22 THE OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 11,; 191g.' REAL ESTATE TOK SALE HOINKS l REAL SNAPS CALL TODAY , OR 1 MONDAY ROOM 8 $2000 6 room rodent, except beat 1 block to car, 2 lot 100x100; f50O tub, balance to suit; Ml Tabor ear. $2150 7 rnomi. hath, full basement. In Aim worth in.: moat beautiful home; rosea and ebrubbery, amafl fruit, only (300 cash, balance to uit. $2100 room bnngalow, modern except heat, 1 block to car; will sell furniture: only $350 cash, balance, term to suit. $2200 TO SAVE FORECI-OSURE 8 room strictly modern, lot 00x120; nrait ell this week; may arrange fome terms; be aure ami ae this if you want a real snap. $50 Cash- I10O0 buy 3 room home, 2 roomi plastered,-1 papered. hi acre ground about 10 min ute from Lents station ; soma fruit and berries. GOOD BUYS IN FURNISHED HOUSES $1750 4 room, furnished; electric light, 1 block to rar, near reboot; St. Johns car; University Park district ( $280 cash, term to suit. $2 J 00 6 room, furnished; almost all new furniture: St. John car, 1 block; eitra large lot; fenced; fine home; $500 cash, terms to suit. $2250 '5 room", furnished, better than either of the above; lima district; lot 50x100, alley; $500 rah, terms to suit $2000 - 6 rooms, full basement, completely furnished; also a piano; fine garden, street pared, sidewalk, assessments all paid; fruit trees, gripes and ber rle; an ideal home; only 15 minutes out; $300 cash, tetxn to iut. ' $1400 6 room bnngslow, completely furnished; north of carline at Ients; fruit and berries, $250 cash, balance to suit. UNFURNISHED HOUSES . Small Payments $1B0 cash; fine little 3 room bungalow; Mt. Scott car; Lent district; price $850. balance fiu.qo. $1100 4 room cottage, bath and toilet; large lot; only $200 cash, balance $2 5 monthly. $750 $150 cash: 4 room cottage. 5 blocks from Tremont station. Mt. ..Scott car; street graded ana tiaewiix, an ssnessniecis paid; any term uet you want. $800 $100 cash; 4 rooms, 3 blocks from car: Fir lawn station. Mt. Scott car; term to suit; a dandy buy. Overlook Home $3250. 7 room trictly modern home, every conven lenca, lot 6066, corner near school; pared dis trict; $500 cash, balance to suit. $2100 8 room modern, Woodstock district; 4 block to car, 1 block to pared street. $250 or lesa cash, balance easy. WE HAVE M ANT OTHERS, VERT GOOD BUYS. THAT WE CAN SHOW YOU IK THESE IK) NOT INTEREST YOU. CALL TODAY. Open Sundays, 145; BROADWAY, Main 4134, $2000 .43x100, 6 room house. Bear Alberta; term. 1123 E. 11th st. $2500 60x100, 5 room bungalow, 469 E. 36th at. near Division; easy terms. $3000 80x100. B room house, 470 N. 23d St.; terms. $3150 50x160, good 5 room bnnaglow, fruit trees, flowers, berries: this is a snap; situated in Wasco t. near E. 28th at. $3500 50x100, 6 room bungalow, garage, 955 E. Everett st. ; terms. We have. 2 good houses in E. 7 1st S. E. and 1 In E. 70th st. near E. Glisan that we will trade: can maka you a good deal on these 2 houje. Mall & Von Borstel 164 2d St. Phone Main 1436. ROSE CITY PARK $4500 h Owner going to war; must sell. Thi truly is a remarkable bungalow, practically new. You have never aeen anything more modern more nifty. Ha all the up-to-the-minute features, like breakfast mora, sleeping porch. Franch bev eled plate dressing mirrors, etc. ; splendid garage. One of the nicest locations in Rose City Park. - Ton will want to own this. I,et us show you. Termn A. G. TEEI'E CO.. 264 Stark st., nr. 8d. Main 3518. Branch office, 50th and Bandy FURNISHED, MOV K RIGHT IN 1727 Woolsey, block Columbia park. 6 rme. 'modern except furnace, small barn ued for garage, chicken run. fruit, all furniture with $350 piano Included in tirire I0"oii t.Min ....v. ' $20 monthly buys everything. Owner will show place .Sunday from 1 to 4 o'clock. St. John car -to vooiey, - blocks north. Monday phone Main 4522. HAWTHORNE $2750 Bargain A wonderful bnngalow of 5 rooms. . hardwood floors, fireplace, mawtite built-in buf fet, with French beveled plate glasn. Dutch aiicnen, wun canopy over range; pated street. ,u uinj i oiocas irom Hawthorne Terms A.,'L' T"51 co 28 Star t. nr. 3d. Main $516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. -: 6 Room House, Alberta W know this is the beat value yon have seen in the Alberta district. 6 room house r Tactically new, full basement, wash trays etc' i0,22n 2 .bloc)"' from r,r- Pric "l7 $2000; $650 cash. Hantmve Realty Co. 122 N. 6th st. Broadwsy 438 1 PAY RENT TO YOURSELF 2 lota with small house $82."i. rooms, lit Tabor district. $1750. 5 rooms, modern, close in, $2000 6 rooms. Peninsula district, $2500. room, Rose City snp, $3000. and fi'tark'6111' 19 Lumb,rmen h'dg. . 5th $100and$150"CasfP" -rm. 81st. near Glisan. $1375. . 5 ra. 12th and E. Everett, close; $1700. 6-rm. Union and Stevens, 3 mi. ; $2000 . G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington bldg'. o years in Portland.' Main 4 803. $2500 " B room bnngalow. fireplace, all built-in eon Tenieneea, garage, cor. lot. 50x100, 1 block to car. Terms. J. J. OEDER. Real Estate and Rentals, Grand Ave, at East Ankeny. HOW would yon like to own thia? A 5 room r-Sf 5.,3th - improvement v '"r- lnu " Close in property and convenient, $2500 is the price and w. win make terms of $500 cash and easy monthly payments. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington blda L easy monthly Abington bldg. $1950 7 RM. horn With all Ki TT- weu Duiu, close to grammar, hi cnooI and car, cost owner $2950- must aacrifloa on advice of atty. Only $500 cash U 9- .GOLDENBERG. ABBINOTON BLDG. , Yra, in Portland. Main 4803. I22 6PCENrII HOME IN ROSSIERE" $2300 down, baL time, hot water heat, 6 rooms and fine deeping porch, lawn, garden flower, lot 100x100. garage. A real home: REALTT ft MTG. CO.. $ Cham, of Com., Main 2051. "SEE THE TELLOW SIGN?" - ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT $2100 5 roam bungalow and 50x100 lot. Shade trees, rosea, fruit - and berries. Terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. OlOOM plastered house, West aide, nice bath room, for $1600. $100 down, balance $20 a month. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. A' SACRIFICE, 4 lota, 5 room bouse: terms! East m !0 W! on. . - REAL ESTATE rOH SALE HOUSES ALBERTA BUNGALOWS rire room modern bungalow, con Ten lent to achool, atorea and car' Una, $900 cash will handle this. Don't de lay. , j Fire room coay hung alow, I (ante, nice lawn and fruit tree, rood condi tion. Price $2400, aoraa cash. A bar- gain. ! -I Kir room new bang-alow, exclusive in detail, choice location, east front, caah and term, thi is a beauty. KWe room, new, artistic bungalow, strictly modern, ideal location, com prehensive in detail. Tour opportunity. SILAS U JONES, 072 Alberta at. 1'bona Wdln. 3558. YOU PEOPLE NEEDING HOUSES LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS ONLY $2100 $400 CASH THIS WILL PAY FOR ITSELF Large house, arranged in four apartment; use one and rent the other. $695 Commodious 3 room plastered honae, porch, toilet, sink, gas, electricity. $750- Comfortable 3 room bouse, some plum bins, two lots, good term. $1300 Cottage, close in. Hawthorna dis trict, parement included, two lots, lots alone worth the price. $1600 Vacant; more in at once; good 4 room bungalow, tike new, good plumbing, gas, electricity, garage. Tabor car. MR. DARING, Union Safe Dep. A Tr. Co.. 284 Oak. $2100- For 2 house and lot 50x120, atreet improved and paid, term $800 cash, balance $00 quarterly, 6 per cent in terest. -Good, small house on Commercial at.. $1600- full sized lot, hard surface street paid. Terms $400 cash, balance $20 per month. 8 per cent. $3150 Buys 6 room bouse in Wsmut park. Possession at once. Former price $3500. $13006 room houae. lot 50 by 100, good basement., in Woodlawn. Term $200 cash, balance $15 per month, 6 per cent interest. OGDEN & GRAVELLE, 107 Sharer it. Woodlawn 202 or Woodlawn 14 19. ONLY $3200. Now. listen! Do yon want something very classy, where you can look down on all of the people and where all of the people will hare to look up to fee you. If ao go to No. 1043 3d St.. just off of Corbett St., on the hard surface street, entrance to the boulerard. This is a new bungalow, up-to-date in every respect. If there la any Tiew com parable to this come in and tell us about it. You can buy this and you don't hare to pay all cash. M. J. Clohesey, 415 Abington bldg. $1000 4 room, modern bnngalow, very at tractive, finished in white enamel, ha porcelain bath; pat. toilet, wash stand, gaa and elect- wiring, basement, sheds which . could be used for garage, 3 blk. Mt. Scott car. most any term. O. C. GOLDENRERG, ABINGTON BLDG., "35 Yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. TWO OPPORTUNITIES 8 rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. East front, 1 blk. car, Irrington district, $42r0. including all atreet improvements. Reasonable term. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern in every detail, furnace. East front, East 42d and Thompson, $3900, including atreet improrementa. J. C. Corhin Co.. 305-7 Lewia bldg. $ 1500 PENINSULA HOME $ 1500 4 room attractive home, newly painted, con venient to Peninsula shipyards, 2 blocks to St. Johns car and 3 blocks east of Columbia Park. Can arrange terms. See FRANK L. MGUIRE. Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. EASY PAYMENTS. 4 Room house, 3.'xl42 $1,500 5 Room house. 50x100 2,000 8 Room house, 55x100 2,500 8 Room house, 100x100 4.500 Sea-Wood Realty Co., 248 Stark at. 'SEETHE yTTIXOVsIoN ? " BUY YOUR HOME NOW $100 Down Balance Monthly Payment $l.-.0 50x125 5 rooms. $1850 46x90 5 rooms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. DO you want a nice modern up-to-date home with a view unsurpassed, or do you just imagine you're looking for one! If you mean business look at this fine home. No. 980 Cor bett st., and then come to the office. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. FOR SALE LOTS It TO AVOID FORECLOSURE, $800 49x100 on the N side of Arnold at., ISO ft. W. of Marguerite, Hawthorne district. Assessed at $800. ,The owner paid over $1600. Fore closure proceedings have been instituted so yon will hsve to hurry. Price quoted includes street work. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, -of O. HERE'S a snap. Nice corner lot Laurelhurst for $800, unpaid bonded assessments $525, which will give lot with all improvements paid for considerably less than original purchase price. a01 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg., Broad way 2013. BIGGEST BARGAIN OFFERED Buy this close-in Portland Heights lot and build to suit. You can save more on this lot than the increased cot of building and have what you want. Good view and best bargain on the Heights. $1200. Owner. Mar. 865. FOR SALE Fine 50x100 lot near Union ave, all in garden and berries and fine chicken house for 150 hens. 9c fare to Vancouver, cheap at $800. Owner. Z-634. Journal. $400 LOT. 43d and Ellsworth. $500 Lot. 43d near Clinton. $600 Lot. S. E, cor. 4 3d and Division. Owner, J. H. McMAHON. 2606 E.43d st. Tabor 5361 after 5. 100x100 CORNER. Rlverview Hta Vancouver; also 50x100 corner, Kenton, sell or trade towards house or auto. Give all particulars, E-014, Journal. 100x100 WELL located homeaite, near car, neat, garage, fruits, nuts, garden, only $1250, worth more. Phone' Sunday or evenings. Sell- wood 113. FOR SALE cheap, fine lots: best car service and location in city. Build home and save rent Owner, Broadway 2295. LOTS FOR SALE 2 lots, 30th and E. Washington st. Very cheap. Call 352 College t. LOT $4 50. $50 cash, bal. terms. Lot $R00. $100 cash, bal, terms, cor. 42d and E. Wash. rt. Paul Waidt. Tabor 1212. FOR SA1.E- st ailments, land -In Astoria. 1 lot $100, on in Address 204 7 E. 8alraon, rort- FOR 1 week only. 2 lot. 50x100 each, near the Reed college, at a sacrifice. Mrs. M. E. Nettleton. 405 E. 44 th st. 18 LOTS at Kendall station for sale cheap. Call Tabor 8116, or see O. . B. Olson at Kendall sta., Gresham carline. FOR SALE g-2 lots in Jonesmore by owner. 624 East 1 5th st. south. LOTS for sale, splendid location, $625 up, $10 down. $10 per month. Call Wdl. 5387. IDEAL view lot, 4T by over ' 100. tract, Sellwood 8434. Owner. Brown's LOT -Bast location . In St. Johns. East 433. ACREAGE (7 HAVE several buyers for small, improved acre age tracts, close In. Price must be right and terms eaay. TUGGLE-TOUNO CO., 414 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 4543. EIGHT acres. 23 mile from Portland, all un aer cultivation : house, barn, outbuilding, horse, cow, 4 stands bees, farm implements, furniture, all for $1000. Write owner. Mrs. Mary Fry, Scappoose. Or. FOR SALE 5 acres improved, 8 room house oarn, gooa water, no rocks or gravel; fine family orchard, good location, 3 miles west of Oregon City. $3000. F. 11. Bennett. Willam- eiio, or. HAVE fine 7 room house. 1 acre nt fin. 3 chicken houses, on Mt Hood R. R. ; 1 mile irom Atonuvuia: sazot). Kasy terms TUGGI.E-YOUNG CO., 414 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 4543, 1 TRACT 100x146 feet in Western View.' 2 uwui irrwujtEcr oivo.. ; city water elec tric lights and telephone: between O. R T n ..VoT'J1--?- R ?.70: 1oni terms. wo 'a ,i. iiuriu. a riem. WANT 2 or 3 acres near school and car, plenty of water, good soil, 4 or 5 room house rea JConb.'V not over 8e Ure to prtlnd. Phone FOR RENT : k v!- t"?' T rYed rod- 7 from city ..... . . ,lmnlt lor Mle t Northwestern Bank bldg.. or phone Tabor 7 71 FOR SALE hi acre. 4 room mnd.m i ,. earage, fruit trees, berries, rosea, inside citv limit, 2 blocks from school; $3500: part cash! 10 ACRES hearing orchard, irrigated. Spokane ciiy oy electric; tak part Portland city or acreage. P. O Box eon Portland, or. "x tf8 2 ACRES. 10c car tare, choice cultivated land for $750 per acre. Henry F. Cover i Imosi ave. ' . : EQUITY 14 acres, all kinds fruit, 4 room! Oregoh City car; 6e fare. Tahor m' T-T?bor' 14 r" 111 StHion cheap for pash! PASTURE for rent, Lake Gove. Marshal 344:1 REAL ESTATE ACREAUfi 26 ACRES $1350 23 mile from : Portland. . H mile from town and electric line; 4 -room houae, small barn, root house, 2 acres in potatoes and garden, bal. pasture and timber; everything goea; hi cash. 80 ACRES $3500 22 milea from Portland! 3 hi mile from electric line; 15 acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture and timber; fair houae, barn, orchard, mower, harrow, plow, cart and bnggy; $650 cash. baL to suit 40 ACRES $1150 24 miles from Portland. 8 hi miles from town and electric line; lies good. A-l soil all seeded ia grass; $350 cash, balance $60 per- year. 6 per cent. 20 ACRES $4500 20 acres, 8 miles from courthouse, all in cultivation; good 5-room house, good orchard; l mile to store; lies fine, A-l soil. Price $4 500; $1000 cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. , 20 ACRES $1375 8 miles from Astoria, 200 feet from paved highway; 6 acres in cultivation, 4 room house, small barn, good well, spring, creek, close to high school: $2500 cash, balance 8 per cent. BUNDY ; 411 Henry bkls. WILL SACRIFICE 14 ACRES MUST GO EAST ACCOUNT SICKNESS I own 14 acre near Canby that cost $6500, which I will sell for $3750 on terms $1000 or more down; it's all nnder cultivation, all deep, rich, black garden soil; good 5 room plastered bungalow barn, tool house, chicken house and yard. 180. bearing 7-year-old all kind fruit trees and berries; land across thf"road. just same as this, held at $750 per acre! I acquired this on foreclosure; will sell for cost of foreclosure and expenses: carried $3500 mortgage; pick this up; you'll make $1500 to $2000 by next spring; I have no ue for acreage and must go East. Call owner. Woodlawn 2888. or call at 605 Lt-tnbermeris bldg.. Broadway 3125. 10 ACRES 8 acres in cultivation, good house, barn, chicken house, well fenced, horse, cow, 2 bogs, 3 tons of hay, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, tools, all crops. Price $2500; some cash, bal ance time, ' 6 per cent interest. 10 ACRES 5 acres in cultivation, good buildings- Price $2100; part cash, balance to suit purchaser. 40 ACRES 20 In cultivation, 4 room house, barn, 3 cows, heifer, one horse, all crops and machin ery. $3500; hi cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. 2 hi miles to high school. DILLMAN &. HOWLAND, 8th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. SACRIFICE FOR $6500 114 ACRES IN DOUGLAS COUNTT On a good county road.' R. F. D. and telenhone 25 acres in cultivation; 8 room modern house. good barn and other outbuildings: if taken at once about $1000 in crop goes with place; owners wife died and son gone to war, so will sell for $6500: take $3000 in Portland prop erty, and $1000 in cash as first payment; will sell stock, implements and furniture cheap if wanted. HAGERS REALTY CO.. 825 RAILWAY EX. BLDG. MAIN 2330. CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres $250; $10 down, $5 per month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 3 railroads, 1 hi miles from a town rf 800 population: sawmills and shingle mills; some partly cleared and some cleared; run ning stream; some bottom and some bench; can give you- any kind of place you want. BKU- REAL. ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. hi ML TO LOGAN VILLE STA. ON ELECTRIC 15 acres. 3 in cultivation. 1 2 in tuitnr, ,nH fir timber; 1 hi story bungalow, 9 room, part completed. 2 good barns. 600 to 800 cords of wood on place; owner now getting out ship knees; - taiie to graveiea road, Vi mile to school; land gently rolling with two wells and living spring; 6 cows run on place; can lease adjoining land; price $2500; $1000 down, 5 years' time balance at 7 I a bargoin; owner subject to draft. REALTY A. MORTGAGE CO 633 Ch. of Com. Main 2051. CHICKEN RANCH 20 acres, house, barn, fenced, ahont IB acres in cultivation, some timber, fine soil, close to school and town; $2000, $300 down, $100 per year at o per cent. 19 acres close to Amity, part clear, part fenced, close to school: no waste land ri-h nil some, fine timber, $1400, $200 down, $100 per year at 8 per cent. Sea-Wood Realty Co.. 24 8 Stark st FOR SALE OR TRADE 7 acres. East Vancouver, all in ironH at.t. f cultivation, good 7 room house, modern, family orchard, good barn with silo. 2 fine cows, 1 good horse, wagon, farm implements, chickens, household furniture, in graded street, cement walks; $10,000. See Mr. Edwards. GEO. E. EXGLEHART Main 7268. 624 Henrv bid. FOR RENT 11 acres, all in cultivation. 6 room house, new barn, chicken house, nice fruit trees, mile from statien ; nice, level land; rent $150 per year; will rent it for 2 years or mure. aee rocxeii s starker, room 203 Wash. bldg. CHEAP LAND NEAR GRESHAM 38 acres good soil, some timber, runnins water, $850. 40 acres, lies fine. 21 in cultivation. 10 a. good timber, on good road, $3100. 4 8 acres, some cleared, good soil, running water. $2354). Krider, 284 Oak st. WILL sell or trade for city property, 5 acres rich land, all in cultivation and fenced, nice ly located on good road 1 mile south of Aloha station on Southern Pacific electric 1 1 1 from -Portland) ; a snap at $1250. Fred S. vuiiam. Vi 1st. 5-ACRES of hillside, stream on place, atao 2 hi acres of level land, near the O.-W. P. car line at Bellrose st., ask for Clarks. STJBTJRBATT HOMES 7 WE will first start with the dearest little Jer sey cow; a barn full of hay and all other kinds of feed for this cow; 40 fine registered chickens with a big chicken house and chicken run. With this cow and chickens goes one big acre of land, all in the highest state of cultiva tion, with all varieties of fruits and berriea. With the cow, and the chickens, the land, the fruit, of all kinds, is a peach of a bungalow, 6 rooms; new, modern, up-to-date, a full cement basement, and a basement full of fuel, uch as coal and wood. Do you want this cow, chickens, barn, chicken houses, 1 big acre, all kinds of fruits, bungalow, "city water, gas, close to the Capitol highway, close to a city school, all for $ 4500 a.n(j don't forget we throw in a garage. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abing ton bldg. WHO said they wanted something on the Co lumbia highway and couldn't find it 7 Now listen, here is one right on .e highway, where you can -see less than 1000 automobiles pass every minute. Only $1100 for a 7 Toom house with more than Vi acre, all in full bearing fruit of all varieties down to the fig tree. All of the conveniences, such as electric lights, running water and near to the' carline, with good service. All you need is $400 to buy this place, the balance in monthly pay ments. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. 2 ACRES extra nice fruit and berries, garden; 6 room cottage: at Ry. station, Oregon City car; pared road; $3000, terms. 6 acres, near Colnmbia river, 25 minutes out of Vancouver, $1000; easy. 4 acre, 6c fare; good land: $650. H acre, 5 room cottase; $1000, terms. acre, small house; 6c fare; $800. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 185 Vi" 4th st ATTENTION This is a real bargain, direct from owner, a beautiful home of two acres, 1 hi acres cleared, balance heavy timber, abundance of fruit, splen did well of water, new honse, well painted; good garage. This place is situated 8 miles from Portland, leading out over Terwiliger boule vard, one of our best scenic highways, and near Oregon Electric; price $2400; easy terms. Owner. 403 Oregonian bldg. $400 DOWN POSSESSION AT ONCE 6 ROOMS ON HALF ACRE TRACT. In Paikrose, just outside city limits. Hard-ws-od floors in main rooms, large clothes closets, fruit trees, berries, chicken house. Price only $3350. This is well worth the price. J. U HARTMAN COMPANT. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Main 20S: A 2050. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAINS 5 rooms and acre $1125 3 rooms, bath and acre , 1900 2 rooms, water, lights 450 3 rooms, water, lights, plumbing 800 3 rooms, view acre 1750 These are all close to Portland and electric line, very convenient for shipyard workers. Call at 500 Concord bldg. Main 85. hi. i.l. lhi. lHand2 acres from $T2"00 up to $5000. 1 can suit you with modern houses on these places and give yon easy terms. This is the nost active suburb around Portland. All of these places are in Oak Grove. Come in and inquire about it II. J. Clohessy, 419 Abington bldg. . BEAUTIFUL suburban home. 5 acres, all in high state otcultivation : about one acre set to fruit. Bull Run water. 7 -room modern house, barn. Call at residence of owner. 94 th and lHvision rts. Box 88. R. 1. Tabor 3841. 6 ROOM house and 2 acres, near shipyard and grain elevator, or will sell house and hk acre or more. 0-741, Journal. EEAL ESTATE SIBCKBA! ACREAGE n . 6 Acres on Car Line Going to sell ray splendid little country home, 12 miles out. right at station, splendid road to place. 6 acres. ; very best of land, good new house, bam and outbuildings. bearing orchard and berries. Price with some personal property. $2400. Hargrove Realty Co. . 122 N. 6th St. " ' Broadwsy 4381 ! ; TICARD BARGAIN 5 seres and smaU cabin for $1600. This is splendid soil with good view and close to sta tion. 500 Concord bldg. Main 85. OSWEGO LAKE frontage, ' 80 feet with 2 splendid building Kites and remarkable view of lake. Not on the market before. 500 Con cord bldg. Main fc5. ' FOR SALE FARMS 17 Real Farm for $100 Per Acre No one, and you will say ao yourself, has or can show yon as good value as this for the money 132 acres, near McMinnville, 100 acres in one body, in a high state of cultivation, rich, mellow, easy working land, balance good pasture with living water; it lies just right, rolling just enough, with north slope; 7 room house, bam, outbuildings, fruit; present owner grubbed every foot of this land, went on the place with nothing, owes no man 1 cent, has about $30,000 out at interest, Is old, alone, boy gone to war, and is offering his farm at $100 per acre, $5000 down, balance 6 . We sold 3 farms last week, not because of our salesmanship, but because our long experience in the farm be and thorough knowl edge of the country enabled us to show our customers something better than the other fel lows. We can be of benefit to you in finding just what you want and at the right price. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North 6th st. Phone Broadway 4381. Well Equipped 22 Acre Farm Here is a nice little farm, all equipped, wait ing for you. 2'2hi acres, 14 acres cultivated, balance nice fir timber and pasture. Splendid soil, buildings all new. 5 room house, barn, woodshed, chicken houe, etc. Personal: Team, 2 cows, heifer, sow, 75 chickem. wagon, buggy, harness, hay, implements and household . goods. Price $3000, hi cash. Located 2 miles from one of our good valley towns, hi mile from station. Deal with old established firm that knows the country thoroughly and can show you just the place you want and at the right price. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st Broadway 4381. EXCHANGE IMPROVED FARM FOR FLAT8 OR INCOME 61 acres. 60 under cultivation, 6 room mod era house, with bath and fireplace; good out houses, tank house, etc. Completely stocked and equipped. Price $9000. Want good flat or store building. WATCH OUU ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE 100 A.. 14 in cultivation, box house, barn. family orchard, 2 springs. county road, telephone, mail route, 4 mile to station, 4 head of stock, vehicles, farm im plements and crops go with place. $5000. terms. - Will take small place near Portland in part payment. Also 50 acres, 4 in cnlt., box house, barn, 2 springs. Join the 100 A... $2250; $1200 cash: terms on balance. Address box 54, R. It. 2. Banks, Or. FARM AND PRUNE ORCHARD Fine 50 acre farm, near Vancouver. Wash., practically all in cultivation. 12, acres in prunes, good buildings; all necessary; stock and equip ment for operating. This place is level but not flat, has good soil, and is in fine district Price. $9500 for everything. Will consider part trade balance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $28,000 RANCH FOR $14,000 160 acres 10 miles from Vancouver on main stage road, 80 acres in cultivation, large barn and house, good granary, brick smoke .house and other buildings, land all level. This place sold for $28,000 6 years sgo; owners hsve seversl other ranches snd sons have gone to front They hsve instructed us to offer his magnificent prop erty at one half price. Photos at office of Fred W. German, 732 Cham, of Com. 160 ACRES timber. 1 mile to R. R., Tillamook county. : 4 to 5 million feet Win take small ranch or house in good town. 13 acre ranch in good town, 7 room house, 82 walnut trees, lots of fruit and berries; fine creek. cheap. Some nice acreage and homes on Oregon City carline. cheap. GEO. MORSE. Owner. 315 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 acres, fine location in Klickitat Co.. Wash:, on the White Salmon river. 50 acres 5-year-old orchard, 25 acres plowed for fall planting, balance partly cleared. Would in clude other property in trade for large acre age. If interested write G. W. Carter, owner. Husum. Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE for small farm near Portland, 200 acres stock ranch near Cam bridge, Idaho; unlimited outrange, 3 miles from forest reserve, 5 miles from R. R. 60 acres irrigated, free water, hi alfalfa, all stocked and equipped, 20 head cattle. 3 horses, all farm machinery and household goods. Price $10,000. Address 709 Allegheny Bt.. Portland. IF YOU are looking for a small farm id hi acres), yon will buy this one. 25 minutes out on the O. E. Ry , 9c fare, house, barn and chicken house, bearing orchard, most all kinds of fruit and berries, 4 acres in wheat, 2 H acres in pasture, fine soil, 2 wells. $3150; $750 cash, payment D. E. CARLOCK, 1011 Yeon bldg. Main 5456. $20 DOWN $10 A MONTH Buys 40 acres of logged-off land located be tween Portland and Centralis. 1 hi mile from main line of 3 railroads; fine for dairy or chicken ranch; plenty of outrange; price $30 per acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 seres, 65 in cultivation, bottom lands, some beaverdam, 1 8 miles from Portland, build ings, $10,000. This would make a fine dairy ranch. See Mr. Edwards. GEO. E. EXGLEHART. 624 Henry bldg. Main 7268. FOR SALE or trade, by owner, about 30 acres", 20 a. cleared, on good road. 14 miles from courthouse, good buildings, family oschard. R; F. D. and telephone line, water piped to house. Price $6500. Might consider small modern bungalow as first payment. C. Wood. Linnton. Or., R. 2. Box 29. FARM for sale at sacrifice, about 150 acres, all level. 100 in cultivation, balance pasture and timber: fair house, good dairy barn. 40 miles from Portland, on highway. 2 thirds Of the way paved, price $18,500: $10,000 cash will handle. For furttier information phone owner, Tabdr 4253 or Broadway 3077. A BARGAIN 32 acres of a well improved farm, level, all in cultivation, clone in, mod ern 10 room house. ga,i, garage, very large barn, other buildings, fine roads, lots of fine water; will sell part or all; on section line road, corner of Barker road, between Portland and Gre&hain R. A.. Box 593. Phone' Tabor 3937 . DAIRY farm for sale at a bargain by owner; Columbia river bottom, containing 400 acres 70 cows, young stock, horses: fully equipped with good machinery, 2 silos, income $1200 per month. Write if interested. C. E. DeLong, rt. No. 3. box 132 Vancouver, Wash. CLARKE COUNTY, WASH.. $3750 20 a. in cult, new 5 room house, barn 4 Ox 50. chicken house, woodshed, 1 hi miles from Amboy in that wondrouly fertile Chelatrhie prairie. This is an ideal farm home. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. 200 ACRES. 150 plowed, 50 pasture. 25 bot tom; good house, large barn, orchard, lots of prune land: an all around farm; plenty of wa ter; 2 miles from station; $65 per acre; terms. J. H. Moran, Monmouth, Or. 238 ACRES. STOCKED $24,000 238 acres. 5 miles of Cottage Grove. 75 acres cultivated, very good buildings, all stock and machinery; $24,000; will take part in city property. R. J. McGuire. 54 5 Union ave. N MUST sell 320 acre wheat farm near Lexing ton. Or. Price, including buildings, horses, cows, pigs, farm implements, $25 per acre. Will take part cash, remainder on trade or crop payments. 127 E. 16th st. East 5356. FOR SALE 80 acres, stock, machinery, every- thtni goes at bargain. On good road, 5 miles from Molalla. good 7 room bouse, large new barn and garage. A. H. Newman. Molalla. Or. R. 1. - 80 ACRE Improved farm, redemption right for sale: 14 miles back of Vancouver. Clarke connty; lewis river runs through it. Orchard buildincs, etc. Owner, P-808, Journal. FOR S.VLE 142 acres, good house, outside omiaings, aoca wnu grocery store on it; on Columbia river; price $7000. Phone Wood- lawn 4178. 200 ACRE FARM 50 acres in cultivation, good building and fence, 5 miles to r., 4 of pchool; also a lot of piling and mining timbers. Walter Roswurm, Forest Grove, Or. $3500 ON-TERMS, 14 acres. 4 miles west of Linnton; some genuine beaver dsm: good buildings, stock, tools and crops; a sacrifice. RUTFIELD, 518 Fenton bldg. Broadway 837. 40 ACRES, rich soil, near Grants Pass, good buildings, some fruit grain and pasture land, with .farm tools; positive bargain. Owner. Wm. Jeffers, Murphy, Or. UNHEARD-OF BARGAIN 100 unimproved : good soil;, creek, close to school, station, $1 fare to Portland. Price $800. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. 20 ACRES. $400; 40 acres, $800; $1 fare Portland. Close to school. Terms. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg 40. SO -ot 166 ACRES, 6 miles south of Es tacada, come improvements, ship knees on part. R. F. Walters. Greshsm. j 148 ACRES, hi in cultivation ; some bottom. 2 sets bldgs., near railway, snap at $72 per acre; easy terms. See Turner, 202 Failing bldg. 6 ACRES, in crop; stock, implements; near town; $1900. U-6 3 4, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 YAMHILL COUNTT FARMS FOR SALE 188 acres S miles from good town, good land, lies well, 100 acres in cultivation, good build ings, 20 cows, some other stock, hi this year's crop; $14,640-; $7000 caah. balance your owa time at 6 interest. 300 acres, 180 cultivated, balance good pas ture and timber, good buildincs. finest watered place you ever saw; good fencing; well located; sou per acre, oUOU cash, long time at 6 "V on balance. 23 hi acres 2 hi miles from McMinnville. hi in cultivation, fair buildings, good orchard, $3100; good terms. 117 acres; one of the finest farma in the county. 5 miles from McMinnville. 100 cultivat ed, balance good pasture and timber, on main road; good buildings, fine young orchard; if yon want something good see this: $150 per acre. 182 acres on good road, good farm buildincs: a real good farm; 8 bead of good horses, harness, wagons; full set farm machinery; gravity water system; lsnd lies well; good soil; 5 miles from McMinnville; $25,000; easy terms; will rent you this farm if we can sell you the stock and imple ments. We have lots of other good bargains; tell us what you want. McMLNNVILLE LAND CO.. McMinnville, Or. 160 ACRES, ALL STOCK AND CROP 6 hi miles from Hitlsboro, 23 miles from Portland, 89. in cultivation, balance i pasture; good house, barn, big silo, good outbuildings; good fences, barn full of hay, wheat, oats; 10 acres fine corn, good orchard; 20 fine cows, 10 head young cattle, 10 fine hoe, fine team, good harness, wagon, bindfer. mower, plows, cultivators; fine creek, also fine water system ; hi mile to cchool, tele phone, mail and milk route: everything goes but the furniture. Price $16 000, half cash, . balance at 6 per cent. Would take hou.-e and lot as part payment. BUNDY 411 Henry bldg. THESE ARE WORTH INVESTIGATING 207 hi acres coast farm, good build ings, stocked, well equipped, close to rail and water transportation, and this year's crop, for only $6000. 160 acres, 10 miles from Redmond, Or.; all fenced. 4 0 acre under cultiva tion, under Tumalo irrigation - project $10 per acre 320 acres, 10 miles from Madras, Or.; all fenced, 2 small houses, barn, 2 wells, 2 springs, on main county road. Sickness forces the price down to $10 per acre. When buying stocked and equipped farms, dairy and stock ranches, you will save time and money by calling on and dealing with E. A. LIN DG REN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. A MANY A MAN 'S EXPERIENCE I have tried the city life, And found it continuous strife. From day to week, from month to year, I always lived in constant fear. Should children, wife or I take 111, How to pay the doctor's bilL Believe me. we are happy and glad. When receiving letter from wifey's dad. That he will assist us with means. By digging in his old, worn jeans. We bought a farm right away. To protect ourselves for a rainy day. And avoid the bilLs that every oay. Were presented and I had to pay. All you readers who are wie. For your own good take my advice. And buy a farm on easy terms. From SAVON LAND CO., the best of firms. They sell farms and stock ranches. Dealing with them you run no chances. E. A. LINDGHEN, SAVON LAND CO.. 935 N-W. Bank bldg. 50 Acres, 10 Miles Out This is as nice a country home as you could want Owner is making a very close price and win iaae a nome in rortlana to value of $4000 There are 50 acres, 30 acres in cultivation. hl ance good pasture and timber. All very best of iana. nan Dottom land and half upland: 7 room plastered bouse on concrete foundation, fireplace, good rel bam. outbuidings. orchard and good spring. Personal: Team, harness, hay, 3 cows, household goods.-etc. Price onlv $8jOO. Take house to value $4000. Remember, this place is on East side just 10 miles from the city limits. Splendid road all the way. Thi farm is priced below its resl cash value, and there is no question but what it is the best opportunity you will ever have to put your home in on one of our very best, close in farms. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North 6th at., Broadway 4381. . THIS IS A BARGAIN 136 acres of good land. 50 acres in crops, orchard, good 9 room house, hot and cold water, good barn and other buildings, all fenced, on main road. 6 miles from Yamhill, rolling hill land, good deep soil: will take, if sold in next 30 days, $5500 ; half cash, balance long time. E. F. MAGOON. Yamhill. Or CANADIAN FARM LANDS Cheap lands, remarkably easy terms. Land seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary, Alberta. Saturday. Aucust 17; reduced rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pa cific Railway company. 208 Railway Exchange bldg. L. P. Thornton, district representative. FOR REST-FARMS 14 250 ACRE farm. 2 miles from Corrallis. Or.". 175 a. cultivated, all good black soil; orchard. 7 room house, larce barn, silo and fences. Rent $1000 per year or will take a payment of $100' down and hi of the income for the balance of the rent if party can furnl-h good references RALPH ACKLET. 717 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT Wheat iarm, 320 acres, com pletely equipped. Morrow Co. 127 E. 16th ft. East B356. 80 ACRES, tools partly turnished. team, some tools and stock for sale with lease. 65 acres in cultivation. Tabor 3908. GET our list of 1 500 farms to rent, sell and trade. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 717 Corbett bldg. FARMS WASTED REST OR BUT SS I WANT to rent a farm of 150 to 300 acres. Will purchase stock and implements and pay cash. Owners only. X-7 56. Journal. WANTED CoastTacreage up to$5000. Oregon or Washington. Address 1320 Washington it. Hillsboro. Or. WILL pay cash rent for a farm and would buy stock with the place, providing they are for sale at a reasonable price. F-918, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 O. & C. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I cart locate you on a rood claim. A former government cruiser, 301 Worcester bldg., adjoining land- office. W. H. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS I ocate you on the best homesteads in the state for $100: no charge unless entry seenred. We classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON & ANDERSON No. 2 Land Office building. Worcester block, Third and Oak streets. O. & C. HOMESTEADS Ton can file direct We can show yon the best claims. Full information. BUNDY A McHARDT 411 Henry Building. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for ssle. Lindquist hotel, room 4. Call TIMBER 28 FOR SALE, timber on 80 acres, suitable for oordwood, near Oregon City. A. Hein, 331 22d st North. WOULD exchange 40 acres, cleared, on the California-Nevada line, for light auto. A 1347. WANTED A three 60 inch head block with fet worka. Must be cheap. Address Tip Top Lumber Co., Bricikenfeld. Or. 180 MILLION feet fine Oregon Umber to trade or sell. Ralph Aokley. 717 Corbett bldg. WANTED Partner with timber; have 80 m. mill with good logging outfit 8-854. Journal EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 hi ACRE. 3 room house. Tremont sta., Mt Scott, 640, Journal. gas, water, near for acreage. y- MODERN 5 room bungalow. Hardwood floors. corner, 75 ft lot, $3200. Would consider country or California. F-838, Journal. I WYLL trade my S room cottage and aasame some on a better piece closer in. H. A. Phillips, S71 E. 12th st. north. 160 ACRE stock farm. 10 head of cows, farm implements, plenty of outside range, for city or acreage. 550 Williams ave.. owner. 320 ACRES level land in. northern Lake coun ty, for sale or trade; free from incumbrance. 786 Reed tt 66 ACRES, all In cultivation, good buildincs. orchard, creek, by owner, might consider some trade. PboneSellwood 1551. STOCK ranch in" Lincoln. Co.. Or.. $4000 equity to trade for what have you? 431 C. of C. ' WANTED 5 loom modern house. Will trade 10 acres and balance cash. H-737. Journal. CLEAR city lot, Idaho state, $450; trade! AUr3us.ll 1690. REAL ESTATE EXCHASGK REAL ESTATE 94 USED TRUCKS SEE THESE TODAT 1 2-ton truck .$ 7S0 850 . 1800 1 2-ton truck. 1 SH -ton Federal truck MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. 354 Burnside at Broadway 82. ' "WARNING" Don't wait until the Kaiser's funeral ia over and the boy come marching home and the for aalo and for rent sign make their appear ance again over the city, then it will be too late to trade your houses at face value for one of the best 60 acre ranches within the 16-mile circle of Portland, all fine bnudmgs, everything modern. 5 acres orchard, about 25 acres cult, and pasture. 30 fine timber, owner living on place 14 years, must retire; $200 per acre. all stock and tools included. lJi cash, bal. terms or trade for small city res. This ia a chance to save the cranmLssion and deal direct with owner. XX-762. Journal. UO ACRES' of the bekt land in Yamhill county: highly improved, good buildings, on gravel road near McMinnville. Will exchange for city property. 20 acres, all in cultivation, near Hillsboro, only $2500. Terms. 25 acres, all in cultivation, good buildings and orchard: in Xamhill county, near carline. Will exchange for home in the city. 314 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING. EXCHANGE IMPROVED FARM FOR FLATS OR INCOME 61 acres, 50 under cultivation, 6 room modern houe with bath and fireplace; good out houses, tank house, etc. Completely stocked and equipped:. Price $9000. Want good flat 01 store building. . WATCH OUR AD8. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 1240 ACRE WHEAT FARM 1240 acres in Eastern Oregon, over 1100 cres in cultivation, half in summer fallow; good buildings, plenty of water, all stork and ma chinery for operating. Price, including equip ment, feed and seed. $35 per acre. Will take good part in trade. l.l'EtiUKMA.VN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 2 acres, with new bungalow, garage, garden, wood cut for two years' use; fine well, pump, 2 II. P. enirine, fruit trees, roses, all kinds of hemes; hou.se plastered and tinted. Near Powell Vallry and Gates roads. Will sell or exchange tor bungalow in city. See Georze It. Herd owner. 348 Couch st. Phoues Bruadway 8043 or A 334b. FOR SALE OR TRADE General country store, in good farming com munity, about 18 smiles from Portland; 1 acre of ground, store building, feed grinding mill, and about $180O stock of general me-cliandiae ; all goes for $7500. A. J. De FOREST, 013 Chamber of Cemmerce. Main 6967. FINE 2-story store building, livina rooms over store, electric lights, water, sink, toilet, same as in a city. This is in the heart of the alfalfa country in Southern Oregon, close to California line, in a good town. There are a number of lines of merchandise not handled and the op portunity is A-l. W. C. Dunning owner. 464 Hall st. CLEAR LAND FOR EQUITY Unincumbered 4 0 acre", not improved. Pierce county. Washington; good road, near boat land ins. alne $1600. for equ.ty in Purtland rei dence. Will assume to $1200; no junk wanted. Owner. W. S. BADI.ET, 404 Northweste n Bank bldg. NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acre age, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call cr write full particulars; no inflated values con sidered: have first clasa list to select from. George P. Henry. 329 Henry bldg. Befer ences. Portland llealty Board. 117 6-CYLINDER. carefully used, just like new. run 3000 miles, good tire.s, must be seen to be appreciated. Cash or exchange good bungalow. Rose City park, preferred, will as sume. See it today. Tabor' 4 008 to 3 p. m. Sunday, week day neon. WILL' exchsnge fine 4 acre fruit ranch, 7 room house, barn, etc., Clarkston, Wash., for well equipped bath houae in Portland or closein prop erty that can be used as such. Phone East K171 between 10 and 2 o'clock ' Monday, or address F. P. Lint, general delivery. Portland. SEVERAL good farms to exchange for city prop erty: one 200 acres on Pacific highway, price $10,000; 700 acres. $35,000; 64( acres. $45. 000; 320 acres. $70,000. The above are at tractive places. . The owner would assume an indebtedness. M". E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE or trade, meat market fully equipped with cold storage plant and modern fixtures, in good . valley own of 8000, good payroll. Would exchange for good stock farm or would take in partner that can give good reference. OX-719. Journal. 23H ACRES STOCKED 238 acres. 75 cultivated, good buildings. 30 cows and other stock ;- a complete outfit of ma chinery: $24,000; no mtg. Will take Vi in city proierty. bal. mt back. It J. McGl'IRE. 54 5 Union ave. N. LARGE stock ranch with 30t) acres paid-up water right on the best canal in central Oregon; good building with thousands of acres of free outrange adjoining. Will consider Portland income and assume. BITFIELD. 518 Fenton bldg. Broadway 637. LIST your property with us for results on charges of merit Established 10 years. The Erne--t Youncer Co.. 105-107 Park t, be tween Washington and Stark sts. FOR SALE or trade for bungalow.-equuy In 15 acres. Prunes. apples, berrie. bearing; paTed highway hi mile from Newberg; good house, barn, city water, stock. Price right. X-77S. Journal. WANTED Two 5 or 6 room houses, not to rlc-i. -t-'wU. ixm l" 1 1 iiajmeiii, ,..c io . ..!. o i; . . ........ Cllllin Sl'iM . - . , - Write H A. Pratt, care Kiiham Stationery, 5th and Oak. 8T. PAUL. Minn., lot. 75x150. trade for lot or residence, Portland vicinity or St. Johns district preferred; also house and three lot at Hanks, Or., for trad,e. Roy Ijnn, 401 hi N. Jersey st. 15 ACRES. improved, unincumbered, near Grand Jet.. Col. I paid $4000. will take $2500 or trade in Portland. Owner, 467 E. Ta ylor. East 3580. FINE Medford home, good locality. 4 lots. 6 room house, barn, garden. Exchange for acreage or farm within 40 miles of Portland. JX-868. Journal. FOR SALE or trade from owner. 4 0 acre or part, of good level land and some stock close to school and railroad, in Gresham district M. Johnson. 12 5 1st st. Poland, Or 320 ACRES good tillable land in Idaho; will trade for Portland property or land in Ore gon; value $2 5 per acre. What have yon for trad' P. O Box 91 Gooding. Idaho. TRADE Equity in 4 room, modem house. Albina district, for auto in A-l condition that can be easily remodeled into trurk. Call Sun day or week day after 6 p. m 683 Missouri av. WHAT have you to trade for a good equity- 19 acres about 17 miles from Portland? 8"me cultivated, half mile from station. Price $2500. Write 609 E. Richmond st HALF acre, houe. barn and fruit; 3 blocks to station, at HilUboro. Want Portland property or acreage. Might assume small amount 1458 Kern st CHALMERS 7 passenger auto to trade for one clear; smaller machine wanted. Phone Co- lnmbia 899. evenings. WILL Trade bouse and lot for two-ton truck automobile and portable drag saw. J. B. Butenschoen. 279 Halleck st I HAVE improved and well located acreage t trade for 5 or 6 room bungalow. Call 183 Fir"t t WANT mdse. stock up to $30,000. Hare good farm land and cash. Cobb. 409 8wet- land bldg. Mar. 4975. 8 ROOM bouse and 1 Vi acres, at Tigard. Will exchange for acreage on Oregon City line or eel' cheap Box 72. Woodbuyi, Or. OWNER wants bouse and lot or suburban acreage for 40 acres new Estacada, value $2000. might assume. Z-641. Journal. 40 ACRES; sell cheap or trade for auto or something of value. P. I. Hesly, Newberg, Or. R. 3 $100 PER MONTH INCOME City property; exciiange for farm. Claude Col. 800 Henry bldg. TRADE my 0 acre prune orchard, fine home. at Orchards. Vancouver, for modem bunga low; $2500. Wdln. 4408. HOUSED two lots in Newport, Wash., would trade for property or auto, what have yon? A. C. Ames, 700. E. 30th st. Tsncoover. Wash. HAVE 2 lots, tbiall house aDd barn, truit tret; will trade on a 2 or 3 ton truck. Main 2164. FOR RENT, aale or part trade, 14 acres with good buildings, A-l soil, on good auto road, 15 miles from Portland. Woodlawn 6439. WANTED To exchange lot tn nose City Park for one in St Johns; call evenings. Coinm- bia On 7. SMALL ice cream and grocery store; sell or trade. Price $275. 602 Meyers st. MONTANA wheat fsrms for Oregon property. N. M. Apple- J-and Co.. Iwiston. Mont I HAVE for trade nice lot at University Park for 5 pass. car. H. A. 8tepanh. Scio. Or. Box 96. TO TRADE four lots at Milwaukie for Sea- side property. East 73 60. 10 ACRES good land to exchange for bouse, some cash. Call Eaat 433. SPOKANE 6 room. Bear fair grounds : clear; $2500, for Portland. Call Tabor 2994. i REAL- ESTATE EXCHAKGE MEAL ESTATE II 514 Swetland Bldg. 7 rortn house. 1 2-3 acres of ground. located within limits of Vancouver. Wash.; close to shipyards; all good garden groand and la garden and fruit ; good outbuilding and eaueken runs; price $7500; want small feres la lllametl valley, city property or . merchandise stock. We have about 50 small farms ranging from 5 to 25 acres, about IO to 10 Bailee from Port land : these, places are all good. dear, cultivated ranchea. all have building, moat have erops in and stock and equipment; prices range from $1500 up: can take trade on part of them; it you ate interested, come in and look over this list 35 acres near Goldendale. Wash.: 25 acres in bearing apricots, balance cultivated land, all fenced, level, with perpetual water rights; price $10,000; will exchange for city property and assume if property ia right 70 acre farm: 50 in cultivation, good redshot soil, lsnd rich snd very nice, on good highway, just out of Salem; good 7 ronxn bouse, outbuild ings, barn, good orchard: place is leased but can get possession any time: all stocked, equipped and in crop: price $7000; will exchange for stock of merchandise or clear Portland property. Full bearing 10 acre prune orchard near Canby; crop now on the trees worth $1000 and $2,000 cash; to trade for a house in Hawthorne district 20 acres highly improved, new buildings, 1 mile from paved highway, 20 miles from Port land: trade for larger place. Beautiful eaat aide borne, restricted district, clesr, $6000; for irnprored 40 acre near good schools. 80 acres good brush land, fine creek, adjoin ing small town near Portland: clear; for city property. Will pay cash for bouse equity in city. PACIFIC AIBE3CCY. IIMC. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. FOR SAI-E OK TRADE 228 acres of good land. 100 acres in crops, fsir house nearly new, large new barn, 80 acres of fine bottom land, mo acres good oak grubs, on main road, 4 miles Yamhill, fine for dairy. bogs or sheep; $70 per acre: easy terms or will take part trade; time on balance. 80 acres, 60 acres in crop, good orchard and small fruit, good new tt room bungalow, hot and cold water, water piped to house and barn from good spring; all fenced; on main road 8 miles from Yamhill: this l- all good land and a mighty good buy at $5500; will take $2500 In cash or trade and mortgage for balance. E. MAGOON, Yamhill. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE General country store, in good farming com mumty. about 18 miles from Portland: I acre of ground, store, building, feed grinding mill and about $1800 stock of general merchandise; all goes for $7500. A. J. DeFOREST, ' 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 10 Acres at Cornelius All in cultivation, modern 7 room house, barn, chicken and brooder houses, fine family orrhard. This is an A-l place, valued at $5000. Wants to exchange for about 40 acres Im proved. J. R. WOLFF. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg COUNTY HOME FOR CITY 23 acres of land planted to apples, prunes. spuds, clover, etc. Good 8 room house, barn and outbuildings, spring, small tools, wagon, plov and harrow. 8 hi milee to R. R. ITic $6000 clear, exchange for Portland house ALBERT CLEVELAND. 605 Lumbermen bldg., Bdwy. 3125. 160 Acres for California 160 acres unimproved, near Woodland, Wash., clear 01 aeDt. lor residence property In Ala meda. Oakland or Berkeley. J. It. WOLFF. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE By owner, 20 acrea fronting on Willamette river 26 mile from Portland; 8 to lo acres beaver dam; also lot 50x116. Hawthorne district, east facing. Pbona 'labor S551. or address H 864. Journal. 160- ACRES. $4 000 kl6f) acrea. 9 miles of Mnlalla. 25 cultivated good 4 room house, stock and tools. $4000. Want city proterty. R- J McGUIRE. 545 Union ave. N. FOR EX CHANG I 1 acre in the city limits of Portland; cornering on streetcar line on macadam st. Price $2000. clear. Trade for a home and ivoimt. l'bone Wdln. 4165, or call at 620 Liberty st. WANTED 7 room houu in laurelhurst I" exetiange for 5 room bungalow valued at $2 500. in Jonesmore. Will pay balance partly cash and part in monthly Installments. R-865, Journal. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM 800 acres, all fine, level farm land; good bldgs., fally equipped, including tractor. Will take farm here as first payment balance crop payments. Claude Cole, 8O0 Henry bldg. WHAT have you to exchange fur equity in 4 room house, lot 48x100, 8 bearing fruit trees, with garden, good chicken house? Central location, paved stret paid K-95, Journal OKLAHOMA CITY property wanted for 51 acre McKenzie river valley farm, house and I barn, 13 acres in cultirafion. family orchard. at-r piped into honse. $2500. J-712. Journal. FOR SALE or trade the Ideal Tailoring. Clean ing Dyeing shop. Money making btuinet. What hare your Call Monday, Main 7322 or 24 2 5th st 10 ACRES CLOSE TO CITY AH in cultivation; buildings, some equipment; trade for houe and lot B. F. Kelly, 71$ itKw - ,i.n(i hide r owetianu nrag. THREE store buildings with large hall, for farm land or house 8 855. Journal. WASTED REAL ESTATE I WANTED Chirago house, cash value around $4000. Owner of modern $800O Portland home will sacrifice same in exchange for bouse or 2 flats in Chicago, northwest side preferred. Address owner. Z-616, Journal. NoN-RESIDENTS, LIST WITH US " We will handle your louse, lot or land promptly. i REALTT tc MORTGAGE CO., 63-3 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. WE need modem homes in Laurelhurst, Haw thorne. Rej C. P. and anywhere in N. K. section of the city. Have clients waiting some bsve all cash. JA. Wjckmsn Co.314 HUrk at Main 683. I I WILL pay yon a reasonable cash payment for a 10 to 80 dsy option on your honae If priced right, nothing wanted if ranging in price over $3000. 881 K. Morrison. Phone East 5317. New Tork Land Co. HAVE CLIENT WITH $3000 CASH And x lots. Oak Grove. Want 8 room house with full lot in eity. REALTY MORTGAGE CO . 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2031. SHACKS AND SMALL. HUMES WA.N.xD Must be N. E. and priced right We nave numerous buyers waltinc Fred Xf. Germ a Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced bouse for sale, $800 to $8000. list with the REALTT A MORTGAGE CO.. for quick mulU; old estab lished firm. Phone Main 2051. 63$ Ch. of Cesa. HAVE client, want nice home, west side, for about $3000 REALTY & MORTGAGE CO.. 683 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. WANTED 4 or S room house, good, near Peninsula or Kenton school; not more than 2 block from car; terms. Phone between 12 ind 4 WI1)wnSi7L , I WANT 6 to 10 acres, near Portland; im proved; good toil in exchange for 2 bouse in city that rent for $10 and $12 a month. X-434 Journal. HAVE several buyers for homes in Gregory Heights. Can make good payments. Let us sell your house. FRANK Ls McGUIRE. ABINGTON Bf HAVE clear lot in St. John district and $1000 a fir--t payment on 4 to 6 room house with large lot in good district Will go as high aa $3000. 431 Chamber of Commerce. IF you have a moderate priced house for sale. $aoo to $3000, hat with the REALTT A MORTGAGE CO., 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. HAVE cash buyer for lots in Rose City and Belle Crest It must be a snap. FRANK Ia. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. WANTED The blget. cheapest close-in lot on improved street State location, price and terms. L-969. Journal W ANTED Two S 01 6 roosa bouses in vicinity of Beech and Michigan ave. 245 Wash ington st . WANT 5 room bungalow for $2000. Can pay $300 cash. baL monthly. J. R. WOLFF. 618 Chamber of Commerce' bldg WANTED Modem 5 ot I room bungalow in Alberta. Will pay all cash. 245 hi Wash. at. Room 1 hi . WANTED, 4 or 5 room cottage lo Rose City Park district Will pay $150 down and $13 a month. Including interest Phone Tabor 7828. "ask tour neTgIibor: we bold his home. why not totjrsf J. C. Corbin Co.. $05-7 Lewis Bldg. t UK Kti 1.1s u.i your i-r.jverty with in Ileal Estate Exchange' 201 3d t. ParQsu-t IF you want your bouse sold, list H with GEO. T. MOORE CO. AB1NGTO?! BLDG. WANTED 1 or 2 lot with tree, cheap for cash, not in restrict do. K-625, Journal. REAfj ETATF Wis! r 1 KMI, t i'A 1 r. FARMERS SHIPBtlLIiSltS" AN It CHANTS FROM OTHk-n r-rrtva liivr REGISTERED THEIR APPLICATIONS FOR HOMES IN THIS CITT,. SOME HAVE ALL CASH. HOMES FROM 1200O TO $8500 I.V GREAT DEMAND ,CAN MOVE THEM FOR TOL. IF YOU WISH TO SF.LL. LIST TO DAY. - ; ' . G. c. iiritnrvmfpn ABINGTON BLDG. i ' MAIN 4803 85 YEARS' IN PORTLAND." WXTED. to bny strictly modern S or 6 room' ounnywue. iiawxnome ave, cr west slope Mt T.bor preferred; mast have etrM nr ..- . . . ... 1 unie. i. am maae , srooai payment down Mut be bargain. Lowest Mice. lrwi4iW.a 4 . 1 "--" lener. 1 mean buiineea. fi agents retdv Addrau f.ais, jnn.i UAVK if"? buT,'r '"r moderate priced home 1 mi.iNuia aun aiong tne aooonver carline. Most of ear buyers are shipworkers and can make mnnA ,,..-...-.(- 1 1 1 hotle w fwr JRAN KL Mr; UI R E. ABINGTON BLTV? WE make a specialty of selling bouse and are bort of lutings in laurelhurst Irtmgtam. Rose lt Hnnnnula (!.. , ... X ... . - ...-,,,u,nr. i.Hifc WHO US for quick sale. GRt SHI A itfui'vrr 816 Kard of Trade bldg. WANT small suburban home in northeast Port- land. 2 lots lin t,l 1 .nr. It'ill t.... . or tske in trade for farm liome of s 4 a., on electric line, all implements. nrk and crouaL if - . , ........ ... IMC i tmi-o Mir sj;hu. isii a. to- rent near by. R. 2. Box 1, Gervais. Or. WANTED, for trngrs. at mice, a to 1 5 acre land, for a hum, prefer some fcuit Have all caah. Answer 4i)-k as want to see It at once. Johnson Iodsi n Co. 634 N W. Bank bids I WANT 5 or 0 mom bungalow tn Sunnvside! llawthnNi, T Ik... . 1, . . . . . . ...... , ,, r , iuh s iiy para or any other good location Must be modern and in good repair. Can par tr0(i tn $1000 cash and good payment. Z-S."8. Journal. roomtxo norsF.s These Are Real Bargains HOTELS OF THfc DOWNTOWN ORDER 110 room, beautiful lobby, strirtly modem, beet lease. rnre $5000 cash 75 rooms, good for $50 clear eh month. Price $6500; easy terms 72 room, lobby, good lease and Big businea. $2000 takes it , 40 room, modern, lorely furniture, good lrase. clean, clears $300 per niobth. Price $4000 on term. 22 rooms, 4 batiisc; never offered before; oue floor; elegant furniture. Bargain. These are exclueively In ray hands If you want a good business, I hare it - Square deal guaranteed. J. BRUCE GODPABP, 502 COUCH III.DG APARTMENT HOUSE 28 apartments, all 2' and S'. all with phone, bath, dressing mom and built-in bed : every apartment is light and ha an ontdde kitchen; rent $260. 2 4 yri. leae ; West Side. che in; brick building, intnme $678; axell furnished and clean; $3000 x.-ah bandies it. A 4 PeFORE8T, 111 Chamber of Commerce. Main 896T 10 Beautiful Rooms, 675 Clean, good furniture, modem house, lovely location, fine home and $50 per month above your expenses. A snap. EXCLUSIVELY WITH GOPDARD; S02 jCOUCH BLDG. 35 Rooms, $1650, Terms Income $800 ipr month: total expenses. In cluding the rent, is lew than $100 Buy this now, snd yon csa eell tt for $3500 thi fall J BRUCE GOPDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. 82 ROOM 2 and" 3 room apartment, modern in every way,; brick building. u,nt $250. with lease, clearing $400 a month. Prv-e $600( $3000 rash, balance terms. Morris, 4$1 Chem ber of Commerce; HATFIELD A- i'RABTREfl, 165 4 th t Main 9823. f2 rooms, housekeeping apart menu on 14th ti.i near Morrison Income $225 expenses. $100; nTt $125. Price $1800; some terms. i , r7Rms,, Mod., $1200, Terms (Jood home and $80 per month" clear. This Is good A bargain. J. BRUCE GOI lARD. 602 COUCH BH X :. 44 ROOMS. modem hoteCno dining room, steam heat I tot and cold water in etery room, low rent and long lease; a bargain at $3000 cash. Fred S. Williams. 2 V 1st FOR a few day. I am offering my newly fur nished rooming house for aale at a genuine sacrifice. For particular see siy attorney, room 214 Henry bldg. J 28 ROOMS FOR $650 - $300 will handle, near Union depot. Rent $30. Clears $150 month.' Can sell again and double your moiw-y I"etr, 15 N 6.h t A Good Buy for $590 White Temple !ditrict; furnace; rent $2B. BRUCE GOUIiA RD. 502 COUCH BLDG. TEN rooms on 4lh t. near depot. knl only $20. clears oyer $10O month, only $500; very easy terms. I See Peter. 1 5 N. 5th t HEAIKJUAHTEItM Foil IU10MING HOI. S Li Oldest relieble Yirm in city. H W iLthl.ANP, 188 d t WANT to buy '20 U 40 rooms rooming of apartment house; price mnst be right; ffiv) full particulars. 'X 517. Journal. HATFIELD AITrAUTREE. 19 rooms bosvw keeping apartments, good west side location. Price $1100: term-; nets about $7 5. SMALL boarding hou-e. 7in- business, cr,4 location, $75 er month, clear. Bdwy. 2699. nrsfsiFas oproBTr x i ties FOR SALE at a bare in on account of Iraft 1 team, wagon and harness with steady Job. very clean work, i Pibl Trans, 82 7 Iavia, Bdwy. 21T.6. BLACKSMITH S machine ehnp with modem machinery, d'ling a fine business, in ex change for Port lsnd residence or will sell for cash or term. fVlL ST. 8 9. 600 E. 27th St. LIGHT grocery nd confectionary, oft drink, tor on Washington at., doing $40 to $40 dsy Am draft-d o will nm-rilice for $695. Will sell on easy terms. Call 15 V Mh st IF YOU want ie very bmt a-part nierVl bom site in Portlsnl, in the vary best district la) the city, see mej A. K. Baker, with F. Van duvn, 515 Cham qf Com. Phone Mln 1835. EXCELLENT opportunity for lunchroom, delU catesseo snd ; bakery, flpposito 2 school. Good apartment.' house and residence district- F t 707. ' RESIDENCE anil grocery corn breed. Including property, value about $8500. Close to city. Micht take smiil residence in eity to $2000. Owner, phone Main $lf. I WANT A GROCEl STORE. Have some cadi snd clesr real estate tm rive - for one. Call Main 4557. Monday. I rase a) I huinM. j FOR SALE, small itork general merchandise, rent reasonable. Inquire 448 Dekum ave. j Wdln 1 76Q. ; : ON af-count of poor health, will sell my con fectionery for $300 ima than cost. Good buai ! nees; fixtures in good condition LX 938. Journal FOR SALE Cleaning and p tewing ertalHC merit in good location, reasonable. Call at 2 8 1 N 23d t ;' - FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and garage, Rus sell St.. near, William, $100. Apply 283 Russell st., phone East 3377. RESTAURANT, 'cheap if" taken at once: good location: for particulars call 1580 E. Glisan. from 2 to61J GROCERY store doing $7f day! InToC-e 3 taken now All cash, no delivering. J. A. Basset t. r.3 Union ave. W. A WOODY A RD' for sale; have plenty of wood and making money; $800 required; fully secured. Room 403, Dekum bldg NEED a good ; man and $250j IrJ a good paying light tnanufacturuig hn sines long es tablished and well known. P-84 5, Journal. BAilBKUSMOi' and confectionery with build- f4 ings. g rn.cn.: iruit. rnu aens, nous LMuns : good business. No competition LX-989, Journal. WANT man with $2000. help buy farm. Ex- ceptionay clrcunuts nee. Mak big profit. Quick sale poseihle. H 926. Journal. FOR $1500 property drawing from (75 te $125 monthly. Write P. O. box 09$ St. Helen.. Or. j HF ELL OB TRADE . Anything snd. Everything Morris ft Girson. 451 Chamber of Commerce. DANCING studio tor sale; fine business; higb rla trade;, bargain for 1m media lei sale. D-60s Journal. WILL ' rent tor sell Sew lunch counter and store, suit hie for man and wife, cr will stock up and run with partner. Z-63B, Journal. CASfl grocery dotwe goodbaioes, suitable for man and wife; cheap rent For par ticular call Sellworid 626: no trsds FOR SALE, printing office, with publication! $850. E-910. Jon mat $17$ OOODj worker for second hand buaineasi CAFETERIA at shipyards for sale- or will trad for late model sato. Tsbor 8800 after 6 p. ro, 8PECIALHa 6000 acre, want woman partner for sheep bnaine. T-866, Journal, 150 BL'TS half, opening up new lunch eountsr! V-8$. Journal. , . . - FOR SALE--5Cbeap, msfl""A-l restaurant opp, new poetofSce. Inquire at 106. ti. Bdwy. FOR SALE or trade; grocery and confectionery; ' good. Owuer. 474 Hawthorn ave. . . t'OR KAl.E -t-Graa a ad repair shop, located at i my mm itt. Harmon V t o. SEVERAL kinds of business, paying. - Swank-1T-Hxrybklf. . e . ' 1 -if- ; ' '