THE OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ..THURSDAY. AUGUST 8, 1918. 17 1 t FURNISHED BOOMS rtaM ti6ttt AwyfcC"56'rthk; aw brick: hot. cold wstsr in every room; stesm ht. Opp. Ctty Hell. M. 9376. 11B5ISHID BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY . 7 LARGE, clean , and neatly furnished sleeping very qQMT ana suiuu lor pcroun sleeping day time; walking distance. Mar. 11 38 MCE front room suitable for 2 gentlemen, with food home cooked met!: modern with 11 convenience. Main 4167, 205 N. 2 1st t LARGE, nice room, with family, aaitable for 2, Thone. East 4884. board. In private , walking distance. NICELY furnUhed room in private family. 545 Sth t TWO-room furnUbed spt. privsts family, 608 Jefferson. FURNI8HF.D -rooms for rent. 821 6th. FURNISHER AND UWFURNTSHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 MCE sleeping andfliousekeeptng room for hip builders. 876 YamhilL ROOMS AUD BOARD 16 IHki Martha Washington. 880 loth, for tratt- hm girla and students. Marshall 1281. THE HAZE1 eutsld room, hot water, home evoking Special rate u couple. 886 8t yA5TED ROOMS AND BOABPJj WANTED Board and room. pi-Wate family. went aide, walking distance. us of piano. Mar shall 4200. Ellison-White Conservstory of Mu sic. Broadway bldg. WANTED Room and board in private home by working man: V-835, Journal. glv price and particular. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS J I FURBISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED housekeeping room, near blp- yard .and Portlana Lumoer io. i-i m u Main 7". LARGC'll. K. room. 83 50 per week. 13th it. 211 FOR RENT BOUSES UNFURNISHED 12 MEIER A FRANK'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, 8TH KIXOR Her yrm have choice of the combined list of all desirable- vacant hnunes, spartments and flats In the city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Record are kept up to date, new listing being added each day. There Is absolutely no obligation or charge for this service. It Is maintslned solely as an accommodation to the public. Neweomtfrs 1 Portland will find thi bureau of great help in getting properly located quickly. . HELP SHIPBUILDING KORTHWEST STEET; CO. WANTS TOUR LISTINGS. You can serve your country by helping- ship builders to locate. List your vacancies, furnUbed or nnfur Bished bouses, room or apartments. Write M phone. A. J. England. Mala 1193. FOR RENT Modem 6 room bungalow, fur- ntahed. 880 per month. Can evening on uneven dates at 444 Kenilwortb are.. Rich mnnd ear. if"6 1) E RN 6 room house, 45if Monroe, corner Gantenbein. 830 month. Owner, 823 Com merrial St. Phone C-2107. PART of hotise for rent, electric lights. gs, bath, stationary tub. 841 31st st. 8.. H blk. from Woodwork csr HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE . FOR MALE EIGHT room house for rent, furniture for tale. Will sail cheap for cash. A bargain. Call at Bloithand8Urk.Bdwy. 2826, FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 4$ KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room biuse, 2 and 8 room houe keeplng apartments, furnished or unfurnished; levator, hardwood floor. 11th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS Second and Yamhill Newly furathed modern housekeeping ' and sleeping worn. 32.60 and no. HISLOP HALL. E. th and Hawthorne. Mod- ern 1. 3 and 8 room apt 812.50 up; walk- Ing dintsore. Call East 882. W All NOLI A APTS. East 8d snd Behnontj modern 1 and 2 room apt., 31.60 per week up. Weeping room. East 212. THREE room nice furnished apartment, not snd cold wster. beat, telephone, lights and gas. 320 per month. 82B Hall. WanTeI couple. 2 or 3 room furnished apt. Went ide. Htate price. W-403. Journal. f EN INSULA APTS. Woodlswn 18BX. Con- erete bldg.. Z. 8. rooms, pains, pnone. TWO room furnished apt. lijll Tsbor 2661. FOR RENT5 FLATW 13 FlJkT to rent, between 7th and 8th, Hawthorne are. Phone East 7503. FURNISHED FLATS 50 COMPLETELY furnished, modern, 4 -room up per -fist, piano, sewing machine, gas and elect.. 822. Wd. 400. 6 ROOM furnUhed flat for rent. 666 Market st. Apply at lower flat. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 FOR BENT- Large unfurnUhed room, central part of town light, gas. hot and cold water and bath. Rent $16 per month. Inquire Mrs. Mc , Kinney, grocery dept. Olds. Wortmsn A King. FOR FEW Two nice nnTurnlshed rooms in private family, may be nsed for housekeep ing; no other roomers. Phone E. 217. SUMMER RESORTS 58 CANNON "BEACHfnmlhed cottage for rent on week beginning Aug. z to l abor oay, $15; er 3 week fer 3 26. Woodlswn 1050. B. K. Apt, fin water, at Hockaway Beach, Apply at Ocean Crest Apt. WANTED TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RP7ER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time; emergency and scarcity of housing aeceenraodatibns, we request every patri 1 atlo eiilsen wbo has a house to rent or rooms to let to mail information mt ssme to Columbia, R. 8. B. Corp. Bex 12Q2. Portland. Or. 2 ADULTS, no chlldrtn. wot 4 or 5 room bungalow or apartment, Beaumont, Mt Tabor amnct, on or before September 1. Tabor 74U7. WANTEI) By Aug, 15. 6 or 6-room bunga low, not too far : out, by responsible party, garage if possible. Call tomorrow. Tabor 682. WANTED To rent 5 room furnished house. Call Wdln. 3K59J WANTED 4 or 6 room bouse or 2 or 8 room apartment; no children. Call CoL 707, REAL ESTATE TO LEASE 1$ BOOMING HOUSE.' 15 on investment, well located, Bockaway Beach, Or. Mrs. B. Henchner. IN the hipyard district,' 80-room. furnished. also 20 partly lurnunea, cneap rents, aoz Gibbs. ! FOR SALE HOUSES 31 HOHE CITY PARK 5 room modern bungalow. I rag, paved street paid, near car. Pries 83H00.. Terms. Tabor 0441. CVOHi IN; 8 room house on .carline corner lot, nice lawn. ; (4200, reasoned terms. P-752, Journal. A. and new 2 i room rustic house. $1400, $200 cash, 12 ran,, 6. i Alberta car. Cary. 1219 N. W. bk. bldg. FOR SALE 2 small houses, corner GrahaaJ ave. and Borthwwk st, on eaiy term, mono Wdln. 2042. 6ROdM3 $1000, comfortable. 74th st 100 ft. south E. GUsan st, -$100 will handle. monthly payments. Owner. Matn 7Z7. "MUST SELLfiYHOME A real, double Constructed, modern home. 32600 takes It. owner, pnone Bellwood 868. TWO smsll house on -acre, near MontarUla fruit rSC berries, $1650; small pay- sent easy ter isoor wood. FOUR room bungalow, lot 80x100, $1400. Phone seuwooa. 93 A SNAP 81300 buys 6 room cottage on paved stree ana canine, van owner, MrM. 1,600. MOPERN t room bone, 844 Belmont, $25S0l Terms. jy owner,, am ttsu st HAWTH6rNK Good' 5-room house, with 2 lota, ivrni. laoor WOBH. SMALL boa, vaymenta. Burrsg t Wdln. 8544. Owner, 123 CITY snd country iptoperty. sail and rent" BENEDICT. 27H Oak. Main 1743. FOR SALE, 100x100.- a room mvdem housel REAL ESTATE FOR 8AtE-HO(;SE n bhi room modern house, full cement basement. lurnaee, ooxioo Jot. 1 block trom ear.- Price 12000; 8800 cash, balance 815 a month. 8 room noma, full cement bueeunL 88x100 lot. Alberta district. 3 blocks from car. Price s-.'ou: 87S cash. balance 820 month. Includ ing interest. , i ! : 4 room hou. 80x100 Int. aotne fruit, chicken bouse and yard. 2 blocks from car. Price 8080; j.ou casn, naianc iu a month, j MORRIS.'. 431 Chamber of Commerce. 8250 DOWN HAWTHORNE BUNG. 82760 5-room modern bungalow, like j new, cement basement, hardwood floor, fireplace, builtin bookcases, paneled D. koom with plata rail, buf fet, white enamel Dutch, kitchen, sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing fixtures, full lot, fruit and flower. Price 82780. 8250 down. 825 per month,' 1H block to car, E. 81t at. Be fkANa I MeOCIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 83500 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 88800 8 room artistic bungalow, full lot on saved street, 1 block to car, hardwood floors, furnace. iirepiac. steeping porcn, paneled dining room, Plate rail, built in buffet and other conven iences, ' Dutch kitchen. Standard plumbing. Price $8500, terms. We hare other bargains in this district. See FRANK L. MGU1RE. ABXNGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. VACANT MOfrK IN TODAY ' 3250 DOWN, ARTISTIC BUNGALOW 5 room bungalow, attractive lines and well built, whit enamel- bath and toilet and lava tory, elect, and gas, BOrlOO lot.,; at. liens all paia, i mock to car.. No. 4943 E. 73d st 8. E. Price $100, 8250 down. See FRANK L. MGUIRE, Abington bldg. io ouy your home. .Main 1088. 82200 PENINSULA BUNGALOW 100x100 rj-room, new, modern, double constructed bungalow, 100x100 lot. white enamel plumb ing fixtures, built-in conveniences, on Interstate st, close to school and car, only built 2 yean, im.'1? "erif,c- Price only 32200. on terms. mm iVi inoun oe worth price asked. See t RANK I,. MoOUIBE. ABINGTON BL: BLDG. in Buy lour Home. Main 1068. t? home from owner for the price of house. Modem 6 rosm bungalow, attic, full cement basement, 60x100 lot. lawn, fruit trees, garden, soot. rrt. iM.trt Ihjtch kitchen, enameled; grained floors, newly painted and tinted. Owner is painter, 7 coats varnish. 5 cords wood and inlaid linoleum uirown in. wain. 1082. 1237 E. 17th t. N., Alberta car. WAVERLT HEIGHTS BUY """" u room nouse, iruit and berries, one oiooa irom car, clear of all encumbrances. t-PFl1"""- WO cash, balance like rent. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS, c. A. Wsrnner. BITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trada Bldg. OWNER GOTNO RAST 850007 room modern house, 20x20 garage. irringron. $1750 each Two 5 room houses, good east eiae location. giooo 6 rooms, east side.. Phone owner. Main 8586, or East 5968 VACANT ONE to run $3000 Beautiful 8 room bungalow. Just being painted and tinted throughout, fire place, bullet, hardwood floors, full ce- mem basement, wash trays, hard sur fsce in and all paid but $118. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 814 BUrk st Main 888 FOR SALE On of the finest and best lo cated residences in St. -Johns. House is mod ern and contains 9 rooms and bath: lot is lOOx 100 ft. on corner, with streets improved; an abundance of flowers, berries and soma fruit A Urge quantity of furniture goes with the house. The price for a hort time is $4000. part cn. n.irscn, on3 s. ivanno. . 11100 Buys a good 6-room bouse, large lot. iSr c"r; lou can. eaiance like rent. 81460 takes a nice 6-room house, modern: w i00xl0: i trees, close to ear; $250 use rent. If these don't suit yon we have others. NEW YORK LAND CO., : 881 East Morrison. 31850; 6 ROOM COTTAGE; PARKROSE jusi ouuiae city limits, 1 block to carline, water piped in house. All rooms newly tinted and painted, double constructed, fireplace and electrto lights. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4tb and "' m. Mam zus, A-ZO0O. ALBERTA DISTRICT" 81250 i ,B JTomblm"'0'''. ,nd ttto- " tret. lot 4 0x100, good basement and onlv 2 hWIn to carline. 3- U KARNOPP CO.. a ii niv nr. Exch. bldg. Main 878 83000 PIEDMONT nTHTHTfvr A fine modern 8 room house with furnace. cement Basement, laundry srays and built-in conveniences, neaf Kilingsworth ave.. 3850 raiiucn iiu per mentn and. interest. "3- It- KjlRNOPP A CO.. BiT-aig Ky. Exch. bldg. Main 878 WAVF-RrTFTBirtrvrnviS " WELL built modern 5 muuOTin, Dcurooms in attic, lull basement oieo. ana gas iixture. fine Uwn. rrses ani rowers, on H. S. street. 1 block to Richmond car; all improvements in, fine condition. 82800 uu terms. oee owner, uai lMvlsion st. ha. 8080 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3050 6 room bungalow, lot 75x120, near Huber sisiion, a. f. electric. City gas for lighting and cooking. Fine place for chickens; good garden. Convenient for west fide ship workers. uuou ecnooi, nuu aown and 320 month. J. W. CROSSLEY. Owner, 270 Stark st ROSE CITY ARTT" $3250 5 room modem bungalow, attic, hard wood floor, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, 1 block to car. $600 cash, $25 monthly, including interest j. a. wiwsjias w., 814 stark t Main 688. NEW BUNGALOW; TERMS ST. JOHNS CARLINE Will sell on itraiaht contrast, no mnrtn.. 2 bedrooms, all rooms on one floor, nice loca- n- 1 MAKTMAN COMPANY, owners. No. T Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and puirn via, main 2us, A.UOO. $1760 3506 DOWN 8 room house, lot 70x100.-1 blk. to paved St., 4 bus. to Sellwood car. ' Soma repairs uecueu, a genuine Bargain. W. R. KASER. Main 6178. 617 Corbett Bld. "HOME. SWEET' abUtt." 8 room modern bungalow on 18th t. West' moreland. hlnrk to cap mnl -..ui fine neighborhood. $2260. Home like this are niuinii wsrcB. r.asy term. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. Tfl HterV 4-ROOM house, lot 75x100, $1200; easy terms. 6-room house, lot 60x100 In Woodstock, Richmond dis- tnct A bargain at $2200. 814 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING tuu. SALfc, by owner, 4 room semi modern house and acre, all out to fruit, 6 : blocks from good school, 7 blocks from carline. Price jouu. aiiniu aown, balance S years. 5303 1027 WILLIAMS AVE. " lBo7I 6 room modern house, fin 60x100 lot, lots fruit trees, asphalt ttreet (paid). Fine loca- hou i or nnip worsen. THE CROS8LEY-VIGAR8 CO., 270 Stark at. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT gkoriTi Attractive 6-room bungalow, hdw. floors, all ,,tj I.-,,, iuiuim, win is s ioe one. 1 enrn. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABLNOTON BLTVl BARGAINS New home, kitchen, dining, large living, no oea roomi. tnree sleeping porche; nice lot; near fine school. Number of cheap mmg. irfmnwn. Jta, VV. 11. UeraBUn, FOR SALE Home in the Vernon diatrict; good enouu ior any panser or Business man; worth liovu; win uh eoouu. owner, j, x. Alex ander, 724 Chamber of Commerce, FOlt SALE Newly completed 5 room . bunaa low on Willamette boulevard. modem throughout, garage. C. C. Reisnar, 1417 Vfl- isru ave. MODERNIZE your building; aU kinds of renaira." See my designs for new houses. Max M, sseyer, arcuiieci., vooconi Diag. afatn $$7. 9 prmcny nupu VFreaon nooi ilUUOer. 15 MIN. FROM WASHINGTON o-room Bungalow, price $2200; good terms, GEO. T.' MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLTVt FOR SALE By owner. 60x130 lot. modem 7 room house with sleeping porch, furnace wash trays, bearing fruit trees, paved atreeta! $1300 BARGAIN. Full lot. some fruit trees o rooms; auu casn. zu a month. Gibson, oo sura 6u room juarsnaii 13, 8-ROOM house, price $1850; lot .100x106. Thia is m ustrbiti ; wavy terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG $1000 $100 cash. 7 room house, lot 60x -10O, ait 'iaoor car io I BO. Owner. 1874 East Madison. $1500 Sacrifice 6 room plastered house. $400 cash, $20 a month and interest Gibson. 286 Btark. Phone Marshall 12. S ROOM modern house, with 40x125 lot, fruit trees, 2 blocks from Monta villa car: $2200 i East 78th st N. Tabor 183. 80 ONE 6 room bouse, modern, at 48 Stofield hi. , x wt" muios Danjg. vaul wain, pa. , y. Mm . 6 ROOMS, Dutch kitchen. 8 bedroom, near carline. fooa location, reasonable oris. mil. 4ARA nam vvv HERE is the buy you want IH loU. loads of fruit and berries, 5 room bouse an for ivou. .uu aown. ruoDt wood lawn 8447 mornings. GOOD 6 room house, gag fixtures, tang and hot water neater, shades, ate., all for $2600, $1500 "cash, terms on balance, walking dis tance, -oa nancoca. i ROOMS 62000, modern. Buffalo at. 1 U block east of Union are. Monthly ptymeaU, ou wu MMiue, vwncr. saam REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE $1400 ; B room bungalow. eooiDletelv famished, north of carline at Lent. Fruit and berries, 8250 cash, balance to suit. $2000 - 4 rooms, tun basement, eomcletelv furnished. also a piano, fine garden; street paved; aidewalk assessment all paid; fruit trees, grape and ber ries, an ideal home. Only IS minute out. 8300 cash; terms to suit. $750 8150 eash. 4 room cottage. 5 block from Tremont atation. Mt. Scott car; . treat graded and sidewalk; all assessments paid. Any terms you want. $800 $100 cash. 4 rooms. 3 block from .ear. Firland station. Mt 'Scott car. Terms to uit A dandy buy. ROOMS B-9 145 BROADWAY PHONE MAIN 4184. SELLWOOD SNAP $200 CASH room house. 2 story, small basement, full lot. cherry tree, street graded, cement walk, sewer; all assessments pajd. A dandy buy, only siouu, oo casn, balance 413 a montn aua 6 per' cent. Room 8 and V, " 14512 BROADWAY HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FURNISHED Here is your chance to get a nice home and furniture at the right price and quit paying rent 5 rooms, modern, paved streets in and paid. One block from car. Price 930UO, Terms. C. A. Wirriner. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $260 DOWN; ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW 3ZZ5U . 6 room bungalow, cement basement, laundry travs. 8' bedrooms, white enamel, plumbing fix tures, flower, (hrubbery and garden, house Just like new.! Price only azzao. ijdo aown. oon aider good lot as part payment. A bargain. E. 4Hth at See - FRANK L. MeGCIKE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. SWELL 3 ROOM BUNGALOW Fine large bungalow, hot water heat, fins plumbing, full cement basement, laundry trays. fins electric fixtures, gas, lull lot, street im provements all paid; on Jessup t, near Union ave. Price $2100; $600 casn and zo per month, 6 per cent. GRUSSI ft IX) WW EX 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 2650 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW 32650 A 5-rm. modern bungalow, on full corner lot good basement, laundry trays. modern plumbing, builtin convenience, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, elect ana gas., ne. cor. jz. ooa ana Davis. Price 32650, terms; close to car and school. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTOJJ BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 8200 CASH. BALANCE EASY 6-room noose, newly painted, good basement Clear of all encumbrances. Quick possession can be had. Anabel Station. Mt Scott Price $1800. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 208-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Nice 5 room modern bungalow, oak floors. fireplace, built-in effects, laundry trays. cment basement; a nice location on E. 41st Just south of Hawthorne. Pries $3150: some term. GRUSSI at IXIWNEXT 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $2350 Beautiful 5 room home, furnace, large bedrooms, Z closets In each, full ce ment basement, street Iran, in and paid. Small lot but a big buy. Near Jeffemon high and convenient to Mississippi, Wil liams ave. ear. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark st Main 683 ' CAN YOU BEAT IT! 31400 $500 DOWN o room house, with bath. elee.. gas, lot 48x 140,; only 2 blks. to Sandy blvd., at 68th st. W. . KASKK. Main- 6173. 617 Cerbett Bldg. $1400. CLOSE IN BARGAIN 6 room plastered boose, vacant, on Eugene St. near Union ave. Splendid location, paved its.. ewr, toilet, (ink, gas, electricity. Tabor 6559. ROSE CITY PARK, modern 5 room, double constructed home, built-in conveniences: good basement, large attic: standard plumbing, splen did lawn, fruit trees, berrie. paved street. : Ts bor 8482 I HAVE houses rsngirtg in pries from $1600 up to sbooo. call at Boom in, Abington Bldg., and I will fit you out to your satisfac tion both as to pries snd terms. J. J. tuner. Main 6988. ALBERTA BUNGALOW 82300 B-nsom. bath, in fine condition, hi blk. to car, beautiful roses, garden, full lot with alley. Only $200 down. J. A. Wiekman Co.. 814 Stark st. Main 688 PRETTY bungalow. 4 rooms, modern full ee tnent basement, 60x100 lot; an awfully cozy home, almost new. Price $1050, $250 cash. Sell. ear. 944 E. 18th st 14 ROOM, modern, new flat, west side, every thins first class. Royal Wilton rugs, etc. Beau tiful place for home and rent out balance. Price $1150. See Garland. 188 Bd. FOR' SALE LOTS 18 BIG SACRIFICE Portland Heights lot. better than average slew, close in, no such bargain ever offered on west side lot. $1200. Owner. . Main 1963 Marshall 865. FOR SALE Lot 60x100 on E. Tioga t, in St Johns; 34O0. 350 casn, iu montn. in quire 616 N. Syracuse. ACREAGE 87 20 ACRES. .5 in cultivation, all good, lies per feet, on good county road, close to new high way. near carlin. 40 minutes out bysnto. $3000, halt down. 7 acres, on, canine, no minutes out uve tare, gooa improvements, tivvv. owner. v-ssa, Journal. TS ACHES Fine garden, onion and' beaver- dam, fine spring and creek; small water sower; new house, 2 barns; near car and boat Terms, must be sold. Owner, 390 Vancouver ave.. Portland. SUBURBAN" HOMES 7t NEW BUNGALOW $1125 5 f ooms and acre. This is located on 8. P. electric, very con venient ior smpyara workers. will sell on terms like rent 5 rooms and -sleeping porch ana acre, close to station, tor only $1125. 500 CONCORD BUILDING, Second and Stark sts. Main 85 $1050 Oregon City ear--3 room, hi acre, ns tive trees; 3 blocks to Evergreen station, $400 cash, balance terms. Gibson. 266 Stark st Phone Marshall 12. siouu siuu casn, io per month; 4 room piasterea bouse, sag ground. 14 cleared, well hi mile to Estacada car. Gibson. 268 Btark st rnone siarsnaii lz. FOR SALE FARMS 17 SALE OR RENT On account of ricknese will sell or rent 20 seres of best land in Clarke County, Wash. 10 acres cleared; good plas tered house, good cement basement food water, young orchard, about 10 tons hay in barn, soma stock and machinery. Price $4500. W-833 journal. FOR SALE 8 acrea. mostly clear, half acre pasture, spples. pears snd cherries, soms ber ries, house, barn, excellent well, aituated on main traveled road 5 miles from the city. Ap ply oy utter ior price and terms. N-944 journal. FOR SALE 80 acres, stock, machinery, every thing goea at bargain. On good road, 5 miles from Molalla, good 7 room house, large, new oarn ana garage, a. n. isewmsa, Molalla, cir. K. l. 5 ACRES. No. 1 landman in cultivation except shade trees; fair house and barn, fruit and berries, water, fenced, small buildings. One mile from electric ear: 1 cow and some hav all for $1300. See E. L Kuralli. Hills boro. Or. UNHEARD OF BARGAINS 160 unimproved: good soil; creek, close to school, station, 81 fare to Portland. . Pries $300. oiauae uoie, sou nenry oiag. 146 A., : hi in cult Soma bottom. 2 sets bldg., near R. R. Snap at $72 per sera. assy terms, pes .turner, nvx t suing bldg. FARMS WANTEsV-RETTT OR BUY 18 I HATE buyers for fsrms, all sisas ' and acre age. If you want to sell quUk list with me. Herman Fener. BIT Union ve. .N. East 4283. t WANT to rant a farm of 150 to SOO ukT Will purchase stock and implements snd pay casn.. owner wsuy. aivs, journal. HOMESTEADS 4T 'O. 0. HOMESTEADS New open for direct filing. I can locate yon en s good claim. A former government ertdssr. sot Worcester prag., sojourns; una elite. W. H, JOHNSTON. , H0ME8TEADS ' T Locste you on the best homesteads in th tats ior tiuu ; no cnargs unless entry secured. w ciassuy ana snow uiese nomesteada. ANDERSON A ANDERSON. No. 2 Land Office building. Worcester block 'Antra ana oak streets, 47 O. A C. HOMESTEADS , Yon can file direct - We can show von the bast claims. Full information. BUNDT MeHABDY 411 Henry Building . TIMBER 8 NOTICE OP SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM- BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wash ington, D. C July 13. 19 IS. Notice is here by given that subject to the conditions and limitations ot tn act of June . 1V1B (39 Stat. 21). and the Instructions of the secre tary of the interior of September 15. 1917, the timber on tbe following .lands win be sold September 8, 1918. at 10 o'clock a. a. at public a action st the United 8 fates land office at Roaebnrg. Or., to the higheat bidder at not leas than this appraised value sa shown by this notice, sal to be (object to the approval of tb secretary ot the Interior. The purchase fries, with an additional sum of on fifth ot per cent, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If gals is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for tbe timber which must be removed within 10 yean. Bids will be received from citizens of tb United States, associAtions of auch citizen and corporation organised under the law of the United State or any Mate, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, tbe timber on any legal subdivision wiu oe ottered separately De fore being included in any offer of s larger unit. T. 16 8., R. 1 E.. Sec 29; N. W. hi N. E. M. yellow fir 1300 M.. hemlock 60 M: N. E. hi N. W. hi . yellow fir 2210 M . hem lock S70 M.. eelsr 15 M. : N. W. 14 N. W. !4. yellow fir 2800 M.. hemlock 140- M.; none of tbe yellow nr. nemiock or eeaar to tie sola tor lees than $1.50 per Ms T. 82 S., R. 6 W.. Sec 13: N. E.' hi W. W. hi . red fir 600 M. ; N. W. 14 N. W. hi. red fir 350 M; 8. W. 14 N. V. 14. red fir 450 M.; S. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 850 M. ; S. W. 14 N. W. 14, red fir, 460 M. : S. E. 14 N. W. 14 . ed fir. 660 M. ; none of tbe red fir to be sold for leas than $1 per M. Clay Tallman. commissioner, general lend office. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 60 ACRES of the best land in Yamhill county; highly improved, good buildings, on gravel road near McMinnville. Will exchange for city property. 20 acres, all in cultivation, near HUlsboro, only $2500. Terms. 26 acres, all in cultivation, good buildings and orchard; in Yamhill county near carline. will exchange for home in the city. 814 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING. NOTICE If your DTonerty. either cite, farm or acre age, hss merit snd is for sxhange or sale, call or write full particular; no inflated values con sidered; nave first, class list to select from. George P. Henry. 829 Henry bldg. Refer ence. Portland Realty Board. LIST vour property with us for results on cnarges or merit, restart imnea jg years. ine Ernest Younger uo.. juo-iut rare si.. Be tween Washington and stark tu. F5R SALE or exchange for property in Spo kane. Canyon Hill or Bock wood additions, lots 2. 3. 4. block 100. Laurelhurst Address Dr. C. N. Sutterer, 415 Old National bldg. Spokane, Wash. COUNTRY STORE For sale or trade, general merchandise busi ness, buildings, feed grinding mill, and about $1800 stock; all goes for 87BOO. A. J. DeFOREST. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Matn 6967. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM 800 acres, all fine, level farm land; good bides., fully equipped, including tractor. Will take farm here as urst payment. Balance crop payments. Claude Cole, 8QO Henry niag. ONE 5 room ,house. $2000 and one 7 room 83000. all clear. Will exchange one or both for farm. Must b good land and on main road or will sell on terms. G. H. Jessup. 8550 67th st S. E. BLACKSMITH Would trada eauitv in good shop nd horn. oil station, anto accessories, doing good Businc for what have youf Too old for the work. W. F. MAGILL. Wamic. or. FOR SALE or trade for bungalow, equity in l5 acres. Prunes. apples. berries. Bearing paved highway hi mile from fsewberg; good house, barn, city water, stock. Price right. X-778. Journal. FIVV. Mrdford home, good locality, 4 lots. room house, barn, garden. Exchange for acreage or farm within 40 miles of Portland. JX-869. Journal. 820 ACRES good tillable land in Idaho; will trada for Portland property or una in Ore gon; value $25 per acre. What have you tor trade T P. O. Box 91 Gooding. Idaho. FARM WANTED Have income city property to exchange. Claud Cole, SOO Henry bldg. WANTED West side, small cottage; I will trade two Portsmouth lots, balance cash. H 98Z, journal. $250 CLEAR lot as fit payment on house will essume taxes, mortgage and interest. 881 E. Morrison st. FTVE room house and 2 lota '(unincumbered) lot m or more acres, ciosv in. v-(it, j our- nat T HAVE a farm of 85 acres in Linn county, near Brownsville, that I want to exchange for Portland property. Pnon Wdln. 4079. 8 ROOM house and 1 hi acres, at Tigard. Will exchange for arrears on Oregon City line or !' cheap. Box 72, Woodburn, or. WANTED To exchange rot tn Ttose City Park for one in St. Jotins; call evenings, l.olum bla 987. WANTED RK A L ESTATE OWNERS, ATTENTION! 81 We have over 200 buyers waiting for u to get them something suitable and reasonable in price, Ws can sell any number of 6 and 6 room boo from 131500 to $2500. Get in touch with us it you wsnt to sell. W do not ask for exclusive sale contracts. All we ask is s chsnce to sell, and we get results. ROOMS 8 AND 9. 145V2 BROADWAY, IF YOU wish to sell your house and will allow me the privilege of listing it which I will do provided the price snd terms are right, I will sell it for you. Service and equipment com plete. FRANK L. MeGUTRE, ABINGTON BLDG I HAVE clients for houses and lota of al descriptions from $1000 to $4000. Some want easy term snd others have more cash. Herman Peper, 517 Union ave. N. East 41485 SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WASitlU Must be N. E. snd priced right W have numerous buyers wsitins. Fred . W. Germaa Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. HATE several ahipworkers and many other buy ers for moderate priced homes. Can make good payments. List your house with us. FRANK L. MeGUTRE, ABINGTON BLDG. HAVE CLIENT WITH $3000 cash and 8 lots Oak Grove, wants 8 room house with full lot in city. REALTY ft MORTGAGE Co., 63 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced houw for sale, 3800 to 33000. list with tbe KEALTI MORTGAGE CO.. for quick results; old estab lished firm. Phone Main 2051. 633 Ch. of Com. WANT to lease for 1 year, furnished bouse in suburbs. Prefer Oregon Electric or Oregon City car. Give full details. E. C. Chapin, Long Beach, Wash. WANTED 2 modern 5 and 6 room bungalows, in Alberta; will pay cash. 246 H Washington st room 1 hi . 5 ROOM modern bungalow with good lot 100 100 or equivalent. Give location, price and phone. W-634. Journal. IF YOU want your house sold, list it with GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG, WANTED 4 to 6 room house, on easy pay ments. 381 E. Morrison st, or phone E. 5317 t'OH Kh.jMn. I B list your property with the Ileal Estate Exchange. 201 3d et.. Portland. ROOMING HOUSES 63 LISTEN TO THIS 89 rooms, good west aide location, fireproof building, good leas st 3150 per month. Plaea is nicely furnished snd is very neat and clean. This is an exception for 64000; some terms. 18 APARTMENTS Frame building, rent $160; nicely furnished, good west side loestion, clearing over 3200 per month. Price C3UOO; term. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS H. M. Nile 1 BITTER. LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ROOMS.- STRICTLY MODERN, $700 BEAUTY. 11 ROOMS, .MODERN, $650. GOOD ONE. 11 ROOMS. BENT "$25, $550. TERMS. 16 ROOMS. UP-TO-DATE. LOVELY FURNITURE. $1100. 17 ROOMS. CLEARING $90. $1200. TERMS. 36 ROOMS. $1600. TERMS. CLEARS $200. J. BRUCE' GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG BEST HOTEL BUYS 118 rooms., largs lobby, clearing $1000 per month, fin lease: a bargain. 77 room. $6600; terms. Modern furniture. cost $10Q; pries $6600. 78 rooms, fin lease, furnished. $2000. 48 room, housekeeping, $2000 term. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 Couch Bldg. SMALL boarding boose; fin buunes. goo4 lo- eation, $76 per mo., clear. Bdw. zB. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Z FOR $1500 property drawing front $75 to $126 monthly, write 1: u. Pox ov et Helens. Or. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Morris A Giisno. 451 Chamber of Commerce. CAFETERIA at shipyards for tale, or will trad, for late model auto. Tabor 8800 after 0 p. ra WANTED Partner in hog business. Inquire 2301s Yamhill at, room 7. HOMESTEADS BtrsncEss opportunities t 1 MUST SELLt QUICKLY Splendid confectionery stars, with living rooms in connection, cheap rent: sale stu per day. Pries $1300, part tune. A. J. DeFOBEST 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. WE need $3000 to carry out our plana for our next years wbeat crop, ws oust enure equip ment snd crop a security : this 1 s sat In vestment with exceptional return, at the asm time helps yon win thswar. Fer particulars write to V-859. Journal. ! CASH GROCERY FOR SALE I am coins to enter Uncle Sam's service snd will sell my grocery basines; tolling mors thsn $100 for cash per day. Will taks shout goo (Ml to handle. Call and see my store, 688 Um sve. N. corner of Russelt, HANDY man with $500 can "buy in good auto garaga with .reliable mechanic. Can clear $20.0 month for each. 1 Want a partner to sell supplies, gasoline, etc. and help -in shop. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. OWNERS TAKE NOTICE I have the buyers for: stock of merit Call me up if you want to sell. Main 4557. ONE ot the beat established clothes cleaning establishments in the city for sale ebeap. Do ing a good business snd well located. P. O. Box 204. BLACKSMITH'S machine shop with modern machinery, doing a fine business, in ex change for Portland residence or will sell tor cash or terms. . teti. bosh, ouu m. ziin si. DRUG store, doing good business, for sale at a bargain J. J. risner, 111 Aoingvon. main 5P88. GROCERY store doing , $70 day. Involo if taken now. All cash, no delivering. J. A. Bassett. 63 Union ave. N. GOOD paying retail meat market, located on yamhill at, for sale reasonable, 11 taken at once. Z-633. Journal. WANTED Barber h to rent or buy in or nesr Portland. Stats pries snd term. &1 821, Journal. PRINTING, well established, doing good busi ness; good location; lease 310 montn; 4oo for quick sale. L-945. JoumaL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tl OCR installment plan is the best and rarest method - of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months or 321.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pay $1000 loan snd interest Other smounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city prcperty Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION Z42 Stark st. Portland. Or. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In ea.iv installments with 10 years' time to re pay; fully protected by life insurance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Asaursnce Society. Interest 8 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong. Equitable office, Oregonian bldg. $300. $400. 3500. $760. $1000 and up lowett interest rate. uncial pre-payaunt privileges. No delay. UUKUUa l.BaTMENT UO., 631 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progress t W. 9. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $250, $350. $400. $500. $650. $730. $1000 and larger amounts at current rate, tjulck action, v red w. uerman jo., 121 tjnem. tJoi $50 TO $0000 to loan, city or larm mort gage; no commission, p. o. Box tit. $100 TO $1500; consider Iota. E. IL DowUng. 617 Chamber 01 commerce, aiarsnau z3Z. $1000, $5000 on city improved: ws win di- vide. 821 Chsm. of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans. $ and 7 Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Setting bid. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. Lewis, room 4. Lewis bldg. Main 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES (7 Salary" LOANS WE -LOAN MONEY Chattel On abort notice ft rslaried er workingmen en their own note. Weekly, scmi-monthiy or monthly payments; Eacu transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Ws slso losn jm household furniture, pianos. etc., without removal. - CALL AND INVESTIGATES COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. jt' 318 Failing brag If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons en salary or fixed tn- cocne, on household furniture, piano, diamond snd other personal property, legal rate. Basi nes confidential; private ot rices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. . 806-807 Dekum bids. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protest borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARK ST, LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOAXS WANTED $ $300. S 3 Y EA US. 8800. 8. 3 years. $900. 7 7c, 3 years. These are all improved properties in the city, Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Cora. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 13 HAVE 5 outfits, teasns, harness and farm wagons, from $150 to $800 for each out fit; guaranteed aa represented. FHIL SLETTER. 380 Front St., cor. Montgomery. TWO good surriea. buggies, farm wagons, spring wsgons, harness, all kinds of horses, 6-year old. 90O-lb. mule, fine spotted Shetland pony, cheap or excliange. Can use milk goats er cows. 302 Front st PAIR bay mares. 2600. 8 and 10; beat work era ever hitched ; both with harness, farm wagon, $300. PHH, SUETTER, 880 Front t., cor. Montgomery. FOR SALE cheap, replacing with automobile 15 hones and mares, weighing between 1200 and 1500 pounds, one horse, buggy and har ness. 228 Kussel st 10 HEAD of mules from 5 to 8. 1000 to 1300 guaranteed; will exchange for horses cattle. PHIL SUETTER, 880 Front st.. cor. Montgomery. FOR SALE Sorrel mare, 7 years old. weight 1000, auiet to nde or dnve snywhers. 330. 2 bay horses, weight 4100, $50 each. Pbons Oak urovs 8J. 1918 FIVE passenger Mitchell Six ssme as new; will exchange for horses, mule or cattle. Prefer itock east of mountain. C-975 Journal. DEAD hone and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlswn 30. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD honea taken uuick. W pay more for dead cows. Tabor 4208. FOR SALE Team and furniture wagon cheap. Call Wdln. 415. 829 Rodney ave. HORSES and wagons for rent by tbe day, single or double. B4P f ront Main ZZ08. A GOOD young horse and leagon for sale cheap. 907 East Tioga st, St Johns. FOR SALE. 9 yrs. old work horse. 8612 Powei Valley road near 92d st Tabor 4397. TEN heavy furniture wagons chesp. 226 Rus sell st LIVESTOCK Si NO pssture: will sell 8 Jersey cows, one months old; Jersey bull, eligibls to register. Reasonable. 1055 E. 34th st tiorrell. TEN head of good dairy cows, mostly all fresh; some extra gentls: all breeds. 971 Forter rcsd. Mt Scott, Lent. mi,, young, . rresb HoHtein-Durham and Jersey cows, some -heavy milkers; 3 fine -gentls fam ily cows. ah vry reasonable. 791 C. Ah. FRESH cow, big milker, tubrculioteted. 156 Russell st t THREE fresh cows, reasonable. 1694 Division. POULTRY, PIGEONS, PET STOCK I UAon rtiUUUUt UU. son. an kinda of poultry produce, pat snd breeding stock, bought and told. 150 EGG Ideal incubator -for chicken or any thing; Also some store fixtures. 301 E. Mor rison st. 100 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn laying pullets. Barred Bock. nnoas 1. Jteas. 31.20 to 31.65. 145 E. 81st st N. Monta villa car. FOR SALE Chicken, grain fed; about 50; fine for table. 7019 4 3d av. M S csr. POOS. BIRDS, PETS. ETC 46 FOR SALE Rice ha lb big boy. "Flemish." 6141 Woodstock ave. WANT StAndreasberg roller canary for train er. Broadway 4636. - JUST a habit- eat rabbits. 100to select from. Belgians Snd Flemish; 100 East 20th it WANTED A good Angora doe. TsboT22 g L" RABBITS for sale. 6417 Vth S. E. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 PACKARD 80. a roadster. 3575. A-l condi tion. A real' automobile. Call Laber Auto Spring Co.. Broadway 4QQ6. MITCHELL- 1912. 4 cyl.. 6 pae.. 4 new tires in good running condition, 3373. Phone Ta- bor 6472. : ' ' LIGHT chassis, good tires. Tsbor 3672. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 Studebaker Studebaker Stndabakar weak at the bi Eaat Bids Used Car Depot Ws have 19 of these good aid rallabl ears. Surely yon can select ene from this lot Soms 01 tnem took use ana are just as gooa as new. Any modal too want at the nrie Ton em afford, on easy payments If desired. Bars is list of them: 918 Studebaker. T pas., 4 new tires. S 92$ 917 Studebaker. 7 pa., 3 new tire. . $ $35 917 Studebaker. .7 pas, good condition. 8 825 1917 Studebaker. T pas. 6 tire $ 796 917 Studebaker. 7 Due., fine baps $ 825 1916 Studebaker. 6 cyi., 7 pass., cord tires vto 916 Studebaker. 4 cyL. 1 pass $ 760 1916 Stud baker, 4 cyl, 7 pass., cord tire 11 1918 btudebeksr. 6 eyt. 6 pass., lik new 8 750 1914 Studebaker. 4 cyl. 5 pass, a snap.$ 375 914 Studebaker. 4 cyL. 6 pass.. line shape van 1913 Studebaker B, 4 cyL, 5 pass., ex cellent s J 1917 Studebaker. 6 cyl.. 7 pas., completely overhauled and painted, new aeat covers, slant ing ' windshield, new de luxe top. This car is worth $2000. Ws only wsnt $1200 for it 1917 Studebaker B. 6 cyL Studebaker Sport model roadster. $600 worth of extras. Be aura and see thia. 60 other cars - of all makes to choose from. It will pay you to look over our stock before purchasing a car. Liberty bonds taken at face value. Open evening snd Sundays. , DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE Grand Avs. and E. Stark. East 7810 BIG' BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1918 Beo. 3 pass., first class $ $75 1917 Little six Chalmers. 6 psss 1000 1917 Chalmers, T pass 1 ZOO 1916 Overland, first class , 1916 OldsmobQs eight, like new.... 1918 Hal (12) almost new , 650 1075 2100 1912 Peerless make good bug. WESTERN AUTO CO. Broadway and Bumslds at TeL Broadway 6308. APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO. 1918 Chandler Sport model, iust like new. wire wbeels, cord Ures. 1917 HupmoMle. I 1917 Cole 8. 4 pass. 1918 Ford Sedan. 1918 Apperson 8 roadster. APPERSON MOTOR CAB CO., 60 Broadway. GARAGES BOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The p o r t s b I e kind sav yon money. Be aam- pls st 544 Hood Mam 116) Millmade Construction Co. HAYNES. 1914. 4-eyL 5 passenger, in excel lent shape: a snap. 7-passenger 6-40 Chalmers, a wonderful buy; run like new: 6 good tire. 6-psssenger Marien, A-l condition, new paint. practically new urea. 1917 Velie. run only 5000; 4 new tires snd tpsrs. Msk us an ofrer. A. C. STEVENS 16th and Waahfngton. Broadway 1314. NEW TIRES What brand of new tire da wa prefer? W have them, an makes snd sises. Also w msk the fa mous O-V-C Double Tread faewed) tires and do al 1 manner ef tire re pairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 833-8?$ Baxa ide near Broadway. NEW CHEVROLET CARS A nsed car is the most xpensive csr to buy snd yon do not get s guarantee. Call Mr. P. C Rinehart. East 92 or 8174, for information and demonstration. AUTO WRECKERS W wreck most sll makes of cars and sell tb good parte for lass than halt price. We hsve all kinds of used bodies for sals. Highest prices paid tor old cars. PACD7IO JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front st MAIN 4768. LAHER' Mfg. A R pairs. $000 guaranteed springs la stock: prioes reduced. 34 N. 16th st IScUsed Cars-. r$S3 COTTT MOTOR CAR CO. (lit and Washington sts. Main 6244. CASH paid for old cars, eondlUoa no objectj nsrts for sll make of ears. Oregon. Ante Es ehsng. 12 Lownsdala st 16th snd Waahinc- ton. Broadway 2668. MOTORS. Gearing. Bearings. Wneela. Axlea and Trailer We wreck all makes of ear and sell their good psrts st halt price. David Hodea Co., Broadway snd nanoers ex. proaqway LOOK A classy, roomy bug In the finest of running condition and good tires. Will dem onstrate. Apply Crown Livery Stables, 284 First st DUBRU1LLH TOP OO. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664. 'DONT BURN GASOLINE" Ford to 100 miles for 60e: agents wanted. Gasifier Sales Co.. 28 N. Broadway GOOD Spa auto. else, ligms. ooa tires. 8350. Some terms. 1314 fc. Clsy st. af ter 6:80 p. m. , . WHITE delivery, first claaa hp. Boach mag neto, good tire, alway dependable, sell rea sonable. i H. m f 1917-8AX0N Little Six, in A-l condition 5 good tires, "run only few thousand miles, $760 terms. Call East iuoj. , oit uiTivFIl. in good condition, good Ures, repainted. $575. $200 down, . nu p.. 1962. balance rTvS HALE; Brand new Conover windshield and cowl; Just the thing for Ford or bug. i 2 East Madison. Maytag Co. lvt)i, Al tjndiUon; lust like new. Extra equipment; see it st 312 Esst Madison t Maytag Co. FOR SALE 1917 Hupmobile, the big four. This cir is 99 new. 62 Ea.t l.t N. Tsbor 1667. Xi air r a im taurine: Maxwell. A No. 1 IUU u.. , rition. will take soms cssh er Liberty. bonds, on time. A snap. Call A-3518. 1916 FORD touring, good condition, $330. 3. Bryant wreton vy. CHEAPforcsh, Dodgs car. by private party. Mar. 3410. FORD' edlter. like r, demountable rims. Owner. Main 9451. oversize tire. 3550. WILL pay cash tor Ford touring car. Last 6386. . . FOR' HEN Private garage st 710 S. Fland I Ala imp. TV like new. corns trass $515, - " T . . . . a -1 111, term, stain m. 191$ MITCHELL Six, only run 8,200 miles, .for sale cheap, if cash. Sett, 272S BRISCOE 1917, in A-l condition; will give terms: bargain If taken st cue. Tahwr 1193. r$l"FORD. 3400. Wdln. 2614, after 8:80", evenings. LATE model 1917 Ford, lik new. 373 extras. st 6 bargain, liroaawsy noict, ah ror siorns. CfCHT-Cr, good condition, good Ford tire. $275. 826 Est 9th t- N. Phows Wdl. 163. WILL U my 1917 Msxw.u coea. Journal. HAVE your Ford wheel UgTitenad at Division t Phone Tabor 6603. Ford "lUl" MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell teunat cat at W -494, Journal SPUT cash paid for awed ears. DasJwra' Used Car Ciesrlna Howse. Grand av. and E. Stark. ma SALE 7 pas. Pierce Arrow ear. ehean .ssssflSeHPSS laVTO TO" xl good condition. 344 E. 3d st N.- East 3497. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 HERE a OUR TODAY'S LIST OF TJSETJ CAR BARGAINS OF COURSE. THESE ABB CONTINUALLY CHANGING. AS WE ARB DAILY GETTING IN NEW BARGAINS, AND WE ASK THAT YOU CALL AT OCR SALESROOM AND INSPECT THE CARS THAT WE MAY HAYS BEFORE PURCHAS ING ELSEWHERE. BROADWAY 3493 Ran, S pass Hudson Six. 5 pass., fast repainted. 8 900 611W9 .81160 6 876 8 650 $ 460 $ 166 ..uu-Km ja. same as above, slightly Stndebsker. good buy ..... ... MaxwelL S pass. Stndebaker ... Tr l Stoddard I isytow' 'delivery 'truck. 8 860 is , now Jeffrey, with new 3 tod truck sttaehaaent. 8 1 1 wo o ion 11 1 STS Ford. 6 passenger $ 859 oracos, 6 pass., almost new .- ..$ 950 Ford il.lnn ... a SftA Cote jo. IdesI for bttf" V. '. '. " '. $ 300 """. o pass. Hudwn Super Six. sedan, serf act ahans.. . 81800 Chevrolet. S-psss $ 600 Ford Roadster, just overhauled- 6 4 OO Studebaker Six $ 660 varoer car, suitable rebuild bug er de- UTWTJ .....S If Cbevratet, S-psss. $ $00 Chevrolet, 490 ties past $ 660 Jackson. 6 pass., good shape $ 750 ovsrisna. a pass., now being repainted. . . $ 600 W. H, WALLINGFORD &tr1l)9vOF Liberty Six Premier Six Briscoe Four Hood Lumber Tractor Parrett Farm Tractor 532 Aider it at 16th. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 191ft Mitchell, used very little: rust like - new, wrtn aeat covers; 7 pass. 6 -cyL Price 81600 1917 Mitchell. 7-pass., 6-eyL 1876 1917 Mitchell. 5 pas.. 0-oyL 1176 Otis int ABOVE CARS AT WEST BIDS SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak St Broadway 615. A. 8343. 1917 MitchelL 7-paas,. 6-cyL .$1250 , 1075 850 . 1250 700 675 . 275 750 1U1T Mitchell. 6-pas.. 6-cyL 1916 Mitchell. 8 past, 6 cyl. 1917 Mitchell. 2-pasa.. 6-cyL 1914 Mitchell. 5 -pass.. 6-cyL 1915 Mitchell. 6 is.. 4-cyt 1912 Auburn. 6 pass.. 4-cjL 1916 Jeffry, pass . 6-cyL Several Other to Select From MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVER CO. USED CAR DEPT. ' East Morrison at First st Esst 7272. . B-1216 USED CAR BARGAINS American Six 1917 CadiUaa touring ... Chalmers touring Dodgs sedan , Dsdg touring 1918 Ford track , 1917 Oakland touring .., 1918 Winton Six .V. ... .8 700 .. 2350 .. 450 .. 1200 660 750 950 8000 COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21t and Washington its. Main 6244. SPECIAL BUYS 2 Ford tourings, with extra equipment 2 Ford bug, bar cm ins. 2 Ford trucks, chain drive. Maxwell roadster, like new. Maxwell touring, bargain. Paige, seven-passenger. ord tires. Cadillac, five-passenger, 1912, bargain. 8tndebaker roadster. 1 hi -ton Wilcox truck. 8-ton White with dump body. 1-ton Federal. 3-ton Federal. 6-ton Federal. Other bargains tow numerous tn mention. WILLIAM L. HCGHSON CO.. 60 N. Brosdway. 1917 Overland Four, fine condition, only $ 650 1917 Chevrolet. Touring 1916 Chevrolet, Touring 1917 Maxwell. Touring 1917 Chandler. Touring 625 475 725 1600 SEE OUR CLASSY BUG THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 62T Washington St Whsr Washington and Burnsids Meet BARGAINS 1917 Bsby Grand Chevrolet $ 800 1917 Studebaker 1916 Saxon Six 775 600 650 750 950 1915 Oldsmobile Four . 1915 Oldsmobile Four , 1016 Oldsmobile Eight 1918 Oldsmobile Six . , 1915 Loner 1400 750 1000 1918 Dodge 1917 Oakland Six 875 OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF OREGON. Broadway 2270. 87 North Broadway. 3. IL GRAHAM. 10th and Stark sts. Case Agency. One 1917 5 psss. Buick. One 1917 5 pass. Overland One 1917 6 pas. Caa car. One 1917 7 pass. Mitchell, all brand new cord tire. On Ford roadster. One 1917 Hudson Super-Six. haa toeen run 7000 miles. All of these ears are In good mechanical condition, will give -term to reliable nsonla. Fur. thermor, w are going to dispose of the can at a Bargain. HAYNES. 1914 4 -cyl., s passenger la szeel lnt bap.a snap. Sevan saesmger 6-40 Chslmsrs. s wonderful out, rune atae new; swoei urssv Fivs-pssseogrr Marion, A-l oooditten. paint, 4 practically new tins. Make as an oner. A. a STEVENS 16th sad Washington. Broadway 1$14 1918 FORD ROADSTER Demountable rims, shock absorber Tat. t-b brand new extra tire and other extras. Pries PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 101h sad Burnsids sts. 1917 FORD for sal, in Al condition, shock sbsorbers. demountable rims, five good tires. ru iwi, afvvwJinvivr, spot iignt snn otner , ex tras. rr . new Mr. lister st garage. V Ul mtWM MM8S BIT-. EXPERT aC6' rpalrIJ.g All work guaranteed. THE ACME AUTO CO.. Broadway 2796. 631 Alder et. FOB SALE Dodgs touring cat, A-l condi- tion. sll tires good. Vns extra tire, and extra eo-ufcmienL 681 Esst 6824. E. Morrison. Phone AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES if 191 T Raw. newly painted and ewerhanVU isci ooccflBcsa, 3B0U. , 1 ton Fwdsrsli track, platform body. Price! $750. i . PORTLAND MOTOR CAB CO.. . 10 th and Burnsld. i 1 SOME REAL BARGAINS - 1 1918 Chevrolet, ran 1100 miles, $790; model 60 Overland, good sliaps, $400i 1 114 Studebaker. fin shin. 3460. f ALB IN A GARAGE. I Corner Gsrfield sve. snd Shave st AUTOMOBILES M'AlTTEIv 79 LOOK st lot 21 and 22. in block 15. ManU eUlr Addition. : Th lots ess m 81600. I wish tb exchange then for tour ing csr. Ford preferred. Write to J. E. Hoamer, SHverton, Or. I - . LET m repair your aaeaaias in your own gari Private sarviea car das and suahx. Ulnar Sell. 3766. j TRADE on bite (node! ear not over $800, mteii river cruiser, talus $375. Call Woodlawa 6198. WANTED Ford truck in exchange for Ross) City Park lot MarshaB 696. HIGHEST pnew ii for automobiles, eawdw lion no obiect 131 N. 8d et Bdwy. 3629. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRR 61 ACTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS . Brand new ears. Reseonsbls ittee. Fearing A Robaett City Gsrasw.- $6' leHkw .-' Between Stark snd Oak. -Broadway 340. " AOfOS wiTfiOUf Iktvkn fob Mists, " COUCHMAN A SCLI.fVAX, MARSH. 322 10TH A YAMHILL A-U3Ss FORDS for hire without driver. 448' -Lark U Broadway 8631 ! MltiHWAY "AUTO SEHViCE-Uiooa' can. eorsx patent driver, Sixth, and Wask? Main 7080 COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO SER- VICE. W de taxi work. Main 238. MOTORCYCLES. RICTCLES 8 LNDIAN motorcycle, new. jllVV lightweight Twin. 1918; Twin and 1915 lightweight singl. Th Evening Repair Shop.. 353- N. 234. Phone Broadway- 3060. Indian,, agency and other make. 1 BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES Large vtnrk of new and nsed mschlne. DAYTON -CYCLE CO.. f. th C -WANTED -Vtri boy's bicycle; slvi guinsi rooster for sale. $1.50, or awap fot pullets anything. Tabor . 87 17. WANTED -Boy' e bicycle. Must be in good cotw aiuon. win nay spot rash. Mar. Bai. , yORTOROTCLfc " for sale."i40. Call aftei B oelnrk. 2143 Tlllmook at 1 LAUNCHES Altn BOATS PARTNER with launch, to go into paying I win furnish ' th monvy. ' K-796. business. Journal. Boat Swan for Charter .. Dane every Wed. nd Sat. night Main 4748 DANDY river cruiser for camping or passenger a saennr at fsao. terms. Moeqiawn oivrnj LAUNCH foir sale, first-elaaa oonditlon. A bargain, call Wdln. 8272. 1 f9FT. eaaos fpr aal. Tabor 8772. PIANOS. ORGANS. MUS1CAX INSTRUMENTS 34 SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 6260 7 octave squsrs piano cash ,...k..8 38 3800 7 1-8 octsv quars piano, cash.... 3 SO 8273 T octave English npright cash .....8 4S 6800 7 octavs French upright, cash.. ...8 66 8350 American msk upright eash. ......$ 96 $400 large oak upright piano, cash. .....$ 1 66 $360 new. studio model piano, cash.. . i. . . $21 $873 new, stored, npright piano, cash. .... 825 $423 new. stored, upright piano, cash,. ..$206 $450 new. stored, upright piano, cash.... $24 $750 Weber rash., player piano, cash. .... $296 $650 modern, nab., player plans, cash,. . . $$$ $ 85 parlor organ with mirror, cash. 4 ... $ 2S $125 parlor organ with mirror. eash.,...$ 85 Considering the rising market, new pianos slready gone $76 to $160 higher, tb sbov) pis no ought to sell quickly st this time. 11 Dos bonsht snd sold for cssh snd stors4 for 60o monthly. 109 4th st at Weahtngton. UPRIGHT PIANO See thia bargain. $981 terms $15 eash; $6 per month. C. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14S 6th. PIANOS, organ and musical instruments Decker A Son. rosewood upright 8100: Burdette erf-ana walnut, 882.60. llarold ft. Gil bert, 884 Yamhill t. j Don't bay eld unimproved piano when tbe Seenrity Storage Co. t offering new Improved 8376 pi so for 8213 and modern 8660 playsg pianos for 8366. at 109 4th st . WILL exchange new phonograph for ysar up right piano. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th. 1281.26 $12 CASH. $6 monthly still buys new Improved 1918 model piano at th Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth at, at 'Wash. M. BENT a piano: no num or thump boxes. L Harold 8 Gilbert 884 Yamhill SOLID oak Kimball organ cheap. 848 2d at TTPEWKITEKN ! "77 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies purchase. Visible models. , REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 66 Broadway. 1 Broadway 46tT GUARANTEED Factory Rebuilt Typewriters. "AU Makes" sold on monthly paymenta. BenA for pvieelist The Wholesale Typewriter Cou Retail Dept. 821 Washington st ' ALI MAKES typewriters rented arwl ' rer",i. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 A 6th. Main869$j HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALR .66 DOM WEUkl ; 1 i Ws are closing out $$0,00$ worth ef fins, r t new Furnlturs. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum. Heat- er snd Range snd sverything la thai Cns ( ! i boat fnrnisbiAgs. Every srtiela must gs, yw gardless of cost It wCl pay yon to cos al ooceAnd look at the great values ,n are offer ing. New goods st the earn pries yon -will pay elsewhere for second hand. Feldstein Furniture Co. 16-16$ FIRST ST. ' . Between Morrison snd Yamhill, $886 J I High grade Packard piano, like new. golden quartered oak. Must 4 out st ones. I $29$ Feldstein Furniture Co. 166-168 First street 1 Between Morrison snd Ysmhfll WL FURNITURE CO. hELLS FUR ' LLeX Iron beds. $1.76 vp. Springs. $1 up. MsUnssee, $1. up. Chairs. 73e sp. V" rr T.f Draasers. 86 up. HXlt Dining teWee, $$ up. '1 , OWL FURNITURE CO., zqs nrst at CHILD'S crib, duofold dstenport. cost $100 , assd only 6 weeks, brand new, $60;-sns afvs colonial buffet 24x48-tneh top, $25; S burner gas phrte, $$; Maaoa Jars, etc., other bargains; leaving town. CsB Esst 6240. FURNITURE f 6-room house; slso vie tr via tut aale, at 112 Alberta ft. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 CASH register snd platiorni scales for aal cheap! 230 Washington st Marshall 2488 TENT FOR SALE. 14x16 ' 128 riKST. NR. ALDER.' MAIN 4493 FOR SALE $42 steel range, $17.50. 6"8oT 92d Boutheawt. Lent. ! TWO pool tsbies ivt ssle. loQUir for information 304 3d t ' PLUMBING nipples, wboteesl prise. Stats ' Dsrl Co.. 313 34 K. - Mais 797. 1 .. COMPLETE moving picturs outfit with it r Is for sals. 348 2d -wi. '. VACUUM ir sold, repair ea. r ted. as-' ' changed. Vongbt Rentier tip.. Msrn 6682. GOOD four burner gas store, $ 10 L'-T3t JeurnaL ; - UNCALLED tor tailor mad suit. $13.60 suT Taylor the Taltor. 289 hi Burnside. - lConuasA a jroutiwtas; Pai