w THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1918. ' 11 - 1 I HELP WAKTED-MAlIt 1 WANTED Extra good sheet metal works, lo hollar maker, ; good PJ and condition. Coast Culvert end Flam Co. HEtf WATTED TfISC it GOVERNMENT WILL HOLD CIVIL BEB VICF. EXAMINATIONS in Portland in Aug ust, 20.000 women clerk to b appointed at Washington, experience unnecessary. Women desiring government clerkship writ for free particular, to B, JS. Terry, (former civil er vlc examiner), SIS Columbian Building. Washington. GOVERNMENT need 20,000 women clerk, at Washington. Examinations everywhere In An- gnat. Experience nnnaoaaaary. Woman desiring government poaitlona writ for free particular to i V. Leonard (former ciTU service exam iner). 10B4 enaf bldg.. Washington, D. O. NUMJtKH YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prewar for telegraph sendee and help fill eaeanalea canted by the drafting of men for war. For particulars call or write Telegraph Depari sent, room 2H Railway Exchange bldg. 'ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL i Colon arenae and Waeeo at Bpecial Bummer Prices. CaH. write or phone East 744B. "HAWTHORNE AtTO 8CHOOL, 462 HAWTHORNE AVE SPECIAL HUMMER RATES. IMY AND NIGHT CLASHES. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE L8INEHS COLLEGE AMUKT BLIX"t. 8D AND MORRISON. YATEK FISHER TEACHERS AGENCY JTree rerbtratlon. 01 1-1 2 Broadway bldg. LINK'S KLMI.Vk.8M CoLLG PORTLAND. OREGON h EHN.K E WAl.Kkll. biggest ousineaa college be eamae best; enroll any time; free catalogue. HELP WANTED rEMALE YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. $9 PER WEEK TAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES CALL Af TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM. 601. SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STREETS. WANT housekeeper to care for rhiM 2H years old and cook for me and do the work in Bowse; prefer woman not over 85, and not any small kids; win pay liberal wage for same. Can write to me care Hughey. Redmond. Or , Box 103. ELDERLY lady to help wife with' housework. 28 miles from Portland, wages $20 per mo. Apply to Hotel Helvetia bet. 2d and 3d on Taylor, after 6 p m. LIFMAN. WOLFE A CO. require the services of a young lady between 16 and 18 to art as eauhirr In cafeteria. Apply superintendent's of fice. 7th floor, between 9 and 10 a m. WANTED Female help; first elaaa millinery makers snd hat trimers for house, city and fit of town poaitlona; good wages. Mulier at Kaaa. WANTED Marker. good wages. Laundry company. 140 E. 8d N. American WANTED First class saleslady with long ex pertence. All year position. Hoffman Itilli rtery Co.. 87 Morrison. WANTED September 1st. rook in small hos pital; plain home eookinff; $50 per month with room and board E-005, Journal. s GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good wagea. Apply Troy Laundry Co.. . 10th and Pine. WANTED Girl to mark and assort on bundle- work-, I'. S. Laundry Co., 180 Grand eve. K. 1 ' I; 1 1 IENCDwai XT' wanted at once. 143 Pnrk st. , Central cafe E. PEUIENC-D inacbui-operator- ltfz TiC; upstairs. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE . 29 W ANTED 1200 bop pickers. Make your ve navinc nronositlon by helntne T. A. ratten I.fvcliy A Co pick their 650 acres of hops. lo cated on the following well known yards. Lake brook. Holmes, Murphy and Percival, situated at Halem and Independence. Hops Tory heavy. Eirellent camp grounds, stores, butcher shop, rfurant. fine water, free tents, straw and wood. Apartment hou st I-akehrook. About 1 or .2(1 days' picking. Will ,end 800 pickers on August, 19. Other special trains will leave P- rtlaod afmut September 3. 4 and 6. Rail road tfrkct and accommodations may be secured or apd sfter August 10 st 305 McKay bldg., rorner 3d and Stark sts. Will pay 50e per boi, or $1 per hundred pounds. Call early to secure ticket snd accommodations, as Oregon his plowed out 15,000 acres of hops, and many lew pfekers are required to harvest the crop. Phone Main 1 848. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Pays you while learning: gives you set of tools, .tuerkntees positions. Write for catalogue. 234 Humeide st.. or phone Broadway 1781 PORTLAND HAUBKU CO-LEGai Teaches men snd women the barber trade free, ray while learning. 284 Couch. Broadway 248J MEN. wTTmEn. learn barber trad free; wag while learning; position guaranteed. Oiegon Harrier Collcee, 223 Madison. . SITUATIONS MALE 3 MIDDLE a I married man desires poMltinn as grocery rl m, b-st of reference, is capable to manage $4 000 or $5000 stock; do not oh jci t to out of town, position. Phone East 38'i. A'ldreae U. 11. 2ti0 E. th st. N.; csll 0 to 1 2 ji m. WATCHMAKER, jewebr and engraver wishes good fteady work, can. come any time. L. J. Krlnink, Independence. Or. WANTED Position as dishwasher or watch man. 1003 E. 12ih st. N. Alberta. Wdln. 231 . I'l'lt painting, tinting, phone Benson. East 259. Day or contract; rlean work. A-l references. AUTO or truck driver wants position. Can rui any kind of machine. Phone East 8555. ELDERLY man deiiret position js janitor or horseman. O 7:13. Journal. CAKPENTETi AND REPAIR WORK H D I'lliHVH, Tabor 70X2. l(tn i If work, reahtngllna rJon by contract. Phone Reacham. Mar. 704. WANTED A position in garage as apprentice on repair work. Y-4 55. Journal. SITUATION E.MALE POSITION wanted by day worker, washing, iron ing or cleaning. Excellent worker. Call East 83.". 1. apt. 37 and 38. after, 6 in the evening or before 7 in the morning, Wd. , Thurs. aud Uri.Uy- EX PKRiKN'I Eir practical "'nurse, best of refer enee. will take nsternity cases in her own I t. me, phone East rtlli3. A "FTTrSTCT.SiTTalejiTady "rTesires pooltion. ca psble of tskrtig responsibility, six years ex perience. Ans. 'J.1 Condor are . city. MIDDLE aged woman desires care convalescent or children. Experience and service for good psy. Reference. Z-652, Journal. ... 'OMPETENT "girl wishes to assist with house -wm-k in small family. Phone Wdln. 1611. , TWO girls wish work on elevator. Phone Sell- Wood 114. n - EXPERIENCED chambermaid want work. East 5143. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING" millinery; Tabor 8085. ho patterns. Call FUBNISHED ROOMS t PRIN Q EPS hotel, modern, fireproof, running water, phones and elevator: high quality, low price East Third and Burnside. FUBNISHED BOOMS PB1VATE FAMILY 78 TWO nice furnished rooms, good quiet loc tion, private family, gentleman preferred; walking distance but near two carlines. 347 Multnomah st PHYSICIAN wants on or two furnished moms. west side, close In. with light, heat, phone. Give rrire. full particular in first letter. T 788, Journal. LOVELY large room, hot and coH water, suit able for one or two busines men; west side. 161 N. 2 2d street. FRONT room for rent, $6 per month; lady preferred. Woodlawn 4000. NICE cleanfiirnishedroomTwalking-distance. 4 74 Yamhill. t. NICE rooms reasonable. 269 Fargo st. ROOMS AND BOARD 'I HE Martha VVaabington. 880 loth, for bust- pes girl and students. Marshall 1251. THE HAZEL, outside room, hot water, bom rooking Special rates to couples. 885 3d FUBNISHED AND UNFUBNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 8 3 COMPLETELY furnished ffK. "rooms, $'fs per month, near Srnth Portland shipyards. 4.. 1st st. M.in 4854. PA RTLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 35 V4 North 19th at HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 73 FUBNISHED- AND UNFURNISHED PBIVATE FAMILT $ AND $7 month, nice, clesn sleeping rooms, 3d floor, men only, 171 13th at. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 71 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ONE large H. K. room with kitchen. 429 Main street. FOB REXT HOUSES UNFURNISHED HELP SHIPBUILDING NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS TOUR LISTINGS. You can erv your country by helping hip builder to locate. Lint your racanciei. furnished or unfurnished bouses, rooms or apartments. Write or phone. A. J. England. Main 1193. NICE 3 room house, close in, small lot, $15. wm give lease. C. w. Barringer. 24 8 Stark. Phone Main 2558. FUBNISHED HOUSES 88 VACANT Sept. 1, 5 room furnished bungalow. at 6B . et. See Mr. Selley, 120 Front. kODERN furnished cottage, for rent, close in. 202 Pag st. W-A car. APABTMENT8 43 FUBNISHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room house, 2 and 3 room house keepipg apartments, furnished -or unfurnished; levator, hardwood floors. 11th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS Niwsly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms. $2.50 and up. BISLOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorn. Mod ern 1. 2 and room apts.. $12.60 up; walk ing distance. Cell East 882. MAGNOLIA APTS. East 3d and Belmont; modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.50 per week op. Bleeping rooms. East 212. 3 ROOM furnished aoartment, $38, including light. Belknap Apt., 187 17th st. near Yamhill. BANNER apartments. 48ft Clay, near 14th. Modi-rn 2 room furnished apartment $11. ' PENINSULA APTS Woodlawn 1862. Con crete bldg . 2. 8. 4 rooms, bathe, phone. FOR RENT FLATS 13 USE of 5 room flat, including kitchen, to three adults from now until after G. A. R. convention. Call room 308 Globe bldg., 11th and Washington. 4 ROOM modern, ground floor flat, on car line, $20 month. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. FURNISHED FLATS 0 5 ROOM modern furnished flat $22.50. with water, light and garbage, on Williams ave. Inquire at agent, 565 Vi Wijliams ave. SUMMEB RESORTS SEASIDE To motor parties, large tent 13x17, containing two cots, springs and mattresses; helve, tables and cook stove; free water, $3 per week ; close in. John Home, Seaside. Or. W. K Apts. fine water, at liockaway Beach. Apply at Ocean Crest Apts. THREE II. K. rooms at Seaside for rent. Phone Tabor 2830. WANTED TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodations, we request every patri otic citizen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mail information of same to Columbia R. 8. B. Corp. Box 1202. Portland. Or. MODERN house wanted in good neighborhood. Prefer small house, well furnished. Pay rent in advance with ..)tion to buy wtthon six months- Main 3617. I WANT to rent a 4 to 8 room apartment unfurnished, in a good location and among good surroundings. Thoroughly responsible and will take lease. Main 2841. MIDDLE aged woman alone wants 3 or 4 room unfurnished house. Mrs. M. F. P., Linn ton. R. 2. box 0. RELIABLE party desires 5 room cottage or bungalow in desirable neighborhood. Would consider year's lease. Y-843. Journal. WANTED to rent house, on paved street, be tween Broadway and St. Johns. Wdln. 5546. WANTED 5 room hou. near Sunnyside car line by September 1; references. Bdwy. 2876. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 43 BEACH cottage, modern, nicely located; Swank. - Main 4100, Marshall 5188. FOB SALE HOUSES 1 $1600 BUYS North Irvington 4 room, attractive cottage, electric lights, hath, lull lot. fruit, flowers, paved street and sidewalk paid. Terms, $iO( cash, balance 3 years 7 per cent. Mo Gnire. 545 Union ave. N. East 5407. FIVE ROOMS $1250 Easy terms, close in. near Union ave. In quire C. D. Stringer, Main 5446. FIVE room bungalow in fine condition, large at tic, full cement basement, 50x100 lot, fruit, berries and garden; close to 2 carlines, $2 600. Discount for cash. For sale by owner, 996 E. 18th st. N. Phone Woodlawn ",34. ROSE" CITY BUNGALOW $3fl)00 5 room modern, fireplace, full basement, full lot, only one black to car, $500 down. This is a dandy little place. A. H. Akerson. 500 Stock Exch. Bldg. SUNNYSIDE Attractive modern o room home, fine loca tion, ltehnont st., good condition. Price $2750 on terms or $2." 00 cash. Possession immedi- stely. B y owner. Tabor 1284. 4 ROOM bungalow style bouse and garage, 50 xlOO lot, $850: $200 down, balance on termi to suit buyer. Irvington Park, 134 5 Glenn ave.N LOWER ALBINA- 8 room newly painted, one block from Mississippi car. city assessments all paid. $2250, small payment down, balance like rent Russell, 4 04 Abington bldg. ' $T250 3 room modern cottage, lot 50x105 feet; 1 block from Mt. Tabor car; terms. Phone eve nings. Tabor 5190. AT T KA C T I VEbungalow in Rose City: 5 large airy rooms ; sleeping porch, breakfast room snd attic: front room 14x24; rooms all large. Lot .'0x13"). Appointemnt call Tabor 8743. 7 ROOMS. $2300 Easy terms, modern. 60x100 cor. It's a snap. See my atty, at 805 N. W. bk. Bldg. Phone Main 54 4 0. j IN ST. JOHNS 7 room modern, a nice home and in lt-clasa condition; full lot. Price: $2500. Will give terms. New York Land Co. E. 5317. 331 E. Morrison. MODERN 5-r. bungalow, paved sts., good dis trict. Would consider good used auto or clear vacant lot and some cash. Billings, owner. 509 McKay. M. 1300. 4 ROOM bungalow, gas, elec. lights, full base ment Lot 50x100. Fruit, 3 blocks to car. Owner, Wdln. 2583. $2300 MODERN 7 room bungalow. $500 down, 6 interest; no mortgage. 010 E. 30th south. Sell. 24 84. BIG 5 room modern bungalow, quarter acre ground, nice fruit, only $1900, good terms. GEO.T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG, LRVINGfON owner must sell exceptionally htgh elass bungalow for much less than cost price, $5500. East 8015. $2750 TERMS. Newly painted 5 room house, 60x100 lot, fruit trees, berries, good car service. 110 East Webster. Wdln. 25. FINE modern 7 room house, hardwood floors, builtin conveniences. Urge lot, fruit trees, $2400; terms. 6519 60th st. S. E. FOR" SAL13 By owner, T room double con structed house, lot 50x130, sleepin g porch. furnac. newly tinted, garage. Eat 7620. $2650 8 ROOMS, Belmont st,, close in. $1000 cash. bal. terms. Gibson, 266 Stark st, Marshall 12. SACRIFICE 5 room, modern bungalow with H acre, highly improved, ore Mt. Scott car. Ttnt'hfield. 518 Fenton bldg.. Brdw. 1100 WOODSTOCK carlme. 3 rooms, chicxen house, fruits and berries, easy terms. Gib son, aoesmkMarshajl 12. 3 ROOM Viou big lot, fin fruit, cloae to car; price $1000, nice terms. GEO. T. MUUtlttU; ABINGTON BLDG. 6 -ROOMS, modern, large lot, near Lmon ave. at Woodlawn: $2000, terms. $250 will han dle. Owner. Main 7276. T300 $100 DOWN. $15 per month. 4 room house, lot 50x100. at 172 E. 45tb st. PaulWaidt. 125T Belmont St. Tabor 1212. II 100 WOODSTOCK carline, 3 rooms, bath and toilet, chicken house, fruit and berries, easy terms. Gibson, 266 Stark, Marshall 12. SMALL house. Rose City park, very easy terms. Mr. Macx, i-B na st. y ' HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $2350 51st st.. 50x112 lot, near ear. Tabor 8834. SELL 6-room house, close to shipyard. Sell acreage. Marshal 8441. Owner. CITY and country property, sen and rent BENEDICT. 26T-fr Oak. Main 1T48. NICE modern home in Pieb.on-Trm Call owner. WdlnV 6667, SMALL house and corner lot. ey payments. Owner, 1239 Burra.e. Phone Wdln. 3544. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 A FEW CHOICE BARGAINS ON VERY GOOD TERMS $2400.005 room modern bungalow, has fire place, soma built-in convenience, large attic, cement walks, graded - street, good neighborhood. Terms $200 cash $20 per month. $2200.00 B room modern bungalow, splendid home, has fireplace, large attic graded street, cement walks. Term $150 cash, $20 per month. $1250.00 4 room house, two lota with some fruit. Terms $200 cash $15 per month. V $3000.00 5 room modern bungalow, well fin ish eed, good cement basement, good furnace, house practically new; lo cated on East Couch st. Terms $800 cash, balance reasonable pay ments. $4000.00 9 room modern house, facing- en Corbett s. with full basement, sta tionary wash tuba, house well built and in center of the shipbuilding plants on the west side. If is an elegant bargain. Term S1000 cash, balance reasonable payments monuny. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GET-A-HOME GET-A-HOME A S 4 m house with a B 0x1 00 lot, from $675 to $1250. EM ALL CASH PAYMENT AND MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. Located at ROLAND STATION, itraight 5c fare on the OREGON ELECTRIO BY.. 10 min ute rid to South Portland SHIPYARDS and 15 minutes to Washington street: served also by the FULTON CAR. In the CITY LIMITS with all conveniences, BULL RUN WATER, GAS and ELECTRICITY. HOUSES are al ready SCARCE in Portland. Within THIRTY DAYS there will be a HOUSE FAMINE. ACT TODAY. DO NOT DELAY. We will take you by auto to YOUR FU TURE HOME, on request, THE CARSON COMPANY. Owner of BEAUTIFUL CARSON HEIGHTS, 604 PLATT BUILDING. WASHINGTON at PARK. TELEPHONE MARSHALL 6025. 6HIPBUTLDEBS ATTENTION $525. all cash, buy 80x100 lot and 8 room dilapidated enttaaa: 7 or 8 large bearing fruit trees, located on the weft side of Courtney St.. 50 ft. north of Hunt $700 $350 cash, 8 room cottage, complete ly furnished. 1690 Courtney at. $1260 100 cash, 8 large rooms and 50x 100. at 00 West Killmrrworth. $1600 $400 cash, 5' room modern bun galow, 178 8 Hurst st. $2100 $400 cash, large 4 room bungalow, with large porches, 63x107: 1800 Chautauqua blvd. $2625 $500 cash. 4 room modern bunga low with 100x100; all kinds of fruit and ber ries. 1308 Wilbur st These properties are all located about half way between here and St. Johns and merit your inspection FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. -EVEN room modern bouse, corner lot 50x100, on Division and 28 th st 4 stall concrete garage in rear off 28th st. Stalls not required for use can be rented. 28 th st. and Division are both hard surfsced, some $300 street im provements to assume; all paid to date. The house is now vacant. Price $2500, $400 cash. $25 month. Eight room modern house, full basement, at Kern Park, on Mount Scott carlin. $2100; cash. Neil Smith. 6514 Foster Road. Tsbor 1331. ROSE CITY PARK $4100 Don't rs this up. It's really ne of the mot beautiful bungalows in Rose City Park built by one of Portland's best builders. Five large rooms and breakfast room. Of course, it has all the modern conveniences, such as hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, French doors, French beveled plate mirror doors, etc. Jut a block from Ros City Park car. Se this sure. You will own it Owner has been trans ferred to Seattle and must sell. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st. nr. 3d. Main 8516. crancn office. 50th and Sandy. FURNISHED 0 ROOM Peninsula house, 50x100 lot, paved street, rice lawn, rosea, fruit, garage, chicken bouse, half block to St Johns car;- house in fine con dition. AU furniture, ruga, mattresses, dishes, table ware, sewing machine, kitchen range, small gas range, heating atove. etc., goes with place. Priced at $24 7 5 for this week only, $250 to 500 cash, $25 monthly. Hurry if you want this. Main 4522. COMTE. 727 Cham, of Com. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $3000 7 room bungalow, an attractive, practi cally new home, piped for furnace, fire place, all built ins. canopy over kitchen range. A real home aituated in Weat noreland. Imp. ail in and included in price. Terms. Shown by appointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark st Main 583. ROSE CITY PARK 100x100 Bargain Owner wishes to sell beautiful 7 room bun galow located within block of Rose City car. Exceptionally large grounds with lota of trees and shrubbery, garage, street paved. Bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Very large living room. Requires $1500 cash. Location. 702 E. 64th N. A. G. Teepe Co., 204 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516. Branch of fire. 50th and Sandy. WEST SIDE BARGAIN WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Only $28.10 for a wonderful home on Wil lamette Heights, near the car. Has hardwood floors and all the modern convenience. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. By all mean see this. Terms. Just think of being able to buy a west side home at this low price. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at., near 8d. Main 3T.16. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $2850 5 room bungalow, best part of Haw tli me oixttict; l ardwi.cd fh rr, fire place, buffet, full cement base.nent, wash trays, st. imp. in, all included in price. $350 cash, balance easy pay ments. Shown by appointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark st. Main 583. ROSE CITY PARK CAR New modern up-to-date 0 room bungalow, furnished: has furnace, buffet, hardwood floors, parage; ready to live in. 70 ft. from Sandy blvd., $3250, $1200 cash, balance $50 per 1 mo.; aiso 4 room semi-modern cottage, $1000, $200 cash, $20 per month; another 2 room, nail - nouse. i uu n Kiicnen arm uasemeni, ouu. See Mr. Jenks. 68th and Sandy blvd HAVE YOU GOT TO MOVE? Well, don't worry. If you have money saved up buy a home. little ray rent to yourself. You may like my bungalow. It' strictly modem, close ta Sandy. Good looking, comfartable, modestly price Terms. 6 Rooms. Owner East 19 47. ( A fter 6 p. m ) aT-BERTA BUNGALOW $3200 Beautiful 7 room bungalow, fireplace. buffet, finished floors, full cement base ment When we advertise, they are bargains. Lejt us show you. Our autos at your service. .1. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark st. Main 683. 7 R. HOUSE AND LOT BARGAIN At 796-798 Vancouver ave. One or two small 5 room houses, facing street, on same lot Part or all cash down. Business calls owner to New York Aug. 1 6. Must be sold. Rare chance for poor man's home. Apply at once. Teery, 285 RusseU St. Phone East 3377. ROSE CITY PARK $3750 Beautiful 5 room bungalow, on 45th St. within. block Sandy. Has hardwood floors in every room, modern in every way. It is now vacant and ready for occupancy. Located at 4 30 E. 45th at north. Get th key from our branch office. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 8516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $1250 COSY HOUSE Just built for two; located among th trees In Parkrose, just outside city limits, 8 rooms, (dandy sleeping porch) btli and toilet Price include some furniture, also gas and wood range and heating stove. Nice lawn, chicken house, terms cash. 3. L. Hartman Co.. No. 7. Cham, of Com. bldg.. 4th and Stark st. Main 208. A-2050. MODERN house, 6 large roejms. large aleeping porch, bathroom and two toilets first floor; 2 dormer rooms, second floor; full cement base ment, furnace, garage, lot with alleyway; cloee in on aat aide. AU for less than cost to build house; terms, if desired. Owner, Broadway 181, Marshall 2486. 6 ROOMS. 54 K. 81st . 82000, $100 down 7 rooms. 60 Preseott st. . .82800, $200 down 9 rooms, 629 Webster st. . . .$2500. $500 down 5 rooms. 821 Sumner st. ... $2000, $10 down These are all good buys and ;our inspection is tnvited. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 782 Cbm. of Or. GOING EAST" Will sell my new bungalow at sacrifice: 0 Iota; auto part pay; big garden; no wood to buy; small tax; all fenced in; fine scenery; E. GLLsan and Shady Road, out of city limits; hurry. R. A., Box 66, Portland. Or., or writ Y-451. Journal. MR. WORKING MAN! Why pay rnt? Mov right in 7 K. modern house. E. 86th, Richmond1 district. $2180. Terms. Sellwood 3652 or r. 243" . REAL ESTATE FOR NALK-HOHMKK IT $3250 BOSE CITT PARK SPLENDID LOCATION, cloae to ear. on paved street, west of hill. VbRI NIFTY little 5 room bungalow and attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, Dutch Kitcnen, bullet, bookcases and all other up to date feature. Full lot, nice lawn. Everything neat as a pin. A real buy you can't beat. Phone Main 1902 or Tabor 6188. t WAVEKLEIGH HEIGHTS DISTRICT S2300 A fine modern 5 room bungalow, full basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, good electric light fixtures and everything in first class condition : house 3 yean old: lot 47x180: fruit trees and a large garden apace; Ideal surroundings. $300 cash, balance terms. I. L. KARNOPP A CO.. 319 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 6T5. ALMOST new 5 room house, with dandy sleep ing porch, close in. furnace, fireplace, hard' wood floors, very convenient arrangement of rooms, all butlt-ins, full cement basement; ozao, terms. JOHNSON 212 Lumbermen! Bldg. Broadway 1613. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Nice large 5 room bungalow, on lot 60x100, paved street and all city liens paid; en Marguerite ave., near E. Lincoln. Price a ana,?. $3150: $500 cash. GRT78SI A DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A BARGAIN in Albert- district: 8 room modern house, good condition, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, pantry, Duiiet. Graded street, cement sidewalk. 40x100. block from Alberta car. Price $3000. Very liberal terms. The house cannot be built for this price, and the lot is worth $900. U. A. Schramn. Main 4420. 242 Stare st. DANDY 4 room bungalow on Mt- Tabor car line, almost new, vacant and ready to move into, built in conventoncea, hardwood floors, 'ire- place and full cement basement. Only -UU $200 cash, balance your own terms. JOHNSON 212 Lumbermen Bldg. Broadway 1612 WEST RITiE HOUSE CHEAP Here is a bargain. 6 room house, in good condition, with lot 100x115, walking 1 distance of husinejui renter and close to industrial zone. Owner in California authorizes us to cut the price for quick sale. Get full particular at 219 Lumbermen bldg. KUNNTSIDE SNAP Good 6 room house, gas, bath, laundry trays, cement basement, on E. 30th near Belmont. Price, a snap, $1800, some terms. GRUSSI & DOWNEY, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7463. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $2650 Modern, in nice location, one block" from fine car service, on hard surface street, restricted district and good neighbors. $500 down, bal ance easy monthly payments. HAGER'S ifEALTY CO.. 825 Railway Ex. BWg. MalnZSSO. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. TtnT this lot and build a horn to auit yon. You can save more on this lot at the present price. $1200, than the extra cost of building and have what you want; close in. food new. Owner. Main 1968. Marshall 865. WFI.T. hnilt 5 room bungalow, only 1 block to Mt Tabor car, modern in every detail, only $2250. Easy terms. Vacant JOHNSON 212 Lumbermens Bldg. Broadway 1612. $34006 ROOM bungalow; completely fur nished; comer. Street improved and paid. Full basement, furnace, fireplace. This is a fine home and a bargain. $1000 down, balance like rent, near Hawthorne and 34th st. A. J. Farmer. 408 StockExchange. xYsbOTAKES'fine horn of 8 rooms, den nd sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, large, roomy poreh. more than a lot, street improvement all in and paid, price $4500, small payment and straight mortgage, close in and in one of the best districts. Main 1963. after 7. Mar. 865. ROSE CITY. $3000. $500 CASH 5 room bungalow, very artistic, built in books, cabinet kitchen, oak floor, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace. Term. John-son-Dodson. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. BEAUTIFUL 8 room house: Piedmont: 100 by 100: sts. paved and pd; near car. House alone would cost $6000 to build. I-ota worth $3000. The whole business for $4500. $2000 cash. bal. to suit. M. Billings. 500 McKay, M. 1390. $3500. EIGHT roomed modern home, large glass sun rooms and glassed in porch, full basement, all in splendid condition: real worth $5000. Marguerite st.. near Baby Home. terms. Phone Tabor 053. " $200 CASH. $25 MONTHLY Owner non-resident, will sacrifice 5 rooms, attic, hard surfaced St., lot 50x100. books, bnffet. fireplace, fnrnace. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. PAltTLY-FURNISHED AND ON TERMS $100 down, $25 month. 4 room furnished cot tage. Alberta district, hard surface, 50x100 lot, $100. . SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Excbsnge. AGOOD BUY in Ladd's addition. Modern house., all improve ments in and paid, walking distance, splendid car service. Price $5000. William's Loan A Inv. Co.. 422 Chamber of Com. Main 4479. 76d3rBARGAIN ONLY $27 50 Modern 7 room house, on paved street, lot 50x100. fruit trees, close in. Woodward av. Terms. .,,. A. H. Akerson. OuHStoc exen. mag. FINE 8 room house, paved streets, Waverly Heights, corner lot. hardwood floors, every modern convenience: price $3150, terras. r:v T MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG. house and Vi acre on Oregon City I fine plastered house, 6 rooms btli, pantry. 2 $850- $ir0 cash, monthly payment. I toilets. 26x26 basement, garden, wood, furni i nice 'houses on Oregon City carline ! ture if desired. Payments on balance like rent. FIVE room carline ,h acreace Geo. Morse, 315 Chamb.r of Commerce. SELLWOOD 6 large rooms and bath, bei put in fine condition, new electric fixtur being res, sacrifice at $1550. $250 cash, near 2 carlines. 16S5 E. ifh St. 5 ROOM modern house, newly painted, one block St. Johns car. hard surface street, fruit trees, 50x100 lot $285U, S850 dn. Owner will show by appointment. East 665. BARGAIN 8 mom home, Irvington: cost $10, 000. take $3000 less; sons in army; $500 down, balance like rent; fine location: lot 66x 100. East 273. MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repain. See my designs for new houses. Max M. Meyer, rchitect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Sunt Oregon Horn Builders. FOB SALE LOTS IS TO AVOID FORECLOSURE. $800 49x100 on the N. side of Arnold st., 150 ft. W. of Marguerite. Hawthorne district. Assessed at $600. The owner paid over $1600. Fore closure proceedings have been instituted so you will have to hurry. Price quoted include treet work. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of C. HERE'S a snap. Nice corner lot Laurelhurat for $800. unpaid bonded assessments $525, which will give lot with all improvements paid for considerably less than original purchase price. -01 U. S. Natl Bank bldg., Broad- wsy 2013. FOR SALE Two fine lots cheap for cash, near carline. Inquire owner. Phone sellwood -n. ACREAGE $7 CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres $250; $10 down, $5 per month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralia, on the main line of 3 railroads. 1 Vi miles from a town of 800 population; sawmills and shingle mills: some of this land is partly cleared; run ning stream; some bottom and some bench; some of this land is good onion land; can give you any kind of piece yon want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO , 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. ONE of th beart 20 acre ranches in Oregon. All improved, fine building. 8 mile from city, on fine road, close to electric and steam line. 2 horses. 8 head of cattle, 7 hogs, 100 chickens, family orchard and berries. All crops. No rocks or gravel. Good terma. Geo. Morse, 315 Chamber -of Commerce. $10 DOWN $1.00 WEEK. Large garden tracts. Alberta car,' close to school, no gravel, no city assessments; two acre tracts with houses. Terms. Main 1643. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE 5 acres improved, 8 room house. barn, good water, no rocks or gravel; fine family orchard, good location, 3 mile west of Oregon City. -$3000. F. M. Bennett, Willam ette. Or. 15 PRUNES4searing, good condition. Swank. 517 Henry hi. bldv PASTURE for rent. Lake Gove. Marshal 3441. FOR SALE FARMS 17 STOCK farm in Ik county, all fenced and cross fenced. Good buildings. Stock, ma chinery, tools, splendid furniture, all complete, big sacrifice for quick aale, or other property considered in exchange. U. L. Webb. 414 East Stark st. CLARKE COUNTY. WASH., $3750 20 a. in cult, new 6 room house, barn 40x 50. chicken house, woodshed. 1 H miles from Amboy in that wondronsly fertile Chelatchie prairie. This is n ideal farm home. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. $5500 ON TERMS, 14 acres, 4 miles W. of Linnton: om genuine beaverdam; good build ings, stock, tools and crop: a sacrifice. Ruth field. B18 Fenton bldg. Brdw. 637. 70 ACRES. $1400 Good anil, creek, close to school; $1 fare to Portland, $400 'cash down. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg. , TILLAMOOK dairy ranch. 160 acre, half bot tom land; 13 cow. Price $12,500. Trad for land 1n ' Iowa or adjoining states. E- B, Garner, Hemlock. Or. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 FARM BARGAINS. 80 acres, fair building s. horses, cows, pigs. chickens, implements and tools, $8000; terms. S3 acres. 18 muea from Portland. 1 v miles from electric station and on good road; good buildings, stocked and equipped. $8500; terms. 10 acre. 2 miles from Oregon City, on grav eled road; home and outbuildings, 3 cows, bog and chickens; some implements, $1800; terms. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg $28,000 RANCH FOR $14,000 160 acres 10 mile from Vancouver on main stage road, 80 acre in cultivation. large barn and house, good granary, brick smoke house and other building. land all level. This place sold for $28,000 6 year ago; owner have several other ranches and son have gone to front. They have instructed us to offer his magnificent prop erty at on half price. Photo at office of Fred w. irerman, 7 82 Cham, ot Uom. WITH milk at 15c a qt why not buy a dairy farm? We have the exclusive handling of one of the best stock and dairy farm in Ore gon: 925 acres with all building and equip ment ready to to to work. Bight at the very door of Portland. It don't coat a cent to see us about it and it might make you a wad of money. M. Billings and i. M. Muea, 609 McKay bldg. M. 1390. i 80 ACRES in Washington county, on fine auto road, 2 mile from railroad, close to school. 50 good tillable land, balance pasture, all good soil; 15 creek bottom, 12 cultivated; $500 worth of piling, cheap buildings, trout stream through place, spring water to buildings: can be made a beautiful borne. Certainly is a rare bargain at $2000. Neal Brown. 207 Panama building. FOB BENT FABM9 14 FOR RENT -59 acres, 45 pasture. 14 under cultivation, 2 acres alfalfa, 4 acres clover tamuy orchard in lull bearing; good 5 room house, good barn and outbuildings, $130 a year. Six tons hay, 2 acres potatoes, carrots and beans for sale. On Jaggy road, 1 mile north of Jaggy station. 4 miles from Vancouver,, close to school. J. Hugon, Vancouver, Wash., Rt 6. FARMS WANTED BENT OB BUT $8 WANTED Coast acreage up to $5000. Oregon or Washington. Address 1320 Washington at, Hillsboro, Or. SUBUBBAN HOMES 79 FOR SALE-100xl46. all kinds of bearing fruit trees and shrubbery. 3 room house, completely furnished, has city water, electric lights and gas: located half way between Dosch on Sou. Pac. and Multnomah on Ore. Electric, by owner. HOMESTEADS 47 O. A C. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate yon on a good claim. A former government cruiser. S01 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land office. W. IL JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS Locate you on the best homesteads in the state for $100; no charge unless entry secured. We classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON & ANDERSON. No. 2 Land Office Bldg., Worcester Blk., Sd and Oak St. O. & C. HOMESTEADS You can file direct We can show you the best cjaima. Full information. BUNDY A McHARDY. 411 Henry Bldg. TIMBER 2S NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Wash ington, D. C, July 12. 1918. Notice la here by given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of Jun 9. 1910 (39 Stat., 218), and the instructions of the secre tary of the interior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September 8. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at th United States land office at Koseburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this : notice, sale to be subject to toe approval of the secretary oi the interior. ine enrcha s ! price, with an additional sum of one tilth of : 1 per cent. Deing commissions allowed, must De ; uepuicu i iii " ""'"w : u sue ireiu., uu,t.nu " i Uue for the timber which must be removed j within 10 sears. Bid will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 S.. R. 1 E., Sec. 29: N. W. W N. -E. Vi. yellow fir 1300 M., hemlock 60 M. ; N. E. N. W. i, yellow fir 22 10 M.. hem lock 370 M., celar 15 M.; N. W. N. W. 14. yellow fir 2300 M-, hemlock 140 M. ; non of the yellow fir, hemlock or cedar to be sold for less than $1.60 per M. T. 82 8., R. W., Sec. IS: N. E. N. W. H. red fir 600 M.; N. W. N. W. .red fir 350 M.; S. W. V, N. W. "4, red fir 450 M. ; 8. E. . N. W. . eed fir .850 M.; S. W. N. W. V, red fir, 450 M. : S. E. N. W. t4. ed fir. 650 M. : none of the red fir to be sold for less than $1 per M. Clay Tallman. commissioner, general land officer EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 I HAVE a friend who wanta a good, going. BP- to date farm, close to achool, m the Days Creek or Roeeburg countries. Something to the valu of $15,000 to $20,000. He has to offer in exchange 5G0 acre wheat ranch, 200 acrea sumxnerfullow. 40 acres hogtizht. all f plare under cultivation, clear of mortgage. Ad dress L. K. Moore, Ecola, Or. VANCOUVER SHIP WORKERS Good light auto or cash for my equity in F. B. Crumley. 1602 Railroad ave.. Vancouver. 1080 ACRE atock ranch with $300 paid un water right on the best canal in central Oregon, good buildings with thousands of arre free outrange adjoining: will trade for Port land income property anil assume. Iluthfield, 518 Fenton bldg. Brdwy. 637. FOR SALE or trade for bungalow, equity in 15 acres. Prunes, apples, berries, bearing ; paved highway Vi mile from Newberg; good house, barn, city water, stock. Price right. X-778, Journal. ST. PAUL. Minn., lot. 75x150. trade for lot or residence, Portland vicinity or St. Johns district preferred; also -house and three lota at Banks. Or., for trad. Roy Ijnn, 401 Vi N. Jersey st. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM 800 acres, all fine level farm land: good buildings, equipped. Price $50 per acre; will take farm here aa first payment, balance crop payments Claude Cole. 300 Henry hide SIX room strictly modern, attractive house, at 42d and Belmont sts.; all clear; will ex change for smaller house. Taul Waidt, 1257 Belmont at. Tabor 1212. HAVE a customer for 6 room bungalow. 100 ft lot, must be value for money, not over $3000 and close to car line. Small cash payment. Phone Main 4522. ask for Mr. Alton. LIST your property with us for results on charges of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park st, be tween Washington and Stark st fa!Tmwanted. Have income city property to exchange. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. 320 ACRES of level land in northern Lake Co. ; free from encumbrance. Inquire 780 IM St. Marshall 650. WILL trade house and lot for two-ton truck automobile and portable drag saw. J. B. Butenschoen, 279 Halleck st - MONTANA wheat land for Portland property or Oregon land. 1183 E. Sherman st, Port land. Or. MONTANA wheat farms for Oregon property. N. M. Apple Ind Co., Iwiston, Mont. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 HAVE several buyers tor cottages and moder ate priced homes in Kenton and Peninsula district Give us a description of your prop erty. W can sell it Deal with old estab lished firm. Frank L. McGuire, Abington bldg. I WILL pay you a reasonable cash payment for a 10 to 80 day option on your house if priced right, nothing wanted if ranging in price over $3000. 381 E. Morrison. Phone East 5317. New Y'ork Land Co. SHACKS AND SMALL H'lilKS WANiED Must be N. E. aud priced right W hiv nume8us buyers waiting. Frd W. Germ, a Co.. 732 Cham, (jff Com. IF YOU HAVE 2 moderate priced house for sale, $800 to $3000, list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO.. for quick result; old estab lished firm. Phone Main 2051, 638 Cn. of Com. HAVE client for a house near Sellwood ear, north of Bybee and east of Milwaukie at., up to $2400. 8500 down. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. HOUSE OWNERS. If you are in a hurry a dispose of your house lit it with E. A. Lindgren, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Batik bldg. BEST 6-ROOM BUNGALOW CASH WILL BUY IT TO $1500. BENEDICT. 267 V, OAK ST. MAIN 1743. I WANT 2 Rose City Park lots, for eauh, near car line. State price, asa'mt. what im provement, must be cheap. Stiles, East 6458. WANT Plaice with fruit; place for chickens; close to car and school; have clear lot as first payment, V-874, Journal. WANTED 4 to 5 room house in Irvington 1 rk add., or in Alberta dis. 431 Ch. of C. WANTED house, cash buyer waiting. Main 164 3. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. knit i.r..-i 1. is .ul your property with th Ileal Estate Exchange. 201 8d st. Portland. BOOMING HOUSES 6$ SMALL boarding . bouse, fine budnesa good location, $75 per maut, clear. Bdwy, JJ0S9. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED 8 year, butter, egg and poul try business: exclusive high class trade, gross weekly profit $90. WU1 consider auto in part payment. Best of reasons for selling. No agents wanted. ,Z-648, Journal. FOR SALE 5. 10. 15e stor. in good valley town, large payroll. Don t fail to look this up. WX-64 8. Journal. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Morris & GUson, 431 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Dandy little restaurant, fine busi ness. Inquire 203 Jefferson st. FOR SALE Cheap, small A-l restaurant, opp. new poatoffice. Inquire at 106 N. Bdwy. MONEY TO LOAN BE AL ESTATE 37 Ot'li installment plan u the best aid suras method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 month eg $21.24 for 60 month, or $15.17 lor 9 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest Other amounts In proportion. Wa loan on Improved city property Of for building purpoega, No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION S42 Stark st, Portland. Or. PAY OFF TOUB MORTGAGE in easy installment with 10 years' time to re pay; fully protected by life insurance under the bora purchase plan of the Equitable Lif Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars aee Mr. Strong, Equitable office, Oregonian bldg. $300. $400. (500. 17 CO. $1000 and an. lowest interest rate. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 681 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced a won: progress,. w. a. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $250. $360. $400. $600. $660. $760. $1000 and largar amounts at current rates. Quick action, area w. lierman so.. ixi I arm. (join. FOK MORTGAGE i-OANS see OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and xamniu sts. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city or tarm mort gage; no commission. P. O Box 8 78. $100 TO $1600; consider lota. E. HL Duwltng, on inamrier ot commerce, slant ha 11 2432. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 . o la -aiutaoa A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH lor mortgages, loans contractaT FT IL Lewis, room 4 . ewia bldg. Main 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans mad to person on salary or flxd In come, oh household furniture, piano, diamond and other personal property, legal rata. Boai- ness eonlideBtial; privet office, POKTLAND LOAN (JUMP ANT. Licensed. 06-807 Dekurn bids. -alary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On abort- notice te salaried or werkingmen en their own note. weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment Each transaction strictly eontidentlaL NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan on household luro. itui ra, piano. etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 218 Failing bldg PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 394 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS, gpUSEHOLD FURNITURE. HOUSES.- VEHICLES. ETC. IS FOR SALE 'cheap, light team, delivery wagon harness and cart.: slsa single harness (new) or will turn on light Ford delivery. Phone Ta Por jgno. t.. .Mara st. FINE young mare, about 1000 lbs., saddla or driving. Will work anywhere. Also buggy and harness; bargsin. Hroadway 131. Marshall 2486. jjj- 70' .(j?NTLE-. ound, 5-year-old. nice riding and driving horse : harness and light hack. 145 East 81st N. Montavilla car. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses taken quick. W pay mure tor dead cows. Tabor 4 203 HORSES and wagons for rent by the day, single or druhle 646 Front. Main 3208. LIVESTOCK JERSEY COW giving 4. gallon,; better on good pasture; sell reasonable; also 7 month thor oughbred Jersey bull. 1055 E. 34th st, Gorrell. FOR SALE 2 Toggenberg milch goats; 1 16 months old. I 6 months old. Inquire at Jennings Lodge grocery store, or phone East 897. 100 TH6R0UGHB"RED Wnit Leghorn laying pullets. Barred Rock. Rhode I. lied,. $1.20 to $1.65. H5 E. 8 1st t. N.. Montavilla car. FOR "SALE 9 laying PlymouthRockherri rooster: also 70 young chickens, chicken wire. 555 E 20th st. Sellwoorl S'MI ! pnoo iTp inn ";... .iti i.:. V r j X."'. "j i.:' : A ,;,"' 7. ing hens; good laying strains. O-707. Journal. FOR SALE Young cow. fresh in two months. 010 (Kwego st.. St. Johns. Or FRESH Hnlstein cow for sale. 652 Ti 39th St. 8. Tsbor 7545. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 'A BEAUTIFUL deep yellow St Andrrasherg roller female and spotted singer. Main 311. 875 Thurman. YOUNG St. Andeasberg singer. Price $7.50, and females. Woodlawn 3632. I FULL blood pointer up for rale: 9 mo. old l-none Woodlawn 4 60.. TWO young canaries and a largebreeding cage for sale heap. 2 04 Vi 1 4tli st FUR SALE Rice has the big boys, 614 1 Woodstock ave. 'Flemish.' AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 AUTO WRECKERS We wreck cost all makes of cars and aefl th good pert for lesa than half price. W have ,n kinds of used bodies tor sale. Highest price paid for old car. PACIi'IG JUNK COMPANY. 228 IVont st. MAIN 4768. A FEW BARGAINS IN AUTOS WINTON 8IX METZ FORD DIVISION GARAGE 1372 DIVISION ST Take Mount Scott ear to Division afreet. LAHER' Mfg. A R pairs. 8000 gurntd spring, la stock : prices reduced. 84 N. 15th st. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object parts for all mak of Cars. UlMnn int. C change. 129 Lownsdal at 15tb aud Washine tcn. Broadway 2668 wY- ,to ". who-s-to-nT. t ord car in t. ana da. Have c.n... r nr:,-. u.i, iui local car or tell. M-908. journal. mn'sitr -r . ToT. - ; t J, !rJ!!' model; shock absorb. ers. speeuomerer: good tires- n ji tion. Price, $375. Inquire at 1380 Hawthorne' Phone Tabor 3392. iSLif-.r' "7Weta. AxleTind Trailers W. wreck all make of cars and sell their good Parts at half price. David Hode. Co Broadway and Flanders st. Broadway 198 BIG STOCK Used Cars PRICES RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO 31st and Washington sts. Main 6144 DUBRUILL 5 TOP CO. th and Oak. Broadway 1 664 FORD roadster, neirfy new, snap for cash; leaving town. Call East 139 from 8 a. m' to 5 p. m. or write N-815. Journal. WILL sacrifice 1917 Hupmobile for cash; looks and runs like new; thick cord tires. Call Woodlawn 892. $200 DOWN buys 1917 Msxwell in good corf. dition: good tires, balance on time. Call East 1962. LATE model. 6 cylinder car; must be sold at once to settle an estate. Bargain for cash Terms if dc.ired. Main 4 999. after H p. m. 7-PASS. touring car. in good order, fine stage car. Cheap for cash. Will mak East 7207. 1916 FORD touring, cheap. Auto Beat Gar- age, 10th and Salmon. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. Journal. X-513, I FOR SALE Chalmers car. In good condition, Leaving city. Phone Broadway 4151. NEW Ford touring for aale. 605 Orange t L dd addition. MUST aell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. X-614. Journal. FO R S L ET91 7ChndIer sedan, cash and terms. Telephone East 1067 or Main 1055. WE buy-andell used Urea. Division Garage" 1372 Division at. FORDS ,or Mle chp 1 UHUO 21I Washir ashington rt FORD tnurins for eel. like new, $450. Broadway 3435, room "B." Phone MUST sell Ford touring car. Phone East 7810. Ask for iiethirig. SPOT eah paid for used car. Dealer' Used Car Clearing House. Grand are, and E. Stark. FORD at a sacrifice. Urtr. Carlton hotel FORD car cheap. 4619 5 2d ave. S. E, AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 HERE IS OUR TODAY'S LIST OP USED CAB BARGAINS. OF COURSE. THESE ARE CONTINUALLY CHANGING. AS WE ARE DAILY GETTING IN NEW BARGAINS. AND WE ASK THAT YOU CALL AT OIK SALESROOM AND INSPECT THE CABS THAT WE MAY HAVE BEFORE PURCHAS ING ELSEWHERE. BROADWAY 2402 Rao. S naaa 8 900 Hudson Six. 6 pass., just repainted. . . . $1100 Hudson Six. aama a abov. slightly newer.. $1150 Studebaker, good buy $ 875 aiaxweu, o paaa. ..................... Studebaker $ 480 Ford. Chassis $ 285 Stoddard-Devton delivery truck- 3R0 s-uaimer olX .....................a oou Jeffrey, witn new 2 ton track attachmnt..ll Saxon IS $ 75 Ford. 5 passenger ... ..$ 850 Ford truck $ 800 Ford delivery car 5 Col 80, Ideal for bug $ $00 MexwelL 5 paaa. $ 675 Chevrolet, 6-pas $ 800 Ford Roadster, just overhauled- $ 400 Studebaker Six $ 660 Carter Car, suitabl rebuild bug or de livery, .. , .$ 185 Chevrolet. 490 flv. r-u 1 650 Jackson. 5 paaa., good shape S 750 uvsriana. B pass., now being repaint, . . ttuu W. H. WALUNGFORD Dtatributor. -Liberty Six Premier Six Briscoe Foul Hoed Lumber Tractor ParTett Farm Tractor 522 Alder it at 16th. J. H. GRAHAM 10th and Stark sts. Case Agency. We are going to clean up our used cars at bargain prices. We have the following to olter: 2 1917 Bnick light six touring cars. 1 1917 Mitchell touring car. 1 Studebaker touring car. 1 Case touring car. 1 Cadillac touring car. All these cars are in good mechanical con dttlon; we will give terms to reliable people; see us before buying elsewhere. Used Automobi-g- Terms Given Stearns Roadster. 6 cyl.. 5 cord tires, only $1200 Mitchell 6 pass.. 6 cyl., 1st model 1150 Mitchell t pass.. 6 cyl., late model 1850 Mitchell 1 ps., 6 cyl , just like new. only 1650 Mitchell 5 paaa., 4 cyl. . . 650 550 Studebaker 4 pass. Coup Jeffery 5 pas, 6 cyl Studebaker 6 pas.. 4 cyl Auburn 5 paas., 4 cyl Two-ton Truck , Sever! Others to Select From. 750 725 250 1250 USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A KTAVER CO Est Morrison t Fir-t St. Phones: East 7272; B 1216 WEST SIDE SALES ROOM Broadway at Oak St. Phones: Broadway 515; A 3343 FORDS FORDS FORDS PICK ONE OUT AND DRIVE IT HOME They are getting loarcer every day. Look these over : Two 1018 Chevrolet tourings, just new. Two 1918 Ford tourings, just new One 1916 Ford touring, fine shape. On 1916 Ford touring, snap. One 1914 Ford touring, a dandv. One 1916 Ford bug, $200 extras. On 1915 Ford bug, cla-ssy. One 1918 Stnde., 4 new Republic tire,. On 1914 Overland, completely overhauled On 1916 Saxon Six. fine shape. On 1916 Oakland Six. snap. Lots of others If thes don t suit. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. Grand Av. and E. Stark St. East 7810. Liberty Bonds Taken at Fare Value. Open Evenings and Sundays. BIG STOCK OF HIGH CLASS USED CARS Studebaker '"6," repainted, thoroughly overhauled, good tires j 550 1916 Saion Six. mechanically O K.. good tires flgo 1918 Haroun. run very little, snap .. 750 1915 Cole "8." a fine 7 pass, car .... 105O 1912 Pierce Arrow, 0 corcl tires 110O 1916 Mitchell Six. thoroughly overhauled 775 1917 6-30 Chalmers, fin buy 105O 1917 wverland. model DO 850 1917 Mitchell Six, 7 pass., perfect con dition 1 1 0O 1916 Ford, thoroughly overhauled .... 300 1916 Hudson 6-40, snap S5u Model 7! Overland. 3 new tires ...... R 5 1917 Chevrolet. xcell ent condition 650 1916 Buick light "4." like new fcft.) 1917 Maxwell, new tirea. snap 675 Open Sundays and Evenings. THE ACME AUTO CO.. Phone Bdw. 2796 bRl Alder St. Guaranteed Auto Repair Work. 1917 Overland Four, fine condition, only $ 650 1917 Chevrolet, touring 623 1916 Chevrolet, touring 475 1917 Maxwell, touring 735 1917 Chandler, touring . . . . 1500 SEE OUR CLASSY BUG H t vS h U AH r X H A N fi F 627 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnside Meet. USED TRUCKS SEE THESE TODAY 1 2-ton truck 1 2-ton truck , 1 8 Vi -ton Federal truck , .3 750 . 850 . 1800 1 3 ten Denby truck, been used 90 days. 2000 MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. 844 Burnside at, Broadway 82. GARAGES HOUSES CHHJKES HOU8 The portable ! kind v 70m I mommy. See em. I1 at 644 Uood st, Mais 11 Millmade Construction Co. . NEW CHEVROLET CARS A used ear the moot expensive ear to buy and yon do not get a guarantee. Call Mr. P. C. Rinehart. East 92 or 8174. for information and demonstration. NEW TIREi What brand of new tire, go 70 prefer 1 We have them, all muXm and etc. Also w make the fa it on O-V-U Dcrabl Tread (tewed) tire and do al 1 aaanner of tire re - pairing. Oregon Vulca nixing C. S8V2r6 Bmra ide ner Broadway. BXRGXINS in ned ears: on Overland model 60, $$50; one 191S Chevrolet, ran 1500 mile, $700; on 1918 Chevrolet, ran 1200 miles, $775. A a in good shape. Albin garage, 856 Garfield av. 1913 CADILLAC, cheap (or cash, privet party. Phone Mar, 8410. T ACTOMOBIliFS ACCESSOBIES 44 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS 3 Cadiljac touring .....3800 Ford! Roadster, Bosch magneto and de mountable rims 400 Overland roadster 600 Studebaker four, touring .... 660 W'H.L GIVE TERMS - . MOTOR BALES CORPORATION. - -I TeL Bdwy 82. 844 Burnside St. SACRIFICE 6 Vwner, 1918 Chaknera. Go- lng to war. i-ao. journal. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7S AUTOMOBUE REPAIRING NEW MANAGEMENT. HIGH GRADE WORK 125 Lownedaie st, at Wahi ngton U 0 1 ROOM house, furnished, plumbing, ga aad paved street. 60x100 lot; no Incumbrance, for $850 WiU take auto equal value. Answer 1600 Willow . W. Chase. HAVE three leu in Kladraa, Eastern Oregon. to, trad for light roadatetv and bug automo bile or what hare you; Address 6625 85th it 1 E. -t INCOME property $75 to $125 per month. Villi take good 7 pa, car as payment OB same. P. O. box 695, St. Helen. Or. LET m repair your macine in your own gmr- -age. Private aervice car day and night. Riaf. gelt j 8766. WILL pay spot cash for bargain in let model Ford. Room 816 Broadway hotel, evsning. WILL rent light delivery car by month f owner. T-S42. Journal. . lll.HT t rices paid fur automobile. eoaxU- tion no cbiect 121 N Sd st Bdwy. 2629. WAITED Seccnd-hand Ford pea senger body. Call 351 1st st or phone Marshall 2417. 40 A"RESof7odsUr car. Cell . Tabor 6367. after 6:30 p. m. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRt) AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVER - Brand new ear. Reasonable iat. , Fearing A Robnett. City Garage. 10th. Btween Stark and Oak. Broadway 80. AttOS WITHOUT DRIVER- FOR HIRB if COUCHMAN A BULLIVAN. r MAR8H 222 10TH A YAMHILL -A-l 36fy t PoilDH for hire without driver. 443 fttrk at. , . Broadway 8593. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good ears. coaa- . petent driver. Sixth and Wash. Matn 7080. Columbia river highway auto eh-' VICE. W do taxi work. Main 238 CAH for highway. Good car. old driver. Wood lawn 84 71. , MOTOBCTCLES. BICYCLES " BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES Larg stock of new and used machine. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. t8 6th st. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4" Boat Swan for Charter Dane very Wd. nd St. night. Main 4T48. 22 FOOT motorboat. 13 horsepower Gray motor. Phone Broadway 12000. local 49, bet, S and 1 1 p. m. BARGAIN Motor boat, 6-h. p.: T; owner' leaving city. Bondy Bstha. foot Woodward. BANDY river cruiser for camping or paasengar. A sacrifice at $850, terms. Woodlawn 6198. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 14 SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLQSE0 OTJT 1250 7 octave souare niano. ck .......$ 28 I 1300 7 1-3 octav sonar piano, cash. . . . 8 60- I 8275 7 octav Enalish upright, e th $ 48 . $300 7 octav French upright, rash.. ...8 $350 American mak upright, cash. 3 " ! $400 large oak upright piano, cash $186 f $350 new, studio model piano, cash. $216 $375 new. stored, upright piano, cash $285.. 1426 new. stored, upright piano. cn. ....o $450 new, atored. upright piano, cash.. .. $266 -$7.10 Weber msh., player piano, cash.. ... $298 $650 modern. ob.. player piano, cash.... $86 t 8 5 parlor organ with mirror, cash..... 8 3k -$126 parlor organ with mirror. eaih-....$ 83 Considering the rising market, new piano r already gon $75 to $150 higher, the above' pianos ought to cell quickly at this Urn. Piano bought nd sold for cash and (tot 1 . for 60c monthly. 109 4th st t Washington. PIANOS tuned, repaired- W bar expert work men. G. F." JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th, WILL EXCHANGE new Vlctrol or phonograph for your old piano. 1 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. J 14 9 6tb. . Main S0.1. WM I. WESSCEOr 1 Phonograph A exchanged ai ' lng. 142 V snd records bought nM. and rented. Expert iwpahr- 24. near Aider, up tail Don't buy old unimproved piano when toe Security Storage Co. is offering - new improved $875 piano for 3215 and modern $660 playr piano for $366, at 109 4th st EXCELLENT valu In slightly need plane. -G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th. PIANOS, organ, and musical instrument. Decker A Son. rosewood upright, $100; -Burdet'e organ, walnut, $32.60. Harold A G- bert. 384 Yamhill st - I WILL demonstrate a Brunswlcc phonograph in your own horn. Phone ma. Nate Ardrey. Bell. 3155. -- , $2il 25 12 CASH. $6 monthly U bur new Improved 1918 model piano at the Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth it, at Wash, at. RENT plan no sonar- or thump box," Hsrold 8 Gilbert. 884 TamhlTl. TTpr.w-nTTr.Rw 11 N-W REMINGTON, rental plan, rant appue so . purcha-. Visible model . . REMINGVON TYPE WRITES CO., 88 Brndway. Broadway 4631. GL . KAN TEED Factory Rebuilt Typewriter, "All Make'" sold en monthly payment Seta for pricelist. Th Wbotesele Typewriter C , Retail Dept.. 821 Washington at, At I MAKES tyDwritr rented and pir-" Oregon Typewriter Co., 04A 6th. Msin 3668- HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 86 New Furniture. Rugs and Range at Second Rand Prlc ... W ar Closing Out 2 Larg and Com plete Stocks of Horn Furnishings at Wholes! Cost and Less. . : FELDSTElN FURNITURE CO." v r ' 186-68 1st St, -e .-- Between Morrison and Yamhill. FOR SALE A good range with co-TITS.' Cafl at. 1027 E. ,31st st N. MACHINERY J J. BATEMAN MACHINERY CO., INC.. -.' 220 i'runt it. Portland. Or. Calls your attention to Jh feet they bv on ).nd over 100.000 ft of good first eke)-' 2d band rahle Included in this there I praetically all size. e also have" gee r. pnlley,-'-shafting, blocks, manilla rone, aawntill macbln-,, ery and loggiu supplies of all kinds. Writ fog price and panlculors. ' - J J. BATEMAN MACHINERY CO.. INC., . FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 13 Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning. $1; jwel. 50r; main spring, 80c REINGOLI. JEWELERS. 124 6TH ST. A GOOD- kit : of carpenter tools, suitable 10? f general repir work. Call A 6271. Ak fof T. Hendemon.: after 6. , ,-- 600 ENVELOPES' or 500 I bond tatteTheada, , $2.75. Boat work; prompt delivery; try ua, " Smith. Printer. 2046 Stark St. PRUNES for le cJieep; bring -bket to the orchard ; also spring chickens. $7lh and Pre. cott. Alberta car. '.' FOR SALE On standing bookkeeper' and I rolltop deefc, inquire SI 9 r. lorron. il'TA anniiae. coud traveler, at bargain. 81 A' Ya 8th stt Phone Sellwood 1996. 'f TWO po"1 table tor sale. Inquire tor in formation, ( 804 4 t . I APPLES and i niB for aale at 35th and Al. - tnec t. f 'haa. Zelra. KTTHEN rarce for aale, like new. A4175 69th at S. K. ' PLUMBING supple. wnol,al stm 1mv1 Co.. 212 3d rt. Mi 737. tiaras VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent. changed, bongbt Bentley Co.. Main 3583, 1 Taec.ER "VACXUli "-WEEPERS Mala , hfEA RH for tale. 2 631 st. N. Call evening. I. iCa-linaed un J-ultowin Pace; ... ;