THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY ' MORNING, AUGUST 4, : 1918. 25 JdOSKT TO LOAX ngAL ESTATE It titU iutallaut pu i the beat aid uwi method ( paying ft loan. Swt.1.24 p month for 34 month ox (21.34 for 0 moDLta. or ' lit U fur 96 awiauu, pay 41000 loan 'end , burnt. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposj. No eommaMion charged. EXCITABLE SAVING! LOAN ASSOCIATION 848 IUrH t, Portland. Or. iMOUTGAUfcfkiea, and 7, Luitw ateioinoa 4c Co., 48 Selling bldg. Ttaiffor Inortgss. loan, eontraeta. Lewi, reoss 4. Lewes bldg. Mala 888. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 Salary UAN ' " Chattel WE LOAN MONET On sheet netioo o (started or- vorthifwi oa their own Bote. Weekly. , seas i-aaonthfy of monthly payment. aeh traaaeeUe tuistls confidential. - U MOMTOAOB NO T!DOBSEB ABSOLUTELY XO SBCCH1TY Wa alao loan on household (uraitur, Bia bos, la., wuaotjt hbohL CALL AND INVESTIOATB COLLUBiA DISCOUNT COUP ANT LICENSED. SIS Failing bid. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS f.ons made to persons on salary of fixed tn roma, on boaaehold furniture, piano, diamond and other personal property, lewl rataa. Busi ness eeafldential ; private office. fVUTLAN lio AN COMPANY. 'Ticenaed. 800-807 bakuta bid. Pout LAND REMEDIAL LOAN A8S.M. Established tI Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr . 894 STARK ST. LOAN a ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WASTF.l) W want a loan of $2000 for 3 year on a 160 acre farm near Washougal. Wash. ei- lay, 1 unibex Exchange blilg FOR H.V, " u,,i lit wortuace. 11000. T ix cant, mi bouse and lot. etiy. rug aw eotuit. Be quick. ' 932 Chamber Commerce. HORHKtt, VEHICLES, ETC. IS A t Cl i I UN sale ry Monday and Thuixiay at 2 p." an. We buy and sell all classes of hnrsen, wagons snd names on per cent coan auaaiun. If you hate euythiiui to sell or want o buy. eall and see us. John H. WlLiiaauon. ptoprVtos and auetieaawr. trtai M tab Us. 30S 8 ID Front nt. FOR SALU One gMl team of matched black horses for $l'j.'t aid one good sorrel horse $7 3; all guaranteed good pullers and sound; aiut sell aa I am leafing tha state; not lis if a hat they are , worth, K. K. Hpeucer, Sher wood. Or. I TWO fine luirreya. good una home milk wagon, nearly new hand maile bakery wagon, high graa steel tired top buggy, ail kinds oi wagons, bougies, hor-ei and ha rums ohnap or exctiange. Aim fine 'n lr. mats. Will exvhanga for good lre: HOi KKiiit t . 6S Is sorrel work how. wL t$0.. $35 " ' 1 sorr.-l work mare. wt. 1200; PAle or double, $4 V 'iske Mount Scott car 82d st Barn in rear of barber shtip I'OR SALE A camp wagon, a pail of matched in area, weight 2(. aud harness, all ta good m)m tUO 1 bay mare pony, ceutle. $20, Take Ml. Scott car to b5th fct., go north to fH25. ' BAY HoltSK. easy kept. , perfect form, beery set, soiixul, sane and safe; . wagons, single ana double. biiMiiy: mile K. Courtney station. Oregon City car. Mliwaukie. P. i- R 1- To right party small ynrr. 24S0 IJl. tam. extra good harness, $100; . take Woodstock car to 54th at. 6 blocks south to white house and barn; In town Sun- day only. BAY mar. $ yr old. about ,1100. and 6- year-olil brown. 1100, haul IV tons Ilac. with good gardener wagon, $200. -Pha Huetter, H HO Front, cor Montgomery. iRATEr"lrad, a apan of mares, weight 2300; work any place; hare no nse for them. 4' and see them and make m an offer. 87ft East 2 8th at. Boath. A DANDY tr-um of'farm horse, weight 2800 Mw. for sal cheap or trade for cows. Wood stork car to X9 Powell st. MI'HT Mil 1 ranch texm. mare and horse, dou- I.I. k...... . ...I 'tA. tm mtn - 1 ' T 1 for the outtit. 3N0 Front st. Trial allowed. FAliM" wii'iiM, 3 ta. and t Vi i 13 double hamM. 3(1 trout, cur. Montgomery. Phil Suetwr I HPANH l.t aiutes tn sUta. from 5 to U yn. old. gontie, broke, guaranteed in erery rempect. 880 Front at, car. Montgomery. Phil Suetter. - 3Tf7rYbuggi, first cl-ta shape, beary spring wsgnn and farm wagon for sale, cheap. 619 E. John st.. St. Johns. Phone Col. 711. iSJlTALEAigKrYaim team, weight 2200; reliable In erery reepect. -Phone Wdin. 157S. ttEAD hornee snd etiimaai bauled away tree. Call Uondlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DKA D hoTM tsSeu' quick.i We pay more for dead mm. Tabor 4 J 03 itOItSES and wagons' for, rnt by the day. aiagle or evuble. 4S rront. Main ZZUB. FOR SALE .Front st. buggj I If price. 380 2400 TJt. team with good harness, $95. Phone Marshall 4055. BAY MARE, wagon and harness. $55. 351 Meade at. ; Mouth Portland car, FINE 21011 lb. 8 -year-oW team cheap or ex change ifTfwhigiiorse FINK-Nark and whita Shetland and new har- nes cheap or Will exchange. S02 Front at. MOllERN sUble, hold 12 horse amT 10 wagona 263 Rnwell t Bdwy. 037. LW.liT faruWagnn for sale. CalT8i8 Mon tana are. cor. Failing and Montana. horse for sle. Call .Monday. Su. 8118. LIVESTOCK 85 ' AUCTION SALE At the Ferrin place. Vi mUe west of Fern Prairie tchoolhouse. 6 mil north anil east of Camas, 15 milea east of Van eonvai, Friday, Aug. 9, 10:80 a. aa. 10 head extra fine grade Holsteia heifer, all 8 years pld, B-year-eld eew, 2 Jersey cows, 8 veal calves, 1 registered O. L C. brood sow; span 8-year-old mule. 2800 lbs.; driving horse, 5 do, chickens, harness, wagons and fine lot of farm anschlnery, tools, etc.; 12 tons loose bay. A. J. Selph, owner. CoL W. S. Wood, auction eer, Vancouver, Wash. " AUCTION SALE DATES W. 8. Wood, auctioneer. Vancouver, Wash. Write for bills. August 5 and 6, Rutledga Furniture Store. Vancouver. Wash. August 7, Paulsen A Sende, Woodstock, Or. Auguet 9, A. J. Seiph, Fern Prairie. Wash. August 10, O. Hilton. LaCenter, Wash, AUCTION SALE Holly Grove Dairy. 1111 69th are. S. E. Woodstock. Portland. Wed., - Aug, 7. at 1:80 p. m. 17 milch cows, mixed breed, Uolatein. Jersey. Durham: 2 small horses, wagons, dairy implement. Paulsen St. Sende, ownere. toi. w. s. nooa, auctioneer. THREE eitra good cows. sNo a good Uam work horses, weight 2800 lbs., guaranteed to work in any way, for sale at any reaHnabl offer, t all at .890 Powell Valley road. Wood stock ear. THOROUGHBRED, hornleas Tpggenbiirg buck ior serrira; also young gtocg ior sate. 7 95 Kenilwerth are., or phone Marshall K79 Week' days, or Seilwood 1812 evenings. LIVEsfWkHeTistered Tersey buU oait splendid individual from No. 1 dam and i grand wn of Noble of Oakland. 915 Ester are., ancourer, asn. . IX) R SALE 4 Guernsey hulls, registered an' from good milk strain. W. F. Young, Sher- wwxi, tr. KALE PLANTS 83 per 1000. Tabor 4633 Madison and 7flth st., Portland. 8 LARfTE freh Jersey, Holntetn and Durha m dairy cows: also gentle family cow. $35. 751 E. Ash st FBESII Jersey Durham cow. heifer calf, cheap vor easn. wui uis peer cow in exchange ga vat oui. corner or Washington. FOR SALE 1 good cows, giving a good fl of milk: you can have your pick, one or all. xaoor Z0T4. BEEF jcow . for aale or trad for good heavy miner. iun umnn are., cor. S7tn. East more la nu. FOR SALE 4 good row, giving a good flow '. ot milk, lou can have your pick, one or all. Tsoor 874. FOR SALE, a fine family Jersey cow, 5 years old. i Coma and see her. 875 East 28th k st South. - 5-1 EAR Jersey Guernsey for sake, 3 gallons. fresa 7 weeks. 6423 66th at S. E. Mt Scott car. W AN t ED !Utiwre3 RoUtein bull of good typei color and breeding, ready for service. A. P. Ayer. Boerdman, Or. 4-GAL. trb cow with calf. $80; pigs, 8 week old, I $8 each. Wm. E. Sorensen. 2 gnfles , east of Slid and IX vision sts. Phone Tabor 2638. FIVE gal. Jersey? second call 160 BandalL . 3 7 bandy road. fcOOD" family cow, 4 years old, " give eight to nine ejoartj a day. Call Wd. 1070, - FSITSALr Jersey eow. 4186 SoTh ave. S. E. IPhene Seilwood 1467. f6. 1 family cow, Tich milker. 142 E. 81st V" -MonUrilla car. Tabor 7678. EIGHT pig. A wks. old. $5 each. - Mam 958S. Oswego. WIST not lee than 3- qt. milk goat. Toggen berg preferred. 1458 Montana ve . Wdln. 884 9. TUKJufi resh aows reasonable. lo4 IHvtoio st FOR SALE Dnroe later pfg subject to teg- mmm troaa avma w Deav uu 'p w Wast to $40. lwt the daa for foun dation stock. Tbasa prices are "bargain for what you ar. J. S. BeaU. 14t Btasea at. Portland, ot. . POULTRY, PIGKOyS, fET; gTOCK 7 FOR8ALE 100 pnlleta" of Tancre strain' headed by aockcret aoa of Tancred'a Imperial paa of 25v-eeaT beas; rcaaanabla if taken quick, b. 8. Kohl. 4'mUa east ot TrouUtala on Co lnmhia Highway. ; . ;: - ' j 100 THOROCtt HB HELD Wkita Lcgtfbnt Uyins pnlUU, Barrad Rock, Bhoda L Rod. 1129 toll. as. 144 K. a 1st at, N. ModUtUU car. IT HEAD of baavjr yaarjing ranu.; Cottswold strain. 15 a head. A. U. Bosaia, HUladala, Or. Main 0426. iiOR SAI.E-fltudabsket milk wagon, cheap; i t . . i . . ii tOJt SALE Fine young Belgian and FUmiaK doaa. 1.25 eaeB; 14 laying l-yas-old White Leghorn bane. 6L'2. 41 4S w. a. E. FOR SALE Thoroughbred VOite Lsgaorn year ling hens, laying, Tancred atraia, $1.60 aaeh. 45th aad Sirapaon at. N. B. - : ' r SDrinz ahlckens. moatlv Dolleis. noma alter p. nv, 11(5 aiaryiana . BLACK Minorca, cockerel," will sell or trada for pullets. Columbia 50. FOB SATE TS White Leghorn hena, " lye. jsrroll- heights. WANTK6 White leghorn, pullets, any nam ber. .State age and price. K 620. Journal. t"()R sale cheap. 12 laying hens and ' Sicilian Huttercup ehuk. Call today, 06 E. Ash st. FOR HALE" 3Hontlia-old New Zealatfd rabbita for ttOc each. Myrtle Hoorer, Sherwood, Or. T1IHKK months-old White Leghorn, It. L Reds, 25a apiece. Tabor fiSTS. $810 SSth B. E. W A NTEl) White Leghorn pulleU, early hatched. woodiawn 4S44. BLACK Minorca baby chirks and pullet. Call 'labor 4740 after Sunday, WYA XDOTTK chicks. 20o each. Tabor 73681 WANTED Barred Rock rooster. Tabor 59. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 48 ROSE CITY CATTERY For rale. 6 wonderful Persian kitten from the famous "Highland Daughty," beat bred cat on Pacific Coast, also first novice in late Port land show, sired by Sunburst; reasonable;1 20 minutes' motor from the city. labor 7274. 1250 E. Morrison. , RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT m We have Belgi&ns, New Zealand Flemish Giants. EneUeh Lou Ears and White English. all age and sines; utility stock aa well aa fancy pure-bred- Write for prices and catalogue. Routlertge Seed & Floral Co.. 14S 2d st, Port land. Or. AlKrJbALE puppies, some excellent slock sired by Ch. Bilmer Bingo. Fine champion Id first 14 ancestor. 6 month. 840 each. Me- Eenna Park Kennels. Col. 814. UcKenna ; era. sod Lombard st. FOR SALE Some choice Belgian huoka and does front Imported stock. II. 8. Owen. 1083 Holgate t . Seilwood 828. i ' ALA SKA Malamtate male dog, 1 year old. ' dark gray and white; beautifully marked and Terr attractive. Main 8165. Box 61. Malt,namah. Ot. AIREDALE and fox hound, age 10 month. (or sala or trade. Beat offer taka there. P 820. Journal. j ONE thoroughbred Flemish Viant doe, 7 young. 2 H months old. 835. 300 E. 75tb N., MonUrUla. Tabor B25. PETER PAN BABBITRY has pedigreed and big New Zealand utility doe) for sale. 530 a. oist sr. .-s. TaDor 77 7?. HIGH-CLASS pedigreed Boston terriers, male and female. Call Tabor 7269. Mr. Robinson. 84th st. and 26th are. 8. E. t , ; WANTED Good St. Andreasberg "Itller with out any false notes, imported preferred, or 2 or- .1 years old. w -::, Journal. TOY Boston Terriers at stud ; young stock tor sale. uosion nenneis. 4UT Am wort n are. Woodlawn 6284, WANTEDAlredale aup. CaU "626FTlst at., Woodstock. Phone Hell wood 2981. . FOR SALE Rice has the big boys. 6141 Woodstock are. Flemish.' PEDIGREED English bull dog for sale. Phose Senwood 1282. NEW ZEALAND buck' and does, good stock. ISDor SELLING eut fin stock of rabbita. cheap, all xina oat oua are. . E. FOR SALE Beautiful singers, one pair St Andreasberg. Call Main 468. SINGER. 85; alxo breeding cage. $2. Main 311. 875 Thurman St.. cor. 26th. TMOROCGHBRED Flemish Giant -rabbita for sale. 1004 E. 8th N. TJT- . rTTrD-rr 11 : Persian kitterut, reasonable, i Main 5450. Hillsdale. Or. Box 22. WANT St Andreanlverg roller canary tor train- er. Broadway 46. WANTED Good Sti Andreasberg roller singer for i liner. Wood wn 8652. fWtSH to buy a few "goodsingrs. Bdwy. 278. 520 Wash. : ; BOSTON terrier In whelp. $50. 141 844 E 33d. 2' blocks south Hawtuorne. BOSTON terrier in whelp, $50. 141 11th and Alder. WANTED A parrot Bdwy. 2789. RABBITS for sale. Call Tabor 1463. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 LATE 1916 Hupmobile. just overhauled, all new tires. A-1 condition. $950.00 . Tabor 8842. FOR SALE Studebaker 7-paasenger, 6 -cylinder car; take roadster or any small car part pay ment or good real estate. 987 E. 7th at N. FOR SALE One light Reo auto truck. Just overnauieq ana repaintea; ail new tires. A bargain. 360 E. Morrison st, at E. , Third. Phone East 8407. 1 i5l3, 5 PASS. Buick, A-l condition. Beach mag. generator, electric lights; must be sold Sun day for $325 cash. This is an honest buy. and am no dealer. Call 1 E. 16th st Sunday. 917 Maxwell roadster, ahapa. $075; terms. in tha very boat of A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO., 625 Alder st 1918 BUICK touring car. elegant mechanical condition. 6 cord tires: will east shartlv abont $2100. Price $1450; $600 down, balance monthlyr E, B. Hyatt, 831 Morriaon. Ford Truck New tires, in A-l shape, 1 ton capac ity : can be bought at a reduced price at' Oregon Motor Car Co., Park and Da via. FORD v Touring ear. with good tirea. Mwerful motor, in better condition than tha average 1916 model. I'hone owner between 9 and 10:30 , Sunday, or evenings on week days. Marshall 17V at obz JjOfejoy. -j. 212 TON TRUCK jrst new; (ter bargain for quick sale. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Ceuch sti Biiick-Express" New oversized cord tires all troaad; 1916 4 cylinder, new body, 1 ton capac ity. Buy it and make it pay for itself in a few months. See ft at the Oregon Motor Car Co., Park and avia. TO LOGGING OPER.1TORS a"nd lumber Tnr If your hauling requirements are such that new 3 V4 ton truck with 5 ton trailer; ran be used we Have a man who will buy the' outfit and contract for your hauling. Communicate with Mr. Howe. Northwest Auto Co., Broadway at voucn. i . GARAGES HOUSES CHICKS HOUSES. Tea pertabl una save yon money. Sea sam ple at 644 Hood at. Main Millmade Construction! Co. I UAKWI.1 FTJR vASrl i f MAKE A DANDT TRUCK I Good 8 passenger car with practically new urea au arouno. aueettte lignta, self generator, storage battery and a powerful engine. Body and upholstering in fine shape. A dandy ear for family sua oa would make a peach of a truck. Car has never been abused; will run, but needs going over ana tigntenini up. u yon are any thing of a mechanic yon can do all neeeaaarv work yeunelt. Owner needs cash. Coma out ana make an orree, can ba seen Sunday until noon as t uaj St., aworae ear 48th. 1 blook south. . LIVESTOCK ATTOMdMLBS--AeetfSSORl P. 4 I (ATE atotlel Ford roadter. Col 84S IJ day. flMTOWV-Buye Ford touring 'oar". Tabor 630 1818 FORU, same' as new; ' anuai arit SO Orand in near- Buraside. ffnx sell, 1917 Uazwell cheap. W-4a, Joamai, ' , ' I . POR SALE Oae lot of used Ford accessories; Tabor 234. ' SPOT casfl paid for ased can. DeaWrs' TJaed Car Clearing House, Grand are, and B, Stark. FORD chassis, fine condition, good. tires; will well cheap. 80 tirand are. N., near Burnsids. (iBW FORD eWUVery. Betr been 1 used":' ready ayr use ; no exirav cnarga. x-aaw. VROTttlJ. -FORD to trade for bouse and lot. Portland or Beaflide. K-789. Journal. FORI). 1W1S: Home extras. Come j see it. - 190 Et 44th at. $350 DOWN buys 1917 Saxon Six; good con . dition. Catl Tabor 630. rRSiTrVfoFPord touring-'car, $3dd" - Main S7. . HL'DSON super ium; yevr chaioa tar $1400. MarshaU 853. 1016 FORD; new Urea, newly painted, day time Marshall 861. Call Itlf : FORD in excellent condition i lot of ex tra. Phone Tabor 234. . ; $226 DOWN buys 1917 Maxwell; repainted and ire A.-1 aiiape. tll Tabor 090. FIVE, pass. Jluick, old model, run only 2000 iau. ior juic sale. 3?. 217 BOth S. B. OK SALE 1918 Light Buiok, 5 paas. ; has "iu run vuuu miles, soau 4tn 8. E. FOR SALE 3 pass. auto. 18S Madison at Sell. 2402 $175 eah. LATE model Ford roadster. Good mechanical cuimiunn. jiaqrew box 3 BeaTerton, Or. Vt HA UK oa terms, a good wed Mitchell amoinooiie. ynone folum bia 227. A PORTA RLE garage for sale. Phone Sell- wood 2728. FOR SALE 5 pass. Studebaker In good rnn aiag order. 160 Randall at.. 27 Sandr rnrt" ILVVE your Ford wheels tightened at 1385 Dirwion st. Ihone Tabor 8608. CHEVROLET "490" touring, today and all day FORD, model N. light roadster, sacrifice $200. op .frmj are, n . , near surname. itL'ST sell my '1918 Maxwell taurina once W-494. JoumaL j"OR SAIE 7 paa. Pierce Arrow! car. cheap; uniuinun. ot r.. sr. r. .iasx 34VI7. UUBRCILL! TOP CO. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 BL'ICK 25. 4-cylinder. S-pas.. good condition. $400. 5012 33d arc. b. ii. : Take Aft. Scott car to Clark's station. 1910 MODEL. 4 cyliader Jeffries, for sale. cheap, or will trade for entailer car. M. B. Lewis. Apt. 42, Cumberland Apt. Main 4807. GOOD automobile for sale, Slroaiberg carbure tor, good tirea, two new.- 1831 Druid St.. St. Johns car line. 6-PASSENGER Cadillac, good condition, good tirea. $300. 884 N. 17th st. Phone Bdwy. 1387. between 7 a. m. ana o p. rn LOOK A classy Ford bug, in first class running condition, and all good tirea. Apply Crown Stables. 284 1st st. : - FOR SALE at a bargain, one S ton truck. like new ; also one IV ton truck run only 1000 miles. Call Mr. Nicholson, Marshall 867. FOR SALE Five passenger Fofd. first class condition; $425. Herman Nelson, Gladstone, phone 4 1 3 R. $300 DOWN buys 1917 Saxon Six. run only few thousand miles; 5 good tires; $723. Call East 1082. 1918 Hay nT Tpass., hrowa car, run 2200 miles. A. C. Stevens, 16th and Washington. Broadway 1614. 1914 STUDEBAKER 4. light cat. electric lights and starter, good tires, $450, terms. Call East 1962. TON truck, running order, cheap, hear), or trada for light car, lot or cew. St. Johns car. Cor. Interstate ava. PACKARD 30. a roadster. 3625. A-l condl tion. A real automobile. Call Laher Auto Spring :.. Broadway 4008. HAVE Studebaker Six. 1917, 7 paw.: will trade for . smaller car. some cash. Call eve nings, Woodlawn 4068. FORD touring, best of condition; must sell. Sacrifice $325 Burnside. 80 urand ava, N., near A SNAP. Runabout Maxwell is good running order, $160. at New York Garage, cor. g tni Belmont. bIG STOCK Used Cars- PRICES RlUiiX COVET MOTOR CAR CO. 21 st and Washington sta. Main 6244. WHAT have you to Tlade tor a lygh grade auto in good condition f Cast when new $2000, used only by family for pleasure. Main 3123. S. K C-, 228 Henry bldg. 5NE-T0N Denby truck, just overhauled, genuine eargain, u tovu. vvui aeu on time. KERN. 71 N. Park St. Broadway 1369. $400 caah is price of nifty 5 pasa. car. eleo- trleally Ugntea and electric atmrter. ,nm tires, bumper, Warner lenses. "Car has had best care. nwner, ivm ana oilmon. FORI? 1-ton truck, 3450. Excellent shape $150 caah and baiauce at $30 a month. KERN. 71 N; Park st Broadway 1369. CASH paid ior eld cars, conditio, DA nhlwi part tor all make ot cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, 129 Lownsdale at 16th and Washing ton, riroaaway zoos. MOTORS. Gearings, Bearings. Wbeala. Axlea and Trailers We wreck au makes of csrs and uu their good psrts at nail price. David Hodes Co.. nroaaway ana.rianaers au Broadway iuu DODGE 5 pas.. latest model, looks like new. in penect running order. Uood dueount for cash. Owner at 1438 E. Stark st from 9 un til 5 today. REO 2 ton truck, ready for any kind of work .-uu casn, Da monuiij. A-l AUTO WORKS & FAINTING CO.. 525 Alder st FOR SALE 1917 HUPMOBILB The1 wonder car. New paint new tire. in penect oonaition. 29 E. 61s st N. Phone Tabor 1667 1-TON Maxwell truck, used 90 days, in first- Class Shane. Will sell for SHOO. 3275 down and baX $62.50 a month. KERN. 71 N. Park St BroadWav 18nn GOING into Canadian army. Will ! sell my al- most new Chandler chummy roadster fnv $1550. Painting, ton and tires in A-l eon. dition. Bumper, spot light and other extraa. 209 JOth st TWO-TON, 4-wheel trailer for lumber, cord wood or ties, 18 ft loading space, $600. Will sell on 10 months' time. KERN. 71 N. Park St Broadway 1889. LAHER Mfg. & Rpairs. 8000 guaranteed, enrinx I stork; price reduced. 84 N. 16th st 1910 Uudon 6-40 an excellent : car; $895; terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 625 AMer st. CHEVROLET-1919 MODEL We will b pleased to give you a free demon stration of these new ' models without obligation. Call P. C. Rinehart East 92 or East 8174. Vs. -TON Vim truck, panel top and body, in good condition. Ideal delivery aar for croir butcher or general mdaa. store. Make us aa offer. i KERN, 71 N. Park St. Broadway 1369. 3V4tTON truck Practically new. at genuine . sacrifice. On of our customers has left this car with us to sell. Worthy of Inusetiga tioa if you need heavy equipment KERN, 71 N. Park St. Broadway 1369. FAST RUNABOUT" One of the most snd latest eauiimed mntnr- boats on the river, with boathouse. I must sell. oianv m en oiler. Ea4 6040. ! , 701 K. lAnkenv t tXiR SALE, or . trade, for 5 passenger car of late moaej, iaio fiercer Bear Cat roadster, is perfect condition; all new tires; fina top and"; windshield, apot light Tha elamiest road ster I ta . Portlan. . Call evenings after 6:30. Address IS K. 83d at. corner of Morrison. Phone Tabor 1338. "AUTO WRECKERS Wa rk moat all make of ears and sell tri parts Yor less than half nrice. w. b. .it kind of ased bodies for sale, highest prices paid for old can. - PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front st, j asr a tag. , "" NEW TIRES ! What brand ef new tires do era prefer t We have them, all make ana ines. Also w make tha fa mous .O-V-O Double Tread (sewed) tire and do a) 1 manner ef tira - pafrina. Oregon Vule nixing Co., SSl-Irs Bara- o near Kroaowsy. HAYNES, 191. 4-eyL 8-paasenger, in excel lent shape; a' snap. 7 -passenger 6-40 Chalmers, a wonderful buy; runs like new; 6 good tires, 6-pes.enger Marion. A-l condition, new paint. t practically new lira. : 1817 Valie. ran only 6000; 4 new tir and spare. Makt us an offer, i i A. C. STEVENS ' 18th. and Washington. Broadway 1614. AUTOMOBILE S ACKgOBlE 44 400 DOWN buy Buick Lejbf gix. A" J- . air Tabor . v r 1918 Ford touring -car. Run -about bOO mile. $525 cash. Sell. 789. 1918 FORD in good shape, fog sale; cash terra. JlalU 74 03. ' 1913 'touring car in good conditio. 960 p. 28th n. Woodlawa l5ft. FOR SALE Ford delivery oa. 1917 model. first class condition. Broadway oa-. t 1916 MAXWELL auto for sale. Call Monday: 1 , , . . ., , voiomai are., cor. ok pwi. FOR J-ALE. a Maxwell, run 650 miles; No. condition. From owner. Call A-8518. 1910 FORD touring in tint claa mechaBioal condition: $425. terms. Wdln. 888. BRISCOE touring car, 19 IT model, fine eondi- tion; $650, terms. Tabor 1193. MICHIGAN, E. First. 5 pa.. 225. E. Morriaon, and 1915 FORD. 5 pass.. A-l ahapa. Main 7252 954 Thurman. FOR RENT Garage. 184 East Sth at. near Belmont st. Tabor 6029. 1917 FORD bug with extras, elaamiaat bay In the city. I'hone Broadway 1 1. aaa ior Mr Kirk. I Hl'DSON Super Six. 1917 model; run rery it tie out of city: fine condition ; cheap. Call Tabor 2778. l 5 PASSENGER Bu'ick, 1909 model; body re modeled: cood condition: new top; 40u. v Tabor 2778. . I "DON'T BURN GASOLINE" i Fords go 100 miles for 50c; agents wanted. Gaaifier Sales Co.. 28 N. Broadway. A LATE model Ford. 8 4 2 5 : Cherolet. $525. These cars are in good condition; must sell at once. -428 Hawthoye are. FOR HALE A' fine Cadillac automobile, cord tires, excellent condition; price for quick aaie only $7 60. M. F. liardwicl, 000 oorpett oiag NEW Funl 1 ton truck at very reasouable price. United Mattress ft l'aa Co.. a.i Hancock st. 1914 Ford with new power unit, run only about 2 500 miles. ire good condition. Phone Grwiham 108. ! BABY OVERLAND, model 7-5B. for sale cheap. Just the thing for jitney bus. lit Scott car to Woodmere tta. 7808 BOth are. S. K. K-PAKS Vtni.-V mki C sold by Tuesdar, overhauled ajid in fine shape, by owner. 917 E. Stark. Phone E. 7035. 1917 FORD. Ailnew tires. $475. $200 dwn, baL monthly. Flitcher & James, 88 N. Broad way. I LIGHT 5 pass., self starter. fine condition owner will accept liberal terms, lace, 960 Clinton. Sell. 837. Mrs. Wal- WH1TE delivery, just OTerhauled, A-l condi tion White chassis, fine tires. Oakland, $850. 49 E. 8 th N. FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet, fine ahape, $25. Terms if desired. Wdln. 1485. 1534 East 12th north. j FOR SALE Ford touring car. thoroughly ' overhauled, Stromberg carburetor, Gordon Beat covers, shock absorbers, good tires. $100. IV . luniaru, cor. anu wresou t-. OVERLAND bug, fine eliape, $280. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO 1 525 Alder st. j $775 BUYS new Chevrolet : only been run 1060 miles : 00 days guarantee still on it; a new one cost $845; car is at King St. Garage, -Kmg and Washington sts. . 1914 HVPMOBILE. 9 almost new tires; me chanically first class, exceptionally economical. Car ran be seen at Manley Auto Co.. 11th and Burnside Broadway 217. MAXWELL, 1917, run 4800 miles, in A-l condition, almost new tires, extra one tire, o inner tubes, shock absorbers, bumper, anti glare lenses. It's a bargain. Wdln. 4 900. BARGAIN 1910 Ford, good condition, with speedometer, shock absorbers, demountable rims and other extras. Tgbor 1618 bet '9 a. and 1 p. m. i MODEL 79 Overland roaditer, just overhauled. Electric lights, starter, Z new tires, new top. $350. Sunday and Monday, 501 N. Syracuse, St. Johns. 1918 Ford," good running order, newly painted, shock absorbers, speedometer, tire and tubes. horn, outsida brakes. Will aacrifica for cash Sunday or Monday before 8 p. m. 760 E. 40th. Woodstock car. ' ! WE have on hand seat covers for Dodge, one 3 pass. Chalmers 6-30, 5 pass. Chalmers 6-30, 7 pass. Chalmers, roadster, 1 Studebaker. 3 Fords to be closed out very reasonable. Colum bia Auto Top Co., 857 Burnside. OVERLAND 75. run only 10.000 miles, good mechanical condition, electric lights : and starter, new gears and battery, new tires, extra rim and tire chains, tools, extras. $450. E. V. D. Paol, Hotel Cornelius, Sunday. FOR SALE 1918 Overland. Model 85. tt eyl. perfect condition, good tire and one soar tire; run- 3 mo.; part rash, 10 mo, time on balance, no interest. . Must sail, 915 Minne sota are. a vip mn Krlr-rvli. A good stout car in good running order wiuu an j. euvercu douj. sui utoia ior a : err ice. delivery or transfer ear; price $100 caah or terms. Room 318 New Houston hotel. 1910 Furd roadster, terms. a real bargain; 1430; A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 AMer st FOR SALE Practically new 1915 Ford tour ing car, all new tires, oversixe. and demount able rims, master carburetor, storage battery, electric lighted and full-accessory equipment. A bargain for cash. 238 Stanton st Phone Wood lawn 4594. FOB SALE For cash only. 1911 7 passenger'. 4 cylinder, 30 Packard; has been in storage 5 years; u in fin condition; baa an extra Vic toria top and , tonneau windshield: can b seen at 148 N. 20th st. Phone Broadway. 676 K. C. Shevlin, Spalding bldg., office phone Main 4311. STUDEBAKER 0 must be sold at once; will take Liberty bonds. War Stamps, caah or amatlar car a-i part payment: all tires good. 2 new ones, good mechanical condition, top and aid curtains in good shape; no reasonable offer refused; must be seen to be appreciated. Main 4999 or Main 7517. Mr. Shaw. 1916 Buick 6 Completely overhauled. Can be seen at Oregon Motor. Car Co., Park and Dana. NEW 1918 CHANDLER ' Touring, 7 passenger, run only few miles, everything brand new; owner in Albany has no use for car, owing to son having gone to war; car will be in Portland, at 209 10th st. Bun day only; price tor immediate sale $1695. $400 CADILLAC $400 A dandy car, electrically lighted and started, in good shape. AutoReat Garage, 309 10th st -Chalmers- 5 passenger. 6 cylinder, over-aixed tires, 2 eords, 1 extra; in excellent shape: very powerful ear and a wonderful buy at $790. Oregon Motor Car Co., Park and Davis. USF.D TRUCKS SEE THESE TODAY 1 2 -ton truck 750 2-ton truek 3V4-tori Federal truck .3 860 ,$1800 Motor Sales Corporation, 354 Burnside St Broadway 82. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1918 Mitchell, used very little; just like new. with seat covers; 7 pasaj 6-cyi. x rtce ... 11600 1917 Mitchell. 7-paas., 6-cyL 13T6 1917 Mitchell, 6 pass., 6-cyi U78 SEE THE ABOVE CABS AT WEST SIDB SALESROOM, Broadway at Oak St Broadway 516- A. 3343. 191T Mitchell, 7 -pass., 6-cyL . .'. $1350 1917 Mitchell, 6-pass., 6-cyi . 1075 1916 Mitchell, $-pass., 6-eyl 850 1917 Mitchell, 2-pass., 6-cyi ....,.. $350 1914 Mitchell, 6 pass., S-cyL j 700 1915 Mitchell, 6-paaa., 4-cyL 875 1912 Auburn, 6-pass., 4-cyL ......... 275 1918 Jeffry, (-pass., 6-cyl J. , 789 Several Others to Select From USED CAE DEPT. East Morrison at First st East 7272. B-1J16 I ! ATTTOMOBILi:SACCESORIt: 44 Fj,Ti paa. autx, beannga, geara, etc., fine con dition, Wt ot material throughout.- Try cheap ear to ran, fine looking, burns distillate straight, climb any hill Snap. 8350. Call 188 M it 191T Dodge 8 aasa.. like . new (r in every way. $925. Terms. A-l AfJTO WORKS ek PAINTINO CO.. 625 Aider at Dandy Buy Studebaker 6 cylinder, just overhauled and repainted. Can sell at a snap if taken at once. Oregon MotRr Car Co., Park and DaTiv PACKARD "IS" T0TJ1UN0 CAB This little car is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, economical and sweetest running care eier put on the market. Has over $500 worth of extra equipment including electric self starter. eight day clock, antiglare lenses, bumper, shock absorhen, spare tire and rim. Has been newly painted anal overhauled. Oaf can be seen at 563 E. 61st ft. N. or call Ta bor 769. - . HATNES. 1914 4-eyL. fi passenger la excel, lent shape, a snap. Seven-passenger 6-40 Chalmers, a wonderful buy: runs like new; 6 good tires.. inve-passenger Marion. A-l condition, new paint, 4 practically new tirea. Make us an otter. A. C. STEVENS 16th and Washington. Broadway 1614 C8ED CABS FOR SALE Saxon 6-cyL touring $650 Series 18 Studebaker 775 Oldsmobile light 4-cyL touring T50 Harmon touring 495 1918 Buick 6-eyl. touring, tub only 90A miles; investigate immediately. THE OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON 87-89 N. Broadway. PARTS PARTS PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS ENGINES ENGINES All Types and Sires TRAILERS From 1000 lb. to 5 ton capacity. Prices from $15 to $200. DAVID HODES C0?r N, Broadway at Flanders, PORTLAND, OR, OAKLAND SPECIALS PRICES SLASHED Oakland Sensible Six in first class condition. extra tires, etc. Worth st least $650; price Oakland 1918 demonstrator, $1000. Buick Little Four, electric lights snd starter.' Worth 8560; price $350. Studebaker. 1916. lAght Four, extra good tires and one spare. Worth $700; price $500. 1910 Cadlllae touring, a is, $150. COME IN TODAY. THE OAKLAND STORE. 844 Burnside st USED CARS Some very exceptional bargains included In tuts weeks as t 918 5 pass. Allen, eleetris lights snd Starter, only $ 450 912 5 pass. Studebaker. good tires $ 200 911 6 pass. Chalmers $ 200 912 Chalmers, roadster $ 80 Bll Overland, delivery $ 200 916 5 pasa. Oldsmobile. newly painted. . $ 700 910 5 pas. Studebaker, newly painted. . $ 650 915 6 pass. Reo. newly painted $ 600 1918 6 pass. Dodge, tires like new. wit- extra $ 700 917 6 pass. Overland, fine condition. . . $ 800 916 5 pass. Hupp., roadster $1000 917 6 pass. Hup. $1230 916 6 pasa. Saxon 8 650 1917 6 pass. Ford - 8 45 Ford delivery $v 300 Knox speed car $ 898 1V1Z 4 pass. Hupp. 8 37 910 0 pass. Hup 8 700 Chalmers Master Six 3 760 Overland. Bug , $ 800 Oldsmobile Eight? .....$ 1 000 Chandler Light Six $ 700 Mitchell 7 pass. .. $ 850 Terms en AH Sales Open Sundays MAN LET AUTO CO. 11th and Oak at, at Burnside . HERE is our today's list, oT used ear bargain. Of course, these are continually e hanging, a we are daily getting In new bargains, and w ask that you call at our salesroom and inspect the cars that wa may have before purchasing elsewhere. We cladl extend terms within reason to any honest man deserving of the same. You wtll find our sales department open daily from 8 . . until 9:30 p. m. You can call Broadway 2492 for appointment. Cole 8, 4 pass. "Chummy." almost new..", $1800 Hudson Six, 5 pats., just repainted. $1100 Hudson Six, same as above, slightly newer.. $11 50 Hupmobile, 5 pass., first class shape, newly painted , , . . $1 100 Studebaker, good buy $ 876 Maxwell, 8 pea. . $ 650 Studebaker 8 430 Ford. Chassis $ 285 Stoddard-Dayton delivery truck $ 850 Cadillac, 5 pass. '. $ 250 Jeffrey, with new 2 ton truck attachment. $ 1 1 00 u roaoster 8 Boo Ford, lilys .$ 600 .$ 850 .$ 860 .$ 050 .$ 850 .1 S0O .6 675 .8180O Studebaker 4' Ford. 6 passenger Briscoe, 6 pas., almost new ......... Ford deUvery ear Cole 80, Ideal for bug MaxweU. 6 pas. Hudson Super Six, sedan, perfect shape. tnevroiet 6-rjass .$ 600 Ford Roadster, tost overhauled. $ 40 Studebaker Six I 850 Carter Car, suitable rebuild bug or de rebuuq oug or oe- . 7. f 15 , 800 pass ...$ 660 li very Chevrolet 6-oaaa. Chevrolet 490 five naa Jackson. 5 paa., good shape $ 75(1 irreriarja. o pass., now Being lepeinteo. . . a ouu Franklin, just repainted ...$1000 W. H. WALLINGFORD Distributor Liberty Six Premie; Six B risen Four Hood Lumber Tractor - Parrrtt Farm Tractor 622 Alder St. at 14th. AUTOMOBILES ACCKSSOSIE- 44 -A v Denby Truck 1 ton' capacity. Tike new. almost halt price. Big snap a ad a moneymaker. Ore gon Motor Car Co.. Park aad Da via. LOOK over vt atock before) buying thwwhara. aa wesean sara yon money; 2 1916 Dodte touring cars, like new..$ 750 11818 Fwrd twadstea. un very little . . 475 1 1917 Ford touring, a apoeda, extra B 1 1914 Bnick roadsUr. like new 450 11913 Reo. 5 p w firt clasa 850 1 1917 Bnick twadsker, 6 eord tirea... 1200 1 1917 Cbalmeri, B-paaa. rirat clasa.. iuuu 1 1916 Cadillac (8). first clasa 1650 1 1917 OlduBobile 18). first clasa 1125 ! And many other, i WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO.. Broadway and Bur-aide at. Broadway 8888. MAKE your eld ear over Into a truck with one of tha following atAechaantt from our svoca: Ames attachment. Amea Ford attachment. Foijd Smith Form A. We also have a number of used truck, bet- light and heavy. NORTHWE8T AUTO CO. Broadway at Couch and Alder at Chapman. ORDS. FORDS. FORDS 1917 touring. 1917 readster. 1910 touring. 1910 touring. 1916 roadster. 1914 touring. 1015 delivery. 1914 delivery, panel body. You should see these ears before placing your order elsewhere. They are exceptionally good buys. , . FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 13 th and Hawthorn. East 8770. FORD BARGAINS 1917 touring, extraa. 1917 touring, extras. 1915 touring. 1016 touring. 1915 touring, a snap, overhauled. 1914 eheasu. $190. 1916 delivery. 1914 delivery. 1 1 U -ton track. $778. 1 bug, all new tirea. top and side curtain. 1 Mitchell, 5 pa., $400. 1 Oakland. 5. model 35, good tire. 1 roadster. $800. RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY INCJ 863 E. Broadway. Open TJatil Noes Sunday. Phones E. 808. C-1561. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY 614 519 Alder. Corner Sixteenth Broadway 494 Open All Day Sunday We have a collection of touring cars, roadster and truck, the best that - w have ever offered for sale, and at tha lowest price. Come in and let us show you one of these cart. Rid in It and judge for yourself. 1917 Studebaker, in first class shape, five good tires: to be sacrificed (or $700. Don't mis seeing this ear if yon have ever wished to own a Studebaker. 1914 Ford; a splendid bny. $$26. Ford touring ear. "just new." Five cord tires and all extra equipments. Thk car ia left with us to sell at a great re duction in price and it ia without doubt one of the beet equipped Fords ia the city of Portland and the best buy in a Ford that we bava aver offered for sale. Saxon, slightly used. This car looks like new and few people could tall it from new. The new Saxon is selling for $1875. This Saxon will be sacrificed for $673. 1917 Saxon (4) "just new." Ne doubt this will be your last chance to own one of tha lata model little Saxon "Four." tb moat economical car in America. Chalmers, in splendid condition, good tires and ready to driv. Left with us to scU for 8350. Chalmers. A-l condition. buy; $40. A splendid Ford truek. new. Regulsr price $1000. We will sell it for $700. An opportunity you may never secure again. 1917 'Mitchell, "just new." Lett with us to seU at a great redaction in price. Come in and submit us an offer, aa tha ewaer it anxious to dispose of car. Ford Coupe. "Just new." Left with os to sell for $876. A dandy little oar for a lady. Lot ot extras. $1376191$ Saxon, only ran a few buadred miles. Party drafted aad if willing to seU his car tor $1050. EAST TERMS OF PAYMENT TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY 614-516 Alder. Comer Sixteenth Broadway 494. Open All Day Sunday. AUTOMOBI-gSArCESSbBtES - 44 SPORT MODEL ROADSTER 2 OR 4 PASSENGER THE CLASSIEST RIO IN TOWN. 1917. 6 crl. Studebaker. This car has been rebuilt and easatiietalj ovwrbauled. Following ia a list ot extraa on this ear: 1 large trunk on the rear, one other large metal box. 5 wire wheels, 2 Silvertowst eoed tiras. 2 new Eareka tires, 1 good apara tire wtta new cover, tube and rim. spotlight 2 bumpers, a custom built disappearing top, 2 axtre removable seata for runningnoaraa. this ear I Slao newly painted. Look tike $1,000,000. Com in and aee it DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE, East 7810 Grand ava. gad E. Stark. J 91 7 Reo, 4 eyt, 6 pasa., perfect mechanical nape ana newty patwtea- Twte ear naa new tb beat ot car and m a splendid buy for $800. 1917 Ford 1 tea trwek. wtth enclosed express body and good tirea. Prtee $760. 1 ton Federal, clatform bed, an overhauled $760. 6-54 Hudson. 7 pass, touring rsr. newly painted, sera tirea aa round. Price $678. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Bunvtid sta. Broadway 621. BARGAINS Two Pe teuriags. with extra equipment, Two ford bugs, bargatna Twa Ford traaks, ehain driva Maxwell roadster, like new. Maxwell touring, bargain. Paige. T passenger, eord tires. Cadillac. 6 pa . 1912. bargain. Studebaker roadster. 1 Vi ton Wileox truck. 3 toa Whit, with damp body. 1 toa FederaL 8 ton FederaL ton Federal Other barfaiaa toa Bumeroos to raeatiosi WILLIAM Ii HUOHSON COMPANT' 60 North Broadway ' USED AUTOMOBILES 1918 WisAnn Six, ram less than 70 miles, aasa a new. Will oonxtdee a ear la exchange. Be sure and see this. 1818 CadUlso touring. A-l shape. goo4 as new. Franklin roadster, A-1 condition, extra good cord tirea: a practical ear. 1917 Mitchell Six touring, look like new; A condition. 1916 Overland roadster, modern, just repainted. in-fine running shape. Dodge touring. In fine condition. Sea this al $578. Terms, aad will eoasider hr ears in exchange. COVET MOTOR CAB COMPANT 2 1st and Washingtoa ata. Main 6244 USED cars of almost every make are her far your selection, among toeus are tne rouowiag: FORD CHEVROLET OVERLAND MITCHELL WASH NATIONAL REO 4 BEO COLE 8 CADHXAO BUIOK UARilON NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway at Cvueh - Open Sunday NEW AND USED at FORDS FORDS FORDS 1917 touring, with extraa. 191T touring, like new. 1918 touring, A-l condition. 1917 touring, with electric starter. 1918 delivery, like new. 1917 delivery. like new. 1916 delivery. A 1 condition. 181T boa, classiest tn tha city, lilt bnj, with extraa, 191$ bug. with extraa, OPEN. UNTIL NOON 8UNDAT TERMS GIVEN PALACE GARAGE COMPANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 12th and Stork ata. Broadway 1672. A-2442. T mm .car i W tik prid ia ear Card Care. It's and aaa HOW MUCH BETTER oar can are doing business with ana of the ktraeet ISO 1917 mdl, 7B Overland. In food con dition. 1617 MaxwaU touring, tn A t ateehanleal aendiUen. n HIT Saxon Blx a good ear at a price. 1118 MagwaB tavortne. In feed aendrHon. CLASSIEST BUGS IN THE CITY. DON' ArT0MOBtggACC-PET7 M ' BUT TOUB USEDr CAB i ' " i PARTS AND ACW80EIM AT THE '- MOTOR PARTS MEG. CO, 325-327 BURNSIDE SJREET PORTLAND, OREGON 5 And save frwaa 0 to 0sr. Of regular factory prieea. - T , Out of town orders will re ceive our prompt and careful attention. COMPLETI X NX Of HEN NET AND BARNBTT BODIES FOB 'FORD CAM ; ; ' VO WAITING IMMEDIATB PEUTKET WBITB FOB CATALOOri " FRANCIS M0T0B CAB CO., BAT 8T7L B. 13TH AMD BAWTKOBMl AT. USED CAB BABQAUTI V Low priced sy tanu. 191 T Country Club Overland! fine sheee, 1918 Country Club Overland; like at. 1917 Page. 5 pa., run 2000 miles. 7 1918 Chevrolet touring, almost nw. 1616 Hmimobile S pa., very pewarfuL . 1916 Oakland. 6 pas., eyL, snap. , 1916 Mitchell. 9 pass.. 6 eyL, dandy bay. v 1914 Oldsmobile. 8 eyl., a good as new. Model 83 Overland. 8 tire and Mat eoveia, ( ' Model 81 Overland, fin ahapa. 8 tirea. V. 1IM7 Studebaksrs. 7 pea-, see ueee. 8 1916 Studebaker. T paa., eome litoey. 1917 Studebaker. 01. 7 paa.. sport asaau. 1915 Studebaker, 4 eyl.. 6 pa., good aa Be. 1914 .Cadillac. 6 new tire, fine ahapa. 1912 Locomobile. 4 cyL, 4 peas. I H 1 7 l-ton osriord uucx, lou oi ax una. 1918 1-ton MaxweU. How About These? , Overland S paa.. fine shape . , .8 Sto Btuaertaser, o paa., goou a new.,.. ..$ 45t) Stodebakar. alsctris light, stortat. . . .. J0 Rrgsl, 6 pas., good condition It" Cadlllae 5 pass, fin car ...6 2 Buick 8 pass., dandy. ......... 8 29S 4 S7S Overt ad Bix wttu six urea ....... We have several ethers what you waft In this list U yetl ooo t liberty bond takwn at fare vain. DEALERS' I BED CAR CLEARING BOU8S ' Urand Ave. and Eaat Stark. East 7810. Open evenings and Sunday. BETTER bargain hwt than nasal bsaansa wa have been able to snake eteBvwries eat now cars and have dona a lot of trading In at need automobiles which wa have pat ea tha bar gain list FORDS FORDS FORDS 2 Fords, toed one. $288 and $$$. 1 Ford, great buy tor $480. Ford, looks Bjta new. $506. Ford tost like It, $600. ' Ford, nil the aaaaa aa new. $526. -MAXWELL BARGAINS 1917 Maxwell beada the Bat at the MaS well bargains of today; $595.. J 1918 MaxweU. next buy for Bttln nunarl only $886. - 2 1816 Maxwell antomobOea; twa good ones , to select from. $660. . t .' 2 1917 MaxweU aatosaewUea to nan feed shape that they are snaps for tha price, $666. 2 1918 Maxwell bargains; too asnaO n ptVcs ' to advert!; hurry; torn sea thaa e,wieA- Buick, snap buy. $800. Buick again: bargain, 4471. 1818 Hudson Light tlx? get food Bgal automobile; your ebanoe; $866. - . Another Hudson Light Six. 4740. HUDSON SUPER ! Best Hudson Super-Six bay fee? 6 VM ttssel 1917 modal, all good Ursa, awed sbape, aaa Juat like new, $1460. ' HUDSON SPTEDSTBB ' 1917 apeedstor. tha only Bads en speedw bargain wo have had for twa anontha, $1700. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILal OO, Vancouver Branch., 11S W. Oth at, 618 617 Washington si. Peettaad, a bostneea p repeat tton with OA ara than tha average need aajo. 1 and asost rails b I firm la tha Perth west. k FEW Model 8 3 Overt ad, food at ar. 18L7 Chevrolet touring, just repalnteeV 1118 CM roaabter. nood aO arunad. r 191T Chaaafisr taatrins. at a bArnaU. ; 1111 Caavrolet, moat be sold today. 181$ Ferd. a aarain far 440. BEB OCR THRXE-FASSENQKB JTJ . WAIT S 0 A WED W , tUwaius.'.KXX'C