I 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND; r WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1918. FIRMER GRIP ON ' PROGRESS FLAG Grant Smith-Porter Yards This Afternoon Launch Sixteenth Hull for Shipping Board. FOUR TO GO IN THIS MONTH Record of July of Three Craft Is to Be Exceeded in August By at Least One Vessel. Taking' another and firmer grip on the beat progress flag Awarded by the Emergency Fleet corporation's com petitive) board, the Grant Smith-Porter company this afternoon , launched Its sixteenth hull for the shipping board. The Nupolela slid down the ways SMILEY SAYS I COULD HARDLY STAND ON FEET Suffered Ten Long Years With Rheumatism Tanlac Brings Relief shortly after 3 o'clock, the waters- of the Willamette mixing; withl the christening- fluid dashed against the bow by Mrs. Alexander MacGregor, wife of the Emergency Fleet "corporation's machin ery inspector at the Grant Smith-Porter plant. ! . In July three hulls were launched by the company and it is planned to put at least four in the river before the first day of September and four each month thereafter. The blue pennant, the award of the competitive board for the best progress during the month of June in comparison with all wooden shipyards oC the United States, arrived from Philadelphia to day and was in evidence al the launch ing. A smoker is planned for next Wednesday night in the club house, for the men of the plant, to celebrate this second straight victory over the other shipbuilding plants of the country. GARDNER WILLIAMS LAUNCHED Vessel Takes Water at Linnton in Excellent Fashion. Christened by 7-year-old Betty Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Jones, 684 Kast Couch street, the Gardner Wil liams was launched Tuesday afternoon at the Columbia Engineering Works, at Linnton. There was no untoward inci dent, the vessel slipping into the river with the grace of a great waterfowl. The Gardner Williams is the ninth ship to be launched by the company, which is the only one building vessels for private account on the Willamette. The new craft is a topsail schooner, with no auxiliary power, 190 feet long. 36 feet beam and 19.8 feet depth of hold. She Is owned by the De Beers Consoli dated Mines company of Cape Town South Africa, being named for a direc tor of the company. Only two hulls remain on the ways at the Linnton yards, while four are being finished " there. AH are on private ac count, being of too small tonnage to be requisitioned by the government. ' After the launching the men at the plant, some 225 in number, contributed $250 for the care of two Belgian babies; wooden ship construction, to appoint a representative of the Emergency Fleet corporation as director- of sports In the district. This action was taken at a meeting of representatives of the yards Tuesday, and a letter was drafted to Mr. Wentworth asking for the director. It is believed by those who have been at the head of the sports in the yards that such an official would be of great assistance in settling difficulties and that as an official of the Emergency Fleet corporation there could be no charge of favoritism. EFFICIENCY WITH ONLY ONE ARM CALALA HAS TRIAL Will by "1 used to suffer from rheumatism so bad that I coufd hardly stand on my feet, but since starting on Tanlac I have Improved so much that I actually feel like a different person." said Ft. J. Smiley, a, successful and well-to-do car penter who lives at the Repose hotel on Twenty-third street, .the other day. "For the past 10 years." he continued, "I had been a great sufferer from rheu matism and Indigestion, and my kidneys also gave me a lot of trouble from time to time. My appetite failed some time ago and my stomach went back on me so that hardly anything I would eat agreed with me. After meals my food would ferment and He in my stomach feeling as heavy as lead and T would swell up with gas till I "could hardly breathe. I did not dare eat any kind of meats and fruits, too. would act like poison to my system. The rheumatism affected my knee Joints mostly and they would ache so at times as to almost put me out of business. Mv kidneys worried me so much at night that I could hardly rest and I had such' a terrible pain right In the small of my back that I eould hardly stand It. 1 ffiU so tired and worn out In the morn ings that it would almost kill me to have to get up and go to my work. I felt so miserable all day long that I ' Just couldn't take the proper Interest In my work that I should and many a time felt like I would have to give up. "Although T tried medicine after. . medicine I didn't seem to hit on the right one for my trouble, till one day a man I know told me about several friends of his who were taking Tanlac and praising It so highly he believed It .would help me. too. So I went and got me a bottle and In a few days after starting en It I felt my appetite com Nng back, for I was getting mighty hungry around meal times and I would eat everything up on my plnte. I kept rig'ht on taking Tanlac and now I am eating Just any and everything I want. meats and fruits, boo, Just like anybody else, and lit all agrees with me fine. My kidneys don't bother me near like they did and I rest better at night than I have In a long time. That rheumatism Is almost totally gone out of my system and I hardly ever feel it at all. From the way I am. now feeling and Improv ing I am' sure that a few more bottles will entirely straighten me out and make" me a well man again." Tanlac Is sold In Portland by The Owl 'Drug company. (Adv.) Probably Be Taken Over Government Thursday. The Calala, the first craft completed by the Supple-Balltn company for the Emergency Fleet corporation, ' had her trial trip today, leaving the harbor at 9 o'clock. The Calala carried builders and Emergency Fleet corporation offi cials. She probably will be taken over by the government Thursday. Captain George Leigh ton is to be mas ter of the Calala. He formerly was captain of the Honolulu and later of the Anyox. in the Alaska trade. The Calala was the third vessel launched by the Supple-Ballin company for the government, taking the water April 18. She is the fifth launched at the yard since December 1. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Thomas P. Qulnn has arrived in Port land to take out the Western Pride, Co lumbia River Ship corporation vessel, launched July 20. He will have Nicholas Brown as first officer and A. B. Gtblett as . chief engineer, both of these men coming down from Seattle with Captain Qulnn. E. R. Campbell, fire marshal of the Emergency Fleet corporation, inspected fire ' prevention measures at the St.' Helena Shipbuilding company in St. Helens today. ; J. W. Hall, assistant district super visor of wooden ship construction in this district, will leave Sunday for Phila delphia to lay before the Emergency Fleet corporation heads the plans for the 5000-ton Columbia river type boat that has beeri developed here. The barkentine Echo was shifted from the . Inman-Roulsen mills to the lower harbor today. She Is loading lumber in the port. The Wanza was towed from the Som marston Shipbuilding company's plant at Columbia City, where she was launched July 4. to the Port of Portland drydock today, to receive fittings for her completion. Captain J. F. Blain, supervisor of steel shrj construction of the Emergency Fleet corporation in this district, is in Portland visiting the local office In charge of Fred B. Pape. Captain Blain is pteasea witn tne outlook here, par ticularly with the beginning of actual operations in the steel yards of the G. M. Standifer Construction corporation at Vancouver. The Port of Portland tug Wallula rammed a seine launch, the Snowland, Tuesday, near Astoria. The launch dis regarded the tug's signals and had a four foot hole cut in her side. She was towed to Astoria by the tug. No one was hurt. ri Mm hi .VJ 7W;! Northcliff e, MacLay Congratulate Hurley Washington. AAig. 7 (I. N. S.) Ed ward N. Hurley, chairman of the ship ping board Tuesday received ca blegrams from Lord Northcliffe and Minister of Shipping MacLay. congratu lating him upon the work of American shipyards' and other places, and stating that it is an "assurance of the defeat of the submarine." e; V'J.ytJiJ&K I MaMBBakMaaBarysf esB -::.;.. Amato, L. 2. B. ISO Stephens Add. E. Portland 1,200 V. A. Cram and wf. to Lucius 8. Me- Kelvey and wf., L. 11. B. 8. Moraine Bid. 10 S N. 8teele et si to Louis F. Anderson, L 1, 4. B. 85. Couch Add ' 10 Grscs Girt to J. E. Girt.' und. H int. in following E. L. 4. B. 21. Woodstock 10 Oscar E. Freytac et si to Jinw T. Bet- teridie. N. 45 ft- L. 8. B. 3, Cols s Add.. Portland 1.550 Cornelia P. Rockwell to EUa M. Holler, L. 5. B. 14. Woodlawn Add 600 Portland Trust Co. to B. 8. Estes. V. 54 ft. L. 1. 2. B. 7. Menefee Add. . . 10 B. S. Ettes and wf. to Portland Trust Co. of Orecon, trustee. V. 54 ft- L. 1. 2, B. 7. Menefee Add 2.750 Sheriff to Leontlne LeJeune, L. 11, B. 12. Richmond 8.550 H. Jaoobsen to Metha jacobsen. L. 22. 28. Kenton 2.000 Hans Jacobsen and wf. to Lester A. J- cobaen. L, I, i, Welltnstoo 500 A 8. Ashcroft and wf. to Andrew Mc Alister Jr.. L. 1. B. 4. Arleta Park No. 2 10 T. B. Whipple to Henry Puff. L. 8. B. 8, GroTeland Park tO Amelia C. Williams to Ethel E. Lerch. L. 17. B. 11. Ina Park 10 C. F .Cooke and wf. to Nellie M. Thorn. beginninc 32 rods W. N. E. corner Sec. 8. T. 1 8 . R. 1 E. ; also. L. 1. B. "A," Green wax MABBIAGK LICENSES Fred R. Glbons. 26. Boring. Or., and VUt L. Klmclsr. 20. 0883 NlnetTecond strast 8. E. Ueyer Shcnker, 40. 8t8 Front street, and Mrs. Goldis 6hanbaum. 29. 248 Grant street. Kyle Kinlry. 1071 E 12th at N. snd Alma B. Walberc. leisl. 434 rmatiUa au Lyle Ureen. lesal. 4 2 Gbssn street, and GenerieTe Elam. lecal." Hotel Charlton. Gua Keramidsa. 33, 03 Fifth street, snd Josephine Grant. 22. 1774 Serenteenth street. Hacle H. lliTIs, lecal. 5fith are. 8. E.. and Grace M. Thurston, leial. 6128 04th st. 8. E. bcou Simpson. 2 Q. 70.8 u. nne St, ana teola J. Boweni. 16. 208 H ' Occident st. George W. Streieher. leal. 169 Woobey st. and M. T. Tomlinson. leal, 693 Woolsey street. Orin B. Harriman. 19. 105 Floral aee.. snd EtU P. B. Allen. 17. 965 E. Morrison sv Stephen A. Heath, legal. 1016 E. 81st st. N.. and Ida V. Huffman, legal. 1061 E. Slst st. N. Lewis H. Zigler, legal. Lexington. Or and Ada Owen, legal.? 221 13th st. Olirer !. Mant. 32. 503 Alba street. 8t- Jobns, and Sadie Cramer. 22. 921 S. Kel losg st. 10 lnfc.tv bL'Il'H for rent, au suae, lorinr romnany. 104 4 th st Cbniw Tat- DKATHH AND Fr7IERAI.fl 71 Pimm :rJm tiifof -' jyr t vs sJi3r3L . : a ;?:"w-- -tn rr? t k T-.r- :'T-:sssMdcaec " .jjt s. WALTER At the family residence, R30 Haight are.. August 7. 1P18. Jimn Joshua, aged 51 yean 0 months and 2 day, belored husband of Luella Walter snd father of Wert and Fred Walter of Portland,., Remains are at the residence parlon of It. T. Byrnes. 901 Williams aie. Announcement of funeral in a later issue. ROGEH81nhU city, Auguit 57TS rsTFred S. Roger, formerly of I'ovatrlla, Idaho, aged 61 years, beloved hutband of Leonora Rocrs. fsther of 1'almer Rogers and brother 'of Ernest WANT DIRKCTOR OF SPORTS District Supervisor or Emergency Fleet Asked io Name Official. Keen rivalry in athletics and sports among the shipyards or .Portland has led the directors of sports in the various plants along the waterfront to ask Lloyd J. Wentworth. district supervisor of HEALS ITCHING BURNING On Body. Kept Getting Worse. Caused Lossof Sleep. My whole body was affected with an itching and burning; which kept getting; worse all the time it would break out in bunches that resembled blisters. They caused great loss of sleep and itched constantly and when they were scratched they scaled. The skin was sore and later on scales formed. ' ' I had the trouble nearly a year when I tried Cuticura. When I had used six cakes of Soap and eight boxes of Oint ment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Louise Bellach. Three Forks, Mont. Most skin troubles might be pre vented by using Cuticura Soap and Uintment for every -day toilet purposes, SaassU laafc Free fey Matt. Adslreas Bost-eard "CsUrara, Dept. H, SssSss." 8osd everywhere aoap zsc. uinunent a sm sse. isMum arc. ' "Safety First" Keynote. "Safety First" will be the keynote of a banquet to be given by the Grant Smith-Porter Ship company in the Mult nomah hotel for the 100 foremen of the yards. Saturday night. The Grant Smith-Porter yard is the first to adopt the safety plans of the Emergency Fleet corporation, as outlined by Safety En gineer A. S. Stewart, and has three men who check all accidents and deyote their time and energy to eliminating them. The guest of honor of the occasion will be C. C. Bechtold, vice president and general manager of the National Hos pital association. Charles F. Casteel Gives Annual Excursion The Federal Employes' union gave its annual excursion Tuesday night, some 300 members of the union, their wives and friends, enjoying the trip down the river to Linnton and return. The excur sion was made on the barge Swan, towed by the Hustler, leaving the foot of Jef ferson street at 8 o'clock and returning ! at 11 :45. Dancing was the principal amusement of the evening and in the prize waltz, Jack Grady, customs inspec tor, was awarded first honors. Charles F. Casteel, of Tualatin is 65 years old and lost his right army above the elbow in a sawmill accident 17 years ago. Despite this apparent afflic tion he Is working every day in the steam pipe trench being dug in Yamhill street by the Northwest Electric com pany. Mr. Casteel Is an example of what a man can do to overcome misfortune. He has a garden farm at Tualatin of acres on which he raises fruit and veg etables and the condition of the place shows his agricultural skill and per sonal industry. Mr. Casteel has worked in sawmills, shocked hay, cut wood, driven a 4-horse team and done all manner of work around a farm and mill without asking favors from anybody. good a hand as I have," said the forer man on the trench work. "When there is wheelbarrow work to do Charlie hitches a hook on his arm and goes to it as well as the best of them." ''I have a wife and three sons, one of them. Arthur, is in Company H, Third Oregon," said Mr. Casteel, proudly. "I have helped men who were down and out because of losing an arm, and I have showed some of them how to work, and braced them up. One man came out to Tualatin to see me shock hay. and went away ashamed of himself- for having begged. I thought In DARNELL At residence of her daughter. Mrs. 8. C Cook. Snsan F. Iiarnell. aged 91 years. IS days, belosed mother of Mrs. S. t. Cook of Portland. Mrs. A. T. Brewer of Stay- nn f). . , I. i. , , 11 1 1 .1 . it, BlILDIG rlRMITs I Mr, .m- .. t r Joseph P. Schrtmaher Erect garage. 717 I Iarnell of Ksty, Texas and J. S Harnell of East Buchanan, between Fessenden and Tlga, I Kalama. Wash Funeral will be held Thurs builder same. 370. morning at 10 o clock. M. K. church. St. J. C. English Go. Repair workshop. 161 ; Johns. Burial Lone Fix cemeters. Friends Vnion arenue, between Irring and Oregon. Me- I inrited. Holland isrotners builder. . ' Mr. and Mrs, Henry W. Shrese Erect real- I dence. 1 1 Skidmore, between Interstate and Massachusetts. L. R. Bailey company, builder, 82200. Nepia Company Repair store and offices, 267 Morrison, between Third and Fourth, J. G. Bsyler builder. 8200. Meier & Frank Go. Repair garage, 240 Jefferson, between Second and Third. J. G. Bayer builder. 8250. V. B. 8wining Repair residence. 725 East Fifteenth, between Frank ford and Rhone, build er same. 880. Jewish Synagogue Repair church, S. E. cor ner Sixth snd Hall. 3200. C. A. Psyne Erect garage. 6339 Forty fifth srenne S. E.. between East Fifty-second and Fifty-fifth street, builder same. 30. Harry Parks Erect nine garages. 381 West Park street, between Montgomery and Har rison, builder same. 370 each. First M. E. Church Excarate. 200 Third rited to attend street, between Taylor and Salmon, Kj,. J. toos company builders, 32600. H. C. Kornegay Erect residence, 2704 Forty-third street, between Twenty-eseTenth snd Twenty-eighth arenue. builder asme. 32000 Iryin J. Dowdy Repair residence, 14 89 East Pine, between Fifty-fifth and Flfty-seTenth, builder ssme, 8100. G. 0. Rogers Repair residence. 804 Eaat New Torfc. between Kellogg and Center avenue. C. C. Bardwell builder. 360. Mrs. J. Noli Erect garage. 724 Taggart. be tween Twenty-first and Twenty-second. George Callan builder. 315. E. C. Snow Erect chicken house. 835 Mar guerite arenue. between Hawthorne and Har rison, builder same. 840. E. C. Snow Repair residence, 835 Mar guerite arenue. builder same. 875. A. Shantell Erect garage, 62 5 Powell Val ley, between Sixteenth and Serenteenth, builder LOST AITP TOVSrt 11 THE following articles hare been found on ears of the Portland Railway, Light Power Ce., August 5. 1818: 6 purses, 1 check booh. -1 Bible. 2 pr. glasses. 1 knife. 1 nail file. 1 ear ring. 1 cuff button. 1 badge. 1 pips. 1 rule. 8 psckages. 2 bdl. oreralK 2 coats. 2. shopping bags. 7 lunch boxes, 2 roils electric wire, 4 suit eases, 2 trareling bags. 4 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder Street LOST Between S. P A 8. and N. T. A L. B". U. tracks, on 8t, Hplens-Scappoose highway. Aug. 3rd. black hand grip; papers and r-ooss. do ralue to any but owner. Please .i "iia a i-rice store, (trappooae. or Portland. Reward. L"S.T Bet ween th ind Columbia. 10th snd Washington or in O.. w. A K. store. Eastern Star pin. Wain 1340. between . m. and 6 P m : reward JIELP WANTED M ALB Wsnteii br PACIFIC IKON WORKS EaM 2Pth snd CUrkams lor Structural Shop 1 Kitler up 2 Hehx-rs For Mat-hmn Shop 1 I-sthc hand 1 Klo,,r man 1 Ma-hn.i.t helper, lor Foundry 2 lMrrt 2 ltvrrrs. HSLP WANTED T M O. rsI!k! "5 fT'J,' lT". io 1 the law rwo weeks 217 dissattric) tat a were nlaoad rm U-ur t! dsen .L mlJ'm" membership has been nothing to tosestit.t, thu Bera tessstk positton securing imtitution Men are htrrUI- t 1 .'. 'T0" ' lraa opportunities dali,. Gad at once in person. One of the positions ts 3175 PER MONTH the jear arnund. the sre sgs earning Ut yea, of . number of our salesmen orer 45 year This yr.r wul be the biggest yet No experience nece.r,; week ly cash adrance. outfit furnUhrd. Big assort- u.Himi ma. ftliruhlMr mA rsincr oi i-aimer Kogrrs and brotner 01 f.rnest , - --"jn m. snruonery snd Tinea. linn Vn.n,l. , .,. 1 .t.. 4 Hl t CD do what other inctrrlnr 1 arrricM whiirv t.- v,i - , v.. ii.h ! ?nna- Washington Nursenf l'a TMin..l.k Wash. WANTED serrices. whichVwiU be held at the Portland trematonmn at '2 30 p. m. Friday. August 0. 1018. Remams at Hnlman s f'.imrsl parlos GAMBLING Fun era! iTr ."t-eTfTr thr late Horace i.amhling will b l,ell from the R. T. j , CArEKiENrED FH'FF KCG MAN WW) "J""" rr"iuenre psrmrs. will llltam are st ; 1 .'in.iu.1)s I'HLI'AKINli MATERIALS; ..imou m . x i .w p. m . I tinrMiay. August ' i v a r. ssil rhR U Ll'K . . . . . . . 11 iap,i.,lv ...... ..... ' 4-" - inirrmeni nose V.11V umrlfn f nends Ul- ' r 1.1 r i KI li i n "'" wanted ly Portland lias Coke eu APPLY III GHES At her late residence. 43 Insley St.. Georgia Vlrisn Hugtie. ased 24 jt-ars. belored wife of James I Hughes. P. L. Iri-h Co. in charge, funeral notice later. at Gssco. on Ltnninn r,H- ., i i J . . par -B0 85 per day. Take free bos at FroDt nd Glisan sta., 8 a. m.. or 33d WANTED same, ou. these times when every man should be ! M" tc.mT 1T Hudson E. A ... , . ' . . , . , , .1 ton street, between Smith and Hudson, r.. either working or fighting that I had ! . Loregren. builders. 860. better get to work. Mv two other bovs ! t Knm.ll Itenalr store-hotel. 64 4 Wash- are working getting out timber to win 1 Ington street, between Stout and Ella. W. Vatg J the war with. I have never quit work bax?"t'.nr,tK.t 662 Et Ser-! but six weeks on account of this arm." ! r.,v-"I.r.nth north between Klickitat and Siaki- To Build Ships Los Angeles, Aug. 7. The Pope Ship building corporation, recently organized here, today announced the purchase of a 30 acre site for Its shipyards at New port Beach. A contract for dredging a channel at the site has been entered Into and the company proposes to in vest $500,000 in building Its plant. DAILY R1VF.R READINGS 8:00 a. m.. Pacific "Summer" Time Telephone Operators WANTED Young Ladies for Permanent Positions c - es aes STATIONS I" 53B c3i Ex 31 - CSa VmatilU I 25r Toj fFFoTOO Albany 20 1.0 . O 0.00 Salem 20 -1.7 0.1 0.00 Oregon City I 12 1.41 0.1 0.00 PortUnd 15 7.3 0.1 0.00 RIVER FORECASTS The Willamette riser at Portland will fall rery- slowly during the next three or four days. MARISK ALMANAC Weather at Riser's Mouth North Head, Wash.. Aug. 7. Conditions at the mouth bf the Columbia rirer at noon: Wind, northwest, 15 miles; weather, misting; sea smooth. Sun Record for August 8 Sun rises.. 6:02 a. rn. Sun sets... 8:81 p. m. Tides for Thursday High Water Low Water 2:10 a. m 8o0 feet I 9:11 s. m.. . 0.3 foot 3:08 p. m 7.5 feet 0:26 p. m. . . 1.6 feet SURVEY IS MADE OF PORTLAND PORT Mr. Casteel does many kinds of car penter work, files saws, milks cows, drives machinery, builds fences and digs postholes. Suggestion has been made that Mr. Casteel be used by the government in helping in the reconstruction work among disabled soldiers coming back Charlie is as 1 from the war. He is looked upon by the people who see him dally at work in the trench as an inspiration in courage and confidence. Persons who have seen the deftness with which he swings pick and shovel expressed the belief that he could be used as a teacher of these sol diers tn the adaption of the body to usefulness despite loss of bodily members. you. builder same, $50. SEAV TODAY HOME OWNERS The Equitable Life Assurance Society, un der its home-purchase plan, will make loans on desirable homes to be repaid in monthly in stallments, corering a period of 10 years with prorisions that the mortgage Is canceled In ermt ol drain 01 oorrower. intric.-i v cenft no brokeiage. For full information see Mr. Strong, Equitable office, Oregonian bldg. MORROW At his late residence. 3944 62d st.. 8. E.. Israel Morrow, aged BT yean. Re--mains at P. 1, Lerch undertaking parlors., SHEMA N 8 Et JacobKheins nsk y. Good SamaF ttan. 77 years, Aug. 3. dilatation of heart. SPEAR Ernest M Spear. St Vincents hospital. 65 years, Aug. 3. nephritis, mitral ralre re gurgitation and myocarditis. MITCHELL Robert Henry Mitchell. 381 Wheeler. 8 months. Aug. 3. gsstro enteritis. SCHACHT Susie Sacharht. 593 E. 25th, 38 years. Aug 3. ralmUr heart disease. HOPKINS Harold Hopkins. Zh'J 6th st., 20 days. Aug 3. Inanition. COOPER George Arthur Cooper. 711 Multno mah, 55 years. Aug 3, chronic nephritis. BLAKE Clara Edwin Blake, i;ond Samaritan hospital. 4 years, Aug. 4. appendicitis. JONES Rohert H. Jones, Portland sanitarium, S2 years. Aug 3. carcinoma. WE8TOVER Mary F. -tnTsr. 6120 81th st.. 68 years. Aug. 4. dilatation of heart WEST Martha Isabel West. ;ood Samaritan hospital. 39 years. August 4. chronic nephritis CURTIS Herbert IViane Curti, c;ood Samari tan hospital. 48 years. Aug 4, hyserthyroetUm. due to exopthalmic goiter. GEE Fanhe Mr Vin..n4. q years. Au. 4 h-w fnn.n. .4... wantd for office, niinulirtnnni nlsnt for carcinoma. must answer telephone, take orders, etc.; one HERMAN Catherine Herman St Vincents 8 I ctn. ." ho'nd and operste typewriter years. Aug 4. abscess of lirer ' ! ?rr,'rrfi Answer in own handwriting. V-847. NELSON Emil Alexander Nl",n T-m..i , i Journal. i'liai, an 3'ears M-4N,s-"'HO I N t E R S T A N t8 CARPET snAiIi-:o.AN MAKK PER WEEK. APPL WESTER N FI -I FF RUG Co. 8 MIDDLE aged men of neat appearance to call on Portland homes for Chicago firm; no experience required. 815 to 3o weekly salary at start. Call 6 to 8 this eremng. Mr. GUham. Hotel Carlton. s MEN wanted to carry carbon oriquets froia' tracks to basement of our consumers: seeraae age 84.25 to $4.78 for 8 hours. Inquire northwest corner Vd and Flaodera. Portlan4 time A Coke company. KjD office b..y. .bc.ut 1J years old. for large insurance offirr. saisry. $.V0: one who jrill "Jay and learn the bti-m-ss. .(wser in own hsndwriting, giring names of arents and full information. H-P33. Journal. MEN wanted who are not now engaged in ee sential war work. Apply West l.inn mill. across rirer from Oregon City Cn use S men erery day. so come along. Strike on but not bothering us. Wages 4 2- hour. 8 hours' work. P.OY wanted for office. Aug. 4. sarcona. FLORISTS CLARK BROS.. Florists. 287 Morrison st. Mais or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral design. No branch store. WAREHOUSE truckmsn, steady, dependable po sition, good opoitunity. Saturday afternoon off. Apply Marshall Wells Co.. i5th snd Lore Joy st. (Continued from Page One) Pleasant. Light and Clean Work No Experience Required Rapid Increase in Wages States with a view of handling the mer chant marine, having in mind the im portance of loading and discharging ves sels at ports adequately provided with inland rail facilities for the efficient and economical distribution and assembling of cargoes and the avoidance of rail con gestion. "To determine and recommend to the shipping board plana for the most effec tive organization and utilization of ex isting facilities for the prompt handling. dispatch, discharge, coaling and repair of ships of the merchant marine. Greater Efficiency Desired "To determine and recommend to the shipping board plana for the creation and construction of such new port fa cilities and the extension of such ex isting facilities as will secure the prompt handling, dispatch, discharge, coaling and repair of vessels. "In other words, it Is the function of this commission to investigate and re port to the shipping board such organi sation, utilization and Improvement of the port facilities of the United States as will enable the merchant fleet to spend the . greatest possible number of days Call at Telephone Company Room 601 Sixth Floor Park and Oak Streets r Between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. PORTLAND, Orttd Manufacturers ef BOAT SPIKES SHIP RIVETS Bolts and Upset Rods each year at sea and thus to attain max imum efficiency." The commission has called upon Port land to report on channel depth and har bor room, tidal range, ship berthing ca pacity, inter-relation of rail and wa ter transportation, dry-docking facili ties, coal and oil bunkers, water supply, industries supplying ship tonnage, elec tric power, steamship and railroad lines serving the port, freight handling facil ities, extent and ownership of port term inals, bulk freight storage, grain storage and elevator facilities. Harbor Is Adequate The government cannot well be left without substantial assurance that any thing lacking In local port facilities will be immediately supplied. There are certain essentials we know we have a 40-foot harbor entrance, a wide estuary and a ship channel of ade quate depth ; It Is the only fresh water harbor on the coast, barnacles drop off vessels while in this port and the ship will sail 10 to 15 per cent faster leaving the port than when it arrived, according to nautical authorities.. The people of Portland have appropriated $5,500,000 for docks, freight and grain terminals ; the people of this district have never been called upon in vain for anything necessary to equip this port. Tracks al ready laid constitute a harbor belt line railroad, the unification of which un-l-jr government administration ia merely a matter of detail. Needs of the Port .The port needs : An immediate concentration of man power on port matters, a use of men po tentially powerful in port development but not serving now on port and dock commissions and Chamber of Commerce jCommlttees and an energized recognition that this city can In no sense better serve the nation at war than to make this port usable for commerce to its maxi mum capacity. Properly organized chartering and for warding agencies. Adequate bunkers, both for coal and oil fueling; in this connection there 'should be an immediate Investigation cf the Alaska coal supply and of the steps necessary to provide barges and boats for the transportation of Alaska cual if the supply is satisfactory. Drydock and ship repair equipment equal to the necessities of large craft and in harmony with the suggestions by John H. Rosseter of the shipping board. A new understanding -that the city of Portland rests upon the port of Port land, that we are trustees for the in terior country which looks to this region for ocean outlet and for the national freight movement which could properlyJ be handled through this portal, ana a settled determination to do ''only the things that can be Justified by results. Auto Hits Two Lads Riding on Bicycle Two boys riding on one bicycle were hurt In ' a collision with an automobile driven by Pauline McKinley of 919 Haight avenue Tuesday night. Eye witnesses said the machine was going about IS miles an hour and turned into Union avenue as the lads rode directly in front, the impact throwing both to the pavement. Joe Wayde. 13, 1070 Union avenue, was taken by Mrs. Mc Kinley to the Emergency hospital, where it was found he was suirering rrom a contusion of the head, a sprained back and lacerated arm. SHIP KNEES Piling Hewn Ties Large orders promptly Handlexk Home orrice. Portland. Operation ana hip ping point. Barton, or. - i H. J. HAXLZT, Maamlaettrtc Thieves Steal Tools From High School Thlevea are reported to have entered the blacksmith shop at Franklin high school and to have stolen a drill press, two vises, 18 drills, an anvil, a set of bolt dies and Iron for use In woodwork. The theft was reported by J. R. Bym bold. A small boy is reported to have en tered the . wholesale grocery house of F. W. Jenkins company at Front and Pine streets Tuesday noon and to have stolen $3.65 from the clothes of J. E. Maher and $1 from the clothes of Henry Donkers. The Pullman restaurant at 113 North Sixth street reported that a thief stole $105 In cash and a diamond ring. valued at $1B0 from the restaurant early Tues day morning. Mrs. Addie Dimick Dies in the East Oregon City. Aug. 7. Judge Grant B Dimick received a telegram Tuesday aft ernoon advising him of the death of Mrs Addie Dimick, widow of the late CJeorge Dimick of this city, which occurred that Oregon Standard PAINT MADE IIC OREOOIf Give It a trial : guaranteed. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW THE BAKER Auction House. Masonic Temple bids.. I an-hill and W. Park sta. Sale at 10 s. m. MEETING NOTICES 41 RKlil'LAH meeting this (Wed nesday) erening. Esst Birth snd Alder. Visitors cordially insited; initiatory degree. ARTHUR I. MOULTEN. N. G. W VV TERRT. Bec " THE MACCABEES Portland Tent No. 1 Regular review WT Thursday esening. at hall 0.AW" members nrged to be present. VWtini R If K nights always welcome. GEO. P. BAKLR.JR PALESTINE LOHC.E No. 141 A F A. M. Stated communration Aug. 7, 7 SO. A. degree. VUiton, srelcome. Arleta stat.on Mt. Scott rsr. W. 8. TOW.VSr.l. EMBLEM jewelry a speeislty buttons pine. charms. Jaeger Bros.. Hl-198 6t st. MARTIN A FORBES CO. Florists, S3 sta slain 260, A-1ZGB Flowers for ail eoea rioos artistically arranged. PEOPLES-f L7)5il7 SHOP. -.MS Ald-r. ieiLi "d decorations. Phone Marshall 5922. LT HI. IN UK. Portland Ootel. Sh MAX M SMITH. Florist, 141 oth street FFNERAL ninFtTons Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors i Established 17T. Tsird and Ralraon streets. Main 601. A 1511. Lady Assistant. WANTKP Ktirienci sale-man. with Ford. f'-r rtab!u-lil te nd i-offre mils; gxl slary and c.mrai.:"n (all at 25 E. 12th si. aftr 4 . in lA Hull Ei: wanted lor ditch work; steady em ployment, top-notch wagea. Inquire northwest corner 2d and Flaodera, i'ertland Cias 'i Coke er.njnany VANTE1 Mn to qualify for trainmen! Ap ply room 302 Electric building, open all day ard night, including Ssndays. P., B, L. St P. company. WA.STEIi Young man nnJer 2 I yea rs as office clerk ano collector; no eiiterierc'e required. opportunities. Apply ColurabV IWecount good J. P. FINLEY & SON ProfreeslTs Funeral Directors. PRITATB DRIVE Women Attendants aoatcomery at Fifth. Main . A-1S. S Failing hMg LABORERS WANTED Mennnder 65 years', for general Ishor work for store department" I at Southern rac-ilic Co.. Brooklyn shops, steady j work st S3 f0 per day. Storekeeper.. iWANTKl" One marhinit. also young man with trade 'chool eijerience Apply Coast Engine A Machine Works. frtotof E. Taylor sU CTLINPER PREPS FEEDERS WILSON & ROSS East 64 Lady Assistant O-llSl Moltnomah at E. Seventh at. Undertakers. Xlcdarn in detail RrMnf aw A PI.. ... ISjaiu Broedway 4SO. A-45. I.edy assistant. Dunning & McEntee motrijgcs.Blrtts. Dzatbs BIHTTI!- DON KEF To Mr. snd Mrs. George R. Donkee. is 11 a daughter. day in St. Louis, Mo., from heart trouble. G ARROW To Mr. and Mrs Wallace Garrow. nffllowing the tfeath of her husband MS ' P'To Mr.'nd Mr,. J Hoomissen. about a month ago. Mrs. Dimick. al- h "e S4th July 2. s daughter. though 77 years of age. and not In very ' uf)ET To Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Maloney, good .health, expressed a desire to Roi U E. 6tb N.. July 2S. .'kchmltt 8trl.Mli x i' " "'" t'l K. Ms.mson. Juiy -v F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers 414 Fast Alder st. . Phone Fast 52. B -S?2S A. D. Kenworthy'Co. Tabor it97. $02 2d St.. Lents. Tshor B8B5. 8th st. snd Foster roeit Ariel a. ft..-."1- P. L .LERCH a Undertakers. . lltb and Bawtborn. CHAMBERS KLNWORTHT COT 248 and 260 Killingworth ass. near Williams sse. Woodlswn 8308. C-1183. Experienced, steady job fir g"od feeder. ropoLtsn Printing '.. 211 ties st ' Met- WaM EI Men to work on riser boats, and op- Boom and board. Apply Washings fen dock - WANTEliYoung man, nttt 1 H, for porter in bsrber shop: si.n six snd up. Board of Trade P.arber shop. 4th and Osk - WAHVTEi Night baggage "porter at Multnomah hotel BAKER wanted. Leighton'a Is!ry Luncb. Broad way and Wawnnfft'in sts. COOK wanted st the liarrisnn hotel. Front and Harrison sts. - WANTED Experienced shoe salesman. Good salary 3 2 J Washington st FTREMEN 150 roDnthly: experience unne? , e.isary: send stamp. Railway, care Journal. NIGHT janitor wauled.- Harrison botsL Front and Hsrnsnn WANTED nursery. Experienced' men to bud trees to Benedict Nursery I'n. Csll Tsbor 4S1. HELP WANTKir Ml.tC. 4 MILLER A TRACEY. Independent tuners! Di rectors. Prices as low as $20. $40 ISO Washington at Ells. Main 21. A-7MS3. Breeze &. SnolTBsyUil Main Corner Id and Clay Skewes iff' . east to visit a daughter, Mrs. Nellie Bur- i 1 nett In St. Louis, and the trip was re cently undertaken despite the protest of relatives and friends, and death is be lieved to have come while en route there. Mrs.' Dimick besides the daughter, is sur vived by the step-son. State Senator Walter A. Dimick. of this city, who is spending his summer vacation at Salt Air with his family. Interment will take place in St. Louis. 1 soo 47 275 10 C L. SL Clair Called Oregon City. Aug. 7. C. I St. Clair. for five years chief engineer of the Crown Willamette Paper company in this city, has just received hla commission as lieutenant commander or the Lnited States naval reserve forces and la called to report for duty on August 10. Mrs. St- Clair and young son' will continue J to make their ncne in this city . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS W, Mueller snd wf. to J. M. Csrrer, L. 6. 7, B. 6. Chapel Hts. $ W-. P. Mays to Edward L. Blust et al. part L. 4. B. 187. Caruthers' Add.; also L. 8, except R-W; also part of L. 8. lying eaat of said R. R. In B. 167. Caruthers" Add.; also L. 11, 12. B. 18, Berths Wellington Ine. Co? to Francis Woolerer, JU 14. 10. Is. .- Wellington Mount Scott Park Cemetery to John W. Tefft, 8. H L. ISO. Sec. , Msg nrtlia msp Mount Scott Park Western Oregon Trust Co. to Walter E. Lund. L. 8. B. SI. Mentone R. 8. Williams and wf. to W. H. Ship ley. 1 6. B. 7. Hawthorne 1st Add. Frank Pranaitia et al to W. H. O'Brien et al. N. 41 ft. of N. 82 ft. L. 18. B. 8. Willamette Boulerard Acres. . . 2.000 H. E. Crain and wf. to O, Nelson. L. 14. 10. 10. B. 8. Portsmouth Villa Ext.. 10 George Niealen to Fred N. Olean et al. u. 10. a. iz. Terrace Park 2,000 Cynthia Harmon to Barbara Coutts, L. 7. B. o. M os ley Add. Galon A. Burnet te and wf. to Gertrude irons et al. L. 9. B. B. Merlow 1.800 Josephine Bilyeu and has. to Howard L. White, part L. 4, 6. B. 28. Belle Crest '. 10 Sheriff to Christina Rappold. L. 12. B. 6. Elmo Hts. 1.7S1 J. II. McMahon and wf. to Annie Ruck- ley, beginning in N. line of H. Kelley claim 2099.89 ft, W. of point at NE. corner said claim, containing 6.84 acres 1 Titls A Trust Co. to J. W. McFsdden. U 2. B. 5. Mallory Add. 10O Interstate Equities company to William C Holmes, L. 8. B. 9. Walnut Park. 1,000 W. R. Cummins and wf. to Teresas Jenuer. N. 48 fx. L. 4. B. 20. ! Brentwood Add. ' 10 Nellie H. Stark to W. S. King. L. 6, B. 45. 8ulliTan'a Add. to E. Portland. 10 Florence May Bullock to W. S. King et al. L. 8, B. 1. Tobaeeo 10 Susanne V. Leonard and bus. to L; H. Townsend snd wf. L. 8, B. 1, El 1 Toear 1,950 Henry M. Matthias to F. L. Tomblin snd wf. commencing at 8. E. corner I. 14, Middlesex Add., thence N. on E. line said lot. 6& ft., thence W. i 117 ft-, thence 8. 56 ft. thence E. ! 1 IT ' ft. to beginninc 10 i Mkhsel Jaber,- guardian, to Salsstore BlVcK To' Mr. 'and Mrs. Wslter W. Black. Nob Hill Apt.. July 20. a son DEAN To Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dean. 189 W. Farrsgut July 2 7 . -a son. MINOGOIE To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Minoggis. BIS N. 29lh. July 29. s ion BARTON To Mr. snd Mrs. John L. Bsrton. Psrkrose. Or.. July 29. s son WASHBURN To Mr. snd Mrs. Gunman A. Washburn. Dodson. Ot.. July 30. a son. GRAVES To Mr. and Mrs. Ore F. GraeeS, Rainier. Or.. July 81. a son ALLISON To Mr and Mrs. George A Allison. 8903. 65th St.. Aug. 1. a son. SPADY To Mr. and Mrs. Joe spany, uiu i , Glenn ase., July 26. a son. 650 I ROBINSON To Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Robinson, i 4420 40th are . July 31. a son. JUNTILLA To Mr. and Mrs. h A. juntuia. 700 62d N.. July 80, a daughter. TATES To Mr. and Mrs. Albert William Yates 1115 Columbia. August 2. a daughter. KRONEN BERG To Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kron- enberg. 1185 E. Ash, Aug. 1, s daughter. HARRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hsrris, 229 E. 34th st. July 28, a son. BLATCII FORD To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Blatch- ford, Lents. Or., Aug. 1. a son. RCDAMEL To Mr. and Mn. Adam Rndamel, 888 E. Oth .. a son Wilson & Wilson wX 4' c-7.?. HAMILTON 1978 E. ClUan st. PIT neral serricea. Tabor 4813. A. R. Zeller Co. & X w 108S. sse. O-IVMS. IE! Y. BTRNEd. new reside nee etiaousiimsDi. tOl Wilhsms sse. Woodlswn 220 '-ltt MOSTME5T8 U a67-3RO. ST. AT MADISON! PORTLAND MAHBLE VVOKK.S, 2U4-VU 4ts St.. opposite city nau. Mala 85UL P tulip New Sons for memorials. LOST AftD rovxv ti THE party who drove south on Craig road Mon day. August 5 with a black cocker spaniel pup in his car better bring pup to bouse on Craig near Failing st to sroid trouble or csll Tsbor 6866. GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 women clerks at Wsbliington. Examinations eeerywiiere in Au gust. Experience unneeesesry. Women desiring gorcrnment positions write for free particulars to J. C Leonard (former ciril service exaas i ner) . 1 054 Kenois b Idjt. Washington. D. C. CIVIL SEItV I e"EXA MINAT IONS in Portland soon; 20,000 womrn clerks -to be appointed at Washington; women desiring government clerk ships write fr free particulars to K Terry (former ciril service examiner), 815 Coltsmbiaa bl'li. . Washington. iiAWTIIORNE ACTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNE AVENUB tTERTTHlN MECHANICAL AND KLEr TR1CAL. UNLIMITED: PRACTICAL BEPAIB EXPERIENCE. NtMMEK yoL'.Nti HUVEM AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph service and help' f Ul ticandei caused by the drafting of mca foe wee For particulars call or write Telegraph Depart ment. room 218 Railway Exchange bklg. " ADOOX ACTO SCHOOL - Coion avenue and Wasco st. Special Summer Price. Cstl. write or phone East 7448. I write advertising letters, folders booklets i snd brochures that win. lvel me write yours 1 for the benefit of year business and purse. S- i K40. Journal. ! MTsTT)EKEiV8" I PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEOB . I At.TBKY BLIWs. 8D AND MOHRISOyt. lATESi KlftHER TEACHERS AGENCY Usee resistrstion. 911-12 Brosdwsy bids. UEHNKE-WALKER, biggest ouslnoe eoUeee be esuse beet; enroll any time; free eataiogwe. LOST About 4 days ago. a black calf. 2 years old. fat and has abort straight horns. Box 89. Engiewood farm. Boones Ferry Road, Os wego. Or. ROCKET To Mr. snd Mrs. Eugene Wstsoa . lort Hockey. Ifsweso, jt . jniy a i.uiui-i. PHELPS To Mr. snd Mrs. Hsrry Phelps. 4003 68d. July 26, s dsughter. HOOPER To Mr. snd Mrs. Grover Cleveland Hooper,. 8 E. 74th N., Aug. 4. a daughter. NELSON To Mr. mod Mrs William Joseph Nel son. 689 E. Alder. Aug. 2. a daughter. GRAFF To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conrad Graff, 184 E. 80th N.. July 28. a daughter. HAN AO K A To Mr. and Mrs. X. Hanaoka. 802 1st St.. July 29. a daughter. CHRISTIANSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Christian W. Christiansen. 583 E. Davis. July 26. s son. ZUPUNSKY To Mr. and Mrs. Dussn Zupunsky, 17R7 E. 15th St.. Ang. 2. s daughter. GILLIHAN To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wiley Gillihan, 7S8 Kenilworth are., July 27, a daughter. GIOVENCO To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Giovenco. 4 70 Davis, July 2S. a daughter. PALMER To Mr. and Mrs. James Pslmer. 208 16th st .July 25. a daughter. HALL To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hilton HalL 886 E. Tamhill. July 29. a daughter. DALY To Mr. and Mrs. Wslter M. Daly, 90S Overton. July 81, a daughter. PELTON To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Alfred Pel ton, 608 B8th st. N., July 27, son. BELLINGER To Mr. and Mrs. John Emmet Bellinger, Milwaukle. Or., July 27, s son. POWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Rasswel C. Powell. 804 E. Sherman. July 29. a daughter. Told -filled, oijen-faced. 17-iewel Ham ilton wstch. st 19th snd Msin sts.; size 16; works No. 382694. Suitable reward paid finder. Return to sheriffs office. Vancouver. Wash FOUND Lady a coat in Irvington; owner may have same by paying for ad. Call 371 E. 16th st. N. or phons East 658. LOST Eyeglasses in case, containing name Mr s WilllaVn KinseL Notify me. 982. E. Main st. snd receive rewsrd. $50 reward for return of 850 Liberty bond No. 8107565 and f 110 la currency. Finder csll East 1232. LOST or stolen. Fridsy night, female Collie pup, 6 mo.; locked collar and license No. 2784. Reward. 449 E. Oth st. Phone BelL 8451. FOUND A quantity of money. Owner can have seme by stating when lost, amount, denomination, etc. E-7ft9. Journal. LOST August 4. red fox fur with green silk MARRIAGE LICENSES Richard L. Lombard. 24. 248 Fargo street, and Margaret H. McNamara. 23. 248 Fargo street. Ross Harding Coppock. legal. Salem. Or., and Lorene Young, lecal. 925 Wilder street. Albert BelL 20. 1311 East Fourteenth street. and Eva l. Jensen, 20, 1811 East Fourteenth lining, at Columbia Beach: la known. to Journal office. Return LOST A wallet containing $100.00. valuable papers and ptcturss. 1086 trends see. Reward. LOST Saturday afternoon, small gold pin in- laid with black, valued as keepsake. ward. Return to Journsl office. Re- LOST Sunday on Vancouver are.,' shopping bag containing child's sweater and bottle. Ke , ward. Woodlawn 4313. LOST b LINK'S BUSINESS OjLLEUB PORTLAND. OREGON HELP WASTED FKMAIB to 435 O. all while pig; return Oregon; reward. LOST Gold watch fob with Elk tooth attached. Reward. Phone C-1859. - LOST Black handbag on Columbia highway; marked B. A. P. East 1865; reward. LOST Two Russian wolf hounds, finder please 4 call Bdwy. 6. TOCMO LADIES FOR TELEPHONE OPERA TIN O KO PRETIOUS KIPEBIENCr NECESSARY; $9 PER WEEK PAID WHILE LEARNING. RAPID ADVANCEMENT IN SALARY. ' PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS FOB SUXDATS AND HOLIDAYS. APPLY TELEPHONE COMPANY OPERATING SCHOOL, SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STS. ' I BETWEEN 8:80 A. W. AND l:t P. If. WANTED Experienced bouse to house demon strators, 609. tilers bldg., between 8 and 9 p. ra. WANTED Girl or woman- for general hmne work; good wages. Tabor 6252. EXPERIENCED machine operators. 1U7 1st: upstairs. WA V T El i ( ;iKxlst dipper, Cof (man a Candr niwp, unjf as noenmo, DINING room girl Front and Hsrrison. Uouaework; ssntei karrisou hotel. GIRL for general East 4667. small family. tCwausmea a euwiag j?ag 1.1 ! ; - . : 1 : i ' I V .' . - J