,.-.-;:-:" V:..,v:';":i'V' THE" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10. 1918. 9 V v UK LP WANTED TEMAIK -t VilU-fault Up; Or class millinery maker and bat trtmer for hoove, crty es at si town positions ; in! iiHi Mailer A WAKTED Osmkermaid. New Western baV " tL UJ Uuaen. ' HELP WANTED-MALE AKJ FDMAtE gt WANTED 1200 to pickers. Make yoor vs eation a paying proposition by helping T. A. Livesle A C. pick their 660 acres of hop, to eated on th following wall known -yards. Liak hrook. Holmes,. Murphy and FercivaL situated at Salem and Independence. Hopa Terr heavy. Excellent camp grounds, stores, botcher shop, restaurant, fine water, free tents, straw and wood. Apartment bona at Leksbsook. ; About 1 n Jit 20 dr' picking. WIT1 wend 800 pickers about August 28. Other special trains will leer Portland about September 8. 4 and B. Rail road tv-eets end seeommodstioris any b secured en and after Autrrmt 10 at (Ob Hc& bid., earner d and Mark at. W'iil pay 84e per bos, er tl per hundred pound. Call aariy te aerare ticket and accommodations, a Oregon baa plowed oat 13.90 acres of bops, and tnany sses pickers are required to harvest tb crop. Prion Main 1848. PORTLAND BARBER COIJJDGE Taachos men and woman the barber trade tree. pay wbrle lasrraiTtg. 284 Conch. Broadway 2462. MoLKRBARBR COLLEGE 7 Fare yea while leamlag; give yea set of trots. Ksarant position. Writ far eatalegu. 264 eraalde at., er phone Broadway 1711. MEW. WOMEN, leans barber trade free; wage while- learning; position guaranteed. Or ace a Starker Collage. 228 Madison. SITUATIONS WALE a MA RRIED man wsint Janitor work in apart men t bouse. Can do repair work. V-840, Journal. Honk' work, reahincllne done by contract. Phono Kracharn. Mar. 706. ELDERLY man wtkhe work aj - janitor or porter. T-82H. JeumaL MIDDLKAOED man for watchman's Job or caretaker; reference. Y-813. JoomaL WE CAN top that roof from leaking. Ma . gqlre A lUworth. Tabor 8807; East 6568. HH lNCLINO ,wante7T Call Tabor 2382. SITUATION MALE GOOD, strong woman can do man's work rrr . shipyard or sawmill; any outside work. Man's wages. 'S 830, Journal. xtrong woman wants cooking in ramp. Good cook. T-75H, Journal. on a cashier or assistant in den tists' office; reliable, reference. Wdln. 1B92. yWn i lady winhes position as office girt. Call - Woodlawn 2427. ' YOUNG lady wishes position running elerator. Phnna-Wnodlawn 436. IHEHS MA KINO 40 ftiREHHMAKI.vr;, millimry; no patterns. CaTj Tabor 8085. ( KCEHF.S (0 A i'UACTICAL tiur-n wuhes employment; price rraaonahle. Columbia 777. FURNISHED ROOMS THE BENJAMIN MINOR A number of newly furnlahed sloping room to be had by th da wrrk or month; (1.00 a day and up; walk lniT'rliataaee to heart nf city. Broadway 8055. 3K Ererrtt at., cor. 2'ntb. PRINCESS lintel, modern, fireproof, running water, phones and elpyator; high quality, low price. East Third and Burnsid. BAN MARCO HOTEL: MODERN ROOMS. BATHS, PHONES; 2 AND CP. TRANr BIKNT, SOo I P. 422 Vi WASHINGTON. RYAN HOTEL ANNEX. 268 H Fifth; new brick; hot, eold water in erery room; ateant heat. Opp. City Ilall. M. 9375. FUH!USHEI BOOMS FRIT ATE FAMILY 7 NICE front room tiitahlfl for 2 gentlemen, with grind home rooked malv modern with all rcriTrmancM. Main 4157, 20S N. lint st. YVO tront rouitu, famished, to man with ref- erences. Kat 6132. Cor. 14th atid Belmont I'PSTaTRS front brdroom for rent, to mala; walking dlatam-e; reference. East 8529. TWO nice sleeping rooms for rent, phone Wdln. 12ji8. 406 Going st. klCEI.T furnished room in privet family. 545 6th st. FOR ItKNT -Furnished sleeping room. Phone East 7648. ROOM S AND BOARD U ROOM, and board in private hotbed Man that will appreciate a home like place. . Give full details Jn answer. W-497, Journal. THE Martlw Washington. 880 10th. for basi nets 'girls and stud tints. Marshall 1281. ROOMS with firwltnout board! Piedmont. , Woodlswn 8535. TUB MAZEI.. outside rooms, hot water, boos cooking Special rates io couples. 88 S Sd. WASTE D ROOM S AND BOARD 88 WANTED Hoom snd board in private home by working man: give prio and particulars. V-835. Journal. BOOMS AHI BOARD FBI VATE FAMILY 7 FRONT room, adjoining bath, free ohane. nae of living room, meals if desired.twinbeds.no nnjenion io isooring men. i'none JS. 114 7 all dsy Bat... Sun, snd Mon. room with board in private family, suit able for 2; walking distance; reasonable. Call .at 4838. 2 VERY pleasant rooms with good board; gen . tiemen preferred. 70tl Flanders. Main 1858, FUBNISHED AND UNFUBNI8HEB H O US EKEEP1N G ,BO QMS 8 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent 20 V4 Railroad ave.. Vancouver. Wash. NICE sleeping and housekeeping rooms for ship- builders. 876 Yamhill. HOUSEJtEKPING BOOMS 71 FURNISHED AND UNFUBNISHED FBI TATE FAMILY FOR KENT 3 IL K. rooms, private house. lower floor, some furniture for sale. 80S East-loth at - FOB BENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED U HELP SHIPBUILDING HOBTBWBST STEEL. CO. WANTS XOCB LISTINGS. Yon can serve your country by helping ship puuaem io sooac.- IAst your yaeanctas, furnished or unfur- susoM nouses, rooms or spartmtnU. WriU or pbon. A. J. Kngland. Main 1198, x.ji . i . MUUtil.N 6 rqpm house. 225 Monroe, corner uantenDein, 3U month. Owner, 622 Com mereisl st Plione C-2197. PART of ' house . for rent electric lights, gas, mi. iiauonsry tuos. Ml c. sist St. Vi Wir from Woodstock car. MODERN aufiurbaa home for rent For further information call Columbia 188. APARTMENTS 41 CR WISHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room house, 2 and 8 room house keeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished; levator, hardwood floors. 11th and Montgomery, UADT ADADTuAXKITO aWcond and I mi II rl nil I lilLll I O Yamhill Newly furnished modem bousekaeuin and sleeping atoms. (2.60 and am. B1SLOP HALL,, X. 6th and Hawthorne. BSC arn 1, 2 and 8 room apts., (12.60 up; walk ins diatane. Call East 882. magnolia 1 apts. East d ' aad Belmont; aoors i ana z room apts.. gl.oo per week cp. Bleeping rooma. ast 213. PEMABtLA APTS. Woodlawa 1862. erete bldg.. 2. 6. 4 rooaas. baths, pbona. FOB' BENT FLATS - II FOR RENT, good 5 room flat also storeroom; unfurnished. 776 H Milwaukie st FUBNISHED FLATS ( tlO TWO large rooms, ground floor, close in; seat side. Erider. 284 Oak. Marshall 756. b ROOM furnished flat for rent 566 Market Apply at lower flat SUMMER BESOBT8 68 U. K. Apts. . tins w'ater, at Rockaway Beach. apply at unean urast Apt. BTOBE8 ANTJ OFFICES i 11 CORNER store for rant, good location for grocery, in 1 Woodlswn. inquire 446 Detrum v. Wdln. J760. - x- i HOTELS M HOTEL for Usee, furnished, full? pays 4l6o6 per month; rent (80 a month. 29 rooms, logging camp. Powers. Coos county. Address route 8. hex 80, Salem. YAHTEPTO BENT T WANTED. 4. 6 or room unlimaW modern house by Sept 1: must be modern and not mere than 2 block from' St John ear. Phon vooosawn eiii net men iz and 4, WANTED to rent home, on paved street be tween Broadway and St John. Wdm. 6646. HOUSE and 2 to 6 acres, near ear; might bur! O-708. Journal -TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA ftiVER SHIPBUILDING COSPORATION. i la this war thaw emergency and aeaitdV of bousing aceommodabejia. we leanest' erery pstri etic citiseB who baa la boas to rent or reran to let to wU tarlurinbtion of same to Colnaibia B. B. B. Corp. Boa 1202, Portland, Or. WANTED 4 or 6 rooat bouse or 2 or 3 room apartment; ne child re n. Call Col. 707. . V BEAL ESTATE TO LHASE BOOMIKG KOLBE, IS on tnrestaieat, wea leeated. Boekaway Or. Msb, E. Herecbner. FOB BALE-HOUSES 1 SELLW000 SNAP , $200 CASH 6 room bense, 2 story, email basement, full lot. cherry trees, atreet traded, cement walk, sewer; all assessments paid., A dandy buy. only 31500. (20O cash, balande (IS a month and 6 per cent. j Boom 8 arid 9, 14512 BROADWAY riEVEN room modern bousei corner lot 50x100, on DiTision and 28th at. 4 stall concrete garage in rear off 28th st. ' Stalls not required for nse can be rented. 28th st. and Diriaion are both bard surfaced, some (300 street im prorements to assume; all paid to date. The house is now vacant. Price (2500, (400 cash. (25 month. Eight room modem housa. full basement, at Kern Park, on Mount Scott carline, (2100; cash. Neil Bmlth, 6514 Foster Road. Tabor 1931. NON-RESIDENT owner say sell my modern hotwe and lot quick. 5 room", full lot. east face. (2000; (500 cash and terms. Also 2 room boune and 100x100 fent, some fruit, t650 cash. We hare several other snaps. Beet betues for prices asked in the city. Suburban home, 5 good rooms, modern, and aleepirut porch, lots 100x100 feet; one block to hartT surface St., 2 blocks to streetcar. (500 bandies ju Balance easy terms. A. N. SEARLE, j 1924 East Glisan st. M Y. car. FOR SAXE, on St. Johns car lihe, elope to Columbia park, bungalows.- j , Price ( 1 1 60 -5-rorsjis. Price (2100 6-rooms. Price (2300 6-rooms. Price (2 '.550 5-rooms with a big: let. alii on easy term. 6-room house, on pared street, close in, 'lot 50x120. anm fruit, a anap at (2000. I 6-rooma, on pared street, dose in. price (18,00 NEW YORK LAND CO.. 381 East Morrison. LAROE 1$ mom house, full basement and furnace. This would be a fine place for shipworker, as with a little spare time work it could be made into a beautiful mansion er rould be easfiy changed into a two family house. House is rery well built and in good repair. 109x100 lot. fruit trees and flowers. On parcA street and carline. Price (4000; terms. 954 Gladstone are. at East 8 2d. Woodstock car. FOR 8ALl-One of the finest bwd best lo cated residences in St. Johns. House Is mod ern and contains 9 rooms and bath: lot is lOOz 180 ft. on corner, with streets improved: ssv abundance of. flowers, berries and some fruit A large quantity of furniture goes with thol bouse. The price tor a short time ia (4000, pert easn. Jnaenn ytimch. 683 B. Ivanboe. OWNER GOING EAST (50007 room modern house, 20x20 garaia, Irvinrton. i (1750 each Two 5 roam houses, good east side location. (1500 6 rooms, east side. Phone owner. ' Main 8586. or East 5958. 82100 ATTRACTIVE HOME 32100 6 room home, cement basement, standard plumbing, electricity and gas, builUn con vemences, en comer lot. 2 oioek to car. on Mth ave. E. Price (2100. terms. 8 re FRANK L- McOniRE. AB1NGTON BLDO.. To Buy Tour Horn. Msin 106S. FOR SALE, by owner, 4 room semi modem house and acre, all out to fruit. , 5 block from good school, 7 blocks from carline. PrieV (1600. 81000 down, balance 2 years. 630 J 90th st S. E. FOR SALE 7 room modern bouse, on the east aide, overv looking the Willamette river. Paved streets snt sewer all in, good car service. Deal direct wrtii owner. If interested write care of E-790, Jouraalt GOOD double constructed 7 mora house, splen- avx plum Drag: suitable for X families, in Nov condition; 60x100 lot, near Twohy Bron. shops, 4 blocks from Rues City school ; (19501, 3ZC0 down, easy terms. Tabor 956S. BY OWNER I New 4-room modem, bungalow, lot 100x100. cor. 77 th and fremont. Hose City car. , 6 ROOM bungalow in fine condition, large rrt tie, full cruifut basement. taOxlOO lot, fruit Derries and garden; close to two carlinea. (26CK) Discount for rash. tor sale by owner, 996 E. lstn st. y. fiione woodlswn 5364. (850 Large 4 room house, modern except ba th. garage, ouxiuu lot. irvuiKton fark, nr car. The greatest bargain yet (150 down. Ken nedy & Miller. 82 Salmon St. FOR SALE Home in the Vernon district; graod ennugn lor any Danger or Business man; worth (4 500; wiU take 83500. Owner. J. T. AMix ander. 724 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE BY OWNER i T 7 room modem, double constructed house. wi!lh full lot and lawn, (2600, naif cash. See it at 4 308 K. 63d St. n. E. MT. TABOR 4 room house. lot 50x133. fndt trees, berries, beautiful view: (2200. in terms. Mt Tabor car to 68th, walk 3 blocits north. 1 west 63 E. 67th st Nelson. ! FOR SALE Newly completed 6 room bungiv low on Willamette boulevard. modem throughout garage. C. C Reisner. 1417 Vilf lard ave. (2000 A bargain: 60x100 lot, 5 rooms, fmi i trees, paved streets, garage; 8500 cash oir Liberty bonds, sza a month. .Owner, 82S Eu ntn st. n. MODERNIZE your building: all kinds of repairs,' Be my design for new bouses Max MJ Meyer, architect Concord bldg. Main 1373,1 Formerly Snpt Oregon Bom Buflders. i FOR SALE By owner. 60x180 lot modem 7 room nouse witn sleeping porch, furnace. wash trays, bearing fruit trees, paved streets, garage. 67 E, 27th N.. East 7626. FOR SALE Good dwelling and garage in north east part of city. Terms. WiU consider un incumbered acTeage a part payment T-7KK . Journal. i f (1300 BARGAIN. Full lot. some fruit trees'' 6 rooms;-(800 cash, (20 a month. Gibson. 266 Stark st Phone MsrshaU 12. " ! GOOD 4 room house, full lot fenced, furniture and carpets; range and heater, (926. Phone Eaat 7422. ONLY (1000; ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT" 4 room plastered semi-modem bungalow, nice large lot Terras. Tsbor 6559. i (1500 Sacrifice 6 room plastered house,. (400 cash, (20 a month and interest Gibson, 266 Stsrk. Phone Msrshsll 12. 6 ROOM modem house, with 40x125 lot fruit trees, 2 blocks from M on ta villa ear; (220O. 9U tssi Bin si. r. isDor Is SB. ONE 6 room bouse, modem, at 78 Stofiald st, 1 block from the Kenton, bank. Cjall Wdln.' 812, after 5 p. m. 6 ROOMS, Dutch kitchen. 8 bedrooms, near' 2 carlines, good location, reasonable ; prion. Wdln. 2050. HERE fa the buy you want 8 lots,! loali of fruit nd bemes, 6 room honaa .n 41950, (250 down. Phone Woodlawa 0447 lorning. - T GOOD . 6 room house, gas fixtures, range and hot water heater, shades, etc, all for (2500w (1509 cash, terms on bsJsnce, walking dis tance. 258 Hancock. fcOSE CITY PARK 6 room modem bungalow! garage, paved street paid, near car. , Price (8600. Terms. Tabor 6441. CLOSE TN; 8 room house on carline corner lot. nice lawn. (4200, reasons bl terms. P-762. Journal. - . - Ti A- and new 2 room rustic bonce, (1400 (200 caah, 12 mos., Alberta car! Oary. 1219 N. W. bk. bldg. j MUST SELL MY HOME ! " A real. . double constructed, tnedern home. 62600 takes it Owner, phone Sellwood 868. MODERN 4 room bouse, built-in conveniences; 2 blocks to car, (2S30; (600 cash. Wood lswn 8229. ; . j- FOR BALE r7 room hone, modern. Alberta district 1 block off Alberta carline, 4 block from Union ave.. 82500. Sellwood 732. i SMALL homes, easy terms. B, C. Walter. 6848 Foster mad. Tabor 8397. I FIVE room house at 1274 E. 14th at Goad terra. Ti! FOUR room (bungalow, lot 80x100. 61404X Phone Seilwood. 8434. . , A SNAP (1800 buy 6 room cottage en paved tree and carline. Call owner. MraL 1600. SELL 6-reom house, close to shipyard, i 5eQ aiarauai nil. usrur, i MODERN 8 room house, 844 Belmont 82660? xerssa. oy owner, on ntu sc. SMALL easy payments. Owner 1280 t Wdln. 8544. CITY nd country-property, sen and renti BENEDICT. 267 H Oak. Main 1743. FOR SALE, 100x100. 6 wl" TnTTiss. tratt tree. 414 HTghUnd at Wdka. 68250 4-room house. 1080 MH-r - , na media t poessssion. ' Woodlawa 6662. ! BEAL ESTATE FOE SALE HOUSES 1 : -FURNISHED HOUSE $1400 5 room bungalow, oomfflefely fnrrrished. Bur tb of carline at Lenta. Fruit and berries, $290 easb, bslsnca to soft. $2000 ' 4 rooms', foil baaemwnt, compTetely furniahed also a piano, firm garden; street paeed; amlastalk assswnient ail paid; fruit tree, g tapes and ber rios. aa ideal borne. Only U minutes ooX cash; wrma to Mif. ' C $750 $150 cab. 4 mom cottage, S blocks from Tremont station, Mt. Scott ear; street graded and aldeeralk; all assessment paid. Any terms yon wane $800 (10 easb, 4 rooms. 8 block from ear. FUUad statioa, MV Scott car. Terms to suit. A dandy buy. BOOMS 8-9 14512 BROADWAY A PHONE MA IX 4134. 5OOM modem bungalow, only built 3 years. baa Dutch: kitchen, dining room with builtin, sidsnoard. fireplace, bookcases, beat of plumbing and light fixtures, fuH basement, beautiful lot wittt fruit and ahrubbery. Fric (1900, (500 down, 6-toom modem house on 21st close in, full basement, streets all paved and paid, this house in in the best of condition, worth 82000, Price tl850, (200 down, balance (20 a month ana n interest 5-Rotm neat little- eottage, with two lota, plenty of fruit, 8 blks from car, a aood buy at (1506 . wea awaai wabiiV ss savVsi aV 881 Morrison St., phono E-wt "ROSE CITY PARK (2500 ft rooms, 18th and! E. Ankeny. $2500 5 room bungalow, 73d st (2550 5 rooms, hardwood floors, 71st st (2850 -7 rooms, beauty. 73d at (2950 6 iooma. 87th it H. W. floors. $3050 6 loom. H. W. floors, fum.. P. P. (dttou 6 rooms, 100x100, garage. (5500 7 rooma, 60x100, fit for king. G. C. GOLDENBERG ' 215-1 S Abinrton bldg. 106' 3d st '35 Years in PortVtnd." Main 4903. BL'Y this bom fipm owner for tne ptice of house. Modem 6- room bungalow, attic, full cement basement 60x100 lot lawn, fruit trees, garden svot csraee. electric fixtures. Dutch kitchen, enameled: grained floors, newly painted and tinted. Owner' is painter, 7 coats varnish. 5 cords wood and inlaid linoleum thrown in. Wdln. 192. 1237 E. 17th at. N., ; Alberta car. 300 HOUSES FOR SALE Over 800 houses on our bt to select from. price and terms you want W e nave ; photo graphs of these house with fun data. We have some remarkable bargains. ' Autos at your aerv- lce.-See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., To buy your home. Main 10(8. SACRIFICE SALE. ACCOUNT OF WAR. 5 room house, strictly modem. Fine place cement basement with garage. Witt sacrifice to seil this in 10 days. Comer lot 50x100, on Pine snd 79th sta, 1 block from carline. Must be sold. The price is right. Do yon want itr Terms. CHAS. HOLLAND, 649 Ankeny Street BUY a home wfth an income. Beautiful new modem '1 family, in restricted district; hard surfaced street, double construction, beautiful porches, latest conveniences, oak floors; all first- class material. Bring a carpenter to) inspect it One flat pays over $800 above all expenses. Near Albina shipyard. Price (7500. Terms, Give phone number. F-841, Journal. BARUALN ' room bungalow, 2 large sleeping rooms, bsth, Dutch kitchen, pantry, electric lights. gas, half basement, east front, big ;10t 66x133 1 5 fruit trees, grapes, uerries. fine garden, dhicken house and pan, (1600. Owner. Phone Tabor 7929. - (100 DOWN, fine 4 room plastered house, hi acre fruit 8 blocks from car. Price (800. 6 room house, partly furnished, gsis and water. 2 lots, 2 blocks from car. Price (1200; term. 6 room modem house, corner lot' 65x100, on 92d st. Good buy. (1750; terms. Lent Real Estate Co. Phone Tabor 1599. "HOME. SWEET HOME" ' 6 room modern bungalow on ISth st, West moreland, hi block to car. paved street (paid) fine neighborhood. (2250. Homes! like this are t getting scarce. r.a.y terms. i THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS. CO., 270 Stark st (1700 Modem 6 room bangalore) reception hall, living room with beautiful fireplace and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, buffet, pasa hall be tween bedroom, dining room and bfVth. gas, elec tricity, full basement, large corner uot, 2 blocks Mjmtavilla car. Tsbor 65BB. ONLY $25 DOWN 2 -Room bouse. sere of land, iirice (800 term'. $25 down and $10 per morifc. Wilnama Realty Oo.. Graye crossing. Tabor 4t34. 1027 WILLIAMS AVE.. 1 3900 6 room modern house, fine 6 Ox ill) lot lots fruit trees, asphalt street (paiaj. rmi loca tion for ship workers. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARSOO.. 270 Btarh at FOR SALE 5 room modem boose, ntose City Park. 1 block from car; large Ictt (2850, Reasonable cash payment Owner, 682 E. 69th st north. Phone Tabor 4466. FINE, 8 room house, pared streets; Vaverley Heights; corner lot; hardwood floors,: every modern convenience; price (8150, term. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. BIG. 6 room modern bungalow, quarter acre ground, nice fruit; only $1900. goo terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON jBLDG. FOR SALE A modern home on B6tli near Hawthorne. Lot 50x140; fruit and berries, select neighborhood. Tsbor 1951. HOME for sale on Pacific highway, on the alec tric line, running water, 6-room bungalow, large bam and outhouse, terms Tabor 7823T, 3 BOOM house, big lot. fins fruit, eloa o cr; price fivuu, nice terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLD (1800 7 room house, St Johns; easy term; 5 room house, Sellwood, 12 lots; 84600 terras. PARKER. 422 Vi Washington. FOR SALE- By owner, nifty 6 room bungalow. Psrticulars East 8226. FOB SALE LOTS IS HERE'S a anap. Nice corner lot Laurelhurst for 8800, unpaid bonded assessments (528. winch wfH give lot with aS improvements paid for considerably less than original purchase price. 01 U. S. Nat l Bank bldg.. Broad way 2018. 100x100 CORNER, Riverview Hts., Vancouver; also 50x100 comer, Kenton, sell or trade towards house or auto. Give all particulars. E-914, Journal. FOR SALE cheap, fine lots; best car service and location in city. Build home and sav irent fFOR7i 624 ;nt Owner, Broadway 2295. SALE -2 lot in Jonesmora by owner. ban lotn st south. ACBEAGE 67 CHEAP LAND NEAR GRESHAM 38 acres good soil, some timber, 'running wster, (850. 40 acres. Mrs fine, 21 in cultivation, 10 a. good timber, en good road, (3100. 4S acres, eome cleared, good sou. mnning water. $2350. Krider, 284 Oak at 20 ACRES. 6 in cultivation, all good, lies per fect, on good cosmty road, close to new high way, aear carline, 40 minutes out by auto, (8900, half down. 7 aerea, en carline,' 80 minutes out j0e fare, good improvements. $4000. Owner. V-S3W. Journal. FOR SALE 6 acre improved, S room house. barn, good water, no rocks or gravel; fine family orchard, good location, 8 miles west of Oregon City. (3000.. F. M. Bennett. Willam ette, Or. 1 TRACT 100x146 feet Us Western View, "il blocks from Terwtlliger bird.: city water, elec tric lights and telepttooe; between O. E. R. R. land 8. P. AS. R. B.. (790; your awn term. Ii331 22d at Worth. A Hem, 19 ACRES Fine garden, onion' and beaver dam, fine spring and creek small water power; new house, 2 barns; near car aad beat Terms, must be sold. Owner. 890 Yaneoawet ave., Portland. I PASTURE for rent. Lake Gove. Marshal S441. SUBURBAN HOMES ATTENTION This is a real bargain, direct from owner, a beautiful home of two acres, 1 hi acres cleared, balance heavy timber, abundance of fruit, splen did -well .of water, new house, well painted; good garage. This place is aituated 8 miles frem Portland, leading out over Terwiliger boule vard, on of our best scenic highways, and near Oregon Electric; price (2400; easy terms. Owner, 408 Oregonian bldg. (1050 Oregon City car 3 room. acre, na tive trees; 3 blocks to Evergreen statioa, 64M cash, balance terms. Gibson. 248 Stark MX, Phone Mars he Tl 12. (1600 (100 cash. (15 per month; 4 room plastered house, acre 'ground. 4 cleared, well; hi mile to Estacada cat. Gibson. 264 Stark st Phone Marshall 12. FOB SALE FARMS 171 FOR BALK acres, stock, snachinery. every thing goes at bargain. Oa awed road. 6 miles; from Molaila, good 7 goom house, large - new bam aad . garace. A.' M. Newman.. Molaila. Or. R. 1. . 80 ACRE improved farm, redemption right for aale: 14 . mile back nf Tinmni rt..b- eounty; Lewis river runs through it. Orchard uiiiKiiiige, eve vwner. jr-suo, journal. w. be A. Estate FOB, 8ALK FAB388 - 17 FOB. SALSOa TBADK for aanaO, farm near Portland. 200 acres stock ranch near Cam- bildga, Ida ho' miHmrtcd" outi angw, 3 milea from lorest nearv - e milea Iroaa Is. M. oo acres trri gated, free water. alfalfa, an stocked and equipped. 20 ImboT cectle. I boras, aB farm machinery and booaeaobi goods. Price 310,008. Address 709 Allegheny ., Portland. CXXA&LLX FASM LAXD3 Cheap land, tcmarkably aasr terms. Land- saaketa' excursion party lee Tee Portland for Cal gary, Alberta, Saturday, August 17; reduced rates. Fob mrther narturnlam see Canadian Pa cific Railway company,' 2 OA Railway Exchange orng. u, p, Tnamton, district; represents tire. FARMS vYAJfTET BEST OB BUY 88 I HAVE buyers for farm, ail siaes aad acre aca. If you want to eU qujek Bat with m. Henssn Paper, 617 Uniots are. M- Eaat 48 I WANT to rent a farm of 150 to 300 acres. Will purchase stock and implements ana pay easts. Owner oitfy. X-75. Journal: HOMESTEADS 47 O. C HOMESTEADS Now open for direct fStaav I eaa locate you on a good I'tV" A former government cruxsex. 301 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land oTfiea. 1TOMF.STEADS tlorata ma on the best homestead in the stats for (100; no charge unless entry secureo. We classify and know these nomesteaas. ANDERSON A ANDERSON No. 2 Land Office building, Worcester block. Third and Oak attest. ft JLr r. TrOWRSTKADa You can. ill direct We can show you the best darsns. Full information. BLNDY ac McHARDX 411 Hehry Building. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sal. .CaU Lindquist betel, room 4. TIMBEB 18 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Wash tngten, D. C. July 12. 1918. Notice is here by given tnat suDect to tn. eonaiuons sua limitations of tb act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat., 218), and the instruction! of th secre tary or tn interior ox BeDiemoer xo. ivii. the timber on the following lands will be sold Sentember 8. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at th United States land office at Rnaebure. Or., to the highest bidder st not less than th appraised value as shown by tai notice, sale to be suDject to toe approval ox the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of on fifth of 1 per cent being commissions allowed, must b deposited at time of sale, money t be returned if aele is not- approved, other wis patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will ba received from citizen of tb United States, associations of snch citizen nd corporations organized unde the laws of the United States or any stats, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will b offered separately be fore being included in ny offer of a larger unit T. 16 8.. R. 1 E.. Sec. 29; N. W. N. E. M. yellow fir 1300 M.. hemlock 60 M.; N. E. N. W. H. yellow fir 2210 M.. hem lock 870 M., celar in a.; M. w. n. w. . yellow fir 2300 M-, hemlock 140 M. ; none of th yellow fir. hemlock or cedar to be sold for less than (1.5 per M. T.U&.KI W., Sea. 18: N. E. N. W. , red fir 600 M. ; N. W. , N. W. tt. red fir 850 M. ; 8. W. N. W. red fir 450 M. ; S. E hi. N. W. hi, red fir 850 M. ; 8. W. 14 N. W. H. red fir, 450 Mr: 8. E. N. W. . ed fir, 650 M. ; none nf the red fir to be sold for lee than 31 per M. Clay Tall man. commissioner, general ktnd office. . FOR SALE, timber on 80 acres, suitable for cordwood, near Oregon City. A. Hein, 831 22d. st North. EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE tt T.TST tout nrooerty with us for results on chrge of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park st, be tween Washington and Stark sta. FOR BALE or exchange for property tn Spo kane. Canyon Hill or Rockwood additions, lota 1." 2. 3. 4. block 100, Laurelhurst Address Dr. C. N. Batterer. 416 Old National bldg.. Spokane, Wash. ONE 6 room house, (2000 and one 7 room, (3000, all clear. Will exchange one or both for farm. Must be good land snd en main road or win sell on terms. U. H. Jessup. 8550 67th t 8. E. FOR SALE or trade for bungalow, equity In 15 acre. Prunes, apples, berries, bearing paved highway Vfc mile from Newberg; good oouse, bam, city water, stock. Prie right X-778. Journal. WAN TED Two 6 or 6 room houses, not to exceed (4000. Will give part payment 10 acre, -19 mile out; good roads. 2 carlinea. Write H. A, Pratt, care Salham Stationery, Bth and Oak. HT PAUL- Minn., lot. 75x150. trade for lot or residence. Portland vicinity or St John district prefarred; also nous ana tare iov at Banks, Or., tor traoa. uoy Linn, sux y a. Jersey at . FTNK Med ford home, good locality. 4 lots. 6 room house, bam, garden. Exchange for acreage or farm within 40 miles of Portland. JX-889, Journal. 820 ACRES good tillable land in Idaho; will trade for Portland property or land in Ore gon; value (26 per acre. What bar you fox trade? P. O. Box 91 Gooding. Idaho, WHAT have you to trade for a good equity ia 19 acres about 17 mile from Portland f Some cultivated, half mile from station. Price (2500. Write 609 E. Richmond st CHALMERS 7 passenger auto to trade for on clear; smaller machine wanted. Phone Co lumbia 899, evenings. WILL trade house and' lot for two-ton track automobile and portable drag saw. J. B. Butenschoen, 279 HaHeek st I HAVE improved -and well located acreage to trade for 5 or 6 room bungalow. Call 183 First st WANT mdse. stock up to (30.000. Have good farm land and cash. Cobb, 409 S wet land bldg. Mar. 4975. I HAVE a farm of 85 acres in Linn county, near Brownsville, that I want to exchange for Portland property. Phone Wdln. 4079. 8 ROOM house and 1 hi. acres, at Tigard. Will exchange for acreage en Oregon City lino or lePC rlFOR Cheap. Box 72, Wooabnro. Or. RENT, sale er part trade. 14 acres with vfMwt hnilritaea- A-l snol. on food auto nad. JXa mile from fsrusM. wooaiawn oaaw. Wantee for oni bi 947. PANTED To exchange sot tn Ttose City Park one in St John; call evenings. Colum- SMnJLXt ice eream and grocery store; sell or ttaiie. Pries 6276. 602 Meyer st T VTAITTETt BEAL ESTATE 81 iWNERS, ATTENTION! WethAve over 200 buyers welting for us to get them something suitable and reasonable in price. ue can sell any number of 6 and 6 room baiaes from 81600 te (2500. Get in touch sgdkll us if you want to sell. We do not aak' far exclus sal contract All we ask is a cbanaelto sell, and we get result. - ROOMS 8 AND 9. 12 BROADWAY I HAVE cbents Tot bouses and lots of an descriptiora)from (1000 to (4000. Some want easy terms snd other have more cash. Herman Pen.',617 Union ave. w. r-ast aza SHACKS AhTD SMALL HOMES WANisb Must ba N . and priced rigbt We have gtunarroa buy V wsitina. Fred W. Oernua C.. T3 Chm.f Com. HATE several eh is workers and many other buy . era for modesnt priced home. Csn make good nayments. l et your house with .us. FRANK. L. MoVVlttK. ABISOTO.V BULKi, IF YOU HAVE iaoderat priced house for sale (SOw to (8000, list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO.. 4 for quick results; old estab lished firm. Fhonaain 2051, 633 Ch. of Com. WANT" te. lease t year, furnished house in suburb. Prefer on Electric or Oregon City car. Give fuH E. C. Chspin, Long Beaea, Wash. rVt WANTED 4 or 5 i ken bouse, good, near Pesxinsula or KentoyvachooU ; not more than 2 blocks from ear; tents. Phone between 12 and 4. Woodlswn 37 V I, WANTED Two 5 ot H tfxnn houses in vicinity of Beech ana Hicmttan are. 243 Wash, msrtnn st ' WANTED, 4 or 6 room Ipottage in Rose City Park instnct win pay si u down and (15 a month, including tnterest Phone Tabor 7823, WANTED 2 modem 5 and I room bungalow, in Alberta; will pay casa. xap y, washinjrton st room l m tu SlCJM l. t tk bal voun prl Eatate Exchange. 20l8d1 erty wfth the Real FoTtland. IF you want yoar hnuas Sold, list it with KKO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. BOOIIIIN FOR SALE 10 room house. Main 1849. BTJS1JI OPPO FOR (1300 property drawin from (78 to 1Z0 sncartniy. VI rile r. sA ( box 695 St Helen, or. - - 11 Wtf SELL OB i; Anything and E Mearri A Oikfeu. 451 Chambv CAFETERIA t shipyards for eie. win trade for late model auto. is dot boi after n. m. SPECIAL-Iar 6000 anf woman partner for uheep tmslness. Y-C io. Journal. (150 BUYS half, opening s new . V-83A. Jeumal. anja COUU ouatar. SXB SALE Cjheap. amall A-l ana. onn new poHouum. , usiius mi iuo iv.l xuvy. roaming BTWlTlES 88 rasiai N.l BUSEWt OFTOBTCTITT1E FOR SALE Hotel and general merchandise store r eond lease. 89 acre in eroo. zft xoosa BoteL 8 cows. 8 hones, chic Iters, turkey, boa and everything complete, dome A-l bnsinsas; must sell oa account at sjrkiwm Thin will hear the closest inveatiaatknai abeott (40 0O will han dle tius. WiU exchange taw small farm highly improved. 20 to 80) aerea, YX-SOO. Jowjmai. WE need 830041 te carry eat ear plana Bsw ear next yea' wheat croa affec excun eauip meat and crop- as set. am IO 7 ai ta Testment with exeepeiewal returns, at the ana tun . helps you win the wag. For particulars writ to Y-85. Journal ' BLACE8MITHa m acbini hop with ; modaza mechiaery. dome change for Port lend issidw er will sell (er cash or tarmc Sell. 858. 60Q K 2Tth st FOR SALE, smalt stock aeneral march artis. rent reasenabie. Inqair 446 Dekuns ave. Wdln. 176.. ON aneeuat at poor health. wiU aeS my con fectionery' for (JOe less tnn eeac uooa naat ness; fixture in coed cow'tHVm LS-tSS. Journal FOB SALE Cleaning and pressing estabhsa- ment in good lorauow. reaaonabla. u at 2(1 N. 23d at FOR 8ALSV Biackienith shop and garage, Rus sell st. near Wil&ian, (ZOO. Apply 286 Russell St.. paoa East 137 7 RESTAURANT, cheap K taken at once: good location i for particular call I68w S. Glieaa. tsom 2 to e GROCERY store doing $7 day. Iavoic If taken now. All caah, m destvering. J, A. Basse tt. 5 Union ave. SJ, GOOD paying retail meat mfcrket. located "on Yamhill st. for sale reasonaaile, if taken at once. Z-633, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL EySTATE 17 OL'li installment plan i the best .aid method of paying a loan. (32.24 per month for 88 nermtkat a X91 2 ttm AA months, er (16.17 leg 80 mo ntas. nay (1000 a ana interest Other amounts tn piupuill, Ws soaa on improved city ptcperty Or tar building purpoaoa. No I i aal in leefi in eharateaV EQUITABLE SAYINGS A LOAN ASSOCUTJOV 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. l PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE ia easy installment with 10 years' time la re pay; fully protected by life insurance under the home purchase plan of the Eqmtabl Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars sea Mr. Strong, Equitable office. Oregonian bldg. (30O. (40O, (600. (760, (1000 and up. lowest interest rates. Liberal pre-payment privilege. No delay. 481 Chamber of Commerce BUILD1NO loan on city or suburban property; money advanced as were progress s. w. u. Beck. 216 and 316 Failing bldg. Main 8407. (2S. (350. (400., O0. (650, (750. (1000 and Jargsr amounts at current rates, cjuicg action. Fred W. German Co.. 721 Cham. Com (5tft TO (9000 to loan, city or larm mort gage: bo exannrsrslon. P. O. Box B7S. (100 TO (1500; eonsmer lots. ETH. DowUng. SIT diamber of Vommeree. ssarsnaji z2. MORTGAGE loaaa. 6 and 7 Louis Salomon as Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgage, loans, contracts. Tl Lewis, room 4. Lewis, bldg. Main 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAM MONEY On short notice te salaried or workingmea on their own notes. Weekly, asmi mrmtkwy er monthly payments. jsacn transaction strtasuy confidentiaL NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan on household fuxniture piano. etc. without removal. OALL AND INVESTKiATB COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. SIS Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans mad to persons on salary or fixed in come, on household furniture, psaaoa, diamonds and other personal property, legal rata. Buai- nes confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 806-887 Dekum bide. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Pottlaad business men to protect borrower. C MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARE ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FUKKITUKss. LOANS WANTED ( (500. 8 8 YEARS. $800. 8. 3 years. $900, 7. 3 years. These are all improved properties In th city. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. HOBSES, VEHICLES. ETC. IS HAVE 6 outfits, teams, harness and farm and wagon, from $150 to auu lor cacn out fit; guaranteed a represented. PHTL SUETTEK. 880 Front st, cor. Montgomery. TWO emvl anrriea. bossies, farm wagona. spring wagon, harness, ail gran or norsee, o-year old. 900 lb. mule. line spottea oneuana pony, cheap or exchange. Can us milk goat or oows. 302 Front st PAIR bar mares. 2800. 8 and 10; best work ers ever hitched;, both with, narneas, larm wagon. (300. PHIL SUETTKK. 880 Frpnt st.. cor. Montgomery. FOR SALE chesp. replacing with automobile, 1 ft hnrsaa and msjre. weiahin between 1200 and 1500 pounds, on horse, buggy and har ness. 226 Russel at 10 HEAD of mules from 6 to 8, 1000 to 1300;- guaranteed: will exchange for horses or cattle. PHIL SUETTER, 380 FTont St.. cor. Montgomery. 1918 FIVE passenger Mitchell Six same as new: will exchange for horses, mules or cattle. Prefer stock east of mountains. C-97 journal. TEAM or horses. 2400 lbs., team 2800 lbs. good farm wagon, buggy and names; none good workers and gentle. 292 Union ave. Phone East 8227. IF YOU want a handsome, well bred pair of 2400-lb. farm mares, ws hare a pair for sale. None better and they can be bought at the price of a plug team. 802 front st CONCORD spring wagon (35. or trad for what you taret Marshall 0884 or Box 340 Portland. A DANDY 8 -year-old 1050-lb. combination horse, buggy and ham; must 1U John Clancy. 302 Front st . (70, Gentle, sound, 5-year-old, light riding and driving horse, harness, light hack. 145 E. 81st St.. North. Monta villa car. FOR SALE, a genuine western saddle, good a new. made before leather got so high, at a Dargsin. Address iziu ti. r lander sc., city. FOR SALE By team. 1200 lbs. each. Call Woodlswn 5993: 46th sad Simpson st. R. 1 HOI 802 DEAD horses and ammaia hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD bones taken quick. We pay more for dead cows. Tabor 4203 FOR SALE Team and furniture wagon cheap. Call Wdln. 415. 829 Rodney ave. HORSES and wagons for rent by the day. sisals or otnws. ao Front. Mam ZZOS A GOOD young horse and wagon for sals cheap. 607 East Tioga st, St Johns. TEN heavy furniture wagons cheap. 226 Rus sell at. LTYE8TOCK SS FOR SALE The best Hobrtein heifer (100 ever bought; heifer calf 10 dy old. 840 sandy Diva., rear. WANTED Family cow. Horse with light rut Not over (100. Preferably in Washington county. -, journaa. TEN bead of good dairy cows, mostly sll tresn; some extra gentle; aul needs. 9715 rotter road. Mt Scott. Lent. YOUNG fresh cow for sale. 179 W. Blandena st. St Johns ear to Gay st, 7 block south naif west FOR SALE Swim Toggenburg milch goat 802 UTont st YOUNG beef cow for sale. 5410 68th ave. S. U. POULTRY, PIGKOyS. FET STOCK S7 p.ash PRonnr.F no i w " 201 Mom- Bon, all kind of poultry produce, pet and breeding stock, bought and sold. 100 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn laying puiiets, xwrrea block, xinoa s. iteas, (L.20 to (1.65. 145 E. 81st st N.. M oats villa car. FOR SALE 400 .year-old White Leghorn lay ing hens; good laying strain. O-707, Journal, NEVE Indian Runner ducks for sale. East 8529 DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC it NICE Persian kittens, (1; English bull female, thoroughbred pups, $5. 739 Roosevelt at Take 16th st car, north to Roosevelt at and walk 1 block west HOUND 11 months old, th hunting kind. 4325 76th at S. E FOR SALE Rioe nta bag boy. Flaanl7 .in w 1.. v- u V WANT St Andreasberg roller canary for train er. Broadway 4 0B. 8 hi POUND New Zealand buck. 8 months old. Main 9402. JUST a habit eat rabbits, 10O to select from. paisaro aim twnwi; avv Taat ?vtn St BABBITS lot sale, 6417 8tA 8. E. ; AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY (14-316 Alder. Corner Sixteenth. ' Broadway 484. . Open vaalaa and all day Sunday. A WON7JKSF17I. OFFORTTJNTYY TO PUR CHASE A BEAL HIGH-GRADE AUTOMOBILE Chandler dean est rator. -u" aew aad tn perfect, soap, without a aear aw blemish. Will he sold at a great redaction in price. Com in. Willys Overland Six. with Ceartinantal motor. Car caal b told from new-. Cord tires, bumper, spotlight no-glare ten, extra tire and lot of ether extra. Most he sold at once snd n r ensues til eaah ofTer will ba refused. Hew ever, term may be arranged. 6 nam . stood tire and ia plndid condition. For quick sal ws ars going to of fer it for (450. Don't mis seeing tai car a it is surely on of th greatest buys, w har aver offered. Ford touring car. in good anap and a splen did buy at tb price of (350. Chalmers light "four." In dandy good shape aad ready to drive. Left with u to sell far 8800. If you hsv an idea of buying a car anywhere near this price yon had better corns ia at one ana investigate tut offer. His lorn is your csin. A man drafted snd Fyiow serving in th United States army, ha left I Vith ua to sell, a (1875 Saxon Six touring ear, and his last request to us Is to dispose of that car at one for 81050. Come in and secure th best buy in Portland. 191V Met, "just new." Th ear the whole town is talking about. Winner ot th "Glidden Trophy." Will b sold for leas than cost la ves tlxate at once. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY 614-616 Alder. Corner Sixteenth. Breadway 484. Open evenings and all day Sunday. HERB IS OUR TODAY'S LIST OF. USETT CAB BARGAINS. OF COURSE. THESE ARE CONTINUALLY CHANGING. AS WE ARB DAILY GETTING IN NEW BARGAINS. AND WE A8K THAT YOU CALL A OUR BALeailtOOM AND INSPECT THE wjaKs THAT WE MAY HAVE BEFORE PCBCeAAS ING ELSEW HERE. BROADWAY 24(2 Ro, 6 pus JS 900 Hudson Six, 6 pas.. Just repainted 44110U Hudson Six. an, a. .vr,.a .lihtl nmrtllJO Studebker good buy 875 aaaxweii, a pass. .. ll O0V Studebaker L( 450 Ford. Chasms .4.8 285 (very truck 4-A "no -8 675 Jeffrey, with new 2 ton track attachment. 1 1 00 Saxon IS i.3 975 Ford. 6 passenger , - 850 nnseoe. 6 p., almost new 4. 8 o Ford detrvery ear I 350 Cole 80. Ideal for bug Il 800 Maxwell. 8 pea. X8 675 Hudson Super Six. sedan, perfect sbapa-4. (1800 Chevrolet 6-pam 400 Ford Roadster. Just overhauled. jit 400 Studebaker Six 7i 650 Carter Car, suHabis rebuild bug at 4a '.t 185 iivery ... . .1 , .8 00 .8 660 .8 760 .8 600 Chevrolet 490 five ps Jackson. 6 pan, good sbsp Ores land. 6 pas., now being repainted.. W. H. WALLINGFORD Dlalfbutors Liberty Six Premier Six Briseon Four Hood Lumber Tractor Parrett Farm Tractor 622 Alder st at 16th. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1918 Mitchell, and very little; Just Vt new, wttn seat covers; 7 pasa. 6-crL Price (1600 1917 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyL 1876 mil Alltcheu. yaias., 6-cyL 1176 6Z.K THE ABOVE CARS AT WEST BLDE SALES ROOM. Broadway at Oak St Broadway 616. A 8348. 1917 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 4-cyL .... 1917 Mitchell. S-pasa, 6-cyL .... (1266 1076 850 1250 700 676 276 760 1916 Mitchell. S-pasa.. 6-cyL , 1917 Mitchell. 2-paav, 6-cyL 1914 Mitchell, 6 -pes.. 6-eyL ,. 1915 Mitchell. 5-paas.. 4-cyL 1912 Auburn. 6-pass.. 4-cyL 1916 Jsffry, 6-pas.. 4-cyL .- ovrai Others to Select From MIT CHILL. LEWIS A STAYER CO. USED CAB DEPT. Eaat Morrison at First st East 7272. BV1216 USED CARS 1(14 Studebaker Six. overhauled. te- painted, fine tire, a big snap ......( 550 1915 Cos "8.". a fine, powerful car... (1100 1918 Pierce Arrow, starter, light. 4 cord. tire, a gift - -.81100 1916 Paige 7-paas., Ilka new j. ( 960 1914 Ford touring, fin condition ..( 460 1917 Mitchell 7 -pasa.. just overhauled, oversized piston, leak proof rings, good tire .; . $1160 Open Evenings and Sundays. Terms Given. THE ACME AUTO CO.. Phone Bdwy. 2796. 681 Alder St Guaranteed Auto Repairing. J. H. GRAHAM. 10th and Stark at. Case Agency. One KIT 6 pass. Baick. On 1917 6 pass. Overland. One 1917 0 pasa. Case car. On 1917 7 pas. Mitchell, all brand new eord tires. One Ford roadster. On 1917 Hudson Super-Six. , haa been run 7000 milea. All of these earn are ia good mechanical condition, will glee term to reliable people. Fur thermore, we are going to dispose of these cars t a bargain. GARAGES BOUSES ' CHICKEN 1 money. See, ma- pi at 644 3oo4 st. Mala 1161. Mlllmade Construction Cfc. MOTORS. Gearings. Bearssc. Wheels. Axle and Trailers W wreck all makes of cars and JI their good parts at half price. David Hod a Co.. Broadway aad Flanders at Broadway 194. STUDEBAKER Electric light and starter;' an new tires, Al condition. 8286. Terms. New York Garage. 8th and Belmont sta. THREE 86x4 hi straight sidetires, are prae ttcally new. non-skid, upper 2 very little used, plain tread, cheap. Tsbor 1867. FOR SALE, 7 pasa. Chalmers, in fin - eondf- tion. eneao. Inquire Mm, Nellie Green. 444 Dekum ave. Wdln. 1760, PACKARD 30, a roadster, (575. A-l eondi tJoa. A real'-automobile. Call Lahsr Aut Spring Caw Broadway 4004. t JT 7 W1 S Ky aA i 4 jQ- -y, m- AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED CARS USED CARS Bhr elesm-un ml of coed usseT ear at th big East Sid Used Cars depot Eei j ear at a saerifie price, easy term We have sold 47 nam In the neat 11 day. Tier' a reason. Coma In and mm what it ia. Bring in your Liberty bond, they are as good a gold to as. Tea a good oaa out of this Bst and driv ft home. 1915 Paine Lie wood. new. factory guarantee. 1118 Studrbaker, 4 cyL. 1 peaa. 4 new tires. 118 Chevrolet touring. Eke new. 8 tirea. 117 Usxwell. fine condition. 1917 Studebaker. 6 ext. 7 peas., leaks new. 191 Oakland, eyl. good aa new. 1919 Ford, completely eeerhauked. 1917 Overland Country dub. a beauty. 1916 Hupraobile, 6 nam., powerful. 1914 Cadillac 3 fine tire. 191 Studekaber, cyL. 7 pasa.. eord tire. 1916 Studebaker. 4 cyL. 7 rue., cord tires. 1914 Overland, juac. overhauled, a nap. A dandy little Hapmnbile' baa. A Studebaater bua nainted white. Locomobile' $ pass., good as new, low prio. Kegel o pass., good shape : make otter. Oaklsnd Six. 6 tire, sum snap. W have lots of others hens to choose from. Better com in and lock them over. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE Grand Aft. and East Stark St . Open Sunday snd evenings. MITCHELL BIG SIT, 6 PASS. CLUB ROADSTER Model O 42. Almost new. A-l condition. Ea tea tire. Must be disposed of quickly. Op portunity to sav snuw ana acquire classy car. will demonstrate, van saaranau 0141. NEW' TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer! We hare them, all makes and sixes. Also we make the fa mous O-V-C Double Tread Isewedk tires and do al 1 manner of tin iw Batting. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 83 V3f6 Bum. stole nee roaaway. NEW CHEVROLET CARS A used ear Is th most exnensiv ear to buy and you do not get a guarantee. CaU Mr. P. C. Rinehart. East 92 or 8174. for information and demonstration. AUTO WRECKERS W wreck net all makes of cars and sen tb aood parts for lea than naif price. Wa have sll Ends of used bodies for sale. Highest price paid for eld ears. PACIFIU JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front at MAIN 4768. OTrfnrrrxm 2 ton auto track, fully equipped, like new, alee growing transfer business showing $25w per month, for sale ea easy terms; good reason for selling. CaU at 451V B. 10th at S.. searing after 6:80. ' SOME REAL BAROAINS 1 1918 Chevrolet run 1100 mils. (790; 1 model AO Overland, good shspe. (401; 1 1914 Btudebabr. fine shape. (450. ALBINA GARAGE. Comer Garfield ave and Shaver st Mfg. ft Raatvc 8000 guaranteed springs la stock: prices reduced. 84 N. 16th at FOR HALE Cadniac, 191 1, an extra good bay for car of this make. 4 passenger body, very good tires, A-l mechanical condition. See Mr. Lester, Y. M. C A. Auto school. 6th sad Main. EXPERT AirTO REPAIRING AU work guaranteed. . THE ACME ALTO CO.. Broadway 2796. 531 Alder st I HAVE a 1918 Chevrolet wfth new tires n it. run about 4600 mile. .Will trade for about 10 acres more or lea with some furs timber snd seme cleared hind. B 842, Journal. TOR SALE WFord" car. junt been over hauled, all new part la naiae except shell. new rear end aad w lie law This is a bargain. Address 1210 E Flanders st FOR SALE Dodg touring car, AT oondT tion. au tire -goon. vine extra tire, aad extra equipment 631 E. Morrison. Phone East 6824. corf Pore PRICKS nYvnjA. UdliU VLtl O RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAB CO. Slvt and Washington sta. Msin 6244. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for . sll makes of ear. Oregon Ante Ex change. 129" Lownsdal at 16th aad WasauaaV ton. uroaoway g. DUBRUILLS T TOP COL 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 "DON'T BURN GASOLINE" Fords go 100 miles for 60c: agent wanted. Gasifier Sale Co . 28 N. Rrodwy. FOR SALE iood Chevrolet car. (500. Call at E. 295 1st st N. Tske Wtllism sv. ear, gut off t Clackamas. Jt-77 7. Journal. FOR SALE A new touring Maxwell. A No. 1 condition, will take some cash or Liberty bonds, on time. A snap. Call A-3816. ONE Mitchell roadster, perfect running condition just ovrhuled, electri system, new tires, (300. terms.- Woodlswn 8223. MITCHELL. 1912. 4 cyl.. 5 pass., 4 new tires. in good mnning condiuon. (373. Phon Ts bor 64 72 2 ht -TON truck, slmost new SterUng; bargain for quick sale. Tb W bite company. Park and Couch sts. FOR- SALE One Belgien hare and nine young. (6. Also one White Belgian end 6 young (5. 07th end Base Line road. FOR SALE, 1918 Chevrolet cheap if taken al once; ran only ' 5000 miles. Owner leaving city. Cail at 746 Montana. 1918 CHEVROLET 877S This car is absolutely mm a new. Guar antee runs 60 days. Tabor 941. FOR SAIE 1916 Ford. pasa,. 8 new tires just psinted. Engine excellent condition; real bargain, uemonstrate. cz utn. Broadway 117 7 FORDS for "la ch""'- I WIILO 211 Washington st A FORD roadster, good as new. CaU Columbia 865 evenings. PAIGE car, fine condition: half price. White garage. Park and Couch! Broadway 944. OLDSMOBILE. model 42. 6 paasengar. all new tires. $600. Terms to suit Wood is wn 481. 1916 HEY ROLET. 3 new tires; fine condition (475. Wdln. 1485. 1534s E. 12th N. WILL pay cash for Ford touring ear. 6386. 1918 FORD, like new. some extra. $513 . WI , , , , - w . . . , ' terms. juju a . , . ui mim.ni axoi. FOR SALE, 7 issenger touring car, first class conaiuon, eoio. iiwr i-Oli. LTGUt car. good condition, good Ford Urea. mnM ana 1- cat. . rm, . . iig. " j-a.fc w.u iu is. room WdL 168 WILL aeU my 1917 MaxwaU chean. W-496T MUST sell my 1918 Uaxw.ll tounna" eat at p once. W-494. JournL SPOT cash paid for used car. Dealer' Used jar viranai onaw. sjranq v. ana at Stark. 1915 FORD for sale. Phone Wdln. 17297 LK.HT chassis, good tire. Tabor (672. AUTOMOBILES WAKTED 71 WANTED, late model S pa. utomobil; must ba in good mechanics 1 condition. Prefer Dodge. Buick or Oakland. Pay cash. See mas ter mechanic V. M. C. A. Auto School, 6th and Atfcin. WANT good touring or delivery car in ex chang for unimproved 1 0 acres, 8 hi miles Scappoose. Ethel Thomas, owner. Central Con fectionery. HL Helena. LET me repair your macaia in your own gar age. Private service ear day and night Bias neu. a DP. J HIGHEST prices paid for auteeaobUes. condi tion no object 121 Pi. Ud at Bdwy. 2429. AUTOMOBILE! FOR HIRE it AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new ears. Reasonable lata. Fearing A Robnett, City Garage. 86 10th, Between 8 tart and Oak. -Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT UsUVEK FOR. axlsta" COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH. 222 10TH A YAMHILL A-1234. FORDS for hire wi Lhasa dnver, 448 Stark st Brodwy 8532. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good car. petent drivers. Sistb and Wash. Mala 7080. FINE 7-paas. Hudson, careful, cxperieaeed driv- er. Mar. 2829, COLL'MBIA RIVER H1UHWAY AUTO kKR- VICE.. Ws 4o taxi work. Mete 228. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES I BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES Lsrge stock of new snd used machinea. DAYTON CYCLE -CO., 8 4th at BICYCLE for sale, good as new, (15. 249 sura st - hTRLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle for sals, cheap. Tabor 8076. - S TOTORCTCLE8. BICYCLE X DiDIAS motoR-yele. new! 1918, ugfatweight Twin. 1918: Twin nd 116 tiahtweiaht , single. The Evening Repair Shoe. 888 N. 2ad. . rhone Broadway I 8060. raaiarr agency and otDer masrea. 1 - DAYTON. 2-cpeed, fuUy equipped motor- Mafew me an offer. CaU Eaat 6667. WORTORCYCLE for aal, (140,. Cai4 after 6 o'clock.. 2 1 49 Tillmook st. LAUNCHES ANT BfjATE 44 FOR SALS. 2 eyUndee meternoet aad boat howsev in fine enndirion, $. Must saB. Cell to T in evening or Sunday. 121 vk Grand ., room 1. Mhiger. ' FOR SALE 20 ft motor boat J. A. Lincoln, houseboat, tooi of Pandletozt nr.- Phone Mar. shall 1522. t ' Boat Swan for Charter Daaew every Wed. and. Sat. ntatrc, Mara- 4T44. DANDY river cruiser foe campirts ea paasenger. A saeririoe at (SAO. term. WoedUwa 61 9S. KA2TOS. ORGANB. VUSICAI. INSTRUMENTS SECT KIT Y STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT (2 SO 7 octave equer plana, caah, .......8 SS (300 T 1-8 octave qaar piano, sasn. . . . ( 60 $279 T ertsrve Enalsth unright. eaat ...8 48 (300 7 octave French upright. caah.....( 66 8360 American soak upright, cash, . .....( 98' 8400 large aak upright plana, cash.... . .8166 8830 new. studm model piano, eaah. . . . $2 1 8 (878 new. stored, anright piano, eaah.,.'.. 8235 (426 new, stored, upright puusa, aah.....(a6S (430 n stored, UoriabA plana, aav...6266 (750 Weber mah., player piano, cash-, . $2 (650 modem, ama.. player nsatas, cash.... (863 8 85 parlor organ) with mirror, caan. . ...( 26 $125 parloe organ with mirror, f ssh .... 8 83: Coradderrng the rising market, new pianos already gem 875 to 8160 higher.- the above piano ought to sell quickly at that time. Pmnoa bought and sold tot cash sod erored for 6 Oct monthly. 109 4th at at Waahrngten. UPRIGHT PIANO Sen ttrhv Tsargsin. Y. terms (16 rash. 84 per month. 1 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO (XL, 148 4tH, PIANOS. organs - snd at osteal Instrument. Decker at Soa, rosewood upright (100; Burnetts erean, walnut (3X60. Hazold S. UU bert. 884 Ysmhlll st. ; j ; Don't buy- aid unimproved piamoa when, th Sewurtty Storage Co. ta offertng new improved (375 pkuos for (219 and modern S68O ptay pianos for (365. at 109 4th st ' - FOR SALE. Columbia Grafonola, cabinet '!. nearly new, and iwcnrd, reasonable for quick nla 917 E. Main sr. t WILL exchange- new phonograph for your, tf . right piano. ,. , F: JOHNSON PIANO CO., 14 Stfc; , 1281 23 (12 CASH. 88 monthly still buys new Improved 1918 model planes at ' the Bchwaa Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. at'Wash. at RENT a piano: no square or thump Harold. S. Gilbert. 684 YstnhiTL . FOR SALE Piano, A-l condition, re onahl. 2051 E. Baraside t Call after 5:30 p. re EDISON home phonnerapTT Eo records, cheep; consider trade. Tabor 8124. FOR SALE- Sqner piano. (46. 234 Market at TTTF.wnrTrrtw tt I'EW REMINUTON. reatei plaa. rent ppus se purebaiisk Vkable model. . REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 66 Broadwwy. Breadwy 4621. GUARANTEED Factory Rebuilt Typewruets. 'All Maker- sold, eu monthly payments. Men fmr price list. Th Wholesale Typewriter Co Retail Dept. Sll Wssrrtngtwn et. Al-. MAKES tjroewrllars rented aed fwp-H. Oreeon Typerriter Co.. 4A 6th. Main BS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 46 EOT. SPECML i'.. We r closing out ((0,000 worth ef fina, new Furniture, Crpts. Ruga. Llnolsussa, Baatv ers and Ranges and everything ht the Une of a rurnxshinga. Every article xonet go, rs- l gardleas et eoat It wfll pay yon to eome at once aad look a) th great vetoes wo are offering- New goods at th asm price you wtTJ pay elsewhere for swsnnd-hand. j Feldstein Furniture Co. 1 166-169 FIRST ST. Between Moil iron aad YsmhiH ' I860 EUh-trsde Packartf lis new. Boldest eaertased oak Must eloa out at once, 1295 Feldstein Furniture Co. 166-166 First street Betneen Morrison snd YsathQl FURNITURE of 6 room house for gala; also Vkrtrol. 112 Alberta st . MACHINEBY 1 WANTED Mrm boiler, IS to 60 W." a. Address Fred Burton. Tillamook. Or. Caroline woodw for ai. East ii 4. sri East Oak. FOB SALE MISCF-LLATTEOrg It far ksasi se tne rented, rvpaired. A-3624. Mas ill. newtna aisiiwins 190 84 sc. near Taylsc C1 H Of! T- dropl-ad i viuu at aondltion. Sewing nuchtnes rented t fVTi taoath. Phone East 2869, or B-3167.. nteen. I5y Orand v.. near Behmoat -Ml'HlCAL INSTRCMENTS." ypewrMam"TaI I "HouMbold Goods" Sro sens rate nlasalflnstisae ATI advertisement of tbose guild era g-f andar their reapectlv claaatfieetiow. LOOK THEM OVER fflRto Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented asafl fwaarroA Wlkr Electric Wsras. 418 Bern, aide, come 10th. Breadway 6474. $12.50 to $15 t'X YD DROPHEAD BKWINO MACHINES Guaranteed. 172 8d et W rent and 1 repair. Main 1846. A-l 8 16. Watch Repairing Specials,. Cleaning. (I; Jewels. 60e: main srrrtng, 60s REINGOLDS. JEWELERS. 124 BTH ST. WOOD I WOOD1 850 eorda seasoned lb. on road 1 Vi miles. R. R., (8 eord. Kriger, Brothers, Whittson. Ot ; Phone Tsbor 6681. i GOOD cook tov (6; ex. Uble. (3; fuQ is iron bed and sprrng. 64; 6 ft chicken wire. 82. CaU at 342 84 t alW 6:30 p. m. or ; Sunday. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, ICMCHJCal e boats are asparst elassirtretiea. A tl.l I JJ- IA.L- 2f PieiSUll LilUUCI TV Ul f6 Jaam 83(4. Step, rxteusaoo snd cherry pwAonv asddera. FOR (ALE.-caah register, penny key machine. Inquire at Castle Coffee Co., in Liberty Market (2.2( box Brttt 'pear, first quality. D. Y. Bum, Interna (3d and Columbia Mvd. Wood- Uwn 2766. ' . USED hot water boiler, 80 gala. $6; 40 gal. 87.64. W here up to 120 gal Over 604 gow In ue. 189 Adams et Phone E t 7659 2 ROOM house with porch for aaia, $75. CaU Tabor 2672. FOR SALE! moving picture machine. 606 Msin st, Oregon City, Or. TENT-FOR-SALE, 14x16 : " 128 FIRST. NR. ALDER. MAIN 4498 ONE 84x6 Vs Frubsrd tire; al two (1x4. Tabor 8076. FOR SALE 642 steel rang. (17.60, 6308 92d Socthe e. Lewta . TWO pool tables for sale, lnqui r for iai arms tion. 804 84 PLUMBING sopples, Davis Co., 212 641 w hoi ale nrkaSj . Mam 7(7. Stare, t r PRUNES for sale. Bring your basket to orchard 67th and Prescott st VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented . es-' : ehangia, anugnt- asenuey co.. Main 6662. GOOD hot point alectrie range, practically new. Tabor 9369. . UNCALLED for tailor made suit. (12.(6 up! iayiov saw iiuvr, ,n,s x nmuai. JAEGER VACUUM KWEEPEkS Mesa a3 BABY'S haarinetta for sale. CaJ East HL " J CC4B.I S44. F0liWiAE Fj. I i , t , f ri ' l '-