The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 17, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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patriotic Services in Sponor of rand Urmy Veterans HHU
?Nld on Sunday
Pack Jfrom Slaskal
Pleads C.. Union
Wife Will Jfill husband's pulpit
t at it ae t at at at at at t at
preacher (goes to 3E2lork in iMore
Revs. Mr. and Mrs. C A. Keller of the Nazarene church of Oregon
City. The church announces that Rev. Mrs. Ketler will preach Sun
day nights hereafter and attend to pastoral duties, while Mr.
Ketler will preach Sunday mornings.
Extending Assistance to All Men
in Ways Not Otherwise Avail
able, jOne of Missions.
ON Sllll
111 - 1 $
I . M
! .
i " ' '
'ft,, , ' f ; f
Churches' of Nearly Every De
nomination Plan Special Pro
1 grams to Honor Heroes of '61.
Pastor Homer L Cox Will Outline
Some Ideals to Be Striven For;
Union Services Sunday P. M.
"World Wide Plans for World
Wide Methodism," Slogan
Giving View of Responsibility.
Preachers Asked by Committee to
Urge People Provide Quarters
for Aged Veterans Next Week;.
KMBKFIS of the Grand Army
V J , til- .. .1 v.
I Jil Ol me rvepuuuu mi-i
Jnf wives are to play promli
j MJ'L rent part in this Sunday's
church services In Portland.
Churches In nearly every denomination
.have planned special programs In honor
of the "Krand old .pen"- who are visi
tors In our city. Nearly every place
of worship will be decked with the
Stars and Stripes and patriotic tunes
and old" fashioned church hymns wiJl
make up the musical programs.
Richard W. Chllds of the O. A. R.
committee has appealed to all Port
land's pastors to urge their members
to open, their homes to the "boys in
blue" who have been invited to Port
land for '.heir annual encampment. He
Mid : "An S. O. S. call has come from
your city to you to defend her reputa
tion for .hospitality and courteous
treatment of the visitors within her
LIU Tonr Rooms
"At the urgent request of your civic
bodies Portland was awarded the G.
A. R. convention for 1918. and It Is
expected that at least S5-.000 people will
be our guests during the week of
August 18. They are here at your re
quest and the door of your home must
be thrown open to them, and every
Citizen should give rooms to as many
aa possible in order that we will not
have raised thousand of dollars to send
people away from our city knocking
and criticizing us."
Mr.. Chllds asked that each member
of the ' clergy - either make this an
nouncement from Ms pulpit or Insert
the notice In the church bulletin. Every
church member who Is willing to fur
nish a sleeping place for one or more
of the old veterans of almost 60 years
ago. Is asked to telephone to the Lib
erty Temple at once.
Special Program at Wilbur
tr. Francis Burgette Short of Wilbur
Methodist church has promised a spe
cial program of familiar hymns to the
members of the O. A. R., whom he has
moat cordially Invited to the mornilng
service. 4
At the First Presbyterian church
there will be special patriotic music
at' the services on account of the near
ness of the National Encampment of
the G. A. R. The program follows:
iu.jw a. a.
Prelude "Offertolre" Sterna
W ' MM'ulloch
"Conn Into Him" Fnr
Miss A.trM Rrl and Mrs. Msbel Orton Wilson
uoio r iirwr .in flraren . . . .
Miss Astrid Hoal
rtlud "rrormHlonal"
V. i MrCulloch
8:00 1 M
rrtlude ."Andantn ntjibile ' .
V. ('. Mrfllllnrh
. Brisga
. Tirhaikowjkj
. . Bandemon
ttolo ""Byr.nd tho ltiwn"
. Mis A -it rid Roal
Mo "Gnd Tht MadrKt"
I Mm. Mabel ( )rt.on Wilmn
. Sanderion
rmtlnd V"Alleirn romjim" Hollowij
W. ('. MrCulloch
Evangelist Here to
Conduct Meetings
Evangelist A. J. I.ankln of Vancouver,
B. C, Is here to conduct a series of re
vival meetings at Glad Tiding hall. 246
First street. Mr. Lankln is an vn.
list in the Pentecostal movement. Many
are said to have been converted in his
meetings. He preaches divine healing
and the baptism of the Holy Spirit and
lire. me meetings are announced as
non-sectarian. Meetings are to be held
fcunday at 3 .10 and T:i5 o'clock and at
8 o'clock each week night, except Mon
day and Saturday.
Will Prearh at Pilgrim
Rev. Robert Murray Tratt will oc
cupy the pulpit of the Pilgrim Congre
gational church on Sunday
at 11.
till ,VM
11 till u
Wy'ZfcWftrm S"od Car to . Visitor. 1 i
Miss Faye Steinmetz, reelected presi
dent of Multnomah county C. E.
I'nion, to fill vacancy left by J.
Evert Dotson, engaged in war
Rev. Herman Marchbeirv of New
York Has Been Engaged by
Congregation Ohav Torah.
HE Hebrews living in Portland,
who plan to attend the services
at the First Street congrega
tion Ohav Torah during the
coming holy holidays, will have
the opportunity of hearing Rev. Herman
Marehbein, one of the foremost cantors
of this country. He has been engaged
by the congregation and is expected to
arrive in Portland Thursday night, but
he will not be heard before August 31.
Meanwhile he will devote his time mak
ing the necessary rehearsals with the
Rev. Mr. Marehbein studied In con
servatories abroad to become an opera
singer and was to make his first ap
pearance when his parents dissuaded
him. He then came to America with
the hope that he would be able to ap
pear in the opera here, but his parents
followed him, and he found it heces
sary to vow that he would never ap
pear on the stage. His father is Rev.
Lazar Marehbein of Wilkesbarre, and
his grandfather is known as the great
cantor composer of Poland. His uncle
is Rabbi Rosen of the Roumanian
synagogue of New York. It Is possible
that the cantor will sing in concert
here before he leaves.
C. E, Conferences
Furnish Program
Of Much Interest
The delegates at Camp Multnomah.
Christian Endeavor training station at
Jennlng's Lodge, are enjoying a splendid
program of C. E. conference addresses
and recreations. Miss Edna Whipple,
state president, delivered the keynote
address and Is conducting the dally
watch service. The evening sings are
under the direction of Harold Humbert
Special Bible talks are delivered each
day by Rev. Harold Griffis. The young
people" are also receiving a course of
study In C. E. work, which is given to
equip, them for the work In their so
ciety .during the coming year, as many
of the younger workers are now forced
to fill the places of the young men who
have been called into the nation's ser
vice. The afternoons are spent in hik
ing, and In shore parties. Sunday is to
be observed as "decision day." Miss
Faye Steinmetz, newly elected president
of the Multnomah county union, ar
ranged the "camp" and is in charge.
Church Burns Mortgage
At a recent prayer meeting the Beth
any Baptist church in Sellwood had the
pleasure of burning a mortgage on its
parsonage. Sunday morning the pastor
will preach on the question, "Are You
Dressed Fashionably?" and in the even
ing will discuss, "Do You Wear Your
Own Clothes?"
Portland Crematorium are being called
upon more each week because those
who acquainted themselves with Its facilities
realize how many of the trials of the last
rites this modern, humanitarian method of
disposing of the bodies of our dead has suc
cessfully and more agreeably solved. Its
greater regard for the sentiments of those
who grieve and its lasting peace will con
tinue to foster its rapid adoption by all
thinking people.
The Portland Crematorium
fare work is being carried on in
45 camps In the United States
under direction of the Christian
Science war . relief and camp
welfare committee of The First Church
of Christ, Scientist, In Boston. There
are about 70 men and 15 women en
gaged in this work, the women serving
mainly as welfare room attendants.
Conducted at first Independently, the
camp work has . been merged with the
war relief work which the Christian
Scientists were doing in foreign coun
tries before the United States entered
the war. For both these purposes about
one million dollars have been raised.-
Christian Science camp workers aim
to be helpful to all the men la the
camps, and particularly to give assist
ance which may not be available
through any of the other camp welfare
agencies. A feature of this phase of the
work is an arrangement for keeping
soldiers and sailors In close touch with
their relatives.
Cooperating -with the committee in
Boston, there is a camp welfare com
mittee In each state. The committee in
the home state of a soldier or sailor co
operates with the committee of the state
In which he is camped to form a link
between the soldier or sailor and his rel
atives. " This linking of home and camp,
combined with the personal attention of
the Christian Science workers, has fre
quently been the means of changing a
soldier's outlook from gloom to joy, and
not Infrequently it has proved to be the
means of relieving relatives of financial
embarrassment, the ' committee in the
home state making loans for use by the
relatives until their boy in camp should
be prepared to forward money to them.
In numerous camps, the committees
have erected buildings, with quiet places
for reading and writing ; an automobile
Is inculded in the equipment of the
workers at each camp.
Dr. Brougher Will
Preach to Veterans
Dr. J. Whitomb Brougher has prom
ised a "soul-thrilling" service for Sun
day evening, when he was to deliver
his famous address on "The United
States versus Kaiser Bill," or "American
Ideals in Iron Clothes." This will be
an intensely patriotic service, to which
all members of the G. A. R. are invited.
This is considered one of the finest ser
mon addresses delivered by Dr.
The Grand Army people and their
friends are also invited to attend the
services at the FirBt Congregational
church Sunday evening. Dr. J. Alex
ander Jenkins of Chicago Is to speak
on "The Crucial Service of the Grand
Army of the Republic."
Mrs. William Castleman, formerly
Miss Ethel Shea, who was a member of
the Temple quartet when Dr. Brougher
was pastor, will sing at both services.
In the morning she will sing "Face to
Face" and in the evening "When the
Boys Come Home" and "Shadows."
Closing Year's Work
Rev. James T. Fretich is closing his
church year's work at the First Meth
odist church. South, and will leave for
Milton. Or., in two weeks, to attend
the annual conference of the church.
Sunday School to Picnic
The Sunday school children of St.
Pauls Lutheran will hold their annual
picnic Wednesday at Crystal Lake park.
They are to leave at 9 :45 a. m. Rev.
A. Krause is pator of the church.
Twelfth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lesson
"Worklne in the Church." Acta 2:41-47;
6:2 4.
Golden Text: "Enter, Into Hia Gates With
ThankwrinEV and Into His Court With Praise :
(lire Thanks Into Him and Bless His Name."
Ps. 100:4.
Young People's Topics
Christian Endearor "ITsine Our Tena for
Christ " Tuke 1:1-4: 3 John 1-14.
Junior Christian Endearor "Daniel and His
Companions." Pan. 1:8-16.
Epworth League "The Hidden Pillars of
My Life " 1 Sam. 1:24-28; 2 Tim. 1:5-6: 1
Cor. 4:14 15.
jtWilliam A. Waldo. 11, preaching by Rer. James
w mtcomD nrougner oi ios Angeles. 1 1 .
'The Relrtnon for Today Is the Old-Time Re
ligion a Failure, and Will the War Oire . Vs
New rtebgion?": 7:45. "The United State
ts. Kaiser Bill."
East Side E. 20th and Ankeny Hey. W. B.
Hinson. Preaching by Eyancelist Dr. S. J
Reid. 11. "Reflected Glory": 7:45. "Wound
ed and Healed."
Third Yancourer and Knott Re. Webley
J. Baaren. 11. "Jesus, Our Example-of Cour
age": 7, "Set-ring Christ With the Pen."
Arleta, Rer. W. Garnet Hadley. 11. "The
Transfiguration ot Jesus ; 8, Lifted Up to
Calrary E. 8 th and Grant Bey. J. E.
Thomaa. 11. 8.
Glencoe E. 4 5th and Main. Preaching by
Ker. ( haries waenue. u, i no.
Sellwood Bethany Key. T. J. BroomfieM.
11. 8.
Grace E. 76th nd Ash Rey. H. T. Caah.
11. 8.
Highland Rer. Ed C. Cofer. 11. 8.
Umyersity Park Rer. S. Lawrence Black.
11, 8.
St. Peters Lenta Rey. P. Beutgeo. 8.
10:80. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Dayia Rey. E. V.
O'Hara. 6. 7:15. 8:30, R:45. 11. 7:45.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rey. J. p.
Hughea. 6. 8.30. iu:3. 1.3V,
St. Patrieks 18th and Sarier Ry. E. p.
MutDhy. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St, Francis E. II 1th and Oak Rey. J. H.
Black. 6. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30.. .
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams aye. and
Stanton Rey. w. A. uiy. o, s. . 11, 7:30,
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rey. E.
8. Olson. 6, 7, 5. v. IX, 7:30.
St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rey. J
O Farrell. 8. 10:30, 4.
8t. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Ry. J.
Kiernan. 8. 10:3O, 7 :SO.
The Madeleine E. -24 th and Siskiyou Rey.
finnrea F. Thompson. 7 :30, , 11.
Ascension E. 76th aad Yamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:SO.
Blessed Sacrament -Maryland aTe. and Blan-
rt.n. Rey. F. W. Black. 8. lO:30. 7:30.
Holy Cross 774 Bbwdoin Rer. C. Raymond.
8. 10:30. 7:30.
Kt. IgnatJus 3220 43d C S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:80. S, 1U:3U, 4.
St. Stephen 42d and E. Taylor Rey. War
ren A. Waitt.. o. :. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blyd. and Vanconrer
ye Ker. r.-tl. Miller, o. o. 10:30, 7:30.
8t- Phillip Nert ( Fauttst Fathers). E. 16th
and Hickory iter. w. . varrwricbt. 1 0. 8, 10
r r ferv 1
Believing It His Duty to Do Some Manual Labor Which Will Re
lieve Younger Men for War Service, Rev. Mr. Ketler
Becomes a Floor Walker.
The newly organized Nazarene church
of Oregon City has purchased the
church formerly used by the German
Evangelical people and has remodeled
and Improved the structure. They have
Rev. C. A. Ketler of Pittsburg, Pa., for
their pastor. He is assisted in the work
by Mrs. Ketler. who is also an ordained
minister. Both have had experience in
evangelistic work in the United States
and Canada, Mrs. Ketler having also
preached In England.
Service Will Shift
To Jennings Lodge
The Sunday evening services at the
First Christian church, including the
young people's meeting and the .preach
ing service, will be transferred from
the church to Camp Multnomah at Jen
nings Lodge, where the Christian En
deavorers are holding their county con
vention. The pastor. Rev. Harold H.
Griffis. will deliver the special decision
sermon at Multnomah at the evening
hour, his theme being "The Hygienics
of the Christian Life." At the regular
morning worship at 11 o'clock. Rev.
Mr. Griffis will speak on the subject,
"My Religion in Everyday Life." The
pastor's Thursday evening lecture for
next week will have for its topic. "The
Four Steps in Christ's Program of
World Peace."
Gospel Meetings to
Continue Next Week
The Norwegian gospel camp meetings
at Twenty-third and Alberta streets
have been well attended during the past
and the clergy have decided to continue
the services for another week. The In
terest and enthusiasm are said to be
growing stronger each night. Evange
list J. Lee is preaching. There will be
meetings Sunday at 11. 4 and 8 o'clock
and each night during the week except
Monday and Saturday at 8 o'clock.
People speaking Scandinavian are es
pecially invited.
Dr. Wells to Speak
Dr. J. Hunter will speak at
Laurelwood Oongregational church
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
St. Clements S. 8mith are. and N
Serrite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rey. G.
Robl. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Agatha E. 15th and MUler Rey. J.
Comminsky. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus: (Poliah) Maryland ae. and
Failing Rer. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Joseph (German) 16th and Couch Rey.
B. Durrer. 8. 10 :30, 7:80.
St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rer. M
Balestra. 8, 1.0:30. 7:30.
St. Claroa Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers.
7:30. 9:15.
St. Charles 83d and Albert Rer. J. P.
O'Flynn. 8. 10:30.
All Saints E. 39th and Glisan Rer. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:30.
First Park and Columbia Rey. Harold H.
Griffis. 11. "My Religion in Eyeryday Life":
erening eerrice at Jennings I.odge.
East Side E. liltb. and Taylor Rey. R. H.
Sawyer. 11, 8
Montarilla E. 76th and Hoyt Rer. J. W.
Jenkin, 11, 8.
Rodney Arenue-' Rodney and Knott Rey. J.
F. Ghormley. 11. "Christian Unity A Ex
pressed in the Lord's Supper and in Christian
Serriee": 8. musical program under direction of
young people.
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rey. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11, 8.
Christian Science
Lesson subiect: "Soul."
First 10th and Ererett. 11.
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11..
Fourth Vancourer are. and Emerson. 11.
Fifth 62d at. and 42d are. 8. E. 11.
Sixtf Masonic Temple. 368 TamhlU. 11. 8.
St. Johns Holbrook block. 11.
First Park and Madison. Rey. James A.
Jenkins of Chicago. 10:30. "The Servant
Theory of Life"; 7:45, "The Crucial Service of
the Grand Army of the Republic."
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Ererett
Rer. Warren Moore. 11.8.
Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rer. J. J.
SUub. 11. 8.
Highland E. 6th and Preseott Rer. Edward
Constant. 11, sermon by Rer. O. J. Torrusson.
Warerly Heights E. 83d and Woodward
Rer. A. C. Mores. 1 1 . preaching by Rey. W.
R. Kerr; 8. fpecial meeting of church members
with Rer. A. J. Snllens.
Laurelwood 45th are. and 65th st. 8. E.
Mrs. J. J. Handsaker. 11. preaching by Dr. J.
Hunter Wells.
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. 1 1 , "Hands
Across the Sea," by Rer. Robert Murray Pratt.
Finnish Misaion Rey. Samuel Nevada. 6
7 :30.
Trinity 19th and Ererett Rev. A. A. Morri
son. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
ISth and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop
Very Rev. E. H. McCollister, dean. Sundays:
7:45 a. m.. 11, 7:45 p. m. ; church school, 9:45
a. m. Week days. Wednesday 7 80 a. ru.. Fri
day 9:30 a. in.; Holy day. 7:30.
St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont Bev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:80, ll",
"Church t'ruou and the Catholic Commun
ions; 8.
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J G
Hatton, rector. 7:80. 11, 7:45.
St. Andrews Hereford at. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 7:30 m.
Grace Memorial E. 17th tad Wtridlrr . , Tt.i
Oswald W. Taylor. 811 r"'
Believing that it Is the duty of the
clergy to help as much as possible dur
ing the war. Rev. Mr. Ketler has ac
cepted a position as floor manager in
one of the Portland department stores
ao as to release some younger man-for
war work. Rev. Mrs. Ketler will at
tend to the pastoral duties idurtng the
week and is to preach Sunday evenings.
Mr. Ketler-Is to preach 35urniay morn
ings. Rev. Dr , Unsworth to
Preach Again Sunday
The First Presbyterian church will
again have a visitor tomorrow from Can
ada. This is Rev. J. K. Unsworth, D. D..
from British Columbia. Dr. Unsworth
preached for the same congregation last
Sunday. and, proyed that h.e is one of the
strongest men of Western Canada. He
has been a Congregational pastor in Spo
kane and other cities in Washington and
now Is preaching in the Presbjterian
church of Nanatmo. B. C. Dr. Unsworth
will preach both morning and evening
and will give a story sermon for chil
dren at the morning service.
Former Pugilist
Will Preach Sunday
Dick Ferrell. a former pugilist, will
preach In Westminster Presbyterian
church Sunday morning. He became a
Christian under the Influence of Rev.
John Timothy Stone, pastor of the
Fourth Presbyterian church of Chicago,
and has since had a wonderful career
in the upbuilding of Christianity in
this country. He is now one of the
great personalities in the army V. M.
C. A. work at Camp Lewis.
Spokane Man to Speak
O. A. Burgess of Spokane is to speak
at the Church of God at both services
Sunday. Mr. Burgess Is known through
out the northwest as an able and effi
cient Sunday school man. He is presi
dent of the Church of God Sundaj'
school association of the northwest. He
is also head of the church Bible school
In Spokane. The church is at 363 Fail
ing street.
1 Good Shepherd Vancouver
and Graham-
liter. John Dnwson. 11. 8.
I St. Michaels and All Saints E. 43d and
I Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8. 10. ll
and 5.
i Church of Our Savior1 60th ave. and 4 1st st.
i S E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
i Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:45.
8t Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
All Saints 25th and Savler Rev. Frederic
I K. Howard. 11.
St. Johns E. 15th and Harney. Sellwood
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11. 7:30.
First E. 6th and Market Rev.' E. D. Horn-
schuch. 11, 8.
Free Methodist
entral E. B.lth and Flandei
Coffee. 11. 7:30.
First E. 9th and Mill. Rev
1 Rev. W. M.
A. Beers. 11.
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday
at 8 p. m.. Saturday. 10:80 a. m. Sunday. 10,
In Portland academy bldg . 18th and Mont
gomery. Religions school. Bible classes at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation Ahavia Sholom Park and Clay
"ts. Rabbi R. Abrahamson. Friday. 8 p. m.,
Saturday, 9:39 a. m.
Latter Day 8alnU
'Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. 10. 7:30.
St. Pauls E. 12 th and Clinton Rev. A.
Krause. 9:30. 10:30, 8.
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A Cfaristensen. 11, sermon in English.
Trinity Williams and Graham Rev. J. A
Rienbsch. 0:15. 10:15.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev.
Wilhelm Pattersen. 10:30, preaching in English
by Rev. L. O. Fossa m. 8. "The Prophet Daniel.
His Times and His Message," by pastor.
Grace English Mason and Albina. 10:30.
'Methodist episcopal
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. C C.
Rarick. 11, "Investments That Pay." 8, "The
Church and the New Age."
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev.
E. B. Lorkhart . 11.
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua 8tana
field, pastor. 10:30. 8.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Bev. Elias Gjerdirg. 8.
Vancouver Ave. Norwegian Danish Skidmore
and Vancouver Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11.
Lincoln E. 62d snd Lincoln Rev. E. B.
Lockhart. 8.
Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. OUn
Eldridge. 11. "The Ultimate Victory." followed
by holy sacrament. 8. "Making Tour Life Effec
tive. ' '
WUbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Trancis Bur
gette Short. 10, Sunday school. 11, "How Are
We Using Our Divine Likeness T"
St. Johns W. Learitt and 8yreeue Rev.
J. H. Irvine. 11, 8, outdoor sing and sermon on
city 'hall lawn.
I'niversity Park Ficke and Lombard Bev.
J. T. Abbett. 11, 8.
Epworth 26th snd Savieir Rev. C. O. Mc
Cnlloch. 11. 8.
District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace
Youngson. D. D.. 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790.
M. C. South
First Union and Multnomah Rev. James
T French. . 11..VA Bich Bible Symbol." 8.
' "Sequence."
HE congregation of the First
Friends church. East Thirty
fifth and Main streets, will hold
the first service in their new
place of worship Sunday morn
ing. The pastor. Rev. Homer L. Cox.
will preach on "The Church" and will
outline some of the ideals to be striven
for In the future. The church is not
entirely completed, but it has been
found advisable to enter the new build
ing, as the old place of worship will
not conveniently seat the large audience
that Is attending each Sunday, even
during the summer months.
Sunday a great union service of all
Sunnyside churches Is to be held at
the Friends church and Rev. Barclay
Acheson of the Y. M. C. A. will speak.
This will be a union service of the Sun
nyside Congregational. Sunnyside Meth
odist and United Presbyterian churches.
The congregation of the Friends church
has invited their friends to attend the
opening services in their new home.
Albany Pastor to
Speak Here Sunday
Rev. 'George H. Young, pastor of the
First Baptist church of Albany and
professor of Bible study of Albany col
lege, will preach at Central Presby
terian church Sunday at 11 a. m. Rev.
Orlando B. Pershing of Albany will
take up the active duties as pastor of
Central church and preach his first ser
mon on Sunday, September 1.
Unitarian Pastor
Keturns for Sunday
"A Message From a Hospital Bed" will
be the sermon subject Sunday morning
at the Church of Our Father, when Rev.
William G. Eliot Jr. will preach. Rev.
Mr. Eliot will only be in the city over
Sunday to perform his church duties. He
will return to Camp Lewis Monday for
his work there in the' base hospital as hut
pastor for the Y. M. C. A.
Fourth of Sermon Series
The fourth of the series of sermons
on the seven churches of Asia will be
given by Rev. E. O. Shepherd at the
Third United Brethren church Sunday
morning, trje subject being, "The Ac
commodating Church." The topic of
the evening evangelistic service is, "And
the Door Waif Shut."
Last of Sermons
In the absence of the pastor. Dr. Rob
ert H. Milligan. Dr. M. DeWltt Long
of Sheridan. Wyo.. will speak Sunday
morning at Rose City Park Presby
terian church. This will be the last of
Dr. Long's sermons.
Ewlng to Speak
James F. Ewlng is to give an inter
esting talk at the Men's Resort Sunday
night. The Laughton orchestra will
render special music and R. Desmond
will sing. The men will sing a num
ber of old time gospel songs. The
service starts at 8 o'clock.
President Lee to Preach
President Wallace H. Lee of Albany
college will preach in Calvary Presby
terian church Sunday morning and
Sunday he and Rev. George H. Young,
pastor of the First Baptist church and
professor of Bible study in Albany col
lege, will jointly occupy the pulpit, the
latter preaching.
9th and Spokane
Sellwood E.
Morse. 11. 8.
-Rev. B. H.
First 12th and Aider Rev. John H Bovd.
Preaching by Rev J. K. Unsworth of British Co
lumbia, 10:30. "Essential Christianity." 8. "On
Good Terms With My Two Neighbors."
Westminster East 17th and Srnuyler Rev
Edward H. Pence. 10:30, Preaching by Dick
Central E. 13fh and Pine. Rev. Orlando R
Pershing. 11. Preaching by Rev. George H
Toung of Albany.
Calvnry 11th and Clsv Rev R. W. Roger
Preaching by President Wallace H. Lee of Al
bany college. 10:30. "The I4V of Forgiveness "
8. presrhing by Rev. George H. Toung of Albany,
on "The Changes in the Church When the Boys
Come Home.''
Vernon lth and Wygant Rev. J. R
Landsborough. 11, service In charge of mission
ary society and Westminster guild.
Piedmont Rev. A. L. Hutchison. 11 8
Fourth First and Gibbs Rev. Henry G
Hansen. 10:30.
Kemlworth E. 34th and Gladston
Paul E Ratsch. 1 U
Hope E. 78th and Everett Rev.
Drrris. 11. 8.
Floyd E.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. Preach
ing by Dr M De Witt Long of Sheridan. Wyo
11, "In the Shadow of a Great Rock."
Seventh Day
Vm I
of this denomination
. . . -' r.M-r vi bui aeoommauon t
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick
son. pastor. 11:15. j
Tabernacle Arcanum hall. 13th and vTaah
Ington. 11. 7:45.
MontavilU E. 80th and Everett Elder J. !
a. iernart. 11.
Lenta 94th st. and 58th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 1 1 .
St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 1 1 .
Mt. Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T. Hilgert. 11.
Albina Skidmore and Msllory Rev. A. A
Meyer. C. F. Knott. local elder. 11:15.
Scandinavian Ogdea hall. Mississippi and
Shaver. 11.
Salvation Army
Corps No. 1 243 Ash at. Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11, 8:15. 8.
Church of Our Father Broatay and Tarn
hill Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "A Message
From a Hospital Bed."
United areUteen
Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc
Donsld. First E. 15th snd Morrison. 11. "Loyalty
to Our Ideaia." by Rev. G. E. McDonald. 8,
patriotic address by Professor L. F. John.
Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rev. R. G.
Sumerlin will preach.
Third 67th at and S2d ave. 8. E. Rev.
E. O. Shepherd. 11. 8.
Fourth Tremont, Rev. E. P. Blanchard. 11.
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 11. 7:45.
Realization League 186 5th Rev. H.
Edward Mills. 11, "Day by Day." 8. "Incarna
tions." Church of the Universal Messisnie Message
414 E. Everett. 11. 8. "The Eternal Care of
the Father." Wednesday. 8. study class.
Christadelphian E. 16th and Washington.
Charca of God 363 Failing. 11.
- r - J .4 '7 t i ,
Rev. Ward Mrllenry, who has been
on extended mission to northlaml
In interest of Armenian relief fund.
Rev. Ward MacHenry Met Cor
dial Reception on Trip to Alas
ka in Interest of Armenians.
of the Mount Tabor Presbyter
Ian church, returned to Port
land Friday night from a
month's trip in Alaska in the
interests of the Armenian and Syrian re
lief work. Rev. Mr. MacHenry left Port
land July IS. and during the last four
weeks he has toured through nearly all
of the larger cities lying along the coast
of Alaska and has also spoken in a few
of the Inland towns.
He reports that he had & most de
lightful and successful trip, and that he
was received royally in every place that
he visited. The leading business men in
many of the cities took great interest in
the relief work and assisted willingly in
organizing their town so that the quota
could be raised.
Alaska was asked to raise J10.000, but
according to Mr. MacHenry, she will
"go way over the top." ' Juneau alone
raised $2500. Sunday morning Rev. Mr.
MacHenry will preach on "My Alaskan
Experiences" and it is expected that he
will have many interesting stories to
tell his congregation.
Young People to
Present Program
The woman's missionary society will
have charge of the evening service at
Rodney Avenue Christian church. The
program will be given by the young
people of the church, with Mrs. J. B.
White presiding. The program is:
Piano duet, the Welsh sisters ; ' vocal
solo. Miss Iner Myers: scripture read
ing. Miss Pearl Walker ; "Send the
Light." by the choir ; prayer. Harry
Larsen : paper. "Chinese in the United
States." by Miss Florence Walling; vo
cal solo. Miss Helen Rosenberg ; read
ing. Miss Grace Hendricks: vocal solo,
Harry Larsen : papeT, "New China." by
Miss Vera Hendricks; vocal duet.
Thornton sisters : sketch, "Mary Stone."
by Mrs. Harry Larsen, and an anthem
by the choir. Sunday morning. Rev. J.
F. Ghormley will preaoh on church
Lietitenant . Hoag
Sunday morning at
to Preach
the 11 o'clock
lain U.
Lieutenant Victor Hoag. chap-
S. A., will preach at 8t. Steph-
ens Tro-Cathedral. Dean McCollister.
who is taking a three weeks course in
the officer's training school at Vancou
ver, will take the service and Carl Den
ton, who has returned from Camp
Lewis, will be at the Organ.
Rev. J. Alexander
Jenkins, D. D.
First Congregational
Park and Madison Streets!
JUSG. "4
"The Crucial Service of the
Grand Army of the
Members of O. A. R.. Relief Corps
and Friends Specially Invited
"The Servant Theory
of Life"
These services will be helpful and
1 profitable.
Come and Worship With TJa
II A. M.
The Old-Time Religion
It It Good Tod ay 1 Will the War Give Us a New '
Relirlonl Will the Cnnrehet TnlteT
7:4. P. M.
Great Patriotic Service
Effort Will Be Made to Instill
Highest Degree of Efficiency
in Home and Foreign Missions.
TEAM of Centenary speakers.
headed- by Harry Farmer, . re
turned missionary from the Phil
ippines, and assistant secretary
of the board of foreign missions.
will present at Portland August 30., the
Methodist world program, which has for
Its purpose the conservation Kf fhe re
sults of the war. Mr. Farmer was for
merly president of the Florence U. Nich
olson school of: theology infManila. Rev.
J. M. Canse. district superintendent of
the Belllngham, Wash., district, and Rev.
J. E. Crowther. pastor of the .Methodist
church in Seattle, will also nreak.
"World wide plans for: world wide
Methodism" is the slogan f the centen
ary program which will present to the
Methodists of America a hlrdseye view
of the spreading responsibilities of
Methodism for the next 100 years. A
nation wide campaign la on foot to
rouse the Methodists of America to a
consciousness of what their church is
doing In the missions field.
Roused by the world's need for a con
structive program to counterbalance the
waste and destruction of the war, the
Joint centenary commission of the Meth
odist Episcopal church plans to rledge
$80,000,000 during the next five years to .
put the work of Its foreign and home
missions on an efficient basis.
The centenary will culminate in a
week's celebration In Columbusv Ohio, in
June. 1919. A pageant will give the status '
of Methodist missibns all over the world.
The most prominent missionaries and
speakers in the church will gather to tell
of their work. The celebration will-receive
additional impetus in that It repre
sents a combination of the boards af
home and foreign missions and the co:
operation of both branches of'the Meth
odist church In America. The Methodist
Episcopal church South and the Meth
odist Episcopal church will hold common
celebration for the first time since their
separation in 1847.
Dr. J.A.Jenkins Is to
Occupy Pulpit Again
Sunday Dr. J. Alexander Jenkins of
Chicago will again occupy the pulpit of
the First Congregational church. The
Bible school meets at noon. The weekly
prayer meeting on Thursday evening Is
also led by Dr. Jenkins. The church In
open every day from 9 to 5 o'clock for
Visitor to Prearh
Rev. Charles Waehlte will have charg
of the services at Glencoe Baptist
church. There will be special musie
under the direction of Miss M. C. Bea
ble. At the morning service Georg
Downs will ulng "The Great White
Throne" and in the evening the choir
will render the anthem. "Come Unto
Me. Ye Weary."
Kaiser Will Never
Conquer the
Declares the Bible
1 3th and Morrison Sts.
Sunday Night , Aug. 1 8
Come and brine your friends and
Questions In Biblical topics cheer
fully answered.
' 1