- i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1918. 11 i --- HELP WANTED MA IE AND FEMALE , 89 HOP PICKERS wsntied for mir Independence (east) I ml Iw Sing yard at Hopmere. Best n( hope with rlean grounds. Healthy sheds with electne light nrb, running water, .sawed wood free. Store on- grounds for. yrmr con venience. You and yrur baggage hsuled free to and from ysrds. Via Oregon Electric, fare $3.78, chBdren $1.94 round trip to Inde pendence yard. To Hopmere, far $2.70, chil dren $1.4 ft round trip. Tnt at Lope Sing yard free for your tsse. Famillea preferred as they would prefer. Coma with your family thus, to spend the vscation at the country and earn aom money beid-s. Plee maks yonr reserva tion and secure your railroad ticket from u NOW, by callinc r writing. Offira hours. 2 to t p. m. (every day) .i 8EID BACK ESTATE, 808 Firs', at., Portland. Or. MINTED 1 - 00 hopTpickers. Make your ae ration a paying proposition by helping T. A. Llvesley tt Cn. pick their 050 acre of hop, lo cated on the following! wall known yard. Lsks breok. Holmes. Mnrphy and I'erciral, situated at Salem and Independence. Hopa very heavy. Excellent camp grounds, atores, butcher ah op. restaurant fine water, frea tents, atraw and wood. Apartment hoiix at I.akehrook. About IS or 20 days' picking. Will aend 300 picker on A uxuit 13. Other special train will leara Portland abnut September 3. 4 and S. Rail road ticket, and accommodations may ba secured on and aftar Auruat JO at 805 McKay bldg.. corner 3d and Stark at. Will pay 60e per box. or $ 1 per hundred pound. Call early to serura ticket and accommodation, aa Oregon baa plowed out IB, 000 acre of hopa, and many leaa pickers are required to harraat tb crop. Phone Main 1848. SITUATIONS MALE SlAN with HgfVt ford" dell rery wishes employ -mint for self and machine. Call Woodlawn 4 4 57. CI I A I : K f'FX H8 years1' ex peri ence. out of draft, married, sober, honest; best of references. 4 74 Alder at. F. C. Martin. FAINTER, first clans,! wants a room In noma down town hotel. Will exchange work for same, Address. D-BSOi Journal. MARRIED man. experienced in general farm Work, wants place c(oee to school by Sept 15 or sooner. D-6S1, Jouranl. VVANTKriPoaftTonfWnTuto repair-woTkTby married and reliable man of 33 yearn. I' 838, Journal. FA IN T I NO and t Irtiti if Sat is (action- guaran- teed. Call Tabor Oil 5 Y'I'N man. 3"2. iiiarrieff. want position ; helper on auto truck pref.-rred Call (M719. ENGLISH gardener, enpenenced in flowers, fruit and Vegetables N 877. Journal CARP ENTER A M KKPAIIt WORK II D CROWE. Tahor 7flS2 SITUATION? EM ALE 4 EXPERIENCE! girl, ana 10. wishes to help with housework in refined family. No ob jections to 1 childi State wages. L-984, Journal. FOSlflON wanted by stenographer, beginner; knowledge of bookkeeping; high scbool grad uate. East 8 64 6. c75MTEfEN'T woman wants to take charge of an apartment, or .rooming house at working housekeeper Phone Main 1624. room 4ft. Mll'N'l married lady wishes elevator work. Mar, 2:119 ' WOULD like housekeeping in the city. 706, Journal. A WIDOW lady wishes children for board. Call East 8347. COMMERCIAL vlolor.lst wishes any kind of en gagements. Main 1S03. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE " A Np V K M A L E S3 82 ROOM. 2 and 3rooih" apartments, hot and cold water and prirate bath to each apart ment, fine furniture, brick building, close in. Rent $250 per mo., with 3 yr. leaie, clearing over $401) per mo Price 6000, $3500 rash, bal. terms. OILKON A MORRIS. 431 C. of C. VIOLINIST and others will furnish musio for all occasisotis. Main 1803. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING, millinery; no patterns. Tabor 8085. CaU NURSES 60 EXPERIENCED practical nurse, best of refer ences, will ta .e roaitcrnity cases in her own home. Phone East 81663. FURNISHIEI ROOMS PRINCESS hotel, modern, nreproof, running water, phones and elevator; high quality, low price East Third and Burnslda ' FURNISHED ROOMS BRIVATE FAMILY 70 M'RN'ISHED room for rent suitably for a gen tleman.' garaga near; Irvington home. Phone East 7SU6. TW6 light. nicely furnished "housekeeping rooms; suitable lor 2 or 3 gentlemen. 400 Main. ROOMS and bath $25 No carmen children. 125 Lexington are. nOUSEKF.F. PIXrt. ROOMS 8 FUllNISHED AND UNFURNISHED WANTED -Housekeeping rooms, with or near garage, near loth St.. N. Broadway 5433. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 . IRK Martha Washington. 8H0 10th, for busP pea girls, and students. Marshall 1251. THt HAZEL, dutsida rooms, hot water, borne cooking Special rates iu couplea 385 8d- WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD 39 WANTED, good Christian home nar school in the country for two boya, 13 anil 14, reason able board to be paid; part of board in exchange lor iabot Broadway JuiiS. A-74 2H. ROOMS AND BOAR!) PRIVATE FAJMLY 72 ROOM and boad in private home. $28 a month. Sellwood 31194. 472 Sellwood botilcrard. corner East Oth. ROOM and board for one or two men. Call PRIVATE hums ior children. East 24 48. 365 Halsey. ROOM and board. 29B Cherry st. East 5117. I.LEGANT rooms and boardTMar. 5181T FOR RENT--HOUSES IS HELP SHIPBUILDING NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. You ran serve your- country by helping ship builders to locate. List your vacancies, furnished or unfurnished bouses, rooms or apartxnenta. Write or phone. A. J. Eugland. Main 11 S3. WANTED to rent, 4 r 5-n.om furnished house by Sept. 1st. W. H. Matheson. 173 3rd t. or 1183 E. Sherman, from S a. m. to 6 P tn. 6 ROOM raoilt-rn bungaliwand 2 lots, with gr den, 2 S blocks southwest of Mt. Scott car, Myrtle Pai k station, $ 2 5, 4 3 03 57th st. 8. E. t! ROOM hon, 3 liliw-ks from Grand are. snd B bloc ks from Sterens -tn;ol. Phone Mn. 9466 4 ROOM coltage at 732"Mis7omrlTis. Free water; only $1 0. Woodlawn 2032. 4l 59TH AVE. Walk west fTom Tremont station. Furnace. $25. Inquire 2 to 6 p. m. BEAUTIFUL suburban homo. 8 acres, excel lent location; close in N-679. Journal. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APARTMENTS few 200 room house, 2 and 3 room house keeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished; elevator, hardwood floors. 11th and Montgomery. HART. APARTMENTS,' Second - and Yamhill Nesaly furnished mode re' housekeeping; and sleeping rooms. $2. BO amd pp. HlnLOP HALL. E. 6tat and Hawthorne. Uo rn 1, 2 and 8 roots apt. $12.50 up; walk-fng- distance. Call East 882. 4 ROOM apartment 'for rent; furniture for sale rheap. Call at Apt. D, The Mordaunt, 18th and Everett, ft to 12 a. m. ' MAGNOLIA APTS. East $d snd Belmont; modern 1 snd 2 roam spts., $1.50 per week "P. S leeping rooms. East 812. , 3 AND 4 room apt., partly furnished; adulta. D-130H. l'KNINsri.a ATTS Woodlawn 1862. Con crete bids .2.8.4 rooms, baths, phone. FOR RENT FLATS IS . LOWER flat, 3 large rooms. $12. Apply cor ner 89th- and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (M-T S8th) rar to end. 4 blocks north, 1 east. TWO 4 room flats. 2 2M Sheridan st. between 1st and 2d. near shipyard. WANTED TO RENT 7 COUPLE, no children, permanent, 1 or 2 fur nished housekeeping rooms, before 24th Aug ust, West Mde. E 015. Journal. . WANTED Respectable young couple wants light H. K. room with piano, near Y. M. C. A. ' H. preferred. P-837. Journal. RELIABLE party ilrfires 5-room cottage or bungalow In desirable neighborhood. Would consider year's lease. J-960, Journal. WANTED Furnished home permanently by re sponsible party. K-B82. Journal. 3 or 4 ROOM unfurnished flat or h. k. rooms, hi couple, Sept. 1. E. 3U85. WANTED TO SENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU . COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and scarcity of bousing accommodations, w request every patri otic citizen who has a bouse to rent or room to let to mail information of same to Columbia R. 8. B. Corp. Box 1202. Portland. Or. SUMMER RESORTS 38 CAMPERS, ATTENTION Columbia Reach "BY THE SEA" now open: most economical vacation for you and the fam ily; beautiful groves, fresh water streams and lakes, offering - good fishing; finest stretch of ocean beach on the Clatsop shore, wild straw berries and blackberries plentiful, abundance of sea food to cut the "high cost of living." Large box tents, fully equipped, including light, wood and pura mountain water; moderate charge. For reservation and particulars, call COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANT. 212 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 1612. REAL ESTATE FOR HALE HOUSES 1 ALBERTA DISTRICT $3200 Only blk. to car. 8 rooma and sleeping porch with one bedroom on first floor. Fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, a real classy home and practically new. House alnno worth more than price asked. Terms to suit. J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark St. Main 683. WEST SIDE COTTAC.E. $1700 fl room eood cottage, electric light, bath, etc., lot 50x100, some fine bearing fruit trees, paved streets all in and paid, on carline on Nebraska St., in South Portland; price $1700, $500 cash, bal ance to suit at II per cent. ;r(;ssi & downey. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 8 ROOM house, full-Mmnt baaementtTSjTlOO lot; fruit and berries; 2 blocks from Alberta cor. Price $2250; $375 cash, balance $20 a month, including interest. OILSON & MORRIS. 431 Chamber of Commerce. BUY 14 acres fine land, lies well, 6 in cultiva tion, good 4 room house, barn 24x38; well, fruit and plenty of wood; electric cars, rural route. You can work in Portland and run home Saturday night. Telephone and phone in cluded at price of $1000 for all. H cash. M. j ruernen, xivy, rirst ft. - Evenings only. POSSESSION ON SHORT XflTICF $24 50 6 room modern bungalow in fine con dition, close In. 1 blk. to car. Tenant has been ordered to vacate. New hardwood floors will be laid as soon as vacant. Easy terms. J A. Wlckman Co.. 314 Stark St Main 583. BEAUTIFUL home. 0 large rooms, sleeping porch, bath room. 2 toilet first floor. 3 dor mer rooma upstairs, cement basement, fruit room, wush trays, furnace, garage alleyway, all improvements-paid, close in on east side, will sell for less than cost to build house; ternu. Owner, Broadway 131. Marshall 24BR. FOR SALE 4 room house on St. Johns car. Paved street, lot 50x100, 8 nice fruit trees, berries and good garden, 1 walnut tree, lots of choice roses, good neighborhood, and car at the door. Price $1200. at terms suitable. 1410 Greely st. $305 $305 $305 $305 $15 down. $15 monthly buys neat large 1 room plastered cottage, concrete foundation and basement, city water in; near school; lot 25x 100 Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 15 MIX. WASHINGTON STREET. 5 room modern bungalow; bath. Dutch kitch en, electricity, gas; full cement basement. Sell wood car; $200 down. Price $1950. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. ROSE CITY bungalows almost new. 4 rooms and large sleeping porch; 1 "4 blocks south of Sandy; price $1750, $800 cash; it's "dif ferent" and worth seeing; key over front door. o.-sis iq Main 7 1 2 a; forenoons. IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington Park, $50 down, $15 monthly buys brand new, large 1 room shack with patent toilet, lot 50x100, 1 block to car. at 1233 E. 29th st. N. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY PARK $2750 0 room bungalow, strictly modern, ax- eept heat. St. " imp. in and all pd. but $85. Terms. J. A. Wlckman Co.. 314 Stark St. Main 583. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2750. 5 room bungalow, finished attic, fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement, close to car and schools; $500 down. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. $2500 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT $2500 Modern 5 room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, gas. buffet, full basement, 1 lawn, electricity; full lot; one block R. U. car. Im- mediate possession. Tabor 6559. 5 ROOM cottage at 509 Failing st. cor. E. 1 1th St. N bearing fruit trees, imnroved district everything paid for; value $2500: will take i clear lot In good location a part payment. 1 Owner, 832 Gladstone ave., Sellwood 2321. ONE HALF ACRE TRACT $T5l $25 down. $12 monthly, buys this nice tract N. E. of- Lents, several small ,buildings can be made habitable at small expense. Fred W German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ST. JOHNS CAR $150 DOWN 5 rooms; -bath, electricity, gas; 2 blocks school. 4 blocks St. Johns. Mississippi. Kenton car lines. Full price $1800. ,. GEO. T MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDO? SACRIFICE BY OWNER 4 room buntralow, double constructed, good condition; located rn good street, hi block Mt. Scott car: leaving city; $1550 takes it. H cash; also furniture very cheap. Tabor 6453. $2300 Nice neat 5 room bungalow nothing fancy but a good substantial, well-built hrmie. J. A. Wickman Co , 314 Stark St. Main 683. IF YOU are looking for a close in east side bargain come in and see me. 8 rooms $2050. $1000 cash. bal. terms. GIBSON. 266 Stark. Mar. 12. UANTENBEIN ave., 7 rooms, basement c cnent floor, fireplace. Bargain at $2600. $51)0 cash. $25 month. , GIBSON, 266 Stark. Mar. 12. R. C. PARK. 5 rooms, fireplace, cement basement. Priced down for quick sale. $2800, $500. bal. terms. GIBSON 266 Stark. Mar. 12. MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of "repairs; . See my designs for new houses. Max M. i Meyer, architect. Conccrd bids. Main 1873. ! Formerly Supt. Oregon Homi Ruilders. ! WILL secrifice my 4 room house and furniture in bt. Johns, on account of sickness. Price including furniture, $1500; cash $300, balance like rent. D-552. Journal. BARGAIN 8 room home, Irvington; coat $10, t00, take $3000 less: sons in army; $500 dnn. balance like rent; fine location; lot 66x 100. Phone East 273". CLOSE to St. John3 car at Portsmouth. Partly burned six-room house and 100x100. with all kinds of fruit and berries. For sale by owner No Mortgage. E. 3441. FOR SAIiE 0 room house in St. Johns. Lot 50x126 H. Some fruit trees, all clear of incumbrance. Payments down. Liberal terms Price $1200. Inquire 613 Smith ave. sSri.WOOb 16S5 9th st.. 6 large rooms. bath, toilet, eltric lights, hot and cold water; convenient; two cariincs; $1550, $200 cash ; owner. ONLY-! 1550 ROSE CITY PA RKHDISTRTct". Modern 5 room bungalow, bath, gas, elctricity, good basement, standard lot, east front. Move in immediately. Easy terms. Tabor 6569. $1 000SNAP. ROSE OITYFrRTTT)llitRTCT Semi modern 4 room bungalow, plastered, closets, cupboards, patent toilets; large lot; gas. Easy terms. Tabor 6559. $ToTTorAlfTlFUL HOME, partly furnished Will sell for $2900 cash. Clear. Call Sell wood 2898. 3 p. m. C ROOM house, cn paved street; all assessments paid; lota of fruit and berries; lot 50x120. Call at 668 E. 21st. or phone Sellwonel 3477. MODERN Iiome. R. C. P7. corner lot. garage; leaving city, will sell below cost. Easy terms. Phone owner, Wdln. 410. MODERN 4 room furnished cottage, hardsur- faced St.. paid. $2000, $500 cash Call East 3225. FINE modern 7 room bouse, hardwood floors, builtin conveniences, large lo, fruit trees $2400; terms. 5519 60th st, S. E. IN Milwaukie, 100x1-00, 3 rooms, $750 $200 cash, $10 per mo. Gibson, 266 Stark Mar 12. 5 RCXJMS. gas, electricity, sewer paid, 1980 E. Morrison., near E. 78th. key under steps. Owner, E. 3280. $1100. terms. BARGAIN Modern 4 room bungalow, new fur niture, only $1800. easy terms. Leaving city. Rose City Tark. J-707, Journal. EAST 83d at. S. E. 5 rooms, bath, toilet basement. $1700, $200 cash, $15 per mo. Gibson. 266 Stark. Mar. 12. MODERN 7 room bungalow, good district, large lot.' Terms. Owner. Broadway 67S. STNNYSIDE district. $250o75 lmT cottage Half blk. car. 2 blocks school. Tabor 8775. ' NIFTY 5 room bungalow, reasonable. Particu lars East 8225. 5 ROOM Rose City bungalow $2300. Terms Owner. Phone Bdwy. 944. $900.00 5-room house. Owner, Tabor 7282. 100x140. Terms. SELL 6 loom house close to shipyard;- sell acre age. Marshall 3441. $1600 6 room modern cottage, close to school and car. Cash or terms. T-791. Journal. LARGE 2 room house, lot 50x190; terms. Phone owner, Wdln. 3544. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 4 ROOM modern bungalow, with large rooms and bath, lot 50x100; some fruit, 4 blocks from car.- A. bargain at $1600; very easy terms. 4 room house with full basement, lot 100x110, all in garden, fruit and berries: also a nice lawn in; all a beautiful place; price (1850, easy terms. 4 room modern bungalow, full basement, fire place, all built-in features, lot 50x100; lots of flowers, 3 blocks from car and achooL A snap at $2000, $400 down, balance easy terms. 0 room modern, on paved street, corner lot, full basement; a neat bungalow at $2500; all assessments paid; $500 down. 4 room nearly new cottage, beautiful lot, 8 blocks from a car and a real snap at $1300, $300 down, balance Very easy terms. We have several good buys at a reasonable price, easy terms; will accept your Liberty bond. Auto service. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 881 E. Morison st. Phone East 531T. SHIPBUILDERS ATTENTION $525, all cash, buys 60x100 lot nd8 room dilapidated cottage; 7 or 8 large bearing fruit trees, located on the west side of Courtney St.. 50 ft. north of Hunt. $700 $350 cash. 8 room cottage, complete ly furnished. J90 Courtney at. $1260 $100 cash, S large rooms and 50x 100. at 90 West Killingsworth. $1600 $400 cash. 5 room modern bun galow. 1788 Hurst st. $2100 $400 cash, large 4 room bungalow, with large porches, 63x107; 1800 ChauUuaua blvd. $2825 $500 cash, 4 room modern bunga low with 100x100; all kinds of fruit and ber ries. 1303 Wilbur at. These properties are all located about half way between here and St. Johns and merit your inspection, FRED VV. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com, bldg. $3500 ALL THIS FOR $3500 Classy, attractive well built five room bunga low, completely modern, good attic; some furnish ings included; near car; paved street; close in. $1300 Three room cozy cottage, close In, Hawthorne district; gas, electricity, telephone; i lets, pavement included in price. $200 cash puts yon In possession of sub stantial 3 room plastered house, plumbing, gas, electricity, $6S5: act quickly. E. E. DARING, Union Safe Dep. and Tr. Co., 284 Oak. SURELY YOU WILL WANT THIS ' ROSE CITY PARK $3700 Non-resident asks us to sell quickly beautiful 5 room bungalow on 48th St. near Sandy. Has eTery modern convenience, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in - buffet, furnace, etc. Street im provements ail in and paid; $500' will handle We maintain a branch office in Rose City Park, know of practically every house for sale in that district and can save you considerable time and money. A, G. TEEPH CO., 264 Stark st. near 3d. Phone Main 3518. Branch office. 50th and Bandy. HOME BARGAINS Near Hawthorne and 35th, nice modern 5 room bungalow, large attic, full lot, all im provements in, furnace beat, fruit, $3000. 2 bika. Mt. Tabor car, large lot, good 7 room house, nice lawn, fruit etc, some bonded in debtedness, $2000. 100x100 near Mt. Tabor car, good 5 room house, cement basement, all kinds fruit and berries, $1900. 100x100, fine garden, fruit and berries, neat 3 room house, cement basement, lights, gas, etc $1000. S. P. Osburn, 810 McKay bldg. HARD TO BELIEVE FOLLOW THIS AD CLOSELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW GARAGE $3000 5 room bungalow with hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet, cement basement, wash trays, on a paved street in a splendid restricted district, lot 48x100; all improvements in and paid. Furnished with practically new furniture; garage; perfect title. For goodness sake, hurry. Don't let some one else beat you to this bar gain. R. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. SPLENDID HOME BARGAIN. Here Is a snap. 6-room modern house and four lots, with fruit of various kinds. On Holcate at Marguerite ave., 3 blocks from Woodstock car. Part cash and balance on easy terms. Apply at 1074 Holgate street. JUST BEYOND PIEDMONT BARGAIN $3300 Out-of-town owner instructs us to sell at onoe beautiful bungalow, with every modern con venience. Everything right up to the minute hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, French doors with beveled plate glass, very expensive light fixtures, etc. Just a block from car. No assessments to assume: $500 cash, .balance monihly. A. G. TEEPE CO . 264 Stark st. near 3d. Mam 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. $3000 BUNGALOW7. $2500 Fine, large 5 room bungalow, fireplace, oak floor, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, cement porch, brick piers, doubly built half block to car, close in on Reynolds ave. near Milwaukie ave., near the river. Price $2500; $500 cash, $25 per month, including interest. .GRUSSI & DOWNEY. 316 Boardr.f Trade. Main 7452. $3250 ROSE CITY PARK Very attractive and cheerful 5 room modern bungalow and attic. All up-to-date features. Full lot, paved street, nice lawn, choice location. Close tq R-C car, west of hill. A buy you can t beat. Don't fail to see it at once. Phone A. K. Hill. Main 1902, or Tabor 6138. WANT TO BUY IN ROSE CITY ? The owner of one of Rose City Park's most beautiful bungalows has been transferred to Se attle and is forced to sell. Five rooms and breakfast room. All of the up-to-the-minute features you would expect to find in a perfect bungalow. Just a block from car. It will be a pleasure to show you. A. G. Teepe Co., 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK 7f ROOMS 100x100 GARAGE $4650 Ijon't pass this up. Why not be the owner of ifwondcrfully attractive bungalow with all the modern conceniences f Grounds are exceptionally attractive a regular park with bie trees, vines, shrubbery, paved street; less than a block from Sandy; garage. Requires $1500 cash. Let us show you. A. G. Teepe Co.. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office -50th and Sandy. $2200 PENINSULA BUNGALOW 100xl00 6-room, new, modern, double constructed bungalow, 100x100 lot; white enamel plumb ing fixtures: built-in conveniences; on Interstate st, close to school and car: only built 2 years; a great sacrifice. Price only $2200, on terms. The lot should be worth price asked. See FkaNK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 7 ROOM modern bungalow, with lot 75x125, lots of fruit, garden. This is worth $3800. but for quick sale will take $2900, half cash. Also 6 room modern bungalow, lot 75x100, close to Columbia park, 1 block to car.. Price $2500, easy terms. If you see these, you will like them. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 381 E. Morrison S& $3000 EAST MORRISON ST. TERMS 7-room bungalow, like new; white enamel plumbing fixtures; elec. and gas; good cement basement; fruit and flowers; 1 H blocks to Mt Tabor car. Price $3000; $300 down, $25 per month, including interest 50x135 lot FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home.- Main 1068. LAURELHTRST $2950 You never expected to buy a beautiful 5 room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built in buffet, bookcases, and with street im provements all in and paid, at a price of" $2950, did you? -That's precisely what we have to sell and on terms, too. A. G Teepe Co.. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. $2000 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW 5 rooms: white enamel plumbing: electricity and gas; close to MV" car. Can arrange easy terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home, Main 1068. I'.l 1... 6 rooms, modern except furnace; good barn, can be used for garage; chicken run, fruit trees; 2 blocks Alberta car, on Going st The price, $2625, is away below value; $250 down, balance easy. I jet us show you this. COMTE. 727 Chamber of Commerce. U O w 1 Oil D IDC . TV 5 ROOMS. 54 E. 81st $2000. 3100 down 7 rooms, 60 Preseott st ... $2300, $200 down 9 rooms. 629 Webster st. . . .$2600, $500 down 5 rooms, 821 Sumner st .... $2000. 8100 down These are all good buys and your inspection is invited. FRED VV. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. ONE HALF ACRE TRACT $1000 All in cultivation; 26 large assorted bearing fruit trees, large 4 room shack house; plenty of berries, garden all in: close to school in Monta rilla; $100 down, $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. ALBERTA DISTRICT $2500 Fine, modern 5-room bungalow, with hard wood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laun dry trays, etc. ; 1 block to Alberta carline. J. L. KARNOPP 4. CO. 319 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. EAST 46th N-, K, C P. o rooms, sleep ing porch, fireplace, furnace. $2900, $600 cash, bal. terms. Gibson. 266 Stark. Mai.. 12. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 OPEN EVENINGS 517-619 ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. SELLWOOD SNAPS $1500 6 room semi-modern. ISO feet to paved st. and streetcar; sewer, sidewalk and st. grade, all as sessments paid, bath and toilet; only $200 casta, balance terms to suit. $1350 4 room bungalow, 4 blocks from car. This is a fine place and a good house, well built, has a good garage and chicken house, near S. P. shops and only 15 minutes out on csrline; $200 cash handles this. $950 S rooms, electric light, street graded and side walk, all assessments paid, fine home for small family; only $100 cash, balance easy. MT. SCOTT BARGAIN 4 room cottage. 45x150 lot, all fenced, house in fine condition, has hot water tank, bath and toilet, sink, pantry. 2 bedrooms, and 2 living rooms, present owner will give deed to the property for $225 cash, and you assume a mort gage of $875, payable $25 a month. $850 3 room bungalow, nicely calsomined. good elec tric light fixtures, small cement basement, bath room (no bath tub), patent toilet in, 50x100 lot, about 10 minutes from carline; fine home ior small lamuy; only $150 cash, balance easy. $1600 6 room bungalow. 2 blocks from Sandy road and carline. This is a good place, and has base ment. Data and toilet, and can be handled with $L0O cash, balance to suit. MANY OTHER SNAPS. FALLS CITY MORTGAGE CO., 517-519 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. PHONE MAIN 8718. OfEN EVENINGS FOR SALE LOTS If TO AVOID FORECLOSURE. $800 49x100 on the N. side of Arnold St., 150 ft.' W. of Marguerite. Hawthorne district. Assessed st $600. The owner paid over $1000. Fore closure proceedings have been instituted so you will have to hurry. Price quoted includes atreet work. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of C. CLEAR lot in Fern park. 42x125; paid $375; make offer; will take bonds. 1228 Iron st. ST. JOHNS Lot 60x100, on E. Tioga; $350; $50 cash. $10 a month. Inauire 515 N. Syracuse, St Johns. FOR SALE OR TRADE: 160 acres in Jackson county. Call evenings or write. John Mit chell. 849 Ankeny st. LARGE lot $800, East 12th and Preseott st Payd streets. Write Owner. N-811. Journal ACREAGE 7 CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres $250; $10 down, $5 per month buys 5 seres of lsnd between Portland and Centralia, on the main line of 3 railroads, 1 S miles from a town of 800 population; sawmills and shingle mills; some partly cleared and some clesred: run ning stream; some bottom and some bench; can give you any kind of place you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.; 318 Railway Exchange bldg; FOR SALE 19 acres in 27-28-3 south. 1 west; part beaverdam, all fine black soil; new 4 room house, bam, spring, creek, all year water power. Can Irrigate. Small cash down, balance easy. Must go at great sacrifice. Own er 390 Vancouver ave., Portland. THE BEST 6 -acre tract you can buv; 25 min utes out, 9c fare. House, barn, all kinds of fruit and berries; most all in cultivation; $3150: terms. D. E. Carlock. 1011 Yeon bldg. Main 5456. FOR SALE by owner. 10 acres improved land. Linn connty, 40 rods from depot. 70 miles from Portland, easy terms. A. N. Fosdick. Portland, Or., gen. del FOR SALE ltt acrea. North Edison St., 8t. Johns, overlooking river, near railway. Would make fine industrial site. I am drafted and have to sell. Wdln. 1298. PASTURE for rent. Lake Grove. Marshall 3441. . SUBURBAN HOMES OREGON CITY carline. 100x139, 2 blocks to car: good house. 4 rooms first floor, upstairs not finished. Would make 2 rooms and sleep ing porch. Price $2000; part terms. Gibson, 266 Stark st. Phone Marshall 12. SUBURBAN home for sale or rent, 1 acre fruit, large house; stock for sale. Tabor 6575, FOR SALE FARMS 17 $28,000 RANCH FOR $14,000 160 acres 10 miles from Vancouver on main stage road, 80 acres in cultivation, large barn and house, good granary, brick smoke house and other buildings, land all level. This place sold for $28,000 6 years ago; owners have several other ranches and sons have gone to front They have instructed us to offer his magnificent prop erty at one half price. Photos at office of Fred W. German. 732 Cham, of Com. 4 50 ACRES FOR $9000. 160 acres being cultivated: 35 acres more could be cultivated: 35 acres now in summer fallow; balance pasture: running water on the place: all fenced; no building?: about 30 acres of fair timber. This would make a good stock ranch. Must be taken at once: $4 500 cash, balance on terms to suit purchaser; no trades. Theo. Buskuhl. Friend. Oregon. FOR SALE, by owner 54 acres. Tualatin val ley farm, on electric line, 15 miles from center of Portland : good wagon road ; good house, barn and outbuildings: plenty of frnit. For sale cheap, or might trade for Portland resi dence property. Phone East 7045, or call at 49 East 22d st S. 5 ACRES, with buildings; water piped to house; barn and hog house to hold 100 hogs; this 5 acres is in high state of cultivation; on west side. 3 V miles from courthouse : all on easy terms. See Joe Gentemann, 230 hi Yamhill street, room 7. FINE 70 acre farm in high state of cultivation. 60 acres in prunes, pears, Bing and Lambert cherries, and Winter Banana apples. Good im provements, near Willamette Vallley railroad town. Owner non-resident, will sacrifice. Might trade for Portland property or merchandise. E-917, Journal. CLARKE COUNTY. WASH.. $3750 40 a. in cult, new 5-roora house, barn 40x 50, chicken house, woodshed. 1 H miles from Amboy in that wondrouly fertile Chelatchie prairie. This is an ideal farm home. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com.. FOR SALE $11,500 cash will buy 640 acres of merchantable timber, close to R. R. and sawmill. VX-868. Journal. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 1000 acres river bottom land, or any portion "thereof, for one or more years. Terms cash. We 'would prefer renters who wish to grow vegetables, as we now have vegetable drying plant located on ranch. Address E. Clem ens Horst Co., Independence, Ore. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 3S EXPERIENCED farmer wants to rent an equipped farm, 25 to 40 acres cultivated land. Crop or shares rent. Tsbor 1974. 8028 39th sve. S. E. TIMBER 28 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Wash ington. D. C. July 12, 1918. Notice Is here by given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the set of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat, 218), and the instructions of the secre tary of the interior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September 3. 1918, st 10 o'clock p. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Roseburg, Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval eft the secretary of the interior. The purchsse price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bid3 will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citisens and corporations organized, under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 8.. R. 1 E.. Sec. 29: N. W. hi N. E. 14, yellow fir 1300 M., hemlock 60 M., N. E. hi N. W. , yellow fir 2210 M., hem lock 370 M , cedar 15 M. ; N. W. hi N. W. M. yellow fir 2300 M., hemlock 140 M. ; none of the yellow fir, I emlock or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 32 S.. R. 6 W.. Sec. IS: N. E. hi N. W. hi. red fir 600 M ; N. W. hi N. W. hi. red fir 350 M ; S. W. H N. W. hi. red fir 450 S E. hi N. W. , red fir 350 M. ; S. W. hi N. W. hi. red fir. 450 M. ; 8. E. hi N. W. hi. red fir. 650 M. : none of the red fir to ba sold for less than $1 per M. Clay Tallman. commissioner, general land office. HOMESTEADS 47 O. A C HOMESTEAD8 Row open for direct filing. I can locate yon en a good claim. A former government cruiser, 301 Worcester bldg., adjoining land office. . W. H JOHNSTON. 47 HOMESTEADS Ijocate you on the best homesteads In the state for $100; no charge unless entry secured. We classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON A ANDERSON. No, 2 Land Office bldg.. Worcester blk. Third and Oak st. O. A. C. HOMESTEADS Ton can file direct. We can show yon the best claims. Full information. BUNDY A McHARDY, 411 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 81 LIST your property with us for results on charges of merit. Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co., 105-107 Park St., be tween Washington and Stark sts. MODERN bungalow, nine rooms, walking dis tance, adaptable for two families; equity $3000. What have you? 284 Oak. A SWELL farm, lot of stock and a good crop, 30 miles from Portland, to exchange lor city property. Morris, 481 Chamber of Commerce. 320 ACRES" unimproved. $ 1 fire Portland", clear of incumbrance, exchange for house and lot. auu Henry bldj. IMPROVED 10-acre suburban ranch for sale or exchange. Box 263, city. FOR SALE Only meat market in good town. Suhject to draft. Max Muralt. Sherwood. Or. TO trade, 2 lots in Spokane for small car. P. O. box 131, Linnton. MONTANA wheat farms for Oregon property. N. M Apple Land Co., Lewiston. Mont. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 HAVE SEVERAL bonafide buyers for modern bungalows In Rose City park and Hawthorne district. Can make good payments. List your house with us. FRANK L M'GCTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale. $800 to $3000, list with, the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO. for quick results: old es tablished firm. Phone Main 2051, 633 Cham ber of Commerce. $660 CONTRACT on a house we just sold. Our client wants a 5 or 5 room house with base ment and bath, up to $2500, and will pay $20 monthly, and put the $650 contract in as first payment Phone Main 37 1 8 I HAVE buyers for a No. 1 farm with lots of clear. Good buildings. Stock and equipment up to $20,000. Herman Peper. 517 s Union ave. N. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WAN 1 ED Must be N. E. and priced right W have numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. I WANT 5 or 6 room, modern, bungalow. Rose City park, or other desirable district I can pay all cash. Must make quick deal. Total price and exact location necessary. F-844. Journal. WE have calls for houses from $2000 to $5000. Let us sell yours. O. W. Bryan. 509 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 1963. evenings, Mar shall 665. WANT OAK GROVE PROPERTY For results list your property with the Resl Estate Ex.. 201 3d st. Portland. WANT house with 2 bedrooms and bath and basement; can pay $100 or $200 cash, bal ance good sized monthly payments. Main 3718. ROSE City park lot free and clear as first pay ment on a modern or semi-modern house not too far out. Call Main 3718. NON-RESIDENT list with us, we will handle your house, lot or land promptly. Realty Mort. Co., Main 2051. ROOMING HOUSES S3 DOWN TOWN, MODERN 22 ROOMS Never offered before. Clears $300 per month. Bruce Goddard, 502 Conch bldg. $1000 DOWN PRICE $1750 Rent $90. 30 rooms. Riht downtown. Rent includes janitor service. Income is $4 25 per month. A snap. J. Bruce Goddard, 5U2 Couch bldg. . ' $400 DOWN PRICE $900 Buys newly furnished 14 room large esidential apartment house, clearing over 385 per month. Goddard, 502 Couch bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES f FOR SALE A good photo studio, well equipped, ground floor, good kodak finishing business, framing. Ansco line and a side line of Columbia graf onolas, records and sheet music. Photo dept. separate it desired. Will sell at invoice price. Proprietor going into the army. Apply at once. Box 164, American Falls. Idaho. $15 A DAY clear; splendid opportunity for some one; for sale butter, egg and poultry business; established 8 years; exclusive high class trade; will eonsider auto in part payment; best of reasons for selling; no agent wanted. Z-64 8. Journal. FOR SALE My studio and art shop, doing a good busines.-. Expect to be called to the colors. Also will sell separately radion studio lamp and one No. 9 Senaca 3 4x5 camera, fitted with F6.3 lens. Cash talks. Write for particulars. F. E. Lafler, Prineville, Or. , III.- 1 . 1. , . , , . 1 .,.,,,.. U A fectionery business, now doing $1200 a month. A good opportunity for extending in case you desire a larger trade. Call at -90S Mil waukie st. FOR SALE Good paying business in Klamath Falls. Or.: $2200 investment. Will sell for $1800. terms. Phone Tabor 7770, or address J. T. Doyle, Klamath Falls. Or. PRINTING Two practical men can be Independent for life: $3000 cash required. M-906. Journal. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Morris A Gilson. 431 Chamber Commerce. A GOOD mechanic can buy hi int or all of a well est. and paying garage very reasonable. E-916. Journal. , FOR SALE Confectionery and restaurant; in- voice $1500. Price $850. Tabor 4073. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 OUR installment plan ia the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month ' - 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 losn snd interest Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission chsrged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 24 2 Stark at. Portland. Or. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In easy installments with 10 yesrs' time to re-' psy; fully protected by life insurance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent: no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong. Equitsble office. Oregonlan bldg. $300. $400, $500. $760. $1000 and np lowest interest rates. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. . GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Bek. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. 2-j, $330. $400. $500. $650. $750. 10OO and larder amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. FOR MORTGAG"e"ToANS see OREGON lw" & MORTGAGE CO., Stcck Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill sts. $ 50 0 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mort gage; no commission. P. O. Box 873. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7. Louis Salomon & Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. H. Iwis, room 4, Lewis bldg. ilain 688. I MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, ! SALARIES . 37 : Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel i On short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own note- Weekly, semi-montl-.y or monthly payments. i-acn transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pliaos. etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTEL8 Loans made to persons on s1,r7 or fixed in come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property: legal rates. Busi ness confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. 306-307 Dekum Mdg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C MYERS HERMAN, Mgr.. 394 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC- 18 DEAD horses snd animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD hoses taken quick. We pay more for dead coWs. Tabor 4 203. HORSES and wagons for rent by the day, single or double. 64 6 Front. Msin 2208. TEAM of horses for rent. Woodlawn 3136. 1449 E. 7th st. N. BAY mare, wagon and harness. $357 CaU Marshall 4055. FINE rubber-tired surrey; will take good horse or cow in exchange, 30 Front st HOMESTEADS 18 ALL KINDS of wagons, harness, saddles, bug gies: two good surreys: fine pole cart; dandy Hack and white Shetland; all kinds of bones. cheap; will tsks cattle or milk goats tn ex change. 302 Front St. WANTED ' Backing horses for big rodeo. Sept, 2, Labor Day. Guaranteed to rids any thing hauled, lead or dragged in. Phone 870 and ask for Manager Frank H. Caldwell. Post stables. BIG rough pair, xnare and gelding: weight 2900 lbs. ; this is a first-class work team but thin. Will take $73 for pair, or good cow. 302 Front $90.00 BUYS sorrel team, weighing 2400 lbs. Harness snd wagon. Must seU sceount of sick ness. Mt. Scott car to 0th ave. Inquire at West over grocery store. I WANT to buy a good farming team, not over 7 years .old. Must be reasonable. L-967. Jounal. 60 HEAD of horses from 1000 to 1500 lbs.. 4 to 10 years, all broke; cheap. Oatmen A Son. Fossil. Or. ' FOR SALE Five good delivery or farm horses going to be sold st a snap. Apply U. S. Laun dry Co.. 180 Grand ave. 2 FINE delivery horses chesp. 624 Milwaukie. LIVESTOCK li TWO fresh cows, one Durham Jersey, one choice Jersey, extra rich milker, will sell or trade for beef cows, 1480 Maccadam, block of Idaho. Fulton carline JUST arrived. Hoist ein. Durham and Jersey dairy and family cows, $55 and up. 761 E. Ash. WANTED One or more good milch goats. Par ticulars to U-638, Journal. GOOD, fresh cow, heavy milker, cheap. Wood lawn 244 2. 2 FRESH cows for sale. Call Main 2182. rOULTRT, PIGEONS, PET STOCK 37 CASH PRODUCE CO. Front Morn- son, all kinds of poultry produce, pet and breeding stork, nought and sold. RABBITS CHEAP Belgian. New Zealands and Flemish Giants. 981 Minnesots sve. FOR SALE Few fine registered hens chesp. Phone East 3077. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 48 BABBITS snd hutches for sale cheap. Re tiring from business. 1031 E. Broadway. East 2597. FOR SALE: Rice has the big boys. 6141 Woodstock ave. Flemish," THOROUGHBRED French poodle puppies. 2175 E. Washington. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 ALWAYS on hand, a fine line of ears, ready to run. We invite your inspection. Every one gusranteed aa represented. 1618 Maxwell. 5 - new tires $750 1917 Chevrolet thst's sbout new 650 1917 Ford roadster. 95 ft new 550 Series 17 Studebsker. 3 -pass 700 1916 Oldsmobile, 90 sew 800 1916 Ford light delivery 400 1015 Chalmers 6. a beauty 900 1916 Oakland 8. cord tires 800 1915 Buick 4. perfect condition 600 1916 Dodge, 5-pass. 700 1616 Maxwell, new battery and tires.... 550 1914 Overland, elec. L. and 8., over hauled 350 New buys every day. Liberty bonds taken at face value. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, Big Brick Building, S. W. cor. 15th and Washington sts.. side entrance. Phone Broadway 2656. NEW CHEVROLET CARS A used car Is the most expensive car to buy and yon do not get a guarantee. Call Mr. P. C. Rinehart East 92 or 8174, for Information and demonstration " $275 CASH OR LIBERTY BONDS. Good 6 passenger auto in running order. Practically new tires, fine engine, self gener ator. Briggs magneto, equipped for sta.ter, electric lights, and never been abused. Body paint and uphnlsterfng like new. Fine family car. Owner needs money. Call st 1314 E. Clay st. after 6:30 p. m. Hawthorne car to 4 6th street, 1 block south. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer f We bsve them, all makes and .lzes. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tresd tires and An all mar,nr of tire repsiring. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 333-S35 Bnrnaide near Broadway. BUICK. light six. all overhauled and repainted, new top and cord tire. PORTLAND USED CAR STORE. 25 N. Broadway MUST SELL TODAY Am leaving city. Model 60 Overland. In A-l condition. Just overhauled, new tires all around, a snap for $300. Phone Woodlawn 1114. Al bina Garage Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs in stock : prices reduced. 84 N. 16th st 1918 CHANDLER, like new, run sbout 6000 miles. PORTLAND USED CAR STORE. Next to Corner on Broadway at Burnside CASH paid tor old cars, condition co object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, 129 Ixwnsdal at 15th and Washington. Broadway 2668. MOTORS. Gearing. Bearings, Wheels. Axles and Trailers We wreck all make of ears and sell their good part at half price. David Hodes Co., Broadway and Flanders st Broadway 196. 1916 OVERLAND 6 -cylinder. 7-pa.ssenger. fine condition, fully equipped, extra tire and rim. Cash or terms. 685 East 11th st. N. East 7725. stock USED CARS Bright tlE,I SUMUI UK CO.. 21st and Wshington sfj. Main 6244. i FOR SALE A 191B model Ford, in splendid condition: new tires, extra equipment; cash ' $450. Phone Tabor 4484. Residence 1225 1 E. Ash st 1918 OAKLAND 6 ' 5 pass, practically new. only driven 14 00 miles, in perfect condition, some extras; owner going away: accept Liberty bonds or W. S. 8. 8Ht Belmont st., after 4 p. m. 1916 FORD roadster with 1918 motor and $900 brand new player piano to trade for touring car. What hare you? Mr. Raestsck, Broadway 2796. DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th st Oak. Broadway 1664. BY OWNER 1918 Ford roadster, like new; used three months. Price only $450. 654 Fourth st 1916 FORD for sale, 5 pass. csr. excellent shape, just painted; 3 new tires. 62 6th nesr Pine st. A-MOTOR cruiser worth $375 snd $40 per month, for good light csr under $750. i04 Miss. Woodlawn 6193. SAXON-61917 model; good as new; for Im- mediate sale. Splendid bargain for cash buyer. "Phone Corbett 52. FOR SALE New .5-passenger Ford, 1918 model. Used 2 months. Call Broadway 3532, FOR SALE Dodge touring car; Al condition; one extra tire and extra equipment 681 E. Morrison. Phone East 6824. FOR SALE, cheap for cash, 6 cylinder, 5 pas senger Stndebaker automobile, in excellent condition. 268 Mill st 191 5 STUDEBAKER. 4-cyL, 5 pass. ; 3 new tires; in fine condition; $575 cash; will demonstrate. Sellwood 2384. GODD, servicable 5-pass. car in fine shape. Go any place. Nice looking. Cheap to run. Snap. $200. CaU 188 Third. . 1918 CHEVROLET, good as new. for sale, chesp: cash or terms. Call Main 9072 or Main 4807. after 6. AUTOMOBILE chassis for aale; will make good roadsters or light deliveries, from $100 to $200. 261 12th st. FOR SALE 191 2 Mitchell roadster, running order. 8200. 150 E 28th st. Ti. FOR SALE. Ford truck in good shape; cheap if taken at once. Tabor 4 397. 5 PASS. Ford, fine condition. $425. cash. No." 516 Panama bldg.. 10 to 12 a. m. No phone. ! SPOT cash pW for used cars. Dealers' Used Car Cleanngsftoose, Grand ave. and K. S'srk. FOR SALE cheap, Buick chassis; for a good bug or truck. 471 Flint t NEW 1918 Oakland Six for sale. Phone Tabor 4503. $1150. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X-513. JournaL- MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. X-514. JoomaL FORD Touring cheap. Auto Rest Garage. 10th and Salmon. f914 FORD touring car; 3273. slain 5269. HORSES, TEHICLES, ETC- AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED CARS Cash or terms, the following cars sr packed by ns ta be well worth oar price: Stndsbsksr, 5 pass., very good shape . .$ 160 Carter car, 0 pass. ; chance for a bandy man to double present value $ 185 Maxwell special; also needs a little work..$ 360 Ford chassia, suitable for a bug or truck.. t 285 Cole 80. fine gsrage car: lots of pep.. . . .3 800 Ford delivery, large covered bed; snap. . . $ 860 Stoddard Dayton delivery, strong and powerful $ 850 Ford, 6 pass. ; fair shape, new top. $ 875 Stndebaker, Just the ear for country work..$ 400 Ford rdst demo, rims; good for salesman.. $ 410 Ford rdst, just overhauled, new fenders. $ 47S Chevrolet 5 pass., special equipment .... $ 600 Ford truck, cab and good stake bed. .... $ 600 Jackson. 6 pass.; mechanically perfect ...$' 600 Maxwell. 6 pass.; good little family car ..$ 650 Briscoe, 4-88; investigate this bargain . .$ 680 Briscoe, 4-88; motor perfect; good paint. $ 700 Briscoe, 4-38; almost good as new $ 725 Ford coupe, 2 unit strt A light system.. 8 800 Stndebaker. 4 cyL. 7 pees.; ideal, hotel bum. 3 875 Reo. 5 pass. : aa good as new ......$ 350 Hudson 6-54; a good light six 81100 Hudson 6-54; motor and appearance fine. 31150 W, H. WALLINGFORD Broadway 2483 Distributors of LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER SIX. BRIRCO CARS PAR RETT FARM TRACTORS 622 Aider st at lth USED CARS USED CARS How about that used car yon have been thinking of buying for some time put 7 Why not do it now? The longer you wait the more it will cost you. Our stock is just sbout com plete. Come in and let us show you some resl bargainL We now have the following cars in stock : 4 Fords, 6 Overlands. 8 Studebakers, 2 Sax on Sixes, 1 Grant Six, 2 six-cyl. Psiees, 2 1918 Chevrolets, 1 1917 Dodge, 1 King touring. 1 King roadster, 1 4-cyl. S-pasa. Studs road ster, 1 Buick. 1 Oakland, 2 Cadillacs. 1 Regsl. 1 Sphinx, 1 American roadster, 1 Country Club Overlsnd. 1 Warren roadster, 1 Willys-Knight touring, 1 Winton Six touring, 1 Locomobile 4 pasa. Lots of bags. TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS 1 1814 Ford truck, 1 1917 Ford track. 1 191 Ford truck. 1 1817 one-ton Denby. 1 1917 one-ton Maxwell. 2 l.lppert Stewart trucks, 1 Vim truck. 2 Overland deliveries. 1 1917 one-ton Garford truck 08 new, with lots of extra. DEALERS USED OAR CLEARING HOUSE Grand Ave. and E. Stark St Esat 7810. Open Evenings and Bundays. DON'T FAIL TO BEB OUR LINE OF "USED BUT NOT ABUSED" CARS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 1917 Maxwell touring, 3650. 1918 Chevrolet touring only 8675. 1917 Ford, with extras, only 8325 1917 Overland touring, 8625. 1917 Chandler, fine shape. 81450. 1917 Chevrolet touring 3550. 1916 Chevrolet with demountable rim. only 3475. 1916 Maxwell 3675. 1916 Ford 8400. See these and many others at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 627 Washington street Where Washington and Burnside meet Used Automobiles TERMS GIVEN 1917 Stndebaker, 7 pass.. 6 eyL. A-l condition. 1917 Mitchell. 7 pass., 6 cyl. fins condition. 1917 Mitchell. 5 pass., 6 cyl.. overhauled 1915 Steams. 2 pas" . 6 cyl.. A-l condition. 1914 Stndebaker, 4 pass., coupe, chesp. 1914 Mitchell, 5 pass.. 4 cyl. Several others to select from. Prices $250 up. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STIVER CO. E. lit at Morrison sts. Phones East 7272, B-1216. West Sid Salesrooms, Broadway at Oak st Phones Broadway 615, A.-8848. & WE are cleaning np on our used ears and are disposing of them regsrdless of present-day values. Our list of bargains Includes: 1918 Chalmers, only run f tw miles. 1917 Buick, 5-pass., 6-cyL. perfect. 1917 Chalmers, small six, overhauled. 1917 Reo, 4-cyl.. 5-pass. 1914 Hudson. 6 cyl.. 7-pass. 1913 Cadillac, 6-paM. 1912 Psrksrd. 6-cyl., 7-paas. We slso offer some exceptions! buys in used trucks, rsnging from 1 to 4-ton capacity. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th and Burnside sts. Broadway 621. Not Open Sundays. WONDERFUL VALUES. j 1918 Studebaker, 7-paenger; only run i 2000 miles: slso 1917 Studebsker, 7-paasen- ger, cord tires. If you are interested call us up. ' Csn maka the price right. ! A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington. Bdwy. 1614. j USED CARS Model 79 Overland 8600 1915 Hudson 6-40. fine buy 750 1915 Cole "8" make us an offer. ! 1917 Mitchell Six 99 per cent perfect 1917 Maxwell excellent tires 650 1918 Harroun a fin car 750 1917 Overland, modal 85 snap 750 1 1918 Paige, 5-pass.; must be sold. THE ACME AUTO CO.. j Phone Broadway 2796. 531 Alder St j Guaranteed Auto Repairing. ' GARAGES HOUSZA CHICKEN HOU8E8. The portable kin d save yon money. Bee sam ple at 644 Hood at Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co, STOP Yon are aware that after January, 1813, no new passenger cars will be built NOW Is the time to bring your car to ns to get re painted, upholstered snd new top. Prices are reasonable and our workmanship the best We solicit high-grade work. SEE US AT ONCE, ROBINSON-SMITH CO., ' 6th and Madison. AUTO WRECKERS We wreck most all makes of cars and sell the good part for less than half price. W bar all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old csrs. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY, 233 Front st MAIN 4768. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 79 HiGHE&'f prices paid fog asuHsjoMie. eooo tioB no object 121 N. 3d st Bdwy. 2621. AUTOMOBILES WANTF-D 7) TRADE Edison - moving picture machino witht nrspucin ana lense. wsnr xaotosveyeie or right car. or win sell. Address Box 1(6, Lina-2 ton. Or. WANTED Ford runabout. 1816 to 19187 $S00 cash. hal. '.. rr mnnik. DT-Sftl. Journal. AUTOMOBILE wanted. 2 fine lot in Spokane to trade for Ftord. car good condition. P. O. Box 131. Ltnotoo. ' LET ana repair your mac tuna in your, own gar age. Privet service car day and eight Riaa ML S76S. I HAVE a nice let in Ssn Francisco, will trade for light car, FVird preferred. K-988, Journal. AUTOS FOR HIRE AtfTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new :car. Reasonshle rt. Peering A Robnett. City Gsrage. 86 10th. net ween Htsrk sod tsk. Brosawsy neu. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCirjIAN A 8UIJ.IV AN. MARSH. 222 10TH AND T AMIULL A-1 286 FORDS for hire without driver. 443 Stark st Rmadwav s.5.12 " HIGHWAY AUTO" SERVICE iKl csrs, com- petent drivers. 'Sixth and wasn. ns.n iiew. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY" AUTO BERT. ICE. Ws do tail work. Ijjaln 228. f HIGHWAY Good" TarT'oidTdnTer-Wdln. 84 7 i. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES 33 WANTE D tfiree-apeed "motorcycle. '17 or TS model; must be cheap and easy terms. East 6703. after 5 p. rn. MUST SELL at-ence Twin Indian motorcycle; good condition. ' Make offer. 4 87 E. Barn- side. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 34 FOR SALE Motor boat cruiser. 40x7, at a great sacrifice. . $350. Terms. Woodlswsv- 5193. 704 Misiiaaippi sve. r- FOR 8ALE Cs oh snd full equipment in cluding ahsre in boathouse. Call Tabor 21T5. F(5R SALE Two-houseboat ; also 2 canoes. Oswego. Or. U E. Dhooghe. a PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL 4 INSTRUMENTS 34 SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OFT $250 7 octave square ptsnn, cssh $ 23 $300 7 1-3 ortsve- square piano.- cash.... 8 60 $275 7 octave English upnht. cash 8 4 $300 7 octave Franco upright cash 3 63 $350 American make upright, cash $ 03 $400 large oak upright piano, cash . . . . . $1 6f $350 new studio model piano, cash.... 3215 $873 new, stored, : upright piano, caah...$2SS $425 new, stored, j upright piano. eash...826S $450 new, stored, upright piano, cash. ...8265 -$750 Weber nib.,1 player piano, cash.... $295 $650 modern, man., player piano, cash.. $3 6!l 8 85 parlor organ with mirror, cash.... 8 33 3125 parlor organ, with mirror, cash 3 33 Considering the. rising market, new pianos si ready gone $75 to $150 Mghrr, the above piano ought to sell quickly at this time. , Pianos bought and aold for cash and stared for 50c monthly. 109 4th st st Washington. Wn.L trade a new talking machine that play all record for your old piano. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 148 6th., between Alder and Morrison. Q Phonographs and records bought sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair fng 143 H 2d. near" Alder, upstair. A USED talking machine, standard make; wfTJ sell and guarantee It for $10 eaah and 87 a month. t O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. -149 6th. DON'T "buy old unimproved pianos when ths Security Strrage Co. ia offering new improved 8375 pianos for $215 and modern $650 player pun os for 8365. at 109 4th st - . PLsNOS, organs ; and musical Instrument. Decker A Bon,: rosewood upright $100) Bnrdette orssn. walnut $82.50: Harold 8. Oia bert. 384 Yamhill st 1 $281 25 $12 CASH. $6 monthly a till buM new Improved 1918 model piano at tb Bcbwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth st, at Wash, st KENT a Piano; no square or thump boxes. Harold 8. Gilbert, 884 YsmhriL TYPE .WRITERS .77 NEW RtMlN'JTO.N. rental plan, rant spplias to rurchaae. Visible models. REMINGTON TXPEM BITER CO.. 88 Broadway. s Broadwsy 4611. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, 'all makes," aold on on nthly f yment. Send for price list The Wholesale Typewriter Co., re tall il-"iir., 32 1 Wa-hiutfton t. REBUILT typewriter , supplies. Corona dealers. E. XV. Pease Co .11 0 6th. ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 5th. Main 366H. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE $ GREAT MfflTEKE ' We are closing out two immense stocks of fine new home furnishings at wholesale cost or less. Don't look fur second hand goods when we can give yuu brand new rugs, carpets, ranges and heaters, linoleums, dressers, dining table) and chairs, brass and iron beds and complete furnishings for ths same money. Com and be convinced. 1- Feldstein iFurniture Co, 4 166 63 FIRST STREET " BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMniLL'- r - - - FOR SALE 1 heater; 1 Acorn gas range. higTT oven; 1 Acorn gaa hot water heater: 1 oak library table: 4 leather seated dining chairs; 1 leather seated rocker: 1 bed, complete ;- 1 asni tsry couch; 1 l.rcakfast table. This furniture at all In good condition. Apply 427 Shaver at. FOR 8ALE, furniture of 4 room honeH whm ' cabinet Jewell gaa range, leatherette parlor set. hall tree, collapsible baby buszy, fruit Jars and many other tlungs. 994 Minnesota ate. Wdln. 4006. , BIX hole range, heating stove, rockers, dressers, chiffonier, ianitary couch, no second hand dealers need apply. 1115 E. 18th st, N. Woo4--lawn 3670. ' GAS and wood ranges, heater. wsx-d oak buffe7 White bed. drer, kitchen table. 3921 66th at 8. Y.w FOR SALE. 2 iron -bds and 1 dresser. Woodlawn 389 7. Phots FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 $12,50 to S 5 SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed. We rent and repair. 172 Sd st. Main 1845. A 1816. 2079 Miyi HrEtEir- Res. Wdln. 1950 JuUJiJ Portland. Or. New and second hand All size Any amount. SUPERIOR biMrikiriiii'. kale plants, rabbits. .Save, pitk being, yourself. Corner 8tJi and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (M. T. 88th car-to end, four blocks north, one eaat. FOR KALE One. new. first class a-etlen welding outfit crmplete. large tank with con- tract for gaa included. CaU or addrer J. ' VY. Driver. Sheridan. Or. ' HOPS Three pouisl parks le of hop delivered snywhere in thetl'. F. by parcel post. pre-. paid $1.00 Addrsa:F. M. MorVy. Silveiton, Or. 800 EN VELOPES or 500 tw.rtd letterheads. $2.75. Best work; prompt delivery; try OS. Ssnith. Printers. 204 Stark St. HOT water tasks, all aizs. in .good, servfeabte condition, 30 gal. $7. 40 gaL $9. 201 Adams st Esst end Steel bridge. Phone K. 8516. 6 HOLE Charter Oak combination wood and coal range with water coils and pipe ; al most new. $33. 864 E. Davis. East 4757. TENT for sal. 16x20. 5 ft side wal; tent in good condition. Price 830. Phone East 1877. f BARTLET'T PEARS Bring your boxes, pick tbem yourself, 8o box. R O. Rcott Sher wood road, 1 h miles pa.t Taylor's bridge. BARTLETT PEAHS. $1 00 box: Bradshaw plums. 4c lb 6680 E. 4 4 at Sellwood 1388. FOR SALE MeDowgal Kitchen cabinet. Phone East 8154. 69 E. 22d f BARTLETT PEARS for" sale; $1 50 per bom. Come and get them. Tahor 1820. NEARLY new OilS fluff rug. good condition snd clean. Call .306 Dekum bldg. A LADY"8 musk rat coat, '-t length. 8$ or 40 bust. Must aell. East 861 4 , ENGLISH Damsonc lb. 1228 Iron st. Rich-, aiftnd ear. i. - UNCALLED for taller made snits. $12.60 sip. Taylor the Tailor. 269 V, Bnmslda. tCoau.Beu tin evil win tmgtt i Mi