THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 4, 1918. V. 4 -m HEAL EATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 OPEN SUNDAYS .GOOD BUYS IN FURNISHED HOUSES $1750 4 rooms. Mmlshed; electric light, 1' block to . ear, near schowl; St. John car; University Park district. 1250 cash, term to suit $2100 H mom. furnished. Almost all new fiirni turi St John csr. 1 block; xtra larg lot, fenced; fine bom. $oO cash, terras to utt. . $2250 9 rooms, furnished; better than either of the ' above, MntdbUKl; lot 5OI100; alley. I,sh, It run 'to suit. $2000 , 6 rooms, foil bunnnit; completely furnished, also a piano; fin garden; street pamd; sidewalk assessment all paid; fruit trees, grape and ber '!; an ideal home. Only 15 minutes out 300 cash, terms to milt. $2000 5 rooms, furnished complete; gas and coal rsngss; 1 block to car; Brooklyn district: 15 , minute to heart of city. 1300 cash; balance A "unfurnished houses ; , Small Payments ' IXUni cash; fine little 3 room bungalow; Mt Jkttcir; Lent district Trice $850; balance ft ! $1100 4-ronW cottage, bath and toilet; large , Only $200 eaah. balance $25 monthly. $750 REAL ESTATE tOB SALEHOUSES 1 50x175 Lot Street improvements all paid. On wide pared street. Situated on E. 39th at, one block from ' Hawthorne. One ride has 6 rooms and bath. Other iide his 5 room and bath. I modern and up-to-date. House cost $5500 to build. Ixrt. coat 19O0. Will sell for $5000. $1000 down. Ton can Bra on one ride and rent the other. Is now renting for $45 per month. I lire In Pittsburg and will sacrifice. For further information call at 300, K. 89th at. or phone Tabor 8075. A GREAT BUY 5 rm. colonial bungalow, 60x1 00 nr.: Just 100 feet from Woodlawn car, convenient to shipyards at Vancouver and St. Johns. $2350. $2350, $2350, $2360, $2350. : "FOHCLOSED. $1500 MORTG. OWNEB WAIVES 1118 RIGHT OF REDEMPTION." Has hardwood floors, massive fireplace. $500 nrfesiel . wash basin anil shower, buffet, bookcase, elegant bast, and attic, rery complete and worth $3500. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. "35 Tears in Portland." Main 4803. lot. $150 DOWN 100x100 AND MODERN- BUNGALOW 6 Toom bungalow, modern plumbing, elect, and aas. A-l condition, fruit, flowers and gar den, on lOOxlOO paved St. No. 844 E. 30th, near Cora. Pnce $2500, $150 down, bal. like rent. See 1 . FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Huy Your Home. Main 1068. .. h h-1i from t NOW LISTEN A 6 room .modern, np to date r" '.m '""! 5 J. .7. with aU built-in effects, a full cement base- ran.v c.i, ........ "., .iw. i I t ..H uir;iiL, IUIUOI.C, vruaciia, nsuia ass a vast, eaas.u easwuui REAL ESTATE' ACREAGE 17 26 ACRES $1350 i 23 mile from Portland, hi milea from . town and electric line; 4-rora bouse, small barn roothonae, 2 acres in potatoes and garden, bal. pasture and timber; everything goes; cash. 80 ACRES $3500 ' 22 milea from Portland, Shi mile from electric line: 15 acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture and timber; fair house, barn, orchard, mower, harrow, plow, cart and boggy; $050 cash, bL to suit. .40 ACRES, $1150 24 miles from Portland, 3 H milea from town and electric line ; lies good, A-l soil all seeded in grass; $350 cash, balance $50 per year, 6 per cent. 20 ACRES, $4500 20 acres, 8 milea from courthouse, all in cultivation; good B room noose, good orchard; , mile to store; lies fine, A-l soil. Price $4500; $1000 cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. 5 ACRES, $1250 5 acres. Just outside city limits, fine soil, 600 feet lrom pared road. Price $1250; $350 casb. balance to suit. 6 per cent. BUNDY 411 Henry bldg. HEAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7 OREGON C1TT CARLINE- Well improved 5 acre home, good building. spring, fruit, berries; price reasonable, terms. Box 473. Newport, Or. r FOR SALE FARMS 17 SPLENDID FARM. $100 PER ACRE. Near McMinnrille and one of Yamhill coun ty's very best; owner old, son gone to !war and be has laid by a comfortable little fortune from the proceeds of this farm: only 2 miles from station and 6 miles from McMinnrille; 191 acres, 100 acres all in one body; in high state cultivation; gentle north elope, all grubbed by present owner and exceptionally rich, easy-working land; balance splendid pasture; living i wa ter and plenty timber family use; 7 -room house, barn, outbuildings, bearing orchard; price only $100 per acre, $5000 cash, balance 6 peT cent. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 North 6th st. Broad way 4341. Any term $130 rssh; 4 Tremont Station. and sidewalk; all nuMtmtnti aid. you want.. $800 $100 00 cash, 4 rooms, 3 blocks from car. IVlawn Station, Mt. Hcott car. Terms to suit. A da-ndy i buy. ' Overlook Home $3250 7 -room modern home; every con venience, lot 5016; corner near school; paTed district; 1500 cash; balance to suit. $2100 fl-room modern, Woodstock di'trict; 4 blocks to ear; 1 bHck to paved street. $250 or less cash, balance easy. WR HAVE MANY OTHERS. VERY GOOD BUYS, THAT WE CAN HHOW YOU IK THESE DO NOT INTEREST YOU. CALL TODAY. .- ' Open Sundays, . ' 14512 BROADWAY, 4:r . ' Main 4134, MOdERN Il'N;ALOW BARGAINS $16004 rixinii. E. Morrison; $260 down. k 2O0)J 5 rnomi, R. C. Perk; $3f0. 2Ht00 rooms. K. Glisan; $350. $2 1 U0- fl rvinmi.' uuar I'nlim are., on Mon roe st ; $500 down. $2950- 5 rufiniH. Uosmere, $450 down. MODERN HOI SES CHEAP $2100- 6 rooms, close Alberta car; $350 .4lown " $2500 6 room. Bunnrri1e: $600 down. $32006 room.', awthorne dist ; H cash. DlrUtlS. llixim HpsMing bldg. :t : ; $350 Bt'TS 9333 53d ava. S. E. Two story hcmie and wood shed, lot 4SVs220. near Ients Park. Terms gtren. CVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 2Dt and Wahhington sts. Main 0244. the haasse, cement roadway into the garage, aU streets lire paved, everytliing around this bunga low is high class, new improvements. This place is down Kenton way near the new brick Kentore school, 150 feet frrjm the carline and the price is only $2H.V. You can't build the bungalow alone say nothing of the 60x100 ft. Int for less than $4000. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abtngton bldg. VACANT MOVE fN $2500, $500 casb, 5 rm. mod. bungalow, near 80th and Gladstone. Haa hardwood floors, built-lns, best plumbing and a real genuine snap for this well built home. G. G, Goldenberg, Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. Just the Little Farm You Want W have had nothing, nicer than this to offer for the money. 15 acres, 2 mile from good town near Salem ; all in higd state cul tivation and crop, with living water; .very rich soil and all lies perfectly. New 8 room house with 100 foot porch, nice cupula. bam. outbuildings, all nicely painted; nice shade and choice bearing orchard. Personal : Team, cow, back, wagon, harness, mower, plow, harrow, some household goods. Price complete only $3400. Owing to Quality of soil and the splendid location, owner paid $200 per acre for the bare land; has put on the buildings and equipped the place, dux owing to ill health is offering everything for only $3400. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. NEW 1U NGALOW, $1125 5 ROOMS AND ACRE . This Is located on S. P, electric, very con venient for shipyard workers. Will sell on terms like rent. 5 rooms and sleeping porch and acre, .closo to station, for only $1125. Better inestigate. . 500 CONCORD BLDG., 2d and Stark sts. Main 85. DO. YOL' want thut A 7 room house, with a full lot, 1 block from Hawthorne are., bet. 14th and 15th sts. ; everything paid for,: for $3000; $1100 cah h all you hare to have; this place is cheap enough for $0000. And here's another: A 6 room bungalow, 5 blocks farther t-ast, on E. Madison st., with full lot; oughti to sell for $10,000; you can have It fr $5000. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. $3500; 0 ROOMS Rose City car, close in. Paved streets In and paid. Full cement basement, furnace and laun dry trays. Iarg? clothes closets. All rooms newly tinted, large fruit trees". Terms and possession at? once. J. L. HAHTMAN. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Main 208. A-2050 r-4 ROOM modern house, full cement basement. furnace. 5Oil()0 lot, 1 block to car, $2000; t'$250 rath, balance $15 a month. ft room house, full cement basement. 68x100 f lot, sopie fruit. 2 blocks from Alberta car: price 2250; $75 cash, balance $20 a month including interest. 4 room 'house, 80100 lot. chicken yard, fruit. 2 blocks to cr; price $1000; $150 cash, Bal ance $10 m inonth. Ollnon & Morris. 431 Chamber of Commerce 3To) -Vl'E HAVK i beautiful bungalow, lo cated on N. flth M.. nesr Woodlawn car, 1 block iff I'tiion avenue. Has 6 rooms. 2 sleep ing porche. full sire lot ; well improved The rooms are-i-itra larae. Has all built-in features. furnace, fireplace, toll cement basement. It is a real sacrifice and we can ell it for $000 cash and $30 pier month, including interest at 6 per cent. It foats you nothing to see this. A. O. Teepe (Jo , 204 8Urk st. near 8d. Main 3B16. Branch officv. 50th and Handy. -AN ICE home in Irvington, 0S6 Halsey St., 8 Toom hosise. everything connected with it' of a high class except the price. This place is offered lot sal because the owner Is alone and being an d lady V determined to sell If -you know of snythlng half as ml as this for $5700 go and t. buy it don't pay any attention to this. Small ! payment will handle this and on the bal ance she la dispo-ed to give the rignt . party a s-ehauce to acquire. a fine home without feeling a-'tha payment. M. J. Clohessy. 4 15 Ahlngtoh bldg. . 3 1 jfT-harTTa in a ', '2-room, lot MtilliO, $k1fl. " 6 rorwn, lot 37xl4S, $800. 4 room, lot 50x100, $1000. 6 room, corner. 50x100. $1850. - 6 room, red street. $2700. " 6 room, 100x100, $2500. f room. 67x100. corner. $3000. . Easy terms given on any of tlrcse. nd lef me show you a home. 606 Stock Exchange bldg. TAKE this and everything in the house complete ly furnished with a standard piano worth $700. Now this home is close in and on the best car line in the city right at Mt. Tabor. Do you want this for $3000? With all improvements paid for. cement sidewalks in front and around the house. $500 down will handle this. M. t. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. $13.i0; 5 ROOM COTTAGE; PARKROSE Just oubude city limits. 1 block to carline. water piped in house. All rooms newly tinted and painted, double constructed, fireplace and electrto lights. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and stark sts. Main 208. A-2050. NEW BI'NGALOW ; TERMS- ST. JOHN'S CARLINE Will sell on straight contract, no mortgage. 2 bedrooms, all rooms on one floor, nice loca tion, i L. HARTMAN COMPANY, owners. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Main 208. A-2050. OSWEGO LAKE BARGAIN ONLY $1750 3 room, coxy bungalow, view acre, water. lights, boating, fishing. Small first payment 600 I oncord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Main 85. LAI REI.Hl RST Only $4500 takes 2 aood houses on a corner lot not any farther out thun 32d st. You can occupy one house and got a good mpnthly Income from the other. M. .1 t lolmssy, 415 Abington bldg. ONLY $2500 for a 5 room modern house close in to the business center. 546 E. 34th st $500 down, with $20 per month will handle l I. J- Clohessy,- 415 Abington bldg. FOR SALE LOTS If TO AVOID FORECLOSURE. $800 49x100 on the N. side of Arnold St., 150 ft W. of Marguerite. Hawthorne district. Assessed at 00. The owner paid over $1600. Fore closure proceedings- have been instituted so you will have to hurry. Price quoted includes street work. Fred . Oerman Co.. 7 32 Cham, of C. T3T5 AN EXCELLENT FARM 83 scree, 50 acres in cultivation, most! all tillable, 15 acres aeeded to meadow, balance in oats and other crops. Watered by fine spring and spring stream. . Family orchard of assort ed fruits; fair 6 room bouse, good dairy bsra. fully equipped wiAh hay fork, pulleys and rope; all necessary outbuildings, full set of machinery. Only 4 mile from school, 5 miles from Colum bia river town on good road. Excellent Soil. All rural advantages. WiU accept $2000 worth of city property or acreage and some cash as tirst payment $7500. THOMPSON. SWAN & THOMPSON Third and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. BIG PRUNE ORCHARD. 125 acres in Yamhill Co., 2 miles firom town, 40 acres in bearing prunes, 20 acres young prune orchard, balance of place in icul tivation; fina large bouse, steam-heated, electric lights, hot and cold t water, big barns, prune dryer, and other buildings; all necessary stock and equipment; price $20,000. Take $5000 cash, balance any reasonable time at 6 per dent. Lueddemann Company, U13 Chamber of Com merce. VERY CHOICE 40 ACRES. Just 20 miles from the center of the city; good road all the way; 1 mile from station; you have not seen a prettier lying tract than this nor better soil; 40 acres, 35 acres in high state cultivation, balance pasture; no waste land; large handsome 8-room plastered house; 4 tile, fire places; barn and outbuildings: very choice or chard and lota bearing English walnuts: the place is very homelike and in first-class condi tion every -way. Personal: Good team, harness, wagon, 3 cows, chickens, and full set machinery; price $7500. See u if you want to be shown; just the place you want at the right price. Har grove Realty Co., 123 North 0th st. Uroao way 4381. I $20 TO $30 PER ACRE Choice loeeed off land in tracts from 12 to 160 acres, 40 miles down Columbia river; food roads, school, and OTer 100 settlers on adja cent tracts; easy terms. F. B. Holbrook Co., 214 Lnanber Exchange bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRES Fine garden, onion and beaver- dam, fine spring and creek; small water power; new house, 2 barns; near car and boat Terms, must be told. Owner, 390 Vancouver ave.. Portland. (yVRDEN tracta, west side, city water and gas. x-rice oniy oau, iu aown ana iu a mooia. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. SACRIFICE. 4 0 acres. cultivated, fenced and erosa fenced; barn, room for 30 head stock, 1 acre potatoes, 5 tons hay, 2 acres orchard, acre berries of all kinds, 5 room house, fully fur nished, some garden, 9 head stock, horse, buggy, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, cultivator, cream separator and all garden implements; 2 big sows, farrow October; 2 shoats, chickens, etc.; $1800; mile to school and store, postoffice; 3 springs; cream route; outside range, j E. Munhoven, Mt. Scott car, Woodmere station. 7bth st and 68th ave. SE 37-ACUE FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 20 MILES SOUTH OF PORTLAND. Fine soil, lies well, good house, barn, out buildings, spring and well, 20 acres in crop: balance pasture and timber, family orchard, all kinds of berries, 6 good cows, 1 heifer, 3 horses, hogs, farm implements. Price $4750, take $2750 cash, balance. 6 per cent. See Sam Hewey at J. L. lis rt man Company, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 24T-ACKE FARM. $3800. 240 acres near North Bank road. Eastern Washington, practically alll good and nearly level; 160 acres cultivated; good fences, good buildings with water piped to them; school across the road; will include all farm machinery, 2 brood sows, 30 shoats, 100 chickens, 40 tons hay. Price for everything $3800. This Is a snap. Lueddemann Company, 913 Chamber of t ommerce. 04 ACRES, 3 miles from Oregon City.; W. V. S. Ry. station on place; good wagon road on two sides; good bouse and outbuild ings, windmill, well; place over one-third cul tivated, balance wood; $500 will handle deal, balance mortgage and contract or will trade for income bearing city property. See O. 1. Eby. Oregon City Bank bldg., or B. T. McBain. West Linn, Or. THESE ARE A-l FARMS AND RANCHES THAT STAND CLOSEST INVESTI GATION 207 H acre coast farm, good build ings, stocked, equipped and this year's crop, $6000. . 60 acra farm. Willamette Taller, near 2 towns, 20 acres In cultivation, fam ily orchard, running creek, on Pacific highway. $5600. 63 acre farm near McMinnrille, good 6 room plastered house, outbuildings, all in cultivation, nice orchard, running creek, stocked and equipped. Will con sider smaller place near Portland in part. Price $10,000. 200 acres. 75 acres In crop, 12 acra bearing prune trees, soma apples and berries, good buildings, equipped. 3 horses, 70 sheep and goats, fenced, cross fenced, adjoins valley town, city water piped to house and yard. Will consider Portland house to $3000. Price $10,00t). 100 acres, good buildings, 1 siloa. 18 milch cows, heifers, horses, pigs, chickens, well equipped, 60 tons bay, plenty of corn, wheat, kale, etc.. on graveled road, doss to good valley town. $15,000. 91 acres, 5 miles Oregon City, on macadam road, all buildings of best kind and in good condition, 7 5 acres in cultivation, fenced, cross-fenced, all kinds of implements and toola. Price $16,000. 289 acres, 100 acres in cultivation. 40 acres pasture, balance timber, good buildings, 20 cows and, young stock, horses, pigs, goats, chickens, sll kindi implements and took. $18,500. 247 acres, 130 acres in cultivation, 117 acres pasture, orchard, well fenced, good buildings, stocked and well equipped. Price $20,000. 660 acre coast ranch. Good buildings, fenced. 40 head of stock, horses, pigs, chickens, bees, implements and tools of all kinds and descriptions. Value of last year's products raised on this land was $5310. Price $27,000. For further details about above properties, please write or call on E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg. REAL ESTATE TIMBER 8. SNAP 4 miles R. R. station. IB million ft fin timber, worth $20,000. Adjoining 610 acres D. L. C, fair buildings, good fences, running water, worth $80,000. All goes for $16.000. S. M Venard. ?9 Cham, lorn. 50.000,000 FEET of spruce. 1 mile from good logging stream One ef the best logging propositions In the Northwest. For particulars ess M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. PILING and ship knees wantea. O. V. Gambia. 60S Gerlinger bldg. - REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE U EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE M CALIFORNIA ranch for Portland property or close in Improved acreage. 160 acres all in cultivation but about 0 acres, most all banked and checked for irrigating. 14 acres seeded to alfalfa. 60 acre in wheat. 10 acres in oata, plenty of water. 4 room bouse, large new. barn, team of mules and farm implements goes with place; S miles to R, R. station. Price $8000. clear; will take op to $5000 in im proved close in acreage or city property. - WE WANT FARMS Have apartment bouse. Income $475. and cash for alfalfa ranch; clear city for $10,000 wheat ranch; 2 clear city propertied for 2 going ranches. $10,000 each; fine block, all Im provements, for acreage worth $5500; and nu merous others. Writ ua. DAVIS-THOMAS. 4 29 Lumber Exchang. 40 ACRES, near Astoria and 7 acre near Port land Will trad ither or both for auto. Call Tabor 6925. WANTED, a modern 6 room boos in exchange - ROOMING HOrSES ' 82 BOOMS In 2 and 4 rrronTsuitea," hot and cold water in all rooms, private bath in alt suites, fin furniture; rent. $2 So per month; clearing $350 a month. Price $6000, $350U cash, balance terma, 80 rooms, clos m. west side, always full: clearing $350 a month. WtU give leas. Pric $5000. Terma Oilaon A Morris. 4S1 Cham ber of Commerce. for a fin valley farm. Tabor 944S. TO exchange good income property for farm. East 6161. - WANTED REAL ESTATE 1 OWNERS, ATTENTION! We have over 200 buyers waiting for us to get them something suitable and' reasrmabl In pric. We can selU any number of S and 6 room bouses from $1500 to $2500. Get In 98 acres, 30 acres In cultivation; all can b j touch with us if you wsnt to seU. W do cultivated, good spring and creek, 5 room house good barn, lots of fruit and berries, 8 milk cows, 6 calves, 2 brood sows, 13 shoats, 3 horses, 36 chickens, 10 stands of bees, sll kinds of farm implements: 30 miles from Port land, 1 mil to electric station. Price 8oOO; mtg. $2000. 7c'0. Will exchange for city resi dence. Mutt have a little cash. THE best buy In Oregon. 22 H acres. 14 in cultivation, rest pasture and timber; good feed. New 6 room house, 14 by 24 wood shed with wash house, bouse lot fenced with 5 ft chicken tight fence; new barn 40 by 42; some fruit, 2 horses and harness, 2 cows, heifer, 60 chickens. 2 hogs, new farm wagon, about 5 tons of hay, place fenced, clear from debt Only H mile from station, 2 H miles from Urge town. Price $3000, $1500 cash, bal ance 6 years, 6. This is less than the build ings cost. STOCK RANCH IN LINCOLN CO. OREGON. 160 well improved, good buildings, fences, orchard and berries, plenty wster, outrange. See GILSON & MORRIS. 431 Cham, of Com. not ask for exclusive sale contracts. All wa ask is a chance to sell, and we get result. ROOMS 8 AND 6 145y2 BROADWAY. WANTED -LIST YOUR ROSE CITT PARK nOME WITH US We hav cash buyers. J. I- HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of ( 'ommerce Bldg., 4th and Stark Sts. Main 208 A 2050 SUBURBAN 1IOME5 79 I GUESS THIS WON'T PLEASE YOU Now listen: A 6 room peach of a bungalow with full cement basement, city water, gas and all other conveniences, on the extension of the Capitol highway, close enougl to the carline with 6c carfare. With this bungalow wa throw in, 1 big acre of land in the highest state of cultivation, all kinds of fruit coming into full bearing, enough fuel in the basement for win $28,000 RANCH FOR $14,000 160 acres 10 miles from Vancouver on main stage road, 80 acres in cultivation, large barn and house, good grsnsry. brick smoke house and other buildings, land all level. This place sold for $28,000 6 years ago; owners have several other ranches and sons have gone to front. They have instructed us to offer his magnificent prop erty at one half price. Photos at office of Fred W. German. 732 Cham, of Com. TWO BEST MYS IN 80 ACRES in Washington county, on fine auto road, 2 miles from railroad, close to school, 50 good tillable land, balance pasture, all good soil: 16 creek bottom. 12 cultivated: $500 ter, 1 beauty of a Jersey cow and a barn full 1 worth of piling, cheap buildings, trout etieam of hay and other feed to keep her chewing all j through place, spring water to buildings; can winter. A nice garage and a big flock of be made a beautiful home. Certainly is a rare chickens; everything goes for the small sum of ( bargain at $2000. Neal Brown, 207 Panama $4500. This bungalow is new and was built for a permanent home; on account of sickness the owner is obliged to sell and it breaks their heart to part with it. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Ab ington bldg. IF YOU DON'T BUY THIS WHAT DO YOU WANT If Only $1400. Now listen: A 6 room house, bath, toilet, electricity, gas, city water, only "1 block from a new $30,000 school house. $200 cash is all you have to have with a nice easy monthly payment. This place is on 2 carlines, one of them in front of the door. 6c carfare for either. It is on the weijt side, the heilthiest spot in Portland. Now you working man. if you don't buy this you will miss a great profitable in vestment as well as a home, but you will have to hurry. M.t J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. NOTHING likfe this is offered nowadays. Ltteri to it: One oeautitul acre witn of bearing fruit In its ment sidewalk from the property. Only 100 feet from the carline There are two good modern houses on this acre and so located that you should be able to sell one house with less than half the ground , for the price you can buy all of it Take the Woodstock car and get off at 30th and Glad stone ave. Mrs. Wilson's place. Look at it, and then come to the office and learn bow cheap you can .bu& this very valuable property. M. J. Clohessy.. 415 Abington bldg. building. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 00 acres, fine location in Klickitat Co., Wash , on the White Salmon river. 60 acres 5-year-old orchard, 2 5 acres plowed for : fall planting, balance -partly cleared. Would in clude other property in trade for large acre age. If interested write G. W.' Carter, owner, Husnm. Wash. TWENTY acres, in Sunny-side, Clackamas county. 1 3 miles from city. 15 in cultivation. 5 in timber. New house, full cement basement, new barn, young orchard coming into bearing; some tools to go with the place. Price $200 per acre, half cash, balance on time; 6 per cent interest. No trade. For particulars. Call 555 Clinton St., or tel. Sellwovid 657. FOR SALE or trade, by owner, about 80 acres. 10 a. cleared, on good road, 14 miles from WASHINGTON COUNTY FARMS 140 ACRES AT HALF VALUE 140 acres, 4 sniles from town and elec tric line, on telephone and mail rout and close to school; 50 acres in culri vstion and more most ready for the plow; good house, barn, 7 acres prunes, estimated at 10 tons, now contracted at 10T cents a pound; big dryer; 15 acres fine hops, most ready to pick; all hay. grain; 3 horses 2 cows, all harness, buggy, hack, .wagons, machinery and tools; in fact, everything goes at special price of $10,500; $2500 cash, balance 6 any time. There is over $4000 to be taken off this "arm this year. 160 ACRES, ALL' STOCK AND CROP 6H miles from Hillsboro, 25 miles from Portland, 80 in cultivation, balance pasture; good house, barn, big silo, good outbuildings; good fences, barn full of hay, wheat, pats; 10 acres fine corn, good orchard; 20 fine cows. 10 head young cattle, 10 fine hogs, fine team, good harness, wagon, binder, mower, plows, cultivators; fine creek, also fine water system; 4 mile to school, tele phone, mail and milk route; everything goes but the furniture. Price $16,000. half cash, balance at 6 per cent. BUNDY 411 Henry bldg. 4r 160 ACRE.S bench land, bouse, barn, outbuild ings, spring water, beautiful view, fine gar den in. 25 acres fenced. 1 Vi miles of creamery, R. R. station, school; 10 acres cleared, mostly in clover, lO acres nearly ready for plow; household goods, some tools; splendid stock proposition, cattle, sheep or goats, good out range, south slope, fine climate, good hunting and fishing: also H interest in lease on adjoin ing 1 60 acres thst contains 5 acres in rrunes and 1 acre in apples, other fruits; 1 fresh cow. 3 heifers. 10 tons hay. Trice $2300; $1000 can remain on place; $1300. trade for house and lot. prefer unincumbered; tuay assume tmall amount. L-950. Journal. Trades of Merit Portland houe for farm or land Grocery and market for Portland lots. Orocery More for good farm. Hood River spple rsnch for bouse. Auto and Mnall farm for farm. Msnyjthers. Coddard. 502 Couch bldg. LOT 40x100. with 4 roomhoiise, atLents73 blocks from carline and blocks from bank, store, etc., to trade fcf one or more acres within 2 miles of Portland; must have some kind of a house on it Value of place $1300. Will trade as an equity and pay bal ance on terma at 6 per cent interest. Value not to be over $2000. Would like a place on Oregon City carline. VX-850, Journal. FOR SALE 6 b 0 acres, all level.-A soil. every foot in cultivation, water right, pump ing plant, can all be put in alfalfa, over $15, 000 personal property included. Will sell on easy terms or will consider good Portland ' in come property or Southern Oregon ranch. Owner very old. doctor orders to live in lower altitude Quick equitable deal given. Price $68, 000. Address Box 3S Baker. Or. LIST YOUR PROPERTY NOW 1 WE" HAVE NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS READY AND WILLING TO BUY; SOME HAVE ALL CASH AND WILL GO TO $4000. OTIl F.RS from $1500 TO $2750. COMPETENT. COURTEOUS SALESMEN AT YOUR SERV ICE. WE KNOW HOW TO SELL AND CAN DELIVER THE 00IS. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Rk'.g "35 Years in Portland.'' Main 4803 HAVE you a moderate priced bous for sale? If m have and your price and terms are right, I can sell it for you if you will list it wtiu me. Have many buyers waiting. Sales men with auto to show your property. FRANK L. McGUIHE, ABINGTON BLDG. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES f HAVE you a 4ungalow or house to sellT We have large list buyers waiting. List with us for quick results. Have autos to ahow prop erly. Have handled Portland real estate many years. odaon Co., 034 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3707. . PACIFIC AGENCY INC ' 613 516 8WETLAND BLDG. PORTLAND. OREGON. CONFECTIONERY w ar able to offer what is unqAiestionsblr tn finest equipped, best located confectionery on the East Side. This plac is doing a er large business and is bound to appeal to any one interested. Price $3650. liall cash. GARAGE MEN. ATTENTION! W hav cash buyers waitn.i for good gar age and have practically sold our entire llstingl. If you want quick action, see us st once. HARDWARE W hsv fin'lv improved farms; will trad for a hardware and implement stock. $25,000 stock of genersl merchandise lo cated in a good town in Washington county; will trade for an improved farm. $3600 sale contract covering Improved wheat ranch and som cab. will trade for a merranul stock. MANUFACTURERS. ATTENTION I W hsv a cash customer for all or inter in a smsll tnsnufsrturmg plant. ,, Three strictly modern 5 room bungalows la Hawthorne district: cah talus $10,000; will trade for improved land close in 124 ACRES, IMPROVED. RANCH 26 miles from Portland, good buildings. 2 silo. 8 gasolin engines, l-o -... 11 registered, fine team, all farm implement". . price $1J5 per acre; will take good city property. Sea WALTERS. ' PACIFIC AGENCY INC. 613 516 SweUand Bldg. Portland, Oregon. WE make a tp.--ialty of selling bouses and are bhort of luting. in 1-aurelhurst Irvington, Rose City, Sunnjside, Hawthorne. List with us for quick sale GRUSRI A IK1WNEI, 816 p.-iard of Trade bldg. I WANT 5 or O room bungalow in Suunyside, Hawthorne, I.aurelhurt, Rose City Park or any other gol location. Must be modem and in good repair. Can pay $500 to $1000 cash and good payments. K "1)1, Journal. HAVE many shipworkers in Vancouver wanting to buy moderate priced homes on Vancouver ; car line. List your house with me, I can make quick ssle for you. FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE Brick. 3 story, corner, close in. on esst side; good income. Price $2O.O00. Will take small improved place near Portland up to $12, 0OO, balance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. FINE 60 acre farm. Here is your chance to trade for something good in best part of Willamette valley, 30 miles from Portland. 1 mile fnm town on county road, all fenced, all in cultivation. $6000 takes it Can take clear house and lot to $3500. J. R. Wolff. CIS C. of C. bldg. NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acre age, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated values con sidered; hsve first class list to select from. George F. Henry. 3"2 Henry bldg. Refer ences. Portland Realty Hoard. 80 ACHES, fenced, good road, fine soil, good creek, bearing orchard, new house, older house, barn, 15 cultivated, 10 more easy clearing: can irrigate and put in alfalfa, slight expense. Wsnt city residence. Sacrifice at $3500. DAVIS THOMAS. 420 Lumber Exchange. e BUNGALOW WANTED Hav client with $1000 cash to pay down on 6 room bungalow not over $2500; Hawthorne or Rose City. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. SHACKS AND SMALL HoES WANifcO Must b N. E. snd priced right We hsv numerous buyers wsiting. Fred W. Gcrmsa Co., 7 32 Cham, of Com. WANT to buy good house with on or more seres of lsnd nesr good electric line; give location and description of property. M-824. Journal. WANTED 5 or 6 room bungalow from $2500 to $3000. in Brooklyn or Waverly districts. Must be modern. See Jordan, with F. E. Tay lor Co.. S3 4th t. Mar. 892 WANT 5 room modern bungslow cheap, near S. P. carshops or Woodstock carline Want j terms or monthly payment No agents. E-794, Journal. IF YOU HAVE a moderate priced house for sale, $800 to $3000. list with the REALTY A MORTGAGE CO.. for quick results; old estab lished firm. Phone Main 2051. 638 Ch. of Com. NONRESIDENTS LIST wTtTTTS-WE"VILL handle your Jiouse, lots or land promptly if price ts right REALTY A MORTGAGE CO., 633 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 2051. IF you have a moderate priced bouse for sale, from $800 to $3000. list it with the Realty A: Mortgage Co. for quick results; old established firm Phone Main 2051. 6S3 Cham, of Commerce. CHEAP, house near Anabel or Stewart, also moderate-priced .place towards Mt Tabor and Penirnila district Benedict 267 Oak st Main 1743. 37 ACRES, good honse and barn, orchard, liv ing stream, on electric car line; station on place; some fine onion land: $100 per acre, part cash. Dillman A Howland. 8th and Main st"!., Oregon City. FOR RENT rARMS 14 1 acre with all kinds courthouse, good buildings, family orchard, R. fulness. Walk on ce- F T)- an1 telephone line, water piped to house., business center to this i,rice $5500. Might consider small modern Come In A. H. Akerson. PAY RENT TO YOURSELF 2 lota with small house. $825. H ' fl rooms, if t Tsbor district. $1750. u 5 rooms, modern, close in, $2000. I a . p.r.,i1. ,k. ensnn 6 rooms. Rose City, snap, $3000. list particulars 219 Lumbermeris bldg., and Hfark. ' Fifth -MOST ANY TERMS 75x100. good 5 rm. hous. Only $1750, 4 blocks St. Johns car. f!1 G. C, Goldenberg, 215-1.6 Abington bldg. Main 4 "03. $3500 rose city bungaiiw $3500 6 room very artistic -bungalow, very mod ern and enntemcnt. Full cement . basement, furnace and fireplace. Price $3500. Terms. K. 62d, near Alameda. See ! FRANK K MrGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home Main 100H. '" ONLY $2000-Now iFsten: $2l7ash$25 per month will buy a 5 room new bungalow, svith a full lot, on the Mt Scott carline. Go and look at this place- the number 7000 59th ave.. 100 fert from the Tremont station. This Is a big bargain and Is cheap enough for $3500. M J. Clohesny, 4 15 Abington bldg. I MUST" leaiectty7 Will sell "myeautif uT6 room'bungalow at $3300. Very fine location, ffne view of city: cabinet kitchen; Rudd gas heater, furnsce. buffet; full cement basement; garage; 60x100 lot; nice lawn, flowers, etc. Easy- terms. Hem Johnson-Dodsan Co., 634 N W. bank bldg. TAKE your choice of these tracts with houses and all kinds of fruit in bearing, pn hard surfaced streets and close to the carline. You can have V4 , i , 1 . 1 , 1 and 2 acres fiom $1200 up to $5000. I can suit you with modern hnllsiM on t K.j. nlanM r . . ...... CLEAR lot 42x125, in Fern Park; cultivated ; i easy terms. This is the most active suburb I rice $37 j; sick, need money; mak offer. , around Portland, all of these places are in T. G.. 1228 Iron st ok r:m in . h ji .... . FINE LOT IN WOODLAWN $25 down. $7.50 moathly buys this 60x100 lot on ths south side of Liberty St., 4 50 feet east of 18th, cost over $700. FredW. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. C. Wood, Linnton. FOR SALE Lot 4 6 ft by 107. ft on E. 55th st. 100 ft', south of Glisan st. Easy terms Price $450. Csll Tsbor. 707. $250 C'hespest building lot in Overlook. Street and sewer assessments paid. Russell, 404 Abing ton bldg. QUARTER" acre, in Lents, at sacrifice. C-880, Journal. BY o"WN ER, fine Improved lot 60x100 ft. In Overlook add., near carline. $760. Mar. 1133. ACREAGE 17 M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. NOW here's- a chance for buyers with small money; half acres of land, all in cultivation, with a 2 room house, at Lents, for $1000, easy terms. A house of 7 rooms, 935 E. 17th st N., for $2500, small payment will handle this. This house is modern, up-to-date in every respect Another house of 4 rooms, in good condition: 3016 E. 71st st. S. E.. $1000. easy terms, $300 cash is all you have to have. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. bungalow as first payment Or., It. 2;Bc.i20. . 13 ACRES, 7 room house, nice creek, lots of bearing fruit; 82 walnut trees; right in town. Give terms, cheap. 160 acres timber, 4 to 5 million feet, 1 mile to It. R. and bay; nice creek. Will take house in city. GEORGE MORSE. Owner. 815 Cham, of Com. 160 ACRE hill land, good for goats, sheep or cattle, lots of outrange ; good , buildincs, springs and creeks; only H mile from rail road town; some tools and household furniture: price $15 per acre; will take unincumbered res- A BEAUTIFUL SUBURB v COUNTRY HOME 11 ACRES 7 mile from Portland; ner one of the best paved highways in Oregon. mile to electric Sta., modern 6-room house, electric lights, fur nace, fireplace, bath and toilet, good barn, and outbuildings fine soil. i acres in cultivation, family orchard, berries, flowers, beautiful shade trees. 2 never-fajling streams. Lease 18 months to reliable party for $30 a month. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Company, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE or trade, meat market fully equipped with cold storage plant and modem fixtures, in' fc-'ood valley town of 3000. good payroll. Would exchange for good stock farm or would take in partner that can give good reference. OX-719, Journal. WILL give 1917 Ford tounng car or up to $500 cash a first payment on a modern 5 or 6 room house between Bdw. and Alberta dista., near Union ave. 7. 622. Journal. WANTED 2 iitce homes."' $1500 and $2500. sll cash'. Customers watting. Alberta pre ferred. Bargains only. Cary, 1219 N. W. nearlbk. bldg. Phone Main 1643. SO ACRES dairy ranch. Lincoln Co., coast; stocked and equipped. 4 room tur- t tixvk several buyers for houses in central idence as first payment Call or address K. S. reasonahlv Hi 1PA Farm for Rent Stock for Sale Have 35 head cows and 2-year-old heifers. good team. 80 hogs, full set machinery, etc. Will sell for $3000 and rent you my ranch 2 ACRES all in cultivation; 25 fruit trees, bearing, all kinds berries, fine soil, good drainage; good 4 room plastered house, good well, city wster available, gas for lighting and ?wk.m:.. c"lcken house and store house; 4 r. hous and bam. Columbia river hl.h..v 2 ACRES, highly improved, fruit and berries of all kinds, at ry. sta., hard surface road, 30 minutes out; $3000; terms. M acre, 5 r. house, $1000. acre in cultivation. $600. 10 acres in cultivation, fruit, running wster with a good garden grow-, 40 minutes out, near' Sandy river. $2100. This clover. Price $1850. easy ; choice land. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 4th st I good 5 ' dandy little place with lnii, balance in c terms. 4 aerea OA mlnulM from .l.linn room house, garaee. bam. etc. : 2 ' irm tn I FOR SALE or trade, 3.33 acres, all improved. cultivation, all fenced, all good solL well; a n'8n tata of cultivation, 45 fruit trees, 2 and good buy at $2000. Terms if wanted. i 3 years ld; 0 room modern house, practically 1 H acres all in cultivation, smsll house, ! new' .hardwood floors, French doors, white ivory close to station, on eidejvalk; black swaie painting; city water, good outbuildings; six min soiL Price $800. terms. ' utes' walk from Hereford station on Oregon City 11. i. litKtit. Heaverton, Or., Box 425. $2100 PENINSULA HOME $300 DOWN 6 room heme, hath, toilet, electric andgas. BO iiwi lot. Aimna ave. near Alnsworth, paved St., scant, tnove in today. Pric $2100; . $300 down,5 $ 1ft ner month. See. FRANK L. M GUOIE, Abington bldg. To buy your home. Main 1068. 6nly $3 200 for a 7 room modern up-to-date bungalow. This bungalow is in; walking dis tance on th west side; no view vt the entire city, rivers snd mountains surpasses it ('all and inquire about this. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. CHICKEN RANCH IN CITY 4 lota, 6-r. bungalow, brooder 10x80; 13 other small chick houses. Firland sta. district -Pric $4200. $600 or $700 cash. bal. - $73 quarterly. Baxr. Bdwy. 8125. 505 Lumbermans bldg. " $100 DOWN BALANCE LIKE ftENT 6 room plastered bungalow, modern plumbing, electric and gas; this could be made a very at tractive home; price only $1200. he FRANK L. M Gl IRE. Abington bldg. To buy your home. Main 106. CHEAP ACREAGE 6 acres. $250; $10 down. $5 per month, buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Cen tralia, on the main line of 3 railroads, 1 H miles from a town of S0O nonulation. sawmills and shingle mills, some partly 'cleared and soms- ciearea, running stream; some bottom and some bench; can eive you any kin of place you Want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. PRICE $700, only $300 cash, balance ; $10 month. 1 acre, house furnished, bam, 1 block from car. 20 minutes' ride from shipyards.' 12c commuters' fare. Take S. P. electric to Jean sta. Ask for Bennett. WILL TAKE AUTO to $600 and Some cash as first payment on 6 toom modem house on Gantenbein st., easy terms on. balance at the price, $2700. You'll certainly get a bargain. See Ccxnte. 727 Cham ber of Cotntnerr. $1075 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW TERMS 6 room nest bungalow, white enamel plumbing fixtures, electrio and gas, on paved st ; price 1V75; $.200 down, balance like rent See 1 FRANK U M'GUIRE, Abington bids. 1 To buy your home. Jin 1068. FIVE room. $i600. E. 32d andTaylor; bath. basement; sts. and sidewalk in, paid; $250 auli. bal. $15 per mo. C! EVELAND 60S Lumbermans bldg. Bdwy? 8123. " ROOMS, .modern, large lot. 1 V blocks to earune. vuo. Terms, $250 will handle. Owner. Phon Main 7276. FOR SALE. 100x100. 5 room modem house. : bait Uva. 614 Hit-bland st Wain, car! FOR SALE 4 acres, one mile from Hood River, in cultivation; water for irrigating; $950; $250 cash, balance $7 a month, including interest at 6 per cent. 625-Y Vancouver. Mrs. Hatley. 1019 West 12th. Vancouver, Wash. 3 1-3 ACRES, 4 roomed house, 3 acres cleared. all kinds of fruit and outbuildings, on Esta eada carline. at Bell Rose. Price $2200, $500 cash. Lents Real Estate Co. Phone Tabor 1899. 2 GOOD acres at Metzger near car; good roads, good car service, 10c fare. Prices $650 and $750 each; plenty of wood.' G. H. Johnson owner. Metzger. THERE is that acre on the waterfront at Oak Grove for ' the price that any acre of waterfront can be bought for.- Who wants it for $1000? M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bhr. csriine. Will consider some Portland vacant lots as part payment Herman Nelsbn, Glad stone, pnone S13K WHAT do you think of this? A nice cute little bungalow with 2-3 of an acre of land, all fenced and all in garden, on the sidewalk, 1 block from the station at Capitol Hill : 6c carfare. There is city water, gas and electric lights in this bungalow. Take It for $2000 on easy terms. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bide. HERE'S another: now listen. 1 hie li i cultivation, right on a paved street to the front gate. A 6 room comfortable house thrown in ; electric light, water and gas. Who wants thi3 for $1300? M. J. CIohe3sy, 415 Abington bldg. " $20 DOWN. $10 MONTH Buys 40 acres of logged-off land located be tween Portland and Centralia, 1 hi miles from main line of 3 railroads; fine for dairy or chicken ranch; plenty of outrnge; price $30 per acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE: Well improved 3 2acres of the best land; will sell part or all; fina mod em 10 room house; large bam, garage, other buildings; deep well, lots of fine water, level land; school, fine roads, 3 miles eaat of Monta villa, on Section Line road, comer Barker road; R. R. A Box 593. Portland. CLARKE COUNTY. WASH., $3750 20 a. in cult, new 5 room house, barn 40x 50. chicken house, woodshed, 1 miles from Amboy in that wondrously fertile Chelatchie prairie. This is sn ideal farm home. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. 80 ACRES good hill land in Clarke county. 6 miles from Woodland and Pacific highway; telephone; 6 acres cleared; 2 small houses; schoolhouse just across road: 800,000 ft. tim ber; will sell cheap. Walter R. liorton, Van couver, Wash., care courthouse. FOR SALE 80 acres, stock, machinery, every thing goes at bargain. On good road, 5 miles from Moialla. good 7 room house, large j new barn and garage. A. H. Newman, Moialla. Or It. 1. FOR SALE or trade, 160. acres bench land. Lewis county, Washington. State particulars In letter. James Cunningham. 157 East Win- chell st '80 ACRE farm. 1 mile from depot, in Willam ette valley. 50 acres In cultivation, good buildings, orchard, on rural route. Has to be sold. Price $65 per acre. Y-820, Journal. ; acres. 5 miles from Canby, with up-to-date buildings; boys gone to war. t an t do tne work. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th st Phone Broadway 4381. FARM for rent, stock and machinery for sale, 292 acres plow lancU on Umpqua river, fine deep soil; horses, cost, sheep, pigs, chickens snd machinery will invoice about $1600; rent $300 per year, which can easily be made on sale of wood. This is a fine, honest proposition, which must be cash. Main 1515. 160 ACRES. 130 tillable, mile to school". church, store, 4 mile to railroad; lease 3 years, $400 year. $1100 for equipment now on ranch. C. M. Davis, R. 2, Estacada. RENT free for taking care of 10-acre orchard with improvements, near Sandy. Or. Address Mr. H., box 89, Maxwell Hall, 207 14 th at. or call next week. FARMS WANTED BENT OB BUT 38 SMALL FARMS WANTED. We are having many buyers for close-in Im proved farms, well located, on good roads, and near carline. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hart man Company, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. nisbed bungalow. Value $4000. Trade for clear furnished house to $2500, balance easy terms. Owners only. Call 9 a. m. to 2 :30 p. m., or address 1056 E. 18th st N. iTlackhmTth Would trade equity in good shop snd home, oil station, auto accessories, doing good business, for what have you? Too old for the work. W. F. MAGILL. Wsmic. Or. rfs f .L.,n Clsn nil nriwurlv anr) 1mnnr1 " "t"""' GMWT" ..7 l-'-l'W , ... 1 - ,JK 1.. I -, 1 and unimproved country property and cash ' - " to exchange for improved farm. Perfer near. '", Hawthorne or Tabor districts. X-768. coast Give full particulars ill first letter. John : Journal. H. Scott. Salem. Or. ! OWNERS Want 4 or 6 room modern bunga low. Hawthorne district. be.t terms. iaiv Est Portland. I can sell yours. Now is the time to sell. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. IN Hose City, modem 5 room bungslow, must hsve furnace-, fireplace, hardwood floors; not j over $3000. He II wood 476. GIVE location and price of 6 01 6 room house, I not too far out Want to buy. W 622. ' Journal. THE IDAHO GROCERY. LOCATED IN THR CONGRESS HOTEL BUILDING. OTII AND MAIN STS.. FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS AND DOING A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS IS NOW FOR SALE OWING TO ILLNESS OF PROPRIETOR. SEE OWNER AT ONCE, 232 6 ill ST. FOR RENT -Whitwood Court hotel confection ery, soft drinks and pool rrnfin ; al-o well estab lished oil station; 20 Ix-drooms upstairs. 7 fur nished; fin stock of Uibacco and confectionery which can be bought by renter if desired; will lease from 3 to 5 years; located at on of Urn bo.t comers In Portland; acros river from Grant Smith hlpsrds, 8 ferrys night and day. Columbia 533. WANTED-New Ideas T"J:Z wanted by msiiufscturers snd prize of fered for inventuMs; send sketch for fre opinion of patentability ; our feur bonks and list of patent buyers sent free. Vlrtar J. Evans & Co.. Pst Attys.. 614 th. Washington. D. C. BUYERS. TAKE NOTICE Grocery store for sale and trade. Restau rants $200 and up; confectionery store all prices. Rooming houses, business chances "f all kinds. Get in my automobile and I Wlil quickly show you. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 Couch hjdg, BUSINESS OPPOHUMTIE8 Restaurant "and lunch counter, fully equipped, first-class transient trade; clears $200 month. On lower Columbia highway, $500. 8 Mrs. Turney, Imperial hotel, Sunday, bet 10 a. in. and 6 p. m. SANDWICHES, soft drinks. - csndy. tobacco. Iool and card tables. Jtig business. Good town, near Portland. 'Must leave, $500 casta will land it Cell Wdln. 12 12. or TX-761. Journal. SOFT drinks, cigars, confectionery. Only on in neighborhood. If you sn looking for a snsp snd good business corns snd see this to day. Must sell on sccount of otlier business. Brosdwsy 2478. 654 Washmgton st FOR" SALEMilfinery" etock siid fixturesTn"a department store; estsblished trade of 11 years; just the place fur a lite milliner, in th heart of the factory dietrirt: must sell f.D ac count rif other business. T-763, JnuniaL HA.NoV man with SAOti can buy in g.jud sulo garage with reliable mechanic. ' Want a part ner to sell gasoline, supplies, etc . snd help ia shop. Profits are good. Call room 4 08 ln kum bldg. GOOD butcher shop location, ice box avid -.other . equipment already in I'lnne and ask mbout it because it's a good location, at 857 Halsey street in Irvington, snd rent is only $12 a mouth, llione East 728. or Msrshsll 867. GROCERY store with courier andall shelves, in good location st the end of th rsrlin East 2Sth snd ilalaey st In Irvington. I'hou Marshall 867. or pmie East 7 28 FIVE room modern bungalow and 1 acre of good land in high 6tate of cultivation. 2 miles J i Hawthorne ave. from Eugene. Or., on macadamized; road $1400, , WANTED Good acre within 1 0c, carfare. Must or will trade for Portland property. 1006 N. ' be cheap and in a good locality. K-796. Ivanhoe st. J Journal. FORTY acres near Scappoose. 1000 cords first WANTED, to rent, trade or buy, a modem six growth fir and lots ship knees; railroad and j room house, chce to school and car, with highway to Portland on land, for house In city, fruit and garden. Csll Tsbor 9448 or acreage near city. onerwooa, or., itw I , ; W ANTED 5 or 6 room house and will give L. Scott. I lot and some cash, balance monthly. Pbone 100 A. stock ranch. Eastern Oregon. Plenty ' Sellwood 3415. Q 717. Journal good water, all fenced. 50 acres clear; bouse 1 WANT tract of cheap land, timber claim or and bam; all level; lots outrange; value $3000. : logged off land: stat lowest pric and loca Trado for small place. Box 22. Hillsdale. Or. 1 tlon. D-524. Journsl. BUSINESS property on Union sve , near Oak I MUST hat a $2500 Ros City Psrk horn j FOR SALE or trade nenpaper and job of fic plant;' will consider good Portland resi dence proerty. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange bldg. FROSTATOIOGYis ou7Yrfr" letter on th new est drugless method for treating prostata disorders privately at liome. The EJectrothrmal Co., Dal ton bldg., Steubenville.fhio. IF YOU want a good psying business, clears you $300 per month, see m; owner. Fur particulsrs M 85, Journal. ' DON'T WOKrl -I can sell or trade anything anywhere, man. 145 H Brosdwsy. Lsy- st. leased to a good company, value $500, to exchange for a hous and lot worth $4 500. By owner, Henry F. Cover, 64 Union ave. at one. Easy payments. Owners only answer. Phon Wdln. 64 4 7 evenings. THE IDEAL cleaning roust be sold oil ac count otlier business; best location; coma and make an offer. 242 5th st SALE or trade, small apartment turns ; fra) home with an income, god locations rent $25 U-620. Journal FINANCIALLY imind real estate partnef wanted. I can mak good. Can you f Y 810. Journal. I-AM a newcomer and want to get a grocery store. Give me all particulars in first let ter. I mean business. 992 Garfield t. WANTED, 6 or 6 room hous between Vsn- j LIST your property with us for results. x- couver ave K. 7tn st, Kusseu ana rreseoit changes of merit; established 10 years. Ths i sts- it J. aio.uir. oso vmon av. .-v. 1 -? r, j Ti ; TS Ernest Younger Co.. 106-107 Park t. b- ! WANTED, all kinds of houses in ail parts of' ALTO garage SeU suwlie ai 86 Mrs stead tween Washington and Stark sta. I city. We have the buyers, 245 hi STOCK, equipment and less of paving poultry and hog ranch, convenient to city, for salw Place will net $200 a month. Tabor 7271. 6 ROOM bungalow. 1 acre ground, garden, ; To buy one acre with hous, Oregon City csr large orchard, fine view, Mt Tabor; sale or line. Price not over $2000. J5-796. Journal, exchange for house snd lot Owner. Y 817, ; WANT 5 or 6-room hous and lot in vicinity Journal. WANTED. 160 acre relinquishment, close to 320 ACRES good tillable land In I.iaho 12.1 acre farm. 16 miles out, price $12,000. ex change for 1 or 2 bouses up to $6000 or $8000, or hotel, rooming house or garage. Phone Main 6825. Call between 10 a. m. snd 3 p m. 100x100, sll kiuds of berries and fruit trees, part of fine house destroyed by fire; also the use of 100x100, all fenced in for chickens. , Portsmouth. St. Johns car. G-680. Journal : will , of Missouri and Falling st 24 5 Wash. st. FIVE ACRES. $1600 ' Small house, finest kind of soil, close to paved road, splendid view; a bargain at $1600 on terms. 500 Concord bldg. Main 85. i 10 ACRES on Mt Scott, beautiful view, parti) cleared and fenced. 3 acres in potatoes; bo buildings, cost $4000. sacrifice at $3500. on terms. Call Bdwy. 2601, Monday. ACREAGE wantedr-Want tract of cheap land timber claim or logged off land: stat lowest price snd location. D-524. Journal. ; ONE acre cleared land on Johnson creek snd carline, 4 blocks city limits at Errol station. $1250,- easy1 terms. Phone Miller. Sell. 1714 FOR RENT 27 acres, well improved. on 2 electric railroads, close to school. Call 5 183 1st st ' 1 FOUR or 5 acres, close in. near R. R. Bargain, owner. 206 Whittaker. EQUITY in 1H acres, all kinds fruit, 4 rooms. Ore- City car. 6 He fare. Tabor 8700. ! ACREAGE Acre, well improved, small biinga- low, at your terms, Phon Oak Grov SOB. 1 M ACRES, 8 miles out, oi paved road, at R. K. station. All In fine fruit aud garden. Good 5 room house; drilled well. Great bar gain for $2100, $1000 cash, balance 3 years. See Ott. G. S. Smith A Co.. 432 nhimW of Commerce. . 7 DESIRABLE SUBURBAN HOME. A 7 room house with i acre olanfeH t all varieties of berries, grapes, fruit trees 7 years old: choice rosea, shrahberr of n vn,4. for $1650. Mrs. C. R G. Grei.en M.ol.l wood Or. On Oregon Electric DO you wsnt either one of these acres, one of them only $550 with a two room house, the other is $1500 with a 4 room house; the land all in cultivation. $200 cash with easy monthly payments will handle either. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. A NICE country home, close in; paved road; 30 acres or lefs ; stream, fine spring; get this be fore price goes up.. Call 12 to 2. 218 Allaky Bldg. ; A BARGAIN, from owner, 80 acres, 35 cleared. 40 miles from Portland; 3 horses, 6 cows, calves and hogs; all tools; $3000 if taken at once. Phone Tabor 8551. DAKOTA WHEAT FARM TRADE 1 Owner moving to Oregon wishes to exchange for something he can use here. Get information 219 Lumbermena bldg.. 5th and Stark sts. 640 ACRES MONTANA LaVd Will exchange for Oregon or Washington farm, or Portland property. Neilan A Parkbill, ; 219 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark sts. I SUBURBAN. . Nic homes on easy payment. I hav on 6 room house and lot 70x150, also a 5 room house, lot 100x139; nice fruit trees. Call at AMerbrook. Risley station, Oregon City carline. $1500 BARGAIN 11-10 acra at Garden Home, 5 room house, chicken house, lots of fruit, berries and shrubs; Just the place for chickens; terms. J. R. Wolff. 618 C of C. bdg.. $1050 Oregon Crty car 3. room, H acre, na .tive trees; 8 blocks to Evergreen station. $400 cash, balance terms. Gibson, 266 Stark st Phon Marshall 12. THIS acre with good 3 room hous is surely a bargain, all in cultivation, on carline, near city. $1000. $200 cash. $15 a month. Ta bor 7271. - ! $1500 $100 cash, $15 per month; 4 room platered house, acre ground, hi cleared, well ; H mile to Estacada car. Gibson. 266 Stark st. Phone Marshall 12. 80 ACRES in Washington county. 16 cleared. buildings, orchard; sell reasons ble. or might trade for California property. Albert Harala. 801 Minnesota ave. I 160 ACRES $800 Good soil, running creek, close school.1 sta tion, $1 fare Portland; bargain. Claud Cole. 300 Henry bldg. ACCOUNT sickness, very fine 100 acre farm, fine buildings, etc.. 13 miles north of Eugene, Or. Consider some trade. Cbas. S. Cochran, 1408 Columbia St., Vancouver. Wash. , FOR SALE or will trade for smaller place, ; close to Portland, a fine 200 acre valley farm, close to large town, and has best of transportation fs- cilities. Tsbor 9448. , j $3500 On terms, 14 acres 10 miles north- srest, some genuine beaverdam, including good buildings, stock, tools and crops. Ruth field, 518 Fenton bldg.. Broadway 637. 440-ACRE stock ranch with 2000 acre tim ber range; 180 acres creek bottom land. Marion county. Or.: $14,000, terms. Owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. - . - GOOD-STOCK, ranch on coast, good improve . ments, new jrailroad building now ; cheap for cash. Box o, .jeiierson. w, R. R.. in Central Oregon; part or all under water. Give thorough description and price in 1st letter. Bx. 217. Gladstone, Or. I WANT to rent a farm of30 to 50 acres of good soil, mostly under cultivation, with fair buildings, for a term of three to five year. it, u. mcxer, pox neaverton, or. 10 ACRES, highly improved, not more than 20 miles out; exchange for unincumbered houses and. lots. Q-716, Journal. WANT to rent farm close to Portland, 10 to 40 acres. Phone Main 6470, or call 410 hi Wsshington st. WANTED Strictly modem bungslow for rash. Ruthfield. 618 Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 67. FIVE rooms. Wsverly Heights, Mt. Tabor. P- 819. Journal. , WA N TE I B u ilding lot. Roe City Park, near car. for cash. Tabor 6569. ' IF you want your house sold, list it with Geo. T. Moore Co., 518 Abington bldg. trade for Portland property or land in Ore- VVJXL exchange piano for house. Both assume gon; value $25 per acre What hare you lor, juHy. IU, Marshall 8389. evenings. trader f. w. nox i 1 "rtinumK, iinw J WANTED Rose City Park bungalow; priced good 1 riirhr.. ood -rash navment Tabor 6569. 40 ACRES rich soil, near Grants Pass all farm tols. Trade for residence. Owner. W. j MEDIUM priced house in any pert of city, on rsVJ ici iia. lyiurwjii , a ' j im 1 m . ji at s -iaii a a. Jeffers. Murphy. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 Now you can get a direct filing. No drawings, good claims left within 36 miles from Portland- We will show you those tliat are open to filing for a nominal fee. For particulars call at our office, 411 : Henry building. Bundy & McHardy, SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7 OAK GROVE acpe. house, bam. chicken house, well; sacrifice; terms. M-S22. Journal. 4 ACRES, convenient to Oregon City car, $350 pr acra. Phon Oak Grov SliL FOR SALE 350 acres coal land close to RTr.; coal averages from 6 to 30 ft; much of it can be stripped. E-534. Journal. FOR SALE A FINE WH.LAMETTE VALLEY FARM. PHONE OWNER. EAST 4844. SO ACRE farm, IS acres clear, 24 mile; out. 148 E. 2d at, N East 2961. O. A C. HOMESTEADS Now open for direct filing. I can locate yon on a good claim. A former government cruiser 301 Worcester bldg., adjoining land offic. W. H. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS Locate you on th best homesteads la th state for $100; no charge unless entry secured. W classify and know these homesteads. ANDERSON A ANDERSON. No. 2 Land Office building. Worcester block. Third and Oak streets. O. A C. HOMESTEADS Ton can file direct We can show you th best claims. Full information. BUNDY A M'HARDT 411 Henry Building FOR SALE or trade. 160 acre homestead re linquishment. Multnomab Fails, near high way. Pay cash difference if any. Address J. M. Doty, 501 Vsneouver ave.. Portland. EXCHANGE Kansas City building site, Kan sas residence and Texas fsrm for Portland or Oregon property. Owner. S-841, Journal or Tabor 2700 TO: SELL nr trade for close-in acreage. 6 room WANTED 5 room bungalow in Ro Park for caah. 651 E. 58th st N. City house, bis and electric lights, on carline. pared streets Take F. car on comer of Flower st 1312 Corbett t 15 ACRES, unimproved, unincumbered, near Grand Jet. Colo: I paid $4000. Will take $2500 or trade for Portland. Owner, 4 67 E. Taylor. East 3580. ton ir..-- la 11-1 yur property with tne Ileal Estate Exrhsna-e 201 ftd st.. Partis nd. ROOMINO HOUSES 1$ CITY property for farm: C, 8. property for New ; Zealand property. 700 acres wheat land for ! timber. $200 rooming house for city property i $3000. Chicago property for Oregon property. Swank, 617 Henry bldg EXCHANGE modern 11 room house, garage. comer, clos in. price $5500 cash. Take clear lots to $3000 part payment In restricted dis trict Owners only. Y-821. JonrnaL TRADE or sell Have two dandy lots in Minne- apolis, Minn., would like to trade or sell for Portland property. 325 Flat C. East 12th st. 1 oo-ACRES7 in cultivation, good buildings, orchard, creek, by owner, might consider , some trsde. Phone Well. 1551. ' FOUR small houses by owner. Sell on esay terms or tax late model car. Phon Sell- wood 1551. Get in My Automobile And I will show you th twst buys in room ing houses of every size. Square deal guaran- JLBRI'CE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. Never Offered Before 22 rooms, strictly modem, downtown tran sient housv-.S clearing $800 er month. J BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDQ. 36 Rooms for $1600 - Will guarantee this plac to b making $200 per month sbov every expense. Buy it now and sell later for $2500. 502 Couch Bid. 7TfioTrMST RASfilENT AND STEADY BRICK. SPLENDID LEASE. $2000 Clearing $4 00 per month above ex pen see. Exclusively with J. Bmc Goddard. 502 Coach Bldg. Positive bargain. " itorag- Net profits $250 month. Trial firm. Room 4 03 Iekura bldg LOST Eyeglasses in case, containing nam. Mr j William Kinsei. Notify tn. its2. E. Mala 1 st ami receive reward. CASH grocery store. Just tks plac tor mil and wife; no delivery; no agents. J. A. Baawtt. 53 Union ave. N. CASH grocery doing good business, suitable for man and wife; cheap rent For par ticulars call Sellwood 6261 ; no trad. j WOODYARD tor sale. Ilae slock of wood, a ! good truck and making money $850 casb i. required. Csll room 43 Ih-kum s,, : FOR5aT3, eheap. smairA No. 1 restaurant opposite new postoffice. inquire at 106 Ji. Broadway. 1A N C IN G studio lor sale; ttrii business; blah class trsde; bargain lor immediate sale. 'D-601. Journal GROCERY and bakery doing good "business fn a good car or for sale at invoice. . 294 Bus- sell st . or call Eaj.t 8 3 Y K SELL OR TRADE Anything snd Everything Morris ft Gilson. 451 Chamber of Commtivs. ON account of sickness, compelled to aeUlunch room st Columbia Beach. Take Vancouver ear and come out today. - COMPLETE-4j7oOo" capacity sawmill for sal on easy terms to party having timber. Write American Jobbing House, 8 N. I'roriL FOR SALE Hair dr-ssuu( and manicuring par lor. S-Ia7. Journal VARIETY store, doing good hu-lne-a. clean stock, large payroll, good town. FX -MO. Journal, FVjR SALE or trade, grocery and confection-. ry;'good. Owner. 44 Hawthorn av. NIGHT watch beat for sale, your own terms ( pay $120 per month. O 718, Journal. BIG opportunity for restaurant mas trance of shipyard. rseli. 128 FARM WANTED Have income city property to Claude Cole, 800 Henry bldg. exchange. TIMBER 29 FARM, SO acres, small house, good piling tim be, near Scappoose, $1200, terms. Parker. 422 hi Washington. FOR SALE 160 acres of timber, good mill sit or could be logged to river. Box 40, rout 2, Sherwood. Or, I HAVE a fsrm of 85 acres in Unn county, near Brownsville, that I wsnt to exchange for Portland property. Phone Wdln. 4079. 40" ACRES, near Astoria and 7 are near Portland. Will trade either or botn for part payment on bungalow. Call Tabor 6026. MT ranch near Forest Grove to exchange for residence, merchandise or apartment. Mr. Collier, 614 Panama bidg. Phone Main 7300. FINE building lot and cash for acreage; prefer- 160 acres, coast region. Address 5412 Powell Vslley road. LOT s in Westmoreland and 2 at Rocaaway Beach for acreage er auto. Peck. 816 Clay. Mar. 4324. MONTANA wheat farms for Oregon property. N. M. Apple Land Co.. l-ewiston. Mont TRADE 6 acre near T scorn, value $1000. , Want cottage arouse! Portland. Islam 1840. 24 ROOMS. RENT $40 Brick bldg., steam beat, on one floor, heart of city, west side. $1050. $400 will handle. Peters. 15 N. 6th st "T8 ROOMS FOR $65f $800 will handle, near Union depot. Bent $30. Clears $160 month. Can sell again and double your money. Peters. 15 K. 6th st Pretty Place for $700 Clean, modern, fine lovely home; exclusive.. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 603 COUCH BLDG. I WANT. Tionday. rooming hous 10 to 15 room, also 3 houses 20 to 50 rooms; will pay cash. Phon- Main 8669. H. W. GARLAND. 188 3d st. 10 RO"M rooming boose. II. K . aU full, well furnished, clean, walking distance, west aid; casb. by owner. Call after 12, Main 4837. BUSINESS Ori'OUTC.MTIES W A N T E D CI WANTED Party with $2000 and aervbsea to invest in a light manufacturing business; no experience necessary; can clear $8000 a year; will take auto fr $1000.- New York Land Co.. 381 Morrison. Ask for Mr. PARTY from Omaha would Uk a bargain in rooming or apartment. Have cash. W-624, Journal. 6MALL boarding bouse, fine business, good le catloa, $76 pec mo., dear. JJdw, 2t. , MONEY TO LOAN REAL .ESTATE SI $JOO, $400. $500. $760 $1000 snd bp." lowest interest rates.. Liberal pre-paysest privileges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Com na ere. BUILDING loan on city or soburbaa property; as oner advanced as work progress. W. Beck. 216 snd 21 FsUing bldg. Main 8407. $250, $30. $4J0. $40. $60. $761. iiooti snd larger amounts at current rate. (Jutck action. Fred W. Germsn Co.. 721 Cham. Co. eOK UOKTGAGK ,.(IAMi m OREGON 1V. A MORTGAGE CO. Stock Exchange bldg. Xd and Yamhill sts. ; - WOULD yon Hks a loan on real estate from privet party? must be Al aecurlty. 11-848. Journal or Tabor 2700. $iOO foivOOO te Uaa, city' or farm owrv gage ; do eommisskrn. P. O. Boa 873 $100 tO $100; eonalder Jot7E." It bowKmi IT Chaabar at Co mm roe, Mr.h.ri aiX - V;