THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY. AUGUST 13, 1918, 11 norSFKEFPIIfO BOOMS 71 Ft'UMSH ED AND USFCKSISHEII PHI V ATE FAMIIiTT .. 'TWO furnished housekeeping room, light, wa- t-r .nil nhtina free.. 110 ltT ISO. No ehil- r dren over 2 fn old. 807 E. 50th it, near i I Hawthorn. V N-VrUrg It K room with kitchen. 4 29 Main if street. f i - FOR' RESTs-HOUSES irs furtushed IS HELP SHIPBUILDING NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS TOUR LISTINGS. I You ran serve your country by helping shlp- - builders to lorata. , List your vacaocie. furnished or onfurnlshed owes, room, or apartment. Writ or nhone. A. J. England. Main 1193 EXCHANGE rent of 8 room house for repair of iimt; wet aid, walking dUtanee, fnr- Park and Washington. FOR RENT-Unfujnihed 8 room house. $25; walking dUtanca, N. W. Steel plant; furnace, tan, electricity. 201 Piatt bldg. Mar. 3843. I ROOM cot'aga with 2 large acreen porches; furniture- for ale. $60 cash renuired. 63 Insley ave.. ior. E. 17th. take Sellwood car. f6R KENT llouse 844 Belmont. Inquire 394 Hall at. FURNISHED HOUSES 38 A STRICTLY modern bungalow, completely furnished. 845: 1077 Woodward are.: ref ercnces required; no children. Phone Sellwood 6H4 after 0 o'clock a. en. Sunday or Tabor 6406 after -Sunday. ASTltlCTXY "modern bungalow, completely fur nished. 845; 1077 Woodward are.; refer ences required; no children. Phone SelL 584 after 9 o'clock a. m. Sunday or Tabor 6406 after Sunday. BUNGALOW for rent, or fractional lots; wett side, walking distance: monthly payments. -:U1 Tlatt bldg.. Park and Washington. FURNISHEI modernbungalow, $25!walking distance, west side. Owner, 201 Piatt bldg. Marshall 8843. WANT Sept. 1. 5 room furnished bungalow at Ml E. 2th See Mr Beiley. 120 Front APARTMENTS 48 rtTRNlSnED AND UWFTJRTTISHED KING AtBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room house, 2 and 8 room house keeping apartment, furnished or unfurnished; levator, hardwood floors. 11th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS &sr Nrwiy famished modem housekeeping and Sleeping rooms. $3.80 and up. TWO room furnished comer apartment, $30. Including light, Belknap Apt.. 187 17th st. near Yamhill. UlSMil' HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod era 1, 2 and 8 room apt , $12.50 up; walk ing distance. Call East 883. MAGNOLIA APT8. Eat 8d and Belmont: modern 1 and 8 room apt.. $1.50 per week op. Sleeping rooms. East 212. JKNISMI I.A APT. Woodlawn 1892. Coo erete bldg . 2. 8. 4 rooms, bath, phone. FOR RENT FLATS IS THREE room upper flat, with gas and electric ity, hot water tank, bath and toilet, wash tub. 280' Reech st. Woodlawn 1765. HUM MEB RESORTS 1l. K.Ap"tY fine-' water, at Uockaway Beach. Aip1y st Ocean Crest Apt. NTORFS AND OFFICES 11 A STOKE with 4 living rooms for rent; a com plete set of grocery fixture for sale. 998 Commercial st. Eat 4909. WANTED TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodation, we request every patri otic citixrn who has a houne to rent or rooms to let to mall Information of .same to Columbia U. 8. B. (Corp. Box 1202. Portland. Or. MODERN house wanted In good neighborhood. Prefer small home, well furnished. Pay rent In advance with i ;Uon to buy within six months Main 3517 MIDDLE aged woman alone wants 8 or 4 room unfurnished house. Mrs. M. F. P., Linn ton; It. 2, box 6. WANTED to rent on paved street, be- tween Broadway and St. Johns. Wdln. 554 6. WANTED" 5 room house near Sunnyside car line by September 1 ; references. Bdwy. 2876. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 BEACH cottage, modern, nicely located; Swank, Main 4190, Marshall 5188. FOR SALE HOUSES $1 GET-A-HOME IET-A-UOME A 3 4 room house with a 50x100 lot; from 3675 to $1250. SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS located at ROLAND STATION, straight 5c fare on the OREGON ELECT RIO RY., 10 min me ride to South Portland SHIPYARDS and 15 minute to Washington street; served also by the FULTON CAR. In the CITY LIMITS, with all conveniences, BULL RUN WATER, GAS and ELECTRICITY. HOUSES are a. ready SCARCE in Portland. Within THIRTY DAYS there will be a HOUSE FAMINE. ACT TODAY.. DO NOT DELAY. 'We will take you by auto to YOUR FU TUItB IlOMK on request THE CARSON COMPANY, Owner of BEAUTIFUL CARSON HEIGHTS, 604 PLATT BUILDING, WASHINGTON at PARK. TELEPHONE MARSHALL 6025. SVNNT8IDB Attractive modern 5 room home, fine loem tion, Belmont st,. good condition. Price $2750 on terms or. $2500 cash. Possession immedi ately. By owner. Tabor 1284. SELLWOOD 6 large rooms and bath, being put In fin condition, new electric fixtures. sacrifice st $1550, $250 cash, near 1 carunes. I 6 SB E. th st ? 5 ROOM modern house, newly painted, one block St. Johns car. hard surface street, fruit trees. 50x100 lot $2850. $850 d.,o. Owner will show by sppointment. East 665. 2750 A N-K.'E ii room house, paved street small payment down and god terras, good car cervloe; a snap for shipbuilders. Zimmerman, 307 Board of Trarte. BARGAIN -8 room home, Irvington; cost $10. 000. take $3000" less; sons on army: $510 down, balance like rent: fine location; lot 6Jx 100. East 273. FIVE room house and acre on Oregon C'ty r&rllne. $850: $1;0 cash, monthly payment. Also some nice houe on Oregon City rarlui with acreage. Geo. Morse. 815 Chamber of Commerce. 4 ROOM bungalow style house and garage, 83 xlOO lot, $850; $200 down, balance on terms to suit buyer. Irvington Park. 134 5 Glenn ave. N. $1260 8 room modern cottage, lot 60x105 feeti 1 block from Mt Tabor car; terms. Phone eve tilngs, Tabor 6196 $1 100-WOODSTOt k carline, 3 rooms, bath and toilet, chicken hnuae, fruit and berries, ey terms. Gibson, 266 Stark, Marshall 12 4 ROOM4 cottage, gasa electricity, 40x100 lot garage; $780. $200 down. 3921 66th st. S. E. ONE 6 room house, modem, at 78" Stofield st.. 1 block from the Kenton bank, Call Wdln. 812. after 5 p. m. FOR SACk Beautiful modem bungalow, choice location, cheap for cash. 1017 E. 21t N, Albert ear. . MUST SELL MT HOME A real, double constructed, modern home, jnuu taxes it t)wner. pnone Sellwood 363. FOR SALE 7 room house, corner lot, 100a" nni; a Diocas irom vooaiawu car. By owner, iw-itm, journal. MODERN 6 room house, built-in convenient 2 block to car. $2850; $600 caah. Wood- lawn oza. SMALL bouse. Rose City prk, vary easy terms! Mr. Mack. 128 2nd at. 7 SELL 6-room Douse, clce to shipyard! SeU BCTeag. juantnai otll. - t'wner. CITT and country property, sen and rent." BENEDICT. 267 H Oak. Main 1748 $900 5 ROOM house, 100x140; part in gar den: terms. Owner, Tabor 7282. ONE well improved small bungalow! Sacrifice, tmsy igrni". I inmr umh t.rove ult. MCE modem home in Piedmont. Terms. Call owner, ivuin. uvui GOOD six room modern house, $2600! 821 SMALL house and earner lot, easy payments! Owner. 1239 Burrage. Phone Wdln. 8844. 4 ROOM! bungalow, lot 80x100. $1400. Phone Sellwood 3434. RF.AT, ESTATE FOR HALF. HOI HKH uEVEN room moclrr.i house, corner lot 50x100, on DivUiou and 28U at. 4 stall concrete gairage In rear off 28th et Stall not required for use can be rented. 28th at. and Division are both hard surfaced, dome $800 street lm proTementa to assume; all paid to date. The bouse in now vacant. Price 12500, $400 cash. $25 month. Kight room modern bouse, full basement, at Kern Park, on Mount Scott carline, 82X00; cwb. Neil Smith. 6514 Foster Road. Tabor 1981. SACRIFICE WEST SIDE Here 1b a good investment, and nice home, rlbse in, good 7 room house and amall cottage in rear, ground equal to 1 V lots, hard surface in and paid, place clear of all encumbrances, one block from car. Price 33000. WATCH OL'R ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warrtner, RITTER. LOWE eV CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 31 250 COST HOUSE Just built for two; located among the tree in I'arkrose. Inst outside city limits. 8 rooms. (dandy sleeping porch) bath and toilet. Price includes some furniture, also gas and wood range and heating stove. Nice lnn, chicken house, terms caah. J. L. Hartman 6., No. 7, Cham, of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark its. Main 208. A-2050 $L'5( ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $2600 A B-rm. modern bungalow, on full corner Int.. good basement. laundry tray. modern nl.imhina builtin conveniences, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, elect, and gas., ne. cor. E. 83dand Paris. Price $2650, terms; close to car and school. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABLNGTON BLDG. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN 2KK0 5 room hmienlow in best part of Haw thorne district. Hardwood floors, fire r.lace. buffet, full cement basement. wash trays, street improvements all in and included in price. $350 cash, balance easy payments. Bhown by ap pointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO , 814 Stark St Main 888. HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT $2750 Fine modern 6 room bungalow, with hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases, built-in buf fet, Dutch kitchen, den, furnace, full basement Fine location on E. 53d. One block from Hawthorne ave. J. L. KARNOPP A. CO.. 319 Ry. Exchange bldg. Main 675 $1600 HOME $200 DOWN, $10 PER 6 room home on full lot. good basement, bath. toilet, electric lights and gas. cement walk and graded street, fruit and berries, close to car and school, good neighborhood: price $1600, $200 down, $10 per month. No street lien or mort gage. On 4 2d ave. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068 CLOSE IN EAST SIDE 5 room modern bungalow, two blocks from car and stores, close to schools, hard surface it reels. l'rice $3000, term". C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER GOING EAST $5000 7 room modem bouse, 20x20 garage. Irvington. $1760 each Two 5 room houses, good east side location. ' $1500 6 rooms, east side. Phone owner. Main 8586. or East 6958. DANDY 4 room bungalow on Mt Tabor car line, almost new. vacant and ready to move into; built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, fire place and full cement basement. Only $2200, $200 caah, balance your own terms., JOHNSON 212 Lumbermen Bldg. Broadway 1612. $2500 MOUNT TABOR HOME $2500 6 room double constructed home on full lot, good basement, ideal view, modern plumbing, electricity, gaa, on paved street Price $2500; terms. See FRANK L. M GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. NEAT, ROOMY BUNGALOW In one of the best locations of Waverly Heights, 7 rooms and den, strictly modern, hard surface in and paid. Price $3000 cash. C. A. Warriner, RITTEK. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Look "at This 7 rooms, strictly modem, in Irvington, close in, nice lawn and garage: 2 blks. to car, all streets paved and paid; $4500. terms. Owners, Wood. 544 7, Sunday and mornings. Hurry if you wa"nt this. HOME BARGAIN'S. 100x100 near S2d st, neat cottage, cement basement, all In fruit and garden, chicken house, gas, lights, $1000. Good 6 room modern house, 1 big. Mi, car. garage, truit, 14uu. a. I. uDurn. oxu McKay bldg. $2100 ATTRACTIVE HOME $2100 6 room home, cement basement, standard plumbing. electricity and gas, buutui con veniences, on comer lot. 2 blocks to vcr, on 54th ave. E. Price $2100, terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Mam 1068. MODERN house. 6 large rooms, large sleeping porch, bathroom and two toilet first floor; 3 dormer rooms, second floor; full cement base ment, furnace, garsge, lot with alleyway; close in on east side. All for less than cost to build house; terms, if desired. Owner, Broadway 131, Marshall 24 86. ROSE CITT PARK CAR Modem 7 -room house except furnished base ment, corner lot. fine lawn, 1 H blocks to car; $1000 cash, balance to suit; price $2600; also 2 -room house, fine Dutch kitchen, small base ment, eaiett terms. See Mr. Jenks, 68th and Sandy blvd. or call C-1553. SACRIFICE BT OWNER Bungalow, 4 rooms, built by owner, good con dition, fruit trees, berries, lot 40x100; hi block Mt. Scott car;-well located: good street: $1550; H down ; also furniture for sale cheap. Phone Tabor 6113. STOP I LOOK I LISTEN 1 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, beamed ceilings, built-in china closet. Dutch kitchen, 50x100, house in first class condition; price $2500, $250 cash. $2 5 monthly. 1 block to car. r BED W. GER MAN CO.. 732 C. C. bldg. GOING EAST Will sell my new. bungalow at sacrifice: 0 lots; auto part pay; big garden; no -wood to buy; small tax: all fenced in; fine scenery; E. Glisan and Shady Road, out of city limits; hurry. R. A., Box 56, Portland, Or., or write Y-401. Journal. BUNGALOWS Modem, choice locations, prices ' right, terms easy. HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Oavo bldg. Main 1480. 12 ROOM house, heart of city, Vancouver, Wash.. 100x100. comer lot: steam heat, gas; rents for $50 a month. . Sacrifice for $4500. Owner. Portland. Or., Route A, Box 246. Phone Tabor 6624. FOR SALE, by owner. room semi modern house and '4 acre, all out to fruit, 5 blocks from good school, 7 blocks from carline. Price $1600. $1000 down, balance 2 years. 6303 OUth St. S. E. OWNER will sell old 8 room house and corner lot, 60x80, walking distance, west aide, $3500; furnace, gas. electricity; your own term or monthly payment. 201 Piatt bldg.. Park and Washington sts. FOR SALE. $1000, two lots, with- large barn and chicken houses, fruit trees, fenced, all in cultivation, easy terms: barn will have enough lumber in to build dwelling. 6015 58th ave. S. E. Woodstock car. FOR SALE 1 lot. 50x100, a 7 room house. woodshed, 20 fruit trees and' Jersey cow; must leave city on account of sickness; Jit. Scott car. 2518 26th are. S. E. cor. 51st. J. H. Gross. FINE 8 room house, paved streets, Waverly Heights, corner lot, hardwood floors, every modern convenience; price $3150, terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, by owner. Attrac tive 5 room modem bungalow, all built-in fixtures, 1 blocks to car, easy terms. 233 E 60th st Tabor 3364. MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repairs. See my design for new houses. Max M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Supt Oregon Home Builders. FOR SALE -4 room house, with lot 80x100. for $1560; small house, 1 lot, $500; good loca tion; by owner: no agenta. 3629 67th sr. S. E. and 37 th ave. FOR SALE 5 room modem cottage, lot 50x 100; reasonable terms, or will trade for Portland property. 704 W. 7th st, Vancouver. Wash. BIG 5 room modern bungalow, quarter acre ground, nice fruit, only $1900. good terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON B LDG . 3 ROOM house, big lot, fine fruit, close to car; price $1000, nice terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDO. SIX rooms and sleeping porch!-modertTtErougir out, beat bargain in cityi part cash. R. C. district 40th st Tab. B6ll. No commission. $2760 TE RMS! Newly painted 6 room house. 60x100 lot, fruit trees, berries, good car service. 110 East Webster. Wdln. 25. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, 50x100 lot, 10 mi. rid on Fulton car and 8 shipyards. $500 cash, rest terms. 157Idahort, South Portland. HAWTHORNE snap, 6 nHj&s,basement. fin condition, 3 blocks from car; $3500, cash or terms. Must seU. Owner. Tabor 5702. FOR SALE 3 room cottage, lot 200x500. BuTi Run water, gas, lots' of fruit tree, barn. 6c ear fare. Phone Tabor 8719. 6 ROOM house and garage, lot 63x100. fruit trees, berries, etc.; $500 cash, balance easy terms. 5519 87th ave. 8. E. Tabor 5603. FOR SALE By owner. 7 room double eon structed house, lot 60x180, sleeping porch furnace, newly tinted, garage. East 7626. $2650 8 ROOMS. Belmont st. clone la. $1000 caah. baL terms. Gibson, 269 . Stark St. aiaraiiau a. . HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE rHOL'SES 1 ROSE CITT PARK 34100 Don't pas this so. It's reaDy one of the most beautiful bungalows In Rose City Park built by one of Portland'! best builders. Five large rooms and breakfast room. Of course, It has all the modern conveniences, inch as bard wood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, French doors, French beveled plat mirror doors, etc. Just a block from Rose City Park car. See this sure. You will own it. Owner has been trans ferred to Seattle and must sell. A. if. TEEPE CO, 264 Stark St., nr. 3d. Main 3516. Branch office. JSOth and Sandy. ROSE CITT PARK 100x100 Bargain Owner wishes to sell beautiful 7 room bun galow located within block of Rose City car. Exceptionally large ground witn lot or trees and shrubbery, garage, street paved. Bungalow has hardwood floor, fireplace, furnace, etc. Very large living room. Require $1500 cash. Location, 702 E. 84th N. A. O. Teepe Co.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3518. Branch of fice, 50th and Sandy. FOR KALE HOUSES 61 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUNGALOW COMPLETELT FURNISHED This is a real neat, strictly modem bungalow, with real fine furniture, close to car, school and stores, paved streets in and paid, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace. $500 cash, balance lika rent. Price $4100. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3500 ROSE CITT BUNGAIW $3500 6 room artistic bungalow, full lot on paved street. 1 block to .car, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, paneled dining room, plate rail, built in buffet and other conven iences, Dutch kitchen. Standard plumbing. Price $3500. terms. We have other bargains in this district See FRANK L. M'GUnUS, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. 2 BARGAINS GOING TO IDAHO 3 room bungalow and sleeping porch at 52d it S. E. : fruit on lot; $1125; terms. 8 room house, sanitary bam and garage; fruit trees and garden; cement walks: 2 blocks from Montavilla car line; 65th St.: lot 80x100; clear of mortgage. 1450: CASH $250: TERMS EAST Write me. Jennincs Lodge, cr phone Oak I Grote 12SX. Shelton Beclitrl. $2650 AUTISTIC BUNGALOW $2650 5 room bungalow, full lot. cement basement, fireplace, sleeping porch, paneled dining room, built in bookcases, Dutch -kitchen and sleeping porch, fruit, flowers, grapes and berries, located in Terrace Park, close to school and cars. Price $2650, terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. $2200 PENINSULA BUNGALOW 100x100 6-room, new. modern, double constructed bungalow, 100x100 lot, white enamel plumb ing fixtures, built-in conveniences, on Interstate St.. close to school and car. only built 2 years, a great sacrifice. Price only $2200, on terms. The lot should be worth price asked. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $3000 7 room bungalow, an attractive, prac tically new home. Piped for furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, canopy over kitchen range. A real home situated in Westmoreland. Improvements all in and Included in price. Terms. Shown, by appointment only. J. A WICKMAN CO , 314 Stark St. Main 583. WAVERLEIGH EIGHTS BUNGALOW Nice B room Tmngalow, fireplace and all built-in effects, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, cement floor; lot 40x100, paved street, and all city liens in and paid; on East Kelly street, near 30th, a restricted district; price $2875, $750 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & DOWNEY, 316 Board of Trade Main 7452 WEST SIDE BARGAIN WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Only $2850 for a wonderful home on Wil lamette Heights, near the car. Ha hardwood floors and all the modern conveniences. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. By all means see this. Terras. Just think of being able to buy a west side home at this low price. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark U. near 3d. Main 3516. $450 $100 cash, balance $15 per mo. including interest: good shack, shingle roof; water piped to house; large woodshed; beautiful 50x100 lot; 3 large fir trees; 3 Vi blocks to Rose City park car. See Owner 518 CORBETT BLDG. 7 R. HOUSE AND LOT BARGAIN At 796-798 Vancouver ave. One or two small 5 room houses, facing street, on same lot Part or all cash down. Business calls owner to New Tork Aug. 16. Must be sold. Rare chance for poor man's home. Apply at once. Peery, 285 Russell st. Phone East 3377. ALMOST new 5 room house, with dandy sleeping porch, close in, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, very convenient arrangement of rooms, all built-ins, full cement basement; $3250, terms. JOHNSON 212 Lumbermen Bldg. Broadway 1612. ROSE CITT PARK $3T50 Beautiful 5 room bungalow, on 4 5th st within H block Sandy. Has hardwood floors in every room, modern in every way. It is now vacant and ready for occupancy. Located at 430 E. 4 5th et north. Get the key from our branch office. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office. 60th and Sandy. ALBF.RTA BUNGALOW, $200 CASH. Nice 5 room bungalow with attic, furnace, fireplace. bookcases, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen; lot 50x100, on E. 12th ft., north of Alberta street; price $3200. $200 cash and $25 per month, including interest. GRUSSI & DOWNET, 316 Board of Trade Main 7452 WELL-BUILT 5 room bungalow, only 1 block to Mt Tabor car, modern in every detail, only $2250. Easy terms. Vacant JOHNSON 212 Lumbermen Bldg. Broadway 1612. ROSE CITT BUNGALOW $3000 5 room modern, fireplace, full basement, full lot, only one black to car, $500 down. This is a dandy little place. , A. H. Akerson, 506 Stock Exch. Bldg. $1600 BUYS North Irvington 4 room, attractive cottage, electric lights, bath, full lot. fruit, flowers, paved street and sidewalk paid. Terms, $600 cash, balance 3 years 7 per cent Mc Guire. 645 Union ave. N. East .5407. FIVE ROOMS $1250 Easy terms, close in, near Union ave. quire C. D. Stringer, Main 5446. In- FIVE room bungalow in fine condition, large at tic, iuu cement Dasement, ftUxlOO lot. fruit, berries and garden; close to 2 carline, $2600. Discount for cash. For sale by owner. 996 E. 18th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 5364. 7 ROOM BARGAIN ONLY $2750 Modern 7 room house, on paved street, lot 50x100, fruit trees, close in. Woodward av. Terms. A. H. Akerson, 506 Stock Exch. Bldg. $325 DESIRABLE 4 room house, full lot. 71st st near Mt. Scott car; just refinished. splendid condition, easy terms. Inquire 272 Stark ft. Majn 8051. FOR SALE LOTS 18 HERE'S a snap. Nice corner lot Laurelhurst for $800, unpaid bonded assessmenta $525, which will give lot with all improvements paid for considerably less than original purchase price. A01 U. S. Nat l Bank bldg., Broad way 2013. 18 LOTS at Kendall station for sale cheap. Call Tabor 8116. or see O. B. Olson at Kendall sta.. Gresham carline. LOTS for sale, splendid location, $625 up. $10 down. $10 per month. Call Wdl. 6387. FOR SALE Two fine lot cheap for cash, near carline. Inquire owner. Phone Sellwood 630. IDEAL view lot, 4 5 by over 100. tract Sellwood 3434. Owner. Brown 'a LOT Best location in St Johns. East 433. ACREAGE 47 ONE of the beat 20 acre ranches in Oregon. All improved, fine building, 8 miles from city, on fine road, close to electric and steam lines. 2 borsesv 8 bead of cattle; 7 hogs, 100 chickens, family orchard and berries. All crops. No rocks or gravel. Good terms. Geo. Morse, 315 Chamber of Commerce. EIGHT acres, 23 miles from Portland, all un der cultivation; house, barn, outbuildings, horse, cow, 4 stands bees, farm implement, furniture, all for $1000. Writ owner, Mr. Mary Fry. Scappooee. Or. - $10 DOWN $1.00 WEEK Large garden tracts, Alberta car. close to school, no gravel, no city assessments; two 4 acre tracts with houses. Terms. Main 1643. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE 5 acres improved. 8 room house. barn, good water, no rocks or gravel ; fine family orchard,' good location. 8 miles west of Oregon City. 83000. F. M. Bennett. Willam ette, Or. 10 ACRES bearing orchard, irrigated. Spokane valley, 80 minutes from city by electric; take part Portland city or acreage. P. O. Box 296. Portland. Or. 5-ACRES of hillside, stream on place, also 2 hi acres of level land, near the O.-W. P. car line at Bellrose sta.,' ask for Clark. 15 A. PRUNES, bearing. Swank, 517 Henry bids. good condition. TWO aero, at Tigard Station cheap for cash. Tabor PASTURE for rent. Lake Gove, Yurabal 344L, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 80 ACRES, most all tillable, about 40 acres rn cultivation, fenced and cross fenced, watered, by fine springs, a large family orchard and berries, new 7 room house, two barns, necessary outbuildings, together with 3 good horses, har ness and wagons, 6 good cows, 7 heifers, 1 bull, 2 hogs, chickens, incubator, buggy, crops and all small tools. Only 3 mi. from main line rail road town, all rural advantages, en a good road. Price only; $6500. Will take cheap house in Portland or Vancouver a part payment, tanall amount of cash and balance on terms. 8 acres, all rich land, 6 acres under cultiva tion. 5 room bungalow, barn, chicken and out buildings, family orchard, spring and creek, all rural advantages, 1 mile from country town and 10 miles from Vancouver. Price $284)0. Will exchange for Vancouver or Portland property. THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON. 3rd and Main sta., Vancouver. Wash. A BARGAIN 32 acre, of a well improved farm, level, all in cultivation, close in. mod ern 10 room house, gas garage, very large barn, other buildings, fine roads, lots of fine water will sell part or all; on section line road, corner of Barker road, between Portland and Gresham. R. A.. Box 503. Phone Tabor 3937. TILLAMOOK dairy ranch. 160 acres, half bot tom land; 13 cows. Price $12,500. Trade for land in Iowa or adjoining state. E. R. Gamer. Hemlock, Or. FOR SALE 142 acres, good house, outside buildings, dock with grocery store on it; on Columbia nver; price $7000. -Vhone Wood lawn 4178. . FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 59 acres, 45 pasture. 14 under cultivation, 2 acres alfalfa, 4 acres clover, family orchard In full bearing; good 5 room house, good bam and outbuildings. $130 a year. Six tons hay, 2 acres potatoes, carrots and beans for sale. On Jaggy road, 1 mile north of Jaggy station, 4 miles from Vancouver, close to school. J. Hugon, Vancouver, Wash., Rt 6. FARMS WANTED BENT OB BUT 8 WANTED Coast acreae up to $5000. Oregon or Washington. Addrea 1320 Washington t.. Hillsboro, Or. HOMESTEADS 47 O. & C. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate you rn a good claim. A former' government cruiser. 301 Worcester bldg., adjoining land office. W. 1L JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS '' Locate you on the best homesteads in the state for $100; no charge unless entry secured. We classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON & ANDERSON No. 2 Land Office Bldg.. Worcester Blk.. ,8d and Oak Bts. - O. et 0. HOMESTEADS Too can file direct We can show yon the best claim. Full information. BUNDT McHARDT 411 Henry Bldg. TIMBER IS NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wash ington. D. C, July 12, 1918. Notice is here by given thst subject to the condition snd limitations of the act of June 9. 1910 (39 Stat, 218), and the instructions of the secre tary of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold September 8. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Roseburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to toe approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale ia not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bid will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens snd corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included In any offer of a larger unit T. 16 S.. R. 1 E., Sec 29; N. W. N. E. hi. yeUow fir 1300 M.. hemlock 60 M ; N. E. H N. W. hi. yellow fir 2210 M. hem lock 870 M.. eelar 18 M. ; N. W. K N. W. yellow fir 2300 M., hemlock 140 M. ; none of the yellow fir, hemlock or cedar to be sold for less than $1.60 per M. T. 82 8., R. 6 W.. Sec. 18: N. E. hi N. W. hi. red fir 600 M. ; N. W. hi N. W. hi , red fir 850 M.; S. W. 54 N. W. hi, red fir 450 M. ; 8. E. hi. N. W. , red fir 850 M. ; 8. W. hi N. W. hi. red fir. 450 M.: 8. E. hi N. W. hi . -ed fir. 650 M. ; none of the red fir to be sold for less than $1 per M. Clay Tallman, commissioner, general land office. EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 84 98 ACRES; 30 acres in crop, 5 room house, large barn, lot of fruit, fine spring water, land can all be cultivated. 8 milch cows, ti calve. 2 brood sows, 13 shoats. 3 horses, 3 doz. chickens, all kinds of farm implement. 10 stand of bees, 30 miles from Portland, 1 mile from electric line. Price $8500; nitg. $2600, 7 per cent. Will exchange for city residence. Must have some cash. Morris, 431 Chamber of Commerce. 1 HAVE a friend who wants a good, going, up-to-date farm, close to school, in the Day Creek or Roeburg countries. Something to the vhie of $15,000 to $20,000. He has- to offer in exchange 560 acre wheat ranch, 200 acres aummerf allow, 40 acres hog tight, all of place under cultivation, clear of mortgage. Ad drem L. K. Moore. Ecola, Or. NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acre age, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated value con sidered; have first clasa list to select from. George P. Henry, 329 Henry bldg. Refer ences. Portland Realty Board. AT ONCE Party leaving town. 7-10 acres in Ashland. Or., bearing all kinds of fruit, also 8 room house, 2 block from school. 6 blocks from postoffice. 6 blocks from Lithia park; to trade for Portland property. Inquire 1201 Hawthorne ave., or phone Tabor 5916, Miss DanforL LIST your property with us for results on charges of merit Established 10 year. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park st. be- tween Washington and Stark sts. FOR .SALE or trade for bungalow, equity in 15 acres. Prunes, apples, berries, beartng ; paved highway hi mile from Newberg; good house, barn, city water, stock. Price right X-778, Journal. ST. PAUL. Mum., lot. 75x150. , trade for lot or residence, Portland vicinity or St John district preferred; also" house and three lot at Banks. Or., for trade. Roy Linn. 401 N. Jersey St. WILL trade house and lot for two-ton truck automobile and portable drag saw. J. B. Butenschoen, 279 Halleck st 8 ROOM house and 1 "4 acres, at Tigard. Will exchange for acreage on Oregon City line or sel' cheap. Box 72, Wood burn. Or. HOUSE, two lots in trade for property or auto, what have you A. C. Amea. 700 E. 30th st. Vsnconver, Wash. 10 ACRES good land to exchange for house, some cash. Call East 433. WAX TED RE AL ESTATE 31 WANT small suburban home in northeast Fort land. 2 lots up to 1 acre. Will buy. rent or take in trade for farm home of 8 hi a., on i FOR SALE cheap, light team, delivery wagon, electric line, all implements, stock and crops, if,,, harness and cart; also single harness (new, taken at once for $2500. 140 a. to ren Pr will turn on light Ford delivery. Phone Ta near by. R. 2. Box 81. Oerrais, Or. i bor 1865. 2008 E. Stark st. HAVE several buyers for cottages and moder ate priced homes in Kenton and Peninsula district Give us a description of your prop erty. We can sell it Deal with old estab lished firm. Frank L. McGuire, Abington bldg. 1 WILL pay you a reasonable cash payment for 10 to SO day option on your house if priced right, nothing wanted if ranging in price over $3000. 881 E. Morrison. Phon Eaat 5317, New York Land Co. HAVE several buyers for cottage and moder ate priced homes in Kenton and Peninsula district Give us a description of your property. We can sell it. Deal with old established firm. Frank L. McGuire. Abington bldg. HAVE buyer for house to $1500. Also have party with clear lot and $1000 cash as first payment on 4 to 7 room' house to $3000. GILSON. 481 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOAlt-S WANtfeD Must be N. E. and priced right We have numerous' buyers waiting. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale, $800 to $3000. list with the REALTY 4 MORTGAGE CO., for quick results; old estab lished firm. Phone Main 2051. 633 Ch. of Com. HAVE client for a house near Sellwood car. north of Bybee and east of Milwaukie St., up to $2400. $500 down. ' FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. WANT 2 or 3 acres near school and car, plenty of water, good soil, 4 or 5 room house, rea sonable; not over 6c fare to Portland. W-647, Journal. HAVE client for a house near Sellwood car. north ot Bybee and east of Milwaukie at, up to $2400, $500 down. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. WANT Place with fruit; place for chickens; close to car and school; have clear lot as first payment. V-874. Journal. - WANTED The biggest, cheapest, close-in lot on improved street. State location, price and terms. L-968, Journal. WANTED houses, cash buyers waiting. Main 1648. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. fcOlt' HhM L 1.1 il i Estate Exchange. ;ir prierty with the Real 201 3d t.. Po.-Ud. ROOMING HOUSES FOR a few days I am offering my newly fur nished rooming house for sal at a genuine sacrifice. For particular see my attorney, 214. Henry bid. - IS These Are Real Bargains HOTEI.S OF TOT? DOWNTOWN ORDER llO rooms, beautiful lobby, strictly modem. bast lease. Price $5000 cash. 75 rooms, good for $500 clear each month. Price $6500; easy terms. 72 rooms, lobby, good lease and big business. $2000 takesSt 40 rooms, modem, lovely furniture, good lease. clean clears $300 per month. Price $4000 on term. 22 rooms. 4 -baths; never offered before; one floor; elegant furniture. Bargain. These are exclusively in my hands. If yon want a good business, I have it Square deal guaranteed. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 802 COUCH BLDG. SMALL boarding bouse, fine business, good location. $75 per month, clear. Bdwy. 2699. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 98 THE IDAHO GROCERT. LOCATED IN THE CONGRESS HOTEL BUILDING, 6TH AND MAIN STS.. FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS AND DOING A 8TRICTLT CASH BUSINESS IS NOW FOR SALE OWING TO ILLNESS OF PROPRIETOR. SEE OWNER AT ONCE. 232 6TH ST. A GENERAL merchandise store and building for sale, the best location in Washington Co. No opposition. Sales $4 500 per month. Good payroll and community. Stock and building about $12,000. $7500 will handle deal. Am in draft. UX-610. Journal. FOR SALE at a bargain on account of draft, 1 team, wagon and harness witli steady job, very clean work. Pihl Trans, 827 Davis, Bdwy. 2158. RESTAURANT, cheap if taken at once: good location; for particulars call 1580 E. Gli&an, from 2 to 6. FOR SALE 5, 10. 15c store, in "good valley town, large payroll. Don't fail to look this UP. WX-648. Journal. WANT man with $2000. help buy farm. Ex ceptional circumstances. Make big profit. Quick sale povsible. H-P26. Journal. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Morris A Gilson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. CASH grocery doing good bu.-iness. Mutable for man and wife; cheap rent. FtT par ticulars call Sellwood 62H; no trade. CAFETERIA at shipyards for sale, or will trade for late model auto. Tabor 8800 after t p. m. FOR SALE Cheap, small A-l restaurant, opp. new postoffice. Inquire at 106 N. Bdwy. SEVERAL kinds of business, 517 Henry bldg. paying. Swank, MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 OL'R Installment plan la the beat a-ul surest method of paying a loan. $82.26 per month for 86 month or $21.24 tor 60 months, or $16.17 tor 96 month, pay $1000 loan and Interest Other amount In proportion. We loan en Improved city property Or for building purpoej. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 842 Stark st. Portland. Or. PAT OFF TOUR MORTGAGE in easy installments with 10 years' time to re pay; fully protected by life insurance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Lif Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent ; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong. Equitable office, Oregonian bldg. $800. $400. $600. $760, $1000 and op, lowest interest rates. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progress jv W. (f. Beck. 213 snd 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY to loan, by private party on improved city or town property, no commission. L-972, Journal. $25u. j5u. (400, $400. $650. 7u". tluoO and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 721 Cham. Com $600 TO $9000 to loan, city or-iarm murv gage: no commission. P. O. Box 878. $100 TO $1500; consider lota. E. H. Dowling. 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 24 32. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7 A Co.. 4 OS Selling bldg. 1-oui tialumoo CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F EC Lewis, room 4, Lewis bldg. Main 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans msd to persons on sslaTry or fixed In come, on household furniture, pianos, diamond and other personal property, legal rate. Busi ness confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. 806-307 Dekum hide baoaxy LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET On short notice to talaried or worklngrnevt on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transection atrictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITT We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 218 Failing bldg PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYER8 HERMAN, Mgr . SB4 STARK ST. LOAS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PlANOd. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTED 30 $500. H 3 YEARS. $800. 8, 3 years. $900. 7 , 3 years. The-ie are all improved properties In the city. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. WANTED $1200. i.ter st. private party, 1035 Web - HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. IS $195 BUYS team of geldings, weight 2900 W heavy harness, good wajon and woodrack! These hordes are fast and right off hard work. Reasons for selling. I am unable to work this team. Thii team can be put to work for $7 per day. 5624 SSHth ft 8. E. Mt Scott car to S6th. walk 3 blocks north. FOR SALE on account of draft, 2 team and harness, wt. 3000 each; also 1 pony team, wagon and harness, would make fine outfit for camping, cheap for cash or Liberty bonds or War Saving stamps. I'lhl Trans. 32 1 Davis I st. Bdwv. 2156. I ROOMING HOUSES 'iXeuBAY-hSrse. easy-tT-perfect form. he.vy-.eT. ! souna. sane anu saie; z wagona. single anci ; double, buggy; i mile E. Courtney station. Oregon City car. Milwaukie. P. O. R. 1. To j right party small price. Oak Grove. 135 W. WILL sell 2500 team, good Boston backer bar ness, 34 inch farm wagon. Market woodyard. 32 3 Front st nea a black horse. 1500; $65 1300-LB. HORSE, true worker, wagon, top buggy; no reasonable offer refused, or ex change for csttJe, hogs or hay. 751. E. Ash. FINE young mare, about 1000 lhs . saddle or ! driving. Will work anywhere. Also buggy and j narness, oargain. croaqway lai. aiarsnan J48n. A GOOD young work horse for sale or trade for young stock. 8612 Powell Vslley road. Tabor 4397. FOR SALE, good farm team and harness cheap. 829 Rodney eLWdln. 415. FOR SALE, team and furniture wagon-cheap! 829 Rodney ave. Wdln. 415. DEAD horses and arumaia named away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses taken quick, dead cows. Tabor 4203. We pay more tor HORSES and wagons for rent by tbe day. single or dVable. 846 Front Main 2208. 2400 LB. TEAM, with good harness, $95. Phone Mar. 4055. BAY mare, wagon and harness, $35.00. Meade st. South Portland car. 251 SMALL horse for aale cr trade for a larger one; small Collie puppy for sale. Tabor 8500. LIVESTOCK TEN head of ' good dairy cows, mostly all fresh; some extra gentle; all breeds. 9715 Forter road. Mt Scott. Lents. HOLSTEIN. Durham and Jersey dairy and fam ily cows; also beautiful young 5 -gal Ayr shire cow, registered nolstein bull. 751 E. Ash. 1 HEIFER, 1 year, 0 months old, giving 3 gaL per day, fresh 4 week. Call week days. Main 2059. JERSEY COW giving 4 gallons; better on good pasture; sell reasonable; also 7 months thor oughbred Jersey bulL 1055 E. 34th st. Gorrell. 2 FIRST class cows. 1 fresh and one coming fresh 1st of October. 819 E. John st, St John. FOR SALE 2 goat. 1 giving milk, both bred to Toggenberg; $35. Wdln. 3346. 1455 Montana ave. FOR SALRr 2 Toggenberg milch goats; 1 16 months old, 1 6 months old. Inquire at Jennings Lodge grocery store, or phone East 897. FOR SALE Young cow, fresh in two montha. 619 Oswego st, St Johns. Or. FOR SALE 4-months-oid Holstein heifer calf. $20. 1610 Halsey st - FRESH Holstein cow for at. 8. Tabor 7643. 652 E. 39th It FINE large Holstein-Jersey heifer. 8 years old in April. firt calf in February, giving 8 gallon now, fresh again in January. Gentle in every way. Make offer. Marshall 1214 or write M-912. Journal. POULTRY, PIGEONS, TET STOCK 17 CASH PRODUCE CO, S son. all kinds of poultry produce, pet and breeding stock, bought and sold. 100 THOROUGHBRED Wnite Leghorn laying pullets. Barred Kock. Rhode I. Beds. $1.20 to $ L S . 145 E. 81st st N.. MonUvilla car. FOR SALE 9 laying Plymouth Rock hens. 1 rooster: also 76 young chickens, chicken wire. 555 E. 20th st, Sellwood 8211. FOR SALE 400 yearold White Leghorn lay- tng hens; good laying strain. U-7U7. Journal. FOR SA LE Silver Campine cockerel. Tabor S439. FOR SALE: Rufua Reds and Flemish, from 2 to 6 months old. 5420 46th are S. E. DOOS. BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 49 BOSTON Bull Terrier, male, pedigreed, toy stock: cheap. Call 757 E. Davis, between 22d and 24tb. HIGH CLASS Irish Spaniel dog for sale. Box 51. Multnomah. Or. FOK SALE Rice ha th big boy. "Flemish. 6141 Woodstock ave. RABBITS for sale. Flemish. New Zealand and Belgians. 859 Savier st. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 J. H. GRAHAM 10th nd Stsrk sts. Case Agency. We are going to clean up our used car at bargain prices. We have the following to offer: 2 1917 Buick light six touring cars. 1 1917 Mitchell touring car. 1 Studebaaer touring car. 1 Case touring car. 1 Cadillac touring car. All these cars are in good mechanical con dition : we will give terms to reliable people; see us before buying elsewhere. I HAVE two 1916 Ford touring. One 1914 Ford touring. One 1918 Ford touring. One 1915 Ford bug. One 1916 Ford bug. Our cars are all in A-l condition and can bought for cash or terms. be East 7810. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. I The portable I kind save you aWJUUC:. KyTw7 ge Ul pi at 544 Rood at Mam 1161. Millmade Construction Co. NEW CHEVROLET CARS - A used car is the most expensive car to buy and you do not get a guarantee. Call Mr. P. C Rinehart, East 92 or 8174, for information and demonstration. MEW TIRES What brand of aew Urea do yon prefer? We hare them, all makes nd size. Also we make the fa mous O-Y-C Double Tread (tewed) tires and do al 1 manner of tire re pairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 8V8r5 Burn ide near Broadway. AUTO WRECKERS We wreck most all makes of cars and sen the good parts for less than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old cars. PACD1C JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front sc. MAIN 4768. A FEW-! B ARGAINS IN AL'fOS WINTON SIX METZ FORD DIVISION GARAGE 1372 DIVISION ST. Take Mount Scott car to Division street. FOR SALE In Fos-il. Or., thoroughly equipped range at a sacrifice: doing splendid busines; $4500, including property; this offer owing to ill health: part payment will handle, or would trade tor city property or anything of value. For particulars call after Sunday. P. A. Hamilton, h34 Iovejoy st Phone Maine 6786. I AHFP' Mfg. & Rpairv 3000 guaranteed springs la ftock: prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st RARGAINS in used cars: one Overland model 60. $350: one 191 8 Chevrolet, run 1500 miles, $70O; one 1918 Chevrolet, run 1200 milee. $775. AH in good shape. Albina garage, 856 Garfield ave. BARGAIN BUICK BARGAIN 1017 Buick light six roadster. 95 per cent new. . good tire; belongs to an officer at American lake. Make cash offer. Fletcher A James. 33 N. Broaiway. UaSH paid for old cars, condition no object f part for ail makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, 129 Lownsdal at 16th and Washing ton. Broadway 2668. : WOULD like to meet party who wants to use Ford car in Canada. Have Canadian car : here: will trade for local car or sell. M 90S. ! Journal. HUDSON Super Six. all new tires, could not be told from new. will sell at a great sacri- i fice or trade for lighter car. Fletcher & 1 1 "I V I. i ; James. 33 N. Broadway. ! LATEST model Oakland six. like new. Wire ; wheels, $200 below market Will accept small ' used car for part Demonstrate this evening, Sellwood 1036. MOTORS. Gearings, Bearing. Wheels. Axles and Trailers We wreck all make of cars and aeU their good part at half price. David Hodes C j . Broadway and Flanders st Broadway 196. 6IOCK Used Cars KK.HT COVET MOTOR CAR CO. 31st snd Washington sta. Main 6244. DUBRU1LL1? TOP CO. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 J AUTO TOPS LIVESTOCK $165 Citv i GOOD 5 pass, "automobile for aale. $250. Strom ar Clay; also 1 berg carburetor, good Urea. 1834 Druid st St. Johns carli FOR SALE A new touting Maxwell, A No. 1 condition, will take some cash or Liberty bonds, on time. A snap. Call A-3518. 1916 Ford, good condition, speedometer, de mountable rims and other extras. Call 391 Oak st or Tabor 1618 evenings. $400 cash. FORD road.-ter. nearly new, snap for cash; leaving town. Call East 139 from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. or write P.-H1Q, Journal. wn L sacrifice 1917 Hupmobile for cash; look and runs like new; thick cora tire. tau Woodlawn 89 GOOD-LOOKING 5 pass, car; a fine, service able car; go any place; in good condition. Price $200. Call 188 3d st $200 DOWN buy 1917 Maxwell in good con dition; good tires, balance on time. Call East 1962 1917 Maxwell touring, run 4000 mile, looks and runs like new. Extra. $650. Call Sell wnod 349. LATE model. 6 cylinder car; must be sold at once to settle n estte. Bargain for cash. Term if desired. Main 4 999. alter 6 p. m STUDEBAKER tdunng car. good condition, new tires; thorough demonstration; $300. Wood- lawn 6193. THE beat Ford" truck saw outfit In city at Bargain. 794 Tacoma ave. 7-PASS. touring car. in good order. Will make fina stage car. Cheap for caah. East 7207. 1916 FORD touring, cheap, age, 10 th and Saimon. Auto Rest Gar- WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. Journal. X-513, NEW Ford touring for sale. 605 Orange st, I-sdd addition. MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. X-614. Journal. FOR SALE 1910 "Cadillac roadster, reason able. Owner in draft Call SelL 2918. WE buy and sell used tires. 1372 Division st Division Garage, FOR SALE Used Ford, accessories, including electric starter. Phone Tabor 234. FORDS tor che,p- I UIIUU oil Washington st FORD touring for sale, like new, $450. Phone Broadway 3485. room "B." 1913 CADILLAC cheap for caah, private party. Phone Mar. 3410. ' SPOT cash paid for used ears. DeaWrs' Used Car Clearing House. Orand ave. and E. Stark. SACRIFICE 5 passenger. 1918 Chalmers. Go ing to war. Y-450, Journal, FORD At a - aaciifica, Carter. CaxUon hotel. .. i V. AUTOMOBILE. ACCESSORIES 41 HERE WE GO SOME MORE with an enormous atock of lust new used cars. all make, all aiies, all prices, all overhauled and ready to run. The big standard firm, with a reputation money cannot buy; every car guaran teed as represented; compare our car and price with other and use your own Judgment lftlS Maxwell. t54 new 1 1917 Maxwell, just overhauled 1916 Maxwell, runs beautiful 1917 Chevrolet 490, Jut abont new... 1916 Oakland Littie Six. look new 1915 Buick Little Four, overhauled... 1913 Studebaker Little Four, newly painted 1916 Dodge track; its perfect 1916 Otdsmobile Little Four. 90 new 1914 Velie Little Four, look new 1915 Hudson 6-40, runs like a watch. . . 1915 Hudson 6-64, just overhauled.... Series '18 Studebaker, 05 Cr new Sertea "17 Studebaker. 0 new Series '17 Studebaker. roadster. 90 new 1916 Mitchell. 3-pasa.. cord tires 1917 Mitchell Little Six. 90? new... 1917 Oakland 8. cord tires 1917 Hupmobile tx.. SO new 750 600 530 600 700 600 300 800 MOO 550 700 650 S00 700 700 800 inoo 900 1200 $6700 Peerless Six. 7 pass., 00 new.. 1000 lyio Chalmers Mater Six, 7 pass., just perfect 800 1914 Chalmers Six. 7 pa&a. electric lglits and starter 1915 Winton, Baby Six. a beauty 1916 Ford tr. , 4 -speed transmission . . . . 1916 Ford, combination 1912 Cadillac, just perfect., new tires... 1916 National Six, Newport body 1916 Hupmobile, $8u0 of extras. 1 1 0 new . i" 300 9(iO 4 50 4 00 600 1200 1 100 New Buys Arriving Every ITay Open Sundavs and Evenings CONLET'S USED CAR CENTER brick building, upstairs, side entrance. W. comer 15th and Washington street. Phono Broadway 2656. Big S. j HERE IS OUR TODAY'S LIST OF USED aik nAiurAi.s j r i nor-. i tir.r. ARK CONTINUALLY CHANGING. AS WE ARE DAH.Y (JETTING IN NEW BARGAINS. AND WE ASK THAT YOU CALL AT OUR THAT WE MAY HAVE BEFORE Pi RCUA3-! I.NU ELSEWHERE. .iAi.t.KUOM AND INSPECT THE CARS ELSEWHERE. BROADWAY 2492 Reo. 8 pass $ 900 Hudson Six. 8 pass.. Just repainted. $11U0 Hudson Six. same a above, slightly newer.. $1150 Studebaker. good buy $ 878 Maxwell, 5 pa. 8 650 Studebaker $4 50 Ford. Chassis , $ 285 RtodtUrd-Dayton delivery track. 35f Chalmers Six $ 650 Jei frey. with new 2 ton true attachment 1 1 on Saxon 18 $ 975 rord. 5 passenger Mi i Ford truck $ 600 Ford delivery ear . . 3 50 Cole 80. Ideal for bug $ 300 i Maxwell. 6 paas. H7S I Chevrolet. 6pass $ 600 j Ford Roadster, just overhauled S 4 00! Studebaker Six $ 650 Carter Car. suitable rebuild' bug" or" de- . "ery $ ins , Chevrolet. 4 90 five pass a km Jackson. 5 pass., good shspe $ 750 Overlaud, 5 pas., now being repainted. .. i 600 W, H. WALUNGFORD Distributors Liberty Six Premier Six Briscoe Four Hood Lumber Tractor Parrett Farm Tractor 622 Alder at at 16th. Used Automobiles Terms Given Stearns Roadster, 6 cyl., 5 cord tires, only $1200 Mitchell 6 pass.. cyl., late model 1150 Mitchell 7 pass.. 6 cyl . late model 1350 Mitchell 7 pass., 6 cl , jui.t like uew, only 1150 Mitchell 5 pass 4 cyl 650 Studebaker 4 pass. Coupe 5 50 Jeffery 5 pass. , 6 cyl , "50 Studebaker 5 pass., 4 cyL 7L'5 Auburn 5 pass , 4 cyl i"5o Two-ton Truck 1250 Several Others to Select From. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO. East Morrison at First St. Phones: Eat 72 72; B 1216 WEST SIDE SALES ROOM Broadway at oak St Phones: Btosdway 515; A 3343 WARNING CARS ARE GETTING SCARCER EVERY DAY TOU HAD BETTER BUY A GOOD USED CAR W HILE THERE Is RTtt r. a CHANCE TO GET ONE WK STII.i. Ilavv ! PRACTICALLY EVERY MAKE OF CAR MAS- ".. "Lii rillirj Alt. MIGHT AND OUR TERMS ARE EASY. WATCH FOR OUR ADVERTISEMENT TOMORROW GIVING A LIST OF ALL THE CARS AVE ILAVE FOR SALE. LIBERTY BONDS AS GOOD AS CASH. OPEN EVENINGS AND SCNDATS. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK 8T. EAST 7810 BIG STOCK OF HIGH CLASS USED CARS Studebaker "6." repainted. thoroughly. .o 550 ... 55 overhauled, good tire 1916 Sxon Six, mechanically O. K.. good tires 1918 Haroun. run very little, snap .. 1915 Cole "8." a fine 7 pass, car 11112 Pierce Arrow, 0 cord tires ...... 1916 Mitchell Six. thoroughly overhauled 1917 6 30 Chalmers, a fine buy 1017 Overland. mcdl 90 . . . . 1017 Mitchell Six. 7 pass., perfect con dition 1!1H Ford, thoroughly overhauled 1916 Hudson 6-40. snap '. Model 79 Overland. 3 new tires . ' 1917 Chevrolet, excellent condition. 1916 Buick light '4." like new 1917 Maxwell, new tires, snap 0 10 50 lioo 775 l'i.'.o 830 3"i 8 50 k-o Open Sundays and Evenings. THE ACME AUTO CO.. Phone Bdw. 2796 531 Alder St. Guarnteed Auto Repair Work. 1913 Maxwell. 5 pass. 10O Liberty bond and $200 cash takes my 1913 Maxwell. In good repair No top. Call at corner of E. Lincoln and Glenn ave , opposite store AUTOMOBILES WASTED 78 AUTOMOBLIE REPAIRING NEW MANAGEMENT. HIGH GRADE WORK 125 Lownadale at, at Washington st TRADE on good car up to $7 50, dandy river cruiser, value $850. Pay difference. 704 MissUsippiave. Wdln. 5193. INCOME propert ,y$ 7 5to ' $ 12 5 per month! W ill take good 7 pas, car as payment on same. P. 0. box 695. St. Helens, Or. LET m epcir your macuine in your own aar- age. Private service car day and night Ring SelL 3768 WILL pay spot cash for bargain in late model Ford. Room 816 Broadway hotel, evening. WILL rent light delivery car by monThfrom owner. T-642. Journal. HIGHEST pnees paid tor aniomobtls. eondt tion no object 121 N 8d st Kdwy. 2629. WANTED Secondhand Ford passenger body! Call 351 1st st or phone Man-hall 2417. 40 ACRES for roadster or"hght touring "ear. CU Tabor 5367. after 6:30 p. m. AUTOMOniLES FOR HIRE (I AUTOS FOR HIRE, WITHOUT DRIVER Brand new ears. Reasonable late. Fearing A Robnett, City Garage. 88 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 40. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOK HIK. COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH- 222 10TH YAMHILL A-l 238. FORDS lor hire without dm sr. 443 burk at. Broadway 3682. HIGHWAY ACTO SERVICE Good car, com petent driver, flrxth and Waah. Main 7080. COLUMBIA RIVEB. HIGHWAY AUTO bfctt- VICE. W 4o taxi work. Main 228. CAR for highway. Good car, old dneee, Wood , law S471. , MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES f B1CYCLE& MOTOUCICLE8 . - Large stock of new and tosed maehiseak DAYTON CYCLE CO., 68 6th M. 9 i 1L P. Twin motorcycle, new non-skid tire. A bargain at $60. Call evening. Tabor R516.S 295 E. 72d V, LAUNCHES' AND BOATS 84 Boat Swan for Charter Dane every Wed, and Sat nlaht Mala 474 DANDY river cruisertor ramping or passenger. A sacrifice st $35y. tero. Woodlawn 8198. FOR 8ALF, 8-roonv boathonse, close to Foundation ahinvard. Phon Bdwy 290. 6. ROOM houseboat, furnished. houseboat D, Willamette moorage.: PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 SECURITY 8TORAOE CO. CLOSINO OUT $250 7 octave qur piano, caah ..$ 28 $300 7 1-3 octave square piano, oaahe. . . 8 60 $278 7 octave English upright, caah $ 45 $300 7 octave French upright, cash 8 86 $350 American make Bpright, cash $ 98 $400 hrge oak upright piano, caah. $16$ $350 sew. studio model piano, cash. $216 $378 new, stored, upright piano, caah $286 $428 new, stored, upright piano, cash.. . $S86 $450 new, stored, upright piano, cash. ... $268 . $750 Weber mah.. player piano, caah.. ... $296 $660 modern, mah.. player piano, caah.... $865 $ 85 parlor organ with mirror, cah.....$ 88 $125 parlor organ with mirror, cash. . . . . $ 86 Considering the rising market, new piano already gone $75 to $150 higher, the above pianos ought to sell quickly at this time. Iiano bought and sold for caah and stored for 50c monthly 109 4th St. at Washington. PIANOS tuned, repaired. We have expert work men. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th, MUST BE HOLD MONDAY Golden oak Columbia cabinet grafonola, N reasonable offer refused. Newman, 128 1st St. n-ar Alder. Phone Main 4495. WILL EXCHANGE new Tletrol or ponograph for your old piano. G. V. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th. Main 8108. Iion't buy ol3 unimproved piano whea tn S-cnritv Storage Co. is offering new improved S ' S "V" VM"?.? I pisnt for $365. at 109 4th at EXCELLENT value In slightly . nsed pianw. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th. PIANOS. organs god musical instrsmanu. ; Decker V Son, rosewood upright, 8100; . Rurdrtte organ, walnut, $12.60. Harold ft. Gil bert. 884 Yamhill et. ' I WILL demonstrate Bruntwlca phoooerraph in your own home. Phone me. Nate Arrlrey Pell. 31B5. $ 2 M.25 $12 CASH. $6 monthly atjjl tour new improved 1918 model piano at the Schwsn Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St. at Wash, st. RENT a piano; no square or thump boxes. Harold S Gilbert. 884 TsmhOL FOR SAI.E Joumal. -B flat, cornet, with ca "fsh: TYPETv-KTTEltri 7 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies to purchase Visible models. REMINGTON TYPE WRITER CO.. 8) Broadway. Broadway 4691. uU.RaNTEED Factory Rebuilt TypewritivC "All Makes" sold' on monthly payment. Seed for prieelUt The Wholesale Typewriter Cow Retail Dept. 821 Washington St. ALT- MAKES tyrxwriter rented and rer"d. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 A Bth. Main 8668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE $4 TME ADVALfTAGE ' s New Furniture, Rugs and Ranges' at Second Hand Price We re Closing: Out 2 Large and Com plete Stocks of Home Furnishing at Wholesale Cost and Lees. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 166 68 1st Bt.. Between Morrison and Yamhill. OWL FlR.MTURE CO. bLLLS FOR LESS' Iron beds. $1.7$ up.-- Springs, $1 up. Mattresses, $10 up. Chairs. 75c up. Dresser. $8 up. Dining tables, $8 up. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 tint St ' , FIFTY single iron beds, springs and maUresaes, ail or part, for sale cheap. KLINES, 192 FIRST ST.. 1 FOR SALE Dining room set, rocking chairs. I Axminster rug. dunes. Call East 6412 after ! 6 OH p m. FOR SALE A good range with coil. $15. CaQ at 10J7 E 31st at N. - FT RN ITT'R E for salt Call 757 E. Deri, bet 22d and 24th, or phon East 6706. MACHINERY 1 J J. BATEMAK MACHINERY CO., 220 Front st. Portland. Or. INC.. Call your attmtlon to the fact they have on hand over 100.000 ft. of good first e 21 hand cable Included in this there i practically all size. We also have gears, pulleys, shafting, blocks, siamlla roTe. sawmill maehirv ery and logging supplies of all kinds. Write feat prices and particulars. J. J. BATEMAK MACHINERY CO.. INC., FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It : SEE an oil burner at Wright'a grocery! FT to 1 nl 'I11 - cook stove, and on at I 806 Front st . at Mr. Haller's and in a furnace i at 863 Morrison St., being demonstrated. JAgana ; wanted. 1 BUI an everlasting aggravation oy a leaky roef) Why not a permanent and indeetrocUbiei reef I We osidiae and renew all kinds ot leaky .roofs, 606 Tourney blda. Main 6886. CAMERA. Premo No. 9, 8Vtx6V4. R. R. lens. soie leather, ray filter, film pack, devel 1100 'com tank. All practically new; bargain. Call ! Woodlawn 1152 ST FOR SAI.E Nearly new $90 -Universal rasa.. 1 wood and coaf combination with gaa plat ' attachment $65 aU. 896 Stanton t Phone j East 6457. Nelson Ladder Works .LS,?,1 Pt.-P, extension snd cherry pickers' ladders. 600 KNVEIAl'Kil or 600 bond letterhead. ! $2 25; 25 engravers' type wedding amonne. I menu or invitation $3. Smith, Printers, 204 Stark I MOT vater tanks!all aiz-slngood. serviceable condition. 30 gal. $7. 40 gal. $9. SOI Aoams sr. r,a-i eni isteei Dries. I'none E. 8816. PEA Rs! i lums arid "apples! S. Hesee! 60th and Kiilmgsworth. Woodlawn 6072. Don't call Sundays. BEAUTIFUL ateel blue diamond!; about carat. Leave pboce number and I will X 971. Journal. Ta na. A GOOD kit of carpenter tool suitable for general repair Work. Call A-6271. Ask fot T. Henderson, after 6.- r ivuca coca strive, one coal neater, two wool carpets, etc., cheap. Call 423 2d St., nee Hall. ; PRUNES for sale, cheap; bring basket to the ' orchard: also spring chickens. 37th and Pree cott. Alberta car. FOR-SALE 14x16. 10 ox. tent, camp to". chairs. 918 E. 18tb st. N. COLLAPSIBLE sulky, with hood, for sale; can be used for infant. 660 Upshur st FOR SALE One" standing bookkeeper's and 1 roll top desk. Inquire 61S E. Morrison. COMPLETE moving picture out' it. with TJ reels, for f al-: ; splendid condition. 84 8 2d st ,FOR SALE Totaig man's overcoat and auiC Phone t'olnmhia 7 77. 50 LOADS good Wreckage wood, sawed into 18 inch woL Call Marshall 4925. FOR KALE 1 good range with warming cab inet ciofcet Main 6361. TWO pool tables far sale. Inquire for information. 304 Sd rt. r . ONE rug 9il2. 3: porch hair cushion, porch shade; otlyr article for sale. 1169 Belmont. PT.truRING supples, wholeeal pi btara- Davis Co.. 212 34 rt Main T97. VACUUM cleaner ota. repaired, rented. e changed, bengbt. Bentiey Co.. Main 6583. - UNCALLED fr tailor made suits! $12 50 jn 'fay lor the TaDo-. 29 s Burntide. GAS rang";, firtt cla condition, cheap. 901 ' Cleveland ave. "! JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS Main 8582. ?OR SALE 12xf4 tent. Eaat 4757. CLOTH house to alee in. $3.53! Mar. 6945. GOOD gas range. Tbor 93r02! ' - (Coatiaaed. on i oUowlktr Fnce