THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, ,1918. II nr.i.r w anted female TOCNO LADIES FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY j f PEA WEEK PAID WHILE LEARN IN . RAPID ADVANCEMENT IN SALARY. PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS T&EL SUNDAY! AND HOLIDAYS. APTLY TELEPHONE COMPANY OPERATINO SCHOOL. SIXTH FLOOR. PARS AND OAK BTS. BETWEEN 8 SO A. M. AND 5:30 P. U. FUR Operator, lo nkilers wanted. Apply before 10 m. t H. LtEBES 4 CO, 140 Broadway. -r- LIPMAN, WOLFE A GO. require the services of several ripnrtnirm sales ladies lor al ns partrnent. Must h "able to furnish the best of reference. Apply. superintendent's office. 7th floor, bet. 0 ami lli Wednesday morning. Stenographer Want a thoroughly capable stenographer; must Me quick and neat; only competent g rl need apply; good salary; apply in own handwriting, giving age. experience, references and telephone number. Addre. P8 1 0, Journal. STROM women-or girls to work in mattress factory, steady work. United Mattress rsd, Co.. 427 jfHancock. WANTED A button hole maker. good wages and stesdy work. 403 Merchants lrust bldg. . UELF WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 2 WANTED -1200 hop pickers. Make your va cation a paying proposition by helping T. A. Liveeley A Co pick their 60 acres of hops, lo cated on the following well known yards, Lake brook, Holme. Murphy and Perclval. situated at Hah-m and Independence. Hops very heavy. Excellent- camp ground!, stores, butcher shop, restaurant, fine water, free tents, straw and wood.. Apartment house at Ijikebrook. About IN or 20 days- picking. Will send BOO pickers about "August 23. Other special train will leave Portland about September 8. 4 and B. Kail road tickets and accommodations may be secured nn and after AuTOt 10 at 30.1 31c.fc.av mug. corner 3d and Stark sts. Will pay .Vic per box. err $1 vr hundred pounds. Call early to secure tickets1 and accommodations, an Oregon has nlnieed out 15,000 acres of hops, and many less pickers ars required to harvest the crop. 1'hnne Main 1848. . PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Tcachca men and women the barber. trade free, pay while learning. 284Couch. Broadway 2482. MoT?EH BAHBKK COLLEGE Pars you while learning; gives you set of tools. guarantees position. Write for catalogue. 234 Rurnstda -st . cr phone uroaaway l ii. HEN' WOMKN, karn barber traae iree; wage while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 228 Madison. S I TUATION! MALE FIRST CLANS carptnttT and mechanic wUhes steady .position with department store, office building or an estate; 15 years in building snd gnnerai repair woiik ; s'.itn salary paid in first letter H-1'3 1. J.jnriiar WANTED" Plowing" anil disking in the valley, with Molino traiitor. or will rent tractor to responsible paatles.i 3 1" E. Everett st. East 8703. Call afterJSJ; in WANTED--Work :for'a-ton White truck haul- lng; rate reasonable. Wclln. 707. 833 MsUoryave. j fiMF W'irk. rethingllng done by contract. Phone Keachsm,, Mar. 708. SinVGI J'fl."- When you csll Marshall lOf. wsnt shingling done. WANT ex j'crifl'n vi-rk ; packmu at M 820. Journal. present; some K Ui.S( i"Sf I NINO. Painting. Plaster. Patching. rnawnshlc. Malii II52U. ETTTeTRTV man as' janitor or houseman. R-845, Jturnal BOY -IS. antedl to learn plumhing trade. Hawthorne ave. Monday, B p. m. Apply in: SITUATIONS FEMALE TWO Udms want ions sa cooks in camp where lnntiandt ran work outside. Phono Main 5215. alt fi. 'J!2 11th st VANTED -Good Stenographic position 3 years' experience, good references. Redmond. Or. Write box 125, TOUNG lady wanla olerical work. Call Wood lawn 81H8. LADY wants work V-S5S. Journal. few hours after B p. LADY wants work as kitchen helper. Call 606 Marlon STENOGRAPHER wi.-hes good" position, either temnorarv or ocnnnient. Tabor 1007. CaDY wants day" work." Tabor 3407. PRESS.H K1NQ 40 TaIX iT' litV rl Alder ' r having children's and mioses' clothe FURNISHED ROOMS TflE ttFN IAMIV MINOR A "number of newly furnthed sleeping rooms to be had by the dsv weeV or month; $1.oo a dav and up; walk 1nr"d"tnce to heart of city. Broadway 3055. 635 Fver-U st , ror. 20th. ' HOTEITbAKEII, 265 S I'Uth St.. opposite City Hall Strictly modern brick, under nw man agement; dandy furnished rooms, running wa ter, free baths: irmHUnt and transient; fine home for shipbuiMerv. PRINCESS hotel, modern, n reproof, running . water, phones and elevat' r: high quality, low price. East Third and Burnside. l'RNisi"iED f K"nmf o'r"l or 2 men; 2 blocks from boarding house. 204 McMillan; downstairs. ft"Y ANHOTEL' ANNrEX7-2fiirs Firth; new brick; hot. rld water in every room; stesm heat; Opp City Hall. M. 1JS75. S1NO IJ-", or double room. mr Foundation ship yards; reasonable. 443 N 2 1 st st. . FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 70 FOR RENT-- Pleasant furnished rom. near D C carlin: gentleman preferred. 508 E. 4 5th. Tabor 2563. NICE front room suitable for 2 gentlemen, with good home eooked meals: modem with all conveniences. Main 4157. 205 N. 21st st. ROOMS with private family rentlemen pre- ferred: references. Af3 E. Carruthcrs st. WELL furnished large room in private family. Steam heated ; close in. west side. Mar. 1627. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, private family, good car service. 408 Going st. ELF J AN T" rir7s"e"nd focat lonT Ma rshallTuSsT BOOMS AND HOARD It iHK Martha Waahington. 880 10th. fot busi- neas girls snd students. Msrshsll 1251. THE HAZEL, outside- rooms, hot wster. home cooking Special rates 10 couples 885 8 A ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY : WANTED fiiriall child to care for In my own home. Good care, terms reasonable. N 019. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED CLEAN comfdrtabie furnished room suitable for 2 men or couple; near Northwest shipyard. Marshall 814. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 71 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED 1 housekeeping rooms, near ship yard and Portland Lumber Co. 721 1st st. Main 786. FOR RENT HOUSES IS UNFURNISHED ACRE, 3 large room bungalow.. , large chicken coop and barn, lots of fruit and berries: rent $12 per month. Inquire 4 2d and King, Mllwankie. or caU Mtntborne grocery store. William C. Bchmidt Phone 88Y. Milwaukic. FOR RENT Modern 8 room bungalow, fur nished. $30 per month. Call evening on uneven date at 4 4 4 . Kenuworth ave.. Rich- mond car. $165 room modem house for rent at ISO Graham ate', inquire at 620 Borthwick at Woodlawn 2042. ' ; ONE ' 6 room house, modern, at 7 8 Stofield sti 1 block from the Kenton bank. Call Wdln, 812. after 5 p. m. CLASSY 7 room house, A No. 1, sleeping porch, on E. Grant. Tabor 0569. iROoM3 in clubhouse: free wood; A cent carfare; rent $15 month. 801 Stock Exch. 4. 6 OR 6 room flat, 268 H RuasejT st near Williams are. Broadway 687. M UNFURNISHED HELP SHIPBUILD NG NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS , YOUB LISTLVGS. I Ten can serve your country by helping ship builders to locate Liit your vacancies, famished I or unfur airbed kouHi, rooms or apartment? WriU or phone. A. J. England, j Mala 1108, ATTRACTIVE HOME 8 room house, with maid's room, oak finish and hardwood floors downstairs: hot water head ing system, block, improved with lota of shrubbery; close to car, in good location. Will rent to party with" good 1 references. P-815, Journal. i FOR KENT 10 room modern house; can be divided for 2 families, 5 room each, upstairs and downstairs. Mt. Tabor district. Call Sell wood 2533. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE SS SIX room eottage for rent, furniture for sale. 168 17th st.. bet. YamUiU and Morrison. Ft'BNIKHKII HOUSE FURNISHED, rooms for rent. 821 6th. a. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED t APARTMENTS 43 KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room house, 2 and 8 room house keeping apartments, furnished or unfurnished; elevator, hardwood floors, lltli and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS becond and Yamhill Newly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms, $2. BO end pp. 11ISLOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod cm 1, 2 and 8 room apts., $12.50 up: walk ing distance. Call East 882. UAUNL'LIA APTS. East$ 8d and Belmont; modern 1 and 2 room apts., 11.50 per Weak op. ' Sleeping rooms. East 212. 8TANFIELD apts., ".04 Porter St.: shipyards, modern 2 room apts., completely furnished, reasonable. 1'hono Main 7 3 9 2. PENINSULA APT 8 . Woodla wn 18ST Coo erete bldg.. 2, 8, 4 rooms, baths, phone. FOR RENT FLATS 1 & ROOM flat, range and some furniture for sale if you wish. 14 3 11 til and Alder. Call after 12. IRVINGTON 4 room modern flat, hardwood floors, large closet, attic, bath, bedroom, gas stove, water heater. Price $ 4 0. 389 E. 12th N. $T0" 3 room flat. 30B E. lltii. FURNISHED FLATS 88 BEAUTIFUL lower S room flat with piano; room for 4 or 6 adults; new place. 601 Fifth st SHIPYARD district, rent of 4 room furnished flat for inside finishing of same, work own time. 854 H S. First at. STOR ES AND O F FTCF.8 11 TWO large stores Broadway 637. 263. 265. Russell St., $5. SUMMER RESORTS t H. K. Apts, tine water, at Rockaway Beach, Apply at Ocean Crest Apts. WANTED TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodations, we request every patri otic citizen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mail information of same to Columbia R. S. B. Corp. Box 1202, Portland, Or. 2 ADULTS, no children, want 4 or 5 room bungalow or-apartment. Beaumont, Mt., Tabor district, on or before September 1. Tabor 7497. WANTED 4 or S room house or 2 or "8 room apartment; no children. Call Col. 707. WANTED A five or six room house by a re liable, east side. Call East 2263. REAL ESTATE FOit RENT HOUSES TO LEASE 63 ROOMING HOUSE, 15 7 n investment, well located. Rockaway Beach, Or. Mrs. E. Hcrchner. REAL ESTATE FOR SAUK HOUSES 1 $250 DOWN HAWTHORNE BUNG. $2750 B-room modern bungalow, like new, cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, builtin bookcases, paneled D. room with plate rail, buf fet, white enamel Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, white enaanel plumbing fixtures, full lot, fruit and flowers. Price $2750. $250 down, $25 per month. 1 H blocks to car. E. 31st st. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To liny Your Home. Main 106S. w a v e hi . e tuTOT e i7hTs-d1sTrTct $2200 A fins modern B room bunpalow, .full base ment, laundry trays. Initoh kitchen, good electric light fixtures and everything in first class condi tion ; house 3 years old; lot 47x130; fruit trees and a large garden space ; ideal surroundings. $300 cah, balance terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 319 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675 $ 3 500 ROS E CITY BUNG A LOW $ 3SW I room artistic bungalow, full lot on paved street.. 1 block to car, hardwood floors, furnfre, fireplace, sleeping porch, paneled dining mom! Plata rati, built in buffet, and other conven iences, Dutch kitchen. Standard plumbing. Price $3300. terms. We have other bargains in this district. See FRANK L. M Gl IRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Yonr Home. Main 1068. $250 DOWN; ATTRACTIVB BUNGALOW $2250 6 room bungalow, cement basement, laundry trays. 8 bedrooms, white enamel, plumblnir fix tures, flowers, shrubbery and garden, house just like new. Price only $2250. $250 down. Con- elder good lot as part psyment A bargain. B. 4 Hth st See FRANK 1 McGUIRE. ABIN GTON BLDG.. Main 1068. To Buy Tour Home. $ 1 1 0Q Buys a good 6-room House lnrffA lot close to car; $150 cash, ballance like rent 81450 takes a nice 5 room i house. moHerr- 2 lots. 100x100: fruit trees, clcke to car; $250 casn, oaiance line rent. i If these don't suit you we have others. NEW YORK LAND i CO.. 3 SI E. Morrisoni $2050 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $2650 A 5-rm. modern bungalow, ion full corner lot. good basement, laundry ! trays, modern plumbing. bul!tin conveniences, ifireplace, Dutch kitchen. eTect. and gas., ne. cifr. E. 83d and Davis. Price $2 050, terms; clpae to car and school. See I FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Yourjtome. Main 1068. $2500 MOUNT TABOR 1IWME $2500 6 room double constructed home on full lot, good basement. Weal view. - modern plumbing' electricity, gas. on paved street. Price $2500 terms. See FRANK L. M G1TRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. : Main 10SS $2100 ATTRACTIVE- HOME $2 100 " 6 room home, cement basement, standard plumbing. electricity snd gas, Builtin con veniences, on corner lot. 2 blocks to car on r.4th sve. E. Price $2100. terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Ilome. I Main 1068 VACANT ONE BLOCK TO CAR VACANT $3000 Bautiful 6 room bungalow, just being painted and tinted throughout, fire place, buffet hardwood floors, fuU ce ment basement, wash travs. hard sur face in and all, paid but $118 J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark st. Main 633. . WEST SIDE INVESTMENT" 6 room house, ground lOOxloo. near fac tory and shipyards. Price $2."i00; easy terms, C. A. Warrinerj RITTER. I.OWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board Df Trade bide. ALBERTA HIA'r.iMw' $2300 5 rooms, bath, in fine condition hi block to car. Beautiful roses, garden. Full lot with alley. Only $200 down J. A. WICKMAN CO., 814 Stsl Main 683 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3000 Attractive 6-room bungajow. hwd. floors. aU built-in fixtures: this is a nice one. Terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDO 8 ROOM house, Montavilla! 3 blocks from car good buy at $2500. $250 cash and terms' 801 Stock Exchange ' lerms. ."OtSOMS, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, near "5 caiuim, gouu location, reasonable Dries Wdln. 2050. pncr TWO small bouse on H-acre. near Vnn. car; fruit and berries, $1550; smaU nav ment, easy terms. Tabor 9569. $850 $600 caah. baL 6 per centT nice 4 1210 N. W. Bnk. bldg. FOR SALE 7 room house, modern Alberta district, 1 block off Alberta icarline.' 4 bloc-it from Union ave.; $2500. Selivood 732. A SNAP-r $1300 buys 5 room (cottage on paved ... u.gcf, airs 1. Io00. MODERN 8 room house, 844 bilmont"-$'f '.0 1 t , m,, , 1 -. r. 7uun. .j w.itq, gni nail 151. FOR SALE A 6 room frnCKed modern bun galow, on eat. terms. Phone Tabor 4897. 5 ROOM bungalow, near Holy iRedeemer school" Phone Wdln. 1046. FOR SALE 4 room house win bath. Shone Woodlawn 5004. HEAL ESTATE rOK MALI- K 1 $2000 4 rooms, full basement, completely furnished, also a piano, fine garden; street . pared ; sidewalk assessment all paid; fruit trees, grapes and ber ries, an Ideal home. Only' 16 minute out. 1300 cut; terms la suit. $2000 B rooms, furnished complete; gas and coal ranges; 1 block to car; Brooklyn district; 15 minutes to heart of city. 30(J cash, balance to suit. , 1 ROOMS 8-9 145 BROADWAY PHONE MAIN 4184 ROSE CITY PARK home, 0 rooms, two halls and bath on first floor, fireplace, built in bookcases and buffet, hardwood floors, large kitchen, linoleum floored attic, full cemeut basement, laundry tubs, gaa and electric fix tures, lawn, roses, vines, garden, fruit; 0 Ox 100 lot; paved street and sewer connected; bouse built for stability and convenience, occupied by. owner who will leave city soon; immediate possession; deal direct and make commission yourself. Tabor 791, 649 E. 65th N. H ACRE 5 ROOM HOUSE Good 5 room house, electric lights, cicely tinted and papered, H- acre of fine ground; 17 bearing fruit trees, 4 walnut trees, lots of small fruits, roses and flowefs; chicken house and run, all fenced with woven wire netting; on 50th ave. S. E., near B2d st- price a snap, 82500; 500 cash and 115 per month, 6r. Xo mortgagee or city liens to assume. GRUSSI St. DOWNEY, 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452 285 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW 82650 6 room bungalow, full lot hiLSfmpnt fireplace, sleeping porch, paneled dining room, built in bookcases, Dutch kitchen and sleeping porch, fruit, flowers, grapes and berries, located in Terrace Park, close to school and cars. Price 82050. terms. See FRANK L. McOUIRE, Abinfton Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. SPECIAL COMPLETELY FURNISHED Artistic bungalow, 5 rooms and den, beautiful grounds, flowers, shade trees. 50x150 lot and fruit trees, all furniture included; price $3100; $500 cash, balance easy. This is one of the most beautiful homes in Portland, located within block of Columbia park. See Mr. Comte, 727 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4522. lOK 8ALE One of the finest and best lo cated residences, in St. Johns. House is mod ern and contains 9 rooms and bath; lot is lOOx 100 ft. on corner, witn streets improved; an abundance of flowers, berries and some fruit. A- large quantity of furniture goes with the home. The price for a short time is $4000, part cash. .Tofftih Kirvh. 538 8. Ivanlioa. $2200 PENINSULA BUNGALOW 100x100 6-roonii new, modern. douDle constructed bungalow, 100x100 lot. white enamel plumb ing fixtures, built-in conveniences, on Interstate St., close to school and car. only built 2 years, a great sacrifice. Price only $2200, on terms. The lot should be worth price asked. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABUVGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. ..-r . ROSE CITY PARK $8250 S room modem bungalow, attic, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full ctiment basement, wash trays, furnace. 1 block to car, $500 dash, $25 monthly, including interest. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark st. Main 5S3. CLOSE IN WEST SIDE B room house, hard surface streets in and paid, clear of incumbrances, 11th street, near College. Price $1'000; terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. W'arriner, i-a Kin EK. IAWE & CO.. -'UJ-.1-I Jtoard oTrade bldg. WEST SIDE COTTAGE, $ 100 CASH Good 4 room plastered cottage,, electric, bath, 2 bedrooms, lot 46x116, on Macadam near Ban croft ave. Price $1200; $100 cash, balance 6 per cent A real snap. GRUSSI & DOWNEY, 316 Beard of Trade. Main 7452 NEW BUNGALOW7; TERMS ST. JOHN'S CARLINE Will sell on straight contract, no mortgage. 2 bedrooms, all rooms on one floor, nice loca tion. J L. HARTMAN COMPANY, owners. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Sfark sts. Main 20S, A-2050. NEAT HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. rim cement basement, hard surface streets, 1 block from car. Price $2900; term. C. A. W'arriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $2350 Beautiful 5 room home, furnace, large bedrooms, 2 closets in each, full ce ment basement, street improvements in and paid. Small lot but a big buy. Near Jefferson high and convenienet to Mississippi, Williams avenue cars. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark st Main 883. ROSE CITY PARK CAR Modern 7-room house except furnished base ment, corner lot, fine lawn, 1H blocks to car; $1000 cash, balance to suit; price $2600; also 2-room house, fine Dutch kitchen, small base ment, easiest terms. See Mr. Jinks, 68th and Sandy bivd. or call C-1553. STOP1 L06kLfsiENT7 rooms and sleeping" porch, fireplace, beamed ceilings, built-in china closet. Dutch kitchen, 50x100, house in first class condition: price $2500, $250 cash, $25 monthly, 1 hlock to car. FRED W. GER MAN CO.. 732 C. C. bldg. f $3000 6 room house with all the latest conveniences built in. Situated about 8 blocks west of Jef ferson high school. See ' owner. Room 200 Alisky bldg. BARGAINS New home, kitchen, dining, lame living, two bed roonn, three sleeping porches; nice lot; near fine fchool. Number of cheap homes. Irving'ton. Ea't 273, W. H. Herdman. MT. TABOR 4 room house, lot 50x133. fruit trees, berries, beautiful view, $2200 on terms. Mt. Tabor -car to 6Sth. walk 2 blocks north. 1 wft K3 E fi7th st. Nelson. 15 MIN. FROM WASHINGTON ST' 5-roora bungalow, price $2200: cood term-; nice buy GEl T. MOORE CO - ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE Home in tin Vernon district: irond e.nough for any banker or business man; worth $4500; will take $3500. I hvner J T Ai-. Alex- anaer, ut iianiner of Commerce. FOR SALE Newly completed 5 room bunga low on Willamette boulevard, modern throughout, earage. C. C. Reisner. 1417, VU lard ave. " MODERNIZE your building; all kinds of repairs. See my designs for new houses. Max M Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373 Formerly Supt Oregon Home Builders. $3500, $1100 cash. $25mo7rp"iano and "conT- pletely furnished 5 rqom modern bungalow H blk. Woodlawn car. Gary, 1219 N. W. bk' bldg. ' ' ' IF YOU wsnt good home, not a cheap one phone owner, East 1515. Modern, 6 rooms with sleeping porch, corner, walking distance reasonable terms. ' FOR SALE Owner, 5 room bungalow, cobble fireplace, built in bookcases, etc.; uarage large light rooms: $21ou. 1137 . j-tli st' N. Phone Woodlawn - 35 1 9. SIX room modern bungalow. 50x100 lot. 10 mi car ride from three of the biggest shipyards on Fulton car. Cheap. $500 caah will handle. 157 Idaho st FOR SALIS By owner. 50x130 lot. modern 7 room house with sleeping porch, furnace wash trays, bearing fruit trees, paved streets' garage. 87 E. 27th N., East 7626 $2650 $250. $25 month hllnffslmw K uonu. x room anu sleeping porch upstairs, lot 40x117. Is vacant We have auto to show Johnson-Pod son Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $2100 Kenton district, 4 room houe nicely furnished. Lot 60x100, fruit, berries etc JohnsuT)odsonCo., 634N. W. Bank hidg ONE good 5 Toon! house. loOsoTlOoTft , fruit trees. All to good shape. By owner. Phone Selhvood 2126. $1 300 BARGAIN? Full lot, some fruit trees' 6 rooms; $30 Tash. $20 a month. XJibson. 266 Stark st Phone Marshall 12. 6 ROOM bungalow, shrubbery. fine 4 lots, garden. trees. view : Hawthorne line. $3750; terms. Owner, X-766, Journal. 8-ROOM house, price $1850: lot 100x106. This is a bargain ; easy terms. GEO. T. "MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. $695 COMFORTABLE, roomy, plastered house. 3 rooms, toilet, sink; gas, electricity, good lo cation Terms. 84 Oak st. Marshall 756. $1500 Sacrifice 6 room plastered house, $400 cash, $20 a month and interest Gibson "66 Stark. Phone Marshall 1 2. 5 ROOMlnodrrhou6e, with 40x125 lot fruit trees, 2 blocks from Montavilla car; $'2'00 30 East 78th st N. Tabor 1830. " " 4 -ACRE. smaU house. $1400; 6 per cent No gravel, no city assessments. Alberta car Ken nedy school. Gary. 1219 N. W. bank bldg FOR SALE, by owner, 5 room cottage; block from carline: bargain, at $1400. Inquire 5630 44th st. S. K. Phone Sellwood 1835. IRVINGTON Owner, forced to sell high class bungalow; cost $6500; price $3500. East 8015. MUST SELL MY HOME A real, double constructed modern home $2600 takes it Owner, phone Sellwood 33' FOR SALE? 8 room modern house, beautiful district; iron furnace; ground 85x144. Ti bor 862. - FOR SALE by owner, a room bungalow, 50x 100 corner lot $2700. $1000 cash, balance S20, month. Call Tabor 9021. ' LET me show you my reasonably priced Zb solutely modern bungalow in Rose City Park ley payments. Wdln. 5447. FOR SALE; House and lot More lots if want ed. At 8517 63d st. 8. E. Tabor C315. SMALL home, easy payment. Barrage st Wdln, 8544. Owner, 1239 CITY and country property, sell -and rent. BENEDICT. 267 H Oak. Main 1743. FOR SALE. 100x100. 0 room modern h ousel , -. . tt : i. 1 . ..... - fruit trees. 614 Highland st Wdln. eaT f. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $1 $750 81 B0 cash, 4 room cottage, 6 blocks from Tremont station, Mt. Scott car; street graded and sidewalk; all assessment! paid. Any terms you want. $80P 8100.00 cash, 4 rooms, 8 blocks from ear. Firland station, Mt. Scott ear. Terms to suit. A dandy , buy. ROOMS 8-0 145y2 BROADWAY, PHONE MAIS 4184 SOME BARGAINS ; S23 00 -Hawthorne, 6 room house and garage; full lot. paved streets. i $3500- Hawthorne, 6 room" bungalow, close in, full lot. fruit and berries, paved street. $3230 Roe City Park. 6 room strictly mod ern bungalow; very attractive; close to car; full lot. paved street; quick action desired. A- K. Hill. 419 Henry bldg. Phone Main 1802. $1600 HOME $200 DOWN, $10 PER 6 room home on full lot, good basement, bath, toilet, electric lights and gas, cement walk and graded street, fruit and berries, close to car and school, good 'neighborhood; price $1600, $200 down, $10 per month. No street liens or mort gage. On 4 2d ave. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. ToBuyYour Home. Slain 1068 IL4WTH0RNE Good 6-room house, with 2 lots. $2250. Terms. Tabor 9569. REAL FIXATE FOR SALE LOTS It CLEAR lot, 42x125, In Fern Park; cultivated; rati (373; aick, need money; make offer. T. G.. 1228 Ivon st FOR SALE -Lot 60x100 on E. Tioga st, in St Johns; $400, $50 cash, $10 month. In quire 515 N. Syracuse. ACREAGE 67 19 ACRES Fine garden, onion and beaver dam, fine spring and -creek ; small water power; new house, 2 barns; near car and boat Terms, must be sold. Owner, 390 Vsncouvet ave., Portland. " PRICE $700, only $300 cash, balance $10 month; 1 acre, house furnished, bam, 1 block from car, 20 minutes' ride from shipyards. 12c commuters' fare. Take S. P. electric to Jean station. Ask for Bennett. FOR RENT 27 acres, well improved, on 2 electric railroads, close to school. Call 183 1st jrt. ACREAGE Acre, well improved, small bunga low, at your terms. Phone Oak Grove 20R. SUBURBAN HOMES 7t $1050 Oregon City car 3 room. acre, na tive trees; 3 blocks' to Evergreen station, $400 cash, balance terms. Gibson, 266 Stark st Phone Marshall 12. $1500 $100 cash, $15 per month; 4 room plastered house, acre ground, H cleared, well; H mile to Estacada car. Gibson. 266 Stark st. Phone Marshall 12. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7 4 ACRES, convenient to Oregon City car, $350 per acre. Phone Oak Grove 31M. - FOR SALEFARMS 17 SALE OR RENT On account of sickness will sell or rent 20 acres of best land in Clarke County, Wash. 10 acres cleared; good plas tered house, good cement basement, good water, young orchard, about 10 tons hay in barn, some stock and machinery. Price $4500." W-6,33. Journal. FOR SALE 80 acres, stock, machinery, every thing goes at bargain. On good road, 5 miles from Molalla, good 7 room house, large new barn and garage. A. 11. Newman, Molalla, Or. R. 1. FOR SALE 8 acres, mostly clear, half acre pasture, apples, pears and cherries, some ber ries, house, bam, excellent well, situated on main traveled road 5 miles from the city. Ap ply by letter for price and terms. N-944, Journal. FO R ' SALE or traded 160 acres bench land. lwis county, Washington. Stats particulars in letter. James Cunningham, 1S7 East Win- chell st 80 ACRES in Washington county. 16 cleared. buildings, orchard; sell reasonable, or might trade for California property. Albert Harala, 801 Minnesota ave. ACCOUNT sickness, very fine 100 acre farm, fine buddings, etc.. 18 miles north of Eugene. Or. Consider some trade. Chas. S. Cochran. 1408 Columbia st, Vancouver, Wash. 2 ACRE farm, buildings and running water. Wolfstein. 114 1st St. 80 ACRE fsrm.. 18 acres clear, 24 miles out 143 E. 2d st N. East 2961. FOR RENT FARMS" 14 160 ACRES, 130 tillable, 14 mile, to school. church, store. 4 miles to railroad; lease 3 years. $400 year, $1100 for equipment now on ranch. C. M. Davis. R. 2. Estacada. SUBURBAN HOMES SUBURB A? HOME. B acres, all in cultivation, fenced and cross fenced, family orchard in full bearing; 4 room house, good barn, necessary outbuildings; all rural advantages across road from school; in thickly settled and prosperous community: only five milea from Inter.-tate bridge on good auto road ; price $1850, $500 cash, balance to suit THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON 3d and Main sts., Vanc6uvcr. Wssh. HOMESTEADS 47 O. C. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate you on a (rood claim A former government cruiser, 301 Worcester bldg , adjoining land office. W. 11. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS Locate votj on th best homesteads In the state for $100; no charge unless entry secured. We classify and know hese homestesds. ANDERSON & ANDERSON. No. 3 Land Office building. Worcester block. Third and Oak treeta. O. A C. HOMESTEADS Yon can fle direct We can shew you the best claims. Full information. BUNDY St. M HARDY 411 Henry Ruilding FOR SALE or trade, 160 acre homesteial re Unqnishment, Multnomah Falls, near high way. Pay cash difference if any. Address J. M. Doty, 501 Vancouver ave., Portland. TIMBER 8 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Washr ington. D. C. July 12. 1918. Notice is here by given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1916 (89 8 tat., 218), and the instructions of the secre tary of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold September 8, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Roseburg, Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not spproved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which nroat be removed within 10 years. Bids wUl be received from citizens of the United State, associations of such citizens and corporations organHed under the laws of the United States- or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered sepsrately be fore being Included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 S.. R. I .E., Sec 29; N. W. N. E. 14. yellow fir 1300 M., hemlock 60 M ; N K. l4 N. W. i . yellow fir 2210 M . hem lock 370 M.. eelar 15 M. : N. W. 14 N. W. 14, yellow fir 2300 M., hemlock 140 M.; none of the yellow fir, hemlock or cedar to be sold for leas than $1.60 per M. T. 82 S.. R. 6 W., Sec. IS: N. E. li N. W. 14, red fir 600 M. ; N. W. 14 N. W. 14. red fir 850 M. ; 8. W. 14 N. W. 14, red fir 450 M. : S. E. 14. N. W. , red fir 350 M. ; S. W. 14 N, W. 14. red fir. 450 M.J 8. E. 14 N. W. 14. -ed fir, 660 M. ; none of the red fir to be sola for lees than $1 per M. Clay Tallman. commissioner, general land office. s EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t 320 ACRES good tillable land in Idaho; will trade for Portland property or land in Ore gon; value $25 per acre. What have you for trade? P. O. Box 91 Gooding. Idaho. LIST your property with us for result on charges of merit Established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co., 10 VI 07 Fark at, be tween Washington and SAark sts. FINE Medford home", good locality, 4 lots, fl room house, barn, garden. Exchange for acreage or farm within 40 miles of Portland. JX-869. Journal. : t 10 ACRES near Beaverton for trade or sale, aU in cultivation, orchard nd good buildings, 801 Stock Exchange. FIVE room house and 2 lota (unincumbered) for 2 or more acres, close in. 0-714, Jour nal $280 CLEAR tet as first payment on house; will assume taxes, mortgage and interest 381 E. Morrison st. I HAVE a farm ofSu acres in Linn county, near Brownsville, that I want to exchange for fortland property. Phone Wdln. 4079. LOT ill Westmoreland and 2 at Rockaway Beach for acreage or auto. Peck, 515 Clay Msr. 4324. 5-ACRES, with 7-room house and good out - buildings, sell or trade;- 14 value.: 301 Stock Exchange. " WANTED To exchange lot in Rose City"-Park for one in Bt Jonns; call evenings, Colum- bia 967 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SI NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acre age, baa merit and ia fog exchange or sale. caU or write full particulars; no inflated values con sidered; have first elaaaV list to select from. George P. Henry, 829 Henry, bids. Refer ences. Portland Realty Board. BLACKSMITH Would trade equity in good ahop and home, oil station, auto accessories, doing good business, for what have your Too old for the work. W. F. MAOILL, Wamic. Or. CITY property for farm; C. S. property for New Zealand property. 700 sores wheat land for timber. $200 rooming bouse for city property. $3000. Chicago property for Oregon property. Swank. 617 Henry bldg. FIVE room modern bungalow and 1 acre of good land in high state of cultivation, 2 mllea from Eugene, Or , on macadamized road. $1400, or will trade for Portland property. 1006 N. Ivanhoe st. CITY property for farm; U. S. property for New Zealand property. 700 acres wheat land for timber. $2000 rooming house for city property. $8000 Chicago property for Oregon property. Swank, B17 Henry bldg. HAVE Leurelhurst lot 60x100. ell clear, trade for house . or acreage. 801 Stock Exchange. WANTED REAL ESTATE It OWNERS, ATTENTION! We have over 200 buyers waiting for us to get them something suitable and reasonable in price. We can sell any number of fi and 8 room houses from $1500 to $2 500. Get in touch with us if you want to sell. We do not ask for exclusive sale contracts. All we ask is a chance to sell, aud we get results. ROOMS 8 AND 9. 14512 BROADWAY. WANTED LIST YOUR ROSE CITY PARK- HOME WlfH US We have cash buyers. J. L. IURTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4Ch and Stark 3ts. Main 208 A-2050 ! HAVE you a bungalow or house to sell? ..w ui uujcii vtaiLUiK. IjISU jours ; " " u 4un r. rauiLS. e nave KUIUI 10 show property. Have handled Portland nron- i erty many years. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. I W. Bank bldg. Main 87 87. PARTY here in town to buy 5 room modern bungalow up to $3500. Have all cash. If you wish to sell your house, answer at once. O. GUSTAFSON. 007 Yeon. Bldg. Main 2418 SHACKS AND SMAl-i. HOMES WANiED Must be N. F.. and priced right We have numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cliam. of Com. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale, $800 to $3000. list wit the REALTY & MORTGAGE CO.. for quick results; old estab lished firm. Phone Main 2051, 033 Ch. of Com. WANTED AT ONCE A modern reaidence no in SI 0 000 AT.I, CASH. Located either Irvincton, Mount Tabor or Laureliiurst Mo others. O. GUSTAFSON. 607 Yeon Bldg Main 2418 WANTED 2 nice homes, $15u0 and $2500. all cash. Customers waiting. Alberta pre ferred. .Bargains only. Cary, 1219 N. W. bk. bldg ' Phohe Main 1643. I AM a stranger in the city, want to buy a 5 or 6 room strictly modem bungalow. Have all cash. Don't delay answering as I am anx ious to get located. J-870, Journal. W'ANTEDA"lot or" 2 with- trees! full-particulars, best price, for cash; not in restricted district K-794. Journal. WANT 4 room house and 176x100 ground. Will pay cash to $1000 and trade 2 lota, clear. Johnson-Dodson Cu., 634 N. W. Bank bid. WANTED 4 to 6 room hou&e, on easy pay- ments. E. 3S1 Morrison St., or phone E. 5317 IF you want your house sold, fist it with GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLIHi. WILL eichange piano for house. Both assume equity. Lewis, Marshall 33S9, evenings. k'tm iu..M. ... .-5 Estate Exchange. . ,ir properly with the Ileal 201 3d st.. Portland. ROOMING HOUSES 6S $400, 10 ROOMS, nicely furnished, central loca tion. clears $55 month, cheap rent No agents. L-946, Journal. 8MALL boarding hp use. fine business, good lo cation, $75 per mo., clear. Bdw. 2699. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 THE IDAHO GROCERY. LOCATED IN THE CONGRESS HOTEL BUILDING, 6TH AND MAIN 8TS., FOR THE TAST SEVEN YEARS AND DOING A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS IS NOW FOR BALE OWING, TO ILLNESS OF PROPRIETOR. SEE OWNER AT ONCE. 232 6TH ST. FOR RENT Whitwood Court hotel confection ery, soft drinks and pool room: also well es- tablished oil station: 20 bedrooms upstairs. 7 jurnisueu; 1 me a;oc 01 looacco anu couiec- tionery which can be bought by renter if de- 1 sired; will lease from 3 to 5 years; located at one of the best corners in I'ortland; serosa river from Grant Smith shipyards. Free (er- ' rics night and day. Columbia f33. 1 WE need $3000 to carry out oi:r pluns for our " ..,ai udj., .o.ei e.o-iro ejuio- ment and crop as security; this is a safe in ve.uuent with exceptional returns, at the. same tima helps you win the war. For particulars write to V 859. Journal. FOR SALE One of the best equipped and lo cated suburban motion picture house in the city; exceptional opportunity: will consider Port land property as part payment or will give rea- sonable terms; obliged to seU account pressure j of other interests. O 713. Journal. j rt'lt SAIh Jiiliinery stock and futures in a department store; established trade of 11 years; just the piace for a live milliner, in the heart of the factory district; mus' sell on ac count of other business. T-763, Journal. ONE of the best established clothes cleaning establishments in the city for saie cheap. Do ing a good business and weU located. I. O Box 204 . BLACKSMITH'S machine shop with modern machinery, doing a fine business, in ri change for Portland residence or will sell for cash or terms Sell. 3o39. 500 E. 27th st. GROCERY store doing $7o "day? InvoIcef taken now. All cash, no delivering. J. A. Bassett. r.3 Union ave. N. WANTED Barber shop to rent or buy in or near I'ortland. State price and terms. M S21. Journal. PRINTING, well established, doing good busi ness; good! location i lease $15 mouth; $450 for quick sale. L-945, Journal. don't wohmi 1 can sell or trade anything anywhere. Ley man. H.1 4 Broadway. FOR $T"500 property drawing from $75 to $125 monthly. Write P. O. box 635 St. Helens, Or. CASH grocery doing good business, suitable for man and wife; cheap rent. For par ticulars call Sellwood 6261 ; no trade. FOR SALE, cheap, small A No. 1 restaurant opposite new postoffice. Inquire at 106 N. Broadway. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and Everything Gilson. 451 f'hamher of Commerce. Partner in hog business. Inquire Y'aml.ill St., room 7. Morris At WANT EL 230 Vj M O NEY TO L O A N REAL ESTATE 2 7 OL'R installment plan is the best aid surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 tor 9J months, pays $1000 loan and Interest Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or foi building purposja. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAYINGd Sc. LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Starkest. Portland. Or. $300. $400. $500? $760? $1000 and up! I l" Liberal prepayment lowest interest rates. privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 631 Chamber of omraerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progress v W. G Beck. 215 and 216. Failing bldg.. Main 3407 . $250. $350. $400. $500. $650. $75", SluoO and larger amounts at current" rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 721 Cham. Com SO0 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mun fjage; no commission. P. O. Box 878. $l00 TO $1500; consider lots. E. H Dowllng, 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2432. MORTGAGE loans, 0 and 7 5.. St, Co., 408 Selling bldg. i-ouu Salomon CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. H. Lewis, room 4. Lewis bldg. Mala 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES - 7 If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS' Loans made to persons on salary or fixed In come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property, legal rates. Busi ness confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOlN COMPANY. Licensed. 806-307 Dekont bide I'ORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr., 394 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS,' SALARIES 87 Salary LOANS Chattel Wl LOAN MONEY On abort notice te salaried or woiklugmea en their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or smoothly .payments, i'aoh transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND IXVESTIGATB COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 318 railing bldg. LOANS WANTED SO WANTED LOAN OF $16,000 For 8 or 5 years, by client who has first class west side property as surety, 6 interest HOUCK 110 10th 8tret HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 1$ TWO line burreys, good one horse milk wagon. nearly neiv hand made bakery wagon, high rrtdi steel tired top buggy, all kinds of wagons, buggies, hones and harness cheap or exchange. Also fine 900 lb. mule. Will exchange for good horse. 302 Front st 6.NK sorrel work horse, wt 1250. $38. 1 sorrel work mare, wt 1200; aingla or double, $46. Take Mount Scott car 82d st Barn in rear of barber shop, FOR SALE -A camp wagon, a ralr of matched mares. Weight 2200, and harness, all in good shape. $90. 1 bay mare pony, gentle, $20. Take Mt Scott car to 85th st, go north to 5825. TWO good surries, buggies, farm wagons, spring wagons, harness, all kinds of horses, 8-year old. 900-lb. mule, fine spotted Shetland pony, cheap or exchange. Can use milk goats or cows. 302 Froht at BAY HORSE, easy kept, perfect form, heavy set, sound, sane and safe ; 2 wagons, single and double, buggy: ' mile E. Courtney station. Oregon City car. Milwaukie, P. O. R. 1. To right : parij auiau pnee. BAY mare. 5 rs. old. about 1100, and 6- : year-old brown, 1100. haul lh tone any place, with good gardener wagon, $200. Phil Suetter, 880 Front cor. Montgomery. i FOR SALE cheap, replacing with automobile. I 1 ft hniv& mil mares weiehine between 1200 j and 1300 pounds, one horse, buggy and hax-1 rjeSS. :20 Ruasel st , . , , , t, , , " a , , . - ; .1. . EOR SALE Sorrel mare, 7 years old. weight 1O0O. auiet to ride or drive anywhere, $o0. 2 bay horses, weight 1100, $50 each. Phone Oak Grove 3J. . A DANDY team or iarm horses, weight 2800 lbs. for sale cheap or trade for com. Wood- tock car to Powell at. MUST sell 1 ranch team, mare and horse, dou ble harness and 84 farm wagon, $125 for the outfit. 3S0 Front ft. Trial allowed. FARM wagons. 3 in. and 3 in. ; L 2 double harness. 380 Front, cor. Montgomery. Phil Suetter. 5 SPANS bett mules in state, from 5 to 8 yrs. old. gentle, broke, guaranteed in every respect. 3S0 Front St., cor. Montgomery. Phil Suetter. STEEL tire buggie, in first class shape, heavy spring wagon aud farm wagon for sale, cheap. j 619 V- John st.. St Johns. Plione CeL 711. DEAD horses ana animals named away free. Call Woodlaovn 20. i'ortland Rendering Co. DEAD horses taken quick, deed cows. Tabor 4 203 We pay more for HORSE8 and wagons for rent by the day, single or dmble. 64 6 Front. Main 2208. TEN heavy furniture wagons cheap. 226 sell st Rus- FOR SALE Front st. -1 new buggy, half price. 380 2400 LB. team with good harness. $95. Phone Marshall 4055. BAY MARE, wagon and harness, Meade at. ; South Portland car. $35. 231 FINK 2100 lb. 8-year-old team cheap or ex change for good big horse. 302 Front st. FINE blsck and white Shetland and new har ness cheap or will exchange. 802 Front st MODERN stable, holds 12 horses and 10 wagons. 2ti3 Rusaell st. Bdwy. 037. LIVESTOCK St AUCTION SALE At the Ferrin nlace 14 mile nest of Fern Prairie schoolhouse, 5 miles north and east of Camas, 15 miles east of Van couTer, Friday. Aug. 9. 10:30 a. m 10- head extra fine icrade Holstein heifers, all 3 years old; 5-year-old cow. 2 Jersey cows. 5 veal caives. 1 registered O. I. C. Proog sow, spani1917 Mitchell. 6-paas,. 6-cyL 8 vear-old mules. VR00 lhs. : driving horse. 5 doa. chickens, harness, wagons and fine lot of farm machinery, tools, etc.; 12 tons loose hay. A. J. Selph. owner. CoL W. S. Wood, auction eer. Vancouver, Wash. AUCTION SALE lloliy Grove Dairy. 1111 60th ave. S. E., Woodstock, Portland. Wed., Aus. 7. at 1:30 p. m. 17 milch cows, mixed breed. Holstein, Jersey! Durham ; 2 amall horses, wacous, dairy implements. Paulsen at Sende, ownerv Col. W. S. Wood, auctioneer. THREE extra good cows, al-o a good team o? work horses, weight 2800 lbs., guaranteed to work in any way, tor sale at any reasonable offer. Call at 896 Powell Valley road. Wood- stack car. fetHEAD of sWfcin, $15 a Or Main 9426. heavy yearling rams, Cotswold head. A. It Rogers, Hillsdale, 8 I-ARGE fresh Jersey, Holstein and Durham dairy cows; also gentle family cow, $35. 751 j Ash st BEEF w for Ale or trade for good neavy milker. 1136 Lambert ave mnreland cor. 3 7 th. East- .... m . , I.,, , T months old. Jersey bull, eligible to register. Reasonable 1055 Sith st. Gorrell. FIVE gal. Jersey?" second calf. 160 Randall. . 27 Sandy road. A GOOD Jersey cow for sale cheap. K. Greene, Failing Jt.. Park Rose. NO! "l"famtly"cow, "rich milker. 142 E. 81st N., Montavilla car Tabor 76 78 EIGHT pigs. 6 wks. old, $5 each. Oswego. Main 9583. WANT not less than 3- qt. milk goat. ToggerT berg preferred. 1455 Montana ve . Wtl. 3346. THREE fresh cows, reasonable 1594 Invi-n n st. e POULTRY, PIGEONS, FET STOCK 57 100 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn laying pullets. Barred Rock, Rhode I. Reds, $1.20 to$1.6.V 145 E. 81st st N. Montavilla car. DOE and her young for sale cheap; also R. I. R. hen and 12 fryers. East 8 33L WANTED White I-eglorn pullets, any num ber Ktate age and price Z-61I01, Journal. FOR RALE cheap, turkey heu, gobbler and 8 young, 3 months old. " Main 93o6. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 58 I'ETER PAN BABBITRY has pedigreed snd big- New Zealand ntilitv does for sale. ' 536 E. Blst st N. Tabor 7773. FOR SALE: Kice has the big boys. 6141 Woodstock ave. 'Flemish,' WANT St Andressberg roller canary for train er. Broadway 4 536. Boston terrier in wheip. $50. 141 11th and Alder. WISH to find a good home for a Persian cat Main 6721. PEDIGREED English bull dog" for sale. Phone Sellwood 1323. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 4! FORD touring, just overhauled.... $ 300 ! 5 5o 1 775 j 1 100 ! 900 J 900 450 ! Model i9 Overland. 3 new tires Light six Mitchell, thoroughly overtiauled 7 pass. Paige, first clasa 5 pass. Paige, new tires 6-40 Hudson, just overhauled Ford tounng, first class I.ate model Hudson Super Six, bargain. "48" I'ierce-Arrow, cord tires Cole "8,' in fine condition Buick light "4," like new 1 100 1050 K50 Open evenings and Sundays. Terms given. THE A ME AUTO CO Plone Broadway 2796. 631 Alder st .Fine Dodge Buy Late model Dodge touring. 4 cord tires, new spare, tire; car in Al condition, will be sold i at a sacrifice. FLETCHER Sc JAMES. 33 N. Broadway. NEW CHEVROLET CARS A used car is the most expensive car to buy and you do not get a guarantee. Call Mr. P. C. Rkiehart. East 92 or 8174, for information and demonstration. BIG STOCK Used Cars KICEM RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR OO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all make of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change. 129 Lownsdal at 16th and Waabing ton. Broadway 2668. MOTORS. Gearing. Bearings. Wbeels. Axles and Trailer W wreck all makes of cars snd seU their good parts at half pnee. David Hod as . j.. Broadway and Flanders st Broadway 196. LOOK A classy, roomy bug in the finest of running condition and good tiroa. Will dem onstrate. Apply Crown Livery Stables, 284 First if lfUDSON Super Six, 1917 model; ran very lit tle out of city; fine condition; cheap. Call Tabor 2778. 5" PASSENCER Buick, 1909 model; body re modeled; good coudition; new top; $400. Call Tabor 2778. "DON'T BURN GASOLINE" Fords go 100 miles for 50c; agents wanted. Garifier Sales Co.. 28 N. Broadway. FOR SALE 5 paae. Studebaker in good run tunc order. 160 Randall st, 27 Sandy road. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 HERE IS OUR TODAY'S LIST OF USED CAR BARGAINS- OF COURSE. THESE ARE CONTINUALLY CHANGING. AS WE ARE DAILY GETTING) IN NEW BARGAINS. AND WE ASK THAT YOD CALL AT OUR SALESROOM AND INSPECT THE CARS THAT WE MAY HAVE BEFORE PURCHAS ING ELSEWHERE. BROADWAY 2493 Cole 8. 4 peas. "Chummy." almost new. ..$ld0 Hudson Six. 6 pass., just repainted. $1100 Hudson Six. same as above, slightly newer..$1150 Hupmobile, fi pass., first class shape, newly painted $1100 Studebaker. good buy .....$ 876 Maxwell, 5 pass. I 650 Studebaker ...$ 4B0 Ford, Chassis .$ 28S Stmldaed-Dayton delivery truck $ 850 roru. 19 600 laifrey, with new 3 ton truck attachment. 11 00 Saxon 18 $ 978 Studebaker A $ 860 Ford. 5 passenger $ 850 Briscoe, fi pass., almost new $ 980 Ford delivery car $ 350 Cole 30. Ideal for bug 8 800 Maxwell, 6 pass. $ 67S Hud-on Super Six. aedan. perfect shape. .. $1800 Chevrolet. 6-paas : 800 Ford Roadster. Just overhauled. ....:..$ 400 Studebaker Six $ 650 Carter Car, suitable rebuild ' bug or de livery $ 183 Chevrolet, 6-paas. $ 600 Chevrolet. 4l0 five pass $ 550 Jackson. 5 pass., good shape $ 750 Overland, 6 pass., now being repainted-.. $ 600 W. H. WALLINGFORD Distributors Premier Six Briscoe Four Liberty Six jjood Ln,b Trmcter Perrett Farm Tractor 622 Alder st at 16th. USED CAR BARGAINS ! Low priced Easy terms. 1917 Country Club Overland: fine shape. 1018 Country Club Overland: like new. 1917 Page. 6 pass., run 2000 miles. 1918 Chevrolet touring, almost new. 1910 Hupmobile 6 paas , very powerful. 1016 Oakland, 5 pass.. 6 cyl., snap. 1916 Mitchell, 6 pass.. 6 cyl.. dandy buy. 1918 Oldsmobile. 8 cyl., as good as new. Model 83 Overland, 6 tires and seat covers. Model 81 Overlsnd, fine shape, 6 tires. 5 1917 Studehakers, 7 pass., see these. 3 1916 Studebakers, 7 pass., some jitneys. 1917 Studebaker, 6 cyl. 7 pass., sport model. 1916 Studebaker, 6 cyl.. 5 peas., good as new. 1914 Cadillac, 6 new Urea, fine shape. 1912 Locomobile, 4 cyl., 4 paas. 1917 1-ton Garford truck, lots of extras. 1918 1-ton MaxwelL How About These? Overlsnd 6 rass. fine shape Studebaker, 6 pass., good as new. . . Studebaker, electric lights, starter. . . Regal, 6 pass., good condition Cadillac 5 pass, fine csr Buick 5 pass., a dandy . . .$ 890 . . . $ 4 80 . . .$ 850 . . .$ 295 . . .$ 283 . ..$ 295 . . .$ 375 don't see Overland Six with six tires We have several others if you wnai you want in this list Liberty bonds taken at face value ; DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE rana Ave. and East Stark East 7810. Open evenings and Sunday. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1818 Mitchell, used very little: new. with seat covers; 7 pi Price 1917 Mitchell. 7-Das .. fl-rvl . Just Uke a. 6 cyl. $1600 1375 1176 -""".oro. pase., o-eyu SEE THE ABOVE CARS AT WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak St Broadway 616. A. 8348. jg17 Mitchell. 7-pass.. cyL .81260 . 1076 . 850 . 12 50 . 700 76 . 275 760 1918 Mitchell. 3 pass., 6-cyl. 1917 Mitchell. 2 pass.. 6 cyl. 1!U4 Mitchell, B-pase.. 6 cyl 1918 Mitchell. 6 -pass.. 4 -cyl 1912 Auburn, 8 -pass., 4 -cyl 1916 Jeffry. S-pass., 6-cyl Several Others to Select From USED CAR DEPT. East Morrison at First st East 7273. B 1216 HATNES. 1914 4-eyl lent shape, a snap. 6 passenger In excel 8even-fi:enger 6-4 0 Chalmers, a wonderful cuy; runs nse new: good tires. Five passenger Marion, A-l condition, new paint, 4 practically new tire. Make us an offer. A. C. STEVENS 16th and Washington. , Broadway 1614 GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable kind save yon money. See sam ple at 544 Hood st. Main HU'i Millmade Construction Co. HATNES?- 191 T TcTLlialMnge7rTn excep lent shape; a snap 7 passenger 6-40 Chalmers, a wonderful buy; runs like new; 6 good tires. 6 passenger Marion. A-l condition, new paint. 4 practically new tires. 1917 Velie. run only 8000; 4 new tires snd si 'are. Make us an offer. ' A. C. STEVENS lth and Washington. Broadway 1614. " "nSvv tirks" What brand of new tiros do yon prefer r We hare them, all makes and sizes. Also wo make the fa mous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed! tires and do al I manner of tire re pairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 88V$rt Born side near Broadway. AUTO WRECKERS We wreck rr-ost all makes of can and sen the good pens for less than bslf price. We ha all kindi cf used bodies for. sale. Highest prices paid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front st MAIN 4 768. STITiEBAKFR 6 mut be sold at once; will take Liberty Ixmd. War Stamps; cash or smaller car as part psyment; 11 tires good. 2 new ones, good mechanical condition, top and aide curtains in. good shape; no reasonable offer refused; must he seen to be appreciated. Main 4999 or Main 7517. Mr. Shaw. Mfg. St R pairs. MOO guaranteed springs la stock: prices reduced. 34 N. 1 5tb t MAXWELL. 1917, run 4 5IIO wile, in aT condition, slmost new tires, extra one tire. 6 inner tubes, shock absorbers, bumper, anti glare lenses. It's a bargain. Wdln 4 9AO. PACKARD 30. a roadster. $625. A-l eondf- tion. A real automobile. Call Laher Autr Spring Co.. Broadway 4006. DUBRUlLL TOf CO. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 ' FOl RALE Brand new Conover windshield "? srS'-Atza m.'co0' Ford orbu; 2 KUJ. Maytag Co- 1RI1 readster. Al condition; Just like new. 31 Fo Extra equipment, see R at 312 East Madjson j it. Maytag M o. I HAVE Studebaker Six. trade for smaller car. j ninr Woodiawn 4 066 191t. 7 pas. ; will some cash. Call eve- FOR SALE 1917 Hupmobile, th big four This csr is 99 fl new. 629 East 61st N. Tabor 1667. NEW Ford 1 ton truck at price. United Mattress A Hancock t very reasonable Tad Co. 427 161 t Haynea.. 7 paw., brown tr. fun j.j mil. A.- C. Stevens, 16th and Washington. Rrr,sdvsy ir,i LA T KmodeTl 1 7 Ford, like new, $73 extras, at a bargain. Broadway hoteLAskf or Morris. LIGHT car, good condition, good Ford ' tires. $2 75. szo raax mn sr. n. t-wone Wdl 163. WILL sell f,nvr 1917 Maxwell coe.. J carnal. FOR 8ALE On lot of need Ford aeeosaorUa. Tabor 284. . . HAVE your Ford wheels Ustiu-nad 1385 Irivi'lon t Phone Tabor 6603. atlM sen my iu auxweu touring ear at once W-494. Journal. FOR SALE 7 pass. Pierce Arrow ear, cheap; good condition. 344 E. $d st N. East 3497. A 1914 FORD touring; , ear; good condition" $275. Main 5769. , 1915 FORD, 6 pass.. A-l shape. Main 7252 954 Tburman. LIGHT chassis, good tirea. Tabor 3672. LATE model Ford roadster. CoL 863 all day. I. AT-TrtMOlW.F ACCESSORIES! rwi mi MtU for ueea cars. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House. Grand ave. and X. Stark, AUTOMOBILES WANTED 79 " AUTOMOBILES wanted by private party; will pay eaeh for late model light car In cood condition; must be bargain; JJnick. Dodge or Oakland preferred. Address P. O. Box 600. LOOK at lota 21 and 22. in block 16. Mont- elair Addition. These lota - cost me over $1500. I wish to exchange then for a tour ing car. Ford preferred. Wnte to J. E. Hosmer, Silverton. Ur. LET rae repair your macnine in yowr own gar age. Private service car day and night. Ring Sell. 8765. TRADE on late model car not over $800. swell river cruiser, value $373. Call Woodlawn SIGHTLY corner lot near Union ave.. part pay- ment on auto. W-621, Journal. WANTED Ford truck in exchange for Rose City Park lot Marshall 695 prices lid lur smomobllea. eoodt 121 N 3d st hdwy. 3639. Won no cbfeet. $326 CASH for a 1917 Ford; state condilioa! retete. aa 6th st WANT auto. Have piano equity . to exchange. I-ewis. Marshall 8880. evenings. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE 48 AUTOS FOR niRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new can. Reasonable 'ate. Fearing & Robnett. City Garage, 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HiUlt' COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH 222 10TU A YAMHILL A-lt$ 8. FORDS for hire without drircr. 44S Stark st. Broadway 8332. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good oara, cent patent drivers. Sixth and Wash. Main 7080. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY AUTO VICE. We do taxi work Main-228. sirn:, bicycles tt TWIN cylinder Excelsior machine. No. 1 oon- dltlon. $60 cash or trade for good milch cow. Call week days at the Boring Wood A Coal office, corner E. 50th and Division. FOR TRADE 2 Liberty bonds and new $186 Graflex rsansra for late model motorcycle. Call after 6 p. m. or any time Sunday, 494 Market St., apt. 6. EXCELSIOR Twin, belt drive. $46. Call Sun day or evenings alter 6:30 690 Lovejoy st Marshall 4287. BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES Large stock of new and used machine. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 68 6th st INDIAN TWIN motocTeTToS CaU Main 8125 or A-3087 after 11 a. m. LAUNCHES AND BOATS FOR SALE, fast uisUrboat with boathoUM, canoe and all river eauimnenL terms or cash. Will trade for machine. Last 4622 or 38 Motorboat club Sunday. FOR SALE River cruiser, completely fur nished; cannot be duplicated for 6 times the price aiked. Must sell at once, $$50. CaU Wdln. 6193. GASOLINE launch for sale. In first elaaa con dition: a bargain. At Standard Boathoos or 4-0 2. apt C. PARTNER with launch, io go into paying buuness. I will fumuh the money. K-795, Journal. WOHK boat for tale, In perfect condition, on Columbia slough near Kenton. Inquire for Blodgett HOUSEBOAT for sale; other aiAe rivr from Bt Jonni Shipyard, light green house. W- 625, Journal. Boat Swan for Charter Dance every Wed, and Bat eight. Main 4748. HOUSEBOAT. compleTely furnished, at VilT- lamette Moorage Houseboat IX. 17 FT. row and aU boat for sale. CaU Tabor 6178. 19 FT canoe for sale. Tabor 37 72. FLAN OS, ORGAsNS, MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSINO OUT $250 7 octave square piano, cash $ -23 $3O0 7 1-8 octave square piano, cash. . . . $ 60 $275 7 octave English upright, cash .....$ 45 $300 7 octave French upright, .rash 63 $350 American make upright, cash $ 95 $400 large oak upright piano, cash $168 $350 new. studio model piano, cash .$316 $375 new, stored, uprtsht piano, esh $286 $425 new. stored, upright piano, cash. ... $269 $450 new, atored. upright piano, cash.,.. $265 $750 Weher man., player piano, caih $295 $680 modern, mah., player piano, rash. ...$365 $ 85 parlor organ with mirror, cash $ 25 $fJ26 parlor organ with mirror, rash. . . . $ 85 Considering the rising market, new piano already gone $76 to $15u higher, the above pianos ought to sell quickly at this time. Pianos bought and sold for cash and (tared for 60c monthly 109 4th st at Washington. ' PIANOS. organs and ' musical instruments Decker & Son. rosewood upright. $100; Burdetle organ, walnut. $32 50. .Harold B. Gil hert. 384 Yamhill st. Vor. t buy old unimproved pianos when the Security Storage Co is offering new 'improved $375 pianos fur $215 and modern $650 player pianos for $365. at 109 4th ft f281 2 5"$ 12 CASH. $6 monthly still buy new Improved 1918 model pianos at the Bchwan piano Co., Ill Fourth sr. at Wash, st. COLUMBIA Gra'onoU for" "sale-cheap? BelP wood 8155. RENT a piano: no ouare ur thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert, ?M Tsmhfll. TYPEWRITERS NEW RLM1.NGI ON. rental plan, rent applies w purchase. Visible models, REMINGVON TYPEWRITER CO.. 86 Bmsdwsy. Broadway 4621. GUARANTEED Factory Rebuilt Typewriter.' "All Makes" sold on monthly payment. Send for pricelist The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. Retail Dept. 821 Washington st ALL MAK E3 typewri'ers rented snd repaired. Oregon Type Co.. 94 4 6th. Main 8668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR BALE 44 OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS- FtHTHLXSi Iron beds. $1.75 up. Springs. $1 up. Mattresses, $1 j up. Chairs, 7 5e up. Dressers, $6 up. Dining tablee. 3 up. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First St. SMALL library table. $3 50; kitchen table, $2 23; kitchen range. $15; gas piste. $8; rsrjx't sweeper, $1 ; child's crib, springs and mattress. $5; leather couch, $10; typewriting table, $2 50; curtain rod. gas irons, odds and end. 1 24 0 Mississippi are. Woodlawn' 6891. CHILD S rnh. duofold daieiiport, cost $100"; used only 6 weeks, brand new, $60; mas sive colonial buftet. 24r4H-inch top. $25; 3 burner gas rlate. 5; Mason , jars, etc., other bargains; leaving town a. I East 8240. FOR" SALE Kirler(rarteif "tshies snd chairs, in good cond.tion. Apply 276 4tb st cor. Jef. ferson or phone Msr. OlMO. t Fl ft NIT U HE"" of " a- 5" rrsT fbiTTnT sale; fiat for rent 411 Hth St.. corner College at, FOLDING bed and mattress?"? $5oek bookcase? $jC807 Emerson t FO R S'AL E MISCELLANEOUS It Watch Repairing Specials Clesning. $L: Jewels 50c; main spring. 60w REINGOI.frS, JEWELERS. 124 6TH ST. WHY sn everlasting aggravation Or a leaky rooft Why not f permanent snd IndrstructlMo roof f We osidiz snd renew all kJnds of leaky -roofs, 6O8 Tourney lode. Main fle,fta uul grxxis. lurmture, .gas range j enpurt. kitchen cabinet, chiffoniers, rugs. bods. lawn mower, bicycle, etc. CaU at 3640 2d au SE. after 6 p FIXTURES of barber shop for ' sal cheap if taken in 2 week. Will rent Bring room and basement for $8 per month. S. 1st st, city T, 619. Journal. ! Nelson Ladder Works ilSi g UBrtt,n ., thrTrf M,. - I - JZ. rt-, TENT hmi" and furniture; owner leaving city. Must sell at once 4110 66th st Mt. Scott car, Arlefa station. FOR SALE -Range, hot water tank, counter, stools and few other restaurant future. 44 N. 1st St.. Broadway 8S75. BE A UT IF UL" steVl Li tie"- d lamcmcS aCvat f carat Leave phone r. umber and I will can. X-971. Journal. - NEW wheel chair, rubber tires, walnut writing desk. Csll Main 8842. apt. 545 TENT 12x14, st north. almost new, $15. 423 E. 6th SMALL safe, good as new, $20. 4 23 E. 8th st Inorth. MOVING; will sacrifice complete standard aiM pool table. Call Tabor 7804. 18 HOUSE mover s s-rew Jack in good condi tion. Woodlawn 6580. ; PLUMBING supples. ' Darts, Co.. 312 Sd st boleaal price. Main 77. liara- VACUUM cleaner sold, repaired, re mad. 7 changed, congnt Pen tier io.. Main .z. GOOD four burner gas stove, $ 1 0$'-li'm - . Journal- - FOR 8ALE-T-8 wheel scrapers, 6 dump wagon. 1 mixer. 3 Fresno. 916 Missouri eve. ':-,: TWO Gold Medal camp cols. 'chap. Call Apt 7, 533 Morrison alter 6pm t UNCALLED-for Uilor "made suit. $12 60 up! Taylor the Tailor. 289 hi - Burnside. FOR "SALE House test, 20x14!, with furniture; near J 5Q6 Montana ave. A BIRD bouse fur salcheep. Call East 5167. tCoaunaea vit xoiuowiBaj FactJ?