The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 04, 1918, Page 35, Image 35

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agnum Is '
Gathered at
RCK-KAWAY, Or.. Ann'. 3. Twenty
five nncV.n of nihamutji were shipped
last fek from Rwkaway. The mosH
.roomft me pfii every May from 6 p. m.
till dark, and am usually full of nifn,
womrt and ehlUlren. anxious to do their
tlt even in ivaoitioii time for the Red
Crftes work. Thin itkjsr crown In almost
unlimited quantifies In the immdlat vi
cinity pf Hockaway and In gatherf-d and
broufth to the rooms by the boys of the
town and namrner ramps. The loral
Ked Crutm h pledged 25 Ratkf per
werk :tp Its Output.
Station ABfnt Kpurgron haa been
trariHff-red from llntkiiway to I'ort
land and his Jilac-e filled hv F. ft. Young,
who has tiikfln the Hilllnps roftafre.
frofeKor K1. r Taylor of Pacific Uni
versity. ForPiit. ! rove, wrx-nt the week
end as the giueftt of Mrs. (. A. Bold
rlrk. ,I.e waai on his way home from a
trip' in the lratetvufK "f the university.
Dr. 'leorice Jj. pratf of Portland spent
Kund.iy here.
Kervli'or at the church Sunday were !
In the nflhirp of u sr.fxr crvii onrf Irrt- 1
prompt u add rennet by visitors. Prof
Taylor gave the bible reading and Dr.
rratt and otHrn gave interesting talks
on the general subject of ohedience to
pod. A good -congregation was present.
Mra." Sutherland of Myrtle cottage Is
Xf ntertalnlng Mr. .Sutherland's nieces.
Florence and Margeiy Sutherland of
Mrs. B. H.-Jon.-n is enjoying a vif-it
: .
iSeaside Heeds !
Appeal Made )
For Belgians
Fisber, Bert Irwin, Aater Moore and th
Mrs. L. Randolph Flagrg-, Is "a house
guest of the J. Harker Smiths. Tuesday
they motored to Portland, Mrs. Daniel
Meyers beins one of the party.. Mrs
Meyers la summering: with Mrs. De la
Montany In the Biddle eottape. Lieu
tenant De la Montanya Is stationed
Mrs. T C.Depue of Portland will be
the house guset of Mrs. George Mo
Math during August.
Registered at the Beacon this week
were, Sergeant-Major C. H. Smith ; B.
A., lecturer on the Chautauqua ; Mr
and Mrs. 3L. D. Elehhorn, Tacoma ; M.
T. Tamamato of Japan : Beatrice Hee-
kett, Mary Harnes, Doris Strubble, Ruth
CEASIDE, Or., Aug. 3. Seaside eon
J trihiited llfioO to the Reliian relief .7 J .? T" ' "r"
-- - -- . ; ijanrieia, w lima oiocner u uoromy
drive which was held under the able: di
rectorship of Mrs. Julius Louisson last ,
Saturday. Among the workers were Mr.
Cor.del of Portland.
Among those at the McGuire. are, Mr.
and Mrs., Raymond Osbura. Dallas ; Mr.
tt i f r , drw : " '
j. na.Kcr crmin, B .u.8 J""- and Mrs. R. Trine of Portland; Mrs. J,
Miss Getta Wasserman, Mrs. Charles .
Clifford A Prentis Photo.
An attractive headlaad on the Oregon shore.
! i - !
i 1 J L I !
Callender and Mrs. Frank Donnerberg.
As chairman of 1 the flying squadron. 1
Mrs. Harry Meyer did splendid werk, '
while Mrs. Henry Metzger. who ha ) the
booths in charge, turned In a fine Tec-
charming home-, her nieoe, Mrs. Oscar
HullnulKt and the MisHes Cunningham
from her noil Arthur of Korc-at throve. ; nf Portland, also her sister. Mrs. Mary
who leave scon for famp Tromunt, Cai. I Smith and daughter of Buhl. Idaho, and
ir. r.nuiy tsanna arter spending a
month In her cottage left Tuesday for
her home In Portland. Mrs. Keese and
little daughter of Portland have taken
the cottage for the month of August.
Mr. and Mrs. William Copples and
family tvitli their daughter, Mrs. Ahl
gren and family motored from Forest
Pauline Schilling of Tillamook
Mrs. B. R. Patton of Baleigh is oc
cupying her cottage, the ,Kopet Mam
mock with Mrs. Roy Pation and baby
Catherine and Mrs. Beiji Patton of
Portland as guests. They expect to-re
main during August. i ' . j
v. .. . . . F f li'i.'l p t ..'! 1 ill T 'J 111 TI-'Tia T II.J'IIU 111-.
uroe Minnay ftnn are quarterea at the i . , . .I.'V objective far the deeo sea fisherman.
; Mrs. vv . ;u. i.iurKiii, iwra.i I. x. waru. i - - .
Mi ms Verna Ward. Mr. V. L. Hullqulst, ""-""-w, rv '- -' iuSu u i. ni.ere
Mrs. W. V. Rust. Milton Peterson. M. E. ean js free from rocks, while
I7COLA, Ori., Aug. 3. The many attrac-
tlons of j Cannon Beach have never
failed to entertain her numerous summer
guests. The ten -mile stretch of smooth,
hard sand Ifrom Chapman's Point to
Arch Cape js an unequaled opportunity
for motorists, riders and hikers. The
headwaters jof Elk creek abound with
trout, while; Haystack Rock affords an
Nawcome cottage for a few days
Mrs. It. I,. Morgan and daughters of
Portland are occupying the Bartholo
mew cottage.
At the Elmore cottage are Mesdames,
Piper, Pike and Perry all of Portland.
Mrs. M. A. Johnson and son Reymond
of Portland are In the Rockaway
StiugTy ensconsed In Cozy Nest, are
Mrs. E. T. Drews of Portland and Miss
Maude Eatterman of Butte, Mont. .
A. M. Currle and Ralph Goser of Port
land are Rockaway visitors.
Miss Morelta Howard of Portland will
McRae,, C. W. W. Whittlesey and E. R.
Whittlesey, all of Portland, are regis
tered at the Ocean Crest..
Among Elmore Park Visitors are :--J.
Eftel and W. F. Peters . of Seattle ;
from Portland are Mr. and llrs. C. H.
Miller, Bert Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.
George Caldwell and children ; A. E.
Beard, H. A. Hinshaw, G. G. Hinshaw,
Mrs. Paul Rienecker, L. E. Cobler, Mr.
and Mrs. Coles, Emil KuWtel, Mr. and
Mrs. Feller, E. A. Galerla, D, R. Boole,
spend a month with her granifmothcr j James Strain and wife'; ; Harry Moore
and sister at (Jllhowry Camp. and wife; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wonder-
Mrs. J. .H. Mcrormick of Eugene with ' ful. Phil Wolgenuth, H. E. Hoffman and
-her niece,-Mrs. Ralph Wilson of Port-I wife ; K. M. Wilmot, Jose; A. Bancroft,
land, was enjoying the sea breezes last
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickner of Os
wego are at Rockaway for the season.
Mrs. W. T. Newcombe has opened her
cottages at Rockaway for the season.
AJr. Kenneth Poorman of Portland en
jeyed the week end with his family at
v Sunset cottage!
The Irwin cottage shelters Mrs. Walter
Price of Marcola and Mattle Webb of
Among the many peorXe who arc rev
ellng'ln ttio delightfully cool weather of
Rockaway ari, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc
Kertzle and son, Mrs. F. A. Gage and
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Russell of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. W. Newman and Mr. and
Mrs. Oeorgfl Pay.
Mr. McCloud and family have taken
the Dahlia Pungalotte ; The Perkins
cottage Is occupied by Mr. C. W. Fors-
berg and his daughter, Mrs. James Nel
son of Portland ; the Hall cottage by
Mr. and Mrs. Peters and family of Ore
gon City.
Camp f'omfy. is 'enjoyed by Mr. and
Mrs Roy Bioi ly of Beaverton ; Mrs.
Springer and father and Mrs. Fisher;
MIhs Anna Grahhorn and Mr. Fred Grab
horn. Mrs. F. .1. Kvnns at the Skookum, has
as guests. Mrs. II.. E. Myers and son of
Lafe Manning. George W., Klger of Til
lamook ; W. G. McGelllng, Vancouver;
W. Achman and wife of Hlllsboro ; Mrs.
C. G. Brown of LaOrande ; J. J. Daily
of Wheeler ; J. S. Dellinger and wife of
Mr. William McCarty ajnd family are j
in the Bonnie Dundee cotttage.
Miss Hazel Keller of Pco-tlafftils
spending the summer wih Mrs. FrarVJ
Beatty. i
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Newton with their
daughter, Mary, and Esta. Griffith spent
a week here hunting jind fishing.
Mrs. J. Whltmer of Portland, sister of
S. W. Lawrence Is spending the sum
mer in the Lawrence cottage. With her
are her grandson Floyd Dodder, and the
children of Mr. Lawrenci, Dorothy and
Ocean Lake
Twin Rocks, Or., Aug. 3. An un
usually prosperous season Is being en
Joyed at Ocean Lake. Nearly all the
regular cottagers are ailready on the
'. ground and. many strangers are com
; Ing In. Among these are': Mrs. Charles
j Marjorle Brant of Salem ; Mrs. W. B.
I Knight of St. Louis, Mot Mr. and Mrs,.
IF. C. Theile of Amity, Or; Helen T.
Barr of Berkeley. Ca! : Mrs. Helen Sim- v it fh.nwn tbn c,v i mens, Mr. and Mrs. K. v, Kose, Mr. ana
at the Waverly.
Mrs. Jessie Brown arrived last Sun
day from Portland to spend the month
of August with her mother, Mrs. F. W.
Mrs. Harry McQuade of Portland,
spent -the week end , with her mother
and her little son Billy who are spend
ing the Summer at Rockaway.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Billings and Mr. and
Mrs. Hubbard of Tillamook spent Sun
day on the beach, the latter as guests of
Mrs. Billings. They motored to Rocka
way and thoroughly enjoyed the dav.
Mrs. Ethel Williams of Merry Widow
cottage, had as guests last week. Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Laird and son and Mrs. E.
I. Stack of Portland.
Mrs. George Spall and daughter Cath
erine are occupying the Idol, and have
as their guest. Miss Emma Jenkins of
sponane. Wash.
Manhattan Reach
Manhattan Beach, Or., Aug. 3. Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Harvey and daughter
Ellnore motored down from Portland
and are here for a few weeks' stay.
Mr. and Mrs. W. s. McCutcheon and
daughter Mildred have returned to Port
land after a month's stay at Camp
Never Inn.
Mrs, J. C. Withers and son Kenneth
we hers for a few weeks' stay at her
cottage, Merry-Makers.
Mrs. Ray Swltzer and children. Na
dlne and Ray Jr.. are here with her
mother. Mrs. A. Welch, in the Green
Lawn cottage for a few weeks' stay.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McKibbins and
daughter Mabel are returning to Port
land, after a few weeks' stay at Mir-a-Mar
Mr. and Mrs. J. Solomon have re
turned to Portland, after a few weeks'
stay here.
. George Blodgett has returned to Port
land, after a week's stay with Mrs. J.
C Withers at the Merry-Makers co't
tage. Mrs. F. B. Gilman, Mrs. O. T. Larsen
-!nd Miss Signe Taskinen of Portland
occupied the Banks cottage for the
month of July. Mrs. C. B. Banks and
Mlsa Margaret Steele are staying at
Wangatta cottage.
The following guests have spent their
vacations at the Belmont cottage : Mrs.
A. Lofting, Fred Lofting, the Misses
Agnes. Grace and Edith Clark, Fanny
and Adele Walter, Marlon Hopkins, Nel
lie Shadduck, Jessie Tfptaft, all of
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs; B. H. Jones
and daughters, Carrie aid Katherine,
of Forest Grove, are spen'ding the Bum
mer at Sunshine "cottage;. Arthur- C.
'Jones, who la expected to .leave soon for
Camp Fremont, arrived on Tuesday.
Mrs. William Reese and daughter
. Jean of Portland also arrived this week
to spend the month of August here.
F. B. Gilman spent the last week-end
with $Ia wife.
Mrs. A. E. Foster and Mrs. L. F.
'Shinamon and Arnold and Eleanor Shin
amon are camping here.
Mrs. Glenn Townsend, ;Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Markell. Mrs. Scott C. Mare. Mrs.
Ltezie Jones, Mrs. Rollo Skinner, Mi?s
Pearl Jones. Mr. and' Mrs. Lawrence
Lambert. Russell J. Dental. Mrs. A.
Chenowith. Amy and May Chenowith.
Miss Beulah Andros, Mrs. J. Skillltt
and family and Mrs. Herbert Tambling
and family, all of Portland.
Mrs. L. B. Sampson; has lust re
turned from a two months sojourn In
California and opened up her cottages.
She : is enjoying a visit" from her two
sons who have been absent two years,
G. H. Sampson having I been with the
Westinghouse company, In Pittsburg,
Pa., and E. B. Sampson bi Detroit, Mlsh.
A few friends enjoyed; the hospitality
of Mrs. Arthur Halle at a musical to
listen to Mrs. A. C. Strange, a well
known soprano of Pendleton, Mr. Harry
Whetsal of Portland with Miss' Windle
of Portland as pianists Refreshments
were served and a deHghtful evening
spent ;
Watseco with its fine beach and Its
unique attraction of its Big Cedar park,
is a favorite resort foif picnic parties'.
At one of these picnics, Mrs. B. F.
Morden of Portland was hostess to the
following people who are In camp at
Bar view: airs. Aaais;ana Mrs. Mor
ton, spn and daughter of Portland ; Mrs.
J. M. Elder, Hillsboro ; and Earl Slo
cum, Portland .
A. B. Nelson and wife 'of St. Johns are
spending the summer lh their new cot
tage. Pilgrim's Rest, fhey entertained
at luncheon Tuesday, Mrs. G. A. Bold
rick of Rockaway. !
Mrs. J. H. Rosenburg gave a dinner
Sunday to friends from STlllamook. Cov
ers were laid for 18.
Mrs. Watt of. Bay pity entertained
at a .picnic party, her daughter, Mrs.
Wylle and family and; other relatives
and friends.
Elmore Park
Rockaway. Or., Aug. 3. Mrs. L. E.
Schrader has been entertaining at her
Sail air
Rockaway, Or.. Aug.: g. Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Meyers after spending the winter
at Brighton, have returned to their cot
tape for the summer.
Mr. C. E. Nebergalt and family of
Portland are spending; a few weeks In
their cottage.
Mrs. R. M. Boulette and daughter Nel
lie returned to Portland Sunday after
spending six weeks w-ith Mrs. Bouletfs
daughter, Mrs. R. Ei Meyers. Mrs.
Myers has with her for; the summer, her
daughter, Mrs. C. M. Grlswold of Pendle
ton and little daughter1.
Miss Derba Hawn Is the guest for a
few days of Mrs. C. Vf. Ross.
others find.! the smooth waters of Elk
creek an excellent place for swimming.
Pacific Groye still retains Its popularity.
Among those camped there during the
week are: iMr. and Mrs. John Walters.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Waggener and chil
dren. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Peters, Mrs.
Thomas Raimsdell, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Benson, alii of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Waggener, Astoria ; Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Getchell, Everett, Wash, ; Miss
Minnie Shjink, Seattle ; Mrs. Loester
Allen, Spokane, and Miss Martha Payne,
Topeka, Kais.
Mr. and &Irs. Walter Honeyman and
daughter Jape came down. Sunday from
Portland. They will remain at the beach
for the rest of the summer.
Drand Irs. J. H. Jenkins and family
i of Hood River are spending the month
! of August jin their attractive summer
home near Haystack Rock, Green Bar
riers, i
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Lagasse of Astoria
are building a most modern and attract
ive cottjage iin Tolovana Park. Mrs. La
gassee has I made frequent visits to the
beach while the cottage was In the
course of construction. t
Mr. and Mrs. Roby Dresback of Port
land are hqused In their cozy cottage on
the bluff for the remainder of the sum
mer, j
Miss Nelt Parmenter, Miss Anna Par
menter and Mrs. E. W. Cor tell of Port
land returned to their homes Sunday aft
er a much enjoyed visit with Mrs. H. A.
Cornell in Elk Creek Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schmidt and fam
ily and Frank Hennessey, all of Astoria.
spoilt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs,
A- V. Norblad in Tolovana Park.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross and family
of Portland returned to their "home Sun
day after a month's stay in their at
tractive cottage on the bluff.
R. F. Carpenter of Portland spent Sun
day with his family in Elk Creek Park.
The forget-me-not sale held at Can
non Beach last Saturday realized $25
for the benefit of the Belgian babies'
milk fund.
Mr. ana Mrs. T. L. Emery and son.
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rodgers and
family, all of Portland, left the beach
Sunday, after a pleasant stay at one of
the twin Cornell cottages.
C. E. Wingard of Portland Is a guest
In Tolovana Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Austin of San
Francisco are among the numerous
guests at the Cannon Beach hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coburn, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Bowman, and Miss May
Cole, all of Portland, are In the Chap
man cottage for two weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde B. Wlllde and son
of Portland returned to their home Sun
day after a two weeks' stay in the Galla
gher cottage.
Mrs. D. C. Craig is a Seattle visitor at
the beach.
Mrs. George Lawrence Jr. and
daughter, Miss Anne Lawrence, are
spending a pleasant vacation at Can
non Beach. v
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw from Port
land are housed in the Walsh cottage for
the month of August.
Miss Gene Gumm spent the past week
in Seaside as the, guest of Dr. and Mrs.
H. G. Bradbury.
Mrs. C. E. Dant and family of Port
land are in Honeysuckle Lodge for the
remainder of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. George Prideaux and son
of Portland returned to their home Sat
urday after a two weeks' stay In the
Watson cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Blanchard and
young daughter, Shirley, with Celeste
Joll of Portland, are spending the month
of August. In the Scheiber cottage,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Alger are occupy
ing their cottage In E3k Creek Park dur
ing the summer months.
Mrs. Bessie Norblad and Miss Clara
Norblad spent the week in Tolovana
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beebe of Port
land are registered at the Cannon Beach
Mrs. E. E. Ware of Portand returned
to her home Tuesday after a two weeks'
stay with Mrs. Phillip Beck.
SEAVIEW, Wash.. Aug. 3. On
Wednesday Mrs. Bloorrter gave the
Hackney cottage over Into the hands of
the ladies of the Red Cross for a bazaar
and supper and a delightful event It was.
The sum of $325 was netted.
Mrs. W. J. Dooley and daughter, who
have been spending some time at the
Shelburne, have taken the Snyder cot
tage. On Tuesday night the Octo Amlcl club,
a group of University of Washington
students, gave a dance at the Olson
home in Chinook. Those attending from
this section were Miss Hoare, Miss
Jessie Dyke, James Knox. Harold Plank
and the University of Oregon boys who
are sojourning at Sand Island.
Phil Dilley has returned from Calgary
and is awaiting a call to enter the serv
ice of Uncle Sam.
Mrs. HursC who was the guest of her
brother, M. G. Flynn and family during
the past week, has returned to Portland.
Frank Sinnott spent last week rusti
cating at Seaview.
Mrs. M. G. Flynn is recovering from a
three weeks' illness.
Miss O. E. Miner has taken the O. C.
American Plan
Twin Roicks
Twin Rocks. Or., Aug 8. Mr. and Mrs.
Richardson of Portland and Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Richardson pf Buffalo, N. Yi.
are spending the summer In the Richard
son cottage. jl
Mr. and Mrs. E. F.liBurllngham and
family of Forest Grove; have taken one
of the Hart apartments' for the summer.
With them ie Miss iEdith Stalley, a
teacher in the Marshfltjd schools.
Mr. L. F. Brode .arid Mr. W. Day
of. Bay City visited E,
family Tuesday.
L. Wheeler and
Carriers Assist Widow
Knoxvllle, Tenn., Aug. 3. (I. N. S.)
Five acres of wheat on the farm of a
widow, Mrs. R. H. Bell, near here, were
saved from ruin when six letter carriers
of Station A formed themselves into
a working committee and went to the
rescue. In five hours the wheat was cut
and stacked. The balance of the work
of storing the crop In the barn was ac
complished the next day. The carriers
refused any pay.
Furnished Clmn Houces for rent, bf mek or
month. Swimmins. boating, fifhing. Excellent
commutation train ccrrtce on Fourth Street Red
Electric Can.
MAOLEAM, 614 twl Bldg. Main 4272
Or at HacLean't Camp on the L&ke, from Oswego
Station ;
W. B. Jett spent last Saturday and
Sunday with his mother at Pleasant
Nook, Seaside.
Mrs. E. S. Higglns and little Miss
ora. The next Die event win b? an en- . A, . . . . .
tertalnment for the benefit of the Red in the Webb cottage on Broadway
Cross on August 10. under th direction , , Stopping at the Colonial are.L J. Sul
of Mrs. Julia.-. louisson. assisted by.'"" Ame; Iowa- Kennetlj Karr of
committee consisting of Mayor L, L, A 'i.??11 Hausen Wauna- r
Paget, Mrs. George McMath aid Lieu- a"dc- 5' w,illlams-
tenant Hoffman, and th - benefit per- Alton Caryln Rosenthal of Spokane Is
formance for the Soldiers' and Sailors' house guest of Mrs. I. Soloman. Mrs.
club rooms under the management of Solomen s son, Jerome E. and Nephew
Miss Leah Cohen? Then there will be trveiAnthur. Joined them the later part of
sale of fancy work by th? ladle i o the the week.
Episcopal guild on August 14 and this Mrs. M. S. Drake asked in a few
week will see the beginning of a series friends .Tuesday afternoon to spend
of card parties to be given for the bene- the afternoon with Mrs. Archibald Brad
fit of the Catholic church. 1 ! shaw of Portland and Mrs. Anna Pat
Mrs. Robert Spear is entertaining for i terTf n of T7anc0"Tufo"T,?o. .
the spruce division boys and soldiers j J,mmy unn of Portland was a recent
stationed around Seaside and will turn ! su8t 4 ?,e Moore- ....
her home and lawn over to their pleas- ! .Fe,lB,mp8?n and famlIy are &uest8
ure Sunday afternoon. She expect at ; of Miss Per cival.
least 1000. I Mr; Rnd Mrs. Arthur Sender, of
I PMtiDnii o or T niMjolav hall
Miss Barbara Kuchenreiter of Port-j A ,,, ni,,.j rn xVi. tti.
land spent the week end as a guest of ;Bi;l and Mary AMceBaH Were ests
Mrs. Lowell at the Albers cottage. . . ,fr n-rte,, thi.
Lawrence Woodfin has returned to j naRt week. Thev left Wednesday and
Portland after a month's visit in Seaside. w,n return to Portland after stopping
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Cramer, a recent , of f for a few days at their ranch out
bride and bridegroom of Portland, spent j Salem.
a few days at Hotel Moore. I ,
Major and Mrs. A. A. Cabaniss have ; j
sold their beach home to the Fred Bal- j i
lins of Portland. Major and Mrs Caba- i
niss Intend making Southern California
their future home.
Miss Mae Hlrsch of Portland is the
guest of Mrs. Henry Metzger and the
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lewis Mead and Mas
ter George Wells Mead of Portland are
at the Moore hotel. j
Miss Hermina Albers of Portland is
down for the summer in the Albers cot
Miss Emilv Daman has renovated and
enlarged Necanicum Inn, until with its
wonderful garden, it has become one of
the show places of Seaside. Stopping
there, at present, are Margaret Bowie
and Odessa Bowie of Goldendale, Or. ;
Mrs.. Charles Shea, Maxine Shea and
Charles Shea Jr. of Portland ; Mrs. Z. C.
Buck with her two attractive children,
Kathryn and Bernard Buck, and their
maid. Maul Mlmmick of Portland ; Mrs.
Henry White and Hery Jr., of Portland
and Mrs. Marshall A. Case of Portland.
A honse party consisting of Mrs. Ger
trude E. McElfresh, with her mother and
sister, Mrs. and Mis Ewing of Portland,
will be there until September.
Registered at Pacific View hotel are
Mrs. I. M. Fortner and Miss E. Fortner,
Mrs. A. H. Gevurtz and children, Mrs. L.
Matchett, Mrs. Clara Neilson, Mrs. J. A.
Diehl and Ruth Diehl and Mary Raw
lings, all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Lamb of Boise, Idaho. I
Judge W. F. Fenton, who is summer
ing here, has hecorne an adept at golf
and frequently' motors to Gearhart for a
Morris Goldstein of 'Portland spent the
week end with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Callander bf As
toria entertained with a dainty dinner
for eight, Sunday night in the "Dining
Car." '
Mrs. J. F. Dunbar is enjoying the
season at Seaside. Miss Katherine Dun
bar, who has been visiting here, re
turned to Portland Sunday. J.. f; Dun
bar spends the week ends here.
Other Saturday and Sunday visitors
were F. A. Sullivan. J. B. McClellan of
Oakland. George McMath of Portland.
I. N. Flelschner of Portland and Donald
Parker of San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mendenhall and
son Harry are summering in Seaside.
Their older son. Rush N. Mendenhall.
Is in the navy on the U. S. S. Pueblo. Mr.
Mendenhall returned to Portland
Mrs. George McMath is devoting a
great deal of her time to war work and
she was one of the many helpers that
made the Belgian drive possible. ; Tues
day she' went to Astoria to explain the
work of the National League of Woman's
Service and Thursday Mrs. Alice Ben
son Beach came from Portland to or
ganize and Interest the Astoria women in
this work. The latter part of the week
Mrs. Beach spent with her children, who
are summering here.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Russell of Portland
are registered at the Colonial.
Among the prominent Portlanders at
the Moore hotel are: Mr. Rnd Mrs. Win-
thrope Hammond. Mrs. William Corn
foot and Miss Elizabeth and Andrew
Cornfoot, W. A. Kinney and Miss Kin
ney. J. C. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Newstadter. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. i Frank,
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Miller. W. C. Taylor.
Mr. and Mcs. Arnold Cohen, Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Hoyt and Jerry and Jane
Hoyt, Mrs. J. B. Teon and children, Mrs.
J. S. Sullivan, Captain and Mrs.4 John
Hayden. Captain C. A. Whltton, William
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Parker. Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Wheeler and L. M. Starr.
Mrs. George McMillan and Miss Mc
Millan are among the familiar ; Seaside
guests. -Mrs. McMillan frequently spends
her winter holidays here. She is in her
summer cottage in Hermoa park. Her
mother, Mrs. Mervy, has ben here for the
past month.
The Misses Eherlocks of Portland have
returned home after a stay in the Brey
man cottage.
J. R. Pollock of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Parrish of Belllnghom, Wash., are
at the Moore hotel, also Captain W.
Tempter-Powell of London. England,
and C. J. Moreland of Salt Lake City.
R. Pailltsch and family of iportland
have taken the Locke cotSage for the rest
of the season.
The Maurice Goodman family have
taken the M. M. Mayo cottage ; for Au
gust, the Mayos having returned to Port
Mrs. Felix Mitchell has been confined
to her bed for several weeks.; She Is
now slowly Improving.
The Fulton cottage was the scene of a
happy gathering this week, as Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Eakin, Mrs. G. T. MeCIean.
Mrs. Frederick C. Fulton, Mrs. H. B.
Thellson. Miss Nell Thellson and Miss
Elinor Eakln were guests there, fronv
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Webber of Eagle
Cliff, Wash-, are guests of Mrs. Laura
Hilllard at the "Hillcrest."
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Clark and daugh
ter, Barbara of Portland are : here for
the rest at, the summer. They are stop
ping at the. Middleton.
Dr. Ralph Davis and family! of Port
land are summering at "The Palms."
Richard Adams of Portland was a recent
A little dinner party w-as given! Saturday
night, , honoring Paul . Wapato, j assistant
superintendent of the Chautauqua, by
Miss Ina , Moore. Those circling the
table were, Evylin Gordon, Robbln
Chrlstenson cottage. Miss Miner Is as
sisting ilr. Plank In his Investigations
on the cranberry marshes.
J. M. McDonnell spent Saturday and
Sunday with his family at Seaview.
Mrs. O'Donnell and family have taken
a cottage for the season.
J. F. Peters returned to Portland Tues
day. Mrs. Horace Mechlin haa returned to
Seaview after spending two weeks In
Mrs. William Harder Is in the Pope
cottage for the remainder of the summer.
Mrs. John Keating Is entertaining
Mrs. L. N." Keating and Miss Mabel
Keating of Muskegon, Mich., at the
Alby cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benard and
daughter Gertrude of Portland have
oDened their cottage.
E. J. Brown and family are in the
Guests at the Shelburne the past week
were: F. C. Hageman, Mrs. Mason
and niece. Honor Farrell Youngson. Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Gritfin. Mary Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Krumbeln and Her
bert A. Krumbeln Jr.. all of Portland;
Mrs. Josephine E. Walker. San Fran
cisco ; Miss EditH McClellan, Minne
apolis, and Mr. sjid Mrs. James A.
Cavanagh, - Seattle.
Mrs. Hughsby has returned from Port
land where she has been to have her
son's adenoids removed.
F. A. Heitkemper and family have
opened a cottage at Seaview.
Mrs. C. E. Jones- and Miss Helen
Offner entertained at dinner Friday.
Mrs. J. M. McDonnell and son spent
part of last week in Astorla.
Master Brongwin Williams, small son
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams, is
the proud possessor and wearer of a
genuine French trench cap which his
uncle, Reese Williams, sent him directly
from France.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson and
daughter, Janet, spent last Sunday at
Miss Florence Murphy, who has been
the guest of her sister. Mrs. William
Sinnott, has returned to Portland.
Mrs. W. H. Brewster and children.
Edna, Lueile'and Tom Kindred are vis
iting the former's mother, Mrs. T. A.
Kindred. T. A. Kindred spent Sunday
with his family.
Leonard Strelberg and Mr. Stone
spent part of last week at Tillamook.
Later in the week they came to Sea
view for a fishing trip and were the
guests of Mrs. Oscar Strelberg and
Mr. and Mrs. Katlln of Kelso have
opened their cottage at Seaview.
Mrs. Bartholomew and son, Frank,
spent part of last week in their cattagej
Miss Nellie Michell and small nephew
arrived Saturday.
Hallet Maxwell has returned to Port
land after a visit with his family In the
Peters cottage.
Mrs. J. N. Miller and family are back
in Portland after a pleasant vacation
time at the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Herbrlng of Port
land are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Corcoran.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stranhal have
been entertaining Mr. Stranhal's nephew
and wife.
Rev. Father Lamb left for McGowan
Saturday and Rev. Father Riley replaced
him at the beach.
J. Wesley Ladd spent-last week with
his family at their cotVge here.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walker are en
tertaining the former's mother of Port
land. Ed Corcoran arrived Friday from
Vallejo. Cal.. where he has been serving
in the dental corps, teaching dentistry
to soldiers.
Mrs. T. R. King is entertaining her
mother, Mrs. E. A. Austin and chil
dren of Portland.
W. A. Caffey, Mary Thew. Helen
Ellers, F. P. Campbell, Mrs. and Miss
Cary and Mr. and Mrs. Raef of Port
land ; J. Rosen. Spokane ; K. H. Santer
son, Hilldale, Or. ; J. F. Greenleaf and
wife, and G. Nelson Greenleaf of Se
attle are guests recently registered at
the Hackney.
Miss Agnes Corcoran has been sent
as Red Cross nurse o Camp Dodge,
Iowa."- She arrived there Sunday.
Mrs. M. G. Thorsen and daughters
w-ere called to Portland because of an
auto accident to Mr. Thorsen. At last
account there was grave doubt of Mr.
Thorsen's recovery.
Miss Dorothy Louise Bliss had as her
house guest Miss Elolse Hugglns of
A Jolly party of 18 including Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Bliss. Miss Dorothy Louise
Bliss, Reed Klepper. Mrs. Mutxlg. Mrs
and Miss Sheble. Mr. and Mrs. Green
leaf, Dr. and Mrs. Rossman, Mr. Rosen
and Mr. Beal spent Monday at Beard's
Bonfire parties are much in evidence
on the beach these days. A large one
last Saturday night was much enjoyed
ty trie guests of the Hackney cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bliss. Miss Dorothy
Bliss, and their house guest. Reed Klap-
Picnics at San island and Fort Can-
by are much In favor by guests on North
tseactl. A party that picnicked at both
places recently consisted of the Misses
O'Hare, Miss Mary O'Donnell. and Miss
Adelaide O'Hanlon, John O'Donnell and
Francis O'Hare.
Week's Events j
At Resorts on
North Beach
I ONG BEACH. Wash.. Aug. 3 Last
Friday 26 girls from Walla Walla
and Portland who are at Camp Willapa
wim miss Elliot as chaperone. hiked to
Beard's Hollow and camped there for
two nights.
C L Dilley and family are at their
cottage on the ridge and have as house
guest. Mrs. R. L. Faulkner of Portland.
On Tuesday they hiked to Shoalwater
and back and had an enjoyable trip.
Mrs. Dr. Pettlt arrived Monday.
Mrs. Rose Smith has her daughter.
Mrs. H. O. Wells and son as her guests
In the Nautilus.
Mr. Gratton and family and Mrs. E.
J. Lawrence and family have returned to
their homes in Portland.
T.' J. Williams and family are In a cot
tage at Long Beach.
Mrs. Carl L. ' Wernicke and daughter
are in the James D. Hart cottage at
H. C Weber and family are at Ocean
Side for the remainder of the summer.
William Kennel and family are so
journing in a cottage at Long' Beach.
R. S. Lee and family have opened a
Dr. H. A. Llbby and family are in their
F. P. Egan and family and Mm E.
KIssell and family have cottages for the
Mrs. J. W. Holmes Is in the Dinee
cottage. ,
Mrs. F. R. Jacobson has her family at
the beach.
C. B. Harris and family are enjoying a
respite along the ocean.
Mrs. L. A. Cruickshank arrived re
cently with her family.
A merry party which visited Sand
OCFAN PARK. Wash.. Aug. 3. Last
Saturday night a concert was given
at the Methodist church for the benefit
of the church funds, at which $19 M
Mrs. E. B. True and two sons and
Mrs. True's sister and two children ar
rived Monday for a stay at Ocean Fark
C. A. Smith, secretary at the O-W.
R. & N. office, is here with his family.
W. J. Morris and family of Portland
are in a cottage for the neason.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Green and Mr.
Green's father are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lavote.
Cecil Sprague, although still confined
to the hospital. Is improving nicely.
Mrs. Sprague Li with her.
When Mrs. Wade went to the cottage
of her sifter. Mrs. Munyon, Monday to
prepare it for some guests she found
the place had been entered and the fur
nishings ransacked.
Stewart Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Taylor, has sent word that- he
arrived safely In France. . Lieutenant
Harry Burns, son-in-law of Mr. and
Mrs. William Tnylor. Is also .in France.
Miss Elizabeth CUland of Portland is
visiting her brother. Re. Cleland. and
family of British Columbia, who are in
a cottage here.
M. Sefimeer spent Saturday and Sun- '
day with his family at Ocean Park.
Miss Ruth 'Hendrlck. who has been
visiting in the Schmeer home, haa re
turned to Portland.
At the morning services at the Metho
dist church last Sunday, the sermon
was preached by Colonel' Chowne. gen
eral superintendent of the Methodist
Episcopal church In Canada. His sub
ject was "The Church in War."
Mra. Drew and children of Seattle ar
at their cottage for the remainder of
the season. Mrs. Drew was formerly
Miss O'Brien of Portland.
Mrs. Clare and family opened their
cottage recently.
A party which motored to Fort Canby
to the dance Monday night consisted of
Mrs.Ethel Spaulding, Mra. Hugh Mont
gomery, Miss Frances Gill and Miss
Mrs. William Henry and daughter of
Masel are viatlng the former's brother,
David Beechey, and family. .
W. A. Montgomery and family. Mrs,
Waldemar Seaton. Mrs.' Anderson and
the Misses Harris are guests at the Tay-
lor hotel.
island on Tuesday win one chaperoned
by Mrs. J. B. Curan Sr., and Mrs. J. B.
Curan Jr. The young people in the
party were :1Marguerlte and Agnes Mc
Cabe. Eleaner Kitchen. Evelyn Prag.
Elizabeth Hulme. Leon a Prag. Jame
Dlnneen and Scott SicheU ;
Bertrand ar.d Vincent Jacobberger and
Willie Collins were guests at Point Lorn a
cottage Saturday and Sunday."
S. C. Pier and family arrived Saturday
at The Pier.
.Mrs. Mattle Trimbly of Portland and
Mrs. Harrington of Omaha are domiciled,
in Seamore Court.
Miss Anna E.rBrakel. private seere
(Omtlnued on Following Tagrl
yxJX Tno Great Northwost -America's Natural Resort Section . v JGriU
Seaside, Clatsop Beach, Oregon
Most delightful spot on the south shore, situated at the water's edge. Reached,
via S-, P. & S. Ry. and Str. Georgiana and O-W. R. Sc. N. Boats t Astoria, where
the A. J. Auto Co. makes connections for Hotel Moore. Autoists take the beautiful
Columbia River Highway, which terminates at Hotel Moore. Golf Links and
fine trout fishing near Hotel. Rateson application. DAJf J. MOORE.
Beautiful Seaside Keort Expnsire bcch. Pacific ocean on one aide, beautiful Tillamook 11a y
on the other. Surf bathing, neate huntinx. elam clgElnc. Itching, exploring wonderful cares of Cape
Mears. Natatorlum. ivrinimtag and aports. furnisl-ed Bungalows, store. Hotel Hayocean. popular
and well known, best on Oregon coast, under management of Mrs. H. J. Martin, wtth cooperation
of Mrs. W. J5. Hutchinson. Season round trxp railway tickets from Portland. SS.TK. Send for
circular. Make your reserTation now RECEIVERS FOR BAYOCEAN PROPERTY.
Tel. Main 7270. 329 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
The Hackney Cottage
Located on NORTH BEACH, universally conceded to be the finest beach in
the Pacific Northwest splendid surf bathing within a few hundred yards oi
the hotel. Excellent table, airy and comfortable rooms, reasonable rates.
For rates, wire or write Hackney: Cottage, Seaview, Wash.
A quiet and restful summer hotel Justly famous for Its service and
appointments. In sight and sound of the ocean. Long distance phone 1b
hotel. Special rates for families. Buy your tickets to Shelburne Station.
Address T. J. HOARE, Prop., Seaview, Wash.
it . "
! I
" ilWnTHMiiii i if - ' - -
Croton $omt Cftalet
urne Station,
North Beach
SEASIDE. OEE005, one block from
ocean electric ligbts and electric stoves
for light housekeeping ; free auto' bus
to and from trains.
F. I. II1TD8IET. Prop.
Phone 84
Rooms BOo and Up
The Beacon Hotel
J. A. MclNTIRE, Prop.
Everything Modern
BEACH, WASH. Facing ocean.
Rooms 11.50 day and up. including free
TENT HOCSES furnished, $ week.
Phone Marshall 2309. A-3219. or Box
191. Lons Beach. Wash.
' Mask nivli fitxuaef-Sk
iXUinHitimnlktCtttl .iii-rtf T. , tut.
Rhododendron Inn. Mt. Hood
Beautiful Mountain Beaort, between Honchbaek
and Zig-Za Mountain, on Zic-Zac rirer and Bull
creek. Large cemented open air awimmina pool,
modern dance hall, aaddle honea, tennis and
croquet (rounds, headquarter!' tor flahlna. For
aato (taces call E. ISO, or Main 881. MBJL
EMIL FRANZETTI. Prop.. Zix-Zaf, Or.
Tawney's Mountain Home
On the Salmon riw, between Huckleberry and
Hunchback Mountain in the heart of the Caacadea.
near bare of Mt Hood. Airy and comfortable
rooms or individual buncalows. Home cooaioa.
fine chicken dinner. Wonderful scenery, excellent
trout fubing. Write or phone Zlg ;
F H. TAWNEY, Prop..
Welches P. O. Oreoon
r - a7 easail Z
Heart's Content
Famished cottages and tents for rent,
water and light free. Inquire
Rockaway, Oregon
The Todd Hotel T1
For years the Todd Hotel baa been well and fa
vorably known for the excellence of lta aerriea.
Clean and airy rooms, comfortable beds, well
cooked meals with generous portions and reason
able rate make it a place you will be pleased te
patronize. When you come to Tillamook make
the Todd Hotel your headquarters., L. S. Hush
beck, Prop.. Tillamook, Oregon.
Nehalem, Oregon
Come to Nehalem and in adjacent mountain
streams, dancing and sparkling aa their waters
bound from rock to rock, enjoy a season with the
fetiT trout. Splendid salmon finning, too. in
the Nehalem river. Good boating and delightful
senary. Good rooms and board at Nehalem hotel.
H. W. TOHL. Proprietor
Cosy house ; canter city ; . hot and cold
water ; attended by owner.
5iIKS. A. MEARS. Prop.
A pleasant place for strangers ; man
aged by owner ; commodious apart
ments ; . clean beds ; fine table.
Conducted alueig unea most inviting to
aseu and women of refined tastam.
Send foe Illustrated Booklet
O. W. J. RBOKERS, Host
WhtU "Salmon. - Wash.
Cottages and Tents for rent. Tents,
$6 to 8 week; Cottages. 110 to 112.
Address A. O. Walling, Rockaway. Or.
On Bar View Beach, on the Tillamook Shore.
One. two and three room cottages completely
fni-n'nhxd for light housekeeping. Pure mountain
water, electric lights, sanitary toilets. Protected
from sea breeze, close "to beach. Clams, crabs
trout fishing. . Overlooks Tillamook Bar. Ideal
Bummer Vacation spot. For reservations and
rates, address L. J. TOLLS, Ear View. Or.
Locksley Hall SitSJJ-
Under New Management
Modern rooms, with or without board. Excel
lent cooking, congenial service.
ABBIE MAYFIELD, Proprietress
Finest beach tributary to Portland.
Low prices, easy terms. Mrs. F. P.
M tiler, Rockaway, Oregon.
Sea Foods a Specialty Moderate Prices
: i. HAMILTON, Prop.
ALIEN HOUSE, Tillamook, Oregos
A homelike place for visitors, where
their comfort is our pleasure. Rooms
50c to 75c day.
C. T DE rOBP, Prep.
Main 1422 Astoria and Way Landings A-1 422
Leaves Alder St. Dock at T A. M. dally except
Friday. Beturning, leans Astoria ) f. IL
LLRLINE. daily, except Sunday, at T:4 A. M.
Beturning leaves Astoria it I P. it
UNDINE, daily, except Sunday, at 8:8 P. M
Returning leaves Astoria at 7 :30 A. M
A quiet and picturesque resort on the Willamette,
splendid beach for bathing, diving towet. spring
board; fine camping spots. Dancing every van
tug and Sunday afternoon. Why not camp out
hare for a waek or mora this summer? Take
Oregon City ear to Jennings Lodge. Pboao Oak
Grove. 128-M. or write Jobs Jennings. Mgr.
Midway, Newport
Confectionery' Ice Cream Cigars
Tobacco .
Journal Agency
Newport, Oregon
Ideal pleasure resort. 2. 2 and 4 room
houses, fronting beach : light and water
In each.
Address CHBIS ABXS, Newport, Or.
Connects with all trains at Taoulna.
Subject to charter by pleasure parties.
O. F. JACOBS02T. Matter
Furnished rooms and tents for house
keeping. Facing the ocean. Address
L .P. Harreschou. Prop.. Seaside. Or
When writing or. calling on ad
vertisers, please mention The Jour-
146 SECOND ST.. nbonee Main 1T2. A.8S1I.
daily 8 a. in. escept Saturday. 7 a. m. and 2 :9
P. m . for Arrab Winnah. Welches. Tawseys and -Bhododxndron.
Round trip $8. Government
Camp is. CO. Owned and operated by trvlngioq .
Oarage A Auto Co.. Inc. J. L. B. Bnel,-r"rs -Mgr.
Phones E. 13S, C-8142. E. 14th and
Kroadway. "Maka reservations In advanea.'l
12S .Slith Street
Sightseeing Headquarters
Phone for Reliable Sefioe
free Information Bureau
Maln'S A-112T
, Send Us Your Films
Prompt Service - .
Paper Picnic Plates .
Paper Napkins
Lunch Sets. Ice Blankets
Thermos. Bottles and Holders
Third and Alder, Portlasd, Or.
Films Developed
when prints are orders4.
We pay return postage. -Eight-hour
expert serrtcs.
Largest Photo Supply House
In the Northwest.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Wood-Lark Bldg. Alder at W. Writ