10 THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POR TLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1918. COLONEL DRIANT LAUNCHED TODAY BY FOUNDATION B.oat Which TookiWaW-Today Is Twelfth of 20, Contracted, for by the French Government. NURSE SPONSOR FOR CRAFT Miss M. H. Allen Breaks Bottle Over Prow as Vessel Slides Into Water Just Before Noon. With the launrhimB thin morning o th Colonel Drlant!. the Foundation rMnninv "h 12 of the 20 craft rantrartr d to the French government. In the water. Work on the remaining hulls Is being ruahed and "one every seven dayn" In the Hlogan that has been adopted by the yard. Mlsn M." II. Allen, a fiuroe at the Foundation company's hospital, was sponsor of the vpHHel today, breaking the bottle over the prow at 11 :30. The Colonel Drlant Is a Cox A Stevens type ship.- of 3000 tons, the 12th of her erles and the 12th' to be launched this year by the company. Whether or not the. French government will contract for 20 moe ships to lie built here seems uncertain, but John W. Doty of New Tork, general manager for the Founda tion company, announced last week that word will be received soon and that he confidently expects the Option held by France will be exercised. WATKRFRONT IS SURVEYED Itnllcond Men ami City Officials Go Over Situation Carefully. Surveying the waterfront and trackage from the Hawthorne street bridge to St. Johns, shipbuilders,! railroad men and city officials Tuesday afternoon went over the situation carefully and as a result of their trip a special train for workers In shipyards and industrial plants along the waterfront on the east side may be run over the O-W. It. & N. tracks morning and evening. In the party were J. P. O'Brien, fed eral manager of the O-W. : Frank W. Hoblnson, chairman, of the federal traf fic committee, for the Northwest: Eric Hauser, manager of the Orant Smith Porter shipyards; F. C. Knapp "of the Peninsula shipyards, and City Commis sioner Mann. Industries along the waterfront employ between 12,000 and 15,000 men and in clude the (Irant-Smlth Porter Ship com pany, the Peninsula Shipbuilding com- PETERSON WAS IN TROUBLE NEARLY All OFTHF TIMF Health Was Wretched and He Couldn't Get Relief Tan lac Restores Health "I have actually gotten more benefit from three bottles of Tanlac than from ' all the other medicines I have taken put logeiner, saiiu jonn 1'eterson, a carpenter employed by the Grant Smith- Porter Shipbuilding company and living at 24 Mason street, the other day. "About two years ago," he continued, "my health began to fail and I suffered on 'ana on rrom attacks of acute Indi gestion that gradually grew worse, till for the last six or. eight months, my condition became chronic and I was in trouble most all the time. My appetite was poor and the little I would eat .disagreed with me and caused an 'awful pain as If my stomach was 'Inflamed. I suffered very much from heartburn, there was a sort of nervous twitching and quivering in-my stomach. My arms would han a numb feeling at times, and I would get so tired after a day's work that I could hardly drag myself home. ' I tried all sorts of medicines that T was told might help me. but If any of them eased me at all, it was only for an hour or two and then I would be back like I was before. I kept reading so much, about Tanlac helping Others that at last I decided to give It try out. I have just finished my third, bottle and my condition has steadily im proved from my first few doses. My appetite Is Just fine and I can now enjoy all my meals. Nothing I eat hurts me at it .i - kj,. .. . . i. . i . biiu c ci j uii ui me pain nas gone from my stomach. .In fact I haven't a single sympton, left of my old trouble and am feeling better In every way than I-have in a long time. I expect to keep on taking Tanlac for some time yet, for It is doing me so much good I don t see how I can get on without it." Tanlac Is sold in Portland by The Owl Drug company. (Adv.) Mrs. J. Smith Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Baby About a year ago tny baby, aged two years, bad eruptions on the scalp that refused to beat. The general appearance of the breaking out was in blisters, and the eruptions became hard and crusty. The scalp was red and sore, and when rubbed or scratched the hair came off whh the crusts. After about three months' unsuc cessful treatment with different reme dies I rot Cuticura Soap and Ointment The first application soften edtbecrusts. and I used about two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one; box of Cuticura Oint ment when the child was healed.' (Signed) Mrs. J. Smith, 230 Bartlett St.. Medford. Ore.. Feb. 21. 1918. Not only are these super -creamy emollients wonderfully enecttve in ec lemas, rashes, pimples, dandruff, and baby skin troubles, but once the' skin is clear, the scalp dean, they keep them so if used for every-day toilet purposes. UtttU geek Free fry Mau. AMrm peat-ear Xtatfeera, Dept. M. BasVM." SoM miiwtwu. Utntaaeat S and tec. Talcum me. pany, Albina Engine & Machine . works, PeVilnsula Iron works, St. Johns Iron worka and the St. Johns Woolen mills. No streetcar line runs near these plants and the men are compelled to walk long distances morning and night. To remedy this it is proposed to put on a fast eteam train. About 6000 of the men employed along the waterfront would use such transportation, it is claimed, to reach their homes in Portland, Oregon City, Beaverton and adjoining towns. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Captain W. Templer-Powell and Lieu tenant. C. Reeves, invalided home from the British army in France, will speak In shipyards of the Columbia river dis trict next week, under the auspices of the National Service section of the Emergency Fleet corporation. Magnus M. Scrand has been named master of the Astoria, built by the As toria Iron works, by the Sea Service bureau. Lieutenant Harold C. Jones an nounced today. Paul Wittke, now first officer of the tanker W. F. Herrin, has been appointed master of the Klnco, Standlfer Construction 1 corporation ship. . Inspectors Wynn and Edwards Ro day are going over the Katia, Kiernan and Kern ship sold to French interests and the Western Pride. Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation vessel. Thurs day the Delano will be Inspected. Fred B. Pape, assistant officer in the eighth steel ship construction district, comprising the northwest, left Tuesday night to visit headquarters office on Puget sound. Frederick Ulsted has been appointed master of the steamship Benzonia, ac cording to announcement of the Sea Service bureau of the Emergency Fleet corporation today. Patrick Conaty, signed aa first mate of the Damaru, built by the Grant Smith-Porter Ship eompany, was seized Tuesday with a nervous breakdown and has been taken to a hospital, where it Is said he will be confined for several weeks. Loftsmen employed in the yards of the O. M. Standlfer Construction cor poration, the Albina Engine & Machine worka and the Willamette Iron & Steel works. Joined in a banquet Friday night at the Multnomah hotel. R. S. Cleve, United States Inspector at the Standlfer steel yards, and A. E. Saunders, tech nical assistant to President Standlfer, were guests of honor, and D. K Adams of the mold loft was toastmaster. New machinery that will make for efficiency has arrived at the Supple Ballin yards, including a 20 inch shaper, a 20 inch lathe, a 'punch with a 48 Inch throat, a 10 ton crane and an air compressor with a capacity ef 650 cubic feet a minute. John Clark, turbine expert, has been named chief engineer of the Western Scout, Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation vessel taken over by the shipping . board. ,t The boiler shop of the Vancouver wooden yards of the G. M. Standlfer Construction corporation will be moved within a week to two new buildings, which replace the tent in use now. The two shops, one 30 by 100 feet and the other 26 by 8Q feet, will permit the yard to build its own boiler foundations and other structural work for setting up.-boilers. New Ships Arrive From Japan A Pacific Port, Aug. 21. (I. N; S.) The first five steel vessels built in Japan for the United States shipping board under the agreement negotiated by Am bassador Morris today are in a Pacific port. The latest, the Easterner, 9000 tons, sailed Into port today under the name Selsuku Maru. Construction of 46 vessels is called for in two agree ments made by Ambassador Morris. Steam Schooner Launched A Puget Sound Port, Aug. 21. (I. N. S.) The eleventh auxiliary steam schooner, the Democratic, from the Foundation yards, was successfully launched here early today. Mrs. T. H. Dobson, wife of Captain T. H. Dobson of the steamship Nanking, was sponsor for the vessel. MARINE ALMANAC Weather at River's Mouth North Head. Wsh., Aug. 21. Conditions at the mouth of the Columbia river at noon: Wind, south. 15 miles; Vesther. rain; sea. Imooth. Sun. Record for August 22 Sun risen. 6:19 a. m. Sun sets, 8:07 p. m. Tides for Thursday High Water: Low Water: 1 :1 1 a. m. . . . 8.8 feet 8:07a.m.... 1.0 foot 2.08 p. m. .. .8,1 feet I 8:22 p.m.... 0.8 foot DAILY: RIVER READINGS C STATIONS J lac a?E es Csi Umatilla 25 I . . . . Albany . ... 20 0.0 0.1 0.00 Salem 20 1.1 0.1 0.00 Oregon City 12 1.8 0.00 Portland- 15 8.0 0.2 0.00 () Rising. ( ) Falling. EITER FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will remain nearly stationary during the next two or three days. San Francisco, Aug. 21. (I. N. S.) An army retiring board is to meet at the Presidio of San Francisco for the examination of such officers as may be ordered before it. The de tail is: Brigadier General Edward J. McClernand, .United States army; .Colonel L. Mervin Mau, I'nited States army; Colonel Frederick Marsh. United State army; Colonel Alfred M. Hunter, coast artillery corps; Major Justus M. Wheste, medical Tt-serve corps. Hecorder Captain William H. Donaldson Jr., coast artillery corps. Major Walter C. Chldester and Major J. Wil son Shiels. medical reserve corps, are detailed as medical examiners. Colonel Klmer W. Clark, N. A., and Lieutenant Colonel Charles J. Naylor, N. A . having com pleted their duty in connection with the army retiring board at the Presidio of San Francisco, will return to their stations at Camp Lewis. A board of officers to comfist of Captain Eben W. White. M. R. C. Captain Otto P. Floreth. M. R. C. and First Lieutenant John K. Stewart. M. R. C. is to meet at Fort George Wright to examine Captain Uay B. Connor. 16th infantry, and determine his physical fitness to retain his commission. Judge Campbell Returns Oregon City. Aug. 21. Judge J. U. Campbell of the circuit court of Clack amas county, returned this morning to court duties for a few days, after spending two or three weeks at New port. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. PORTLAND, ORE. BOAT SPIKES SHIP RIVETS Bolts and Upset Rods Ship nee s Large orders promptly handled. Stock that Is ade right, from first class live timber. Home ffiee Portland. Operation sad shipping point, Barton, Or. . H. HAMLET. Manufacture U. S. Army Orders CAPTAIN SAFE HIS IN FRANCE Vancouver Man, Reported Dead, Writes to Father; Hint of Ter rors of Battle Is Given. Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 21. Judge R. H. Back Tuesday received a letter from his son. Captain Ross Back, dated July 22, which contradicts the telegram he received from the war department dated July 31 which stated that Captain Ross Back died July 19 from wounds received in action. The letter was written from Vichy, France, stating that Captain Back at the time, July 22. was staying at the Rltz Carleton in Vichy, a famous water ing place. In his letter Captain Back states that at 6 a. m. on July. 19, the second day of the big battle, he re ceived "one scratch on the right arm and one in the small of the back." He further states that both were sewed up "yesterday" and in two or three days would . be sufficiently healed to enable him to walk. He states further : "In the first four hours I lost five ofet of six officers and a large proportion of my men. Other than this I do not want to speak row, both because it is forbidden and be cause I have not gotten over the shock. You can Imagine my feelings If the same were to happen to your best friends with whom you had eaten three meals a day for six months, traveled with, camped with, been through rains, work and recreation with. It still hurts and will for some time but I lost no one through blunders, and we did accomplish what we set out to do, so there is a little Joy left after all. Will write in a day or two. Lots of time now. With love, Ross." , ROLL OF HONOR (Continued From Page One) FRANK A BLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. CLARENCE L. CARTER. Rochester. N T. JOSEPH CLOUTIER. Schenectady, N. T. HAROLD DAVIS. Watson. W. Va. CLARENCE R. COLD, Hiintville. Ala. GEORGE R. NORRIS, Indianapolis, Ind. CURTIS J. WILSON. Hawley, Pa. BENJAMIN CARDOSI. Galloway. Ohio. ALBERT S. GRANT. Butler. Pa. GLENN L. HOWARD. St. Paul. Minn. DIED OF WOUNDS SERGEANT PATRICK BELL, no address. CORPORAL SIDNEY KELLT. Oketo, Kan. Privates CLAUD T. ANNIS. Adrian. Mich. HENRY J. IIOKCK.N'EH, I'lvmoutb. Neb. LIKE BOX. I Inen. Ark. EARNEST DIVINE. Waddy. Ky FRANK KOUEJCEK. Chicago. 111. FINN L. NELSON. Bristow, Neb PHILIP M. Paulson. Beach. N. D. DIED OF DISEASE CORPORAL LLOYD E. BROWN. Lynn. Ind PRIVATE PATRICK DANIEL LITTON, PotoU. Mo. t WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant John Donald Spencer, Oshkoeh, Wis. Sergeants Leo J. Brown. Farmington. Maine -Andy Frisko. Babin. Austria: Axil M. Lee Con cord. Mass. Corporals William W. Adkins, Williamson. W. Va. : John Chieosky. Forest City, Pa.; John W. Harris. Haverhill. Mass. ; Robert L. Roberts, Knobnoster, Mo.; udmond B. Constine. Keene, . u. ; nerDert u. Coalman. Lynn, Mass. ; Ed ward Hint.. New Britain, Conn.; Burton K. Walker. Richmond, Ark. Bugler Arthur L. Gaulin, Worehester, Mass. Mti.-iician Charles Bonde, Livermore, Cal Privates Frank T. Connolly, Lynn. Mass.; Arthur Jannalle, Lynn. Mass.; Lewis Payne. Charleston. Ohio; Chester A. Richardson. Haver hill. Mass.; James B. Richardson. Chesaning. Mich.; Philip Rose. Diovellina, Italy; Jestie W. Stallings. Gilkey. N. C. ; Petro Valerio, no emer gency name or address; Corrado Corradino. Port hind. Maine; James D. Demingware. Swanton Junction. Vt ; John F. Knnis. Northampton, Mass.; John Fesco, New York; John 11. Gal lagher. Stoneham. Mass.; Garfjeld L. Joslyn. Blaine, Maine; Everett II. Kcyes, Worcester. Mass. ; Michael Lajeunesse, Cahoes, N. Y. ; George Leerlght, Burley, Idahe; Robert W. Martin, rottsville; Pa.; Joseph Scannrll, Hamilton, Mass.; William Anderson. New Britain, Conn.; Andrew Arrigoni, New York; Josse Avery, Duke, no car. ; Alex Balough, Wallinjrf ord. Conn. ; Frank Berry, Jolm-on City. 111.; Thre Blure. Scranton. I'a. ; I. $ P. Carlisle. Lometa. Texas; Frederick Dnnsfelt. l-imwood. Conn. ;Arthur Elk ins. Dixon. Mo.; Stanley J. Frodema. Chicopee. Mass.; Pat Gravette, Newport, Ark.; William Grill, Rhinelander, Wis. ; Martin Johnson, Dane, Wis.; Robert S Jones, Schuylerville. N. Y. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETERMINED) Corporals Leslie A. Batdorf. Shamokin. Pa.; Will Boogar, Provincetown. Mass. ; John W. Chitty, Brawley, Cal. Privates Bert Abbiss, Staffordshire. England: John L. Carmean, Chillicothe, Ohio: James Licata. Ribirra. Italy; Denis Roe. West Brighton. S. I., N.'Y. ; William Sheets, Oblong, 111.; Harry Vanderdrink, Prairie ou Chien. Wis. ; Jake Vitale. New York : Noland O. Wooden. Bogard, Mo. ; Michael Zewiskey, Archbald, I'a. ; Ignac Bis, Westwairen. Mass.; Michael L. Coughlin, Wor cester, Mass. ; Vernon Martin. Carroll, Ky. MI8SINQ IN ACTION Lieutenants Fred W. Norton, Columbus Ohio; A. M. Roberts. Birmingham. A1 Corporal W. H. Keirsey, Philadelphia, Pa. Bugler James J. Heney. ,3018 North Elev enth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wagoner Edmund C. Meyr, Philadelphia, Pa. Private? Guy Crawford. Ccon, Ky. ; Doraen lco Di Cicco, Philadelphia. Pa.; Ambrose N. Dufner, Philadelphia, Pa.; Harry Dunk el. Knox Pa. ; Edward H. Flory, York. Pa. ; Walter H Gabel. Philadelphia. Pa.: Raymond H. Gibbons, Dunmore. Pa.; William F, Bohn. Scranton. Pa.; Max Borland, x niladelphia. Pa.; Harry Boxman Philadelphia, Pa.; Watson Anstine 'Bradley. Moorestown. N. J.: Joseph Brisk. Miners Mills. Pa. ; Walter R. Brink, Williamsport. Pa. ; Charlie F. Carstens. Sherman county, Nebraska- HarTy Cohen, Elizabeth. N. J.; Michael I. Dioocco Schenectady. N. Y. ; Harry F. Dreyer, Philadel phia. Pa.; Ole Egge, Nunda. S. D. ; Carl C. Enderlin, Mt. Oliver, iPttsburg, Pa. : Salvatore Fazio. Paasaic. N. J.; Edward A. Featherstone, Wilkesbarre. Pa.; William F. Enstermaker, Bow manstown. Pa. ; Guiseppe Filippeni, Ardmore. Pa. ; Loshe Ficcher. Evansrille, Wis.: Joseph Freda Mineo Scilia. Italy: Alex Greehavick, Gibernia Powalsti. Oyesda Strobnskoe, Russia; Islie Hay wood Hale. Eclectic. Ala. ; George Hanish. Old Forge, Pa.; Aioysius Hickey. Kenneth Square Pa.; Steven Kowesza. Jersey City. N. J ; Joseph M. Lavm. Olyphant. Pa.; Arthur Liheratore Philadelphia. Pa.; Gustav A. Longerman, Mt. Oliver, Pittsburg. Pa.-; Alex Melnirk, Czelnorvice Katro Zivotoro, Kiev. Russia: William H. Moore" Philadelphia. Pa. ; Frank Nesanovic. Baltimore! Md. rCassimere Nlrita, Johnstown, Pa : Bert E O Connell. Philadelphia. Pa.; Julius Onefrrsky' Mahanoy City. Pa.; Charles Opanovitz. Dickson City. Pa.; John Pavel. Ottoville. Ohio; Arthur Perry. Philadelphia, Pa.; Willie Portier, Bruns- wica. i.a. : wunam It. Kenner. Danville, Pa Pete Rodovanitch. Dulcino, Montenegro: Harry E. Rothermal. Allentown. ra. ; Nicholas Rustin Butler. Pa.: Edward F. Ryngwalski. Buffalo' N. Y. : Leo H. Schisaler. Newark, N. J.; Edward S. Schowaker. Philadelphia, ra. ; Charter H Sim TJiy H".. Pa.; Joseph W. Steele, Woodland. Calif.; Kazi mierz Stomka. Leechburg, Pa ; William F. Thompson, Roundup, Mont.; Joseph Wakessew ski. Philadelphia. Pa.; Benjamin Wolfson, Wood bine, N. J. MARINE CORPS LIST KILLED IN ACTION SERGEANT JOHN H. COBELDICK. Forgan. CORPORAL EARL P. CASNER. Carthage Mo. ' PRIVATE JOHN H. CORBET. Chicago. TO. PRIVATE CARL J. DITTMAN, Woodstock. ARTHUR O. STILL. Tacoma. Wash. DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION CORPORAL JOSEPH E. BUSH, Firplay, Mo SEVERELY WOUNDED IN ACTION Privates Harvey Bixler. New Orleans, La ; Tony Borrelli. Chicago, IU. ; Roy A. Cash, Pine Bluff, Ark. WOUNDED IN ACTION (DEGREE UNDETERMINED, Corporal Edward D. Quinn. Philadelphia. Pa Privates W. E. Nierstheiraer. Newport. Ky. ; C. T. Soniat, New Orleans, La.; Frank R. Stahl. Bamesville, Minn. ; Everett L. Thoma. New Madison, Ohio. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSINQ Samuel C. Mullin. Pittsburg. Pa. . FOT.I 'LEAD ROLL OF HONOR . ... vvasnington. Aug. 21. A second lint nf casualties in tbe United State service, made public Tuesday, contains a total of 176 names. There were no marine corps casualties reported. Army casualties: Killed in action 1 . . . . 32 Missing in action go Wounded severely ' 47 Died of wounds " 5 Died 01 accident and other causes 2 I Wounded, degree undetermined 5 Died of disease - 6 Total 176 KILLED IN ACTION Lieutenants JOHN ANDREW DOHERTT. Boston. Mass. GEORGE M. GERALD JR., Beloit. Wis. Sergeant OTJS ARNOLD. Highland Park. Ky. CLARENCE B. PERKINS. North Star. Mich. ROTHSEY E. WILLIAMS. Roan Mountain. Tenn. ' Corporal CHARLES ALBRECHT, St. Louis. Mo. I-OCIS A. MANGOLD. Milwaukee. Wis. CHARLES J. SKALE8KI. Oneida. Wis. COOK MARTIN A. JACOBSON. Litchville. ST. Dak. Private OTTO A. BASEL. Milwaukee, Wia. OMAR D. BECK. Butlerville. Ind. CHESTER I,. BENNETT. Hsddenfield. N. J FRANK J. CARTAGNE. Red Lortse, Mont. JCLIAN CISEK. Minneapolis. Minn. NICK CT'ZA. Chicago. 111. WILLIAM F.GLE. Palisade. Neb. HENRY FRKSONKE. Dent. Minn GT'Y 8 GEORGE. Shawano. Wis. JOE GOREE. Shawano. Wis. CHARLES J. GROS8 JR.. Glenn. Ga. RCEBE.V C. HALL Randolph, Texas. VERNON JOHNSON. Gillespie. 111. BARNETT JONES. New Yor. N. Y. EDWARD KREGEL. Wausau. Wlsl GORDON M. LINDGREN, Cooperatown. N Dak. WILLIAM r LOGAN. Leiner Fork, Tenn. JOHN MATEfSZTK. Chicago. IU. ANDREW OMsON. Hastings. N. Dak. ARNE PEDERSON. Shilling. Minn. RICHABD O. REDEMSKE. Chicago. Til. ALEXANDER VILLENKAUE. Marinette, Wis. EARNEST R. WILCOX. Cnlnnville. Iowa. DIED FROM WOUNDS Lieutenants LAURENCE C. SHULL. Sioux City. Iowa. Private JACK J. CATRON. Saltvllle. Va. JAMES C. PRIM. Randolph. Ala. LOCIS C. FREDERICK SON, Harlem, Iowa. JOHN PRICE. Milwaukee. Wis. DIED OF DISEASE NURSE IRENE MERCEDES FLTNN. Plants ville. Conn. Private ARVIN R. JACKSON, Lyon. Ky. EDWIN A. CRIBB. Rhems. So. Car. JOHN J HENRY. Detroit. Mich. FRED REPPHUN. Ijimotte, Iowa. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES WAGONER FREDERICK ANDERSON. Washington, D. C. PRIVATE CLARK M. HARRIS. Winona. Minn. SEVERELY WOUNDED Lieutenants Roy 'A. Anne, Rice Lake, Wis.; John Fitzgibbons, Waterbury, Conn.; Paul Winge Leisner. Evanston, 111. ; Albert J. Stan ford, Brooklyn. N. Y. Sergeants Thomas J. Ayer Jr., Zachary. La. ; Eugene Kaiser. South Meriden, Conn.; Walter A. Boynton. East Bangor, Maine. Corporals Arthur Albrecht, Milwaukee. Wis.; William A. Chambers, Iron City, Tenn. ; Royal Cook. Chicago. 111. ; Joseph Meyer. Watt rbury. Conn.; Roy Wettstein. Baraboo, Wis.; 'Mech. Willis McCray. Reedsburg. Wis.; Mech. Roy W. Miller. Oslikosh. Wis. Privates Benjamin Eisenberg. Detroit Mich. ; Clayton M. Fredericks, Waterbury. Conn. ; Carl H. Halley. Monticello, Ark. ; Charles B. John son, Bridgeport, Conn.; Frank L. Kearney. Bos ton. Maas. ; Walter F. Keefe. Hartford. Conn.; Edward Kierce. Waterbury. Conn. ; John leski. Milwaukee, Wis. ; Francis X. Lynch. Water bury. Conn.; Herman Meyers. Florence, Wia.; Freddie B. Moreau, Concord Junction. Mass. ; John J. Mullen, Boston. Mass. : Joseph C. Orient, Lee. Mass.; William J. O'Rourke. New burgh. N. Y. ; John F. Puskarz, Chicago, 111. ; Frank R. Ronan. De Kslb. 111. : Otis Rose. Viola. Mo. : Harry Shepherd. Worcester, Mass. : Chester Smith. Danbury. Conn. : Frederick D. Jones, Ekford. Mich. : Jay T. Kato, College Park. Ga. : Tony Kopot. Detroit. Mich.; Arthur Lanone, Fall River. Mass.; Edward P. Irkin, Peabody, Mass.; Harry James McKenrie. Pittsburg. Pa.; Tlarvey J Maillie. Lowell. Mass. ; Ernest Bernard Mathews. Grand Rapids, Mich.: John F. Muraaky, Bridgeport, Conn. : George Rowe. Jamaica, N. Y. ; Dewey O. Selander. no address; Bolisk Tanskl, New Britain, Conn.; Elmer O. Thomas. Rhinelander. Wis.; Valentine Zambreski, New Britain. Conn. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETERMINED) Sergeant Thomas Slovin. New York. N. Y. Private Herman Neuman, Chicago, 111. ; Earl V. Osbourne, Harrah, Wash.; Bam Ranca tore. San Francisco, Cal.; Frederick B. King. Springfield, Mass. MIS8INO. IN AOTION Captain James Burke Cousart. PhiladelDhia. ra. Lieutenants William Bateman, Wayne. Pa. : William R. Dyer, Carney Point. N. J.; Edward Hitzeroth, Philadelphia. Pa.; Herman Sloan, Merchantville, N. J.; W. L. Swarts. Scranton. Pa. Corporal James O'Hearn, Rosebank. N. Y. Bugler Clark H. Emerlck. Bellwood. Pa Wagoner Raymond 3. Peter. Philadelphia, Pa. Cook Charles W. Tuttle. Philadelphia Pa l-rivates Frank w. Alltis. Ardmore. Pa John J. Cannon. Carbondale. Pa.; Vincenzo Coluecio, Pittsburg. Pa.: William W. Evans Pvo.Id.nce. R. I.; Edward J. Flynn, Providence. R I.: Vincenza Graduate.-Terano, Italy: Hyman Greenburg. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; F.lwood E. Hum mell. Espy. Pa. ; Anotonio Jacowicz, Johnstown. Pa. : James Jayne, Olyphant, Pa. ; Joe Kubacky. Johnstown. Pa.: Pasquale Livrone. Leechburg, Pa.; Antone Machado. Pico Azores, Portugal; Raymond Saffran. Baltimore, Md. ; Ilarvev Steif, Ford City. Pa.; Feodor Susko. Auzona. Russia; Antonio Turco. Campobossa, Italy; Warrie Ward Saluda. S. C. : Oscar W. Fant. Oakdale. Mass.; Antonio Kaszewski. Philadelphia. Pa.: Gail W. Lambert. Iroquois, 111. : Eugene Intschoot, Moline. III. : George R. Moore. Philadelphia. Pa. ; Scott Morris, Chandlerrille, 111. : William Mot tle. Greenwood. W. Va. ; Frank Muccitelli. Casert A Pontecorvo, Italy; Jacob Roussell, Large, Pa.; John R. Shaw. Holljsprings, Misn. ; Nelson Siege, Philadelphia, Pa. : George Smith. Philadelphia! Pa. ; Albert George Smith. Hanover. Md. ; Wil liam E. Stauffer. Willow Grove. Pa.; Konstantz Szamkul. Uezda Horodesza, Russia; Joseph Tar taBlire. Philadelphia. Pa.: Robert Henry Wood Reynolds, Ind. : Leroy Webb, Brooklyn. N. Y. : Stanley Wernicki, Pittsburg. Pa.; Edward N. Whitehead, Allentown, Pa.; Ralph Withey. Bloomsburg, ra. : John Zoleski, Mocanaqua, Pa.; Louis Tholas Glapinski. Trenton, N. J.; Felix Frank Gutowsky. Kingston. Pa. : James J. Harty. Hubbard. Neb. ; Fred Hodgson. Scranton. Pa. ; George H. Hoffman. Philadelphia, Pa. ; Charles A. Howard, McLaughlin, S. D. ; Anton I. Kos- tantynowicy, Trenton. N. J. : Joe Leemotois. Sagamore, Pa.; Sabettino Lizzi. Philadelphia. Pa. : Pete Lucak, Diamond. Ind. ; Harvey b' McCaskey, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Frank Msras sek. Medina. N. Y.; Joseph P. Menton. Flint Hill. Mo. ; Alexander Meyers, Green Lane Pa John Mohavski. Jersey City, N. J.; Howard John Muller. Williamsport. Pa.; George Myers. West pert, Conn. ; Gip Piland, Uniontown, Pa.': Crer tav Przygvcki, Braddock. Pa. ; Myer Radera Chester. Pa. ; Joseph Scarlata. Pittsburg Pa : David Schwarti. Cincinnati. Ohio; Friend E Sheerer. Wimmera. Pa.; Delbert Stephenson neaiora. ina. ; tmiaio 1 enagno. Kudmont. Pa : Sam Thomas, Philadelphia. Pa. : Robert K Trainer, Allentown, Pa.; Miles E. Vansiekle Berwick, Pa.; Harry T. Wade, Durmid, Va '; Yince Wilson, Vintondale. Pa. Ottawa. Ontario. Aug. 21. (U. P.) Among Americans mentioned in today's Canadian casu alty list are: WOUNDED J? Stanley, Elder. Mont.; K. O. Selden, Ta ooma. Wash.; H. H. Walker. Holt, Wyo. D McDonald, Nyssa, Or.; A. Johnson. San Fran cisco; J. A. Keenkins. Berkeley, Cel.; E. W VIHeneuve. Sedro Woolley, Wash.; R. S. Smith' Spokane, Wash. Commodore Hardy's Japan Film Shown "Commodore" W. H. Hardy's Japa nese film will be shown at assembly hall in the Public library daily from 3 to 9 p. m. for the visitingr G. A. R. veter ans, their families and auxiliaries, dur- ! encampment week. This is the sec ond public exhibition of the film brought back by the "Commodore'' from his re cent visit to Japan. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. W. Heinecke and wf. to Lillian Evison (assigned to E. H. MePherson), L. 12, B. 5. Groveland Park $ 3 150 F. A. Bailey and wf. to Aden Keen. I. 32 and E. L. 33, B. 21. Kenton Ed Bittner and wf. to J. H. Kramer L 9. B. 14. Hollyrood Add. Security Savings & Trust Co. to Ernet i,oW?Id nd wf- W H L. 7. 8. B. 292 Hawthorne- Park ... N. 8. 8collard and wf. to 8. B. VesteV- mni b ,Dd " ft- S. side L 7. of Sub. B. 3 in 8. W. U of D L. C. of M. Patton. trustee J. A. Denny, guardian, to Henry Schlei- ger. und. 3-5 int. in L. 5, 6. B 14 Tremont Park ... GInlVB- Denn and "hus."to' Henry Schleiger. und. 2-5 int. in L. 5, 6 B. 14, Tremont Park. A" MiU! "I? wf- K- Kingsiey". wedge shaped piece ljiru between S line of Jacob Sanders claim and North ern Pacific V nrl f-i.J r,-:." 10 10 1 10 10 220 beginning on N line of Sol Richard, 4 m x I7' Sec- 3- T- 1 N-. R 1 ! I ii::,-1"6 of "? of Unit! Railw.v. an 7 XL-" unit-a . lu Kiaim, ana .V 60 ri . point in center county road from Portland to St tmted Rya. ,nd adjoining last above ulL r? ,rom Portland to st Helen. 80 deg. W. 810 34 ft from N. E. cor. Sol Rkljird cia No. 4 Sec. 8. T. 1, N.. R. a. W. tract lying 8. of West Oregon Lumber Co.- prop erty and between county road and United By., beg. at point in E. line county road from Portland to St. Helen from which sec. cor. on 8. line sec. 34. T. 2 N . R. 1 W.. bear 8. 055.35 ft. and W. 671.82 ft.; tract m sec. 3. T. 1 N., R. 1 W.. bet. Richards claim and Tp. line and W. of Pnmeroy Hta.. beg. in N. line Sol Richards claim No. 4 7. see 3. T. 1 N.. R. 1 W.. at-8. W. cor. Pomeroy Hta., from point in center of Portland and St. Helens road bears N. 60 deg E., 1 70. 1 H ft.; tract in ec. 34, T 2 N.. R. 1 W., lying N. of Tp. line and W. of Pomeroy Ht., beg. at point at reentrant cor. of Jacob Sanders claim and on Tp. line; tract E. of Northern Pacific Ry. and S. of Ship Timber mills property and in E.-line of .right of wy Northern Pacific rail way, from which "4 tec. cor. on 8 line Sec. 34. T. 2 V. R, 1 W.. bears 8. 311.21 ft. and- W 122L33 ft ; ' tract between meander line and har bor line lying immediately E. of the last described tract beginning at me ander cor. of Sander claim on Tp. line between Sec. 3, TIN H t W., and Sec. 34, T. 2 N . R 'l W and 8. 89 deg. 22 min. E. 2127.35 ft from i sec. cor. between Sees. 3 and 34 ; a small wedge shaped tract lying between Northern Pacific Co. proierty and W. line of right of way of Northern Pacific railway (8. 83 deg. 58 min. W. 100.7 ft. from point in E. line of railway right of way), and "4 aec. cor. on S. line of Sec' 34. T. 2 N . R. 1 W.. bears S. 681.83 ft. and W. 022 05 ft. S. W. Hibernia Savings bank to Chris Fost redt, 1 5. B. 1. Brockton George W. Claggett and wf to C. E. Wayne et al. L. 75. 80. 81. Arleta Park Oliver Anderson to F. O. Joy. L. 32 34, B. 3I. Irvingtou ' G. I- Brown and wf. to F. O Joy and wf., L. 0. 10. B. 1. K razee St, Add.. F. O. Joy and wf. to G. L. Brown and wf.. L. 32. 34. B 39. Irvington Park Clara M. Simonton and hus to Walter V. Smith, L. 18. B. 15, Council Crest Park Alfred Holm to Joseph L. Brosseaii L 16. B. 4. Gordon Place Lydia Priestley to Susanna V. Leonard, L. 15. B. 24. Irvington Add Lena Bruchler and hus. to Delia Gloss E. H L. 9. 10. B. 19, North Irving ton Mary It. Beat and hus. to P. N. iia throp and wf.. L. 17, B. 12, Wil lamette Edgar A. Kent to Mariette II. Van Meter. L, 4. B. 10. Olmstead Park Add William H. Murphy and wf. to Gusta'f A. Johnson et al, L. 16, B. 2, Rail road Shops Add Patrick Murray and wf. to I. M. Bue'll N. 2-3 (or N. 100 ft.) L. 4. B. 5 Diel s Add Annie E. Buckley to Herman C. Korne gay, L. 8, 9. B. 9. McMahon's Add. Herman C. Kornegay to William G Beck. I-. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8, 9, B. 0. Mc Mahon's Add James A. Nokes and wf. to C. J. Nokes l 8. 9. 10. B 10. Berkeley Lydia Theresa Turner to W. A. Wright (Assigned to H. W. Heckley). L. 13 B. 16. N. Irvington Susanne V. Leonard and hus. to John 1. McGregor and wf., L. 15, B. 24, Irvington 8 D. Fox and wf. to John 8. Gerry. iL 5. B. 11. East Portland Hta William G. Eaton et al to Garrett J. Eaton, und. 1-5 int. in L. 2. B. 36. Central Albina Nellie J. Bohn and hus. to Garrett F. Eaton and wf. und 1-5 int. in L. 2. B. 86, Central Albina E. H. Anderson to J. O. Bailey. L. 2, B. 20. 8. St. Johns J. W. Deardorff and wf. to Paul E. Graham et al, L. 8. Newton Noah Frederick and wf. to George H. Sheeks, L. 24. 25. B. 122. University Park ... James Monks and wf. to Thomas N. Monks, und. V L. 1. 4. B. 235. Couch's Add James Monk to Mary Monks, und. H of L. 1. 4, B. 235. Couch's Add. Elmer J. Canell to Joseph D. Canell. L. 5. B. 18. Burrage Tract BUILDING PERMITS J. H. Middleton. repair store, hotel. 3d t. between Main and Salmon; E. J. builder; $300. 10 1 1 1 10 10 10 ' 850 10 10 10 2.850 10 10 100 1 I I l ! 1.206 10 2,760 10 289 10 10 2.200 10 10 224 H Findley Wakefield Fries Co., repair residence. 229 Jefferson between 1st and 2d; Walter R. Thorne builder; $45. j Elks' Lodge, repair lodge. Stark st. between Broadway and 6th; V. J. Carlson builder: $300. I Brown Bros., repair .residence, !55 N. 1.7th between 17th and 18th; C. M. Quint builder; I $250. ! M. G. Miller, repair residence. 804 11th st. ! between Gibbs and Grover; builder H. W. Mil ler: $73. P. I). Hance. erect residence. 1877 Van Hou ten: builder same: $1000. Pacific Car Fdy. Co., "excavate 204 E. 55th near Oregon; $300. A. Ardito, erect garage, Ellis st. between E. 2 2d and 23d; builder same; $500. Will Thorn and Lea Horton. repair store and residence, 801 Mississippi ave. between Beech and Failing: $50. Thomas Scales, erect residence, Olympia at. between Newton and Buchanan; builder same; $300. J. J. Tranchell. erect garage, 1234 Atlantic st. between Ainsworth and Jessup; builder aame; $80. J. J. Trenchell. repair residence. 1234 At lantic between Jessup and A in worth; builder Trenchell A Parelius; $800. Maria Waterford estate, repair residence. 515 Union ave. N. between Russell and Sacramento; Vanderhoof Bros, builder: $160. George C. Held, erect garage. 1019 Haight ave. between Blandeaa and Humboldt; builder same: $35. Roberts Bros., repair store, 382 Morrison be tween W Park and 10th; Portland Wire and Remain, will be at A. R. Zeller company Pr Iron Works builder: .a0. lors until Frid morning. p.ny . p.r George Lacy, repair residence. 103 Blandena -. . ,.-Ff v r between Michigan and Misriasippi; builder same: 1 Ao;1'. In this citjr. August 20. Gsyan $1X00 1 Asplund. aged 73 years, beloved husband of Samuel Bishop, repair residence. 834 Strong between Portsmouth and Van Houghton; builder same; $125 A. E. Davis, repair residence 564 Yukon near Martins; builder same ; $500. L. H. Hansen, erect garage. 1330 E. Taylor between 4 6th and 4 7th: builder same; $75. Security Savings A Trust Co.. repair church. 428 Burnside st. between 9th and 10th; N. E. Paulsen builder; $200. W. McDonald, erect garage. 167 Idaho be- tween torneti ana Virginia; ouuaer same; 40. Airs. JUiill miuiu, cin.1 irmiiuuK, 1 u 'I j OOltl st. between 40th and 41st; $75. E. D. Houghtaling. repair residence, 1819 Courtney between Hunt and Houten; builder same; $150. II. Goldstein, repair garage. 228 Sherman between 1st and 2d; Nat Cartango builder; $325 . st De- Edwin Palmer, erect garage, 532 E. 41i tween 4 2d and Taggert; builder same; $100. H. H. Doan, repair shop. 664 Oak between E. 13th and E. 14th: builder same; $150. Lewis estate, repair dock, Front st. between Broadway and 8th; Kerr, Gifford A Co. builder: $2000. O-W. R. A N., repair dock foot of Russell between harbor line and Albina ahop; Kerr Gifford A Co. builder; $4 00. Mrs. Matilda Edwards, repair residence, 731 Allegheny between Fessenden and Seneca: builder same; $65. A. A. Schilberg. repair residence, 863 E. 76th st. N.; builder same; $800. ! DEAN In this city. August 20. oadie Dean C. J. Bergstrom, erect garage 4929 82d be- aged 61 years. 9 months. 21 days late of tween 49th and 50th aves. ; builder same; $50. I 626 Spokane ave. Funeral service will be held Smuel Beattie, repir residence 1572 Haven , tomorrow (Thursday), Ang. 22. 8 o'clock from between Oberlin and DePauy; builder same;iM. E. church, comer 15th t. and Tenino ave. $250. J Remains are at resident funeral parlors of Wsl- R P. Boise, repair factory. 384 E. Stark ! ter C. Kenworthy, 1532-34 E. 1 Sth sc. Hellwood. Detween l nion anu ivranu ave.; J. 11. Meyers builder; $125. R. B. Hansen, erect residence, 1236 Broad ! way between 42 and 4 3d; B. F. Pong builder ' $2500. I Mrs. M. J. Hobkink. repair store residence, ! NEW TODAY Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Rugs and Woolen Clothing We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven Fluff Rugs They Wear Like Iron Rag Rugs Woven All Sixes Mall Orders-Send for Booklet Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1:50 "WESTERX FLUFF RUG CO. 84 Union Aye. X. East il Phone B-147S HOME OWNERS The Equitable Lif Assurance Society, un der Its home-purchase plan, will make loan on desirable homes to be repaid in monthly in stallments, covering a period of 10 rear with provision that the mortgage is canceled in event of death of borrower; interest 6 per cent; no brokeiage. For full information see Mr. Strong. Equitable office, Oregociaa bldg. 208 H N. Jersey between BurHngtAa and Chi cago ; Thomas Griee builder; $100. Anna J. Clark, erect shack. Central t- be tween Tioga and Buchanan; William Plate builder; 17 5. E. R. Linqaist. repair residence, BIS C 18tb V. between Mason and Skidmore; builder aame; $300. E. M. Clinton, erect garage, 1700 Fnioa ave. near Columbia blvd. : builder same; $50. J. W. Pettit. erect garage. 1103 Hasaalo be tween Imperial and E. 87th; builder aame; $250. Morgan. Leith & Hecker, repair (tore room. 407 E. Stark between Grand ave. and Z. 6th t.; Robert Laaach builder; $4 0. (J. W. Smalley. repair residence Olympia t. between Charleston and Oswego; builder aame; $275. F. B. Turner, erect residence, 685 E. 16th t. between Siskiyou and KbckiUt; builder aame: $4500. H. Greenborg, erect shack, 1588 Aubrey be tween Lombard and Faragut; builder aame: $100. William Kallander. erect residence. 29th ave. between 48th and 49th; builder same; $2500. G. I. Funk, repair residence. 50 Winehell st. E between Minnesota and Montana; builder same: $75. Green C. Love, erect residence. 1478 Haight ave. between Bryant and Morgan; builder aame; $1400 Columbia Engine Works, erect office. Linn ton road; builder aame; $300. M. L. Arthur, erect residence, 535 E. 62d t- N. near B razee; builder aame: $500. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW THE BAKEK Auction House, Maaonio Temple bid.. Yamhill and W. Park tta. Sal at 10 MEETING NOTICES 41 PALESTINE Lodge No. 141. A F. A A. M. Stated communi cation Wednesday evening. August 21. 7:30. Social evening, refresh ments. Visitor welcome. Arleta station. Mt. Scott car. W S'TOWNSEND. Sec. REGULAR meeting this ( Wedneeday ) evening. East Sixth and Alder Vis itor cordially invited; 2d rftSr 17 degree. ARTHUR 1. MOULTON. N. G. W. W. Terry. Sec. VILLA Lodge. No. 1.24. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting tonight at 8 p. ra. . at the hall, corner East 80th and Gluten streets, take M V. car. Visitors welcome and a apectal invitation ex tended to all G. A. R. Odd Fellows. C. E. MANN. N. G. C. P. NELSON. Sec. THE MACCABEE8 Portland Tent No. 1 Regular review every 'Thursday evening, at hall. 409 Alder st. All members urged to be present. Visiting Sir Knight always welcome. GEO. D. BAKER. N. R. B.MBLEM charm jewelry a apeciaity. outtona. Jaeger Bra.. 181-18S Ota t pin Xljtal Statistics matrigts.Birtts. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENCES "oT Peter J. Lee. 40, Wyeth and Viola B. John E. Peterson. 51. 3829 63d st. 8. and ! Freida Anderson. 89. 3 829 63d at. 8. E. Arthur C. J.. Schoennauer. legal. Seattle. Wash., and Ida A. Welk. legal. 412L E. 42d st. S E. Leslie Grant, legal. Hillrard. Wash., and 1 Anna Harden, legal, 443 E 10th st. j George U. Gge. legal, 573 E. 17th t, N.. and Marguerite E. Nash, legal. 578 E. 17th St. N. Allison J. Rusaell. 4 5. St. Marie. Idaho, and Pearl D. Briggs. 33. 128 N. 18th st. Henry Geerz. 31 Portland. Or., and Julia Brandenburg. 31, 513 Yamhill st- William A. Hagemeyer. 4 5. American hotel. and Marcia L. Stewart. 37. Whitnev ADts. I - ... ...m, . . w -.I., i . , airiiu, . ' I . , B IJ - i lie M. Nnvrter 21 B1K PI Jdili V I V . . r . . I T - .t 4 4 U I s-v- ..4 W-1 rtn0h- 'TVi?7 Mcadm rod- Grace G Brooker. legal. Florence Apt. x- "nsen Jv4- 43 KA Z7tn .-.. auu i auune onnon. zo. ivumoeuana Apt. J. F. Bratton. 33, Roseburg, Or., and Cor C. Hanson. 23. Wheeldon Annex. Harold Kellam. 28. Camp T.ewt. Wah.. and Vivian J. Abraham. 17. 1105 Belmont at. Luther Steinhauer. 23. 828 hi Holladay ave.. and Bessie M. Spencer, legal. 328 H Holladay avenue. Otto O. Krogstad. 58. 163t E. 13th 8.. I LOST Brooch, sunburst, with emerald set and Rebecca J. Banks, 58. 715 Tenino ave. I ting. 189 E. 69th at. Liberal reward. Ta Robert J. Kelland. 4 6. 164 3 E. 16th . and bor 2 665. israce iee, do, ova Marion ave. Holland Matthieu. 33. 701 Verstee at . and Jnette H. Thomas, 37, Lents, Or. Francis J. Lewis, 22. Camp Lewi. Wash., and Luella KanU, 19, 861 E. Washington st. Arthur L. Blake, 35- 386). E. Morrison at., antf Gertrude Bowerman. 31, Hi-lop Apt. Lloyd L. Hughes, legal. Carlo tta Court Apt., and Pauline Esther Merrill, legal. 1107 E. Stark st.. iin.e bUITtt tor rent, all ma Us-qu Tai loring company. 104 4th at. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 7i TRUMBULL In this city, August 20. 1918". William L. Trumbull, aged 61 years 4 months, beloved husband of Olivia Trumbull, father of Charles O. Trumbull of Portland. Harold L Trumbull. U. 8. A.. France; stepfather of Er nest A. Bemis of Portland, and Rusaell A. Bemis, U. S. A.. England. Friends invited to attend the funeral service, which will be held at Holinan's funeral parlors at 2:30 p. m tomor row (Thursday). August 22. 1918. Interment Rose City cemetery. STHMiTT Augusr20TT9l8. at 1028 GaTfield avenue. John 8. Schmitt, aged 60 years, be- lovea nusoana ot -lrs. Annie K. Schmitt. Fu neral will leave the above residence Fridar. Aue- ust 23 at 8:30 a. m.. thence to St. A nHr..'. j church. East Ninth and Alberta streets, where I serices will be held at 9 o'clock. Friends are ! ""t"-"". -oiLon. i lacaamaa county. Or., father of Mrs. Engeborg Johnsen. Eric, Mike and EIraa Asplund. Mrs. Nellie Jones. Funeral services will be conducted Friday. August 23. from the Swedish Lutheran church at Col ton. Or. Friends invited. Remain at Pierson's Undertaking parlors. Russell st.. at Union ave. CULLF.N In this city, on August 19. Edward James Cullen. aged 4 5 years, survived h hi. widow. Zoa Cullen, and three children, Edward. Robert and Mary. Funeral servirVa will h h.M i under the auspice of Scout Young corps. 8.-A . v.. tomorrow (Tbursdavl. Annut "2 t t p. m.. from tbe residential funeral home of Wilson & Ross. East Seventh and Multnomah. Interment S.-A.W.V. plot. Riverriew cemetery. DUDA On August 19, at hiiT late residence near Clackamas station. Paul Robert Duda. aged 60 years, survived by his widow. Caroline furf ! and three children. Mrs. Caroline Mattman. Mary , cerhardus and Paul Fred Duda. Funeral serv ices will be held today (Wednodav). August 21. at 2:30 p. m . from the residential funeral home of Wilson & Ross. East Seventh and Mult nomah. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery ANDRUSS In this city, on August 19. Grace Andru-is. aged 28 ears, beloved wife of Ralph W. Andrus. of the 28th spruce squadron. Van couver. Wash. Funeral services will be held today (Wednesday), August 21. 1 p. ra.. at the Portland Crematorium. Fourteenth and Bybee streets. Arrangements in care of Wilson A. Rons. East Seventh and Multnomah. NEL8EN At the fmily residence, 78 East 28th St., Aug. 21, Perry Childs Nelsen, Infant son of Mr and Mr. Charles Neilsen. Funeral services will be held Thursday. Aug. 22 at 10 a. m . at the new chapel of Breeze A Snook, Belmont at 3 5th. Interment at Oswego LURCH The funeral service of Mrs Oliv J. Burch will be held t the conervtory chapel of F. S. Dunning Inc., eat side funeral director. 414 East Alder street, corner East Sixth, at 2 30 p. m. tomorrow (Thursday.) Friends in vivd. Interment Riverview cemetery HYDEATl thfamll7rMide"er907MargUf rtU avenue north. Ella May Hyde, aged 17 years. Remains will be forwarded to Spokane, Wash., by the Chambers-Kenworthy company at 7:40 p. m. today, where interment will be made. ! LtJTAN In this city. August 20. 1918. at the family residence. 195 Fourteenth St.. Jsmes I Lota n, aged 75 years 4 month 12 day. Re mains at Holman s funeral parlora. Funeral no tice later. MILLER In this city. Aurut 20. Delia Evelyn Miller, aged 25 years, late of Wallowa, Or., i sister of Ella Miller. Remains at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son. Montgom i ery at 5Ui. FLORISTS CLARK BROS., Floriit. 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fin flower and floral deaigna. No branch store. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. Florist. 354 Wafu Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasion artistically arranged. PEOPLE.' FLORAL SHOP. 24 5 Alder, designs and decoration. Phone Marshall 6822. LUBI.INER. Portland hotel. 328 Morrison. MAX M SMITH. Florist, 141H 6th st FUXERAL DIRECTORS Wilson & Wilson HI Kerby street din. 4940.C-1155 hAiVIILI UlN neral services. Tabor 4318 A, R. Zeller Co, 692 Williams ave. 1088. C-108 FCKEBAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors ' Established 1STT. Third and Salmon Street. Main 507. A-1511. Lady Assistant. J. P. FINLEY & SON Progreestv Funeral Director. PRIVATE DRITE Women Attendant Montgomery a( Fifth Main 2. A 15. F. S, Dunning, Inc. The Golden Bute Undertaker 414 Eaat Alder St. Phone East 62. B 8225 WILSON & ROSS Eaat 64 Lady Assdatarit Multnomah at E. Seventh st. C-31S3 Dunning & McEntee li ndertaker. Modern in very detail. Broadway and Pine ts. Phone Broadway 480. A-4568. Lady assistant. A. D. Kenworthy Co ' Tabor 2267. 8802 92d st . Lents. Tbor 6895. 66t st. and Foster road. Arleta East 781 PI I FRHH Mr. Lereb Undertaken. E. 1 lth and Hawthorn MILLER 4k TRACET. Independent Funeral Di reetora. Price aa low as $20. $40, $60. Waahington at Ell. Main 2691. A-7885 CHAMBERS KENWORTHY CO . 248 and 260 Killingsworth ave. near Wlllia ave. Woodlawn 806. C-11SS Breeze & Snook V.bor" Skewes i'i Undertaking Co. Main 41 5 Corner 3d ana ciay J T BTRNES. new residence establishment. 901 William ave. Woodlawn 220. Q-1943. MONUMENTS IDLAESfNG GRANITE G liT 267-3RQ. ST. AT MADISON I PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-206 4th st. opposite city hall. Main 8501. Philip Neu-8on for memoriala. LOST AND FOUND THE following articles hste been found on car of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Co.. August 21. 1918: purses. 1 pr. glasses, 1 book tickets, 1 pr. gloves. 1 glove. 1 rule, 1 handkerchief, 4 packages, 1 mu.ic book, 1 bag. 2 baskets. 1 camp stool. 2 haU. 4 coats, 1 sweater, 1 handbag. 2 suit case. 1 egg crate, 6 lunch boxM. 1 umbrella. Owner may obtain property at First and Alder streets station. LOST, strayed or stolen.- six white quackles Muscovey ducks, about 7 weeks old; $10 reward for information leading to arrest or conviction of anyone having same Tabor 3019. or bet. 65th and Cooper and 70th in Brent wood. Mrs. F. B. Hazeltine WlT7LTHEBOY whowu eentotak a new Blue A White American bicycle from Penin sula park Sunday pleas return same back to park and leave with attendants there, and no 1 """" PARTY known who has taken purse contlnlng money, photo, receipt and check at Y. W. grill Sat. night. Return, receive reward and avoid trouble. Call East 7 552 or 7 25 Haw thorne are. LOST In Union depot, Monday evening, lady's small address book from hand bag. Reward to findir by delivering to 320 Morgan bldg.. or ! phoning Main 7862 or A-7957. '. WILL party who took black umbrella from ner i china counter at 5c. Klc and 15 store Aug. 1" return to accomodation desk of atore to ! avoid trouble. LOST At the Pantage. Friday afternoon a tip and the . , - -.11. MK1 rl,K i . ... - .i i. mm. . I . .. --tn ill L ndi Russell wi East 6053. ' L-rrj , r. ; ; i . ' v !,w i! ' T r, il ' xVT,.-. bruah, on Albert L Reward. Woodlawn 2011. LOST Dog. Boston terrior. brindle color, white j blase, acrtw tail, rather long body, ear to- I trimmed. Addrese J 961, Journal. J WILL the party In whoe auto I left my coat : Sunday at Multnomah Falls, please call Wdln. 4 009T Reward. LOST $10 paper money, between 57th and 52d, on Sacramento at. Red Croas money. Finder nlease phone Tabor 9098. Lo8T Canadian forestry corps overseas msple leaf pin; very valuable to owner. East 7260 Reward. LOST Watch with Foundation Lag. Please re turn to Tourny bids.. 2d and Taylor, room 412: reward. L08T auto robe between 81st t and 35th at b o'clock MondJTy night. Kindly notify East 2597. LOST On Saturday. Aug 17. a $21.78 check on Peninsula bank. Finder please return to Mr. F. J. West. 546 E Alder st. Rewavd LOST -A coat, containing papers, valnibi to me only. Return to 287 Momacn. Re ward. FOUND, purse containing keys and smai, change. Call Sellwood 2537. LOST Black leather purse, containing $10 and small change. Phone Eaat 1280. LOST Finger ring at Oaks. July 18. Ryan. Phcn Sell. 1440. Reward. Mrs. L. LOST A gray purse lined with blue, contaln ing about 87. Wdln. 184 FOUND Snm of money. Owner call East 1230 and identify. LOST Diamond brooch in Lanrelhurst Park Sunday afternoon. Reward. Tabor 4924. FOUN II 00 check Phone Tabor 4775. FOUND Strolling cow. CalFWin 2164. KOrNrj Purse. O.. W. A K. Call Tabor 1692. HELP WASTED MALE DECK OFFICER U. 8. Shipping Board FTee Navigation School at Seattle. Tacoma and Portland. Trains deck officer for the Merchant Marine. Short cut to license. Native and natur alized citizens only. Deep sea sailor two yer experience. Lak and Sound pilot and mat ter and graduates of nautical school ship elig ible. Course aii weeks. Address W. J. Gramb. 860 Stuart Bldg..-Seattle. Wash. $175 PER MONTH the year around, tbe average earning last year nf a number of our salesmen r.ver 4 5 yesrs. Thl yer will be the biggest yet. No experience neceesary: weekly cash advance. outfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees, ahrubber, and vine. Ton can do what other, in experirnced men have done. Washington Nnr- ery Co., Toppenish, Wsh II EN wanted by Portland G A Coke eomi-any at Gasco. on Linnton road; tedy .mployment : pay $3,80 to $6 per day Take free bus st garage. Front and GUsan sta.. 8 a. -j . or 23d nit Ka TmT at :lfl a m. Acmlv at eaa Dlant office. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquet Iron, tracks to basement of our consumers, average wag $4.25 to $4.76 for 8 hours. Inquire rorthwest corner 2d and Flacder. Portland Ga A Coke company. . FLAT WORK, washer, also extractor man. American Laundry. 140 E. 3d N. LABORERS WANTED Men under 65 yean for general labor work for tor department at Sontbern Pacific Co., Brooklyn (hop, steady work st 33 90 per day Storekeeper. WANTED Un to qualify for trainmen. Ap ply room 802 Eleetrie building, ope all day and night, including Sunday. P.. L. A P. eompany. TtTlY wnfd sboiit 16 mn to art of r- and shop messenger. In replying state age nd education. Opportunity for advancement F-R43 Journal. LAitoHEH8 wanted for ditcb work : steady em ployment, top-notch wage. Inquire Northwest corner 2d and Flanders. Portland Ga A Cok company. - WANTED A shop boy. sble to drive Ford aufraohtle. wage $2 per day. Apply Dan Kellaher. 207 City Ha 1 YOUNG men 17 to 19 year old for ushers; good wages, steady work. Apply 10 morn ings. New Grand Theatre. 105 Sixth street. WANTED Foreman for machine shop, general repair work. State experience. J 959, Journal. WANTED"! by Pacific Iron worki 29th and Clark mas. for foundry. 2 caating clippers. 2 inexperienced helper. FIRST CLASS automobile washer: will pay good wage to right party. Call 261 12th st.. Portland FIRST-CLASS prefer to tak charge, l cleaning (hop. Apply 123 N. 2 1st st. T. 785. Journal. WANTED, experienced night auditor In one uf Portland's leading hotels; advancement for right man. N-681, Journal. WANTED One automobile mechanic at municipal shop. Apply Dan Kellaher, 207 City Hall. WANTED, experienced extractor laundry. 500 E. Morrison. man. Yale MILKER wanted. 2182. Maple Farm Dairy. Mais WANTED Mn to work on river boats. fflO and np, room and board. Apply Whington dock WANTED A good moving picture operator. Address L-906, Journal. FIREMEN $ 150 "monthly. txiri.rwe unneces sary ; send stamp. Railway, car Journal. OFFICE girl. 167 Firrt. upstair. FIRST class night washer Marshall 232. WANItDFirst class mold I. Main 1$47T HELP AYAJITKI MALE MEN WHO WANT WORK AND ARK NOT NOW ENGAGED BY ESSENTIAL WAR IN DUSTRY MAT SECURE AGREEABLE EM PLOYMENT AT WEST LINN MILLS ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY AT FREE EM PLOYMENT OFFICE. 42e HOUR, EIGHT HOUR JOBS. MEALS IF DESIRED, 80c CLEAN BEDS 10c NIGHT. STRIKE ON 10 MONTHS. BUT NOT BOTHERING US. COMR. DON'T WRITE. THERE IS A JOB WAIT ING FOR YOU. HELP WANTED T. M O. A. There are positions open to yon. In the teal tw week 217 dissatisfied men were placed ta aatlsfactory positions through thl department, A special employment rnemberabtp ha been de vised for the unemployed man. It costs nothing to investigate this modern ystemtio pocitlon se curing institution. Men re harvesting the new crop of splendid oppoitnnitte daily. Call at one In person. One nf the positions Is for you. Main 6700. A 6561. Employment Advisory Dept. LIPMAN. WOLFF. A COMPANY require the services of two experienced salesmen for Uleir men's and boyV furnishing department. Apply superintendents office, seventh floor between 9 and 10 Thursday morning SA LESM AN Specialty National manufacturer wishes to secure live wire specialty salesman for Portland for th exclnsire sale of an office device of high merit and neceasity. sold at a popular price, backed by national advertising. Insurance, typewriter, check protection or adding machine experience d-Mrahle. It take a live wir-. the type who does not recognize nbiertion providing he ha "the goods." but it will pay well As only on man is required quirk action will be n-cessary. Phone for interview. F. II . Glguere I pronounced G-Gair), Hotel Benson. HOP riCKKR A good place to go hnp picking. All ecommi dstinns FREE. Abundance rf good spring water piped to camping ground. Round trip fare only $1.62. 100 r.ice. clean camping sheds, picely ar ranged for. parties of three er more. You'll throw your tent away after seeing these rotv heds. Grf. cery store on ground where you ran buy groeerlee cheap as in Portland Tent located near Forwt Grove. Sign up early, as we only need 200 pick ers. Make your reservation and buy ticket et 222 Plttock block.' lpth and Stark st. Js W. SEAVEY HOP CO, Bdwy. 1(190. A 5292 A -a for Mr. OgW,y. HELP WANTED MINC. 4 GOVERNMENT WILL HOLD CIVIL SER VICE EXAMINATIONS-in Portland In Aug ust. 20,000 women clerk to be appointed at Washington, experience unnecessary. Women desiring government clerkships write for free particular lo II, E Te,Tf- ' former civil ser vice examiner). 815 Columbian Building. Washington. GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 women clerk at Washington. Examinations everywhere in August. Experience unnecessary Women desir ing government position i write for free par ticular to J C Leonard (former civil service exsmtner), 1054 Krnoi bldg.. Washington. D C. MANT TOUNG WOMEN AND MEN MUST BB trained at once for telegraph service. In creased salaries paid train-d operator. Co- operation of Railroads nd Telegraph companies, I OT wrte Railwav Telegraph Institute. 218 n""7 iwua., runwnu. it. ! THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. ! 390 13th st ! Ml- Qu' fd Mlsa Jewell ,9. Office h ours". 10 to 4. kwjn- ning Sept. 8. Limited number. Exceptienal ad vantage. NUMBER YOUNO WOM"S?T" ADTilN waat-4 te prenar for telegraph rrte and help fill varaneie caused by the drafting ef men for war. For particulars call er write Telegraph Depart meat, room 218 Railway Exchange bldg ADCOX ACTO SCHOOL Cnlon avenue and Waaeo at. Special Bummer Price. Dn. write nt phone Eat '7448. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE SPECIAL BUMMER RATES. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE' BUSINESS COLT.EOll AT.TSKT BLDG. 3D AND MORRISON, TaTF.H FISHEH TEACHER AGENCY Free registration. Sll-H Broadway bidg. LINK'S BUSINESS CoLIJtUai PORTLAND. OREOOis BEHNKE-WALKER, biggest Dtuin eulleg b. ease best: enroll any time: free eatalogn. HOPPICKERS w.nted." bldg. Min 84 2. Inquire iYi Sherlock HELP WA'TED rEMALE TOU'NG LADIES FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE . NECE3SART. $9 TER WEEK PAID WHILE LEARNING RAPID ADVANCEMENT IN SALABT PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS APPLY TELEPHONE COMPANY OPERATING SCHOOL, SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STS. BETWEEN 8:80 A. M. AXD 8:80 P. U. LIPMAN. WOLFE A OO. require th Mrrieea of several experienced salesladies for all de partments Permanent position with good pay is offered to thr who rn auallfv. innlv - ' fJ" wsv-Trr, -r , ... W JflrJjr h . " 'l ' MBt5 ! "ne Udr dihwashr, $95 a month, 1 .... . . . - 25 N. Second t. j REFINED h'tltliy woman as working houae ; keeiwr in fstaily of 2 adult and 8 children- ! nln,t understand care of baby and be a good ! manager V, ill pay any wage- In reason to right party. Rroadwey 1492. MILLINER All eosjnd roUUner. able to mHV! ell and tnm. $16.00 per week. Steady position, wittj advance if able to make good, E 91 8. Journal. WANTED Ang. ii. tray dining room girl ta mall hospital; experience not necessary If quick to learn; $35 er month and room and board N-678. Journal. YOUNG lady not ever 24. roust be first -class eelwledy in general tor. wlih aom knowledge) of millinery. Apply immediately. Muller Raag Co of Ore i ANTED Working girl, not office work, for j business plane steady. Do not phone, call 4- Last Br-adw., : SOLDIER'S wife r.r mother can have noma wud a wiaow os miu rancn lor Iigat ser vice ; one who ran Tnilk. Tsbr 6575. WANTED, dependsf-le girl living Jn Int to tak rare of 4 - rld boy a few night weekly, Tbor 7041 after ja WANTED, two ycung married women to de kitchen and rhajntM-r work for self and boa band s rom and bear-1. 4 12 N. 19th. GOOD eook and for general bouse work: washing 2"5 N 21t . H kLkr-e.nlK.Sv. a. m.mcLiumt ctyeratwraT Til Lm opttatra. INEXPERIENCED female help nted. Pori- land laundry ' . 9th and Couch sta. WORKING woman wishes lady to share apart ment and expense. Main 1808. GIRL for general housework; small family: good1 wages Call Main 949. YOUNG LADY Cotillion Hall. wanted to operate Kdwy. 8380. elevator. EXPERIENCED waitrese w.nted. at once, 14) Park st.. Central Cafe. Gilt. Sounder ' 2 . Apply-Prestogrspb Co.. T j ist m.. rooom: . WAITRESS wanted- New Western hotel fli Gliun. HELP WA5TED MAL 1 AX1 FEMALE MOLIR BAKBKB COLLEGE " Pay yoi while Warning; give you mt mi taeta. guarantees position. Writ fey catalogue. lit Bnmstde et.. ev phone Broadway 1781. ' r-UtlLAD JtARItEst OOLAjCUl Teaebea men and women tbe barber trade free, Py while learning. 234 Cooeh. Broadway 8468. U EN , u JmkN, ieara barber arade tree; wag while ieara rug: mmtHob guaraataed. Orecon tm a ii i r&la. an 4 - au. - (Coatlamsd FoUowUaT Pf T