THE OREGON SUNDAY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY- MORNING," AUGUST 11, 1918. 20 i 'I REALTY MEN WILL E ; Silver Cup Is Offered for Best I Fjve-Minute Speech Given at V Interstate Realty Meeting.. j J.,.,' ; SEATTLE CONVENTION CITY Large Acquisitions to Membership I and Enthusiasm Promise Most Successful Affair. ' One) of tha main features of the ec . nd annual convention of the Interstate Realty association, to be held at Seattle Aurut-C9, SO and 31, will be a five-minute speaking contest One speaker from each community represented at the con vention will be allowed five minutes in ; which to present the advantages and achievements of his home town. j A handsome silver cup. presented by ! Frank J. Victor of Seattle, will go to the ; winning- contestant Presentation of the trophy will be made at the banquet on the last day of the convention- and the cup will become the permanent property Of the winner. At last year's convention second prize In this contest was won by : T. .W. Zimmerman of Portland In a brief and. spirited address on Portland! Mr, Zlmmirman Is now In France wjth the Bamuel COHyer. 321 Ieary bulldine, Seattle, lb chairman of the committee in .'chance -of the speaking contest and all entries of contestants should reach him before August 20. One speaker only will be accepted from each community and It Is suggested by Collycr that local : realty boards select sneakers by prelim inary contests and train them for the ; big event In towns without realty boards, real estate dealers should et to gather and choose a representative, as a speaker, whether ho wins or loses, Is In position to greatly benefit his com iminlty. Smaller communities of the Northwest are especially urged tOj enter ma rive minute cup contest Over the signature of B. L. Lambuth president and John J. Elliott, chairman of the convention committee, the Seattle i Real Estate association Is sending out this week a cordial invitation to all realty, banking, title and building inter ests In Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana to attend the convention. All are Invited, whether members of the as sociation or not Hotel reservations should be made in advance. : A. series of Interesting addresses by leaders in Northwest patriotic and busi ness enterprise Is being planned. Among the special entertainment features of the convention will be an automobile tour of the city, a banquet to visiting delegates ; and their ladles and a boat excursion through Lake Washington, the hlp ,. canal and Industrial waterfront The entertainment committee hopes to ar range for' a launching in connection with the boat excursion. ' Members of the association and all oth ers who attend are urged to bring their . wives and other members of their famll c" lea. A large delegation from Portland and other points in Oregon will attend the convention. Over one hundred mem bers from Portland plan making the trip by automobile. Paul Cowglll. secretary of the Portland . Realty board, returned Thursday from a week's tour through Washington In the Interest of the Northwest association and . reports large acquisitions to the raember : Ship and an enthusiasm for the annual .. convention that promises to make It the most successful In the history of the or : fsnliatlon. BUILDING PERMITS fttandard Oil Co. Repair etore room. East Mils, between Water and Tint, Cascade Invest )nt company builder, 200. V. J. Gelser Repair residence. 4 AT Eaat TWrty-eeventh street, between Division and Clinton. L. A. Bernard builder. I22BO. H. Weinhard estate Repair hotel. 4 80 Ler Tabee, between MiaMsslppi and Albina. J. V. Tbnrman builder. 84000. R. Buyi Repair residence, 4403 Eightieth street, between Forty-fifth and Forty-third ere- : sua, builder aama. - O. W. Beebe Rcjwlr residence, 113 Fast Forty-elxth. between Washington and Alder. $7!S . H. Fa rue Erect lingr, 8804 Blxty-fifth senna B. r... between Kighty-aixth and Eighty seventh, builder am. I B0. IDA K. Shes Repair realdene. OPS Cora- , xaerctal, between Blandena and Humbolt, build er aama, 8150. J. A. Htephen- Erect faraca. 1661 Ports- saamth - avenue, between Lombard and WUlia boulevard, builder aame. inn. it. A. 3taphena Repair residence. 1661 Portsmouth avenue, between Dawson and WUlia. builder aama. 120. It. Gear Erect woodshed, T22 North tven- noe, between Catlin and Trumbull, builder aama, $40. Henry Becker Erect aback. 800-298 Hal- lack, near. Peninsula avenue, builder aame, S 1 150. Mrs. A. Ellenmn Erect garage, 525 Clay. between Sixteenth and Seventeenth, Owen Moore builder. 40. Dr. Darts Breuera Erect garage, 8 5 7, .The Alameda, between Glenn avenue and Twenty- Sinth street, Erts A Wegman builders, f4 00 II. ". Johnson Erect garage. B22 I'nlon venae, between Ilraizea and Russell, bullder hum. BO. O. VI. Borden Erect attack. Tillamook street between East ftixty-sccond north and' East Rlx tythird. builder aame. 1400. O. A. Carmlioa Erect carafe. 707 Eaat ' Saeantiath north, between Fremont and Beech bttildar aame, f KB. .. C O. Swoaford Erect arae. 6S4 East ;' llant-aaentli north, between Siskiyou and Klickitat, bviilder aame. SHO. Columbia Engine Wurka Erect ahed and loft. tiastoa dutrict. builder aame, 12000. COAL AND WOOD "Where to Get It' KEMMERER and R0CK SPRINGS COAL THB n.KANKST AND BEST BURN IN (a IX) A Ul. J' KICKS REASON ABuK. COSTAL ISE & STORAGE ,Lr, . CmiMV Baat k4 B-1244. BOXWOOD Ideal auramer fuel. Prompt delivery. MULTNOMAH FUEL, OO.. 1 M. BMP. A-Hl NATIONAL FUKI. CO . ebrt alabwuod, bluca- wood. 3 load lots. East 2041. tVOOD FOR SALE, cord wood and alder wood. FhosM Tabor B0 00. General Insurance BONDS McCargar, Bates & Lively Y Buadiag Main 168, A-2694 BOOST THE R HOM 01 r COURTHOUSE CONTRACT LET jjjf Main facade of the new Klamath county court house, to be erected at Klamath Falls. Plans have been completed and con tracts let for the construction of a new courthouse at Klamath Falls. Klamath county. Or. The building will be 64 "by 130 feet, two stories and basement and with a Jail enclosure built on the roof. Contract price Is $131,750. The building will be of reinforced con crete construction throughout with pressed brick facing and terra cotta trimmings. Interior finish will be of oak and marble, with tile and cork floors and ornamental plaster ceilings. The J. M. Dougan company of Port land are the contractors and all sub-contracts have been let in Portland. Hough taling & Dougan and E. E. McClaran are the architects." Brick for the exterior Is furnished by the Pacific Pressed Brick company of Portland. In 1912 Klamath county began the REALTY DEALS FALL OFF IN NUMBER, BUT INQUIRIES NUMEI Optimism Prevails Among Real Estate Men as to Amount of Future Business. Sales of residence property fell off slightly durtng the past week but there s an Increasing number of Inquiries from prospective purchasers and realty men are optimistic as to the future. The Crossley-vlgars company reports the sale of two houses in Rose City Park, one for J3500 and the other for $3000. This firm reports a strong demand for rental property and for the purchase of homes on very easy terms. Wakefield & Fries report several sales of moderate priced property. Including two pieces of vacant land, vacant lots are selling from 25 to BO per cent below the prices received five years ago. Bullri ng material and labor nas aavancea ap proximately 60 per cent, however, and builders are wary. Frank L. McGulre reports about a dozen sales of moderate pr iced residence property and prospects for more next week. Harry Beckwlth of the Fred A. Jacobs company says his firm Is sharing liber ally in the big run on residence property. With a dozen or more sales to tne good for the past week and a big list of Splen did prospects, It looks like a fairly busy season for the Jacobs company. Ritter, Lowe Co. report a good run of business In farm, apartment house and residence property. , REALTY TRANSFERS Wflllam F. froppe and wf. to Carl Propper. bfg. 130 ft. W. of NW. corner B. 0. City View Fart 900 3.342 1,200 800 10 10 2.400 2.850 10 ; i i 600 Multnomah Mtg. Co. to Alice M. Kittoe, E. 14 L 4. 5. B. 5. Elmlmrst James T. BetteridKS and wf. to V. B. Rwinney L. 3. B. 25, reuer a Add. to r-ortiana The Fred A. .Ucobs Co. to Bert -Ward and wf. L. 20. 21. 22. B. 5. Dorer . Myrtle L. Townsend and liu". to M. .1. Townaend, L. 19, 20, B. 2, Trinceton Park ! D. N. Smith to V. C Clark, L. 11. B. W. Sellwood Carry f. Kenton and hvm. to Iarid Jlultlium and wf., L. 5, B.' 5, West I'iedmont ; Cora A. Ponnay to II, P. Briefs and wf.. .i S. B. 4. Reynolds 1910 Real Estate Co. to Pen. Sec. Co, H. 6. B. 3. 1010 Add. to St. Johns. Joseph Sltannon to Catherine Shannon. ; I.. 8 to 14. inc.. 41 to 48 inc., B. 1 lt Electric Add. Albina Crown Tnr. Co. to Millicent M. Hill, S. B4. B. "F" D. A. Ineersoll et al to Charles Seeber ger. 8 9 ft L. 1, and all L . in B. 8, Newport Matilda A. Wood to J. I,. Mitchell. NWly. L. 2, B. 20. Jamea Johua Add. to St. Johns M. A. Schuster and wf. to Margaret M Drew. L. 4. 5. B 1. Waggener's Add Olaf Nelson to Neb Nelson, L. 11, B. 80. Brentwood Kenwood I .and Co. to 8. M. Mears, beg. on N. line Argyle st. the same would be intersected by the W. line of Fen wick Kt. if extended Nly in its-, pres ent course ,.. . David Kramer to Merretta Kramer, I.. 11. B. 14. Multnomah 10 10 1 10 ,i 10 1 i 1.200 4F. A. E.tock Slid wf. to A. L. Baucht Jr. and wf., trs. 18 and 17. Sylvanis Terrace Tra. f C. O. Westiand and wf. to ;. E. Wea'- verspn and wf. L. 7. B. 46, Boee City Park Ralph E. Wilde arid wf. to Fred W. Vincent Jr., I 11. B. 6, Queensland Thomas a. Baruley and wf. to BirV O. Brown and wf., L. 4. B. 4, Reservoir Park .. . Sheriff to Adolph Flck and wf.. il 20. 21. B. 5; Arbor Lodge Edward A. Freeman and wf. .to The Metropolitan In v. &. Imp o.L. 1. B. 5. Wiberg Uta. : Marcia B. Melaney snd bus. to Katherina Young, L. 3. B. 38, Wavprly, Hts. . . IC C. Long and wf. to Irene tialey, L. X, B. 9, Glenelyn Johann Ziegler snd wf, t Emms Stureh- ler, I 6. B. 5. Feurer'i Add. ...... f, K. Bolton and wf. to Violet Bitler- 10 10 1,547 JO , 1 i.eoo "io ROUS erection of a courthouse on a hill about three quarters of a mile from the busi ness center of Klamath Falls. Original estimates- for the construction of this building were $150,000. The project was finally abandoned after approximately $181,000 had been expended on construc tion work. Bids on Its completion sub mitted during the spring of 1918 showed that at least another $180,000 would be required to finish the building. The county has but $135,000 available for construction purposes. This fact coupled with the probable forfeiture of title to the down town site, valued at $50.000, . if it were not used for court house purposes, Influenced the decision of the county commissioners to build on the present site. The site selected is con venient to the business district of Klam ath Falls and Is said to be desirable in every way. j field. W. 82 ft. In widtji of B. 72 ft. in' width of L. 8. 9, B. 5. Field s Add Sheriff to E. R. Thomas. Lu 4, B. 8, Hawthorne'a lat Add. Central Albina Henry Kurtz to Dora KurU, ond. 1-10 int." in S. 40 ft; E. 78 ft. L. 7. B. 84. Stephens' Add. Eaat Portland... 2,000 100 8.100 1B0 HEW TODAY A REAL FARM Near Portland Price $133,000 This farm Is located 3 miles east of Portland : paved road and electric car runs through the place ; 665 acres, about half In cultivation ; plenty wa ter ; good fences ; two sets of build ings ; some orchard. This is one of the best buys in this country. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET BESJJLTS. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 203-5-7 Boar of Trade BIdg. View Mt. Hood From Your Office What's the use of having stuffy, cramped quarters which depress you, your office force and your clients? Why not have your offices in The Jour nkl Building, where thousands of peo ple pass' every hour, and where you have every modern convenience? On the fourth floor of this most modern build ing there is a suite of three rooms, one of them a corner with a splendid view of Mount Hood. The rooms have every thing that goes to make comfortable of fice quarters hot and cold water, clothes closets, hat racks, etc. There is a large entrance lobby on the ground floor, and two modern elevators. Day and night elevator service. Janitor ser vice, night watchman. Light, cheerful, airy halls, and the entire building has just been washed. If you want the best offices in the city, well located and reasonable in price, call and see MB HAMILTON, Snpt Third Floor Journal Bids., Broadway and Yamhill St AUCTION SALE WOODRYS, Auction House 880-83 HAWTHOR5B ATE. Cor. Union. EVERT MONDAY It A. M. Household- Furniture, : Rugs. Carpets, Linoleum, Gas Stoves, Ranges, Etc TERMS CASH 3 to 7 room bouses in the Wobd lawn district for sale or rent. One 7 room furnished for rent. Easy terms. Woodlawii 1430. We : Write Fire Insurance Realty & Mortgage Co. I (33 Chamber of Corn meres : Phone Main 294 1 .. 7TEW TODAY AuctfonSales 4 '. AT . WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-71 Second Street (Near Yamhill) REGULAR SALESDATS MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AISJD FRIDAY EACH DAT AT 10 A- M. FULL, ASSORTMENT of GOOD SEC OND HAND FURNITURE at each of our sales durlne the coming week in eluding DININO SU1TKS. Leather Seat Rocker, Arm Chairs, Library and Stand Tables. Bookcases. BEDROOM FUR NISHINGS of all descriptions Carpets, Kugi, linoleum, Dianes, uicnen requi sites and other effects. TOU WILL SAVE MONET BT AT TENDING OUR SALES. Private Sale Department We are continually adding pieces to our immense stock of choice HIGH. CLASS FURNI TURE If you want this class of roods, it will be to YOUR ADVANTAGE to see our line before you buy OUR STOCK ft MORE COMPLETE than at any time since we have been in business. Our stock includes the VERT BEST GOODS MADE, STRICTLY UP TO DATE and GOOD AS NEW. LARGE ASSORTMENT of ROOM SIZE RUGS and CARPETS STEEL AND OAS RANGES. OFFICE FURNISH- INGS, ALSO STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTS DON'T OVERLOOK Grocery Department EVERY ARTICLE SOLD AT BARGAIN PRICES. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE At 275 Davis, cor. of 4th. 10 a. m. on TTTKSDAY ATTOTIST 13. of 20 ROOMS of FURNITURE, consisting of Rolltop Desk. Ivory Colored Dresser and Dress ing Table, Oak and Fir Dressers, Iron Beds, Springs ana Mattresses, bpreada Quilts. Sheets and Pillows. Steel Range, Lace Curtains, Matting, Pictures and other goods too numerous to mention. This is a good Bale for dealers to at tend. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. Cash Paid for Furniture, etc Main 1626, $25,000 Hotel Completely Equipped Cleared $1000 My Brick building, well established busi ness In good town near Portland. Will take part trade Portland prop erty. "WATCH OTJE ADS YTE GET BE8ULTB. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 20I-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FORD Auction Co. HAVE REOPENED FOR BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND- 191 SECOND ST. We have a nice assortment of new and' used Furniture which we will offer for private sale, as we are hot prepared to hold auction sales for a short time. Thanking our many friends and customers for their past business and hoping; to renew the same, we are Tours for a square deal, E. G. FORD, Mgr. BEST BUY IN TOWN! Cor. Glenn & Lincoln $4500 for about $8000 worth of first class residence and Income building combined. First ; story pressed brick and concrete. Oo look it over and convince yourselfj. Ritter, Lowe & Co. , JOI.i-7 Board of TraHe Bldgr. TfEVf TODAY ESTABLISHED 1892 ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING WE SHALL SELL THE FURNISH INGS OF A GOOD CITIZEN WHO HAS JOINED THE U- S. NAVY; ALSO SOME RARE PIECES OF ROSEWOOD, BRASSES, BRIC-A-BRAC FROM THE HOME OF A PROMJNENT FAMILY. WB NOW HAVE THESE GOODS ON DISPLAY. Comprising Antique Rosewood Chairs and Table, pair of elaborate Candelabra with Persian Hangings, Biaque Figures and Vases, old Porcelain China Vases, Antique Walnut Folding Card Table, French Clock and other good old An tiques ; Overstuffed Tapestry Davenpoft as good- as new. genuine Mahogany Spinet Table, William and Mary Ma hogany Library Table, costly Mahogany Rockers and Chairs, some in cane seat and back, others upholstered In tapestry ; a collection of Indian 'Baskets and Bead Work; Anglo-Persia Wilton RUg, 3X12; Axminster and other Rntra and Carpets, good Oil Paintings and Linole um, several oona Mahogany Parlor Chairs, costly quarter sawed oak Parlor Desk, massive Brass Hall Mirror, Ger man Leather Couch and Rocker, Library xouio ana jiocKers in oaK, set or cur tains and Draperies, Ivory enameled Bedroom Suite, vis: Bedstead, Dresser, Chiffonier with French Plate Mirror, two full else and one "A. Iron Beds, all complete, with best steel Springs, silk floss and 50-lb. felt Mattresses. Pillows, wool tsianKets. massive onLrtr unwed oak Dresser with large French Plate Mirror, birdseye maple Princess Dresser ana unnronier ; quarter sawed oak Din- U?". tioom suite, vu : Plank top Table, Buffet and set of leather- ut ovmira 60 piece Dinner Set. also fumed oak ped estal Table, 4 Chairs and Buffet, copper rareuiaior, silver xea fot and Stand, Dresden Lamo. etc: Vulcan fia Tinno. Water Heater, Utensils and many other UEQ1U1 lOLS. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE You are kindly Invited tn Mil tnmr. row and inspect the above goods at your leisure. Lovers of antiques should not uvcriuu me prices in this sale. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. On THURSDAY NEXT We Bhall sell Furniture, Rugs, etc HUNTERS, ATTENTION ! We shall sell for Mr. Mnrri plete hunting outfit, including Decoy Duck, Sleeping Bag, a lot of Shot Gun and Rifle Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and other effects. You can call at any m iuuk Lnese tilings over. AUCTION ON THURSDAY NEXT. AT 10 A. M. WE BUY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ( Uft CASH, W. G. BAKER and . W. H. DEAN rarniture Dealers and Auctioneers. Masonic Temple Building Yamhill and Wes. Park Sta. I . Phone Main J333 HOUSE SNAPS $ 900 ft, room cottage, bath, electric ity, lot 43x152, 121 Bancroft ave. west side: 1100 cash. SI Oflfi 6 rm house, 75x100, fruit, 114 IUUe. 74th near Glisan ; 8250 cash. CIRfin8 room old house, lot 60x100, v 1 www 1480 E. Hoyt, near 65th; 1200 casn ; balance 6 per cent. l7nn5 room ood cottage, full Jot. "wiZ03 Maryland ave., near Jea sup ; $300 cash. 1 6 room nlc cottage, full lot. v ww paved street. 138 Nebraska, west side. SI800i! room cottage, fine lot, fruit 120 E. Main, near 37th. CI DCn 6 room bungalow, 1023 E. 12d, wlUUUnear Alberta; 1300 cash. COKfin.5 room fln bungalow, 663 Rey W&wUU nolds ave. near. Milwaukie ave.; 500 cash. tORnn Nlce 6 room bungalow, 168 Rus OAUUUsell st., near Albina ave. 97fln5 room tinl Bungalow, 486 E. V&IUUsSth, near Division; $500 cash. 97Rn N,ce 8 room bungalow, 835 E. v ' wU 35th near Harrison; snap. ?rnN,ce 6 rfxrn bungalow, full lot. i?U I JU 405 Marguerite ave. near E. Lincoln ; $500 cash. OOOflfl6 room modern bungalow, fur ?wUU race, fireplace. 1137 E. 12th N., near Emerson $260 cash. GRTJSSI A DOWI?ET SI Beard of Trade Main 74S3 AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction on his place, Vi mile south of Multnomah station, on the West Port land road, on i TUESDAT. AUGUST SI At 1 o'ClOCk A. M. the following property, ad I . am going out of business : 28 cows, 1 bull, 1 bottle washer, 1 -h. p. boilei, 1 bottle filler. 1 milk cooler, 1 No. 5 Simplex sepaator, 1 50-gallon milk tank, 1 wash tank, 1 24-crate steriliser, 1 3-h. p. gas motor, 1 feed cutter, I 3-inch farm wagon, 1 hay rake,.l hay mower and other arti cles too numerous to mention. LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale : Six months' time at 8 per eent, bankable note ; 3 per cent off for cash. JOHN DENXiT, J. C. KURATLI. Owner. Auctioneer. HOME OWNERS Tha Kquitable Lit. Assurance Society, un der its home-purchase plan, will mass loans en desirable homes to . b. repaid in monthly in stallments, corering a period of 10 yesrs with provisions tbst the nortgsf a is canceled in ent ot death of borrower; interest a per cent; no brokerage. For full information aee Mr. Strong Equitable office, Oregonian bids. Oregon Standard PAINT I HADE IN OREGON Give It a trial; guaranteed. MEETT1TO yOTlCEW 1 KUIKFATBICK COUNCIL 2237. KNIGHTS aV LA DIES O F SECURITY. COME: SPECIAL: COME Grand picnic today. Ant tut 11. from 11 a. m. to 10 f . in . at beantiful Cryital Aka pa. Plenty of fun for old and young". Baa ball : Kirkoatrtck Btara m. afacca,- Ladisa' Kama: Royal Purola va. Kter- crrana. Kirkpatrick Jnniora tv Artlxana. Barca and contests, bowling, danerna afternoon and fretting. Hoch'a bast anion mtule. New payil lion. one of the Urgent on eoaat. Fill up your baaketa, bring your relatlyaa and frienda for a good tJma. Come and help the aoldier boys' fond. Soldiers admitted to grounds free. Be- ireanmenta sold on grounds. PORTLAND STAR II O at E KTEAD NO. 42. BROTH ERH(Kf OF AMERICAN YEOMEN, will gira a dance in the new Mooe temple, corner 4 th and Taylor tin.. i nnnuiay evening, Ang. 1 5. Art miwion I So. Wen in nnlfnrra admitted free. Tetta. Hainea. cxirr-ipond-nt. juaui Ttooo. rea. pnone cast 7wo. Allscy bide eor. 3d and Morrison ta. HE. A. card party. 85 H BthU: 500 etery Tuesday. 2:34! crmin nrixMi and ,. ftn "J nignt, 8:30: merchandise Drixes: all wrt- comg; ad. 25c: Thrift Stamp will be giren to taay gna genu holding high acore at every party. a-j d lk-m jewelry a siiecialty untloti. blii& charms. Jaeger Broa.. 111-191 otfc ea. "tJital statistics Ttl a triages. Birt&s. Deaths. MABftlAGE LICENSES WillUm M Stols. 44 R.n Eliiabeth EL Morris. 89. Perkins hotel. Albert W. Alson. 21. 810 East Rrnadwav anu at. onieias. is. 2iT LHxon atreet. uacar Itendrickaon. 31 1 Menla hotnl inH IsabeUe Kroneback, 21. 672 East Twelfth atreet north. Chester O. Roberts. Sft. Dak Hm,, Or ti Eva 1. Byera. 28. 584 1'oweU atreet. L. J. Perry 21. Hex Anns Anartinent and Ruth Johnson, 18. 885 Wygant street Robert D. Morgan, 88, 481 Wast Park street, and Winifred A. Moan. 33, Congress hotel. Litk.Hi blilia (or rent, ali auea. Udjuus Ta Wiring company, 104 4th St. BIRTHS ERICKSO.V To Mr. and Mrs, In. Crt6T EricY- son. July 30. a son. MA IMS EN To Mr. snd Mrs. IL F. Msdsen. 1753 Exeter street. Jul v 21. a rinrhi PF1EPKR To Mr. and Mrs. Henry li. Pflefar. 14H7 Belmont, July 80, 1818. s son. WILBURS To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Wil burs. 288 Vs Grand avenue. August 1, 1918, s daughter. BCHN EIDER To Mr. snd Mrs. A. Schneider, 1021 North Kellogg, . August 8, s daughter. WOOLET To Mr. snd Mra. William A. Woo ley, 2043 Ka-st Taylor. August 6, s son. LJN K LATER To Mr. snd Mrs. W. J. Link- later, 1440 Cleveland. August 7. s daucbter. WEMOLINU To Mr. and Mrs. IL F. Wen- dling, 1430 East Lincoln. August 5. s daughter. PAI8T To Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Pstat, 328 Rss street. Augun 3. a daughter. . GALLACEK To Mr. and Mrs. T. Gallager. 229 Knott street, August 7, s daughter. FOUMAL To Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fouroal. 444 Vfc East Rurnslde. Autrust 2. s daushter. BAUER To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer, Court- - ney road, August o, s aon. LEE To Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Bharmaa Lee, 227 Hall. July 28, s aon. DO RIG AN To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorigan. 689 Kerby, August 4. a son. BURNETT To Mr and Mrs. Charles G. Bur nett, 266 East Fiftieth, August 8, s daugh ter. BARNETT To Mr. snd Mrs. L. E. Barnett. 1074 East Eighteenth atreet north, August 4, g daughter. EAHON To Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Eason, 12S3 Delaware, August 6. a daughter. DOHSETT To Mr. and Mrs. J. Doaaett. 285 Thirteenth atreet. August 4. a daughter. DEATHS AH It Ft? 71 ICR ALU MURPHY At the residence. 646 Alberta st., August 8. Msry A. Murphy, age 53 years, be loved wifs of M. P. Murphy, mother of Mrs. Florence A. Martin, of Portland. Or., sister of Agnea S. Smith, of Portland, Or., also a mem ber of tha Knights & Iddiea of Security lodge, Anchor Council No. 746. Funeral ser vices will be held Monday. Aug. 12. at 1 n. in from tha chapel of Miller A Trscey. Interment at Roas City cemetery. Services st the grave conducted by tha Knights & Ladies ot Security lodge. METHENT The funeral service of tTie late Joseph Hsrry Metheny, aged 44 years, will b conducted under the auspices of tin L. O. O. M.. Monday, Angnst 12. at 2:30 p.m.. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., B&02-04 Ninety-second street Southeast, in Ltitita. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Ftrk cemetery. HANG AN August 9. at the family residence, 1043 Vernon are.. Sylvfa Hangao, aged 11 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mra. Hans M. Hangan, Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday, AueuM 13. at 2 p. m. at the above residence. Friends invited. Interment. Rose City cemetery. Remains at Pearson's undertak ing parlor, Russell street and Union ave. REA S ONER -John Calvin Reasoner, 4935 Serenty-fourth B. B., 72 years, August 7; aortiT regurgitation. PHILLIPS C. S. Phillips, 1B2H Grand. 43 years, August 4; Ulcerative pericarditis. FOSTWEDT Charles Fostwedt. 362 Front, 58 years, August 6; chronic vaL disease of heart. ACHESON Gt-orge Sherman Acheson, 54 8 East Thirty-sixth, 63 years, August 9; spinal sclerosis. MORRIS John Franklin Morris. 42 IUeretia street. 63 yearn. August 7 ; scuts aeptic endocarditis. FLORINTK CLARK HKllS., Florists. 21 Mormon si. aiaia or A-180B. Fine flowers snd floral dasigbs, No branch stores. MAKTLX at iUKBl-S CO. , Floriata, s vVasu Main 269. A-126B. Flowara for ail occa sions srtistically arranged. PEOPLES FLORAL' RIIOP. 248 Alder; designs and decorations Phone Marshall 8922. I.I'MI.IAKK. Portlend hotel. SH Morrison. MAX U SMITH. Florist. 141 H 6th street. KTTM'RA1 T I HECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 18T7. Third and ftalmon streets. t Usln SOT. A-1B11. Ladj AssistsnC J. P. FINLEY & SON PrngTeaslv. Funeral Directors. PBrVATH DRIVE Women AttendanU Montgomery st Fifth. Mam t. A-18BS F, S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rale Undertakers 414 Kast Alder st. Phone East R2. rt-H;39 WILSON & ROSS 84 Lady Assistant C-8181 Mnttnrrsb at E. Beenth et. East Dunning &. McEntee cuavriaaers. Modern la every detail. Broadway snd Pin.- its. Phone Broadwsy 480. A-4S8H. Lady assistant A. D, Kenworthy Co. Tabcr 4397. 8802 I2d at.. Lents. i Tabor 11888. 0th at. snd roster road. Arista. Uast 7 si. JS-1888. . Cndertakers. P. U LERCH Mrs. Lereb. Assistant B. lltb sn4 Hawthors CHAMBERS KES WORTHY CO.. 248 and 2S0 Killing, worth ata. near Willlami sve. Woodlawn 8308, C-l 188. MILLER THACET, Independent tuDerai Di rectora. Prices ss low as tZO. 840, 880. Washington at Ella. Main 2601. A-7888. Breezed Snook JK-S! t&nSSZ C!xiiP LDd.rt.kUig Co. 41&A. Corner Sd snd Vlsy A!I- JP. IMileAn 116' atwet. V IliUII U t MOUII I Wdln. 4840. C-lls HAMILTON 1873 E. Glisan st. Fu Clisao neral services. Tabor 4818. A. R. Zeller Co. hUJ M LUiasoa s. East 1088. O-10H8. B. T. BT R.N Est. new residence eeisbhshsuBi. 01 Wllli.m. ve Wwoliwn 220 (V14S MOSrrMENTS IE BCAESiT40 GRANITE G gfe7-3RCk.T. AT MADISON Portland mauklb wuku. zu-vub ta St.. oppesit. city ball. Mam SSUl. PkAUa New Ben. for snrmo rials. LOST A'l TOVfD 81 LOST Purple umbrella. Reward lor the finder. Marshall 2088. LOST Boston terrier dog named "Bindo. Reward. Call Msrsfield. Usr. 4900. LOST Gold snd pearlhandled iimbralls,' ini tials E. U. Reward. Tahor 04, LOST lold watch fob with elk twin attached reward. Phone C-l 858. L08T Baby'a tan coat, Wednesday evening; finder. piease telephone East 3107. beaa. I.09T AWT TOVTfV tt THE following article tare beaa found oa the can of tba Portland Railway. Light at Fowar Co.: Aaroit B 1 parse. 1 tlaseea oasa. 3 knl rea, 1 pint 2 tatter. I ticket books. 14 pack ages, I bundle sacks. 1 earpentare' apron. 1 cap. 1 MTai. i lunch boiea, a baskets, 1 nana grip. 1 eemol c. 1 uit eu. a trayeling bag. T nmbrellaa. Owners may obtain property aA First and Alder Streets statioa. L08T About 4 daya ago, a Mae eslf. 2 years old, lat and haa abort strsigbt noma. xo 99. Englewood farm. Boone Ferry Road. Os wego. Or. LOST My soat sonlsialBg fagtotisUew card. etc. irom oft aa- auto tnaca. avinarr i torn to Lord 8. Smith, Commercial Transfer Co.,- 225 Ah. LOST LU Friday evening at 23d and John aoa or Broadway snd Wsahington. small coin pone containing safety deposit key sad 11 01 u. fall Kaft 4 74 7. LOST At Laurelliurst hand concert Bnnday, July 14. s mink Int. Liberal reward. Pbone KH 241. Addraw 91 K. Pine st. LOST Banch keys between main poetoftiog an Arlets; finder leave at postoffice for carrier wo. aui. - R1-" W ABO to cany who found Docket book eon taining 15 twenty dollar billa last Tuesday evening snd will return to T-78T, journal LOST 10 last evening around 8. E. corner 8ri and Wa.liingtcn. $5 Tewsrd, lease call x. m. 1;. a. cantontment, Vancouver oarTarss. LOST Saturday, fountain pen. at 46th snd Belmont: reward. Eriger, 1209 E. Saimon. Tabor 861. LOST A roll of valuable intuit. Katurdav. be- tween 1 and 2 p. m., hetween lipman Wolfe's store and E. 20th st. Pleads phone fcssl 44TW LEFT 2 packages on automobile fender in front of New Crand theatre. Finder please call Mr. star. 1172 Hural ave., l'arkwood fast oriies, LOST Enilivh brindle bull do. lane pro truding under jaw, screw tail, drags faet whan waits, must recover, reward. Call Ben. -ovo LOST Small black handbag containing money telephone bill, addresses snd other valuables. Reward for return to Y-84T. Journal. LOST On inly 28. on B2d st. or Both ave S. E.. gent's coat, gold chain in pocket, valued as keetKake. Tabor 159. Reward. LOST Friday night, s black leatker pocket book, containing a check and some small change. Reward. Phone East 4648. HELP WASTED MALE Good Salesman Wanted Live, hard working nun, able to meet tmi nos people and get results. Prefer man with some knowledge of advertising but will con sider inexperienced man if right character and personality. Straight salary, moderate to start In replying give age, experience if any, married or single, leferences. salary expected snd phone. Addrewi T-537, Journal. HELP WANTED I. IL U A There sre positions open to von. In tha last two weeks 217 dissatisfied man were placed in satisfactory positions through this department. - special employment mcmDert.ftip baa bean devised for the unemployed sun. It seats nothing to Investigate this modern aystamatio position securing institution. Man are harvest ing the new erop of splendid opportunities daily. Csa at once, in person. One af tha r-"' '"na la 1 or-you. aiaia eiuu. A-SBS1. aVBaploysaent Ad- 17 PER MONTH the year Wound, tha' aver ace earning last veer of a mmhae r M1 m'n OTer 48 "r- - This yssr will be i"e yes. mo experience necessary; week 17 caso eavance. ouuit furnUhed. Big assort ment tUarantoed tlWM ihrnktuN mA Von can do what other Inegperiencea men have dona. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenisb, ELEVATOR operators wanted: tnnat be axoeri enced. Apply 9 to 10 a. m., BuperinUadent's jnnx, vius, on man at nine EXPERIENCED day janitors; most have best of references. Apply 9 to 10 a. m.. Superin tendents Office. Olds, Wortmsn k. King. WANTED MAV. WITH SALES EXPERIENCE TO REPRESENT MOTOR TRUCK LINE. PHONE EAST 8352, MEN wanted by Portland Gas at Coke company st Geeeo. on Linntoa road; steady employment: pay 83.80 to 68 per dsy. Take free bus at garag. Front and Giiasa sts., ti a. an., or 234 and Saner st 7 15 a. aa. Apply st gss plasi office. WASTED Office boj. fifty dollsrs per month to tart. with resumshly prunpt advancement. Mut be orer sixteen yeara old and not attnii ing school, although prefer boy attending night school or business college. Al'l'ly in of n hand nr.lins. I'-r-ll, Jor.rntl. SALESMAN Large Cleveland company pro ducing merchants' new high class mechanical specialty wants factory representative, position permanent, earnings $130 to 1500 per month. Address E. B. Townaend. 8021 Colfax rd.. Cleveland. O. WANTED One first class ozy-aeetylen. steel welder, man must be able to weld pipe in ditch: big wages to right man. Portland Erasing A Machine works, 8d snd Glissa, Broadway 44K0 or East 4188. ailN wsnted t. carry csrboa ortqaata froes trucks to basement of oar consumers; average wage 14. .5 to 4.7 for I hours. lnqoira' orthwest corner 2d and Visadsrs, fortlsuel lis ac Coke eomnany. UEN wanted who are not now engaged in es sential war work. Apply West Linn mills. s-roa liter from Oregon City. Can ns. S men erery dsy. so come along. Striae on but not bothering u. Wsffei 4 2e hmir, hours' work. MEN full of snap, ages 48 to 48. aa operator! ; ', hours per night; every day in week. Ex perience unnecessary; light, clean, desirable wnrk with eleclri'-al concern. State salary expected in first letter. H-7SS, JournsL LAll(lKk.H3 wanted lor ditch work; stesdy tia pioyment. top-notch wsgea. Inquire northwest corner Ui and k'Lsmiera. f.rtlsnd Oss 4V tSokf rcmpany. WANTED Married man about 85 years oid to stesm clean carpets. No experience re quired Wages 84 BO per dsy. Apply Western Fluff Ron Co . I'nlon and Davis. WANT man and wife for Idaho irrigated farm. Mut have fanning ennipment snd experience. Will furnish 100 acres alfalfa, clover, fruit, cows and hogs. Give experience. M-911, Journal, t MEN Asa 17 to 45. enperiewe nnnecesaery. travel, make secret investigations, reports; salaries, expenses American foreten Detect ive agency. JiOO fit. Louis. IiA BORERS WANTED Men under 85 years for cenrral labor work toe store department at Sonthem Pacific Co., Brooklyn shops, steady ork at 83.00 per day. Storekeeper. WANTED FIRST CLAS MACHINIST, HICH- EST WA:E( PAID. 8THAJ1T WORK. FUIH) DUNDEE. B1UJADWAY "AND FLAN DERS. WANTED PTt class, ail around blacksmith. capable or lining ruin wooawors ; sresiy wora. good pay. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. WANTEIVFIrst class cook." must- be fast msnT salary 8128 per mo srwnrk H da. per week. 3 rhefi. Broadway Ilsxelnond. 127 Bdwy. FIRST CLASS automobile mecbanie; new .hop. good wages. Apply 180 lOlh st, oppoeite Pub lic library . WANTED 3 or 4 men to contract 2000 cords of wood. 7 miles from Portland. Mr. Miller- shir'. Multnomah hotel. WANTED Two experienced cii loaders arrl rontracta. Job navs well to enlvted men. An- ply. West Oregon Lumber yo Linntoa. PARTNER to handle- hT antomstic sir "velvet Hmall amount at capital required; good fori 815 per day up. Bee Black well at Hotel Butte. WILL exchange Bw Talking Machine for car penter work. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 831 Morrison. - WAX TE liThoronghly experienced hardware man. good position open to right party.' jrim- onf atore, 1st, 2d snd Alder st. WANTED Extra good alieet metal works, slso boiler nwkm; ssood pay and condition. Coast Cnlvert and Flume Cw. WANT Eli Men to work on nver Soata, and np. Room snd board. Apply Washing t dork. WANTED 1000 men. Hake 88 spare time r evenings; no investment. No agents wanted. Call or write Nelson, 1089 Princeton at. MARRIED man for retail milk delivery route; drive truck; close to; good house and part living furnished. Woodlawn 1988. MAN with some knewlsdga of electricity and fs roiliar with (aa engine. ' CaM 8 N. 8th at. BOOKKEEPER Reply in own handwriting X-700. Journal. ' WAXTED at once, man to keep time in logging ramp. R-888. JournsL WAITED at once, mil em pine jiilL ' 8-831 4 perintendent of mod- ournal. WANTED at nee. man takechsrg of store. Also helper. R-839, Journal FIREMEN 8180 monthly V V HVWU1J, ry ; send atamp. Rauwsy, cere Journal. RELIABLE man to buy truck working oa' monthly lob. 883 Tburmsn st. WANTED Team work for excavating S fcasiP merit. Telepbone Tabor 1402. MACHINE wan .wanted. Portland FuroiUire Mfg. Co.. 1248 Macadsm st, Fulton car, WAS'TEIs A-l auto msohanie. Good I, wages. Ceil at once, 854 Tlmrman st. HELP WATfTED MIKC. 48 LUk,.B MCBl.NEa) CiiLiJUsel rOBTLAXP. OBXGOX 1 GOVERNMENT WILL HOLD CIVIL SEB- vlt E KXAMINATlOXS in Portland In Aog- wt. 20.000 woman clerks to be appointed at waemngiom. experience , unnecessary. women desiring government elerkahip write tar free particulars to K. E. Terry, ( former civil ser vice examiner) , Sit , Colombian Building, Wsahington. : GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 women clerks s wsahington. EuaaiBstiona everywhere is Is st. Eapsrianew annecsaasry. Wo me a destrinc covers toent positions wra far fros psrUcnlsrs to . iX -I ermard ( foraar ctvfl service esai iner). 1W Kenoia bldi., Washington. D. C HA WTHOMX AUTO SCHOOL. : HAWTHORNE rrrHTTHixi ufchanicai. amd atT.ion. TBtCAU L'NLIainivOi PRACTICAL ftavFAlB KXPERiENCB. KL'MBK'.t TOCNU WOMEN AND MEM waned to pronsrs for t titers oh eervisa and ham nil vsesnciea eansed by the draft In of asea tor war. .' rot partlcuiars raU or write TelearaDb Usosn - stent, roosn 218 Railway EirKange bWg. i ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL . ' ' Caion avenue and Wasco St. Special Summer Prices. -Can, write or phone East T44B. - 8TKKK BEWl.VO SCHOOL ItUak inlsa at ladles' tailoring and dress making taugbti ps- terns cat to nieeuure. Pbooe East t 2380. ts-8307. 182 Grand ave , near Belmont. MI89 TFCKER rnrvATE business coLr.Ena altskt sum an and morriso M188 Mattinsly's sbortliand and typewriting school: day and evening session. 2SS 14th Bear Jefferson at.; 85 a month. Main 803. VATEK KISHKh TEACHERS' AC.ENCT Ww registration. 811-12 Broadway bids. BkHNKE U ALhEM. bigge oosiBua college b esase beat: enroll any thus; free catalogue. TIKI. WASTEIi-TKMALK TOCNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. t TER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR, . PARK AND OAK STREETS GIRLS of J 6 to 20. who do not Intend to re turn to school in the fall, wanted as appren tices in our various departments. 'Apply Super intendent a office, hawutriit balcony,, Meier ft Frank Co. TOCSG LADY wanted for phonograph record and player piano dept. Must bava had some stenographic experience and a knowledge of rec ords and rolls. Good position for right kind of, s girt. Apply in person to Mr. 1-o.ior. Monday. ' between 10aand 11. Bib A Lane Piano Co.. cor. 12tu and Wash. EXPERDJNCED women to set sa floor man agers. Apply snnerintendent'a office, basement ba loony. Meier sV Frank Co. WANTED Ten bright capable ladles to travel.' demonstrate and sell well known goods to established dealers. ?S to 850 per week; raHroad fare paid; weekly advance for trsveling expenses. Address at once. Goodrich Drug cna pany. Dept. 7t0. Omaha. Neb. ; A YOUNG ficandinsvisn girl from the country j wanted for general housework in small fam fly no children. Mu,t have had some exieri -erice. Good borne and good wages. 1'hona Male 054O. , AT once, bright, energetic young lady, capable of meeting the puhho, one with soma ailing experience preferred. Hms.ll aalary to atart. I'um menaarate with ability to learn. 8 to 10 a. m. 907 Spalding bldg: ; WIDEAAVAKE WOMAK to take charge of our local trade. 83 to 84 a day steady, no ex perience required, pay starts st once, write to day. American Products Co., 1070 Third at., Cincinnati, O. WANTED Female help; first clasa millinery . makers and hat tnmers for bouse, city and eu( cf town positions; good wages. MuUet at Haas. MY suler in East: would accept any good posi tion here if suitable; with telegraph Co. aa wire chief 10 years; capable, rehable floe raf- ; erences. Ea;.t 7h60. COMFORTABLE home and wages to woman HELl WAITED 3IISC competent to do lignt housekeeping and ear. for children after school; C. K. preferred. 8t4 Woodwsrd ave. Sellwood WANTED" -Experienced saleswomen for holsery . knit underwear snd glove departments. Roberta Bros.. Sd and Momson ata. Apply 10:30 to Ut j o'clock. SiX'wirrnen to work in planing mill. tying flooring and other light work. 810 s week and lie car fare. Peciiio Enployment Co., Burnsida st. ', , "WAXTEIs- Stenographer, one who can att J in bookkeeping and fllipg Call personally Mt. Hood Soap Co., 4th snd Glisan. Do. not i phorte EXPERIENCED atenograpbe for perrnTnent position with opportunities nf advancement. Apply after 10 a. ra . office. of H Liebea A Co.. 14t-lM Broadway. " UJRl. for general nouseWork ; H children; mu-t not be afraid of work and good with chil dren. Refined and steady ;prmanent place. Good ' wages. Phone Wdln. .H8. Dr Elliott -WANT F.IVWoman to do plain housework, small family. Kcandinsvlan preferred. 1018 T. l.Hth t N Wdln. 3117 WAN TE ! A sHrl for general housework, ref'e ences required; good .wages. 181 2Sd N. Msrohall 660. ' . ' WOMANor man cook t" buy one half interest in lunch counter snd restsurant; big dinner trade, wholesale dUtrict tt snap. 483 Glisan. i "TTrENfKiBAPHEHH A. Mil, BOOKKEEPER ; Jack Dosne can loct tou in good positions; lots of vacancies. Call Main 6844. WANTED Elderly woman nr glrT for light housework, who wants a good home. Inquire in hat store. 887 Morrison t WANTED Girl to do cooking aad Ironing la family of six st Reed college references re- . qnired. Sellwood 1285. ,: , A COMPETENT maid, ainall family; most be good cook; general honiework; wages 880. Marshall 341. FIRST CLASS flnkber wanted. Must be able to make bu'tonliole.; ale rhirt rnakcrs wanted. 8. Weiss. Idi -s Tailor, 1-8H 10th at. WASTED, yoning umin with fair education t learn printers' trade. Lance A Erickaoa, printers.lll lZth .t- WANTED Firet-clsae saleslady with long ex prneuce. AH year position. Hoffman lim ine Co.. 387 Morrison, GIRLS wanted, steady employment at goo4 wages. Apply Troy Laundry Co., 10th and rine. , WOMAN to help with cooking or dining room work for bosrd. husband. No experience nccee- fary. 284 Main st ; LADY forgeneral office and stenographic work. Bute experience anfl salary expeeUd.- T-780, Journal. ; . W A NT E DXTady bookkiipef. Apply st owe. Levitt's 4 th snd Wsahington. WANTED Couple to esre for S ehildrew la their own home. U-87. JodrnsL Unexperienced help, ; psUce laundry, e. 10th and Everett. WANTED A seamstress. , 849 Hood Street. Marshall 24 59. WATTEbTmiTft. general housework, two efolU. Call Eaat 47 1. s BOOKKEEPER Reply in own bsndwriUn- X-759. Journal. : . WANTED First class ensaicurist snd halr- dreaser. 210 Central bMS.. cor. iutn-Ainr. KITCHEXirrl wsnted. 80 Hawthorne ave. Ta- bor lHoa. REFINED lady wihes working girl to share her act. Main 1803. , EXiBfE8iCEb aetuae peralora ! 1U upstair. - WANTED Chsmbermaid. "New Western bo- teL 832 Glisan. ; GTRlTlornhoiisework. 752 E. Yamhill; B-24"l GfsOD housekeeper for city. T-848, Journal. HELP lVAMRU-MALE AND FEMALE J! Ua.VIED 1200 bop pickers. Make your va cation a paying proposition by helping T. A. l.ltlx SV tu nick their 480 acres of hop, lo cated on the following well known yards. Lake brook, liolrass. Murphy and peroJval. situated st nsiem sou iiK,cvjrpucnt. ; uuy iwr " Excellent camp grounds, stores, butcher shop, restaurant," flee water, free tents, straw and wood. Apartment house) et Lakebreok. Abewt IS or 20 days' picking. Will send 800 picker on Auxust 18. Other special trains wOl lesve Portland shoot September ' 8. 4 and 8. Rail road tickets and accommodations taay be secured ea and sfter Aogust 10 at 808 McKay bids-, corner 3d and fctark sta. Will pay 80s per box, or 31 per hundred poanda. Call early to secure tickets and a room mods tiona, ss Oregon, has plowed out 1 5,000 acres of nope, ami tuny less pickers sre required te harvest the area. Phone Main 1848 - 4 " MuLfcB BAkBEfl COLLEGl Pays yon while learning; givea oa s- tocJa, naranteaa positions. Write for catalogue, 334 fiarnatus) at. at pbone Broadway 1781. A