TffE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1918 11 tlELP WAKTEB-FEMALE LIFWAN Wolfe A Co. require the services of twvevsl ssles-people for their waists, coat and salt and knit underwear dept Uuit b able to furnish the beet of references. Apply Supt office. 7th floor, between' 9 ami 10 'clock Thursday morning. . YtANTED -Girls for ' stock rooxn and order-j dept.. wnoieseie nironia iinn, eo mo. start. C411 at Y. W. r. A. Employment Dept., Broadway and Taylor. Hours W a. ra., 4 p. m, WANTED Female help; first class millinery Btkin and Bat inotn lor noun, nij mm mat of town poaitloos; ood wages. Mullet Rasa WXfT EL G irl to do cooking and Ironing In family of atx at Red college; reference re . attired. Re II wood 1236. WTSTtl) Eiperiinced wsluese. Apply 9 to 10 -a. m., superinteeaeni s oi uce. via, won- MB Kln. OFFICE girl" 167 i'irst at.. upstairs. iirtv W1KTTII MAM! AND ' FEMALE ' 'WANTED 1200 bop pickers. Male your vs- e.finn a navine nrnooeition by helping T. A, Livealey A Co. pick their 650 acres of hopt. lo cated on the following well known yards. Lake brook, Holraes. Morpby and Perclvsl. aituated at Ha lorn and. Independence. Hop Tery beaTy. Excellent camp grounds, etoree, batcher shop, rweteursnt, fine water, free tents, atrcw and wood. Apartment heuae at Lekebrook. About 18 or 20 days' picking. Will aend 800 pickers boat August 23. Other special traina will leave Portland about September 8. 4 and 5. Rail road ticket, and accommodations may be secured on and after Ainmut 10 at 305 McKay bldg.. ornrr 8d and otark at. Will pay 50c per bos-, or $1 per hundred pound. Call early to aacnre tickets and accommodations, as Oregon baa plowed out 18.000 acrea of hope, and many lmim picker are requirea to nsrvesi uio ciuy. Phone Main 148. . " PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teeehes men and women the barber trade free, pay while learning. 234 Couch. Broadway 2483. 6 ii it if ij l a it R if u COLLEGE , iHyiKy-a while learning; gives you set of tools. t iiMHHtMi fruition,- wnta inr mwfub - a flarnaide at., or phone Broadway 1781. r HEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free: wage wnue learning: position ,u.-u. . .Barber College. 228 M adlsnn. . . SITUATIONS MALT! 1 FIRST CLASS carpenter and mechanic wishes steady position with department store, office building ni in estate; 15 yean in building and Eeneral repair work i state salary paid in first t ter. H B31, Journal. , BAND raw filer wants position, file log bands, rxnm or bos factory: first claw references. Addrexa H.EeaBjthrdrO. R(M)F work, resblngllng done by contract. - pbope Beaeham, Mar. 709. WitSt store work; packing at present; some espertence. M 2, JQimai. rjTJRoMiN'rNG. Pslntlng. Plsster. Patching, rrenonable. Main CB29. , TINGLING wanted. Call Tabor 2382. , SITUATIONS FEMALE foTNG ladr wants clerical wojk Call ;Wood- lawn Bin tADY wants work a few hour after 5 p. m. V-K$R. Journal. " TOt;SG woman wants work by tne hour, prefer 4 turn-, a dy. I7R0. Jmirnsl tOCNO lady dcires posiUon ss collector with err1eTicen offlcerk. CllTshor 47 S5. tADY wanu day"work. tsbot 3407. FURBISHED ROOMS THrTTvF.N t AMIN MINOR A mrmber or newly furnished sleeping rooms to be had by the . week or month : $1.00. a day and P : Int-Mi-tence to heart of rlty. Broadway 8055. 35 Everett st.. cor. 20th. : THE GARLAND ' Booms outside, modern: hot snd I cold water wslking distnr. Foundstion ;!iPb"1.lrt'n- ;,t,0 84 25 Trinitv flare, ror. Washington, (bet. Ith and 20th). Main 1J35. fiOTElTBAKERrioS V. Fifth sC. opposite City Hsll Htrirfly modern brick, under new msn-aeement- dsndy furnished rooms, running wa "r free baths; permanent and transient; fine borne for shipbuilders. ' FRfNCESS "hotet modern.- fireproof, running water, phones ana eievniur. m" nrice. East Third' and Burnside. tTisv HOTEL ANNEX. 209 4 Fifth; b.... 'QrH''- ; CT- g.lNGI;E or double room, near rouu"u" ysrdi: reaonble. 443 N. 21t st. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE 70 r am si i i . r., If Sean and neatly furnished sleeping 'e?.' ver, nulet and suitable for v time: walking distance. Mar. 1133. good home cooked meals; mod nveoienres. Main 4157. 205 N. . conveniences. Ma 21st st. IXftGli airy front nicely furnished. v,rlvata home ' walking nistanc-. i ... . ghortera ron- 12th and YamhilL Kast 3755. leniences. K. fTRiB. nice -room, with iiv sultshle tor hoard, in private walking distance. Phone East 4338. TWVTS7nTfurnisbed apt., private family. 508 Jefferson. ELEGANT rlomsTnd loc2r' 01"" FTTRNIsnED rooms for rent. 321 6th. rooms AN-n ho art THE Martha Washington. 8HO .or nees girls and stodsnts. Msrshall 1251. THE-TlTZE1. outside rooms. hol water, home cooking T-'-' " S8tt ,d" - nOUS F KEEPING ROOMS I NISHF 1 AND UNFURNIS SHED . CTEAN eomf ortsbto nwe"t ' tenZL men or ctmyw. -- Marshall 914. unrSFKEEPISO ROOMS 7 FURNISHED AND UNFURSISHED rIH PRIVATE FAMILY , fTRVISHED housekeeping rooms, near ship yard and Tortland Lumber Co. 7-1 1st st. Main TBt I fStCKLY" furnished housekeeping noom.. ciosw po-rtofflce. near shipyards. 1 r,-. ... FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED It . HELP SHIPBUILDING kobthYoRuTrTisKtus. an" Yon ea. sere, your ecuntry by bslpto. ship- builders to leasts. mtvr Urt your vacancies. furnlshea or wnrur- bhed bousea. rooms or spsrtmenta. , Writs or phone. A. J. England. Main llOSj FOR RENT 3 Uoorn cottage, with basement, 13 blocks to car. 4-Room cottage, 10 blocks, Room cottage. 2 blocks. ROOM 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE, Second and atars. in anernmm. VHEN yon set Urea savins your rent raised and being icompelled to move, look us ttp. Wi I bave bouses and lots we can sell you for, $25 ! down. $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co . 733 Chamber of wninmi. - ' J-or RENT Modern 6 room bungalow, fur nished. $30 per month. Call evenings on i uneven dates at 444 Kenilworth are., Rich mond Irsr, , . . , jlflZTMODEilN f room houe for rent at 150 GraUam ave. j Inquire at 620 Bortbwick st. Phone W ood lawni ? 0 42. FOTfTlENT -Modern home on Powell Valley roadl; lots otl fruit. East 2866 FOR RENT- 5 room modern houe. with gar age. 1 BS4 7frth St., 4 blocks eonth. R-C. car. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 4J KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room house. 2 and 8 room house keeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished; elevator, hardwood floors. 11th snd Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS Second snd Yamhill Newly furnished modem bouaekeeplng sad ' sleepinsr snoros. 82.60 end up. iil.SLOP HALL. E. 4th snd Hawthorns. - Mod eru 1. 3 snd 8 room spts. $12.60 up; welk ins distance. CaU East 883. , WaUNCLIA APTS. Eaat 3d and Belmont: t modem 1 and 2 room spts.. 31.50 per week 0. Hleeplng rooms. Est 212. JEFFERY 8-room furnished apt. $16.00, cor, Russell snd Kerhy, between Miss, snd Will Isms ave. THREE room nice furnished apartment, hot . and cold water, heat, telephone, lights snd gas, $20 per month. 326 Hsll. KTANFIKLD spts., 204 Porter at.; shipyards, modern 2 room spts.. completely furnished. ressonsble. Phone Main 7392. WANTED Young man to share apartment. -Oil Bdwy. 1757 up to 0 s. St. Mr. Rogers. PENINSULA APTS. Woodlawn 1863. Cos I erets bldg.. 2. 8. 4 rooms, baths." phone. 7 I FOB RENT FLATS IJ FLAT to rent, .between 7trT and 8lh, Hawthorne ave. Phone Ea-t 7503. FURNISHED FLATS $0 tUIlPYARD district, rent of 4 room furnished flat for inside finishing of sauie, work own time. .! 804 ti S. limit ' .'' FURNISHED FLATS SO completely" furnished, modern. 4-room up per flat, piano, sewing machine. gas . and elect., 822. Wd. 400. "ROOM furnished flat, aleeplnc porch. 264 Stout st, 830. References. Inquire 287 12th. UNFURNISHED BOOMS 10 FOR KENT Two nice unfurnished, rooms in privets family, may be need for: housekeep lns; no other roomers. Phone E. 217. SUMMER RESORTS M CZSXON BEACH furnished cottage for rent one week beginning Aug. 23 to 1 aboi day. 318: or 2 weeka for 828. Woodlawn 1050. j K. Apts, fine water, at ttockawsy Bench. Apply at Ocean Creat Apts, ' WANTED TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU i COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and; scarcity of housing accommodations, we request every patri otic citisen who has a house to rent or rooms to Jet to mail information of same to Columbia, R. B. B. Corp. Box 1202, Portland. Or. 5 ADULTS, no children, want 4 , or 8 room bungalow or apartment. Beaumont, alt. Tabor district, on or before September 1. Tabor 7407. WANTED By Aug. 15, 5 or 6-roora bungs ' low, not too far out, by responsible party, garage if poiwlhle. Call tomorrow, i Tabor 582. WANTED 4 oi 5 room bouse or or 3 room apartment; no children. Call CaL 707. REAL ESTATE TO LEASE j ROOMING HOUSE, 15 ft on investment, well located. Rockaway Beach. Or, Mrs. E. Hemchner. the shipyard district, 30-room, furnished. also 20 partly furnished, cheap rents. 252 Gibbs. - FOR SALE HOUSE il $250 DOWN HAWTHORNE BUNG. $2750 ft room modern bungslow, like jnew, cement basement,9 hardwood floors, fireplace, builtin bookcases, paneled D. room with plate rail, buf fet, white enamel Dutch Kitchen, sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing fixtures, full lot, fruit and flowers. Price $2750. $250 down. $25 per month, 1H blocks to car. E. 31st st. See FRANK L. McGUIilE. A B IN G TON BLDG. To Bay Your Home. Main 1068. WAVEKLEIGH HEIGHTS DISTRICT $2200 j A fine modern 5 room bungalow, full base ment, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, jgood electric light fixtures and everything in first class condi tion; house- 8 yesrs old ; Iot47il80; fruit trees snd a large garden ?aee; ideal surroundings. $300 cash, balance term. J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. 319 Railway Exchange Bldg. j Main 675 5 ROOMS, 54 If. 81st $20ort. 8100 down 7 rooms, 0 Prescott at ... 32300, 8200 down B rooms, 529 Webster at $2500, $500 down 5 room. H21 Sumner st $2000, $100 down 5 rooms. 377 E. 64th st $2100. $100 down These are ail good buys and 7our inspection Is invited. FRED W". GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. OWNER GOLSG EAST $5000 7 room modern iiouse. 20x20 garage, Irvington. $1750 each Two 5 room house, good east side location. $1500 rooms, east side. Phone owner. ' Main 8588, or East 5058. VTjK SALE One of the lineat and best lo csted residences in St. John. House is mod ern and contains 9 rooms and bath; lot is 100X 100 ft. on corner, witn street3 improved; sn abundance of flowers, berries and1 some fruit. A Uirife quantity of furniture goes with the houe. The prire for a short time is $4000. part rh. .Toeph Kircli. 533 S. Ivsnhee. $1100 Buys a good 6-room house, large lot. close to car; $150 cash, balanceflike rent. $1450 takes a nice 5 -room house, modem; 2 lots, 100x100: fruit trees, close to car; $250 cash, balanre like rent. If these don't suit you we have others. NEW TURK LAND- CO;. 881 Eat Morrison. $3500; U ROOMS r Rose City car, close in. Paved streets in and paid. Full cement basement, furnace and laun dry trays. Large clothes closets. All 1 rooms newly tinted, large fruit .trees. Terms and possession at once. J. L. HARTMAN. No. 71 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark etsL Main 208. A-2050. j PAY RENT TO YOURSELF 2 lots with small house, $825. 6 rooms, Mt. Tabor district, $1750. 5 rooms, modern, close in $2000. 5 rooms, Peninsula district, $2500. 6 noma. Rose City snap, $3000J Get particulars, 219 Lumbennens bldg.. 5th snd Stark. " I ALBERTA DISTRICT $1250 6 room bungalow and attic, on a good street. lot 4 0x100, good basement and only 2 blocks to carline. . J. L. KARNOPP Sl CO., 817 -319 Ry. Exch. bldg. j Main 675. $2350 Beautiful 5-room home. furnace. large bedrooms, 2 closets in each, full cituent asement, st. imp. in and pd. Small, lrtt but a big buy. i Near Jeffer son High and convenient to Miss. Wms. ave. cars. J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark Si Main 583. $1360: 5 ROOM COTTAGE ; PARKROSE Just outside city limits. 1 block to carline, water piped in house. All rooms newly tinted and painted, doubl constructed, fireplace and electric lights. J. L. HARTMAN i COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and 8tark its. Main 208. A-2050. $3350 7-ROOMS 05x100. Modem, garage, fruit and shades, a splendid home for. the price, $500 cash, bsisnce pay ments. ALBERT CLEVELAND. 505 Lumbermen's Bldg., Bdw.: 3125. $1800 BUNGALOW. EASY TERMS. 5-room bungalow, A-l condition, modern plumbing, fruit, flowers and berries. An at tractive home. 66th st. S. E. Sees, FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $34006 room bungalow completely furnished. corner, streets improved and paid, full base ment, furnace, fireplace. This is a fine home and a bargain, $1000 down, balance like rent, near Hawthorne and 84th sts. A. J. Farmer, 408 Stock Exchange. ROSE CITY PARK $3250 5-room modern bungalow, ! sttic, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, 1 blk. to icar. $500 cash. $25 monthly, including interest. 3. A. Wickman Co.. 314 Stark St- Main 583. FOR SALE, by owner, 4 room semi modern houe and U acre, all out to fruit, 5 blocks from good school, 7 blocks from carline. Price $1600, $1000 down, balance 2 years. 5303 Pftth st. S. E. j t 1027 WILLIAMS AVE.. $3000 ifl room modern house, fine 50x100 lot. lota fruit trees, a.ihalt street (paid). : Fine loca tion for ship workers. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark St. HERE IS A BARGAIN Good, well built, well Dlanned. 6 i room house. practically new snd in perfect condition. Over look district, ory $2500. $250 down, $20 per month. R. F. FEKMSTER, 309 Abinston big. BARGAINS New home, kitchen, flining, large UTlng, two bed rooms, tnree sleeping porcnes; nice lot; nesr line ecnooi. nnnwr oi cneap homes, Irvington. Eai"t 278. W. H. Herdman. OR SALE -Home in the Vernon district good enougu lor ajiy uaiiser or uusmess; man; worui $4500; will take $3500. Owner. J. T. Alex- andur, 724 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Newly completed 5 room bunga low on Willamette boulevard, modern throughout, garage. C C. Reisner, 1417 V Il ia rd aie. i MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repairs. See . my designs for new houses; Msx M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Supt Oregon Home Builders. FOR SALE Owner. 5 room bungalow, cobble fireplace, built in bookcases, etc: sarase. large light rooms; $2100. 1137 E. 17th st N. Phone oooiawn aai. , HAWTHORN E DISTRICt4-$3000 Attractive 6-room bungalow, haw. floors, all built-in fixtures; this is a nice one. Terms, GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE: By owner, 60x130 lot. modern - 7 room house with sleeping porch, furnace, wash trays, bearing fruit trees, paved streets, garage. 87 E. 27th N., East 7626. 15 MIN, FROM WASHINGTON ST. 5-room bungalow, price $2200; good terms, nics buy. ' GEO. T. MOORE CO. , ABINGTON BLDG. $1 300 BARGAIN. Full lot, some! fruit trees. 6 rooms; $300 cash. $20 a month. Gibson. 206 Start st Phone Marshall 1-2. : $1000 $100 cash, 7 room house, lot 50x 100. Mt Tabor car to 73d. Owner, 1874 East Madison. ' . $1500 Sacrifice 6 room plastered nouse, $400 cash. $20 a month and interest. Gibson, 266 Stark. Phone Marshall 12.. , i 5 ROOM modern house, with 40x135 lot, fruit trees, Z Diocss irom aiomavuia car ; 82200. 80 East 78th st N. Tabor 183g. ONE 6 room bouse, modern, at ITS Stofield st. 1 block from the Kenton bsni. Call Wdln. 812, after a p. nv. IRVINGTON Owner forced to sell high class bungalow; coat oouu; price 3UU. ast 8015. - i 8ROOMS, Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, near 2 earlines. good location, . reasonable price. Wdln. 205O. ' REAL ESTATE FOH SALE HOUSES Ti GET-A HOME GET-A-HOMB A 3 or 4 room house with a SOxlOO lot, from $675 to $1250. SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND MOStTHLT INSTALLMENTS. Located- at ROLAND STATION, straight 6e fare on the OREGON ELECTRIC RT 10 min uta rid to South Portland SHIPYARDS and 15 minute to Washington street: serred also by the FULTON. CAR. In the CITT LIMITS, with all conreniences, BULL RUN WATER, GAS and ELECTatlCITT, HOUSES are al ready SCARCE in Portland. Within THIRTX DATS there will be a HOUSE FAMINE. ACT TODAY. DO NOT DELAY. We will take yon by auto to YOUR FU TURE HOME on request. THE CARSON COMPANY, Owner of , . ' BEAUTIFUL CARSON HEIGHTS, 604 PUTT BUILDING. WASHINGTON at PARK. TELEPHONE MARSHALL 6025. $2000 4 rooms, full basement, completely furnished. also a piano, fins garden; street payed; sidewalk assessment all paid; fruit trees, grapes and ber ries, an ideal home. Qnly 15 minutes out, $300 cash; terma to suit. $750 $150 cash, 4 Tremont station. on cottage. 5 blocks from Mt. cott car; street graded and sidewalk ; all assessments paid. Any terms you want. $800 100 cash. 4 rooms. 3 blocks from car Firland station. Mt. Scott car. Terms to suit A dandy buy. ROOMS 8-9 145V2 BROADWAY ' PHONE MAIN 4134. SHIPBUILDERS ATTENTION mil ii e.h hA Rfirino lot and 3 room dilapidated cottage; 7 or 8 large bearing fruit trees, located on' the west side of Courtney at., -50 ft. north of Hunt. $700 $350 cash. 8 room cottage, complete ly furnished. 1690 Courtney at. , $1260 $100 cash. 3 large rooms and 60s 1T(0. at 00 West Killtagsworth. $1600 $400 cash, 5 room modern bun nlovr: 1 788 Heamt st. $2100 $400 cash, large 4 room bungalow, with Urge porches. 68x107; 1800 Chautauqua blvd. 82623 1100 rash. 4 room modem bunga low with 1 00x100; all kinds of fruit and ber ries. 1303 Wilhiir t These properties are all located about half way between here and St. Johns and merit your in.pect!on. FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 Cham, of Com. bide. ROSE CITT PARK A WONDERFUL HOME $4100. Let us show you one of tha most beautiful bungalows in Rose City Park. You could not hope for a more beautiful, a better con structed bungalow. Everything you would ex-' pect to find in a real modern home. There are 6 rooms and breakfast room, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, French doors be tween living and dining rooms. French beveled plate mirror doors, etc. Located just a block from Sandy. Let us show you. You will be convinced. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St. nr. 3d. Main 351'6. Branch office, 50th and Bendy. YOUR CHOICE AT LAST Investigate these bargains at once. $3250 Rose City Park; strictly modern room bungalow. Very attractive. Full lot, paved streets. Close to car, dsndy location. $3500, Hawthorne, 6 room bungalow, close in. Full lot, paved streets. $2300, Hawthorne, 6 room house and gar age. . Full lot, paved streets. Don't delay. See A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg. Main 1902. 8 ROOM house, 68x100 lot,, some fruit and berries, on Vernon are., close to Alberta car. Price $2250. $375 cash, bal. $20 a month, including interest st 6. 4 room house, lot 80x100; chicken house and yard; some fruit. 2 blocks from car, Price $1000. $150 cash, bal. $10 s month. We have lots of good buys handy to St. Johns car GILSON & MORRIS. 431 Cham, of Com. (3500 7-ROOM bungalow, strictly modern; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full ce ment bast tent, full size lot; in a strictly re stricted district. This is s wonderful sacrifice and must be sold. Can be bandied on Tery easy terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 -Stark St.. nr. 3d. Msin 8516. Branch office 50thand Sandy. $1600 HOME $200 DOWN, $10 PER 6 room home on full lot, good basement, bath, toilet, electric lights and gas. cement walk and graded street, fruit and berries, close to car snd school, good neighborhood; price $1600, $200 down, $10 per month. No street liens or mort gage. On 4 2d sve. 8ee FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068 $3150 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 5-room srtistic double constructed bungalow, cement basement, furnace, fireplace snd laundry trays, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, built-in bookcases, paneled dining room with plate rail, white enamel Inuch kitchen, best plumbing fix tures; 50x100 Tot,' fruit and flowers. E. 46th near Alameda. Trice $3150, terms. ; See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. SELLWOOD SNAP $200 CASH 6 room house, 2 story, small basement, full lot, cherry trees, street graded, cement walk, sewer: sll assessments paid. A dandy buy, only $1500, $200 cash, balance $15 s month and 6 per cent. Room 8 snd 9, 145 H Brosdwsy. VACANT ONE BLK. TO CAR. $3000 Besutiful 6-room bungalow, just being painted and tinted throughout, fire place, buffet, hd. wd. floors, full ce ment basement, wash trays, hard surface in and all paid but $118.00. J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark St Main 583. $3000 PIEDMONT DISTRICT A fine modem 8 room house with furnace, cement basement, lanndry trsys snd built-in conveniences, near Kilingsworth ave., $350 cash, balance $20 per month and interest J. L. KARNOPP A CO., 817-319 Ry. Excb, bldg. Main 675. WAVERLY-RTCHMOND WELL built njodern 5 room bungalow, big bathroom, 2 bedrooms la attic, full basement, elec. and gas fixtures, fine tlawn, roses and flowers, on H B. street, 1 block to, Richmond car; sll improvements in, fine condition, $2800 snd terms. See owner, 931 Division st,' be tween 80th snd 31st a5o IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $950 5 room bungalow, lot 75x120. near Huber station, 8. P. electric City gas for lighting snd cooking. Fine place for chickens; good garden. Convenient for west rids ship workers. Good school. $100 down snd $20 month. J. W. CROSSLEY. Owner, 270 Stark st. $8.7 DOWN. $8.75 monthly; 100x100 lot In v K9d and Hnvt ats.. near 280. Twohy com pany's largo railroad car building shops; price $495 plus SDOUt aiou unpera sewer ments and taxes; a lormer owner oi uu. prop erty refused $1000 for it yesrs age Fred W. German Co. S1400. CLOSE IN BARGAIN 5 room plastered house, vacant on Eugene t hmf ITnion ATe. Snlendid location, paved sts.. sewer, toilet, sink, ga3, electricity. . Tabor 6559. ; . " ALBERTA BUNGALOW hath, in fine condition. V, blk. to car. beautiful sews, garden, full lot with alley. Only $200 down. 3. A. Wickman Co., 814 Stark St Main 583. FURNISHED HOUSE Z1250 5 room bungalow, completely furnished, north of carline at- Lents, trull ana wmo, - cash, bslance to suit imcr riTV PARK, modern 5 room, double constructed home, built-in conveniences; good bssement, lsrge attic; stanaara piumoing, splen did lawn, fruit trees, berries, paved street Ta- hnr S5 PRETTY bungalow, 4 rooms, modem full ce ment basement. 50x100 lot; an awfully post home, almost new. Price $1650, $250 cash. Sell. car. 944 E. 18th st. 6 ROOM furnished house, 50x100 lot vs block. to car. ino Dasemeni, oiui,uii m oe fruit. $1400 takes all. $400 cash. baL HOCUS, 11U Jtutn l a TirtA-vfa S3A00. modern. Buffalo st. 1 blocks east of Union ave. Monthly payments. eoKtt ill handle. Owner. Main 7276. b TAoftt a i ftnn comfortable. 74th st 100 ft anuth E. Glisan St. $100 wiU handle. monthly payments. Owner. Main 7.76. "VcV-aT IBP-T-I, MT HOME A real, . double constructed, modern home, $2600 takes it uwrorpuonoc -wit .all house on H-aere, near Monta villa car: fruit and berries, $1550; small pay ment easy terms. Taoor voo. fcCROOM house, price $1860; lot 100x106. This rT-fi T MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. A SNAP $1300 buys 5 room cottage on psved . Street ana canine. sau ownvr, airsi. iww MODERN 8 room house, 844 Belmont, $2550. - 3 erms. y - wj , o : HAWTHORNE Good 5-rooai house, ; lots, $2250. Terms, Tabor 8569. with SMALL home, essy payments. Owner, 1239 Borrage t warn. as. j CITY snd country property, sell and rent. BENEDICT. 267 tt Oak, Main 1748. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES n FOR SALE. 100x100. 6 room modern bona. fruit trees. 1 Highland - st- Wdln. ear. FOR SALE LOTS 1 TO AVOID FORECLOSURE. $800 40x100 on the N. aide of Arnold St.. ISO ft. W. of Margnarita. Haw thorn district, tumid at $600. Tha owner paid over $1600. Fore eloaura proceedings have been Instituted so yon will have to hurry. Prlbe quoted includes street work. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. 01 C FINE LOT IN WOODLAWN. $375 825 down. 87.50 monthly bun this 50x100 lot on the south aide of Liberty St.. 450 feat it of leth, coat over $700. Una w. ur man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. BIG SACRIFICE Portland Heights lot. better than average view, close in. no such bargain ever ' offered on west aids lot, $1200. Owner. Main 1963. Marshall 865. FOR SALE Lot 50x100 on E. Tioga si. in St. Johns; $400, $50 cash. $10 month, in quire 515 N. Syracuse. ACREAGE 1 CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres, $200: $10 down. $5 per month, buys o acres of land between Portland and Centralis. on the main line of 8 railroads, 1 miles from town of 800 population, aawmills and ahingle mi us, aome partly cleared ana some dearea, running stream ; aome bottom and aome bench ; can give you any kind of place yon want. BEIJ SEAL ESTATE CO., J 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 19 ACRES Fine garden, onion and beaver dam, fine apring and creek ; small water power; new house, 2 barns; near car and boat Terns, must be sold. Owner. 899 Vancouver eve., Portland. PRICE $700. only $800 cash, balance $10 month; 1 acre, boose furnished, barn, 1 block from car. 20 minutes' ride from shipyards. 12c commuters' fars. Take S. P. electrio to Jean station. Ask for Bennett. SUBURBAN" HOMES 71 $1050 Oregon City car 3 room, V acre, na tive trees: 3 blocks to Evergreen station. 8400 cash, balance terms. Gibson, 266 Stark St. t-rjorw Mirohall 12. iiouu siuu cash, (15 per month: 4 room plastered house, acre ground, cleared, well H mile to Eitscada car. Gibson. 266 Stark st. Phone Marshall 12. FOR SALE FARMS 17 $28,000 RANCH FOR 814.000 160 acres 10 miles from Vancouver on main stage road. 80 acrea in cultivation, large. barn and house, good granary, brick cmoke house and other buildings, land all level. This place sold for $28,000 6 yesrs ago; owners have several other ranches and sons have gone to fronW They have instructed us to offer his magnificent prop erty at one half price. Photos at office of Fred W. German. 732 Cham, of Com. $20 DOWN. $10 MONTH Buys 40 acres of logged-off land located be tween Portland and Centralis, 1 milea from main line of 3 railroads; fine for dairy or chick en ranch; plenty of outrange; price $30. per acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange bldg. SALE OR RENT On account of sickness will sell- or rent 20 acres of best land in Clarke County. Wash. 10 acres cleared; good plas tered house, good cement bssement, good water, young orchard, about 10 tons hay in barn, gome stock and machinery Price $1500. W-633. Journal. CLARKE COUNTY, WASH., $3750 20 a. in cult., new 5 room house, barn 4 Ox 50. chicken house, woodshed, 1 H miles from Amboy in that wondrously fertile Cbelatchie prairie. This is an ideal farm home. Fred W. German Co.. 732 CHsra. of Com. FOR SALE 8 acrea. mostly clear, half acre pasture, apples, pears snd cherries, some ber ries, house, barn, excellent well, aituated on main traveled road 5 miles from the city. Ap ply by letter for pries snd terms. N 944, Journal. FOR SALE SO acres, stock, machinery, every thing goes at bargain. On good road. 5 milea from Molalls, good 7 room house, large new barn and garage. A. H. Newman, Molalla. Or. R. 1. UNHEARD OF BARGAINS 160 unimproved; good soil: creek, close to school, station. $1 fare to Portland. Price $800. Claude Cole. 800 Henry bldg. 2 H ACRE farm, buildings and running water. Wolf stein. 114 1st St. . FOR RENT FARMS 14 250 ACRE farm, 2 miles from CorvallLs. Or.. 175 a. cultivsted. all good black soil; orchard. 7 room house, large barn, silo snd fences. Rent $1000 per year or will take a payment of $100 down snd H of the income for the balance of the rent if party can furnish good references RALPH ACKLEY, 717 Corbett bldg. GET our list of 1500 farms to rent, sell- and trade. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 717 Corbett. bldg. TIMBER 28 180 MILLION feet fine Oregon timber to 'trade or selL Ralph Ackley. 717 Corbet bldg. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 8 WILL pay cash rent for a farm and would buy stock with the plsce, providing they are for ssle at a reasonable price. F-918, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 O. A C. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate you on a good claim. A former government cruiser, 301 Worcester bldg.. adjoining land office. W. ti. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS. T .rw-, te vml An the hest homesffttds in the state for $100; no charge unless entry secured. V e classify snd know these homesteads. ANDERSON & ANDERSON. No. 2 Land Office building. Worcester block. Third and Oak streets. O. AC. HOMESTEADS You can file direct We can show yon the beat claims. Full information. BUNDY A McHARDY 411 Henry Building. TIMBER 28 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wssh- lngton. D. C. July 12. 1918. Notice is here by given that subject to tne conditions and limitations of the set of June 9. 1916 39 Stat. 1 18), snd the instructions of the secre tary of the Interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on tne louowing lanas will be sola September 8, 1918, st 10 o clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Roseburg, Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sals to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. . The purchase price, with en additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent, being commissions allowed, must be deposited st time of ssle, money to be returned if sale is not approved, "otherwise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. rBids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of ane.h citizens and -corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately be fore being included in any otier oi a larger unit. T. 16 S., R. 1 E., Sec. 29; N. W. N. K. V. yellow fir 1300 M., hemlock 60 M.: N. E. U N. W. hi, yellow fir 2210 M., hem lock 870 M., celar 10 M. ; Pi. v. n. XV. . yellow fir 2300 M., hemlock 140 M. ; none of the yellow nr. nemiocs or ceoar io oe sola ror less than $1.50 per M. T. 32 8., K. 6 W., Sec 13: N. E. N. W. 14, red fir 600 M.; N W. . W. tt. red fir 850 M. ; S. W. 14 N. W. red fir 450 M. : S. E. 14. N. W. tt. red fir 850 M. ; S. W. 14 N. W. 14, red fir, 450 M. : 8. E. tt N. W. tt. "ed fir, 650 M.; none of the red fir to be sold for less than II per M. Clay Tallman. commissioner, general land office. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 LIST your property with us lor results on charges of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest -Younger Co.. loo-iuf rare st. be tween Washington and stare sts. 640 ACRES MONTANA LAND WQl exchange for Oregon or Washington farm or Portland property. Neilan A Parkhill, 219 Lumbennens bldg., 5th snd Stark sts. SO- ACRES in Washington county. 16 cleared, buildings, orchard; sell reasonable, or might trade for California property. Albert. Jiaraia, 801 Minnesota are. . FOR SALE or exchange for property in Spo kane. Canyon Hill or Rock wood additions, lots 1, 2, 3, 4. block 100. LaurelhursL Address Dr. C. N. Sutterer. 415 Old National bldg.. Spokane, Wssn. - -. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM ' 800 acres, all fine, level farm land; good bides., fully equipped, including tractor. Will take farm here as first payment, balance erop payments. Claude Cole, 8QO Henry bldg. 320 ACRES govd tillable land in Idaho; will trade for Portland property or land in Ore gon: value $25 per acre. What have yon for trade? P. O. Box 91-tJoodlng. Idaho. FARM WANTED Have Income city property to Clsude Cole, 800 Henry bldg. exchange WANTED West side, smsll cottage; I will trade two Portsmoatn lots, balance cash, ri 932. Journal. $250 CLEAR lot as first payment on house; will assume taxes, mortgage anu interest 381 E. Morrison st - , FIVE room house snd 2 lots (unincumbered) for 2 or more acres, close in. o-jh, Jour- nal 1 TT AVE a farm of 8ft acres in Linn county, nesr RrownsTiHe. that I ' went to exchange for Portland property, rnone wain. 4U.9.. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 COUNTY HOME FOR CITY. 28 seres of land planted to apples, prunes. spuds, ' clover, etc. Good ' 6-room house, barn and outbldgs. spring, small tools, wagon, plow snd barrow. 3 Vs miles to R. R. Pries $6000, clear, exchange for Portland house. I ALBERT CLEVELAND. 505 Lurabenroans Bldg., Bdw. 8115. BLACKSMITH Would trade equity in good shop and boms, oil station, aato accessories, doing good business, fog what have you? Too old for the work. W. F. MAGILL, Wamie. Or. FINE Medford home, good locality, 4 lots, 6 room nouse, barn, earn en. Exchange for acreage or farm within 40 miles of Portland. JI-869, Journal. 8 ROOM house snd 1 V acrea. at Turard Will exchange for acreaae on Oreenn Cit line or sei; eneap. box 72. Woodburn, Or. WANTED To exchange lot In Boss City Park for one in St. Johns; call evenings, Colum bia 967. i MONTANA wheat farms for Oregon property. N. M. Apple Land Co. , Lewi? ton, Mont. "WANTED UFA L ESTATE 81 OWNERS, ATTENTION! Ws have over 200. buyers waiting for as to get them something suitable and. reasonable in price. We can sell any number of 6 snd 6 room bosses from 81600 to 32500. Get in touch with us if you want to sell. Ws do not aak for exclusive aale contra eta All we ask is a chance to sell, and we get results. BOOM8 8 AND 0. 1.4512 BROADWAY. IF YOU wish to sell your house and will allow me the privilege of listing-It. which I will do. provided the price and terms are right. I .will sell it for you. Berries snd equipment com plete. - . FRANK L.' McGtJIRE, ABINGTON BLDG BUNGALOW WANTED Have client with $1000 cash to pay down on 8 room bungalow not over $2600; Hawthorne or Rose City. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. SHACK o AND SMALL HUMES WAN I ED Must be N. F. snd priced right. We have rramemm buyers waiting. Fred W. Germ til Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced bouw for rale $800 to $3000, list with the REALTY & MORTGAGE CO., for quick results: old estab lished lirm. Fhope Main 2051, 633 Ch. of Com WANT Modern house on 100x100. My client will psy cash for 6 or 7 room house, pref erably Piedmont, Rovmre, Alameda or Rose City Park. R. F. Feemster. 309 Abington big. 5 ROOM modern bungalow with good lot-lOOx 100 or equivalent. Give location, price and phone. W-634, Journal. WILL buy small modern houe, 1 or 2 lots; also furniture, city limits, all right if near car. Right for cash. F-017, Journal. I WANT to buy the cheapest lot there is in Lanrelhnrst. for cash. P-749, Journal. IF you want your house sold, list it with GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. WANTED 4 to 6 room house, on easy pay ments. 881 E. Morrison St.. or phone E. 5817. HIK Kbnii. is nil vi, ur iiruperty witn the Real Estate Exchange. 201 8d st.. Portland. ROOMING HOUSES (3 10 ROOMS. RENT $20. On 6th st.. near Union depot. 8 rooms rent every night from 50c to $1. you will turn away 30 people a night. Price $495. half cash. - PETERS. 15 N. 6th St Get in My Automobile And I will show you . the best buys in room ing houses of every rise. Square deal guaran teed. J BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 36 Rooms for $1600 Will guarantee this place to be making $200 per month above everv expense. Buy it now snd seU later for S25O0. 502 Couch bldg. 82 ROOM apartment. 2 and 8 room apart ments, modern in every way; brick building, long time lease. Rent $250; clearing $350. Price $6000, $3500 cash, balance terms. Morris. 431 Chamber of Commerce. Pretty Place for $700 Clen. modern, ine. lovely home: exclusive. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. SMALL boarding bouse, fine business, eood lo cation. $75 per mo., clear. Bdw. aoa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i it FOR RENT Wbitwood Court hotel confection ery, soft drinks snd pool room; siso weu es tablished oil ststion; 20 bedrooms upstairs. 7 furnished: fine stock of tobacco and confec tionery which can be bought by renter if de sired; will lease from 3 to 5 years: located at one of the best comers in Portland ;- across river from Grant Smith ahipyarda. Free fer ries night and dsy. Columbia oaa. WE need $3006 to carry out our plans for our next year's .wheat crop, ws offer entire equip ment snd crop ss security; this is s safe in vestment with exceptions! returns, st the line time helps you win the war. For particulars write to V-859, Journal. FOR SALE; One of the best equipped and lo cated suburbsn motion picture houses in the city: exceptional opportunity; will consider Port land property as part payment or will give rea sonable terms: obliged to sell account pressure of other interests. 0-713. Journal. CASH GROCERY FOR SALE I am eointr to enter Uncle Sam's service and will sell my grocery business; selling more than $100 for cash per day. M11 take about souu to handle. Call and see my store. 538 Union ave. N. corner of Russell. AN ACTIVE business man. capable earning big money snd able command JJOOO cab wanted manage sale to aeaiers, srieiiaia. uroauci in Oregon and Idaho. See Mr. Gilbert, 321 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE of the best established clothes cleaning establishments in the city for sale cheap. Uo- Ing a good business and well located. P. O. Box 204. BLACKSMITH'S machine shop with modem machinery, doing a fine business, in ex change for Portland residence or will sell for cash or terms, sell. 3.ibi. uu t.. zm St. GROCERY store doing $70 day. Invoice if : : i : taken now. All cash, no delivering. j. A- Bsswtt, 53 Union ave. N. WANTED Barber shop to rent or buy in or near Portland. State price and terma. M- 821. Journal. PRINTING. well established, doing good busi ness: good location; lease 10 montn; sou for quick sale. L-94 5, Journal. DON'T WOltril I can sell or trade anything anywhere. Lay man. 146 14 firoaawey. FOR $1500 property drawing from 875 to $125 monthly. Write r. o. box oaa et Helens. Or. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Morris A Gilson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. CAFETERIA at shipyards for sals, or will trade for late model auto. Tabor 88O0 after p. m. WANTED Partner i i hog business, room 7. Inquire 23014 Yamhill st. MONEY TO LOAN REAL Kf TATE 27 OL'R installment plan is the best and surest method of paying s loan. 832.26 per month for 38 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 for 9tf months, pays $1000 loan and interest Other amounts in proportion. Ws losn on improved city property Or for building purposja. No commiseion charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in easy installments with 10 yeara' time to re pay; fully protected by life insurance under the home purchase plan ef the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong. Equitable office. Oregonian bldg. $300. $400. $500. $760. $1000 and up. lowest interest rates. Liberal pre-paymeat privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Comnerea BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progress n. W. G. Beck. 216 snd 216 Failing bldg. Msia 3407. $250. $350. $400. 4500. $G50. $760. JluoO snd larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 721 Cham. Com. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS see OREGON INV. A. MORTGAGE CO. Stock Exchange bide.. 8d and Yamhill sts. $500 TO $9000 to loan, elty or term mort gage; no com an lesion, P. O. Box 873. $100 TO $1500; consider lota. E. H Dowtlng. 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall -2432. $1000, $5000 on city improved ; we will di vide. 821 Cham, of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans. snd 7 Lotus Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bide CASH for mortgages, loan., contracts! 7 Lewis, room 4. Lewis bldg. Mans 688. HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Leans made to persons on salary or fixed in come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and ether personal property, leaal rates. Baat-a- confidential: private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, j. ... Licensed. ! SOC-307 Dekum bldg. M02TET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 beiaxy LOANS ' GaatUl WE LUAJT HWII On short unties' to salaried sr worWnrmen oa their ewn notes. WeeUib semi-monthly or monthly payments. Escu trsaaseaost strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO TNDORBSlt ABSOLUTELY SO SECURITX We also loan on household furniture, pisass. etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 118 Failing bldy. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAX ASSN. Estahlinhtd by Portland business man to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr.. 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. v LOANS WANTED to WANTED LOAN OF $16,000 For 8 or 6 years, by client who has first class west aids property ss surety, 0 intereet. UUl'La, 11U 1 Vtn orreei i HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC IS AUCTION sale every Monday snd Thursday at 2 D. m. Ws buy snd sen sll classes o( horses, wacbna and harness on 5 per cent com- mission. If yon bars anything' to sell or want to buy, call snd sea us. John 8. Williamson, proprietor snd auctioneer. Star 6 tables, 808 810 Front at. TWO rood surries. bns-sies. farm wagons, apring wagons, harness, all kinds of horses. 6-year 01a. duo lb. mule, fine rpottea BQeuana pony. cheap or exchange. Can nse milk goats or 00 ws. 802 Front st. FOR SALE cheap, replacing 'with automobile. 15 horses and mires, weiahins between 1200 and 1500 pounds, one home, buggy and har ness. 226 Ruaeei St. FOR SALE Sorrel mars. 7 yeara old. weight 1000. auiet to ride or drive anywhere. SjO. 2 bay horses, weight 1100. $50 each. Phone Osk Grove 3J. DEAD hones snd snimats hauied swsy free. Gail Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses taken quick. We pay more tor dead cows. Tabor 4 203. HORSES and wagons for rent by the day, sinle or double. D46 Front Main 2208. FOR SALE. 9 yrs. old work horse. 8612 Powell Valley road near l)2d st. Tabor 4397. TEN heavy furniture wagons cheap, sell st. 226 Rus- LIVESTOCK $ NO; will sell 8. Jersey cows, one month, old; Jersey bull, eligible to register. Reasonable. 1055 E. 34th st Gorrell. TEN head of good dairy cows, mostly all frefh; some extra gentle; all breeds. 9715 Forter road. Mt Scott, I-ent. . BIG. young, fresh Holstein-Durham and Jersey cows, some heavy milkers; 2 fine gentle fam ily cows. All very reasonable. 751 E. Ash. FRESH cow, big milker, tuberculin tested. 156 Russell st. FIVE gaL. Jersey. 27 Sandy road. second calf. 160 Randall. A GOOD Jersey cow for sale cheap, K. Greene, Failing St., Park Rose. THREE fresh cows, reasonable. 1594 Division. POULTRY, PIGEONS, PET STOCK 37 CASH PRODUCE CO, & son. all kinds of poultry produce, breeding stock, bought and wild. pet and 100 'THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn laying pullets. Barred Bock, Rhode I. Reds, $1.20 to $1.65. 146 E. 81st st N. Montarilla car. DOE and her young for sals cheap; also R. L R. hen and 12 fryers East 8331. FOR SALE Chickens, grain fed; about 60; fine for table. 7015 43d ave. M S car. FOR SALE cheap, turkey ben. gobbler snd 8 young, 3 months old. Main 9366. DOGS. BIROS, PETS, ETC. 48 HlK SALE Kice has tU big buys. "Flemh." 6141 Woodstock ave. WANTED A good Angora doe. Tabor 2261. WANT St Andrea-berg roller canary fur train er. Broadway 4536. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 FORD touring, just overhauled $ 300 Model 79 Orerland, 3 new tires 650 Light six Mitchell, thoroughly overhauled 775 7 pass. Paige, first class 1100 5 pass. Paige, new tires 6-40 Hudson, just overhauled Ford touring, first class Late model Hudson Super Six. bargain "4 8" Pierce-Arrow, cord tires Cole "8.' in fine condition 900 90(1 450 1100 1050 Buick light i. like new 850 Open evenings and Sundays. Terms given. THE ACME AUTO CO. Plone Broadway 2796. 581 Alder st. NEW CHEVROLET CARS . A used car is the most expensive ear to buy snd you do not get s guarantee. Call Mr. P. C. Rinehart. East 92 or 8174, for information and demonstration. AUTO WRECKERS We wreck noat all makes of cart and aell the good parts for less than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sake. Highest prices paid for old cars. PACIFIC 3UNH COMPANY, 228 Front sr. MAIN 4 768. Mfg. A Rpeire. 3000 guaranteed springs la stock: prices reduced. 84 N. 16th st 1917 FORD for sale, in Al condition, shock absorbers, demountable rims, five good tires, yale lock, speedometer, spot light and other ex tras. Price $500. See Mr. Lester at garage. 6th and Main sts. stock Used Cars 5 COVEY MOTOR CAB CO. fist and Washington eta. Main 624 4. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto' Ex change. 129 Lownsdale st 15th and Washing ton. Broadway 2668. MOTORS. Geanun. Bearings, Wheels. Axles and Trailers We wreck all makes of ears and sell their good parts at half price. David Hodes Cj Broadway and Flanders at Broadway 198. LOOK A clawy, roomy bug in the finest of running . condition and good tires. Will dem onstrate. Apply Crown Livery Stables. 284 First st UUBKUILL'S TOP CO. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 "DON'T BURN GASOLINE" Fords go 100 miles for 50c: agents wanted. Gaaifier Sales Co.. 28 N. Brcadway. GOOD 6-pasa. auto. elec. lights, good tirea, $350. Some ten ax. 1314 E. Clay at. af ter 6 :30 p. ra. WHITE delivery, first class shspe. Bosch msg neto, good tires, slways dependable, sell rea sonable. 49 E. 8th N. 1917 SAXON Little Six. in A-l condition, 5 good tires, run only few thousand miles, $750, terms. Call East 1962. 1917 MAXWELL, in good condition, good Urea, repainted. $375. $200 down; balance time. Call E. 1962. FOR SALE Brand new Conover windshield and cowl; just the thing for Ford or bug. 812 East Madison. Maytag Co. FORD readster. Al condition; just like new. Extra equipment; see it at 312 East Maduon bt. Maytag Co. FOR SALE 1917 Hupmobile. the big four. This car is 99 new. 629 East 51st N. Tabor 1667. FOR SALE A new touring Maxwell. A No. 1 condition, will take some cash or Liberty bonds, on time. A snap. Call A-3518. FOR SALE. 1916 model Ford, in first class condition. Call at Richmond garage. 801 Jer sey et, St Johns. PACKARD 80. a roadster. $625. A-l eondi tion. A real automobile. Call Leber Auto Spring Co., Brosdwsy 4006. 1918 FRANKLIN car, run a little over 600TJ at 9 miles, $1600 cash. Call Mar. 6070. o'clock in the morning. 1916 FORD, good condition; speedometer, de mountable rims, shock absorbers; other ex tras, $475. Tabor 1618. Call after 6 p. m. 1915 FORD touring; good condition, $350. J. Bryant Oregon City. 1918 MITCHELL Six, only run 3.200 miles, for sale cheap, if cash. SelL 2728. FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring about 800 miles. Sellwood 739. car. BRISCOE 1917. in A-l condition; will give terms; bargain if taken at once. Tabor 1193. 19T6 FORDT$400. Wdln. 2614. afFer8T30", evenings. FOR SALE 5 pasa. Studebaker In good run ning order. 160 Randall at. 27 Sandy road. LATE model 1917 Ford, like new. $73 extras, at a bargain. Broadway boteL Ask for Morris. LIGHT car. good condition, good Ford tire. $275. 826 East 9th at N. Phone Wdl. 163. WILL sell my 1817 xsazweU ebeai. Vvt. Journal. HAVE your Ford wheels UgTitened at' 13S5 Divielon et Thone Tabor 6603. MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring eu at enea. W-494. JoumaL SPOT cash paid for need cars. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House. Grand eve, snd E." Stark. A 191 A FORD touring car; good condition"; $275' Main 6769. j . L1G H T chassis, good tires. Tabor $872. FORD for sale. Call SelL SllsT AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 HERE IS OCR TODAY'S LIST OF USED CAR BARGAINS. OF COUK3HL TUMts ARE CONTINUALLY CHANGING. AS " WE ARE DAILY CKITlVrt IN NEW BARGAINS. AND WE ASK THAT YOU CALL AT Oiu SALESROOM AND INSPECT THE CARS THAT WE MAY HAVE BEFORE PURCHAS ING ELSEWHERE. BROADWAY 2493- Cole 8, 4ipsss. 'Chummy.' slmost new.. .81800 Hudson Six. 6 pass.. Just repainted. 41100 Hudson Six. same ss above, UhU newer.. liou Studebaker. good buy $r 876 Maxwell. 6 pass. 60 Studebaker 8 450 Ford. Chassis $ 285 Ntoddard-Deyton delivery truck.... sou Ford. '18 t 000 Jeffrey, wtth new 2 ton track sttachment..l 1 00 Saxon 18 8 975 Ford, 5 passenger 8 860 Briscoe. 5 pass., slmost new ..I VDO Ford delivery car ..." $ 850 Cole 80. Ideal for bug $ SOO Maxwell. 6 peas. $ 675 Hudson Super Six. sedan, perfect shape. . .81800 oevioiet. e-pasa ................... vv Ford Roadster, last overhauled- 8 400 Studebaker Six $ 660 Carter Car. suitable rebuild but or de liver- 8 185 Chevrolet, pass. 8 00 Chevrolet, 400 fire pass $ 650 Jackson. 5 pass., good shape 8 750 uveriand. 0 pass., now being repainted. . . 4 0U W. H. WALLINGFORD j Distributors Liberty Six Premier Six Briscoe Four Hood Lumber Tractor Parretfr Farm Tractor 022 Alder si. st 16th. Studebaker Studebaker Studebaker week at the big East Side Used Car Depot. We have 19 of those good old reliable cars. Surelv you can select one from this lot. Some of them look like and are just e good as new. Any model you want at the price yon can afford, on easy payments if desired. Here Is s lift of tbem: ", 1018 Ftudebsker, T pass., 4 new-tires. $ 925 1917 Wudebaker, 7 pass,. 3 new tires.. $ 1917 Studebaker, 7 pass, good condition. $ 885 S25 1917 Studebaker, 7 pass, 1917 Studebaker, 7 pass.. 1916 Studebaker. 6 c! tires , 1916 Studebaker, 4 eyl. . 1916 Studebaker. 4 cl. 1 tires 1916 Studebaker. 8 jl. new i tires $ 795 fine shape .... $ 025 7 pass., cord $ 975 7 pass $ 760 7 psks. , cord $ 795 5 pass . like $ 750 1914 Studebaker. 4 cjl., 5 pass, s snap . $ 375 1914 Studebaker, 4 ryl., 5 pass., fine shape .$ 495 1913 Studebaker B 4 eyl. 5 pass., ex- $ 425 Studebaker. 6 cyl.. 7 pass.. comDletelv overnauieu ana pamteo. new ' seat covers, slant ing windshield, new de luxe top. Thia car is worth 8 200O. we only want (1200 for it 1017 Ktudebsker B. 6 cyl. Studebaker Sport model roadster, $600 worth of extras. Be sure and see this. 50 other cars of sll makes to clioose from. It will pay you to look over our stock before purchasing a car. Liberty bonds taken st face value. Open evenings snd Sundays. DEALERS' UBED CAR CLEARING HOUSE Grand Ave. and E. Stark-. East 7810 BIG BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1913 Reo. 5 pass., first class .$ 875 1017 Little six Chalmers. 5 pass 1000 1917 Chalmers. 7 pass 1200 1916 Overland, first class 650 L T 1 916 Oldunoblle eight, like new 1075 1918 Hal (12) almost new ........ 2100 1912 Peerless make good bug. WESTERN AUTO CO. Broadway and Burnside st. Tel. Broadway 6808. USED ATTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1918 Mitchell, used very little; Just like new. with sest covers; 7 pass. 6-cyL Price . $1600 1917 Mitchell, 7 pass.. 6-cyl 1375 1917 Mitchell. 6 pass., 6-cyL .' 1175 SEE THE ABOVE CARS AT WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak St Broadway 613. A. 834. 1917 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyL $1260 1917 Mitchell. B-psss., 6-cyL 1075 1016 Mitchell. 8-pasa., 6-cyL 850 1917 Mitchell, 2-paaa., 6-cyL 1260 1914 Mitchell. B-pass.. 6-cyl 700 1915 Mitchell. 6-pass.. 4-cyL 675 1912 Auburn. 6 pass., 4-cyL 275 1916 Jeffry. 6-pass.. 6-cyL 750 Several Others to Select From USED CAR DEPT. East Morrison st First st. East 7272. B-1216 1917 Orerland Four, fine condition, only $ 650 1917 Chevrolet, Touring 628 1916 Chevrolet. Touring 47 S 1917 Maxwell, Touting 72s 1917 Chandler, Tom ring. 1500 SEE OUR CLASSY BUG THE USED CAR EXCHANGE B27 Washington St Where Washington and Burnside Meet HATNES. 1914 4-eyt. passenger la exoel- lent shape, a snap. Seven-vaesenger 6-40 Chalmers, bur: runs like new: 6 good tires. a wonderful Five-passenger Marion, A-l conditio, new paint, 4 practically new tires. Maks as ee offer. A. C. STEVENS 16th and Washington, Broadway 1614 GARAGES 093 HOUSES CHICKEN iioubta. The portable kind save yoa ooey. bee am ple at 644 Hood 1161. Millmae Construction Co. HAYXES. 1914, 4-cyL 6 -passenger, lent shspe: a snap. ta cxaeT- 7 -passenger 6-40 Chalmers, a wonderful buy ; runs like new; 6 good tires. 5-pasenger Marion. A-l condition, new paint. practically new ores. 1917 eli. run only 5000: $ new tirea and spare. Make na an offer. A. C. STEVENS 16th and Washington. Brosdwsy 1614. SW TIKES What brand ef new Urea 4a tow prefer t We save tbena, all urn I sa ana sues. Also we make the fa- moaa O-V-C Doable Tread tewed) tires and do al 1 manner of tire re pairing. Oregon Tales nisi Co.. 8V8r$ Bars- tide pear .Broadway. CLASSY CARS WORTH BUYING 1917 Ford touring $ 47$ 1917 Maxwell touring 75 1917 Buick light sis . 1123 Lst model Dodge touring........... A23 1916 Buick light six....... 1023 1917 Oakland, like new .... 975 FLETCHER 4t JAMES, S3 N. Broadway. FOR SALE 7 pass. Pierce Arrow eat. cheap; 43jU3J .igood1conaiuop.4s, 6.,a sv AwMnJiUl. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES it i 8OME BEAUTIFUL USED CASS N0W tL , ' STOCK . : THEY LOOK JUST ABOUT NE 1018 Maxwell - . . . it $750 1917 Chevrolet 40 600 1916 Oakland- Utile Six 700 1914 Maxwell, perfect o" 191 Velio, else. L, snd S. .......... 5 1917 Ford roadster 550 . 1910 Ford touring 45- 1910 Ford delivery ........;. uw ; 60 other cars to select from. Opea Sundays snd evenings. 'if' Every ear guaranteed. - ' CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER,' Upstairs, 8ids Entrance. S. W. Cor. 15th snd Washington sts. Phons Broadway 2656. AUTOMOBILES WANTED T8 LOOK st lota 21 snd 22. in block 16. Mosi clalr Addition. These lota cost me ever $1500. I wish to exchange then for s tour, icg car. Ford preferred. Write to J. E. Hosmer Silverton, Or. LET me repair your macnine is your ewn far- . age. Privets service car day and hU Ris Ball. 3758. TRADE 00 late model car not over $800. wed river cruiser, value $375. Call Woodlawn 6193. - WANTED Ford truck in exchange . for Ross City Tark lot. Mart ball 95. kltiHfcsT wires paid for aalosaobuea, eoadV tion na object 121 N. 8d et. Bdwy. 86Z9.' AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRB AUTOS FOR niRB WITHOUT DRIVER Brand sew ears. Reasonable istaa. . Fesring A Kobnett, City Gsrage, 80 10th. -Between Stark snd Oak. Brosdwsy 840. ' ALfbd WITHOUT DElVk for Hia COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. . ' MARSH 222s 10TH A YAMHILL A-l 236, FORDS for hire without driver. 448. Stark .stf Brosdwsy 8532. HIGHWAY AUTO 8ERV1CE Good ears, com petent drivers. Sixth and Wash. Mala 7010. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO KH- V1CE. We do taxi work. Mala 238. MOTOKCTCLES, BICYCLES 5 BICYCI.E8 MOTORCYCLES Large stock of new and used machines. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. S 6th rt it LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 PARTNER wtth launch, to go into paying business. I will furnish tha money. a.-iso. Journal. r Boat Swan for Charter Dance every Wed. and Bat night Ms 4T4S. 19 FT. canoe for sale. Tabor 8772, PIANOS. ORQA1CS, SIUSICAI. INSTRUMENTS SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSINO OUT $280 7 octave square piano, cash ...'....$ 2" ' S300 7 1-3 ectave square. piano, eaah....$ 60 $276 7 octave English upriaht cash .....$ 4 $S00 7 octave French upright, eaatt. ....a $350 American make npright, cash....... $400 large oak upright piano, . caab. .... .$16 $330 new, studio model pisno,. cash.. . . . .216 $876 new, stored, npright piane. caab. . . . . $2$ (425 new, stored, upright piano, eaan.. . . asee $450 new, stored, npright pisno, cash.... $208 $750 Weber mah.. nlarer piano, cash.. . . .$290 , . . .e ....$86$ ... 2f ...$ si $650 modem mah.. Dlaver niaao. cash.. 85 parlor organ with mirror, easn..-. . 3126 narlor nmn with mirror, caab..., Considering the rising market, new P nee already gone $76 to $160 higher, the above pianos ought to sell quickly at thia time. m Pianoe bought and sold for easn ana etoreej for 60c monthly. 109 4th at stWaabJugto 0 Phonographs and records bought sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 H 2d. near Alder. nnsUl t PIANOS, organs snd musical Instrumental Decker A Hon. rosewood upright $1004 Rurdette organ, walnut. $32.50. Haiold S. Gil bert. 884 Yamhill st. z WEGMAN stands rd upright rich, swset tone. splendid condition; mahogany case; Colum bia Grafonola. cabinet model,, like 'new. Mai 371 or East 5458. " " - ' - Don't buy old unimproved pianos when In. Security Storage Co. is offering new improved $375 pianos for $215 snd modern $660 playet pUnos for $363. at 109 4th tt L FOR SALE Columbia Grafonola. cabinet, site, , and records; nearly new; reasonable lor quick tale. 917 E. Main st ' " . $281.25 $12 CASH. $9 monthly stOl bay new improved 1918 model pisno at tha Bcbwsn Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. at Wash, st RENT a piano: no squares or thump boxes, Harold S Gilbert. 884 Yamhill. SOLID oak Kimball organ rhVap" 84 2d St." TYFF.WttiTEUft 71 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent appUea. l purchau Visible models. - REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. i 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621. GUARANTEED Factory Rebuilt Typewriter' "All Makes" sold on monthly payments. Send for pricelist The Wholesale Typewriter Co Retail Dept. 321 Washington j at V AM MAKK.S tmewriters rented a rep-"-". Oregon Typewriter Co.. 9 4S th. Main 8668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 41 We sre closing out $80,000 worth, of fine, new Furniture, Carpets, Rues. Linoleums,, Heat- en and Ranges and everything in tba Una 'of home furnishings. Every article must go, re gsrdless of cost It will psy you to come st once sod look st the great values we are offer ing. New goods at the asm price yon wllj pay eLiewbere for second hand. Feldstein Furniture Co, 166-168 FIRST ST. Between Morrison and Yamhill CHILD S crib, duofold davenport. cet $100 used only fl weeks, brand new. $60 sive cufcmisl buffet 24x4M-inch top. $25; burner gat plate, ti; Maxon jars, etc. bargains; leaving town, t all East 8240. otbet FURNITURE of 5-room bouse; also rictrola fof sale, tt 1IZ Aloerta at. FURNITURE of a 5 room flat for sale: flat for rent 4 4H 6tti at; oomer College stf GOOD furniture of two room bea Led aparttaenC main 2un FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS it sill u erUilius"'-acraarU)a ey a leaky reef Wby not a permed ot and indestructible reef We oxidise and ' renew ell kinds ef leaky reef a 608 Tourney bldgj Man. att. CAMERA. I rrmo No. , 2ti. IL TL Una. sole leather rasa, ray filter. ; film pack, devas- oping tank. All practically new; bargain. Cal Woodlawn 1152. -i HOUSEHOLD goods, furniture gas range, dael en port, kitchen Cabinet, chiffoniers, rugs. bed lawn mower, bicycle, etc Call at 8640 624 st. It. after 0 p. m.'j 7 Nelson Ladder Works 22 326. Step, extensioa end rhetry - pickers' ladders! TENT bouse and furniture; owner leaving citvv Must sell at-once. 4410 66tb st Mt Soot r. Arleta ttatl.a. T T BARTLETT bears, Coma sad rirk st- 2e th? Bring boxes; 40 trees, clear) aad large. BoC 78.-.River read. Courtney. -H. R. Mayfieid. i BEAUTIFUL steel blue diamond, about, carat sheave puoue uumoer ana 1 win eal X-971. JoumaL NE$ wheel chair,, rubber tirea. walnut wri aaak. tan Main an::, apt so MOVING; will sacrifice complete standard stza pool laDte. . ii iidot i.vt. , 18 HOUSE movers screw jacks in good coodl tfam. Woodlawa 8580. w -y PTE cherries 2e lb., pears T&e box. Douglas Fsrm. H mile Sooth Trontdale. ( FOR SALE Child's white enamel crib and mattress. 917 E. Msia. I VULCAN range, self lighting; good condition Price $25. 1829 E. Irving rt near 70tb ate PLUMBING supples, wboleaeie prices. fstsrks Davis Co.. 212 3d it. Mala 797., COMPLETE moving picture outfit with reels for sale. $48 2d st W.J-flVTfeJ .1 iwm 4 hmIm. ..! t ebanred. pengnt. isemiey .o.. Mara asas. 4 GOOD four burner gas stove. 41fE U-62 Journal. -j - f TWO Gold Medal camp cots, cheap. Call Acq 7, 633 Morrwon after 6 p. m. - UNCALLED for UUor made saits, $12.60 opt Taylor toe Tsilor. 289 s Burnside. - J ht ,tCu-Uae 0- FviUiwLi a 3: -