- s ' f THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1918. 15 "I HF.tP WAITED-FEMALE 16 TO 20 TltS. OP AGE. B' girls tn work tn b dept. 2 girl" ti work In pressrioin. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. (Bsg Factory) lr.th and lloyt Sta. WASt .housekeeper to cre for child 2H years old and rook for m and do the work in house; prefer woman not over ,15, and not any imall hid; Will pay liberal wage for, twin, ran writ to .me: rare Hughey. Redmond, Or., Box 102. , t"BKSERrl 7 Flraf, .up tlri. -r JJKLP WANTED- M ALE FEMALE AM) 29 W ANTED 1200 hop picker. Make your, na tation a baying proposition by helping T. A. I.iveelay A t'o pick their 050 seres of hop, lo rated on the following well known yard. Lake brook. Holme, Murphy and Percival. situated at alem and Independence. Hop very heavy. Excellent ramp ground, store", butcher shop, restaurant, fine water, free tent, straw and wood. Apartment house at Lakibrook. About 18 r 2.0 day' picking. Will tend 300 picker on August IB. Other special trains will leave Portland about September 3, 4 and 5 llail rosti tickets and accommodation may be secured on and after August 10 at 805 McKay bldg.. rnrat Bd and Stark sts Will pay 50c per boa, or $1 per hundred pound. Call early to secure ticket and aecomrn.odations, a Oregon baa plowed, out 15.000 acre of lyip. and many less picker tre required to harvest tha crop. I'hrwm Main 1 84 8. MOLE It BARBER COLLEGE Par yon while learning; gives yon set of tool. Pier n tees positions. Writ for cstalogue. 234 orrwide t., or phone Broadway 1731. "? WANTED -Some one to take charge of res taurant. Will ell cah or terms. For par ticular call 1580 K. Glisen at. KIU'I'UM) BARBER COLI.KGB Teechee men and women the barber trade free, pay whlla learning. 2H4 Conch Broadway 2482 EN . VOMi; N ."Yearn be rber"t r'ada tree: wags whlla learning; poxilion guaranteed. Oregoo Barber College. 223 Madison. , BEVEfUiriiolicitorjfi7r Calif Perfume o. U.S. 12th, 1 to 7 p m : SOLICITORS- Live wn-e; nothing to sell 54 6 W Taylor. 3 to 5 SITUATIONS MALE SALESMAN roverin most of On-son. Wn-hing- ton ah'l part of Idaho by automobile fr Jt four jear desire to connect with responsible bouse Willi good line. ir necc.i-ary cari ra-r and expense money. C. i; Houke-, ton hotel, Pendleton. furiii-!i. Pell'll.:- WATCHMAKER. Jewel r and engraver good steady work, can come any time. Pehunk. Independence. Or. EXPERIENCED janitor and window wants position evening and morning. w I-ilies I, J s : Journal' YOf NG man. excellent chauffeur, desirH-t i drtvinu I'd, nte car from 2 ji. in. io nation in p. sn. and Sundays. 1,-110.1, .Kurnul. C HA 1 ' If FK I. R. 8 year' ex terience,out of"il r ft, married,- sober, honest; best of references. 4 74 Alder st. F. C. Martin. HOOKKEEPK'R wants position. 12 years' ex perience. Can take full charge. T 783, Journal. , ELDERLY man. intelligent, wants steady Ji- Ition. N-Hl'J. Journal. AUTO or truck driver posit m one V.t 'an R5R5. run any kind ELDERLY- m in houseman. tl it machine de-l I"'' iti.m as janitor' or Journal CARPENTER AN II 1 ' I ! ) V E . ItKJ'UK VMiKK Tabor 7982. BOOK Phone ork. reshiiitfllng dona Itearham, Mar. 70o. by contract. S I T I ' AT I ONS 1' KM VI.K EXPERIENCED" tirl, ag,. m," wishes with homework in relined family, jections to 1 child. Stale wages. o help S'n ob-L-964. Joinrnal. COMPETENT girl wishes to assl-t with house work in small family. Phore Wdln 1611. EXPERIENCED widow wants hotel or r house to care for; country or city. 51 outing . 4th. LvfcliV wants position, no public ity. Y il'.tl . Journal. TWO girls s work on elevator. Phone Sell wood 1814. DItESSM AKINO 40 fTlKKSMAklNG, iiiifiinery; no patterns. Call 'Tahor MaM. PLUSES EJI'HKIKM Kl practical nure, best of refpr .encea, will take maternity cases in her own borne. Phone East ;jH03. FUHMSHED ROOMS I'HINCESS hotel, modern, fireproof, running water, phones and clevatur : high quality, low price East Third nd Hurnside. fl'KMMIKII ROOMS FAMILY PRIVATE i 70 ! I (if It i-onm fiat, lticJudmg 1 hr adult 5 Irorxi now until aft rc-nTcntion. t'all room 3ti Ulobe v.A Vahmglon, knrhf-n, to i r C. A. Ii ! bkln.. 1 1th i I'M YHK.'IA N want- one or two tumiho, roumn, wf.st sidr, clo.-e in. with t, hat. iihune. 'riT rric), full particulars in hmt leltcr. T- friT rnc), fi IftH, jntirnaf. rooms for tanee;. west side, break! Third st. S. rent : . t if w-i'kir.g desired. di 44 1 NICE front r witi good h' all conveni lire. "Til. siii'ahle f.ii 2 tn;lenien. no1 co'k.1 mrals. m'liii with Main 4 157 2(15 V 2 1 -t st. MIDDLE lo lire 1here are aged nisn. nploypl nii;!ii-., wi-h, a private with I'onie privilit-s uhcre no other roomers. N hlil. .lournal. Ea tGE room, suitable for two; light, bath and phon' walking rlis'r.nfe Irom ousinrsa sec- tion. West ide. 8.1 Ella st LOVELY large able for one room, hot imd cild water, suit or two business men; west side. 1 1 N 22d street. S'K'E, clean sleeping room men. walking distance on for refinr East side. I gentie E 7 3 s. FOR RENT Nice, large, clean sleeping room. 05 H N. 13th. Bdwy. 3008. - . ROOMS AND HOARD li THE Martha Washington. 880 10th. for busi ness girl and student. Marshall 1251. HAZEL, outside rooms, bo; water, horns cooking Special rate io couples. 888 3d. FOR RENT HOUSES 19 HEllP SHIPBUILDING NORTHWEST STEET, CO. YOUR LUTINGS. WANTS Yon can serve bulkier to locate your country by helping ship- List your vacancies, furnished or unfurnished houes. rooms or apartment. .Write or phone. A. J. England. Main 1193 FoR RENT, to re.-ponsihle parties, large bun- I galow, 7 room on nr.t ,t!o..r, ivtra Inrne sleeping porch, billiard room ami maid's ouar- ' , $er. on second floor, hot water heat; ahumlan of asaorteVI fruiu, berries, flowers, shrubs, shade vegetable gardens. Crounds occupy city block. Must he seen to be ap Address, with reterouce,. U 630, trees and more than predated. Journal FOR RENT, 5 room house furnished; gas, elec- t'ic'iv. Mirnaoe. piano: near Wood tuck car. 1162 (nad'tena ave., cor. 39th st. FOR ItrNT 7 room house. Brooklyn car to 7th. 504 F,. 7th. Take HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ; FOR SALE S2 Foil SALE Furniture for five-room flat; iio dealers. , Main 4034. El' RN IS HE D HOUSES 8$ 8 ROOM house, richly furnisheTl in mahog- "I. naruwoou inrougnont, oriental rugs. h large living room, sun room, sleeping porch, fruit all kinds, 4 lot, ' garage, water heater; approximate rent year; no small children; going to flowers nd s'esm heat, $1500; one France. Studebaker sedan, rent or for tale. Tabor 439o APARTMENTS 43 FURN.SHED. AND UNFURNISHED rONlTALBERT APARTMENTS New 300 room house. 2 and 3 room house keeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished; levator, hardwood floors llth and Montinmerv HART APARTMENTS becond and Yamhill Nemly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms, a;. no end np, AJf ELDfcRLY I.ADYwmld like to share an apartment with a refined lady fog. company. Please phone Tabor 3669. HISLOP HALL, EAth and Hawthorne. MoT era 1, 2 and 8 room apt., (12.50 up; walk ing distance. Call East 882. MAGNOLIA APTS. East 8d and Beimont; , modem 1 and 2 room apt., (1.50 per weak Op. Sleeping room. East 212. FKMN0LLA APT. Woodlawn 1852. Con i wta side., 2. S, 4 rooms, baths, phone. 18 4 ROOM modern, ground floor flat. on car line, Henry bldg. $20 muntli. Claude Cole. 300 FI RMSHKU FLATS 5 USE of 5 room flat, Including kitchen, to three adult from now nntil after G. A. It. con vention. ' alt at room 306 Globe bids., 11th and Washington. SMALlTfiirmshcd flat for rent; $14 per month. 02 E. 1 1th ft. RUMMER RESORTS t SEARIDE To motor parties, large tent 18x17, containing two cot, spring and mattresses; shelves, table and cook stove; free water, S3 per week; close in. John Home, Seaside, Or. FOB RENT Lovely cottage, completely fur nished, at the ocean; growing vegetables and flowers. Phone Marshal 5539 after 4. THREE II K room at Seaside for rent. Phone Tabor 2630. WANTED TO REST ROOMS for O. A. R. delegates. Ratei 7. "5c to $1.00 a night. Homes not ordinarily opened to paid guesta are allied to extend this hospitality as a matter of civic pride and loyalty. Hotel are overcrowded. Many dele rate will lack accommodations. Port land' hospitality , is at stake, mediate responses are a.sked. vention dates August lOtrj, to Our guests are arriving daily. Im-Con-23d. Com- inunirate with G. A. P. Ileadonart- ers. Liberty Temple, Sixth risoii street. Main 313, with the Journal, Main 6051. : and, Mor- direct 3. A 71' FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodations, we request every patri otic citizen w1k ha a house to rent or room to let t mail information of same to Columbia R. S B. Corp. Box 1202. Portland, Or. I WANT to nut a 4 to fi room apartment unfurni-'.cd. in a good location and among (rood " surrounding. .Th'-roughly responsible and will take lease. Main 284 1 . ANTEI to rent nicely furnidied 6 room bungalow or holise. Cail Bronlwa'y 1I14U, room 411. between 0 and 12 Saturday morn ing or address. Ueferenccs given. V-K7 7 Journal. WANTED To r.-m 1 acre or more near car- j line or It. It. with house and outnlitss. ; Could keep 500 or more hens. Box 53, Wood- -took avc, Portland j WANT TO KENT 3-room houe within radius i:t 1 r. Mocks to E. lutii and Everett. Call Tabor 6507. WANTED to reir unfurnished house. 4 to 0 room.. En.'t mJ?, paved rtreet, small family. Phone K. 1114 W ANTED .", or 0 room house. " Wdln. 3(559. It EA I. ESTATE B I S IN K. SS" "I'ROFERTY 66 WASTE I son and Ground .cpaco for garage, near Dupont street. East 2294. BeA- FOR SALE HOUSES 61 4 ROOM COTTAGE FURNISHED $1370 4 rouni cottage, furnished, large lot, fruit trees, all srr"et impneremcuts paid, 15 minute to Broadway and wet. Mississippi car. Must have $500 cash. 1194 Minnesota ave, near Illandena st. $4500 TAKES fine home of 8 rooms, den, and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, larRe, roomy porch, more than a lot, street improvements all in and pail, price $4500. small payment and straight mortgage, close in and in one of the best f districts. Main 19(;3. after 7, Mar. 865 ; STOP! LOOK! LISTEN I 7 rooms and sleeping I porco, iircpiace, oeamcu crumbs, uuiii-ui china closet. Dutch kitchen, 50x100, house in . I first class condition: price $2500, $250 cash, " ! $25 monthly. 1 block to car. FRIED W. GER ? r MAN CO.. 732 O C. bl.lg. FOR SALE Near 'Union ave. and Alherta, 6 rooni cottage; hardwood floors; fine place. Price $3350. 5 room cottage, a big snap, $2200, $500 cash. 0 room holism for rent. 10L2 Union ave. N. Wdln. 33 4. ' $31 5t SIX room huncalow, niriiHop, full basetn all on one floor; 50x100 lot; nut rovririf'tits all ill and paid Studio on r.'iir of lot rents for $120 year; on !'.2inl near Hawthorne. .1 A W1CK.MAN ').. 314 Stark St Main 583. BEAUTIFUL 8 room house; I'ir-dmtnt; ioir'by loi); sts. paved and pii ; near car. Hn'iise al"ne would cost SfidoO to :btnld. Lots worth J3HU0. The whole business for $4500. $2000 cs'ti. bal. to suit. M. Billings, 500 McKay, M. 1 .'ID". GOING EAST Will sell my new bungalow at sacrifice; G lots; aut- part pay; big garden; no wood to buy; small tax; all fenced' 111; lino scenery; E Giusan and Shady Road, out of city limits; hurry. It. A., Jtox 640. IVrilund. Or, or write T-451, Journal. FIVE room hungs'.ow in fine tn, full (cinent basement, berries and tarden; close to Disc unt for cash. For sale condition, large af 50x100 lot. fruit, 2 caiiines. $210O. by owner, 9'J6 E. I 1Mb M. N. Phono Weodlawn .5304. LOOK AT THIS HOUSE 5 rooms, in tood East side di-trict, in -good slate of repairs, only $1IKI0. Term3 to suit. Tlii. is $Voo below actual value. Call 219 Lum bermen bldg., 5th and Stark sts. foil SALE A dandy G room bungalow; all ; st-pot improvements are in; fruit trees and chicken yard; lot 33 1-3x100. Price $2650. Will take a lot aa part payment. See owner at promises, 11 00 E. Sh"rman st. 81600 HI VS North Irvington 4 room, attractive cottage, electric lights, hath, lull lot, fruit, flowers, paved street and sidewalk paid. Terms, $600 cash, balance 3 years 7 per cent. Mc twuire. 545 I'm m ave. N. Eat 5407. " SI'NNYSIDE Small modem 5 room cottage. 1174 moiu st.. fine condition; look it over and in tomorrow. Terms like rent. Owner, hor 1284. Bel move Ta- ATTRACTIVE bungalow in Rose City; 5 large airy rooms; sleeping porch, breakfast room and attic; front room 14x24; rooms all large. Lot 50x135. Appointemnt call Tabor 8743. 4t ROOM bungalow, gas, clec. lifihts, full base men! Lo: 50x100. Fruit, 3 blocks to car. Owner. Wdln. 25s3. BIG 5 room nnshrn bungalow. Quarter acre round, nice fruit, only $1000, good term. .CUll T. MOORE CO.' ABINGTON BLDG. FOU SALE by owner. modrn 6 room house, $30ii0. East, Tay!r and 20th et. Phone Est 4 17S. Terms t K ill lioni", Hawthorne ilistrict, strictly modern: hardwood tloor -, furnace, full lot. For deiatl call Tabor 0150. htiU SALE 0 room house, Dutch kitchen, ce nipnt basement, ciM.n1 location; new carline; reasonable, price. Wood lawn 21150. 5. HOOM house, 68th end E. Morrison, gas. I electricity, sewer paid, $1100, terms. Owner. ; K 3281'. ! WOODLAWN $1750-- 5 room cottage. Icith, garage, r Omi. Terms. Phone Woodlawn 4105. lot 50 b Jjrioo MODERN 7 room bungalow. $500 down, ' interest: no mortgage. 610 E. 36tb south. Sell. 2 184. $2750 TERMS Newly painted 5 room house, 60x100 lot. fruit trees, berries, good car service. 110 East Webster. Wdln. 25. 3 ROOM house, big lot, fine fruit, close price $1000. nice terms. to car; GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG 5 ROOM modern park. Immediate way 044. home, $2200, Rose- City possession. Terms. Broad- FO It SALE By owner, 7 room double con structed house, lot 00x130, sleeping perch, furnace, newly tinted, garage. Easjt 7626. lTuREI.HURST Immediate possession 8 room, modern, high class home. $5000. Terms. Broadway 044. $2b. 8 ROOMS,- Belmont St., close in. $1000 cash. bal. terms. Gibson. 266 Stark st. Marshall 12. $fl 00 WOODSTOCK cnrline. 3 rooms, chicken house, fruits and berries, easy terms. Gib son, 206 Stark, Marshall 12. 6 BOOMS, modern, large lot, near Union ave at VVoodlawn; $2000. terms, $250 will han dle Owner, Main 7276. FOB SALlJ 6 large rooms, house near Broad way bridi.'a,atJi20 Benton st, by owner. HAWTHORN E BUNG ALO vT $2 : 350 Blst st.. 50x112 . lot, near car. Tabor 8834. SELL 5-room house, close to shipyard. SeU acreage. juarsnai mil, iiwner. CITY and country protwrty. sell arid rent. BENEDICT. i6T Oak Main 1743. 3BJNE Affl. SMAlTl. house ana coiiur lot. .-i-y payment 4. Owner. 1230 Burrage Plione W din. ,S544. 7-BOOM house iu Albirn for sale-by owner 16S Faxgo &U FOR RE5T-FLATS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES fl 5 ROOM modern bungalow, !n Hawthorne dis trict, on payed atreet. full basement and built in effect, good buy at $2500, $500 down $15 a month and interest at 6. 4 and 0 room bungalows, on paved street, all paid up, close in; price $3100. $ 5 rorgn cottage, with 2 beautiful lots, plenty of fruit and berrie. full basement, light and gas, gaaage and chicken house. Price $1650, $200 down. 4 room. TeTy neat little bungalow, full base ment, built in features, a real snap at $1100. NEW YORK LAND CO , 3R1 E. Morrison St. Phone East 5317. HARD TO BELIEVE FOLLOW THIS AD. CLOSELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW GARAGE $3000 $30005 room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, cement base ment, wash trays, on a raved atreet in splendid restricted district, lot 4Sxl00; all improvements hi and paid for. Funnelled with practically new fumitnre. Garage. Perfect title. For goodness sake hurry. Don't let aoroeone else beat you to this bargain. A G. TEEPE CO.. 264 STARK ST. near 3d. Main 3516. . QUICK ACTION NECESSARY Roe City Park Better part Close to car, wet of bilh I have 2 choice buys and one or the other wnll be aild in next few day. One u -nifty little 5 room bungalow for $3250, the other is a high class bungalow with den, break fast room . and finished room in attic. $4350. Both have all up to date features; paved street, nice lawn. Phone Main 1002 or Tabor 01 3S. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. Swell 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, panel dining room, beam ceilincs, laundrv trays, fine fixtures, garage; lot 50x100. 14-foot alley, on E. 31st street, mar Ainsworth. A home that must be seen to be appreciated. Price $3450. $1000 cash and $25 per month. Our auto at your set vice. GRURSI & DOWNEY. . 316 Board of T rade. Miin 74 52. LIOLLADAY PARK BUNGALOW $3000 Modrn ft room bunualow, furnace, full base ment. Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, ex tra large front porch, large lot; garage, 2 blocks to Broadway near Wasco on 27th. . All improvements in and paid. Splendid aurround ings. J I.. KAP.NOPP A CO . 817-311) Tty Exch. Bldft Main 675. FURNISHED 6 KOOM Peninsula house, 50x100 lot, paved street, nice lawn, roses., fruit, new garage, chicken house, half block to St. Johns car. House in I fine condition. All furniture, rues, mattresses, dishes, tableware, sewing machine, kitchen range, small gas range. stove, etc., goes with place at price of $247."); $250 to $500 cash, $25 monthly. Hurry if you want this. COMTB. 727 Chamber Commerce. $750 KENTON COTTAOE$750 $150 DOWN. $12 PER MONTH 3 room plasterer! cottage, good condition, con crete foundation, brick chimney, sink and patent toilet; no shack: riKht in Kenton district, con venient to stockyard3 and shipyards and other industries; 4 blocks to Kenton bank and car Total price $750 on above terms; act todav. See FRANK L. MCUIItE. Abington bklg. To buy your home. Main 1068. ROSE CITY I'ARK CAR New modern up-to-date 0 room bungalow, furnished: has furnace, buffet, hardwood floors, garage; readv to live in. 70 ft. from Sandy hlvd , $3250. $1200 cash, balance $50 per mo.; also 4 .room semi-modern cottage, $1000, $200 cash. $20 per month; another 2 room, half hou-e. Dutch kitchen and basement, $r00. See Mr. Jinks.- 68th and Sundy blvd. " $21150 PENINSULA" BUNGALOW TERMS & room, double constructed, attractive bun galow, like new, white enamel bath, toilet and lavatory, elect, and ga3, full basement, floored attic, screened in buck porch, close to school and St. Johns car. On Concord st. Price $2650. Terms. See FRANK L. McGTTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your II ome. Ma in 1008. A BARGAIN in Alberta district: 8 room. modern house, good condition, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, pantry, buffet. Graded street, cement sidewalk, 40x100, H block from Alberta car. Price $3000. Very liberal term. The house cannot be built for this price, and the lot is worth $000. K.,A. Schramn. Main 4420. 242 Starkjit. iLTVE Y OUGOf f MO V El Well, don't worry. If you have a littls money saved up buy a home. Pay rent to yourself. You may like my bungalow. It's strictly modern, close to Sandy. Good looking, comfartable, modestly priced. Terms 5 Room. Owner East 194 7. LAfter 6 p. vn ) . 1 1 0 M E B A RG A IN 8 Near Hawthorne, full lot, modern 5 room bungalow, large attic, furnace, all built-in con veniences, full basement, wash trays, fruit, all improvements in. beautiful home, $3000. Alberta district, 12 rooms, strictly modern, furnace heat, sleeping porch, worth $7000. Will sell for $5000. S. P. Osbnrn, 610 Mc Kay bldg. HAWTHORN E BUNGALOW Nice 5 room bungalow., electricity, fireplace. laundry trays, etc., tarden, paved streets all paid; on E 35th. near Hawthorne. Price, a snap, $2750; some terms. GKUSSI & DOWNEY S 1 6 Boa rd of Trade. Main 7152. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $2500 75x100 6 rooms, full cement base ment. This was foreclosed on a mortgage -you get the benefit of the other man s loss. Terms. Let us, show you. A V.. TEEPE CO.. 264 STARK ST. near 3d. Main 3516. " VACANT. ONlTllLOCK TO CAR $3150 P,"autiful 6 room bung.ilow, just pain'od and tinted throughout, fire place, buffet, hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays, hard surface in and paid. .1 A WH 'KM AN CO.. 314 Stark St. Main 583. HOME BARGAINS Full lot, near Mt. Tabor car: good 5 room house, cement basement, fine fruit,- $1500. 100x100, near 82d. 17 bearing fruit. trees, fine garden, school 3 biks. Neat 3 room cottage, cement basement, lights, gas, etc., $1000. S. P. Osburn. 610 McKay bldg. ALBERTA BUNGALOW $3200 Beautiful ,7 room bungalow, fireplace, buffet, finished floors, full cement basement. When we advertise, they are bargains. Let us show you. Our auto at vour service. J. A. WTCKMAN CO.. 'E4 Stas St Main 583. 15, ST. JOHNS 7 room modern, a nice home and in lst-class condition; full lot- Price $: C' 500. Will give terms. New York Land E. 5317. 381 E. Morrison. $1650 GOOD 5 room house and lot. only 5 blocks from Broadway bridge, on Ross St., will take Liberty bond as first payment, balance like rent. 423 East 8th. north. BARGAIN S room home. Irvington; cost $10, 000, take $3000 less: sons in army; $500 down, balance like rent; fine location: lot 66x 100. East 273. MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repairs. See my designs for new houses. Max M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Supt. Oregon Home Builders. FINE 8 room house, paved streets, Waverly Heights, corner lot. hardwood floors, every modern convenience: price $3150, terms. GEO. T. MOORECO.. ABINGTON BLDG. WILL-" sell or trade $1600 equity in $2200 5 room strictly modern house for nice place. Will assume. Near Glencoe school preferred. Phone Tabor 2782. Mc5oERN 5-r. bungalow, paved st.. good dis trict. Would consider good used auto or clear vacant lot and some cash. Billings, owner. 509 McKay. M. 1390. T "ROOMS. $2366 Easy term, modern, 60xlon cor. It's a snap. See my atty. at 805 N. W. bk. bldg. Phone Main 5446. FOR SALE LOT!" If FINE BUILDING LOT on west side of Mar guerite avenue, third lot south of Hawthorne; good bam; abundance fruit. Will sell cheap. Owner, Mrs. Wm. Wert. Beaverton. Oregon. LARGE lot $800. fcast 12th and Prescott st. Paved streets. W'rite Owner. "S-811, Journal. ACREAGE S7 PASTURE 'for rent. Lak-e Gove. Marshal 3441". "TOR SALE FARMS 17 FARM BARGAINS. 80 acre, fair Muildinj;. horse, cows, pigs, chickens, implements and tools, $3000; terms. 33 acre. 18 miles from Portland. 1 hi miles from elcctrio station and on good road: good buildings, stocked and equipped, $3500; term. 10 acres, 2 miles from Oregon City, on grav eled road; house and outbuildings, 3 cows, hog and chickens; some implements, $1800; terms. E. A. I.INDGREN, - Savon Land Co. , 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. WITII milk at 15c a qt. why not buy a dairy farm? We have the exeluaive handling of one of the best stock and dairy farms in Ore gon: 925 acres with all buildings and equip ment ready to go to work. Bight at the very door of Portland. It don't cost a cent to see u about it and It might make you a wad of money. M. Billings and F. M. Miles, 500 McKay bldg. M. 1390. HIGHLY improved 40-acre farm; level; good soil: 5 miles southeast city limits; new 10 room house, necessary outbuildings; orchard. Will divide place. G. N. Dri-coll. 1116 Arnold St. 70 ACRES. $1400 Good soil, creek, close to school; $1 fare to Portland. $400 cash down. Claude Cole. 300 Henry blr&t. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 - $8500 RANCH FOR $3000. i Consists of 68 acre of the very beat of eotl. situated in the heart of Clarke connty'a prune district, on good road. In thickly settled com munity,, close to school and railroad station; 30 acres under cultivation, 8 acres in orchgpd. near ly all prunes; 5-room house, 2 barn, prune drier, ailo and fine well. This place ha never been offered for sale for less than $8500 and i worth it, but owing to the death of the owner we axe able to deliver the property at the extremely low price of $5000. Term. THOMPSON, SWAN & THOMPSON, : Third and Main 8ts., Vancouver. Washington. SO-ACRE ranch for sale, 3 miles from Wood -: land. Wrasb; good roads. K. F. D., school, new 7 room house, 2 barns, 1 1 cows, 2 heif era, 1 bull, good team and 1 S-year-old mare; hogs, chickens, cream separator, farming implements, hay in bams to keep stock all winter; 15 cords of wood ready for atove; tie bearing orchard; about 35 acre cleared, rest all burned and eay cleared; water can be piped in house. Will sell cheap, quick sale for cash, or wjll except good res. in Portland or Vancouver as part payment. S-859. Journal. . STOCK farm in Lake county, all fenced and cross fenced. Good buildines. Stock,- ma chinery, tools, splendid furniture, all complete, big sacrifice for quick ale. or other property Considered in exchange. G. L. Webb. 414 East Stark at. FOR RENT FARMS 14 80 ACRE farm for rent. 20 a. In cultivation, rest in pasture, 40 miles from Portland, 7 from railroad, good house and barn and lota of outrange; good place for stock or dairy; 5 head of cattle, team and wagon and crops for sale. Inquire 1445 Milwaukie at. Portland, Or.. Sell wood 1029. FARMS WASTED REXT OR BUY 88 WANTED Coast acreage up to $5oT)0Oregon or Waafaington. Address 1320 Washington St.. Hillsboro, Or j SUBURBAN' HOMES 79 FOR SALE. 100x146. all kinds ofbearing fruit tree and shrubbery 3 room house, completely furnished, has city water, electric tights and gas; located half way between Dosch on Sou. Pac. and Multnomah on Ore. Elecjtric. by owner. F. A. Friess, Multnomah. BARGAIN New 5 room house with 380 Ross st. Ea3t end Bdwy bridge. 10 acres. TI.MBER 29 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wash ington. D. G.. July 12. 1818. Notice Is here by given that subject to the conditions snd limitations of the act of June 9, 1919 (39 Stat.. 218), and the instructions of the secre tary of the interior of September IS. 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold September 3. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at tha United States land office at Roseburg, Or., to tha highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to tne approval o( the secretary of the Interior. Tha purchase price, with an additional arua of one fifth of 1 per cent, being commission allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger Vnit. T. 18 8.. IL 1 E.. Sec. 28; N. W. 14 N. E. hi. yellow fir 1300 M., hemlock 00 M. : N E. H N. W. hi. yellow fir 2210 11.. hem lock 870 M.. celar 15 M. ; N. W. ii N. W. it, yellow fir 2300 IS., hemlock 140 M. ; none' of the yellow fir, hemlock or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per si T. 32 3.. K. t W.. Sec. 13 N. E. N. W. H. red fir 600 M. ; N. W. hi N. W. hi. red fir 350 M.; S. W. hi N. W. hi. red fir 450 M. : 8. E. hi. N. W. hi. red lir 350 M. ; S. W. hi N. W. hi , red fir. 450 M. : S. E. hi N W. . -ed fir. 650 M. : none of the red fir to be sotd Tor less than $1 per M. Clay Talltnsn, commissioner, general land office. WANTED Contract cutting 1.000 corda wood in large timber. Address G. A. Cox, Gres ham. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 O. C. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. 1 can locate yon on a good claim. A former government cruiser. 301 Worcester bldg., adjoining land office. W. H. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS Locate you on the best homestead tn the state for $100; no charge unless entry secured. We classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON A ANDERSON. iNo. 2 Land Office bldg., Voreeiter bit. Thirdand Oaksts. o. & c. hcTmesteads Tou can file direct. We can show you the best claims. Full information. BUNDY & M HARDY. 411 Jlenry oldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 VANCOUVER SHIP WORKERS Good light auto or ca.sh for my equity in my equity fine plastered house, 6 room, bath, pantry, 2 toilets. 26x26 basement, garden, wood, furni- ture if desired. Payments on balance like rent. F. R. Crumley. 16U2 Railroad ave., Vancouver. LIST your property with us for results on Charges of merit. Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co., 105 107 Park St.. be tween Washington and Stark st Wfl.L trade a 160 acre, partly improved. Lake county farm, no incumbrance, for house and lot in Portland. Address W. E. Duchien, 666 North Summer St., Salem, Or. WHAT have you lo exchange for 4 0 acres of timber land 50 miles from Portland. Call i evenings and Sunday, Tabor 5161. i MONTANA wheat land for Portland property i or Oregon land. 1183 E. Sherman st. Port land. Or. rOK SALE or trade, on easy terms, 6 room cot tage, walking distance of Aibina shipyards. Z 737, Journal. FOR SALE or trade, on easy terms. 6 room hou e. near Union ave. arM Shaver st- U-422. Journal, FOlt SALE Only meat market in good town. 5llb-if-rL to raft- 5Iax Muralt. Sherwood. Or. TO TRADE Residence lot. value $000. for grocery stock. Tabor 1955. "WANTED REAL ESTATE SI will on and WE HAVE on pay a good your house, list hand several buyer that substantial rayment. down with us for a square deal results. NEW YORK LAND CO . 381 E. Morrison 8t., Phone East 5317. I WILL pay all cash, (or cash for equity) for modern 4 room. 5 room or 6 room bunga low. Rose City Park, Laurelhurst, Irvington or might consider Hawthorne di trict. I'm e aid exact location necessary. I mean business and will act quickly. J-704. Journal. HAVE several buyera for cottages and moder ate priced homes in Kenton and Peninsula district. Give us a description of your prop erty; We can sell it. Deal with old estab lished firm. Frank L. McGuire. . Abington bldg. I WILL pay you a reasonsble cash payment for a 10 to 30 day priced right, nothing option on your bouse if wanted if ranging in price over $3000. 381 E Morrison. Thone East 5317. New York I And Co. HATE SEVERAL bonafide bnyen for modern bungalows in Rose City park and Hawthorne district. Cail make good payments. Li.-.t your house with us. FBANK L M'OUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. WILL psy $500 cash, balance monthly-iristaP ments. 0 room bungalow, prefer sleeping porch, furnace, cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage; not over $32 50; no dealer. Wdln. 1460. : SHACKS AND SMALL HUMES WANitO Must be N. E. and priced right. We have numerous buyer waiting. Fred W. German re.. 732 Cham, of Com. HAVE a customer for 6 room bungalow. 100 ft. lot. must be value for money, not over $3000 and ;; close to car line. Small cash payment. Phone Main 4522, ask for Mr. Alton. WE have calls for houses from $2000 to $5000. Let us sell yours. O. W. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 19G3, evenings. Mar shall 865. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale. $800 to $3000, list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO.. for quick results; old estab lished firm. Phone Main 2051. 633 Ch. of Com HOUSE OWNERS. If you are in a hurry a dispose of your house list it with ET A. Lindgren, Savon Land Co.. 935 ;N. W. Bankbldg. B EST BROOM B U NGA LOW CAS IfW ILL BUY UP TO $1500. BENEDICT. 267 hi OAK ST. MAIN 1T43. WANTED for cash a 5 or 6 room house in Alberta, Woodlawn or Piedmont district. 314 Lumber Ex. Phone Ha.ia 3908. WAXTED- to 6 room house in Irvington or in Alberta di. 431 Ch. of C. Park add.. L v. nr.M . lis li-sl your 201 property with tbe ileal 3d st.. Portland. tat Exchange ROOMING HOFSES M ! 82 ROOMS. 2 and 3 room apartments; close in. full all the time; rent $250 with a 3 year lease; Brick building, fine furnace. Will clear over $400 a month. Price $6000, $3500 cash, balance to suit. i OnOS A MORRIS. j 431 Chamber of Commerce LOOMING HOUSEO ronvs WTt Slde strictly clean: rent $22: newly furnished. Chesfp at $500. 188 i Third. 'Other bargains. Garland, SMALL boarding house, tine business, location. $75 per month, clear. Bdwy. good j 2699. $1 SEATTLE party wuhea to buy a hotel and must be a good proposition. I refuse to deal with agents. K-981, Journal. 1 WANT a small apartment houe. about 15 apartments or less; all caah. Wdln 2955. BCSIXESS OFPORTUXITIE8 80 ESTABLISHED 8 years, butter, egg and poul try business; exclusive high Class trade, gross weekly profits $90. Will consider auto in part payment Best 'of reasons for selling. No agents wanted. Z-64 8, Journal. FOR SALE 5. 10. 15c store, in good valley town, large payroll. Don't fail to look this up. WX-648. Journal. WE SELL OU TRADE Anything and Everything Morris & Gilson, 431 Chamber ol Commerce. FOR SALE Confectionery and restaurant; voice $1500. Price $850. Tabor 4073. in- FOU SALE Small cash grocery, might trade for rooming bouse. west Main cide; 243. busi- FOR SALE Dandy little restaurant, fine nes. Inquire 203 Jefferson St. MOIfET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 57 OUR installment plan S the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per mouth lor 30 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. .No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 24 2 Stark st., Portland, Or. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in easy installments with 10 years' time to re pay ; fully protected by life insurance under the home purcha&e plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong. Equitable office, Oregonian bldg. $300, $400, $500. $750, X100O and up. lowest interest rates. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce BUILDING loans on city or suburban jroiH-rty; money advanced as work Beck. 215 and 216 Failing progrespes. W. G. bklg. Main 3407. $650 7t 7 5 6 J 1 uo 0 2o, $350, $400 $500. and larger amounts at current rates. O'lick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. $ 500 TO $900 0 to-loan, city or fa rtn "niort" gage; no commission. P. o. Box 8 73. ilOO TO $1500; consider lots. 617 Chamber of Commerce E. H. Dowiing, Mar-hall 2432 Louis Salomon MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 1 Jl Co.. 408 Selling bldg CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. Lewis, room 4, Lewis bide. Main 088. II. MOINET TO VOX'S CHATTELS, SALARIES ; Salary LOANS Chattel ! WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or workingmen on j their own note-" Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly ! confidential. . I NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER : ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household luruilure, pianos, 1 etc,, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. i COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, 218 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us; SALARIES CH 4TTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed in come, on hou.--hold furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Busi ness confidential; pritale offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. 306-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland busings men to protect borrower. 3 C MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 304 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. IS ANNOUNCEMENT I HAVE purchased the Crown Stable at 283-285 Front and 284 First sts. Will conduct a general sales, livery and feed business and will ap preciate the patronage of old and new customers. Horses boarded. Auto storage space for rent. Reasonable rate. Phone Main 9109. PHIL SUETTER. HORSES and mules, well matched teams. I have horses from $25 up: tean mares, suit- I able ! Will light ranch team, wagon, harness $125, I exchange any of my mule or horse for i i cattle or horses. Wagons and harnesses of all kinds. Some of cheapest outfits for kind ever , sold in Portland; got 65 head on hand at present; also hire horses by day. week or month. I guarantee all mv stuff as represented Phil Suetter. 283-285 Front St., 284 First. . Open day and night. CROWN STABLES. BOARDERS wanted, all kinds hofses. wagons for hire by day. week or month. 283-285 Front St.. and 284 First st. Open day ar.d night. Phil Suetter. Crown Stables. Main 91i9. FOR-SALE-cheap.-light team, delivery wagon. i harnes and cart; also single harness (newl. or will turn on light Ford delivery. Phone Ta- bor 1865. "2008 E. Stark st. ! FC) It-S ALE -One" tes in o f m a res weighing 2 9 o 0 lbs . 1 team of hor.-e weighing 3000 lbs . harnesses snd wagon. ' 226 Riu-ell DIRT cheap, block y team, fat and sound. 2450 lbs., good heavy harness, 34 wagon and wood rack. 5838 S2d ft. S. E. $70. GENTLE, sound. 5-year-old. and driving horse; harness and 145 East 81st N. Montavilla car. nice light riding i hack. ! FINE: 1050 1b family mare, good buggy and iawtlfome Stables, East harness and saddle. Gth and Hawthorne. DEAD horse and animal-hauled away free. Woodlawn 20 Portland Rendering Co. Call Team of horses for 7th st N.i rent. Woodlawn 3136. 144 9 E. DEAD horses dead cow. taken quirk Tabor 4 203. We pay more for HORSES and or double. wagons for rent by the day, single 84 6 Front Main 2208. WANTED To rent team of horses TEAM of horses for rent. Call LIVESTOCK SS AM IN DRAFT Sale thorru:hbred Flemish and New Zealand rabbits: 11 does: some bred. onie with litters: to cJioice iouug; J Ducks 769 York st. ; 23d st car. HOI.STEIN. Durham and Jery dairy and fam ily cows; also h-anttful young 5 gal. Ayr shire cow, registered Hohtein bu'l 751 E. Ash. ! 100 THOROUGHBRED Wtnte j pullets. Barred Rock. Rhode to $1.65 145 E 81st st N.. Leghorn laving I Reds. $1.20 j Montavilla car. j FOR SALE 400 "year-old White Leghorn lay ing hens; good laying strain. u-TUt, Journal. 2 CHOICE young family cows, rv. Jersey for service. 854 Holgate and 2th. bull GOOD family cow for sale H. Kroll, Jennings Lodge. Or. WANTED fine or more good milch goats. Par ticulars to U-638, Journal. ' A-F I N E-FR 1: S iH S a nna n " m i 1 k gna C Hawthorne Stables, East 6th and Hawthorne. FRESH at. S. Hoist ein cow for Tabor 7545. sale. 6.1 E. 39th rOCLTRT. PIGEONS. PET STOCK 57 CtWWoddceto. 2'05 son. all kinds of poultry produce, pet and breeding stock, bought and old. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 4( YOUNG St. Andeasberg ingr. Price $7.50, and females. Woodlswn 3052. PLYMOUTH Homer pigeonv 5 pairs mated workers. Bargain, $7.50. Phone East 1942. FULL blood pointer pup - Phone Woodlawn 4 605. F0R"SALE Rice has the 6141 Woodstock ave. for sale; 9 mo( old. big boy, "Flemish. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 BUICK 1017 lijht six, fine condition, light, bumper. $1100. Main 8063. spot MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. X-514. Journal. WE buy and sell used tires. Division Garage. Phone-East 7810. 1372 Division ft. MUST sell Fcrd touring car. Ask for Gething. SPOT cash paid for ued cars. Dealers' Used and E. Stark. Car Clearing House. Grand ave 1913 CADILLAC cheap for caah. - Phone Mar. 8410. private party. 1910 CADILLAC touring ear for able price. Will H. See. phone ale; reason-Ea.-t 7840. WANTED Studebaker m-chnnic. Steady po sition, good hours. Apply 123 N. loth st. FOR SALE or trade 7 pass Pos 8 ; can be seen at GrayV-l Garage. 603 Union ave. N. FOKD FOBD car tor cheap. 4619 52d ave. S. E. tale. Phone Sellwood 3118. ROOMING HOUSES AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 4t USED CARS USED CARS TOU CAN BUT EVER TOU LIKE. A USED CAR WHERE BCT USE JOOD JUIXJ IT NOW BEFORE THE WENT AND BUY BIG RAISE IN PRICE COMES. LOOK OVER THE FOUvOWING LIST OK CARS AND IT WILL BE EASY FOR YOU TO SELECT JUST THE ONE YOU flAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY. 1016 Ford touring, lot of extras ." $ 47 5 1918 Ford touring, in fine shape 450 1916 Ford tourina. a good buy 4 00 lft 14 Ford touring, best in town 37 5 1914 Ford comb. esp. and passenger .. 37 5 1918 Ktude.. 4-cyl.. 7 pass. 4 new tires. 050 1917 Paige "Linwood." just new ...... 1400 1916 Mitchell. 6-cyl.. fine condition . . 87 5 1918 Chevrolet touring, just new .... "85 1918 Chevrolet touring. 98 new .... 775 1916 Saxon six. a little bear 700 1917 Overland Country Club Pretty.: 795 1914 Overland, 3 pass., overhauled . , 425 1914 King, 5 pass., very powerful 500 1917 Ktude., 4-cy", 7 pass., fine shape.. 790 1917 Stude. 4-cvl., 7 pass, looks new. . . 815 1917 Stude, 4 cyl , 7 pass., good thape. 825 1916 Stude.. 6-cyl.. 7 pass., cord tires.,. 945 1916 Stude., 4-cyL, 7 pas. . cord tires.. 700 1914 Winton 6. good as new 850 1912 Locomobile. 4-cyl., powerful .... 635 1913 American roadster, classy 4 25 1914 King roadster, a snap 4 50 1912 Warren roadster, fine ahape .... 350 1917 Ktuit., Spart model roadster ... 975 1!'17 Stude.. Sport model roadster 975 1912 Cadilla touring, some buy 375 1914 Cadillac touring, real cat 83 3 1912 Regal touring, good car lt2 5 1912 Oakland big 6. 0 tires 350 1912 Buick. fine camping car 825 Hupmobile bug 275 Cadillac bug 350 Others too numeroua to mention. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE Grand Ave. and East a ark Sts. EaM 7810. Open Evenings and Sundays. Liberty Bond taken at face value. .1 and H GRAHAM. Stark sts. Ca 10th Agency. LOOK. If you want bargains, we have them Two 1017 6 cylinder Buick One 1017 6 cylinder Mitchell. fine 1016 6-cylinder Reo. One 1016 6 cylinder Studebaker. One 1915 Case car. All dition these cars are in good mechanical and they are, going to be old at con-bar- gam prices peoule. We will give term to rtJUMe SNAPS 1910 1016 1017 1910 lnin Ford, first class Ford, lots of extra Chalmers little ix Old mubile. light Chalmers, like new Chalmers. 7 pass Chalmers, 7, pass Chalmers. 5 pass Stewart truck Electric coupe AND MANY OTHERS WESTERN AUTTi CO. BROADWAY AT BURN SIDE, Thone Broadway 530S. I 37 5 435 1 (MM) 1075 850 1200 6 7 o 35 0 3 50 4 50 . 1017 1015 ! 1912 1 ton 1917 USED TRUCKS SEE THESE TODAY truck $ 750 truck 8.50 V. Mon J-ton 8H-ton Federal truck 1800 3-tcn Denby truck, been ued 90 days. 2000 MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. 34 4 Burrrstde st. Broadway 82. 1918 CHEVROLET Good a new. Tires Goodyear Non-skid, and lull equipment. Cash or terms. bumper " WINTON CO. 16th and Washington. Broadway 1614. 191 FORD roadster, demountable rim. ABC starter, shock absorber. othT extra. Fir.t time adverti.-ed. you 11 have to hurry. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 514 Alder. Bdwy. 4 94. 4 FORD, body how wear but chassis me chanically O. K. Priced low. .TWIN STATES MOTOR CAn CO.. 514 Alder. Bdwy. 494. . NEW CHEVROLET CARS A used ca I the most expensive car to boy and you do not get a guarantee Call Mr. P. C. Rinehart. East 92 or 8174. for information and demonstration REAL SNAP Studebaker Four: painted: good tires, tee this. Am going real il'fip for cs-h. call 1230 Sandy blvd. A-l condition: newly Will absolutely guaran to California. Will sell Phone Tabor 3 825 or AUTOMOBLIE REPAIRING NEW MANAGEMENT. 125 Lownsdale at. HIGH grade: WORK at Washington st I.. Am Mfg. & Repair. 3000 stock; prices reduced. 34 guaranteed springs N. 15th st in MOTORS. Gearings. Bearing. Wheels. Axles and I Trailers We Wreck all makes of cars and sell j their good parts at half price. David Hode Co., Broadway and Flanders st. Broadway 196. BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICES I RIGHT COV EY MOTOR CAR CO , 21t and Washington sts. Main 6244. DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. nth at Oak Broadway 1 664. FORD touring, cheap for cash. Phone Bdw. 3435 for iersonal appointment only; no par ticulars over the phone; no brokers.. 5PASST in A-l shepe; good looker; just over hauled; 3 new tires. An economical, serviceav ble car; snap 3250. Call 188 Third LOOK A classy Ford bug. closed body, good tires and in best of condition. Will demon strate: can be seen at Crown Stables, 284 1st st. rFlT MAXWELL touring, run 4000 miles. looks and run like new, extra $800. Call Sellwood 84 79. 7-PASS. touring car. in good order, fine etage car. Cheap for cash. Will make East 7207. WILL sell my 1947 Maxwell cheap. X-513, JonrnaL FbR8ALE Chalmers car, in good condition, leaving city. Phone Broadway 4151. 1917 DODGE. 5 paxtengev, rook new. fine condition. Owner. Tabor 5702. evenings. $r2oa"BUTS late 1916 7 pass, Paige, in ex celient condition. Call Main 4543. 1 91 6 FORD" touririgTheapI Auto Best "Garage, 10th and Salmon. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED CARS Reo. 6 ps Six. 900 $1100 $11 50 $ 875 . $ 650 $ 450 .$ 28S . $ 3. Ml . $ 650 Hudson 5 pass., just repined .... sl'.ghtly newer liooson nix, same as above Stndobaker, good buy . . Maxwell, 3 pass btudebaker Fori. Chassis Stoddard- Dayton delivery truck t halmers Six Jeffrey. With new 2 ton truck attachment . $1 1 Ssxou 18 $ 975 Ford. 5 passenger $ 373 Ford truck $ r.oti Ford delivery car ....$ 850 Cole 30. ideal for bug 300' Ford Roa'iister. just overhauled $ 4 25 Studebaker Six $ 650 Carter Car. uiuble rebuild bug or de livery $ 18 5 Chevrolet 490T. 5 pa, $ 550 Jackson, 5 las., good shape $ 750 Overland. 5 pass., now being repainted.. $ 600 W. H, WALLINGFORD , BROADWAY 2492 Distributors Liberty Six Premier Sti Rrieoe Four Hood Lumber Tractor rsrrett Fa.rm Trartor 522 Alder st at 16th. NICK buys in jut new ued .ir. We are a standard and reliable firm, we guarantee every car we sell as represented, every car we have in stock is ready to run We do not haie to make excuses. 1018 1017 10 16 1 !i 1 7 10 16 1 '.I I 0 1915 Maxwell. ;nst about new .$750 4.IMI j f.5. i 5 50 Ton ! iiil I 700 i 700 I 800 j hevrolet. !H1 per cent new .... Ford touring, extras Ford road-ter. jut new ....... Maxwell, runs like new Idi;e touring, ui-t ov.-iPsuicd .. Buick little four. run. fine Hudson 6-40. si me buy Series 17 StudchaKer f nr. runs beautiful Oldsmobtle four, looks :u-t upw . . . Overland tour.. cl-o. 1. and s ; 1916 1014 overhauled 1014 Overland r'sail.lcr. jut perfect . . . 1916 Overland little six, looks new. . . Cliagners Master Six. electric lights and sVsrter 3 50 :ir..i Too 3on 3. m 1 20U 1913 1017 Studebaker Hirpinobile, littit f u r per cent Il"W . We have The firm tlia many othe t fc'.ves oi fine buys, a iu.ire deal. CON!. FY'S USED CAR CENTER. Big Brick Buililm. Upstairs Side Entrance, S. W. Cor. 15th snd Vash Sts OtH-ri Sundays si:d Evtnings. Phoi.e Broaduay 2056. Used Automobiles Terms Given Steams Roadster. 0 cyl.. 5 cord tires. Mitchell 5 pass . 6 cyl . late model. . Mitchell 7 x-as., 6 cyl , late model. . Mitchell 7 pass , 6 cyl . ju-t like new, only $1200 ' . . . . 1 1 50 1350 1 65(1 6 50 5 50 7 5(1 7 25 2 50 1250 only Mitchell 5 pass.. 4 cyl Studebaker 4 pass Coupe Jeffery 5 pass., 6 cyl Studebaker 5 pass., 4 cyl. Auburn 5 pass., 4 cyl , Two ton Truck Several Other to Select From. USED CAR MITCHELL. LEWIS DEPT. A ST AVER CO. F.Ht Morrison at I'hones: Eat 72 7 Fir-t St .'; B 1216 WEST SIDE 8AI.ES ROOM Broadway at lak St. Phones. Broadway 515; A 3343 USED CARS. 1917 Maxwell, fine condition, fine tire.. $675 IP 18 Harroun. like new 750 1010 Buick light four 850 1917 Overland, tnodel 85. must sell. 1913 Buick. A-l. including tires 400 1916 Ford, ju't overhauled 3"0 Model 79 verland, good buy 550 1915 Iltiil.cn 0-40. goes! tires, good paint good car 750 THE ACME ALTO CO. Expert Auto Repairing 531 Alder fft. CHALMERS cars, light EnglL-h gray. I pass, aicl ro $3. Ml. 1 K. one of okitf. nenly the best painted. TWIN STATES 5 1 i Aider. MOTOR P. 15. A I! ' 491. GARAGES HouvkR CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable k i n d -ave you mrnev. See -ample at 544 ib. -l st. Main 1167. am warn Millmade Construction Co, LIGHT TOURING 1917 Briscoe, paint like ntw. perfect shape. Tires and WINTON CO. and ah;ng.on. V.rA'l xj 1 1 4. 1 6 th NKW T I fi KM Uhit brati'l of new UrM do you prefer? W hi them, ail mikM aanri hi Ao m mak the famoa O-V c. lH.,.b! Trrarl Mwtl i tir- an1 ri' all marr.er rTia'i"11'!!- r?fiin VWrranirlng Co.. Burn irlv near Broadway AUTO WRECKERS' I We wreck mo-f ''. make, of car and sell the good parts f' r less than half pnee. We hve ; ai kindi of u ed bodies for -ale. Hiche-t price i paid for old c r- ! PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 28 Front st MAIN 4 71 1 A GENUINE bargain for omecne who hs I $4() cash. My 10 13 modl 35 7 pasnger j Rtuil-bsker. fully equipped. e!ertric starter and ' light, in firt cla- mechanical condition; new ! top. extra tube snd rTi. This it realiy a good I buy and will have to b sold at once i owner lis enlisting and will leave bv September 1. Call Broadway 403. or Tabor 50'. 1917 FORD Has run le than 4000 miles; good tire. nw Silverbeam spotlight, new Hauler shock absorber. Yale lock, new front radius r'id supports and new ciit'-ut $550, $350 cash. bal. $23 month. Tabor 529 DRAFTED 3 i-aa. Reo. 4 tires, practically new extra tire, rim newly psmtd: good me- i fhanical condition. $400. East. Il irn-id Garage, j 10th and E. Burnvide E.a-t 43M1. CASH liiid-tor old car. Condition no object; parts for sll make of car- Oregon Auto Ex change. 29 I-owtudale at 15th aul Washington. Broadway 2668. . 'FINE STAGE CAR $075 ( R I ' I ' K ) $075 1916, big six. 7 passenger Bnick. fine con dition, double, oversize tires, $075. A. G. On flow. 23d and Wash, st.. Main 7517. " WILL sacrifice 1917 Hupmobile for cash; look and rrni like new; thick cord tires. Call Woodlawn 892. AUTOMOBILES WASTED 78 ROOM house. furnihed, plumbing, ra and 50x100 lot; no incumbrance, tke auto equsl value. Answer W. ,.. paved street, for $850 Will 1600 Willow st. HAVE three lot in Madras. Eastern Oregon, to trade fcf llgnt roadster and sng , vmo- bile or what have yo- ; 'Address 6625 85th sL S. E INCOME" property $75 to $126 per month. Will take good 7 pa, ear as payment on same. I". O box 695. St. Helens, fir. ET me repair your macnine IB your owu gar age, private service car day and bight. King Bell. 8735. 40 ACP.ES Call Tsbo for roadster r 5367. after or light 6 30 p touring car. llP.Hi.Ssl i. rue tion ne rbject pa Id 121 T of automobiles. N 84 t. Bdw. condl I62 AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS-WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COIXHMAN A SULLIVAN, MARSH. 222 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1236 of tir 333 -3 .'.5 (9 AUTOS FOR HIRR WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new car. Reasonable rates. Fenng A Bonnet. City Garage. 88 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway- 840. FORDS for hire without driver. Broadway 3532. 443 Stark st. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE GoodTr. eom- petent drivers. Sutli and Wa-h. Mali. 7080. Good car. ofd driver. Wood- CAR for highway. lawn 3471. COL 1MB IA IHVE uTnGHWAY-AUTO SEBV' ICE. Wj do taxi work. Main 228 . MOTORCTCLES, BICTCLEfl 64 BICYCLES' MOTORCYCLES? Large stock of new and used machine. DAYTON CYCLE Co. 68 6th t. LAUNCHES ASB BOATS Boat Swan foFtharter Dance every Wed. and Sat. Digit. Main 4 74$. 22 FOOT motorboat. 12 horsepower Gray motor. Phone Broaduay 12000. local 49, bet, U and 1 1 p m. pXR GAIN Motorbit, -h. p.: $75: owner leaving city. Bundy Rath, foot Woodward. FOR SALE Cmtoe and "full equipment, in cluding share in bnathouse. Call Tabor 2175. riANOS. ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS II SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $250 7 octave square piano, cash $ 25 $300 7 1-3 octave suture piano, rash . . . . $ 60 $275 7 octave English upntht, cash $ 4S $300 7 octave French upright.-eh $ S $350 American make upright, cash $ l5 $40 large oak upriglit piano, cash Mi5 3..o new studio model piano, cash . . . . $2 1 5 $375 new, rtored. upright piano, cash. ..$235 $425 new, stored, upright piano, cash . . . 2 55 $450 new. stored, upright piano. cah . . . . $26,1 $750 Weber ash., player piano, cash ... .'$205 $650 modern, man., player piano. cah..365 $ 85 parlor organ with mirror, cash . . . . $ 25 $125 parlor organ, with mirror, cash $ 85 Considering the rising market, new piano al ready gone $75 to $150 higher, the above pianoa ought to sell quickly st this time ' Pianos bought and sold for cash and stored lor 5Uc nvinthly. lOll 4th st. at Washington. PIANOS tuned, repslred We have expert wort- men. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14 8th. WILL for EXCHANGE ne Victrola or phonograph your old piano. G. JOHNSON PIANO CO . Main 149 Cth. 3106. iiON.T buy old" unimproved piam when tl Security Strrage Ctx. is offering new imp?uvecf $375 pianos f .r $215 snd modern $650 pijjer Piano for $.'tt'.5. at 109 4th st EXCELLENT vlne rn Ugh'lT used piano. G. F. JOHN80N PIANO CO. 149 6th. PIANOS. organ and musical Instrument. IVcker A Son, rosewood upright, $100; Rurdette orran. walnut, $32.50. lfrolJ. S Gil bert. 384 Yamhill at I WILL demonstrate a Brunswick Phone phonograph In your own home. Ardrey. Kell. 3155. me. Nate $21 25 $12 CASH. $6 monthly still buys new improved 1918 model piano at the Rrhwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth t..-et Wash. at. FOR SALE Piano, mahogany case, A-l con dition. 2051 E. Burn-iite t, RENT a piano: no nuir-s c-r thump boaea, Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill TYPEWRITERS JI NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent spFhTo ' purchase. Visible mo.i-K REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. "s8 Hroadway. Brondway 4621. G I "A RANT EE D factory rebuilt typewriters, 'all makes." sold on nv nthly payment. Hend for. price Int. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. re tail dppt.. 321 Washington st. REBUILT typewriters, supplies Corona dealers. EW. Peasant V.l 1 0 th. ALL MAKES typewriters rented a"nd repaired" Oregon Typewriter Co., 04A 5th, Main 3668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE l New Furniture, Rug and Ranges at Second Hand Prices We are Closing Out 2 Large and Com plete Stocks of Home Furnishings at Wholesale Cot and Less. , FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 166-68 1st St.. Between Morrison and ' ' i Yamhill. MACHINERY sr J. J. BATEMAN MACHINERY CO. 220 Front st, Portland. Or. INC., Calls your attention to the fact thee have en hand over lOO OOO ft of gmi first class 21 hand 'able Included tn this there is practically all sie. We sl-o have gear, puller. shafting, block-, msnilia rope, sawmill machin- f ery and logyir.r supplies, of all kinds, Write for, ! price and part icuior J. J. BATEMAN MACHINERY CO. INC.. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It S10.00TKN flr,,Thd win machirw with w v attachment; all ara to Try good mnrlitinn. fcew.nc mahin rr.ti at $3 pr nimth. Phon Kat 3f9, or H 3307. E. m Htn. 1" rand it,, tif-ar ftlmnnt. Electric Motors Boiicht. sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electne Works, 413 Bnm- ;on. onirr linn, urfmnway D74. AUTOS TOR HIRE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters-TvTriv "Hnuseliold Go-els ' are separate t laaalfieatioas. All advertisements of these goods are published under their rectj classif ictjc,n. LOO K Tl I EM OV EH Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning. $1; BEING" EDS. iewels. eOc; main spring. B0o. JEWELERS. 124 6TH AT. CIO n C1f. ' "s pROPH EA D vP I iUJ LO v I - tWO MACHINES Guaranteed. d St. We rent and repair. Main 1445. A-l 818. 11 Prone ? (cf.n G ! Broadway 2079 l r, H lH, Ir 448 F l.Vdin.l9.0 Vi -iib hi pnr Hchroeder. Flanders. rtland. Or. New and UiR SALE rd hand All sixes Any amount. About 7rQ boxes of apples on tree. Pitt., at rl'e to Portland. See owner, I levid St. Charles Hotel, b-twe-n 8 and a m or 4 to n p. ro. l!ARTLETT-PEAKS--pi-jT this week-end. 2 per lb Bring boies; 40 tree sprayed. R. Mayfield. Courtney Sta. Turn to right on Rive road, boi 78 Telephone, Oak Grove 111-W. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof'' Why not a permanent and mdestructihle rooff We oxidize and renew all kinds of leaky roofs. 68 Tourney bldg. Main 6886. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORTycTES, UNCllES or hosts are separate classifies iona. A large listing rati be found under these different classifi cations. MC10UII LQUUCI VVUirs.tlain 3266. 1 S'.ep. extension an4 cherry pickers' Udders. 600 ' EN VEI.OPEH or 600 bond letterheads. $2.75. Best work; prompt delivery; try us. Fen i til. Pvinter. 204 Ktsvk st. PEAKS, plums and ajle. S. Hssa. 0tS and Kuhngsworth. cs!l Rundaya il6TVaer tanks, all -072. -Doa.'t s'les, in good, servicshle $7. 40 t-al. $9. 201 crwiditlon. 30. gal Adama st. East end Steel bridge. Phone E. 514. UNCALLED for taller made suits. $12. SO no! Taylor the Tailor. 2 89 H Purajde. GAS RANGE " and wood heater;" )try Grocer. Ks-t 658. cheap. AUTO wood' Et 8th st. good traveler, at bargaio. 616 lhone Sellwood 1968. TENT. 12x14. 629 Savier. $20, only been used few week FOR SALE Champion refrigerator. $3; also fruit jars, cheap Can r. -28th. APPLES and prune for sale at 35th snd Ala meda sts. Chaa Zelms. KTTCHEM range for sHe7 like new. TiTT PLI MBINii Davis o. suiiplie. wholesale prwwa. 212 34 st. Main 797. Jtark- VACrFM cleaner chanced, botight sold, reimired. rented, ex Rentley Ca, Mjin 8382. GALA WAT cream eirtor. 950 lbs. Price $32, It. Handford. Linnton, Ore. WHITE BEDSTEAD; CsU East 74 25. springs snd 2 mattresses. BED DAVENPORT for sale. Call Tabor 1 633. (CsiUaas iiis A uiiuvtuttf fmmtt