1 : Q i ; ' : "j T ' TOE, OREGON ' SUNDAY- JOURHALh PORTL AND TsUNlMYi'lgbRNING;- AUGUST.: 14,--::1918.--:'-:. r v'A:; i ' . j -j i 1 J . ' ; i , I. . 1 J . I, I ..,.un,n r.T.; tnn iTT 111, HIR mtF-Mri!UAlEOPg l . . FPBWITrRK tTAXTKP ' i ' ' PERSONAL Tt ..I .-. nflf Wfm SVS-rs 7 At r - I U T a Wa V fT IflTKII1 SI. f H Hr. Hlll.ll l.ll.ll.n XUJk DAJJ VV I avsJ-.w - - w I , irTnunnnptu-ircKNltORiES imuwiiMiaai div.h.hi.j i r -: ,, 11 1 . : i: . , " " 1 ... - . I ' 1 KXItl'JIE 9 ! 1 .v I i I i" IIViiVILUln I u- ; J, H' GRAHAM, CASE ; DISTRIBUTOR 10th and SUrk. Br1i BU toorint- v' 1 Ixxls totjHm. ' 1 Otrlnd tourins. I Kord mliur. ' ' 1 Cbavrolat taurine ' All thn ran in is flrt elaM condition. Xmj Urnu to nliabl pcopla.1 clean-up sale 0nr used trucks ' M'a IS truck, nn hand. ranlDii frwn JlOO lbi. capacity to 5-ton and prlcad (rnm 1250 up. Uuit dinpona of thM at onc, a w nd iaca for a big ahipront of n track an route. I-ook u np and maka ua a offar it you nd a dliery car or truck of any aUa. Trm to rCTimnifbla partiea. Roberts Motor Car. Co,, nc, PAttK ASU EVERKTT STS. Broadway 1869. Aak for Mr. Kara. , Open Sunday 9 to 12. DELIVERIES Cleveland motoreydaa Carload just arriTed. $105 f. o. b. Portland Eaay term. ' CLEVELAND AGEXCT. 331 Oak. RIDE TO WORK ON A CLEVELAND Cbeaper than carfare. Easy terms. 333 OAK ST. TEN inch double idiae Victor record . ..5c 12 Inch double disc Columbia record . .75o r -i -.:.; :L ' EAST-TO-CAUBT L.TR1C : lHOXO JtRAPH With 12 double dlec record. The Meal Inatrn meut tor camping and vacation tripe. The entire outfit tor only S24.75 Sure thine; your old. record are taken a part pay on new ones. i EDWARDS' CO. f! ! i 5th and Oak ts. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE, j EXTRA ! ivip v, rumor. 3 speed twin Harley, aldecar and tandem, carries three; just over hauled and in good condition; new tirea. -TS I cau. aa K. iiio i. .v. ur - 17 Corbett bldf. TWIN cylinder Excelsior machine, No. 1 con dition. $80 cash or trade for good milch cow Call week day at the Boring Wood & Coal office, corner E. 50th and Division. L'SED CARS IIT.000 atork. Ttrma given. Podte touring. jiit overhauled "ord touring. A i condition, cash....;. 7 pa. Tajge. look like) new 1u. ilitchfll. thorouL'lily overhauled. . . - T-paM. Cole 8., unap 1100 Stodrbaker. 5-pasa, new top 600 I.ittle "4" Buick. like new, ch 850 T-pam. Mitchell, a fine buy 1100 Chalmer "Light Six." 2 cord tirea 800 WUlyn -Knfghf. jnt new 1 . 1500 lludaon Huper Six. run very little 1550 tdmobi)e S paa.. 4-cyl . . . 700 Chevrolet 5-pejw.. A-l condition 650 llndvin 6-40, blue color. ........... 900 Paige, 5-paiit., green color 900 ITorit touring, being overhauled 325 7-pasa. Htwlebaker. elcc. euuip. good tirea. 4 25 Hndaon 6-40. black color 900 Oakland roadater. none like It in town... 1100 pierce Arrow, cord tire. 2 (pares 1100 THE ACME At'TO CO.. ', Open Evenings and Sundays. Phone Broadway 2796. 531 Alder L AND UEU BIirkCLKo. JOE'8 BICYCLE UKl'AIR SHOP LARGEST EXCLU8IV- BIC1CLE rFA I.ITRH IN OHKOON. 24 TH ST. VOR TRADE 2 Liberty bonds, and new $136 - tiraflex camera for Ute model motorcycle. i. i. tx - M nr u ii v tinu SlirHlU V. 4 .) 1 fr . 1 vail miivi " V t"- r- Lf. Market St.. apt, 6. ' ; 1100 I EXCELSIOR Twin, heft drive. $40. Call Sun 775 day or evening! after 6:80 600 Lovejoy at. UlPlUll 42I Fords Fords Fords RIVi:i.Kt lioTUHCiCLES Large tock of new and xutd nichi!ie. PAYTON CYCLE CO.. C8 6th st. i?UR SALE 1 Henderson like new. Call rvrninzs. 470 Davis st. W. ; MOTORCTCLE American, in good condition price $40. 1871 Exeter at.. Columbia 94 7. SEVEN" H, -P. Indian motorcycle QTiTO-A tut roi or what have youf Sellwood 2040. tN'DTA'N TWIN motorcycle. $85. 3125 or A-H037 after 11 a. m. EXCELSIOR moloreycle for sale, cheap. from 0 to 1 . I riir iin. Call Main CaTl BOYS bicycle. $12; guards ana coaster, u condition. Tabor I3il. , WANTED Indian Mde car body Ur4 1015 or 1916 model. Phdne SeUood 3-55. SECrHITT 'STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $250 7 octave square piano, cash .$ 23 S300 7 1-3 octave square piano, easn.... ou $275 7 octave English upright, cash ...P.$ 45 $H00 7 i octave french upright, cash.....$ 65 $350 American make upright, cash r$ 95 S40I) la rp mk iinriifht fiuna. dsn . .tloa $350 new. studio model piano, cash. ... $215 $375 new. atored. upright piano, cash. .. . . $235 1423 nw .tnvHl tlnriffht oiano. eai.n. . w . o $450 new. stored, upright piano, can. .k.$a3 $750 Weber man.; player piano, ca-ih. . . . $293 $650 modern, mah.j player piano, cash. .,.$365 $ 85 parlor organ with mitror, cash...'. .$ 25 125 oarlor ora-an with mirror, cash. . . . oo Conxiderim tha risintf market, new 1 pianos already gone $75 to. $160 higher, the above pianos ought to sell quickly at this time. Pianos bought and sold for cash and stored for 60c monthly. 109 4th at. at Washington. Don't buy old unimproved pianos when the Security Storage Co. is offering new improved $375 pianos for $215 and modern $650 player pianos tor $363. at 1 00 4th st. $30,0CK) Furniture Sacrifice! ' . j : We have purchased 2 large and complete stocks and i must unload; priced at whole- ; . , 1 i sale cost and less, you cart- not, afford' to buy second hand goods when we can ! offer youfine new furnish- ings for the same mone inn ITU lis UJu sUU ME DEPT. 1 Leather Conch. $20: 1 Bras Bed. $20; 1 Collapsible Oo-CarL, $7.50; Massive SideaVard. $15; Dining Tables. S and up; tiecaer irom $4 up; 1 Oak Re.rixerator, $12. $0; Child a Iron Crib. $9 and up. Wm. Gadsby & Son, tFIRST AND WASUINUTON STS. MONEY SAVERS M ROOFING Genuine "Eagle- brand roofing, 108 so- ft. sanded both aides, with nail and cement. y - 1 ply. per roll . . 2 ply, per roll . . 3 ply. per roll . . .$1.25 .$1.50 .$1.73 Read Important Read '-, We am a ' greater aaaorrtavea f new end stfed aerchandtse than any stnfte hi tle city. There is hardly as item we tWaot boy ad Ml We specialise In sbell and heSey hard are, sporting goods, bonaebold good. IUce ImT aiture. hotel a ad caaap atxpvtteav Wheal yom (save anythutg to boy aw aefl. eaD WILL exchange fine nevr Victrola. Grafonola or Edison and records for piano. Hyatt Talk inch Machine Co., 331 Morrison. .NEW KKMl.Nt; iO.N. rectal plau, rent appue t purchase. Visible models. REMINGVON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621 UUi.RA.vr LED Factory Rebuilt Typewnu-r-"All Makes" oid on monthly tnjmtnU. Send for pricelist. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. Fetail Kept.. 321 Wanington st SMITH PREMIER 10 in eood condition, cal- aduirg machine, both t-0 4 01. Blnckytone lirrfpl. a bargain. Room 1 TWO fine new Axrainster rugs, high grade, extra large, size 12x15, regular price $115, for $83.50; 10:6x13:6, regular price $108, for $78.50. y Fejd stein Furniture Co, 166-168 1st st. 50.000 FEET OF FLOOR SPACE crammed with bargains in uaed furniture. Mo-,t ol me good second-hand furniture in thi town find its way to our rtore. We ?rice it very reason ably, in' most cases about H or less, than new good. Thi Is a wonderful saving in these days of advancing cost, and you will find it greatly to your advantage to furnish up at our 1 I nn.iMt.nt u Mm.n tl Wall OU VOU BUU Come and look at our im-kiy I No red tape. Call and be .convinced. GEVL KTJS Ft KMTUI1E 185 to 191 1st st., near Yamhill Public Market. 4 1014 delivery 1814 deitiery llfl delivery 1016 roadster 1 It 1 6 roadster roadster touring 1918 1016 1017 1017 1917 1918 LAUNCHES ASP BOATS $500 4 ROOM houseboat, furuuhed. j350 3 room boatliouse, turuished. 30 foot gasoline launch. $1200. Call Sunday at 46 and 57 WiUmmette Sloor age: after Sunday, 431 Chamber or Com. hldg. Morris. t Foil SALE, fast- raotorboat with boatliouse. canoe and all river equipment, terms or cash Will trade for machine. Motorboat club Sunday. Eat 4622 or 23 touring touring touring coupe Buv your car on tb east side and save $50 U $78. TALBOT & CASET. Grand Ave. and Ankeny sL . - I w)K HALE River cruiser, completely iur nished; cannot be duplicated for 5 .times the price asked. Must sell at once. $3o0. Call Wdln. oia. . WILL exchange new Victrola, Grafonola, or I-.d-ion for fir t cla-f typcrt;r. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 33 1 Morrison t. ALL MAKES fypevrnTTr. i.m to . Oregon Type Cc. !M4 5th. Main .1 ; NEW No. 10 Remington typewriter. 102 Northwetern Bank bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE ti ft I i 1 k 1 NtW (0) BOUGHT (& OLD SOLD GASOLINE launch for sale, in fir.t claw con dition; a bargain. At Standard Boathouie or 4 20 2d, apt. C. WORK-boat for sale, in perfect condition, on Columbia slough near Kenton. Inquire lor Blodgett. . llOUSEBOAT for sale: other side nver from St. Johns Shipyard; light green house. W 625, journal. Boat Swan for Charter Dance every Wed, and Sat, night. Main 47 4 3. 34x7 ft. half cabin launch huU for sale cheap or will trade. East 17U3 or iui ft rtson t-t. evenings. Mor- EHIPYARD SALE !A8H OB TERMS. , ' BlICK FOUR. FORD. OAKLANp LIGHT SIX. 8TLDEBAKER FOUR. PRICES :CL'T TO ROCK BOTTOM. Two nearly new 1918 Oakland demonstrating cars at coat. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, 844-350 Burnaide 8L ALWAYS on hand All makes, all sixes and - ready to rurr. Every car guaranteed a rep-rawented. UOrSKBOAT. completely furni'hed. lamette Moorage, nou'tumi at Wil is ROOM modern hou'seboat, partly furnished. Including electric range. No. 4 Willamette Moorage ANTED To buy logs for houseboat. L'19, Journal. WANTED Motor boat, launch or C. . It. Iisn . hat. cheaD for cash. R-849. Journal. 17 FT. row and sail boat lor saie. 6178. Call Tabor .ii . ; . , SEE u for boats and marine engines ' " kinds and sizes. Fulton boatyard Mar. 2005. siivnii nun A-s. MUSICAL IXSTRITMF.TJT8 209-211 2ND ST. Between Taylor and Salmon. Day Main 6331 A-l 209 Night Main 5 783 A 3051 DON'T WORRY mense stocks of everything to complete the home Rugs, Carpets, Printed Linoleum and Inlaid Mattings, Draperies, Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves jand Heaters, Dining Tables, Library Tables, overstuffed Tapestry Davenports, Rock ers, Dressers, Buffets, Brass and Iron Beds, Springs, Mat tresses, Electric Lamps, Win- MACH1NEKT 81 rAKM tractun, new and aecond hand, at Dar- gains. oasoiine engine aragiaw. r.u. Machinery Co.. 1295 Hood st. JIain 1346. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 AFTER Sept. 1. we will be in our new store. 350 Alder. 12 record and machine room. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison t. Special sale at present addrese. WAREHOUSE SCALE. 1 $2500 Fairbanks. Same a new. Big bargain. ELEC. COFFEE MILL Yi h. p. Used very little. A snap. GASOLINE ENGINE. 3 h. p.. ' Bull Pup." Same aa new. Very cheap. ELEC. MOTOR, 500 volt. 3 h. p.. cheap. CROCKERY A big assortment, eupe plates, bcwle, r letters, etc. Some slightly damaged. Low prices. SHIP CARPENTERS' TOOLS Stock com plete. White, Borton and Campbell. Special price for this Week. Main 0072 A-7174. Levin Hardware & Furniture Company 221-3-5 Front St.. cor. Salmon. 30x54 INCH flat Vbp office desk $27.50 Desk chair with cane back and aeat. . 4.50 llatigirig show case with 3 glaju shelves. . lrcp back bed Davenyorl Drop head sewing machine Three section filing ciise Woven seat and back maple porch settee. iTory Reed perambulator Collapsible go-cart with 2-bow hood.... 4.50 Brown leatherette couch 12.00 55 piece set dishes 10.75 Kara 0T A-T1T4. LET U HARDWAKE ek rOHNTTCRB CO.. S3 1-3-5 Front at., eor. Selaoa. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Pbevte Eewt 294. S4-S6 Grand av We pay the highest prtoea for your aeeood-haad rarnitare. Will take your meed turn! tun la change for sew. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 404 nr- We warn yoar maao lurnltur. stoves, earpets and pienne Will pat bigneat cash prase, Oail Main 4637.. j WlGHTMANfJOHNttuM FCRNITCRK CtA. $t-$0 iUrand ave. East 7766 Rlgbeat. prfn paid for tised fnmltur. carpet. tlcTee. ranges, ete. We call promptly. O A Q i paid lor furniture, love, (anges, neat LrAO M era, carpets, rags, dresser, etc. Phoa alavhsTI 3673. Hartaell Furniture Co.. 341-43 1-t TXT treiabt rate on household good, shipped Eat and Sooth. Marnlng Warehouse A Tranv fer 'n . B'h and Hnyt. Brradwav 7. A-1791. SWAP COLUMN S1EREOPT1CON laniern. theoMat. 12x1 screen. 90 ft. curd, large number slides; want motorcycle. Have for sale sanitary couch. 40 gaL boiler and stand, heating stove, oil) burner lor rang. lo3U Uwlgbt st. 1'none Columbia 273. ' GET WELL FREE. FREE.- " FREE. aivery day. from 10 a. m. to 4 p. a , and evening! uu Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9. and Sundays trout 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF Sl'rKEREUd WHO MAYS FAILED . . , to grt relief in any otuer way are invited to ia veaUcate Chiropractic methods, which , are per uauently curing hundred every day. TUB Br-ST OF CH1UOPKACTIU DIAGNOSTICIANS will thorcagblv exsmiu sou. make eonsolete diagnoai ut your ca and (Lreot your . treat- menu WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER CHIROPRACTIC to the afc. sane, tare and modern science of curing and preventing dl FOR SALE, cbeap. ur will trade for a boy' wheel, good Victor talking machine. o jung. Columbia 1057. , WILL exchange furniture for a Victrola or graphonoia. Phone Tabor 3933 or 902 Bel mont st. ' CHICAGO Jewel high-oven $00 'gas range. i-ed year, good as new. for 14x16 garage. S-S38. Journal. 5 00 SWAP- 7.30 22.50 I 29 00 j CHIROPRACTIC win permanently cure 9$ per cent of all disease. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. Tb above service Is all free to' yoa at the col lege building and may be had in private it deetred PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men practitioner. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Coruer of Psrk sn I Yamhill. Tel Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with coiirge. Will handle out-of-town patients at a moat reasonable rate, tn order to show what Chiropractic can do. Address all communications to DR. O W ELLIOTT. Preidrnt. COME IN and get b itU your tret tiled up good for $1 by lr. Eaton. the'tHIKOPoDIST that doen't hurt you; 5 jearo In Portland, eiam free. Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th and Wah.' Bdwy. 2824. SPIRITUALISM Mis M7 L Ta MAR. "28 5th kt.. corner Main, tear): pahm-try and card reading ; also leaaona iu science of health and success SOTICLH 14 SEALED prupuaai will be m.lird l .ofllc of undersigned. 40L courthouse, until 4 p m. Thur.day. August 8. 1U1S. tor general work of entrance ateps and porch fl.irs of Thompson school. Bids will be opened under euthoTity of rison it. MUST SELL THESE FIXTURES One Peninsular gas and coal range, one mT rored back bar, ohe counter, steam table, chairs, tables, etc Call Main 4 537 and we will show you. Coma to our low rent store and get $10 value for every $7 you spend. Note the fol lowing: $18 cotton felt mattressea ,. io. io $12 bed'prings .$ 9.00 ! - rockers $20 oak cen $17 iron beds A DANDY MONARCH RANGE $55 Other stoves and ranges at special prices. WIG HTM AN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand are. East 7766 TENTS EDWARDS CO,, 5th at Oak, .... r i . f . .m.ll ti..nir or roet beer barrel or what have you: T 766. 1, .ill T - 1 uunuu. ; w i A . , i ... - . i ( iMJaww ut u 1 1 v h i . Lin UI...II'. ' in'iii pru 150 EGG Ideal incubator for chicken or anj- tjeposit of $2 is required for plana nd prifi- Oim.. . 1... . , f.. . ..r.. iit V. l . .r i V v. : v v. . -; . . . f . , . ........ sww B.i.B " . . - - - -- ( all'.ll., VIUUl I J V UIUV. VI A. i Naramor. aupenntendent of properues. 3US Dd. go-cart, baby's jumping ' courthouse. Certified check for 10 per cent of .1. 'nr o., :i.r.5 Tabor C473. ! amount of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposal. B. 11. TUOSIAR. Dated August 1. 1918. Schyl Clerk. I WILL not be reponible for any debt con tracted by my wife, Eotella Beutxm. C. It Ben ton. ENAMELED swine, for 333 E. 87th st. TRADE motorcyrle, vi-e. guitar, postcard reflect or camera and hardware. What have youT Phone Columbia 84 5. H KT. diamond for motorcycle, or H H. P. electric motor. Pbone East 2705. WILL exchange piano tuning for furniture, etc. Webster. Tabor 3983. COST $5ft 14x16 SELL FOR $30 NEWMAN. 128 18T Nr. ALDER. MAIN 448. KALE plants, Superior blackbcrrie-., qualty rabbit ; save pick berries yourself. Corner 89th and E. SUrk. ML Tabor (M T 8Sth) car to end, 4 blocks north, 1 east. SCALE8 AND SHOWCASES FOR SALE Floor cake case; cigar and candy case abo; very fine display ice box. Doomy A Fox, East 24th and Broadway st. WHY an everlasting aggravation Dy a leaky roof f Why not a permanent and indestructible rooff We oiidix and renew all kind of leaky roof 608 Tonmey bldg. Main MXti FIXTURES of barber shop for sale cheap if taken in 2 week. Will rent living room and basement for $8 per month. S. lat sc. city. F- 919, Journal. ONE 3 Vi -ton Indiana, truck to rent by the hour or day. or contract hauling Apply at 528 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1212. A-2423. 1 JUNIOR hand cultivator and extras, $5; wa terpower washing machine, $5; 1 set drawing OLJ I rv I i .tools, $5; 1 Coates barber clips. $2.50; lot No. flow bnafleSi and Dishes, etCi 12 lod,d 8h-u" -oL.,b- enmj!iLwoodi35' $100 FINE hero Graphophone, triple spring. splendid gone; price $27.50; $7.50 down. (4 Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 931 Mor- A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE: YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AS GOLD. Best Values Lowest Prices Plumbing Supplies Our price are the lowest in the city. Why? Our large stocks of goods were bought at pre war prices. That's the Reason Call, let us show you, and be convinced that we positively can save you money on your PLUMBING SUPPLIES of every kind. Northwestern Pipe Company $23 HAIR switth. What have you! Sellwood 304 5. C-2I38. .41 COLT levolter for a .22 rifle. Woodlawn 4 365. NEW Winchester automatic rifle to trade for good bicycle. I'lton C-Johi 300 Eyl'lTY "in grand" piano. What "ha uii? !.evi. Mar-hull 3361). evenings. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACOORDION PLAITING WASTED MISCELLANEOUS SECONDHAND CLOTHING J Meyer, the tailor, pays tb btguest price for sent, overroeta and shoes. We call aoywbere in tbe city, dav or cvtniBat Marshall 122fK 229 Madison . LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT" Cash for Anv Amount ELWOOI) WD E.s ' 211 United' Bute National Bank bldg. k. BlEfliA-N besnatiicnina. braiding, ehata stitching, box. accordion, aide sad sunburst pktiticg. scallop trig, button covered. Ooad sponged. SI Pittock blk Broadway 1099. hemstitching! To cents per yarix pleating. all latest styles. east ERN NOVELTY CO.. 85 FIFTH. BUOAD WAY 2000. LANK BOOK MAIttR DAVIS A nOLMAN. INC . 109 2d st . blank book manufacturer A 8183. Main 183. tei-'ubiei : : : : : : : : : : : : : : lUo j Come, and come early you jl s .-....$13.50 J , POOLRt FULL size overstuffed tapestry davenport, regu larlirice $195, to close out. 89.75. Feldstein Furniture Co. 166-168 1st st. 5ftlT Chevrolet that's new 916 Fort, llgjit panel delivery $ 660 450 1915 Ilulrk. 5 pas... perfect 6S0 1016 Maxwell, new battery and tires .. GOO 1916 Studebakey : roadster. 3 pass., 95 per rent new 750 1917 Mitchell. 7 pas., new tire 1000 1914 Chalmers Ma-ter Htx ; some buy.. . . 650 1914 Velle, elen I., snd S , 0 per cent new 550 J916 Studebakef. 7 pas , perfect 760 Franklin bug, olerhauled 850 i; 10 more to select from. . Come In today ( Conley'sUsed Car Center ItuiWlng. Ride Entrance. lath and Washington. REMOVAL notice: After Sept. 1 we will he iu our new ftore. 350 Alder st. We will have 1 2 machine and r?cord demonstrating rrms. Special sale on all machines except con tract goods at our preslnt place, 331 Mor ri on. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. BRING ih the records you are tiredVif hearing. and by paying a small exchange fee we will exchange them for something that is new to you. W exchange used records for- brand new ones. VF.RN U WENGER. is 142 H 2d (upstairs), near Alder. GOOD uSi Terms, piano. $125. Another $185. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 11 'J Utb. WONDERFUL USED CIRCASSLAN WALNUT DRESSER AND CHIFFONIER. Both perfectly matched and same as new. Big plate glass mirrors. This pair would cost you new at the lowest estimate $150. We sell for $95. Terms if desired. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY 185 to 191 1st St., near Yamhill Public Market OOLROOM outfit, consisting of safe, back bar, front bar. 4 pool tables, cash register. showcases, ice box, etc. Inquire 174 1st cor- I , iii snowcases, n will never get a chance ikfi l.t?"i r.ce only 3t; 913 down, montniy 187 Front St. Portland, Oregon. 331 Morrison st. this again, FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. fegSS 166-68 1st St,, ! Between Morrison and Yamhill, STOKE AND OFFICE FIXTURE 8 CON SISTING OF Showcases and wallcasea. . Large tables and counters, candy jars. Cah registers and safe. Scales, cheese cutter, meat slicers. Roll top desks, flat top desks Adding machine and typewriters. One large and one .mall icebox. I-arge gas range, cider press. Two soda fountains, also one 20 foot front. (Removal sale.) Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. I d "1"rUr' "r" "" ill Front Hide- L. Shank Co. n0d- -Metal Rubber. Writ for price and shipping tag. Main 169f. Second Hand Clothing Buyer W pay the meet for rae'i clothing and shoe. Cjll Main 1933 BOOK STORE BlNitvb Dougul. .old. exchanged ftcendmaxaa bonk store. 4 N 3d t Broedwsy J284 BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS HAUl'EK S BRASH WORKS Bra. casting, and machine work. 106 N. !Sth. Brodway 2343 CARPET CLEAN1NO IFUIFIF mU i ii mi 4 a a a i I r rTaatl JUNK WAIN I tD iT7u 734 ! W pay the blgbewt merket price tor avetad s wA trmk of every HeacTiptioa. rfss. yj uw "! l, iv.vi 128 F1rt. near Alder. Main 4495 Tabor 6798. VICTOR and Columbia records We sell you rec ords on easy payments, your choice, on ac count of removing to our new store. 350 Alder. Co.. 331 Morrison st. -inch O: A P. paper cutter. 1 Boston Stapler. 1 9x13 Prouty press, 1 lead cutter. 390 and 392 Belmont st. Rhone East 4003. FINE $150 fireproof Herring-Hall-Marvin safe. Have purchased larger one. Price $85; $13 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrifon st. (Removnl sale.) GOODS POLD ON EAST TERMS IIOCHFELD BROS., 174 1st corner Yamhill. FOR SALE OR TRADE ' ADDING MACHINE. CHECK PROTECTOR. LETTER FILES. KOI.L TOP DESK. FLOOR SCALE. COMPUTING SCALE. FINE OLD VIOLIN, GUITAR. BANJO. ACCORDIAN, BICYCLE. NO REASONABLE OFFER RE FUSED. 128 FIRST NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4495. CUPBOARD for sale. $2 50: 7 burner gas range, $5; Englt.h breakfast table, $1.50; spring cot. $1. 1505 Lancaster ft. MONARCH RANGE, for wood or coal; good con dition, refinished, fitted with water front; bargain at $40. 400 E. 12th St. S. CABINET TALKING MACHINES. We have left a few of these $60 machine which we are selling at the very low price of $35. Play any ARTICLES that have come to the Exchange victor or coiumDi record, lerms. ro interest Department within the past week each ha C 66 ' rT-r, rrtviTmr been lo.ake1 over, repaired if necessary now you .o . , select, ana at a saving, too! ld'sjl r irsi ru near lamiun juoiio ui.ekci. HORNLESS Talking Machine with lid. First class condition, with 20 dandy selections. W 112 50 VERNL. WENGER. 142 Vi 2d (upstairs), near Alder. Big Wrick S. AV. cor,; . Thone Broadway 2656. Open Sundays and Evenings. ArTOMOTtTT.F tTAfTETt 7 WILL trad my throe speed powerplus motor. j- fully equipped, dream tandem, good tires, in '"en bug Automobile. Call 204 Porter st., Stan- field Apt., 16. Call Main 7392. FINE piano, slightly used, but in fine condition. $150. Another at $1$5. Also several new pianos, slightly damaged uf transit, at substantial reductions for uuica sale, f UIL tJltoo.; 16610th St- - Main 2820. VICTROLA Ou account of removing to orlr new location at 350 Alder. Sept. 1, we of fer new, latent style $00 Victrolas and 20 10 inch selections for $9H 50 on special terms of SI 5 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 331 Morrison. Golden Polished Round Top 6-foot Dining Tabte. with barrel pedestal, four legs. The price now is $11.50 An elegant set of Six Solid Oak Dining chairs. A big bargain for ..$21.00 A good big Sideboard, with Beveled Plate Mirror. Think of this for only $17.50 49 piece Set of Chrysanthemum and Gold Decorated Dinner Set, priced now at.. $7.75 WHO wants old fashioned black walnut bedroom Full six White ' Enamel Continuous Post set. large Bed. dresser, commode ana center iron Bed: and it only S11.T1S table, last three pieces nave wnite inarDie tops. Can be seen by calling at 34 5 E. Oak St., be- Coil Braced Mesh Top Wood Frame Bed tween 10 land i Sunday, or pnone Monday I Bpnng, full size, for $4.25 USED 60 INCH ROLLTOP DESK, waxed oak, $30; used Cutler disappearing typewriter desk, flat top, wax oak, sanitary base, $37.50. Big line of used office desks and chairs. ' GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY 185 to 191 1st st.. near Yamhill Public Market. fXTKA large size Majestic coal or wood range. in splendid condition; 24 inch oven, water front, for only $50. This i some snap for a boarding house or large family. OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 1st St. GOOD size collapsible baby buggy, -swing: also silk coat and dress, size 5. All good condi tion. Marshall 221. 200 CORDS No. 1 fir wood for bale. O. M Taylor, Beaverton. Or.. Route 4, or J. Stroud, Beaverton. Or. FOR SALE Buffalo Pitts steam roller, good as new. for sale cheap if sold for cash. Apply J. S. Giebisch. box 346. Tillamook, Or. FOR immediate sale. No. 22 Rife ram, farm tractor, brood sow. All must be sold this week. Address Route 5, Box 119, Sherwood, Or. WINCHESTER rifle. 45-70. Tireless cooker. compartment, good condition, cheap for cash. Tabor 6560. SUITS pressed. 35 cents. French dry cleaned. $1. Why pay morer unique Iailonng Co., 104 4th street j FOR SALE Tent. 10x12, 3-' ft. walls. 10 ox. duck, nearly new. E. 65th and Oregon. Tabor 7502. KALE PLANTS. $3 . per 1000. Tabor 4633. Madison and 76th st'.. Portland. Or. PLUMBING SUPPLIES What we ear. gVe yoa 1 6-foot bathtub complete. 1 lowdown closet complete. 1 corner or tlat-bark basin complete. FOR $58 F. 0. B. PORTLAND . Ail goods guaranteed. Pipe and fitting at lowest ponlble price. W also bar some altghtly damaged food. A, L HOWARD 2i2 Fourth t.. bt. Tevlor and Salmon. Willamette Junk Co. Main 0O00. Par higher price for rood hand machinery nd 1tmk of every aeaertptioa. MARSHALL 1883 icon -?inn i ULLL FRONT ST W bnv everything and pfl promptly. U. S, LIBERTY BONDS Will pay cash. 653 Pittock blk. GOING Eaut or South I Household good shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pcin Coat Forwsrdtng Co.. 40S Hoyt t. Bdwy 703. WANT two compartment fireles cooker in good From aid carpet rag rugs. Carpet cleaning. NORTHWEST RUG -CO . 1S8 E. 8th st. Phone F.at 3580. B 1280. JOY Ck MUua , kviectno Clening VV or. Ce,r- pet cleaned nd laid, refitting car .pee laity. f.a.1 440. H I 204 E. 19th t- I. x: CMIROPODlSTa DM is. i.olla COX Aaep.ic v-uiropooju Successor lo Dr. Owe. Office ourJ Bid Kirber bnp Phone Mln 7173 CHIHOPR ACTOR Ut. cIAiio m iuin uou . l .Uiu.na.ou SIS: aeven. 15 Eaiet term VRlJiViiA E" DOWN IN G . 'hi nractor. 1 1 yrars' exinenc Broadway bldg- ' COUCATIONAl OANOINQ una rUtsa ACiutm. lua a.iyO.i r. Ballroom and clawie dancing Private leasone dUy Claaee Tuesday and Friday evening. to 10 Ladie free. Main 2100 MANCHESTER Uaucing Academy. Get la Ho for aummer discing; 10 private lesson $1 Hoar 10 m U $0 b-..h.. ever Wa laach ma right toZSZ. 1124 Lombard , B.-ag. -dem, f VJ, -..a, b. i,,h : 1 4 ,h t W-h. B;iwy, 3HO. WINCHESTER carbine rifle, 30-80, almost new. with Lyman peep fight, shells and auxiliary chamber, $16; Winche ter shotgun, la gauge, modified choke, new gun with case, $15, and 1 Winchester 12 bore shotgun, short barrel, $0: 1 new salmon rjd. reel, line, spoon', leader.. $0 . 1 fly r-xi. reel, liy and basket. $5-50; 2 (Ser geant squares, $1 each; adjustable level, $1 50; 1 jackscrew, $1.50. and 2, doz. 1 in. ballbearing-. 15c each. Phone Woodlawn 221. Address 1111 (ilenn are. N. , Alberta car. WANTED ShoUun. 12 gauge; must be ingn grade, good condition. nd bargain for ca.li Broadway 1270, Room 204. WANTED Cash regUter, safes. eU. Pboa Main 4 234. WANTED Rifle. botton. emr. ieawe. Hochfield. S 3d et Pbone Meta SSS1. GOOD suit' and overcoat or entire outfit by young man, site 88. V-845. Journal MTiST call paid for furniture, r t. bed and musical instruments. Main 709 WANTEI Indian relic and ciirioa. ivm, Paul. 168 10th t-t Marshall 5003. MISS IRELAND 19 LESSONS S$ Sn Mm Mdg Personal tiertwi. 10 le ALL kinds of crochet and fancy work bought and sold on commission. .170 10th t. PEHSOAL 3f Main 4557. TWO very beautiful period china closets, one in Jacobean and one in William and Mary design. As we have only the two pieces, and no dining table or chairs to sell with them, we will part with them at about wholesale price, $40 each. i GEVURTZ FIKNITCRE CO.. 185-191 First st. near Yexnhill public market. Folding Mantel Bed, with Beveled Plate $00 ENVELOPES or 500 bond letteruead. $2.25; Z5 engravers type wedding anaounce- Mirror at top $12.50 laent or invitation $3. 8mith. Printer. 2Q4 Stark Mahogany Arm Chair and Tapestry Uphol stered Seat Tapestry Upholstered Rocker-Chair. AM LEAVING city and have two baby carts ,.1. ph.in Alan household thine for .$3.25 L,,e cnM,p Call Main 5846. REMEMBER We Exchange Reords. VERS L. WENGER, 142 H 2d (upstairs), near Alder. FINE 10.6x13.6 AXMINSTER RUG, only used Oak Arm Bocker a few times. Small conventional tan and grenn design. You could call It new without i Solid Oak Arm Chair.. iear or contraaicuon. irniy eoo. GEVURTZ FURNITl'RE COMPANY 183 to 191 1st st. near Yamhill Public Market ...$4.00 . . .$7.50 FOR BAl.h. Cash register, vale, adding ma chine ana snow case. lie in u cornai YamhiU. $85 FINE hornless graphaphone and $25 worth of fine record, special removal sale. $K5. $15 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 331 Morrison. . AUTOMOBILES wanted by private party; vrill pay cadi for late modfl light car tn good condition; mut be bargain; Bnlck, Dodgn or , Oakland preferred. Address P. O. Box 500. tANTED B passenger machine. $1 00 down and $23 or $30 a month; not over -$300. phone Tabor 2912. LXT me repair your macnine in your own gar - tge. 'ITtvate tervire car day and night Rinr - gell. 3753. t ITOR SALE or trade for. automobile, coufection ' ery, front end of postoffice. Write J. W. Sloore. Redmond. Or WANTED 5 passenger "6 or 8 cylinder model. $100 down, 50 In 2 weeks, $15 to $75 per xnnnth. Write D. Caldwell. St Johns. Or. CITX salesman ,wUi pay ii i day for use of Ford ear from v to. a without driver. Phone Broadway 1177. BRUNSWICK, perfect condition, used very lit tle, with 24 12-lnch selections, only $120; $15 down, bal. $10! per month. Vern L. Weu ger, 142 hi 2d st (upstairs), near Alder. Phonographs and records bought sold, exenanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 si 2d, near Alder, upstairs. METAL chairs with quarter sawed oak seats. just the thing for ice cream parlors or res taurants; $2.75 each; terms. MISH FURNITURE CO. 188-190 FirU st Koxy Kitchen Cabinet Glass Door. Gas Plate. Bake Oven . . PRUNES for canning, cheap. Bring your bas- $6.00 I ket to orchard. 37th and Prescott sts.. Al berta car. $16.00 j GOOD drop head sewing machine, $12.50, all Q) Jl Tenneeaee and Port Orford cedar, eoppet trimmed; latest degns; factory prices Factory E. Glian. bet 75th "d Tfih Tshnr 0e FOR SALE 3 gallon brazing torch, $7; fine violin, $10; set of Armstrong stock and dies. H to 1 inch. $3; 15 gallon oil tank. $3; two 100 watt Mazda C lamps, new, S1.50; type writer. $6. Phone Sellwood 161'8 between 12 and 3 p. m. or address B. J. Boicourt, 4502 61st avB. S. E. attachments: good condition: .$4.50 Room 405. 850 H Morrison st. private party. 4 Burner Cm Range, with High Oven .. $27.50 NelSOn Ladflef WOrkS M.'in corner lot near Union eve., part pay- ment on auto. w-nai, journal. . 325 CASH for a 1917 Ford; state condition Petete. 62 th at. irORD automobile for 3 weeks Calf 816 Board of Trade. A ' gllGHEST rnre paid for , tlon no eblect WANT auto. Have piano equity to exchange, iwis, narsnaii a isi:, evening. ViNtEI Ulomobiie. eondi. 121 N 8d t. B.1wv. 2e)2. -Ford tourning car : Main 8769 pay rash. -id. ATTTOMOBIT.F.H VOTt HIRK $t t ACTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS I ' Brand new cars. Reasonable - ates. ., Fearing A Robnett. City Garage. 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway E40. Wfl REAL ESTATE MAN : FIRST (tjkfel LIGHT CAR AND DRIVER. COMPETENT .TO SHOW PROPERTY". AT YOUR SERVICE. E-628; JOURNAL ' AUTOS WITHOUT DHU EH FOB HI tiki ' COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH. 222 10TH A YAMHILL A-1236 BnE t -ton Indian truck to rent by the hour or day, or contract hauling. Apply at 828 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 1212, A-2423. VOMDS lor hire wiuiuul unset. 443 urk U ' Broadway 3632. BJGHWAT AUTO SERVICE Good ears. com. nt a nver. gixtn ana wsn. Main 7080, VICTROLAS New latest style. $22.30 Vic trolas, special terms, $5 down, $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison (re moval sale). COCOA MATTING, in 18, 27 and 36 Inch widths; all has been steam cleaned and 1 in fine; condition; 4 0c per yard. ; OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 1st Et SPLENDID USED KROEGER PIANO in rose wood case. Returned and in splendid tone; $200. Easy terms, no lntere-t charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY 185 to 191 1st st. near Yamhill Poblic Marked FINE eolden oak $75 buffet only $85; $40 ex tension table, oak, $17.50; $45 sectional bookcase, $22.50. Call 154 E. 28th. Tab 8107. j ; ; h-- ' : A B GAS RANGE 4 burners and simmerer; elevated oven; fine condition-, a bargain for $16.50. OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 1st st. 6 Hole Cabinet Base 8teel Range 4 Hole Cabinet Base Monarch Range. 12-inch Blad Lawn Mower Collapsible Go-Cart , EDWARDS CO,, 5th at Oak. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. Your Credit Is a Good a Gold. .$42.50 .$65.00 .$2.75 . .$2.00 extension and cherry picker' ladders GAS range, good make, in excellent condition. Step, GASOLINE woodsaw for sale. 673 E. Oaa st. NEW wheel chair, rubber tires, walnut writing j desk. Lau aiam snu. ain. ata. BEAUTIFUL 4 piece Ivory bedroom suite. ! bed. uresnrr, cmiionier ana dressing table, regu- Wn.L exchange new phonograph for your old piano. G. F. JOHNSON. PLANO CO., 149 6th. FUMED oak library table. 24x36 inch, $10.50; Ur price $165, for $129.50. tinis is Bt-ine Miap. OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 1st st FIN E overstuffed easy shair covered in beau tiful figured tapestry, very slightly used ; a $35 value for $18. Miih Furniture Cot; 188- 190 1st st Feldstein Furniture Co, $4 5 TALKING machine, wooden horn, fine ahape, $15, $5 down. $3 monthly. Hyatt ant. tn tk massive dining table, for auick ssiaing iuacuine io.,a ooi asornson. t removal -ale $7.50 166-168 1st st sale). PIANOS, organ and musical instruments' Decker A .Son. rosewood untight S100: Burdette organ, walnut, $32.50. Harold 8. Gil bert. 884 Yamhill st ELEGANT genuine Krell 83 -not player piano with $50 worth of fine rolls. Cost $765. Price $350. Special terma. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Morrison (removal sale). $281.25 $12 i CXSH.-"$615onthlyufbuy new Improved .1918 model piano at the Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth at, at Waah. t LARGE size Columbia graphonoia and records, bargain ; square piano, good condition., $15. Good organ. $20. Tabor 6660. OWL FIR'T"RE 204 1st st ott-B. s U.MO.-N UAPG comolnattoa ranee lor coat, wood and gas. Save apace, and ex. BT$rabrb.rainruun,nu wzz3Ksz or homes from 5 up big trgins. m nng9 tnlde ,Uow a gQod FINE $150 table Grafonola, mahogany, only $65. $15 down. S3 monthly. Hyatt Talk ing Machine "b.. 331 Morrison (removal sale). COAL or wood ranee with water, coil, nice nickel trimming, for $18.50. OWL-FURNITURE COL J ' 204 1st et " SECOND HAND FURNITURE STORE FOR SALE I Will tell complete stock of used furniture at once at a bargain., East 6487. Re. E. 8058. ELEGANT black bear skirl rug, worth $50. WILL exchange one of our beautiful all record Brunswick phnnograplis for piano; give or take difference. Soule Bros., 166 10th st COLUMBIA Grafonola for tale cheap, wood 3155. 811- -pet WANTED 8 or 4 persona to- ahar expense highway trrp Sunday, private auto. Main 6907. Columbia uivsiu highway auto ssiu ' VICE. W do taxi work. Main 238. i WANTED Upright piano at once, private par- ry. sears nail 0243, ; 1 a piano; no square or thump boxes. Harold a. Gilbert. 884 YamhuT. WILL give a piano the very bes of care for tta torage. 1'lione Woodlawn 4460. mornings. GENUINE Lindeman A Sbna piano. Thi ' will interest you. 149 -6th. J. A G, FISCHER, good as new, Sellwood 1091: OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 1st st price. We can give you easy terms; no Interest charged. GEVU11TZ FURNITURE COMPANY 185 to 191 1st st.. near. Yamhill Pubftc Market for $35. 1st st Mish. Furniture - Co.. 188-190 FOR SALE Kindergarten tsbles and chair. in good condition. Apply 2.70 4tn st cor. Jef. fetflon or phone Mar. 61 BO. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS , FOB LESS iron beds, si. 75 up. Spring. $1 up. Mattresses, $l.d up. hatv. ' T Ae nn s 'Dressers. $6 up. JJUUDg table. $3 up. . . OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First St SEWCOMERS. ATTENTION We carry a complete line of both new and rf assart 4n gasju-a- n mm linnlanMa asVa asstakawau FthRS ITURE br sale. aU or part. 1080 Lam- and heater at pricea about 25 per cent Dower Dert riace, near oom iiiu anon u I than a-ed by the uptown store. Estimates FOR sale cheap, one wood range, oak buffet, cheerfully given and goods sold on easy terms iron bed and spring. rnone Tabor 2709. " aemreu. FOR sale cbeap or trade, $35 bed spring and ; . . o . ilL. w- s - ci- r.otaa o.ll inn 1 ' ' aoo-aww iuh w -I F6R SAIJS Furniture of 6 room hou e. 55S . . F.. 40th t -Tabor 8043. : - FOLDING bed and mattre&s, $3; oak bookcase, - $40 807 Enaerson t. - -u I 1 n-... Phone Tabor 6548. East 2575. BACTICALLY new Hot Point electric range. Tabor 9560. cKtnei ALL, mscblne sold for gent are employed; rented, repeired. A-862S. afaia 943L Sewing Machine Emporium. 190 3d st. near Taylor. 13 HOUSE mover's screw jacks in good condi tion. Woodlawn oossi. PLUMBTNG supples, wholesale price Davis Co.. 212 39 t aiain ier Star $200 DIAMOND for sale. Big discount JX- 8-74. Journal. VACUUM cleaners old. repaired, rent!, ei changed, bought Bentley Co.. Main 8582 FOR SALE, 1 tent 10x12, 4 ft. wall; good as new. 630 Union ave. N. FOR SALE 6 wheel scrapers. 6 dump wagon, 1 mixer, 3 r resno. l n Missouri nt. FOR SALE Rambler gocart. ribber tired, ball bearing, fine shape, lanor ivay TENT 8x10. never been used; pnee $14. iTV Minnesota ave. 4 100 LB. ice cans, new coil and Unk for freez ing. Call Kufmer. Main 84. Marshall 2179. BRAND new wool fluff rug. tan color, size 6x10. Marshall 1133 GOOD Edison hornless, cylinder machine and 10 records, only $21 50, S5 down, $4 monthly Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison st I Removal sale. ) Electric Motors Bought sold,-rented and repaired. WaJter Electric Works. 413 Barvi side. corner loth Broadway 5K74 (P 1 f Pin 1"" drop head sewing fcssebmea wTIn vf I UiUU uachments; ail are la very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per mcnth. Phone East 2369. or B-3S07. ki K Kteen. 152 ;nq ave.. near Belmont BEAl TIFUL new .ilk quilts, lounge robe. crochet and embroidery "work, sell cheap or trade aUo one 9x12 Axminster rug. good a new A few carpenters tools. 3805 64th t S. E BLACKBERRIES, raspbernee, peach plums, I kale plants, rabbits. Save pick berriea your- ) selC I'orner 80th and East Stark. Mount Ta bor ilL T. 88th) car to end. 4 block north. 1 east . -all .HICAl. INSlKLMENTIs. ' Typewrtier, set "Household Good" re separau clasfcfkearton All sdvertuemenu of these goods are vuuUaaed nnder tbeir respective ciassincaaon. IXK)K THEM OVER 100'c, CHIHoi'KAi.il.) nislt.ll Dr. McMabon. Marlear bldg.. Portland. chiropractor of experience, a past -amateur. 100 .CHIROPRACTIC SPECIALIST, wttb highest teetimuat! from patient from Eastern atates. familiar with the best; also frosn West ern and local patients nsviag anfortnnstely bad leas than 100 chiropracUe alsewbere. with, of course. eorrespoBdiag diaappoisunent' la delayed relief. These different classes of patients are fully statfisd with my 100 chlropracttie philosophy sad experience sad superior kiil demonstrated m consultation. examutsiioaa. adyostmenu. rate and. finally, results. itecoisajandaUona on file for year. Eighth year m this city Rental East snd West side offices $800 s month. Credit good. All case PEHSONI ALLY examined and adjusted Br MYHS.L AT ALL TIMES. Phone, call or write. aUx pbone installed. Day or events uesuseau. uOe rata. SI adjustments, CI 3. 4th and Washington. Slit and Hawthorne ave. IF YOLK ailment 1 aatbms. goitre, rheumatism lumbago, neuritis, neurasthenia, insomnia, in digestion, lirer, stomach, bowel, kidney, bladder, female, rectal and prostatic trouble, skin dis ease, paralysis, high blood pressure, or other cbroaic disease, my physic! therapeutic meth od will accomplish more for you then sny thing else. Investigste." tt will cost you nothing Alwsy glsd to explain. Dr. R. A PhUlips. 9o3 Prni1wv Mdg AI.TB .V RKOW.V leachef et riair. to. ! and banroom d.ndng 14" 18tb a. 'f MorrVnn. PrnvieBrndway 36SA MUlrSC00. AND TtACrltHa OKR5Tn Cotiirviuiry tlvluw.l) ' of Music. 2d floor ;:el bldg (Over th. "Llm.") Eo-tmm-e 165 si 4th -. corner of MrrUon. . ..a i . i.1Msu. 20 yar expernre. Ptene leesons at roar home. 73c Tsbov 7 7 OS. THIKI.HOKN Viin iec:ief. i''"ol -J7 Fhedner bk) Brodwsy 162S. " rtuFr RUOS AND RAO 8UO Send Us Your Old Carpets MIFF M .. .ih rain Brussels. AxmlasiST. Smyrna. Also rag rug, all -' miA f anAkUt Carpet Cl'ning, Refitting, Etc. SxlJ rng. steam or dry cleaned, Sl WESTERN FI.CFF RUG CO , 54 Calna eve. W. Phone Eert al .-B-l 4TS CRANE LETTER CO . 5 1 2- Roy1! bldg. 'Mttlti grphing. mimeographing. Marshall 68--. PMVSICUWS OK R a PUILLDS. 90 ssroaoway build io. Rbenaaattom. female ai orders, skin UonbU. rtmnseh. bver. kidney, bowels, throat, genre. Bih blood prea-ore. n INTINO. TINHNQ. PAPfcHHAWOINq J H. CLIFTON, peinting. tinting. ppering. lii N. 17th t. Bdwy 4414 Wdla. 212. PATSNT ATTOWNIV GOLDBERG, 620 Worcester bile. Main p1INtTno7 NO HAWING BINOINO PRINTING and Oak sta. M 165. A 1165. THE IVY PKE'SS 882 Stark st Broadway 401. A-4QWB. HUSSfR STAMPS lniriMiTIKM nl all kinds cured or no pay. 183 cure without a miss:1 1 have cord some , n il.. .mnI ua in the Northwest: ran giv ! the beat referpfces in the country. Over 80 i Alj40 xTENCILH. Trade hecks. . Metsl Sign. years' experience. 326 Stalk t Gentle- I PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS men "only. : 63 Broedwsy. Broadway 710. A-27TO. STOHAOC Main 1927. etc. dra A-2S26. btove IX) YOU suffer from bowel, stomach. l:r. i kill... rbonmatism neuriri. nervous, female f disorder...' lumbago. chronic diseases? Try j CLT-PIUCK urse pecama modern druglea methods. They succecl where riraiiur. i other, fail Dr H Collin, 913 Broadway bldg r.th nd GLASSES AT A SAVING tb ; wiktlaNO LAUNDRY for prompt efficient ' t C SUPPLY ervice. Phone Broadway 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAOS TWO Disstnn hand saws and 50 foot steel tape. $8. Broadway 3Da, mom a FOR 6ALB 8 room tenthouse, good condition. Phone Tabor lion. FOR 8ALE Sheet iron building, 7x12. and root beer bas-rel. all oi etn et. FURNITURE of a 5 -room flat for sale, flat for rent. 441V otn t.. corner i.oue.e iu 17NCALLED for tailor made euits. $9 50 up. Taylor the Tailor 289 H Bnrnside. ONE 6-hole Royal range, wood or coel. gas water neater, qouoie copper cou. v i PRETTY fox nd2silk dresee-. 1 tanpe and 1 purple; latest; H of co t. Bdw. 3221. Oregon iranster Co. Establlsbed 187S Transfer ad Forwarding Ageat Storage Free Trsciage Offiee nd Store 4 74 UUaaa tnta and Olkso Krosdway Hl. A-1H1 $12,50 to $15 SEWING MACULVE3 Guaranteed. 172 3d st W rent and repaJL Main 184S. A 1818. Vi:TtMOBILE3. MOTORCYCLES. Li. L NCR- cr beats are separate elassifacatlon-s, A ' isrss Dsting can be found uder te yiiaVvnl clsai- esticn. ' -. ' -" - I .l. M.taM.ava art. rXFfVi- ban of eanabl servio. Tbon- sand of tfied patrons Cbaa W Gnodman. n.'omrit. a ilimws t. WANTED To correspond with some vegetarian. I Non-sectarian. JL Clauson. 2122 6th are.' Seattle, Wash. j iiiZ. 7 U rtUXUllAN. selennsrian uoapiLai. 41S E. 7th t a- V- 147. B llt 1-j ! wd borea clipped. j ! a 1. 1 Kite LLutla ban. moiea, weru. removed . : , ..,. .Tpf ,,, ;. 10 needU atethed: trial free Joeae Flnly. ALWAYS PICK 1UK BEST UOlkkUOUl li KllevVbld. Cali Main SS68. GOODS SP-ClALidT SUtrage. Paea-4. WANT nd. to Lo AnJi t'.'T sssist driving. Itrove own esr up. ,ooa re; .u.vcvs s, s-rno ir.ff m erences. Room 402 ' oir-ss hotel p,M Broadway . A-l MUSIC PRINTING Jiave 11 done in roruana Beavutiful cover. Tracy B. Caswell. 22 za t Marshall 652. s,i. . at.lt.lli.il . wi-uko maiaaiaa BJ scats duesre of men. neshlngtnn duu.. tn srd Wsshtnelo,. Phone Manball 44S . Broadwa 2079 nMD' - R. Wdln. I.MiVyuiii'3 ti Portland. Or. New and second hand All "tie Ay smoont FOR SALE, good old spuds, suitable lor table use. Main ft 392. STOCK saddle and chaps practically new, cost $90; might, trade. W-620. Journal o520CARBINE. Winchester rifle, practicajly inew. $6. Main 4837. FOR rent -or sale, upright piano, term, given. Broadway 52S0. '; SMALL ice box. $4: gas plate. $1.25; Oriole. $2.50. 644 E. 44th N. , ; FOR SAI E Hou tent. 20x14. with furniture; near 1500 Montana ave. Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning. $1: JeweK 80r: rom st.iiig. 5pe RElNGOf.DS. JEWKLEH. 124 5TH 8T JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS Mam XA'sJ BABY wlker for sale cheap. SelL 3416. FL'RXITVKE WANTED 71 Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Pbone Main S33I ers and simmerer. Our price for quick (tale $30, , Many other used range sad gas ranges at price to run any. pocket : : GEVURTZ FCRlNTTUBE COMPANYl 185 to 191 1st at, nr YamhiU Pnblia Market. VOR SALE Axminster caat. bxlO. 526 East Oak. , J BATtT bncT for sale, cheap: In splendid condi-'-. Tabor 8012. - J A BntB he for aalev eheep. CllF.at 51671. Call East 636 tued furniture, stose nags. nvlhlng In hcwermld Sopd Wa ascbange reur eld furn rtore f . r new. il yon wiau te obtaia hlgbsst price for your ued fumtture. tote, carpet. . I8f atirUB In bnslnese; higbeag price pi af owner ed furniture; rag, carpet, stave. A Furniture Co.. S3 Grand ve. East S47. WOi:i.D like to know the whereabout of Joseph Foster: was in Portland about 2 month ago. X-970. Journal. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S, MORSE, INC., " 142 Fl andes-s treex. PACK IN MOVINti -SDiRAGB HICCriliTT MTORAGK A TBANSr"KR CO.. in Park St. Main SIS. A-1 PRIM EDA . BALM, lormerly called Balsa ol Iris:, for disease of women. B4 4 . iQ st Bell. 221. Phone morning. GOITRE, enlarged gland, peor'le cure theai- aelve permanently. A. a. Diracnan, juua- boro. Or., K. 5. RHEUMATISM, constipation j kidney, nerve and stomach trouble enred. Drusle. UK. ELNA SORENSEN. 50t Panama bldy. EUICKSON'S Wlute niiieki M lefoity Hume tfr unfortunate girl; no publicity. 798 E- 72d t. N C-127S. , r.K nut rabtnr. batrw and ss a Itftitnte. S27-A- Pittock blk. a- UMd FOR TlENT Large light storage roota. rf cbeap. elo-e in. 98 Knott St. call room No. . WATCH R1PBIP.IN9 WATCH REPAIRING Special all the week. By bringing this ad, mainspring or jewel 60c: all work guaranteed Harry Rrovrn. expert watch snd Jewelry re-pa-irinc. 171 let t.. eor. Yamhill, Main 1652. Uf IT k e watea crystal or a watch pan ws as K. First class sratch and Jewel repalraaA Ficmpt avrvic. Betner A BUna. 1 Z2 A 14 si. TRAirSPORTATin EIJ.A CACKETTE. CMntrfie -fieial. acslp 1 1 earmeoTa. 41m ts rasa way niog.. hiw niui, MRS. WRIGHT Palmistry, card reading and spiritual teacher. 830 H Morrison. Room 414. FACE MAIsSAGE. dandratf. itching as-ip. moics reaaoeed. 280 Flledner bWlg. Broadway 118. Cooaulurir.B rUtLs . I 0,mmr .oaUta e sta. I aWVrrl7 Sellitig bWlg.r Aa taiant to car tor in private Jenrnal. a vti:i hneia -feT month.. E-699 STKAMERS DIRECT TO San Frcisco -Los Angeles - San Diego Fee' lerfarrnatton, ate, call tan pVanelaoa. Portland A Lo An4t Steamship Co., Frank el lam, Aeent, 109 Tklrd St, Maid SS