I, V-1 FOR HALE MISCELLANEOUS It mm mm ' Trnnwn u4 Fort Orford radar, copper frtSDetsd ; latast design; factory prices Fsetorr tat. tiltesn. set Tftrtt .nrf 7tH THw 0 LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT K Cuh for any amount. EMVOOD WILE CO., : ! .111 United Hrstes NstlooeJ Bank Bide Open Hsturdsy evening until It p. m. Iroedwar 5070 II n ''A ry P risnosrs. Wdln. 1080,'U(aeiLi.3 roruana. or. and second hand All " smrrant WHY an ererlastang aggrs ration or leear roof J Why not a permanent and tndestruetlble roof t We esldlse and renew . all kind' of leaky roof. us) Tonrney bldg. Main Sr(. CAMEflA. 1'retno No. 0. a'xStt. It. E. lena. ante leather rase, ray filter, film park, devel oping tank. All practically new; bargain. Call V'oortlawn 11 S 2. 0 ENVELOPES or 600 bond letterheads. 12.25; 25 rngrsTers' type wedding snnonnee 'menta or InrttsMons t3. Smith. Printers. -04 tttark rntWITFBr WAITED Read Important Read . We carry a greater aaaortment of Mow and used merchandise than an; (tore la the ,rtt. There is hardly an item we do not bay nd aclk We (pectalise in shelf and heavy hard ware, aporting goods, household good, office far altars, hotel and camp rappttsa. When jrou bar anything to bay or Mil. caU ' or phono Main 0073 A-7174. IX V 1.1 rUHOWARR A- FUR.NITDRS CO.. X21-S-D Front it., cor. Salmon. i- Grand Rapids Furniture Co. bono East 24. 84-80 Grand are - We pay the higheet orloea for your second-band fornlture. Will take your uaed furniture la eg- rhsnre for new. 0WLFURNITURCC0,,' Itnt We want your aud furniture, tovae. carpet end pienn WUl pay higbeat caah pries. Call Mara 4127. WK.HTMAN-JOHNSON FUR.NITUKB COt 8-0 Grand are. Cart 7700 Highest price paid for niied furniture, carpets, Hoes, ranges, etc We call promptly Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CASH. Phone Main 8882. SWAP COICHR Si WILL trade Betningtoa typewriter No. 7 with i decimal tabulator, original coat 8120. in per fect condition for 80-30 Wincheater or rifle, equally aa good. No junk.. X-7&S, Journal, t I'XTiKER ahotgun, 12 gauge; S cow, plow, , disc, harrow, Meriden 22, long and ahort rifle, for aale or trade. 5707 48th are. S. .. cor. 88th Ft. What hare you to offer? WANTED MISCEI.IA XEOCS Willamette Junk Co, i&SXl Pay higher prlee for Mond-baad maehnery nd Junk of every dees-i IpUoo. 1 L Shank Co. 'SSL til dei Metal Rubber. Writ foe priess and i hlppin tag. Mali 168f. COINO East or Booth f Household gooda shipped i at reduced rate; morfnc and packing. Pacific Coest forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt at. Bdwy. 708. UARVttLV ZIDELL W buy ererytlrtng and eaTt promptly. soa FRONT 8T U. S. LIBERTY BONDS Will pay cash. 888 Plttock blk. WANTED Indent ructo 3995. wardrobe trunk. East WANTED Rifles, shotguns, eameraa. lea Hoctafteld. 88 Sd at. Phone Mala 3881. BANQUET top, i 4190, Swank. 8 or 9 ft. Diameter. Main WASTED MISCEt-LAJTEOCW $7.50 for ,Second-Hand Suits ' Ueyer, the tailor; pay moat for do thing and shoes. We call day or erening. Marshall 1220 or 220 Madiaon. Second Hand Clothing Buyer Wo pay the moat (or rwei's clothing and shoes. CaU Maia 1023. JUNK WANTED Call Mala 734. We pay the blgheet market Prices tor aaetaJ and yank of eery deeurluMoa. : BI6YGLE -WANTED 12 First, near Alder. Main 4408. Tabor 0708. FEKvOSlIi 13 FACE MASSAGE, dandruff. Itching scarp; mole removed. 230 Flirdner bldg. Broadway .1085. ELLA CACKETTE. aeientine facial, aeate treatment. 406 Broadway bldg.. Maia 1807. I aiiiior ConanRatlon EE: Lawyer 8i2 suing bw. FREE. Maia 4903. MB8. WEIGHT Palmuitry. eara reading and ntrlfnal tearher. 880 A Morrison. Room 414. ClLLlE WHEELER, give your address. A friend. Z-816, Journal. ELECTRIC cabinet -bath and maaaage. Institute. 327-8-0 Pittoek blk. Iroaaide TESKOKAI. IS ULAHA3 AT A ttAVUiW 1 solicit your patronage) aa of capable serwx aands . of aatisf led nstrims tjkaa. Goodman, optometrist. 200 HxnM at. aj37 basis COME I and get both your feet fixed up good for 31 by Or. Eaton, tie CHIROPODIST that doesn't hurt you ; 0 years in Portland: exam, faset Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2OT4. BPIKlTtJAXJSM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR., 235 6th at., corner- Mala, teaches palmiatr and card reading; also lessons in science of health Sad success. UK. ti V. blETCHCM. women au ladies and seats diseases of men. Washington fcldsW 4th and Wahinston. Phono Marshall 448. Bl'PEHFLl'OCS hair, moles, wart, removed by 10 needle method: trial free. Josis Finely. 814 Eilers bldg. Call Main 6388. DH, li. i UUTIU1AM. setenmtnaa hospital. 418 E. 7th t. 8. S. 1847. at-1062. Don and horwa clfnped- LADY barbers. Share 15c. haircut 25c, massage 35c. 325 Glisen at. cor. 6th. face PROFESSIONAL AN0 BUSINESS OIPECT0RY AOCOROfON PLAITING K. STEPHAN heaaatltchiag. braidias. ehala etttebinc box, accordion, side aad aanbant pkiitiEg. seallophyg. buttons covered. Good sponged. 210 Plttock blk. Broadway 1000. HCOOWDIQW Ft-AITIWa HEMSTTTCHDfO. 10 TE.VTS PEB XAB1X PLEATING. ALL LATEST STYLES. EAST fEBN NOVELTT CO.. 85 is FIFTH. BROAD WAT 2000. BLANK t)OOK wXKIM DAVIS A HOLM AN, Ufa. 100 2d St.. blank book manafaeturera. A-S188. Mala 188. BRASS AND MA CHINK WORKS OOAL AMD WOOD BOXWOOD Ideal en nimer fad. Prompt delivery. -MULTNOMAH FUEL CO.. t M. A-?M8 National fuel CO, abort subwood, Moas wood. 2 load lota. East 2041. DUCATIONAL HAUi-EK a BRASS WORKS. Brass casUags and machine work. 106 N. Bth. Broadway 2848. CAR CT CLCANINO FLUFF RUGS From old carpets, rag ruga, carpet cleaning, re fitting. NORTHWEST RL'O CO., Former address.' 153 Union av. Mail orders solicited. 188-00 E. 8th. East 8580, B-1280. Phones : East 6516 OB-1478 JOTCB BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works Car pets cleaned and laid, refitting oar specialty East 440..B-1068. 204 B. 10th st. N CHIRORR ACTORS DR. MAfAHON la making good: 31 adjnstmsats 818: seven. 88. Esiet terms. DR. LAURA E. DOWNING. Chiropractor, years' experience. Broadway bidg. 10 OANCINO MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 85 H Fifth. Get in line for summer dancing: 10 private lessons 35. Hours 10 a. m. to 0:30 p. m Broadway 2327. We tsach you right. MBS. FLECK S ACADEMY. 100 SECOND ST. Ballroom and classic dancing. Private keeaons daily. Claasea Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 to 10. Ladies free. Maia 2 1 00; MISS- IRELAND 10 LESSONS 85 600 Dekum bldg. Personal attention, 10 to 0. ALTS' N. BROWN, teachsy of classic, toe. atage and ballroom dancing. 148 13th it., off Morrison. Phone Broadway 2555. BINGLER Dancing Academy, leading school; cms Hon., Wed., Fri. eves; 10 lessoas. 8f : private lesson. 14th st Wash. Broadway 838Q. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TIACHCRS PROF. T. E. L-WSON, 20 years- experience. Piano lesson at ycur home, 75c. Tabor 73"08 THIELHORN VioUn teacher, MAIL AOVERTISINB CRAKB LETTER CO. graphing, mimeocraphlng. Marshall 8823. FLUr MUOI N RAO RUOI Send Us Your Old Carpets FLUFF BUGS . JMado from aid lagrsbx, sinuses. Aaxslaater. BBiJTaav aVaas rag rugs, all sisss Mats ardors psjsaot. Bead for bookkiL Carpet Cl'ning,, Refitting, Etc. 0x12 rags, steam or dry cleaned, 81.50. WaJiTKKA fLUF hlio JO . M Catea ave. N. Phones East R1. R-t7a RUBBER STAMPS ALaO STKNCIU, Trade Ohecjc. aieiai BiansT M'IF, -'OAST- STAMP WORKS S3 Broarlway. Broadway 710. A-2710. . CH,s;i. SUPPLY POKTLAND ULM.KV lor prompt, eflici.nl aervsje. Phone Broad wsy 410. A-4410. TRAN3P8R NO STORAQt 207 Fleidner bldg. DUDil SeAcik. Broadway 1629. VIOLIN, piano, mandolin. Kanbeck. 400 Yamhill. goiur. banjo. Kol - fMtSICiaNS t)K. R A. PUlLLlPi, ui oniMs.i bnUdin. - Rheumatism, ferns Is disorders, skin trouble, etna i a. Brer, kidney. Sow sis. throat, goitre, blab blond present. PAINTIWO. TIMTINO. WOPERHANOINQ n. C1.IFTON. pal aunt, tiount. papering. li N. 17th St. Bdy 4414 Wdln. 2126. PATENT ATTORNEY GOLDBERG. 820 Vorc-tr Hiii. Main RRIWTINO. I NOSsviNO BINOINO PRINTING STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAYS. MORSE, INd - 1428 Fiandem street. v Oregon Iransfer Co. Established 1870 " -Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storsae Free Trackage Office and Btorate 474 ollsaa ':n.'I, 4 Bro1wa 121. A-I1S ALytAVS "PICK" TH K BEST iiOLSKiWLD sn-'pping and moving. Horse sad auta fecial rates to all pomta. ' a O. PICK TKANbFER A STORAGE CO. Rcond and Pine. Brnadwar fc8. A IIM V W BAL'tKM a. CO. lt ad Oak sts. M. 165. A-1165 PACKL'U SECURITY aTOUAUE 108 Park St. MUVIXU 8TORAUS A) TKANSKEU CO, Main filftS. A-iaslj watch RCPainina THE rt 82 SUrk st. PtESS Broadway 40S. A-4088 IF IT'S a watcO cryital or a waicn part ws hsee . First class s.trn snd lewslry repairing. Prompt srvics. Reiner A Klom 122A 38 sb Pal! Fn:t fnfS il,b ric paw for Kjdli CdOl UOU nsrd furniture, stores nigs, earthing In hriwhold goods. We exchange year Id furniture fur new t nil t o obtain a h I f h I Mirnltnre. toves. earpeta. price for ynnr ued USr .tartlnt In business; highest prices paid for nsed furniture; rug, earpeta, stove. A. Ifenner Furnltnr Co.. 8.1 Grand av. East 6487 piQU psul for rurnlture. stores, rsnges, neat unOn ers, csrpets. rugs, dressers, etc. Pboas MrhsH 2178. Hsrtaell Furniture Co.. 841-43 1st CPT TreUht rstes on botuehold good- shipped Est and South. Mar.nlng Wsrehouae A Tranv fer Co . th and Hoyt. Brosdwsy 703. A-1793. NOTICE!" !6 LOI'lHK WKIMIAHI) ESTATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice in hert-hy Riren that the undersigned hare been appointed by the rounty court of the state of Oregon fur Multnomah comity an exe cutrix, and exrrutnr of the last will and testa ment of I,oiiie Weiiiharu. defeased, snd hare qualified s Hiirh. All penun lisving claims agafnit naitl dereased or her estate are hereby required to, prrent them, with the proper voucher-, within six montlii from the date of this nntire, to the nnder-itgned. st the office of the Wrinhsnl plant. No. 47S llumside street, In the rlt.y of Portland. Oregon. listed snd tint publiihod this .tenth dsy of August, 1U1H. ANNA WESSIN;ER, Executrix. PAUL WKSSINGEK. Executor. HENRY WAIiNKK. Exefiitor Wood, Montague A Hunt, M. M. Matlhieisen. attorneys. ' STrTIEriLIN7jrFINAT7TC In the- matter of the e'tate of Henry Wein hafd, deceased In prohste. Nip. 5384. Notice Is hereby siren thst the undersigned as tlie sole survirinu executrix snd the only executors of the estate of Henry Weinhard, . deceased, have filar their final account in said estate In the county ennrt of the stnte of Oregon for Multnomah county, snd that Monday, the 16th day of September. 1!HH. at Ihe hour of 0:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said dsy and the courtroom of said court has been appointed by as lil court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the uettlement thereof. Dated and first published August 10, 1018. ANNA WESHINGEK. Executrix. PAI'L WESHINGEK. HENRY WAGNER. Executors. WOOD, MONTAGT'E A HINT, M M MATT HI ESSEN, Attorneys for Hald executrix and executors. . H V A P fe.VCHANCE 5 miiTin Cor, Oregon, and Journal. roi,iti BARON BEAN Looks as If Grimes Were Out of the Rac MPUL I SHOD TO I'm Tke, out) I spose jwey CbuiDiar "RUA tniii, a rm CThm Vfcu uaj Aim.) 6 I a9 FAP As you Go - 1 J '.MjA . OVER HERE af" timber, for acreage. lioutclas r-so. KIO MOKE: 5oG0e R3r2-V V00 FOLS , THIS 15 MV FIGST SOGAtir (a ! iv 1 NICE ! 2 17WSV 1 r$rti wo M V G52AX. ) SHOULD NO MOT HOtO CAM YOU rwE JCA)cE WITHOUT SuQAZ. . C(05H : iTli. TASTE DUE A CAKE. OF 5CAP. Oh, Sugar HM" AMP D&AlE lOON'T MISS SUGAR., THE'PE Too SWEET AS IT JS. OH, PEAG. ! I ) kwoco t'Lj i PIE UITHOUT I e A RDP HASsj'T i5D SUfjAR roR. MONTHS HE'S OM A DET. NO StXIArQ. GOES ACAIWST LIL' WILLIES 5HB ATE A PIECE OF S0h? ONCE , SH THcXiGHT IT WA5 CANDY, GSJ APBIL FOOLS DAV . "DEACIE" (S 5tjEETM)UG ihoNS" COFFEE WITH HEC ITTYPRETTV UC PWCEJ?, WHAT C0DLD BE ? . . Vt . t HAV A 5WET HAT. SO WHAT Do iCACE. It -r- -3a Igrw I I ; r in in r "7 Calamity' JAME LOOVT "BLU66ER" Hf3 DON'T KMOtO fi0OG H TojTAKE HIS 8am Kl2l3y OFF. NICE POPE! a w ,e i .erp I3RDWM 5UCAI . 'HE M EVE J3. THivjfcl3. HE CAW'T STAWD TLiiT t-aii i 3l I tOOKI'T MIS5 5UGAP, STUEJ 1 .HAVE A SWEETHEART. fP - M f rFTEC THAT I ) V? V V 1 LUMP OKI Yr, it? I j j 17 i -7 il I -L-1444H rtHl AC Is V 'COnDfAM,' DOM'T GET YOUP. LETTERS ME0 LJHEM WRlTiMCT . TcJO DlFFECE KT ClCLS, WHEN IS . BRINGING UP FATHER "YOUNfC MUI5AlsiaE " Wlj.L r-lisS THE iSUCAfi A 5UJEET TOqfU, Mjp That -5 the wly ONE. THH 9?tolpoo FAMILY PXf0J0 oOA zoo-3f- lr v5UGAR! KlEVETiL. 5wEE7EN$D THIS 8ir.)0 HE'2 ANTl - ICoprrlfht. IBIS. Interna tlonal Raws fssrrtoa.) By George McManus IT'S A HARD LIFE aV4fT . aw ''IK JliC " rViAV , crse-... TO TOO FOR A MOMEMTe CAN tiTAMD n FOR THAT LOtSO' iff 1 1 DOYOO KNOWTHAO" ErtY PRETTY AO , I WAt) THIIKIM- j LlllL THINK? T Ms A AVE-. -sT SHE'LL OE HUNISINC I WACY FROM YOU r MARRJEIV SHIlTlTMCrr THAT- I NEVER INVITE ANY DOCYY HERE THAT AN tAME WOMAN WOULD aa. ' a. fKA aV r-SAa-s. . -ArTO VOU Hrv A ioi40:UA PAY By F. Opper I r T-JEKtr MAYtTli ME 2X 0TF 7i4AT P.ZCE AMD 2lTF The ri-lTAKE ks (7 I'ULTAKt . f , -AMP SHOlxS s "AMP You tVET HOME KEEPIK& A UTTVt PEACE A . - saw .Issas " . a w . . a A gs. as. . " 1 AND UUlfcl, AIHO. glhaGrl4-' TOUR WlP UAKaT-S There rc 00! THERE IT WARTlHBToo. HAVBtiT YOU 60T AMY PATRIOTISM IMEEp.A Pi WW I , r