SIXTEEN PAGES AUTOS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS BEACHES, FEATURES SECTION TWO PHOTOPLAYS, DRAMA, j MUSIC. SOCIETY. CLUBS ; PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1918. 415 DIVORCE SUIIS In accordance with; U. S. Govern Complying with U. y S. Gov ernment Rules , this store will make only one delivery a day to each district. &3o News Travels Fast Our ex cellent Kodak Service has be come the talk of the Town. Main Floor. Go to The Oaks Tuesday have a good time Regular admission and all proceeds go to the American Red Cross Plan to go. FILED III ment rules we can accept no goods for credit or- exchange Unless returned, within three days. i Merchandise of or Merit Only-" 5 THIS ST O R E USES NO COMPARATIVE PRICES THEY ARE MISLEADING AND OFTEN UNTRUE! COUNTY WIN MONTHS Presiding 'Judge Tucker Makes Ruling Which Will Put All Suits-on Regular Calendar. DELAYS WILL BE MET WITH Jurist Says Social Structure ard Not Court Procedure Is to Blame for Increase in Divorce. '"Marry fn riant, and repent at lel ur," Is a Hnylnjr' almost, as oM as marr)Ke ltIf, but on which under prvwwit conditions of social structure seems about to be chanrte to "Marry I In haste and repent In half that time." '.Through the operation of the dlvoree laws, the ease of untying- the matri monial knot Is accelerated tremendously and the records of Multnomah county bear volumes of testimony of the evil. Purine the first five month's of 1918. 415 suits for dlvproe were filed In thtf county clerk's office. January there were n, In February 70, March 77. April 70 and June 94. Of course not all of theee parties were granted decrees f separation, many complainants were re conciled and many more were dismissed for failure to show sufficient grounds for divorce. State Mnt Be Represented The legislature of 1862 passed a law on divorces which makes the stajle a party defendent to every suit for the pur pose of (tlvlnsr the district attorney an opportunity of Investigating each case and satisfying himself as to the merits of the case and for the purpose of prevent ing collusion, bad faith and other wroriRS. But of recent years cases of this character have been coming In so fast that It U Impossible to make an Investigation of each case, but no suit for djvorce Is tried even now without the appearance of an attorney for the state who carefully scrutinizes the plead ings, examines the witnesses and other wise watches for Irregularities In the trials. If for any reason, the attorney sees cause, he enters an objection to the granting of a decree. Furthermore under present methods of handling divorce suits they are given the preference over other suits In this manner. Other suits when filed are placed upon the court calender In order of filing, but because of the great num ber of divorce cases and because the placing of them on the regular calender would oaiise a congestion in the' trial of all cases in the Circuit courts, the di vorce suits are placed upon a separate calender which takes precedence over other matters and are heard and settled much sooner. Suit Mmt Take Their Kor the purpose for relieving this con gestion and for the further purpose of giving the -district attorney's office time for investigating -each case, a new ruling will be ordered beginning with Septem V er 1 by Presiding Judge Tucker of the Multnomah Circuit courts. This order will be that all divorce suits must be placed upon the regular calender In thier regular order! The result of this ruling will be that people seeking divorces will haye to wait rhonths in etetid of days, as under the present system. This Is a matter which Judge Tucker has had under consideration for many weeks and concerning which he has ad vised seriously with , other judges on the circuit bench. When asked what was the cause for so many divorces, Judge Tucker said this morning, "The cause is much deeper than court pro ceedure. It lies at the heart of our social structure. And that Is where the remedy lies also. A generation ago a divorced man or woman were in no small measure looked upon1 as disgraced, while today there 'Is little cfr no dis grace attached to it. ! Vancouver School Review Assembled Interentlng Volume Is Compared With Four Page Inot When Paper 8tarted IX Tear Ago. Vancouver. Wash.. Aug. 3. Proftessor Oeorge W. Brackett, instructor In print ing and binding at the high, school, has recently put In book, form the past year's Issues of the Vancouver High School Review. In 1910 the Review made Its first ap pearance as a one sheet paper. Pro fessor Brackett. having owned and edit ed several papers in the eastern part of the United States, is thoroughly fa miliar with this work, and under his direction the Review has grown to a 12 page paper. One of the most interesting features of the Review is a list of teachers, who have been members of the high school faculty, dating back to 1888. An article contributed by W. Q. trow ley, and entitled "The New Steel Ship Plant," occupies a prominent space in one issue of the Review. All branches of military service are represented by Vancouver high school boys. In the February issue, which has an exceptionally artistic covering, is a list of all .who are now In the service, who at one time attended the high school The department In which they are serv ing la also listed. 3-Day Trip Grows Into Long Journey After a 12-day horseback ride over 600 miles of Oregon and W&shlngton territory, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wallace cantered into their home town of Leb anon Thursday. The Wallaces started out for a three day ride, but the weather was so fins and the road stretched so invitingly before them that they Jat kept qn going. Their trail led over the Santiam route, over, the Cascades, 'on through Eastern Oregon to Arlington, across the Columbia river into Washington and along the Central Washington high way to Goldendale; then to The Dalles, the Columbia highway to Portland. Ore MONDAY-A Special Sale of White Voile and Colored Blouses $2.95 Pretty, cool looking blouses of white voile some of them lace trimmed some j with colored stripes and many with' tucked and vest trimming and touches of organdy and pique, and many blouses in plain tailored styles, of men's shirtings striped in most pleasing colors. All very special at $2.95. Wool Sweater Coats and Slipons at $7.50 Fine Shetland slipons, -made with pearling at the waist and deep Angora collars! and cuffs. Plain sweater coats with large sailor collars, long sash and pockets. All in light weight yet with warmth enough for outdoor and house wear. In pretty shades of turquoise, salmon, gold, apple, coral, Copen and buff. Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. New VELVET HATS that presage the vogue for small and medium size ' headgear moderately priced Nil) $7.50 Sorne are all velvet some are combina tions of velvet and satin and all have the smartest touches in trimming and color cora " bination. . Black, blue, browri, taupe and all the most wanted colors are represented and; the trimmings are of ostrich, wing, tailored bows and bands of gros grain ribbon and velvet flowers and fancy buckles and pins. Third Floor, Lrpman, Wolfe & Co. Thfe--Daintiest New Gowns and Envelope Chemise Are of Pink Batiste THE GOWNS are in the popular slipover style, with yokes of hand em broidery, necks cut round or square. Others with satin yokes, daintily hem stitched. Straight or Em pire styles sleeveless! or with kimono j sleeves. PRICED $1.59 $1.79 $2.29 to $2 49. THE ENVELOPE CHEMISE are in regula tion style with many attractive touches. Some have silk tops with hand embroidery or lace combined with shirring. PRICED $1.19 $1.79 and $2.29. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. OVAL PICTURE FRAMES Special Attractive oval frames in an tique gold finish. Every size from cabinet to 14x17 inches included. All are fitted complete with glass and back. WE WILL FIT YOUR PICTURES WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE! Sixth Floor, 'Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 68 c SHOE SPECIALS In Our Second Floor Shop WOMEN'S WHITE SHOES REDUCED TO Handsome white1 kid, white ubuck and f m Q"V white Reinskin shoes at this very low price! Kl r 1 Smart high shoe? with welt 'soles and r wVy leather and wood covered Louis and military heels. Just about 60 pars in this group. WOMEffS PUMPS REDUCED TO A new assortment of brown calf, gun met- ffc P Q f al and patent leather pumps, with military Kr" CjIJ and high Cuban hejsls. Also dark and medi- t um brown calf oxfdfrds. Welt and turn soles. Such makes as Wicherts and Rd Cross included. About 200 pairs in this group comprising! practically all sizes. WOMEN'S KID AND PATENT PUMPS White washable! kid, white buck, black kid and patent leather pumps made with light, flexible turn! soles and high covered Louis heels. These are broken lots and the very newest patterns. Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. $5.80 of &e New -PELLARD COATS In the most effective styles. Large black buttons down one side of the back of a Burgundy col ored velour and tabs that fold about the throat are entirely new features that are ever so smart! This coat is $125. -ANOTHER PELLARD COAT is of taupe colored velour with large collar and deep bands of black plush. Fancy plaid lin ing gives a note of brightness. This is priced $60. -A PELLARD SUIT of rose taupe which means that the taupe has a delightfully flat tering touch of warmth has round panel front and back, with tiny cording that ends in hand embroidered crows' feet. Beautifully designed and tailored and priced $120. -A BRAID-BOUND SUIT of to bacco colored material is quite plain tailored and depends for its brightness upon a gay Per sian lining. A wide fancy "drawn-through" belt relieves the severity. And the price is $75. Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. -A GEORGETTE BLOUSE that has Just been unpacked has smart square neck and touches of hand embroidery. A shal low collar has the prettiest touches of imitation Irish lace. It is priced $10.50. -A BLUE VEST and blue beads give a delightfully smart fin ish to a flesh colored blouse of Georgette. It is priced $9.50. -ANOTHER FLESH COLORED BLOUSE has blue and steel and white beads for trimming. The neck is cut round in front with quite small collar. And the price is $7.50. Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. -NEW FALL COATINGS are ar riving and there's nothing more effective than the new all wool suede materials. The loveliest colorings reindeer, gazelle, Burgundy, taupe, brown, mode and gray are among the favorites. This par ticular line can be found here only in Portland. The-material is thoroughly sponged and shrunk is 5 6 inches wide and priced $6 the yard. Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. -DAHLIA HATS that are fea tured so strongly in Vogue and Harper's Bazaar are found here only in Portland they're won derfully smart and becoming. Won't you come in and try a few of them on? Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. -HAIR CWITOHES are almost a necessity these days We have a most complete assortment of switches of first quality in all the most fashionable and desir able shades. Some are priced as low as $7.50! Mezzanine Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. -THE NEW SEMI-MADE BABY garments are so dainty and sweet yet inexpensive have you seen them? Fine imported bits that have hand loom em broidery in exact reproduction of hand embroidery. And be sides the baby wear there are envelope chemise, aprons, chil dren's dresses, sacques, .baby bonnets, yokes, pillows, gowns, chemise and camisoles. Prices range from Soc to $5.00. Main Floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Reductions on Midsummer Apparel There Are 40 DRESSES Reduced to' $17.85 and 37 COATS Reduced to $17.85 and 31 SUITS Reduced to $17.85 THE DRESSES are such pretty models of foulard and taffeta and linen. Many are the sort of frocks that will be just right for little parties and after noon wear throughout the winter. The linens have lots of snap and dash for warm weather wear. THE COATS are of silk poplin, taffeta and pongee, made on attractive models with large. collars and some with silk linings. Coats to give just the tight warmth to these pleasantly warm days and cool evenings. THE SUITS are of wool poplin and checked materials and a few are of taffeta. Clever models for immediate wear all greatly reduced in price. Because of the great reduction in price and the limited number in each? group EVERY SALE MUST BE FINAL AND NO GAR- ' MENTS WILL BE SENT ON APPROVAL OR RESERVED. Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co, MONDAY ONLY WE SHALL OFFER IMPORTED ENGLISH BED SPREADS-At Special Prices Full size and three-quarter Bed Spreads in beautiful satin finish, woven from the finest yarns. Hemmed or scalloped edges. Very special $5.00 to $6.50. BATH TOWELS SPECIAL FOR MONDAY 25c Good all white Bath Towels at a price that is about what you would have to pay wholesale for them now! IRISH LINEN DINNER NAPKINS, DOZEN $6.50 23x23-inch, pure Irish linen damask Dinner Napkins in a splendid assortment of patterns specially priced because there are no table cloths to match them. 70-INCH BLEACHED UNION DAMASK $1.50 Extra heavy imported union Damask that will give better service than pure linen at twice the price! Six beautiful patterns to select from. Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Yard Wide TAFFETA and LOUISINE-Special at $1.25 A most beautiful assortment of checks and plaids. Light and medium colors in a good variety of combinations.- Quite the thing for making early Fall and late Summer frocks especially pretty for the school missl AND VERY SPECIAL AT $1.25'- Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. CD SERVING TRAYS SPECIAL 95c Just 50 in this group. Ma hogany finished trays with glass, waterproof bed. Strong and serviceable. Size 10x15 inches. SERVING TRAYS SPECIAL $1JV Just 50 in this group, too. Mahogany finish, waterproof glass, bed trays with marquetry inlay decoration. Size 10x16 inches. " Limit 1 to a Customer, and No Phone or C. O. D. Orders Filled. None Delivered. Sixth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. FINE QUALITY Georgette In staple and novelty shades $2.25 Yd. An excellent quality that will make the most beautiful frocks and blouses. This material has a finish quite like Crepe de Chine. Iri"all the wanted colors full 40 inches wide the kind of Georgette that wears so well! Main Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 3000 Yards of DAINTY Printed VOILES A Truly Wonderful Assortment of This Season's Newest Effects 39c Floral and stripe, patterns in an almost endless variety. Light, medium and dark colorings very special at 39c yd. FINE 36-INCH BABY NAINSOOK 35c YARD VERY SPECIAL MONDAY Glove Silk Union Suits and Envelopes at $2.69 Women's flesh colored glove silk Union Suits and Envelope Chemise, with beaded or band tops. In all sizes from 36 to 42. They're wonderfully special and the num ber is limited so NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS WILL BE FILLED. Women's Glove Silk Vests Very Special at $1.85 Band top Vests in pink. Well made and thoroughly reinforced around the arm. Sizes from 36 to 4 2. Very spe cial at $1.85. Main Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. That Will Make Them Doubly Attractive Charming Frocks and Suits Just right for these pleas antly warm midsummer days. Assortments are, of course, incomplete just a few of any style so early selection is advised. COJTON VOILE AND GINGHAM DRESSES An exceptional group of dresses at so low a price! The daintiest voiles1 figured and plain smart ginghams in checks and plaids and a few clever linen models. Deep hems, surplice waists" and deep collars and cuffs give little touches that proclaim them the newest midsummer models. A large assort ment of colors and sizes and styles all reduced to $10. Very Special for Conservation Days With Jelly Making of Great Importance We Offer 6-Oz. JELLY GLASSES at 3 Doz. $1.00 'i Think of paying only 33 l-3c a dozen for Jelly Glasses now, in the face of such a shortage) On sale one day only and we must restrict the sale to 3 dozen to a customer. POSITIVELY NO PHONE ORDERS FILLED AND NONE SENT C. O. D. Basement, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. i S D gon City and home again. ' O SSmS04S04tKSP04SMBKHB3m04SMSHMSWB ,., - ' - ' - - ' t ' 1 ' - ; v . , - - - . , . - - - - , . i.