. r. -t 24 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1918. v He. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 $5500 NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW ONLY $300 DOWN Will be finished! In a few djr. Two nice bedroom and bath, Imtch kitchen, built in trotting board, laundry trays in bssement. Only 1 block St Johru car. J. L. Hartman Co. owner. 7 Chsniber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. A 20.10. NOW YOU carpenter and handy man, do you want a 7-room house with three lota, cement aidewalk in front of all thia property, on E. ,8tttb st., three blocks south of the Woodstock 'car Thin house Is a plastered house with a full eunent baaemeDt. There i a bath in the house and all other conveniences are there. The rea aon why w are firing all of thia valuable property away, and we mean what we ay, that we are giving it away when we place the entire price at $17.10. You cannot buy the lot alone with the improvement there for that price You cannot Imild the house even in the ahape It Is tor (17.10. Take it all for 11750. and we want to sell It to a carpenter or tome handy man, w,o U not too lazy to work a little on re palm. M J. Clohesay. 415 Abington bldg. rose city park tour 1unualow $37.10 You almply won t be able to reeist owning thia attractive hungalow. Juat picture a liv ing room evtending acroaa the entire width of house, hardwood floor In living room, dining room, den ami both bedroom, cement porch, furnace, attractive fireplace, iiiaaeive buffet, etc. The flowr and shrubbery and vine-clad porch villi appeal tn you. Furthermore, Just a half bl-k. from ."andy on Rose City I'ark'a beat etree. ' Now varnnt and ready for occupancy. Let in show jou you will be under no obli gations. A ;. TEEPE CO.. 264 fiUrk tU ne.r .Tel. Main 3010. Branch, office, 50th and Wanrly WEEKLY BARGAIN LIST $1100, $150 . cash. $1.1 month. 5 rooms. 1 1.100, $150 cash, $15 month. 4 rooms, 2 lot a. $lf00, $600 cash, $15 month, B rooms, modern. $il!10, $500 cash, $20 month. 6 rooma. $2650. $500 cash, $25 month, 6 rooms. modern. $3)400, $500 cash. $25 month, 7 rooms, modem. Kveryone a BARGAIN. Fbon for our autos to show you. CoK A M KENNA A CO.. 727 Clumber of Commerce. Main 4522. ' HUUrXYYOirWILL WANT THI3 HOSE CITY PARK $3700 Non resident ask us to sell quickly, beau tiful .1 room bungalow on 4Hth st, near Sandy, lias every modern convenience, hardwood floors, firei. lace, built in buffet, furnace, etc. Street Improvements all in and paid. $.100 will han dle We maintain a branch office in Hone City I.-.b Ln,. ..I i.., 1 1 ever hmiMt for HA ifl ; In that district ami can save you considerable time an 1 money. A. ;. TEEPE CO.. 214 ! Klerk st. nesr 3d. Main 3."16. Branch of- ! fire. .10th ami Sandy. I '$260 liOWN SEAT RUNGALOW This an attractive .1 room modern bunga 'low. corner lot. gss Heater and range go with place; on hard urfre klrecU; close to car and rrhnol. Prtre $2950. WATCH (II It ADS . WE GET RESULTS.' c. A. WARIMNEU. BITTER, LOWE A CO, 203 .1 7 Hoard of Trade bldg. haw i i i Vkn'k it u n g a i m v $3260 Beautiful 0 room home, near Haw thorne sve . Jut newly painted, hard wood floor, fireplace, buffet, book cases, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace, wash trays. Shown by appointment ni:ly J. A WICKMAN CO. :,14 Stark st Msln 583. CLoSlNG OCT E AN ESTATE If you are locking for a real snap, don't miss this, 8 room l:ous, ground iiOslOO; 1 block from car and bard surface. 1408 E. Uoyt at. Take a look. Price $17.10, cash. C. A. WAItUINKR. HITTER. LOWE & CO . 203 .1 7 Board of Trade bldg. TWI' CHOICE BITS $3260. Rose City Park. Very classy, strictly modern 5 room bungalow and attic; all up-to-date fratures; close tn car. Dandy location. $3,100 .Hawthorne 0 room bungalow nd ttlr. Pull 'lot. close to car. Look these up at once. A. K Hill. 410 Henry bldg. IlEAt TIKl'L H room houe; Piedmont; 100 by 100; sts. paved anif pd. ; near car. House alone would rot $0000 to build. Lots worth $3000. The whole business for $4 500. $2000 ca-h, bal. to suit. M. Billings. 600 McKay, M. 13"". WEST SHIFT-'- WALKING DISTANCE 6 room h'Mise. on hard surface streets, clear of all Incumbrance. Price S2O00; easy terms. C. A. WARHINER. HITTER, LOWE A CO . 203 7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY-PARK $8225 5 reoni bungaiow. huffet, Dutch klchen. frr!Hc full cement basement. A nifty corner home with hardwood floors tl roucbout, even in the kitchen. Terms. J A WICKMAN CO. 314 Stark st. Main 583 IKS"T overlook this snsp, 8 room house, full cement hsement. fiHilOO lot, fruit and ber ries, 2 blocks from Alberta car. Price $2260. $375 cash. ; balance $20 a month, including interest. Csjll and see the house Sunday after 9 a. m. 1J40 Vernon ave.. or after Sunday call at 431 ( ham. of Com. HAVE you een that beautiful residence in IrHngton. No. 656 Halspy st., and do you know that you ran buy It for $.1700. Modern In evpry respect All the cash you need is $2000 and don't you know that this place is cheap at $7500. If you want this nice home, see M. 3. Clpliessy, 415 Abington bldg. MODERN 5"r. bungalnwpavedta7. good dls- tnct. hum consider good used auto or clear vscant lot and some cash. Billings, owner. 60t McKay.; M 1390. $200 DOWN. $15 MONTH 4 rm. plastered. M acre.. Mt. Scott car. Full price $1250 CEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE LOTH It TO AVOID -FORECLOSURE. $800 49x100 on the N side of Arnold it.. 150 ft. W. of Marguerite. Hawthorne district. Assessed at $f!00 The owner paid over $1600. Fore closure proceedings have been Instituted so you will have to hurry. Price quoted Include street Work. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham of C. $2101) - . 13 DOWN AND TERMS 100x101. comer, E. Lincoln and 66th St.; water, ewer. paving, sidewalks In: beautiful view; fine location, on Hawthorne earllne; $384 asse.-mmei.ts to l.e assumed. REALTY & MTGE CO.. fl.13 Cham, of Com. Main 2051. FINE BUILDING LOT on west sideoTMar'- guntc iiiiiii", third lot south of Hawthorne good bum; Rhundsin-e fruit. Will sell cheap. ' tiwtor. Mr-. Win. Wert. Beaverton, Oregon. ! FOR SALE -Beautiful lot on Mississippi l Di.KK to car. xjja.oo. All imnroTernpnts If. id Will finance small building. fall lfls IsMsslppl eve. BUILDERS take notice: I offer (he best rain." in a lot. R f Park. Inside 47th at., near Samly price low. fall mo up. V-866. .Irvrml TTTrBESinruy In town; 2 level lots. 80iTo6 each; liar of encumbrance; 600 feet east of tin- It'ise City Siu-mIwsv. $50 each A Raumgartner. 4 18 Alky bldg. Main 4756. 8MA1.L LOT. close in. dandy for small hous? only $15(1 See me toddr 807 Emerson' Alhertii -f.TQ V.i'." ,T.n- .. ...i. i... in J.'" . o. i.' - J""p" n, V 7i i u.. r.M oiara si. uuu gwJ!i!!I4l n''lar $550- Choice .10x1 OK in Alameda Park. 1 4 blocks to Broadway car. Cost me $1300. .wui sen. uin 3HU2 Es"l7Ef;rWilding site, 100x100 s" W. corner 12th and Hall. Owner. J-718 Journal. Poll SALE Cheap. 5 Improved lots. Tremont. Mt Scon line. Y 840. Journal. .LARGE "lot $800. Eat 12th and Prescott st" 'aved streets. Write Owner. N-811. Jourass. $ 1 o o6.v 1 00 t OK . 2'TlksTiiiian carrHurryT l'i!IjrO'I,Jln,;- ABIMITON DUX). UNK IOT. 1 block 'south ot HawtrrneavT :n'JL? 'lh2!L:,.?L?L?, Journal. TWO lots ner Vernon acli7rrAlberta diatrict $.-() esch. 0-78.1. Journal. CHEAP tor cati. corner lot In Canemah Park add.. Oregon City, lidwy. 699. ACREAGE 47 288 ACRE farm. Will include stock, crop snd all machinery if sold soon. Price $30 00O For particulars 'call Mar. 1209 or address 'a uc Fefrh 2K 11th st s' FOR SALE or trade for city property 2 hi actws land at Beaverti n. Or Rm.n k. '.i ouimj ii'iniwm or aiier a p day. 6017 63d ave S. E, n t i . .. , week A SNAP 10 acres, close in, best of soil culti vated, macadam road to place. Will sell at once at your price. phone Main 3924 or call in person. 603 Panama bldg. A SNAP 10 acres, closein. best of soil cuF tivated. macadam road to place. Will sell at ones at your price. Phone to 3924 or call in person. 603 Panama bldg IE acres improved, good house, bare and crops, near car, no Incumbrance. Reasonable Box fl.M. H. 3. Portland. .so siLir-.-s rrom rortiand near electric line. 20 wro, en in ruiuTsuon, a.ouu on terma. 314 Lumber Exchange bldg. HALF ACRE with cottage, at Oak Grove. This piace m m Bargain, jjy uwner. v 423, Jour nal ONE ACRE in Bunsonic Heights. Cheap. Phone vu. V. FASTI; RE lor rent. LaA Grove. Uarthail ZiTt. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 17 28 ACRES $1350 28 miles from Portland, mile from town and electric line; 4-rocan house, small barn, roothouse, 2 acres in potatoes and garden, baL pasture and timber; everything goes; hi cah. 80 ACRES $3500 22 miles from Portland. 8 hi miles from electric line; 15 acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture and timber; fair houae, barn, orchard, mower, harrow, plow, cart and buggy; $050 cash, baL to suit. ' t 40 ACRES $1150 24 miles from- Portland. 3 hi : mile from town and electric line; lies food. A-l soil all seeded in grass; $350 cash, balance $50 per year, 0 per cent. 20 ACRES $4 500 20 acres. 8 miles from courthouse, all In cultivation; good 5 -room home, good orchard; mire to store; lies fine. A-l soil. Price $4500; $1000 cash, balance to suit, 0 per cent. 20ACRES $1375 8 miles from Astoria. 200 feet from paved highway; 5 acres in cultivation, 4 room house, email barn, good well, spring, creek, close to high school; $2500 cash, balance 6 per reit. BUNDY 411 Henry bldg. 80 ACRES 26 In cultivation, 1000 cords of good wood, near transportation; 5 room log house, log barn, 3 acres orchard, good spring, 4 mile to school, on good rosd, R. F. D. snd cream route; store 2 mile. Price $3500. $2000 cash. RIVER BOTTOM S3 acres, 28 in cultivation. 5 room house, barn..2 wella and spring; on good road, lhi miles to high school: $4000, half cah, balance time. i 40 ACRES 20 tn cultivation, balance timber and open pasture 2 good springs, 4 room house, barn, granary, chicken house. 8 cows, beifer, 1 horse, 00 chickens, wagon, buegy, plow, harrow, disk, cultivator, small tools, 2 acres spuds. hi acre corn, 4 tons hav. 200 bushels oats. Price $3500, $2000 cash, balance 3 years,' 8 per cent. DII.LMAN A HOW LAND 8th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. $2700, NEAIt LOi;ANVILI.E STATION, ON electric: $2700 15 a., 3 in cult., 12 in pasture and fir tim ber, 1 hi -story bungalow, 9 rooms, part com pleted ; a good barn. 600 to 800 cord of wood on the place. Owner now getting out ship knees. Vi mile to graveled road. hi mile to school; land gently rolling, with 2 wells and liv ing spring; 0 cows run in pasture. Can lease adjoining land; 93c fare to Portland. Owner subject to draft; $1000 down, 5 yrs. bal , at 7 per cent. REALTY A MTGE CO., 633 Cham, of Com. Main 20.11. . 1ST) YOC WANT SOME LAND? We have 1000 acrea that you can have any part of. on terma that will enable you to make a go of it: soil is rich and free from rock, ran clearing, plenty water. 1 14 hours' rida from Portland b auto; railroad through land; work nearby, if you want it, at good wages. Prices run from 2. to $05 per acre; a email pay- went will locals you. LCKDDEMANN COMPANY. f 1 3 Chamber of Commerce. EASY PAYMENTS 80 a.. 3 mi. to Amity. Yamhill Co. , house, been in $2750, barn, part fenced, about 20 a. cult. wheat, close to school, some timber. jaoti down, $200 per year. 6. 4 0 a., close to Sheridan, all fine land, no rocks or waste land, county road, some fine piling and tie timber, spring, part clear, $2000, $500 down, bal. long time. 6. Three small tracts, close to Portland, that are snaps. Sea-Wood Realty Co., 248 Stark at. 0 V ACRES, 9 miles from courthouse, fine rosd. clone to car, all best of soil, some bea verdam, half cultivated, balanae light clearing, fine location, close to school, young bearing orchard and small fruits, splendid water, good ti-room house, woodMied. good barn, hen house. fruit house, buildings all new. Place wen stocked and equipped, feed to winter stock. Sell very cheap or trade in on a good 4 0 to 60 acre farm. .Veal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. Fine Piece of Land 40 acres, all tillable, about 25 acres in cul tivation, balance pasture and timber; no build ings; fenced, 6H miles from good town and 2 railroads: on good road; the making of a fme ranch: $.10 per acre buys this. J. R WOLFF6J8Cliam. of Com. bldg. NEW "HOUSES. EASYPAYM""ENTS Acres, 4 acres, acres, 4 mile circle, 20 minutes from 3rd and Alder. Northeast. No gravel or city assessments. Bull run water, and t.lglitly. Close to school. Why not begin today to raise your own living? Cary, 1210 North west Bank bldg. $1000 CASH BUYS to Amirs , ' 1 S acres cultivated, all good plow land except ;1 acre, 4 room house, barn and chicken house. I luntiiurn arm cuiCRena, near scnool, . u. 'snd store handy: $1000 takes everything. 1.1 MlllfcMAMS COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. ON COLUMBIA HUJHWAT SANDY BLVD. ACREAGE Here is a beautiful piece of acreage (12 2-3 acres), just 2 miles east of city limits. Ideal for country home or investment. $700 per acre. J. L. Hartman Co.. 7 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE 1ST" acres in 27 - 2 8- 3"sonth 1 west; part beaverdatn, all fine black soil; new 4 room house, barn, spring, creek, all year water power. Can irrigate. Small cash down, balance essy. Must go at great sacrifice. Own er 390 Vancouver ave.. Portland. 11 ACRES. 6 MILES OUT Only 20 minutes' drive over the Cornell road from center of Portland. All in cultivation, H in bearing walnuts. Good buildings. This is a genuine snap. $4500. Get particulars, 219 Lumbermen bldg., 6th and Stark. THE BEST 6H acre tract you can "buy. 25 minutes out, 9c fare. House, barn, all kinds of fruit and berries, most ail iu cultivation. $31.60. Terms. S. E. Carlock, 1011 Yeon bldg. Main 5456. WILL SELL or trade for city property ; very pretty 6 acre tract, all in cultivation and fenced; 1 mile from Aloha, on S. 1". electric. A good buy at $1400. Fred' S. Williams. 92 hi 1st st. HIGHLY improved berry r.ncli. near G res ham; 12 acres; good houses. Will net 10 per ccat on investment. Terras. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., .313 Railway Exchange bldg. GOOD 7 room plastered house, .- to a 11 bam, all In garden, fruit and flowers, 2 blocks from Oak Grove sta. Two thirds of an acre. Price $3750. Terms. R. L. Tucker, box 425. Bea verton, fir. ONE ACRE river front, west side, highly im proved, shrubbery, fruit, etc. Twenty min utes out, 15 minutes from South Portland ahip- yards, right at the station. $4000.00. TermCf Z 64 2. Journal. - I ACHES adjoining city limits for sale or eRnnice for city houses. Call Tabor 2574. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 78 FIVE ACRES : n,. v.... .;i u ,.i.,j i u k ! nil f ii.r.1.. '-. ,,..' f good barn, 27. fruit trees just coming into i bearing, fine well and close to school, situated .on fine road; price $27."0, easy terms. ! THOMPSON. SWAN it THOMPSON Third and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash, j FOR SAE 5 or 10 acres, title perfect, unin ; incumbered, on each good dwelling house, outbuildings, orchard. etc.. largely cultivated, balance timber for wood, good well, near streetcar line, good roads winter and summer. about five miles s.outh Portland limits. $1000 down. Balance S years. Owner. Main 1354 Is ACRES prunes, good buildinga including i dryer.. Extra good soil, no rock or gravel, 6 i milea northwest of Vancouver. Crop on thia ! place worth $3000, if sold at once. $7000 in- I eluding crop.' William I,oan A Investment Co.. 1 112 West ith St.. Vancouver. Wash. 5 .ACRES, ONLY $1000 Only 9 miles from courthouse: rood level land, fine for chickens, berries, garden: very easy terms. See owner. 500 Concord bldg. 10 ACRE homesite, rich sub-irrigated soil for prunes or garden, 3 hi miles north of Van couver, $150 per acre; more land if wanted; $100 cash, balance monthly. 1'hone 645-Ii, II. F. Moznetts, 3401 Kaufman ave.. Van couver. Wash, IF YOU want 5. 10 or 20 acre tracts on the Capitol highway at any place between Port land and Tigard station, call in and inquire how cheap you can buy these acre tracts. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg SUBURBAN HOMES THERE is that cute little Jersey cow, with a bam full of hay and feed: those chickens, that perfect and complete bungalow with a big acre of land all in cultivation, all kinds of fruit coming into full bearing, with city water, gas, close to the Capitol highway. With the bungalow goes the winter fuel and don't overlook the garage. The bungalow-alone ia worth the price only $4 500 takes the whole thing. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. DO YOU want to reside on the Columbia high way and have all city conveniences, such as running water, gas, electricity, near school and churches, with all kinds of fruit in full bear ing, with euch things as a good substantial 7 room house with more than a quarter acre of land for only $11001 If you do, come in and see me. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. $400 DOWN. ONLY $3350 6 rooms, half acre tract. In Parkroae, hardwood floors in main rooms; all large rooms, big fireplace, good basement, fruit tree and berries. J. L. Hartman Co., 7 Chamber f Commerce bldg. Main 208. A 2050. DO YOU want an acie or leas or .more with a house, bam and chicken house, close to the station at Oak Grove f If so, I have 25 places t elct from and you ran buy these places from S10UU up. Ai j. Clohesey,' 413 Abing ton Ud;. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN HOMES 7t NICE-HOME FOR SALE A nice 5-acre tract right tn Canby. good T room house, all modern, plenty of water. Mm lawn with shade and rose. Rest In garden and chicken runs, 60 nice ben and 80 chick. Can keep cow. Come out and thia home and be convinced. All clear of debt. Nothing to assume. Will sell on good terms. Just the place for one that want to raise all his living. Owner too old to care for It. Address YX-836 Journal. No agents. Everything goe with the .place. $6000. HERE is something you can't beat: One acre and a naif in the highest state of cultiva tion on a hard surface street all the way from the business center to the place. All kinds of full bearing fruit. Witn this acre and half goe a 6 room house, modern enough for anybody. $3500 la the price, with 'easy terms. Thia place is close to the Oregon City carhne. If. J. Clo hessy, 415 Abington bidg. $2600. ACRE TRACT New 4 room bungalow with bath. Located la Parkroae, just outside city bruits, only 200 feet to macadam road. Terms $200 down, (25 month. J. L. Hartman Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. A-2050. WANTED New or 2d hand Ford, Chevrolet or Maxwell touring car. Have a Studebaker "30." 4 cyl. delivery car. recently overhauled. Has good top. windshield, etc. Will sell for $260. F-846. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE 183 acrea 8 miles from good town, good land, lies well. 100 acres in cultivation, good build ings, 20 cows, some other stock. H this year's crop; $14,640; $7000 cash, balance your own time at 6 interest. 300 acrea, 160 cultivated, balance good pas ture and timber, good buildings, finest watered place you ever saw; good fencing; well located; $50 per acre, $5000 cash, long time at 6 on- balance. 23 H acres 2 mile from McMinnville, H In cultivation, fair buildings, good orchard, $3100; good tenma. 117 acres; one of the finest farms in the county, 6 miles from McMinnvtlle. 100 cultivat ed, balance good pasture and timber, on main road ; good buildings, fine young orchard ; if you want something good see this; 1160 per acre. 182 acre on good road, good farm buildings; a real good farm: 8 head of good horses, harness. wagons; full set farm machinery; gravity water system; land lies well; good soil; 6 mile from McMinnville; $2.1,000; easy terms; will rent you this farm if we can sell you the stock and imple ments. We have lots of other good bargains; tell us what you want. McMINNVILLE LAND CO.. McMinnville, Or. 160 ACRES, ALL STOCK AND CROP 6 H mile from Hlllsboro, 25 mile from Portland, 80 in cultivation, balance pasture; good house, barn, big silo, good outbuildings; good fences, barn full of bay, wheat, oats; 10 acres fine corn, good orchard; 20 fine cow. 10 head young cattle, 10 fine hogs, fine team, good harness, wagon, binder, mower, plows, cultivators; fine creek, also fine wster system; Vi mile to school, tele phone, mall and milk route; everything goes but the furniture. Trice $16,000, half cash, balance at 6 per cent. Would take bouse and lot as part payment. BCNDT 411 Henry bldg. FORCED TO SELL 110 acres, 85 acres under cultivation, 8-roora house, barn 70x80. with 3 tracks, silo, fine stone dairy, and other necessary out buildings, family orchard of assorted fruits. Personal property consists of binder, mower, rake, har rows, plows, disc, gas engine, feed grinder, en silage cutter, and some small tools. This place is located on fine road 3 miles from Columbia river and railroad town, in thickly settled com mnnitv. Price for nuick sale. $8000. half cash better see this at once THOMPSON. SWAN tc THOMPSON Third and Main sts., Vancouver. Washington. RANCH BARGAINS 160 acres, 10 miles from Madras, Or.; all fenced, small house. 4 0 acrea in cultivation and one third interest in a good well. Only $10 per acre. 320 acrea. 10 miles from Madras, Or.: 3 small houses, barn, shade trees, 2 wells, 2 springs, all fenced, on county road and settled community. For quick sale, $10 per acre. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. FINE VALLEY FARM 90 acres river bottom land, near Eugene; 70 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and tim ber; soil unusually productive; good new bun galow and bam 36x60; good spring and well; ail fenced: price $10,800, terms $3000 cash. iu join uii twiaut once you will buy it. LUEDDEMAN 3 to a years on balance. II you loot at mis N COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. HUBBARD FARM 61 acres in high state of cultivation, prac tically all same as 2d bottom, rich soiL Part onion land. On good road. 8 room house, large barn and other buildings. This farm will suit you for a choice home and productive qualities. $10,000. Will sell 40 acres separately for $8000. See John Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. $28,000 RANCH FOR $14,000 160 acres 10 miles from Vancouver on main stage road, 80 acres in cultivation. large barn and bouse, good granary, brick smoke house and other buildings, land all level. This place sold for $28,000 8 years sgo: owners have several other ranches and sons have gone to front. They have instructed us to offer his magnificent prop erty at one half price. Photos st office of Fred W. German, 732 Cham, of Com. $3.00 PER ACRE $3.00 BETTER THAN O. AND C. LAND OR HOMESTEAD 820 acres, 100 tillable, all good pasture, all burned over, ready to seed. Home good tlmoer creeks and springs. 4 M miles from postoffice, 42 miles from Portland. $960 cash or time, worth double? J. A. Tlopper. 571 Thurman St., after 3 :00 p. m. $4 Per Acre 185 acres of good brush land 5 mile from town nd station on the Siuslaw River A Coos Bay R. R., 18 miles from ocean, 60 miles west of Eugene: 20 acres bottom. 20 bench, the rest geod pasture; no improvements. K-B39. Journal. Fine Little Ranch For sale at sacrifice price: 10 acres of A-l soil all level. 6 acres in cultivation, balance pasture 4 room house, barn, wood and chicken house. 2 wells; all fenced; good road, less than mile from town and It. R. sta. ; $1500 takes it. J. R. WOLFF. 618 Chm. of Com. bldg. FOR SALE Farm, 20 acres, 12 hi acres under cultivation, rest in good pasture and ex cellent garden land. Good family orchard of assorted fruits. New 6 -room house "with good water on the porch. New bam. silo and chicken house. This is lcJHated 6 miles south of Al bany, Or., and near O. E. Ry. Price, $4000. $2000 cash, rest terms. Phone Sell. 2776. FOR SALE 160 acre stock rknch, 3 milea north of Mabel. Or ; 4 5 acres in cultivation. unlimited outrange, tair set ol buildings, stock, machinery, some household goods go with place water piped to house and bam. Price $6000 For terms and further description, D. F. Marks, Mabel, Or. DAIRY farm for sale at a bargain by owner; Columbia river bottom, containing 400 acres, 70 cows, young stock, horses; fully equipped with good machinery. 2 silos, income $1200 per month. Write if interested. C. E. DeLong, rt. No. 3, box 132 Vancouver, Wash. CLARKE COUNTY. WASH.. $8750 20 a. in cult, new 5 room house, barn 4 Ox 50. chicken house, woodshed. 1 hi miles from Amboy in that wondrously fertile Chelatchie prairie. Thia is an ideal farm home. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. TILLAMOOK dairy ranch, 160 acres, half bot tom land: 13 cows. Price $12,500. Trade for land in Iowa or adjoining states, E. B, Gamer, Hemlock, Or. 40 ACRES rich soil, near Grants Pass; good buildings, some fruit, grain and pasture land. Complete with farm tools. A positive bargain. Owner, Wm. Jeff era. Murphy, or. $3500 14 acres, 4 miles west of Linnton, some genuine beaverdam. good buildings, some stock snd crops. It's a sacrifice. Ruthfield, 518 Fenton bldg. Broadway 637. 146 ACRES, half in cultivation, all bottom, balance rolling. 2 seta buildings. Polk county. Snap st $70. Easy terms. See owner, 202 Failing bldg. FINE 50-acre farm, 20 milea out in Tualatin valley, near Hlllsboro. Good 7-room bouse and larg barn, fin soil, no rock. Consider small bungalow as part payment. Price, $7000. Terms. Owner, East 4 1 93. HIGHLY-improved 40-acre farm; level; good oil: 5 miles southeast city limits: new 10- rcm housje, necessary outbuik'ings; orchard. Will divide place. G. N. UrlscoH. Ill 6 Arnold t. FOR SALE st a bargain 25-a; ranch, stock crop and tools: chickens. ' Might trade or rent- Address K-789. JournaL FOR SALE or exchange 11 acre ranch, Nevada county, California; fruit land; good spring and nous on puce. ., journal. 86 hi ACRE improved, near Oregon City, $100 acre. 2 hi acres improved, near Tlgard. $1750. Wolfstein. 114 First. 40 ACRES, $800 $1.00 fare Portland. Easy terms. Claude Cole, 30O Henry bias. 2000 ACRES, upper Columbia river, fine stock ranch, with river trontage, sg per acre. Good terms. Zimmerman. 30T Board of Trade 66 ACRES, all in cultivation, orchard, creek. , a : , .1 : . . - 1 . . . goou DUUUIUS9, wtci. u I... pert iraae, Phone Sellwood 1351. BARTLET pears. Come gat them, $1.50 per box. Phone laoor ibzu, arter 7 p. m. FOR SALE or lease. 200 acre Umatilla wheat - ranch. - w -, Journal. - - REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 DOE8 CLIMATE MEAN ANYTHING TO TOUT Would you like to have a home where the summers are cool and the winters mild I If so go to Lincoln county. Lincoln county wsa once called "The Land of Nod." for the reason that the people lived a happy easy life without much effort on their part. The mud flats abounded with shell fish and many fine aalmon and trout ran up the stream from the ocean, and the hills were full of deer and other game, while potatoes and. vegetable grew along the banks of the streams with very little care. Mother Nature is still prolific with clams, crabs, oysters, fish and game, but the inhabitants are awaking from their long happy dream and are beginning to develop the wonderful resources that nature has given them. It's "The Land of Promise" now. The valleys have deep rich soil and plenty of moisture, and the hills furnish pasture the year round for cattle, goat and sheep; and there is a great body of fine timber in, the county that the owners are just beginning to develop. There will be a home market now for all kinds of products. If you have some capital and lots of energy, it's a good, place for you. I have all kinds of farms listed for sale in the Taquina and Siletz valleys, some stocked snd equipped all ready to move right in. If you are interested come in or write and get information and go direct to the owner and make your deal. A, W. MORGAN. 506 Ry. Exchange Bldg. 44 ACRES 5 mile from Columbia river and 3 railroads, 26 daily passenger trams and boats, 1 H hours from Portland. On county road, daily mail and telephone line past the door; fin stock country. Close to neighbors snd school. All good alder land; part cultivated and most of rest slashed; running water; fam ily orchard, good garden and potatoes; good painted 5 room house, barn. etc. Good big mare, Jersey cow, stump puller and small tools; also 5 ton of good clover hay in the barn. Place free from debt. Warranty deed and ab stract. Price $2400. small payment down, bal. long time. Owner, Box 97, Caatlerock, Wn. IDEAL small Florida farm, containing 97 acres, within 1 H miles of courthouse at Monti cello, Jefferson county; heart of best general farming section of state; 40 acrea in cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture; all under wire fence, cross fenced far pasture; running creek, well and springs; good 5 room house fronting public road; hummock land, dark gray lcam, red clay subsoil; splendidly adapted to grains and grasses, particularly good place for hog raising ; prico only $35 per acre. Address B. L. Hamner. general development agent. Seaboard Air Line railway, 1180 Royster bldg , Norfolk, Va. 80-ACRE ranch for sale. 8 miles from Wood land. Wash.; good roads, R. F. D.. school. new 7 room house. 2 barna, 11 cows, Z belters. 1 bull, good team and 1 5-year-old mare; hogs, chickens, cream aeparator. farming Implements. hay in barns to keep stock all winter; 15 cords or wood ready for stove: big bearing orchard about 35 acres cleared, rest all burned and easy cleared; water can be piped in house. Will sell cheap, quick sale for cash, or will except good res. in Portland or Vancouver as part payment. S-859, Journal. FINE FARM HOME 1 mil good high school, 1 mile railroad town, on auto road 20 miles Portland. All extra good soil, no rock or gravel, lays slightly rolling, drains well, fine stream water, lots of fruit, good buildings and fences, 80 acres, 30 acres in crop this year, plenty of wood for fuel. 50 acres fine pasture, owner old, will sell for $50 per acre less than his neighbors. $2500 cash will handle, balance, $4500. at 6 per cent. Williams Loan A Investment Co., 112 West 6th st., Vancouver. Wash. WITH milk atTSo a qt- why not buy. a dairy farm? We have the exclusive handling of one of the best stock and dairy farms in Ore gon; 025 acres with all buildings and equip ment ready to go to work. Right at the very door of Portland. It don't cost a cent to see us about It and it might make you a wad of money. M. Billings and F. M. Miles. 609 McKay bldg. M. 1390. 200 ACRE ranch for sale; cultivation more than 1 can farm with one 3 horse team ; terma; $6000, $2000 cash, balance can run long time; 6 per cent. This includes $1000 worth of stock and implements, also loose hay in bams and what eiop not harvested. Will exchange for country store mt rash value. I am getting too old to work. N. P. Gleason (owner). Cottage Grove, Or. FOR SALE Fine improved level 32' acres near Portland, fine roads, modem 10 room house. fine soil, good and plenty of water, large bam. garage, outbuildings, near school; this is a snap; between Portland and Gresham on nectlon Line road comer of Barker road. R. A , box 693, phone Tabor 3937. 181 ACRES Morrow county, all tillable; 30 acres summer fallow; small bouse; fully equipped ready to run; price $4500, might con sider trade at equal value. Write W. E. Dodge. Lexington, Or. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT or sale, in Tualatin Valley. 81 4 acres. 8 acres beaverdam. on Pacific highway, 11 miles from Portland; land in high state of cultivation, hi mile of river front, 4 miles from 8. P., 1 hi miles from Salem Electrio; large house, with fireplace, all kinds of out- sirable place for dairy or chicken ranch. Am go ImKI. e.1e f Hali-v nr "lor-V n enh Am ing away and must dispose of it at once. Phone Woodlawn 2187. RENT FOR CASH. 250 acres. 150 acres farm ing. 100 acres pasture, fenced in four fields. mostly woven wire, L600 rods tile in farming land, 7-room house, large barn, ben house, milk house, orchard, running water in each field. 2 miles from O. A. C. college, on good road. Renter must give reference. For particulars see owner, 661 Glisan at. FOR RENT 27 acres, good improvements, close to school snd electrio railway. Inquire 183 First st. 146 ACRES, 70 acres bottom in cultivation. See owner. 202 Failing bldg. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT 88 EXPERIENCED farmer wanta to rent a good farm, 25 to 40 acres cultivated land. Crop or shares rent. Tabor 1974. 8023 39th ave. 8. E. I HAVE tor sale and trade, from 2 acres up to 20. Abington. Main 6988. J. J. close in farms. Call room 417 Fisher. HOMESTEADS 47 O. A C. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locata you on a good claim. A former government ermaer, 301 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land of floe. W. H. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS Locate you on the best homesteads in the state for $100: no charge unless entry secured. We classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON A ANDERSON, No. 2 Land Office bldg., Worcester bUc Third and Oak sts. A GOOD homestead relinquishment doss to town, schools and roads, for sale or trade; a bargain. 301 Worcester bldg. W. JL Johnston. " O. & C. HOMESTEADS Tou can file direct. We can show you the best claims. Full Information. BUNDY & M' HARDY, 411 Henry Dldg. TIMBER 28 SAW MILL for sale. 48x16 boiler. 9x13 engine double saw husk with saws steam feed. Portland Iron Works skrew blocks, three saw edges slab and sawdust conveyer. Cut saws all complete. Price cheap. Inquire of J. C. Callahan, Gas ton. Or. SAWMILL man or lumberman, here ia a snap: Will rent my sawmill $1 per thousand and furnish timber tributary; pay as cut. Will ad vance on lumber. Address at once, E 902, Journal. FOR SALE New sawmill, 30,000 capacity; re cently completed, in operation; 6 to 8 million feet fir; hi mile to railroad, 54 milea from Portland; owners drafted. WX-651, Journal. CORDWOOD timber below Linnton. on Railway and county road. cneap. i'arker, A2hi Washington. 160 ACRES timber, guaranteed cruise. 1 mile from railroad. Snap. Owner, X-508, Jour nal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ti FOR SALE on easy terms or trade, 8 acres, close to Sesttle. level on railway. 1 hi mile from town. Will take anything can use on ranch. Value $400. Owner. C. B. Mann. 24 7 12th t. Portland. Or. Broadway 6038. LIST your property with u for results on charges of merit. Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park st, be tween Washington and Stark its. WILL trade a 160 acre, partly improved. Lake county farm, .no incumbrance, for house and lot in Portland. Addresa W. E. Duchien, 666 North Summer t., 8lem, Or. EQUITY in 19 acres, about 15 miles out; soma improved; half mile from station. Price $2500. What have you 7 Write 609 Rich mond st. 1 ' FOR EXCHANGE Have house Tl and lot in Pensocola. Fla., clear; house a nd lota in Dallas, Or. equity. Will trade for car; no Junk. 775 hi Union ave. Phone Wdln. 514. FOR SALE 140 acre homestead relinquish ment In Western Lane county, or will trade for good auto or motorcycle. Inquire after 4 p. m.. 305 N. 16th st, city. 4 ROOM cottage, lot 50x102. on paved street, city water, located at Forest Grove, for small house in Portland; will pay difference in cash. 227 . 2Sd st. A FINE young filbert orchard, clear of debt, to trade for a home in or near the city. Must be close to carline. Z-846, Journal. WILL trade rr.y 30 ft. mot. r boat as part pay ment on bungalow. Prefer to pay cash bal ance in payments. J-705. Journal. WHAT have you to exchange for 40 acres of timber land 60 mile from Portland. Call evening and Sunday, Tabor 8161. FIVE-ROOM bunsalow. lot 8271171 S.l., rVT" cheap. Will assume on Portland bungalow' -82, Journal, -mt Broadway 4248, after six, REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 4 PACIFIC AGENCY. l&G. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg Portland, Or. 10 and 20 acre farms located in Willam ette valley, all stocked and equipped, for Porv land property. Small farms up In the Winlock valley, cash or trade. 160 a. In the Corvallia district, improved and oulu, stocked and. equipped. $10,000. Wants city Income or small ranch close to Portland. $50,000 clear Income property, bringing good rental. Will exchange all or part for mer chandise stock. 160 a., just out of Baker city; small house, barn, mail and cream route, 80 a. cult., bal. easy to clear. $3000. Exchange city prop erty and assume. PACIFIC ACEMIJY, !!G, 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg Portland, Or, CAN TOU BEAT THIS f NOW LISTEN The owner will take as part of the purchase price a modern house up to the value of $3000 in the city for bis suburban place of 1 ' acres, all in fruit of all varieties; no more .at tractive . place to be found, close to the hard aurface street, close to the Oregon City car line. On this land is the grandest home in every detail. A new, modern, 7 room house with full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, the house alone cannot be reproduced for less than $5000. The price he asked is only $5500 and will take $3000 of this in trade. ThU prop erty is on the high ground at Courtney station. The owners are two men and wife past middle age, sons having gone to war, too much work for them is the reason for selling. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. 174 ACRES 65 in cullvation, balance timber and pasture; good buildings; orchard of all kinds of fruit; 8 good horses, 16 head of cattle, lot of hogs and sheep; all farm implements necessary to run the place; will trade for city property or small acreage; price $10,000. 100 acrea, 76 in cullvation; good buildings; near railroad and station; all good land; want small Improved place or city property; price $8000. 25 acres, all improved: good buildings: near station. Yamhill county; $3000; will exchange for house and lot in city. 314 Lumber Exch. RANCH WANTED Wil trade following described property, all clear of incumbrance, for ranch, with or with out stock. Will pay some difference. One 7 room modern house. One 8 room house. Both walking distance. Both in good location and good condition. Two 60 ft. noisiness lot. Near best and busi est ship district. Five acre and two acre tracts, on east side, close in. 20 acres adjoining the city of Twin Falls. Idaho. Write the owner. T. L Robinson, 461 E. 20th st N., Portland EIGHT acres, 12 miles from Portland, hi mile electric station, all in cultivation, good 6 room house, newly papered and painted, new chicken house-, good bam, 4 English walnut trees, apples, pears, prunes, peaches, plums, cherries and vari ety of berries. Price $3000. Free and clear and $1000 cash to trade for a little larger place close in, where water system can be installed. Might assume some. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, by owner, 77 acres, 25 miles from Portland, close to good town of 3500 population, AH good soil, 80 acres cultivated, clear of stumps. 8 acres prune or chard, good pasture, running creek and spirngs, fair buildings, close to school; good fences, stock, implements, some crop. Tnce $6500 ; will take clear city property to $3000 and auto mobile up to $1000; $2500 can nin long time at 7 per cent. Route 1. box 8. Canby, fir. WE have many good valley farms and stock ranches, and In some cases are allowed to take other property in exchange. If you are looking for the best buys in the state, come in and we will show you that we have the best and can get you an easy deal. See Walters st THE PACIFIC AGENCY, 514 Swetlsnd Bldg. 43 ACRES. cot $17,500; exchange st $8500; Zhi miles R. R.. 36 miles Portland: 20 seres 9-year-old apples, 8 acrea prunes, 2 berries, 10 semi-cleared, bal. cult ; good bldgs. . spring, , 1 .. . a A Inimmkn.M' ,. l..r.v, f ,r Pnpttan pruyerij. CLEVELAND. 503 Lumbermans Bldg , Broadway 8125. NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acre age, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated valuea con sidered; have first class list to select from. George P. Henry, 329 Henry bldg. Refer ences. Portland Realty Board. FOR SALE or tradis 40 acres of aw timber land, within 14 miles of Portland, 2 14 miles of R. R.. in Clackamas Co., 5 room box house; live spring of water year round. Some fruit and berries. See owner after 6 p. m. evenings, 260 W. Kilpatrick. Portland. 1080 ACRE atock ranch with $300 paid up water right on the best canal in central Oregon, good buildings with thousanda of acres free outrange adjoining: will trade for Port land income property and assume, Ruthfield, 518 Fenton bldg., Brdwy. 637. APARTMENTHOUSE WANTED Have improved property, clear, to give as part payment on good apartment house; price $25,000; will pay difference or assume. LUEDDEMAN N COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. 4 room cottage with bath and 2 room cottage 'on lot 50x100 in Long Beach. Wash. ; want property in or near Ash land, Or.; might consider Portland; $1200. E. Utter, Long Beach, Wash ALBERTA WHEAT FARM 800 acres, all level, farm land, fully equipped. $50.00 per acre. Take city or farm property here first payment- Balance crop payments. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. HAW r HORN E $2000 1 acre, on a comer and streetcar line, street work done. Trade aa part payment on home. Phone Woodlawn 4165 or call at 620 Liberty st . Woodlawn. $1400 EQUITY in $2800 bungalow and two acre. Garage, garden, wood cut. fruit tree, berries. Six miles from city limits, near paved road. Will pay difference oh city bungalow or trade for late model car. J-717, Journal. TRADE 38-6 Peerless, in A-l condition, for smaller car or will trade for lot and house and pay the difference, Mrs. B. Cleveland. 10 Union ave. N. CALIFORNIA. Idaho, Michigan. Colorado prop erties, also several other localities, for small improved Willamette Valley acreage. Will as sume. X-511. Journal. WILL SELL or trade my $1500 equity in 6-room bungalow, on two car lines, fifteen minutes ride from city, for acreage. Sellwood 2239. MICHIGAN 120 acres. Clear abstract and warrantee deed. Wish to trade, will assume. Have other eastern properties. Whst have you! X-512, Journal. SEVEN room modem houae, lot 100x200, to exchange for 20 to 30 acres near carline. Must be partly improved and not over 20 miles from Portland. 32 5 Lumber Exchange. WANT 20 to 30 acres, some improvement, for equity as part payment of 4 room house, lot 50x100. fruit, central location. Street paid. F-912. Jonraal. FARM WANTED Have income city property to Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. exchange. 80 ACRES timber, 1 mile from roalroad, for furnished house. Will assume. Owner, E-903, Journal. EQUITY in 80 acres, 9 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Z. W. Rankin, owner. Brush Prairie. Wash.. R. F. D. 1. box 23 CLEAR Jackson county houses, land, for Port land income; assume some; have gas oven and furniture cheap 692 E. 59th st, N. JOB-printing plant or Liberty bonds wanted in exchange for 60x100 lot in Errol Heights; value $700. VX-878. Journal. IOR SALE 7 room modem house and 2 lots; $2800. or will trade for smaller place. Call Tbor 4371. WANT Missouri or Kansas farm for Vi acre with 8 room house in suburb of Portland. J. R. Wolff. 618 C. of C. bldg TRADE 80 acres, 22 in cultivation. 10 miles Oregon City, for improved city property. No incumbrance. H. L. Johnston. 3 82 Grand ave. 120ACRES. near Carlton, unincumbered, trade for auto or anything else of value. Ruth field, 618 Fenton bldg., Brdwy. 637. TO-TRADE-for farm property, buainesa prop erty in prosperous town, near Portland. LX-977. Journal. A MODERN home in Spokane for Portland city property. Will assume. Richsrds A Collier. Msin 7809. 614 Psnama bldg 320 ACRES of level land in Northern Lake Co.. free from incumbrance. Inquire 780 Reed st. Mar. 656. MONTANA wheat farma for Oregon property. N. M. Apple Tnd Co., Lewiston. Monte TEN acres land for lot value $500. Phone East 2705. . ' FOR SALE Only mest market in good town. Subject to draft. Max Maralt. Bherwood, Or. TXT EXC HA NG K. 5 room modem house in Spo kane for Portland property. H-734. Journal. J "CYLINDER Studebaker. rbeap, or trad for good real estate. S8T E. 7th rt. N. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 14 160 ACRES in Eastern Oregon, clear, to ex change for a good lot to build on in Fort land. W bar good clear houses for close tn acre age. , Good income flat building. West Bids, for a farm. GILSON A MORRIS. 431 Cham, of Commerce. S' ACRES of fine land 1H mile so. of Alohs. on red Electric; small house, barn and other outbuildings; inc. $400; will trade equity for clear Portland lota. $5000, 6 room brick bungalow, modern, finest in city. Will take $1500 in clear loU, some cash, bal. on easy terms. FRANK READEN 837 N. W. bank. Main 4228. 80 ACRES timber, ctficial cruise over 2 million feet. Lane Co.. Oregon, near Blue river, and house and lot located Eugen. Or. Above crop ertiea clear of all incumbrances. Will trade these for good ranch. Washington county, Ore gon preferred. Above will bear rigid investiga tion. What have you? Give particular. I irean business. X-509. Journal . VANCOUVER SHIP WORKERS Good light auto or cash for my equity in fine plastered house, 6 rooms, bath, pantry, 2 toileta. 26x26 basement, garden, wood, furni ture it desired. Payments on balance like rent. F. B. Crumley, 1602 Railroad ave.. Vancouver. CHICAGO property to exchange for Portland. T-74 4, Journal. WANTED REAL .ESTATE SI HAVE list of ready buyers for modem bunga lows and bouses in Rose City Park and Haw thorne districts up to $3500. I-et us sell your house. We will inspect, photograph and adver tise it. Ieal with old-established firm. FRANK L. M GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Sell Your Home. Main 1068. HAVE many buyers for moderate priced homers in Peninsula district. Alberta, Woodlawn. Gregory Hts. and Sellwood districts. Ltst your house with us. We can sell it. Deal with old established firm. See FRANK L. M GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Sell Your Home. Main 1068. WILL pay spot cash (or cash for equity) for modern 6 or 6 room bungalow. Rose City Park preferred. Would consider other re stricted district. Quick action desired. No commission to psy. Give complete details to A. K. Hill. 419 Henry bldg. WE make a specialty of selling houses and are short of liatings in Ijiurelhurst. Irvington. Rose City. Sunnyside, Hawthorne. List with us for quick aale. GRUSSI & DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade Bldg. HOUSES WANTED LOTS OF THEM HURRY CLIENTS WAITING G. C. GOLDEN BERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portland" Main 4803. I WANT 5 or 6 room bungalow in Sunnyside. Hawthorne, Laurelhurst. Rose City Park, or any other good location. Must he modern and in good repair. Can pay $500 to $1000 cash and good payments. Z-858 Journal. HAVE aeveral buyer for cottages and moder ate priced homes in Kenton and Peninsula district Give us a description of your prop erty. We can sell it. Deal with old estab lished firm. Frank L. McGolre. Abington bldg. HAVE SEVERA L bonafide-"buyers for modern bungalows in Rose City park and Hawthorne district. Can make good payments. List your house with us. FRANK L M'GTJTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. WILL pay $500 cash, balance monthly instal ments, 6 room bungalow, prefer aleeping porch, furnace, cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage; not over $3250; no dealers. Wdln. 14 60. WE have clients waiting for modem homes in any section of the city. We sold two last week, same day as listed. List with us far quick results. J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark st. Main 5R3L WANT about 2 acres, cultivated, with decent house, vicinity of Milwaukie and Oak Grove: easy reach of cars. Will pay cash for good buy. Full details first letter. T. W. A . 6303 2 5th ave S. E. WANT TO BUY on terms, one acre or less on Oregon Electric, between View Point and Maplewood, near school. With or without im provements. W-641. Journal. SMALL FARM or city property to $4000 as first payment on 118 acres. 23 miles from Portland. Stock and implement Price $7000. Balance long time. Box 94, Scappoose, Or HAV E-BUYERS for wTstTTide" house, sooth of Madison st. If your price is right, you will get quick deaL John Singer, 420 Cham ber of Commerce 8HACKS AND SMALL HOMES WAN i ED Must be N. R. and priced right. We have numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. Uennaa Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. OWNERS. ATTENTIO N I want 8. 4 and 6 room houses, on easy payments, at once, from $1000 to $2500. Phone or call 617 Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Metcalf. Marshall 24 32. WE have calls for houses from $2000 to $5000. Let us sell your. O. W. Bryan. 509 Cham, of Cora. bldg. Main 1963. evenings. Mar shall 865. NON RESIDENTS LIST WITH US We will handle your house, lot or land prompt ly REALTY A MTGE. CO.. 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. WANTED 6 or 7 room modern house or bungalow, between $3500 and $5000. Must be in good district and reasonably close in. Call Tabor 4823. CLIENTS waiting for house up to $3000. on eay terms. REALTY A MORTGAGE CO. 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2061. WANT MODERN HOME Piedmont preferred. Other good district considered. $1000 cash balance monthly. Assume mortgage. Y-837, Journal. ONE to 20 acres. Improved; must be first class land, cheap for cash. (Jive full description first letter. R-876, Journal. WANTEI 5 or 6 room house, modem, with plenty of ground for gardening and chickens; terms. Give details first letter. E-694, Journal. WANT to buy a Portland suburban borne with about Z acres, ueai direct wltn owner. Bertman. R. 2. box 34, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED, 5 or 10 acre at Seappooae or Warren on alough front. Phone Sell. 2680. Addresa 5827 48th ave. 8. E. WAXT 5 -room house. Will trade 5 acrea Polk county in on it aa part payment. Sellwood 2951. ' WANTED To buy 4 to 6 room house, small amount down, baL monthly payments. Y-888. Journal. WANTED To buy farm, 30 acre or more. with fair buildings Will pay $1000 down, bal. long time. R-877, Journal. WANTED All kinds of houses In all parts of city. W e have the huyers now and they are still coming. 4ohi Waab. t. BEST 3 or 4-room house or shack, $850. Will buy on installment plan. State full par tlciilars in flrnt letter? Z 643. Journal. WANTED To buy" or rent. October 1. Kenton district. 0-room; -Jiungalow. Phone Wood lawn 3183. ' , WANTED 5-room modern bungalow, up to $2200. Have cash and 2 lots with shack rented. Wdln. 4495. WANTED Two modern bungalows, for cash. Ruthfield. 518 Fenton bldg., Brdwy. 637. WANTED Journal. -The best lot $100 will buy. S86l I WANT to buy for ca.h. a reasonable lot. 60x 100. in Alameda. S-S67. Journal. rou i.r..t ;i..i your property with the KeaJ Eatete Exchange 201 3d at.. Portland. WANT Home. E. A.. Montavilla. $2500. D-536. Journal. $2000 to ROOMING HOUSES it 75 Rooms $2000 Whole Price SPLENDID LEASE AND BIO BU8INE8S Brick. Transient location. Clearing $500 per month above expenses. Large lobby. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDG WANTED A ROOMING HOUSE About 20 rooms; must be a clean place and in good location. If price is right will buy and pay cash. Submit yours without delay. E. A. LINDGREN SAVON LAND CO.. 935 N-W. Bank bldg. 14 R, Modern $850; Terms Newly furnished: lease. Rent. $35.00. Clears big money. $400 down takes it. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. 44 ROOM modem hotel, no dining room, has steam heat, hot and cold water in every room, long lease, only glow rent. A bargain at $3000 cash- Fred 8 William. 92 hi 1st st Here You Are A Snap! 30 rooms, steady and transient. Right down town Rent verr reasonable. Good furniture. Others ask $3000 for no better place. Clears $275 month. PRICE. $1750. ON TERMS. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 COUCH BLDG SEATTLE party wishes to buy a hotel and must be a good proposition. I refuse tv deal with agents. K-981, Journal. ' 18 ROOMS, all on one floor, east aide. Will sell leas than cost if taken at once. H-925 Journal. A WELL furnished 9-room house, good loca tion. Money maker. Broadway 2899. Journal. A NEWLY urnished rooming house for siTJ at a bargain. Fine location. For particular! see my attorney. Room 214, Henry; bldg. I WANT a small apartment bouse, about 15 apartment or lee; an cask. Wdln 2955. 14 ROOMS. all full. South Portland. $500 will handle. 389 34 st. it j CHEAP ACREAGE 8 acrea $250; $10 down, $3 per month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralia. on the main line of 8 railroads, 1 H miles from a town of 800 population: sawmill and shingle mill some partly cleared and some cleared; run ning stream; some bottom snd some bench; can give you any kind of place you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange bldg. Get in My Automobile ' And I will quickly and comfortably show you the beat buys in rooming and apartment houses in Portland. Most of the houses I handle are exclusively for sale through my office. Places of merit only get my attention. J. BRUCE GODDARD. LEADING BROKER. 602 Couch bldg BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 6 pabifjc Afswje; 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg Portland, Or. Good corner. 100x100. by Odd Fellows' home, 32d and Holgate. and cash, for grocery stock. $4500 1st mortgage on income property and cash for merchandise stock. Mitchell car, 5 pasa.. In fine shape, and Cash, for grocery stock. 40 acre of irrigated land and cash far grocery stock. W pay spot cash for broken line nd Job lots of mdse. fMlFiMIEIOl K. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg Portland, Or, I WANT to buy interest in some light manu facturing business. Must be legitimate- ami have a future. C 904. Journal.' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 10 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg Portland, Ore, The biggest list of pool rooms, cigar store, gsrages snd other claaae of business in the city. Grocery doing nice business, good east side location. Will take part trade. $30,000. Hardware stock. Willamette valley, invoice $20,000. Cash and trade. Gen. mdse. stock. Willamette valley, lnvolc $20,000. Cash and trade. Confectionery, light grocery; busy transfer corner; best location in city; living room over stor. Invoice bout $3500. Beat hotel in Eastern Oregon city to trade for Portland property ot valley ranch. $12,000, furnished and equipped. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg Portland, Ore. SANITARIUM FOR SALE OR LEASE. EITHER FURNISHED OR I NFIR IMIr.U; ROOMS, 2 BATH AND 2 MASSAGE ROOMS; STEAM HEATING SYSTEM I- STALI ED LAST YEAH: HAS A t EKY SIGHTLY LOCATION. GROUND EQUALLING 4 LOTS. LARGE TREES AND RllHlHfltni. E. A. LINDGnEN. 035 N-W. BAN b. HI.IG. $15 A DAY CLEAR If $ 1 5 s day clear interests yon In a light lunch, cigars, tobacco and confectionery, call at N. E. corner of Broadway and Union ave No dealer. I am owner. Stock and fixtures will invoice more than price asked Will take Hup auto as part payment Eaet 2139. FULLY equipped blacksmith shop, too la. etork nd machinery, motor driven emery wheels. drille. forges. etc., acetylene Welding and braaing plant. Good trade, well estab lished, in good town. ta. Washington, sioou take It. Owner has other" utn ess takes up en tire time. Addresa Geo. Puertn, Camas. Wash. A BARGAIN An establUhed. completed printing plant, cylirfler press.' 2 platens, great variety of type, etc . all in good condition. Ill health reason for selling $3200. hi cash, bal ance easy terms. T 792. Journal THE courthouse lock.-mith repairs everything Keys made 293 Salmon st A MONEY MAKER A nice store room and 5 living rooms, near a large school, no opposition, with a stock of goods about $350. some fmit trees and ber ries, chicken house, lot 60x100. good loca tion $800 will handle this. See Crockett Starker. 203 Washington bldg HERE ia a apiendld opportunity for some one with small capital. Grocery, well located; fine opportunity to increase business, rent only $10 per month; good living rooma fixed up to live in. About $800 will handle. GILSON A MORRIS. 481 Cham, of Cora NO ICE THIS YEAR. I control a device that will put Ic in every home eivher there is electricity for s couple of cents a day; $100 secures Agency option and demonstrator free; no obligation. Fred W. Wolf, Dept- 672. 321 N. Weila at.. Chicago A SINGLE man who t honest. Industrious and agreeable and who has $1000 or mare to buy Interest In fine big farm ran nave good home and $75 per month salary; this offer is for imme diate acceptance. Alpha Underwood. Dufnr. Or. MEAT market, new fixture, clearing from. 3 50 to $400 per mo., good location, no eompeti- tion. a good tranaient trade, good fish and poultry businew; owner in town in 6 days: will invoice. S 818. Journal. PARTNER WANTED In s good suto garage to sell the suppuea. gasoline, etc.. and make himself generally useful In the buainesa. Profits are very good. $850 required, fully secured. Call room 403. Dekum bldg. ESTABLISHED 8 years, butter, egg and poul try business; exclusive high claa trade, grosa weekly profits $90. Will consider auto in part payment. Rest of reasons for aelling. No agents wanted. 2-648, Journal, SMALL manufacturing buDfcsea, showing very satisfactory profits; household article: patent right, atock, dies and fixtures, at less than invoice. Possibilities unlimited. 1860 Haw thorne ave.. 4 8th st. MR. BUSINESS MAN Grocery store for sale in one of the best downtown locations. Good reason for selling $4000 cash will handle F91I, Journal. PRINTING BUSINESS Best little businese in Portland. Well estab llshed. good location, cheap rent. $450 cash or Liberty bond. J-S63. Journal FOR RENT 24 room hotel, contains poolroom. confectionery, oil station, also fine stock of tobacco; will rent and lease building cheap on account of death. Columbia 533 BIG money in exclusive agency rights selling V. A J. carburetors; doubles mileage under m ney back guarantee: write at once. H. J. Kail! A Co.. 803 Westminster are.. Salt Lake City. Utah 10x15 GORDON Jobber, good as new, 72 fonts and 100 lb, body type, 200 lbs. leads, etc. Invoice $700. Cash, $250. 4210 65th st. 8 E. Tabor 897 7. I WILL invest from $1000 to $3000 and my time in a good business opportunity. Z 64 5. Journal. FO RESALE 5, 10.. 15c store. In good valley town, large payroll. Don't fail to look this up. WX-64 8. Journal. DANCING studio lor sale; fin business; high class trade; bargain for immediate aale. D501. JournaL WE 8 ELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Gilson. 431 Chamber o. Commerce. MoTTla TAILOR cleaning and pressing shop, doing good businea; snap; must aell within week. Wdln. 4082. FOR SALE or trade, laundry m good town In Willamette valley; good chance for a laundry man. LX-976. Journal. GOOD business for 1 or 2 lsdies or man and wife: $250 cash, rent $13 per month. W-643. Jcumal. AUTO repair shop, also sell used cars. Profits extra good. West side location. A bargain at $1000. Room 403, Dekom bldg. FOR-SALE Grocery on east aide, doing $80' per day. Will cut stock to suit buyer. Good clear stuck and very few fixture to buy. V-867. WOOD BUSINESS Will aell ehearl Hit. good truck, plenty wood and making money. Call room 403. Istknm bldg. CIGAR store, confectionery, barber shop, news stand with 2 pool table .n back; a goud '.'ly. Call Columbia 631. 1 WILL give a fourth interest in my patent to any one who will .place it on the market; it is needed now. E 904. Journal. LADY S barber shop for sale; $250 cash, or will rent $13 per week. V-870. Journal. I FOR SALE Confectionery and restaurant; in- I vole si SOU. mem SSO. Tabor 4079. I SMALL, well paying restaurant and lunch 1 counter, g. euard, 929 Cham. Com. ROOMING HOUSES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES St Making $25,00 a Day Clear Truck and wood business: big opportunity to get in right: unlimited amount of wood at II per cord, sella for $3.50 to $5 delivered; good trucks in fin condition: circumstance com pel immediate sale; you ran go with our drivers and investigate thoroughly; $2500. soma terma. or would take in automobile for part Phone Bellwood 1036. or address T-841. Journal. Stores and Restaurants All Sizes ' ' j I haT th-m in T?rj part of th city. Get J BRUCE r.OPPAKP. 502 COUCH BLDG. FOR SALE --r Small ra.h grocery, west aide; might trad for rooming bouse. Main 248. a ein-Muvniir BUM 1 Wlii SIH1W JUtA MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATES? OUR installment pla- ia the best and sureet method of paying a loan. $32 26 per month - 36 months, or $2 1 2i f.'r tilt months, or $15.17 for 96 n -nths. pays $1000 loan a ad interc-t- Other amounts tn proportion. We loan en improved city property. Or for building iun;1ea. No commission ciiarged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st.. Portland. Or PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In easy installments with 10 years' time ts re pay; fully protected by lit insurance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Awurance Society. Interest 6 ' per cent; no commission. For particulars aee Mr. Strong. EduitaMe office. Oregonian bldg $300. $100. $500. " $750. $1000" and! upi lowest intrcf-t rates. Liberal pre-pajment privileges. No delar. GORDON, INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS see O R EGON I.NVl A MORTGAGE CO. Slrrk Earheng bldg.. 3d and Yamhill sts BUILDING loans on city or suburban propertTj money advanced as work progresses. W. (1. Beck. 215 and 216 Faillngblrtg. Main 3407. PRIVATE party bas $ 1 77i tn'lnin Will ma lie buiiilfng loan. No brokerage. City realty. C- , 970. Journal TO L( A N -$3000 to $400fi Security must be A-l No commission 362 3d at Mar shall 2129. . TO LOAN any sum from $300 to $80,000 real estate security. Geo. H Thomas. 26T Oak st. Room 2. Alnsworth bldg. MONEY to loan by ;rivate party, on improved V rity or farm property. No commission. J 864. Journal. $2-j.$350. $400.$500. $658$78fl. Jioo6 and larger amounts st current rate. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. $500 TO$oob to loan, city or farm morV gage; no commission. P.O. Box 873. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and' 1 "i Louis Salomom A Co . 4 OS Selling bldg CASH tZr mortgages, loans, contracts. W. it Iwli. room 4. Iewis bldg t:aln 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES T Salary "ToANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET On ahort notice to salaried or worklngmeei on their own note- Weekly, seml-montliy off monthly payments. Each transaction strict! confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, panoa, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LH'ENSKD, 218 Falling bldg. If You Need Money. See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Ioena made to persons on salary or fixed In come, on household furniture, piano, diamond) and other personal proerty; legal rate. Biul ! nass confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPACT. Licensed. 806 307 Dekum bldg PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to pro tec, borrower. C MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARK ST LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOI SElloI.p FURNITURE. LOANSWANTED $ WANTED A loan of twelve thousand on close in improved property. 9 blocks from cat effice T 781, Journal $200 IX)A TmBteiun T6 1 7 Ford touring, from private party. W 642. Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC IS ANNOUNCEMENT I HAVE purchased th Crown Stable at 23-285 Front and 284 First Its. Will conduct a general salt, livery and feed business and will ap preciate the patronage of old and new customers. Horses boarded. Auto storaia pate for rent. Reasons bit rate. Phone Main 9109. PHIL SUETTER. HORSES and mulei. well matched teams, t have horses from $25 np; team mates, suit able light ranch team, wagon, harness $125 Will exchange any of my mules or horse for rattle or horses. Wagons and barneese of all kinds. Some of cheapest outfit for kind ever sold in Portland; got 65 head ea hand at present; alao hire horse by day, week ot month. I guarantee all my atuff a represented. Phil Suetter, 2X3 283 Front at.. 284 Fixat, Open day and night. CROWN STABLES. HORSES for sale. : teams and harness, weigh! about 3000 lbs. also. 1 small pony tean i ,,n and harness. On account of the draft. j.,ni Transfer Co., 827 Davis, Brdy. 1784. A ' j 4 3fi g YKAI (,LD 850 pound mare, will work. driv. fo mi4gy ,ir rt(1(. Ju., ,h() th,nf for moaun ot , ! children Good life and i good looker. This E. Butler, Jennings i horse is a bargain. It. I-odge Phone Oak Grove 169-W. BOARDERS wanted, ail kinds hone, wagons; for hire by day, week or month. 288-288 : Front at., and 284 First st Open day and Bight. Phil Suetter, Crown Stables. Main 9109. ; PRETTY Frown riding and driving mare, with rut. ber tired Studebaker trap, for aale at raa-; sonahle prire to person giving good home. Mar- ' shall 14 2. ; i $90 00 BUYS" sorrel team, weighing 2400 lb. Harness and wagon. Must sell accouat ot icknesa. Mt. Scott car to 9th ave. Inquire at Westiver grocery store. A NICE fat mare. 8 yrs old. weight 1150 lb. I also a team of farm horses, weight 2900 lbs j harness and wagon for sale cheap. Call at 898 1'o.rell St., Woodstock car. - FO It-SALE cheap, light team, delivery wagon. harness and cart; also single hamea (new), or will turn on light Ford delivery. Phone Ta bor 1m:,. 2W)8E. Jark sL FOR SALE One team of mares weighing 2900 lbs. 1 team of horse weighing 8000 lb., harnesses and wagon. 228 Russell. FoU riAI-E icxd driving I ur, 1 covered. I nr.eu buggy, all firrt class: nl-e rig for lltU (rm JOSl Union n. N.. Portland. Or. WANTI-'.lfc Ltght single wagon with canvas to) smtab.e for camping; u junk; state prica, M 915. Journal FINE young mule about 900 Ins., cheap, or will excliang for g'l horse or cow. 80S Front st reet. f l.ooli vmine team, weieht 2300. harneaa i wagon. Woodwork cur to 34th at., 4. block south to square red twirn ALL kind, of hor-. harness, wagon, good rubber tired top buggy, two flu aurrey. Cheap, or exchange 30J Front at. fJOR S A LE 1 pair-of bay horses. 2700 lh.j j sound, with harness nd farm wagon. 880 Front st. Trial allowed. 50 HEAD of horses from 1000 to 1500 lbs, 4 to 10 years, all broke; cheap. Oat ma a tt Son, FosmI. Or - FINE-i 050 lb. Itmilj mare, good buggy an harness and saddle. Hawthorns Stable. Cast 6tU and llaathome DEAD horse and animate hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20 Portland Rendering Co. TEAM f horses for rent. Woodlawn 8134. 1449 E. 7th at N DEAD ho taken quick. Ws pay more for dead rowa. Tabor 4208. HOR SES and wagons fog refit by the day. singla or double. 646 Front Main 2208. FINE Ktted Shetland pony cheap, or exchange for good horse or cow. 302 Front. TEAM of heavy draft bora with good harness for sale cheap. Bdwy. 621. SNAP Good wort; horse, age 7. black, at your own price. Come and get him. 729 Liberty t.' FOR SALE Young uiare, sound! and true, weight about 1OO0 lb. Wdln. 4862. i BAY mare, wagon and harneaa. $33. Call Main 41133. .j mats iiw in. none, good worker; ha no use for hita. 880 Front st. . TEAM, well-matched. 5 year old. 8200 JbSm ... . ' . . virion S.HJ, mw O . j FOR SALE A team at yovr. owa prica. 87 - R. 28tta t. 8. i .. . . . i . W ANT EL T rent team of hooa. Ea4 TlilZ