close to R. B. and sawmill. X-86R. Journal. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 1000 acres river bottom land, or any portion thereof. for one or more years. Terms cash. We would prefer renters who wish to grow vegetables, ss we now hsvs vegetable drying plant located on ranch. Address E. Clem ens Horst Co., Independence, Ore. TIMBER IS NOTICE OF 8 ALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wash ington. D. C. July 12. 1918. Notice ia bere by given that subject to tha condition, and limitations of the act of June 0, 1916 (S& Stat, 318), and the Instructions of the secre tary of the interior of September 13. 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September 8. 1918. st 10 o'clock p. m. st public auction at the United States land office at Rose burg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value aa shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. Tha purchase price, with, an additional sum of one-jfiftb of 1 per cent, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to ba returned If sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber, which must be removed within 1 0 years. Bids will he received from ej-xens of the United States, asaeeiarions of such citizens snd corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on sny legal subdivision will be offered aeparately be fore being included ia any offer of a larger unit T. 16 8.. R- 1 E.. Sec 29: N W. N. E. 14, yellow fir 1300 M.. hemlock 60 M , N. E. H N. W. tt. yeUow fir 2210 It. hem lock 370 M., cedar 16 M. : N. W. 14 N W. tt. yellow fir 2300 M.. hemlock 140 M. ; 'none of the yellow fir, -.exalock or cedar to be 'sold for less than 31.60 per M. T. 32 S.. R. 6 W.. 8ec 18: N. E. tt N; W. tt. red fir 600 M. ; N. W. tt N. W. tt . red fir 350 M. ; S. W. tt N. W. tt. red fir 450 M.; 6. E. tt N. W. tt. red fir 850 M.; S. W. tt N. W. tt. red fir, 450 M. ; 8. E. tt N. Wv tt. red fir. C50 M : none of the red. fir to be sold for leas than $1 per M. Clay Ttilntan. commissioner, general sad of fiea, SEAL ESTATE FABMS WANTED BENT OB BUT $8 EXPERIENCED farmer wants to rent an equipped farm. 1& to 40 acres cultivated land. Crop or shares rent Tsbor 1974. 8023 39th sve. 6. E. ' WANTED to rent small ranch. Phone Broad- way 890. HOMESTEADS 41 O. a HOMESTEADS Row open for direct ffflng. 1 can locate yoa on a rood claim. A former govenmeat eiuisai. 301 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land effioa. W. H. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS Locate yea on the beat homesteads fna e i no . n-ii ntn searad classify and know these howeateada. ANDERSON ANDERSON. No. 3 Land Office bldg., Worcester blk. Third and Oak Sta. Oi - G. HOMESTEADS Yon eaa file direct We can show yoa the best claims. Full information. BCNDY McHARDY, 411 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE U NOTICE , If your property, either city, farm or acre age, baa merit and is for exchaVure or sate, call or write full particulars no inflated values con sidered, bare first clsSs list- to select from. George P. Henry, 829 Henry bids. Refer ences. Portland Realty Board. EXCHANGES OF MERRIT If you' want to exahange yonr property, city EXCHANGES OF MERIT incomeor outside of Oregon property, see GILSQN OR MORRIS. 431 Ch. of Com. LIST your property with us for results on ehartes of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park at. be- tw een Washington and Stark sta. . 320 ACRES, unimproved, 1 fare Portland, clear of incumbrance, exchange for house and lot. 300. Henry bldg. IMPROVED 10-acre suburban ranch for sale or exchange. Box 253, city. FOR 8ALE Only meat market in good town. Subject to draft Max Muralt. Sherwood. Or. TO trade. 2 lots in Spokane for small ar. P. O. box 181. Linnton. WANTED REAL ESTATE II HAVE SEVERAL bonafids buyers for modern bungalows in Rose City park and Haw-orne district Can make good payments. List your lioue with us. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. IP TOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale. 800 tn 13000. list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO. for quick results; old es tablished firm. Phone Main 2051. 633 Cham ber of Commerce. I HAVE buyers for a No. 1 farm with lota of clear. Good buildings. Stock and equipment up jo $20,000. Herman Peper, 517 Union ave. N. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WiVlKD Muat be N. E, and priced right We have numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. WE have tails for houses from $2000 to $5000. Let us sell jours O. W. Bryan. 509 Cham, of Com." bldg. Main 1963 evenings, Mar shall 865. WILL buy a small house; am not particular as to location; want 6 rooms; could use 4 or 6. Want to locate quick. Phone Main 3718; WAN OAK GROVE PROPERTY For results list your property with the Real Estate Ex., 201 8d st. Portland. WANT house. " Not particular sbout location if priced right Phone Main 37 in. MODERN small bungalow; mast be a bargain. Tabor 9325. BOOMING HOUSES M 83 ROOM. 3 and 3 room apartments, hot and cold water and private bath to each apart ment, fine furniture, brick building, eloae in. Rent $250 per mo., with 3 jr. lease, clearing over $400 per mo. Price $6000, $3500 cash bal. terms. GlLSON & MORRIS, 431 C. of C. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 86 FOR SALE A good photo studio, well equipped, ground floor, good kodak linuimng Business, naming, Xnmi-n: lino snd a side line of Columbia graf- o no las. records and sheet music. Photo dept. separate if desired. Will sell at invoice price. Proprietor going into the army, apply at once. Box 164, American Falls, Idaho. GROCERY, at invoics, a nice, clesn stock of groceries, in thickly settled aistnet jus. me place for party working in shipyard. living rooms, garage. Wood anea tun ot wooa. au go at invoicei rent only $10 per mo., about $800 will bandfe; investigate. SEE GILSON. 4 31 h. of Com. $15 A DAY clear: aplendid opportunity for some one; for sale butter, ecg and poultry buaine 1; established 8 years; exclusive high class trade; will consider auto in part payment; best of reasons for selling; no agents wanted. 2-648. Journal. FOR SALE-My at dio and art shop, doing a good business. Expect to be called to the colors. Also will sell separately radion studio lamp snd one-No. 9 Senara 3 H x5 H camera, fitted with F6.3 lens. Cash talks. Write for particulars. F. E. Lafler. Prineville. Or. WHO wants H Interest in rich producing gold .quartz mine for $10,000; $4000 cash. bal. payable out of the mine. Call owner, room 326 New Hotel Houston. Portland. EQUIPMENT and lease in one of the finest located dancing halls in the -city. Living rooms in connection. Will sell at a low figure; leaving the city. P-765. Journal. FOR SALE Good paying business in Klamath Falls, Or.; $2200 investment Will sell for $1800, terms. Phone Tabor 7770. or address J..T. Doyle, Klamath Falls. Or. PRINTING Two practical men can be independent for life: $3006 cash required. M-906. Journal. 6, TABLE pool and billiard parlor, doing $300 per ano., will take small ear in good repair, a difference in cash. 1755 Ruby ,t WE SELL OR TRADE Anything snd Everything Morris ft Gilson, 431 Chamber o.' Commerce ON ACCOUNT of our mining interest PvtM sell my wpII located grocery store for $2300; clearing $20 per day. M-632. Journal. LA GOOD mechanic can buy H int or all ofa well est. ana paying garage very reason, Die. E-916, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE S7 OUR Installment pla- ia th beat and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month ' - 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loss snd Interest Other amounts tn proportlon. V.'e loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 243 Stark st.. Portland. Or PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In easy installments with 10 years' time to re pay; fully protected by life Hsurance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 8 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong. Equitable office, Oregonian bldg. $300, $400. $500. $750. $1000 snd op. lowest interest rstes. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT 0, 631 Chamber of Commerce BUILDING loans on city or suburban property: money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. &2J. $330. $400. $50O. S630. 750. "1000 and larger amounts st current rate,. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 783 Cham. Com. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mort gage; no commissi.. n. P. I. Box 873. MORTGAGE loans, 6 snd 7. Louis Salomon k Co., 408 Selling bldg. CASH tor mortgages, loans, contracts Lewis, room 4, Lewis bldg. 1 .sin 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 Salary LOANS ' Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or workingmea on their own note- Weekly, semi-mont-ly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, p"nos. ,tc, without removal, CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Falling bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans aiadta---persons oa sslary or fixed in come, oa household farnitnre. pianos, diamna-td, and other personal property; legal rates. B -sine confidential ; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, Licensed. 806-367 De-urn Kdg PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland buaincaa mea to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 394 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. v HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 FOR SALE Two teams of horse,, weigbiag 2900 lbs., snd harness. 6 furniture wagons. i Cheap. 226 Russell at - -' e IS ALL KINDS of wagons, h-rneea. saddles. bua gias; two toad survey,: tine polo cart; dandy black and white Shetland; all kinds of hones, cheap: will take eattla or milk goats Us ex change. 802 Front st WANTED Bucking he nee for bit rode. Sept X. Labor Day. Guaranteed to ride any-' thing hauled, lead or dragged la. Pheae 870 snd ask for Manager Frank H. Caldwell. Post stables. BIG rough pair, mare and -Mines weight 29 00 lbs. i thl is a first-class work team but thin. Will take $7S for pair, or good cow. $03 rroat . $90.00 BUY9 sorrel team; weighing 3400' lbs. Harness sad wagon, kfuat sell account of sick ness. Mt Scott car to 9 Ut are. Inquire at West over grocery store. I WANT to bay s good farming team, net ever 7 years aid. Must be reasonable. L-947. JounaL SO HEAD of horses from 1006 to 1S00 lbs.. 4 to 10 years, all broke; aheap. Oatman A Son. Fossil. Or. FOR SALE Five good delivery oe farm horses going to be sold at a snap. Apply U. S. Lan- oryvo., ISO Grand avo. BAY mare, wagon and haraeae. tl "S3 aiaraneM 4000. bEAD horses sad animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 30. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses taken quick. We pay naore for dead cows. Tabor 4303. H6R83 and wagons for rant by the day, single or ooaoioaa. B46 Front Main 2208. TEAM of horse, for rsnt Woodlawn llST. , 1449 E.J7th stN. FINE rubber-tired surrey: will take good horse or cow in exchange. 302 Front at 2 FINE delivery horses cheap. 624 Milwaukie. LlfESTOCB SI FOR SALE, magnificent Imio Nubian buck; Na bian doe; fine Saanen doe kid. $20; Airedale bitch in whelp to Titan Tip. L. E. Woruom. aiia ana K ate.. Vaneonver, Wash., box 344. x uuuv oro. JC8T srrivsd. Holstein. Durhsm snd Jerwy oairy sna ismuy cows, ! 5 s ,nd up, 751 E- Ash. WANTED One or more good milch goats. Par- ticulars to U-638, Journal. GOOD, fresh cow. heevv milker. ch,n ' W-vt- lawn 2442. 2 FRESH cows fur sale. Call Main 2162. POUXTBY, PIGEONS, PET STOCK $7 CASH PRODUCE CO. aon, aH kinds of poultry prodnes. pet and breeding stock, bought snd sold. RABBITS CHEAP " Belgfsn. New Zealaada and Flemish Giants. 981 Minnesota ave. WANTED White Leghorn pallets, any ' um- - riwoenea, asos Woodstock svs. LAYING bens, pullets'" and '". aiier e:o. 7QI8 43d svs. S. E. FOR SALE Few fin. reiistsrsd hens cheap! Phone East 8077. POOS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. RABBITS and hutches for sals ehean! 4$ Re- tiring from bualn eaa. East 2597. 1081 E. Broadway. 6141 Woodstock sva t THOROUGHBRErTFrench poodle puppies. 2175 E. Washington. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED CAB BARGAINS 1916 Overland roadster, runs fine and looks well 1916 Oakland Six. good shspe. extra 'tire ; will give you good service 1916 Cadillac touring. A-l condition... 1918 Dodge sedan, good sa new 1917 Dodge roadster, fine condition. . . 1916 Dodge touring. A-l shape 1918 Ford delivery 1916 Ford roadster 1917 Saxon Six. run less than 6000 miles 1918 Wlnton Six. 7 -pass., new ! ' $678 800 1850 1850 750 750 6B0 440 00 8000 Wo have many other makes at bargain prices. Terms and exchanges considered, COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 2 1st snd Washington Sta, Main 6244. 1918 CHEVROLET m Practically now Goodyear non-skid tires sll around, including one extra. My pries is right A. C. STEVENS, 16th snd Washington. Bdwy. 1614. A REAL BUY Dodge touring csr, late 16 model, this ear has not been abused. $750; can maka terms Mr. Powell. Marshall 881, between 6-8 p m. AUTO WRECKERS Wo wreck most all stakes of cars and sell the good parte for less than half price. We have si! kinds of used bodies for ssle. Highest prices paid for old ears. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY, 232 Front at MAIN 4768. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer? We have them, all makes and sizes. Also we mske tbe fsmous o-V-G Double Tread (sewed) tire, and do all marner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 333-335 Burnside near Broadway. MUST SELL TODAY Am leaving city. Model 60 Overland, rn A-l condition. Just overhauled, new tiree sll around a snap for $300. Phona Woodlawn 11 14. Al bina Garage. Mfg. A Repairs. 8060 guaranteed spring, in - . pi 11 1 rvquceo. ss loth st 1918 Oakland a ' 5 psss, practically new. only driven 1400 miles, in perfect condition, some extra,- owner going away; accept Liberty bonds or W. S S 886 Behnont-nt, after 4 p. m. CASH paid for old cars, conditio- nhi-. parts for alllmake, of cars. Oregon Aot Ex change. u l.ownsaaje ai lain and Washincton. Broadway 2668. MOTORS, G ea rings. Heanncs. u. hi. .- Trailers We wreck all mika of or. .h ..11 ineir g-ooa pans si nan pnea. David Hode, Co.. Broadway and Flanders st Broadway 106. 1916 OVERLAND 6-eyUndr 7 passenger fine condition, fully equipped, extra tire .-rt' rim. Cash or terms. 665 East 11th at N. 41-0. norrt " a r-r-. prices ait, UOLf LfttnO RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO . 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244 DURRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th at Oak. Broadway 1 664. BY OWNER 1918 Ford roadster, like new used three months. Price only $450. 554 Fourth st A MOTOR cruiser worth $373 and $43 per month, for good light car under $750. 'i04 Miaa, Woodlawn K3. SAXON-6 -1 917 model; good as new; for Lm- msdiate sale. splendid bargain for buyer. Phona Corbett 52. FOR SALE New 6-pajuengsx Ford, 1918 model. Used 3 months. Call Broadway 8532. FOR SALE Dodge louring car; Al condition: one extra tin snd extra equipment 681 E. Morrhn. Phone Eaat 6824. 1913 STUDEBAKER. 4 -cyL. 6-pas..; 8 new tires; in fine condition: $$75 Cash; sill demonstrate. BeUwood xg4. GODdS servicable 5 -paaa. ear ia fine ahapa. Go any place. Nice locking. Cheap to run. Snap, $200. Can 188 Third. 1918 CHEVROLET good aa new, 1 aela. cheap; rash or terms. Call Main .072 or Main 4 807. after 6. FOR SALE, late model Ford roadster, look, liks new and runs like new. Phone CoL 865. BUICK light six. 1917. firat class condition. ,1075. Main 3063. FOR SALE. Ford truck in good shape; cheap if taken at once. Tabor 4397. 5 PASS. Ford, fine condition, $425. eaah. NoT 516 Panama bldg.. 10 to 12 a. In. No phone. SPOT cash paid for used can. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House, Grand ave. and E. 8,rk. FOR SALE cheap. Buick c! for a good boa or track. 471 lT-ttt at NEW 1918 Oakland Six for sale. $1150. PJione Tsbor 4 503. WILL sell my 1917 MaxweU cheap. Journal X-613. MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. X-614. Journal. FORD Touring cheap. Auto Best Garage, 10th and Salmon. HORSES, TEHICLES- ETC AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 4$ USED CARS Cash or terns, tha fell swing sen are backed by us to be wall worth our priee: Srndebaker, 8 paaa. very good shape ..I 150 Carter car. paaa ; ehanoe for a aaady man to double prsaaat value t lea Maxwell special; also needs a little werk..$ 2B0 Ford ehaasia. suitable for a bug or truck.. $ 36S Cole 30. Tine garage ear; lets of pan.. .. .$ 300 Ford delivery, large covered bed; aoap...$ 850 SteddaM Daytoa delivery, strong gad - powerful 3$6 Ford. 3 pass.: fair shape, new top. $ 873 St-debeker, lust the ear for eountry werk..$ 400 Ford rdt, demo, rtma; good ifor salesman.. $ 480 Ford rdst. lust overhauled, asw -faadars. $ 476 Chevrolet $ peas., special so-rDsseat. a aw Fcrd truck, cab and good stake bed. . . Jackson. 5 paaa.; mechanically perfect MaxweU. 6 pass. : good little fansilr ear .$ 600 :$ 600 .$ 650 Briscoe. 4-38; inrestigste this bargain ..$ 680 Briscoe. 4-88: motor nerfaet: aood aaiat.t 700 Briscoe, 4-$8; almoat good as new $ 726 Ferd eoupe, 2 unit strt A light system. 800 Studsbaksr, 4 cy. 7 pass.; ideal hotel kuaf 8T6 Reo. psas.; as good aa new.. . , .$ 980 Hudson 6-54; a good hgkt alx ........ .$1100 Hudtoa 6-64; motor and ppeer-oa fios. tllSQ W. H. WALLINGFORD Broadwsy 2493 Distributers of LIBERTY 8 DC. PREMIER, SIX. BRISCO CARS J1-TT 11 KM TtLACTUrt- 033 Aide at 16th DON'T FAIT, TO SEE OUR LINE OF "CbED BUT NOT ABUSED" CARS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 1917 MaxweU touring. $$60. ltlS Chevrolet touring only $678. 17 Ford, with extras, only $52$. 117 Over land touring. $625. 1917 Chandler, fine shaps. $1450. 1917 Chevrolet touring $560. 1916 Chevrolet with demountable rim. only $415. 1916 Maxwell -$S7S. 1916 Ford $400. Sea, these and many others at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 627 Washington street S Where Washington and Burn:ide meet USED CAR SNAPS 1 1917 Ford touring. A-l S pa. 1 1916 Ford touring. A-l shaps. 3 1917 Ford bugs, obesp. 1 1918 new Chevrolet, 5 pass. 1 1917 Ford tourtng. new top and sest covers. 1 8 eyl. Cole. A-l shape. 1 6 eyl. Paige, A-l ahapa 1 Stude baker chassis, sleo. light and starter. 1 6 ejL Wlnton, cheap. 1 3 H ton Standard truck. 1 3 tt ton White truck 1 1 ton Ford, almost new; ataks body. 1 5 pass. White, new tire,. Chassis for delivery ears. WnIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY. Broadway st Davis. USED CARS USED CARS How about that used ear yoa hsvs beea thinking of kuyin, for some time put? Why noc ao u nowi ins longer you wait tha mora tt will coat you. Oar stock is lust sbout com plete. Come in and 1st as- show you some real bargains. Wa now have tha following cars ia atocc: 4 Fords. Overianda. 8 Studsbakera. 2 Sax oa 8ixea. 1 Grant Six. 2 eix-eyL Paige. 2 1818 Chevrolet. 1 1$17 Dodge. 1 Xing touring. 1 King roadster. 1 4 eyl. 8 -pass. Stude road ster. 1 Buick. 1 Oakland. 3 Cadillac. 1 Regal. . a. . . 1 . . . . .. 7 op-u-. - annncsD roaasier, 1 oountry UluB Overland. 1 Warren roadster. 1 Willys-Knight touring. 1 Wlnton Six touring, 1 Locomobile 4- peas. Lots of bugs. TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS 1 1914 Ford truck. 1 1917 Ford truck. 1 1916 Ford truck. 1 1917 one-top Denby, 1 1917 one-tort Maxwell. 2 Liceert Stewart u-ucas. 1 vim truck, z Overland deliveries. 1 1917 one-ton Sarford truck 98 new, with tots 01 extras. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE Grand Ave. and E. Stark St East 7810. Open Evenings and Sundays. Used Automobiles TERMS GIVEN 1917 Studebaker. T paaa. 6 trL. A-l condition. 1917 Mitchell. 7 paaa. cyL, fine eondiUon. ii7 iiitcneii. a paaa., a cyL, overhauled 19114 Steam. 3 paaa.. 6 eyL. A-l rondtUoa. 1714 Studebaker. 4 pas., ooape, cheap. 1914 Mitchell. 6 paaa. 4 cyL Several others to select Iron. Prices 260 up USED CAB DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS' STAVES CO . E- 1st st Morrlsoa sts. . Pheoeo East T3T3. B-tSle. West Side Salesrooms, Broadway at Oak st Phones Broadway 515. A 8343. WE are cleaning up on our used cars Snd are disposing of them regardless of present-day values. Our list of bargains Includes: 1918 Chalmers, only run few miles. 1917 Bufc-k, 8 psss , 6-cyl., perfect 1917 Chalmers, small six, overhauled. 1917 Reo, 4 -cyL. B-paaa. a 1914 Hudson. 6-cyl.. 7 -pass. 1913 Cadillac. B-pasa. 1912 Packard, 6-cyL, 7 pas. We also offer some exceptional buys in used trucks, ranging from 1 to 4 -ton capacity. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside Sta. Broadway 621. Not Open Sundays. WONDERFUL VALUES. 1918 Studebaker. 7-naaaaager; only run 2000 mile: s1m 1917 Studebaker, 7-passon-ger, cord, tire. If yoa are intarsstod call us up. Can make the price right A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington. Bdwy. 1614. USED CARS Model 79 Overland $900 1915 Hudson 640. fine boy. , . . 760 1915 Cole "8" make us aa offer. 1917 Mitchell Six 99 per cent perfect. 1917 Maxwell exceUant tires B0 1018 Harroaa a fine car 760 1917 Overland, model 8$ snap 780 1916 Paige, 8-paaa; must be sold. THE ACME AUTO CO.. Phone Broadway 2796. 631 Alder St Guaranteed Ante Repairing. GARAGES HOC-" CHICK El HOUSES. The portable kin d save ya money. See sam ple at 64 4 Hood st Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. AUTOMOBILE chassis for sale; will make good roadsters or light deMveries, fraa $100 to $300. 261 12th st. . ... AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 NEW CHEVROLET CARS - A -ed ear b tha most expensive ear ta buy ad yoa do aot get guarantee.. Call Mr. P. C. Kinehsrt. East 93 or 8174. for information gad gemonst ration. 1 . FOR SALE A lle modal Ford, in aplendid condition: new urea, extra eauitnaeat: .eaaii $40. Pboos Tabor 4434. Uesklenoe 1323 B. Ash at. . AUTOMOBILES WANTEP W TRADE Edison moving picture machine with steeoptiean and las Want motor cycle or Hght car. er will saU. Address Box 186, 1 n ton. Or. : WANTED Ford runabout 1916 to 1918. $$00 cash. bal. $25 per month. DX-5&3. Journal. : AUTOMOBILE wanted. 3 fins loU in Spokane to trade for Ford ear la good oonditioa. F. O. Box 131. Linnton. LET at repsir your maenine ta your own sga. Prtvats servics ear day sad atght Riag oeu . eioo. 1 HAVE a nice lot in San Francisco, will traJe for light car. Pord preferred. K-933. Journal. tluli&i prices paid lor aaiomofiilsa, eondt ttoa ao object 131 N. 3d st Bdwy. 8629. oA6S'-En5"ER auto for light truck, Ta. 932X MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES ta 1917 CLEVELAND $140 1916 angle light weight Indian $100. 1913 twin Indian $85. EVENING REPAIR SHOP. 388 N. 23d. Broadway 3060. KTV 1418 Reading Sundard motorcycle, $7$: lota of sxtraa Including $80 tandem; snurt be sold this week, $$00. Phone East 7810. Mr. Obey. AUTOS FOB HIBE l AtTTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new ears. Reasonablo rataa. Peering & Rnbnett City Gsrage. 86 lOtK. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. '"It'TOa HTRouT IirIVeks r6 H" (MH'CHMlN A SULLIVAN. MARSH. 333 ,0TH AND 7AMH1LL A-1336 FORDS for hire without driver. 443 Siara t Broadway 8532. niGUWA-"" ACf5" Bt&t tCE GoakJ cars, aom"- peteat drivsra. Sixth and Wash. Ma t00 COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO'S SV ICE. Wo do teat work Main 338. HTgHWaT Good car. oM driver. Wlln. UU. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE Motor host cruiser, 40x7, at a great sscriflre. $860. Terms.. WocxUswa 8198. 704 Mlntsstppi are. FOR SALE Canoe and full equipment fa? eluding eftare tn bnathnoas. Call Tabor 317B. FOR SALE Twe houseboats : also 3. canoes. Oswego, Or. E. E. Dhoogn. PIANOS. OBOANS. MUSICAX INSTBUMP7NTS 4 SECURITY STORAGE ' CO. CLOSING OUT 60 7. octave square piano, cash $ 38 ' $800 7 1-8 ectsve square piano, rsib . . . . $ 6t $275 7 octave English aprwht. cash $ 45 - $300 7 ocU- Franc- upright cash ..$ 85 $860 American make upright cah......$ 98 $490 large oak upright plane, cash $166, $830 new studio model pisno. cash.... $215 $878 new, stored, upright pisno, cash... $283 ;' 4.a new. stored, upright pisno, caah.,.$2$B $4 50 "new. stored, upright pisno, cash. ...$26$ $760 Weber sub., player piano,, caah. ... $206 $650 modern, mah., player piano. celi..sJo5 r $ 85 parlor organ 'witli mirror, eaah.,..$ 25 $126 parlor organ, with mirror, caah $ $6 : Considering tha rising mafket. new nianoa al ready gone $76 to $160 higher, the above j piano ought to sell quickly st this time. Pi-tiee bought and sold for caah and stored ; for 60a monthly. 109 4th st at Washington. WTIX trad a new talking machine that pktys ' ail records for your old piano. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th. . between Alder and Morrison. A USED talking machine, standard maka; will eell and guarantee It for $10 cash and $7 a month. a F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 4th. DON'T buy old unimproved piano wheo the Security Strrsg Co. u offering new improved $$76 piano, for $216 and modem $680 player pianos tor $368. st 109 4th t PIANOS, organs snd musical instramenta, Decksr Son, rosewood nprigbt $100; Bardett ergsn, walnut. ,$32.30. Harold S. Ui: bert. $84 Yamhill st t 1 $"201.25 $1 CASH. $3 monthly still 'burs new improved 1913 model planes St the gchwsa Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St. at-Wash, at RENT a piaao: no pquar or thump boa, Hamld S. Gilbert, 884 Yamhflt - TTPEWB1TKRS 77 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent appUa t firchase. Visible model. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. fc6 Broadway. : Broadway 4631. CTJaRANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, 'a : makes," aold on mrnthly ;syraenu. Send fof pries list The WhnleHls Typewriter Co., rv : tail dept.. 821 Washington t. REBUILT typewnters, aupplte. Corona dealer. E. W. Paaa Co . 110 6th. Arf.'MAt'gS- typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 6th. Main 8. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE "GREAT FyiMTHjlE- is are closing out ' two immense stocks of fin new boom furnishings at wholesale ..cost as? Mas. Don't look for second hand goods wjea. we can ivs you brsnd asw rugs, carpets, rants asd h ester, linoleum dressers, dining tables snd chair,, bras snd : iron beds snd eompleta foralshinzs for tbs ssme money. Com snd ba convinced. i Feldstein Furniture Co. 166-6 FIRST STREET BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL i OWL FURNITURE CO. fitLLS FOR LES ' Iron beds $1.75 up. Springs $1 up. Mattresses. $1.60 up. Chsirs. 75e up. Dressers, $6 up Dining, $3 up. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 Firvt ,t FOR SALE 1 heater; 1 Acorn gas range, high oven; 1 Acorn gas -hot water heater; 1 oak library table: 4 leather seated dining chsirs: 1 leather seated rocker; ; l bed, complete; 1 sa ni ts ry couch ; 1 breakfast table. This furniture Is all In good conditio-. I Apply. 427 Shaver st : fOR SALE, furniture of 4 room hoos-. Hooaier " cabinet JwU ga-i rsnge, leatherette psrlot set. ball tree, coUapsibls baby buggy, fruit Jar and many other thiogi. 94 -tinnaaota ave. WdUs. 4066. GA8 and wood ranges, heater, araxed oak, buffet, White bed. 66th st. S. E. dresser, kitchen table. , 8931 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IS FOR SALE On - new. fust ria acetyleaa welding outfit complete, large tank with con tract for ga included. Call or address J. W. Driver, Sheridan. Or.' HOPS Three pound, icge c.f hops delivered snywhers in the t 8. by parcel post, pre- . paid $1.00. Address F- M. Morley, Silverton, Or.- 600 ENVELOPES or 600 bond letterbasds, $2.75. Beat work; prompt delivery; try aa. Brnith. Printer,. 204; Stark rt. HOT water tanks, all sixes, in good, servlcsbla condition. SO gst. $7. 40 rL $9. 201 Adam st. Eaat end Steel bridge. Phone E. 8IS16. 6 HOLE. Charter Oak combinatioa wood and coal range with 'water coils sad pipe; al most new. $35. 564 E. Davie. Eaat 4757. - KITCHEN range, a good baker, with coil an warming ekwet, bargain $18.00; also heat tng stove 816. Tabor 4 32; - S bole steel range, with noils, almoat new, cheap. 1661 Delaware ave. St Johns csr. J-R-BALE. snlectBjesns fcr canning cheap, aoj also infertile egga 1645 Mivsl-rpl ave. FOR SALE Goodf early not, ton, . peara and spple. Phone Msin t-392. FOR 8ALE McDouxel Kttcheu cabinet I'bone East 8154. 6 E, 22d st -- . NEARLY new 9x12 fluff rug. good condition 1 and cean. Call 306 Helrom bldg. gNGLISH lnmon,;4a lb. IKS Iron st. RicV mond car. i ' XAEGl VACUUM SWEEPERS. Main 8.V82T ""tCoBunaad oa i ui$ fsftl 1. J.