THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY. AUGUST 19. 1918. 8 VETERANS WATGH SHP LAUNCHING AT LOCAL YARDS S. S.' Latoka Slides Down Grant Smith-Porter Ways While He roes of Civil War Cheer. NEW YORK WOMAN SPONSOR Latoka Is Second Ship Launched This Month and 17th Since February by Company. A mM the shouts of hundreds of vet ran who fotiRht to nave liberty In the Civil war. the Latoka slid down the way at the Grant Smith-Porter Ship company's yards shortly after 3 o'clock this afternoon, .a contribution by local hiDWorkers In the maintaining of Ub iety throughout the world. The launching was arranged as a part of the program for i. A. K. week, and officer' of the Emergency Fleet corpo ration, is In Astoria in connection with the appearance i.n shipyards there of Dr Ksther C. Lovejoy, returned recently from France, where she was engaged as a nurse for the Red Cross. . MARINE ALMANAC Weathe at Rlvae't Mouth North Head. Wash., Aug. 19. Condition at the month of the Columbia river at noon: Wind, north. 10 miles; weather, clear; sea, smooth. Sun Record for August 20 Sun rises... 6:17 a. m. Sun sets... 8:12 p. m. Tides for Tuesday High Water Low Water 0 :52 a. m. . . .. feet I :48 a. m. . . 0.8 foot 0:29 p. m....8.6 feet I 6:4ft p. m. . . 2.2 feet DAILY RIVER READINGS STATIONS S - gag ell Cmatilla I 25 7.1! 0.8 0.04 Albany I 20 1 .oj 0 O.OO Salem 20 1.8 0.2) 0.02 th-egon City 12 2.6 M.OI .12 Portland I 15 5.5 O il 0 02 () Rising. ( ) Falling. RIVER FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will fall slowly during the next two or three days. SPIRT THAT SENT MEN TO FRONT IN. '61 WILL MARK VETERANS' PARADE (Continued From Page One) dresses and responses by Commander-in- Chief Somers, several past commanders 11 to fea fca THE ROLL OF HONOR SsS (Continued From Page One) BUGLER FRANCIS L. JOHNSON, Worces ter. Mass. Privates NICK BUCKOVI. Detroit, Mich. JOHN C. CHIFMAN. ConcepUon Bay, New foundland. ROBERT H. CLAYCOME, Somerset, r. NKSTOR LABONTT, New Bedford. Mass. HENRY J. LA V IO LETT E , Marlboro. Mass. EDWARD LOHEMAN. Bridgeton. Maine. RALPH J. WVEKS, Hancock, N. H. JOHN J. FADDEN. Holyoke. Mass. WILLIAM R. ANDERSON, St James, Minn. HOY H. BATES. Worcester, Mass. M. W. CANNELL, Pontiac, Mich. KENNETH V. CHASE. New Bedford. Mass. ALBERT J. CRAW, New Bedrora, Mass. LEONARD C. FULLER, Shcllrock, Iowa. FRANK GORI.A. Conrath, Wis. SAM HAM WAY. Wheeling, W. Va. VICTOR A. JEWELL, Bearer Falls. Pa. EDWIN RICE. JOHNSON. Stillwater, Okla. FRANCIS REGIS LENNON. Pittaburg. Pa. BERT B. LONN1NG, Thor. Iowa. GEORGE K. LYON. Cleveland. Ohio. CLINTON F. QUACKENBUSH, Bingham. Neb. HENRT CHLENHOP, Leonard vill. Kan. HERBERT O. WHITAKER. Worcester, Mass. BURCHARD HENRY WISMER. Waco, Neb. RENE WOODS. Sandown. N. H. MIS8INQ IN ACTION Captain Clarence K. Oliver. Elmira Heights. N. Y. lieutenants Charles F. Frizzell, New York. N. Y. : James Rountree Kingery. Summit, Ga. S. D ; Harold Privates Herman A. Liebetrau. Cross Plains. Wis.; Isaac D. Oliver. Bainbridge. Ga.: Henry E. Pownell. Ottumwa, la. : Frank T. Randall, Philadelphia. Pa. : Henry D. Sneyd. Pa.; George Stok, Dekalb. 111.; Harry .Wilson. Minneapolis, Minn. Washington. Aug. 18. The list of casualties in the United States serrice made public today contains a total of 407 names, including 31 members of the marine corps. divided as follows: Army casualties: Miesing in action. 126; killed in action. 69; wounded severely, 120; died of wounds. 1: died o' disease. 10: died of accident and other causes. 4 ; died of airylane accident, 1 ; wounded (degree undetermined), 37; total, 378. Marine corps casualties: Killed in action. 6: died of wounds received In action. 5 ; died of disease. 1 : severely wounded In irtinn. 7: slightly wounded in action, 1; r . ivui"". i- ... , - - - - - .; ii. Y-; L. L Morris, Lexington, Mo.; Nielsou Poe, j wounuea in icuon . Baltimore. Md. amrMnt, The list made public today includes tbe name v.h v Ho-ToreZ Knrinefield. Mass. : i of Leslie B. McKay, whose next relative la Lynn William E. Irons. Burrows. cal. ; rrea SEVERELY WOUNDED major Willis J. Tack. Spencer. Wia. - Captains William H. Coacher. Mitchell, G. Lewis. Houghton. Mich. Lieutenants Bothwell B. Kane. Tort Worth. Texas; John H. Church, Flushing. N. T. ; Francis A. Dar nieder, Sheboygan. Wis.; Thomas Henry, New York, N. Y.; Laurence E. Johnson, Lowell, Ind ; Rudolph Koubsky, New York, N. Y. : Charles S. Lewi Jr.. Indianapolis. Ind.; Francis C. McKenzie. Borne, Ga. ; Thomas B. Marshall, Dental Supply Co., Columbia, S. C. : Harry M. Martin, Emporia, Kan.; John G. Maya, New York. N. Y. ; Vance Mershon, Buckner. Mo. ; Frank Hollingsworth Fans. Palisade. N. J.; Irv ing Folks, w York. N. Y. ; Clark R. Lincoln. Wakefield. Mass. ; Gorman v . nice, Syracuse N. Y. : Mortimor L. Steinhart. New York, N RESERVE OF ALL DOCTORS PLANNED Volunteer Medical Corps to Clas sify Physicians for Service at Home and Abroad. R, Hufield. Springfield. Mass.; Leo Karanuagh. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Peter Kendall. Glenwood Land ing, N. Y. : Armand I-emieui. Lowell. Mass.; Andrea Berardini. I'hiladelphia. I'a. ; Lawrence Arthur Bredehoeft, Grand Haven. Mich.: Nicholas Garlucto. Bayonne. N. J. ; 1-ouis E. Godin. Wor cester. Mass. ; Louia C. Latham, Providence. R. L: Morris Levine. Brooklyn. N. Y.; Leo McGrath. Biteley. Mich. WOUNDED DEGREE UNDETERMINED Sergeants Charles B. Strucken. WelUville. N. Y,;i Albert L. Jacobus. Cedar Grove, N. J.; James E. Pinkston. Barstow, Texas. Corporals Jacob L. Maylie. Philadelphia. Pa.; ' Nick Pona. Gary, Ind.; Boiana A. wiuiams. -,,..,,, . TUr inimAL.) Clifton Forge. Va.; lUrold J. Dupre. Syracuse. TON BURfc.AU OF THE JOUKMAU) N. Y. ; Araando Rodriguez Delaware, Ohio; Every reputable doctor In the United Robert E. Snow, Verona, N. Y. 1 ' , . a i. Private Patse, Degrotta. Brooklyn. N. T.: States tvho holds a degree ' ,e Charlie E. Howae. Cotton. Ga.; George Kol- gaily chartered medical school, women mok y, Hartford. Cons. : Louis Marshall. Byron. : deluded may find his or ner place un Ga.; Rudolph Martin, New Orleans. La.: lot P. I ' nr.9n.Illnn of the volunteei MFKTISO NOTICE Washington. Aiif?. 19. i WASHING- erick Arthur Jones, Kansas City, Kan.; John G. Leemkuil, Sheldon, la.; Emil A. pl&on, Spring field, Mass.; Charles A. Prudhon Jr., Newtield Road. Farrington, Conn.: Robert A. Richard son, Mound City, 111. ; Clarence R. 8uddreth, Lenoir, N. C; Edward J. Walsh. Albia, la.: Frank L. Champoux, Greenfield, Mass. ; Peter Smith, El Paso, Texas; William Anderson. Chi cago, 111.; James S. Ish. Cleveland. O. : Charles D. Keys. Philadelphia. Pa. : George E. Roberts, Muskogee, Okla. ; Walter N. Smith. Manchester. Mass. : Sigmant Buczinski. House tonic. Mass. Sergeants Nathan Ainisman Brooklyn Y : Cummings. Athol, Mis'i.; Thomas A. DonrV H.nn.ble Davis Marshall. N C.: Thom Jph 8omCTTiUe Mass. ; Axel N. South n.Xna sXi. STS? WiS'c? P'-tn. Minn. ; Walter R. Price. CrooksvUle. O. ; many of the Civil war veterans saw for j and department commanders and the the first time the launching or a snip. A the great hull was released and took the mater, a cheer arose from the vet erans, and the launching was marked as unique among; the many witnessed in Portland this year by the presence and nthustasm of these "boys of '65." Miss Antoinette Tanner, daughter of Corporal Jim Tanner of New York, fa mous Civil war veteran, broke the chris tening fluid over the prow us the hull was sent down, and performed the cere mony most Kracefully. , The Latoka Is hull No. 1359 and the seventeenth that has been launched by the Grant Smifh-Forter company since February, the second this month. She Is a Ferris type 3500-ton vessel and will be fitted In the yards here. OREGON FIRMS GET SHIPS presidents of the women's auxiliaries. The rtosarlan band will furnish patriotic music and several soloists figure on the program. Incoming: crowds at Liberty temple have forced the registration .booth out side, and it Is now located at the rear of the postofflce,, while the entire In terior of the temple Is devoted to the as signing of rooms. By far the busiest time the workers at the temple have had New York. N. Y. : Isaac H. Roosa, Port Jervis N. Y. ; Arthur J. Casada. Oneida. Tenn. ; Carl L. Lunde. Bakken Spein, Norway; Joseph P. Neilan, New York. N. Y : Sterling Baker. Seward. Neb.; Walter Scott Clark, New Brunswick. N. J.; Ray mond W. Daniels. Binghamton, N. Y. ; Morgan W. Evans, Columbus, Ohio: Floyd Biddle. Mecca Louis A. Zemin, Wacooia, Minn. Corporals Meril E. Baker. Yarmouth. . Mas. ; Eckles. Milford. Mass.; Dewey Charles Butts. Muskegon. Mich.; Arthur L. Clougli. Fayville, Mass.; George W. Finn. Woburn. Mass.; Arthur O. Frappier. Springfield. Mass. ; John T. Glea- Ind.: Edward 8. Bloelow. Colfax. Wash.: Charles' ! son. East Boston. Mass.; Fred M. Hildebrand. 'room, Duryea, Pa.; Harvey E. Foley, Westfield. j Newton. N. C. ; Arthur J. Jodoin, Lowell, Mass.: N. Y.j Walter 11. Hoag. Jersey City, N. J. : ! Mike Costok. Frost Berg, Pa.; Lloyd H. Lea. Charles F. Kersey. Charleston, W. Va. ; Paul A. , Ashley, O. ; Walter F. Mather, Hartford. Conn. ; I Martin, Nutley, N. J. ; Joseph Schultz, Nanticoke, i Howard J. Xickerson, Gloucester, Mass.; lio Pa. ; Matljew Stachowski, Buffalo, N. Y. j saris H. Query. Springfield. Mass.; Albert F. Privates Frank Apicella. Cleveland. Ohio; 1 Sears. East Boston. Mass.; Joseph Sefiick. narry W. Aronson. Boston. Mass.; Frank I Bridgeport. Conn.; Uscar U. wurzDacx. .-sew W. Autin. . Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Pearl C Austin, Hennen, N. Y. : Silaa W. Baker. Sey Astoria, North- Bvnd and St. Helens Yards Awarded Contracts. Washington. Aug. 19. (1 N. S.) During the week ending August 17. 43 new contracts for wooden ships were placed by the United States shipping board Emergency Fleet corporation. Chief among them was the contract for 18 cargo-carrtiers of 3500 tons to the Universal Shipbuilding company of Houston, Texas. The other contracts were: Two wooden nargo vessels. 3500 ton nage, Fulton Shipbuilding company. Wilmington. Cal. ; two wooden cargo vessels. 3500 tonnage. Seabord Shipyards company. Tacoma. Wash. : two wood cargo vessels, 3500 tonnage. St. Helens Shipbuilding company. St. Helens, Or. ; one wood raren vensl, 3000 tnnnngp. Ueorg F. Rodders & Co.. Astoria, Or. ; two wood cargn vessH.s, 3500 tonnatrf Kllaon & Kelz Shipbuilding corporation, Seattle, Wash. , five wooden barges, 1500 tonnage. Coastwise Shipbuilding company. Baltimore. Md. : six wood cargo vessels, 3500 tonnage, Kruse & Banks Shlphuilidng company. North Bend, Or.; thfee wood tugs (harbor), Lathom & Sniiith Towing & Wrecking company. Sturgeon Bay. Wis., and two wooden hargea. 2500 tonnage. Universal Shipbuilding company, Houston ship canal. Harrlsom county. Txas. gren. 111. ; Louis Breckner, Syracuse, . l Early Bullion, Woodlawn, Va. ; Floyd W. Camp bell, Trenton, N. J.; Hugh L. Carney, Camp bell, Cal.; Robert 8. Chapman, Carona, N. Y. ; Walter Chesley, Des Moines, la. ; Frank Walter Cincotta, Waltham, Mass. ; Simon J. - Clark, Oneida, N. Y.; John J. Clowry, Chicago, 111.; Joe B. Cooper, St. Laurens, S- C. ; Harris E. n. . T, 1 I T J - i ! T : . , 1 . v. 1 , . . . , 1 . i mum, icih, ivu, i. iuri , iiuriLj, xnu. ticu u x . .... w..H uu6c Bel h Belcher. Ky. ; John A. Blaylock. Dahl- ueieBaLiuiiB iruui aiiiuriiia. ana iviasnH- chusetts arrived and had to be assigned rooms. 15,000 Visitors In City It was estimated today by Frank Mc Crlllls, secretary of the executive com mittee, that about 15,000 persons have already arrived. The Ohio delegation was due in at 3 .30 and the Tacoma at 3 :40 this afternoon and at 6 :30 a dele gation of 1000 persons is expected from Seattle. Before morning most of the delegates will have arrived, although veterans from short distances will be coming in all day Tuesday. Great crowds assembling about Lib- ark. N. J. ; Lauria T. Jones, HuntsvUle. Ala.: Roy C. Nelson, Acton Maynard, Masa. ; William D SpUlman. Valley Falls, Kan.; Williard Wes ley Whaley, Columbus, O. ; Clyde Evins Lupton, Newbern, it. C. ; Charles F. Swift, Fairhaven, Masa. ; Buglers John E. Hassett, Providence, R. I.; Joseph B. Kaynor, Douglas, Ky. : Paul J. Harris, Muncie. Ind.; Mechanic Albert Loebes, Paterson, N. J. Prrvatea Thomas W. Armstrong, Arran St. Ba- liavia, Ireland; Samuel Bernstein, Chicago, Cotell. Yarmouth. Mass.; Stanley Crissell, IU.; Elmer R. Dalheim, Newport. Ky. ; Edward Brooklyn. Pa.; Jeremiah Francis Crowley. Fall J. Alex. Worcester. Mass.; ratnci Anderson, River, Masa. ; Atillo Dagnino, San Francisco. 1 Whitinsville. Mass. ; Harry Baldauf. Rosedale. r.i - v..ti. a. n.M nim,., vt.. r.n,i.i 1 N. Y.: Joeenb G. Bemoski. Webster. Mass.; TwiAhh.ior. Atkin.nn ill inki, R M.i.rn , Victor Berthiaume. 'West Warren. Masa.; Otis Providence, R. I.; Walter L. Meader, Walcott, Ark. ; Manuel S. Menenger, Olion, Portugal ; Elbert Franklin Miller, Mitchell. Neb.; Charles B. Mitchell, Jersey City, N. J.: Morris B. Mur ray, l'elleston. Mich. ; Joe Pacini. Memphis, Tenn. ; Harry Pergande, Milwaukee, Wis. ; Clar- erty temple are entertained with music 9?cf """" , JOM.. Ku"- . . , , tv,. ,, I Philadelphia, Pa.; Pasquale Salerno. lnnetka. by the Rosarlan band, under the d irec- , . JoS(.pn SaiiterUt chlc0. 11L; Jo5(.ph Sln. tion oi joei e. r.umei, a cn ducky. SUnwood. Mich.; Walter A. Shemanski. various veteran arum Mount Carmel, Pa.; Steve Sinkins, South Bos ton. Mass. ; Stanislau Smichowski, South Bend, Ind. ; Isaac Spiller, Lynn, Mass. ; Robert C. Stewart, Evansrille, Ind. ; William Saymonowski. Chicago, 111. ; Ferdinand J. Thull. New Brigh- by the music corps. Lost articles should be reported to the executive committee at Liberty tem ple. Several have already been reported. One woman lost a brown bag contain ing a return ticket to Butte, between wuson, Earisboro, Okla.: Blendon F. Deane. ,80 and ,90 in cash and receipt for dues ; ";Bk: H cl oTli to the W. R. C. The bag was lost : Korjcki chic.go, m: CUrence R. Igsdon. either on the Irvlngton car or between , Killbuck. O. ; Louis Mogavero. Philadelphia, Pa.; the carline and the Multnomah hotel. ; Clinton Moores. Stokes, N. Y. ; Rife Bovine, Another woman lost a brown tatted ! PerrysTille. O. ; Joseph Demattia. Boston. Mass.; Lee Boyer. Kansas City. Mo.: Walter Bugdat, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Herbert S. Buss. Worcester, Mass.; Theodore C. Conway, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Peter Corjay, Springfield. Mass. ; Frank E. Cunningham, Poughkeepsie, N". Y.; Joseph .1. Aleskandrowicx. Webter, Mass. ; Floyd Alford. Coburn. La. ; George W. Baker. Worcester. Mass. ; Thomas A. Beatly. Hoboken, N. J. ; Joseph J. Bernat, Brooklyn. N. Y.; Henry J. Bischof. Jobntown, Pa.; Earl Bish. Indianapolis, Ind.; Justin T. Brewer. Portage, Mont.; Edward Brit tun, New Brunswick, Canada; Edwin Brown, Lowell. Mass. ; Albert B. Brown, Lowell, Mm. ; Elia C. Calvert, St. James, 111.; Eli H. Contois, Worcester, Mass. ; James H. Curry, Indianapolis, Ind. ; Alex lmichali', Centerville, Calif. ; Frank B. McKay, Barron hotel. Portland. Or. The army list follows: KILLED IN ACTION Commissioned Officer LIEUTENANT COLONEL MORRIS N. LIEB MAN, New York. N. Y. Sergeants I OTIS A CIRAVECN A. Soulsbyville, Cal. OTTO FOSTER. Arlington. Vt MAURICE H. FRIEDMANN. Roxbury, Mas. WALTER K. HALL. Pomona. Md. CLARENCE M. KENDALL. Bamet. Vt. , FRVNK J. KNAAK. Cleveland. Ohio. FREDERICK EVANS, Lawrence. Mass. JOHN O FRYDELUND. Albert Lea. Minn. JAMES WILLIAM I.AU. Philadelphia. Pa. CCLLIE L1CHTFOOT. Fierro. N. M. WILLIAM HENRY VICKERY. Hogan. Mont Corporals GEORGE GLACKMAN, Flat Rock. Ind. ALONZA KEARSE. Earheart, S. C. JIM T. WALLlNSFOItD. Blytheville. Ark. Privates GROVER W. CALHOIN. Morgan. ia. ALVY A CAYA. Prairie du Chien. Wis. PHILIP EDWARDS, Naugatuck. Conn. A I BERT A. ERICKSON, Cumberland. Wis. CHARLES M. FA I" ST. Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio. JOHN" T. HENDERSON. Cambridge. Mass. ERVEN R. HOLSTIN. Brownland. W. Va. CARL J HOLTGREW. Ixirton. Neb. HUBERT A. HYMAN. Bakersfield. Vt. JANEN JANSKI. Syracuse. N. Y. OTIS C. JACKSON. Greensburg, Ind. ARMIN LANDE. Jackson. Minn. RALPH J LORD. Marlboro. Mass. JOSEPH E. McVEY, St. Marys, Kan. HAROLD WILLIAM MARTIN, Montague. Mass. WILFRED MEYERS, " Florence, Wis. GEORGE Ml'NROE. East Hampton. Masa. iETER T. PETERSON. MUnor. N. D. CLARENCE O. PURSLEY, Lucien, Okla. WILLARD RE ID, Chicago, 111 I.l lGI RICCI. Perami. Italy. JOSEPH SALITZKY, Brooklyn, N. T. NAGARINO 8CATTOLINI, Ansonia. Conn. GLEN A. SMITH. Farragut, Iowa. COI'NSETj SOLES. Tabor. N. C. HOWARD L. STEVENS. Fayette, Maine. CLYDE WALKER, Woodson. Texss. FRANK C. WHITEMAN. Tilton. N. n. JAMES C. BRAWLEY JR.. Philadelphia. Pa REED C. BR i SON. Millvale. Pa Nilles. Dubuque, Iowa; Gibeon Packham. Ho bs rt, Ind.; Frank J. Palen. Syracuse. N. X. ; Alfred H. Panella. Sausalito. C.lif. : Joseph A. Parton. Areata. Calif.: Fred J. Revenig. Dubuque. Iowa; Julius Schnitzer. Yonkers. N. Y. ; Garland Shuff, Covington, Ind : Jimi Trivison. Brooalyn. N. Y. ; George Williams. West Hazelton. Pa.; John Williams, Hinckley, Minn. ; Frank H. Burnett, Macon, Ga. ; Daniel Cohan, New York. N. Y. ; Alex S. Foss, New York. Y : James Halstead. Blairstown. Iowa; Andro Kalarh, Gu ehari. Austria-Hungary ; Glen Litchner. Dubuque. Iowa; Frank Rhoads, Albia. Iowa; Charles P. SuJeski. River Head, N. Y. : A. Thiene niann, Cincinnati. Ohio; John Wasilewky, Cer wensko Ploska, RusMan Poland; Cecil B. Way, Peoria, 111.; Cook John Sluok. McBride. Uich. MISSINQ IN ACTION Lieutenant George Macelllgott, West Somer ville. Mass. Corporals William I. Holtan. Milledgeville. Ga. ; Clarence IL Hosier. MarteUo. Md. : George Michael Houck. Pringle. Pa.; Van D. Jones, Rhane. N. Dak. ; John O. Kirkland. Miami, Okla. 41 HARMONY lodge. Nn. 12. A. F. and A.. M. Special communf cation this (Monday! eve., at 7 :3U o"clock. Work in tb E. A. legree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. M DE LIN.- Bee. ABD UHlATEF temple. No. 117. IrJltio' Order of Knights of Khoraasan. will bold special business session on Monday, August 1 ft. at K. of P. hall after the patrol team drill. By order GEO. L. SPENCER. R. V. KMHLEli jewelry a specially. Mtroaa, puss. charms. Jaeger Brae.. Ill-IBS atb a. XJitol Statistics mstriscs.Btrtts. Dzatbs. der the organization of the volunteer meHraI aervice corps, which nas oeen worked out -by the Council of National Defense. The general plan Is to obtain a record of all physicians who are not in active service of the government and make a classification which will aid In quickly filling any calls that may come, either for service abroad or at home. Until now there has been little difficulty in securing doctors and surgeons as they were needed, but this condition is not expected to last. In this way it will not only be pos sible to supply the army, the navy, and the public health service promptly, but to keep a record of the reserve ror an MARRIAGE I.ICE5CES Joseph B. Hairno. S3.4 74." Marketstret. and Mary Nathan. -J7. 474 Market street. Claude C. I-eavcrton. r. Camp Lewis, Wash., and Ada B. Myott, J5, Multnomah hotaL Samuel Weil. 34. Hillboro. Or., and Jean ette Keubtn. 22. 71 lloyt street. B (. I'arUon. 31. 737 T scorns avenue, and Iipne K. Willsnn. in. 54 1 Hn.ln.-y avenue. Peter H. Xchniidt. 33. 13H fok areniM. and Halce Huhert. 21. SS2 Bayard street. Raymond W. Fairfoitll. legsl. Oregon hotel, and Florence E. Callwell, legal. 309 San Rafael street. ( James B. McCarty. legaU Portland, box 221. route A." and Pearl M. Ilnlbrouk. legal. Sixty second and Forty-fifth arrnue southeast. Max M. R.-ehcr. 26. Forest Grove and Mil- 1 dre.1 H. Scubee. 21. 973 East Tenth ' street nortn. Adam R. Hunter, legsl. 73 Hoyt street, and Elie M. Bennett, legsl. Carlton hotel. UHfc.tb e-cua lor reni. all si lenng eoinpanr. 104 4th at. UniM-Tat DEATHS AND FTERALS 7t DAVIS In this i-tty." August 17. Martha A'. Ivis, nged 00 years. 10 months. 13 days, beloved wife of William A. Davts; mother of Mrs. Lorena ilotkner. Ada May and Sue Bell Iti. grstnliiiother of Alice Iitie Iws: sis ter ot John w.. t harles li ami Jm .1.. Black sorts of service. In the event of an I Albert Ladouceur. Holyoke. Mass.: Charles Morin, ! u.,i. eomr fnr eirnmnle- or I Columbus. Ohio: Ellwood Nushbam. ColeU. I1L; ) ,, .v,. -r.x-.rnment ' Si"'kane. Wa-h. Friends Invited to attend (Alliance Q. Richmond. McMechen. W. Va.iiln some large city. the government fhf iuneni ,.. w,ih wiU be held at r rea r.. i umLJmi, rjvoiKii, o. 1 . " ' - wuuiu siiun t-v, vu, -- . -. . w . I. Webreck. Glencoe, Pa : Harvey W ileox. Eu- turbing the balance somewhere else. It rcka. Calif.; Mechanic Jacob J. Knapp. Sjra- ; , . . -M. lnKie-nia which cu.e. N. Y. : William Watts Williamson. I-ambert- j Is planned to provide Insignia wnicn ville. N. J.: Joseph C. Windon. Blackville. W. ; wni show the pledge of doctors not in Va. : Bugler Eli Bakerman. Topeha 'V'iyn- ; I uniform of their willingness to serve sia; tiugier juuus "ui i. r- ton. Pa.; George N. Watson, Kansas City. Mo.; D. Coster, Carlisle, 111.: John H. Fuller. Colum- Jacob V . Uesalo. Chicago, 111.; William C. bus. Ga. ; William H. Garceau. Marlboro, Mass.; Scott D. Gladin, Tollison, Anz. ; Arza L. Heiny. Noblesville, Ind. : Gieseppe Jem ma. Geranma. Italy; Andrus V. Johnson, Mona. Muo.-ala, Finland; Raymond, W. King, Baker. N. D. Vernon T. Lupean. Mayville Moler. Leavenworth, Kans. ; Neill. A u r or a . 111. ; Giovanni Paradisio Peteras Stevlena. Italy; Anthony Perry, Spring N. J. Mechanic Walter SUnkievricx, Mount tarmel. j Pa.; Cook Paul V. Glaus. New York. N. Y.; j Cook Mike Kocik. Somerset. Pa. Privstes Mike Abbott, Manchester. N. Y. ; Aboef Nathan. New York. N. Y.: William Adams. Springfield. Ohio; Helal Agranowsky, Brooklyn. V Y.: Charles S. Anderson. Hoboken, N. J. the country. The ultimate result will be to place in the medical reserve corps those en- lloiman s tuneral parlors at 10 :30 a. m. to morrow (Tuevlay). August 20. Concluding services at Odd Fellows' cemetery. La Center. Wash., at 2 p m. FLORISTS CLARK BROS., Florists. 287 Morrison st. Msin or A 1MU.V Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. Joseph Argaiu, Covno Prov., Russia; Edward G. , volunteer medical service corps, which probably will, consist of two grand di visionsone of reserves under 55 who may b called out for any service need ed, the other composed of those who from age or disability are qualified only for civilian service. glble and fit for active service and who Martin a FORBES CO., Floriu. 854 Wash, are needed for it. and to place others, j .r,Mt"nf .V69' linwtn tot legally qualified as pnysicians, in me PHILIP Italy VINCENZO BENITTO. Calubrio. Italy. ERNEST COUTURE. Augusta, Maine. SAMUEL CRANDEI.L. Brooklyn. N. Y. JOSEPH FELINSKY. Tuchem. Russia. MICHAEL F. KELLY, Watertown. Mass. GUISEPPE MOFFA. Fo-remazzivil, Italy. DIAMOND L. NADEAL'A Nashua, N. H. WILLIAM G. NOLAN, sVenandoah. Iowa. BYRON R. TERKINS, Springfield, Mass. STEPHEN PIDICH. Struthers. Ohio. RAYMOND SMITH. Dubuque. Iowa. ALEXANDER STANORSKI. Newadawa. Rus- Bamford. Philadelphia. Pa. : Henry G. Barron. Somerset, Pa. ; Andrew Bauras, Simpson. Pa. ; Joseph Becker, College Point, N. T. ; Ignata Belcuns. New York, N. Y.; Russel I. Bell. Ka- hoka. Mo.; Dorsey R. Billings, Sycamore. Va.; , Herbert Harle Bond, Berwyn. Okla.: Hugo Bon i fini. Per Veoargrande Provience Ascoll Pieceno. ! Italy: Robert W. Bowser, Fort Wayne. Ind : 1 John Brown. Hays. N. C. ; Vincenxo Burrini. '; Del Triento. Italy: Alfred A. Burrows, Chetopa. Kans. ; Emilio Buso, Rsritan, N. J. : James H. ' Butler. Indianapolis, Ind. ; Louis Carmel. Pitta burg, Kans.; Herrell Carneal. Cassia. Va. : An gelo Caroccio, Salerno Trentinara, Italy; Guy C. : Caudill. Boyes, Mont ; Anthony Caverreta, Phil j adalphia'. Pa.; Maryian Choyenski. Orange, N. J.: j Toney Civilli. Ibanon. Pa. ; Arthur F. Cloos. Brooklyn, N. Y.; John ColletU. A'coltpicene British Bomb Huns, Down Five Machines PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 845 Alder, design and decorations. Phone Marshall 5B22. LUBLIN ER. Portland hotel. 328 Morrison. MAX M SMITH. Florist. 141 V 6th st. FrXEKAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon.. Street. Main 507. A-1511. Idy Assistant. CODUTI. Benevento Monefalcone. I Monteforte. Italy: Arrliie Cook. Schoolfield. Vs.; London. Aug. 19. Five German ma-I ! timer tool, unnstopner. iil. ; viuseppi unwmiio, , . , .n i v,. . .. . . . . . . t , i rntnes H Ti l one usiiuun ci c hiuulill latin jeines, xu.wi, , " j sia. WAR U ORK FLAG RMSKD ..i ;ii x numiiP f it rntrnn Mnnunn x t i mm .i n bag containing a goia watcn witn tne rMi,. ' v-.k . d. ...;: field. Mass.: Clifford Phillips, Rome. Ga name Ora on the front at Laurelfcurst 1(i Donn4i Bristol, R. L ; Douglas Dixon, Par- ! JosePh Rinck- Patchogue, N. T. ; Herbert B park Sunday. i sons. Kan.; Clifford Dye. Center Point, la. ; : Ro,cn- Ja,cksn- ,T,'?.!!L: lcottA bl?.,?,d Cornoral Tanner ArrlTei Oscar Ebert. Watertown. Wis. ; Chart. L. Eck- J , '-vC"tl Uson- ChUlicothe O. ; corporai lavnncr Bremerton Wash - William Ehlers Mil lu" J"- McNulty, Lawrence, Mass.; James Ma- Arrangements are being made l wauiee. Wis. ; Otto H. Ellig. Winthrope. Minn. : loneT. BrMklynv? ' oke M?th'ny: ,"ari' show the Japanese film belonging to Joseph J. Fannell. New York, N. Y. ; WUlUm ett- : Joseph, t Mokoski. South Bethlehem. Commodore" W. H. Hardy, which was ' Feldblum. Newark. N. J.: Antonino Finnac- p-: Arthur 1 Nobles, Springfield, Mass. ; Wa - shown at the Lang Syne society meet- chiaro, Rochester, N. Y.; Percy John Fischer. b- rke- " U V -j li ih snown ai mo aii& oyno ou-'"' I Stockton Cal Albert I Fnrvth. lei Athtni, Pa.; Geerge Ross, Terre Haute, Ind.; ing at Central library during June. lokT. VeV F Foster IiuboU P. i A"'"' Rossa. Woodlawn. Pa. ; Jesse Lloyd Corporal James Tanner of New York. ! ,;amb'0 Ne'w,;k N 5. jAm Gaston T c'incin ! R6n- Moundsville. W. v..; George W. Schaf past commander-in-chief, wlio gave an : nati, O.; Thomas Gehrman. Appleton. Wis ; fer Pittsfteld. Mass.: Philip Seitz, New York, address this afternoon, was one of the ! Issac H. Gibson. Roanoke. Va.; Alfonso Gioia J N- :..s,uel Afyl0' ,o?st Jt,reT- N,v ,H ; arrivals at the Multnomah hotel Sun- Scottdale. Pa.; Basil B. Goldman. Chicago. Ill ; : 5 j H- T?,eI- Maud kla : Jame4 A' "lUu' rtaV nlwht Israel Goldstein, Philadelphia, Pa.; Clarence W. i Providence. R. I. a fim XV M ?r.ot ! 'regory- B1in. VV. Va.; Alfred Curtis Hagan. j WOUNDED DECREE NOT DETERMINED At the same time came VV. M. Scott wilkinsburg. Pa.: WillUm H. Hall, Blue Jacket. 8ergeanu of Atlanta, Ga.. a past junior vice com- . Okla. ; Theodor Hansford, 1627 Weller St., i Carl J. Amrhein. Greenburg, Ind.; Charlie mander-in-chlef. Mr. Scott was in the i Seattle, Wash.; George Harry. Hennessey, Okla. ; i Bussle. London, Ky.; William J. Gleaaon. South old Thirteenth Wisconsin and is 80 years Jonn Robert Hawkins. Binghamton, N. Y. : Boston, Mass, witv, a hssriv DTtlrr' o i Cla.ude F. Hedges, Cestos. Okla.; Raymond F. ; i,..i,.n kIoiS L i Helnly- Hamburg, Pa.; Stuart M. Herrington. vent handclasp and a beaming smile , oakdale, Va. : George F. Hooper. Sulphur Mr. Scott greeted every old comrade and Okla ; Edward L. Howell, Mellette. Okla.; Ed- every non-comrade wno arirtea into tne i wara r. Hunt, jersey city, n. j.; zid Hutson, G. A. R. headquarters at the Multno- ; Centralis, Texas; Thomas J. Irving, Earlysville Ala. guard Inspector, was the speaker. Men ! he was there, the life of the group. Pacific Marine Iron Works U Recoo nlzrd by Shipping Board. At noon today the Pacific Marine Iron Works raised its Emergency Fleet Corporation flasr With a oremnnv o f which Lieutenant R. A. BIyth. district 1 man this morning. He was here and """j 'Th"-. f t V?" d : "if"" i . ' I i ,i ne t 'J!y J- Kantorski. Chicago. 111.; John Karp, New lork, N. Y. : Earl G. Keith. Scottsburg. Ind.; Thomas J. Kinnikin, Savannah. Okla. ; Solomon Klass, Rochester. N. Y. ; Stephen La Colla, Bos ton. Mass.; Hans Larson, Rochester. Mirm. ; beat ,'em. anyway, they needed someone i Y;lv'" ,V ' ,nlyn'n " I ;r Arth"r , v,-, , c t .j , . ! Lehmann, Chicago, 111.; Roy R. Lewandowski, to help em along. So I married a girl i Milwaukee.. Wis.; Charles W. Lowman. Yale in Chicago and moved down there, and Okla. ; Richard J. Lube. Chicago, 111 ; Jessie C. have been there ever since." I Lynch, Clinton, S. C. ; Bonnie B. McCullough! Mr. Scott is also a past department ! Hope- Ark-: Guiseppi Magino. Thompsonville. commander and was formerlv adiutant I t.s,ri Marchi. SomerviUe. Mass.; Clif- - ( inrn t.- j., . m.. of the Thirteenth Wisconsin veteran vol of the yard wiere assembled for the oc , caslon, which was made one of patriotic Inspiration. .The Pacific Marine Iron Works Is engaged in fitting out vessels launched by shipyards here and is playing an Important part In the government's shipbuilding program here. The war work flag of the Kmergency Fleet cor- jFuianwu srnvru saturaay. Bart as a i unteers. toKen or the character of the plant was raised today. "I went from Wisconsin to Georgia in the war." he said, "and I liked it so well there that I Just stayed. After we NAl'TICAL KXPF.RT IS BlSY rora r . Margrave. Olustree. Okla.; Frank Slap- miss, oouin umana. reo. ; John J. Slavick, Hazelton. Pa.: James Sloan. Wh.lin v V. Official buslnys began at headquar- Hilton R. Snowberger. Boswell. Pa.; Peter So rs at 9:30 this morning. Miss Floods01- "os,on' Mass.;. Charles Speigel. Chicago, ters was on hand, dispatching Information right and left, greeting veterans from all over the country and issuing orders generally. Comrades of Old Reunited Srhwarz Adjusts Compasses and Olhrr Instrument on Vessels. Adjusting compasses and other In struments on the vessels turned over to the United States Shipping hoard Is one of the duties that has fallen to Oscar Schwarz. naqjtlcal expert In charge of in nyarograpnic office in Portland. His . floor and peering over, waiting and services were commandeered by the watching for someone they knew. One navy department at the opening of the white haired veteran from Connecti war, and. as there Is no one else In cut began to show the signs of wearl the port qualified to take this work. It ness amid the excitement. ,haa fallen to. Mr. Schwarz. "I bin watching for 'some folks I Consequently he is on board every used to know ever since early this ship on trial trips, and where there are morning," he said. "They were to two of these the same day, as often ocf- meet me here, and I ain't had no curs on the river here, he goes down breakfast yet. I don't know what be to. Astoria with the one which he does come of them." not accompany on her trial. j State headquarters at the different ; hotels were thronged with persons ALL ALONti THE WATERFRONT ! seekll1S oId friends and acquaintances. Among tne recent arrivals in town in.; tmanuel Steiger. Glenham. S. D. ; Samuel Tanner, Philadelphia. Pa. ; Mike Tedesco. En Apriglino. Italy; Percy G. Tripp. Wells, Me ; ivaj mono lurney, n.rtxning, la.; Adam Urban ski, Perth Amboy. N. J. ; Leopoldo Valdes, Sas pamco. Teias; Florent VerbiuSt. Chicago, IIL; Patriffin V i i p.,ll.nla ti 1 . r. . On the mezzanine and below the Marcus Vogelsang. Heemsted. Holland:' Walter lobby, old men who had not seen each I Vo11- I'tira, N. Y. ; Conrad Walker, Hastings other In 50 years clasped again the VbV, Weiner. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Ellis o. hands that had shouldered guns in j '1 "nfiSZ the same company. Old men sat lean-i phia. Pa.; George Connie Woods. 'Dearborn. mg uiw hip. rawing on tne mezzanine;-11" - -""in vroney, nennams, va. ; Harvey M. loung. .ew lork. N. Y.; Robert S. Zeigler Longview, Teias. Corporals Edgar P. Andereck, Minneapolis, Minn. Leonard W. Hillstead. Preston, Idaho; John J Mikos, Chicago. 111. The government drfxlge Wahkiakum will move Tuesday from Vancouver, where she han len enttaged. to Wil low bar. for chn.nnfl work. ' Inspection of the Damaru. Grant r Smith-Porter Khlp, launched April 17 and the Western Pride. Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation vessel, launched July 20. was completed today by United , Stat Steam Vessel Inspectors Edwards is Colonel G. I. Reiche. commandant of the Montana Soldiers' Home, and past assistant adjutant general Mon tana G. A. R.. department commander Montana G. A. R. and national coun cil of administration. "I have been looking every year." said Colonel Reiche. "for a man in I Hoch's division of the Confederate i army who. at the battle of Bentonville, : N. C, on March 19. 1865, was wounded. I ne vas oniy it men. and I was 14. I DIED OF WOUNDS LIEUT. JOHN CASHMAN OLDFIELD, Garnerville. N. Y. v SERGT. DANIEL J. O'NEILL, New York. CORP. ALVIN R." CANADY. Bag Hill, N. C. Privates ALBERT HENRY BRIEGEL, Canton. O. PAUL COCHRAN. Chicago. IU. CHARLIE CRAVEN. Bauxite. Ark GERA D. MADDY, Newcastle. Ind. ELLIS A. OWENS. Blackburg. 8. C. PAUL P. ZAKAROSKA, Philadelphia. Pa BERT H. HUMPHREY. Carpenter, W. Va. JAMES LYONS, Louisville. Ky. DIED FROM AIRPLANE ACCIDENT LIEUT. NORMAN D. HUGHES Phil..l. phia. Pa. DIED OF DISEA8E Privates WILLIAM P. MANGRUM. Shawmutt. Ala. HENRY SALVE80N. Superior. Wis RAYMOND SUTPIN. Jonesboro. Ind. DIED r ROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Privates EUGENE C. HAGERMANN. Nasaua, N H. CHARLES L. SCHAEFFER. Roy, Mont-' CORP. HENRY G. SENTELL. Schoolfield. HKESTHIRTY MILE JOURNEY TO GETMORETANLAC Throws Walking Cane Away After Being Relievecf of Rheumatism. "When I first started on Tanlac. I iowa. JOHN A. TORKLEP. 1709 South Sheridan. N. 1.; lUnia , Tacoma, Wash. Thomas H. ! VIRGIL V. VERANDO, Mt Hermnn. La. DIED OF ACCIDENT (Previously Reported Killed In Action) SERGEANT HENRY F. MARSH. DIED OF WOUNDS SERGEANT BERNARD J. Drumshambo. Ireland. Corporals DANIEL J. KELLY. Bridgeport. Conn. BERNARD B. RYAN. New York. N. Y. CLARENCE M. MACK. Derry. Pa ALBERT V. POOLE. Thompsonville. Conn. Private JAMES BOGGAN, Birmingham. Ala. ' MICHAEL BREEN, Boston, Mass. ROMEO DE PATIE. Lawrence, Maas. WILLIAM F. GAVIN. Detroit. Mich. GEORGE E. MYLOTT. Rutland. VL MORRIS PELTZ, Brooklyn. N. T. OTTO C. BLETZER. Roxbury. Mass. EMORY S. CLARK, Haddock. Ga. NEWMAN FLETCHER, Guntersville, GEORGE H. FRITZ, Oak Ridge, Pa. QUILLIAN V. HAYES. Lindale. Ga. MILTON B HODGSON. Porterville. CaL L. S. MARTIN. Lafayette. La. NORMAN E. SMITH, York. Pa. DIED OF DI8EA8E Sergeants EARL McDONALD. Dcs Moines. Iowa. LEON A. FORSYTHE. Waterford. Conn. Privates WELCH BOUNDS. Chicago. 111. GEORGE A. DAVIS, Fallon. Nevada. WARREN W. GRAHAM, Tiffin. Ohio. WILLIAM J. LONGEVER. Lebanon, N PETER C. DUPRE, Saint Rose. La. VASIL HARITCHIS, Viavolitchion, Greece. JOSEPH E. HJELM, Strangarden Hedemra. Sweden. THEOFIL KNOFSKI. Decatur. 111. DIED OF ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES SERGEANT WILLIAM E. ENSKO. Brook lyn. N. Y. Privates LESLIE ALEXANDER. Houston, Texas. JAMES ALLEY. Sparta.. N. C. DIED OF AIRPLANE ACCIDENT LIEUTENANT EDWARD E. POTTER. Plattiburg, N. Y. WOUNDED SEVERELY Captain Joseph D. Coughlan, N. Dartmouth. Mass. Sergeants John L. Hobson. Haverhill, Mass : Eugene Krieger, Worcester. Mass.; Francia T. Smith. Newark. N. J. ; William H. Springs. Marshill. N. C. ; James Harvey Stevenson, Sheu- i Pelermo Prov.. . luly Kans.: Louis De Luca. Brooklyn. N I Tlnvki Pnrti P - Tom Ed New York. N. Y. Philip' Fallo. San Jose. Calif.; Fred William I Fergerson, Westboro, Mass. ; Lewis A. Flore, j New York, N. Y. ; Amadeo Florillo. New Haven. Conn.; George Fischer. New York, N. Y.: William I E. Fleming. Jersey City. N J. : Russell Foster, j Quincy, 111. ; Herman F. Franklin. Brownwood, Texas; Elmer Adleman Freed, Sonderton, Pa.; , Joseph Gorrie, Lingigio Trov. of Rome. Italy: Randolph George Giannmy. Lovnngstone. V. ; , Ulysses S. Grant, Dalton, Ga. ; Emile ;ravelle. ' Fitchburg. Mas. ; Lionel J. Hahn, Johnstown. Pa.; Charles Hennelly. Mayo. Ireland; Thomas J J. Hughe'. Hartford, Conn.; Frederick Iverson, Perthamboy. N. J. ; George Jicha. New York. I i V- V . WnK.r UITinl. I . , Ili.imnnl 1 A ! I ... ....... j ....... . , . ..v....uu.,u. - , Hyman Knmear, Rochester. N. Y : Nick Koine i stakes. Wheeling. W. Va. : Frank Koraski. Chica ! go. III.: Joseph L. Lancer, Carthage. N. . ; McELROY. ! Larl Inigan, Presque Isle. Maine; John Lea vet t. Indianapolis, inu ; narry ievensieui. ,rw xora; William H. Lloyd. Baltimore. Md.; Michael Lovellino. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; William Rosa Mc Afoose, Kittanning. Pa.: Eugene McGovern. New York: Homer A. McLeod. Moultrie. Ga. : Anton! Magnuesw!ki. Melrose, Maas. ; Morris T. Mat kins. McLeansville. N. C. : Dave Matney. Sucy. Va : Frank Mattioli. Province Chietl. Italy; James A. Madaria, Louisiana. Mo.; Martin J. J Mikkehen, Hutchinson. Minn. : Mike Musulin. Cambria City. I'a. ; Bonus Nebelchok, Jersey City. N. J.; Carl Olsen, Becholin. Denmark; Gustaf Olson, Brookside, Conn. ; Andrew Ortimo- wiU, Ciersanuw Rousno Steive, Austria; Frank Thomas Otoole, Framingham, Mass. ; John j Palmer Jr., Strasbourg, Pa.; George Paul. Macedonia. Greece: John Perna. West Point, I Ark.; Henry T. Peters. Fullerton, Pa : Edwin Perterym. Lynn, Maas. : Tony Plazaito, Pitts I field. Mass. ; Frank Portiero, Vobarno, Province I of Bresct. Italy; Arthur B. Purcell. Shamokln. ' Pa. : Edward Joseph Reid. Brooklyn. N. Y ; Pritchard Reynolds, Rockwood, Tenn. : Arthur C. Jacob down by the British bawi-ciay. says Sunday night's war office report on avi- j atlon. The British lost three machines, i Thirteen tons of bombs were dropped on j various German targets. : REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Richardson, Lyons. Ohio; John Albert Rigg. ter, N. Y. : William L Ritter. Cincinnati. E. O. Wicklund and wf. to Margaret Bair. L. 1. 2. B. 1. Edgecombe $ Margaret Bair to E. O. Wicklund and and wf. I 8, 0. 10. B. 0, Liberia Maria Tavone to Joseph Saltalamai-cliia et al. S. 15 ft. L. 9. all L. 10. 11. B. 8. Tabasco Add j Florence N. Oelaniater and hu to John van Zante. u si, a. . oj, lrring ton Tark Tbe Peerless Pacific Co. to Charles Walter Wells and wf . 8. 50 ft. of N. 50 ft. of N. 150 ft. L 18, Le nora Place Ainslie Est, Co. to George Ainslie et al. L 5. 6. B. 221. Portland; L 5. . 7. 8. and N. 10 ft. L 3. s. B. 23T. Couch's Add Caroline Ainslie Dieck and bus. to George AinIie, und. S interest in L. 5, 6. B. 221. Portland. L. 3. 4. B. 237 Couch Add C C. Colt and wf to Frei F. Srlimid and wf. L. 13. B. 3.1. Ro-e City Park Dorothy May Coppock and bus. to John T. Hotchkisa, L. 11. B. 1 . Rose City Park I,cutse Patterson and hus. to Elmer R. Smith, L. 7. B. 15. Lincoln Park Annex J. O. Bailey and wf. to William G. Meyer and wf.. L. 2. B 41. Beau mont Gertrude Ginsberg Klaber to Charles J, P, FIN LEY & S0iT Progressive Funeral Directors. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants Montgomery at Fifth M' A-lBtS. F, S, Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers , 414 East Alder st Phone Eaat 82. B 8225. ! WILSON O0SS I East 84 Lady Assistant C-Blflt 10 MuHnnmah at E. Seventh St. ndertakera. Modern In every detail Broadway and Pijie ats. Phone jo ! Broadway 430 A 45BW. Idy assistant. A. D. Kenwortfry"Co 1 Tabor 2267. 6S02 82d st . Lenta. , Tabor ShD... 66th st. and Foster road. Arleta. East 781 B-1888 Undertakers. o; Dunning d. McEntee l 858 P. L, LERGH a- E 11th and Hawthorn 1 MILLER A TRACEY. Independent Funeral Di 1 : rectors Prices as bw as $20. $40. ISO. Washington at Elia. Main 2601. A SST CHAMBERS KENWORTHT "CO.. 24 8 and 25u Ktllingswurth are. near Williams 1 ave. Woodlawn 306. C-1133 io Breeze & Snook S'&SV Main 4152 Corner 3d and Clay H E Chanmsn anil wf L. 26. 27. 28 Rochester. N. Y. : William L Ritter. Cincinnati. t iinhnrnt i Add . . Ohio: George W. Roberts. Philadelphia. Pa. ; j Walter L Allen to Carrie Bakken. L. Alfred Kubenstein. New York; Louis Ss Its tore, I o , n Hvahington Add E. Portland Rovlan. Rome. Italy; Samuel Sany. Volinski. j v,, ' Ka'rgo A Co. to American Rs!! Russia: John Scbollgen. Earisboro. Okla.: Frank wir Kxpresa Co I,. 1 4. 5. 8. B. Shamry. South River, N. J.; Nathan Sherman. n10 j-'ourh's Add New York N. Y : Anton Shvegido. Kovna. H " B ;ran,ham and wf. to Fred A. Azitnoai. Russia: Mike SaJnaJ. Chicago. 111.;! Pf.nn.n.hmlt I. 6 7 8 B . Jan nasi. Vvaruner, mass.; oaivaiore sun one, Philadelphia. Pa. ; Vincent Siano. Tuckahoe. N. Y, 10 10 10 1.150 1.500 1 2.950 Ol,..,o Undertaking Co ONCWCCi A 2321. Wilson & Wilson Vn.4KwVobyc-ViTt HAWTTOT T n -7T n 82 WiTliams av. A. R. Zeller Lo, Ea.t os. c iu8- ft" T. BTTRNES. new residence eublUhment. 801 Williams are Woodlawn" 220. C-l. MOMJMF.ST8 Va. TI - ... moyn j. wentworth. rtlRtrtt oe . . ' ""cmiui mm, i e 1 1 I e " s "ivnircii uiv xiiing lines, anci ne was r wr rrr tqii l?m7r??t t0r.Sn, Vlco. whore wounded just ahead of me. I gave him GRAsl. Princeton ENISJHA .bualhes.. l,ds on official some water out of my canteen to drink. i uu iisve aisajs wonaered if he is living or not. ' KELLEY SNOD- C. W. Tehault. district service section r NORTHWEST STEEL CO. PORTLAND, ORE. Manvfaoturtr f BOAT SPIKES SHIP RIVETS Bolts and Upset Rods Ship Kn ees Law orders promptly handled. Stock that Is aaado riant, froai first class He timber. Horn - m Portland. One ratio and shipping polo, i Barton. Or. M. J. HAMLKT, Manufaolunr Cars eded for Veterans. Colonel K. M. Malone of Miles City, Mont., a member of the 7th Kansas cavalry, is also attending the encamp ment. He served four years in the war and was afterwards the first presiden tial elector to be chosen from the state of Montana. Quartermaster General Stowltz and party were escorted over Columbia high way Sunday. Cars are needed for high way service every day this week except during the hours of the parade Tuesday. Three shifts are now working on the assignment of rooms, under the direc tions of Managers Cloutier of the Mult nomalj hotel. Childs of the Portland and Cornelius of the Cornelius, Poincare Personally Decorates Gen. Haig Taris, Aug. 19 (IT. P.) President Poincare personally decorated Field Marshal Halg with the military medal, according to a dispatch from the front today. Prlvat PACL Bt'RNS, Indianapolis. Ind. JOHN KICINSCY. Philadelphia. Pa. LEE JACOB RTCENGA. Grand Haven. Mich. ARMCR J. VANDERZEK. Burlington, Wash. LEVI J. VACTRAIN. Indian Orchard, Masa. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSINQ NOW REPORTED KILLED 8isgearrt JOHN C. TRESSLER. Meyersdale. Pa. . Corporal FRANK L. FRUTH. New Brighton, Pa. FRANK W. REINHART. Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLES SMITH. Canton. O. Privates HERBERT S CLAWSON. Latrobe, Pa. AMON E. FISHBl'RN, rhiladelnhia. Pa. FRANK C. GANTZ. Philadelphia. Pa. OSCAR HART WICK. Mercer. Pa. JOHN W. HELWIG. Columbia. Pa. GEORGE E. LINDSAY. New Brighton. Pa VERNER W. M'FARLAND. New Brighton. Pa. SAMUEL E. SINCLAIR. Detroit, Mich. ELL-ANS 'Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c t was so crippled up with rheumatism that I had to use two walking sticks in order to get about at all. But. after taking four or five bottles every pain was gone and I have actually gained 15 pounds besides." The above statement was made by William Choat, 34 West Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wash., recenOy. "Rheumatism," he continued, "was only one of many troubles Tanlac re lieved me of. I had suffered fom a bad stomach for 12 or 15 yelirs. I couldn't eat scarcely anything but what gas would form and almost cut off my breath and bring awful faint, weak feelings over me. There was a terrible hurting In the pit of my stomach, and if I ventured to eat anything except the lightest food, it would almost put me out of commission. "This was my condition a little over a year ago, when I made my mother and brother over in Iowa a visit. Soon after I got there my troubles grew worse. My kidneys started bothering me. I had awful pains in the small of my back, and constantly had headache. Then started in a siege of rheumatism which I will never forget. I was laid up for six months and was flat on my back for several weeks, hardly able to move. It started in my legs, then got in my arms, and the pain was some thing awful, from the tips of my fin gers to my toes. "When I did get up, I was in such a bad shape I had to use two canes In order to get about at all, and this Is the fix I was in when I got Tanlac. I read the statement of a man In .the pa per one day that fit my case exactly. and decided to see If It would do me any good. Well, to " make a long story short, Tanlac simply did wonders for me. Before I finished my second bot tle, I threw my canes away and could walk as good as anyone. And eat why, I never had such an appetite ! All the sourness left my stomach, my back ache and headaches disappeared, and I haven't had a touch of rheumatism to this good day. One of those bottles of Tanlac I drove 30 miles to get, our lo cal druggist being out at the time, and I would do so again - under the same circumstances. It's a real pleasure for me to recommend Tanlac, and I will gladly tell anyone personally what it has done for me." Tanlac la sold in Portland by The Owi Drug Co. ; tAdv. Corporal" Fury Cardi. Shawmet Bach, R. The following casualties in the marine corps are reported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary force: KILLED IN ACTION Corporate JOSEPH M. DALEY. Auburn. N. Y. LESLIE B. McK AY, Portland, Or. Privates PROSPER R BROOKS. Riola, HI. OSCAR E. SHOVER, Indiana Harbor, Ind. DONALD L. THAPP. Eltoro, Calif. HARRY WILMOT. Gloversville. N. T. DIED OP WOUNDS RECEIVED IN AOTION Prtvat RAYMOND A. ANDERSON. Minneapolis. Minn. DARRELL H. CALL. Chicago, m. ALFRED J PEDERSON. Tampa. FT. HUGO J. STARK. Belleville. IIL FRED A. WEGENA8T. SL Mathews. Ky. DIED OF DISEASE ..nfiiu I'lllUT V Q i uni univ T? t I.; Michael J. Connelly. Cranford. N. J. ; or- i v.ine nelius P. Englishman, Paterson. N. J. ; Edward ; 1na- M w . D. French. Mcdfield. Mas.: Fred . oiueire. ; ov--kv . Waverly. Iowa; John I. Leslie. Berlin. Pa.; Rob- j rrivates Guy Altman, Cleveland. Ohio ert F. Taylor. Waterbury. Conn.; Albert Ja. j Henry E. Belhumer. Lambndge. Masa.; Jobn H Wiener, Baltimore, Md. Privates Moses T. Baker. Funston. Ga. ; V.rinn O Bedford. So. Nashville. Tenn.; Stan ley Blaschik, Millington. Conn ; George Bradt Jr.. Albany. N. Y. : Masilo Censote. Richmond Turners, Mass.; Miles J. i lara. Mesnopnen. r . Antonio Cont. Holyoke. Mass.: James J. Cooko rolos, Stamford. Conn.; Ernest P. Couture. Wor cester. Mass.; Joseph J. Covaleski. ML Carmel. Pa.; John IHekey, Hickory Hill. Pa : Ezra L. Edmonds. Danbury, Conn. : Frank J. Fencl. Chi cago. III.: Amie J . rournier. rioiyose. jis. Brownlow, Al:ine, Ala : Robert 9. Horne. Lands- dale, I'a ; Orio V. Raphael, Booton, Maas.: Roger W. Renkel. Normandy. Mo.; Andrew I'aro. Nesquehoning. Pa. WOUNDED IN AOTION ( DEGREE UNDETERMINED) Corporals Genrge D. Allsn, Isalle, III.: Jack Jordan. Tulia. Texas; William H. Bennett, Mt. Morrison. Colo. Privates Joseph Chappello, Cleveland, Ohio; i John J. Pojeske. Wayne. Mich. ; Harry H. Hoara hsuah. Kearney. I'a. : Wynn H. Wilson. San James . risner, niumnus. 10 850 700 7.10 100 10 2,s,i WOUNDED Private George F. Minerd. Piteairn. Pa. Lithuanian Diet ! Will Not Accept Germanized King Amsterdam, Aug. 19 The Lithuanian r-u..l r..ilr riallsirhpr Rrwhine. N. J Onntin. Calif.: James Arthnr C Gravenstein, Kock Rapids, Iowa: Roy ! Ohio; Paul J. Ryan. Argyle, Minn ; Eugene S W Hahn Mountairy, Md. ; Chsrles B. Hawkins. : Sheets. Rock. Kans.; Bernard J. Stanley, Am Kayford. AV. Va.; Leonard E. Hill, Holyoke. ttrrdam. N. Y. Mass J I. Johnson. Hartford. Conn.; Charles ! PREVIOUSLY REPORTED KILLED IN AO- W. King, Milan. Mo.; James Kirby. wneeier. I TION BOW KirosTin SLisniki Ala.; Frank P Llllis. Chicago, 111.; Frank I. Lnvxell. Fitehburg. Mass.: Chester Lyons. New burgh, N. Y. ; Lyle F. McDole. Klngsley. Iowa: John Rusecki. Poland. Ritssia; John Ryan, Wi noki. Vt ; Frank A. Shamis. Pottsville. Pa. ; William H. Speacht. Pottsville. Pa.; Charier E. Thomoson. Bonanza. Ark.: John Yirak. Colerain. Mass.; Thomas Daahy. Canton. Mass.; William! L lavis. Winchester. Kan : Tony Deleo. Lake j Nebagamon. Wis.; Joseph A. Doucett. Beverly, Mas.; William D. Dudley. Marlboro. Mass.: Harry V. Duffy. Richmond Hill. N. T. ; Perry i Wesley English. Faust. N. C. ; James S. Gsgss, Marlboro, Mass.: Alberic J. Gaene. Somersworth, , N. H ; Eii-tuche Gaene. Lowll. Mass.; I.evi Goulet. Marlboro, Mass.: Avediss Hajarian. Marlboro. Mass.; Charlie George Hansen. Kana- ! .. tr, arivlrea rsnrhlne hern -h. to n.nui k H.rrimrton. Snrinaf leid. I diet, according to advices reaching nere Mass. ; William T. Hough. Hammond. Ind. ; ! last night, SS.nW V. V,-4t f ... . ThwvlnM Kfttx i Philadelphia, Pa. ; Edward B. 'Kemmerling, St. the German plan Joseph. Mo.: John J Kennedy. Suffieid Co""j I Russian province into a German vassal Luther C. Kent, Hope. Ark.; William fredi" Klinebeil. Harrietta. "Iich. ; Anthony P. Kolas, 6tate. Suffieid. Conn.; Charles Laip Jr.. Highfalls. N. j .. v.. i.,,. wt to General Y. ; Sam Io. Saratoga Springs. N. Y. : Dewitt I A protest has been sent to general T. McElveen, Osyka. Miss.; Ralph I-tmts Mc- i Ludendorff It Is reported, against the Kr mI-"' FAk ThMin.i ! appointment of a German king without W-stville. p.. ; Albert Monnemy. ForgerilUge. . the consent of the Lithuanian peoples Mas.; Jam. J. Murphy. Jersey City. N. J.; The threat Of a revolution is voiced Millard F. Murray. Chelyan. W. Va. ; Arthur A. ; Jn be protesL Neff. letroit. Mich.: George J Ostrbuhr. Hil- ; dredth. Neb. ; Robert A. Owens. Hardie La. ; ; Quincy B. Park. Chelmsford. Mass.; Ralph M. i Parrort. Nahant. Maas. ; William T. Paslej. ( Scruggs, Va. : Norman D. Peak. Volney. Va. : Harold Pederson. Webster. Mont : Ernest W. ; Petrson. Msxlen Rock, Wis.: Albert H. Pohlraan, Seward. Neb. ; Walter B. Price. Swamp Scntt. , Mass.; Clayton W. Rhodes, Palmers Falls. '. T. ; ' Raymond E. Rice, Springfield, Mass. : V Uliam J. Rionelle. Lowell. Mass.; CTiarles R. Robblns, j Worcester. Mass.; Joseih Rionca, New York, j N. T. ; George A. Sanford. East Boston. Mass. ; I WillUm Shea. Brooklyn. N. Y : Howard Shollen- I berger. Philadelphia. I'a.; Morris Sobat. New York. N. Y. : Andrew Stefanik. Web-ter. Mass : , Melnn B. Suggett. tlarendon. Ark.: Kim tv. Sylvester, Springfield. Mass. ; John Tluszei, Chlc opee. Ma-.; Dewey P. Toraa-ello. Bagdad. Fla. ; Michael T. ZonfrUlo, Manchaug. Mass.: Arthur W. Dwyer. Boon ton. N. J.: Walter O. Esbtg. Pittsfteld. Mass.; Frank F. Freeman. Lynn. Masa.; John W. Gosminski. Fall River, Mass.: Wallace E. Grigo, Turners Falls, Mass. : Norton Stanley Harwood, Pin Mills. Texas; Alexander Fozcbase Add. William A. MacRae and wf. to H L. Pit tock. L 1. 2. 11.. 12. 13. IS. 1S. 20. B. 1. L 8. 9. 10. 1 1. B 2. and I, 7. 8. 0. 11. B 3. Wall Street Add Milllcent M. Hill and hus. to John Con nor et al. L 33. 34. B. " F. " Park hurst H. P. Heninger and wf. to Daniel Brugger. tract 30, Ileininger Add . . . Ludwig Helnrirh and wf. to Jemin Johoneson. I. 10. B. S. Diels Add . . H L. Pittock to Nanneta Van Horne, L. 24. 25. B. 18. Willamette Add. . . William H. Rogers and wf. to Jesse Rog. ers. 6 acres from E side of S. W. of N. E. Sec 33. T 1 N . It. 4 E Sheriff to Elva Brown. W 40 ft. I. 2. and E. 3 64 ft 1- 3. B. 4. Holladay Park Add Mary A. MeCracken to Aaron M. Frank and wf , L. 1, 2, B 2, Johnson s Add W.IM Dudley Holland and wf tn H. D. Graden. beginning 20.50 chains E and 80 chains N. of S W. corner Sec. 31. T. 1 N R. 2 E . thenre westerly to right of way of O. R. A V Co.. book 47. page 1H9. thence southeasterly along said right of way to point directly S. to beginning, and thence northerly to beginning Rachel C. Ring to Carrie O'Leary, L 8. B 2. East Tabor Villa Mat Cotter to Harry T. Kent. I 17. B. 14, Tahorside ... John Carlson to H. (Krsr Johnson. L. 10. B 13. Klnr.el Park Add j Lafayette N Berk and v.f. to Ferdinand Rasmiissen and wt , . u, ti 14, Highland Park Akerson. tiooch A Co.. Inc.. to Ma M. Colvin. L 13. B. 10. Wood me re . . . . i ! BL A E SI NO GRANITE G J 2f5?- 3 ST AT MADISON PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204 -20 14 th st. city halL Main 8501. PhlUp Neu Sons for memorials. LOST AND FOU5D II . THE following article have been found nm cars of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Co. August 17: 7 purses. 8 pr. flnvea. 18 gloves. 1 badge. 1 bag, 18 packages. 1 oil coat. 1 carienter s spron. 1 bun overall. 1 bun blan kets, 4 lunch boxes. 4 .ulteasea. 1 boi. 3 books, ID umbrellas August 18: 1 pin, 1 ring. 1 , Trand beads. 1 knitting needle. 2 books. 2 pr. gloves. 1 knife. 3 ps.kmge.. 1 tea pot. 1 lunch box. 1 bag. 1 basket. 3 coats. 1 au!tce. I traieling bag. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder street station. i LOST Aug. I 8 at waiting room. 1st and Alder sts., lady's Mark purse containing paper money and other small articles; also paper with owner and hu-band's name. Reward 800 Ocboco ate., rity WILL THE ROY who was seen to tak new Blue A White Ameriran bicycle from Penln suU park Sunday pleas, return sam back to park and leave with attendant there, and BO (juetions will be asked. LOST -I-arge brown and white otiei pointer. bird dug. answers to the name of Don. Re ward by owner East 714L Brodwy 1T81. LOST -Gillette "safety razor. In Ivory rase, and brush, on Alberta t. Reward. Woodlawn 201 1 . l"OlrND -Two bunches of keys; owner can hav same by i ailing at Journal office and pyfnE for tins advertisement iJTST IVarl sunburst with nugget pin ' W ta hed, tteen th and 12th of Ant ; gift from dead daughter; reward. Wdln. 208. I.flST ''ne with" ivory head, monogram " L u a V.. r n BrA kaiul lea R fttnreaa. Ml l HMSWPH ' " " " ' S. G. Spitter, repair residence. 12ol FrankTin fail labor 2342. between 39th and 41st: builder same; 1160 125 10 375 1.800 ; 2.150 10 Bl IMUMi PKRMITH LOST Brsicli. sunburst, with emerald set ting ll E. 8tn st. i.ioerai rewara. i a- Fred Robins, repair residence. 1 E. 70th st. between Ash and Burtuiiie; builder same; . 2n-iv. i.nini ret ., mis V. loih Fol ' NTs-- Bank book belonging to E C Johl N. between I'rescott and Going; builder A. Gmver: 1 1 00. Ballou A Wright, repair hospital. 144 1 8th at between Hojrt and Irving; Portland Elevator Co. builder: 820OO. Ntta Englln. repair apartments. 524 Killings worth between lOth and 11th st ; 3350 Mrs. Elisabeth Noston. repair residence 501 Mohawk and Hudson; Nash A Woodford builder; 50. son. 3tu ti. 5-l st. or ( reaton. was v WwKllawn 22 5fJ. LOST Black leather" purse," containing If 6 and small change. Phone East 1230. LOST--rTl.K-fob-No. 357. F. E IPoint; (10 reward Call Ir. Bruce. " lie ward. on Alb-rU L LOST Safety rator. Woodlawn 2011 KO I" N DKtrolling-cane. Cslf 'Main 2l"4. A K all Tabor 1J. FOCND Pur. o.. W. JEW TODAT has suddenly revolted against , g j fjs Your Carpets in plan to turn the former . Old Rngg and Woolen Clot-In; We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven Fluff Rugs Thej Wear Like Iron Rag Bar Woven All Sire Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WEHTEES FLCFF BUG CO. 64 Cnlon Ave. . Eatt till Pbones H-IIi HELP WANTED MALE t 1 BORERS WANTED Men under II year for eneral labor work for store department at Soutnern Pacific Co.. Brooklyn shop. lUtll ork at I3.v per aay Binrsiw r. "Where to Get It" BOXWOOD Ideal mromer fuel. Prompt delivery. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO.. M. 5540. A-2 1 1 . NATIONAL FTEL CO. Short -abwceid. Mock wood. 2 load lota. 4 ft entry, sib. SA 304L AUCTION WALES TOMORROW THE BAKER Auction Hou-e. Uawnie Tempi bldg . Yam hill and W. Park . aal at 10 MEETHO HOTICF.M 41 LA HOUERS wanted lor ditili work; steady rm ployment. up notch wgev Inqnir North week corner 2d and Flanders. Portland G A . Cok company. ; ' MAN with light car to handle established tea and coffee rout. 135 00 per week and rommissi'in Boyd Tea Co . 22 e Third rt. WANTED Bsrrel coojr. wagea paid pic work or by the day. Liberal wage pad to right man. Jones Bros. A Co.. Yjl at HI 4. . . rXium Coatmaker and vestmaker wanted. E. C reterson. 171 Russell st YOt'NG-men 17 to ! yeers old for Bshers; good wagea, stead y work. Apply1 10 morn : ing". New Grand Theatre, 105 Sixth street: 1 W ANTED Fir-t class fireman, must understand j f ami oil and be thoroughly familiar w HJk i loiien. I sperobeeher Mfg. Co. TAILOR for repair work in clothing store. J. J. 1'adden. Vancouver. Wash WANT ED Men to work" on river boats. ISO and up, toom and board. Apply Washington dek. FIREMEN 4150 rVANHOK LODGE No. 1. Knights of Pythiaa, meets every Tweed y rvcnlag m ft ca-tle ball, 11th and Alder sts VUliDi Kntghta ar wdeoosa. - U. Lane. ... onthlv; eiperlenc una seary ; seod stamp. Hallway, care JosirnaL WANTEI A maa to work on wringers. .U. ti ksondry, 180 Grand ave. bl'KtlEI AN ami prefer wanted. E. Momaoa Tailor. 611 K. Morriwm. (Centlnntd on ioUowlif Pirn