THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL!, PORTi; AND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1918. 23 WANTED-TO KE7TT ROOMS for O. A. B. delegate. Ettas - TBo to 11.00 a night, Homes not erdfnarily opened to paid guests are asked to extend this hospitality as a matter of el vie pride and loyalty. Hotels art overcrowded. Many dele gates will lack accommodations. Port Jsnd's hospitality wis at stake. Im mediata responses ara asked. Con Tantlon date A a fust 19th U 23d. Our riMtt are arriving dally. Com ' munlcete with G. i. R, Hesdqusrt are. Liberty Temple, Sixth and Mor rison""" strset. Mala 818. or direct with tbe Journal. Mala 7178, A 6061. FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RTYER SHIPBUILDING COItl'ORATION. In thl wiir time emergency and, scarcity of housing accommodation, we request every patri otlr eitixen who ha a house to rent or rooms to let to mail information of same to Columbia U. 8. II. Corp. Box 1302, Portland. Or. WANTED To .rent. 8 month or year. Sept. 1. modern 6 room house or bungalow, bet. E. Buti-tde. Clinton and E. 89th at. Give location and Louie number. F. L. C. 700 East 2 Int. TO RENT. 6 or 7 room, house; no objections to distances out. If rent I right will ese or would consider purchase on terms. M- 00 ft-. Journal W ANTED "to rent, modern 4 or 6 room cot tage or 3 unfurnished II. K. rooms, in mod ern home, by couple without children. Phone Tabor 0410. or address 173 E. 80th st. N. WANTED To r.-ut 1 acre -or more near car line or ft. K. with house and outbldg. Could keep ftOO or more hens. Box 03, Wood stock ve., Portlsnd. Wa N T E L Hy family of 2, house or fist. furnished 4 or 5 room or unfurnished Would buy furniture. On East 2544 east side only, (.'all WOULD like modern 5 room bungalow for rent for couple without children. Call Ta bor 4 5 Call Sundsy and Mondsy. YOUNG couple, no children. ermanent desire ! A or a unfurnished apt. or housekeeping rooms before Hcpt 15 W-652. Journal WAMKU -.V rooin n-od'-ni l.ou.e, hsrn and sura?", on the east or S. E. edge of Port lsnd Call Tabor 724! Et.IAIIl.E party bungalow in de ugalnw in flesirat'ie neignoornooa. vouiu consider year's lease. Y-843, Journal. WA NT TO RENT " 8 -room houwtthin radius of 1 5 blocks to E. loth aud Eserett Call Tabor 607. WANTED 3 rooms, furnished. Permanent References X-507, Journal WANTED -- Furnt-hed 6 or 6 room house. Woodlawn 3069. REAL K ST ATE BEACH PROPERTY 43 8300 00 Four 50x100 lots, side, Or. Terms on balance Vi cash. Sea E 73. Journal. PEACH cottage, modern, or Marshall 6188. Phone Main 4190, 1H NINES PROPERTY 88 WANTEI ; round space for garage, near Ben son and Dupout street East 2294. TO LEASE 63 DAIRY lease and equipment " for sale., near Tillamook, Or ; 13 high-grade Holsteln cows. Must set quick. A little money will handle this. W. A Church. Tlllsroook. Or. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 02 160 ACRES of timber. 4,000,000 to 5,000.000 ., . , u n .j Tin. w w I 1 3 acres. 7 room bouse, Hearing rruit, HZ wslnut trees, nice creek right in good town, i $21100', good terms. Rome nice Suburban homes and acreage on Oregon City line slid some cheap homes, small feiymeuts down, ba lance monthly. , OI'-.OW.E MOUSE, Owner. yt 3 1 r Chamber of .Commerce. FOR HALE HOI'S F.S 61 8 ItoOU modern house, furnished; full base ment, Urge corner lot, on Powell Valley road nesr Franklin high school. $2500, $500 cahh, $!J5 month, 5 ro'gn modern house nesr carline in Fir land; restricted district, on Improved street; no incumbrance. $J100. $300 cash. $25 month. 6 room honsee, fnrnished, bath, gas and electric light, near carline, on Improved street, no Ir.ciiiuliranne $1300, $200 cash snd niontialv payments. 4 riHiin hoiLe near csrllne, on improved street. No incumbrance. $700, $50 cash, $10 month. Neil Hmith. 6514 Fntrr Road. Tabor 1931. HOME BARGAINS! Near Hawthorne, full lot, modern 5 room bungalow, large attic, turnace, all built-in con veniencess, full basement, wash trays, fruit, all Improve inants In, 'beautiful home, $3000. Alberta district. T2 rooms, strictly modem, furnace heat, sleeping porch, worth' $7000. Will sell for $5000. S. P. Osburn, 610 Mo- Kay Jldgl: 1 IF YOU are In the market and looking for a modern home in the best residential districts, ens tliat is attractive in every detail; have large list of lust such places. SEE riC.TURES IN OUR WINDOW. Stays. Main 6869 TnE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth at. KEE THESE BARGAINS Five room modern cottage on Gist st nesr Belmont. price $2000. 6 room modern cottage on East Everett nesr 3'-M. Hsrd surface, fruit and flowers. Price $3000. Easy terms or discount for cash. Call owner, Tabor 2075. LET-rH "BUILD YOU A HOUSE $500 down Is all the cash necessary. We have client willing to build a home according to your plans, simply in order to move some of their vacant lots. Come in and talk ' it over with us. Rose City Park and Haw thorne districts. J. A. WU'KMAN CO.. 314 Stark at. Main 583 HOME BARGAINS Full lot. near Mt, Tabor car; good 5 room house, cement basement, fine fruit, $1500. lOOxldO. near SL'd, 17 bearing fruit trees, fine garden, school 3 blks. Nest 3 rocen cottage, cement basement, lichts, gas. etc., $1000. S. I'. Osburn. H10 McKay bldg. $2750. A MODERN bungalow. 2 blocks from Mt. Scott car. 6 rooms and sleeping porch on mam floor; full cement basement with kitchen, dining room, furnace room, wood room snd fruit closets. Lot 50x130. You aave $20 by dealing direct with owner. cah. Box 364. Beaverton. Or. $500 WHO WANTS this for $1100. a new 4-roem bungalow. No. 8916 E 71st st,. only four Hocks aouth of the Hawthorne car running out 28th ave. $500 Is all you had to have to buy this place. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. ALBERTA DISTRICT $1000 5 room home with a full 60x100 lot. newly painted, convenient to lrvlng- ton and Alberta cars. Terms. J A WU'KMAN CO.. 814 Stark st. Main 683 $1001OWN AND $15 MONTH $1400. 6 ROOMS. BATH Eleetrie lights and gas, large lot. H-C ear line Terms $100 down. $15 month. J. L. Hart- maii Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $ 200 Hh ) W N MT. SCOrFCAR 8 rm . 2 story, fine condition, 100x100 lot. 5 blks. car. Full price $1850. House alone would cout more. GEO, T MooitR CO. ABINGTON BLDG. A REAL GOOD BUT"- A house with an income for $4 850. 2 flat building, close in on the east side; my only reason for selling is I need 81000 cash.- Phone owner. East 4871. BAUI.AlN leave city, forced to , sell inoaern t room house, sleeping porch, fire place, full basement, furnace, concrete garage, fine neighborhood, close to cars, 1076 Arnold St. nor information call Tabor 8818 H. C. PARK, 5 rooms, fireplace, cement casement, rneed down for quick ssle. I.' sou, soon. rial, terms. GIBSON 268 StarkMar 12. ACRE and 3 room cottage, only $800; water lights, plumbing, mostly cultivated. Tou will not pass this up u you see it. 500 Con cord bldg., Za ana cusrk. HAWTHORNE snap; 6 rooms, fine condition large lot, 2 H blocks from car, $8500 cash or terms. Owner. Tsbor 777. 6 ROOMS. 1176 E. Msin near 89th, fine con dition, good location; will tell cheap, easy terms. Owner. Tsbor 777. NICE lot and 2 room house, E. 29th N. fit quire st 989 E. 29th at. A SPLENDID bungalow In Hawthorne district $1960, terms. Tabor 9569. REAL STATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 4 ROOM modern buagalow. with large rooms and bath, lot 60x1-00; some fruit. blocs from car. A bargain at (1600; very caay term. 4 room bouse with full baeemeztt. lot 100x110, all In garden, fruit and berriee ; alao a nice lawn In; all a beautiful place; price aioou, eaay terms. 6 room modern bungalow, full basement, fire place, all built-in features, lot 60x100; lota of flower. 8 blocks from ear ana school. A snap at 82000, 8400 down, balance easy terms. S room modern, on pared street, corner lot. full basement; a seat bungalow at 82500; all menu paid; 8000 down. 4 room nearly new cottage, beautiful lot, 8 blocks from a ear and a real snap at 81300, 8300 down, balance rery easy terms. 3. We bars several good buys at a reasonable price, easy terms; will accept your Liberty bonds. Auto service. NEW TORE LAND CO., . 881 E. Morrison st Phone Esst 5817. ALBERTA BUNGALOW "$1000 UNDER-; FIRST COST" 7 dandy nice rooms, cement base ment and floor, laundry tubs, fireplace, fnrnece and all modem conveniences, lot 60x100, good location, near two car lines, stores, school and postoffiee. In fact, is rery -desirable and an ideal HOME. 81000 CASH will handle this, bal. mortgage. Price 83200. This is a mt worthy proposition which should appeal to YOU and this is YOUK op portunity. SILAS L. JONES. Office 72 Alberta t Phone Wood lawn 3558. "Call Monday." HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern 6 room house, on large lot; sleeping porch, full cement basement; furnace; 83200, $500 cash. 5 room modern bun? alow, 82200, 3500 cash. 5 room modern bungalow, 82500, 3500 cash. 5 room modern bungalow, 89950, 3500 cash all improvements in and paid. T. M. MADDEN REALTY CO., 1028 Hawthorne ave, near 84th.' Tabor 6885 A FEW GOOD ONES 6 rooms, furnished, bath, toilet, ess. elec. : 50x100. 81250, 8250 cas'h, balance time. Five rooms plain, furnished, including piano; lot 50x185, fruit; 31075; 8275 cash, balance time. 6 room modem bungalow, fully furnished, streets graded, walks in, corner; a real snap for 82250; 8250 cash, balance time. A beautiful 5 room modern . bungalow WIln duiii in matures except lumace; 1, 3 or 4 acres with house and garden: a big snap, at. Gresham. HOUCK 110 10th st. LOOK AT Nos. 833 and 841 E. 33th, street, near the corner of Gladstone ave., there you will see two good substantial houses on one big sere of land, all in full bearing of all varieties of fruits; the fruit crop from new on will be worth the price, to say nothing of this acre, with two good bouses capable of bringing a permanent income. The price on this place is so low that we hesitate to make it public Call at the office and we will whisper it to you. M. J. Clohessy, . 415 Abington bldg. THIS is giving It away only 32200. and only a small payment down for a 5 room house, good enough for anybody, on a hard-surface street, 2 blocks from the best car service in Portland, close to the river, and cloee to the Sellwood park ; 2 big lots ( 1 a corner) ; one of. the lots is worth the price asked for the 5 room house and the two lots. Something wrong with the person who is looking for a close in home who will not buy this on sight. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. FINE COLONIAL HOME . Old ivory finished throughout and all hard wood floors; hot water heat; den, sun porch, sleeping porch; dandy view. Located in Rose City I'ark on the heights. Price $6000. Pos session at once. J. L. Hartman Company, 7 Chamber of Commerce bids. SHERWOOD FARM ta . at v.,.,. . ,j i . tlmh., 7ft V in .TZa Y..Z' timber, 40 seres In crop; good team, session now; $10,500: $2500 cash, balance .."'. GEO. H. ENGLEHART. 624 Henry bldg. Main7266 $19507 RM, 1 STORY BUNGALOW, ADJ. FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. HAS FIREPLACE. F. C. BAST. ALL BUILT-INS. A SNAP. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ONLY OUO U511 G, C. Goldenberg' 215 ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4808. $500 DOWN $30 A MONTH No mortgage Street improvements paid. Paved street Rose City Park carline. 6 rooms, fireplace, entrance hall; full ce ment basement, furnace and laundry trays; near 36th and Tillamook; 10 large fruit trees. A good house and a good buy, only 3 blocks to school. Price $3500. J. L. Hartman Com psnv. 7 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 208, A-2050. DO YOU want this bungalow for $2000 on easy payments? If so go to No. 7000 69th ave., right st Tremont station. Say, this bungalow is up-to-date, the neatest place to be found, basement built of cement; all other conveniences desired are in this Borne. U. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. TAYLOR STREET BUNGALOW 5 rooms, large unfinished attic, nevdr Delet ed: hard surface streets. 2 blocks from car. Frlce $2850. $500 cash. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Living room. 15x24 feet: 5 rooms. slanlna porch, breakfast nook and attic; place occupied only 5 months; Urge front window; large lot; a good and beautiful home. Just like new. Price ssouu, siuoo aown. J. L. Hartman Company. T ' V. I. , -, . . . - ' vmiiiLprr ui commerce piag. 4 ROOM COTTAGE. ALBERTA : Has bath, toilet, hot and cold water. ROv 100 lot. Hard surface street. Total price iiodu, uuu casn SEE THE YELLOW SfON" SMITH WAGONER CO . STOCK EX. $200 CASH BALANCE EASY 8 room house, newly painted, clear of all in cumbrances; Mt, Soott district. Price $1800. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $2850 A SNAP."1 R. C. Y. BUNGALOW: SOME TERMS. MAIN 4803. G. C. Goldenberg 215 ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4808. "35 YEARS IN PORTLAND." 8T JOHNS' CAR $150 DOVVN 5 rm . bath, electricty. gas. 2 blka. school a blks. St- Johns. Mississippi, . Kenton nrlln Full price $1800. GEO. T. MOORE CO. , ABINGTON BT.dG IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington Park, $50 down. $15 monthly bays brand new lin 1 shack wxth patent toilet, lot 50x100, 1 block to car, st 1233 E. 29th st. N. Fred W. Ger man Co 732 Chsra. of Com. 13 MIN. WASHINGTON STREET 6 rm. modern bungalow, bath. Dutch kttobon electricity, gas. full cement basement. Sellwood car. $206 down. Price $1950. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLTVf? IRVINGTON PARK, 5 room modern 'bunga low, full cement basement, laundry trays, prettiest home you'll ever find. Take Alberta oar to Killing-worth, 3 blocks east. 1166 Glenn, $2300. Easy payments. SEE 6824 44th ave.. awfully coxy 6 rooms. 1 floor, pretty homes surrounding: newlv decorated. Price $1250, $100 cash, Ion't overlook it. Mt. Scott car. Main 7129, forenoons. a snap. Owner, EAST Morrison st., 8 room dwelling) easy walking distance, central, cor. 14th. De sirable neighborhood. Store or apartment site. Price very reasonable. Terms. Geo. H. Thomas. 267 Oak st. Room 2. $3250 EIShT roomed, well built home, mod ern conveniences, full basement, real worth $5000. Must be sold. Terms. Marguerite, near Bsby Home. Tsbor 853. EAST 4 6th N.. R. C. P. 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, fireplace, furnace. $2900, $600 cash, bal. terms. Gibson. 266 Stark. Mar.. 12. IN Milwsukie, 100x100, 8 rooms, $750, $200 cash, $10 per mo. Gibson, 266 Stark. Mar. 12. 9 ROOM house, toilet and bath; lot 100x100. Price $1600; terms. Inquire Jack Martin, Llnnton. BUNGALOW, R-0 CAR, $2950 " Modern 5 rooms, 80th St.; paved, full lot. Owner. Tabor 8824. - A $3750 ROSE CITY bungalow, absolutely modern, sleeping porch, paved street, etc. Phone Bdwy. 3128. or 0-2097, mornings. BEAT the H, C. L., buy a houseboat. 5 rooms snd bath, furnished. No. 4 Willamette Moorage. Oaks or Milwankle car. WILL SACRIFICE new 6 room house, half block of car. Phone Tsbor 8409. LARGE! 2 room house, lot 50x100; terms. Phone owner. Wdln. 3544. 5 ROOM house, Millard ave., 2 large lota. ivuu: terms, szo L.umoer ex. 4 ROOM bouse, Saginaw Heights, 2 lots, $1100, $100 cash. $25 Lumber Ex, REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 41 I3S00 Large 6 room modern home, en Mall- ory are. Terms 1500 essn, nuance 6& Interest. Immediate possession. 83150 8 room home in Walnut Park near Jefferson high school, UDrary ana i carline. Terms half cash, balance 8 years' time. Can hare possession as soon as deal la closed. $2750 8 room house, 200 feet from Miss issippi ear. Lot eonou. Bearing fruit and berries. Terms naif cash, balance payable 8 years. 31250 Nearly new 4 room cottage en Michi gan a ve. Lot 60x120. Plumbing connected with sewer. Terms, 200 cash, balance 320 per month and in terest at 6. No mortgage. OGDEN A GRAVELLE. 107" 8 have st. Wdln. 202, or Wdln. 1419. 1 82250 32250 FIVE ROOM SNAP Paved district 8500. Strictly modern Easy terms. Richmond car. 32850 S ROOMS. NEARLY NEW 82850 Strictly modern with furnace; space for 2 rooms in attic; came back on our hands; 8700 cash required. Hawthorne district. 83185 5 ROOM ATTIC, FURNACE 3180 Hawthorne district, paved street; modern, basement, oak floors, etc; cash 8750. Came back on onr hands. Is a real bargain. ROSE CITY PARK NEW BUNGALOW' 5 loom, sleeping porch, breakfast room and attic; strictly modern and is priced right; easy teruvi, 81000 cash required. Inquire about it. ROYAL BUILDING CO., East 64 58. NO. 1 3400 CASH 3400 CASH PRICE 84000 PRICE 84000 7 B,, bungalow type. 48th st. near Haw thorne, 2 bedrooms down, 3 up. It's modern, H. W. floors, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, etc. NO. 2 8500 CASH 8500 CASH PRICE 33500 . PRICE 83500 5 R., rec hall, fully modern bungalow, garage; close in on east side. BARR. 805 Lnmbermens bldg. Bdwy. 8125. 7 ROOM modern bungalow, with lot 75x125, lots of fruit, gsrden. This is worth $3800. but for quick sale will take 32900. half cash. Also 0 room modern bungalow, lot 75x100, close to Columbia park, 1 block to car. Price 82500, easy terms. If you see these, you will like thegn. NEW TORK LAND CO., 381 E. Morrison St. NINE large rooms, fully and handsomely fur nished, in one of the swell districts of Port land. House new and entirely modern, garage, many roses, fine large garden, rent $25. An opportunity to take a few roomers, though now occupied by the owner as a private residence. He is going to move with his family out of the city. Price $1000. Some terms might be given. M-916. Journal. PIEDMONT BARGAIN Best .home site in Piedmont. Two car lines, handy to everywhere. Shrubbery, Eng lish walnut trees, lilacs, fine lawn and a beau tiful view. 6 large rooms, fire place, furnace, stationery tubs, $3500: cash. $1000. See Mr. Felker, THE BRONG COMPANY. INC., Main 1743. 267 H Oak Street. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW ONLY $5500. 6 , rooms, all on one floor, modern to the minute; extra large cor. lot, street assessments paid lu full. HAGER3 REALTY COMPANY. 325 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. MAIN 2330. 6 ROOM house, full basement, piped for fur nace, laundry trays, built-in side board, bath. Newly tinted. Rents for $25 per month. Only $2800; cash $500. See Mr. Felker, THE BRONG COMPANY, INC.. Main 174 3. 267 H Oak St. MODERN 5 RM. BUNGALOW; IRVINOTON 6 rooms and Bleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, everything modern and complete. 60x100 ft. lot, beautiful vines and shrubbery. $3."00 Easy terms. R. F. FEEMSTER. 809 Abington bldg. SIX room house, E. 33d. near Clinton, lot 50x 100, $2250. 6 rooms, lot 4 0x100, Haw thorne district, near 84th, $2000. 3 rooms, lot 50x100. Hawthorne, close in, $1200. 314 Lumber Exchange. WILL sell all or part of my property at Univer sity Psrk. which includes 7 lots S3 1-8x100 ft. and 7 room modern house, full basement, outbuildings and ' good family orchard. Price $3400; reasonable terms. E-900, Journal. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 5 rooms, modern. $2600. $500- down. $23 monthly. Full basement, fireplace, built-in fea tures, all street Improvements in and paid. R. F. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington bldg. ROSE CITY , CAR Roasmere bargain. Six room modern," paved street paid; attractive, nice yard, new furnace; $4200, on terms. Write owner today. P. O. box 855, or H-745, Journal. - SIX ROOM BUNGAGLOW Thoroughly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built-lns; good district. 1 V, blocks to ear; bargain price, easy payments if desired. J. C. CORBIN CO., 805-7 Lewis bldg. IRVINGTON PARK $500 DOWN 6 rm, modern bungalow, bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, hdw. floors, 50x100 lot 3 blks. school, 2 blks. csr; $2800. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. $3700 E. 14tU. nesr Belmont; 6 rooms, fully modern, furnace, fireplace, dandy paved st. , all psid; value fully $5000. Owner leaving city and offer at this sacrifice for quick sale with easy terms at 6 Si per cent. R. W. Fisher, 408 Stock Exchange. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2750 5 rm. bungalow, finished attic, fireplace, hwd. floors, full basement; close to car and schools. $500 down. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. 7 ROOM house, partly furnished! for sale or trade, $2500, on easy terms, also fine furni ture of 6 rooms and house for rent. Will be in the office from 10 to 5 Sunday. BARR, 431 Lumbermans bldg. $2650 $300 cash and $20 per month takes modern 7 room home, fair garage, 100x120 with lots of fruit. This is not fancy but a good, comfortable home. 508-9 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. Marshall 865. FOR SALE Small house "and-lot in Albina district: 15 minutes' walk from Union sta tion; price is right; no agents. Call owner. East 7480. MAIN 7809 614 PANAMA BLDG. We have the best and cheapest homes in the city listed; will trade your city for acreage and farm for city. Richards A Collier. IF YOU sre looking for a, close fta east side bargain come in snd see me. 8 rooms $2650. $1000 cash. bal. terms. GIBSON. 266 Stark. Mar. 12. BUY from owner, a new 6 room modern home, hardwood floor, fireplace, etc, south of Mt. Tabor, near Franklin high school; $3500 takes this and furniture, one third cash. Call D-1110. GANTEN BEIN ave 7 rooms. basemeAt, ce- I n.en t floor, fireplace, Bargain at $2600. $500 cash, $25 month GIBSON. 296 Stark Mar. 1 2. OWNER must sell at sscrifice, 6 room house, nice lawn, cement walk and paved streets: only 81850. Sellwood 12-8. DOWNRIGHT bargain, 8 room modern home, owner.' $500 cash payment. Monday, Broad- way 944. , $250 CASH, 5 room bungalow, with reception hall and cement basement, garage; $1975. Miss Slocomb, 624 Henry bldg. Main 7268. NEW 4 room house. 50x100 lot. walking dis tance to shipyards, $1350. $75 down. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. $"206 CASHT(3ozy 6 room house, with bath, near Eastmoreland ; $1000. Miss 81ocomb. 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266. PENINSULA home for sale by owner 6 room modern house, near Jefferson high school, H block to carline. Call Woodlawn 2028. EAST 83d sU 8. E. 5 rooms, bath, toilet, bssement, $1700. $200 cash, $15 per mo. Gibson, 266 Stark. Mar. 12. 8 ROOM house, on paved street; all assessments paid; lots of fruit and berries: lot 50x120. Call at 668 E. 21st, or phone Sellwood 3477. FOR BALE Equity in good 4 room modem house: cloee to ship yards and R. R. shoos: sell or trade for light esr. 888 Missouri sve. FOR SALE fl Urge rooms, house nesr Broad way bridge, at 826 Benton st, by owner. FOR SALE 5 room bouse, furnished or un furnished; near Peninsula Park, 1408 Kerby. 5 ROOM house on Jessup St., on easy terms. Price $1800. 318 Msin St.. Vancouver. Wn. TWO small houses. Montavilla. 1 In Fulton7"by owner, easy terms. Phone Sellwood 1551. 5 ROOM modern house, 45x100; price 81500. Call Tsbor 360 Mondsy or later. 1 ROOM house,- patent toilet, pantry. Owner, Tabor 4510. 6 ROOM modem house, 1 block from car. 78 Schoefield st. Woodlawn 812. SELL S room house close to shipyard seQ scre age. Marshall 3441. SPLENDID 6 room bungalow, near Montavilla ear. $1 880. Tabor 9 569. C?TY and country property, sen and rent, " . BENEDICT, t6H Oak. Msln 1748. 7-ROOM house in Albina for sals by owner? 168 Fargo st HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $2350 51st st, 60x112 lot, near esr. Tabor 8824. $16006 room modern cottage, close to school and csr. Cash or terms. T-791, Journal. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $2350 61st st. 60x112 lot, nesr ear. Tabor 8824. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow. 62 E. 29th st E. 4744. C-992. J purest. 6 ROOM -house.' lot 50x150. corner. 2 blocks from carline. 4548 61st st 8. E. Ta. 6945. LOOK at $87 E. 07th N. Rose City. $2350. Terms. Monday, Bdwy. 944. NIFTY bungalow cheap. East 8225. . 8 ROOM cottage, Sunuyjide; cheap. Sett. 2753. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 FALLS CITY MORTGAGE CO., 517-519 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. OPEN SUNDAYS Hawthorne Home $3000,00 8500 cash, balance to suit; 5 room modern bungalow, furnace, fenced, garage, good garden: one of finest homes in Hawthorne, and a real snap; right on Hawthorne ave. " $2000 0 room, modern except beat; 2 lots 50x100 each; 1 block to Mt Tsbor car; this is an exceptionally good buy, and 8500 cash will handle, balance to suit your convenience and conditions. $2100 7 room, modern except heat, full basement, in Ainsworth ave.. all street assessments paid; this has a beautiful garden, lawn, and is one of the finest homes in that district; only su cash, balance any way you want. $1800 SHOO cash and the balance as long as you want it st 7 7. interest: this is a beautiful 5 room modern bunzalow in the Woodstock dis trict snd only 1 block from csr line; nothing better for the money in Portland. $1550 4 room semi-modern bungalow, Mt. Scott car 1 block, about 20 minutes out; this is a dandy buy at the price, and only $100 cash handles it. $1400 Furnished House 6 rooms completely furnished, 2 rooms up stairs not furnished, beautiful larse lot (63xl3S) ail fenced, north of Lents; $250 cash, balance to suit. $1100 4 room house snd bath, 6 blocks from Mt. Scott car. ex:ra large lot; this is a good house, newly painted and calcimined, 2 bedrooms, hot water tank, sink; house alone worth more than the price asked; only $225 cash, balance monthly. $950 3 room honee, electric licht, sidewalk and street graded Alberta car. 1 block to car; only $100 cash, temu to suit; if you need a home and can get aleng in 3 rooms, be sure and see this. $850 v."f"".r.; ST w Toom ,BVS not in) ; this Is a resl bungalow, newly painted and is in good condition, basement, cement foundation, sink, etc.: $150 cash, balance $10 a month and 6?4 interest. $800 4 room cottage. 4 blocks to car and 1 block ! to sidewalk, nice yard, all fenced, near Firland , station, Mt. Scott car; only $100 cash, balance monthly to suit. $700 2 room house (shack), fine lot, sewer, side walk, all assessments paid, . Montavilla car, 2 blocks from car; a good place to live and stop paying rent and moving around. Sellwood Snaps $1500 6 room semi-modern, 150 feet from csr, on graded street and walk, sewer in snd all as sessments paid, between 2 schools, small cellar, some fruit trees; only $200 cash, balance $15 a month and interet. $1350 -rooms and bsth, sewer and gas, garage and woodshed; a real snap: will take $500 ca.-h. balance any way you want, FALLS CITY MORTGAGE CO., 517-51 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Open Sundays ACT QUICKLY OR FORGET IT $1800, $200 cash, bslance small monthly pay ments, int. 6 per cent; 6 rooms, corner lot, paved street, worth $2500. $1850 $150 cash, balance $25 and interest per month; 6 rooms, comer lot. 5 piece plumbing, fireplace, gas, electricity, ' built in features, nice porch, fruit and garden, easily worth $2500. $1200 $100 cash: 8 rooms, lot 60x200. Montavilla; $15 per month, $ 400 $40 cash, balance $10 per month; fine acre tract. $8000 $250 cash; fine home, 715 E. Bum side. 7 rooms, oak floors, furnace, modern, best buy in city: balance $36 per month, C. W. BARRINGER 248 Stark st. Phone Main 2558. Office Open Sunday. HOUSE BARGAINS 6 room modern bungalow, full basement, fire place, built-in conveniences, corner lot, 60x100; owner on tlie premb-es Sunday, 10 to 5; Mt Scott car. 7332 64th ave., corner 74th st. Price $2300, terms. Hawthorne district, neat 5 room modern bun galow, fireplace and built-in features: cement basement, waib trays, garage, paved street, lot 50x98; extra neat snd sttractive; $3000, $1000 cash. Richmond district, 6 room, strictly modern bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, large floored attic: make good pool or dancing room; exceptionally fine home for 41'O0. terms. Very neat 4 room modern bungalow, close in. Sellwood carline; a real bargain for $2300, easy terms. Alberta district, 5 room modern bungalow, fireplace, built-in features, nsr Alameda park, $25Q0, $400 cash. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 1 65 H 4th st. HARD TO BELIEVE FOLLOW THIS AD. CLOSELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW, GARAGE. $3000 5 room bungalow with hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet, cement basement, wash trays, on a paved street in a splendid restricted district, lot 48x100, all improvements in and paid. Furnished with practically new furni ture. Garage. Perfect title. For eoodness sake, hurry. Don't let someone else beat you to this bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st, nesr 3d. Main 8516. MT. SCOTT SACRIFICE 4 room house, completely furnished; plsno. tables, stoves, bed, etc. Clear of sll incum brances. Price $1800, $400 cash, balance like rent. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $5500 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, window scats, library has French doors; several bookcases, art glass doors; beautiful massive buffet with art glass. Dutch kitchen, furnsce. 76x100 lot. close to esr; house slone worth $7000. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark st Main 583. ALBERTA DISTRICT $3200 Only V, block to car. tt rooms snd sleeping porch with one bedroom on first floor, fireplace, full cement base ment, wash trays. A real classy home and practically new. House alone worth more ' than price asked. Terms to suit J. A. WICKMAN CO.. .3 14 Stark ft. Main 583. ROSE CITY PARK CAR $3000" 5 room bungalow real attractive and nsw- n xe just nan diock irom car. no assess ments to assume: $300 cash, balance $25 monthly. You will want this for a home. A G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st, near 80. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th snd Ssndy. MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE Just like new. Large rooms, fireplace, fur nace, basement, fine lawn, full lot, near park east of Albina car. This will please you. $3750. See Mr. Irwin. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main 7266. 024 Henry bldg. $2200 7 ROOM house, full basement 2 toil eta, bath, lot 80x100; nice fruit trees, 2 blocks from Mt Scott car, $1100 cash, balance like rent This is s snsp. A. J. FARMER 408 Stock Exchange ' SAY, look st that house. No. 546 E. 84th st, sll improvements in and psid for. This Is close In property and nothing like it esn be had for the price. $2500. $500 cash is aU you need, balsnce monthly payment. M. J. Clc- heeay. 415 Abington bldg. $1800 5 room bunealow, lot 142x100, near Woodstock car. This place is worth $2500. Listed for quick sals at price quoted. Terma J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark st Main 683. RICHMOND DISTRICT 81750 0 rm. bungalow, bath, electricity, gas, corner lot, 0 blks. school, 3 blks. car. Easy terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE, 6 room house, 50x100 lot, $1850; also 2 Vs acres 7 miles from P. O. Stnall house $2500. Main 2246. 4 ROOM house, 200x100, fruit and berries. 2 B. from University street, St Johns car, $1800. $300 cash. 815 Couch bldg. Mn. 4613. 7 ROOM house and 2 lots at Tremont station. 1 block to car, $1800. Easy terma, 325 Lumber Ex.. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 Weekly Bargains BOSSMERE $3800 7 -room modem bungalow, all on one floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace. Aa ideal home. All improvements in and paid for. Two blocks from car. Terms. WAVEHLEIGH HEIGHTS $3750 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, cement basement, furnace, laundry tray, garage. A dandy home. Terms. $3000 Modern bungalow on 62nd st, hard wood floors, fireplace, cement basement, fine lawn and rosea. One block to car. Terms. 18th STREET $3000 Close to Ladd Addition, rooms, 50x100 lot. garage, bath, toilet, lights, etc Improvements in and paid for. $500 caan. Ha Lance to suit. We have many places from $500 up. Most any terms desired. We have automobiles at your dis posal. Ask for W. W. Jordan, manager of house department. Inside property dealers. Ground floor. Henry bldg. iSome Choice Bargains in Orv,ll U, UfUU: D L f Ionian nuineb vviunij neaui uii$32 Almost Anyone, on Very Good Terms, Avoid Paying High Rents $1800 Nice bungalow. 920 42d St., south of Hawthorne ave.: $250 to $300 cash. $2o and 7 per cent interest per month. 12100 6 room house, including furniture, ex- cept piano; full lot with fruit and shrub- , . bery, well kept lawn, only short distance from Union avenue, opposite Piedmont. Mut have $1000 cash. $1900 5 room cottage, on Woodstock are. f.0S,ft ,Bh will . ... I, $3000 5 room modern bungalow, well built: has good cement basement, furnace, large ' attic; must have $t)00 cash. This is on : L. Couch st. $3000 7 room house, H block from Wil liams ave., $300 will handle it, balance monthly installments. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. STRICTLY MODERN HOUSES ON HERMS $1400 6 rm., near M.V. cart ea?y terms. $2300 4 rm.. attic, blk. to A. car; $200 cash. $2350 5 rm., mod. bung., st Firland ata. $2830 6 rm. mod. bung., furnace. E. 24th. $3500 7 rm., mod., garage, 80x100 lot. on E. 3t;h. $4150 5 large rms.. inc. St. imps. R.C. P. $4700 6 rm. mod. bung., near Udurelhurst Park. $5000 6 rm. mod. bung.. Piedmont near Park. $6000 7 rm. mod. house. Irvlngton. on 21st, $5500 7 rm. mod. bung.. 2 imp. acres, close in. $11,000 Irvlngton house; $7850, must sac rifice. MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM RUTH FIE LP, 518 Fenton Bldg, Broadway 637. 250 HOUSES FOR SALE Over 250 houM-s for sale on our list to se lct from. Have houses in every district st al-mo.-t nny price and terms you want. Hsve photographs of these houses with full d-1 We have some remarkable bargains. Would be very i pieasea to nave you call and look over our list. We can be of service to you in finding the home you are looking for. Autos to show our property. Pee FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 106 8. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROSE CITY PARK CAR Moving to Idaho; must sell at once; hot-water heater; 6 rooms, fireplace, bookcases, beauti ful electric fixtures, tapestry, papered, hard wood floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays. Terms to suit most de sirable purchaser. Take Liberty bonds. PHONE TABOR 4562. $3500 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $3500 0 re-cm artiftie bungalow, full lot on paved street, 1 block to car, hardwood floors, furnace,' fireplace, sleeping porch, paneled dining room, plate rail, built in buffet and other conven iences, Dutch kitchen. Standard plumbing. Price $3500, terms. Ws have other bargains in this district See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. BUILT BY OWNER; LEAVING CITY $2100; $500 cash or clear lot on bard surface road; down payment. baL eaay terms. Attractive cottage, 4 rooms and white enam eled Dutch kitchen, city water and gas. berries and nice gardi-n. lot 100x174. plenty of room tor 2 or 3 more houses S. E near Tremont station. Mt Scott car. REALTY A MTU. CO.. 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2031. $1600 HOME $2 0L DOWN. $10 PER 6 room home on full lot. aood haj&emunt hath toilet, electric lights snd gas. cement walk and graded street, fruit and bernea. close to car and school, good neighborhood; price $1600. $200 down. $10 per month. No street liens or mort gage. On 4 2d ave. See FKANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068 $ 2 C 5 0 ARTISTIC BUNG A LO W $ 26 50" A 6-rm, modern bungalow, on full corner lot, good basement, laundry trays. modern plumbing, builtin conveniences, fireplace. Ihitch kitchen, elect, and gas., ne. cor. E. 83d and Davis. Price $2650, terms; close to car and school. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $4250 $4250 LOVELY HOME ON DIVISION ST. $1500 cash and terms. '1H story. 0 rooms, modern Ivory enameled rooms, fine snd corn plete, with fireplace, cement basement, nice lawn, prunes, cherries, apples and beautiful flowers. Lot 60x100. Near 36th rt Realty A Mtg. Co.. 633 Cham, of Com. Main 2051 $1100. $800 DOWN AND ASSUMEr$300 at 7 Nice little 6 It house in Milwaukie, Estaeada elec. line. Well built has water snd trees. Might tske low priced cheap lot part in ex chsnge REALTY A MTG. CO., 633 Ch. of Com.. Main 2051. MODERN 5 room bungslow; fireplsce, furnsce, cement bssement, Dutch kitchen, floored st tic : full lot corner. Reasonable price snd good terms. See owner at premises, 107 E. 56th st. '.. 1 block south from Montsvills car. $00 BARGAIN IN BRENTWOOD 4 rooms snd large shed for summer kitchen. Variety of fruit Fenced. Part down, bal. easy REALTY A MTG. CO., 033 Chsm. of Com. Main 2051. FIVE roisn modern, 50x100 lot fine fruit and flowers, one block to pavement snd csr. A home the wife will like. $2500; your own terms in reason. McReynolds, 214 Abington bldg. Msin 4141. 6 ROOM bungslow. corner lot 50x100. fruit tree, hot and cold water. Located in Sell wood. Price $1700. $500 cash. R-867, Journal. BARGAIN 8 room home, Irvington; cost $10,- 000. take $3000 less: sons in irair: 3500 down, balance like rent; fine location; lot 66x 100. Phone East 273. NICELY furnUhed 5 room bungalow with piano and garage, on Cook are. Price $3000, $1000 cash, balance to suit. Gllson A Morris. 431 Chamber of Commerce. NICE 4 rxim house. 4 631 62d St. S. E.. 1 block from car. Price $850, $200 down, balance $15 month. Go see it Sunday. See owner at 406 Ry. Ex. bldg. Phone Mam 7980. SURE BARGAIN $2400. Rose ,City Park bungalow. 57th st. nesr car; $400 down. $25 month, Kennedy & Miller. 329 Salmon st Phone Main 4789 or C-2097 mornings. COZY little bungalow, lot 50x100. convenient to Sellwood and Oregon City cars, river view. 494 Rex sve. Sellwood car. FOR SAIJJ A good 7 room house, large lot 60x108, all in good condition. H block from carline. Sell. 8202. NORTHEAST 20 minutes. $2500. wstt to Broadway bridge, 8 rooms snd basement bath, gas and electric light Phone East 8877. FOR SALE or trade. 100x100. near Crystal Lake Park; small house and fruit trees. Call Woodlawn 5090. 6-ROOM house, sleeping porch, electric light, gas, 60x100 lot Cash or terms. Reason able. Owner, Woodlawn 4348. SNAP 5 room bouse ana .ot OUX100 feet on Onion ave. near earring at. hard surface it paid, Only $2500, Nelu. 816 Coach bus. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 81 BmP B UTLDETRS ATTENTION $528. an cash, buys 60x100 lot sad 8 room dilapidated eottsge; 7 or 8 large bearing frmt trees, located on the west side ef Courtney st. 60 ft. north of Hunt. 4700 $850 cash. 8 room eottaga, complete ly furnished. 1690 Courtney St. $1280 $100 cash. S garge rooms and 5 Ox 100. at 90 West KUlingsworth. $1609' $400 cash. 6 room modern bun galow. 1788 Hunt st. $2100 8400 cash, large 4 room bungalow, with large porches, 63x107; 1800 Chautauqua blvd. 82625 8500 cash, 4 room modern bunga low with 1 (Mix 100; aU kinds of fruit and ber ries, 1308 Wilbur st. These properties are all located about half way between here and St. Johns snd merit your inspection. FRED W. GERMAN tXX. 732 Cham, ef Com. bkig. VEHICLE TO SUCCESS Few base the natural gift of discriminating, able to recognize a diamond in the ROUGH. The assises will pass over it. Do you realise if you bay a piece of acreage In a good loca tion, plait fruit trees, fence it and make a real home out of it, seme guy will come along and almost force you to accept his life's earn ings foe itf Why! Because in it be can THEN see an easy living. I OFFER JUST THAT OPPORTUNITY TO YOU NOW. THE ACRE WITH 5 ROOM HOT SS IS AT 31ITH AND ALBERTA STS. PHONE WDLN. 4883. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. ' 27th and Alberta st. BOSK CITY PATtK 7 Rooms. 100x100. fiaraira X4AMI w ... ... - . - isini pass rnis un. nv not be th nm .A. J attractive bungalow with all room lth hardwood floors, fireplace.! COnenenCer ,round "" ""'built-in buffet, bookcases, with street improve ceptionally attractive a regular park with big , m.n.. - .nd Dajt, t , urlc. of i250. did , . ... . . . . kE3 ,' JnnVDrJr. i-aved street, leas than y, n,-, pruiy what we have to sett block from Sandy. Garage Requires $ 15 00 m terms, too. A. TEEPE CO . 264 ..K' 2 DOW (.T5EP?. ro - Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516. Branch ot- ",n "raucn i Look! Hawthorne District Not sble to care for property, will sell my j home. 5 room bungalow (new), $3200, 1 block j to Hawthorne car, on 42d st.; 6 room bungalow, i 50x124 lot, block to Sunnyskle car. on 44th st.. $2750; no mortgage on either one of these properttoe, paved street and sewer Included in price; $400 cash, $20 per month, 6 '! interest. K - 6S8. Journal. 00 $5200 . BUNGALOW OVERLOOKS RIVER Cash, Liberty bonds and good auto part pay ment, or take In small modern bungal.ra, Haw thorne preferred. 1 V story. 8 rooms and sleep ing porch. mdern, cement basement, garage, lot 50x170. fruit, borries. fine garden, pared street, assessments paid N. S cur S blocks 1101 1st tt. REALTY Sc MTU CO., 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main Cl.M. WANT TO BUY IN ROSE CITY ? ; The owner of one of Rose City Park's most beautiful bungalows has been transferred to Se- attle and Is forced to sell. Five rooms and breakfast room. All of the up to features you would expect to find in s perteet i, L ii ' ouugmiow. just a diock irom car. it will ', :. . ' , a0,nn" be pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.' electricity, gas, on paved street. Price l.DUU oiingalow. Just a block from car. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516. i. i. - office. CiOth and Sandy. $250 DOWN ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $2250 6 room bungalow, cement basement, laundry trays, 3 bedroom, white enamel, plumbing, fix- hv, ,w TZA? ." J. s der good lot as part payment. A bargain. E. 4Sth st. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $2500 REAL COUNTRY HOME $2500 3 acres, all cleared, with about 600 f,ot frontage on Base Line road, paved all the way to town, 1 block to Mt. Hood depot, 6 room plastered house, large barn and orchard. Re member this: Faces on Columbia highway. Price only $2500. $500 handles. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BI.IG . To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. TP I could only get your attention, could get you to investigate, persuade you to make a de posit, you would be the most cor.tenf-d person in Portland, providing this r room house. block from Alberta st , at $95o i think of it. $950) will suit your requirements. Phone Wood lawa 4 803. JOHN R MATTHEWS. 27th and Alberta sts. $2200 PENINSULA BUNGALOW 100x100 6-room, new, modern, double constructed bungalow. 100x100 lot. white enamel plumb ing futures, built-in conveniences, on Interstate st.. close to school and car, only built 2 years, a great sacrifice. Price only $2200. on terms. The lot should be worth price asked. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. ToBuy Your Home. Maiu 1068. $1800 PENINSULA BUNGAIXJW TERMS" 4-room bungalow; bath, toilet, electricity and gas, fnll corner lot; fruit trees; room for gar den: on pared st, near Prescott and Minnesota; convenient to sll shipyard. Price $lb00; $300 down, $ 1 8 per month See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON B' DO. To Buy Y our Home. Main 1068. $ 30 0 0 E A STTMO fi TR" I SONS T TERMS 7 room bungalow. Use new, white enamel plumbing, fixtures, elect and gas, good ceo,ent basement, fruit snd flowers: 1 b!tcks to Mt Tabor cnr. price $3000. $3u0 d. wn, $25 per month, including intere t. 50x135 )0t FRANK L M'GUIRE. Abington bldg To Buy Your Home. Main 106 8 . ,2m, n $250 DOWN. $35 Mo. ISC. TvF ju;is mthi st. 1 w story. 6 rooms, not mod em sewer, electricity, ga. city water, fruit garden, berries, big lot 75x160. paving assess ments inc. in price. N. S streetcar about 3 blocks. Fine view. REALTY A MTG. CO , 633 Chamber of Commerce Main 2051. 5 ROOMS, absolutely modern : could expand to 8 or 0 rooms. Worth $4 00o, but I'm go ing to sell It this week for what I can get. Come look it over and make me an offer if you want to save some real money. Prefer all cash but wonld accept as little as one-fourth cash with proper terms. Owner. 1175 E. 27th N. 5 KOOMS. 64 E. 81st. . . .T 2000. $fdo down 7 rooms. 60 Prescott st . . . S280O, $200 down 9 rooms. 629 Webster st. . . . 82SOO, $500 down 5 rooms, 821 Sumner st .... $2000, $ 100 dowa These sre sll good buys snd jour lnspectloa Is invited. FRED W. GERMAN CO , 732 Cham, of Com. $1700 WOODLAWN ADDITION. $1700 Owner 14 13 Vulcan St.. will make terma 6 R., bsth snd pantry, wired for elec. liehta Lot 60x100, fig, cherry, apple and peach trees flowers. See it. REALTY A MTG. CO 633 tn. of torn. Main 2051. $1800 BU NGALOW. EASY TERMS. 6-room bungalow, A-l condition, modern plumbing, fruit, flowera and berries. An at tractive horns. 66ih st. S. E. See. FRANK L. MeGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. STRICTLY modern, nearly new concrete-bloc"k. tile roof residence, cost $16,000 to build, with double garage, for sale for $8000, be cause owner desires to. leare city. Situated at 1326 Fsemont st. Rose City Park. CU there or Home phone C-32U2. WELL built modern bunaglow, 5 rooms on floor, 2 bedrooms In attic, big bathroom, full base ment, electric and gas, fine Iswn. roses and flowers, on H.8. street 1 blk. to Richmond car, all improvements in; price $2800. See owner 031 Division st EXTRA GOOD BUY Nice little farm right in Portlsnd. 1 Mock to car, making good bring: only $3500, $1000 cash, balance easy. F. Fuchs. 4 20 Chamber of Commerce. WHY PAY RENT f $1750, 6 room cottage, in Woodlawn, bath room, garage, lot 50x100. Terms. Phone I Wdln. 4165. 620 Liberty st j 5 ROOMS. MODERN7$1900 ! It would cost $2500 to build the rtouse alone. It is a bargain. 219 Lumbermen bldg.. 5th snd Stark. $2650 By owner, well arranged 5 room modern bun galow. Improvements paid, on Fultou car line; $750 cajh Apply 697 Marshall st near 21st $2400 SEE THIS $2400 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace wen lurnisnea, an goes lor zuo. . - . , . cash payment. Wash. bldg. Crockett-Starker ' NEW 4 room house. 60x100 lot; wa.king rUs-6r7- BliiVTiv aVZ XS.T.. t. in: Unce to rhtpyard. $1300. $75 down. See svivr nitvo f - s ' rj ae suvtavs u sj ' v-9 1 1 ! R0y12V P. lock from ear line $1600.00. ! $750 cash, balance two years. 88 East 70th st. North. 7imri: 7 o .. I ..J i. nA.foT st University Park, 150 ft from St. Johns car line. Part down, rest payments.' For sale by owner. Phone Col. 768. $r0O"A8Hbuys 8 room modern house. Rose City, lsrge lot, 1 block from car, on 69th St., $2750, at $30 per month, including in terest Tabor 4466. Owner. $10,000 Seven Tat bldg., lot and furniture, $100 too. Income. 300 Henry bldg. FINE modern 7 room house, hardwood floors, builtin conveniences, large lot, fruit trees, $2400; terms. 6519 60th st 8. E. FIVE room bouse, lot 50x100, C104 39th 8. E. Gss, electric light $1050 cash sve. or terms. Phone Tabor 104 2. FOR SALE 1 good 5 room house, 50x100 lot fruit trees; aU in good shape; by owner. Sellwood 2126. PAY rent to yourself by buying this neat 4 room house nesr car; small s mount of cash and reasonable terms. Qwner. Sellwood 780. TWO" 8" room bungalows I on EI 18th st, furnished; 1 in Kosunere, unfurnished. Owner, East 4148. 4 ROOM bungslow, lot 40x100, $800, $200 down. $10 a mo. and interest 6316 Both st, B. E. 4 ROOM bungalow, 11 minntes from Jefferson st depot, 5c fare, ideal for South Portland ship work era; terms. Write Box 28. Aloha, Or. HOUS'ES From $1600 up to $5060"; coma in and investigate; will supply your wants on easy term, saam eeee. j. j. r ma.r. I HOUSE AND LOT Boss City. Textaa like rent 1 Mack. 12$ Second st REAL ESTATE FOR KALK " F.H 61 JUST BEYOND PIEDMONT BARGAIN 83300 Out ef town owner instructs us to eel at once beautiful bungalow with every modem ooa- venience. Everything right up to tne minute hardwood floors. fireplace. built-in buffet, French doors with beveled plate glass, very em- pensive light fixtures, etc Just a block from car. No assessments to assume: anuu caan. balance monthly. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at near Sd. Main 8516. Branch of fice, 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK If yon are familiar with values this win Interest you. Six rooms and sleeping porch, big fire place, furnace, every modern convenience, half block to car. $3800. 3500 cash. This is at least 3600 below present value. See MR. GRANT. COE A. M'KENNA A CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4522. $2650 PENINSULA BUNGALOW. TERMS 5 room, double constructed, attractive bua galow, like new. white enamel bath, toilet and lavatory, elect, and gas. full basement, floored attic, screened in back porch, close to school snd St. Johns car. On Concord st. Price $2650. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home, ' Main 1048. Do YOU WANT MY BUNGALOW! Tt', , hot 1 mnt m it i'losa to Sandy. wet of the hilL Strictly modern, 5"1 rooms, bath. den. fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors throughout, big living room, the kind you like. Massive buffet. If you don't want to spend $3750 for a borne, don't kok at this, for it'll sure tempt iou. Easy terma Let me show von Owner. East 1947 after 6 r. m. r, eoeMrriiiS ioffrx LALnLUULUOl t.VOV , . ,t.i ion DPivr (iifflctei n uut , umuui ui v Hre. 50th and Sandy, $1800 PORTLAND HEIGHTS TERMS. 4 room sttractive bungalow, with sleeping porch, white e named plumbing fixtures; some view; in district of nice homes. Price only $1800, $000 down. $150 semi-annually; no mortgage or city liens to assume. No. 460 17th st, near Clifton. See FRANK L. MeGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. TO THE LOVER OF THE BEAUTIFUL IN NATURE: One acre, with 4 room house, overlooking 'Oswego lake; unsurpassed view; beautiful trees; electricity, fireplace, water piped in house; all conveniences. Price very low; at Ooodin station on S. P.. 30 minutes' from city, 10c commutation fare. 11 6161. ask for Bischoff, or C-093. Journal. , HAWTHORNF $3150 Come, see this sttractive home on a full 50tl00 lot. This is a real bargain. Plenty of t fruit hrrlM etc Street imDrovements all in ,uid paid. A. ?. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3016. Branch office, 50th d Sandy. 12500 MOUNT TABOR HOME $2500 6 room double constructed home on foil lot. good basement, ideal view, modern plumbing. urmi nee FRANK L. M GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG To Buy lour Home. ssain ivnn. $2250. EASY TERMS 6 room house, bath, full baaement, all kinds fruit, ready to pick; 2 Mocks KilUngsworth. Su Johns car. Let n.o show you this good buy. See Mr Alton. COE A. M'KENNA A CO.. T27 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4523. BY OWNER, on easy terms, new 4 room bun galow, double constructed, large attle. chicken house, fruit trees, shrubbery and garden, lot 100x100. corner 77th and Fremont. 1 V blocks south of Sandy blvd. Rose City car. FOR .SALE 4 room bungalow, basement, let room, bathroom. Dutch kitchen, built-in linen eloet and bookcases. Must be seen to be appreciated. Roselawn ave., block from Union ave. $2000 Terms. Owner, 1166 Mississippi j ave Tel. Wdln. 670. i Sir ST "ell by September 1. Hsve been ssklng SJ.100. but in ordr to move quickly, no res- socabl cash offer will be refused. Six large rooms, il,-n nrl bath. Full basement, large attic. Lot I .Mis 100. Fruit and berries. Near school. Tsbor i 6734. 4 ROOM COTTAGE FURNISHED $1370 4 room cottage, furnished, large lot. fruit trees, sll street improvements paid. 15 minutes to Broadway and west. Mississippi ear. Mo t have $500 cash. 904 Minnesota ave. near Blandt-na at FOR SALE 2 five room modern houses, be tween Buffalo ami Holland on Mississippi sve, 1 block from Kenton carline; $1800 each. Call Main 8947. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $950. Coxy, nearly new 6 room bungalow, near naber. 8. 1'. electric; lot 75x120 feet; $260 caih. balsnce $15 monthly, which includes in terest City gas for cooking and lighting. J W. Crossley, Owner. 270 Stark. $ 1 250 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $1 250 4 r-ora plastered bungalow, white enamel bath end toilet. 50x100 kit. fine garden, close to rar and school. $250 down. See FRANK L McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLTXV. To Buy Your H' me. Main 1068. $1600 BUYS North Irvlngton 4 room. stUsctTve cottage, electric lights, bath, full lot. fruit, flowers, paved street and sidewalk paid. Terms, $600 cash, balance 3 year 7 per cent Mc Geire, 645 Union ave. N. East 5407. HO.SE CITY PARK $2750 8 room bungalow, strictly modern ex cept heat Street im. in and all paid but $5. Terras. J. A WH K M AN CO.. 314 Stark st Main 583 FOR PALE A 2 story residence to be moved, situated between Alder, Taylor. 12th snd 18th sts.. city. Apply to Richard Martin Jr. archl t-r. 455 lUssalo st Phones East 6585, C- 124 6. FOR SALE A modern 7 room bou. lot 120i 120, 20 ft alley, garage and chicken hmixa ATI kinds of fruit and Kernes, lots of rosea 6604 ."Wth ave S E. Tabor 261. r $3500 TAKES this moderri 6" room Rome, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, garaue. Phone Wdln. 4537. 1229 Esst 27 th N. CAN'T BEAT THIS. 8 room houte. 4 sleeping rooms up evatrv i 56x100 lot; 2 blocks of Hawthorne; $2600. $800 down, eauy term. Tabor 986JJ TUREE room bungalow, screen porches front chicken yard, gsrden. electric lights cement walks, etc.. $1850. eaay terms. Benedict. 267 4 Osk. Msin 1743. FOR "SALE. n the peninsuls. near shirysrd. 100 xlOO lot. good 5 room shack house. 2 Vs blocks to St Johns car. 1749 Woolsey st; cement walk. $1750; good terms. HA LF "A?" R E. 6 rTiom bungs low. beautiful view and lav. s. trees, best of garden nll, hard sur face pavement Hawthorne line. Terms, Owner. N-8l'4. Journah Al l OOF S f n$ 2 5 00. s-rooin old hoi,,, 4 big lots, fruit trees. h-rries. large chicken house and run. Owner, 4009 76i!i t. . E. Tabor 213. $.riQ Irge 4 room bouse, garage, modem except ba'h, 50xlo0. Irvir.gton Park near car. The greatest birgaln yet. $150 down. Kennedy A Miller, 30 Salmon. MOLEItNTZl' your building: all kinds of repairs. Bee mr .designs for new bouses Max M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg Main 1373. Formerly Sups. Oregon Home Builders. FOR SAI L or trade for ct'v rruprty, modern home 6 rooms and hath, on Orreon fit, csrllne. 8 arres. loo bearing fruif trees 2 t3ryi; sll fenced Id; fine scenery; E. Gilsan arte, gsrag-. On. A hsrgiin 7. -653. Journal. ! Hhsdr Road, nut of city limits; harry. R. A .,.,. lo-TtlS" '-rtUnd, Or. or write T-451. JevneT ft. from car. Will sell mt barcain, eesv term; div.'le to suit buyer. I'all (iOlG 62d sve. rt. E. End of Woodstock line. 2 ' PIX room and 2 5 im rn'-i-rn bungalows; terms. Inquire al 4H&5 2Stu sve. 8 K, near Diviion and 47th t Phone Tsbor 6081. GOOD "modem house, .6 rooms, for sale; lot 100x100; nice lawn, roe-. fruit, good chicken hl'ise. 4 s 2 7 4 6th ate. SI: Draper. 401 Board of Trade. I 8 SMALL bungalows, located on b t streets 1 in Hawthpe, Dni $1650 to $2150; terms. Tsbor 0 5 a 4 ROOM cottage near Union ave. and Alberta, on paved street, ch tap, and easy terms. 1042 Unijir o ve. .V Wdln. 3$4. ! FOR SALE, beautiful bungalow, modern, Ttoee City park, reasonable tor cash. Investigate. 637 E. 67th st N. Owser. SIX room house. East S 1st near Gilsan. Monta- villa. Terms to rait Price $1600. Call at East 94 th and Glisaa. NiT'ET nearly new, 4 room bungslow, near Lenta ststion, plaatered. with bsssment $1400, very easy term. B. H. Cook, 602 Stock El. 5 ROOM Louse. 78th and E. Morrison, gas! electricity, sewer paid. $1100, terms. Owner. E 3280. FOR SALE. 7 owner, S room shingled eot- tage, nice location; must sell quirk, Pbooe B-6161. iocs! 92. P. O. box 203, Osw ego. "SMALL HOUSE. 85x100 LOT. $2l Can't best it for value. Close in. Neilaa 4k Psrkhill. 219 Lumbermen bldg.. 6th and Stark. $1000 takes good 5 room plastered' bouse. 2 blocks frovn esr, on Mt Scott carline. C. W. Borders. 4 08 Board of Trade bldg. FIVE room cottage, Williams ate., near Skid- more $2150. Address C. F. Higbee, Tur ner. Or. PIEDMONT liNAPS 8 room eottsge, lisrdwood floor, furnace, fire place $3500. 1042 Union sve. N. L Wdin. 634. 4 ROOMS and Dutch kitchen; 4629 63d at 8. E.. Vfc block south Laurel ood sta. , east front, easy terrds. B. S. Cook. 602 Stock Exchange. 4 ROOM house. Alberta. 3 blocks to ear, 1 block to school. Price $1500; tern-, $26 Lam bar Ex, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 61 Beautiful Olmstead Park Home : Every modern convenience. Down Stairs white enameled. Three fireplaces. 1 Furnace. Built in conveniences. Yery large front porch. . Back porch. Ground area, 100x100. Laws, rosea. large shad trees. la the heart of this beautiful district. Call for Inspection. 04$ Dunckley ave.. Sunday afternoon be- 3 tweea 3 and 5. 1 Take Broadway ear ta Dunckley svsv. Walk two blocks east. Week days see W. W. Jordan, manager house department. . t ' t of w Inside property dealers. Ground floor. Henry Bklg -1 Houses, Easy Terms $2600 3 room modern. 100x100 lot; Mount Tsbor car; terms. $1850 5 room modern. 60x100. corner; near Franklin high school. 81000 4 room, on Peninsula. 80x100. 8 760 5 room, near A r lets school. ' r $ 650 2 room, nesr Arleta school. -A. 1L AKKRSON. 606 Stock Exchange bldg, $3150 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW B room artUtio double constructed bungalow, cement basement, furnace, fireplace and laundry traya, hardwood floors, beamed eeiling, built-in bookcases, paneled dining room with plate rail, white enamel Dutch kitchen, best plumbing fix tures; 50x100 lot. fruit snd flowers. E. 4611$, nesr Alameda, Price $3160, terms. Bee f FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG, To Buy Your Home. Msln 1068. . NOTICE TO HOUSE OWNERS. t We have a strong demand for houses rang ing In pnee from 32000 to 84000, and soma few cltrnt wanting to boy houses from 81006 to 82000. We have unexcelled facilities for effecting immediate sale if prices and terms are ni lit. THE CR088LET-YIOARS CO.. Specialists in Home Properties. 270 Stark St. Main 8062. $2800 1 ACRE; 5-RM HOME. Here is an acre tract and 6-room bom est T3d st., near 42d ave., close to ear. Yoa east raise all your fruit, vegetables and berries, keep a cow and chickens, and cut down the high cost of living, but still hsve all the convenience of the city. Price $2800, on terms. Bee FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home, Main 1068. 5 WOO)MERE One of the prettiest modern 6 room cottages all built-in features, bookcase, buffet, poltshea floors, electric light fixtures, window shades, screens. Dutch kitchen, laundry tray, white enamel bath room, large porch and basement, upstairs unfinished; lot 60x100, gsrden, fruit trees, close to csr and school; all clear $3000: terms. 7700 63d sve. 8. K. Tabor 2591. $2650 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $2650 ' 6 room bungalow, full lot. cement basement, fireplsce, sleeping porch, paneled dining room, built ' in bookcases, Dutch kitchen and sleeping porch, fruit flowers, grape and berries, located in Terrace Park eloe to school snd cars. Price $2660, terms See v FRANK L McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Msin 1688. WILLIAMS AVENUE BARGAIN Six mom modern house, newly decorates! throughout fine 60x100 lot several big bear ing fruit trees, 1227 Williams avenue, near Al berta, on car lino, asphalt street (paid). Im mediate possession, very desirable for ship work ers. Very reasonable terma to reliable party. THE CROSSLEY-VIOARS CO.. 270 Stark St. Main 8052 $197 5 Tt OS fTCtTT HOME $1078 " 7 -room bungalow type home,- with fireplace), white enamel plumbing fixtures, electricity end gsa. built in buffet and Dutch kitchen. Price only $107 5, terms. On E 60th st N. Only 2 years old. See FRANK U M'GTTIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Bay Your Home. Main 1068. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Peninsula ststion, St Johns ear. cloee to aQ shipysrds on Peninsula, large lot 10 bearing fruit trees. 1 block of csr. churches, schools. elect, gsa, full bssement full plumbing. Terma to suit Responsible party. Phone Columbia 1081. ; MODERN WEST SIDE HOME 23 Pavler street, nesr 27th; asphalt street (paid) : 6 nice room, fine neighborhood, con venient to west side ship workers. Price $2360; $5UO casn. balance like rent , THE CROSSLEY-VIOARS CO., 270 Stark St Main 8052 - ONLY $100 DOWN " Buys a S room 'plastered bouse, elec trie rights, gas. plumbing, large lot. on Improved street. ' Price 8950; terms $15 per month, including Interest. Wlllism Realty Co., Grays Crossing. Phone Tsbor 4JS4. $23oo bTTnTTalow' o inviN'otbSf Car " 6 room bungalow, standard plumbing, elect, and gas. sement bssement 60x200 foot lot, fruit snd gsrden, Va block to Irvingtoa ear, rrire $2300; terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Abington bldg. To buy Your Home. Msln 1066. $2600 LAURELWOOD DISTRICT $260w $260 down. baL like rent 2 story, 7 roosns. good outside aed ta. Water, electricity, grapes, be trie, garden. lot 1 00x1 00, improvements paid. All clear. Could not build tm amotint A bar rain IWd K. 62d st S R REALTY A MTG. CO . 6 $6 Cham, of Com. Main 20 6 1 . $2250 HAWTHORNS, BUNGA5W. $2100 5 room bungalow, white enamel bath and toilet, electricity and gas. on paved street, B, 44 th st Easy Urns Bee FKANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLTXJ.. To Buy Yonr Home. Msln 1068, FOR-SALE Near Union ave. and Alberta. room cottage; hardwood floor; fine place. Price $8350. A room eottsge. a big snap, $2200, $800 eash, 6 mom house for rent 1042 Union sve. N Wd In. 684. PRICE $726, $200 DOWN. $15 PER f Five room house, bath, toilet and gas. Ovi E 63d st, near Uhan st, just east of Len reItrort See- FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington Bldg To Buy Yonr Home Mala 1066. f GOING EAST " Will sell mr new bunealow at aaevsfVef st Uii 1 anto part pay. big garden; no wood ta bwy: axes B ROSE CITY HOUSE. $8000 This house U so srragd ss to make it 88500 able for two famitie. Ixok tt over now, Neilaa ParshiU. 219 Lumbermans bldg., 6tb a a Htark rt. FIVE room bungalow in fine condition, large eV tic, full cement basement 60x100 lot, fruit berries snd gsrden; close to 2 carline. $2600. Dieciunt for rash. For sale by owner, 816 & 18th St. N. Phone Woodlawn 5864. $2600 NEAR 8 SHIPYARDS $2600 r - 2 house for ie $2500. V. down. baL like rent Old houses in good condition. REALTY A MTG CO . 6$3 Chan, rt CeL ' Msln 20 51 , , FfYB gALE 4 room modern house, easement, two lots. 1145 Maldon avenue. Berkeley sddftio. Portlsnd. $1400. Soluble terms. A. S. Klein- smith. 612 Monroe street. Oregon City. ' 4 ROOM house, lot bOxlSX, excellent view, frnlt tree and berriee, $2200, part cash, balsnre monthly psraeala Take Mt Scott car to 6HUi. walk two blocks veat 1 north. 69 East 67U st. Inquire next dy.r. l rs Mflscn. - NOW vacant. 6 rooms, close In. 630 E. 234 St. 2d story floored, can finish 2 or 9 rooms, foil basement, cement floor, fireplace, street psred and paid for. price $2500. terms. B. S. Cook. 602 si toe k Exchange bldg. BARGAIN by owner, within 2 V blocks of Franklin high, modern five room bungalow, with built in effects, fireplace, large, lovely sleeping porch, bearing fruit trees, crape arbor, gsrden. $216 65tn St. S E. ' l-flt6)i moo house and garage -ea 61t t . - Rose City Psrk. 632 N. Csn give lmmediste possession. 83700. $1700 cash. baL 7 per ecnt Will be at bouse Sunday bet wen 2 and 4 or phone Sellwood 1714. .- '-. FOR SALE--A dandy 6 room bungalow; all street improvements are in; fruit tree snd chicken yard: lot 88 1-gxlOO. Pries $26e. Will take a lot as pert payment Sew cwawr at premise, 1199 E. Sherman t. FOB SALE 6 room hire ise, Dutch kitchen, ee tent basement, good location; new carline; reasonable price. Woodlewn 2060- 100x100. 6 ROOMS. $223w. 1 blk. frntxt ear.. flUOO cash, balance on time. 210 Lwmber Exchange. 2d tmd 8tsrk. jp5R SALE Modern 7-roeai boose.. East t $162. -