i I ' ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAUPORTLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9. 1918. . I t ... . . ... " " - m i ItBAL EsTATB ! ' I ! - " ' ittt . rtnmm w . v w mi . - . . . r t t - t i j uu Ht mar U position, file log bandit 1 r bos factory: first dun ral.rencefc Addrea H. K. Zeek, North Powder. O. SITUAT'OXE FEMALF, A MIDDLEAGED woman desire case convalescent j r children. Good service) for good pay. Rthimnm. W-498, Journal. irovlg woman nan do man's work tn shipyard or aawmil! : any 'outside work. Man'i . wsgea. S-8 80, Journal. r"3TPEfiIE?CKt. it rong" woman want cooking ' ' f In ramp. Good took, ; T-7B6, Journal. . f YOU.VO lady wishes position a office girl WoswTlswn 2427. "Cil " t6uNG Udjr wish Position running elevitor; l nam wooaiawn 101, TOUNO lad deslrat office position; reference t Tabor 4788. DRESSJlAKIXn aa I DRESSMAKING, millinery; no pattern. Call Tahor 8088. . IfUR8E8 64 WANTED Work by a practical nurse. 8llwood , 7U. J FURNISHED ROOM I. .HK HENJAMINMINOS A number of newly ! furnished sleeping rrxlms to be had by the I weea or iwnin; i.e a amy and up; walk- . mi aisiance 10 Man oi ir.iiy. Broadway 8065, '88 Everett at., cor. 20tjh. I raui.BB hotel, modern, fireproof, running . -1 J 2, x e i . wsw, pnnnes anfl elevator; high quality, lo' ; price East Third ad RunwMe. ' 4r W M Am..". " . rTT" ' . . ' in rl'Hlli A.K.NKX, 2B ix Fifth; new onek; not. cold water fn ry room; afeam mrmw. jpp. ;uy nU, M. B87 5. FTJBNISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY LARCE, clean and neatly fumWfaed ilcepin room, ery quiet and auitahle for jierson aieepinf gay time; walking distance. Mu. 1133 KK'E front room suitaltte firr 2 afnUemen. with good noma cooked meal; mndrrn with all er.nrentence. Main 41.'7. 205 N. 21nt t. In jrotit moms, furniIffl, to young man with references. East 0132. Or. 14th and Belmont. LAu,K. nice room, with board. In prlrate rs mil r. snltaMe for 2, walklnt distance, J'hone East 4838. TAV.. W . . : : , ; l ,. ti1 rbi mrninueq rom in privaia ismiiy. th at. B45 TWO" room furnhbed apt., prlrata family, 608 jeiTeron. , FOR BENT Furnished sleeping room. Phone EaAt 7848 room for rent. 821 th. nooMs A?rn TtoATtn it and board In prlrate homT Man that will appreciate a home like place. Hire full details In. answer. W-497, Journal. THK Martha Vs.hington." 3H0 10th. for bosi- eea girls and students. Marshall 1251. with or without board. Piedmont. Woodlawn 8 535 THK HAZKI outside looms, bot water, home eooalng Brierial rates o cmipiee, 8 88 8d. WATfTEI ROOMS AND BOARD 89 WANTED Room and bosrd in private home by working man; give price and particulars. -nov Journal FURNISHED AMI ENf TRMSHED HOLSEKEEPiyO ROOMS 8 4 fl'RNISIIED honseken'inV toomi for rent ZH14 Railroad ae.. Vawourer, Wash 'sleeping and housekeeping rmims for shlp- uiiners. nu ramnill. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7 FDBniSHt D AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ,,,'THRtE llcely lumisiie't housekeeping rooms. i pntiis toilet ann bath, private front ond back veranda, all to yourself, on ground floor. No children and no doas. $14 prr month, 105 K 74-W t N. M V rar FOR nENT 3 II. K." "rrms. trirate house' lower floor, tome furniture for sale. 393 Kaat 16th st. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS HELP SHIPBUILDING K0RTHWE8T STEEL OO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. Yon can serve your country by helping ship Milder to locate. List your v tea Doles, furnished or unfur nished houses, rooms or apartments. Write or pbon. A. J, KngUnd. Mala 1198. isODEtlN'u room houee. 225 M onroe. corner Gantsnbein. 830 month. Owner. 622 Com- merclal st. Phone C-21U7. PART of house for rent, electrlo tights, gas. bath, stations rv tuhs Mat E. 31st st, 8., out. from Woodstock car. t iR HKNT ilodern cotUge. Call after 5. 828 E. th st. N. ! APART3IENTS 4S riiKSlSHEH ANM rSFCHYlSHEl) i klNG ALB E RTAPARTM ETTTS New 200 room house. 2 and 8 room houeer keeping apartments, furnished or - unfurnished : levator., hardwood floors. 11th and MonUomerr. ! Hart apartments Newly furnished modern housekeeping and aleeping tpomi. 82.80 and nn. ; H1SIX1P HALL, K. th and Hawthorne. UnA. I am 1. 2 and S room apts.. 812.50 up: waUi- lng Olsrsooe. call East 882. . MAUNOLlA APT 8. East 3d and Belmont: odern P and 2 room apts., 81.50 per week p. bleeping rooms. East 212. THREE room nlcs furnished apartment, hot and cold water, heat, telephone, lighta and gaa. 820 par month. 826 Hall. THE ALTA Furnished 3 room apt., with 29 th and E. Ash. bath. AU outside rooms PKNINStTLA APTS Woodlawn 18B3 Con. bldg., 8, 8. 4 rooms, baths, phone. FOB RENT FLATS II FLAT to rent, between 7th and 8th. Hawthorne eve. Phone Eant 7B03. FURNISHED FLATS to yOCR rooms, downstairs, private bath, aleeping porch, furn&hed except linen and dishes; .torg beat, electricity and gas. 122. Adults Onw block to Sunnyside car. 152 E. 20th st. FOUR room furnished flat for rent 89 N 17th. Broadway 8151. $30. A. A ... A ' . "v jarga rooms, ground floor, close in- east aide. K rider. 24 Oak Marshall 756. i ROOM furnished flat for rent. 566 Market at. Apply at lower flat. SUMMER RESORTS HTT Ants, fine waLer. at ItokTiTi t..C Apply at Ocean Crest Apts. STORES AND OFFICES 11 IUK.KK Store for rent, good grocery, in Woodlawn Induire 446 Dekum gva. Wdln. 1760. ANTEB TO RENT) FREE 'RENTAL BUREAU I L COLOMBIA RIVER I SHIPBUILDING v .w.l CORPORATION. ' ta thi war Owe emergency and scarcity df feliig aoeommodsttion. w request every patrl- PL,?"" nbf , toUM o7 Sous, to let to mall infoFmation of aam. td Columbia R. . B. Corp. Box 1202,' PortUnd Or !" ajUI,'TJ- no "!. w .t 4 or 5 room or Beafimont, Mt Tsbor or ntor September 1. Tabor 747 low ZT," ? ot &toom bunga ..i .1 to, fr J"J'- y responsible party, rag if possible. Call t.n.. t.i nsiiiiiu To rent J Call Wdln. 3i59. 6 room furnished house. Wt-,2ED, t0 ,rent house, on paved treet. be j. .T T St' JoP'"- Wdlw- 6B4a WtilL,'iHl74 or A""? hou or or' 3 room partmerttjjio children. ;all Col. 707. " REAL Jj4TTif TO LEASE 1 ROOMING HOUSE. tt located. Rockaway on lniMtfii.nt .ii Beach. Or. MrsJ B. Ranch ner. l. n 11 .". 1 , Olb'bT 20 PrU' IUrnii5ed" 252 FOR1 SALE HOUSES 1 fc(TIN T?. -h; Sj Bliontr$2560: By owner. 394 11.11 at SMALL home. rii paymenu! Owner Barrage t Wdln. 3544. 1239 CTfY and country nmirtv .n .j .- . " n 1 v ' v waa. Alain 174 3. FOR SALE. 100x100, PgrttTl (VlAAai a IIWI Un ti2M -r fruit hwa 614 HighUnd at room bouse. 1 030 M.rw- .. , . TFUUUHVIl o On . . R.JBV,i,'.7;,r1i nift' 4 bungalow: was-- SMtaswa, v eg a I St-fftU M.VV uniTOtia ill uEVEN room moderj house, corner lot 60x100. on 1 vision and 28th at 4 stall concrete garag is rsax off 28th at Stall not required e"a be rrnted- 28th at. and Division m.w uwu! ii.ru mnirao, Om SOUU (Uw im provement to tmme; D paid td date. The is now vacant. Price $2500; f 400 cash. 25 month. Eight room modern house, foil basement, at Kara Park, on Mount Scott car line. $2100; ren nmitn. 8514 Foster Road. Tabor lam. ; $15 MONTHLY Right at 1 1th and Alberta. Modem bone.. low, 0 rooms; beet in this section for the n-oney. n iruit treaa: imwnmAimtm G. C. GOLDENBERG 21 5-218 Abingtoa bldt. Mafti 4 SOS. 800 HOTTSKR jsnn kits Over 800 houxes on eur list to; fnn. We have houses In every diatrict at almost any price and terms yon want We j have photo graphs of these houses with fun data. We have """" rrinrD Dsrfilni. Autos at your ser rice. Bee. j FRANK L. McOUIRE. Ablnaton bldg. To buy your home. Main 1088. $1875 $300 CASH itanny o room home. 60x100. Ou and electricity. Modern plumbing, basement, rullt '". Eicluslv district Near William avenue S- OLlENBERO. Abingtoo Bunding. 35 Year m Portland." i Main 480S run, RALE Una or the ftnaat h. 1- cated residences In St. Johns. House is mod ,r" "d containa 9 room and bath; lot la lOOx 100 ft on corner, with street Improved; an abundance of flower, berries andf soma fruit A large quantity of furniture goes with the house. TheT rice for a hort Ume la $4000. part cash. Joseph Kirach. 583 S. Ivsnhoe. OWXFR nnTvn rian IS000 7 room modern house, 20x20 gang. Irvington. $1750 each Two S room houa good east $1800 rooms, east tde. Phona owner. isin Moxrs, or- East B998. $100 CASH Hfrtvruff v 5 BM. MOD. COTTAOE. 12TH AND EVERETT nsi. MUD. COTTAGE. UNION! AND BTEV. uu and $2000. respectively.! Two snaps iui i-ersons oesinng wauing distance. O. C. GOLUKNUEKO, ABLSOTpN BLDO. oo rear in Portland." iMaln 480S. B-HOOM BUNGALOW. WITH TtW Have you hunted the town over for a I think tbia 5-room. strictly modern. attracUve bungalow may be what you want, It has a good appearance, splendid neighborhood, H Mock from Bandy and is moderately priced. Call n p. ni. , rjast 1U4 7, I e,oo . BOSE ,,iTY PARKTi 350 5 room modern bungalow; attle. hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutei. aiu.uun, iuu cem-nt basement. Mash tray., furnace; 1 block toi car. 1500 cash. $25 monthlw K... i .. i . , . A. Wlckman Co. Hit vt.v . , r.i o. Kenton nivTfrrrrcilr Nice 5 room bnnnlnw fMr,i. v. v b"i'ln!; lundry trays, nice Dutch kitchen, cement basement, lot 60x100. no icity lien to assume. On Russett street, near alhi. I'nce $2500 $500 caeh and $28 per month! ORUBSI ft DOWNEY. 818 Board of Trade Bldk. Main T4K5 rOR SALE, by owner. 4 room semi house and VI arre all ntit n M.lt K ki i s,To00!).oli 7 bloc from carline. Price ooth t s E Wn' bltnc8 2 " 6oa Tl40" Ifili' TV ik i iA vit 5 room plastered house vinnt nn v., t. near Union are... Stilendid looetinn sts . sewer, toilet, atnk .i.trnit. .i BY OWNER New 4-room modern hnnnlMi In 1IUI.1AA cor. 77th and Fremont, Rose City car. $2650 $250 cash. $25 month, 'bunenlow 8 rooms down. 1 room and sleonine nnh stairs; lot 40x117. Is vacant. Have mn. show. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N w R.-w bldg. ROSE CITY PARK;, modern B "room' double constructed home, built-in eonvenieru-ea nnA basement, large ottic; standard plumbing, splen did lawn, fruit trees, berries, paved street T- oor FOR SALE : 7 room modem house, on the east .M . looking the Willamette river. Paved streets and sewer all in. good car service. Deal direct with owner. If interested write eare of E-700. Jonmal COOD double constructed 7 room house, splen- ""- wumomi; suiiaoie tor a tamilles, in No. cuuuibion: ouxiuif lor T...1.. tm aToo' f bto:k from Rose City school; $1850 "" easy terme. Tattor flnRB ALBEItTA bl7NftAflTST o rooms, bath, in fine condition, hi nioct to car. Beautiful roses, earden: . ,fuU lot witU lle Only $200 down. "icsman Co.. 814 Stark st i Main Ra FOR SALE 6 room house, lot BBrlOft aTi V . . . , i.. . , . - do your own rpa.iring. Price $1850. $800 iuu ui iruit a coon nuv ir on , . aown manre $20 rr month. 1433 Hassalo IKfcTTl bungalow, 4 rooms, modern full ce meiu oasement. BOxlOO lot: i an vn. f '" new. I nee giosv, Z50 t.nn. rarii. car. v ri. isin it; mvn OALt Home In the Vernon district: ennn enough for any banker or bmrinnaa man- ' win tax itauu. owner J T n.. i.. ..n. -.i . . :. ' -" i-a nmiMr oi uommerce. i FOR SALE BY OWNTPtF 7 room modern, double ennxtnictA ,m... 4w a"aUno,0l J,dJU.wni 2600' htU See 'it at Tivo Ij. uou HL. O. iLi. MT. TABOR 4 room house, lot BOtiAA "a, uerries. oeauuiui n -aoooo . si. n. i. T. "w. i.ouf car to OoUl, walk north, 1 west. 63 E. 7th at J FOR SALE Newly completed 6' room bungs v v . uiamette boulevard, modern C. C ReUner. 1417 Vil- lard ave. FIiiEi i?. room houw- PTed streets. Waverley luu, uarowooa lioors, every $2000 A bargain; 50x100 lot, g room, fruit i-'v. ui. garage; saoo cash or ""'" - a montn. Owner, 828 E 1 1 tn. st. N . MODERNIZE your building; aU kinds of repairs? oir. iiij umgns tor new houses. Max M r-ZVi. l!lt.eclX Conc? Wdg. Main 1878! 7 vTBy "ner'. ?130 lot, modem . .""u. uuura Jlu keeping porch, furnace wash trays, bearing fruit trees. earase. 87 K otii, v r... XZ..ZT East 7626. run mi Good dwelling and garaaa in nnrti, esat part of citv. T.rm. if L !S. tI- 4n..mwi - Jl ""nsioer un- Journai: W"fnt. T-7B5 $1300 BARGAIN, rill lot. some ituit tree? A room.- isnft ..k o a . .V1' 266 Stark St. PhonT Manh.ll 12 i O"00 1000 $100 cash, 7 room TirtiiBA a at AW. "It A East Madia on. i nn xi TsKn . - awv, v. eawva vak IW I OU. I nvnar IOTA J: aavwa. AOia ONLY $1000; KOSB CITK PAKK DISTHICf 4 room plastered Mmi-mod large lot Terms. Tabor 6559 r.--. 1500 -8acnfice 0 rdom plastered house, $400 caau. mjv a montn and Interest Stark. Phone Marshall 12. Gibson, 266 p ROOM modern house, with 40x1 28 lot. fhrit i trees, oiocaw irom Montavilla BO East 78th si N. Tabor IK! Tabor 183. ' K s in y-. ONE 6 room house, modern, at J8 Stofl t., x oioca arom in : Jtentoa Wdln. 812, after 8 p. m. nans:. Rn Ao by owrer- Mode room bungalow 60x100. near t.r anil irlii. !An. f 6641 52d st 8. E. '1"""' "" MODE RN0 room hjouse, 2i bathroom! doai in-, lot 60x100. nvr.ln; .r2m.7 2"! lot 60x100. over!ieeine ; eso., lnn,H.1 I f I UUV P-771 BIG 6 room mode n bungalow, quirter arral ground. I nice fruit; only $ 1900 .grfcd t-SSH r.Mi T ktnnni! i'fi . n.X".-!? terms.1 - -V r-r""- .ry- . I owu ftjBj BLDG " "ViV-T- Q 8 bedroomsrnear ,Z ,1 s reasqnabl 7 price, PIT VII II. atUUVi "".",, "".":' K"u lot., ir. I IT Kg M 1 wrtsk , .,, a. i oi i run ana Denies. 0 room houseL-.ii tl950. $250 dowJ. Phone Woo351rn1..,? '8Wn 6447. nornmgs. OOD 6 room lioise. gas fixture.: rtr . i. ... .T""."" $1500 cash, termi on balance tanoe. 258 Hancock. nROOMS-i2000. modern, Buffjlo at TjT block east of Union ire. Monthly rj.vinr.i7 $250will handle. OwneT. Main 7.1? 6 BOSE UitirPAHK 5 mmdeii" bungalow" ..ST.A m.r: . v . :.- "i car. louuu. irruu. l.Dor 1 -''iST0- r?"m' ni'" fnrntej"house: irji . , . CLOSE IN; 8 room house on riine corner i lot. nice lawn. 4200. re P-762, Journal. onaoie terms. A. and new 2 room rustic louse. $14"o0" $200 cash, 12 Cary, 121 N. W. bk. bldg, -fJoert car. i V. f.TT V -n""-oie. Tth st loo monthly payment. Owner. MAln-tt. uu- su, tivu win hanHl. Mt?ST" &TAAm iir uirtm ' ... uuuna oeuvHd xga FOUR room bungalow, lot 80x1 6 'xunn i Phone He II wood 34.1- T"' i00. A' SNAP $1300 buys 6 room cottage on paved" , stnwt and rarlina ('.11 . . .Tr sun, 1 000, . - ' ' - - - , i HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES SUNNYSIDE $2250 $500 7 Room COttaaa. arranmvl anttaKt. rVt. WA lauuiie. je xitcnena, ate. Near 38th and Main -. between 2 car Una. Paving and all street wors pan. O. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Building. " Year In Portland " Main 4808. ! BEST BUT IN IBVINGTON. ! PRICE ONLY $5700. i. ,X,n. nl l?Tdng porch, abo garage; f". 2 fireplaces and all the latest up to date vain in leatara; thU is located is the very , ' "'mawra. ii you want tin bom t 70 eenu on the dollar, let us show you this. HAOERS REALTY CO. ; 825 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main 2330. BUY this home from owner for the price of hOUSe. Modern 8 mom Vr.nnlAM .Ml. full cement basement, 80x100 kit, town, fruit vlf'i. f?"l?n mot' re. electrlo future, . . .. . ensmeieo; grained floor, newly painted and tinted. Owner is rainter. 7 coats varnish. o cords wood and Inlaid linoleum imuwu in. wain. 1UU2. 1287 E. 17th t N.. Alberts, ear. v $1600. I DIVISION STREET DISTRICT Five room cottage on lot 40x100, blocks e,JK booK 2 block to a carline. on E. 20th st ; ZOO cash, balance $15 per month and Interest J. L. KARNOPP & CO., . T. Exch. Bldg., Main 675 SACRIFICE HALE, ACCOUNT OF WAR 6 room house, strictly modern. Fine place ?me?.t .1fraent with " Will sacrifice to sell this m 10 days. Corner lot 50x100. on Pine and, T9th its. 1 block from carline. Must be aold. The price is right. Do you want it? Terms. CHAS. HOLLAND, eAnkeny Street. WAVERLY-RICHMOND- WELL built modern 6 room bungalow, big bathroom, 2 bedrooms in attic, full basement, elec and gas fixtures, fine lawn, rose and flowers on E a street, 1 block to Hichmond ear; all improvements in, fine condition, $2800 snd terms. See owner, 031 Division t. be tween 30th and 31st. BARGAIN 6 room bungalow, 2 large sleeptng rooms, oath. Dutch kitchen, pantry, electric lights, gas, half basement, east front, big lot 56x133. 15 fruit trees, grapes, uerries, fine garden, chicken house and pen, $1600. Owner. Phone Tabor 7929. $950 IMMEDIATE PO8SESSI6N $950 8 room bungalow, lot 75x120, near Huber atatlon. B. P. electric. City gas for lighting and cooking. Fine place for chickens; good garden. Convenient for west side (hip worker. Good school, $100 down and $20 month. J- W. CROSSLEY, Owner. 270 Stark st FINE BUNGALOW BNAP. Fine 5 room bungalow, buffet, bookcases, fireplace, cement bxsement, everything in first class condition; located on paved street, nice surroundings: on E. 35th. near Division.- Price $2700; $500 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI & DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade Bide. Main 7452 For- SALE 5 room bungalow, lot 60x100. 3 .blocks to ar. 1410 Delaware st Price 81700. $300 down hilinn. tin ,i. Phone East 85d.V 8 ROOM house, big lot fine fruit, close to ear: -vj tjiuvv, met) Knot, GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABTNGTOV m.nn iin uuw, rine 4 room plastered house. M acre fruit. 3 blocks from car. Price $800. 5 room house, partly furnished, gas and water 2 lot. 2 blocks from car. Price $1200; terms' 6 room modern hoh.se. corner lot 65x100 on -'a st Good buy. $1750; terms. Lents Real jswuD. i-none isoor losi ROSE CITT PATtsr nnxt Modern 7 -room house except furnished s.... roent. corner lot. fine lawn i u. hi... .... at aaa lv.7 . .". ' vivuu csia, oaiancs to suit: price $2600; also 2 -room house, fin Dutch kitchen, ama 11 .-.. uioni, easiest terms. Bee nr. Jenk. 68th and ottouj piTtt. or can u-1053. VACANT hvt? T) T7 f r- mr. r . t 18000 Beautiful room bungalow. Just being iauiu.u ana untea throughout, firep.ace buffet, hardwood floors, full basement, wash trays, hardsurfa.ee in and an psiu out (119 A. wtckman Co., 314 Stark st Main 683 "HOME. SWEET HOME B room modern bungalow on iftth - -.v.,,. , oik, i car. pavea tret (paid) fine neighborhood. 82250 from., tit. getting scarce. Eay terms. inni CKoasLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 SUrk t I Modern 5 room bungalow, reception hall. living room with K..i.iiri fi- i , , - ... . niiui rr anil bookcases, Dutch kitchen, buffet, pas hall be tween bedroom, dining room and bath, gas, elec uH'J'Ji?11 bMetnt- I1 corner lot, 2 blocks wuuwviu "Jeir linor nnnu crr nAVii. ,i laXJ.N1 7 room B leeplng porch, fireol.ee. h.amH tw. . r. . Jfi . "ran aiicnen, ooxioo. house in '" -juuiuoo,- pnee ooo. $250 cash 1027 WILLIAMS Tv5 eoooA 6 room modern house, fine 50x100 lot, lots :.. v mm tpaiaj. Fine Iocs tion for shm work an THECROSSLEY-VIQAR8 CO.. 270 Stark st FOR SALE LOTS H'8 8n-Pi Nice corner lot Laurelhurst for u7X. llr, 1 'u oonaea assessments $525 which will give lot with all improvements paid u'"'0'7 ' tnn original purchase . oni-T ' tsint bldg., Broad- . . cneap, fine lots; beet car service L x:toon in city. Build home and save Yr t - - 1 " - croaqway ACREAGE 87 10 ACRES 8 acres in cultivation, good house, barn, Chicken house. Well fenced hnru .a. o 1 Uu.,?' 5--'. hjne.'plow.' harrow! r7. w some cash, bsl sue time, 6 per cent interest IAS rpra o?nX:r?.in.caJUTlt,ion- oaildings. Price x-'lOO, part cash, balance to suit purchaser on , " 40 ACRES 20 In cultivation. 4 room honae ham er7"'lAnor' -TV.11 crop -nd -cLln- " -Vf AllIi BC.lOOt. DILLMAN & HOWLAND, ; 8 th and Main sts.. Oregon Citv Or CHEAP LAND NEAR GRESHAM w.t VsTn 1 Bomo u"-ber. running 0 cres- 1,e flne. 21 in cultivation. 10 a good timber, on good road, $3100 48 .CA?L-A&om,e cled. good soil, running water. $2380. Krider. 284 Oak t. alks, 6 In cultivaUon, all good, lies per i feet, on good county road, close tn n. ki.i. way, near carline, 40 minutes out by auto, $3000 n , ' on canine, 30 minutes out, Vl"!-r$ P"""-"-- 84000. Owner. i-OK SALE B acres improved, g room house" barn, good water, no rock or gravel fine fsmily orchard, good location, 3 milea west of Oregon City. $3000. F. M. Bennett? WUhvm' i9 ACRES Fine garden, onion and beaverl oam, line spring and creek- su-.n T-rmV "T'''"14 j Owner, 390 Vancouver v., Portland. ; BUBURBATT HOMES ; 1 1 ?,5 T -reon CW car 3 room, hi aSe, na" tive trees : 3 bnkeks to K,.r,r.. esh, balance terms. Uibinn Phone Marshall 12. .b 1500 S100 cash. 815 a.- m.u . . . plistered house, acre ground, hi cleared, well; H ntlle to Eetaraita oar r:iK. oaa o.! . Fhnnk Hr.-hjll so FtB SALE FARMS 17 l A-foOecres. stock, machinery, every y thing goes I at harnin Oa - a L ' room h"e. Urge new esass-1 Bn IISC. fn. f-i . rVa-Var nun If li . I - s.-nuwu, JUUlKlia, 70 ACREK. Si4nh Gbod toil. I runnintf tirgk rOr.... i Hbldg400 c"h dOTra- Co?: HEARD OF RARRitva' 160 uninfcroved; good soil: creek, close tehool, statio . Claude Cole 300 Henry bldg. 9 M. i . i cr 1 1 1 i iiri unn i'vt a o a a FARMS WANTED RENT OB BUT 88 ift "Pi 'or u7-Sock ----., i f.uTiuui. me j are ror sale at inable pnefc, Washington or Oregon. o, -fi! runl farm on Hare. Z-613. Jpurnal. Ii HAVE buyets for farms, all sixei mm V Q 1 O V a " st. mTH V T i Sge. If yod want to sell quidk list with ma Herman Peper "f 617 Union ave. N. East4285; i "A?4 to rent a fsrm of 150 to 00 .cr wm purcfias stock and implement. .. cash. wner. hi.lv T.75 t-.T-T v 3 r - "-. , iui iib I. 2HOMESTEADS 47 O. fc C. HOMESTEADS i Now open for direct filln. I . I.. oh a good claim. A former government dz? 801 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land ofQee. w. xx. junnsiUA. HdMESTFa nn " Lbesta yon on the timti for $10d; nof charge unless rntV -.T e Iclassify arid krlow. these homesteads i . ANLERSONi & ANDERSON o. 2 Land Office buildinir. Third and Oak streets. I O. IA C. HnHniTina ( Yon can fihTdirecti Wo can show -mil th. best claims. Full inlormationT. U 0,8 , j HUNDY aY McHARDT I . in xnaniw MniirtiAg 1 Henry B j - TIMBER 18 NOTICE OF SALS OF GOVERNMENT TTM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wash ington. D, C, July 12, 1918. Notice la here by given that subject to the conditions and limitation of the act of June 9, 191 (89 Stat., 218). and the Instructions of the secre tary of the Interior of September IB. 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September S, 1018. at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at tha United States land office at Roaebnrg. Or., to the highest bidder st not less than the appraised vala as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional ana of one fifth of 1 per cent, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at ttm of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from eltiiens of the United State, associations of such citizens and corporation organised under the laws of the United State or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal ubdi vision will be offered separately be fore being included la any offer of a larger unit T. IS 8.. R. 1 E.rsc. 29; N. W. hi N. E. yellow fir 1300 M.. hemlock 80 M : N. E. H N. W. H. yellow fir 2210 M.. hem lock 70 M., eelar 15 M.; N. W. N. W. 14. yeUow fir 2300 M.. hemlock 140 M.; none of the yellow fir, hemlock or cedar to be sold for less than $1.80 per M. T. 82 S., R. 6 W 8eo. 13: N. E. N. W. H. red fir off it. ; N. W. N. W. hi, red fir 850 M. ; 8. W. hi N. W. hi. red fir 4-0 M. ; S. E. hi. N. W. hi. red fir 850 M. ; S. W. 14 N. W. 14. red fir. 450 M.: S. E. 14 N. W. 14. ed nr. 50 M.; none of the red fir to be sold for less than $1 per M. Clay Tallman. commissioner, general land office. BXCHATTQi: REAL ESTATE 14 LIST your property with us for results on charges of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park st, be- tween Washington and Stark tta. FOR SALE or exchange for property in Spo kane, Canyon Hill or Rock wood additions, lots 1, 2. 8, 4, block 100, Lsurelhnrst, Address Dr. C. N. Sutterer, 415 Old Nstional bldg., Spokane, Wash. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM 800 acres, all fine, level farm land; good bldgs., fully equipped, including tractor. Will take farm here as first payment, balance crop payments. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. ONE 6 room bouse. $2000 and one 7 room. eouvu, au clear. nui exctrang one or notn lor farm. Must be good land and on main road or will sell on terms. G. H. JessuD. 3550 67th st 8. E. . BLACKSMITH Would trad equity in good shop and home, oil station, auto accessories, doing good business, for what have you? Too. old for the work. w. r. mai. ill. wamtc. Or. FOR SALE or trade for bungalow, equity in 1 6 acres. Prunes, apples, berries, bearing; paved highway H mile from Newberg; good house, barn, city water, stock. Price right. X-778. Journal. FINE Medford home, good locality, 4 lots, 6 room house, barn, garden. Exchange for acreage or farm within 40 miles of Portland JX-869. Journal. 320 ACRES good tillable land in Idaho; will trad for Portland property or land In Ore gon; value $25 per acre. Whst have you for trade? P. O. Box 01 Gooding. Idaho. FARM WANTED Have income city property to exchange. Claude Cole. 800 Henry bldg. WILL trade house and lot for two-ton truck automobile and portable drag saw. J b Butenschoen. 279 Halleck st WANTED West side, small cottage ; I w"ill trade two Portsmouth lots, balance cash. H 932. Journal. . TRADE for Portland or Rockaway Beach lot. 10 acres, Harney county, all clear, value $600. nooaisvn ui9 i HAm, improvea ana well located acreage to trade for 5 or 6 room bungalow. Call 183 First t WANT mdse. stock up to $30,000. Hive good farm land and cash. Cobb, 409 Swet land bldg. Mar. 4975. I HAVE a farm of 85 acre in Linn county. near Brownsville, thst 1 Want to exchange for Portland property. Phone Wdln. 4079. 8 ROOM house and 1 li acres, at Tinard. Will exchange for acreage on Oregon City line or el cheap. Box 72. Woodbum, Or. WANTED To exchange rot In Rose City Park for one in St Johns; call evenings, Colum bia 967. WANTED REAL KStAtE 81 OWNERS, ATTENTION! We have ovr 200 buyers waiting for us to get them something suitable and reasonable in price. We can sell any number of 6 and 6 room houses from $1600 to $2500. Get in touch with us if you want fa lei. vve do not ask for exclusive ssle contracts. All, wo ask fa a chance to sell, and we get resalta. ROOMS 8 AND 8. 145y2 BROADWAY, HAVE you a bungalow or house to sell? We have large list of buyers waiting. List with us for quick- results. We have auto to show property. Have handled Portland real estate many years, Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W Bank bldg. HAVE many ttbipworkers tn Vsncouver want ing to buy moderate priced homes on Van couver car line. List your houses with me. I can make quick ssl-s for you. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDQ. I HAVE client for houses and lots of all descriptions from $1000 to $4000. Some want easy terms and others have more cash Herman Peper, B17 Union ave. N. East 42 85 SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANialD Must be N. E. and priced right. We hav numerous buyers waiting. Jrreu W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. HAVE several shipworkers and many other buy ers for moderate priced homes. Can make good payments. List your house with us. FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG WANT 4 room house and 100x100 ground Will pay cash to $1000 and trade 2 lota clear. Answer st once, Johnson-Dodson Co. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale, $800 to $3000. list with the REALTY & MOKTGAGK CO.." for quick results: old Utah lisbed firm. Phone Main 2051. 633 Ch. of Com WANT to lease for 1 year, furnished house in suburbs. Prefer Oregon Electric or Orwnn City car. Give full details. E. C. Chanin. Lone xseacn, wasn. WA NTED Two 6 or 6 room houses in vicinity oi xseecn ana juicmgan ave. 24 5 "A Wash ington st. WANTED, 4 or 5 room cottage tn Rose City j-ar uisu-ict. win oay a i on flown and sin a montn. mciuqing interest Phone Tabor 7823 WANTED 2 modern 5 and 6 room bungalow, in Aiucrxa. su pay nan, .o ft Washington St. room 1 H . ROOM modern bungalow with good lot lOOx 100 or equivalent Give location rtrire and pnone. vv-o, journal. IK' you want your house sold, list It itv t,ci. m. aiuu KB oo. ABINGTON BLDG I WILL pay cash for bargain in Laxelhurst lot r-1 oo, journal. 'OK KLMt'l.TS list your property with the Real j-xenange. zui ua t., Portland. ROOMIKO HOURFH . S3 a nuuji. moaern, new list, west side, every- in-ing i.r-L class. itovai wutAn mn .t. oesuurui piace ror noose and rent out balance. rnce aiiou. eee Garland. 1 ss 8d. SMALL boarding house, fin business, good lo cation, go per mo., clear. Bdw. 2699. BUSINESS OFPORTUWITIES S WE need $3000 to carry out our plana for our next year s wneat crop, ws otter entire equip ment and crop as security; this is a safe in vestment with exceptions! returns, at the same am helps you win the war. For particulars write to V-859. Journal. CASH GROCERY FOR RAIR I am going to enter Uncle Sam'a servir anH will sell my grocery business; selling morr thsn Si 01) tor cash per day. Will take about xa.inn to handle. Call and see my store, 538 Union ave. m. corner or It us jell. L,Ai;h.S&IITU H machine shop with modern mschiner. doinat a fine bn.ln.aa. in. change for Portland residence or will sell for caan or terms. BeU. SftBB. 500 E. 27tb st LARGE manufacturer has splendid opening for active business man capable earning $10, 000 a ear and able command $2000 cash. Phone Main 1330 for personal interview. -J.-i.JJ . 1 .' " 1 5 1 jUKUU store, doing good business, for sale at a bargain. J. J. Fisher. 417 Ablngton. Main BP88. FOR SALE Bay team. 1200 lbs, each. 2aU Woodlawn 6993; 45th and Simpson st. R. I. Box 362. . i FOR SALE, rmail stock general merchandiise rnt reasonable. Inquire 446 Dekum ave! Wdln. 1760. FOR SALE Blacktxnith hop and garage RnT sell st., near Williams, $100. Apply 285 GROCERY store doing $70 day. Invoice if taken now. All cash, ' no delivering. J. A. Basset t. 58 Union ave. N. GOOD paying retail meat market, located on Yamhill st, for sal reasonable, if taken at one. Z 638, Journal. FOR $1600 property drawing from $75 to 135 monthly. Write P. O. box 695 St Helena. Or. vlfTFXL OR" TRAtSg '- Anything and Everything Morris Gilsnn. 451 Chamber of Comm.. CAFETERIA at shipyards for sale, or will trad or ite anoaei auto, xapor aUU after 6 p. m. $150 BUYS half!, opening u new lunch counter. Y-838, JonrnaL BUSFNESS OFFOBTUiaTtES FOR SALE Hotel and general merchandise store; good lease. 85 acre in crop, 28 room hotel. S cow. 3 horse, chickens, turkeys, bogs and everything complete, doing A-l bn sines; must sell on account of sickness. This will bear the closest investigation; about S4000 will han dle this. WiU exchange for small farm highly improved, 20 to 80 acres. YX-800. Journal. FOR SALECheap. small A-l restaurant, opp. new postoffice. Inquire at 10 N. Bdwy. WQyET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 17 OUQ installment plan is the best And surest method of paying loan. 832.24 per month for 38 months og 21.24 for 60 months, or $18.17 for month, pay $1000 loan and Interest Other amount tn proportion. w loan on improved city vjt tor DulKUng purpo-. No commission charred. EQUITABLE SAVINGS at LOAN ASSOCIATION 842 Stark t, Portland. Or. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in easy Installments with 10 years' time to re pay; fully protected by life insurance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong. Equitable office. Oregonian bldg. $300. $400. $500. $760, $1000 and up, lowest Interest rates. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT COt. 631 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money sdvanced as work progress. W. G. Beck. 215 snd 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. $250. $350, $400. $500, $660. 75'l, $1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 721 Cham. Oomf $600 TO $9000 to loan, city -or larm mort gage; no commission. P. O. Box 878. $100 TO $1500; consider lots. E. H. Downng. 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2482. $1000. $5000 on city improved; ws will dl- vide. 8 2 1 Cham, of Commerce. MOKTGAGEToans. 6 and-7 Louie Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH ' for mortgages, loans, contracts. IT H Lewis, room 4. Lewis bldg. Main 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES (7 salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or working-men oa their own mites. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. lCach transaction strictly confidential. HO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO 8ECURITY We slso loan on household furniture, piano, etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 218 bailing bldg If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed In come, on household turniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property, legal rates. Busi ness confidential: private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. 806-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portlsnd business men to protect borrower. C MYERS HERMAN. Mgr . 8B4 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTED $500. 8 3 YEARS. $800, 8 7j, 8 years. $900. 7, 3 yesrs. These srs all improved properties in the city. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. IS HAVE 5 outfits, teams, harness snd fsrm wagons, from $150 to $300 for each out fit; guaranteed as represented.' FHIL SUETTER. 880 Front St.. cor. Montgomery. TWO good surries, buggies, farm wsgons, spring wsgons. harness, sll kinds of horses, 6-year old, 900 lb mule, fine spotted Shetland pony, cheap or exchange. Can use milk goats or cows. 302' Front t PAIR bay mares. 2600, 8 and 10; best work ers ever hitched; both with harness, farm wagon, $300. PHIL SUETTER. 880 Front st., cor. Montgomery. FOH 8AI.E cheap, replacing with automobile, IS horses snd mares, weighing between 1200 and 1500 pounds, one horse, bnsrv and har ness. 226 Russel st 10 HEAD of mules from B to 8. 1000 to 1800; guaranteed; will exchange for horses or cattle. FHIL SUETTER, 880 Front St.. cor. Montgomery. 1918 FIVE passenger Mitchell Six same as new; will exchange for horses, mules or cattle. Prefer stock fast of mountains. C-975, Journal. FOR SALE, a genuine western saddle, good as pew, made before leather got so high at bargain. Address 1210 E. Flanders st . citv. DEAD horses and animais named away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. Ui.AU horses taken uuiek. V dead cows. Tabor 4 203. pay wore for FOR SALE Team and furniture wagon cheap. Call Wdln. 415. 829 Rodney ave. HORSES and wagons for rent by the day. single or dcuble. 640 Front Msin 2208. A GOOD youna horse and An fn. horse sale cneap. au i tAsx lioga st. 8t Johns. FOR SALE. 9 yrs. old work horse. 8612 Powell Valley road near 92d st Tabor 4397. TEN heavy furniture wagons cheap. 2 6 sell st Rus- LTVESTOCK 88 it. need or good dairy cows, mostly all fresh; some extra gentle; all breeds. 9715 Forter road. Mt Scott. Lenta. lOLNG fresh cow for sale. 179 W. Blandena st. St. Johns car to Gay st. 7 blocks south half west BIG. young, fresh Holstein-Durham and Jersey cows, some heavy milkers; 2 fine gentle fam lly cows. All very reasonable. 751 E. Ash. FOR SALE Swiss Toggenburg milch goatao0 Front st " FRESH cow, big milker, tuberculin tested. 156 YOUNG beef cow for sale. 5410 68th ave. S. H. THREE freh cow, reasonable. 158i Division' POTJLTBY, PIGJEO-CS. PET STOCK 37 CASH, PRODUCE CO, Fmst oni vi f0". sU kinds of poultry produce, pet snd breeding stock, bought and sold. 100 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn laying pullets, Barred Hock, Rhode I. Reds, li 20 to 81.6B 148 E. 81st t N. Montevlll. r FOR SALE Chickens, grain fed; about-60-fme for table. 7015 43d ave. M S car! DOGS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. tfi NICE Persian kittens, $1; English bull female thoroughbred pups. $5. 729 Roosevelt st' Take 16th st car, north to Roosevelt st and FOR SALE Kice has th. big boys, "llemimh!" 6141 Woodstock ave. WANT St Andrea -berg roller canary for train er. -Broadway 4536. JUST a habit. earfTbbl'ta. 100 to select Trom, jDcjKiauB kiiu riemisa; luti .East 20th st coJijt. ana see my stock of young Irish Linnet '"" pan sx. i.oor jLOOO. WANTED A good Angora doeTabor 2261' BABBITS for sale. 6417 69th S. K. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 MITCHELL BIG SIT, 9 PASS. CLUB ROAD8TER Model C 42. Almost new. A-l uHa r... tra tire. Must be disposed of quica'y. On- iilusiiv lu mis eiivv ana acquire classy car. nm ucmorusir.ie. ttu Marsnau 0141. LAHER tlfg. it R pairs. 8000 nunnlikl anetn-. 1- stock; prices reduced. 84 N. 1 fith a. 1917 FORD for sale, in Vl condition, ahock absorbers, demountable rims, five good tires, yale lock, speedometer, spot light and otne TZ tras. Price $500. See Mr. Lester at garage 6th and Main sts. ' EXPERT AUT6' REPAIHlVg " - Ail work guaranteed. THE ACME AUTO CO.. Broadway 2796. 81 Aider st. i'OK BALt My Ford car, juM keen A..-2 hauled, all new parts in engine eveer .k.ii new rear end and wheels. Thi. U . w., . Address 1210 E. Flanders et ' FOR SALE Dodge touring car," " A-l eondC uun, .u urn goon. extra equipment 681 One extra tie. . n.i E. Morrison. . phone East 8824. - BIG stuck Used Cars PRICES R1UMX COVEY MOTOR CAR -n 31t and Washington ate. Mala 6344 MUST sell my 191$ MaxweU Socnn. ... once W-494. JooniaL . SPOl" cash paul (or nam ear... ; Dealers' LW ' ' " -raw m. tava. FOR SALE 7 pe. Pierce Arrow car, che.iT- - - - .u .v. iv. avast 4 y 7. 1U1S FORD lor tale. Phone Wdln. 1729" AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY 1 614-316 Alder Corner Sixteenth. Broadway494. Open armings and aU day Sunday. W.ONDIRrt7L OPPORTUNITY TO PUR CHASE A REAL HIGH-GRADE AUTOMOBILE Chandler demonstrator, "Just new" and in perfect shape, without scar or blemish. Will be sold at great redaction in price. Come in. . Willy Overland Six. with Continental motor. Car can't be told from new. Cord tires, bumper, spotlight, no-glare lens, extra tire and lota of other extras. Must be sold at once and no reasonable cash offer will be refused. How ever, terms may be arranged. Chalmers. 5 -pass., good tires and la splendid condition. For quick sale we are going to of fer it for $450. Don't miss seeing this car as it Is surely on of the greatest buys we hav ever offered. Ford touring ear. In good shape and a splen did buy at the price of $350. Chalmers light "four," tn dandy food shape d ready to drive. Loft with us to sell for $300. If you have an idea of buying a car anywhere near this price you bad better come in st once and investigate this offer. "His Jos i your gain." A man drafted and now serving In the United Statea army, has left with ua to sell, a $1875 Saxon Six touring car, and his last request to us is to dispose of this car at once for $1050. Come in and secure the best bay in Portlsnd. 1818 Metx, "Just new." The csr the whole town is talking about. Winner of the "GHdden Trophy." Will be sold for less than cost In vestigate at once. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY 614-818 Alder. Corner Sixteenth. Broedwty 494. Open evenings and all day Sunday. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1818 Mitchell, used very little ; Just lfk new. with seat cover ; 7 pass. -yL Price $1600 1917 Mitchell, 7-pea., -eyl. 187B 1817 UltcbeU. 8 pa-, 6-eyl 1176 SEE THE ABOVE CARS AT WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak St Broadway 818. A. 8848. 1817 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyL ..81380 1017 Mitchell. B-pas.. 6-cyL 1076 1916 Mitchell. 8-paaa.. 6-cyL 8B0 1917 Mitchell. 2 -pass., 6-cyL 1250 1914 Mitchell, 6-pass.. S-eyL 700 1915 MitchaU. 5 pass., 4-cyL 67S 1912 Auburn, 5 pes., 4-cyL 27B 11 Jeffry, 5 -pes.. -cyL 760 Several Others to Select From " MITCHELL. LEWIS at STAVER CO. U8ED CAR DEPT. East Morrison st First it East 7272. B 1218 USED CARS 1914 Studebaker Six, overhauled, re painted, fine tires, a big snap 8 650 1915 Cole "8," a fine, powerful car... 81100 1913 Pierce Arrow, starter, lights. 6 cord tires, a gift $1100 1916 Psige 7-pass., like new $ 950 1916 Ford touring, fine Condition $ 450 1917 Mitchell 7 -pass. . just overhauled, oversixed pistons, leak proof rings, good tires $1150 Open Evenings and Sundays. Term Given. THE ACME AUTO CO., Phone Bdwy. 2796. 531 Alder St. Guaranteed Auto Repairing. WHY is it after Selling you a csr. we csn slways look you in th face and shake your hand, still friends? Just because we tell you the truth. If every car is not aa represented, bring it back and let us make it right 1917 Chevrolet, Just like new $ 600 1917 Maxwell: perfect 600 1918 Maxwell; it' new 750 1916 Oakland Six; look new 700 1916 Ford touring: runs fine 4 50 1917 Oldsmobile Tr., 96 T new 800 Hudson 6-40: good buy 700 Buick touring, overhauled 600 Series '18 Studebaker Tr MIO Series "17 8tudebaker Tr. 700 1917 Hupmobile, Just new 1200 Msny Others la Stock. Open Sundays and Evening. CONLET'S USED CAB CENTER. Big brick building, upstairs, side entrance, 8. W. tor. 16th and Washington sts. Phone Broadway 2656. GARAGES BOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable Xi lnd save you r asoner. See sam ple at 844 Hood St Main 11B1 Millmade Construction Co. MW TIRES What brand ef new tires do you prefer I We hav them, an maks and sis, Also w make th fa mous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do al 1 manner of tlr. pairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. iat-tft Bum aide near Broadway. NEW CHEVROLET CARS A used car la the most expensive ear to buy and you do not get a guarantee. Call Mr. P. C Rinehart, East 92 or 18174. for information ana aemonatranon. ATJTO WRECKERS . We wreck: most an makes of ear and n tbe good part for lea than half price. We hav aU kind of used bodice for sals. Highest prices paid for old ear. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 328 Front st, . MAIN 476S. SOME REAL BARGAINS 1 1918 Chevrolet, run llOO.mlles, $790; 1 model 80 Overland, good shape, $40); 1 1914 Studebaker. fine shape, $450. ALB1NA GARAGE. I Corner Garfield ave. and Shaver st DUBRU1LL5 TOP OO. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1084. " "DON'T BURN GASOLINE" " Fords go 100 miles for B0c: agents wanted. Gasifier Sales Co.. 28 N. Broadwy. GOOD 6-pas. auto. elec. light, good tires. $350. Some tenns. ter 6:30 p. m. 1814 E. Clay at at- WHITE delivery, first class shape. Bosch mag eto, good tires, always dependable. aeH rea sonable. 49 E. 6th N. 1817 SAXON Little SU. in A-l condition, 9 good tires, run only few thousand miles, 8760. terms, call cast lvoz. 1018 FORD, good condition, speedometer, de monntabl Tims, shook aJMorber and ether extra. 74 E. 65th N., after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Good Chevrolet ear. 8500. Call at E. 295 1st st N. Take Williams are, ear. a.t off at CUckamaa. X-777, JouraaL FOR SALE A new touring Maxwell. A No- 1 condition, will take some cash or Liberty bonds, on time. A soap. Call A-8513. 1916 FORD. $400. Wdln. 2614, Rafter" 8:80. LIGHT car. good condition, good Ford m.io. ojn isw wtn v n. pnono WdL 188 WDX ell gay 1817 Maxwell champ. W-.BA jASiettal LIGHT rhtsai. good Or, iahos lit IT 'ars&ii-- Haw AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 i j HEr?A. .SS5 TODAVS LIST OF USED SrtBrJLAJiOAIN8 P COURSE. THESE fSi vR?,IINCALLT t HANGING, AS WE ., ?iLT GETTING - is NEW BARGAINS. fl.Pa-A.SK THAT TOU CALL AT OCR SALESROOM AND INIIPECT THE CARS iulvvHM8 ;3ErORE PCBC1IA1- BBOADWA f 3493 Reo, 8 pa..... j $ 900 C?0" 6 Pes.. Just repainted.. ....lloo 7 v " shove; alighUy newer.. 11 50 V..!'.- ol buy ... I t 875 P. i B0 Studebaker a 450 Woddart Dayton delivery truck. Ford. 18 , ; 1 675 Jettrey. with new 2 ton track sOschmt nt 1 1 ' g?". 18 ..8 975 Ford. 6 passenger ,. .....8 8B Brbwoa 6 paaa,, almost to 8 950 Ford delivery ear $ S50 Cole 80. Ideal for bug .i 8 800 Maxwell, 6 pas. . ...8 Hudson Huper 8ix. Sedan." perfect 'shape! . . 81800 Chevrolet, 6-pass fT $ 600 l? ,i0'l. ' lust ore hauled. 4O0 Studebaker 8ix j . . . . $ 650 Carter Car. suitable rebuild 'bug' 'or' "do- liv 188 Chevrolet (-pea. 1 $ f 00 Chevaolet 490 flv paaa . ! 66u Jackson. 6 pa., good star 8 760 Overland. 6 pa., now txlng rapainted. . . 8 00 W. H. WALLINGFORD Diatrlbittor Liberty SU Pressier Six Briscoe Four Hood Lumber Tractor j Psrrett Farm Tractor 822 Aider si. at 16th. Studebaker :Studebaker Studebaker week at tie big East Side Used Car Depot 'W hsv 19 of those good old reliable car. Surely you can select on from this lot Some of them look like and ar Just as good as new. Any model you wsnt at the price you can afford, on easy paymenU if desired. Here is a list of them: i; Studebaker. 7 pass,, 4 new tires. $ 925 1917 Studebsker. 7 pass., 3 new tires.. $ 835 1917 Studebsker. 7 pass, good condition . t 825 1917 Studebaker. 7 pass.' 5 tire $ 795 ! hut Htudebaker. 7 pass.; fine shape.... $ 825 1916 Studebaker. 6 cyl.; 7 pass., cord tires 975 1916 Studebaker. 4 cyl..- 7 pass $ 750 1916 Studebaker, 4 cyl.: 7 pas, cord tires j $ 795 1918 Studebaker. 6 cy! L 6 pass.. Ilk new $ 750 1914 Studebaker. 4 cyl.. 8 psas, a snp.$ 875 1914 Studebaler. 4 cyL, 6 pa., fine hape $ 495 1913 Studebaker 3, 4 erL. 6 pass., ex cellent ; . . . : $ 42B 1917 Studebaker, 6 tr.i.. 7 pas., completely overhauled and painted., itew test covers, slant ing windshield, new de hue top. This car is worth $2000. We only want $1200 for It 1917 Studebaker B, 6 cyL Studebaker Sport model roadster. $600 wo th of aitru R. aim and see this. 60 other rjars of all makes to choose from. It will ray you to look over our stock before purchasipg a car. Liberty bond taken at: face value. Open evenings and 8m days. DEALERS' USED CAR ; CLEARING HOUSE Grand Ave, And E. SUrk. - East 7810 BIG BARGAINS Iff USED CARS 191S Reo, 8 paaa.. firsl, class 1917 LRU U Chalmen, pass... 1817 Chalmers, 7 pa..; 1918 Overland, first diss 1818 Oldsmobil eight, ilk new... 1918 Hat (12) almost new 1912 Peerless make good bug. WESTERN ,iUTO CO. Broadway and Burnslde st TeL Broadwly 9368. .8 875 . . 1000 , . 1200 .. 850 . . 1075 . . 2100 BARGAINS 1917 Bby Grnd Chevr)let. 1917 Studebaker 1916 Saxon Six i . . . .3 800 775 . 600 . 850 750 950 . 1400 . 760 . 1000 878 1915 Oldsmobile Four . 1915 Oldsmobile Four , 1016 Oldsmobile Eight 1918 Oldsmobile Six . . 1915 Lrfgier 1918 Dodg 1917 Oajftsnd Six OLDSMOBILE COMPaNT OF OREGON. Broadway 2270. : 37 North Broadway. J. H. GR.IHAM. 10th and Stark st. Cass Agency. One 1917 8 Ma. Buick. On 1917 8 pass. Overland. One 1917 5 psse. Case ear. On 1917 7 puss. Mitchell, all brand nev cord tire. On Ford roadster. On 1917 Hudsm 8uper-Slx, has been run 000 mile. All of these ears am In good mechanical condition, will give terms to reliable peopla. Fur thermore, we are going tl dispose of .these ear at a bargain. HATNES, 1914 4 -cyl, lent aha.De. a anan. B passenger la excel- 8evsMenger 6-40 Chalmers; a wonderful buy; runs like new; 6 god -tire. Five-paaenger Marion. A-l condition, new psint. 4. practicaUy nev tires. Make us an offer. A. C. STEVENS 16th and Washington. Broadway 1614 CASH paid for old ears, condition no obieet ports for all nukes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex! llOTORS. .Gearing., Bcarl U. W Deals. Aaisw ass! Trailer W wreck all make, of ci snd tiS Jhnr good parts 1 at half prioe. David Hod Co.. y w m aaiwiTva ai. ; arosavty 186. LATL model Dodg tour pg. 4 cord tires, new extra tire. Car in Sne condition. $825 Terms to 1 responsible people. Fletcher A Jsmes, 83 N. Brosdwsy. tfffcriEBAlKER Electric" Sigiitr snd sterter- all new tires, Al conditi.su $285. Terms. New York Garage. 8th am Belmont sts. GOOD-JXOKrA'G"-pa7 car: a fine able car; go any place; good condition; big snap. 320O. Ceil 188 3 I st ; ITlff MAXWELL. In jood condition, good tires, repainted. $576. j$200 down, balance time. Cell E. 1962. ! THREE 86x4 hi straight aidetire. ar Urally new. noa-aktd. ntber 2 n ikil. prc ued. plaii tread, cheap. Tbei 1867. FOH SALE. 7 paaa. Chslmers. in fine eondt- DeaP .CvrP WdW,7,n KeUi C.. EAftKARD 30. t'l.n. A real rosatur. 7i. a.i u.j utomt.WtaJ CaU Laharr Auto Sprihg Co.. BroAdway 4096. in good running eondiiru. $175. Phona Ta- Oregoh i CHEAP for cash. Dodge terTEy ptUt e perty". .uar. a iv. w.i . j ..w , . Essl 1918 ruiKU. iuc new! aotn, extras TsTsI . . I . : I , , '1 . 1. X, . : . . -i uu. . . . "i aiiin i in I 1918 MITCHELL Six. iy 00 milew. for sale cheap, if cesi Kell. !728. FOR SALE. 7 passenger ipuring car. fint cormmon. $375. Tabor ; 932. T BRISCOE 1B17. in A li condition; will givj tmt; bargain If tack it one, tgjidg lltia 15 AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES I Appniitivrr . ato truck, fullr quipped, like new. khav growing transfer - business showing $250 pee month, lor sal on yeay term: good reason for AUTOMOBILES WAIfTED 7S i-AT sm repair you snaeuins la your own gar ega. Frivate serf ice car day and night Ring ell. siAg. hIGHE6T prices Bald for sutoaebtks, oendl- .v wo i-oiecv hi y. aa at. ftdwy. 2629. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE i AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new csn. Reasonable late, i ' 1 Fearing a Robnett City Garage, 10 la. Between Btark and Oak. Bmadway C40. WANT good touring or delivery car in , ex- change lor unimproved 10 acres, 8 hi miles ocappoose. Ethel Thomas, owner. Central t)on fectionery. Kt Helens. I . aUtos wiTiiUrt L-KlvEka roR hLks " COLCHMAN at SULLIVAN. i MARSH 222 10TH at X AM HILL A-l 216. toftb.S (or hire without dnier. 448 Slark St. Broadway 85$ 2. : i HIGHWAY AUTO1 SERVICE Good cats, com. petent driver. Sixth snd Wash. Main 7080. FINE 7-pasa. linden, careful, eiperienced driv er. Mar. 2329. - COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY illttl k.4lt V1CE. We do taxi work. Main 33. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES SS INDIA N motorrycle. new, 1918. lightweight Twin. 1918 Twin and 1915 lightweight singl. Th Evening Repair Shop, 353 N. 23d. Phone Broadway S060. j Indian agency and other makes. ' BICYCLES MOTtlliCTCLES - . r , Large stork of new and used machine, 1 ! DAYTON CYCLE CO. C8 th at ' BtCTCLE for sal, good aa new. $13. '249 Stark st. DATT0N. 2 -speed, fully cyiie, .visse m - offer. lTOTUrYCLET ale. flail "Call gftei 6 o'clock. 214$ Tillmook t. LAUNCHES AND BOATS FOR SALE, 2 rylinder motrbot and boat house, in fine condition. $,5. Must ett. Call 8 to 7 in evenings or Sundaj. 12 lit Grand ave .jwin 1 Mitzgrr FORT8ALE 20ft.motor boat. J. A. Linobfn. houseboat, foot of Fendleton st Phone Mar shall 1522. Boat Swan for Charter Dane every Wad, tad Bat, night. Main 4T4. DAVDY river cnriserlor camping or pasaenger. a, sacrifice at $350, term. Woodlswa 6193. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS tl SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $2B0 7 ortav square piano, cash $ 28 $8oo 7 1-3 octave square-piano. cah....$ 0 $27S T octave English upright, cash .....$ 48 $800 7 octave French upright eash.....$ $35(1 American make upright cash.. 8 98' $400 Urge oak upright piano, cash 3169 850 new, studio model piano, cash. . . . . . 831 8 375 new. stored, upright piano, rash. .... $215 425 new, stored, upright piano, caih...,$2 $460 new. stored, upright piano, cash.... $265 $750 Weber mh . plyr piano, cash. .... $298 , $850 modern, man., player piano, cash.... $888 85 parlor organ with mirror, cash 2 e'5- Parlor organ with mirror, cash SS Considering th ' rising market, new piano already gone 75 to $180 higher, tbe above P"np ought to sell quickly st this time. - Pianoa bought and sold for cash and stored for 60o monthly. 109 4th st at Washington. UPRIGHT riANQ See this bargain. $18, terms $16 cash, $6pef month. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th. PIANOS. organs i and musical Instrumests. Decksr A Son; rosewood upright. 8100; Burdette organ, walnut, $32.60. Harold 8. UU hert. 884 Ysmhlll tt. Don't buy old unimproved pisnes when ' the Benirity Storage Oo. i offering new Improved $878 pl.noa for $215 and modsra $630 player pianos for $365. at 109 4th st WILL exchange new phonograph for yvur up- right piano. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., V49 Sth. -$281 25 $12 CASH? iS monthly still buy new Improved 1918 model piano at the Schwaa Piano Co.. Ill fonrtn t.. at Wash, at, RENT a piano; no wiiutu or Aump boxeK Harold S. Gilbert. 884 YsmhOl. FOR SAl--Piano, A-l condition, reasonable. 2051 E. Bumsid st. CH after 6:30 p. n. FOJtjALfc-quare piano,: $4 5. 256 Market at SOLID oak Kimball crgan cheap. 84$ 2d-"st ' TTPKV-rTtTFTtl TI- NEW REMINGTON. renUi pUn. rent applta u purr has.. VUibk models. REMINGTON T X Phi WRITE H CO.. 88 Broadwy. Broadway 4631. GUAKAME1CD Factory 'Rebuilt Typewriters. 'All Make" sold on monthly payments. Send for prlcelist The Wholesale Typewriter Ue- Retail Irt. 321 Wsshlngtow st. All. WaKIcS typewriter rented pd repair i. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 A $th-Malj888. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Ws are closing nut $80,000 worth of floe, new Furniture, Carpets, Rugs. Linoleums, Heat, ere snd Rang and everything In th Rn of home furnishings. Every article must go, re gard less of coat It will pay you to com al one and look at the great value w are offer ing. New good at th asm price you wUJ psy elsewhere for second-hand. Feldstein Furniture Co, 7 - 188 168 FIRST IT. . Between Morrison and Yamhill e,88 High grade Packard plana, like new, golden quartered oak. Must close out at ones. : : 8298 : i Feldstein Furniture Co. ! 166-168 First street Between Morrison and Yamhill FURNIT V U E of 5-room house; also victrola for sale, at 112 Alberta st. lor MACHINERY 81 AKM tractors, new and second hand, at tiar gains. GauiUne engine draavaw. etc. Relersoa Machinery Co.. 1295 HocMauri 48L WANTr-Marinei boiler, 18 to- 60 tv. n. Address Fred Burton, Tillamook. Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 13 Nelson Ladder Works "TZX. Step, extevtsion nd ebarry pickers' ladder. BARTLETT pears. . Com snd pick at 2o lb! Bring boxes; 40 'tree, dean arid large. Box 78, River road. Courtney. R. R. Mayfield. FOR SALE, cash register, penny key machine Inquire at Casta Coffee Co., in Libwrtr Market ; 82.23 box UertWt pears, first quality, li V Ruts, between 33d and Columbia ki.H i- ' lawn 2733. . . LS.K.D.iot..w,ttT ooUers. $0 gsla. 6; 40 gsls" ' 70. W bava ap to 120 gaL Over 600 now in use. 169 Adam st Phono East 7659. 00 ENVELOPES or 600 band latwhaida" 83-28; 2 ngrsvn type wedding aneKranc- ment ee invitations $3. Bsith. Printers. i4 at.r( 18 HOUSE mover screw lacks in good cond tion. Woodlawn 6580. TENT FOR SALE, l4x1iT 128 FIRST.. SR, ALDER. MAIN 4498 F.R. R A I-E $ -i 2 tte.1 range. $17.60: 6808 92d Kowtheast. Lenta. TWO pool teblea for aala. Inquir lor iniormationl t 04 8d t f PLUMBING awppls. whoWsala prteM. -lara-' Devi. Co.. 212 d at . Mam ItlY "U , PRUNE for sale. Bring trur basket Ui orchard 37th and Preecott u u COMPLETE moving picture outfit with 1 reels for sale. 848 2d st. - ' VaCLLM cleaners ieold. repaired, rental 17 changed, bosigbt Benfley Co., Main 68I GbiM95,,t laCtri practically cwT UNCALLED for UUor made .uifa.' $12 60 taaT Ttylor the TfloTv 289 hi BurnsidsT Jaeger vacuum! vvEEph;hav Ma ii" v! ACOSUatBttl a) 1 ttHawlnai Jr. I -i i f Tl