- f THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1918. 9 HELP -WAKTEPTEMALE YOUNG LADIES FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. $9 PER WEEK PAID 9 WHILE LEARNING RAPID ADVANCEMENT TN SALARY PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS APPLY TELEPHONE COMPANY OPERATING SCHOOL. SIXTH FLOOR. PARE AND OAK STS. BETWEEN 8 SO A. M. AND 6:80 P. M. SALESWOMEN, experienced in siLk and dress goods, fsncy goods, all men's furnishings; also one for wrspptng department; mutt be thor oughly experienced, good salary to those who can give good references. Apply mtnagtr. be tween 9 and 11 a to. L. Sbanahan. 266 Wash ington and 125 Third. c HELP 'WANTF.D MALE A5D FEMALE St WANTED 1200 bop picker. Make your v ratton a paying proposition try helping T. A. Mvesley- Co pirk their 660 acrea of hope, lo cated on the following well known yard. Lais- brook, Holm, Murphy aid Percival. aituated at rtajezn ana inaepenaence. Hope very neevy. K.xc.elient camp grounds, store, butcher shop restaurant, fine water, free tent, atraw and wood. Apartment home at Lakebrook. About 18 or 20 days' picking. Will send 300 pickers on August IB. Other special trains will leave Portland about September 3. 4 and 6. Hall road tlcketa and accommodations may he aecured on and after August 10 at 30."k McKay bldg., corner 3d and Stark st. Will pay 60c per box, or fl per hundred pounda. Call early to ecure tlcketa and accommodations, aa Oregon tiaa plowed out 15,000 acres of hops, and many I" plrkera are required to barveet the crop. Phone Main 184 8. MOTEK RARBER COLLEGE Pan yon while learning; give, yon aet of tools, (ua ran feet positions. Write for eatalogna. 284 lornslde st.. or phone Broadway 1781. PORTLAND HAIUSKI l!KK COLL KOI en tr.e barber trade free. Teachea men and woroer pay while learning. 234 Couch. Broadway 242 V7KN. WOMEN. lssrn barber trade free; wage while learning: position guaranteed. ' Oregon Barber College, 22 Msdtsoa. x SEVERAL aollcTtora"" for" Calif. Perfume Co. 168 12th, 1 to 7 p m. 675 Lit ' I fT tRS Lit ew ire; nothing to aelL 646 W J'aylor. 8 to ft t SITUATIONS MALE S BALK.RMAN coTerlng most of Oregon. Washing ton anil part of Idaho by automobile for lost four years desires to connect with responsible house with good line If necessary ran furnish car and eipense money. Q. G. Huukes, Pendle ton hotel, Pendleton. WATCHMAKER. and engrarer wishes good steady work, can crime any time. L. J. Sclnink. Independence. Or. KXPERIKNCF.-D juiiit- r end window cleaner wants piMiltion ereningn and mornings. 8-858. Journnl Yori; man, excellent chauffeur, desires position driving private car from 2 p. m.- to 10 p. Di. and Mondays I, HA5. Journal. i'HAI'FI'Kt'R7 8 years' experience, out of draft, married, sober, honest; best of reference. 474 Alder t. F. C Martin. ROOK K K.KPER wants position. 12 "years1 rrT pcrience. Can take full charge. T-783, Journnl. PAINTING and' ttrTtinr Satisfaction guaran teed.. Call Tabor 618. ELDERLY man. intelligent, wants stesdy po sition N-812. Journal. CARPENTER AND REPAIR WORK It J CROWE, Tabor 7082. rKHiir work. reshlngllng done by contract. Phone Reacham. MarJ. 70t. S1TUA TIONS 7F.M ALE 4 TTU'NG lady desire outside work such aa col-' lecting or distributing. No canvassing: ex perience in gen. office work. 1J-64 7. Journal. f:x pe iTTKNTFirTdow- wants Rotel or rooming house to care for; country or city. 645 4th. PRESSMAKINO 40 IRESSAKIN;, millinery; no pattern. Call Tabor 8085. NURSES 60 EXPERIENCED" practical' nuru, best of refer ence. will take rnstemlty caaea in her own home. Phone Last 8663. FURNISHED ROOMS BAN MAIICO HOTEL: MODERN ROOMS, IIATH.S. PHONES; 2 ANI UP. TRAN SIENT. 50cl . 422 H WASHINGTON. PRINCESS hotel, antira, flreproofj running water, phone and elevator: biah auslitv. low price fcast Third and Burnside. FURNISHED TIOOMS PRIVATE FA M ILY 70 I ARTjE Jut-Mde rooms for rent; walking duv tsnct; west side; breakfast if desired. 441 Third st. S. NICE front room. suitable for 2 gentlemen, wilh good home cooked tncals, modern with 11 convenience. Main 4157. 205 N. 21st st MIDDLE aged man, employed nights, wishes to live pryrstr with home privileges where there s- no other roomers. N-816, Journal. NIi'hXY furnished rjom in-miern house, 1250 Commercial, near Prinnnula park, $10 per mo. .Wdln. 3157. i.AUlTfi room, suitable for two; light, bath and phone: walking distance from business sec tion. Vest side. 3 KUs St. i.OVKLY large room, hot anil cold water, sult able for one or two business men; west side. I fl 1 N. 22d street Kl'K, clean sleeping room for refined gentle nien. walking distance on East side. E 7388. FURNISHED" ROOM 'st7T0JohTu'on st; gen tlemen preferred Tel. Main 4 562. H: ft.VIMI ED front room at 7 58 E. Burnside. East INinl. Foil RENT Nice, large, clean sleeping room. 96 V N. 13th. Bdwy. 30CH. ROOM! AM) BOARD 15 '1 HE klaitba Vtasuingtoa. 880 10th, for busi ness girls and students. Marshall 1261. 4". . . . 1 : iia z. r. i ,. outsia rooms. Dot water. Dome cooking Special rates io couples. 385 Sd. HOUSEKEEPING. ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 1 1'ltNI.SIIKD housekeeping Totsn.-, very reason able, rliwe in. !IH Knott st. Muss. car. FOR RENT HOUSES IS HELP. SHIPBUILDING NORTHWEST STEEL CO. YOUR LISTINGS. WANTS Ton can serve your country by helping ship builders to locate. List your vacancies, furnished or unfurnished houses, rooms or apartments. Write or phune. A. J. England. Main 1193. IX)RRENTT to responsible parties, large bun galow, 7 rooms on first floor; extra large sleeping porch, billiard room and maid's quar ters cn second floor; hot wster heat; abundance cf assorted fruits, berries, flowers, shrubs, shade irees ana vegetaoie gardens, urounds occupy more than city block. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Address, with references, U-639, Journal. FOR RENT, 6 room house, furnished: gas, elec tricity, furnace, piano; near Woodstock car. iinj t.iadstnne ave., cor. 89th st roil KENT 5 room houseboat to married couple without children. X-510. Journal. FOR KENT -7 room house. 694 -E. 7 th. Take Brooklyn car to 7th. 73e-EAST pine, 7 large, nice rooms, furnace, electricity, gas., $30. Sellwood 948. $ 1 7 50 WEST SIDE. 6 rra. house. 812 20th: HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE F O It SALE 8S FOR 8ALK Furniture for five-room flat; no dealers. Main 4034. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 9 ROOM house, richly furnished in mahog any, hardwood throughout. Oriental rugs. Urge living room, sun room, sleeping porch, flower and fruit all kinds, 4 lots, garage, steam beat, water heater; approximate rent $1600; on year; no small children; going to ?ranc. Studebker edn, rent or for sale, bor 48911. APARTMENTS 4 FURBISHED AND UNFURNISHED HISLOP HALL, E. OUT and Hawthorn Moo ra 1, 2 and 8 room apt., 812.60 up; walk I diatane. Call East 881. 1 ing MAGNOLIA APTS. JUt id and1 Balmoat; mooera i ana a room apt., gt.ao per week p. stleeping mem. East 218. CENINSULA APTaV Woodlswn JB62. ret bide, 2, 8. 4 rooms, Uth,lxui. APAETMENT8 48 FTTR1TI8HED A1TD TJKTFTJIIHI8HED KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room house, 2 and S room home keeping s pertinents, furnished or unfurnished; lvtor. hardwood floors. 11th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS jrwdy furnished modern bmekeeping and leplng nxnu, (2. BO and up. BUMMER RESORTS FOR RENT Lov.ly cottage, completely fur nlahed, at the ocean; growing Tegetablee and flower. Phone Maraball 8589 after 4. WANTED-TO KENT ROOMS for G. A- R delegates. Rate 75c to 11.00 a night. Home not ordinarily opened to paid guest are asked to extend this hospitality as a matter of civic pride and loyalty. Hotels are overcrowded. Many dele gates . will lack accommodations. Port land's hospitality ii at stake. Im mediate response are, asked. Cora vention dates August 10th to 234. Our guest are arriving dally. " Com munlcate with G. A. R. Headquart ers, Liberty Temple, Sixth and Mor rison street. Main '818. or direct with the Journal, Main 7178. A 6051. FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and scarcity of honsins accommodation, w request every patri ot ! citizen who has a bouse to rent or room to Jet to mail information of same to Columbia K. . B. O. lOrp. DUA X4V, s-oia-ou, vs. WANTED To rent 1 acre or more near car- line or It. It. with bouse and outbldgs. Could keep 600 or more hen. Boi 83, Wood stock ave., Portland. RELIABLE party desires 6 room cottage or buncalow in desirable neighborhood. Would consider year's lease. Y-843. Journal. WANT TO RENT 3-room house within radius of IS blocks to E. ioth and Everett Call Tabor BS07. W A NTED Furnished Woodlawn 3659. 6 room Bouse. REAL ESTATE BTJSINES8 PROPERTY WANTED -Ground, space for garage, near Ben son and Dupont street East 2294. FOR HALE HOUSES 81 TO THE LOVER OF THE BEAUTIFUL IN NATURE: One acre, with 4 room house, overlooking Oswego lske; unsurpassed yiew; beautiful tree; electricity, fireplace, water piped im bouse; all conveniences. Price very low; at Ooodin station on S. P., 30 minutes' from city, lc commutation fare. B-6161. ask for Bischoff, or C-9U3, Journal. 4 ROOM COTTAGE FURNISHED $13704 room cottage, furnished, large lot, fruit trees, all street improvements paid, 15 minutes to Broadwy and west. Mississippi car. Must have 3500 cash. 994 Minnesota ave. near Bllandena St. FOR SALE-i-2 five room modern houses', be tween Buffalo snd Holland on Mississippi sve., 1 block from Kenton carline; 31800 each. Call Main 8947. MODERN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Alberta district 660 Going street, near 18th. 50x100 lot; very convenient to ship workers. Ptice 82000; $300 cash, balance like rent THE CROS8LEY-VIGABS CO., 270 Stark St. Main 3052 FOR f'ALE, by owner, 5 room cottage on Mt Scott line, large pantry, sleeping porch, full cement basement, two lots, berries and fruit trees, large chicken house, suitable for garage. $1500 cash down $25 month. Price $2450. D- 513 8, Journal. , ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $950. Cory, nearly new 5 -room bungalow, near Huber, S. P. electric; lot 75x120 feet; 3260 cash, balance 315 monthly, which' includes in terest City gaa for cooking and lighting. J. W. CrosBley, Owier. 270 Stark. $2750 u-room attractive bungalow; enamel plumbing; full cement basement; 60x100 lot; paving all paid; on Mississippi ave., near Jefferson high school. Only $500 cash re quired. Main 4R03. G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. $1000 BUYS North Irvington 4 room, attractive cottage, electric lights, bath, full lot, fruit, flowers, paved street and sidewalk paid. Terms, $600 cash, balance 3 years 7 per cent Mc Guire. 645 Union are. N. East P407. $3500 TAKES this modern 6 room home, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, garage. Phone Wdln. 4557. 1229 East 27th N. 1 THREE room bungalow, screen porches, front chicken yard, garden, electric lights cement walks, etc., $1350. easy terms. Benedict. 267 hi Oak. Main 1743.' $1650 G07D 6 room honse and lot, only 5 blocks from Hroadway bridge, on Koss st.. will take Liberty bond as first payment, balance like rent: 4 23 East 8th, north. $1275 ALBERTA. SNAP 81275. 8 -room plastered; full plumbing and base ment; block car. Only 8125 cash. Q. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE, cn the peninsula near shipysrd, 100 xlOO lot good 5 room shack bouse. 2 hi blocks to St Johns car. 1749 W'oolsey st; cement walk, $1750; good terms. BARGAIN 8 room home, Irvington; cost $10,- 000, take $3000 less; sons in army: $500 down, balance like rent; fine location; lot 66x 100. East 273. $850 Large 4 room house, garage, modern except bath, 50x100. Irvington Park near car. The greatest bargain yet. $150 down. Kennedy & Miller, 829 Salmon. MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repairs. 8ee my designs for new bouses. Max U. Meyer, architect Concsrrd bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Supt- Oregon Home Builder. 2 SIX room and 2 5 room modern bungalows; terms. Inquire at 4855 25th ave. S. E., near Division and 47th st Phone Tabor 6031. 4 ROOM cottage near Union ave. and Alberta, on paved street, ehtap and easy terms. 1042 Union ave. N. Wdln. 334.- FOR SALE, beautiful bungalow, modern. Rose City park, reasonable for cash. Investigate. 637 E. 67th st N. Owner. SIX room house, East 81st near Glisan, Monta villa. Terms to suit Price $1800. Call at East 94th and Glisan. NICE, nearly new, 4 room bungalow, near Lents station, plastered, with basement, '$1400, Tcry easy terms. B. S. Cook, 602 Stock Ex. 5 ROOM house. 76th and E. Morrison, gas, electricity, sewer paid. $1100, terms. Owner. E. 3280. WOODLAWN -$1750 5 room cottage, bath, garage, lot 60 by 100. Terms. Phone Woodlawn 4166. $2750 TERMS. Newly painted 5 room house, 60x100 lot, fruit tree, berries, good car service. 110 East Webster. Wdln. 25. FOR SALE By owner. 7 room double eon structed house, lot 60x130, . sleeping porch, fumsce, newly tinted, garage. East 7626. FOR SALE, by owner, 3 room shingled cot tage, nice location; must sell quick. Phone ts-oioi, local tr. f. vj. doi zuo, oswego. PIEDMONT SNAPS 6 room cottage, hardwood floor, furnace, fire place. $3500. 1042 Union ave. N. Wdln. S34. 4 ROOMS and Dutch kitchen: 4629 3d t n E., H block south Laurelwood sta. , east front easy terms, a. a. ooa. ou- oioca jsxenange. $2650 8 ROOMS, Belmont St., close in. 81000 cash, baL terms. Gibson. 266 Stark st. aaarsnau l. - 81100 WOODSTOCK earline, 3 rooms, chicken house, fruits and berries, easy terms, Gib son. 266 Stark, MarshsU 12. 5 ROOM house on Jessuy St., on sy terms. Pric 81800. 319 Main it.. Vancouver. Wn. NICE lot and 2 room house, E. 29th N. In quire at pup k. tn at. A SPLENDID bungalow in Hawthorne district $190U, terms, xaoor FOR SALE 6 large rooms, house near Broad way riuxeJiOE2ob3r owner. bELL 5 room house close to shipyard; sell acre- aga. atarsnau cm. SPLENDID S room bungalow, near Montavilla car, gisov. lapor po. , CITY and country property, sen and rent BENEDICT. -267H Oak. Main 1T48. SMALL house and corner lot, easy payments. Owner. 1239 Burrare. Phone Wdln. 8544 fROOM house in Albina for. Jale by owner 168 Fargo st HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW-) ' 82350 " 81st it, 80x112 lot, near car. Tabor 8821 REAL ESTATE FOB BALE HOUSES' 1 5 ROOM modem bungalow, In Hawthorne dis trict, on caeed afreet, full basement and built in effects, a good boy at 82500. 8500 down 10 a month and interest n 9ft. 4 and 6 room bnncalows. on pared street, an paid np, close in; price 88100. S room eottaae. with 2 beautiful lots, plenty of fruit and berries, full basement, lights and gas, garage and chicken bouse.. Price 81850, azuu down. 4 room, vor neat little bn TIB'S low. full base ment, built in features, a real, snap at 81100. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 81 E. Morrison St Phone East 6817. HARD TO BELIEVE FOLLOW THIS AD. CLOSELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW GARAGE 88000 83000 5 room bungalow with hardwood floors firenlse hnilt-in bnffet. cement base ment, wash trays, on a pared street in splendid restrioted district. Jot 48xlut: an improvements in and paid for. Furnished with practically new furniture. Garage. Perfect title. For goodness sake hurry. Don't let someone else beat you to this bargain. A a-;. TF.EPE CO.. 284 STARK ST. near 3d Main 3516. Open Sundays at 60th and Sandy. DON'T LISTEN TO WHATTHEY TELL Y0U1 WE HAVE THE BEST BUiSl jn00 3 rm. shack. 60x100 lot. 35th at. $750 8 rm:, 8 blks. car, Gliaan car. SO 4 rm. 69th St.. E. of Laur'l't. ij 000 4 rm.. all white enamel, mod. plumb ing, Mt. Scott car. S1350 8 rra., blk. uusan car near oieu 81475 4 rm., Uibbs St.. casn. 11700 ft rm. mod.. 76th near Glisan. YOUR OWN TERMS ARRANGED OH MOST ANY OF THE ABOVE. G. T GOLDEN BERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "85 Years in Portland." Main 4803 NOTICE TO HOUSE OWNERS. We have a strong demand for houses rang- lnc in mice from $2000 to 84000. and some farw clients wantinr to bur honses from 81000 to 82000. We hare unexcelled facilities for effecting immediate sale if prices and terms are right. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., Specialists in Home Properties. 270 Stark St Main 3052. JUST COMPLETING 83400 83400 $3400 $3400 $3400 Nine room, 1 hi story bunagolw with hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet; all built ins best plumbing (porcelain) ; full cement basement, near Hartman street. St Johns; only 6mall in itial payment required. Hurry 1 ;. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington Bldg "86 Years in Portland. "' Main 4803. $750 KENTON COTTAGE $750 $150 DOWN, $12 PER MONTH 8 room plastered cottage, good condition, con crete foundation, brick chimney, sink and patent toilet: no shack; right in Kenton district, eon venient to stockyards and shipyards and other industries: 4 blocks to Kenton bank snd car. Total price $750 on above term; act today. See FRAN hj". L. M GUIRE, Abington bldg. To buy your home. ' Main 1068. $2450 BRAND NEW $24 50. Bungalow in St Johns on 65x100 lot; close to car. Has hardwood floors, built-in features. Standard plumbing, cement basement; all in whit enamel finish. It's a dream, and vacant ready to occupy; $500 cash. Msin 4803. G. C, GOLDENBERG Abington Bldg. "35 Yesrs in Portlsnd." WILLIAMS AVENUE BARGAIN 8ix room modern house, newly decorated throughout, fine 60x100 lot several big bear ing fruit trees, 1227 Williams avenue, near Al berta, on car line, asphalt street (paid). Im mediate possession, very desirable for ship work ers. Very reasonable terms to reliable party. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark St Main 8052 $2600 IRVINGTON PARK S2600. VERY CLASSY 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, THE KIND YOU WILL I.IKE. COST $2750 FOR HOME ALONE. FIREPLACE. FULL CE MENT BASEMENT: STANDARD PLUMBING ALL CONVENIENCES: 2 BLOCKS CAR. ON 28TH ST. MAIN 480. G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. $1976 ROSE CITY HOME $1975 7-room bungalow type home, with fireplace, white enamel plumbing fixtures, electricity and gas, built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen. Price only $1975, term. On E 60th st N. Only 2 yesrs old- See FRANK L. M' GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. BEAUTIFUL - artistic- bungalow of six rooms', hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full- length living room, lovely dining room with built in buffet, sunny breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, two sunny bedrooms. Urge closets, fine bath, best ot hsrdware, fine panes and ele gant fixtures. Main 1963, after "f. Marshall 865. COMPLETELY FURNISHED Four room bungalow, 76x100; modern plumbing, gas and electricity: full basement; a real genuine snap. That's what we are selling. Price $1550, $500 cash.- G. C. GOLDUN BKUG, Abington Bldg. "35Years in Portland." Main 4 803. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $2500 75x100 6 rooms, full cement base ment. This was foreclosed on a mortgage you get the benefit of the other man's loss. Terms. Let us ehow yon. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 STARK ST. near 3d. Main 8310. Open Sundays at 60th and Sandy. 82100 ATTRACTIVE HOME 82100 6 room home, cement basement, standard plumbing, electricity and gas, builtin con Tenlenos, on corner lot, i diock to car, on 54th sve. E. Frlce gzioo, term. He FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068 MODERN WEST SIDE HOME 923 Savier street, near 2 7th: asphalt street (paid) : 5 nice rooms, fine neighborhood, con venient to west aide ship workers. Price $2550; $500 cash, balance like rent. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., -270 Stark St Main 3052 ONLY $100 vsm Buys a 3 room plastered house, electric lights. gas. plumbing, large lot. on improved street Price $950; terms $15 per month, including interest. William Realty Co., Grays Crossing. Phone Tabor 4934. $2300 BUNGALOW ON IRVINGTON CAR 6 room bungalow, standard plumbing, elect and gas, cement basement, 60x200 foot lot. fruit and garden, h block to Irvington car. Price $2300; terms. See FRANK L. M GUIRE, Abington bldg. To buy Your Home. Main 1068 FOR SALE Near Union ave. and Alberta, 6 room cottage; hardwood floors; fine place. Price $3350. 6 room cottage, a bur (nap. 82200. 8500 cash 6 room house for rent, 1042 Union av. N. Wdln. 334. PRICE 3725. $200 DOWN. 315 PER Five room house, bath, toilet, and gas. On E. 53d st, near Glisan st, just east of Lau relhurst. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. GOING EAST Will sell my new bungalow at sacrifice: 6 lots auto part pay; big garden; no wood to buy: small tax: all fenced in; fine scenery; E. Glisan and Shady Road, out of city limits: hurry. R. A. Box 646, Portland, Or., or write Y-461, Journal. FIVE room bungalow in fin condition, large at tic, full cement basement. 60x100 lot.- fruit, berries and garden; close to 2 carlines, 82600. Discount for cash. For sale by owner, 996 E. 18th t N. Phone Woodlawn 5864. FOR SALE 4 room modern house, basement, two lots, 1146 Msldon avenue. Berkeley addition, Portland, $1400. Suitable terms, A. S. Klein smith, 612 Monroe street, Oregon City 4 ROOM house, lot 60x133. excellent view, fruit trees and berries, $2200, part cash, balance monthly payments. laxo sit. Scott car to tiSth walk two blocks west 1 north. 59 East 67th st. Inquire next door. Mrs. Nilson. NOW vacant. 5 rooms, close in. 630 E. 23d st. 2d story floored, can finish 2 or 3 rooms, full basement, cement floor, fireplace, street paved and paid for, pric tzouu. terms, if. 8. Cook 602 Stock Exchange bldg. BARGAIN by owner, within 2H blocks of Franklin high, modem five room bungalow, wfth built in effects, fireplace, large, lovely sleeping porch, bearing Iruit trees, grape arbor, garden. 3216 65tn st,. B. E. 7 ROOM modern house and garage on 61st st. Rose City Park. 532 N. Can give immediate possession. $3700. $1700 cash. bal. 7 per ccnt Win be at house Sunday betwen 2 and 4 or phone Sellwood 1714. FOR SALE- A dandy 6 room bungalow; all street, improvements are in; fruit trees and chicken yard: lot 38 1-3x100. Price $2650. Will take a lot as part payment See owner at premise. 1199 E. Sherman st. FOR SALE 6 room honse, ' Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, .good location ; new carline ; -Treasonable price. Woodlawn 2060. 100x100. 6 ROOMS. 82250. 1 blk. from car. $1000 cash, balance on time. 210 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR SALE LOTS I FINE BUILDING LOT on west side of Mr guarite avenue, third lot south of Hawthorne; good barn; abundance fruit Will sell cheap. Owner. Mrs.- Wm. Wert, Beaverton. Oregon. THE, BEST buy in town; 2 level lot. 60x100 each;' clear of encumbrance; 500 feet east of thel Rose City Speedway; $60 aeh. A Banmgartnar. 418 Alisky bldg. Main 4758, 4 LOTS on carline, i $1T00. or will sell sep arately. Also 60to0 on East Stark st 8900 Owner, 674 Poplar st. c - LARGEaiot $300, East 12th and Pneacott st. Fared streets. Writ Owner. N-811, Journal. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 80 ACRES 25 fa cultivation. 1000 cords of good wood, near transportation; 5 room log house, log barn, 8 acres orchard, good spring, K mile to school, on good road. R. F. D. and cream route; store 2 miles. Price 33500, 32000 cash. RIVER BOTTOM 82 acres. 28 in cultivation. 8 room house. barn, 2 wells and spring: on good road, ltt mile; to high school; 84000. half cash, balance time.! 40 ACRES 20 in cultivation, balance timber and open pasture. 2 good springs. 4 room house, barn. granary, chicken house. 3 cows, heifer, 1 horse. 00 chickens, wagon, buggy, plow, barrow, aus, cultivator, small tools, 2 acres spuds, acre corn. 4 tons hay.' 200 bushels oats. Price 88500, 32000 cash, balance S years. per cent. DILLMAN HOWUNU 8th and Main sta., Oregon City. Or.. FOR SALE 1U acres. North Edison St.. St. Johns, overlooking river, near railway. Would make fine Industrial site. I am drafted .and have to sell. Wdln. 1298. 9 ACRES adjoining city limits for sale or ex change for city houses. Call Tabor 2574. PASTURE for rent. Lake Grove. Marshall 344 1'. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 78 FOR SAE 5 or 10 acres, title perfect, unin cumbered, on each good dwelling house, outbuildings, orchard, etc., largely cultivated, balance timber for wood, good well, near streetcar line, good roads winter and summer, sbout five miles south Portland lrnits, $1000 down, balance 5 years. Owner, Main 1354. SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SALE 100x146, all kinds of bearing fruit trees and shrubbery. 3 room house, completely furnished, has city water, electric lights and gas; located half way between Dosch on Sou. Par and Multnomah on Ore. Electric, by owner. F. A. Friess, Multnomah. BARGAIN New 6 room house with 10 acres. 389 Roes St. East end Bdwy bridge. FOR SALE FARMS 17 44 ACRES 5 miles from Columbia river and 3 railroads. 26 daily passenger trains and boats, 1 hours from Portland. On county read, daily mail and telephone line past the door; fine stock country. Close to neighbors and school. All good alder land; part cultivated and most of rest slashed; running water; fam ily orchard, good garden and potatoes; good painted 5 room house, barn, etc. Good big mare, Jersey cow, stump puller and small tools; slso 5 tons of good clover hay in the barn. Place free from debt. Warranty deed and ab stract. Price $2400, small payment down bal. lone time. Owner, Box 87, Castlerock, Wn. 80-ACRE ranch for sale, 8 miles from Wood land. Wash.: ood roads. K. F. school. new 7 room house, 2 barns, 11 cows, 2 heifers. bull, aood teameand 1 6-year-old mare; bogs. chickens, cream separator, farming implements. Lhay in barns to keep stock all winter; 15 cords oi wooa reeny xor etove; pig neanni orcue.ru. about 35 acre cleared, rest sll burned and easy cleared; water can be piped in house. Will sell cheap, qnick sale for cash, or will except good res. in Portland or Vancouver a part payment 8-850, Journal. WITH milk at 15c a qt why not buy a dairy farm 7 We nave the exclusive handling of one of the best stock and dairy farms in Ore gon: 925 acres with all buildings and equip ment ready to go to work. Kigbt at the very door of Portland. It don't cost a cent to see us about it and It might make you a wad of money. M. Billings and F. M, Miles. 509 McKay bldg. M. 1390. HIGHLY improved 40 -acre farm; level; good soil; 5 mues southeast city limits: new 10- rcDra house, necessary outbuildings ; orchard. Will divide place. G. N. DriscoU. 1116 Arnold it FOR SALE at a bargain 25-a. ranch, stock. crop snd tools; chickens. Might trade or rent Address K-789, Journal. FOR RENT FARMS 14 80 ACRE farm for rent, 20 a. in cultivation. rest in pasture, 40 mile from Portland. 7 from railroad, good house and bsrn and lots of outrange; good place for stock or dairy; 5 head of cattle, team and wagon and crop for aale. Inquire 1445 Milwaukie st, Portland, Or., Bell- wood 1029. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 WANTED Coast acreage up to $5000. Oregon or Washington. Address 1820 Wsshington st.. Hillsboro, Or. TIMBER 2S NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM- BER (GENERAL, LtAND OFFICE. Wash ington. D. C. July 12, 1918. Notice is here by given that subject to the condition nd limitation of the act of Jun 0, 1918 (89 Stat 218), and the instructions ot th secre tary of the interior of September 15. 1917, the timber on the following lands will be spiel September 8. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. Vat publio auction at th United Ststes land office at Roseburg, Or., to th highest bidder at not less than th appraised value as shown by this notice. 1 to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of on filth of 1 per cent, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if aale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from dtixens of the United States, associations of such citizen snd corporations organized under the laws of the United States or sny state, ter ritory or district tnereol only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered sepsratsly be fore being included in any offer of a larger nnit T. 18 8., B, 1 E.. See. 29; N. W. N. E. K. yellow fir 1800 If., hemlock 60 M.: N. E. H N. W. yellow fir 2210 M , hem lock 870 M., eelar 15 M. ; N. W. hi N. W. 44 , yeUow fir 2300 M-. hemlock 140 M. ; none ot the yellow fir, hemlock or cedar to be sold for less than $1.60 per 11. T. 32 8., B, 6 W.. See, 18: N. E. N. W. hi. Ted fir 600 M.: N. W. N. W. hi. red fir 850 M, ; 8. W. hi N. W. hi. red fir 460 M. ; S. E. hi. N. W. hi. red fir 850 M. ; S. W. K Hy W. hi . red fir. 460 M. : 8. E. Si N. W. hi . ed fir. 650 M.; none of the red fir to be sold for less than $1 per M. Clay Tallman. commissions, general land office. CORDWOOD timber below Linn ton. on Railway and county road. Cheap. Parker. 422 H Washington. WANTED Contract cutting 1.000 cord wood in larg Umber. Address G. A. Cox. Grea- nam. or. HOMESTEADS 47 O. A C HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate you on a good claim. A former government cruiser. 801 Worcester bldg., adjoining land offlca, W. H, JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS Locate you on the best homesteads in the state for $100; no charge unless entry secured. we classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON Sc ANDERSON, No. 2 Land Office bldg.. Worcester blk. Third and Oak st. O. & C. HOMESTEADS . ' You can file direct We can show you the Best claims, run information. BUNDY Sc M'HARDY. 411 Henry oldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE S4 80 ACRES timber, ctficial cruise over 2 million feet Lane Co., Oregon, near Blue river, and house and lot located Eugene, Or. Above prop erties clear of all Incumbrances. Will trade these for good ranch, Washington county. Ore gon preferred. Above -will bear rigid investiga tion. What have you? Give particulars. I n-ean business. K-509, Journal. s VANCOUVER SHD? WORKajRS Good light auto or cash for my equity in fine plastered house, 6 rooms, bath, pantry, 2 toilets. 2Cx26 basement, garden, wood, furni ture if deeirets. Payments on balance like rent, F. B. Crumley, 1602 Railroad ave.. Vancouver. LIST your property with us for results on charges of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest lounger Co.. 105-107 Park st, be- tween Washington and Stark sis. WILL trade a 160 acre, partly improved. Lake county farm, no incumbrance, for house and lot in Portland. Address W. E. Duchien, 666 North Summer St.. Salem, Or. 4 ROOM cotUge. lot 50x102, on paved street. city water, located st Forest Grvjve. for small house in Portland; will pay difference in cash. 227 N. 23d t, WILL trade my 80 ft motor boat as part pay- ment on bungalow. Prefer to pay cash bal ance in payment. J-705. Journal. WHAT have you to exchange for 40 acre of timber land 50 mile from Portland. Call evenings and Sunday, Tsbor 5161. . FOR SALE Only meat market in good town. Subject to draft. Max Muralt. Sherwood, Or. TO EXCHANGE, 5 room modern-house in Spo- kane for Portland property. H-734, Journal. TO TRADE Residence lot, value $600. for grocery stock. Tiber 1955. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI HAVE a customer for 6 room bungalow, 100 ft, lot, must be value for money, not over $3000 and close to car line. Small cash payment fnone Main eazz, asa tor Mr. Alton. WE hare calls for houses from $2000 to $5000. Let us sell yours. O. W. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 1963, evenings, Mar shall 865. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale. $800 to $3000, list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO.. for quick result; old esrab liihed firm. Phone Main 2051. 633 Ch. of lm WANTED All kinds of houses in all parts af city. We have the buyers now and they are still coming. 245 Wash. st. ts-. . . .u4 your tHMtmrty with the steal EtU Exchange. 201 Sd at, Portland. SI WE HAVE on hand several buyers that will pay a good substantial payment down on your house, list with us for a sauare deal and results. NEW YORK LAND CO., 881 Morrison 8t. Phone East 6817. HAVE several buyers for cottages and moder ate priced home in Kenton and Peninsula, district. Give us a description of tout .prop erty. We can sell it. Deal with old estab lished firm. Frank L. MeGuuw. AMngton bldg. I WILL pay you a reasonable cash payment for a 10 to 80 day option on your house If priced right, nothing wanted if ranging in price over 38000. 881 E. Morrison. Phone East 6817. New York Lend Co. HAVE SEVERAL bonafide buyer for modern bungalows in Rosa City park and Hawthorn district Can make good payments. List your lioue with ua. FRANK L M'GUTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. WILL pay 8500 cash, balsnce monthly instal ments, 6 room bungalow, prefer deeping porch, furnace, cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage; not over 83250; no dealers. Wdln.1460. SHACKS AND SMALL. HOMES WANisiD Must be N. K. and priced rigbt We have rmmertm buyer wsitinc Fred W. Germaa Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. BEST 6-ROOM BUNGALOW CASH WILL BUY UP TO 81500. BENEDICT, 267 H OAK ST. MAIN 1743. ROOMING HOUSES SEATTLE Dartv wishes to buy a hotel and must be a good proposition. I reiuse to ueai with agents. K-981, Journal. I WANT a fmall apartment house, about 15 apartments or less; all cash. Wdln 2955. SMALL boarding house, line business., good location. 375 per month, clear. Bdwy. 2699 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S8 ESTABLISHED 8 years, butter, egg and poul trr business: exclusive high class trade, grosi weekly profits $90. Will consider auto in part payment Best of reasons for selling. No agents wsnted. Z 64 8, Journal. FOR SALE 5. 10. 15c store, in good valley town, large payroll. Don't fail to look this up. WX-64 8. Journal. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Morris A Gilson. 431 Chamber o! Commerce. FOR SALE Confectionery and restaurant; In voice $1500. Price $850. Tabor 4073. SMALL, well paying restaurant and lunch counter. 8. M. Venard. 929 Cham, Com. FOR SALE Small ca--h grocery, might trade for rooming house. wet Main side ; 243. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 OUR installment plan u the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month 1-r 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest Other amount in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. No commission ehtrged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 24 2 Stark st,. Portland, Or. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in easy installments with 10 yesrs' time to re pay; fully protected by life insurance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society; Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong, Equitable office, Oregonian bldg. $300. $400, $500, $750. $1000 snd up. lowest interest rates. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. GORDON INVEST WENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W . G, Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. 2J. $350, $400. $500, $650. $750, f-1000 and larger amounts at current rates. (Juick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mort gage; no commission. F. O. Box 873. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7 ft . A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH, for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. H, Lewis, room 4, Lewis bldg. Alain 688. MONEY TO LOAir- CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 Salary LOANS Chattel WE iOAM MONET On short notice to salaried or workfngmaa on their own note- Weekly, setni-montljy or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos. etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 218 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us BALARIES CHATTELS Loans snade to persons on salary or fixed in come, on housenoid furniture, pianos, diamonds and ether personal property; legal rates. Bun as confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. 308-807 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr., 394 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 19 ANNOUNCEMENT I HAVE purchased the Crown Stables st 283-285 Front and 284 First ts. Will conduct generl sales, livery and feed business snd will ap preciate the patronage of old and new customers. Horses boarded. Ante storage space for rent. Reasonable rate. Phone Main 9109. PHIL BUETTER. HOUSES and mules, well matched teams. I have horses from $25 up; team mares, suit able light ranch team, wagon, harness 8125. Will exchange any of my mules or horses for cattle or horses. Wsgons and harnesses of all kinds. Some of cheapest outfits for kind ever sold in Portland; got 65 head on hand at present: also hire horses by day, week or month. I guarantee all my stuff as represented. Phil Suetter. 83-285 Front st,, 284 First Open day and night. CROWN RTARLES. HORSES for sale. 2 teams and harness, weight about 3000 lbs.; also 1 small pony team. wagon and harness. On. account of the draft. nni iransier o., o-l xsrs, truj. jm. j 4368. BOARDERS wanssxl. all kinds horses, wagons for hire by day, week or month. 283-2S5 Front st,. nd 284 First st. Open day and night, Phil 8uetter, Crown Stables. Main 0109. FOR SALE cheap7"uVhT team, delivery wagon. harness and cart: also single harness (new), or will turn on light Ford delivery. Phone Ta bor 1865. 2008 E. Stark st. FOR SALE One team of mares weighing 2900 lbs., 1 team of horses weighing 3000 lba., harnesses and wagon. 226 Raise 11. FINE young mule about 900 lbs., cheap, or will exchange for good horse or cow. 302 Front street. GOOD young team, weight 2300, harness and wagon. Woodstock car to 84th st, 4 blocks south to square red bsrn. ALL kinds of horses, harness, wagons, good rubber tired top buggy, two fine surreys. Chep. or exchnge. 302 Front st DIRT cheap, block y team, fat and sound. 2450 lb., good, he tt harness, 3 hi wagon and wood rack. 6838 82d st. 8. E. 50 HEAD of hor-scs from 1000 to 1500 lbs.. 4 to 10 years, all broke: cheap. Oatman A Son, Fossil. Or. $70, GENTLE, sound. 5-year-old. nice riding and driving horse; harness and light hack. 145 East 81st N. MoiitsriUa car. FINE 1050-lb. family mare, good buggy and harness and saddle. Hawthorn Stables, East 6th and Hawthorne. DEAD horses and snimsls hsuled wy free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portlsnd Rendering Co. TEAM of horses for rent 1449 E. 7th St. N. Woodlawn 3136. We pay more for DEAD horses taken quick, dead cows. Tabor 4 203. HORSES and wagons for rent by the day, single or double. 546 Front Main 2208. FINE spotted Shetland pony cheap, or exchange for good horse or cow. 302 Front. WANTED To rent team of horse. East 774 6. ' LIVESTOCK sl 2 CHOICE young family cows, reg. Jersey bull for service. 854 Holgate and 28th. GOOD family cow for sal. Lodge, Or. IL Kroll. Jennings WANTED One or more good milch goats. Par ticulars to U-638, Journal. A FINE FRESH-Sannsn-milk goat. Hawthorne Stables. East 6th and Hawthorne. TWO good 4-gal. cows, must ell at once. Wood stock car to 34th St., 4 blks. S. to red barn. FRESH Holstein cow Jo alv 6i2 E. 8tb at S. Tabor 7543. WANTED REAL ESTATE LITE STOCK H AM IN DRAFT Sal thoroughbred Flemish and New Zealand rabbit; 11 doe; soma bred. some with litters; 65 choice young; 2 bucks. 769 York t; 23d t car. HOI-STEIN, Durham and Jersey dairy and fam ily cows : also beautiful young 5 -gal. Ayr- shir cow, registered Hoist ein bulL 751 E. Ash. POULTRY, PIGEONS, PET STOCK 87 CASH PRODUCE CO. 2 Fro Morrt- on, a II kinds of potUtry produce, pt and w.: W...V ... tsh1j ni ccsiiiij svlixi , vwuciiv uj ssvai. RABB1TS CHEAP Belgian. New Zealand and Flemiah Giant. 981 Minnesota ave. FOR SALE, 6 thoroughbred Rhode Island Red pulleu. 4 not old. 35. Lombard at, 8t John car. WHITE Leghorn and Rhode Island Red April and May Duller 75c and up. Mrs. Lewis. 6803 4 2d st S. E. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 43 FOR SALE, cheap. 85 rabbits, consisting of thoroughbred Flemish Giants and Belgian hres: also hutches for sale. 481 Going St. PLYMOUTH Homer pigeon. 5 pairs mated workers. Bargain. $7.60. Phone East 194 2. FOR SALE Rice ha the big boys, "Flemish." 6141 Woodstock are. FULL blooded pointer pup for sale, 9 month old. Phone Woodlawn 4605. BEST buy in city New Zealand do and lit- ter. East 8829. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 J. H. GRAHAM. 10th and Stark ta. Case Agency. LOOK. If you want bargains, we have them. Two 1917 6-cyllnder Buicka. One 1917 6-cyllnder Mitchell. One 1918 6-cyllnder Bee, On 1918 6-cyllnder StndebakeT. On 1915 Case ear. . All these cars are in good mechanical con- dition and they are going to b ftold at bar gain prices. We will give terms to reliable peoule. Used Automobiles Terms Given Steam Roadster, 6 cyl., 6 cord tires, only $1200 Mitchell 6 pass., 6 cyl., late model 1150 Mitchell 7 pass., 6 cyl.. lata model 1850 Mitchell 7 pas.. 6 cyl.. just Ilk new. only 1650 Mitchell 6 pass., 4 cyl 650 Studebsker 4 pass. Coup 550 Jeffery 5 pass., 6 cyl 750 Studebaker 5 pass., 4 cyL 725 Auburn 6 pa., 4 cyL 250 Two-ton Truck 1230 Svvcral Other to Select From. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A 8TAVEB CO. East Morrison at First St Phones: East 7272; B-1216 WEST SIDE SALES ROOM Broadway at Oak St. Phones: Broadway 615; A-334S USED CARS. 1917 Maxwell, fine condition, fine tire.. 867 5 1918 Harroun, like new 750 1016 Ruick light four 860 1917 Overland, model 8 3, must selL 1913 Buick, A-l, including tires 400 1918 Ford, just overhauled . t 800 Model 79 Overland, good buy 550 1015 Hudson 0-40, good tires, good paint good csr 730 THE ACME AUTO CO. Expert Auto Repairing. 831 Alder St LIGHT TOURING 1917 Briscoe, in perfect shape, paint Ilk new. Tire and WINTON CO, 16th and Washington. Broadway 1614. CHALMERS 4 pss. model K, one of the best cars, light and good looking, newly painted. English gray, $850. TWIN BTATE8 MOTOR CAR CO.. 614 Alder. Bdwy. 494. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable kin d save you money. See sam ple at 644 Hood st Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co, I 1914 FORD, body show wear but chassis me- cnanicaiiy o. li. 1'riced low. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 614 Alder. Bdwy. 494. NEW CHEVROLET CARS A used car is the most expensive car to bny and you do not g"t guarantee. Csl) Mr. P. C. Rinehart. East 92 or 8174, for information snd demonstration NEW TIRES What brand of new tire do you prefer? We have them, all make and si is. Also we make thfe famous O-V-C Double Tread ( sewed ) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon ulcamzing Co.. 333-335 Burnside near Broadway. 1914 VELIE roadster, first class shape, new tires, one extrs, roust see to appreciate. 375 cash or terms. Stipe gsrage. Beaverton, Or. FOR SALE, Fackard 80, 5 passenger. Owner now in military service. Price low. Call Marshall 1375. 7-PASS. touring car, in good order. Will make fin stsge ear. Cheap-for cash. East 7207. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X-513. Journal 1917 MAXWELL in A-l condition, $200 down, balance on terms. CU East 1963. FOR SALE Chalmers car. in good condition. LeaTing city, phone Brodwy 4151. FOR SALE chep. Buick haaais; for good bug or truck. 471 Flint t 1917 DODGE, 6 passenger, took nw, condition. Owner. Tbor 5702. evenings. fine 40 ACRES for roadster or light touring ear. Call Tabor 8667 after 6 p. m. $1200 RUTS late 1916 7 pass. Paige, In ex eellent condition. Call Main 4543. FOR SALE Small Saxon roadster. Phone Wdln. 4418 or call 144 Alberta st 1916 FORD touring, cheap. 10th and Salmon. Auto Rest Garage, DODGE ear. first class shape, good as new. Must sell t once. Terms. 612 Hancock st. 1915 FIVE pas. Ford, $350 cash. Phone Ta bor 6888. BUICK 1917 light six. fin condition light, bumper. $1100. Msin 3063. pot MUST ell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. X-314. Journal. j WE buy and sell used Urea, j 1372 Division St. Division Garage, ; SPOT cash paid for used ears. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House. Grand ave. and E. B'srk. 1918 CADILLAC cheap for cash, private pirtyT Phone Mar. 3410. 1010 CADILLAC touring car for sale; reason able price. Will H. Hee, phone East 7840. FOR SALE or trade 7 pas. Ron 8; can be seen at Graybel Garage, 693 Union are. N. FOllD roadster, in fine condition, lot of extra. Inquire 88 Broad rrsy. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED CARS. USED CARS. YOU CAN BUT A USED CAR WHERE- EVER YOU LIKE. BUT USE GOOD JUDG MENT AND BUY IT NOW BEFORE THE BIG RAISE IN PRICE COMES. LOOK OVER THE FOLLOWING LI8T Or CARS AND IT WILL BE EASY FOR YOU TO SELECT JUST THE ONE TOIT HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOB AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY. 1917 light U Buiek $1078 1916 Ford touring, lots of extra 473 1916 Ford touring, in fin chap 460 1916 Ford touring, a good buy 400 1914 Ford touring, beat in town 875 1914 Ford eomb. exp. and passenger .... 875 1918 Stude., 4-yL. 7-pasa., new tire.. 950 1917 Paige "Linwood." just new 1400 1916 Mitchell. , 6-cyl., fine condition... its 1918 Chevrolet touring, ynt new 783 1918 Chevrolet touring, 8 new . 775 1916 Saxon six, a little bear TOO 1917 Overland. Country Club, pretty... 763 1914 Overland. 5-paa.. overhauled 4 28 1914 King, 5 pass., very powerful 690 1917 Stude., 4-cyl.. 7-p.. fin hap. 790 1017 Stude.. 4-cyl.. 7 -pass., lot new.. 816 1917 Stude., 4-cyl., 7 -pas., good shape. 825 1916 Stude.. fl-cyl , 7-pasa.. cord tires. . 945 1916 Stud.. 4-cyL. 7-paa., cord tin.. 790 1914 Wmton 6. good a new 850 1912 Locomobile, 4-cyl.. powerful 61S 1913 American roadster, classy 4r5 1914 King roadster, a snap ,. 4 50 1912 Warren roadster, fin shape 860 1917 Stud, (port model roadster .... 975 1917 Stnde.. sport model roadster...... 976 1912 Cadillac touring, some buy 875 1914 Cadillac touring, real ear 885 1912 Regal touring, good car 225 1912 Oakland big 6. six tire 850 1912 Buick, fine camping car 325 Cadallio bug 350 HupmobUe bug 275 Other too numerous to mention. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. Grand Ave, and East Stark Sta. East 7810. Open Evening end Sunday. Liberty bonds taken at face value. USED CARS Re, 6 pas 8 0OO Hudson Six. 5 nass.. lust renainted SHOO Hudson Six. same as above, slightly newer. $1 1 50 Studebaker, good buy 8 875 Maxwell, 6 pass 8 650 Studebaker $ 4 50 Ford. Chassis $ 283 Stoddard-Dayton delivery truck $ 350 Chalmers Six $ 650 Jeffrey, with new ,2 ton truck attachment. $U00 Saxon 18 ( "!75 Ford. 6 passenger 8 873 Ford truck $ 600 Ford delivery car t 850 Cole 80. Ideal for bug $ 800 Ford Roadster, just overhauled 8 426 Studebaker Six $ 650 Carter Car, suitable rebuild bug or de livery $ 183 Chevrolet 490, 6 pass $ 660 Jackson. 6 pass., good shape $ 760 Overland, 6 pass., now being repainted . . $ 600 W. H. WALLINGFORD - BROADWAY 24 83 Distributors Liberty Six Premier Six Brtcne Four Hood Lumber Tractor Parrett Farm Tractor 622 Alder at at 16th. 1918 CHEVROLET Good as new. Tire Goodyear Non-skid, bumper nd full equipment. Cash or terms. WINTON CO. 18th and Washington. Broadway 1614. 1918 FORD roadster, demountable rims, ABC starter, shock absorbers, other extrs. First time advertised, you'll have to hurry. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 614 Alder. Bdwy. 494. . AUTO WRECKERS We wreck most 11 makes of ear and sell th good part for lee than half price. We her all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest pnoe pid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 288 Front t MAIN 4768 A GENUINE bargain for someone who ha $400 cash. My 1913 model 35 7 passenger Studebaker, fully equipped, electric starter and lights, in first class mechanical condition; new top, extra tubes and rams. This is really a good buy and will have to be sold st once a owner is enlisting snd will leave by September 1. Call Broadway 498 or Tabor 58 0. LIGHT TOURING CAR I am drafted and must sell my 1917 Over land at once. Tin Ti is in perfect condition; hs hsd best of care; 3 new tire. Call after 6 p m.. 126 East 80th. Tsbor 2382. AUTOMOBLIE REPAIRING NEW MANAGEMENT. HIGH GRADE WORK 125 Lownsdal St.. at Washington it. Mfg. A Repair. 8000 guaranteed springs la stock; price reaucea. st iatn st. 1917 FORD Has run less tkan 4000 mil good tire, new Silverbcam spotlight new Hassler shock absorber. Yal lock, new front radius rod supports and new cutout. 4550, $860 cash, bal. f'JS month. Tabor 6299 1917 FORD, speedometer snd Yale lock. 84 60. 1910 Ford, overhauled, and lot of itr, $400. 1914 Ford delivery. $800. Montavilla Garage, 204 3 KL Stark. . MOTORS.Gearing. Rearing. Wheels. Asia and Trailer- We wreck all makes of car and sell their good patU st hslf price. Dsvld Mode Co., Rrosdway and Flanders, it. Broadway 196. BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICE'S RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. DRAFTED 5 pas. Reo. 4 tire. practically new extra tire, rim newly painted: good me chanical condition, $4 00. East Burnside Garage 10th and E. Hura.-u.de, East 4 366. 1917 C H E VRT i I r. T. run 2 0 nYTniiles. g uTrsTr teed mechanically perfect, looks and is Jlke new. $700. cali or Unm. 8tipe garage. H,av erUin. Or. CASH psid for old .sr.. endinon no object parts for all makes f car- Oregon A it,, ;,! change. 129 l-ownsdsle at 15th and Wa-hinjton. Rroadway 2SCH. FINE STAGE CAR $97- ( RUICK) 3075 1916, big six, 7 1 passenger Kick. fin con dition, double, oversixe tires. $975. A. G. On slow, L'51 snd M am. sta., 3ia!n 7517, WILL scriflc 1917 HupsnobU for cash; looka nd runs lik new; thick cord tire. Call Woodlswn 692. Df'BRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th st Oak. Rroadway 1664. FORD touring, cheap for cash. Phone Bdw. 34 35 for personaj appointment only; no par ticulars over the phoue; uo broker.. LOO K A class 7 Ford bug. closed body, good tires and in best of condition. Will demon trte; can be seen at Crown 8 tables. 284 let t 1917 MAXWELL touring, looks and runs lik new run 4000 sailes. extra $600. CaU Seliwood 3479. 1916 CHALMERS, finish good as new, extra tire and equipment. $850. term; cans be at 715 8, Kellogg t. St. John. WILL sell my new 1918, Ford touring ear, $625 cash. Joined the navy; call 169 Knott SC, or tihnne Wdln, 2882. BY OWNER 1918 Ford roadster, HkV used three months. Pric only 8460. 864 Fourth st STUDEBAKER 5 pa, car, new tire, painted, for Ford truck, Turk Broa., ewly 606 Main t.. Oregon City. FORD touring, new or 1917, for sale, call be tween 5:30 and 7:30 p. m. 605 Orang at, Ladd's addition, Sellwood 2794. FOR SALE Saxon Six, like new, er win trade in on Portland property. H. L. Clark, Beech apt., pt. 1. 873 hi wllutsu av. you W- power and economy, almost new, $ 1 as 644, Journal. FORD for sale. Phone Sellwood 8118. AUTOS FOR HIRE WILL trade my 30 ft motor boat for a lata model car and pay cash o-Xfrnc. 73. Journal. , T8 LET as repair yonr sasnaiae la jrmnt srwa ajar aga Private aerrica car day and night. Slag 40 ACRES for roadster or light touring cacT Call Tabor 6867. after 6:80 p. m. HJGHa'f pncea paid tot auiotBobUe. eeudi. tJom n object. Ill N. 3d st. Bdwy. ;g I. - AUTOS FOR HIRE It AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS" Brand new cars. Reasonable rate. Fes ring A Robnett. City Gang. 88 10 th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. . . " AUTos"vifttouT DftmiRS for Hitti' 4 COUCHMAN A 8ULLIVAN, . :. MARSH, 222 10TH AND YAMHILL -A-t 238 FORD8 for hire without driver, ill stark t ' Broadway 3632. ; . HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cars, com- -, petent driven. 8ixth and Wash. Main 700. CAR for highway. Good car. old driver" Wood- ' lawn a 7i. NEW Ford ear for highway; experienced driver. Main 5687. COLUMBIA RIVER HICHWA AUTO AKRv"- ' ICE. W do taxi work Main 228. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES U . 1918 TWIN Indian, easy terms. New and t bicycle. The K renin Reriair secondhand shop, 368 N. 23rd V, phon Brdw. 3060, CALLED to war. will sacrifice my Indian motor- ' cycle for 830. or take Liberty bond. C. Swan- ,. eon. 1058 E. 30th. N- cor. Alberta -and 30th. . MOTORCYCLE, good condition, for J cheap. ' 866 East Flanders st LAUNCHES AND BOATS Boat Swan for Charter Dane every Wed, and Bat night Main 4T48. 5ROOM houseboat for aale. Call bet wee a 6 and 8 p. m. Broadway 2217. FOR RALE Cahe and lull equipment. In eluding share in boethouse. Call Tabor 3178. PIANOS, ORGANS, IwCSlCAL INSTRUMENTS SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $250 7 octav qur piano, cash $ 25 $300 7 1-3 octave square piano, cash... '.8 SO $275 7 octav English upright, cash 3 4 8 $300 7 octav French apnght. raib $ 65 $350 American make upright, cash $ 98 $400 larg oak upright piano, cash $165 $360 new studio model pisno, cash.. ..$218 $375 new, stored,, upright piano, cash.. .$286 $425 new, stored, upright pisno. cash. ..$255 $460 new, stored, upright pisno, rash.... $266 $760 Weber man. ilsyer piano, cash.... $29$ $650 modern, man., player piano. eaeh..a,86 8 8 3 parlor organ with mirror, cash.... 8 28 8125 parlor organ, with mirror, cash..... 3 86 Considering th rising market, new piano al ready gone $75 to $150 higher, the above piano ought to sell quickly it this time. Pianos bought and sold for cash and atored for 60c monthly. 109 4th at. t Washing-ten. DON'T buy eld unimproved pianos when th Becunty Btrrag Co. i offering new Improved $376 piano for $213 and modern $650 player pianos foa. $365. at 109 4th st PIANOS. organ and musical, Instrumeat. Decker A Bow. rosewood turrlsrht 8100: Rurdrtt orgsn. walnut, $32,60. Marold 8. Gil bert. 884 Tsmhlll st. I WlXL demonstrate a Brunswick phonograph la your own Bom. i'hoaa m. Hate Ardrey. Sell. 8163. 82x1 25 $12 CASH. $6 monthly atUl bay new Improved 1918 model mane at th Sebwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st-. at Wash, SC FOR SALE Pin, mahogany case. A-1 con dition. 2031 E. Burnside st. a j4 d i. Harold Gilbert, 884 YsmhllL TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REmTnT.TON". rental" plan, rent appll-to purrnae. ninio models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. M Broadway. Broadway 482t. GUA RANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, 'all makes, sold on rru-nthly payments. Send for pric list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co., re- tall dept.. 321 Washington st. - REBUILT typewriters, supi'ile. Corona deal. w. reaae Co., 110 nth. ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repairs?. Oregon Typewriter Co., VIA Bin, Main 3668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE It TAKE ADVANTACE " New Furniture, Bog and Range at Second Hand Price Ws r Closing Out 3 Larg and Com plete Stock of Horn Furnishings at Wholesale Cos and Lee. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO, 186 68 1st St. Between Morrison and YamhUL MACHINERY 81 t J. J. BATEMAN MACHINERY CO., ISO. 220 Front at, Portland. Or. - Call your attention to th fset they have on hand over 100.000 ft. of good first elaea 2d hand cable. Included in this there Sf practically all sires. We also bav gears, pqltoy. shafting, blocks, maniila rope, sawroijl machin ery and logging supplies of all kind. Writ fog prices end psrticulor. J. J. BATEMAN MACHINERY CO.. Etc.. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS i Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Work. 418 Bnrn alde, comer 10th. Broadway 6674, $10. 00 TEN drophead wtng machine with sp I UiUU attachment; ell arc is vtry good condition. Sewing machine rented at 83 rwr month, Pbone East 2859, or B-8807. E. ft, Steen, 152 Grand ,. near Belmont "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriter." tnd A'HoUMhald Goods" r separata etssslf trattoria Aa advertisement of the good r published under thatr respective classification. LOOK THEM OVER Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning, 81; Jewels. 50e; main spring, 60s). RK1NGOLDM. JEWELERS. 124 6TH ST. - $12,50 to $15 SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed. We rent and repair. 172 8d t Msin 1845. A-1818. Res.Wdln.1950 W) .aUsi'lts'i Portland. Or. New and second hsnd All site Any amount FOR SALE Ahoiit ' 700 bole of apple era trees. rke to Portland. See owner, Davis) i r'"' ; m or 4 to 6 ! WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof I Why nog istrmaneat and indestructible roof! We oxidize slid renew all kind of leaky roofs, 608 Tourney bMg, llsm 6,886. AUTOMOBILES. HOTORCTCYES. LAUNCHES or boat r eriste classifications. A large' listing can be found uuder thee different claaaift- catfana. Nelson "Ladder Works LI7, Step, extension snd cherry pickers' ladder. Biio ENVELOPE or Rb3 boirl letterhead C $2.75. Bt work; prompt delivery; try u Smi'.u. l'rtnterv. 204 Stsrk st. A TTXIPlJiTE set of 10 numbers, af new Hw klns' Kb-ctrtcal Guide, for sal cheap. 863 Front, or call Msin 1329. HOT water tank, all flaes. In good, errk-ab' ' condition, 30 gal. $7. 40 gaL $9. 201 Adam st. Fas, end Steel bridge. Phone E. 8511. UNCALLED for tllr mad suits. 812.60 u Tsylor the iaiior, zf) jsurnsKie. CAS RANGE snd Grocer. Esvt 668 TENT. 12x14, $20 wood heater; very cheap, only been rued few weX 629 Savier. FOR SALS Champion refrigerator, f 5; alsa fruit Jar, cheap.- Call 22 E. 28th. ftri!? plums F. Mtreheut. Columbia bled.. Ttnfll T... nenton ear. PLUMBING supplies, wnole-wl price. .stars- Is via CO., at q vo. mis VACUUM cleaners eold. repired. renUd, - changed, bought Bentley Co., Mai 6362. $225 NATIONAL : c-h register eery cheap; perfectegndltion ' 32 0 Halmon KITCHEN range for !. k good eoadition. Broadway 8017. : ; LADY'S astride saddle. McClellan mk. East 2997 mornings. 5 A LAW AY cream separator, 950 lb. Pric $31 " - Bandford. Llnnton. Ore. ' SANITARY couch and pad. $5. Bang. oQ. 4- I TaEG-b' TACUl- SWEEPERS. Main i-iSTT burner, 7. rnoo iXHumoi si a. I . -. . . a . mrmA . t-w East ., !1AL-A "' " MW- ; SALE A rug, a good a new. East TCvtt4 FoUowUsI Faf, AUTOMOBILES WANTED