The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 10, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Conferences Jauring
j t
Camp 'Multnomah Will Be Held
.- at Jennings Lodge and Offi
cers' Training Camp, Turner.
One Event Will Continue for
Five Days and Other for Six;
Recreation Has Big. Part.
URINCJ the month of August
the Christian Endeavorers of
Oregon are to hold two con
ferences. Tire first is to ,,be
August 15 to 19. at Jennings
Lodge, on the Oregon City carline, and
will be known as "Camp Multnomah,",
and the second Is to be the "Officer's
Training Camp'" at Turner, Or., August
U to 29.
"Camp Multnomah" represents the an
nual county Christian Endeavor conven
tion, which aims to bring before the
young people of the county all phases of
the Christian Endeavor movement. A
camping trtp of five days, with every
afternoon devoted to Invigorating out of
door recreations, will furntnh the dele
gates with plenty of genuine fun and fel
lowship, as well as an inspiring program.
Following la the schedule :
Thursdsr. Auiuat 1,3 6:00 p. m. men.
T:00. social food fellowship. I.eKy Hobinsoft.
' chairman. 7:30. ?en sons'. Itarler, llirold Hum
bert, Bundsr tchool brretar of Oregon. 8:1(0.
key noU acldreM. 'Tarry On." Edna Whipple.
pNnident of Oregon Kndearor union. 8 4.. mora
fun; 8:15-9 3i0. eTenins watch and bonfire. "A
Glimpse of H.m"." Edna Whipple. 10:00. Upa.
lights out.
Friday :00 a. tn., reiellle. 6 30, setting
up fxercisM. fl-4 5. breakfat. 11:00, muni
drill: 1 EnecutlTe, president's ronferenee, 1I
by Miss" Fsys Hteinmeti, president Multnomah
county; 2 Mlwiom, led by Miss Violet Johnson,
missionary rhairman Multnomah county; chart;
atat. and county plans; social aerTire. led by
dir. Baiz, social serrice chairman, Multnomah
county; 8 Prayer meeting, led by Mrs. J. I.
Cot, prayer meeting chairman Multnomah coun
ty; 4 Intermediate, led by J. Kert Baker, state
alumni uierintenlent. P 10, ItibU study, led by
K.T. Harold Griffis. "The Gospel for a World
t War"; 1 My Brother s Keeper. ft :S0,
, aqnad drill; 5 Lookout, led by Kdna Whipple:
, Social, led by Kutb Hmlge; 7 Junior super
intendent; the chart, explained by Helen An
drews; 8 War serrice, led by Robert Clifford.
11:00. Assembly, round table dbruwions; the
challenge chart. Edna Whipple. 12:00. mesa.
1:30, Hike. ft 30, mesa. 7 00. good fellow
ship hour. '7:30, even song, Harold Humbert,
leader; address, " "Orer There' With the fted
Ttlangla." by J. W Palmer. Y. M. C. A. sec
retawy from the front. 8:45. more fun. 9:15,
evening watch, "Not My JViU, but Thine." by
Udna Whipple. 10:00, taps.
. Saturday 0 :00. rereilee. :30, setting up
Mrciaca. 0:4 3, breakfast. 8:00, squad drill:
1 EieeutlTa, secretary, led by Klma Kehwalt,
aecretary Multnomah county; 2 Missions, led by
Violet Johnson; missionary meetings; mission
Mady, classes; 3 Prayer meeting. Mrs. Cox:
4 Intermediate. J. Evert Baker. 9:10, Bible
atudy. led by Her. !r. Griffis; the gospel of the
world at war, "Jesus and the Fighting Inninct "
:. juad. drill: S Lookout, Kdna Whipple:
Social. Hutb Hodge; 7 Junior. ' Violet John
ton, mk-aionary work for the juniors; 8 War
aerrlr., Robert Clifford. 1 1 :00, assembly.
J .'00. ""; 1 80, shore party. 6 :30. mess.
T.00. stunt night, each society to be represented;
ig bonfire, jaza band; even song. Harold Hum
bert; evening watch. Kdna Whipple. "The Zeal
fha Master." 10:00, taps.
Sunday 7 00. reveille. 7 30. settin up ex
arrises; breakfast 9:00. Sunday school H.r.
Id Humbert. 10:00. assembly. Rev. Paul Hatch
? residing; discussion. "The Endeavor' Church
taaponsibilltitea." 11:00, presentation of plans
by each officer and chairman. 12 30, mess.
1 ;80. goodfellowahip hour and Informal confer-
J!5 . lrnr: Christian Endeavor meeting.
Whatsoever He Saith Vnt6 Thee. Do It." led
- by Gertrude Kakin. 8 00. address. "The Hy
gentes of a Christian Life." Rev. Dr Griffis.
' !i A.7"1BV,, Edn Whipple. "A Mirror
OL. Christ 10:00. taps
IMonday 00 reve.ile. 6 30. setting up ex
ra..!.!1, br"a,t. 8:00. ,qu,d drill:
T ". treasurer; 2 Missions, Violet
Johnson. Tenth legion, lif. work recruit; S-
.1rtri.T't"ll r: 4 Intermediate. J
flrLtirv'.,91..0- iVft . Dr. Griffis. "A
Cbrtatian Nation." Bo. lookout. Kdna VVhio-
. .1 J-e.tJ,5 K an"1 1:8l' rrt'"n (closing
I contests). 8:30, mesa. 7:00, even sons Hir
r-r C.rC' rf-"'., 7 80' p"t
V7k A"J "' . d,r"-"1 by ;iadys Miller.
W'W 9:ii. .ood VhTP,n' PWer'"
Tha convention registration fee 25
canta. sleeping accommodations without
' S'. ?5 Cna for con-ence period
JE ;tFiP 'V,8 from r-'nd to Jen
nlnga Lodge 32 cents. Meals served on
grounds for 20 to 35 cents Be"ea on
HeTtT o',fnfi0er8' Tralnln Camp" la to be
' S." ll CAme5. "reund of the Chris-
K.,V LVtoper
responsibility as leaders; (2) A concrefe
knowledge of how to do our work (3)
T,Ut f,aUh ,n the power ' Christ
ttf bring results. -
'.ir?1?,f!V,?P.w lntendpl state, county
li v'i Uni0n C' E' workers, bu
Will be nTade welcome. This Is to be a
camping trip, and everyone is asked to
bring tent and blankets. The oniv
tlorr fee of 2j cents, according to the an-i
- nouncement of the committee Delegates
re askad to send their names at once to
: SJSTci?"-or Ml8S Rhoda pfrso-
,The faculty announced are Howard
turn r Y 1 7i nn -r
" Wat lal 1 1 Vs ,11
of reverent
No .other form of disposition
of the body assures such a
permanently reverent and
beautiful resting place for
the remains of the dead, as
does Cremation. -.
In any season of fhe year, though the jworld without be torn,
by i Winter storms, within the confines of the Columbarium
th urns that hold the one earthly tie j are always banked ln
lowers, expressive- of repose and quiet reflection. v
;v'. .Write, Fbone oi. Call for Booklet'.
23r. rougher 3s
I Sgain to preach
! atMhiteemple
A well filled church greeted Rev.
j J. Whltcomb Brougher at the First
Baptist church last Sunday. Tha
church was taxed to its utmost and
i ln the evening many were turned
i away. Sunday Dr. Brougher will
J again preach at the White Temple,'
! the second in his series of sermons,
t New Testament prophecies : will be
Interpreted ln the light of the war.
Dr. Brougher's evening series is
I entitled "A Tenderfoot Preacher
; Abroad," and he will speak Sunday
; evening on the topic, "A Preacher
at a Circus" or "The Philosophy of
a Laugh."
Fritz DeBruin of the Temple quar
tet will be the soloist for the day.
' Everybody is invited.
Stage Stunts in
Religion Is Subject
"Idols of the Theatre or Stage-Stunts
in Religion" will be the sermon-subject
Sunday evening at the First Christian
church, corner of Park and Columbia.
The pastor. Rev. Harold H. Griffis, has
been delivering a series of Sunday
evening discourses on modern Idolatry
and the series has interested a large
number of people. The sermon on
idols and theatres will have to do with
modern religious theories and specula
tions which are divorced from the
world of reality. On Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock Rev. Mr. Griffis will speak
on "Yeast or Religion in Everyday
Edna Whipple
McConnell of Dallas ; M. B. Madden, 21
years a missionary In Japan; Harold
Humbert, secretary of the Oregon Sun
day School association ; Miss Alice Davis,
two years superintendent o( Junior work
in Alameda county. California. The rec
reation will be under the direction of
Miss Ruth Hodge.
Following is the program announced :
Saturday Afternoon and evening: 8tate
wcrkert' meeting; all county presidents have a
special invitation to attend.
Sunday 0.30. reveille; 7:00. opening quiet
hour: 8:00. mess; 10:00. preliminary training
camp session; 11:00. church service; address.
"The Channel of Power." Howard McConnell.
12:U0. mesx. 2:30. demonstration of a week
end deputation tpp by Lane county cabinet.
6:00, mess (deputation work continued). 7:00,
Imputation trip, C. E. meeting. 8 :00, Address,
"The Channel of Power," Howard McConnell.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 6 .30, Rev
eille. 7:00, Prayer circles; 8:00, Meaa. 8:4 5.
Morning worship, Gertrude Eakin in charge.
0:00. Bible study, Howard McCannell. 10:00,
(Jroup conferences. 11:10, assembly and re
ports of group conferences. 11:45, Monday, de
bate: "Resolved, That It Is Better to Keep the
Intermedial Boys and Girls in a Toung People'a
Society, If Dividing the Society Makea It Diffi
cult for the Young People's Society to 8urvive ";
Tuesday, address. "The Psychology of Leading
Young People." by Harold Humbert; Wednesday,
address. "Recruits Wanted," by M. B. Madden.
Ui:30. Mess. 2:00. Grand good times. 5:00,
General demonstration meeting ; Monday -( 1 ) , Or
ganizing Senior Society, Yamhill county offi
cers; (2) Organizing an I. C. E. society. Ruby
Senseney 1n charge; Tuesday, "A Union Cabinet
Meeting." by the state cabinet; Wednesday,
"How to Get Your Crowd to Albany," Alica
Davis in charge. ' 6:15, Meas. Tuesday, "cabinet
luncheon"; Wednesday. "Alumni Toasta." 7:30,
Evening "song service, Harold Humbert. 8:00.
Monday, Presentation of introduction by Ttazel
.-en; mesoay, men senooi praver circles. Effie
Togerson. 8:15. Monday. Address, "What We
Can Do in the Sunday School Program of Ore
gon," Harold Humbert; Tuesday, address, "Serv
ice in the Sunrise Kingdom," M. B. Madden:
veaneauy. ouiaoor meeting.- 9:30, Call to
quarters. 10:00, taps
o .IJJ"'18 30' R"e". 7 :00. Prayer circle.
C...U. n:io. .Morning worship, Uer-
V?d,? Efkin ,910- Finsl rouP conference.
10:30. Assembly; outline of officers' work ore.
sented m final form. 1.1 80. Addresa by Miss
I'vie. t.iie presiaeni. 12:30, Mesa.
- :00. Last swim. 5:30. Pimio num., ,t v.
fire. 6 30. closing, meeting, Gertrude Eakin in
Evangelistic Services
A series of evangelistic services is
soon to begin at the Rodnev AvemiA
Christian church under the direction of
the Fagan Evangelistic company. In
preparation for this series of meetings,
rtev. J. F. Ghormley will preach a spe
cial sermon Sunday morning on prayer.
saap iiiiH u ii n n iriii jr
Sunday School c3ssociation Hays $lans
WLotk to Pegin W&ith iftally Bay Buring September
III Ill MllaaaWMIIinaTOIT 1
' i x 1 n
IWM ' I .aj 'ill
Subject of Church Unity Will Be
Subject of Discussion by Sev
eral of City's Ministers.
The challenge of Dr. John H. Boyd of
the First Presbyterian church for a
consideration of the union of churches
has attracted the attention of the people
of Portland, and several more of the
Portland pastors have announced that
they will speak on the subject Sunday.
The subject has attracted men in nearly
every denomination.
Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of St.
Davids Episcopal church, has asked the
following questions which he intends to
answer Sunday morning: "What does
church union import? What does It
mean to the Anglican communion-? Is
the church interested? If .so, in what
way?" Rev. Mr. Jenkins will preach on
this live topic at both services Sunday,
his evening topic being "Why Christ Did
Not Go to the Heathen."
: President Wallace H. Lee of Albany
college will speak ln Calvary Presby
terian church Sunday morning on
"Church Union," the eubject that is
attracting serious public attention at
present. He will discuss particularly Its
desirability and dangers. In the eve
ning he will preach on the fourth peti
tion of the Lord's prayer.
Rev. R. H. Sawyer, pastor of the East
Side Christian church, will discuss the
desirability and possibility of Christian
union in his Sunday morning lesson.
Rev. C. C. Rarick, pastor of Central
Methodist church, writes : "Has Dr.
Boyd a solution of the problem? Relig
ion, instead of dying out, is steadily
becoming more vital. It Is now recog
nized that Christ's job Is a man's job.
Life la measured today with a new
yardstick. Does Dr. Boyd's solution of
the problem of the churches make for
economy and efficiency?" This will be
the question discussed by Dr. Rarick
Sunday evening.
Rev. J. F. Ghormley will endeavor to
answer the question Sunday night in his
sermon, "Does the Unity of the Church
as Presented ln the New Testament
Scriptures, Furnish a Sufficient Basis
for Modern Christian Union ?'.'
A large mass meeting was held at the
First Christian church Wednesday night,
under the auspices of the men's Y. M.
C. A. club, and it is reported that a
favorable impression was left by Dr.
Boyd on the minds of his hearers.
Eleventh Sunday After Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lesson
"Helpins Others," Luke 10:25-27; GL 6:1,
0. 10.
Oolden Text: "Bear Te One Another's Bur
dens, and So Fulfill tha Law of Christ." GaL
6 .2.
Young People's Topics
Christian Endearor "Lessons in Nature's
School." ProT. 6:6-8; John 12:24. 25.
Junior Christian Endeaor "Lessons From
Bible Animals." Job. 12:7-JJ). (Band-of-ilercy
Epworth League Is There Anyone I Can
not FoririTe?" Mark 11:25; Luke 17:3. 4;
Eph. 4:S2.
First White Temple, 12th and Taylor ReT.
William A. Waldo. 11, preaching by KeT. James
Whltcomb Brougher of Los Angeles. 11,
"Will Christ Come Soonf"; 7:45, "A Treacher
at a Circus."
East Side -E. 20th and Ankeny Re. W. B.
Hinson. Preaching by Erangehst Dr. S. J.
Keid. 11. "The Spoils of Victor;"; 8, "As a
Fool Wee."
Third YancouTer ana Knott He. Welby J.
Beaven. 11, 8.
Arleta ReT. W. Garnet Hadley. 11. 8.
Calygrj1 E. 8th and Grant Re. J. E.
Thomas. 11. 8.
Glencoe E. 45tbiana Main. rreaening by
ReT. Charles Waehlte. 11. 7:45.
Sellwood Bethany KeT. T. J. Broom Held.
11. .... .
Grace E. 76U ana An tut. ti. t. cash.
Highland t. jlo v. voier, ii. s,
Unirersity Park BeT. S. Lawrence Black.
11, "What Does Jesus Teach About Himself";
8, "When Mother Dropped Stitch."
St. Feteri Lents Et. P. Beutgen. 8,
10:80. 7:30. . , ,
Pro-CaUiedraJ iia ana usm sit. c v.
0'Hra.i . 7;1. 8:S. h:o. 11. 7:a.
St. Lawrence aa ana BnermiD n. j. u.
Hughes. . 8:30, 10:so. 7:u.
St. I'atrlCSS 1 Win nu oier -xit. n. tr.
Murphy. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Francis E. 11th and Oak Rer. J. H.
Black. 6, 8,9.10:80.7:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Wffliama ae and
8Unton ReT. W, A. Daly. 6. 8. , 11 7:30.
Holy Rosary E. 8d and Clackamas Ray. E.
8- Olson. 6. 7. 8. 8.11.7:30.
St. RoSe E. 68d and Alameda ReT. J.
rVEVmll - S. 10:30. 4.
St. Andrews t. m m aiiwna iter. J.
Kiernan. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Tha Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou ReT.
George F. Thompson. 7:30,0,11.
Ascension E. .76th and Yamhili Franciscan
Fathers. S. 10:30; 7:80.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ae. and Blao
dena Bt. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
Holy Cross-i-774 Bowdoiu ReT. C Raymond.
8.. 10:80, 7-.30.
St. Ignatiua- 3220 43d it S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:80, 8, 10:30. 4.
St. Stephen 4 2d and E. Taylor Key. War
ren A. Waits. 6, 8:30. .10:80. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer -Portland blTd. and VancouTar
ts. ReT. F. H. Miller. 6. 8. 10:30, 7:80.
St. Phillip Nari ' I Pautfst Fathers) E. 16th
And Hickory ReT. W; J Cartwnght. - , 8, 10.
. St. Clements 8. 8mith are. and Nwton
Benite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30. T:S0.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Est. G.
RotO. 8. 10:30. T.0. .
n ' m::f n till
" t f " -r 'i , I ' '"' , J f
f- - iilfcv 4h
A i - 1 -; s HtiII
S SBi'iiOlWlliasW i VioWWMeasgilJ SnSnif if JJM ' ' r v"
s maim. -a. -
Lett to right Harold Humbert, sec
retary of Mate association; Dr. J.
Earl Else, president of state associ
ation; Elton Shaw, superintendent
of adult work of state association.
Below Mrs. J. V. Wilkins, superin
tendent of children's work.
Under the leadership of Dr. J. Earl
Else and Harold Humbert, the Oregon
Sunday School association is planning
for a great' program this coming year
The association expects to put into prac
tice an elaborate program beginning
with Rally day in September, and before
the year closes it is planned to have
every school ln Oregon on a well or
ganized basis.
Dr. Else is president of the associa
tion and Mr. Humbert is the general
secretary. Ellton Shaw is in charge of
the adult department and Mrs. J. W,
Wilkins is superintendent of the chil
dren s work. Charles A. Staver has
been chosen as president of the Mult
nomah county association.
At an executive meeting this past
week the association adopted a program
for the coming year. Special stress was
laid on the work among the young peo
ple of the teen ages, this being realized
as one of the weakest points in Sunday
school work. A new department that
will be added and pushed with zeal is the
home visitation department.
During September, 13 Sunday school
rallies are to be held in the 13 districts
of Multnorrmh county by Mr. Humbert.
Following' these will be the county con
vention in October. The general secre
tary also plans' to publish a monthly
Sunday school paper, which will be
called the "Oregon Sunday School Out
look." The paper will be from 8 to 16
pages per Issue.
October 27 has been set aside as "Go
to 'Sunday School day" all over the na
tion by Marion Lawrence, international
Snndav Rf.hool secretary. This dav Is to
m.nn.riv nhurvaii in aii nartq r
Oregon under the direction of Mr. Hum-1
bert. - .
St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rer. J.
Comminsky. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. "Stanislaus: (Polish) Maryland trt. and
Failing ReT. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch ReT.
B. Durrer. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rer. M.
Balestra. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clares Camtol Hill Franciscan Fathers.
7:30. 9:15.
SU Charles 83d and Albert Ber. J. P.
O'FIynn. 8. 10:80.
AH. Saints E. 39th and Glisen Rer. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:30.
First Park and Columbia -Rer. Harold H.
Griffis. 1 1 , "Yeast or Religion in Erery Day
Life"; 7:45. "Idols of the Theatre or SUge
Stunts in Religion."
East Side E. 12th and Taylor Rer. R. H.
Sawyer. 11. "The One Way to Christian Union:
The Challenge of the Scriptures"; 8. "The Un
known iod in Port-land."
Montarilla E. 76th and Hoyt Rer. J. W.
Jenkin. 11. 8.
Rodney Arenue Rodney and Knott Rer. 3.
F. Ghormlty. 11. "A Call to Trayer"; 8, "Does
the I'nity of the Church As Presented in the
New Testament Scriptures Furnish a Sufficient
Basis for a Modern Christian Union?"
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rer. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11, 8.
Christian Selene
lesson subject: "Spirit."
First 19th and Ererett. 11.
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11.
Fourth VancouTer are.- and Emerson. 11.
Fifth 82d st. and 42d are. S. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple. 368 Yamhihi 11, 8.
St. Johns Holbrook block. 11.
Co ngreaat tonal
First Park and Madison.- Rt. James A.
Jenkins. lk:S0. "The Prophets of the Church";
7:4 "The We' of the West."
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Ererett
Rer. Warren. Moore. 11, 8.
Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rer. J. 3.
Statib. 11. 8.
Highland E.' 6th and Prescott Rer.. Edward
Constant. 11, "Encompassed by the Power Di
Tine.'.' by Rer. A. W. Young.
Warerly Heights E. 3 3d and Woodward
Rer.- A. C. Mores, 11, 8. Union ferric at
Clintoir Kelly Methodist. - ;
Laurelwood 45th are. and 65tnst. S. E.
Mrs. J. J. -Handsaker. 11, "Tha Four Funda
mentals of Our Religion." by Mrs. Belle "T. Hoge.
Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Rer. William
Loomi t'pshaw. 11.
Finnuu Mission- Rer. Samuel Nerada. 6.
. ' Episcopal
Trlnity 18th and Erarett Rer. A. A. Morri
son. 8, holy communion; 11. morning prayer
and sermon.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
13th and Clay Rt Rer. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Very Rer. E. H. McCollister. dean. Sundays:
7:45 a. m.. 11, 7:45 p. in. ; church school. 9:45
a. ra. Week days. Wednesday ' 7 .30 a. an.. Fri
day 9:30 a. m; Holy day. 7:30.
St.' Darids E. 12th and Belmont Rer.
Thsmaa Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 0:30. 11, "Some
Considers. tkms Relating to Church . Union"; 8,
vwt; ifnn vn .-o oo to me Heathen.
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rer. J. G
Hatton. rector, 7:80, 11, 7:45.
St. Andrews Hereford at; Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chamber in charge- 8. 7:30 p. m
. Urace Memorial E. 1 Tth and Weidler Rt.
for (great program
Rev. J. K. Unsworth to Occupy
r- ,p r.i-if
rirsi rresDyxenan ruipn; spe
cial Program of Music.
Rev. J. K. Unsworth of British Co
lumbia will occupy the pulpit of the
First Presbyterian church both morning
and evening. Dr. Unsworth is known on
the Pacific coast, having been pastor
of several prominent churches, and is
now stationed in British Columbia. The
music for the services will be furnished
by Miss Astrld Roal, soprano ; Mrs.
Mabel Orton Wilson, contralto, and W.
C. McCulloch, organist.
Following the. morning service, B. A.
Thaxter will give an illustrated talk on
"The Gospel of Mark." This lecture
akes the place of the regular Sunday
school service and is to be held !in the
Sunday school auditorium.
Dr. Pence Intends to
Discuss Superman
Dr. Edward H. Pence will discuss the
"Superman" at the Westminster Pres
byterian church Sunday morning. In
this connection the pastor asks : "What
is the next step of human evolution, and
what shall be the mould ln which it
shall be shaped. Germany had a
theory and an inspiration concemlnlg
super-humanity. What was left out and
what forced upon tnat conception is a
question of immense interest to this
generation which may yet in part live
to see great realization in an. enlarged
human nature." This will be Dr.
Pence's last sermon until his return
from a rest at Neakahnle after the
double duties of the parish and Camp
Lewis-during June, July and the early
part of August.
Union Service Planned
A union service of. song and sermon
of the St. Johns churches Is to be held
on the city hall, lawn at 8 o'clock Sun
day evening. The Methodist church
held its fourth quarterly conference
Friday evening with District Superin
tendent Rev. W. W. Youngsorr presid
ing. Over 40 new members have been
i received into the church recently and
the pastor's salary was increased $200
! for the coming year.
J Good Shepherd VancouTer and Graham
ReT. John Dawson. 11. 8.
St. Michaels and All Saints E. 43d and
j Broadway ReT. T. F. Bowen, Ticar. 8, 10. 11
i and 5.
Church of Our Sartor 60th are. and 41st st
I S E. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
, hospital Ker.. Kreaenc Mowam. 7, ( :o
St. Pauls Woodmere Her. Oswald W. Tsy-
lor. 4.
All Saints 25th and Sarier Ber. Frederic
K. Howard. 11.
St Johns E. 15th and Harney, Seltwood
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11. 7:30.
First, E. 6th and Market Rer. E. D. Horn
schuch. 11, 8.
Free Methodist
Central E. 55th and Flanders Rer. W !.
Coffee. 11, "The Essential Elements of True
Holiness"; 7:30. "The Whole Duty of Man."
First East th and Mill Rer. A. Beers.
11. "Oil, a Symbol of . the Holy Spirit": 8.
preaching by Rer. J. H. Jackson, missionary.
Congregstion Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath serrices Fridsy
at 8 p. m., Saturday. 10:30 a. m. Sunday, 10,
in Portland academy blalg.. 13th and Monte-ornery.
Religious school. Bible classes at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation Ahsna Htiolom- -ran ana
sts. Rabbi R. Abrahsmson. Friday, s p. m..
Saturday. 0:30 a. m.
Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. 10, 7:80.
St. Pauta E. 12 th and Clinton Rer. A.
Krause. 9:30, 10, confession; 10:SO, com
munion; 8.
OUr Sariors E. 10th and Grant iter. sc.
A. Christensen. 11, sermon in orwejgisn; B.
patriotic serrice and dedtcstlon or sernc iiag.
Trinity Williams and Ursham Rer. J. A.
Rirnbsch. 9:15, 10:15.
Bethlehem" Norwegian 14th and Daris Rar.
Willwlni Ptttenwn. H. "Where the Church Has
Failed and. Why"; 8,. "One Hundred Per cent
Christianity;" .
Grace English Mason and Albin. 10:30.
Methodist Episcopal
Central Vancourer and Fargo Rer. C. C.
Rarick. - 11, 8, "In. Boyd Challenge to the
Clinton Kelly -E. 40th and Powell Ber.
E. B. Lockhart. 11. t
First -12th and Taylor Rer. -Joshua 8 tans
fields pastor. Serrice conducted by Dr. William
Wallace Youngson. morning. "Our Impulse and
Motir"; erening, -Three Prodigols."
First NorwegUn Danisli loth and Hoyt
Ber. Ellas GJerdicg. 8. , elJJ
Vancourer At. Norwegian Danish Skldmore
and Vancourer Rer. Elias Gjerding. 11.
IJncolB E. 52d and Lincoln Rer. E. B.
Lockhart. 8.
Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stsvrk. Rer. E. OUn
Eldridge. 11, "A Shining Virtu"; 8, address
by Professor Matthews of Willamette- uniTersitr.
Wilbur Multnomah bote! KeT. Francis Bur
gette Short. 10. Sunday school. II. preaching,
ingv 1
St. Johns W. Learitt and Srraeas Rer.
3. H. Ifine. 11, 8, outdoor sing and sermon oa
dty hall lawn. -
' I'nirersity ' Park Fisk and Lombard Her.
3. T. -Abbott 11. 8. " .
Epworth 26th and Sarier Rer. C. O. Ue
Cuilocb.' .11, &. 4 - .
Oampmeetings for '
Norwegians Planned
The Norwegian-Danish Evangelical
Free church (Congregational) has ar
ranged for a Series of camp meetings at
East Twenty-third and Alberta streets
for the convenience of all Norwegian
people in the city. There will be serv
ices Sunday at 11 a. m,, 4 p. m. and
7:30 d. and each night during the
week except Monday and Saturday at
8 o'clock.
The main speaker will be Rev. Julius
Lee of Brooklyn. N. Y. The string band
of the church will sing and play at all
services. There will be no t?ervlces ln
the church building during thjs cam
paign, except the Sunday school and
Bible class. All Norwegian, DanUh and
Swedish speaking people are invited.
Missionary Will
Be Speaker Sunday
Rev. C. Aug Petersen, Sunday school
missionary, will be ln Portland Sunday
and speak ln the Vancouver Avenue
church on Vancouver- avenue and Skid
more street, at 11 a. m.. on "The Great
est Power in the World." In the eve
nine at 8 o'clock he will address the
congregation of the First church. Hoyt
and h ighteenth streets, on "The History
of Missions." Rev. Mr. Petersen is one
of the foremost speakers among the
Scandinavian people.
New Pastor Coming
About September !
About the first week in September
Rev. Orland B. Pershing Is expected to
take the pastorate of the Central Pres
byterian church at East Thirteenth and
Tine streets. At present Rev. Mr. Per
shing is pastor of the church at Albany.
His letter of acceptance was read to the
congregation last Sunday morning. Mr.
Pershing ha3 been in ministerial work
for 20 years. He, is married and has
two sons. Dr. Thomas Anderson is to
preach this Sunday morning.
Monthly Patriotic
Service to Be Held
The monthly patriotic service at the
First Unitarian church is to be held
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The
names of the men represented on the
service flag will be read. Rev. A. G.
Eliot Jr.. the pastor, will preach on
"Sufficient Unto the Day." A new
patriotic service is to be used. During
the month of August the pastor will be
in Camp Lewis, during the week, re
turning for the Sunday morning serv
ice. During the summer the evening
forum will be intermitted.
How to Love Huns
Is Dr. Short's Topic
Special interest centers in the sermon
tooio that will be presented at the
Wilbur Methodist church Sunday morn
ing. Francis Burgette Short, the pastor,
announced last Sunday morning that
he would present the topic, "Good Will
Toward Men, But How Can America
Love Germany?" His own membership
is manifesting a keen interest in the
coming sermon. Mr. Hanson plans to
have special musical numbers. A cor
dial Invitation is extended to those who
are not members of other churches to
attend this church.
Wyoming Pastor to Preach
Dr. M. DeWitt Long, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church of Sheridan,
Wyo.. will preach at tare morning serv
ice of Rose City Park Presbyterian
church for the next two Sundays. n
the absence of Dr. Robert H. Milllgan.
the pastor, who Is on his vacation. Dr.
Long's subject for Sunday morning will
be "The War of the Lamb and the
District superintendent. Rer. WillUm Wallace
Youngson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d st. N. Tsbor 2790.
M. E. South
First Union snd Multnomah Rer. James
T French. 11. 8. j
Sellwood E.-lfet and Spokane Rer. B. H.
Morse. 11. 8.
First 12th and Alder Rer. John H. Bord.
Preaching by Rer. J. K. Unsworth of British
Columbia. 10:80. 7:45.
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rer.
Edward H. Pence. 10:80. "Who Shall Be
Found to Be the Super Man."
Central E. 13th and Ptne. Rer. Orlando B.
Tershing. 11. preaching by Dr. Thomas Ander
son. Calrary 11th and CUt Rer. R. W. Roger.
Preaching by President Wallace H. Lee of Al
bany college. 10:30. "Church Union"; 8, "Tha
Fourth Petition of the Lord's Prayer."
Vernon lth snd Wygant Rer. J. R.
I.and-br.rmie'h. 1 1 . serric in charge of Christ
ian Endearor society. Topic. "Orer There
With tle Red Triangle." by James W. Palmer.
Piedmont Rer. A. I.. Hutchison. 11. 8.
Fourth First and Gibbs Her. Henry G.
Hansen. 10:30.
Kenilworth E ytSsth and Gladstone Rer.
Paul E. Ratsch. 1 1 . preaching by Estes SnIe
coe: 8. union serrice at Clinton Kelly Methodist.
Hope E. 78th and Ererett Ber. Floyd E.
Dcrris. 11, 8.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. Preaeh-
tng by Dr. M. D Witt Long of 8hridan. Wyo.
Tnth Day Adrontlsts
Note Regular serrices of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Ererett U K. Dick
son, pastor. 11:15.
Tabernacle Arcanum hall. 13th and Wash
ington. ' 11. 7:45.
MontaTill E. 80th and Ererett Elder 3.
A. Gerhart. 11.
Lents 94th st. and 58th ar. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 11.
St Johns Central are. and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T Hilgert. 11.
Albins Skidtnor and Mallory Rer. A, A.
Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:15.
Seandinarian Of den hall. Mississippi sad
Sharer. 11.
Salvation Army
Corps No. 1 243 Ash at. Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11. 8:15. 8.
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tim
hill Rer. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "Sufficient
Unto the Day." Patriotic Sunday.
Unit rthrn
Second E 27th and Sumner. 11, preaching
by Bishop William H. Washinger oa "The Prob
lem of the Age and Hew We May Help Solr It";
8. preaching by Her. J. E. Connor.
Third 67th at. and 32d are. S. B. Rer.
E. O. Shepherd. 11. "A Non-Militant Church"; 8.
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rr. John E, Fee. 11. 7:45.
Realisation League 186 5th Rer. H. Milks. 11, "The Power of- Imagery";
8. "How IriTin Understanding Work Out Har
mony in Human Affairs."
New Ciriusation Church 401 Central bldg.
Dr. Beth- Northington. 8.
-First Dtrin Science 131 12th st. Rer. T.
If. Minard. 11. 8.
Church of the. Uni renal Messisnie Message
414 E. Ererett. 11, . "Tn Radiating Power
of. Thought": Wdndy. 8, stady cissa. .
Br. STenkins to
iipeak at ijfirst;
Dr. J. Alexander Jenkins, pastor
of the Warren Avenue Congrega
tional church of Chicago, will be the
speaker at the First Congregational
church during the remainder of Au
gust. August 11. he is to preach on
"The Prophets of the Church"; Au
gust 18, "The" Prophet's Motive ln
Life": August 25, "The. Christian's
Consciousness of Unfailing Power."
Sunday evenings he will present
popular and patriotic themes, his
. topic for Sunday night being "The
We' of the West."
Dr. Jenkins, besides being pastor
of one of the largest Congregational
' churches of Chicago, is dean of the
Union Theological college of Chi
cago and chaplain of the Eleventh
infantry, Illinois .National Guard.
East Side Church
Plans Novel Program
At 6 :30 Sunday evening the East Side
church Baptist young people plan an
other special program. For several
weeks a contest ln Proverbs has been
conducted and the decisive contest will
be held Sunday. The final contest will
be conducted somewhat on the order
of an indoor baseball game, ln which
ijuconujis io dc answered Dy provems
constitute a substitute for a ball and in
which the pitchers and catchers of a
unique sort play a prominent part,
while each side is put up to bat as a
Bishop Homer C Slontz
Big Yarns Told by
Pastor in Evening
Down on the Peninsula at the Univer
sity Park Baptist church. Rev. A. L.
Black lg endeavoring to solve the ques
tion of the hot Sunday evening by tell
ing "Big Yarns With Little Morals" to
his Sunday evening congregations. Rev.
Mr. Black says : "I am Just trying to
put into the service a little spice, a lit
tle variety, a little breaking np of the
monotony of hard seats and hot sum
mer evenings." These stories are origi
nal and out of the life of the speaker.
Some of the titles are "A Dreary Night
in the Hills of Old Palouse." "The Old
Swimmin' Hole," "The Patent Medicine
Man." "The Canary and the Cat." "The
Team That Was Not All One Horse,"
"Parkman's Mules" and "When Mother
Dropped a Stitch."
Bifehop Will Speak
Bishop William H. Washinger will
occupy the pulpit Sunday morning at the
Second United Brethren church. He
will speak on the problem of the age. A
Christian Endeavor society has been or
ganized at this church during the past
j week by tne pastor and workers from
the Third church, and the initial devo
tional eervice will be held Sunday eve
ning at 7 o'clock. Sunday evening Rev.
J. f. Connor will preach.
Will Speak Monday
Iu. the absence of the regular pastor.
Rev. Paul E. Ratsch. who Is attending
the Seabeck conference, Estes Snedecor
will fill the pulpit at Kenilworth Pres
byterian church Sunday morning. In
the evening the Waverley Heights Con
gregational and Kenilworth churches
will meet at the Clinton Kelly Method
ist church in a union service. It is ex
pected that Rev.- Mr. Ratsch will ar
rive in time to speak at this service.
Evangelist to Preach
Rev. B. R. Weiner of. Chicago, field
secretary and evangelist of the general ;
missionary society, will preach Sunday i
evening at the Lents Evangelical church, j
He is sound in doctrine and full of
natural humor. He was the evangelist
at the general assembly convention at
Jennings Lodge. J The pastor, Noah
Shupp. will preach at 11 o'clock.
Dr. Reld to Preach
Dr. S. J. Reid of Victoria. B. C. will
preach again at the East Side Baptist
church Sunday morning and evening.
The CTiurch has been well filled during
the tummerSmonths during Dr. Hlnson'a
absence, to I listen to the discourses of
Dr. Reid. r
1 V ffr'i V " " w
iiiaaiinMiimaaMBiiiViiiimi nri 'tosomuaV -f Wttmm m
Will Christ Come Soon?
Eminent Methbdist Clergyman
and His Wife Will Be Guests
of Men's Social Union Here.
City-Wide Gathering Will Be
Held at 4 o'Clock in Afternoon
of Sunday, August 25.
STUNTZ will reach Portland
Wednesday evening, .August 21.
at 7 p. m. They will be the
guests of the Methodist . Men'n
Social union for the week prior to the
opening of the Pacific German confer
ence at Rodney Avenue church. Port
land. The bishop will speak at the
luncheon of the Pennsylvania club when
the old soldiers from the Keystone state
will be entertained Thursday. August
22; at the Rotary club Tuesday. August
27 ; on Sunday afternoon, August 25. at
4 oclocK there will be . a great city
wide Methodist mass meeting In The
Auditorium ' with Bishop Stunts as thav
speaker of the hour. The same organs
lxatlon will make the arrangements for
this meeting that; put over the national
war council mass meeting. May- 12.
when Bishop Hughes was the speaker.
Monday evening. August 26, In Laurel
hurst park there will be a great rity
wide Methodist picnic from 5 o'clock on.
A band will play patriotic airs and lead
In an , inspiring community sing with
Bishop Stuntr as the speaker. Tues
day. August 27, he will be shown the
highway. Friday evening, August 23.
he will speak at Astoria.
After Bishop Stuntz presides at the
annual sessions f the Columbia river.
Puget Sound and Norwegian-Danish
conferences, he and Mrs. Stuntz will sail
for the orient to preside over the con
ferences in the Far East in place of
Bishop Bashford.: whose health -will not
permit him to go.
The bishop is said to be one of the
most unique and commanding figures in
worldwide Methodism, an orator of
power and persuasive eloquence. Port
land Methodism ; has a rich treat in
store for it in the opportunity of hear
ing this great bishop on these important
Visiting Missionary
To Speak in Evening
Sunday morning Rev. , Alexander
Beers, pastor of the First Free Method
ist church, will preach the last of his
series of sermons on the operations of
the holy spirit. ; In this subject, the
pastor will discuss the subject of divine
healing; and will show that there is no
real ministerial efficiency without the
holy spirit.
Rev. J. H. Jackson, a returned mis
sionary from South America and an
outgoing missionary to India under the
auspices of the : Pentecostal Church of
the Naaarene. will preach at night.
Rev. Mr. Jackson is a very forceful
and interesting speaker.
W ill ! Sing Duet
Mrs. Helen Erich and T. Kaarlius are
to sing a duet Sunday morning at tho
Bethlehem Norwegian Lutheran church.
Sunday night the pastor will preach on
100 per cent Christianity. .
. Servier-in Norwegian
At Our Savior's Lutheran church the
Sunday morning' service will be tn Nor
wegian. At 8 o'clock a patriotic serv
ice will be held by the congregation and
the young people's society, when a serv
ice flag will be dedicated.
First Presbyterian Church
Corner 12th and Alder Sts.
Rev. J. K.
D. D.
Will Speak
10:30 A.M.
and :
8:00 P. M.
Mils Astrld Real
Mrs. Mabel Orton.
rr$ I
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