5.f 28 til Sr. 4 7 V THE OKEGON : SUNDAY JOT7KNA1 PORTE AND, SUNDAY MOKNINO, AUC3U3T, ,1815. 11 SERVE IN UNCLE SAM'S CORPS . DE LUXE ki F YOU could see with your own, eyes Uncle Sairn's peerless fighters those Devil Dogs" in khaki, jaws locked, bayonet set, fearlessly go over the top after the gr&y-clad Hun hordes, you'd fall in, and fall in quick. To fight alongside men of this calibre would be your dearest wish. But you have read of the splendid exploits of the U. S. Marines at Chateau Thierry, and no doubt you were thrilled. All the world pays them homage today. "Splendid," cry the delighted French Poilus. "Marvelous," comes the word from the British "Tommies." And proudly America echoes, "They always run true to form." Now comes this opportunity of a lifetime for men of courage to serve their country in these days of great endeavor. General Pershing calls for 45,000 more Marines, just like those who are now shattering the pride of the Ger man army. ON OVER W rS T7 Y7 Inl US Is the Cry From 14,000 Marines Now in. France Get in Now While You Can. Enlist in the Three-in-One Service for Duty on Land, at Sea or in the Air! The following information will serve to explain just what "Uncle Sam's Right Hand Man" is. If youjwant to serve and fill the qualifications; if you've a son, a brother, a pal who wants to serve, you'll be interested to know that The U. S. MARINE differs from other soldiers in the training he receives; there's not much difference in the dress. A Marine knows everything that a soldier knows. The U. S. MARINE serves, at jttaval stations at home, and protects American lives and interests abroad. He is organized into regiments and brigades for expedi tionary duty. i The U. S. MARINE does the guard duty aboard battleships and first-class armored cruisers. He forms the backbone5 of any landing party sent ashore from these ships. He mans the secondary or "torpedo-defense batteries. With these guns he is helping to destroy U-boats. j The U. S. MARINE earns from $30 to $75 a month, according to rank and length of service. : A: warrant officer, the grade just between the enlisted man and the com missioned officer, gets.from approximately $1750 to $2500 a year. There are at present over 100 warrant officers in the, Marine Corps, and there is no limit to the chance of. promotion to the worthy man -of? character and ability. There is one corporal to every six privates and one sergeant to every eleven privates Just now, during the period of the-jwar, all officers come up from the ranks.- The Marine Corps has no Officers' Training School where-civilians may train to be Ma rine officers. But it does have Officers' Training Schools where enlisted men may train to become officers. Four years Is the term of enlistment But if you wish you may enlist for the perio'd of the war only. A man of draft age may become a Marine, provided the Local Board consents to his enlistment and gives him a certificate stating that his class and order numbers are so low that he will not be called for the current quota. Married men qan enlist in the Marine Corps if the wife is self-supporting and is willing for her husband to enlist, and where the applicant is exceptionally desirable. The U. S. MARINE has plenty of opportunity. Usually the day's work is finished by 3 o'clock in the afternoon and from that time until 6 o'clock the next morning his time is his own, to spend in study or do what best pleases him. Except the days he is actually on guard. sAn applicant for the Marine Corps must be an American citizen between 18 and 36 years of age read, write and understand the English language; of good moral character, sound of limb, and in excellent health; eyesight and hearing good; have at least twenty sound teeth, and be at least 64 inches high, without shoes or stock ings, and weigh not less than 128 pounds, stripped. Apply to United States Corps Recraiting Station 306 Panama Building, Third and Alder Portland, Oregon If You Live Out of the City Ask Your Postmaster - 'i m , .This Space Donated to U. S. Marine Corps by the Following Firms: Portland Union Stock Yards Co., North Portland Portland Cattle Loan Co., North Portland Union Meat. Co., North Portland Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. i North Portland